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L 12931-63 W(1)IW(M)IBDS ASD/AnTC ARA ACCESS1011 NR: AP3003937 S/02*/63/003/004/050/059k AUTHOR: Sqqdak, V. A.; Gracheva, Ye. P.; Gl&4y-*shev, -B. 11*qualikov, V. I. TME: Effect of pbytolAnopolysaecharldes and preparation Vl~-2 on the hemogenepix of i ia;ted animals 77 SOIMCZ: Radiobioloaiya, v- 3, no. 4, 10,63, 51~7-594 TOPIC TAGS:. radiation sickness antiradiation. preparation mcdbAride. .1 1 ~poly phytolipopolysacebotride, VB-2, hemogenesis, r.1ny1buty3:,ether:po34=*r.: ABSTRACT: Lipopolysacdharldes from the leaves of Vitis vlni:rera &u& Them sinensis' have been tested. oa white male rats for their antiradiation qualities. The pIrA63ip*lysacchm-ides used di:d not have the ability to stimulate f~brinolysis. To protect the intestinal,mucosa, frota radiation dezzV, a n-2 privation (pov- mer of vinylbutyl ether) was applied. An M-2 computer was employe(I to tabulate statistical results. It was concluded that 1) phytolipopol,)-sacchatides applied before irradiation possess definite prophylactic properties and whom Aftd in 6n- Junction with a VB-2 preparation e)mrt sone protective function aftotr irradJA- tion; 2) a positive influence from these preparations was also =ii-fested in the Card V2 L 129'31-63 ACCESSION NR-. AP3003937 blood - dynamic changed of erythrocytes, reticulocytes, and throntocytes aftior irradiation were more favorabls in the animls treated with phytolipopolysacda- rides and VB-2; 3) pbyto21popo3,ys4cdvwides,- unlike bacterjEa lipapolysaccharl ilea, i exert a protective influence on hemogenesis. against penetrMing vadiation, stiz=-!; lating erythro-thrombocytopoissis without Wny persisten changs ini t and pronoumeed cells of the leucocytic order.. Orig. art. has: 1i tables a~d 1 fi sun. ASSOCIATION! Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biological Physics AN SSM-); InetJ4,Ut organicheskoy %himii im. N. Moscow (Institute of Organic Chemisj2g, Ail -QWR SUB14ITIED: iiTan63 DATS ACQ: 15Au963 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REF SOV: 005 OT13ER: OOT card 2/2 ANDAEYENKO, G.V.; GLADYSHFV, B.N.; PANTTUSHINA, N.N. Effect of lipapoly3accharides of higher plan-.s (phy~olipopoly- sacchRrides) on the fibrinogen content and "ibrinolytic activity of albino rat blood. Nauch. dukl. vys. shkoly; bLol. nailki no.1:84-88 164. (PURA 17:0 1. Rekomendovana Iqboratoriyey fiziologil i biokh!-r,.4L sverty-Vaniya krovi Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitotn Lm. H.V.L,)mcnosovn I Institutom biokhimii AN SSSR. 11--TI i ~hi e.~ dib m it ;i,'- ~ ij.- ; t ON tit, if J: fii - MW67': At 00 -"vice, j ..2j: datitut, 'Ih 4 ti :su Dv- 270,603 :w, 'I RE am 004' 14f; it j z it if I 914~ 4 if 17 /M W ACCESSION NRt AP3005532 8/0166/63/jOOO/003/0023/0026 AUTHORSt Bogzhanov, Ra B. A, IStarodubtsev, S, V.; YM2iRr-"- giLl~-*Xhev, D T. TITIZ.t Investigation of.- slow neatron spectra V SOURCEs AN ArmSSR* Izv, Sort tokhn, JISIK. 3, 19630 23-28 TOPIC TAOSt slow neutron, chopper, reactors pulsed neutron source ABSTRAM Experiments were conducted to determine the neutron energy spectrum of slow neutrons emerging from a horisontal channel of a water-~-Moderated reactor.14To determine neutron cross sections in the 10-KoV energy range a mechanical neutFon velocity selector of 8.5 g sec/A resolation was used with a pulsed noutron source of 1200 pu1se3 per minutd. The slow neutron energy spectrum obtained at various reactor loads and various channel widths (64 and 32 sea), gave a Maxwellian distribution in the wave length region 0.75 to 1.5 The effective neutron temperature was estimated at 375k with a moderator temperature of 308K, Orig. art. has: 4 formulas and 2 figures. fisiki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics Card L 1.1052-63 EPF(n)-2/EWT(m)/BDS-AMC/ASD/AFWL/SSID-Pu-4-DY, ACCESSION NR: AP30OU82 S/0089/63/014/005/0490/0491 AUTHOR- Regzhamov, R. B.; Glad~rshsv, D. A.-, Starodubtsev, S. V.: TI7U: Slow neutron spectrum in horizontal channel of VVR-Sli 16 reactor SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, V. 14, no. 5. 1963. 490-491 TOPIC TAGS: slow neutron spectrum, VVR-S reactor. Maxwell distribution ABSTRACT: The neutron energy distribution in the WRS reactAing used by the Institute for nuclear physics of the AN, WS-was measurea. The mechanical inter- rupter of 150 mm diameter had 13 plane-parallel slits of 1 mm width. The flight path of neutrons to detector was 7.6 meters, being mostly in a NO mm diameter vacuum tube. A 35 mm diameter boron counter served as the detector. A multi- channel, matrix-type time analyzer was used for recording.. The width of the time channel could be varied from 1 to 128 microseconds. The dead time was 10 micro- seconds. Measurements of the neutron spectrum in a horizontal channel starting from the active zone of the reactor were made at 1200 rpmls and 32 to 64 micro- second channel width. The experimentally found distribution curve is given: energy of neutrons, in relative units, vs. wavelength up to about 4 angstroms. It follows the Maxwellian distribution only around the naximum between 0.75 to 1.5 Card 1/Z - , , - - , ::- 8 1) !cl F, r n 7, 'k ACCESSION NRt AP4041452 s/0089A4/016/006/0523/0524 AUTHORS: Be-Tzhanov, R. B.; Glady*shev, D. A.; StarodubtseV, S. V.; Khaydarov, T. -144 TITLE: Cross section for the.'interaction between neutrano and Sm and In-115 nuclei SOURCE: Atomnaya,energiya, v. 16, no.;.6, 1964, 523-524 6 TOPIC TAGS: neutron interaction, neutron spectroscopy. indium, samariume resonance scattering ABSTRACT: lhe total effective cross sections were measured with the neutron specLroacope previously described (Atomnaya energiya v. 14, no. 5, 1963, Izv. AN UzSSR. Ser. fiz. matem., na;uk, no. 3, 1963) at a channnt width of.8 gsec and resolution 2.23 and 2.5 [Lsec/m in the case of indium and samarium, respectively. The resonance para- meters were calaul atedby 4 method described by G., 1. Mardhuk 1/4 21- ACCESSION NR: AP4041452 (Teoriya i. _.I~-.t,Ay* raBcheta yaderny'kh reaktorov (Theory and Design Methods ot Nuclear Reactorsl, Gosatomizdat, 1962, p. 240). Some factors ifF.:.,t_'ag the accuracjof the kesulto are mentioned.. Orig. art. has: 2 2-igures, 3,formulas, and 1 tablej ASSOCIATIOU None SUBMITTEDt Me p63 ENCLI 02 SUB CODEz HR'REF SOVt 004 0.7 000 -Card-_ 2/ AMMSION NRt AP4041452 musuRss ol ACC NR, AI)CO24520 S AUTHOR: Belf,-harari 11 11.; 1,'! LJ~1!~Luha' 1". N. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Acadellu O'L ~;t-' fizki TITLE: Lifetimes of -the e--clted levels of J~nl SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz. Pismr, v redaktaiyu. Prilc~,.hf_ no. 2, 1966, niy:2, v. 71-74 TOPIC TAGS: promethium, nuclear energy level, neutron bombardinent, j.;nmma radiation, gamma transition ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of thorough studies of the rml--9-1 nucleus, the authors present results of a detailed experimental investigation of the lifetimes of the ex- cited levels, using a delayed- coincidence method. The source was obtained try irradl- ating a natural mixture of Nd isotopes in a thermal-neutron bear, from the VVR-S re- actor of I-YaF AN UzSSR. The integral activity of the interfering components was re- duced to leof of the main effect or less. The lifetime of the 1113-kev level war de- termined from the time coincidence spectrum of 118- and 1180-kerr 7, rays. An analysis of the pulse-height coincidence spectrum of the 1180-kev y ra.7 ys disclosed the pre- sence of additional y liner. which did nort agree with the decay scheme. In view of the shortcomings of the published decay scheme, the authors used a new procedure, in which an additional detector was used to obtain 077 coincidences. They obtained the Card ___ 1/2 L 3u~25-,)b ACC NR: AP6024520 pulse-height sDectrum of the 7-ray cascade transitions. Ilie llf,~times obtained were! 8 x 10-13 -and (0.93 � 0.031) x 10-9 see for the 13-8-kev and 256-k--v levels, < 3-0-20 sec for the 1298, 3-122, 855, and 425 kev levels, and < 2 x 10-10 sec for the' 176 and 170 kev transitions from the 1298 and 425 kev levels Trespectlve3,y. The new spectrum showed an intense anomalous maximum near 90 kev, belo%ing apparently to the low- energy levels. Additional facts concerning the hindrance and delay factors of severs-t levels are obtained. Orig. art. Ias: 1 figure and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: L2Mya/ OTH REF: 004 Card 42 BARANOV, E.N.; VFRTEPOV, G.I.; GLADYSHZV, Gt.,D. Wall.rock alternations of a uranium deposit. Geol.rud.mestoroah. no.6:33-45 N-D 162. (141RA 15:12) (Metamorphism (Geology)) (Uranium ores) BASHUN, M.I., VASILITEV9 A.M.;--GM -GZ.; RYCHYLOV, B-V-; SKIRNOVI V-S-; .-IUEY, FISHBM, P.A., Jnzh., red.; APTYUKENt V.A., red. izd-vaj UVAROVAP A.F., tekhn. red [Catalog Ptspare parts for the ZIS-5, Ur&IZIS-355, UralZIS-355B and UralZIS-355M.motortrucks] Katalog zapasnykh chantai avtonabilei ZIS- .51 UriUIS-355,-UralZIS-355B i UralZIS-355M. Moskva, Gas. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mashino-stroit. I-i*-ry, 1961. 354 P. (bimA 14:8) 1. UrallskJ7 avtomobillrqy zavod imeni V.I.Stalina. 2. Rabotniki Otdala laVnogo konstruktora Urallskogo avtomobillnogo zavoda imerxi V.I.Stalina for all except Fishbeyn, Artyukhiri ITvarova) ~ ~Motortrucks--~Catalogs) KURCIV,S.A.; TITKOV,A.I.; VASIL' T-vV,A. M.; ~LADYSHEV.G.1.; SHAPSHAL,B.G. BLYAKHMAN,D.S.; BOGACHEVA.N.14,; FOYIN,V.9. Critical notes on a reference book ("Tractors andAutomobiles." IU.A.Domatovskii, I.I.Trenenenkov. Reviewed by S.A.'Kurov). Avt. trakt. prom. no-5:32 My 155. (MLRA R:8) (Tractors) (Automobiles) (Dolmatovskii, IU.A ) (Trepeneakov,1.1.) GLLDYSHEV. G.I. Bxperimental investigation of wave guides with diaphragas. Sbor. trud.Inat.elektrotek-h.AN IMM no.8:119-124 '52. (XLRA 10:2) (Ifave guides) ~N'ML'tAUMV*S.I'; GLUTSHEV, G.I.; RAPOPORT. G.N. I i6 w - ME&NOMWAVAW Methods of measuring the intensity of electric fields in reiionatars and wave guides at superhigh frequencies. Sbor.trud. Inst.olaktro- tekh.AN URM no.12:108-114 '55. (KLRL 9:11) Zlectric fields--Measurement) lectric resonators) R (wave guides) GLADYSHEV, G.I. Investigation of the operation of phase teutora. Sbor.trud. Inat. elektrotokh.Ali LULSH no.12:115-117 '55. (14LRIL 9:11) (Electric meters) SOV/1 I Z-58-1 -1533 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 1. p 226 (USSR) AUTH-OP--. Gladyshev, G. 1. TITLE: A Method of SFli- ZFe-c-tric-Field Measurement in Resonant Cavities and Waveguides (Ob odnom metode izmereniya elektricheskogo polya v rezonatorak-h i volnovodakh na SVCh) PERIODICAL: jzv. Kiyevsk. politekb-n. in-ta, 1956, Vol 21, pp 203-207 ABSTRACT- A method is described for measuring electric field strength in reso- na:nt cavities and waveguides, which have no symmetry of revolution, by ineans of a dielectric bead that, u:ilike a metal body, does not disturb the magnetic field. A polysterene or plexiglas bead was passed through the resonant system by a capron filament. An error of 15-20% is involved in the method. N. A. S. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 3. uav4-ty resonator-s-E-lectri-a-1 Ca-rd 111 [Hladyshev, ffladyshev, H.1.3, Icand. tekhn. nauk GLADYSW A.S. Popov, the great Russian inventor of the radio. 71sn7k AF URSR 30 no.4:38-*~ AP '59. (MI-R& 12:6) (Popov, Aleksandr Stepanevich, 1859-1906) s/142/63/006/Vol/009/015 2192/2382 AUTHORS: Gladyshev, G.X,, Kasatkin, L.V. and Shashurina, S.P.' TITLE: Propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in laminary periodic structures PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vyashilch uchobnykh zavedeni~, Radiotekhnika, v. 6, no* 1, 1963, 77 - 82 TMM: A multilayer dielectric system can be represented by the equivalent shown in Fig. 1. The electromagnetic waves propagate in this system between two infinite ideally- conducting planes -F and Q e The elements of t-he system of the same typo an that of the region 11 (see the arita CEDF) have parameters c 2 and IL 2 and thickness & I thib elements of the, type shown In region 1. have 'parameters e1, 'Al a~n.d a thickness d. The period of'the system Is D a 4 + & . The quantities V and I in the figure represent-..the voltages and currents I= thl system al: the croon-sections AB, CD, EF and GH, It is Tirst necessary to evAluate the transfer function of in sy=etrical T-type quadripole ABGH in order to determine the propagation Card 1/3 ...... Propagation characteristics .... S/142/63/006/061/009/015 E192/238;2, characteristics in such a periodic structure. The transfer function isa product of the transfer functions of the quadripolos ABCD, CDEF 'and EFGH.. It is shown that the characteristic equation defining the propagation' function in the system is given by: ch Y eh Y2 A eh yld +- Z, Z2 sh .y2 -/N. sh Y d (.6) el[d +.6) z z 2 2 1 where yl *is the propagation coefficient for the region 1, Y2 is th epropagation for the region II and Z11 z2 are the wave impedances of the regions I and II, respectively. The wave impedance of the system is also evaluated. Eq. (6) is used to investigate some special cas 'es - in particular, the propagation conditions in the absence of losses. It is found that in this case the passband of the system consists of several discrete bands. The effect of thin metallic films deposited on the surfaces EF, MN and so on, is also determined. Such layers are shown to Card 2/3 $/14a/63/oO6/001/009/()j3 Propagation charactoristias B192/2382 introduce attenuation, which has a maximum at a cettain frequency& This is explained by the shunting effect of the successive cc!nductive layers. The frequency-dependence of the resistive and reactive components of the wave impedance of the system is also investigated. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Xnatitut radiotekhnichaskikh problem AN USSR (Institute of Radio- engineering Problems of the AS UlirSSR) SUBMITTED: July 7, 1962 (initially) Octobpr 10, 1962 (after revision) 7, CC E M' K7r: Card 3/3 1: ACCESS--ON NR: AP4012360 S/0142/63/006/006/0639/0647 AUT11ORS: Glady*shev, G. 1.1 Yegorshin, Yu. A. TITLE: Accuracy of determination of the magnetic permeability and dielectric constant by the two-position method SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 6, no. 6, 1963, 639-647 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic permeability, permeability, dielectric con- stant, permittivity, permeability measurement, permittivity measure- ment, permeability measurement accuracy, permittivity measurement accuracy, transmission line measurement method, coaxial transmission line, waveguide transmission line . I ABSTRACT: The accuracy with which the magnetic permeability and di- electric constant of the material are determined by means of a mi- crowave line (the open-circuit and short-circuit method) is deter- mined as fdnctions of the errors in the determination of the input impedance, the characteristic resistance, and the propagation con- stants of the medium, with particular emphasis on the effect of ran- dom measurement errors. Formulas and plots are developed from which Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4012360 to determine the errors in the determination ot the propagation constant, the characteristic resistance, and the magnetic and di- electric constants. The effect of the geometrical configuration of the sample is discussed and a method is presented for first esti- mating the approximate values of the magnetic and dielectric para- meters, from which it becomes possible to select the optimal thick- ness of the sample for the measurements. Both rectangular wave- guides and coaxial microwave lines are considered. Expressions are also presented for the calculation of the extremal errors. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 47 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhnicheskikh problem AN UkrSSR (Insti- tute of Radio Problems, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 14Apr62 DATE ACQt 14Feb64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEz GE NO REP SOVs 004 OTPAMs 003 Cand 2/2 RAPOPORT, (j.!:.; WIDAIMTKO, R.V.; 'LADY3177, Ciarification of a formula for ,etemi-n~ng t~,e specific ir.- ductive capacitance oC samplei ujing a re:3-ntu~.ce fref-%nigr shifting te6nique. Radiote'Nh. I. e~ektr,m. 9 rc.7:11'-9-1320 Jl t 64 GLA I G. ~ . ; YDIOE'Slil ?l , Yu. A. A --curacy of the determinati, on c.,' r,fr:~Pab' . i ty wril incluctIve capacitance using the r.;ltbLod of t.w(.) plac-is. Izv. -1 vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. P, -,a- , 1. ,I -- . 'R-R, AF5025587 SOURCE CODE: uR/oII5/65/000/009/004T AUTHOR: Gladyshev, G. I.; Chemeris, V. M. ORG; none TITLE: Automatic wide-band wavemeter for the microwave region ku SOURCE: Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 9, 1965, 47-49 TOPIC TAGS: _frequency meter centimeter wave, microwave detector, wideband detection ABSTRACT- A description is given of a wavemeter developed both for continuous visual observation of the frequency spectrum of a generator of up to 200 Me at A = 2.9 cm and up to 900 Me atX=3.8 cm and for the measurement of preliminary power distributio with respect to the spectrum of generated frequencies. It can also be used as a sen- sitive detector for the adjustment and testing of shf instruments. The operation of the device is based on the method of successive analysis by a passive filter in the form of a torroidal resonator. The electrical portion of the Instrument is a two- stage amplifier using one WS tube and a trigger using one 6ff8S tube for shaping negative quenching pulses. Sepaxate shi:rters are provided for controlling the scan- ning voltage and the quenching pulses. The sensitivity of the instrument is no lover than 100 ov, and its resolution, which is determined by the Q of the resonator, is no higher than 40 Me. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (JR3 SUB CODE: -EC/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 441 -b I P(C) Gil AP;0215'6"93 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/018/0040 Oa A.; A INVENTOR: ala4yehev, G. 1. Shuranov, V _Rtonov,_A. V VAVI. TITLE: Instrument for measuring the parameters of dielectrica at low temperatures 16 the centimeter wavelength range. Claus 21, No. 1746ft SOURCE: Byaleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakovs no. 18, 1965, 40 TOPIC TAGS: cavity resonator, measuring instrument,ldielectric property, electronic, measurement, dielectric material ABSTRACT: The proposed instrument for measuring the parameters of dielectrics at low temperatures consists of a tunable measuring resonator, a veveguide connected to the resonator, a hermetically sealed body, and a dewar. Provision Is made to main- -tain controlled low temperatures In the working apace of the resonator. The cavity of the resonator is-ringed with a coiled heat exchanger linked witb the dewar. Tem- ~erature stabilization and control are effected by application of a controlled voltage to the end of the tubing passing into.t.he dewar. Orig. art. bas: I figure. [DWI SUB CODE.- EysOUBM DATE: lljul63/ ORIG-REF: 000/ OTH RM., 0001 A~D PRESS: ICard tmc:, 621,317.335 1 ~47* , ti. . I, C- -- 't : -,,- 'L ~ , -- ~ ~. 7 "'r.1 -- r, 't . ;*U30.4 ,". ; aLLAOV.',,jj$ I cle',troi:. :.-I i- t64'). ! lg.,.l) . 6 ~x~-.L,6vjd :;ix(*, .,. . i ~. L EM (h)/EVff (1)A 17 ACC NRs j 6010737 SOURCE CODE: uR/olh2/66/oo9/cOl/Ol4 AUTHOR: Bondareriko, R. N.; Gladyshev, G. I. ORG; none /3 TITLE: Frequency shift in a T1WT SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 146-148 TOPIC-TAGS: traveling wave tube, traveling vave amplifier, frequency shift ABSTRACT: The possibility of controlled frequency shifting of' a TWT output is in- vestigated. The author analyzes a shifter based on sawtooth modulation of the accelerating voltage, vo. Equations for optimum slope and amplitude of a modulating sawtooth are developed under the assumption of a small accelerating voltage devia- tion (Av/vo