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USSR/Camunioationa - Organization Fdb/Yw 1946 Radio transmission lines - Organization "Improve the Work of Line-Technical Ccvm=lcutions Centers," I. T. Gladki:(, Chief of the Melitoloollsk Line-Technical Communications Center, 1 p "Vestnik Sv-jazi - Elektro Svyazl" No 2/3 (71-72) In 1939 a wholesale regrouping of ccum=Joations centers was undertaken. In Zaporozhye Oblast t reorganization formed three line-technical ce=rJ131. Definition of these centers seems to be a central point where means for the maintenance of the com- munications lines in the particular region are gathered. 19T52 ACC NR, AP7004810 ~A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/001/0149/ol4g INVENTOR: -Gladkiy, K. S.; Timokhov, Ye. P.; Yezhov, M. I.; Skibin, D. M. ORG: None TITLE: An atomizer for vacuum spraying. Class 75, No. 190247 [announced by the Scientific Research Institute of Paint and Varnish Technology (Nauchno-insledovatel'- i skiy institut tekhnologii lakokrasochnykb pokry-tiy)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1967, 149 TOPIC TAGS: spray nozzle, atomization, vacuum technique, paint, varnish ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an atomizer for vacuum spraying paint I :and varnish materials. The unit contains a housing, spray nozzle, valve device with 'trigger mechanism and spring return, and pipelines for paint feed and circulation. ~The operating reliability of the atomizer is improved by balls located in the cavity of the valve device. A shut-off ball is forced out of the valve seat and put into reciprocating motion by an intermediate ball Jhich is moved by the action of the trig- ;ger and spring-return mechanism. 1/2 UDC: 667.661.23 I"-A'-C- C_t4,_,9CP_7_60_ IZ I ,a--housing; 2--nozzle; 3-trigger mechanism; 4--spring-return mechanism; ~ !6--intermediate ball; 7-shut-off ball; 8-yalve seat !SUB CODE: 13, Il/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov65 I i 5-pipelines; I GLADKIY, K. V. Separation of total gravitational fields .99 a process of f requeacy filtration. Prikl.geof iz. no.25*114-129 '60. 04liLk 13:6) (Prospocting-Geophysical methods) (Gravity) GLOKIT, K.V. Frequency analysis in working up and interpreting lata of gravitational and magnetic prospecting and poesibilities for automatic solution of problems involved in the procoesing and interpretation of data. Trudy MI14KHIGP no.31:169-180 160. (MIRA 13-11) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) GLA_DKIY K.V. wwnff~ Calculating elements determining the loc~,tlon of some simple bodies by the spectra of gravity potential derivatives. Trudy MINKHOP no.31:191-IB? 160. (HIRA 13:11) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) (Gravity) GLA.DKIY, K.Y.; DIVYDOV, V.M.; KOZYRIV, V.S. Mb Apparatus for automatic adjustment of control networks. Trudy MINX.HiGF no.31:188-196 160. (MIRA 13:11) (surveying) (Prospect ing-Geophysical methods-aquip-ment -.rid supolies) (Electronic analog computara) t4l GLADKIY, K. V. Cand Tech Scl -- "Study of t~A- problems of- .grav inter pre itationtA and ,riak;netic observations by fret~u nc~ methods." Mos, 1961. (Acad Scl USSP.. Inst im 0. Yu. SLmidt) (KL, ~3-61, 241) - 211 - 3/169/61/000/012./n-26/089 D228/D305 AUTHOR: Gladkiy, K. V. TITLE. Correlation between the mean and the anaiyllica-. extension in the upper hemi3pace of Gravity anomalies PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no, '12, 1961~ 34, abstract 12A332 (Izv. vyaati. uchobn,, zavedeniy, Geol. i razvedka, 1961, no,, 5, 93-96) TEXT: The comparison of the spectra of a meaned gravity anomaly with the same anomaly recalculated to a height h in the upper hemispace (when the original function's spectrum is identical) shows that the averaging and the height recalculation. are synonymous operations. The best correspondence of their results in the two-dimensional case will be when the correlation between half the value of the interval of averaging 1 and the Card 112 .GLADKIY, K.V.- Estimating the resolving power of meth~:ds for the separation of gravity fields. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no.5:685-693 ?tr 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimichaskoy i gazovoy pronvshlennosti Im. Gubkina. (Gravity prospecting) GLADKIY, K.V, RelationsInAp between the average and the analytical c--,ntinuation in the upper half-field of Pravitv anomalies. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 4 n,:,.5:93--96 MY 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskov i gazcvxj prooVshlenn,-sti imeni I.M. Gubkina. (Gravity) GLADKIY, K.V. Calculating the gravitational effect by means of analytic continuation. Geofiz. razved. no.U%60-62 163, (MIRA 1611l) GLADKIY, K.V. Calculating the effect of gravity by the equivnIence method. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; naft' i gaz 6 no.2:114-116 '63. (KRA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni ak-ademika I.M.Gubkina. (Gravity prospecting) ". .-~ ~ ." , F:' -'% ;~,lWx1:1,jj tl~p all , r)M., 4 ; or , ' cu' &', j ~f-, ~-,j ; , ,if tit I! :- ~,-, - . _ , L . . C:) f_a I - . ! PI-OrIP" llg~ 'r-ldy 'v,'T.NTK,91GP ro.5021 . ~ ;_' I I k , 38 ' I 'i t~,' ': !.~ R ~ -~ ~z -~- ) GLADKIY, K.11.; SERKEROV, -nvestigating, mpthod,-, for transf( arcrnlowl tl:z-rlg .1 frequency charartleri sties. Tnidy 11-1111KIMMI 110.50:1-5:' 165 164 (MIRA 1EI.-LI) (-,LA-LKIY, 1-1. F. 25067 GLADKIY, M. 7. 'Tekotoryye Prl-yemy Polucheniya Tl',3toyrh-'uyl:,h ',"rozhay,!v 3e,,,rjan Lyutserny I Espartseta. 7 Sb: Voprosy Kormodrky-J,~!ni.ya.. IIYT,'. 2. M., 1949, S. 120-28. - Bibliogr: 5 Nazu D: Letopisl, Yo.-I, 1949 r, Inn lZa a,.t d t- th.1 V.; ti 1, t In Yj T~ I *I t z io t i~ ri e 5C, D c 1e C, C I j. v ri o r~i n oii t v. ~i 1- a re~ c t r #? I L v h t GIADKIY, M.P., kand. sallskokhoz. nauk Possibilities for using mol7bdonum and nitragin on degraded Cherno- zams. Dokl. Akad. sel'khos. 24 no-7:34-36 159. (MRA 12:10) 1.Vemso"nyy nauchno-iseladovatel'skiY institut kormov Imeni V.R. Villyamea. Fradstavlana akademIkom A.A. Aval-vanom. (Chernozem soils) (Hol7bdanum) (Nitragin) GLAMY, M.F.; GFIEWEIRGOV, Ye.V.; LLONT'YEV, A.L., knri,4. nauk 11;,y ct.-ntion W ,weet 17 Ar, (MIRA 18:4) 1. li~eicj,,ruznylr ln:~titut kormol, (for Gladkiy). 2. Glavnyj agrc 'nom sovkhozii Mordov~lkoy A. 1 1, for CYAvorgov). (~ G'ADKIY, 14.1., TSIRLIN, D.B., BW)NSIIMN, L.A., reduktor, kaadidat re'Wn-Icheskikh nauk; PAPIIIKKO, I.G., redaktorp 14()HDZOVjt, T.M. tokhnicheakiy rodaktor. [Operation and planning of automobile transportation within the com-mications system] Eksploatatsiia i planirevanie avtomol'Allnogn transporta v khozialstvo sviazi. Pod red. L.A.Brnnshteina. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosan svlazt i radio, 1951. 198 p. (MLJL~ 8: 11) (Transportation,Autonotive) (Con-mnication and traffic) A t - 1 .nLADKIY, M~I, ~fi _[deceased]; SHANIN, G.A.; IODKO, U.K.; MANAYI MOV, S.D.; MIKHAnov, E.A.; GRIBOVA, Ye.H.; LUGOVSKIY, P.P.; KULESHOV, S.M.; SHATOV, A.I.; SHUYREVA, N.N.; ISHKOVA, V.M,; LYKOV, A.I.; TYULYAYEV, A.N., otv. red.; SIDOROVA, T.S., red.; SHMR, G.I., tekhn. red. [Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system] Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi effektivno- sti novol tekhniki v khozinistve sviazi; infomitsionnyi sbor- nik, Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 p. (KIRA 160) (Communication and t~-affic-Technological innovations) GIAIKIY, M.M. Work methods of the senior gas-fired furnace opgrator. Metallurg 5 no.8:34-36 Ag 160. OUR& 13: 7) 1. Rakovoditell domennoy gruppy normativno-issledovatellulco7 laboratorii zavoda. im Dzerzhinskogo. (Blast furnaces) (Knehnarev, Andrei Alaksandrovich) G"-U,,IY, Control-Linc blast furmice operations by terap~rature variat~cna. Metallurg 6 no-8:38-39 Ag 161. (2 11; -,'~ 14: 8), 1. '/,avod im. Dzer-,hinsImgo. (21ast furnaces) POLOVGMM, I.G. , kand.tekhn.nankf GIADKIr i M4. la:rcrm in control2ing the gas flow and the diatrItiation of raterials in the blast furnace top. Metallurg 6 no.3.1:3-8 m 1614 (mm 14:11) 1. Bachallnik aglodomennoy laboratorii metanurgicbeskogo savoda im. Dzerzhinskogo, (for Polovehanko). 2. Metallurgichookiy savod imeni Dzershinskogo (for Glodkiy). (Blast furnaces) (Gas flow) -CLLADKIY, M.Y. Mechanized strippinr, of' ferromanganfse ing,)L5. Xe!ta,.Djr_- 7 no,). 11 Mr '62. 01,U~I 15:2) (Metallurgical plants--Equipment and supplies) (.Ferromanganese) (~LADKIY, irk'zil. Mecharilzino- the ;mockin,--, our. of. -'icr o1 ii. '11~~-t. 1 t~ - '? rud. prom. rlo.3:6~~')') -'Y- ~ i (! '(1 3. -GLADKIY, N. Witbvat rudder and without sail. Zhil.-kom. khos. 12 no.5:26-27 Mr 162. (MIM 15:10) I.-Glavnyy inzhener eadovo-parkovogo kbozyaystva i zelenogo stroitel'stva ispolnitellnogo komiteta Leningradskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhffya. (Landscape arebitecture) GLADKIY, N. 1. Nasopharynx - Twaors Case of tuberculoma of the nagopharynx. Vest. oto-rin. .15, A. 1, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Libraz~r of -ongress, June 1953, Unclassified, ILADKIY, N. I.: GLADKIY, N. I.: "On the :netnod of trc--atin6; acute infla--,,at~.OnS of thk-, aCcE,5S-DVy regions of the nose". Khar'kov, 165, 111.n Health UkraLnian 5~--R. Kliar I kov Medical In5t. (UsstrtatLons for the Degree of U.Indidate of 'Med~-cai Science3.) So. Knizhnaya letopis'. No. h9, 3 December 1?55. Moscow. GI:ADKIY. 11. 1. Abacees of the naoal Beptum complicated by rhinogonous sepeis. Yrach.delo no.11:1209-1211 N 157. (MI" 11:2) 1. 30-ya Kbarlkovskaya gorodskaya bolinitse bolezney ukha, gorls I nose. (NOSI-ABSCISS) (STREPTOCOCCAL INYECTIONS) GLADKIY, H.I., Brain abscess followin-0 tonsillectomY- Veat.oto.-rin. 2o no.3:97-98 ~t-Je 158 (miRA 11:6) 1. Iz 30-7 Khnrlkovskoy gorodalroy klinicheskoy bollnitsy bolezney ukha. gorla, i nosa. (TONSIUCTOMY. compl. postop.brain abscess (Rus)) (BRAIN. abscess After tonsillactomy (Rus)) KARTIMVICH, F.S., kano.geograf.nauk; SOBOLEV. Ye.Ya., kand.geograf.nauk; BOLISHAKOVA' Vdf.1 kand.skonom.nauk; LUNTA, D.D,, kRnit.tikonom. nauk; GTA&LLjb.&,Lw kand.geograf.nauk, starahiy prepods-ratell; ANICHEgrU,--U'T.-.~W~d.geograf.nauk; KOTT, G.Z.; TRUBIL110, N.P.. kand.okonom.nauk; KORGLENKO. I.K.. kqnd.ekonom.navk; GUTSIV, Ye.G.. kand.geograf.nauk; CHERNINK0. V.A.; CHXRNYSH, L.P.. Priaimali uchaatiye: KOZLOVA, A.I.; KOVAIJCVSKIY. P.V.; HAZMNKO, R.V.; KUVEYSHA, Ye.I.-, KRYLOVA, V.S.; SERZHINSKIY, I.I.; KURKINA, Z.A.; KAY, CHITS, T.A.. ROKANOVSKIT, N.T.. red.; XOSTEVICH, K.R.. red.; TURTSEVICH, L., red.izd-va; SI 0, N., [Distrib'ution of the industry of White Russia for the processing of agricultural raw materials] Razmeshchenia promyshlannosti ESSR po pererabotke sellskokhoziaistvennogo syrlia. Kinsk, 1959. 193 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiva nauk BSSR, Minsk. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Zaveduyu- shchiy sektorom razmeshcheniya proizvodstva Instituta akonomiki Akademii nauk BSSR (for Martiakovich). 3. Institut narodnogo khozyaystva im. V.V.Kuybyshava (for Gladkiy). (White Russia--Industries, Location of) MOSKOVCHFIIKO, N.A.,; GLA.DKIY,-."I.J., kand,wd.nauk; GREKOVA, Z.14., vrach Experimental studies on the effect of some medicinal substances in local application on the function of the ciliate epithelium. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 19 no.5:31-35 S-0 t59- (1-11IRA 14:10) 1. Iz 30-Y Eorodskoy klinicheskoy bollaitsy bolezriey uk-ha, goria i nosa g. KharIkova. (E.PITHELIal) (PIIA~XACOLWY) MOSKOVGHLNKO, 11. A. $ kand. med. nauk; GIADKI Y, 11 - I - , la, rid. ined. nauk Some clinical aspects, difficulties and errors in treatment involving metal foreign bodies in the respiratory tract; clinical records over a period of ton years. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.4:69 Jl-A,- ,61. 0'11-~A 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry otolaringologii (ispolnyayushchiy obyazarmosti zaveA duyushchego - dotsent 17A.A.Moskovabenko) Mcrainskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (RWPIdA'rUAY WGANS.-FOItEIG -"WKIY, 11. P. 37422. K Vopro5u itatsionalizatsii A,.!rotekliniki Vyrashchivaniya Dekorativnykh Sazhentsev V Pitomnikakh ueningradskoy Oblasti. V Sbt Zelenoye Stroit-Yo, L. 1949, c. 93-100. SO: Letopis' ZhurnallrVkh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949 Perennial flowers in gardens and parks. Monthly List of.Ru5sian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar-j 1953. Unclassified. o r t rY nul 7he 1-0~-I~A rJ14 F. c1: T -ir -d- SAMKHOVA, Vera Ivanovaa; TAVLINOVA, Galina Kone tanti noyna; GLARg, N.P., redaktor 11 2-1-1--. " (Plants for house and belconyj Komnatuys i balkoarWe matentia. CIoningraQ Leningradakoo-gaistno-shurnalinoe i kn-vo. 1955. 142 p. (House plants) KALIM,P.A.; VLASOV,A.Y., redaktor; GIAXIT,N.P.,redp-ktor; INVONMILITA, L.G., tekhnicheskiy redafrb'r"" [Hanual of norms for p1mming and operational direction of collective farms] Spravochnik normativov dlia plazirovaniia i operativnogo rukovodstva v kolkhozakh. 2-e, parer. izd. [Leningrad] leninrradskoe gazetno-zhurnallnos i knizhnos iza- vo. 1955. 339 P. (MIRA 914) 1. Botsent Leninpradakogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo institute. (for Kailm) (Collective farms) GLADKIY, N.P. Some problf)mf) with regard to cultivation practic,is ugod in ornamental gardening and the relation between Beience arA practice. Trudy Rot.inst.Ser.6 no-7:432-435 '59. (MIJU, 13:4) 1. Upravleniye sudovo-parl-ovogo khozyayfitva I voltinogo titroitel'- Htva Longorispolkoma. (Floriculture) GLADKIY, NikoLaz Pavlmrioh; YEGOROV, Petr Yegorovich; IZBEDEV I V.A., red., MUSHAU, II.G., tekhn. red. [outdoor roses] Gruntovye rozy. Leningrad, I'serossiiskoe ob- vo okhrany prirody, 1962. 38 P. (MIRA 15;5) (Roses-Varieties) ~ DXTY, I . T. 3LA 11 37423- Sostoyaniye i Perspektivy Razvitiya Lenin.-radskikh Pitomnikov Drevesnykh Dekorativnykh Porod. V Sb: Zelenoye Stroitvo. L., 19iL9 s. 89-93. SO: Leto,ist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol, 71 1949 GL&Dr4YY- P.P.j_kand.biologicheskikh nauk Methodology of experimentation with agricultural plants. Biol. v shkole no. 1:41-45 ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Gortkovskiy universitet. (Agriculture-Experimentation) - 4WKIY, P.P., km~d.biologicheokikh nauk Educational significance of student work on the conzervation of nature. Biol. v shkole no.5:55-~57 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. GorIkovskiy universitet. (Biology--Study atd teaching) (Natural resources) 3/12-5/63/0W/001/003/012 A006/A106 AIM 1019S.- Kalonskly, V. K., Gladkiy, P. V., Frum1n, 1. 1. TTTLE,: Investigation and development of an automatic method l'or hardfacing motorcar exhaust valves PFRTODTCAL: AvV,)maticheskaya svarka~o. 1, 1963, 15 - 22 TEXT: A highly efficient method was developed for hardfacifig automobile exhanst valves in large-scale production, using a compressed argon-shielded are. A "A-759" plasma torch operates on the anode-part principle (Figure 4). The are, burning between a tungsten electrode and the valve, is compressed by the argon in the Internal operating nozzle. Cermet or wire rings are used as filler material; they are placed into the groove on the valve edge. The new method was tested on a semi-automatic single-position Y-66 (u-66) machine. The tests show that hard- facing with a compressed are preserves all advantages without any deficiencies of argon-arc hardfacing. The hardfacing quality is constant; the tungsten electrode shows high durability and Is well protected against splashes, The process is prac- tically not affected by slight variations in the arc length. Welding conditions Card 1/3 0/125/63/boo/ool/bo3/012 Investigation and development of... A006/A106 can be varied In a wide range; arc oscillations are not necessary; efficieacy is satisfactory; the equipment is simple and can be fully automated. Due to the enumerated advantages the method is preferable to all other hardfacing methods tested. It was found that the durability of valves hardfaced ifith X 15H60C3 (Kh35116023) titFuilum alloy rings was 4 - 4-5 titiles, greater thim that of series- -produced (N148) (1-,1148) hoat-resistant stfiel valves that wero riot hardfaced; and 1,5 - 2 times greater than durability of imported valves hardfaced with chrome- -nickel alloy "arkit" N-60 (SP). There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SnEMITTED: August 21, 1962 Card 2/3 3/125/63/OW/601/003/012 Investigation and development of... A006/A106 Figure 4. Schematic diagrwn of hardfacing Kith a epqp"esed imle 1 - copper backing; 2 - filler ring; 3 internal nozzle) valvol 5 rotaUft device holder; 6 - current conductorl 7 torch body; 8 - tunenten alectrodo; external nozzle V t1 Card 3/3 KALENSKIY, V.K.; GIADKIY, P.V.; FRUMIN. I.I. Heat risistant alloys for the hard facing of valves on automobile engines. Avtom. svar. 16 no.8:12-18 Ag 163. (KIRA 16:8) 1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. (Hard facing) (Autor.obiles-Engines-Valves) 18(5) S - 5c) ~j AUTHOR. Shpak L.1T. &nd (';1a,11ay T ITIS - Using iall Oil in ol,e: PERIODICAL: , '959 ;.:r 9 4,131") liteynoye proi~~vodstvo p 45 1 1 , , , IDSTRACT- Foundry cores used in el,.ould btj neither 1-.ygioseopic nor b r it t1c- LHIP!Irt tile--it +he requirpd properties, ihe Zapo:ro,-.!.- Fiant ~,.=-tnav has a procciss of' Makin; *" thelfoan-a-ry co-re~~ out of a mixture of the fixing 1, with tall oil. 1he latter, a liquId -if a dark- nr()wn c-Aor, Is a %V*,95-. ~.ry. I ts, t L-, r e (- c r. - te material )f icellulc-ze indu~ J ,~,6%- ViscositY - :7.*; :a,co!ding Uent is 5-! - to * cific gravity - rf -~apDritfi- .7,nglerl)~ spe cation - 2()6. F~-z prepa:ration ol"the mixture tne tall oil, in quantity of 0.6-, Ls chazrged t)gether- with the fixing agent F into the runners, whs-re it is mixed during 45-60 minutes. The volume o-11 mixture 113 25f) litres, moisturr4 not. over stieng-f-h. cf corE;.,3 0.'.' to 0.25 ic /C-m--. fhe cores ;-are drie-4 ---it a tem- perature of 280' in the of min-u-- t-es. -,Tensile str6ngt.~i of dry not 10 Card 112 kg/cm~:. qhe .bores made on the -*-,D1:;.',s t thie -Lizinr., Using Tall Oil in i,rorducing, Fcundr,,- ~:!)res agent I with the -addition of t,'All hygroscopic and brittle thar those oil. Addition of tall oil does the cost of the mixt:uxe. 125 -) . - . -.) i -1 ess Oill are Lr I prepUred without not practically ralse Card 2-112 SJIUL,T~',", Yu -, ': -,!: ~ )." I I, llal~!. ,f '' ; :,. ., :.. . ~ .,I17 1 n ~~h ~ ; I . . i . -., -' I. , . GUI)Kiy, ., I , , lleat treatment of track blocks made of i",13~, 1!etalloved. I i ncJ2-,25--'7 D '61, 14:1,~) 1. :~,tpcro~-.hskiy mashinostraitelinyy imititut. (~ L-nganese steel-lieat, (Tractor:~--Deni,,m, SHULITE, Yu.A,; GLADKIY, S.I. Cast specimens for controlling tYe nechanical prcipertie!i )f* steel castinr~,, Lit- proizv, no,4:5-8 Ap '62. (AURA 1-~:'O (Steel' castings) (Foiindinr--(,uaIity c-ritrol) GLADKIY, S.I., inzh.; SHUL-TE, Yu.A,, doktor tekJin.nauk Multipurpose cast specimen. Mashinostroenie no.1:56-57 Ja-F 162. 15:2) 1. Zaporozhskiy mashinostroitel-nyy institut. (Founding) SHULITE, Yu.A., doktor tekhn.naukj..CAADXIY, InLi SPERAWjKIY, V'S~, Inzh. -~j Effect of the teeming temperature oz properti,, of cast steel. Mash-4nostroenie no.6-.~4'3-" N-D '62. (WRA 16%2) 1. Zaporozhskiy mash-Ino5trcitelOnyy institut. (Steel, castinge-Testi S/128/62/ooo/oi2/001/CO3 Aoo4/AI27 AU"MORS: Shullte, Yu. A., Gladkiy, S. I. TITLF: lmpr,)vlrv; the electrosmelting of steel PERIODICAL: Litemoye proizvodstvo, no. 12, 19632, 1 4 TFXT: It is pointed out that some qCfl', of shaped steel. castir47,s produced in the USSM are mado of electric steel, while about 75,. of all electric steel castings are made from medium-carbort steel grades - mainly of 25.F1 (251,), 35 J1 (35L) and 119 J1 (115L) steel smelted chiefly in electric furnaces with acid lin- ing. 'nie authors emphasize that the high quality level Obtained in the produc- tion of' steel rastings are due to a considerable degree to the. high final Al- addition oL 1.0 kg/ton or more. A number of references are cited recommending the increase of Al-additions in medium-carbon steel to 2 kg/ton which would Im- prove the quality of' steel castings still further. It is stated that the reason for Important problems of' acid electrosmelting being Invert1gated only to a les- ser degree, such as the effect of the duration of the casting operation, the nature of rimming of the pool, the slag composition, the degree of silicon re- Card 1/2 Improving the electrosmeltin6 -~f stoe! AC(14/A12' duction, the temperature con,,.it ions -A the prucess, zinc! other ;'actors, is that accordinr.~ to (Go~-,T) ')7'7-r)--'- mo-h:uil,-,~A oi' the Clr:ft ~3teel group is not obligatory. Al pr-,-iPnt, there are ~;ufiicient data avallabl-:? to Intr*dUCC into GOST -I teciinoicGy of cast specirnenn, in the form ol' an ti :,~e~ntan,,-~ t~St. The compL~ratively ow hydrogen content )I aoid electric 1.:~ explahled by the low gas permeabii.Lty bind hydrogen content ot' acid slag's. It is expedient to irit6nsify the proce,;z-, of' acid oLectro.,mieltirij, on account n:' nitting do-an the oxidation operation, by -.-ihich 15 - 'N minute.-; can be savt-,; wLth each he-at, while, simuLtaneour,iy, the quaLLty is improved. The sia:7 :(,mp---)siti