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T t ' I :~ IT t i t i 13 po 3 9 (,Y PI-1 t- -C iC3 of ti- A l -, tl,.an t i I e -2 n - A': t ls Lrlso 2 oat" t on~ dor:tI70 tO V tj and Din~ct Curr,~i- 'L i ono 4 ta L t i ,!l 'In t' ipld T tf I o (10 f an i i1v C, s t L r1 Lic al f lenc,ri ~s ccmnutel an T, h pe 1: -, 0 r., t a I a en, - ar, sovi o t,, AS 5 C C I A':' 1 O'l Lenin,~j,,O 911-:i i-, o It Id Pctl, .-2cl.n c '13 n i n,,, 9.1300 S -3 c- - I - 2/3. 6 AUTHORS i Galant, V. Ye., Z1111ins"Clyj A. P. TITLEt Propa~~ation of' ElectPomat;Metic Waves In W_qveguide4l Filled With Plaimri PERIODICALi Zhuriial telchnichealcoy fizlkl, Vc-I ;0, pp 16-24 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Propagation of' electromaEnetic vmves through wave.- guides filled with gaseo~is d1schavige i-1,1atima 1.9 ulilized in constructiont of uj.I;ri:thig~i r::,equency conunutation devicea and In plasm,.,L Lnveat.l.,gations. One would like, therefore, to establisl- a slat lonship between the propagation constant of thes!! elect-zo.- magnetic wavea and 'lie comple-m co.,duc,"y of plasma. Tais problem in the CM3efl Of '-'ell plas,-,Ia must talk,,e into accomm-, the varyln;i~ cond,,~c-ivity Or .P:la.gma In the wa%tigi.zlde due z;c of electrons In the plazji-.a. In the clll:~Se.-.t pac~!r, t;~ie authors investigate ,~j riform ~,raveg,ilde 'illed :~Imml~ i-_,mc ~Ilocg the axis of wave)z,_zId__. C.ard 1/1~~ and ulasma are of -i-.e Fropa.,,,mtlon !.,'I. e,,; vo,,,~iaL-nti t 1. cIn "I a v C! 61". 1. d e P, D, 1 -3 2 avegu~de cccrd'naLes ile 1~ h ca e do c u s L c) uDed by S'atec, :Ll'Id --11 ~-:.nd ~,er (see ve f 7he R,-, rs s a r t; i!~,, Ifi,or, q t I o n s - rot E, -1- 0: dl-,, 11, 0; rot 11, 1,; 1, div Ee -"- pl; I, cEl. Ol I Card 2/16 whore Et and H, are strength of thii oleo~tric and U mdgnetic fields, it is cur::,ent dens,ty; Pt instantaneous value of the space chii.rg.,! demity; C is conductivity of the medium; re dielectric and riaEmetIc to-indary fondle; lo-,-; on tl`,ne Iff 1 nltely waL ". 1, -'i'10 f.'AldS ponento, Lv.~tliors proceed t;~:, d-Vine c~,mpc.,-~eritj of !,ho Cleld Eand H E: Ol .. . : ;, 1 ." ,0c! , T - ~ t or r 1; to 1 !. ~: : .. : . I . I "i ':, -, - - , , , , . - , I " . ( I , I . I . . - - 1 11 GOLANT, V-Ye.; ZHILINAIY, Aol'- ;ation of the diffuqicn de-,.q cf plAar7~6 im Experimental inveatig t- a rnagneti,~ field. Zhur. tekh- fiz- 30 no-7:745-755 JI 16o. (Mail 13:8) 1. Irintitut im. M. 1. K111.10wi. (Plasma (Ionized guses)) (Mapetic flebis) A: 11 uF. TITLE. D i f Ch . PERIODICALl Z i vu, r n a k' n n ih e s kY I G Vc,! 0 Ne 0 TEXTi By way of uijers by i Ye Tamm (R-f-, Y~~ 5 Y!-3 jk in (?,~.f . 4 Z, r - g 111 IK. iY (Ref s w*hc had s 1 ud -_ e raiisi:,.- rl prc,(~ -s s,_~ u e, "ni'2-d t wc - c GO m p,_ a ~3 T p -e r, p~i ir e s x mr"; n ,) f T g~J par' ic 1 c-s i-, _~T-en ru , inn And t ii-rn-ra r,, --radient i - -:i PI 13 ~ I n 'D !:,~"q on~ ~l -nd rit" ra 1: 1 rs K and a r rosS a m aj I, ~JeS I'C rJIU' a S r s s ~, u m ~.I i n t .Ind r~~ "le j!'J" C ion 1- 1 and Card I t~ - netio S/057 /,C//OiJ,'()O8,/C101A)!' Diffusion of Charged Particles Arr-,)ss a Mag Field in a Three-componen~ Plasma BO 19/13060 -?pr~-; en t-d a~3 ~!ni urbid s rrE- rcmponoy, Is an-A cons dcros~ clol and (49) for 'h~ fi-!1l and !h~- bii ix in 'the a-~rec.4 ion )4' th, g ra d-, - n ~ s Th i mj~ I 1',~ t~d r E, i I :t 5 4 ~d f07 ( , d 9 ) , T ho p r : i ng for m u. 1 a ~,i r ~ a 11 o L, a i n, ~ 1- c.,% - I-., a - _i m pt, i o t t '. ~r-2 e 1 e t rc, ri - i_,, n c. c. I i -3 1 n z- t ~ a ,, i r-, ~z n j i n f I ue r c e o n L ),, ~ ;ii , i. o v , I fur-er assumed foT the c,)J-, fr~-,qu,~n.-v of MIU .10,1~; W` ! particles to be ind~.pendenf of Pirially, the stud,-~~s th-? dif-~'usion of ~Ie,;*rons and ons a-ross a s~ron.- magne~i, Coll of ions, elI?r.-rono. and neuI-:a-l atouis are tind --n. approximation in;~thod by Bi,aginskiy (Ref 0) .:; appli:~ci A Maxwi:llian velooity distribution of rieutral atoms is ,,z3s1Am-d ~i.n t,his ,onnectinn. Forinula (67) is obta,,n,~d for the, t7-lectr-~ f~old zt-ren,7th n lbip,~)!,qr diffu3i,)!,, and. (08) for the bip'-,lar flux ef rhari~td part-licle-3 in 'he dirt,(-tion )f 'he concentrafiin anii '1111~ ELUth-D! Pina',',v +hanks B P Knnstantino-!, of AS USSR, and G r i n1) thoir pro~-Iom- ini f,)r lji-r WI!11 A %:1 cl,,~~-vvuk C,a f ANISIMOV, A.I.; VII'IOGRAI)OV# IT.J.; GOLAIIT, V.Yo.; KONSTA~ITIIIOV, S.F. Method for inveatigating the apatial distribution of electrons in plasna. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 30 no-9:1009-101~ S 160. OU JU, I ) . 11 ) 1. Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut All SSSR, lenin~,rvuf. (Electrons) (Plasma (IonizeJ Cases)) s 0 Doc S/011-1 /60/0 4(:, "O1 1,` )02/009 !M!"/11054 AUTHOR: Golant, V., Y,~ TITLE; S up e r h i g 1i f r e ji 19 n cy e t hd sC P Ifn ~ t R w~'; f! 'I r,, h PERIODICAL; Zhurnal tc-khnichesko.-~ fiziki., I ') 60 V c, 150, N:': 11~ p p 12 6 5 - 13 2 0 TEXT; The author gives a detailed revJew of t i i F-, c t i vi P, -! t, h :.) d s 0. f plasma examination in the 9uperhigh-freq!.iency r,-ing~i methods are Darticularly suited for studying the elementary processes of the in terar, ti on of e I ec trons~lwi "it oms a rid ions . of t Le o I asr-a dis in tE.- glow, arr- and high- frequen--~r diochar6-e~,, oi' hi"!h-tenperature gratio, I effects, and of radiation phenomena, The "activell mothod's !3upply data on the plasma charac teris tics and 'he relationship befseen 'he character. istics and conductivity Section l'of -*-e oaper g,lves :t lev-silej -review of papers on plasma con,iuctivity in superh igh,frPc1u,3zi~y fic"Ids. The active and reactive Components of plasma roncluctivity proved to be dependent on the A-lectron :31onopntration arv-1 the eiectrnn collision freq,--iency, ~y measuring the conductivity --omponents it iz-, 'huLz, tr, letermine Card !/4 91559 SuperhLgli-frequenry ','ethods of' Pla2ma Research !"002/009 E00 6//Fo '-z e the Diagma concentrat-ion unci to obtain data (_',n interva-rticl-l collisions If the velocity dependence of the rolli3iin frequency of -~lectr:)ns with heavy particles is known, the mean electron energy (i?le~trc~n -,erperature can be estimated by measuring conductivitT If plasma in ---, strong magnetic field is subject tc ~jpatial lispersion. there is i 12rect relations~ir) between the conductijity tensor aniJ Uric, eie,~tron 3 relationship may be used for high- temperature ,A~.,srra re_--Parch. Section 6 gives a dizcussion of the results of papers dealin'- '~_.e effect of spatial dispersion on plasma conduc-vity, 1he superhijb-frequency =ethods of plasma examination mainly differ by m~,zhol of field Feneraticn :.n the plasma spance The methods can be classified arcoriinz,ly- -T-1 the lasna p to be examined is within the voluze resonvitors wavegu waveguide method; when probing the plasma in a Spa--ti:' free from high- frequency apparatus- method of free spa(:~- Vr4e th-zoretical prin ciples of these methods anj their ap~lpli'7at lolls are 111. S~_C',.ons 2 and When studlying plasma diointegra~ion by th-01 res,-,naTor and waved , 3. guide methuJs, the ouperhilgh frequency field IS '-sei in a rr.~mbar of cases, not onlv to letermine he plasma char.lict,,rioti.,, but a,::ci -eat the rlss ME;- This iilake~ it possible to de'rprilline the Pnerg~~ of the quan- tm t.,eo t h t~ a I a c 1, r r P. - o 1, -,ion--. on 'he paper Card 2/4 Superhigh-frequencly 'Methods of Plasma Research S 1/3 1-)-; /C~~G ,/0 1) 0 0 2 / 0 0 -4 describes the use cf a su-perhigh frequency field for plasmia heatiriF durin,7. its investigaTion b-,, the resonator or w:ivt:~TuijP InL'th)], ~,.n ~etnii, the sections contai, section 1- nlasma ocncluctv.,.tv -_,n J :,,uperhi-h- frequency field (conductivity in a weak field; conlit j(:,n.9 for small field effects on plasma; conductivity in 'he preseri~!e of a -.c~n_:itant, c field); section 2: reoonator inethod iluar;Amoer~3 of u t l-a 1 :, es o n a t 0 r filled nith plasma; letermination of ele,7,tron conc~?nl rati(,~ri .,n plasma; determination of the clectrun collision frequency; ex-,-~rimental technique results of the metho,,I); section 3: waveguide method, of viaves alon,g a waveguide. filled with plasma; apilications of' 'h-? method -, ex. perimental technique; rpsults cf the method); section t Ilse cr electron. gas heated by a high,frequency fial" for plasma examina-ion t`eatng of' electron gases _,r. a high frequency fiell; use of high-frequenc h ting c y ea of electron gas to investigate a disin-legrating plasni); secti:)n prob- aj.-n- t ing of plasma with oriented waves (method of free space.; (pr.) _, ion of electromagnetic wave5 through plaan-la; homogeneous illlot,rop-_,~ plasma; pro- pagation along a plane 'layer or inhomug(,recuc, plasm:;,- reflection of waves from the layer with growing electron cj: waves from a thin plasma layer; homogen~_,3,13 plasma in ;1 fielr!; investi- gation by means of waves penetratini~ tho b.-,- neans Card 3/4 T1'6(~ Sn pe r h igh - f re (I uti ni:,y tho I ,i o !' F I i zim.:t -"''o0 1 1 1002/0"1 T 300(3 M ,4 of w a ve s re Ill ec te,i f r ~m I '- euolrta e t ~- rul i a at I C ',I :I "1c :I" y 0 ele,~tromagne tic waves at ~,rit i -ai don:5 i ty nh ich the ref lec t ion coeff ic ient stroni7ly inc reases) ; and t ion t h'! u~jo ~~f Z;pfi% d is nersion in the 3uDerh igh frP (I u. rrcy r a ngi--, o. nva'-; t -14~11-a b--'L~h - temper a ture plasma There are 22 fi,~-urp-q, 3 t'~Ibles, anrl )6 referencas 3? Sovie-, 47 US., 5 Swiss , 2 Swed ish , 1 Czechoslovak iu, 2 Bri tish , 5 Qerman, I Italian anl ') Au,3tralian ASSOCIATTON F17iko tekhnicheskiy :n-!t,.tut AIT S33R. .~ Lenin,~rad (~!jstitute of Flivaics and Technolo6:y of 1hP A3 TJSSR~ SUBMITTED: jul-, B. !160 Car(i 4/4 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Afrosimov, 7, 7 , r:1ukn1kh, Za,idel; , A N' V o ma, r , Ye M lyshe,,r,. Ma ~J a ly s h ev , Stoi.ov , A, 11 Fedorenko . 301 7 A z., T- -', , i F, 11 A T b:ln N V . Plasma Studies W i t. h " A-' I f't, "Resiarrl, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki , -19~)O. Vol 5 C 2 pp, 1381 - 1393 TEXT: A research installation for produ,,,inj, 1),:)w,.,T- pulsed dis charges in a toroidal chamber with an average diamel;~,r of 5,2 -Xind an inner cross-section diameter of I m is described The chamber is filled with hydrogen, and discharee iq obtainid ;0, a pr~.qsure of 2 - 10-4 mm fig, and with an extern;il magneti,,., fi~~Id of 1,1_30 '12C c~~. D-',3 charges are produred by 2 ~ mot.~- ele~t.rir pulijf,:j i n r 1, caca ~t~'j battery capable of storing 1.1, 1C joulpa of ~Dergy' 2he r -.! I n ~' t-aa tion is shown if) a photorraph !in'j )8 qcht)~.J~~tt) -TO in Ti 17 :1 Card 1/ 5 Plasma Studies 7fi *,h "Al "I'a" Installation B01 The electric and m at_,, n .~ ti cc h a i~ i, i s t i -_ s a 1, 1J A 1 5 11 ft f-,c scribed in detail after which mi,_rDwavc- 9t,u1,,e:3 3 "U ra 1 S' f % and studies of the ayomic flux emi-~ted by -,he -,'asma arp experiments hi th ar,.o carried ou ~ -on "Al , fall 9i) ~:w th a produc r. I or! and character of' a di3charge do not CO)r,-'~SpOn to .h- U TIC e P tions of a selfcontracting qua,,visteady discharge The auThors formed this opinion owing -,(-) the laGk cf a lon'V, PIELS111a '01k:11 follofy" from measurements of the electric. and ma,--netic charil-:1,eri-.9tics , from microwave studies, from the eyiq-.ence of a lar,,-.- ~Urrent , from the asymmetry of discharge , from. the oc,-.urren.-,,e of c-icillat-lonz; therein, and from a considei:%able inhotlioeen.?it 'v o~' Bf, Ej I , i (-_; tht:17~- is an inhomogeneous hydrogen -ion distribution , -A;))i(:n ~s Lnd~icated by -a large quantity of protons with enerjles exceedln'~ 1"", ~e~j 2xplaration of these effects is not POSW~lf- as %#Lt -bc~re are ~~ t-~-~ur"-zF and 22 rkFC erences; 13 soviet, 3 Swedish, and 6 US. Card 2/'; Pl as z: a Stud'. c j I , f a" ~-r I ristall a' --'on ASSOCIATION SUBIM'ITTED Fi zik a -c~hniche s'~ i~,., i nn, t i tu t 1,hy~3ics and (ff the i s 9 1 e d ov a t e I I s k1:, t j.t ~ ~Sciolltific Research In:-', i tl~to Apparatuo) julY 15 , 1960 -~ , ., ~ 3D ~, 2c, A~,' SSMI, (,-Ins~itiite of : U, ~ I 1.1.,G. oc.: r Card 3/., S/05 7/6 0/03C '(-I I /C 1 B01 )/H56 Card 4/5 lc~ c\j Legend 2 ) R i k, d net ic f I ux pas s -.h r !.,iz 7 7! the magnetic, em.1 t t e rs c f I e r and im, , i~ ing the atomi. - 'uy A,' chamb~-r Card V--; 12j// iio I AUTHORS: Anoshkin , V. A, 'Golant . V. Y(" Kori3t ~inf, in-, F "41;- n-(-t' Slib 0. " Poloskin, B. F, a~ h r h' n ji ~ T ITLE: Microwave Studies of Plasma W',th "Al i'a" R~~-3('Liroh Installation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fiziki, !960, V~-,I. !I0, No, 121 pp. 1447 - 1455 TEXT . The authors studied plasma in the resear~%h inatallat.-.or "A! Fa., With 3-cm and 6-mm waves. Fig.1 shows a block diagram f th~ m~Daquring arrangement. The studies were carried out. at it voltage of 10 and 15 k-r at the discharge capacitors (capacitv 4600 microfaradb). field streni7-.~~, of the longitudinal field of 160, 36 , and 72C -::Ei, aD.d pr~-S3Ur4S 5 0, 540 -3, -3 - -~ re- of the hydrbgen atmosphere of 2-10 10 , and 2, 10 ism E~r. Unit sults concerning the reflection and the passage of thr-jzn plasma were discussed in detail on the basis 3f qrd d,,a grams, From the results obtained by the experiments dr~s,ribc-:d, th~- Card 1/5 Microwave Studies of Plasma 'N-, rh "Al 1 fa" SA O/o ,, C Research Installation BO:~1/305t) authors conclude that the coll(~,-tive ()f [)113(r.4 chara3ter. The plasma effects %ibra!-iuns IiL~li exceedinfr 10 ~ rps. It first near t-hi~ of to C III tri'l 110."1 vestigated, no continuous production .)t' jJaivra ,vei section was observed. It was furthe: fourd ne-3- there exists a region, in which the ele-~trnn thl~ Q)~l tlli- 12 -3) A ~, f original concentration (4-10 cm pr~~-:jsur;a 10- 3 mm 11g and at. '-~~3rtain vq1ut)3 of the breakup of plasma has ail ')rdered ~.on of about 0.5 t, 2 mil-ro5-onds, references h e. m a K n e r u d ii ?III.,. There are ',0 fi jul-s at-d Card 2/5 Microwave Studie3 Of Plasma ',Vith "All-'a" S/057/60/030/.012/006/011 Research Installation B019/B056 ASSOCIATION': F-4ziko-tekhnicheski-v iustitut AN SSSR of Physics and 1.1echnology of the AS USSR). Nauchno- issiedovatellskiy institut elektyofiz-iche,,3L:oy a-oparatury (Scientific Research Institute of Elec-rophysical Apparatus) SUB~i'ITTED: JulY 15, 196c) Card 3/5 /7 -jL d8-V ~ful 25Y f Iref -11 JL 0 OX-l 7 0OK,17LI11 a Tv ']. S/057/60/030/012/0(,,5/oll B019/BO56 Card 4/5 VI -2 r E? ,C n Car(I 2/ T/ Propagation of centimetric waves ... 3/c "'OCE/0 17 D 1 0~.'/112o'~ are obtained, which establish a connection bet,,veen~ t*-Ie ccmpol'.,~nts Of conductance and the discharge current. 7hese reIat--'