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If me -Ac Or"-)"0C4'-1r ~/r A 1041 A 021-A AUTHOR: "ritlevich, A.D., Gradliate Engineer TIT12: Auxiliary Welding Equiment N PERIG01CAL: Svaroclmoye proizvodstvo, 196C, No. 6. pp. 10 - 13 TM : In this article which was worked ou, in ccl~opevatlor 1114-*, A.P, Pavlovs iy, A.N. Belavina, L.I. Rabinovich of '.,-PPI Iyaztviloq~) ma~",'I nostr niya (Heavy Ma,3nine Erailding VPTI) and P.I. Sevbo, M.D. o~-hers D~ the Ins'~itui, Plektros-varki im. Ye.o. Patona AN 'JkrSSR im, Ye,~. P,-.,n of the AS UkrSSR) the following welding equIpment. Welding manirmlators of the typesT-25 (T-25), T-2 Whig,. ave !n~-t itLled 1!) variol-is plar-ts, whereas the typesilAC-2 (MAS-2),YC~-1'.X-o (.U5M-12-~).n) (USM--5000) and YM10000 (USM-10000) a-re only designif-1. Among tors, type cm-Mor (SM-50000) is part-ictilarly rp7ommended.,1eF rtre frequently used In the welding industry. Dotible-sided. ated tIlter5 designed by VPTI Stroydormash (now VPT E Mosiromi- -vrnar-kJ~o-zl mos widely used. Among standard and special double-sided Card 1/2 Auxiliary Welding Equipment ciroular ;trid screw Jack tilters, the most. w1d,,41y used ati-T -i~. 15) (T-16), Ir-17 (T-Iwj) and T-18 (T-18) roller zf.,xnd-q . MoE~; eff Icient-- a., driven roller seotions ensuring the turninv of J+~eflls stands can be promptly assembled and dismintled, enn~rng. duction space. Immediate development of reliable j There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION-. Vzesoyi7.nyy prcyektne-tekhno-,~:,gichesli,.r stroyeniya (All-Union De-ih _~n M- chine Building) Card 2/2 BROVKO, I.A.; GITLEVIC14-1-D.; BRAGINA, Ye.l., red.; VIKTOROVA, Z.N., tekhn. red. (Auxiliary equipment for assembling and welding operations] Vapomogatellnoe oborudovanie dlia sborochno-avarochnykh rabot. Moskva, TSINTIMASH, 1961. 48 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Welding-Equipment and supplies) 87"t S/135/61/000/001/001/018 AO06/A0O1 AUTHOR: Gitlevich A.D., Engineer TITLE: Mechanization of Assembly-Welding Operations PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1961, No. 1, pp. I - 6 TEXT- Information is given on a number of units for mechanized accessory welding operations and comprehensive mechanization in the manufacture of welded structuren, thown in an exhibition on welding. The section of manipulators and positioners includes the following machines: the K H -500 (USM-500) manipulator, intended for the turning and adjustment of up to 500 kg work pieces into a posi- tion and rotation convenient for the automatic or manual welding of annular or meridional seams; the XM -1200 (USM-1200) and )CM-5000(USM-5000) welding manipulator which are now being manufactured In series; three types of M AC (MAS) manipulators, where the face plate rotates through a stepless regulator from a 1.3 kw motor (Table 1); the GN -iooo n (SM_1OOOP) manipulator-positioner, as- suring the rotation and Inclination of the parts to be welded with the aid of two pneumatic engines connected to the air line at the 4-5 atm pressure; the C'M -5000r (3M-50000) manipulator-positioner for the turning, Inclination and lifting of Car 879" S/135/'61/000/001/001/018 Mechanization of Assembly-Welding Operations A006/AO01 large-size parts; a 5000 kg capacity manipulator-positioner assures the mechanized rotation and inclination of the work and is equipped with platforms for the opera- tors; the position of the platforms can be regulated. The following positioners for welding operations are on view: a two-stand positioner equipped with electric driven turning and hoisting mechanisms, a lifting-turning conduc-~or with pneumatic clamps and a draft fan; a 17-ton capacity two-stand positioner with lifting centers and movable stands; a ring-positioner with dismountable rings for welding longitudinal dumpcar border slides of 12.8 m length, 1.5 m width and 5 ton weight; a jaw-positioner for the turning of up to 40 m long and up to 15 ton heavy beams and pillars during the assembly and welding of metal structures; the particular feature of this machine is the free access to the work to be welded along its whole length; a positioner with hydraulic hoisting jacks for the assembly and welding of 12 ton locomotive frames; a 10-ton capacity portable positioner with hydraulic lifting jacks .;o be used in small scale production; a group of two-stand positioners of 2, 5 and 10 tons capacity for welding large-size parts of freight cars; the 10 ton positioner has a 1,700 mm center height and is used for 14 m long and 3 m wide parts; There is a section at the exhibition displaying devices for mechanized accessory operations, such as a device for the mevhanized winding 879" S/ 135/b 1/1000/00 1/00 1/0 18 Mechanization of Assembly-Welding Operations A006/AOOl up of electrode wire into welding machine containers and the simultaneous cleaning from rust of the wire; the P -550 (R-550) flux-apparatus and a gas-exhauster to remove harmful gases during welding. A series of exhibits demonstrates mechanized operations when assembling the parts for welding. Materials are presented for the introduction of a multi-purpose installation intended for the assembly of cylindri- cal parts for welding of circular seams; a multi-purpose portable hydraulic as- sembly portal for the assembly of large-size box beam structures of up to 3,000 mm height, up to 800 mm width and 32 m length; high-efficiency special units with pneumatic clamps and fixators are intended for the assembly of the bodies and side walls of electric train cars; a specialized unit for the assembly of platforms of 60 tons capacity, and for the assembly of longitudinal dumpear borders, of 80 tons capacity, are on view; Comprehensive mechanization of welding-rtructure production is demonstrated by a number of exhibits. A line for the manufacture of welded low- carbon and low-alloy large I-beams, with a yearly output of 67,000 tons; the dimen- sions of the beams are 12 m length; 600-2,000 mm height; wall thickness 8-20 mm; shelf width 200-600 mm; thickness of shelves 10-40 mm, A line is shown for the manufacture of mining cars assuring the output of 100 cars per shift. Automatic lines are shown for the manufacture of railroad tanks, truck wheels, metal struc- 8799t S/135/61/000/001/001/018 Mechanization of Assembly-Welding Operations A006/Acol tures of broaching machines; straw shaker keys, locomotive frames and bodies, x truck cabins and open-wagon hatch covers. A section of the exhibition shows manual are welding holders, including a holder for cinderless welding, a holder reducing the length of cinders designed by Engineer B.I. Smirnov, and a spring type holder. Card-4/ ' -- 9 GITLEVICH T .10) 161. (i ru 1j, . - , 1. maohnio-tre-en' :x.(! rup lies) GI-rIEVICH, A.D. Classification and conventional symLols for ueloinF, tools ano Llevict-s~ Avtom. svar. 15 no.2:M-88 F '62. (M.LRA 15-1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy proyektno-teVbnolo[-,ichpFki:r institut tyazhelogo mashinostr3veniya. (Welding-Equipment and supplirs) YEMELIYANOV, Leonid Vasillyevich; ZHIVOTINSKIY, Lev Abramovich; GITLEVICH, Arlen-Davido cb; TYURIN, V.F., nauchnyy red.; iO-NOV, V.N.V red.; DORODNOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. (Auxiliary equipment for welding; an album] Vapomogatel I noe, obo- rudovanie dlia ovarki; allbta. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 123P. (MIRA 16:11, (Welding--Equipment and supplies) GI~TLEVIC~HA ~.; ZHIVOTINSKIY, L.A.; ZHRAKIN, D~F.; FkLIKEVICH, A.B., kand.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; CHIKUNOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; TYURIN, V.F., inzh., red.; PETUKIIOVA, G.N., red.izd-va; MODEL', B.I., (Work standards based on technical data for welding englaeor- ing processes]Tekhnichaskoe normirovanle tekhnologlcheakikh protsessov v svarochnykh tsekhakh. [By]A.D.Gitlevich i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 170 p. (MUZA 16:3) (Welding-Production standards) GITI&VICH D inzh. Types of auxiliary welding equipment. Svar. proizv. no.2444-46 F 163. (14IRA 16:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy proyaktno-tekhnologichoskiy institut tyazbelogo mashinostroyeniya. .(Welding-Equipment and supplies) -~, k; GITIEVICHEA.D.; KOGAN, X.I. Analysis of basic technical and economic indices for the making of welding structure in heavy machinery building. Avtom. avar. 16 no.1:68-74 Ja 163. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Vseisoyuznyy proyaktno-tokhnologicheskiy Institut tynzbelbgo mashinostroyaniya. (Haebinery6-4elding) (Welding-Costs) I G-ITLEUCHY A U . ~ ~T, z'~ ~ Confpreni~- on the teohan-'zaticr, .' '-Ieldfni~ ~jr hela'--f manufact-;r.e. '.'va,-. pro-'zv. no.9?47 S 1~4. 17;~12., GITLIVICH, A.D. Standard ization of equipment n~- svur. 17 no.10-.80-83 0 164 :8.-1) 1. Tsesoyuznv mashinostroyeniya. NEPORO&RUY, P.S.; GRINEVA, E.P., inzh., red.; inzh., red.; PCHELFIll, J.A., inzh., red.; ~'LO~~DKD'A' G.N., red. [Power engineering and construction of power oystems in India] Energetika i energeticheskoe stroitellstvo Indii. Moskva, Energiia., 1965. 108 p. (1-'!.-',A 18:9) GITLEVICH, A.D., Inzh. Standard equipment for the mechanization of welding operations. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. 19 no.3:22-26 Mr 165. (IIIRA 18:4) GITLIN,, JAN* GEOGRAPHY & GEOL40GY GITLIN, JAN. Nad Rio de la Plata. Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1958. 340 P- M~f Not in DLC L~i Monthly List of Fast European Aarssions (EZAI) LC, Vol. 8, No.-5, --Astv- 1959, Unclass- I cll. Ll/t'"./v USOV, I.. lnzhener. (g.LpntnFrad); GITLIN, N., inzhener, (g.Lerimgrad). The K-44 enrhuret-,r. ZFi ral. no.6-16-17 Je '57. (MIRA 10:7) 1. TSentrallnoye konstruktoralroyebyuro toplivaoy Rpparatury. (Alit omob ile c - O?ngine a-Carburet are) AZ GITLTLB, N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; KALUGIN, K.P. Selecting an efficient design of the gasoline boonter pwnj) for motor vehicles. Av-t.prom. 28 no.1:21-23 Ja If,2. (MIRIL 15:2) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i konB-,.ruktorskiy inatitut toplivnoy apparatury avtotraktornykh i aiAtsicrarnykh dvigateley. (Fuel pumps) ZHDANOVSKIY " N. S., doktor takht. nauk; GITLI11,_11-_&, kand. tekhn. nauk; HIKOLAYENKO, A. V. Investigating the performance of the GAZ-21 engine vith flame ignition in case of carburetor mixing and fuel injection. Art. prom. 28 no.9-13-8 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatelfskiy i konstruktorokly institut topl-ivnoy apparatury avtotraktornykh i statsionarnykh dvigateley i Laningradskiy sallskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Motor vehicles-Engines-Testing) 711DANO-VSKlY, N.S., cl,Dkt~:,r Lek'--n. nauk; 1 7 1; 1 7 1, a t~-"hn. nauk; kand. nauk Invest lgating, libht fuel irjectLuri ~i.,j.itoms witli a ~;-,-oport-iori:r:g dintributcr. .,'.vt. prom. '30 1f:4. apparat,ury w:Tc)'l:-aktor-nykh i L 33749-66 E'.-#'T ( mT N-RoAR60173 -ObG-UIV6~7 3/66/666/001/W4 5/004 3 CC UkE G A AUTHORt Zhdanorwakly, N. 3.; Gitlin, N. W.; 111kolayonko, A. V.j lozhushko, K. TITLEi Jet Ignition Ja an effective memo of Increasing econ(My and complateneas of combustlon In automotive anginea Yorking on pasoline and Uquiflibd gas SOURCEi Ref. ah. Dvigatell vnutrannego egoraniya, Abe. REF 5OURGEt Zap. Leningr. B.-kh. In-ta, v. 97, 1965, 131-189 TOPIC TM;bt igiDttion, combustion research, ongine ignition aya%em, f%iel consumption ABSTRAM Jet lgpi_t~c&,is an effnetive means of increasing fuel oconomy In qnrlul automotive sngir-.-,, vorking on gasoline and liquified gas. The more active fluw a)' the I c~---!;.r4%\rsau1ta in decreasing the carbon oxide contorit in exhauf3t gases, compared ~-- -~7ark ignition. This holds true for both gwaaolinn and l1quifled fuels. SUB GODEi 1V " T!i DAM none L Cwd'-12/1- ACC NRt AP7000363" ___eO ----~~Wicctz6lk-.--uR-To4-13T606-oo-16~i/6-f wob6 INVENTOR: Gitlin N. N.; Saprykin, V. m.; Popov. L. N. ORG: none TITLE: Fuel pump!for injecting light fuel. class 46, No. 1B8798. (announced by the Central Scientifii Research Institute of Fuel Equipment (Tsentrallnyy nauchno- isaledovatel'skiylinatitut toplivnoy apparaturyl) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 135-136 TOPIC TAGS: pump,.fluid pump, engine fuel pump, -"V~54 1A1JF(!7'16-) ABSTRACT: An Author Certifcate has been issued for a fuel pump for injecting light fuel into the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine, which contains plungers, sleeves, and spring-loaded intake valves, the closing moment of which in changed by a moving element with*oblique parts fbr regulating the amount of fuel supplied. To increase fuel-ieed accuracy and simplify the design, the intake valves are located inside thl pistons, and the noving element is made in form of a rack passing through the sleeves and plungers. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DAM IlSep63 -Card -1/1 UDC: 621.43.031 GITLIN, Ya.L. Radioscopy in copper prospecting in the Altai. Razved. -4 akh. nedr 29 no.11:38-43 N 163. (14-TRA 1-7:12) 1. Altayskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya. GITLIN., N., inzh. (Leningrad); NIKOLAYEVO, A., inzh. (Leningrad) Which is the optimum regulation? Za rul. 21 no.7:15 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy natichno-issledovatellskiy institut toplivnoy apparatury. (Motor vehicles-Riel systems) KOVALISKIY, A.; GITLINA, N. Integrated brigades in the Vladivostok harbor. Mor. flot 23 no.4:6-8 Ap 163. (ICRA 16:5) 1. Nachallnik otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy Vladivostokskogo porta. (for Kovallskiy). 2. Starshiy inzh. otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy Vladivostokskogo porta (for Gitlina). (Vladivostok-Longshoremen) 15-5',*-"'- _,_341 Translation from: Referativny z hurnal, G(.:oJ.oTL'ra' 191/'~' ilr. 7, p 249 (USSRT AUTHOR: Gitlin, Z. Ts. TITLE: --H-ydrofract e-thod for Opening Fetroleum-Bearing Stratum (Iz opyta raboty po gidravlicheskomu razryvu rJasta) PERIODICAL: V 5b: Metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi Flastov. Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1955, pp 92-97 ABSTRACT: A production test was made of hydrofract opening of a petroleum-bearing stratum in pressure wells of the Tatneft' Trust. The test showed that both spent sulfite alcohol (SS8) and pure water, used as sand carrying hydrofract liquids, sometimes fail to produce the desired effect of increasing the stratum permea- bility to the flow of ground water. The Strata-Physics Branch of the TsNIL (Central Scientific Research Card 113 15-57-7-10341 Hydrofract Method for Opening Petroleum-Bearinp, Stratum (Cont.) Laboratory) at the Tatneft' Trust conducted many tests of seepage of SSB throu h a Devonian sample. The following factors were found necessary: N use of liquids of high viscosity, which will seep primarily through the most permeable interstrata. joints, wedge them- selves between the layers, and produce fissures; ~!) formation of' primary channels for penetration of the hydrofract liquid by con- trolled local blasting of the strata. Laboratory and well tests permit the conclusion that use of SSB decreases the permeability of the strata. Hence, a new liquid must be found whic'. will have a water base. SSB should be purified of mechanical admixtures before it is used. The well should be swabbed before test-cycling of the water and after~ilijection of the SSB.. It was determined that the amount of liquid for one cycle of pumping should be equal to the volume of the pipes and sump, and that the amount of included sand should be 20 to 30 percent by weight of the hydrofract liquid. The process should be repeated if a large amount of sand needs to be used. It is necessary to: 1) screen the sand; 2.1 prevent the sand Card 2/3 15-5-, --17-IC-341 Hydrofract Method for Opening Petroleum-Bearing -~tratur,- , from lodging in the bottom zone of the well; 3) to conduct tests on the use of coarser sand (grain sizes of 1.2 to 1.5 mm and 1.5 to 1.8 mm). The sand should be washed and cleaned of mecbpnical admixtures. I Card 3/3 V. M. Yermolayev 44gLIN, Z.Ts. qq~**Aikk~ Data on hydraulic fracturing of sands in the Tatar A.S.S.R. Neft.khoz.34 no.7:26-29 J1 156. (KIRA 9:10) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum engineering) 24857 s/io6/61/000/005/005/oo6 172 A055/A133 &I S10 Q AUTHORS: Vatsenko, V. A. and Gitlits, M. V. TITLE: Determining the irregularities In the efficiency of ferromagnetic carriers for phototelegram reproduction. PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazt, no. 5, 1961, 58 TEXT: The serial production of magnetically rerecorded phototelegram repro- ducers using the standard 6.25 mm tape is being prepared this year in the USSR. As amplitude modulation is used, the elimination of irregularities in the efficiency of the tapes becomes an important problem. Distortions are caused above all by parasitio amplitude modulation connected with the presence of defects J-n the ferro- magnetic coating of the tapes. In the present article, the authors examine these defects and describe a device allowing to count the exact number of defects in the tape. For the examination of the defects, the authors dLvide the defects into two groups according to the nature of the distortion they cause in the recorded signal. To the first group belong the defects connected with the ncin-uniformity of the magnetic characteristics of elementary sections of the magnetic carriers. To the second group belong the defects the consequence of which is art interrupted Card 1/7 24857 s/io6'/61/000/005/005/006) Determ:Lning the irregularities ... A055/A133 contact between the tape and the recording head. The appearance of a gap betwenz~ the tace and the head brings about a considerable fluctuation _ff th,~ signal level, especially when short wavelengths are recorded. Therefore, when defeats of the second group a-re present, the depth of the dip in the reprodu.~ed signal depends on the recorded wavelength. The geometrical dimensions of the defects of the first group in the direction of scanning ( Allongit.) are given by the relation: ,d llongi. = vt (1) v being the velocity of the tape and t the duration of the decrease of +the repro- duced signal level. If the depth of the dip in the reproduced signal is determ:bled by the geometrical dimension in the direction perpendicular to scanning, th-s dimension is given by: A C = C (I - 10-b/20 ) (2) where C is the width of the path of the record, and b is the depth of the dip in prodiaGtion. The determination of the geometrical dimensions of the dcfects of tlll~ second group is much more difficult. The real geometrical dimension of t1he defej ,Z; (4 1) is, however, much smaller than the section of the band t~lequiv. ) aLong Card 2/7 24857 S/1&6/6 I/0G-0/0)5/X.)5/OCY` Determining the irregularities A055/A133 which the contact between the tape and the recording head is interrupted. S-'nce the duration of the dip in the reproduction is determined by & lequiv., it is appropriate to evaluate defects, not by A 1, but by a IT (which is mucli easier) and to resort to the following relations, analogous to ivLd (2): Alequiv. = vt -b/20 1dC equ V. = C (I - 10 (3) Asz-lming that the tape is sufficiently efastic and that its contact with the rE- cordfng head Is perfect in the absence of defects, it is possible to show that, fcr toroidal heads, the length of the tape section corresponding to the broken contact is: 41equiv. 2 h R - - R + iT (4) where R is the radius of curvature of the head, and h is the height of the defeA. In spite of 'he steps taken with a view to improving the quality of magnetic tapez~ the tapes produced In the USSR at present still possess numerous defects. An ex- perimental check of the quality of the tapes is therefore necessary. The magnetic recording laboratory of the Moskovskly elektrotekhnicheskiy inSt4tUt svyaz-4 (14"z- 1 - - cow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications) has developed a special elee- ~ron4c device allowing to count the exact number of defects in the tape and t:; estimate their equivalent dimensions. This device, called "crunter of magn,~tie- Card 3/7 24857 S/I 06,16 1/000/005/005/(~C6 Determining,the irregularities ... A055/AI33 carrier defects", counts the defects existing in the magnetio- tape and carries out simulatancously their selection either according tc, thc- d,jration th,! repro- di~:~tion dips being caused, or according to al.qu,-- in ftve different cbarLnels (tak-ing into account the band velocity). The zelp~-_Elon of' t~ie defects a--.--ord.Lng tcacequl-l. (1-vel fluctuations) is carried out by varying tLe limliting level of an ampfitude selector which is one of the component pa-ts aV th,:! pulse-format.-,or blc--.k described later. The counting device is designed for cheok~rz tLe tapes used for phototelegram reproduction. The minimum defect-magnitude (,&Iequ4,.* mLn) W111d' cazi be detected by the device, equals the minimum wavelength of the rklc-~-d. UsPd with a MA -15 (PIEZ-15) type magnetophone, the devir-P. can mizn.P~A "10 microns at a tape velocity Of 762 mm/sec. As for the selection of defects t~ dC Vv.: ACM.1-1 ~ 100 microns, the thlc~--,ess cf the ---~ordlng- ,e 1-~ad pa:~kage be I C = I mm.- The channel selection of de'ects is so arra:iged that into ~-ach charnel Denetrate the defects causing the distortion of a determ~'ni~d faes'.mile-Image section. Data on the dimensions of the defects getting into eac~i crazvipl are &.1ven in table I. Caz-:i " 1/7 Determining the Table I. irregularities ... 2057 S/1(>6/61/OW/O()5/005/OC)6 A055/A133 No. of channel Duration of dip Number of distorted b lequiv . (mm) in reproduced picture-element5 at v 762 nuri/sec signal (millisec) 1 25 - 50 50 - 100 19 38 11 10 - 25 20 - 50 (.6 i9 111 5 - 10 10 - 20 3.8 7.6 IV 2 - 5 4 - io 1.4 - 3.8 V 0.1 - 2 0.2 - 4 0.07 - 1.4 In the presence of defects producing distortion of more than a hundred picture- elements, an indicator operates in conjunction with a counter of slow dips. The counting device, as a whole, operates as follows: The signal from the reproduc- tion amplifier is applied to the input of the device, If the reduced signal-level Is below the limiting threshold determined by the forpation block, this block will form a pulse the duration of which will be equal to the duration of the dip. The leading edge of this pulse triggers the kipp-relays which determine the duration of the reproduction dips that get into the corresponding chwyiel. The pulses from Card 5/7 2h857 S/106/61/000/005/005/006 Determining the irregularities A055/A133 the kipp-relays are delayed (by a delay-unit) for 20 microseconds, i.e. for the time necessary for the operation of the"mismatch circuits". These pulses, together with the pulse formed by the formation block, reach then the mismatch circuits of the corresponding channels. In the channels where the duration of the kipp-re- lay pulse is greater than the duration of the dip, pulses tile duration of which is equal 1.0 the delay time will appear &t the output of the mismatch circuit. The duration of the dip determines thus the presence or the absence of the signal at the output of the mismatch circuit of individual channels. These signals are applied to a decoder which decodeethe received combination and triggers the terrrlin- al kipp-relay of the channel in the working range of which is situated the duration of the d' P. The load of this kipp-relay is a CG-l tilloo ("SB-IM/100") type counter. Two operating conditions of the counting device are possible: the "counting" con- dition and the "stop" condition. With the "counting" -condition, selection and counting of the defects in the tape take place. With the "stop" condition, the tape-driving mechanism is stopped at the moment of the appearance of the defect, and the existence of this defect is thus revealed. Experiments have shown that the most frequent defects are those with small equivalent dimensions (smaI16 1equir), It was also found that tile maJority of defects cause a decrease not exceeding ~ db card 6P, 2hP,57 s/io6/61/00O/OO5/005/bo6 Detlermining the irregularities ... A055/AI33 ~n the level of the reproduced signal. There are 8 figurcs ard 1 table. SUBMITTED: October 29, 1960. Al~ Card 7/7 --GITLITS M.V.- FATRUNOV, V.G. Correction of halftone characteristics in magnetic recording of photatelegraphic images. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; radiotekh. elektron. no.201-1-319 159. 1,%aRA 14-5) 1. Laboratoriya magnitnoy zapisi Y-10 Moskovskogo olekti,otekhnichch. skogo institute. avyazi. (Phototelegraphy) S/108 ,/62/017/004/010/010 61'5-Z0 D288/D301 AUTHOIR': Gitlits, 11.V. TITLD: Dynamic range of a magnetic tape recording channel PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika, v. 17, no. 4, 1962, 66 - 76 TBXT: Telemetry applications place higher demands on fidelity and signal-to-noise performance than audio tape recorders. The record- ing process is considered as a transmission channal with multiplica- tive interference by modulation phenomena, consisting of spurious At! due to non-homogeneous character of ferromagnetic particles and of spurious FM due to random deviation from averafre speed of the transport mechanism. Less important additive interference is mainly contributed by amplifier noise. A quantitative analysis of the ef- fects of unwanted AM and M follows. The first leads to a twofold effect, a cross-modulation of the wanted- by the interfering signal and a signal-to-noise deterioration. Spurious FM results in velo- city modulation which is analyzed in terms of carrier frequency, max. modulation frequency and modulation index P, and also in un- wanted AM; optimal choice of these parameters is discussed in the Card 1/2 GITLITS, M.V. Passage of signal and noLge through a mRgnetic recording channel. Radiotekhnika 18 no.12:38-47 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Nattchn(~--ttakhnlcheskogo obstichestva radio- tekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. I GITLITS.-M. Carx-jing capacity of a magnetic reco-.d:Lng channel. Radia.6khmilce 20 no.3:43-46 Mr 165. (IURA 18%6) I* Dnybstvitellny~ thlen NRuchno-tAkhnicheskogo ob13hahestva radiotekhni~i i 2,ktrosvyazi imeni Popova. GITLITS. P. [Hitlits, P.] Let's supply collectivo-farm construction with lime and cement made by ourselves. Sill.bu4. 9 no.10:19-20 0 '59. (MIRK 13:3) 1. Ifachal'nik upravlani" stroital'stva Stalinskogo oblastnogo upravlaniya sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Stalinak Province"-Building materials) ABATUROV, A.I.; VINOGRAWV, M.A.; DUBROVA, G.B.; 10TORZY, L.C.; ZORIF. S.14; VASIL'YEV, A.A.; VOLOKITIN, A.S.; B=VBTSKrY, A.I.; PE14AZKOV. N.S.; MEZIDITSET, F.T.;YEGORKIN, II.I.; DANIIOV, M.M.; LUKASHFT, M.Ya.; OTMOVICH. I.L.; JUXVCHN7. A.Ye.; SARYCHrV, V.G.; ZAVILDVICH, M.A.; NOVOSELISKIY, N.M.; M.S.; IbROZ, L.P.: LNZTAGUROVA, F.V.; CHDGOVADZICI �h.K.; RYBGIMMO, A.A.; BOCHAROVA. N.F.; GAGIDYEVA, N.A., KRYUKOVA, T.B. Rublushtein, Grigorii Leonidovich; 1.891-1959. Sov. torg. 3" no.12:56 j D '59. OURA 13:2) (Rubinahtein, Grigoril Leonidcvich, 1891-1959) MWOV, Nikolay loikolayevich, doteent, kund.geograf.wiuk; BONI-ATOYNA, Lldiya Ivanoynal doteent, kand.geograf.nauk; BUILMiKO, Sa-r.~t!y Yedorovich, dotsent, kand.geograf.naulr; UITLITS, Spnen Alelksaiidro- vich, dotaent, knnd.ekonom.nBuk; allREVICH, Prinm Vladirdrovich, prof.: DARDSKIY, Anntoliy Viktorovich, dotsent, knnd.geograf.nauk; DCLININ, Alekney Arkadlyevich, dotsent. kand.geograf.nauk; DOROSMVICH, Lyudrdla Iv3no-na, dotsent, kand..mograf.nauk; Y-URIOVA, Yeleni Se- menovna, kand.greograf,nauk; LAVROV, Ser."y Barisovich, dotsentt kand. geogrof.iiank; LENDOVSKI10i, Stepon Ivanovich, dotnont, kjind.ggeog-raf. nauk; NEVELISHTERN, Grigoriy Solomonovich, doteent ' k4m~.Igeograf. nauk; NIKCLAYEVA, Nade2hda Vaailtyevnn, dotgont, kand.~,,eograf.nauk: 0GARESOV. Vladimir Artemlyevich, kand.doo '-,raf.anuk; PINKMMSON. Dmitriy Moiseyevich, dotsent, knnd.geograf.nauk, POSPLLOVA. Nets- liya Geor:,iyevna, prof., doktor skonom.nauk; SEREVSKIY, Boris Nikola- yevich. -prof.. doktor geograf.nauk; SUTY-ACrIN, Palrel Grii;orlyevich' dotsent, kBrid.geograf.nauk; SH"IN, Viktor Moritt3ovich, -orof.. doktor ekonum.nauk; YEROIFEYEV, I.A., red.; SKIRNOVA, N.F.. red.; TYUTTUlillIK, S.G., red.kart; BORISKINA, V.I., red.k-art; KOZLOVhXAYA, M.D.. telzhn. red. (Economic geo-graphy of foreign countries; student rxinuBlJ Zkonomi- cheakais Ieo&,rafiia zarubezhnykh stran; posobia dlia studentov. Moskva. Gos.uchebno-peda.l-og.izd-vo K-va prosv.WWSR. 1960. 702 p. 'A maps (HlaA 13:12) (Geography, Economic) SAMSONOV, G.V.; YELIKIN, G.E.; GIT14AN A.1 Frontal displacement chromatography of albomycin on cation exchange resins. Trudy Len. khim. -farm. inst. no.1512ll-219 162. (MIhA L 5: 1 1 ) (ALBOM.YCIN) (CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALrSIS) (BAS&UCHANGING COMPOUNW) AZAROVI S.A.; BRUSIWVSKIY, M.I.1 ZHABOVSKIY, A.F.; -- GITMA-N-,-E_S. Modernization of the worm apparatus for peacemeal unloading of stiff leather. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.12slO-12 D 0 41. RA 16sl) (1,eather industry-Zquipment and supplios) (Loading and unloading) GITMAN, F.J. kand.tekhn.nauk; BELOTSERKOVSIM, JIJ, kand.fiz.-matem.nauk .r-- ? Installing a foundation with antivibration mountings for a drop hammer. Prom. strei. i inzh. soor. 4 no.1:29-31 Ta-F 16-3. (MIRA 16:3) (Machinery-Foundations) GITMN, P.M.; BELOTS]IRKOVSM, I.Ta., doteent. Foundations under sectional relnforeed-concrete columns. Stroi.pron. 31 no.10:46-47 0 '53. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Dneprapetrovskiy inzhenerno-stroitel'rAyy institut. (Foundations) BELOPSMOVSUT, I.Ta., doteent; GITM, F.M., kandidat tskhnicheakikh nauk. Brperimental testing of the perforvance of trestle bridge*. Strol. prom. 31 no.11:46 N '53. OWL 6:12) (Railroad bridges) (Trentlea) FISHKA.N, M.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GITMAN. P.M., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk. Iarge-size panels for floors with elongated slag concrete linings. Stroi.prom. 33 no-3:13-16 Mr 155. (KLR& 8:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy inzhonerno--stroitalluyy institut. (Floors, Concrete) KANISHCM,V.G., inzhener; KAIMVSKIT,S.B., inzhenor; ROGIIISKIT,14.Z., inzhener; GIM-M&N,F.?4., kandidat tekhnicheskikh aat*. Large-panel slabs for flooring of industrial buildiVs. Stroi. prop. 33 tio.4:12-14 Ap 155. (MLRA 1.-6) 1. Pridneprovskiy Promstroyproyekt (for Kanishchev, Kanavskiy). 2. Zavod Stroydetall (for Roginskiv)- 3. Dneprovskiy iuzhonerno-stroitellnyy Institut (for Gitman) (Floors, Concrete) GITHAN, F.M., kand.tekhn.nauk. .......... C,onstructing power hammer foundations with antivibration mountings. Stroi. prom. 36 no.8:9-12 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Dnepropetrovskir inzhenerno-etroitellnyy institut. (Foundations) (Machinery-Vibrati6n) (~~epro t k Z )orozhlye); PFYADKO, V.M. qjp~l~ pe rovs . al epropetrovsk., Zaporozhtye); SMIKIU, I.G. (Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhtye); RADIK, L.Ye. (Dnepropetrovsk, Zanorozhlyo) Constructive solution for supporting structures of ventilators. Vod. i san. tekh. no.2:31-32 F f61. (MIRA 14:7) (Fanst Electric) GITW, F.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Using reinforced concrete in the manufacture of machinery. Mashinostroenie no.4:74-77 Jl-Ag '62. OURA 15:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy inzhenerno-stroitallnyy institut. (Machinery-Construction) (Reinforced concrete construction) GITMAN9 F.M., kand. tekhr. raak Laying foundations under the equIpmpn'. of rolling mills. Prom. stroi. 41 no.404-55 Ap 164. G-1-1VIAN, F.M., kand.tekhri.riauk Soine problems of fasteninp arichor bolts. Prora.vI.roi. 43 rio. L~: 13-17 165. (~UT~.A 1~:12) GITMAN, F.M,, kand.tekhn.nauk Some problems in using reinforced concrete in !-,he manufacture of machinery.,,-,tr. 0 no.l: 45-47 Ja 166. 19:1) ~131T=1,111, V. Y-F. Dissertation: "Prefri"ricatei -fonolithic Pre,ltreasi,l "p- ~'rch Sci, Scl ~;es lnsL tri, -.:-Scow, 510 so: T'il." 243, 11) or!~ 1.0cL GITKAN,F.Ye.,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Columns with prestressed spiral reinforcement. Bet, i zhol.-bet. no-7:246-250 0 155- (miaA 9:1) (Columns, Concrete) GITKAN, F.Te.. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Some problems in calculating rigidit7 and crack resistance in prestressed reinforced bond elements. Bet.i zhol.-bet. no.10: 258-363 0 156. (Mr-R" 9:11) (Prestressed concrete--Testing) GITMAN. F.Ya., k-and. tekhn. nank; XISELI?V, Ye. S., kand. tekhn. nauk Anchorings made of prestresand-reinforced concrntn for supporting mine workiniggs. Krapl. gor. vyr. LiColl. ahakht no. 1.-175-1h7 t57. (MIRA 1l:?) 1. TSentral'rWy nauchno-issledovatol'skiy institut oromyshleWkh sooruzheniy(for Gitman). 2. Vaesoruznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy ugoll W inatitut(for Kiselev). (Hinn timboring) (Reinforced concrete construntions) GITMA.N. F2u.,kund.tekhn.n&uk Testing cylindrical prestressed spiral concrete collmns, TrIviy HIIZHB n0%3:204-235 '58. (MM 12:1) (Colwme, Concrete-Teeting) GITKA.ff, F.Te.; KBOTMT, L.T. ,kr ~e ~ iobile machine for reeling up reinforcemouto. Biul. tekh.- ekon. inform. no.4:45--46 158. (miu 11:6) (Reinforced concrete constrtwtion) jtMa_n, F._.)~e,, Candidate of Teehnica~-. S6ien.~;e? AUIEHOR: G TITLE: Ga::!,-! en- Frames Made From Frecast, Pres- assed Reiaf~,r-,qd Conorete FNUODICAL: Beton i zhele-,,obeton, 1959, N~, 3, wu 10,33-135 'USSR) e 4 ABSMJACT: This article describes th Uechriology a-rid proal'.1otion methois used in the manufacture of a garden-frarrie designed by tile, Laboratory for Prestressed Relnforr~ed Ocucrete of TsN-r?S. Details of the conveyor and atand L;ystama ampicyed are given. Up till uow rainfox-eed I-onarute Farden- .rames requires a considerable quantity of steel ea,,d (;Or-- crate. The garden-frame described here, d-~~signed by rrofessor V. V. Mikhaylov, eliminates many shortcomings olf existing methods. It is strong, cza-ks do not appear in the concrete, the construction is much 11 ght-e:.- than prav!"z s Upes and can support high loads. Fig 1 shows detalls G~' tlie f27ame. Some varie-nts to this frwae woye tesslgafd t-y G. 1. Berdichevskciy and S. L. Lit-ter, CaadLdates of Ta,~-h_Ai- cal Sciences. The frames are supported un cci~, -Crete boards Card 1/2 '-5.32 m long and 40 mm thick, aad a7e easily transpcrteo~' HIKHAYLOV, V.V., doktor tek~,n.nauk, pvof.-, GITMAN, F.Ye., karVj.tpkhn.n~,uk; RUDEMO, I.F., inzh.; SEVRUK, P.P,- inzh. ~ . 11 . - Automatic vibration and pressure moldini-, line at the Reinforced Concrete Research Institute. Trudy NliZ11B no.21:161-190 161. (MMA 14:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut betona. i thelezobetona A~ademii stro,"tel'stva i arkhitektury SSSH. (Prestressed concrete) MIKHAYLOV, V.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; HIM YUNI-YVANI [Huang YUn-y~anj, prof.; GITMAH, F.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; RUDENEO, I.F., inzh. Elements of the theory of molding thin-walled elements by vibration and pressure. Trudy NIIZHB no.21:191-211 61. (MIRA 14-1Z) 1. Nauchno-is5ledovatel'skiy institut betonp i zhelezobetona j&ademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mikhaylov, Rudenko). 2. ohank- hayskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, Kitayskaya iiarodnaya Resputlika (for hhuan Yun'-yuad'). 3. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii 5troitell- stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mikhaylov). (Prestressed concrete) MIKHAYLOV, V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk, i.,rof.; MAN YUNI-Yljjd." [Huang Yidn- y'Uan], prof.; GITMAN, F.Ye., kand.te),hn.nauk; RUDEWD, I.F., inzh. Evaluation of the molding properties of concrete mixes. Trudy NIIZHB no.21:258-285 161. (IURA 14.12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut betona i zhelezobetona Akademii 5troitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mikhaylov, Rudenko). 2. Shankhayskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut, Kitayskaya Narodnaya Respublika (for Khuan Yun'-yuan'). 3. Deystvitellnyy chlen kkademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mikhaylov). (Precast concrete) MIKUYLOV, V.V., doktor takhn.nauk, prof.; 9ITKU1, F.Ye.., ".tekhn.nauk; PISKOVITINt M.I., 1nzh. Manufacture of prestressed concrete elements on the meclianized unit developed by the Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Research Institute. Trudy NIIZHB no,27:5-48 162. (MI-RA 15:9) (Prestressed concrete) GITMAII, F.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; OLIMPIYEV, V.G., inzh. The functioning of prestressed multi-ribbed and composite roof slabs subject to flexure. Trudy NIIZHB no.27:84-102 162. (14IRA 15:9) (Roofing-Testing) MIKHAYLOV, V.V., d,~ktor tekiri. nauk- Gl"Vflo F Xi~ - , -., . nauk; KAPAKr;VSKTY, A.K., zz_W" . [Apartment houses of a frame-panel syst,emj Zllilye raamo-panellnoi sisterry. I.Jol;k-va, Stj-,)-:j.z(jtjt, -.1, 1, !7 . (ME'A I-S-, i', SHCHUAKIN. L.N.. MMOT, M.F., inzh.,;AITMAN,__ - I.B.,_red.; SNUOTA. A.D., red.; SENEYMOT, R.G., red.- IABBOmblY Of structural elements] Montazh stroitallnykh konstraktaii. Moskva, TSentr.biuro tekhn.informat 1111, 1958. 32 p. (MM 14:4) 1. Moscow. Gosuderstvennyy proyektu" institut "Promatell- konstruktsif.* 20 Proyaktnyy In5titut, Promatellkonstrulctoiya (for Kaelov , (Aluminum, Structural) GITMAN, I.B., inzhener. Tower cranes produced by the *Steel Construction Trust'. Mekh. stroi. 4 no.2:12-15 Ir 147. (MLRA 9:2) l.Stallkonstruktsiya. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) GITHU, I.B., inzhener. Blectric winches. Kekh.atroi. 4 no.12:6-9 D '47. (KIRA 9:3) 1. Prometal'montazh. (Winches) OITMANY 1. B. ?A 28T35 Jul 1947 Construction, Steel Hoists "YAxmting Guy Derricks of the 'Stall konstruktalyal Trust," I. B. Gitmen, Aw, Prmstallmmtazh, 2 IV wMakhanizatalya Stroltellstva" No T Discussion of the use of stationary guy derricks in moimtIng steel construction in industrial buildings. Tr. VELIKHOV, P.P., CdeceasedJ laureat Stalinakoy premii; 2UVA I.B., laureat -6..4 Stalinakoy premii; SOKOLOVA, A.D., laureat StalinsIro"y pr""'MIT; Y'HODOV' laureat Stallnekoy premii; SOKOLOVSKIT. D.I., inzhenor, retmnzent; OSTOL;SKIY, T.O.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. reduktor. M.P.. [Special cranes for the erection of building struct-uree.) Speteiallnye krany dlia montazha stroitollnykh kongtruktail. Moskva, Goa. nauchno- tekhn. lzd-vo maahinostroit. lit-ry. 1953. 205 P. (KLRA 7-5) (Cranes. derricks, etc.) (Building) GITKAX, I.B., laureat Stalizukoy prenij. OBuilding crazes; a referexce manual.0 ReTleved by I.B.Gitwm. Strol, prom.33 no.10:47-48 0 151. (KLRA 9--l) (Crazes, derrloko, eta.) I Crl 4 SHCHIPAXIII, L.N. The BK-1425 asuembly tower crane with tho liftUg ciq)urity of 75 t. Nov.tekh.mont.i spets.rub.v stroi. 21 no.9:5-10 S 159. (MIIL-, 12:11) 1. Proynktnyy institut PromstallkonBtruktaiya. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) BROUNSHTEYN, B.I.; GITMAN, I.R.; ZHMZZNYAK, A.S. M&ss transfer into spherical drops. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.6sl336-1338 Je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov. Submitted July 4, 1964. Yc . T horliculturp in our c-untn,. or'. ~-!,~iver3.qnr o' ~-:3 b-' --+,h. Rot. GITM~'.:', L.S. Some recoll,?ctiorts about !~rtur .,~.rturovich. 'i'rudy V17", -.'~3: 49-51 'N~. Literary heri ta~,e of' . 1b-(1. -1 - 'I I --9:2) AKSKLIROD, Isay Solomonovich; AFAN~OIYYV, Mikhail Aleknandrovich; VEYNBLAT, Boris Markovich; GITMM, Mark Borisovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DUBROVSKIY, Aleksandr' Ivanovich; KiNIMTS-EV, Vladimir Petrovich; KAMINSKIY, Boris Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLOKOLOV, Nikolay 141khaylovich; EPSIITEYII, Anatoliy Mordukhovich, prof.; KILUUOV, V.S., kand. teklin. nauk, red.; GOLUBKOVA, Ye.S., red. [Road engineer's manual; the construction of brldges axKI culverts] Spravochnik inzhenera.-dorozhnika; stroitellstvo mostov i trub. Mosk-va, Transport, 1965. 735 p. (MI.U 18:7) USSR/Electricity - Distribution Sep 52 Systems "Problems of Farm Electrification in the Re- gions of the Great Construction Projects of Co=wmism," M. I. Gitman, Engr, "Giprosellelek- troll "Zlektrichczt_-;o" No 9, P-P Article is a pkDer which was read by author at a conference held 24-26 Mar 5'2 by the Com- mittee for Cooperation With the Great ConGt Projects of Communism, Presldium, Acad Sci 232T51 USSR. Gives brief charac terio ties of fam loads In the irrigated regions around the Kuybyshev hy- droelec power station. Compares parameters of 10- and 35-kv systems and substations. Submitted 24 MaY 52. 232T51 E- Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1225 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 20/34 Author : Gitman, M. I., Eng. Title : Selection of nominal value of voltage loss In lighting net- works of Industrial enterprises (Article by N. K. Arkhipov, Elektricheatvo, No. 5, 1954) (Discussion) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 12, 74, D 1954 Abstract : N. K. Arkhipov correctly stated that lighting networks can- not be calculated according to standardized voltage losses, without checking voltage deviations at the consumer. This problem, according to the author, should be discussed on a much wider basis. institution : Giprosellelektro (State Institute for Planning Electrifi- cation of Agriculture) Submitted : No date AID P - 4133 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 20/33 Author : Gitman, M. I., Eng., Moscow Title : Technical and economic calculation of city cable net- works.(Discussion of the article of V. A. Kozlov, this journal, No. 11, 1954). Periodical : Ele'ktrichestvo, 12, 69-70, D 1955 Abstract : The author states that V. A. Kozlov in his article did not take into consideration such important factors as the value of voltage losses. In addition his selection of economical cable sections in high voltage lines Is based on erroneous assumptlons and the unit price of lost energy is incorrectly selected. He welcomes, however, the Initiative of V. A. Kozlov and suggests further study of the subject. Institution : None Submitted : No date AUTHORS: 1) Gitman, M. I. , Enrineer, 2)Kozl,)v, V. A. , SOVII '~n i~ 17111 _er__tr"tM TITLE: For an Advancement in Eljetric Po,.,,,e.,- Engineering (Elektro- energetiku - na novuyu stupen') iE R I OD i CA L Ele',*ricNestvo, 1958, 111'r 9, pu 8~~ Al'STIR C T D i ion contri b ut i ons to t ho r by S Go rt 4_n slkiy i.A.Syromy.Ltnilcov in El(!ktrirh-stvo, I 11'r 10. and 1) One cause for the growinj num Lt~r of and smr-liest-sizze power !;tations is the err~neoul- belief t',-.--t power transmission will be econo_-.-.ic_,3.11y Justific~J only if it -neets the 1 k,7 per 1 J:m -rule. The investments made in constructing a lone tranumicoion line , and ta'.'InG up service, may cost as much. as, and. ever more, than the 1nstallation of --L local power .-;tfi-ion. However, ti.ese expenses will as a rule pay off within 3 yea--s. The capacity of the transmiosion line wil'. ;ilways exceed tilat of the local power station. Some are Given for this fact. At prerent, forc-3ti-y n.nd acrfcu'.'t~,ire of t,-,e Komi National Area are ser%rel 1;~., - -re--t number Card 1/4 of sm-11 power stations. Thp pos::1-bility of servinC~ this in Electric Po-,-,-er Enj -4 11 E, 1. ~L 2r, ~,.rea f rom the Perin hylroulev, *, r i-c p 1 --!r ::!,; t-. ot' C; vor -1 . . fl ~~ 110 kV trallumis'nion line of 1en, Ln :)J, ~O Vr,. t rj ~~(j by tl,c Giprokominunener~.-o. It tirned out 1h:A cver 4") r (2:C4! :~t load conditiors M4 y'2~tro the nut Costo "-iolil.d '1m o I. I: t1") -1:"7 the amortization time of 1) Ei con,.- ~!---d as being normal. The irvef3ti ation.,z out by t-e Giorokommunenergo have shown t---- ~Iijo citi,-s froin t- 'e 857 ones lying on the territory of t:ie Russian Soviet Fe,'.'Ierated Socialist Republic I)i)v,,e-- from. the grid, while another 380' can be connec-ted with it durinC, the neAt 5 to 8 years, and only 31 2ities would need local power otation:5, 11 of wh.ic~i oril~r T'-e author asks for new forms of orFani'::ation -~o eive all electric utilities of one district a uniform, inana:-;-17--ent. The technical management of the mini:-,try of cle-tri-c power stations has already passed a number of re--'D--IUt4-O-.8 concerning simplified, cheaper conne,~tiori of new areas to the power grids. However, Sovnar::'!!'JZ I:D:,,Lr manage:-ents Card 2/4 do not conform to thpse resolutions, biit impooe :,,i~ite For an Advance.-.1.1ent in Electric Power EnFinor--eri-:g unjustified, heavy con(litioz. 's on users, t'-Ius defea-ting execution of the resolutions. 2) He---c- z3ome problen3 of development of urban dintributior. are discusged. T~-.e urb-..n dist.-ibution systems are in~;u !'iciently dev---,loped, t1ie engineering standard being inadloquate. 0,:,:.ration is very expensive, and the e~;i.lrjy and 1)o-,,,,er losses are inadmiszibly hitrh. The required funds must be and tLe production of conductors, cablc-s, contixc.~oi,s, P1'0toCti,1'4' relay equipment, etc. munt be inerea~;ed. It iz, ti--.e for a complete automati-~-ttion of urban netwo"ks,. ASSOC TATIO:, 1),,'-ipgokommuneneri,,o Card I / .),4 C:A 00 00, 0 00 4 of 4 ** o 00 00 Tube fw labvdwdon d =Mm laso uquw now. v. 3. Fortumiaw mW H. Ran. 60.111, Nor. Ion. Tblauter migw0c:ow-ot the tube conjedsto :1. WAM ot wSavoto. ww C. S al L Aaf 7ALLLOPSKAL LITIN&TUIll CLASUPKA110- 1 low U it &v 00 &1 0-3 0 0 4 111 a it 9K a It It a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 9 o 0 0 0 0-0 0 0-0 ft1 e, 'o -00 see see lose 1 be* 0 v Al 0 3 dho 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 00 91 00 00 006090*006 060 mm A on ago "0 gglorlo WHO . set Ma ~ ~ d U l: IL V -of son r . u av . tim of 'Okum ZqUN 14W. XMw, AUd. Nook V. A. S~ R. " us i c 0 -as -00 Al - amm s 4 7.351-3(10= ; WM' al a jwbma man o1w Tba, s , . p. urs, wkb do*. no Ittermw Is tME .04 darbe ibe *0 Wit. tht lumew bo- s it d w 1 19 d& 0 .00 . cam" mu y m, sa prwtkaft i l. Tk op. the. Td. of The volm. at 13' t 18 It lacrom 70 told i It d I d 400 - n m n^ a tacram 60 f d 0 No at 25 it uKramm 19 loW In 16 days. Thim d the mols. but to ibe J dwtviblo, 11. Z. Katnich woo goo mt Ald-SLA ARTALLOOSICLL LITIERATIOll CLAUIPIC.ArAll BMW 11"43L" - .44T gave* -d "same A. 4.v "1 119111 BOB WV All u a a All A I a at 0 a 9 1 x SO 5 A a 2 2 0 e 0 to 0 411 a 4, o 00 -- - " , 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 - 2,;Q !", . *, 0 , , , , 77777' ;jmw:,* 1. - - -- : A a r. A . 4 J LVAL", 12 1 4 At XI. " 0 .. A 0 I - n a a.. 1 00 f V. A. -Tm XWorolfic DOPONOW Of ZOOU~ KUM.. IWO. l9. i 4 00 1* n9 of botho %*Wfuiw th~ 611 N-4 1. 9KY X r i w Kil . -h- (a) AKI KO. N&F. L "f 1 Ch i,jjL t j , j Aj ) KYjr wi W. NO. N&F. 7A)., z % ,f kdevilyhe a blk W.1 ~N I V, M ~13 N . & How"m from & 113" .00 00 , at & o-s map. idw.lwil & gmy pow4.r K -Z-y f 11-5 f o0 . s - 1 -, nsolwn K Zr firmliluill wlifirsollill -It. while 11 0 . ~ M U 0 Q l, IM wor, .1,10, Uaing lk t,%Wyb41pnum,-*t,.-J~.,s compart layor..Ow- &0 0 00 coo so of 0 zo a 400 0 410 0 !DO too 1.6.6 * i L A St 8 TlL-.l.Klt U111MUNI CLA$$WKAjWM 0 00 u u &V 0 rt r 0 S 9 $0009" MW ftwdary xWoball* Dapodu 4d ajdalsto Md of UGAMW. 0. Kudrs and L~J;. or. PrikW. KAins.. M7, 20, IM 612; C. Ab#.. 1048. 41L 1K24).- Rm2w"nj. c%jrvv%tjvultW curves wft" taken with it c,ovat. owlo m4r(Zm o( 216 mut.i and thrits platinum evillindiia of (1) 2111, tU) 114. "W (M) 17 P-MUM; 3 twonotioullve rioadmils At wiL'lv diffemat eA with the 4" tritnitition from compact to rwdmN doil.isit. a owlln mitul w by & IiktMUnUOUS jump I Of thO 411AWOMIJOWWROM 1.11.11ti'd ,m curve U. AN inere"m with ddutfixt, in" 0-24 to 0,94 V. tot,taftn 2%) and "%; 1'e. wher"ais the first dticompualwe potential is.) 0 IndeFteluirrif 4 the (vot"Ontralkin V.). the owmad IS,), na"In"bog "f tkry radinjum, variable. The magnitud,, &M t6 hien-ot., 4 AK witMr,wourig dilution am even waft marked in a4utigonoot ipf CAN$,A 314,11. Thi. demomotratiat that R, cannot be ascribed to evoititiom of In tinkgrn, Int ticultorly " lovdirogen does accompany perfectly compact del-ititin. andi increased Acidity fSTOUM compactriew. not pulverulenoe. A ditwonlinimpias .%N (if -1.8 V-) top Aw in the eketritlysia f li,m), W. Nimv, it is toloor"ed y on curve Ill. is obviously due to a mikowlit, pc.-; in 1% 110. disamUnuitles an a= on all 3 curym norn~l-,ndijlg 6, thn- t,aluft uf 9 - 14, 1-8, and 2-33 V.; the firet two, (Wrid on curves I And U. mj=l:ontl Ito t,vWuUon of chlorim and oxygen at the ancide. while the Illifil. (to '111V in M. must bit United with a tww cothatfir jmo,etwi. [it 10., HWK0,.Sl4j0 , K (uncurvel) - PH V. oamooponda 14) virttlut um to( ht tit, V,n ; 2. K (M) 3:jl -"T'r~- all o X (I) K. (1) - .4.3 V, (.Pa.!% MW Jr. (IL fir, - vi~' .1,i vatu'us rioarvatniotiona of ailtbeir MAW, or XnfNo,y, Ar - K, E, ito tically 11"loppro,"t o( the difulion; ottly AN - to - K. u-m- -,th YZut"i'"s. T)w di-mUrouctus AN vok" cLaricitkis with J.I.M'Irut dojoistatio p.1111. lo I~CIUANN- of (Rilph.x klow. th~ r-11". .,( .11101 ll.".t it .... 1, -un-l -en .11 .~ ... pl~ A~ln.I.V-tm ..d I i. k. I-n ... .... T 1.1, ..0. r -, .11., gnslihi.. asul A.r. A~ trOymix) tilworvati-mix. U551"Chemistry M.ectroly3is Chemisty Anions Mar U "The Problem of the Influence of Anions cf l';Iecticde 1--~-ccesse3,11 C. Ku,Lra, E. ~it:nan, 5 PP "Zhur Prik Khim. Vol XXI, No 3 For cadmium and manganese nitrate solutions, the rotentiala cf formation of loose cathode deposits are sensibly lower than those for solution of oti--er salits these metals. it was suggested that this was connected with the oxidizing action ol' '13'.Jon. Tile described experiments with zinc and lead salts at various dens;-t--e-z, hcwever, show that this is not ',he case. Submitted 2 'un 1947 PA 70T11 um/owat"a mmotftualm Air 3048 CkSMIBU7 X14101 ftIt4 -no waning of th* swm& Potantua in Nickel Salt ftlatims," 0. Jhdru mA To. Gitmom, 6 vp *Zbw 21MIrlad Thim'10 Vol ZZIp No Dmoription of a vlav*l mmUod of daterafting I-V favve for T"low C&OGdo oarrmt donalti" acting nickel mat, solutions. 02miftes romms for obodoal polul"tiqu in GIVAO malt solutims, OMIL oput" role of dalou JA tills pmosof sub"Mma 2: J'an 1947. ?A 715TZO