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GIORDANO, Guglielmo, prof. dr. inz. Acceesibility of forests in mountainous regions and timber production outside of forests. Sylwan 104 no.5:25-35 Vq 160. 1. Kierownik Katedry Uzytkowania Lasu, Wydzial Lesny, Uniwersytet, Florencja, Italia, i Dry-rektor Wloskiego Instytutu Technologii Drewna. GIORGAITZE, A.G. - mLtorr-,--,t:lcgy ~2nd surgical treatzent of Frjjnra:7,r . )y , tumors. '"cob. G-uz. SSIR 29 no.-2.,245-2Q Ag 161". (V; ~ -,., - a ~,., 3 ) 1. InstItur -j- ortoredii, Tibilisi.. Subml*~L,,~(! I~q 1961. KIKALISHVII.1, K.I.; A.G. Combined in.11irle3 of the brair and acccessrry ziru-'i-Dr of Lhe nc,.3e. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.3:739-743 S 164. 17:11) 1. Institut trLVMatOlOgii i ortopedii, Tbilisi. Predstavle-no aka- demikom K.D. Eristav" MERABISHVILI, V.f., DZASOKHMA, E.N.; U:C~iGADZE, A.G.; N.Z. Surgical treatment of ou'lward dr;vIation cf U;~~ -,r,~ cf. the fool.. Soob. AN Gruz. P w.;. lt~ (Mi'RA 18,13.10 Z- USSR/Pharmcology and Tjxiculoi3y. Narcotics V-1 j',bs Juur Pbf Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, Nu 71o47 Author Giur,-,adze K.L. Inst ti tute Title Functional Condition of the Thyroid Gland in the Treatment of Hypertensive Disease vith Sleep OriG PLb Tr. Thilisak, medi in-t, 1957, 12, 21-31 Abstract 125 patients with different stages of hypertensive LU4ease were investigated. The functional condition of the tlLyrAd gland (TG) was determined by themethod of incorp~ratj.~,n S il3l, as well as by the state r-,f the basal meta1bAism be- fire and after the treatment with sleep (2j3ytal sAiiL,, end conditioned reflex sleep). It was established thit sleep is an effective methQd if treatment in the majority ,f patients of the I and II stages of hypertensive disease, contributinG to the decrease of the basal metabolism and function of TG, which are increased in these stages of disease. In the II "B" and III stages of Oypertensive cUsease, thera:)y Card 1/2 USSR/Hurmn and Animal FhysiDlot_-y - (Norrnal and T Blood Biood Pre-":iure- Hypuri.ens Lon. Abs Jour Rr-f aiu- Biol., No L., L959, 17496 Aotllor Gio-.-Cadze, K.-L. Ins Tbili,,:31' Medical InstituLo Tit-le Inclusion Ol: "indioa,-tivc Iodirc (1131) L:-,to the Tny-cAd Gland and Bazal Metabolism, as Indexes of Fl-Inctional Con- dition oC Thyroid Gland in Hyportension. Orig Pab Tr. TbilisA. mcd. ln-'L, 195-(, 1,01 IYI-Idi Abst-ract N:D abclract. Ca--d -:/l KVALIASHVILIt A.A*q prof,; GIORGADZFt K.L., kand.mod.nauk Activities of the Tif3is Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologists. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 4:74~75 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Predsedatel.1 pravieniya Tbilisokogo nauchnogo ob3hchestva rentgenologov i radiologov (for Kvaliaahvili). 2. Sakretarl pravleniya Tbilisakogo nauchnogo obshchestva rentgamologov i radiologov (for Giorgadze). (TIFILIS-RADIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES) c GIORGADZE, K.L.; RACHVELISHVILI~ B.Kh.; GOGNIASHVILI, Sh.i. Participation of the OpAoNd gland in the development of bronchial asthma. Soob. AN G,,,. ~SR 30 no.1:111-114 Ja 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstve"yy meditsinskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom K.D. Eristavi. GIORGADZE, L.S. Efll'ect of variaus -niltiva, -iDr, cGrAt--ions of the j-arenta- on the productivity of hybrid tZfspring. Soolb, AN -'I-/. no..2:415-422 F :65. k. 14 1! - -, " 3h6h6 J-62/04 00 0 S/056 2f 2/ ~0/05-, 0141 t //S- 15) B108/B104 R-ORS: Buishvili, L. L., Giorgadze, N. P. ----- --- ----- TITLE: Spin-lattice relaxation of nuclei during, rosonanoo ir. ferromagnetics PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretic.'heskoy fiziki, v. 42, ro. 2, 1962, 499 - 502 TEXT: Portis and Gossard (Ref. 1, see below) have concluded from their measurements that nuclear magnetic resonance is determined essentially by the nuclei in the domain walls which are subjected to an internal inhomo- geneous magnetic field. The thermal vibrations of the ruclei produce an alternating magnetic field which causes transitions between the nuclear levels. The energy of a perturbation induced by an internal magnetic field Rx is determined by the.relation H, two (I* + I-) (akelkr + ee-tk% (5) 28 1, lard 1/3 5/05 62/042/002/030/055 ':rin-lattice relaxation of... YB B108 104 ,.:, 'r-, -, the nuclear resonance frequency, I! . 1. + ily. is the o ' YHn is flom.-~in wall thickness. The.transition probability ig then Wm. m-i;:w.V + M) U - M + 1) (U'A/482mo) (eU.18 (6~ where N is the maximum Debye frequency, temperature (in energy units), m m0 - mass of nucleus. The effective relaxatio!i time TIcan be determined from* the mean polarization (S,> in the boundary 1-iyer: