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It 6 b, j-, 6_6 94T(1)/FC%C/EWA(h) SW ACC NR: AP5026229 SOURCE CCDE: (Ji-,,.,'00411/65,/029/010/1865/1869 AUTHOR: Glikman, L. G. ; Kel 'man, V. 11. ; Yakushev, Ye.M. ORGAN: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, KazSSR (Institut yadernoy fiziki AjCa-d~mh na'iik-k~~9S R) TITLE: On the electromagnetic mechanism of cosmic ray acce-leraticn /Report, All-Unioni .Con-f.erenc-e onCosmic. Ray Physics Peld at Apatity, 24-31 Aul-,Lst 1964/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Soriyn fizicheskaya. v. 29, iio. 10, 1965, 1865-1869 TOPIC TAGS: Primary cosmic--ray, particle acceleration, alternating magnetic fiold; 1 relativistic ABSTRACT: The relativistic equations of motion of a C11;.-.rj;'-~C1 particle moving in the plane of antisymmetry of a varying axially ,;ymmetric. magnotic flold are solved CG~ tl:e~ case when the azlinauthn! component. of the vector polontin~ in tho plane of nntisynmc,~-Yi has the form f(r/(t - a '01r, Micre f is an arbitrary funcLion, r is the distnrna frort the OXiS, t -'3 the time, and a i,,i a con!-,tant. Mu7ierical nolutloxLq were conputed for a field whirh nlttrnately incx-'n!;es remains and ducro"Iso's betwoull T~nil-- :LmAt5 and constant for a timu at each limit. For the compuLat..'Wals it. 'HI'l nqsured that the field! 6 trength oscillates between 1.0 x 10-3 and 1.2 -x 10 -5 C~-- xlth a period of 3.5 x see. Some of these solutions are presented graphically ard art-- discussed. The c npu- tations sho,,;! Lh,-1t: the ratio of particlu, energy to I'leld streng%h Is not coil3tant a -Card-_ 1/~)-- L 6956-66 ---- -- --------------- cc NR: AP50%6229 i particles can be accelerated to high oriergies by vai-1,thle infignetic field,'3 wWch ; ,til"Intot increase Indefinitely in strength. Orig. art. hns: 19 formulas and 4 figures.1, r SUB CCI)E: AA SUBM DATE: 00/--(X- t65 ORIG. REP: 006 OTH REF: 000 L 2194-66 FdT(1) IJP(c) ACCrSSTON 14R., AP5Cl923h ljr%/rjo.56/65/Olj9/001/0210/0213 11mat V. YeLkunhev AMOR: Glikman, L. Ke TTTT,r: Exact integration of the equations or notion of relativistic charged particles for a certain class of variable Plectro SOLMCE: Zhurnal eksuprimental 'nay i teoreticheaRoy fizilki 41.), no. 1, 1963, 210-21'-', TOPIC TAGS: motion equation, nonlinear equation, parfilial differential equation, first order differentla.1 erquarl-n, c~i~irrptl particle, relativistic particle ABSTRACT: The authors obtain an ~ir.,Nticn ['or the eguntiont; 01, notion or re- lativistic charged particles in a vftr[%Lbi~ o1ccti-omagnetic rleld haiting rotatlcn~-d symmetry, in which there in a medinn p1niw Is perpendicular to the symriet!' y axis and is a plane of antisymmetri 1-3r the 11111j'rotic ri 'Id 11.rd a 1,11we of syrmotlv for the electric field. The motion of the -urirtlclea in thi:*. plani! Js treated. !'I. is assumed in addition that the X)1*041uc(~ no clect.ric fiel(l and that tl~e electrostatic potential is zero. The mn=etic component or the field has only r-Ul azimuthal component in the median plane. nie e"a.Uons 01' IlOtJOTI are derlve(~ f-!Dln tile l.plativiatic limniltonlan-Tecobi ~-juatlon ixnd ri!duci3d, to a. firn t ..order pmrtial Card 1/2 L 219h-6L ACCESFIOTI NR: AP5019234 differential equation, uhich is integrated by the LWange-Chw~pit method. Orl;,. art. hai: 15 formulas. X",SOCIATInrT: Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk Knzakhakoy SOR (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Acade of Sciencess Kazakh SSR~,,. SUBMITTFD: llJan65 EITCL., 00 SUL) COM : GP, HA 110 REP SOV, 0`3 OTHERi 000 Card 212 t 106.64-66 mjTLd-YE7vjgj) C AP5028313 SOURCE CODE: 1111/0057/155/0.'15/01 111')9712oO1 AUTHOR; Glikman, L.G.; Kellman, V. 14 Yakunhey, Ye. At. ORG: none TITLE: Solution of the nonrelativistic equations of motion for a chartred particlo in a certain class of varying ele I ~, fie -s SOURCE: Zhurnal telchnichoskoy fizilci, v.35, no. 11, 1965, 1997--2003 TOPIC TAGS: charged particle, motion equation, electromagnetic field, mathcmatic method A13STRACT: The solution of the nonrelativistic equations of motion for a certain class of motions of a charged particle in a certain class of varying electromagnetic fields is reduced to quadratures Lind elim Inations, The electrormignetic fields con- sidered are those that are axially symmetric, have n median plane which is a pliule of symmetry for the electric field and a plane of antisymmetry for the magnetic field, and for which the radial and axial components of the vector potential vanish in the median plane (in the gauge in which the scalar potential vanishes) and 2the pimuthpl component of the vector potential in the median plane fiat; the form F(r Mat + bt + d))/r, where r is the.distance from.the exis, t is the time, a, b, and d are crn- stants, and F represents an arbitrary function. The motions conaidered are those in which the particle remains in the median plane. TIM particular form of the vector r.,,4 1/2 UDC: 537.533.3 ACC NR% AP5028313 .0 potential itas investigated because it leads simply to %r. Integral of motion. The treatment is different depending on C-other the polyi,~)mi6l at + bt + d does or does not vanish during the motion, and speci, 1 discussion 1.,~ renjaired for the cose in which the particle passes through the pniot r a 0. No appIteitiona are Buggested for the results obtained. Orig. art. has; 38 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 12Apr65/ OR 10. IIXF; M) OM W: 001 2/~jtd Card GLIKKiui, L. Sh. Effect of atructure on the Eitrunt-th of twintod ootton yul.n. Izv.vys. ucheb. z-av.; tekh.tekst-prom- no-3:9-13 '60. (WRA 13:7) 1. Yaroslavskiy teklinologicheskiy institut. (Cotton yarn) 130CIIAltOll, I V,; VlKllil~lll, (~.L, ABEOSIMOV, B,Z,; :~!:11,CV, Yo A, IEUNIHIOV S M I A-,-A~'O-)V, A,V.; D 71. Rebiii-ldin,- catal-rtic rrackin- u-nits wit"i a Khim~ i tolkh" topl, i 7nasel t~ i,.o,ll.:(,)-lo 11 1, Gosudars 'If eruiyy riaur~lino- It!;; Ova te---' i-r i ins, ne.-:Funo~-() GLIKMAII, L. S. ; JtC),IFjCHTFPYIN, V. 1. ; PAVU)TSKiYA, YO. I. Powdered metal filters for rotainini, gand in 'DI'l linft.khoz. 37 no-1-2-30-36 D 15~). (MIRI, (I?ilters and filtration) (SR11d) GLIaWl, L.S. A visit o' several days at petrolt4,nm industrial eriterpri3eS of Western Germriny. Nef t.khoz.34 no.4;?Ll.,79 Ap 156. (mak 9:,t,) (Ger7ian:r. Western, -Petrolenm industry) GLIMU01, L.S.; "IFER7HETS, G.N. Baf3ic troudg in tho creation of new oil and t,7w drMitig imits. Nof t.khoz. 37 no.2:22-31 F '50- (Milu. L!:')) (Boring machinery) GLIKW, L.S.; B'FRZIVTS, G.N. Basic tronds In tho croation of nFyw oil and j,FLH drilling units (conclusion). Noft.kboz. 17 no.'1:15-25 Mr '59. (MIRA 14-:5) (Boring marbinory) SILITSOY, Nakhr-lin lsnalcovicb -,)rof.; FEDOW4, .3-i!~-i-evJ LULITEV, Saft2r f4ekhtiye7icn; &USHCUNKO' Hown Ivallovich., 1IL-1-KWills mrovir.'111 I&,'LaIY, Pavel Ylidir .0 IMIZ 1.11, re t s an ze nt ; I SAYEVA , V. V y TOd n A toldui.rod. [Drilling oil nnd gas wel1q] B-r-ndo al-vazhin. Pod obshchoi re(I. tel::hn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toi)livnol lit.-r-, 11~61. tD66 (Oil voll GIJKMAN. L.Sh. Distribution of stresses tunong the constituent elemenits of a twisted yar under load. Izv.vys.uch3b.,-,,iv.; tekh.telcst.prcm. no-3:13-22 161. 14:7) 1. Yarojl~lvskiy tc".hnoloj-,!choskIy inotitut. (Yarn) (,4irinin.v) My Sr i nnin POLYAK, M. A.; G L I ; Z I .~. . ; I'm' ill' p .". ?-.. Development and use of chm,'er fabrics with a now -;arn structure in the manufacture of t.res. Kaucli. 1 rr-z. )2 no . 0 Oq~-A li~:11) 1. Y,trosllav,-,~iv I shinnTy zavod. ~ h.''O~ ~,, 1.11. '(~ I R.; f6~~'IIILLYA::, ;~.A. t;ll'bino.'i f,,Iljjli, - i %~-, : L I - - I . '_ I ] .1 - k n, Tl-', - NO " t. ~ '-, ) '.', , X'; I no.2:13-2~) F t 3. (M i "R.1 1,?: ~1) I GLIBL", L.S. The position occupied by lamnoid sharks in -the syi3tem of Elasmobranchii. Dokl.AN SSSR 108 no.3:555-557 MY 156.(i(LRA 9:8) 1. (ieologicheskiy muzey imeni A.P. Karpinskogo Akmdemil nauk 36:iR, Leningrad. Predatavleno akademikow I. I. Shinal'gauzenom. (Sharks) (Blasmobranchil) GLIKKAN, L.S. . Phylogenitic devalopnent of the genus Anacorax. Dold. fill SSSR 109, nOO5:1049-1052 Ag. 1956. (ICLRA 9,10) 1. Geologichaskiy rmizey Imeni A.P. Karpinakogo Akildamit nault SSSR. Predstavleno rJ.-ademikom 1.1. Shmnligausenom. (Shnrl,s, Fossil) GLIKKAH, L.S. . Importance of small auxiliary tooth In sharks of tha LimidAe and Sear-anorhynchidae families in zonnectinn with tho claosification. of shark teeth. Trudy Geol. muz. AN SSSR no-11-103-109 157, (Sharks) 0113A 11:4) GLIKKAN, L.S. Genetic connection between the families Lamnldae, Odontaspidae, and new genera of upper Gretaceov.s lamnids. T'rady Geol. muz, AN SSSR no,1:110-117 157. (MMA lit4) (Sharks, Fossil) GUOUN, L.S. Age of the phoaphorite horizon in the vicinity of lrasny7 Tax, Otalingrad Province. T~rudy Gool. mz. AN SSSR no.1:118-120 157. (Stalingrad Province -Fho sph orl to a) (HIRL 11t4) A U~ io TITL 7. 0;- -1 - io n 0 evol-.1"tsii lam- pER7~C, !C A L: Do k1 a dz~ Ak s de-,ii n a u- SS-S.' T ;ellcy 1- ' As a rule c0l"-'e-~ A. 5 S C - . a 1 j to asc-ibJrg ver,,,, 0 nr7 -~x c-tome -are ac C-1 Cl-'. f thc. shark . I- I s-.,-cies o ex 4 i nc exam-ini ng th, de r,3. t i, n C o n n + ' , dif ~erent imcs. J :i - cs S t c 1,,a r a c e r 1 r, n re 4 arise. C~msid - sp- s i, rro--, s T~osed on ff),32i] f') i,,-. c: .-.I ".i,; wa:: ' TII~rir, . SU 4 - t ~-d i th fossi" ~arml l i re c o nn I re as fossil spez:it,,-, of y s t c, m a di. r,~r ~ic s ng s , ' 'I- distant ~ i t , v' ,-,01- ~Incl 1."11 t by thc. By compar;n, 4 ~ r, , tltl,2 t . ne n - v~ 'h th(~ Carcharhinidae, 'd . on the ?-ate ot tion of a no J d' S!-, a r:-- s rg jr n e h e Varioij~ -c t o th o u I e v k? I o C. 2, c u c -2 n a r, i n L d o s f u r h (3 z3 t C, SC', r r.--iuclion, -and ~ha-, the teeth formulfl --rom S-ocios "o ~P~~cies, but c- 0 ~dac 0 i 11 t hk2 C r) ~.Z kv r) u v~ -a v re c ~ nt. L tmI-1-I J, ;? 3 M' rl Cxyr~', i na mantelli. it 1*11to :t I w wf*;L:ni''.- c 17- Jcso-ondod f ~L77 ~10 V . 7, o ro -q, L." : - ~ ~i " 11.1 -; ~ ! 1, o re r n P t t 1- LLC hQ d t C- r 1 t :71S P -n ~ 1:,2 T' , D 1:f ij. t,xtirict duri n,~ t establish,3s n v; ~-e iu~,, s r.. 0 r[ ho lo cal-pl,.,ylo.~enf? L4 cal Card s mav i n t Gn t of Evo lu tio n 7' the "Peth o" Crets ~yrhina donticulatLt 'Cenor".:inian T ClIdO III a S 1)1 S !'0 C ' 11 t Ckl 1' i Ill J rl ui":)U!;-, n an e 0 r,-l 3 0 U C (2 d n o -d b-- ~h, once mor- =cve A Maiseuim A K,, i I,- z) i:,c SC IIC.~:, S T--~Q SH, 10, 1 ',--6 1. Shr-.fLI Academician -E jul,: 1 19 C-trd I (-" z I k, , I I " ~, - ~, I GLIF11AN, L,S., kand, t7jolo(~- najk Siiai Kn. or i:-iri a rid evo I I It, iOrl, Pr I i-odrt Q tio, I I-' ---, `~3, 1 p, . ,m '11 -'~ 1, -, rl 1, '~-olwi(~hosldy MUZ9y tin, AJ, Kp-rl VERTSMAS, G.Z., kandidat tekhnichm-nkilch nauk; GLIMN, H.S., 1candidut tekh- nichdskikh na;uk. Overall planning of transportation canters. Zhal,aor.trnaup.39 no.1:42-45 Ja '57. (MI-RA 10:2) (Railroads-Stationa) (Freitr;ylt and fraightage) VERTSKL4, G.Z., knnd. tekhn. nauk; GOMOLYAKO. I.M.. kand. taklin. neuk: GLIKMAN, H.S., kand. takhn. nauk; KORITAKOV, A.M., kand. tnkhn. nauk "COlleCtPd DaDers of the Moscow Rsonarch Inptituto of Railroad Enginearinp-, designing railroad stations and .mrdn." Revugwad by G.Z.Vartenan, Transo. strol. 8 no. 7:31-32 Jl 15B. (MMA 11-7) (Railrorids-Stat tons) (Ila ilrozids-Ya -(Is) JKORNAKOV, A.M., kand.tokbn.nat1kc; GLIJO-6,14, M.S., kand,tekhn,nauk Modorn dosigno of hump marghalling yards. Tranap.strol. 10 no.8:43-47 Ag 860. (MIRA 13-18) (Railroad 9--Ifunqi yardii) PEPMENCHIKOV, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; ZOSIMOV, Dmitrly Mikhaylovich, glavTqy zcotekImik; GLIM-UN, 11,, red.; ISUPOVA, N., tekhr-, --d. (Our experience in the loose housing of cows] Nash op.~-t besp2iviamogo sodarzhaniia korov. Simferopol', KryTAzdat, 1960. 21 (mPiKA 11, - 12) 1. Direkt-r sovkhoza Jr. Tir:iryazeva, Krasno7vardeyskogo raybna (for Pereyezdchikov), (Dair-y barns) GiMliA, Aleksandra Vasillyevna, doyarka; GLIEMI, N,,, red.; FIS2-1KO, G., tekhn. red, [Five thousand ig. of ml-k from our cows] 5000 kC. moloka ot kormy Simferopol', Kr~mizdat, 1960. 25 p~ OMTRA 14; M * 1. Ko2A'hoz "Ukrainall Kirovskogo rayona (for Grlcli-tia). (M,ilk) RUBINA, Vera Aleksomerovna, kand. sqllkhoz.nauk; GLIMNIT, N", re(l.. FESENKO, A., tekhn. red. [Repair and restoration of vineyards] -:emont _5 vosstano-;Ienie vinogradn-1kov. Sirferopoll, Krymizdat, 19a1. 57 p. ('!IRA .11,:A.2) (Viticulture) BCLGfuUV, Pfival Ti-iot3yevich, prof., zmil%zliermyy ritoLli.1 Liss?* MILYAKOVA, 0. , md. ; i'T1,11141U, red. ; /ISILITC , t. r-I.; IaMOVA, U., tekiri.rod. [Vitimilturel Vi?,.otridirqtvo. fAmfnro~-.,-.)l 196% 5 7 (H IHA 13 1. Kryriskiy inLotttw, Killnina (fov Bc1l'-Irov). (Vi t icul turn GALAKHIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich;qLM-D., N., red.; IbUTOVA, N., tekhn. red, .. .1 (Baclq;ard apiary] Friusadebnaia paseka. Simferopol', Ktkym- izdat, 1960. 106 p. 641RA 15:3) (Bee culture) ':IEOLAYEV, Fetr Ivanovich, starshiy rauc:n,,- sotr.;~GLIRYAII, Ii., red.; ISUFOVA, lt-i.. teklin. red. [Pests and diseases of grapes] Vrediteli i bolemi.4 vinograda. lzd. 2, perer. Simferopol', la-yrAzIat, 1961. D,6 1). (MMA 15:4) 1. Vseso,-uznvy inotitut, ,y vinogradarstva Illacarach" (Ifor ll;iholayev). (Grapes-Diseases and pests) ~',.P.; L.A.; red.; A., tekh!~. red. [I.increl of the C:-k-A3~t iul their utilimation in cheMiCL1 industries1l,ineralIrlye Ya-yma khiriche- skoi prorTsIdennosti. "irferc)T~oll , fx~vdmlat, 1 1. . 37 P (,.',I.iA 1r,:.11) (Grimell-I !illos and mineral ro~~Ources) (Chcmic.-.1 jr(lustries) POPOV, K.S., kand, tekhn, nauk; GAMR03SKAYA, Z.I.; UMANIMS, V.P.; N I IIJV, 11. 1. ; VALINK0, G.G. ; U.0". ; VIII)ANOVICH, G.A.; DATLINASHVILI, Ye.IN.;SERBIN0VA,N.I.; MARCHENKC) G S'. KURAKSINA, N.K,, TYURIN, S-T.; TYURINA, L.V.; KUICEARY M S.; RAZUVAYEV. N,-T..; ~J.; %ILKHAYW~, S.M.; ZHILYAKOVA, 0., red red.- FISENK0, A., teILhn. red.i (Wine making, manual for the workers of wineries on state and collective farms in the Crimea] Vinodelie; rukovodat,vo dlia M- botnikov vinodel;cheskikh zavodov sovkhozov i kolkhozov Kryta. SimferopoI7, KryTrL!-zdat, 1960, 4-15 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Cr4,mea--Wine and wine making) GLIKMAV,-S..A.; AVERIYAN07A, VJI, KHOLMUTOT!, L,,I-. Structure of acety1celbilas, solutions. I -~ no.4% 598-604 Ap 163. (SUFI 1b: 5) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.G.Cli!~rnyshevskogo. (Cellulose qcetlltes) GLIKMAN, S.A. On globules, bundles, and e,-els. Koll. zhur. 25 502 Jl-ig 163. (MIRA P:2) 1. Stiratovskiy, kafedra polimerov. GLIMAN) ~,.A.; A;lJbl',;(;VA, I.G. Me.l.liods W' the phvsiroch,mic- I churacterisfAcr, of' ngar. Ilch,, zup. SGH '115-11'3-116 '6:). O-UA 17-.3) SHUBTSOVA, I.G.; KUDASHOVA, :i.V.; (1,IJKMAN, S.A.; Prirlir:a~i nelvis:.iye: Poriomrovit, L.; (::.-RN'[KO'IA, Ye.; rl, Fffe-cl oC rriet.,il ionF and of the anions of o.,-u,,ini(-- acids :,n the mechanic~il propertLes ni' ngnroid Fels. Koll.zliiir, 29 rii,.02: ".:. 3-"3L N-D 1 0. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Sjar7ituvskiy untversitet, knCectra 1'1~~ilko-ki~iniii polime-ov. so ~.:14, go 0 0-0 O's a 4 0 0 4-7W- to I " a . 1, 4 1, 4 a . " t ~ . " . " I, . t I. . 1) 0 ?1 . 11 1 .) 0 0 00 1 1 1 1 ;AO 1A is ~IL up it Ar "ING : : : ! -.490 Colloidal P~Ctio. S A. GLILHAS -1 C 4. 14A 1 '0.- (Iwil Nvit"I h- I Ch-, cl.., I-fl-t A "'N', r ~t-l "t C~v.m. -00 KI f.w ...... a 1,-J. fu. ll~tm I Ili, 'll 0 In"I 11, IIIICIIAIISVII atid t [if 111111 frilo , Ill'i'l I.- dw t" the (1, Irlo-t "I "'Irrvil I th'. J~Vtlll V-mh,hl~ , .f I 1'r- j.,g Ill. 4~ lh,lg na"...4 J,l I'll, hmt, mv A ..... I'll, I, 't -d 11, 0-1. .~ '11 "i"I I..( Ili,, I 1: 0, wnk~o, 00 11 TI1r P'l. n"I th. 11.1111tv "t the 'CO. I, if, -w, ct ry i,r,ct,., M- -r. h'-n thi, I, high th, indlv"I.~l pr,q~ruii o1 !W.rnt jiid, iim,c ls~ -00 J 00 J~ j.:0 0 j 490 t! zoo Os u 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 OT'.89 - a : 0 0 0 0 0 0 If * 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:1000414 0:06414 fee 0100 a 4. 4 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . .' '. ) 0 L L 1 6 A k Ij M 't 4, ti so 00 o0 00 d 00 a of r Th. th-ty .1"I tat. 4 collul-b- a it vi w y A, It IXUA.4 P;,' so 0 M&IOUS vjKQgjtI~$ 01 wiloidAl Bwutin& '[1 111 LA A sr~-- I h M, 1 4 so 1032 . , -t, d. th~l at, k...... - 64 so '60 00 see 041 ;* 0 0 moo 00 '00 go 1.046 so - of of 0 a it 41 77 *T1 6 0 0 4 0 0 6 a , 4 * 01,44-fle 4 0 6 4 4 (1 Is 10 U v 0 0 M .3 11 .7 1 V I L 4 L f fi 11 4. A J. a 0 ..Y 0 1 1' V 9 1 1' M A W ti 00 00 0 so : 69 . Q 0 * 0 00 '08 00 * 0 as .04 of Buffer ?topertict of peclim. jxw %, 1. , f ( 1 26. ; 1-' 1 t , I'l , 'l.- "$ IN. m"I 03,1 w, vi'M ... I Iq H...... A 9 90 t I 11"T flL Itt %I f 0 0 0 0 a 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 * 0 ,lot 0 Of W *a sees . A I, A . A I 1. 11 U Is )l J2 15 J4 A is 0 At All $1 10 v1. z AT 1) a )p All 11 u 0 IT to A a I L -A 8 M '0 a I I A I I S N , 119 A 0 8 ., IT 00 00 00 040 o 0 o * Aqutoulk callill,141 W ,040 00 60 09 1 -. A S 0 S L A-1 TALI UVUILAL Lift NA1491 I AWOK41ICh 00 8 is t IT; A An To ores a : 0* so 0 1 IT (k 1 1*1 00 .00 ilot to c 0 0 0 HOO too .114 1 -v be 40 : 00 * t so 41 6 0 a 0 0 0 off O 0 0 0 O o r a ' , a a ' 04) x W 11 1 1 1 1 T s 0 A The pTilicochemical ebAracte i of llst cg 01 i Gikujjin. 1,jffiJwjks V 00 ic: t - 4-'u' 1934. N, U11Y ,f M, CO -1 l ", 'If ""A"l Ily fll,t 00 of J. son4l p1q,, With IW stilms thw, lh~ -Ilm -111d their ~q file of 11d, of j "d lh~ -,J~ -00 CA 41",e Lv,., 0 of Zoo Of 0 06 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 is is 0 0 a im 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -P v 0 0 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 (D 0 a 0 it 0 0 a 'LiK ii ""Al ,,o; ac; talc '~-i ill vi-', HN i,.n, '11) only c"'jen (!I, P,A~ntill (Irr, Add:l , of at!, of C I or -f .1~ A al'o :,-'w"r,; the u: ;;t. f ar:Oms I'Mi Af,,!~:,:. alwiy- it) M, "1,;)c oi' 1:x 'wid, whiell ol:f i~,nv, I~w (:(in( n. n[ ~t~a, ~h 1:i wi :i, it 11,1" 10, M, AW] w;Xti'l 1 .1 Aftci ,.ncn., ;q a faiilv 2'1','. oi oan l,k T kz';~!~, ilun, t :,i 11;~,, ful" a :! %I, xlf~vd. F'. 11. R. *oooo***o*****:: 0 0 ~ 04 Cc tr A-i I N trated a4u-As diSM11-4 211d A Hu" 1, & 49 4 00 1 so to IN 0 00 00 00 00 'r 01, 00 00 4)q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 a 0 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; ; ;~~M i 4 ; 4 ; 6 14 -0 a a 4 10 0"u, eat j I I I ; 1 13 1) A 11 14 It 14 K W ( -ii' zi ~' v 11 m n it I I, m M C-D-L- a 0 (4 IV., P. W. 1.1,110,11 .~i. .96 A Potential ad Slabilky of @*In of Conuloue odmv. S. A. 43unUm.-Awl E. 8. Mocuvram)v (KoHoid. Shut., 10. No. 2, phor"His of rarioun po"aw cWMMI With benty). Or ethykelhilow, or with ivlluhw 6tmtAq hu twen Tho eloemkinetio ix)tentW studic4l micro"imily. 11410 is vcry aniall ki org. Hquids but high in Ht). In 'bru il at the ium Z incroamm a mi 11 0 00M 0* - z p y % 1 mim oonm. as that is& which the vimottity showsin brupt decreaw. The stability of lyophilic muld i, L 0t afrettetl by .1. J. 1j. . so q AS AS A 617 At Li K At LITtO hTt,AE (I AS$tf~(&Tltm t al -W- --T 11 U " 6( it a 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 a 0 0 4;0 0 0 a & 0 ~ w 0 a * a 0 0000000004000 0 ptmmgm)" " I 03 1 1 1 A I I I # '0 ~i 'I li w ts U fl '1 .1 1 a m b a . . . 11 A L-1-1 r h I It L a A f - a A J-- I Ai li Z P~ go 40 "TbNotrnpit visco%ity S M 00 S R a "?1 12 "O'k., -11"IdA ~4- 1. -ily Hilm I'd frmrij- n th, 64 zi A I t It I At t LR~W At L ITFIA t6ff (L AWFICATION f tt 11 1 A, t 11, 0 0 0 0 0 I'l? Von., Q. "A -rue 0 0 .00 .40 0*0 fj vs 0 10 .1, 1 1. -) oil. '0 1 $1 it w 1* b v Is V# w It 0 it It I h. .1.- .1 .[he( -Wtu i a to 00 j A...... ........ 0 6 00 0 1-milf I:,11. -III, I., Lil Ill .041 It 1,v- ,I Oh, It(,, .51.i 0 At It I 11, Ir, t, m; 't T Ut frjcuon, 111, 0 1.-[[" 1114n If.-q 00 Ok. .......I 00 40 so III Ilk III 1-11A 'j-pt."n of the C.11, A, ;,,,III PlItil -XVITI. Sm" thr f,,tc,,s It, .m. I:,e Kmat" thin AIIIS .1, t,mp, Yet- 1h, M L,w-t~I 00 use 00 00 *Ti 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 e 0 0 0 40 0 41 41 0 * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 a .1 , 0 7 lf~ f vd i '11, 4 OL 0 .4 V :3 .1 a 1: U A. It-j -1-1- k id y A f L A14 fQ (X pi, (t oil 0 0 Tim uts of water disper-loni; of mitrocOllt'loll! for pro paring ItAtbor allbstituNs 0 10 a ",An No-itrvl 0 0 A - 1, 511d.1,11,1 1.'I t,;t;iV. Na 44 4 . ke,kle V,I,,Y. 00 N1,01 .,In .( nim-lb,i- 0 4 IfIhe m-ity it 0 k T at VS,10' 1 l - f-m thi. il,l Ith ,,, pti 0 4) 0 0 j I hvn -f the d'y t "I it it add,il and the III, it mil"I 6 0 1. The Mc,,01. 11 l, 00 t"A'd Willi thi. pl-l", I t.", 1.,, Ildti 0-1- it th-11".. Md, -041 00 *0 .04 -80 .00 "D a 1*0 91 1 a 6 o is 4 o o 0 41 A 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 6 0 % 6 0 0 0 0 (D A 09 1*1 00 41VID 401 -0 U 11 14 1$ 4 17 ITS t902.1 z? a A n A I? n J6 I - , ll w w A 0 A!F 00 of 00 00 00 00 a so Z 13 All SLA 0 0 Methanfam of coegulation of coellulone mstur Aols. S. A. (;LjjEmAx (J. Phya. Chem. Rujit., 1934, i J. 492---a1 ]).-If a solution Of cvUl,floome LlcumNite ( 1) tOll '('411, 6 %Ittl. to'V FtOll or light 1--tMeUm, ill E or a puluthon of tAuh4w nitritte (11) 1" COW I'l u.,() or Cjl,,, 1110 1111101let Of ('01lig"LA1111g, lilv.'l milliml incmLms with riew of temp. The Kimilar boullaviour Of 140 wid Coll,,, etc. Showm that thr pi)Ltrity of the mifulmout w irrelevant. Addition of Small oullounts of Etoff to a solution of (1) ill COLIS clLud" a contraction, and t"t. of Luge amounta so expansion, but the coagulation point is not o6tervabli). The r, of (1) in C H in redumd by- FtOH; there is m Change of 71 &t ttescoosgulloodon point. The r, of (1-1) in COMe, W incresalod by light petroh-un.l. The vfftqA of Et.00 on the r, of (11) in Etoll i4 4ximplielltell. Addition of lf~0 causem expamion in whitiorm I)( i 11) in COMe,. If. .1. B. 1lTALI.4RGkAL LITfRA1621 CLAWFICATI01 7; r AT -- AP U is KIt LD n 1 9. 00 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 146 -0 00 :0 0 00 0,9 I . 0'D 1 1 0 :. : 0 4 0 0 0 6 to 0 0 4 of 11. 0 0 a 0 a 6 0 0 9 0 0 4i is 0 a 0 U 0 4 It .1 .4 B axnh."'A~x 1 1; 11 w I A. 17 111 tom .1 a .1 4. are 00 A _L L -1. A a, 9 A I I W 1 -1 1 AA If 0 00 0 A -00 A . t oc the 'IIUZ'oWY Of nit -0 The tile t of electrOl,tirs cin ; l t c 00 lose A 06 ..... . .00 at,,m, '4 so 'I'l-crid dII,-, 11'. 1 h, Ilan,, go IV .Ej tw-11 Cl I'L, dIen wti-Ol A I I" =0 0 c.0 0 00 -0 0 .40 so 0 0 00 z 00 0 -00 '00 '00 '00 F 0 0 A 11 5 L A MITALLUNrICAL LITERATURE CLASSIFICITIGh a : i v I."ool -1 I.v .. ... ...... 0 0 ; .1 L 1 0. -0 ;ST. t It i 4 J I 0 0 a 0 v 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 9 0 0 0 0 I : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l p 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 01 a 0 0 0 , A L z f. -1-1- 1---k L~ P 6R I v M M OP .1 , 1 " - to 0 * so Hoxveols cA poctiu cmd otgau*solo of coUtdotm LamAN (J. Myt. C~&tn. Itutts, 103A. astore. S. A. Q . 11, 678-44),-Tho mlative visomity of aq. pmtin or oulutions incruarm wM conan. and is not alloett%I b adclitimm of EWII wh1uh do not produev gehin0j). sivownt of F%OH requirod for golallon wt-mvim with temp. And 6110 concri. of pectin, it im r1a,od b zoo Ns' and lowered by Ca*'. The gelation involTei u, 80 13 : vol. change. There effects are Bitailar to tholl obwmed with cellulose asterv (cf. A., I W8, 1. 5 #3) - 00 4 J. J. it. woo 0 0 1e0 too , ' , o * , " , n 4b 0 0 0 G G 0 a 0a 0 a m a 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 Io 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 -0 a 0 0 0 14 0, 0 44 414 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a :10 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 * a. A) 4 6 0 # 09 00 'the (bleshold III structure] nscoluty of cou I.G. 11h" malu _j Pav, Ch, ~ S. S P. 31, 11,110 Vor th, in 00 4 IT" I w11, I Alld IV 4 OXK 00 , ""Ile, fra,t."'j r _ 1 , 0 0 _, , j . 1 Ik y1 m-hut I ; I I -fill 1,01111;- m , 00 Go 0 a ~, "t ..:, m1d til't th, A :tIt It ~,h it,,, 1- h, I -00 I 11t,th inti-II'd- II~ 'l-t ...... ."I'1 00 .-w I I., I, 'till, 111.1t the 1~ vimmi M -00 0 0 1h, 00 1 ~itli it,, I-A it, %Ile ...... lm.,Gn, ~ m-, And it., d,~- M It,, I.Y 11v y I ~ 0.11h, I, ~- t-, -d tm rdi,tia- 411 h. rvh I I, P - tt~ '_` -d I - N) I ", - 'I 1 1 I 00 l hi-I'd I~y R"It" if' .1 28. 3tW; 29. ....... .00 1 28, - n,I A- It"Id .4, "t i 0* 11,0- ]let.. .1 - o III And 1 - -Im-nd hugil, 'd so , .1 - 11 00 It.,. -I"I'l mab-11111~, 14,1 ...t so IIII ]-vI It it ..I jlw,nAlml~ Cm, d.- 00 r fo, -I, .,f III, "U'll-, vill"i In 0 41 ' 00 th", M ;9 Ow-I Ow Ow 11tillillit; fl". 00 lv ...... J."Idilig I., Ih, 11-At.4,1 .4 ~Ini,tillal n 0 go 041 00 :.49 a 00 f 00 u .1 It w 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Do M 41 G at 0 40 * 1,; 1 0 0, r I V Is 11 1 1) Ii It of To Y "TMI 7r T I Td ; 1; Z S-A TIT _f.M kof-j;,V, Will$ IN Kit II i . 1-11 1, k.10 IF pf ... . .. *to .. . .... . .. too 00 00 md of ag&maum ill Ch-- Rum. IBM 12 A V93D 1 , , , , , 77).-7be asnitotio pcwsm j7 of ceffukw~ mitt. 1. COX% SDII Of w2ulome butizoaa in EtOH + nu&WIW WOW 1.6% of Witt . a CWIUINM melatesam v" used. FqFr two w1utlow R inm Ludopendent, tit for them admuous 13 illdniguild wbilst it incirsawd more rapidly f too m Tbo mol. wu. of the inctimin T, 1 -1, [!to t, 1 -010 -041 '041 041 0 "41 irto o live L 41TALLURMAL LITIOIATLtl CLAUVICATOON tsee V99 -9 CA. Ott lr--r 13 1 T :1 MI I S I 'It 0 9 is' Ig I r-r--r- - b u IF It IF 0 09 cr n IK 40 1 1e" 0000 40 0 go to 00 90 00 00 *0 o too 0000 0 00 4 to 0 0 M -)W- V W W' ft is j l t A I 00 00 so -64) -04) 00 so go The nature of cellulieve e*w solutwims, vitrocellutose 'S I& to fractions anclaqueous We IV. S A Glikinan. Pb~,Ij- O'D go 1939, '.-0 '01; Kkfiin Rtf"al 115. A dt-i-mi i~ gim, of the I-M No. :1 /h., OC Ir , , , rr an't pf'jvrtn~ of q hvd'ophotoi- 4, of oirr'v 1 r to - '~ ll 1- (11 which wrte obtAin(A by (tic nitzhoil of con. :: xiotivrplito of Itroaftaccitotiv,olit with 11foand "4- go ~I 00 go 0 "."oormp 00 ':- ethoij; . . ....... o.4 ,10) -1, t'y (ji'I& oil 8-toni, and 11'(1 11"- (ortoAllou '.I .U111 M41 (fin" various (Tim-tions of 1 1, -1111-it'l With r1l.. "th-hold of amtatim 1. ir.. the fillim"t -u-11. it 1 0 4 "I " ' ' ""' 11 t I-h ,,, ar'. foro".1 will, .. q ALA J 1"gir--of ' '] ; Ioxh'.. tl" '40 - A. - Ih, -00 00 f I" 'I, '4 riij-[ hv't ph, 'life -410 A* 'uh- of hull-Haidy It Him, 400 4 AD 9 ;0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 11) It it 9 41 0 0 A now&" a a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 .0, 0. 0 0 .0 0 * a 0 0 0 to * 0 0 7 U- m "I i I A a f-JI-A f a N I k A -A-2.- a f , -U.J..L'.. O&A r --!If AN* I Me RF - - - I 000 P\- MIPA ~jf 11i'mok 11111 "', td--*-'-"*'--- 00.4 m will) the ml- Was that 1yophile Wx an be thm-awdruamlically stabit 0011. and unstishle, but ItIR cystean qtw. diffrres: irovs .410 trul: solos. The phain mk is appLicable to both Mtelua. Of .1 The fixmmdon of dolotAyttamitmity stable IL"mu (in equil. with tme 831n. of cbahm-ar utoks.) sr tbern".. oil OOA dymmlm~c&Hy unstable agpvZ&tcs should be wt,~mtc,l f(w as the formation d a new phase, A. A. Podx"ny .00 '00 60 00 000 =69 00. zoo 00.4 z: Of Vito f idjudi wit Mir cvc S4 NC14 411(11~aq 35 U 5 '10 u, a 1, Ot lot in it 4 1 94 0. 0 0 0 0 0 6 * 0 4 0 4 0 00 * 0 0 10 1b 9 0 41 41 * 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 40 0 :4401mme-4 0 a 4 a as 600646904~01 A-A I !m 00 A 0e 00 00 60 00 0 0 w town i*", Gum". (U. S. (1940), d. C. A. JS. CA S. VS. 1 =W'-Tb. druttm vbcogtY of sq. -d sk.-"= "aA. oi P,~ Igid W" In ad at vwicm cumm and saucum vka*y joavued 4" tbe thambb"d -)I 1 structum TkOJV awrooW (1) ikt Wem omwk of pect k "1. (2) at bmw t- NAM. catto. ok. wo (4) in th, cm y1woolt4a)"r-T. vwbIy=ior Own t rtom a -t VI-- 1-1 k 0. ~- ticia. Tim dau, p(gy IPWA the tm omxt= viscmitj o( I~wbak calluicto. A. A. Podgarny ASO.ILA MI'TNUMLK" LMRAIWA CLAWMATIM 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00000000966 m A I a 0 0 c I.- 110. rw 0 a if I v u 13 a I v po * 9 41 41 0 0 0 00004)f09:::::: .00 101S '00 doll 40 0 CA; 0 woo zoo We 0 lee -0; *- iie 11 1) 1. -$ 4 11 to It M 11 J1j 1 1 id I s it It M ?P As j! P 1) M 15 1) 3 1 11 11 Q .4 it it 4, 1 W Y A a I I a if I J--jL A jl;~'? I, A I I U A I I all E 00 4 1 .1 !.~v ~-- - ---. -.-- - - --- I., . _ .. - .11.1 - 1. 00 . ~ A 4 ~ 4 IS 0 ir go I Oe '00 Waturra of IYOPMUC 11411. S. A. GUnian. 4,.,.j Pky,i- . 0 Wits t let him. I . R. S. S. 13. 3"q 4`02(in G"Inall); f iti..Id J. : 9 (LT. .1; S. R-) 6. 351-4RIOMM-0- the hank d 4 ill, 1 iiion of file plolit!Iti" Of Vill kool nitro. And Ilt,rifirl, ilti p: luld of varioul Swill) sols rol;:Nlions are dravrn.Li it) I W -o 0*0 nature. Although wry dil. *)In*. of highly pilylo-i -d 4 0 0 0 a- tf-ue mAns. anti bitnirkrit -wo. it) ch,lont 0 a takes pL&cr at higher concus., the infice cuncd. tioliti.