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Jm 207 34"trcms Smission DOPPIAW ;~Zt *bdission of an Xlsotroa and an Atcm Moving Along tho Axis of a Chamel In a Dose Modimst Y. L. Ginzburgi 1. M. ft*Wtp Oorr No, A"d 801, 4 pp -Dok UM Ilauk SEISR, Nova Ser- Vol LVI, No 7 Gives asthowtIcal disoumelon oonoluftng that energy ftlealom lit ease, of a DMIsr ffoot Im detwulned by o9rtA#-f==a1A , vith factor t/2. In this regtrd 161yes oomi*t ~UU=mt cc anglogous taotor for the AM MY 1947 "DVpler Moot at Volocitr Greater Um ftat of Liewt I* Y..- . M a Imt Immi. P. N. U Acad Sol um, 4 pp "Dak Akad Ink SM, Nova See Vol LvI, No DWwIbes u9srtomto vblob show that appwitica that ftpUr m"oct, during ammat of an at= in 01*Wt MOIIIUX) has :00 Value because at this time It, WW be IcAlIzed) In not ocrr"t. + 4 ---------- ------- 301 190 of; owl ; ; ; ; ; ;,#ww '#W N OW ; W ; ; ; *ease k2 I t A . I A I A -I- K to U-U-m -a a u m 0 - - - - 61NZWEr, V. L - L4 In," Vol 133, so 1 040%Utlng dlateme Of_ +A$ first ta * ths ma, and Ith li VIA L7-j X) - w - ion 1948 Ra"O %ves, land, "titan at the am and oalpi ttas#s Naple Vol =av, No l tekirlb WIMIC an sm's re4io intensity during eolipeoj *eryat, C00,Or 9=,S_r*dtO Mission at various fre- e~ ~WA radi~!~ w'doolcm of pawtics aooordir* to rpt p ~947- W,106 GINZBURG, V. L. PA 12/1,9TIO6 Agplied "Aboontion of 14cro-Aadio Waves In the Atmosphere," V. nUopqkU Fiz Nuak" Vol XXXV, No 4 mat m6at of subjeoto Revieve multiplat t"at dial ck~ygeni Diaottesse absorption dr'' Of a as ion y air,, atmospherso min, fcg and (11w~rwo .;UA9"- Mi -L_JT JOGFfij1jjjr~jLL REPORT AID 214 - I PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND WIT , graphics. Text.,Data Coverage: The book covers: the conception of the ionosphere; dielectric constant and conductivity of an ioniged gas; wave propagation in a non- homogeneous Isotropic medium; reflection of radio-waves from ionosphere layers; wave propagation in an anisotropic medium, (under the effect of the earth's magnetic field); solar and galactic radiation. BOOX Call No., QC661.G54 Authori GINZBURq., V. Full Titl-ei '-fligUR-Y"N' RADIO-VAVE PROPAGATION IN THE IONOSPRM Transliterated Title: Teoriya rasprostraneniya radiovoln v ionosfere Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing Hounni State Publishing House of Technical Theoretical Literature WGIZ) 1949 No. pp.t 358 No, of copiest 7,000 Date. Editorial Staf f Editort None Tech, Ed.: Nona Editor-in-Chieft None Appraiser-. None Others: Leontovich, M. A., Academician, who reviewed the book and made certain remarks, and Pariyskaya, Z. V., Engineer, who prepared the 1/2 Teoriya rasprostxanenlya radiovoln v ionosfere AID 214 - I The author limits his work to the physics of the subject, using mathematical deductions only when absolutely necessary. The book from this point of view appears to be of a certain interest. However it seems to be a compilation of known facts and deductions, as is shown by the very large number of references, and not an original Concept. Purpose- To put the xubject within reach of a broader circle of readers. Facilities~ The Institute of Physics imeni P. N. lebedev of the Academy of Selences,USSJ& and the Radio-Physics Department of the Main Administxation of Geodetics (GGU) No. of Russian and Slavic References: 69 out of 14"t (1915-1948) Available: Library of Cono-ess. GINZWRG., V. L. PA 3oAg 195 p4aization:SAA pelgoeffoot Ot M*O~tq "00'r, 76, soar the point of no; Aiso dispuess. of 'cuffUmt of barilm- n4l, asr..,th~~O~rle UNwatvre, Sulultts& tisficnaw a WIM Tltw Obiwg.. PNm blot ft"I 1. TAud"', 6 st M, Val =1 so I ur per bbr/Apr 49 1~adlo Wayes - Absorption *The Abearptim of Radio Waves In the Solar Comma," V. L. Ginzburg, Phys Inst imen5 P. b.Le1,*ds-.,4,oad Set USSR, Radlophys Faculty, Hoecow State U.. 13 pp "Abtrc'n Zhur" Vol MI L' ,No 2 NumInes varlouti formlao for absorption o" radio vavea In Ionized gas (ionosphere, solar cotona, Interstellar gas). Given results of studies conducted to determine thickness 04wcna for wav" of varying frequencies 41p;'As ranSe 0.6 - 50 metere. -- . ~ A - - 42/4M UMBURG, V, L, PA 67/49TJ05 Aq 41 L 'Vh* UVA7 ~,i,41~wsjectrjc Phwomm)" V. 0*~Urg., lpp~ .Ptvh IrLz NOW Val =MII$ No 4 40M.'ses (1) tl* them of tdowelectric a wit0out cosl4oriug anisotromy and Isit (g),; t"a of Am tramitiou trio ta, the;'Oviticia.pohAt., (3) anlootrM of '260trit I as: the piezo effect in W4 +Ate 04,70, (4) the vrCkporties of Rodlelle cap =d "RW TRW Lai T84iratures !~Jbe Theory of Superfluidity and the Critical Speed 0i Relitti II," V. L. Ginzburg, Phys Inst imeni jWbedev, Acad Sci UM, 4 pp 1I)ok A Neuk SSSR- Vol LXIX, No-2 sent tbeory explains well almost all experimental ~ts relative'-to Be II, However, one very important nomenoll -- existanpe of critical speed for super- id fl6v He 11 --1 C'"n'Ot. be quantitatively explairad Y~Ithe Oeoty. T4is tac-t seems to indicate necessity F 3 a~~introduclng into t~e theory more accurate esseritial)k 19 400ges ilk its micrOSPOPic Part: the value of the speed and its dependence upon the apert-dIves Mth MW tOmPerstUrOf SUbMitted 15 Sep 49 by Acad :C4. L004tovich. "0. rowst. fit. so. 1004 t Mm %mt"~"A"46w' lie tbc I WPOCIOdull" tmdtim iks e stimn ill a No W a pdw"W * Is i"buliticed, fultually 1-44WO to a* W"t"Im polarkation in the t1wxy W WiPWOWWW" AW WmIrAlklil kl"Auum ill the y 'A th4 Irstral br- ..a"= y ti. ut the oading,pbrumquir in The tboxy a trit"sitloul. of W. ducum Wwum" at Abovv ILbe crit. temp. &W ill t "m below it. Tlibl"villd've ware4undWs" is Im In rAh , way """oil are 4"3m1 MW 11141 W-111WOM and the VvCtor PftatK &W On IdTW IW do ma of a OpffrMil"at IulU The to, in cocitrast to the elbtiAg of the surfam tension ;t tin tK;;ZTdW;6rzi and mus uctins pham :a if"" of the wit. MOSWIc &W and the dwk of PM,. ratiom 94 the ASM bite CM supercmductilr. Timt depth - tk Cm Wevit I. AZ M, PMt.1, = iu milmoullucisirs of own dimeRwous. in thin fihim, lbr MWOUCLiC PUtIlIblitift Of tk WIMSIVOll. iS A trAU*i- inn of the 2W W, mad *wm a transition of the IM kod a* ubm a --talu cth. tillchum. The ex. ImW cril. mqpwk Asm Wavat" w" dommains d&k. "-a of Lbe supwctiodscilms Ahn. bwm the crit. etw. nment dowum with the tbkknm. N. Than MUM, V. L. USSR/Radlo - Wave Diffracticn I`-.F;trorhysics Al r 50 "Diffraction of .4,olar ard Co-nnIc Radio 'Wlaves on thp Mo n," G, 0. G,.-tirantpev, V. L. Ginzburg, Fhysicotoch InA, Gorlkiy State U, 4 yr TIZImr Eksper i T(~oret Fiz" Vol XX, No 4 Discusses rrzblem of diffracti.-r. -f radIc waves from the sun -9rd cosmic obiects by the moon from standrcint of ros&ibllity of loc7lizirlr~ sources -r *-t~se wnves. -jubmitted 2 Dec 49. FA 159T107 GIRMOp V. L. qo~ueftvlty Oct 50 "Present State of the Theory of Supercon- ductivity," V. L. Ginzburg "Uspekhi Piz Nauk" Vol XLII, No 2, pp 169-219 Headings; 1. History. 2. Basic Faperimental Facts- 3- Old Phenomenological Theory. 4. Nev Phenowenological Theory and Basic Relations. .5. Concrete Results 6f the Now Theory. 6. Norma Current in Superconductors. 7. Normal and Anomlous -Skin Effect in Metals. To be con- tinued ndxt Iss"'6f,this joii=ai. 1TIT83 PA 171T83 GTN79URO, V. L. FA 172T98 UwAtIsits - evverconauctmo NOT 50 . 1 "Present State of the Theory of Superconductivitypo V. U. Ginsburg "Uspekh Fiz Ngue Vol XLII, No 3, Pp 333-361 CcMgj,udIng article considers normal current in stporcovductors, and normal and anomalous skin wfftot in metals. Gives extensive bibliographyp c=siating of 104 references both Russian and f*A*Ign. 172T98 pl~ IOT99 MM/Pb3*ies - ftfto-WM ftdI4 Ang 53. "Weat of ]Atere)Actron Collisions on Absorption of Radiowaves in Meyer aid in the Solar Corona," V, L. OiAtInirg, Pbys Ihst 'men' Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR Mur TeM Ifiz" Vol XXI, No 8j PP 943-947 Discusses problem of datg Conan of mols in I-layer. Shms that Under certain circimtsuces, 94tereftIng from the standpoint of F-2aM and 001" corms in"stigations, interelectron col- Usious do nat cwtribute torsdio-wave fading. Mmitt,ed 31 D*a IM. MOW 9"R/Awsics - SuperconductIvIty G" 51 "Debwrior of Superconductors in High-47'requency V, L" Ginzb=g, Ph" Inst imeni TAbed*V, kind Sci USSR "Zhvx Eksper i Teoret. Piz" Vol XXI, No 9, pp qTq~_qql Dlsin=ses eqs representing behavior of supercon- 4uctcrs in alternating electromagnetic field. ObUdus expressions of surface impedance in super- c, Ir 1-t. Treats problems of verification of elec- tron theory of metals in normal state and beat conductance of superconductors with account of w 193M SuperconductivIty SOP 53. (Coutd) conviective heat transfer. Author tbadmAcad L. D. Ldludww for advice. Submitted 8 Sep 50. im volt 14 goo 8 Sept, 1953 -13 /- L L.Wad luum..L3r On the sm A Transhited by G. Belkav. National Reseamb Counsil of Canada, Ottawajech Tramdation TT-305, 23 pp. 0952). Akad. Nauk SSSR. lurnal Eikqw. Tooret. Fix. 17, 227-1t, 2.47 (1947) ; these Rev. 9, 553. GINZDURr-~ V. L. Theory of 1~rojagatinn of Hadio Waves in the Ionosphere. Glavpoligragizdat, Nain PolygraT,hic i"u:)lishing flouse, )58 PP, 1952. GINZBURG, T.L. --- 0- , ~ ,, twift Introduction of anisotropy into the theory of superconductivity. Zh. eksper, teor, Piz. 2), No.2, 2)6-8 '5Z- (KIRA 5:9) (FA 36 no.668:5480 '5)) GITIZDUIRG i. L. 0 1 52 flProblems of the Theorj of Electric Fluctuations," 'sp.. 'Wiz. nauk 1116, No 3, 19LJ . MIA Aurust 1952 Conde.. -Dws !~MQ*Wdc: RRYZ as tbe~;SoUrc'e of Galactic Radio Raw atiqu V. L. Gin2burg, Phys Inst imeni LOWOV-08, Acad"Sci USSR wftk Ak Sauk -SSSR- Vol LXXV -No 3, PP 37T-380 Slacounts thermal radiation or interstell electrozo w souice of bot spots, as proposed by A. Unsoeld In Astropbys., 26, 176, 1949. Considers note- up rt* new proposal tbat-subject galactic radio on- =Wtion is the Brebastrablung of relativistic elv~c- I.e., the electron component of conde GMEUM, V. 1- #~M/Phptcis - ftMrcaudWtiVLty Theory Sep 52 "present status of Theory of Superconductivity. Part 11: Microscopic Theory," V. L. Ginzburg 111spekhi, fit Nauk" Vol 48, No 1, pp 25-118 Atyiews general knavledge on subject, emphasizing dIfficulties in creating a general theory. Criti- tives hypothesis of spontaneous currents and analyzes Olamagnetic hypothesis and quasimicroscopic approach to the theory. Gives 136 references. 230M USSR/Physics - Superconductivity 21 Mar 52 "Behavior of SuperconrIucting Films in a VaLVxetic Field," V.L. Giniburg, Phys That imeni,Lebedev.* ACOLd Sc i USSR "Dok Ak Nauk sssRr Vol 83, No 3, PY 385-388 States that the problem of the behavior of super- conducting films in e. magnetic field possesses let-order signIficance, but that until recently the theory of supercond seemed not to be in a position to give the correct pictuxe of the be- barior of superconductors in fields. Besides the remarks maA earlier on this matter (see Gixmbure 22-~ and Lnndau, I'Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" 20, 1064 1950), the author indicates new works (see X.M. Loot, Peoc Roy Soc 208, 391, 1951; N.V. Zavarit- skiy, mok Ak Nauk sssRn Vol 78, 665, 1951) vhich he says, are absolixtely against the old theory an& in q~ml agre ut with facts. Sulbrimitted by AcaA L.D_ TAMOOm 30 Jan 52. CCA 41 tir" 227T68 f -4 41" CV U=/AztrmcW - Hadlo Stws il ifty 52 "Interstell- Matter and Ionospheric Disturbances Lead-ing co Flickering of Radio Stars," V. L. Ginz- burg, Phys Tnat imeni Lebedev, Aced Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk ssswl vol. 84, No 2, pp 245-247 Subject was recently analyzed by M. Ryle and A. Hevish (cf. M. N. Roy Soc, 3-10, 381, 10150). Author states he intends to develop subject by studying screening action of moom, vhich should eclipse, at a certain time, the flow of assumed Xnterstellar particles to the earth, these 231T6o particles allegedly being responsible for ioniza- tion of ionosphere and flickering of radio stwa. Beceived.28 -Tan 52. 23IT60 IA. L. ALIPERTp and F. L. FFINBFRG. r,INZBURG,. Rasprostranenie radiovoln. Moskva, Gostekhizdat, 1953. 883 P., illus., tables, diagra. Bibliography: p. 870-883. L~65 referenceo. Title tr.: Radio wave proparation. Qc661.Ah2 SO: Aeronaatical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Cong,ress, 1955. MUM. T.L. Relativistic *gyration* and the theory of non-localizing TuEava fields. Zhur.ekep. I teor.fis. 25 no.6;757-759 D 153. (Yield theory) (MU 7: 10 ) qII VM/Muclear- Pby*ics - Comdc VA7a -NOT Qxis;in "The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Radio-Astronomy," 'I. L. Ginzburg ftp Piz Nauk, Vol 51, Mwo 32 PP 343-392 k review of evirrent literature, Western and Sorriet, on the subjects: cosmic radio-emanatIve- and electron component of cosmic rays; movemeat of charged particles in interstellar space; the statistic mechanism governing the acceleration of particles in interstellar space and in the 2IM4 shells of stars; theory of the solar origin of cosmic rays; the theory that supernovae and novae are the probable sources of cosmic rays. CItes 30 Western and 25 Soviet references: Ta. P. Terletskiy, G. 0. Getmantsev.-`I, S. Sbkloviskiy, L. A. Artsimovich, 1. Ya. Pomeranchuk, V. V. Vladimirskiy, A. A. Sokolov, 1. M. Frank)' S. B. Pikellner, 1. M. Gordon (DAN USSR, No 3, 1953), V. 1. GoVdanskiy-,',A. L. Lyubimov, *B. V. Nedvedev,'A. A. Logunov, L. E. GurevIch, and 's. Z. B~len'kiy. 2T2"4 V, Jl- N11 or acmda(01 of pati Aulb of a* s(aaw. 1949 for i =lot *t) is la order ufaimm.bow a A.- ly =11110 W116 60 Me um - muld mah mtmaq wwdoat t, ju In ItO art athiakd. 1j W, 1, 4%I41 T ai it I J1 ARARTSWAII, V.A., akiulemik, rodaktor: DIPSURG, v.L., radak-tor: ISYKIN. G.A.. kandidat fiziko-matematichepkikh riV_17-767alrnor; MLSSEVICH, A-Go, kandi- dat fizik-)-m-tematichaskikh nftrl~,r'f'~aktor; TMIRSKIT, Ta.P., drjktor fIzIkx)-mtam&ticheskikh nauk, r(,O&JI-tor; SHKLOVSKIT, I.S., doktcr fiziko- mtomtichaskikh nauk, rodaktor; FRAMN, M.I., red:O-tor; ALMEMA, T.V., teklinlebaekir radaktoro [Transactions of the Third Conference on Problems of Cosmogony, May 14-15, 1953. Origin of cosmic rays] Trudy ... soveshchanila ... 1"15 maia 1953 go; proieldiozhdonie kosmicheakikh luchei. Mosk~a, Izd-vo Akmdtimii wuA SSSR, 1954. 319 po (MIRA 8:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Ginzburg). (Coamic rays) f A -espo of:A ad. of So. USSR Con J a *MV 1954 Ood Ab~ a' i#oblem of ~radio4stronoqy is the study of extrtterres- 0. ~t 10 ;Olov* iii ithe tAtrul of from 7 = to 30 m. The develop r . 1 4,; aloe t sidorobly enlarged the part of the o-#~s ro"M Poll of t a trud use gnA d tot astronomical Investigations. The ' a A41 adi~ 'methods in astronomy is that the radio V4 r' 0~ the st6:,and ~man3r other cowde objects is usually emanated ' f Verf"kk Illumination in the visible part of the spec- ~ ~otiltqdied by Mio methods are; the sun, our I* 44c o~O - i~JMO.Individual galactic and extragalactic nebulae. , and for stud f mete MM- ar th fr d hi hl ti i als Wi e e ors ec ve m n y e y o o g 41 -4gations. Another interesting radiorastronomical invoit 671 i !ratllo 10cation of tho moon ( ick up of radio signals sent : Ph t thb t t d b lt d h a 5 moon o os. lb: te e . an h re y lostlt,~tion Vr' 1, X, fe~,d 41 ~.I; If "j-~;! !,ji; V- hot .... ...... o WW 'S' 00~14o, Wov-Doo 1954 At- 4rlon 06ofosnac dot t JW ',;,I %w-IoTAuw The par WOE tbra bf.. ormatalls are,Usted are. dooodbod,:' 11.11-K! O~a -Copy 411913-4M) 'Tab i! ab~di4 Mysice Institute '. / Y Z -f ue6~ V. t- - USSr,/T.',, clear P sics - wave equations FD-747 Card 1/1 Pub 146-lY/22 Author Ginzburg, V. L., and Silin, V. P. Title Some remarks on relativistic wave equations with mass spectrum Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, 116-il8, Jul 1954 Abstract Letter to the editor. Analyze equations from works by H. Yukawa (Phys. Sev. 91 (19531). A. Pais (physica, 19 11953]) and J. Rayski (Nuovo Cimento, 10, 11953j) and the reasons for the divergences in computations. 11 references, including the 3 mentioned foreign. Institution Physical Institute imeni Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR SubmitLed April 19, 191i4 GINZBURG, V.1. Y.N.Iressenikh's old and new errom Zhur.eksp. I teor.fiz. 27 no.4:517-520 0 '54. (MLRA 7.12) (Radio waves) (Kessenikh, V.N.) ()INZBMG, V.L. Radio astronomy. Pirlroda 43 no.5:12-21 My 154. ARA ?:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadestil nauk SSSR. (Radio astronomy) 7 7 447 CPA.' A6tho 10 TMei an ~ 0 *Ooiho appll ation of thermodynamloo to olectrdoal lk.~ -498, Muth 1954 A~A 'A" +16;tbe '*or by M. L. lavin (men 486 -494) repiding ~' , rm ft i1irij ilaiji. t ne theautbor 96 ion of elootrical fluotuati dusep t Uttb !~'ibr ' resenting an erroneous and false picture of !1+4 li- asixed -that the ana ein of the problem as 1y a likil * no means OOMP lote and strict In all core Oontrary, t4ore are moments in the lizdto of f 'e t exvrj6~o approach Aid require further Ciro A sumary of the original Gorelik work to inolud- i t n ottIor. 311g ht reforencee. *Dtitutton GIMMG. VA. ------- Red displaeonent In solar and stellar spectra. Dokl. AN SSSR 97 no.4t 617-62o Ag 154. (MLRA 7:9) 1. Chlen-korrespordent Akadomii uauk SSSR. 2. Fisicheekiy institut im. P.Mebedeva Akadamil nauk SSSR. (Stm--Spectra) (Stare--spectra) ii A i,:iiIiwbii~ earres', of the Aced. of Soo. of the MSR p Properti" of metals opt T:~ 1 .954 00~j 4tig 21p I o irop; Abot~tct A, o~~ ou6ax arties of metals is described. The i ;use 4A iq~~,,crede a do pendable, theory that vould *t* t: J6 pq ~,Lon~ of the optical phenomena obser7ed di#o, id xoml~ and to show that the experi-. e n4i'a'eiifaie~ftot theoretical calculations lei 'U W). en POOSS 3922~1 zi 4*tt~e io P N, Lebedev of the Aoad. of Ses. of the -------------------------- 14"', r St. L V ral Gii MeW,*t Correspondent of the Acad. of Sea. of the USSR gi j 771 IT On' ori ray's *odit6 Dq~'~' An 7034061 Doe Up 1954 of cosmic rays are criticized. These AbOract i The !Oirre sorlies,4 th Origin, 7 the,ir ;:_.a, i. . Ila I~iiii, i Morrison ard cthe rs, are based on the assumption inti 11 6celerit* acquired by primary particles due to their collie- r# 31a Tii.i'drjiieism mifily analyses Fermi's expression fcr an ih~. *u t a, dex; cosmi~~l ay a bovri ;a TI 0I.r en rgy in the spectrlam, (where T - the ii a p~rllt,Ule in ithe gnlaxies, CA - tbD coefficient In the'equation of tI:ej:.- crepancies and kle addeliqvitio6i and those dis. 2~ Tel con r, ai :me finds by substitutinj som experinental date into ctii~i which the ji~.;Ve 6 n Ihirteen references 7-USSR (1949-i954). Institutiion 4 TheilVhysicA~~ill~~id stitut4'Am, P. N. Lebedev of the Acad. of Sea. of the USM Subi~ittdd J GINSBURalt V. Le "The Nature Of C03mic Radioemission and the Origin of Cosmic Rayss" paper submitted at the International Astronomical Union Radio AstronoW Symposium., Jodre,3.1 Bank, UK9 Aus 1955 A-40421 - II GINZBURG.T.L.,GRAMITSKIT, I.N.;KASKLINSKAYA, S.Te.;LIVSHITS, D.M. . I---_ Spectrographic determination of minor impurities in a few raw materials, seal-finished products and pure metals in copper and nickel production. Izv.AN no.2:211-216 Mr.-Ap '55. (MLRA 9:1) (Tartu-.-Spectrum analysis--Congresses) USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Low Temperature Physics, D-5 Abst Jour--nal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34429 Author: Ginzburi;, V. L. lrr3titutir-n: N,)ne "itle: On ttie Ttieory of Superconductivity Original PerI4)d--'-ai: Zh. eksper. i teoret. fiziki, 195/5, 29, No 6, 748-761 Abstract: A (Ligcassit:in ~!f many problems in the theory of superc~anductivlity in stant and variable fields. Certain experimental data on the depeDdence of the dep!-.h of penetratior of (s Lin the maCnetic field and on the magnitude of the surfEce sion between the super--rjnd,-ctixjg and normal phases are not in al-reement with the V. L. Ginzburg and L. D. IaDdau theary (Zh. eksper. i teoret. flniki, 1956, ~0, Agreement is possible if it ic assumed that the characteristic charEe, entering irtD the theory, is r,ot equal to the charge of the electron and exceeds it in ma.--,niti.le Dy several times. Pippanl'r expe,.-impnts, which 6ive for lead a roniDonotonical '-,ehavior of the dependenc~e of 8 on the angle between the current and tlie tetragonal tu-'-i3 of the specimen, contradict,r, rol, only the Ginzburg and Landau theory, but alS,~ Lne Lordon theory. Ilowever, -Q:c (!xperimental data thewselves are not sufiiciently i -.) V 'j - I - -c anj Jkle.~tilar Physics - Low Temperature Phys'cs, D-5 /it :I -T Refr-W. Zhw- - Fj.zika., No 12, 1956, 34429 Gj,-zhu)-g, V. L. NODe I,Ae: Cm thf, Wicroscopic Ilic-ory of' Superconductivity Ori;,7fnal Periodical: Zh. eksper, i teoret. fiziki, 1955, 29, No 6, 748-761 Atstract: reliable. Becai;se of this, and because of many mher considerations, the a4thor considers the equation suggested by Pippard in lieu of the London equation to be Illivalid for the -_-connection between the density of the superconduction currert v. and the vector 1-Itemial A of the magnetic field. The section of the article devoted tc the behavior of superconductors in high frequency fields containc, EL summary of equaticits relating thf:! curface impedance, the effective conductance, and the effec- tive diela,~tri~- C"Ir"StEnt of the metal for the general case (for the linear region, at timall fieldsi) I'cr !Le case of rA superconductor. Analysis of' The nwerical -linta, obtuived froin opticul 'nvestigations, leads the tLuthor to the crinciasion that the -f superconductii;c, electrons at T w 0 is several times sralier then the num- ber of conldu_-tior, eLectrons at T > Tk- In this manner, a portion c)4 the convection 2 o !, 3 - 2 - US3P./A'-r,-r~-'c and Mcle::Ular TIVSiCE: - Low Temperature JlhyaicB, D-~, At-st -T-~-jxnal- Refers' Z11far - Fiziha, No 12, 1956, 34h29 Auth,;r: U3.4rzt,urg, V. 1. Ni:ne J. Title: Or tht, Macr~xq)'Lc Theorn of Superc on duct iv ity Origiral Per.1cdJcal: U. eksper. i teoret. fiziki, 1~1,1, 29, No L. 4 8 - 61 7 -1 Ab -it ra ct :electi-x)a 41hould chanf--e over to the bound state in the superconduction trariRitlen. The last spz~tion cf the article discuvoes attempto to ectimate the ,cfl- tribuLion of rcrmal electrons to the surface impedance of the superconductor wider the asalimpticr, that the theory of the anomalous skin effect is applicable to them. The calculati-Lons made by the author using a simplified scheme (Zh. eksper. i tecret. fiziki 1951, 21, 979) are compared vith the calculations made by A. A. Abrilwsov (D,-,kl. AN SSSR, 1952 86, 43)- 7he difference in the results can ~-,e substantial only n the riciTAT,y CT T 0 and T = 'k- In conclusion, the need for further measure- ments (,t' the properties rif supercondixtors In the region of' centil-eter, millimeter, ar.d 1rif rared waves In wplinsizen. 3 C', f 3 USSR/Physics Helium II Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 22/26 FD-28,3,r Author Gin?burg, V. L. Title Surface energy connected with tangential discontinuity of velocity in helium II Periodical Zhur. eksp. J. teor. fiz., 29, August 1955, 254-256 Abstract The writer notes that one of the most essential problems in the theory of superfluidity is, as already indicated by him (ibid., 14, 135, 1944; DAN sssR, 69, 16.1, 194911, the question of the char- acter of the tangential break in the velocity of the superfluid part of helium, v,,, at the boundary of the liquid with the wall, the presence of such so discontinuity proceeding from the fact that the helium atoms stick to the wall (solid body) and simultaneously the tangential component vs near the wall is not oqual to zero from the macroscopic -.riewpoint, i.e. even in the immediate neighborhood of the wall (L. D. Landau, J. of Phys., 5, 71, 1941). The author thanks Academiciail :,*,. D. Landau and Professor Ye. M. Lifshits. Ten references. Injtitution Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted April 21, 1955 PIKILINKRI, S.B~- GLIUMG, Y.L.; SWMVSKIT, ll,, Machamism *f particle accolmration L, exislopes of noy" aid supavaov&o. Astroz. zhur. R ao,6:50i 513 N--D !5.5. (Sturs, 116w) (~MA 9:2) LIVIN,M.L.; GINZBM,V.L. Application of thermodynamics to electric fluctuations. Usp. fix. nauk 56 no.1:146-148 my 155. (MLRA 8:6) (Electromagnetic theory) (Thermodyuamice) GMBURG, VeL,; FBTKMG, Ye.L. -~rFlfl', *':" Igor' grgenlevich Tom; on his 60th birthday. Usp.fiz.nauk 56 ns-4:469-475 Ag 155. (KLRA q:1) (Tamm. Igor' Wgonlevich, 1895- ) jql 1955 1e optical ob. of I )f refrac -of ljgbtby ~M-" &U011 as d"C' orp, no 14" S oil, dim place hil 24 USA and T "El Ion. ebiMWO V41 Pll~ orp of Ses#,UM, and Sh htt 614~rom to Wale aud anomalous *14atmot adasica 0I 21o 1955 itho, ki4stio taVerature of elootrowlia =talv sputo,o 0600'' idbrodlh vhiah the fo (a tii-- hxiatio YAMS 4 'w ky(t) (the Ferad runctioi or ti 6, lbi~ 46 i t~04 0011isjond at CeVt4jA:'ti*qrai%ires i 0 AU 0 04 U =4 T as oomsponditj W~ LOWAt4tiot, doos not Obange muoh the eleattlo'.06D6 .1 41" i 0 smi I Is greatV afteialted'iV., K as on tjy Ci fr x being the output M4 OSC Watt ftsical Institute -Z Pill Memb. Correaps of the Aud. 8i It 0: t6ll*~bauli~!io~ formation of lonospherio hateropusity i J) ik i: AN AkElk 100/4 447-65o, reb 1. 1955 Abs*ac~ vocti* ilojtobij~t.4' as 6 cause of the heterogeneity of the Ionosphere 64 the o6nductivity, visoosity of the ionosphere and ux 10 ti 10 a #ffid ats Oonsiderid as possible factors in the formation 0111 oh Ostobjj~~ y1hein,re'forenceei 5 USSR and 10 British 91 iico-i~QWQal 86idroh Institute of the Gorkiy State University GINEBURG. V.L. Light scattering In the neighborhood of second-order phase transition points. DOkl- AN SM 105 no.2:240-243 '55. (KLM 9:3) 1. Chien-karreepondent AN SURt 2. lizicheakiy institut imeni P.N. Lebadeva Akademil nauk SM. (Light--Scattering) wSBURG, X..~ (macaw) "On superconducting ferromagnatics," a paper submitted at the Inte=ational Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk., 23-31 May 56. GINNEM, V. L.$ SIT11OVSK.-n't 1. lc. and S. P. I'lladio Radiation of' Discrete ~Iource5,11 a report del-vemd at the S.,;~rpc>stan or, -Bank- Experimental Radloastronordcal Station, ha~lioastronorv holQ at the jodell Manchester University, Englan, is swunarized in the arcuunt of thi-, S.)7rm)3iw-: in lul article by V. V. V11YEVICH in Vest. Ak. NaWr S'.-O'SR for Jaiviar.'l- 1956. Sum. 900) 26 Jnr 56 GMBUFa T Le inodairtor; JAYK2, GJ., kandidat fis.-sat. nauk. rodaktor; I . EA., kandidat f Is.-vat. nauk, rodaIrtor; SRLT413M, doktor fis.-mat. nemk; IMM, K&I., redaktor; KUMI, To. V.. tokhnicheskiy rod.Rktor. (Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Problems nf Cosso u go ~Y; redioastronosyl Trudy piatogo soveshchaniia po voprosam ko'eme- - goull; radioastrononiia. Moskva, 1956, Isd. Akadexii neuk SSBI. 567 p. (KLU 9: 5) 1.3oveshchantA po voprosax kosmogonii. 5th, Moscow 1915.2.Chlen- korrespondent AN SSIM (for Glumburg). (Radio astronomy) ,.jtegpry USSR/Radiophysics - Application of radiophysical methods Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Pizika, No 1, 1957,No 19B7 1-12 Author Ginzburg,_Y~j,... Pisariva, V.V. Title -CE-V- I he git-ure of I e Fluctuations of the Intensity of Solar Radio Waves and of the Irregalarities in the Solar Corona. Or4g Pub Tr. 5-go soveshchitniya po vopr. kosmogonii. 1955, M., AN SSSR, 1956, 229-241, diskus. 241 Abstract A theoretical evaluation is made of the mechanism of scattering of radio waves by the irrelpilarities of the solar corona. The fluctuations in the intensity of the received radio waves, caused by diffraction, may be of two types; diffraction in the corona may make the field of the radio waves in- homogeneous in the coordinate system that is tied to the sun) and the rotation of the sun with the motion of the earth will cause fluctuations in the in- tensity to be observed on the earth; the diffraction pattern changes on the sun itself owing -to the motion of corona irregularities. The following sim, plified situ*~ion is considered: diffraction occurs in the corona at the edge of the thin mon4transparent semi-infinite screen. The resultant diffractio4i pattern (with a characteristic dimension xo - 7000 km for /N utl - 5 M ) will move relative to m observer on earth, so that at points located at various longitudes a shift will be observed in the patterns (with time), equal to Card 1/2 T Cr t,?goi. yUSSR/Radiophysics - Application of radiophysical methods 1-12 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika.. No 1, 1957, No 2000 Author Ginz,burg, V.L. Title d6_miI_C_RfffF'%vf_-s azid Cosmic Rays Orir, Pub Tr. 5-go soveshcluLnlyzi po vopr. kosmogonii. 1955, M., AN SSSR, IQS", 1138-456 dibim-s. 457-167 ~i~;trac' New data are repoited concerning the nature of co,;m1c radio waves, and new materie.1a are cited on a theory of the origin of cojmIc rays, which 12 re- lated to rad-io astronomy (identification of the fundamental part of cosmic radio radiation with magnetic bremsstrahlung of electrons of cosmic rays). An argment in favor of such a theory is the "radio coronas" observed by Baldwin (Ref, Zhur. Fiz. 1956, 23594) in the M31 nebula, confirming the gal- actic origin of the isotropic component of the radio waves. The hyl*,thesis that novas and supernovas are sources of cosmic rays is confirmed by the radio waves from the Eagle Nova of 1918, the similarity between the spbsystem formed by sources of cosmic rays and the sv~system of the novas and supernovas., etc. The latest data,on cosmic rays (high-latitude cutoff, character of inter- actions between protons and nuclei, relationships between beams of various groups of nuclei, etc.) also fit completely into the picture proposed. C~t~egory USSR/Racliophysics - Application of raliophysical methods 1-12 'AbsIJour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Nq 1, 1957 No 2000 During the discus3ions, I.M. Gordon deduced frm ener&7 coAsiderations that the 3tatistical mechanism, effective in the shells of stars, cannot be employed to explain the acceleration of eleatronz,. 'The electrons are ac- celerated not in the shells, but in the -tars themselves (particularly, in the supernovas thauselves). The balanced spectrum of the electrons in the galaxy, actording to a cm- ment made by M.I. ]~'radkln during the discussion, becomes steeper in the higher- energy region ar, a result of the radiation in the magnetic fields, and be- comeii le5s aloping in the lower- energy region as the result of the ionization lo.sses. Accordingly, the radiation spectnm produced by these electrons will be less zteep in the region of the longer waves (hundreds of meters), and steeper in the Acrter-wave interval. Bibliography, 56 titles. ZA uutege~t7y USSR/Radiophysica - Application of radiophysical methods 1-12 Abr Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 2oo4 Author Ginzburg, Y.L. Title N~ie R~h_liiiim of the Formation of Ionospheric Irregularities, Resulting in the Flicker of"'Radio Stars." Orig Pub Tr. 5-go soveshchaniya po vopr. kosmogonii. 1955, M., AN SSSR, 1956, 512-519 Abs-~ract Fluctujations in the intensity and in the angle at which radio waves from discrete sources arrive at-be earth (called the flicker of "radio stars") are due to ionospheric irregularities. Three mechanisms by whichtirregular- Itiec are torned ELre conzidered: 1) the incidence of interstellar matter, attracted by the sim, on the ionosphere; 2) convective instability, occuring in regions with a negative temperature gradient; 3) turbulization, due to ionospheric winds. Although the first mechanism explains the observed daily course of the flickering, there are many obseriation data to refute this hypothesis (flicker due to solar eclipses, relationship to ionospheric winds, etc.). The convective hypothesis can be assumed acceptable, it one can es- tablish the existence of regions with negative temperature gradients in the ionosphere. The proposed turbulizaiion of the Ionospheric streams encounters many difficulties (the small R6ynolds numbers), although an argament in its favor is the observed correlALtion between the flicker and the ionospheric Card Categetry - USSR/Ija&ophysics - Application of radiophysical methods 1-12 Abs.Jour : Ref Zhnr - Fizilm, No 1, 1957 No 2oo4 winds, and the fact that tonorpheric wInd.,3 exist. In view of the lack of agreement between the first hypothesis and experiment, two alternatives re- main, the choice of which depends on results of further observations on the ionosphere, on the correlation between the flicker and the ionospheric winds, etc. Bibliography, 12 titles. Card - 2/2 /V Z Category USSR/Radiopbysics - Application of radiophysical methods Abs Jour Ref Zhiw -- Fizika, No 1, 195'( No 2010 Author Ginzburg, V.L. Title i~ess~i'F~e Closing Session 1-12 Orig Pub Tr. 5-go soveshchanlya po vopr. kosmogonii. 1955, M., AN SSSR, 1956, 562-564 Abstract Formu.1ation of many urgen:t problems that must be solved by radio astronomy, including the determination of the spectrum of the radio waves from the galaxy and from discrete sources, search for the polarizatipn of the radi- ation fr(xa cosmic sources, the study or the sporadic radiation from the sun, intergalactic monochromatic radiation of hydrogen, etc. It is indicated that it is necessary to develop radar methods for the investigation of meteors, the moon, the planets, and the sun, and that it is necessary to establish a ,,lose collaboration between radio astronomy and optical astronomy and the physict; of' cosmic rays. Card 1/1 R C-) Category USSR/Theoretical Physics - Theory of Relativity and Unified Field B-2 Theory Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957/ No 2910 Author Ginzburg, V.L. Title -Verification of the General Relativity Theory and Artificial Earth's Satellites. Orig Pub Priroda, 1956, No 9, 30-39 Abstract No abstract Cara 1/1 I N k,.5 Q -~ C,9 v k. USSRjIIIqs!cs aff the Atmosphej-,-,~ - Upper layers of the Atmospher~i, lonoBphere M-6 Abst 11: r,~.t Zhur - F~izlha, Nc, 12., !956, 3&-122 I *.- kuth-ir: Ger6hmav, B. 11. , rj:'!.nz,btj-rg. V. L. Ttlatit utl .,:Itl I T! On ttle Rffecl, (.-V The Maguat' Ic Field cn thF ve. --.natability pktr~rf-.q J Stars and in the Earthlo "ouoqpher~F! tte kmc-s O.rlg~x-al Pc-rj,)d,!,.:aII: 1kb. 2ap, Gor'hovak . un-La, 1956, 30, .41-29 ~tf I~k~i probl,~& (-~f ~,,f Qi,~! fi.eld on trvt Ia-0;ab-,II.ty 1jzjdRr c"idJtI.,,.,)s whan the electric Conduc- tivsf,v JjI ~exact,!-y wha+,~ r)~-curs '.p the i:-nr-sphere and uxider cs~mair) astrophpical cond.~fiona) - It is ahown that in the earth's Junos T phere, by virtue )f the prpsence of a ccngiderable number 17)f mnlecules, the magnertdc f:!eld prat bardly cbangt%E) tbv~ RayInigh Dimber At, Lhe mutte I,ime, An a pur~mly -41o.-c-tran-lon jol-aama, tbt-- el'f' t. th- magoetIc I'leld may bx~ con.. ii1derable, although it C-.haD4 the anl.sotropi.~~,i of tne electric and tb,~~mal ccouductivit-ite are takem into au,--w)t Card at ;r. y USSR/ftclear PbyBiCB Cosmic rays C-7 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, fio 1, 1957 ., No 615 Author Glubur Vy - L Inst 4 ~Iwt., Bead- of Sciences USSR Title On the Origin of Coamic Rays. Orig Pub Izv. Alf SUR, tier. fiz-, 1956, 20, No 1, 5-16 Abutract Certain new investigations are evaluated fram the point of view of a theory, based on radio-astronomical data, developed by the author and others concerning the origin of cosmic rays in supernova and nova stars. In particular, the latest radio -astronomical 'investigations on the quasi- spherical distribution of galactic radio waves indicate a similar distribution of cosmic rays in the giLlaxy; the detection of radio waves from nova stars donfirms indirectly the previous assumption that cosmic rays are generated not only in supernovas, but also in novas,! analysis of the distribution of the cosmic radio waves over the heavens has shown that the sources of the primary cosmic rays occupy -a region shaped like strongly flattened opkeroid with a radius of almost the same size as the distance between the sun and the center of the ple.V. The recently established fact that the high-latituae cutoff in the spectrum of protons and multiple-charge nuclei occurs at the same Card 1/2 .atejory USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Low-temperature Physics D-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - FiziVa, No 2, 1957 No 3528 Author Ginzburg' V.L. Inst :-715 tics &-t-Irute, Academy of Sciences USSR Title Certain Remarks Concerning the Macroscopic Theory of Supercondtctivity. Orig Pub Zh. elmperim i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 3, 593-595 Abstract The author and Landau (Zh. ekBperim. i teor. fiziki, 1950, LO, lo64) developed a macroscopic theory of superconductivity for the case TK.-T / 10. Here PIAI up LH' 0,23 and pl.,H-0,2'1 as well as qL_ 0 are assumed. At equilibrium it follows from these'equations that q p/qH - N pTE/NHTP f- 30. Thus it must be assumed that either the sources conta,"Ln no hydrogen at all or that the acceleration of the protons is considerably below that of the particles. At NL/NM the above system of equations is in direct contradiction to experimental data. The solutions for NB N M, and NL are explicitly given for a punctiform gource. In consideration of diffusion as well its of the oharacter of the distribution of the sources of cosmic radiation the problem of the composition of cosmic radiation is solved within the framework of the theory investigated here. However, insufficient knowledge of various parameters (particularly of N L/NM ) requires further investigations. INSTITUTION: Physioal Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the USSR SU9JECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1666 AUTHOR GINSBURG,V-L- TIT'LE On the ExPiFrimental Determination of the Instability of the Normal Phase in Supraoonductors. PERIODICAL lurn.eksp.i teor fis,31,fase-3,541-543 (1956) Issued: 12 / 19;6 The utmost undercooling observed by T.E.FABER,Proc.Roy.Soc.,231,353 (1955) is probably characteristic of an ideal metal which cannot be undercooled up to field strengths below a certain value H W In this connection it is true for Al that H. This result follows, according to the 'I - (0,035 - 0,04).Ho. authorts opinion, immediately from the theory on supraconductivity developed by LANDAU and GINSBURG, for the normal phase of the supraconductor remains un- stable at certain oonditions with respect to the production of intermediate layers of the normal phase. These intermediate layers occur whenever the normal Phase finds itself in a magnetic field satisfying the following conditions: 2 7H_ E HU/ F2 (n+1 /2), n- 0, 1 , 2, 3... -(T'20c)H KM6 0 16. 10 KM 60 Here 6 0 denotes the depth of penetration of the weak magnetic field into the supraconductor. The magnetic-, field can, in the normal phase, be dim~nisked only down to the value H~l - (2- Jf Him. At H ;~ H., the formation of the germs of the superconducting phase is selected with the occurrence of a surface energy, and thus the normal phase is metastable within the domain H~j < H < Ho. At H. H~1? V ZuTrL.ekep.i toor.fis,3~,fase-3,541-543(1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1666 horever, the normal phase-is unstable and supraconductive transition is com- pulsory. In the case of aluminium the theory is in full agreement with the ex- periment also with respect to surface energy. In the case of Sii the limit 'Ki is not obtained. In the case of metals with low values of A indtability of the normal phase can ,,, A K - 1/ F2 the normal phase occur only with undercooling. However, with(k > is unstable already at H - Hill 1/> HU , and therefore the supraconductors with X > 1/f2 must behave anomalously. According to the author's opinion this affect occurs particularly with certain alloysSn + In (which were investi- gated by other authors). At a. concentration of indium of less than - 2-5% these alloys behave like ideal supraconductors, whereupon they change their properties abruptly. As to the reduction of the concentration n -MC2/4ne262 s 0 with increasing concentration Ni of the admixtures, the explanation of this fact is beyond the scope of the phenomenological theory. However, if the exist- ing qualitative notions concerning the nature of supraconductivity are taken as a basis, the reduction of n8 in the case of an increasing N i appears quite natural. INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the USSR 17 ' " ) ) -- ),, / ip .//, / _- (:) t "~ '~ ( -) 4~_ USSR/Nuclear Abs Jour Referat Zhur - F"Atka, No 5, 1957, i126,1: Author Ginzburg, V.L.., Fradkin, M.I. Inst Physics InsLitute, Academy of Sciences, USSR Title On the Composition of PrImary Cosmic Rays. Orig Pub Actron. zh., 1956, 33, No 4, 579-587 C_7 Abstract The authors consider the problem of the chemical composi- tion of the priMELry rays at the earth. It is shown that if one takes into account the diffusion of cosmic parti- cles in the interstellar matter, the available experimen- tal data on the composition of cosmic rays can be recon- ciled with the concepts of the generation of these rays in the shells of supernova and nova stars. Card 1/1 GInBURG, Y.L. ", -,4f .0--464-j 4.~ ... ..... Rrporimental verification of the geseral theory of relativity and the artificial earth eatelites. Priroda 45 u*4:30-39 8 '56. (Kw 9:1o) l.Chlen-kerrespendent AkRdemii muk SSSR. (SpAco stations) (Relativity (Physics)) cateery USSR/Radiophysics Statistical phenomena In radiophysics 1-3 Abs Jour Ref Zbur - Fizil:a, No 1) 195'T No 1793 Author Levin, H.L., Gi zburg, V.L. Title On the Application of Thermodynamics to Electrical Fluctuations Orig Pub Uspekhi fiz. Tiauk, 1956, 56, No 1, 146-148 Abstract last articles of a discuBs�on (Referat. a. Fizika, 1954, 13 431, 13 432). M.L. Levin discusses in his article the example cited by V.L. Ginzburg and representing, In Leirin's opinion, the only physical argumentation of the previous answer by Ginzburg (Referat. Zh. Fizika, 1954, 13432): a thin (com- pared with the thlclmesi3 of the skin layer) condkictor at the temperature of 0-10K, for which the classical freqltency region lies below 1010 cyclea. Levin Indicate.,;, thatsince the thickness of the skin layerS at such tem- peratureu is less than the mean free path 1 at such temperatures even for meter -,mves, it makes no sense to speak of the cohductivity 6' of a thin con- ducLor. This is Ohy Levin considers that th13 example by Ginzburg is un- auccei;:iNl and dobs not refute his earlier statementt3. Ginzburg Emphapized in his article that the basic statement contained in Lavin's earlier articles reduce5to the fact that "in the quantum frequency region one cannot assume the resistance to be indepwdent of the frequency, even if the ,ikLn effect It, not taken Into accowit". Contradicting this, Card 1/2 Categdiy OSSR/lUliephysies - Statistical phenomena in radiophsyies 1-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika~,, No 1, 1957, No 1793 Ginzburg gives the following considerationz. T'he quantum region correslvnds to the -_(ndit1on'Avi5;kT- Therefore, chmsing the temperature T sufficiently low, one can make the quantum region include sLmh low frequencies~- ) at which the variation of R with A3 is oufficiently small. Furthermore, Ginzburg in- dicates that Levin in hia'work (Referat. Zh. Fizika, 1954, 13431) did not take thiii effect into accodnt, 04id this is why Ginzburg (Referat.' Zh..Fizika, 1954, 13432) also disregarded this effect. It is Ginz~urg's opinion that the allowance for the skin effect cannot change his conablGions that it is pos- sible to assimie the i-eoishtance to be independent of frequency, with suffi- cient accuracy, in the quantum region. The edltoi,';~. comment states that by publisling these articles the editorial staff of "U_-pe)&ii fiz. nauk" considers the discussion on the matter of the ap- plication o-'L' thermodynamics to electric flictuation3 clozied. Card 212 (' I V ~ b 0 .,7 1 USSR/Theoretical Physics-Z eory of Relatively and Unified Field Theory Abst Journal : Refomt Zhur - Finik&j No 12, 1956, 33712 Author : Ginzburg, V. L. Institution I None Title ! Hxperimental Verification of the General Theory of Relativity Original Periodical i Uspekhi Fiz. Hauk, 1956, 59, No 1, 11-49 B-2 Abstract t gxpanded treatment of a lecture delivered at the linstein session of Division of the Physicomathematical Sciences, Academy of Sciences USSR, on 30 Wormabor 1955. Contents: Introduction; 1. Motion of perihelia of plaqots and of their satellites; 2. Gravitational shift of spectral lines; 3. Deflection of light rays passing near the sun; 4. Signifi- cance of linsteinlo general relativity theory in physics'and astronomy; Conclusion. 62 references. Card 1/1 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 P.'L - 1427 AUTHOR GINZBURG,V.L. TITLE On the Nonspherical Intensity Fluctuations of Radio Waves in Galaxies. PHRIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,109, faso. 1, 61-63 (1956) Issued; 9 / 1956 reviewed: 10 / 1956 At present it is assumed that the intensity fluctuations (flickering) of the dis- crete sources of constant cosmic wave radiation are due exclusively to the ion sphere of the earth, for this radiation requires many days already in order to pass through the irradiating galaxy itself (three years of crabb nebula). The author considers the existence of radio stars as most improbable, for such a hypothetical radio star would have to have a radiation capacity that is at least from 107 to 108 greater than that of the sun. Here the average level of radi- ation in concerned which is approximately con3tant with respect to time. The data serving an a basis for the work by J.S.KRAUS et al, Nature, 176, 304 (1955) can by no means serve as a proof of the assumption that the character of the fluctuations is not determined by the ionosphere. If an exact proof of the existence of nonionospheric fluctuations of discrete sources were to be proved, the following possibilities for an explanation miLlit be considered: 'ouch fluefu- ations need not necessarily be ascribed to the source but mijjit, be due to the propagation of radio WILVP-S in the interstellar and interplanetary ifiedium on the way from the source to the earth. It might be a case of diffraction on a phase screen similar to diffraction on the inhomogeneitle3 Of the ionosphere. The dif- (7-1 N 10 V~ C-!. -1 V ) , bUBACT us~a / miy."ICZ) CMD I AUNOR GIN68URG, V.L.. TITU On a Macrosco~ie Theory of bupraconductivity which is suited for all Temperatures. PLRICDICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, ~11O fasc. 3, 356 - 361 (1956) Issued: 12 / 1.95 The macroscopic theory developed by V.L.GlH68LrhG and L.D.WIDAU (Yzurn.eksp.i teor. fis,20, 1064 (1950)) is bused upon the equations AV Ay, + b F 0 c 80 -4 -Lot -4 div A 0, V'Y- VV IV) T" IFA C . s is 2111 mc Here IT 14 denotes the conzentration of the "supraconductive electrons") the vector potential Iand F (19 4)_ the density of the free energy in the supracon- ductive state ana in teeocase of a lacking field. This theory is to be generalized for the domain of aj I temperaturvs 0 -4- T I- Tk' J-BAh,ULh,N, Phys-Rev-94, 554(1954) and V.L. 045BURG suggested ti-e following ex- prL,ssions for FB0 F (4) .F (t) + (H11 btr 20 (.L and .90 no 0 F (Q) .F Q + (H4 6n :1 2ta 1114 + I, respectively. So no 0 1 1 + LA (1+ t8Y6 I GINZBURG, V. the' 8th liternational il .io,c-6-1-1/17 AIR HOR GINZBOG', ".L., F.iAN, ~,10n Of Effe,t~i on t,he of Interaction of TITU 71 V ;A' Usetrons with h.f. vltllds in henonat,~~rs (K voprosu o k-%,anEo,;yk'-i offektakh pvi vzaimodeystvii elektronov s vy9okochiastotnyrii polyami v rezonat.orakh. Rurnsian) IERIODICAL HadloteWirlka i Elektronika, '11957, W 2, 11:r 6, py, 7Bo-:739 (U.S.S.R.) J: iBSTRACT The problmm of the quantum effects on the occas'A-On of the passage of electrons through a holl,?w resonator 13 investigated. First the prob- lem is treated u putly classical. The investigation is then carried out, with regard to the quantum field, for which the formula of H, Nyquist (PhY3. Rev., 1923, Vol 32, pp llo) is used. The authors show that this calculation is sufficiont orly for tbt: determination of the energy gradient (4 Kr)a . But in order to obtain the function of the energy distribution of the electron at. tho reqonator outlet the clas- sioal met-hod of inve3tigation is not sufficient. But as this method ii- vfiry different. from that used in the quantum theory the authors here andeavor to solve t1* problfm by means of the introduction of canonical variables (RAZILMN method). The authors show that the sim- ple classsical calculation must be preferred. In an analogous way those cases can be investigated where the field along the way of the elec- tron is not homogeneous, In the and the wave characteristic of the Card 112 electrons are taken into account and the authors show that the ele-,- SOV/137-58-9-19676 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 221 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ginzburg, V.L. 101,00 *ki-". ~ TITLE: -,gellie Diffusion of Light Near Points of Second-order Phase Transition (0 rasseyanii sveta vblizi tochek fazovogo pere- khoda vtorogo roda) PERIODICAL: Fiz. sij. L'vovsk. un-t, 1957, Nr 3 (8), pp 115- 110 ABSTRACT: Near the phase transition of the second as well as of the first order, which are close to the Curie point, relatively great fluctuations of the -rl parameter, which determines the differ- ence between tile ordered and the disordered phase, take place. Upon a change in 1, the refractive index also changes and in relation therewith a supplementary diffraction should be ob- served. This effect had been examined earlier (RZhFiz, 1958, Nr 1, abstract 2090). In the same work a inathematical form- ula was developed for the relationship of the light intensity J, diffused because of the fluctuations in TI, to the intensitv of light J0diffused because of the fluctuations of the density. On approaching the critical Curie point JIJO increases and a phe- Card 1/2 nomenon similar to the critical opalescence should be SOV/ 137-58-9-19676 On the Diffusion of Light Near Points of Second-order Phase Transition observed. This phenomenon was observed with quartz near aztp (Kristallografiya, 1956, Vol 1, p 123). The theoretical evaluation of the expected diffusion is given and good agreement with experiment is obtained. N, P, 1. Light-Diffusion 2. Light-Intenaity 3. Quartz-Appli,--ation.,; Card 2/2 ,7 kITHM GI?IZBJRG, V.L. FAYN V,k. PA - 2080 TITLE R-77e-7j-iii-tim E'ff'PctB o.,c-L;rr4r.,g on Interaction.9 of Electrons with High Frequency Field!j in Resonant. Cavities (0 kvantovykh effektakh pri V7i1ij1:(j11eY,9t1ri:j (~Ivktronov vy-iokochastochnymi. polyumi v polykh rezonatorald,.,) . F~RIGDIGa Zh~ 'irnal al Inoi Teoret. Fiziki , 1957, Vol, 32, Nr 1, pp 1612-16L (U.S.S, R Received 1/1')57 Reviewed 4/1957 A BItr. G T The ~,utt~,crs investigated the following probier, in classical mannert At the moment, A -- 0 wish the kinetic enerrS KO - mvO4/2 a non-relativistical elec- ixwn erittrs the resonator and leaves it at the moment, t , 7- wit ,ti the enorgy T/"' For reasons of simplicity the electric field E in the resoriat,), (~n tht path of the electron is assumed to be homogeneous and paral2el to tne velocity of' the electron (such a case is absolutely real). If E ?1 El cos,~.j f, + (Ela + E,) sin cit applies, m4dv/dt) = eE and v9- = 'jo + Wmw) [Eisintot + (E;j + E M - coscj7)j is obtained. Here El and Eg denote chan~~t quantities and ~i - 78 = 0 and 74 - Zj = V~d4 are as- s-m,ed to a-,-Ply. d denotes the path to be covered by the electron (thick- rle3s of the rEsonator) and Vt' denotes the mean square of the fluctuation- volta,-~e. Tne avc-raging is carried out over the corresponding assemblies cf thp - t 4cientical systems., The field in the resonator is assumed to influ- ence the !,,.:weu;ert of the electrons only to a small extent so that the terms of i,ne order of maCnitude e4 may be taken to be sufficient. Under the,je circujnstanc-es TTR7z , eava [(sin(cjr12)1(Q712)j " applies. For Gard PA - 2080 On t tie Q)~ant um. Ef fects occurring on Interactions of Electrons with High Fre,,1,ency Fle'103 ~n Rmsoriant Cavities. t~,P. dis,-,er'slon of' velocity then TEV77 TLrr7xm-4v-4 applies. If kor