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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003600060 '14A0V Mi li\N 1947 Amal Intellinenoe rswnte memorandum of - January 19470 abjerat1 CW royal of CICI ip was originally given subject to the al of the collection plan drawn up for its inpiementation. CiU 19 and its an ;)lan Zr collection wore eccepted as an experiment in the coordination of the eollection 25X1 of intelliEence--1 posing eelected as the field for the ex. coriment. This notion was taken with the hope that it might Lead to a soiation of the fundamental problems of tae domi- nation of all collection activities and the dolineetion of iri. telliece responsibilities, although it was recoznised that it and its coanterIxart, the CIO plan, was more limited in scope than, and sorsewhat contrary to, gar department doctrines which are 4obal in nature. 25X1 co GIO 1$ into initiated1 lilA itreotive Wo. 7 has 000rdinatine the entire fie ;xf tooll -on CIO 23, too, (which coordinates the resp*nsibilities ction of intelligence) is now in cireulation end S epproval is in eight. When anroved, Cl)) V, NIA Directive No, 7, would apccar to obviate the experiment. desirability "4. In viewof the ublication,,f !A DisOtiYeNo. I and mpeldinK publication of the Lnclosure toczn 23, it is tended that CI5 19 and its accompanying collect on plan be awn from the eoneideration of this Intellizence Advisory or at least postponed for consideraticn to insure tnat brauAst into full consonanee with the broader directives." 2. Tour proposal that CIG discontinue the preparation or Wtional Iligenee Requirements indicates a miranderstandinc of the national 11Josnce :-,,rograra as it is being developed bv (1,4 with the advice and aseistanos cf representatives of the 1AR agencies. Is therefore, It advisable to explain this zrogrem in sone detail Sin that Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP8OR01731R0036111117SICRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00360006 'Avid or th a seity to the s miesion, and their expected we:dulness to rts to comply with the mission assigned to it by r of 22 January 1946 as interpreted in part by tees, the CIS, under my direction, has undertaken assure the most effective accouplishment of the related to the national semmrity4! and 'Ito furnish onal policy intelligence to the President and_ the Departemte. etc." These plane have fallemonder awls of: (a) collection). (b) research or production' n* These several specific problems which have been referred by the gencies to CIG for oeordination have also been tatoeoad in the Uutht of these three basic categories. he L. These three basic plans are designed to fan imple- meatation or the collection, research, and dissenine a) depart- mental intelligence; and (b) strategic or national ligence. the President's letter, departmental intelligence oonoinues to be the responsibMty of the departments. It has such subdivisions as tactical intelligence, combat intelligence, operational intelligence, and staff intelligent*. Strategic and national policy intelligence is allocated by the President to the Director of Central Intelligence, It is eon- posed of such oarts as daily digests of currant, intelligence, sitxaticn reports, special evaluations, and basic intelligence* Newell it is that intelligence which renults fres an expert correlation, evaluatOns and analysis of all available intelligence infnrsmtion, including departmental intellieence, for the Use of the ?resident and top policy officers of the ikontroment in developing policies for the protection of the national eecority. de's interests in this national strated? intelligenoe is paramount since the Director of Central Intelligent* alone is authorised to produce it. He must, toerefore, determine its collection reqairements and orocedores, research requirements and orocodores, and dissemination requirements and procedures. To this end sell necessary facilities intelligenoe and information In the swassion of the respective departments" is by VIA Directive No. 1 node available to the DCI. 5. In. developing its plans for the coordination of the tame basic phases of intelligence work, CIO has attempted and sincerely believes that it has given careful consideration to the requirenents of the several agencies as well ae to its own requirements. fvery effort- has been made to create an appreciation by the aeeneies of their interdepeodebility and the logic of closer cooperation. 6. one of the forces behind_ the original creation of the central intelligence organisation was the lack of some central point 'where the intelligence of the four egenciee could be correlated objectively, free froo departmental pressures, and evaluated as a whole, Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0036 -2- Approved For Release 2003/05/05: CIA-RDP80R01731R003600060 collection plan cn proyide for the coordination of ion activities and erocederes whether they are for the co11ion terial for departmental or national strategec intelligence. . t tinutug plan not rewirine frequent chane it cannot cantata a as to at intelligence material is most desired (kering any iod. The reggirements of today are not the reqeirements of At moat it can allocate broad fields to specialised eollocters. provision mast be made for ad hoc reallocatien on epeaal oc- The mass of intelligence material available to efficient col s teach that selection must be made. That selection can be made as havine the perspective of distance and a knowledo of the r operational efficers' demand for estimates, no basic rlan for coordination wets this requirement. only some epicene ch as tee ele proeidine periodic guidance, weich can be imple- y the collection coordination plan, will do this. By conselta- the aeencies the RIR mill insane* as possible include is their relative importance the intelligence requiremmats cf several agencise and of Clas The Rational Intelligence Requireftents will also serve as guidance for the general activities 4:4f Special epera- tions. Their absence will leave the coerdinatore desimated by VIA Directive No. 7 -without the guidance they must have for the 12121eienta- tion of that .Aan. Recause of the above and because of sy reseensibIlity to produce national strategic intelligence, I believe in the neoeseley of the prompt issuance of the National intelligence Reqpirements for the strategic areas of the lead and must take much steps as ap-?car appropriate to that and. It is nry understanding that other ,telli- genes Agencies represented in IA3 concur in this opinion. The production plan is a natural companion of the collect-dm tthout that coordination which establishes sound and sere odebility, each aleeney must operate as a selfecontatned by and for itself all the collection sed rrodlIcti-yrt ()cation in one field rewires conceerent Sllocatiea in t be expected that the intelligence requiremeete es for their own departmental intelligence will prOtttlee in inteUigerice necessary for the productien of national strategic intelligence. Conversely, there ie no intention that tils RIK will restrict the reporting by eeency representetives abroad in fulfillment of their parent agency's requests for intelligence of current value to departmental intoliteence. Nor will theNJIT replaoe the standing instructions providing for the steady flew of facteal data destined fer the collation or revision of basic or static intelligence. The NIR are intended onlyte Live guidance as to selteL emphasis should be placed within the vast field. They have to servo as a current eeriadic eroeraa for the implementation of the basic lo-range Nan. Tnis does not preclude the loolsecttre whereby basic estimates will be eerther treated by am. or all of the agencies in the !reparation of their departmental intellieence. Rut the eere possession of intelligence in no matter what feem is not an end in itself. There must, therefore, be a dissemination erocedure. Approved For Release 2003/0547CIA-RDP8OR01731R003610660079-5. SICREI Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00yr The dissemination plan must insure the rapid dissemination c.,.f all inoominF intellienee InforwatiJn to thc)se agencies that may require it in tat form, It :should eqw-lly discontinue the dissemina- tion of intelligence material unit* is not wanted and ?=.1.all only confteme by its opprcentivs voImms. In addition, it should Intl:re the ttesemination of basic estimates rnItt,lirei:.. f6r te development clf departmental intent- ce. And finally, it ez)ouid inc;Jre the receipt 'ay CIC of all del'art.. 1,!ontal tfl.imce.t' di apd estimatos so that ;Toper strategic and national t-2olicy intelligence naiy be i.,1"Mgd by 'the Director of Cmtrsa Intelligence for the 'irefticisrat. 1, therefore, req...est thtit yclA issue ouch directives as nay be aecessal7 to the individ.als tiread,y desigiuted iy you to assist the CIG in preparing !'1ITLi; for the t;R and the 'addle if.tat, Init?tjo fcr inter44;s4cy noetircato tArkr,744re then 11IR ifl be iseled in the next fee days. U. I slue 1e4T2est that you sive y4Y_Ir concurrence ti the imliediato ?f ttIRChims As you are aware, the propfiratiDn of NIR China was initiated on 30 A.-utolst 1946 with the idea they Antlld be rrivived quarterly, The NIR China as afTroved by the JAB on 7 Nvvember 1P-46 and the subuetriert delay 1-as beer the result r!,11 ennsidereti*,,e r;-f the implementing directive, AlthnuFb I believe the detailed implementing directives for the NIRi1i,men the :Aan is evertually perf7cted, insure toe most efficicAt fritelligence I em thdmj the iplemeotine dlrective to ER China and shall refer the problem of their implementation to CIO Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination abs will *ueh eollectlor regaests a* MACJ apl.eor reeeacary. DE/nhb, 17-20 Jan 1947 How S. VANDEr.I.7.1G Director of Ccntralligence Central Records (2) Registry Return to ICAPS-2262V Approved For Release 20705/05 :CIA-RDP8OROTOp0 I 4, eRet-5 TOP SECRET lAr376M-F5T4please zuu..i/uo/uo . 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