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Iyu - "The r. cr,r:slart. r C hy~ rhT-,, mnus C"kr:va (p SC J~urral cC Ge:~erul Ch, mlstt~i (-htirr.,-' Cbs,ic,,,i Yu. C,LAr Ohemical Abstracta May 25, 1954 Dires and Textile Chemistry so h- U _V'R I - -ra-C. 04, M a 4 11. r,4361. tft-trcc resin XOM!gmo-af IND) e lvotupn.. (1) su tm in wet spinning of flax was ~etd. as follows: 60-136 a6l no.; IW-175 sapon. co. (both It Mc. K01111 & 1). 20-40% resin acidi; 30-S)% min ails; W-15% p enols; ratio of resin acids to oils inuit b,-1 .blot 1:2.5. Misabeth 111raba5b j GIADCHIKOVA, YU.N. z~ Controlling dust in the air In carding rooms of textile enterprises. GIg.i san. no.8:52 Ag '53. OGRA 6:9) 1. Ivanovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut okhrany truda Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyusov. (Textile industry) (Industrial hygiene) (Dust--Removal) GLADCHIKOVA, Yu.N.; SHUMARIMA, 11. 1. Chromotropie, method for determining formaldehyde in a1r. Gig. t san. ?3 no.4:83-84 Ap 158. (miRA il:6) 1. 12 Ivanovskogo instituta okhrany truds Vansoytunngo teentrallnogo BOVOta profsoyuzov. (FORMALDEHYDE, detern. in air b chromotropic anid rjaction (Rua)) (INDIGATORS A0 REAGENTS chromotropic acid reiction in determ. of formaldehyde in air (Rus)) (AIR POI1UTION. determ. by formaldehyde with chromotropic acid rnaction (Rue)) SIMARIMAJ, N.I.; CLADCHIKOVA, Yu.N. Concerning Professor B.B. Koiranskii's article, "Draft of standards for meteorological conditions in the apinning and weaving enterprises of the cotton industry." Gig. i san. 26 no.7:108 J1 161. (MURA 15:6) 1. Iz Ivanovskogo instituta okhrany truda Vsesoyuznof;o tsentrallnogo soveta. professionallnyldi soyuzov. (TEXTILE FACTORIES-HEATING A11D VENTILATION) (KOIRANSKII, B.B.) 85356 9,.?Sd/o S/120/60/000/005/028/05-1 71 E032/E314 AUTHORS-, Gladek, L. and Ralek, P1. TITLE,, ---'gew ~Type of High-current Stabiliser PERIODICAL~ Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No,, 5, pp. 113 - .1.16 TEXT. The stabilisation of direct currentXan be achieved by two methods. In the first method (Sommers et al, Ref. 1) the error signal is produced by comparing the voltage drop across a knou-n resistor RC with the emf of a staiidard cell (Fig. L). In the case of large currents this is difficult because i-t is difficult to maintain the resistance R at a constant value. c The second method (Fig. 2) is more convenient iii 1h-Ls respect. Here, the error signal is produced by comparing the magnetic field of a solenoid which carries the current to be stabilised with the magnetic field of a standard permanent ma,(rnet, as described by Peregud (Ref. 2). The device described in the present paper is of the second type. The particular feature of this device is the use of an ordinary electronic tube placed direcM in the magnetic field of the solenoid as the source Card l/ 8[~356 S/120/60/000/005/026/051 E032/E314 New Type of Hi.-h-current Stabiliser of the error -signal. The stabil-iser whose design circuat is shown in Fig. ~ employs two symmetri-.~ally connected pentodes- Each of these pentodes is placed in a coil. The two coils are identical and carry the current to be stabilised. One of the coils1placed Ln the field of the permanent magact which produces an irduction. B tT in the region of the tube. The current flowing through the coils produces in each of thew an Tiduction. BI , J~lie field due to the coil. is;ted in opposition to the field of the magnet. In thi5 way. one of the pentodes is in an induction field B., .. BI while the other is in an Lnduction field of B I . In the stabilisation of the current the decisive factors are the absolute magnitudes of these two quantities. If an induction B corresponds to a current 10 . then it is convenien.t to choose B 2B0 . When the current I () passing through Card 2/4 85356 S/12o/60/000/005/026/051 E032/E314 New Type of High-current Stabiliser the coils changes by &I , then Bo changes by some quantity AB One of the pentodes will therefore "see" and induction of B + ~6 BI , while the other will "see" B,1 (Bo .AB)l 2B0 - B0 - ABI = JBo - ABI . Thus, when the current changes by 61 , the anode current of one of the tubes will increase, while that of ther other tube will decrease. As a result, there will be a constant voltage difference between the anodes and the polarity of this diff- erence will depend on the sign of L I . This error signal is then amplified and the output is used to re-establish the original value of the current thr6ugh the coils. The device has been used to stabilise the supply current of a 2 kW electro- magnet designed for studies of thermomagnetic properties of ferromagnetics. It was found that the device could be used to stabilise currents up to 5 A to within 0.1?('/hour. Card 3/4 85356 S/120/60/000/005/02-i.)'/05:L E032/E3i4 New Type of High-current Stabiliser There are 5 figures and 11 references: 1 EnIglish, I Seviet and 2 Czech., ASSOCIATION,,, Institut fizicheskoy khimi Chel-moslovatskoy Ak.ademii nauk, Praga (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague) SUBMITTED: JulY 13, 1959 Card 4/4 GUT7IN-KO, 1. N. ..C~c Ce~, -1. -nior -n, 1. cie, t,i .1 Jic oworker, C%ndlidale ~kralnlain ~,nstl'tut,-, 3f raange in --aLtLe ..;Lti. -owdtx. ~zo: Veterln~-rlj:~; 23; '112); Li~cemt~i-A- T A OTAT)NKII), T. N. 22599. rLkDI,7lKn, T. ','. I forlu~'nn,,-, V A Frimr,nenlye -.,:It I v !-orlbe S dvilki-1-1--i nas,:.l-o-i,,rn. 7cfcrinariya, ].~?!,Q 7, '.0- LFTnll), 110. 30) 19)!9 1. GLADENNO, 1. N., FrT,,-r'j9:NYY, V. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Gadflies - Dnierer Villey 7. Horseflies (Trbanidaef of the Lower Dnlv~,er flood plairs -nrd mt!.-iatres fc,r their control. Nnuch.trudy UIEV 18 - 19 _q Monthly Lists o' ibisslan Acce:;sions, Lihrary of Congress, Mar , 19'-3, inelnssfied. & 1, 0,ladenko, I.N Palimpsestov. Y.A., FortuShny-.-, -7.,' 2. USSR (60.) 4. Hexachlor.-in 7. Stud:!in,-, t~:e ticl~-~illlnl, of TV' and t,l rr,lat.l~)n to pasture ticks an i ri:r.~?nts in ritin7- t + 1-)71 ,1' f ~-nirvals. flauch, trurly Ul'--:V 1,, 3-051. 9. Lp-rLt~~Ly ist of R11531111 .~11; ibrn!- o f Con M%-ch 17)5`- UnclaFsifit-rl- tv- ti i, it"I"Ut"'an (be"I"ne to V. A. I'miusbuyl awl 1. 1". o;Lid,oko. I'et~tma,,yu 28. No. 2. 33-Y410MI-litnmi, irij, hlot;dc Administeml uii~riaiiy is highly toxic to white in ".-bbils.dogs.andhortes. Admint,aration of lite pute ks. oc hither is (it-finitely tosir to rabbit- jt~ kx~ 1. V..-; l,th.d d- -, kg and 0.1 g./kS.' mp. Externally applied to thr skin tl%c pure mhstanc~ is not toxic to b"wit or cAtile (used aq. %uspension of 12'7c dust with neutral fill", RJ!"ilt And dogs are Jim sum~plible to intotiurtition on in- I-I'l MininaltrAtion tban horn at the sitnte d-cr. G'. M. K0801AI-Iff GLID:71770, I. ".. "Cont.rol of i~loo('~-Sw:kijjZ, La, J)'y j,'wIT111 of, Afil-7:11 Y'r. of COrIULCt PoiSOIIry 11 "Jv 1. V. Glad(mrko, Cand. 'jet_ and "I. A. -,(-jrfus~Lnyy, Ukr. Inst. cf Exptl. 7CL. !'cd., Veterinariya, 1o 33 pi) 3Y-4o, rar :;3. Discu~;ses exptl attemptr to ~Iestroy the breed7nF -laces. ~` haz-rf~zl _-_Ich as msouitoes horseflies etc., by aerial disners~on o" MT an", lhem~cM.,)rxnne. -Scribes the hi-Ohly sat-_'~-factoiy resilts obtained W car,~ful prepn of cont-act :poison, ILs proportions beipE calculated as 1-2 Iq, -por ieciar; also to t`ie ~f U-,e o:~era- tion, coveri-Tv the su-.e area not less than ti.ree mmd3t times, a minth. Zrie effectiveness of DDT and hexachlorant, has 1, en Vand t:) be ao:rox I-he sz-~e. J,, ~,'o,::-es: of --ater zich ponds, reservoirs, etc., tlir:se poisons -showed esnentlally fidvcr-se ef~ccts on zuolo~ical plankton, benthos, and fish. 2 r_"6 T1 //Taste one, toxi- prCIPE-OWS 0 ""Cat- (at, and milk of animals which tercive fodder treatvl with beLmene I:exa- chloride. 1. Gigvna i Sa,!il- 054, :1, t,) ;i:: ~';-invtf ii drpv6teff pre- domiIIIIA11 in the- fatty tu~nv ;md remains there for ri lovil; 35 8 InOtIthS, 'eiVitIg OC ItUlt .111 Ullpll~as~tnt muldy ,dcr, Fat and mea, of aniina6 fQd fet a long time with fo,ldef that contains DHC appr.r to L., harvile.,s tO rAptI. Raial.115 and have normal taste quilitles, nitholigh tile fat cat, acquire a mild moldy 13(1017~ 13RC beyja.4 to ?~C elialiaRtta in cavy milk within 12 b3. after feeding SHC-contj. fcqtder, and elimination itersists for 14-1.5 days, with a max. in I - 21 days. G. M. Kosola USSR/Medicinje Veterinary FD - 4 Card 1/1 Pub. 137 19/24 Author Gladenko, I. N., Cand Vet Sci Title Meat, fat, and milk of animals that were given hexachloran or feed con- taining hexachloran Periodical Veterinariya, 7, 52-54, Jul 1954 Abstract It has been proven that meat products of animals, that were fed heX'-- chloran for a long period of time, are harmless. Plants treated with hexachloran are also harmless. Hexachloran which enters the animal organism in a pure state becomes stored in the adipose tissue; it se- cretes with milk 12 hours after cows have been fed with it. Anirnq' meat and fat containing hexachloran did not produce toxic symptoms in kittens, dogs, and hogs that were fed with such meat and fat for a long period of time. The author states that although meat arid fat contaJninq hexachloran may be safely given to animals as foc~d., he does not thuiz it is fit for human consumption. Institution Ukrainian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science Submitted GLADENFC, N. .,Toxicity of food substAnces obtained fro!ulantiv freatod th :lr,,,*,no hitxachlorlde (HHCI.-L-N-:GladLjiku-nr-f A I'llilyf. V'r-iiia"Ya 31, 'Ma. 3. 11'el lit'llill WhIch had bet'l trt"fm Mth:0-40 kg. Bile/ha. t '0 "r 'riore months lims-1mvily are lwml" as feed for form im?"tws gr ... ~'l :111 -4 twqtml Ilith 121~ )life al '1--ge Imt oi~- Kql lig"ll.l. or it n ""19 11 hich vcre pw,,ctj,j ,itl, 1; 1 IC. .r,- al- m, hie for fc,r(ll"itho"t hatin. Grm anif h;iv r.ji, lie jj,j j, f,_1 "T"'i"" 111" "lie tt"I'll"If %'it, 3 1 belw, Ii ir) "t ilig vir im (if anini.11, tllv I Lt!cr 11ccullar i~Wr. -C'- la p .USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeiitic V Preparations. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 142461. Author : Gladenk( ~'. ji.; Fortushny, V. A.; Yezhova, 0. 1. Inst :'Mr7atrinivian--Institute of Experimental Veterinary Sciences. Title The Effect of Biomycin and Levomycetin upon the Higher Nervous Activity In Animals. Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Mcr. n-i. in-t eks- perim. veterinaril, 1957, No 3, 24-26. Abstract: It was demonstrated in experiments on rats wilth the aid of the conditioned reflex method t'nat bio- mycin (I) and levomycetin exert an action upon the inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. In moderate doses (2-3 mG/kg) this is manifested, by Intensification of the inhibitive processes Card 1/2 USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic V Preparations. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 42461. Abstract: and development of diffuse inhibition. In large dose8 1 (100-200 mg/kg) complete Inhibition or nonditioned reflex is obsevved, taking, place dUl'- ing the first 2-3 hourn after administration and lastirig for 2 days, Full reestablishmenIC of con- ciltioned reflex activity takes place usually writh- in 6-9 days. I causes more marked and constant changes than levomycetin. It is postulated that cortical inhibition plays a definite role in the mechanism of antibiotic action. -- A, Nil. Ivanit- skiy card 2/2 51 TOXIColo,y. V Ltl Oll 0 .;LntI-B I (JI, I C fl. of. "hur - 31010-13rfl tjour 1959, 140.53 inst T-he In---"lucnce of Blomycln -Aill. Lcyomicutin on the ..otor-Ev,~,cuAtory Function of t~i,-, Tract in Figs and Do~,s. Orils. 'Pub: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. Inform. ~~-r. n.--'. Ln-t eksperim. voterinaril, 1~r.-;7, No. 27-28 Abstrc.ct : It .-!Ps shown that biomycin (I) -nd 1-~,vomycetln (M influonc,2 tl,;,., r.'OtIlltv 01, L'IL ~T~-.Cltro- intostin-.1 tr:-ct III ---oys. xLl:,Ur~; therapuutic doses of I mdlc,) In internal Incrw,se,-L tlll,~ i..otuor function of the Card 1/2 ,1SSR/DJ,.,;i_, sCls cf' J~~ur R.-f j Po 2 G 9 15 5Fj , Fu r t u s: - i (31 'd,allcol .-Iyyg c i-Iti Ic ~,t~,rin xy Sci,ic- T I tl -ironchopm- Pig,* ~.--i_th ~'~rftibiul:Acs. c C'2 C; 6 f 'L,!io-r1:L:t i'l ",(_Bung or.i_~ Fill) n ~Llchnc-t 'U. 34-35 tr C. t c -tin III) us(A. Into 1 -4 I -S iiif~n ~duc.,d J_nt n1 11.1y, Intr-.- 13 USSR/Dis.-_-'.';,!f, 11' iV: .11!. by Virus,:- ,bs Jou, R f 2CJ9 195~'q ,;uscul:,rly, stibcnt in ;(_)usIyq or intr.~ :jI'.. tr ~i y durin_ d-v1-- ir 0-'3C) t-r 11 2 d ,t!i- ,*,,.,,.s Ttys. II ~-'.Is k',ivn int,.rn--11-. iz~ '. .1,.su of Y 25 ;_:g/kL, t',icfJ 'I. dy, ,.nd III int-r tr-ilu,:cu- i; dus.-- of 10 thous:,.nd -u.,d4- f;r 1 kg,'.*ing ti-L. s L-~. tito, pror, drur ~_s ur-chc.;,~11y ihc,-.-;-,d tlh~ b,,,.st th,-r-.i-,_ut..'_f.' r--- sult.'3. II Si1w. l(I"Ss IIT -1 -till T. -jr -.rd ~'/2 Jcur R-i, lf", F-rtu~-Aijyy V. GL--.d,~ I.N. TY-runi -.n in~;titut'~ VA,2riii-xy Sturli of th,: 4,2CLLcin-1 j"f-L.'ct'-' of in L'WlLlkj '~I-- 1-ub 11-1-L . n ',mm. -;-,t -37 w-v o-: I id 11 i-it-r-a-11.1.1 L,, thu fon:; -~-C 2 ti t .1 th(,us'.~-,-, thi-ts d- ht. r cn W- 'U,,,C. t1l T " ~ . ;l /_ - ... M., .. kand. vat. nauk; FORTUSHOT, V.A., kand. vet. nauk; NIKIFOROV, . I., kand. Yet. nauk. Work practice of disinfection detachments in the Ukraine. Teterinariia 34 no.10:64-67 0 '57. (MLRA 10:11) (Ukraine--Disinfection and disinfectants) GLADMO, I.N., kand. vet. neuk; swrDOV, P.N., ml. riauchnyy sotrudoik; -BAKIY, S.M., kand. biol. aauk; ZIMOGLYAD. N.A., knnd. vat. nauk Incidence of disease among cattle eating plenty of corn. Veterinerits 35 no. 7:73-77 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno- lea ledovatell skiy inetitut eksoerimentallnoy voterinarii(for Gladenko. Shmidov). 2. Nikolayevskaya goBudaratvenneya sell skokhozyayretvennaya opytneya atantqiya(forft~usy). 3. Kharlkovskiy veterinarayy inBtitut(for Zimoglyad). (Cattle-Diseases and nests) (Corn(Halza)) GLADXTM, I.N., kand.veterinarny*kh nailk -______ Ukrainian lxperimental Veterinary Research Institute. TrvA7 711W 23:341-348 159. (HIRA 13: 10) (Kharkov--Veterinary research) CLADENKO, 1. 1. and FORTUSHWY, V. A. (Candidates of Veterinax-y Sciences), PROSTYMOV, A. P. (Candid te of Biological Sciences), S104.TDOV, P. N. (Junior "'clentific Collaborator), and EZIOVA, 0. 1. (Senior Laborator- y As,-.istant)' ulum). "Application of aerosol antibiotics in plglct diseaseo." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 9, P- 56, 1960. n a r GLADMO~ 1 ~N. , 'S',971- e,rRri p;: .5c-n; rig. K,; M: 3 a ful GL4DENKO, V. K. GLADENKO, V. K. -- "Measures Toward the Rational Use of Iforses on the Kolkhozes of Kinsk Oblagt. Belorussian MR." Min Higher Edt4ation USSR. Novocherkassk Zoovp-terinarj Inst imeni. First Cavalry AriV. Novocher- kassk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.) SO: KnIzhn2Z4 letopig', No. 4, Moscow, 1956 USSP / Farm Animals - Cattle. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Aiologiya, So 5, 1959, No - 21a0 Author Gladenko, V. -XI, Inst 1ro-t-g f ie-zi- Title i The Rrovn Latvian Cattle Brood and Ito Significance for Belorusela Orig Pub Sel'skaya gaspadarka Ayelarusl, 1958, No 4, 31-32 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 A.~)'. I . 1.1 ~r~ '."aUc.". r, .:.:I-. ' TITP !1,:- '64 - .-. .. :- , k nd. FORTUSHNYY, V.A., kand.veterinarnykh nauk;_qL,d) !~ 1.1 2 veterinarnykh nauk; PROSTYAKOV, A.P.,, kand.biologicheaikh nauk; SIMIDOV, P. N. , mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; YEZEOVA, 0.1., starohiy laborant Use of antibiotic aerosols in dlaaaaos of young pigri. Veteriziariia. 37S no.9-56-58 6 160. 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isjledovatel'skiy institut oks-.erimentalynoy veterinarii. (Swine-Diseases and pests" (Aerosol therapy) (Antibiotics,) GLADENKOV, YU.B. Evidences of oil in the lower Khatyrka (Koryak upland). Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.9:101-106 S 162. (II-RRA 150) 1. iVvero-Vostochnoye geologicheakoye upravleniye. (Khatyrka Valley-Petro laum geology) GIADENKOV, Yu.B. Alnay series of Kamchatka. Izv. AN SSSR. -Ser. geol, 30 no.5:121-128 My 165. (VIPI 18:6) 1. Institut geologii AN SSSR, Moskva. GLOENKOV, YU.B. Tectonics of the central part of Kamchatka. Trudy GIN nc.139i 60-77 065, (MIRA 18-9) GLADENKOV, Yu. B. Biostratigraphy of Tertiary sediments in eastern Kamchatka (southern Bystrinskiy Range). Izv AN SSSR Ser 5: 89-97 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. r-LAWNKOV, `ba.P. I rr,.ml,Je)r;s In `hp, lower reaches of the Khi~tr.-k,,! li , -.:- L F_, v (Yo-.~-ak uplnnd). TjnAy G 7 . HI no.99,120-130 163. (YURA 1&0 'll-' ~!T'17, 7. -P-- , , . ...... 4,;v - .-.! ~eclnnicnl ~!~ 1-re ;Ll-l", f , 11 : ;I-,. ~ I - - .. - . /- - , ~ n~ ) , . -Illlf--,,~! r'c~ GIAT)IFV, T. IfFirst experiment in the 6-hour shift system in the Aldomj-r,),rtsi State Mining Onterprise.11 P.20 (Tekhnika, Vol. 6, no. 9, 19'17~ Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, N'. 8, August 1958 GIADIEV, Todor T., inzh. Problem of salt mining in Bulgaria, Takhnika &li,, 11 208-212 1&2, Cj--.',-D --Z77) T . "Underground hop:-ers in the ?Iar Mine." MI,',;-C, Y-,'Lu, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 11., no. 2, ~Iaj-./Apr. - Monthly list of' East Europe Accessicns LC, 71--,1. ~:, 10. -&,-n 5~, 1;-clas GLADIFI, T., Inzh. A discussion on the ma-in problems of the 5voge anthracite mines. Tekh delo no.433:3 7 JI 162. GLADIEV, Todor., insh. Let us build up a popular technical library for the miners, metallurgists, and students of geology. Takh delo no.437:2 4 Ag 62. 1. Predsedatel na Saktaiiata po minno delo I metalurgiia pri Sofiiskoto okruabno rukovodstvo na suiuza. GUDl'--.'V, Todor, 1rzh. 'l-Inchor supports in Fulgarian undergrounci '--ekh delo 499: 1 16 N 163. 1. Prodseda-,el n& ekr. ruk-ovodstvo na Sekt3iiaUi po minno delo i metalurgiia v Sofiia. GU,DJEV, 'I'odor, inzh. -I- discuo:3-or, on the drillim works in coal ::~in---,s a:,.,i soft I -- I -1 rocks. Tekh delo -503 2 14D 163. L hh289-66 zvWm I /P,,tp( i -7tr-Rri- . I A, AP60224oo- (A' J SOURCE CODE: UR/0317/66/000/GO2,/0048/004,k AUTHOR: Gladik, 0. ORG: none TITLE: Anticorrosion agerit-s~V SOURCE: Tekhnika i vooruzheniyc, no. 2, 1966, 48-49 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubricating oil, lubricant additive, anticorro- Bion additive ABSTRACT: The followin anticorro~iojn aFentf?aare currently used in the I Czechoslovakian Army: IT vaseline y-a purified mineral oil thickened with lano,~ih,*. 2) mineral oil OK-51with a lanolin admixture; 3) cylinder'I oil OK-40"with an aluminum ste-a-rate additive; 4) motor or anticorrosion boil OAINI-o with an admixture of tertiary methyl chromate faic]; 5) 5 and 110% ~Ee-nz6ic Soap added to P, OK-5, and Ok-110 to Improve protective 1properties; 6) dicyclohexylamine VIC-DCN,~,'considered the most effective Card /2 GLADIKCFV, -A.. ia.~chman staishina komandy motcr-istov Engines operate without Interruption. Starsh, n c , I - 2 P 2`3 )a 62, 1.-,, 0 (Submarine boats) -GLADILIN A-A.; GLUKHOV, D.S.; YMMIN. V.I.; ZVEREVA, N.F.; LAPM, K.N.; -~~~MOITOVA, I.S.; K&TrNOV, M.K.: CHIRKOV, N.Ya.; MIKHALICHIZOV. P.I.; POLYACHKIN, M.A.,rad.; AUTONOV, V.P.. takhn. red. [Economy of Panza Province; a statistical collection] Harodnoe khozialetvo Panzenskoi obloati; statistichestcli sbornik. Penza. 1958. 190 D. (HIRA 11:11) 1. Phn7f-nnkaya oblast' , Statistir-hpsl-ay~ lipravleniye.(for all except Mikhallchikov and Anto-iov). (Ponza Provinna-St,3tiatics) GLADII,1114, A. G., (Ing.) Ing. A. G. Gla,iilin. "Setting Tolerances for Specified Accuracit;jzi.ll A 4 ; - f~ - 1 [it-, % pro4a~a-'t'd Ot tr-o, - - 4"ill"1411ml.0m, -,"--, ]."Imm !a "LltQ .,.ha al-y of Mac 1, kad , Mom" :A! , "'t)4 . , ;#., - Illu'C'D lj~q- -W. I T.- f r ti.L- f ".-.1 El.). 3.*.. Art nA-i a- I i F-7.- a"t'. Ln~- tt-., 1 An 7, n, tf 1L 72 tn' F 7, T. D.;-j lok 1-2. W,-4n, A- pr C, A. (1--- r A Ij tn.n.. Ll f 7~ , -- ~ ~ I Lljf-t. ?;f-.- Vivj, _j N 10 197 17. 5.r&,. 1~. T.1. ~C-Ld~t. -f UO 20d A'A'LkXj' L"-Y Of c-LId 5, ACI-1- 11 tv I f, es 00 00 OkdWn. A. N. ll-ml. I 09 -00 -100 'e6 11: i-4 lee L*0 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , a GLUILIN, X. N. ALIM, L.Ts.; BALABIN, V.V.; GLADILIN, A.M.; DBININ, N.P.; KOSYAKOV, X.F. POPOV, L.A.; KHR (The organization of standard workshops for student's of the "netal technology* departments of technical colleges] Hetodika organizataii tipovykh uchabnykh masterskilch kafedry "Takhnologila metallov" vtu- sov. Moskva, Sovetskaia nauka, 1953. 243 p. NLRA 7-7) 1. Hoscow. Hoskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. Kafedra *Takhnologiya metallovO. (Vetalwork-Study and teachiug) GOEBM0. D.R.; TXDOROV, V.N.; GUDILn. A.F.. kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redektor',--LOPTIVB ','13.Ta., red&ktor; UKOV, $.I., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [gachinist's handbook] Spravochnik slemaria. Moskva. Tsesoiusnoe uchobno-podagog. Isd-vo 1954. 226 p. (MLRL 7:10) (Machine-shop practice) MAKIYEIIKO, Nikola~- Ivanovich, NOTIKOV, Mikhail Favlovich: GIAD I'La. A.M.L. kandidat tekhnichaskikh naul-; dateent, ret&&q"rLt; Cr-ollk* inzhener-, retsenzent; XOPTIEVSKIY, D.Ya., redaktor; OSTRrROV, X.S., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Assembly of machtner.71 Shorka promyshlennoi produktuii. M*skva, Vass. uchobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1954. 363 P. (Machinery) (HLBA 9:6) ALEXIN, Le v Yomellyanovich; GLADILIK, Anatolir Nikolayevich; KWAVIN, Vasili7 Stepanovich; WNIV, Ystoir"-Aiai'~7eil&h; MAKAROVA, Vora Ivanovna; RASTORGUTZV, Ivan Sergeyevich; KARKNOT, Alekney Dmi- tr17evich; TSEYTLIN, V.Z., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nank, redak- tor, RZHAVINSXIY,V.7., inzhener; redaktor; SOR, D.S., redaktor; EGGERT, A.F., tekhnichookil redaktor. [General technology of metalej Obshchaia tekhnologiia metallov. Moskva, Vse.uchebno-pedagog.i%d-vo TrudrezerviEdat, 1956. 327 P. (Metals) GLAMLIH, Anatl1y Rikolayevich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; DUBINIS, kikola~ Petrovich, '6~aidat telchnicheakikh riauk; ZHBVTUIICY. Petr Prokhorovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KRASAT111, Vasiliy Stepanovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; NAZAROV, Sergey Tikho- novich, kandidat tekhnieheakikh nauk, FANCHANKO, Konstantin Petrovich, kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk; POPOV, Viktor Aleknandrovich, kandidat takhnichesk-ikh nauk; POPOV, Yevgenty Ale4koandrovich. k&ndt- dat tekhnicheakikh nauk; RASTORGUYU, Ivan Serge7evich, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; STOROZEEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, kandidat tekh- nicheskikh nauk; KCRISTANTINOV, L.S., kandidat tekhni(7.haskikh nauk. rerlaktor, ROZENBERG, G.A., kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk, rodaktor; MODAL', B.I.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Technology of metals] Tekhnologlia metallov. Pod red. N.P.Dubinina. Izd. 2-oe. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Lzd-vo mashinostrott* lit-ry, 1956. 550 P. (14LRA 9:8) 1. Prepodavateli Moskovskogo Vyschego tekhnicheskoga uchillshcha im. Baumaaa ~for Gladilin, Dubinin, Zhevtunov. Irase-vin, Nazarov, Panchenko, Popov. V.A., Popov, Ye.A., Ractorguyev, Storozhev) (Metallurgy) (Metalwork) UBIL41ii, 411colay '-r a' ekhaicles.-clcr, iauk; , i I Pe I r Uicf, ?rukhoru-i.;,-h,4 1- nau"; .!iichail Vasillye/irl,1, Ka -e,I, .~-L-hoskilch rba;i2I7; ?[;i?U7, iv :dniy Alek"n- urovich; -.':,6oriov1ch, ;ca-.; iat to:,-L. -~v::tKlkil finuk; a LAD 1 i. ~ 14, -ch, N,iclciat L r., ul- W,~.L-.hv~Lv. Vab-Ak.,v 1. andi(lat ta: :4u',-; c n.-i tant, o ?a t tek hri i cile v~S u L'V, Vm-~ tr IiLl ekso -u! r.- k'- :LCz P,,i- -%.V. a ,~ergeyoViL' k:;! ~ I nault L;V,httuv,k, 1. ., tj redel-tor; rech-k-, cr LTechnc,',ci;:: -..olopiia metallov, -',)c L"?-~ubtrdna. Izd. 13-e. t:v t 1-1t-ry, 1957. 56, (Metals) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1155 Dubinin, Nikolay Petrovich; Gladilin, Anatolly Nikolayevich; Zhevtunov, Petr Prokhorofi-ch-;-M;a~s ~V-a-s-11-1-y-Tt-e-p-an-o--v-loh; N4zarov, Sergey Tikhonovich; Panchenko, Kon5tantin Petrovich; Popov, Viktor Aleksandrovich; Popov, YevgeiLty AlelczAndrovich; Rastorguyev, Ivan Sergeyevich (Deceased); Storozhev', Mikhail Vasillyevich Tekhnologiya metallov (Technology of Metals) 3d ed., Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 564 p. 25,001 copies printed. Ed.: Dubinin, N.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Shemshurina, Ye.A.; Tech. Eds: Uvarova, A.F. and Model', B.I.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Working and Tool Making (Mashgiz): Beyzellman, R.D., Enginee r. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students taking courses in machine design and manufacture at vtuzes. Card 1/1 25 Technology of Metals 1155 COVERAGE: The book contains data on the structure and properties of metals and alloys, on nonmetallic materials, on methods of forming metals and alloys (casting, forging, stamping), on methods of machining metals and working nonmetallic materials, and on all types of metal-processing equipment. Authorship of the book is as follows; Part I, N.P. Dubinin; Part II, P.P. Zhevtunov; Part III, N.?. Dubinin; Part IV, M.V. Storozhev and Ye.A. Popov; Part V, S.T. Nazarov; Part VI, K.P. Panchenko, V.S. Krasavin, and A.N. Gladilin; Part VII, I.S. Rastogruyev (deceased) and V.A. PopoV. All authors are Candidates of Technical Sciences, with the possible exception of Ye.A. Popov. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface to the Third Edition Introduction 3 5 PART I. METALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 7 Ch. I. Basic Properties of Metals and Alloys Used in Ma- chine Building 7 Card 2/ 25 DUBININ, Nikolay Petrovich, kand.tekhn.neuk; ZKZVTUNOV, Petr Prokhorovich. kand.tekhn.nauk; STOROZHKV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, kand.tekbLn.nauk; POPOV, Tevgeaiy Aleksandrovich, kaud.tekhn.nank; HAZARQV, Sergey Tikhonovich, kand.takhn.natac;.GLADILIN, Anatoliy Nikolayeviche kand.takhn.nauk; KRASAVIN, Vasiliy Stepanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; PANCHMO, Konstantin Petrovich, kand.takhn.nauk; POPOV, Viktor Aleksandrovich. kand.t6khn.nauk; RASTORGUTEV, Ivan Sargayevich, kand.tekhn.nauk (deceased]; SHUSHURRIA. Te.A., red.ind-va; UVA- ROVA, A.F.,; MOD&L', B.I., (Technology of metals] Tekhnologiia metallov. Pod red. H.P. Dubinina. lzd.3. Moslcva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.igd-vo manhinostroit. lit-ry. 1959. 564 P. (MI-RA 13:7) 1. Prepodavateli Moskovskogo vysshego tekhnichookogo uchilishcha imeni N.Te.Baumana (for all except Shemehurina, Uyarova,.Nodel'). (Metals) (Metalwork) ALSKIN, L.Te., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; dotsent, kand. takhn.nauk; KRASAVIN, V.S., starshiy prepodavatell; LIFEREMKO, N.M., doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKAROVA, V.I., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk; KJHR NOV, A.D,, starshiy prepodavatell. Prinimali uchastiye: LUNXV, P.A. [deceased]; RASrORGUYXV, I.S. [deceased]; BILINSKIY, M.Ya., red.; DORODHOVA, L.A.. [General technology of metalsj Obalichaia tekhriologiia metallov. Izd-3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Prof- takhizdat, 1960. 381 p. 01IRA 13:12) (Metals) (Metalwork) VLADZIV-EVSKIY, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; BELOUSCV, A.P. , kand. tekhn. nauk, dot.~.l GLADILIN, A.N., karid. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; TSYPKPI, M.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; BEYZEL11MLAN, R.D., inzh... red.[deceasodi; TRID, L.I., inith., red.izd--va; MIODELI, B.I., teklin. red. [Arrangement of automatic production linesI U-st-List-vo av- tor.aticheskikh linli. Mo,~kva' MASIngiz, 1~4)3. J*",;) P. OCHA 1": 1) 1' 4 GLADI.Lil', A.-aloliv 13Y tOY---,'I:, A*l,!k~,jrjrj--,:-.,l .-I, dots.) WSYAITIKOVA Z,( p red. r [Course Of njn;' '!I 1 -~e c han! T4.- I kh GLADILL, Anatoliy I'likolayevich, krim]. Lekhn. nauk, (lots.; SYROYEOD!, Aleks,,indr Alek-,~indrwiich, kin(. tekkn. nauk, dots.; FOFOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich, st. [Course of irdustrial truining in muchan~cal engineer-j*rq, schools) Kurs proizvodstvenno,-o obucherdia v mri-zhino- stroitellrlykh tekhniki=akh. Mookw, FL.I. [Fo,-, uo:-ke-.; in Ili,- 1-:-ofe:ioloml; N11- U~F' -ej-irman, mOv. -inl tum~rl Min ra~.wcl~'ikh tokarl-LmiVers-d. 1964. 4-55 17:6) GLADILII;, Anatoliy tpk~;.n. nanik, tekhm Vik*,c r- st. T,,repoa, MAKIYENKO, N.I., reti3en7entj Zj'ilDELEV, N.A., retsenzent.- ()VSYAIIIjIKOVA, Z.G., rei. oC hiLviotr itil trillning Ln mechanl~:al engineering f-.~r operaLoro oV Flz~noru, and drlll~ng machines] hurs pro~ZVC-nIstvenno,,.) v "F.F) GLADILIN, B. Autdmobile renting is a promising business. Avt. trunp. Aa no.3'.26 Mr 163. (MIRA 1624) 1. Direktor Tallinskogo parka legkorfkh avWmobiley., (Tallin--Automobiles, Rental) GIADILIN, I.; SHIJGUROV, L, The NZMA speed .bars. Z&ml. 19 nc..Idl(>..17 N 161. (',kfl.P,A 1. Zameatitell glavnogo konstrukt-ora Moskavskogo zavoda mal~litrazhnykh av-tomobiley (for G-lactil-in). 2. Vaduahcbd-v konstruktor Mookevskogo za~-.D&- mal:7-'-trazhaykh witomobiley (for Shugurov). (Automobil,eq., Racing) KUDLAY, D.G.; rETI.OVSKAYA, V.G.; Tranofer of rosistance to atreptorwycin by meaws of the action deoo)Vribonucleic acid on the protoplast of sonsi-..ive bacteria of the Salmonella proup. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. -J immm. 32 no.10:25-29 0 161. (lau 3j,:10) 1. Iz Instituta. epidemuioloRii i milcrobiologi-i im. Gamalei AM SSSR. (SAil.' IONELLA) (STREPTOITYCIN) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) GLADILIN, K. L. Secrets of the biosynthesis of protein. :'Tirocia 51 no.7:31-36 JI 162. Oulbl 1. Inotitut biokhirdi im.. A.N. Bz~k-ha AN Iosk-lu. (BICSYIN-IHMIS) (I RCTEIIIS) 'I!iE(','-"y IF 11101i GY) //V L ZILIBLPIBLAT, G.S. (Voskva); KA.'~HIK, :3.A. (Irkutak); DA311ZLIFEG; BOGWIlov, O.P.; BOGACIT'VI V.V., prof. (Baku); ROZEINGURT, I-I.Sh.(Odess); LYUBIYOV, 0. (Ostrov Vize); News, events., facts. Priroda 51 no.8:113-222 Ag 162. (Va' 15:9) 1. Vongol'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Ulan-B;a-~or (Ifor Dembereliyn Dashzeveg). 2. Institut zoologii I parazitologli All UzS-R. Tashkent (for Bogdanov). 3. IrisV--ut biokfil~ii Lm. A.N. Bakha All SSSR (for G2adilin). newsY , ;1. la. 11, 7 ". - ~ t-i 1 ~,,,- )!' Prj roria 52 ;i --, --,): 22-26 1,' -, I - . -- .1. a n. I. - I--. .I ! m :-4 -4 1 ~, - --, i ) 11 -, , I -j'9 ),,-v a , . -, -:-, "ut '1-,'-c -, ::-'. i..~il"I"a AN ,k;tt, P: Sr-jAKYAN., N.M., akademik; GLADILIN, K.L. Adeno3inetriphosphoric acid and protein 3~mtkleala in chloroplasts. Dokl.All SSSR 144 no.2:453--456 It t62. (MMA 15:5) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha MI SSSR. (ADENCSIIETRIPH03PHLRIC ACID) (PROMIM) (ClMQWPWT6) GLADILIN, K.L. Firs, Congress of Biochemists of the Soviet Union. Prirodit 53 no.4:115- 116 ,64. (MlRA 17:4) 1. In5titut blokhImil Im, A,N.Bakbi An SSSR, Moakia. ORDMISK17, A. -W. (,Moskva) ; T~Tl I , K. I.. ( Mor~kv -'.I ~ Unusual deoxyribonucleic acid 4r, crabs. AfT 16~z ( 18: 8 ' ORL(ASKlY, A.F.; GLADILIN, K.L. Solving another mystery of proteirl in thii lecyphering oV tho aridna ac-ld tc~de. Prlrci~u '.4 nc.9: 67-69 S !65. DINA 18;9'~ 1. ~ skr~vskoye otdeleniye Vac-acya,-,nog I 1.10 _,o abah-cmestva, GLADILIN, Leonid Viadimirovich; I-MVEDEV, V.A., red. [ISelecting steel for the enameling of objects] Vybor stali d1ift emalirovanlia si1twq.ovyP1 izdelii. Leningrad, 1965. 1.4 p. (KIiLk D":10) -A 100�6 '66 ACC NRs AI)6WW77 SOURCE CODE: UR/0(LO5/65/0OQ/OO3/0D9O/"O! AUTHOR: Alakspnko, r.- V-; Borisenko, If Dr hininL N. N.,* uz SjrgWMtj)j k=,_"; Tidhc Reiik~, T.' -Ch anin!qpj D. S.; C U&-y-f- ORG: none TITLE: Professor_Vyacheslav Semenovich Tulin on his 60th birthday SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 3, 1965, 90 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical engineering personnel, electric engineering personnel ABSTRACT: Professor V. S. TULIN -was born in November 1904 and graduated Trom the Kharkov Engineering Institute in 1925* He has since then special- Ized in the application of electric drives for the mining irdustry, in low- voltage apparatus and more recently in automation* At the present time he is the chairman of the Department of Automation and Control Plachinery at the Moscow Institute of Radio-Electronics and Mining Electrmschanics. He has mado major conEributions U_qS__freTdT-W6=a '%WeF-dUt7W"*r-8O-PUb;- 'lished works including a textbook on the automation of proftaion processes in the mining industry; he also received an award in 1948 in connection 'with the Donets Basin development. He now participates in ministerial councils and committees concerned with scientific-reasarch mark# induatrial coordina- tion, also secondary and higher education. Orig. art. has: I figure. _VPRV* SUB CODE: 13 09 / SUBM DATE: none Cnrell-11- ~A(11 UDC: 621.IL:65.011.56 L. V. U&SR/Mines and Mining - Equipment Jun 1947 Electrical Equipment "Safety in the Use of Electricity for Underground Mlnes.,q L. V. Gladilin and V. S. Kravchemko, Tn- stitute of Mining, USSR Academy of Sciences, 2 pp "Gornyy zhurnal" Vol CXXI, No 6 Usually power of 500 - 550 watts In used for electrification of ferrous and nonferrous mines In the USSR -- 350 watts is used in coal mines. Recom- mends various safety features to be adopted in mines. PA JFIrL 2 18TN? GLADILIN, L. V. Plectric,ml sub-~:tatl~),,s ,,ntl circuits in minec Moslcv~, U-Iptekhizoat, 19-1,1. 22" p. (5'~-lT',60 TN343-(',53 FROG, V.B.; KARTTNOV, M.Y.; GIADILIN, L.V., otyetetvannyy redaktor; KMTAVTSEVA, I.G., tiF"-'i6he*iiy redaktor. [Methods of practical electrical engineering laboratory work in mining] Ketodiks. laboratorno-prakticheskikh rabot po goruol elaktrotekhnike. Moskva, UgletekhizdAt, 1951. 119 p.(14LRA 8~1) (Blectricity in mining) GIADILIN, L. V. "Investigation of the Conditions for the Safety of Mining Networks With an Insulated Neutral Conductor." Dr Tech Sci, Leningrad Mining Inst, Min Higher Education, Leningrad, 1954. (KL, No 2, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No.556, 24 Jun 55 POIROVSKrY, G.I.; GIADILIN, L.V., redaktor; ZAMYNVA, K.A., redaktor; PROZCROVSnTr,'r.T.-,#WIft. redaktor [Signaling. central control. and block system (ST9B); communicationn. and signaling in underground transportation] STsB, oviazi i signali- zateiia na podzemnom transporta. Moskva. Ugletakhisdat, 1954. W p. (Railroads-Signaling) (KLRA 8:3) (Mine railroads) (Mine communications) CLADILIN, Lev Veniaminovich. Academic degree of Doctor of Tecl:nical Scienceu, based on his defense, 16 February 1955, in the Council of Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Fanner MininF Institute, of his dis- sertation entitled: "Investigation of Safety Conditions of Mine Networks with an Insolated Neutral." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 12t 28 May 55, By-ulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 15, Aug 56, Hoscow, pi;. 5-24, Uncl. JTPLcV%Y-537 YEIANCHIK, G.M.; AIATORTSIV, S.A.; GIADILIN, L.Y.; RYSIM, A.Y.; 09-1 OY, M.I.; POKROYBOY, a-.T-,-- P.N. Shkliarskii; obituary. Elektrichestvo no.5:95 My '56. (KM 9-8) (Shkliarokii, Felike Nikolaevich. 1883-1955) ALILTORTSKY. 8.A.; L1LD1L1"L.,,V.i MLKSIKOV, A.Te.; RYWYET, A.V. Proceedings of the scientific conference on problems of electric power supply, electrification and automatization In mining. Gor. shur. no.5:61-62 My '56. (KLRA 9:8) (Blectricity In mining) GLADILIN, L.V., Drofessor, doktor Determining tangents of the angle of insulation loss in elecgric mine istnllntionn without disrupting their normn]. conditions of use. Mnuch.trudy MGI no-17:207-211 '56. (MIRA 10:11) (Electricity In mining) L. V. ZHIYOV. lev Grigorlyevich; GUSAROVA, doktor tekhaichaskikh nauk. rateenzent; TRIYONOV, Yn.T., radaktor; SHOOTRAT, A.Ta., takhaichookiy redaktor Valentine Fatroyna; GLADILL6.16" reteenzent; 4UETYNOY, ' " iushener, inzbener. retseazent; TARASOV, L.Ta., radaktor isdatelletva; TATNSETJYII. T&J., (Remote control and automation of scraper loader hoists] Distantsion- nos i avtmatichaskoe upravlonle skreparnymi lebeftami. MoskTa. Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tayetnot metallurgit, 1957. 222 p. ()URA 10:9) (Automatic control) (Xxcarattng machinery) GLADILIN, Lj., prof., dokt.tekhn.uauk, red.; FAYMOVICH, I.L.. otvetstven- 'red.; LYUBIMOV, 11.G., red.izd-vr,; .13NE(U7, A.P., -o"; IJADBID-SKAYA, A.A., [Electric anvineoring in mining; collected reporte of the inter- college conference on problems in electric suoply. electrification and automatization of mining at the Leningrad Mining Institute from January 26 to February 3. 19561 Gornsia elektroteklinika; abornik dok.ladov na Rezhvuzovsk-om soveahchanii. po problemm elektrasnab7.he- niia, alektrifikstaii i avtomatizataii gornykh rabot, prokhodivshem v Leningradskom gornom institute a 26 ianvaria po 3 fevralia 1956 g. Moslrv,q, Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 649 p. (MIRA 11:3) (Electricity in mining) (Mining machinou) EEYLINN TS.O., inzhener; BLAGONADEZHDIN, V.Ye., inzhener-, BOGUSLAVSKIY, ~.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; VOROITKOV, I.M., arafessor, GITINA. L.Ya., inzhener; GROMAN. Y.R., inzhemer; ~~CROKHOV, N.V., qoktor tekhnicheskikh nauk Edeceased.1; !EITI=-K, I.N., kandilat tekhnicheskikh nauk; DOVZHIK, S.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; DUXELISKIY, M.P., professor, doktor khiTnichoskikh nauk [deceased]; DYKHOVICIINYV, A.I., professor; ZHTTKOV, D.G., professor, 'Acktor tekhnichoskikh nauk; KOZLOVSKIT, N.S., inzlioner; rA.K!ITll,, Yii.M., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk: LEVENSON, L.B., m-o-Fessor, doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk [deceased]; LEVITT, B.Z., inzhener; LIFKAN, V.F., inzhe- ner; MARTY11OV, M.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MOLEVA, T.I., inzhener; TTOVIKOV, F.S., kandidat tekhnichfBkikh tia:jk; C,SETSKIY, V.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; OSTROINOV, G.A.; POHOMAU.'NKO, Y-a.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RAKOVSKIY, V.S., kandidat toklinicheskilch nauk; REGIRM, Z.L., inzhener; SOKOLOV, A.N., inzliener; SOSUNOV, G.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; STEPANOV, professor; SHEMAKHANOV, M.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ELIKIND, I.A., inzilenor; YANUSHE- VICH, L.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh naiik; 9OKSHITSKIY, Ya.M., inzhe- ner, redaktor; BULATOV, S.B., inzhener, re(laktor; GASHINSKIY, A.G., inzhener, redaktor; GRIGROIYEV, V.S., inzhener, redaktor; YEGURNOV, G.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; ZHARKOV, D.V., dotsent, rodaktor; ZAKILAROV, Yu.G., kandidat tekhnicheakikl% nau-1c, reitaktor; KAMINSKIY. V.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, retlaktor-, KOT,',!RKOV' Ye.F., professor, redaktor; KOSTYLEV, B.N., inzhener, redo-litor; POVAROV, L.S., kandidat tekhrdcheskikh nauk., rednL-tor-, 11LINICq, F.R., radaktor; KLOTIIKIYAN, S.Kh., otvotstvennyy i-~daktor; Itry!t, redaktor; (Continund nzi next card) HEYLINA, TS.O. --- (continued) Card 2. RUPPENEYT, K,V., re-dakter; TKRPIGOqEV, A.V., reink-tor; BARARANOV, F.A., redaktor; 3ARANOV, A.I., redak.tor; BUCHIirl, 7.F., redaktor; GRAFOV, L.Ye., redukt-.r; DOPUXIN, A.V., KO, A.11., redaktor; ZASTAWKO, A.F., reda~:t3r; KTS'NIKOG:Iy, ',.V. rodaktor; LETOV, N.A., redaIrtcr; DISHIN, G.L., ril-laktcr; %!AIJtKOV- SKIY. G.I., redaktor; 1,1FLINIKOV, ';.V., ro;hak~,-~T-; CITIKA, D.G., redaktor; OSTROVSKIY, S~P., '~X., POLSTYANOY. G.N., rodaktor; SKOC~IINSKIIY, A,A., -e1, S I N, S.D., rcdaki;or; SPIVAKOVSYIY, A.O., vedak',~r; SrAfl,"I-T_V?TKCI3 I.K., redaktor; STJXPIATOV, A.P., redaktor; TOPCIT-YE'.1, A.7., r,-~_aktor; TROYANSKIY, ').V., redakLo,--, SHEV7AKOV, L.D., FITH.OV- SKAYA, S.N., rp,Iaktor skiy reduktor; PqOZOTIOVSK~,YA, V. L., tpkhri'. [Mining; an :~ncuciopedic iiancF,ouk-j Gorace spravociinik. A.M. 13ara- bano-i 1 dr. Mos~,ia, ZI I -I . IIT,-:Y, promysh]. Vol.l. [General en-imeering- Obs'-IcKile -_'w.,hpnr-rnye svedeniia. Redkol-legiia tom S.Kh.Ele-, ik' Ian i Ar. _716T. (Mining onF-,Inzrr ng) -'MUU, 10:10) i"- L iq D I L IPJ L - V AISKSAHMOV, B.F., inzh.; BALYKOV, V.H., inzh.; BARANOV"XI't, F. I., inzh.; BOGU213KIY, N.V., inzh.; BTJNIKO, V.A.,, dotsent-, VAVILOV, V.V., inzh.; VOLOTKOVSKIY, S.A., prof., doktor taklln.nauk; GRIGORIYEV, L.Ya., inzh.; GRIDIN, A.D., inzh.; 7WMIN, L.N., inzh.; KOVALEV, P.F., kiind.taklin.nmuk-, KIMM"PSOV, B.A., lvind.tokhn.nmtk, dotsent; KUSNITSYN, G.I., inzh.; LATYSI.KV, A.F., lnzh.; L~YBOV, R.M., doktor teldin.mink, prof.; LL~',YTAS, Z.M., inuh.; LISITSYN, A.A., inzh.; LOKHANIN, K.A., inzh.; LYUBIMOV, B.N., inzh.; MASHKEVICH. K.S., lnzh.; MALKILASIYAN, II.V.; MILOW01DIN, H.M., Inzh.; HITNIK. V.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; 141KIINTEV, Tu.A., inzh.; PAIL*10NOV, V.I.. iazh.; ROKANOVSKIY, Yu.G., inzh.; RUBINOVICH, Te.To., Inzh.; SAMOYLYUK, N.D., k~ind.tekhn.naulq ;%UWHOV, V.K., inzli.; WOLDY- REV, A.Te., kcand.tekhn.nauk; SPAGIN, V.T., inzli.; SNAGOMIT, Ye.S., kand.teldin.nauk; FETGIN, L.M., inzh.; YJL-,iiUm', B.B., inzh.; FURMAN, A.A., inzh.; lalORIII, V.N., dotsent, k~md.tekhn..aauk; CHET- VIL11OV. B.H., inzh.; CHUGUNIKIIIN, S.I., inzh.; SHELKOV1119OV, V.N., inzh.; SHIRYATZV, B.K., inzh.; SHISHKIN, N.F.,; SHPIL'Blaw' I.L., inzh.; SHORIN, V.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; SffOKIWI, I.G., doktor teklin.nauk; SHIR11S, N.A., Inzh.; TERPIGOREV, A.M., -lavnvy red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., otv.rad.toma; LIVSHITS, I.I., zamestitell; ABRAMOV, V.I., red.; LADYGIN, A.M., red.: MOROZOV, R.N., red.; 07aaiNOY, M.I., red.; SPIVAKOYSKIY, A.O., red.; FAYBISOVICH, I.L., red.; ARKHANGMISKIY, A.S., lnzh., red.; (Continued on nomt card) AT, SANDROV, B.F.---(continued) Cn-d 2. B-vLYATZV, V.S., inzh., red.; BUKHANOVA, L.I., in::-h., red.; VLASOV, V.M.. inzh. , red.; GLADLLIII, L.V. , 7prof. , doktor toVful.nank, red. GRIOTSOV, N.V. , inzh. . red.; ORECHISHKIN, F.G. , I=h. , red. ; GON- CHAREVICH, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; GUDALOV, 7.P., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; IGNATOV, N.N., inzh., red.: LOKAKIN, S.M., dotsent. kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; MARTYNOV, M.V., dotsent, Icand.takhn.nauk, red.; POVOLOTSKIY, I.A., inzh., red.; SVETLIGBIRCT, P.L., inzh., red.;SAL'- TS&VICH, L.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SP:MAITOV, A.V., ~jind.tekhn. nauk, red.; Sif6TLM, ~;.A., inzh., red.; -AB-UtB.UtCfM,:, F.I., red.izd-va; PROZOiOVSKXf2, V.L..; K01WATIYET;%, M.A., [Mining; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe dalo; antsiklopedicheskii spravochnik. Chlany -lav.rod!iktsii A.I. I Baranov i dr. Mockva, GqI3 jj;Iuchno-takhn.iz~I-,,o Itt-ry I;o gornomu delu. V01-7 LMininj machineryi (,ornye mnshiny. A.V.Tonchiev i dr. i959. 6)8 p. (Mining machinery) (MIRA 13:1) I-,--- GLADILIN, L.V.; prof.; MiSHOV, B.G., kand.tekbn.nauk Apparatus for testizg the condition of the insulation of lov- tension electrical systems. Gor. Zhur. no. 5:52-54 My 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut. (Electirc insulators and inBulation-Testing) (Electricity In mining) GLAD:i.Jl'! 1~.V. dr. !, I ~ .. w ~ I I , I " . , " ~.831! 1. ~ t, - , ". . ". J:. - on "n :;I .'. r"Irll '--4 r, .-. .-') ; !e : ~.! . *, - -. nank- v 1j.