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-- L Vic.76-66 " ACC NRi "6012908 (r~ -6%, In - 7. 2 x 10-6%, AB - 8. 2 x 10-5% -5 -5%. Zn - 1.0 X 10 , Te - 3.6 x 10 %, sn - 1. 9 x 10 OrIg. art. haB: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: OlFeb65 / ORIG REF: 005 L~Rrd 2/2 GILIBERG,..I. Giant of the Vakhah River. Zran. sila 36 no. 2:1 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Nurek Hydroelectric ;-)wor station) S -4A AUTHOR: Gillberg, Lo 4-58-6-27/37 TITLE: Going to Meet the 21st Century - Man Controls *Neather (Npvstrechu XXT veku - Chelovek upravIyAyet pop,,odoy) PERIODICALz Znaniye - sila, 195e, Nr 6, P 44 ('153R) ABSTRACT: Thic article deseribeR the efforts of the the Japnn, Spain and other countries to control the wenther. I. Weather-Control 2. Meteorology-Applications Card 1/1 W93 11,115-0 J#41 11 '611 it 3/004/60/000/010/0o3/008 A005/AOOl AMOR all' TnUi~ Before the Man-Flight PERIWICAL, Znanlye - 311a, 1960, No. 10, pp. 6-8 TEXT: The author considers commonly wellknown facts in connection with acoolerationtaffeoting the NOW body In space flight from starting to re- entering and landing. The article is subdivided into the following single topicst 1) Velocity ? No, accelerations; 2) What is the load factor ?; 3) 35 g; 4) L"d factor equal to zero. - In elementary form the difference between the physical conceptions of velocity and acceleration is explained and it is noted that the effect of accelerative forces can be considered as multiplied weight of tbe body xinder acceleration or deceleration; in limiting case, the zero-weisht corresponds to the state of weightlessness when the acceleration is equal and opposite to gravitation, The acceleration is presented as a multiplej or fraction of the gravity of the Earth, and it is equal to the load factor. The physiological consequences of the accelerations are noted, to which the pilots will be subjected; the known results of physiological tests are briefly presented. - The known experimental units are described used commonly for pro- ducing multiplied gravity affecting the human body; the centrifuge with cabin, Card 1/2 S/&314/60/00 10/004 /00Z/00 Miz 10 A16-UAC29 AUTHOR: Gil'bert, L. ------------ TITLE: Verti cal. -Take -Off Planes PMUOMCAL: Znaniye-sila, 1960, No. 4, pp. 34 - 36 In Th4, author reviews the vartouE 'hypes of vertical take-cff planes, IM such as the British Ectodyne, the Convair XFY-1, h-~ 1111'er X-1~ "Pmpelloplane", t.he Doak 16, the French Atar Volant, the Ryan X-13 and *.Iie Colenpter. in 1936 the Soviet. helicopter designer ItL._~ratukhtn directed t~~ ~-slgnlng cf theLIAI-W 11 aA (-TsAGI 11 EA), a combined plane -he! 1copter with cne tearing screw, a wing and two airplane-type tractor screwE, The "P-2hplka" AW-14 (AN-14) plane, des%ned by.R.E. Antonov, has double extensible slit, Allaps to Phanrel the. tilpstream fr-m the propeller downwards, thus giving the plane a very shcIrt take-off and landing ran. The Soviet experimental "Turbolet" was designed ty A.N. Rafaelyants and V. N. Matveyev. Me plane consists of a turbojqt engine mounted vert.ically on a - metal framer. The pilot's cabin and fuel tanlk arE~ mounted alcrigside. In addl'Um t,o gas contmls, the "Turbc-let" has jet !:ontrols consisting -f jet nozzles on the ends of long protruding brackets which ars. fed with :omprr~sqsed air from the Card 1/2 7 2 /Yj5/0()6/(C 7 1110 AUTHOR: TITLE: IL- 18 PERIODICAL: Znanlye-Sila, 1960, No. 5, pp. TEXT -. Informallon is given on the turboprop JL-118 passenger plane designe(i by Vladimir Il'y1ch 111yush1n. The plane Is about 36 meters long and has a span of more than 37 meters. It is powered by 4 turboprop engines cit!vploping a total thrust of 16,000 equivalent HP. The plane vrulses at speeds up to 650 km/h and has a range of 5,000 km with reserve fuel. The t0e.-off r,iri lz 800-1,2(Y)' Yr, and the landing distance 600-700 m. Take-off weight is 59 ton5. The plane is de- signed for maximum day and night-flying safetv at temperatures of from -60 to +60" C in all-weather conditions. It is capable of flying easily on or even 2 en- gines and is fitted with radar-fix equipment and exceillent rie-icing and firi- fighting apparatus. The passenger accomodat.10n is "'Or 05 first-class or tou~Ast passengers plus 8 sleeping bunks. This arrangement can te rapidly converted at the airport into all 83- or 89-seater. Ther- is also an aiterriative lay-c-ut. for a 111-seater. Airconditioning to a constant 200C arid normal humidity if- provided. Card 1/2 97225 IL-i8 VOOV6cl'/oo,-,j/oor,/oo6/007 A.66/02rll At 8,000 m tho pras-wrf~ is ~,qulvalon' t(, I h-- !it : .' (-)0 -- t cni, At KI t 1 ~ tudes up to !~, ODD m the pr"sure I s t he iiam,, as at grow A . w vr- I .Tflq~re are 3 photoB. j Card 212 83998 s/U4/60/000/007/003/003 A I o4/AO29 AUTH OF-9 Gil'berg, L.; Fradkin, I. %"MINUdWAftMom" i- TITLE. The Design of NA-10 (KA-10) 35 PBIODICAL: Znaniye-Sila, 1960,,'44o.7, P. 54 TEXT: In No. 4, 1959, of this periodical the article "Soviet Gyroplanes" was published. Many readers wrote to the editor asking for details on the ae- sign and operation of Ka-10, the smallest Soviet helicopter designed by NIkolay Il'ich Kamov. These requests are complied with In this article. Ka-10 is a single-seat coaxial helicopter with two carrying propellers which are placed above each other and rotate in opposite directions thus ensuring the stability of the plane. Their diameter is 6.13 m. The fuselage consists of thin-walled welded steel tubes and there is no plating, no covered cockpit and no stabilizer. There Is a vertical bearing at the tail and the carrier colurin is attached to the fuselage. The propellers are driven by an A14-4r (AI-4G.1 motorcycle engine of 55 hp at 4,500 rPm. Beneath the fuselage are two rubberized inflated balloons which ensure smooth landing on land and water. The helicopter can remain air- borne for two hours, its flying range is 195 km and Its maxii7im speed H6 km/h. Card 1/2 83998 S/004/60/000/007/003/003 The Design of RA-10 (KA-10) A104,/AO29 One of the main features of its driving system is the automatic autogyro control designed by B.N. Yurlyev In 1911 (Photograph on Page 54). Figure I shows the propeller hub and, above, the vertical ascent of the helicopteras well as the propeller ut an angle to the vertical climb. The helioDpter requires a minimum of landing space and during a flying exhibition in Tushino landed on the platform of a truck, There. are 2 figures. Card 2/2 J)./0-6 AUTHOR: Gillberg, L. TITLE: Return to earth 21763 S/004 /61/000/007/003/003 D205/U306 PERIODICAL: Znaniye-sila, no. 7, 1961, 10-13 TIMT: The article reviews the equipment and techniques in stan- dard use for emergency escape from high-speed jet planes, with especial reference to ejection seat design, controlled.descent and the.physiological.effects.-of ejection.and.exposure to high altitudes on.the pilot. The author explains how high-altitude suits and.compensating the pilot to withstand these stresses and.survive.a bail-out at altitudes as.great as 12 km All the based on Western sources. The author mentions prototype.cap6UIes which-consist in effect of the whole forward portion of the fuselage together with the cabin, the entire unit being detached.fr6m the rest.of the plane in an emer- gency to descend by parachute. A development of this method is used for landing astronauts from satellites. Emergency escape C, Card 1/2 2170 S/004/61/000/007/003/003 D205/D306 Return to earth cabins for astronauts have.also been developed. The pilot's cabin is equipped witb a powerful rocket motor which can catapult the,a height from which it can descend by parachute, should any mishap occur during launching. The motor is powerful enough to eject tbe-capsule from the carrier-rocket even when the main rocket engines are functioning during the active phase of flight. Card 2/2 GIVBERG, L. p r Nitw devel )j.!,,c-nti in aororjautir~ - Z.,ij n . rA I -, .-)'( ~: 1 2-I.J sil I ~] . (Mlffi~ 14:6) (Aerunautics) GILIB8RG, L. ".-- , 1. 1 , A~ ~ - - , From the ftyicnnur "cosmodromoll and from Cape Canaveral. Znan.-sila )8 no.?.,7.,,4 JTI 163. (MIRA 16M) GILBMG, L. WetlnB in the orbit. Pt. 2. Aviats kosmonavt () rjo. 7.-B..g 164. SLLLI. A.; KlUIX, I.L., professor (translator]; GILIEW, L.A.. re- daktor; OXAZKIZH. N.N., takhatcheekly rodaktor. (Motallic Creep and heatrosistant alloys) Poltuchast' ustallov i Maroprochuyis splavy. Psrovod s anglitskop I usuchmals, red. I.L.Mirkiwa. Moskva, Gas. tzd-vo oboronnoi promyshlonnosti, 1953. 290 P. (MLRk 7:8) (Crasp of metals) (Alloys) RODIN, A.I.; GILIBIRG, L.A., rodaktor; CHIWTAKOVA, A.Y., takhatchookiyI redsktol-- ......7... --'- (Silver soldaring in the flame of a gas torch] Palka serebri"i pripolami r plamoul gasovol. prolki. Kooky&. Goo. lzd-vo oborounoi proaWshlemooti, 1954. 53 P. (KLRA 8:2) (Ulder and soldering) TKVTYUKHOV, K.S., GILIBUG, L.A., rodaktor; CHISTTAKOV, A.T., takhai- chaskly rsdALVw#V?1"wO*"w' (Safety measures in transportation inside the plant] Tekhnika basopasnosti vautrlsavodekogo transporta. Isd-.3-a Ispr. i dop. Houkra, Gos.lsd-vo oboronnoi promyshl.,1955. 227 p. (HLRA 8:9) (Transportation--Safety measures) (Industrial safety) TIKHOMI]ROY. Vladimir Ignatlyevich; TARASEVICH, R.M., dotsent, retsenzent; LLPSHIN A.A., dotsent, retsenzent; 11OVITSKIY, Y.F., inzhon6r, rotsentent; GILIBXRG,,L.A.. redaktor; KUZNNTSOVA. A.G., izdatell- elay reds kt ~~,-TXMTZ ',L.A., takhaichaskiy redaktor [Organization and planning in aircraft plants] Organizatsits i planirovanie samolatostroitellnogo predpriiatila. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. promyshl.. 1957. 610 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Airplane industry) CIL'BE G Lev Abraxoyl Mth- IVANOV S.M., red,;. WITIN, I.T., tekhn. Fa. I red. .. 1 -1 (on an air cushion] Na vozduahnol podushke. Moskva, Izd- vo "Znimie10 1963. 35 p. (Neves v zhisni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Serliai Takhnika, no.13) (MIRA 16:8) (Ground-effect machines) IZAKSOI:, Aloksmir Piklisylovich; MILI, I...L.0 d(jktor- tekhi:. ri~uk, rotaorivelit; b*l'RlZliB'VSKIY, S.Ya., kana. toklin. nauk, dots., rotserizent; SHAVROV, V.B.j kand. tokhn. muh, ret!ianzent; GIL'ilERG, L.A., red. [Soviot holicol-tor industryl Sovetskoo vortoloto.Ar-wonie. Motiva, liathino.-troanie, Pj64- 310 1). (MIIU 17-6) FINKEL'SHTEYN, G.E.; VAYSMAN, L.M.; LARISETERp Ye.M.; Prinimall uchas- tiyetq1~1HER04.1.1),4. inzh.; EELENIKIY, DeS., inzh.; IVANOVA, V.A.j ini~-.; PEVOSENKO, V.A., inzh.; YAKUVENKO, Yu.B., inzh. Device for technological control of the content of current- conducting inclusions In condenser paper. Bum. I der. prom. nu.4:6-12 O-D 163. (MIRA 1713) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. ACC NRi AP016128 SOUPCE CODE, TJB/0269./66/000/001/0138/0139 AUTHOR: ..Art ukhIn,, P, I.; Gillbortp E. N. Pronin, V. A. 0RG: Institute of Tnorganic Chemistry Siberian Branch of the AN SSSR, Novo3i b-1-r3-1FTT`n-s FR76 eorganicbes ~6e fonija YWFo Y Afi SSSR) TITLE: Activation determination of Impurities in._F~.11 ~m SOURCE: AN SSSR. SIbIrskoye otdeleniye. I,-vestlya. Serlys kbirnicheakikh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 138-139 i i~CPIC TACS: allium, quantitative analysis, neutron irradiation . ON Fl'?) 0' e,'0-) L A! ~ A? / 7-,P :ABSTRACT, A sample of Cnllium weiChIni, 100 mg was placed In a quartz !ampoule whici-, was t' on sePed and irrndiated with a stream of slow .beutrons, 1.8 x 10 N/cm -see, for 8 hours. After irradiation, the 1 -5 Frams of each element) igalliurn. together with the carriers (about 10 as dissolved An aqua rog.19 and the solution was evaporated to dryness. iThe precipitate formed was dlssolvod in 30 ml concey)trated hydrochloric iacid. The gallium was extracted three times from the solution obtalned. ,The equeous phase containing the Impurity elements was evaporated three ,times In a mtxture of n111r1c and hydrofluortc i3c.1o 1, almost to drylloss. l.-Cord 1/2' U DC :_ __510~- "cc AP6016128 :The precipitate was dissolved In a small amount (5-10 Crops) of* 6 N F-F Iand the solution was introduced Into a Teflon column Mled with Dowax-1 ,anion exchange resJn in thq Fl-for5, Determinstiqns were,,made for the '6r3enJc -'tellurium ond (copper,,jindium' zing Il'ollowing metals: cobalt; - I - _1 1. i !tin.,-:"~The analytical results are abown in a table, Orij-. art. has: -A-Trguro and 1 tnbla. SUB CODF: 07 SUBM DATE: 22May65 04. Lqa~d-_2/2 GILBERT, A., ing.; RUSMANICA, I., ing. Hydros-lectric power construction works. Energetica Rum 12 no. 81 435-445 Ag 164. 1. Director General of the Enterprise d HydrDelactric Power Contitruction (for Gilbert). KUYWIT, P. and G11MRT, D. Metody MateimitIcImeskoi Fiziki (Tor; Vtorci) (Metholds of Matheaatilcal Physics-Vcl. 2)) 5M' r., Moscow and Leningrad, 1951. GILIBERT, E.N.; PRONIN, V.A.; ARTYUKUN, P.I.; VALOV, P.M. Extraction sepnrAtion of carrier-frei C057 from an Irradiated target. Rndiokhimila 7 no.3:358-359 165. (MIRA 180) OOAOW1O4 I *,koobbMidtaldy, S. I*; T. Ao ~10 In Ck Usti ut one In t SiUrim. Dapartamt,- Aem&W of Sel otdAerd" Aksoftall r 9 ofIJOW 10 Wit swod~, m ftve~~4~lan ~f 1 *be a~tb* pt"ertift of 2,21-didblorodietbyll other AK Do 104.1 no. 5. 1965v 1044-3-045 Opq Lbtk -f for Profit- r ieu4i~, now,"tracting agents, it asmeared ln"4 a at ~ 0, 01 -411chloroftetbyl ether (Worex). It was M to i~1101 dietiql Aber, because of the presence of t" dif 'the ueatw rbe at "S fotMd t4 SXtr$Ct Sb(V) and Fe(M) Vell (Ila tl~ Crottz), ALM, C*(I.T), CO(n), Nn(TI), prse it all. fte partiticA coefficients am given itk tabular figure. Orij;.1 ~,hwl! i tsue and .1, 46 ~!;Dm-. .10AP 00 1 1 Ono MW: 001/ OM REP: 003/ RD PMS: 4 2.61 5 7 GILIMM, G.P., TAU reonilto of treating typical radius fracturese Ortopop trma. i protez. no.lt23-30163, (MIRA 16:10) 1. 1z Sverdlovskogo instituta ramat-ologil i ortopedii (dir. nauk Z.Palubegina). 41 TOROCWLOV, Ivan Kikhaylovich; SIMIRKOV. Aleksandr Vesillyevich; MATSKIN, Leonid Arkedlyevich: SLUTSKIY. Lev Borisovich; (ilb-IBMT, Ste-pan Fomich- ALUSAMMY, Adollf Moritsovich; RAST vedushchly red.; FXDOTOVA, I.G., [Automatic filling of petrolaum products tank tnicks] Avto- wtiabankil naliv neftoproduktov v avtomobilInye taisterny. Hosk-w. Goe.nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. ig6o. 83 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Tank trucks) ACC AP6C 3366;) -Fjneev~ - V,,)~od,;K, A. (E: 1 b E! En r 5.n eer) 0 t, o. t:-t t, r! r o: sili cc,n ~,i:mi cond_i~_,tcr 0 CL CC I-PC fl J?j "Prute witil A difkl'u,-~'d lic:,I! ;-1hotrid-2tectcl- ~11?5 ~,xci tO (0 The detect-or (see Fiv,. is bu i ' t _~u a Fig. I . i i ette T-1110-1ct 1 pi 11!; CUINIIA1 Ut 1)lIt . ...... . ... .... U ACC Np': AP603 31)(,~ ~.,ord'J.j~,uraticdn Of thf! d,: ter,~(:r 112-(- "'LL- my tiny 11 pfuran,.!ters, are: c-ert;': ini7 ',e:!:~ ~,rdlu,- 7i iz i i re s pe c t',-reshol I ~;e-l si t.-' vi t I.; n t7? . " GI or im, i:,v wjjust.,Tr~!I, c: tile k)r)UcFL- tf-!Tl. -~Iw i-1111 r~LEX Ut~ U-Sci in a n wnl i .Lr SUB CODE: 0%, smi"ll Ilkille/ 01 ll'~ ~,,: 1 :)'Ii I I I ~'. I I: - Wo 112-2-4512 TRANS14ATION FROM: Referativnyly zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 292 (USSR) AUTHORS: Nomokonov, V. P., Gillbershteyn, P. G., Umnov, V. F. TITLE: CC-26-51A Station Amplifiers for High Frequency Seismic Geophysical Exploration (Usilitell stanteii SS-26-51 D dlya vvsokochastotnoy seysmorazvedki) PERIODICAL: v Sb.: Razvedochnaya i promyslovaya geofizika. Nr 15, Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1956, pp. 81-83. ABSTRACT: Amplifiers of the(widely used CC-26-514 stations can be used for high fi,equency from 60 to 120cps and higher) seismic geophysical exploration on the condition that the filters and output stages are changed. The converted filter and output stage circuits and their frequency characteristics are given. Low frequency attenuation amounts to 32 to 24 db (instead of 15 to 17 db for stock amplifiers). The redesigned amplifiers can be used even in the 30 to 50 cPS frequency range. M - L. Card 1/1 -GILIBERSMI,-Y-DL.; UMNUV, V.F. Transportable seismic stati,n f6r studying small depths in regions with difficult access. Trudy XRI 36:96-102 159. (MIRA 15:5) .(Seismic prospecting) 1960. LV, A4-1.. 2.X. T~-; T- 14.. E,.V. ;-L- ma CMMLA=: _Wl. 1. .4q-. e L.Seld. I- 4_pr'-- J_--_ -1 Arl-2 -4 LrI_a M,- -?---' O.S.. _11 71. A. -M-a 1: v.-iz 4.- 37 :1-:~ r- ~kl=4 P-.'. e by 3.19 0.1.4 LW %b. M_ I-LI.- 125 A2A=A---R: Llvr~y of cw4- JAI C-4 V1, GIIIBIMHTEYN, P.G.; GURVIM, I.I. Using perforated materials for Wo-dimensional seismic modeling. Izvovysouchebezava; geol.i razve 1. Mookovakiy goologorasvedochnyy Treat "Goof iznef teuglarazvodka". (Geological modeling) 3 no.1:139-156 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:7) institut im.S.Ordzhonikidze i (Seismic waves) XOWUDTN I.A. Small-vise field seismoscops, for measuriuS the speed of elastic waross Geofix, rasved, no.2:87-99 160. (MIU 13:12) (asismometers) QILIMSE!Wl, ?.a. Designing perforated models of seismic media. Geofise rasved. no.2: 100-119 160, (MIRA W12) (Seismic waves) GURVICH, I.I.j GIL'BBRBHTM$, P.G. Determination of the absorption constants of seismic vaveo. Geofiz. rs,wed. no,4:3-14 161. (MIRL 14:7) (Seismic prospecting) GILIBFMHTEYN~ P.G. Calculation of the propagation velocity of a longitudinal wave bi a seismic model with holes. Goofiz. razved. no.8:3-17 I &,). OURA 15:7) (Seisr,ac prospectiiig-,I;lectromec!lariica.1 aiialogics) 169/63/00000 ~P903/1)307 HO I on in pqrtoriited:',~ Vf~,uikaj no 21 .1063 i2 UOUN saved -,at 1p] - 1.1 00rigente aimed 74 _102in, plexiclase-an -s-T. majil ris~56 V Uzi 41 IA''th `the; number of hoU Md. piii.661 ~ foxUU11L erjaoutglu I'l Pse wav 'Hoe, 04 ~-C it )4~ I u all avi 63/000/00;/09l/ -b 6 Y9D 12- 'D307 ill;: 14 Or anio t 0 rol $4o &b 41, 3 CM Ahi velooiti V, botitoit~ and 250 ko/o J I~Iisa or Pusif Wo t-i :11 006400letr- so j w d f! span a a 7 or an 11 w ;i h I .-gi IqA,, GILIBERSHTEYN, P.G,; GURVICH, I.I. Bormal reflection of lateral waves in perforated materials for osismic modeling. Geofiz. raved. no.9:3-7 162. (KRA 15:9) (Seismic prospecting-Wels) GILIBE M TEYN, P.G.; POCHTOVIX, V.S. Use of porous materials for making volumetric seismic models with controlled properties. Geofiz. razved. no.9:8-27 162. (KRA 150) (Seismic prospooting-14odels) GILIEERSHTEYN, F.G.; GURVICH, I.I. Use of two-dimensional models in studying front waves from stra of varying thickness. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.lli1605-16 N 163. (MIRA 16:12 ) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedocknyy Institut tm. S.Ordzhonikidze. GILIBMETEYN, P.G. ReMatiom of longitudinal waves from rectilinear boundAries in perforated pl&tes In cases of oblique incidemos. Geotim. rasred. no.120-11, 163. (MIRA 16:11) Accwsiat im: AAoo56o2 5/0286/63/000/022/0054/0055 AM92: G914~tMap,lo,A.; k2terov, V. V.; Vasillyev, A. M.; PosternsX. Xa. I.; LevInj, L. S.; Umor, V. F*;'Koloskov, 1. A. T=M: Katho& for canvating arrLval time and rhase of seismic vaves for elactrMIC al6ttal a yrowsing. class 42, no. 15&T32 SOUFM ByuL izd5reto I tovarn. znakov, no. 22, 1963j. 54-55 TOM am: DOILMOUa" sedside vav'e,, automatic data processing, data processing, selasic data, coguter awLlysie., magnetic recoxtIng., eloctronic ccagatation saismic. dAA, 31 UtexpolsrUon,, arrival time, phase ABSMM: A wthodL U described for carpWag arrival time and phase ce Seismic vaves; for prooessIng t1me into a digital cospAer fran multichannel cox lated. selsisopvias dbtaLw& by the oscinograThic wWuA or by an inked gralh. Variable t&W transport medoxdsm. speeds an mild-fted as a readout accuracy factor by amp2qAM magwdc material to make the strokes marking both time and the arrival times and. 3Aiases. TWwe strokes out IV magnetic heads, the number of PXIBW to the strokes for the t1me marks is sunmed, and vith Ccwd % il( C. . . y Aawaaff mR: AAoo5602 Ily- - v i Mfko* at a VmUe fair the arriva or *m at a vave a liuear lutArpolAtica Is mda In each of tbo du=&U of the aisteum betmm the bro c3mest t1w ngirk mises. Baum: W;ep(e DM ACQ: Oyan% EWL: 00 SM OM: AS NO AW SM 000 MM: 000 C,cwd 2/2 MPRM-H, "Lu,]y-'n,, siol!lmll,~ wpjv(~s r-qj'jer:tj-j It-orn linlt..,- n .3tratp witt, wtkvt.-T)r~,pagation voloo.1ti iningy twi-dimonsLonal - - - 14 1 h4. fliliol 170) mcdah. rleo',z. razv. n(,. 15.1 -:I AT6031368 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/000/0034/oo4i AUTHOR: Vasillyev, Yu. F.; Gil'berchteyn, P. G.; Gurvich, I. I.; Ivakin, B. N. ORG: none TITTLE: Perforated materials for two-dimensional seismic modeling SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Geoakustika; ispol'zovaniye zvuka i ul'tra- zvuka v seysmologii, Beysmorazvedke I gornom dele (Geoacoustics; the use of sound :and ultrasound In seismology, seismic prospecting, and mining). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka ,1966, 34-41 TOPIC TAGS: seismic modeling, perforated material, seismic wave Ratima- elastic !wave prerag"icn ABSTRACT: A description is given of the use of perforated materials for controlling Ldensity and elasticity in ultrasonic seismic-wave modeling experiments conducted in the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Acad~my__2f Sciences USSR and the 1,1osco# ~Geological Prospecting Institute. Parametric measurements were made on two-dimensional isheets of duraNm_,__biWii_,_i_ron__, and plexiglass containing perforations (d = 1-10 rin) !arranged in triangular, hexagonal, and rectangular grids. The ratio of the dominant 1wavelength to the distance (which ranged from 2.5 to 20 rnm) between the perforations !Ivarled from 4 to 50 depending upon the type of' sheet and the nature of the experiment. xperiments were conducted to establish: 1) the possibility of recording regular Z-4M.8-66 ACC NO.' AT603'1-368 longitudinal and shear waves, 2) the relationship between the effective elastic,,-,mve ,propagation velocities and the size, number, and shape of the perf'orations, 3 ) the dispersion velocities, 4) the absorption of the elastic-wave energy, and 5) the ~possible appearance of velocity anisotropy and absorption in sheets with different perforation patterns. The results of experiments showed that under certain conditionP !regular longitudinal, shear, and surface waves arise in perforated materials and .pro~a.gate with characteristic velocities almost without dispersion or attenuation as idetermined by the coefficient of effective absorption. Thus, perforated materials specific conditions behave like a macrohomogeneous, nonideal, elastic medium to !which can be imparted isotropic, anisotropic, or smoothly changing properties. The 1hpplicability of these materials in seismic modeling is determined by the appropriate-; iness of the elastic, density, and absorbing properties of the rock to the analogous 1parameters, which can be controlled in perforated sheets by changing the perforation pattern. The accuracy of reproducing properties in these models is very high, Ireaching 1-2% in the case of velocity. Orig. art. has: figures. [DMI :,sn coDE: o8/ SUBM DATE: 2BMar66/ DRIG REF: 0071 ATD PRESS: 5088 Card._ -2/ L h7j3~~6 EwTC~)/~ ___QD/ V(K ACC NR: AT6031371 souRcE CODE: uR/oooo/66/m/00o/0062/0064 AUTHOR: Gil'bershteyn, P. G.; Grechishnikov, G. A.; Nomokonov, V. P. ORG: none TITLE: Construction of wide-band transducers for seismic modeling SOURCE: Ali SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Geoakustika; ispol'zovaniye zvuka i ul'tra- z,.,uka v seysmologii, seysmorazvedke i gornom dele (Geoacoustics; the use of sound and ultrasound in seismology, seismic prospecting, and mining). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, i 1966, 62-64 TOPIC TAGS: acountic detector, acoustic receiver, seismic modeling, seismology, wide ;band transducer ABSTRACT: A new type wide-band receiver to be used in seisinic modelinj~ is described. It consists of Rochelle salt platec; or different thickness and h6iglit, each with its own natural. frequency, which form a receiver with wider band-frequency characteristics when stacked together. nie (lampinp of natural frequencies was .?/ accomplished by coverinr the stack with a 1-2-mm thich likyer of transparent eroxy resin. The receiver, shown in Fig. 1, requires no clamp, as the contact is estab";_'~Ied by a thin layer of vaneline. A piLlse transmitt~~d through a brass sheei cDnsisted of I a single vibration with an apparent frequency of IC;Q kcps uid rL P-.11se duration of 'I 'L6 pace. Compared to the older-type receivers, thf- total pulse duration of the new I LCard 1L2 ACC IqR-. AT6031371 Fig. 1. Sketch of the new receiver (dimensions are given in mm). Fig. 2. Direction pattern of the new receiver. detector at the same apparent period was shortened by 50%, and the resolution was improved accordingly. Use of a filter with a cutoff frequency above 80 kcps decreased: l the apparent frequency to TO kcpa without changing the shape of the signal. Fig. 2 shows the direction pattern of the receiver. Orig. art. Ms: 3 figures. [CS) SUB CODE: 08 / SU13M DATE: 28mar66/ ATD PRESS: 5088 Card 212 W ACC Wi W7001909 SOURC-E-CODE:-UR./0387/66/000/0i'-?,,6011/6027 AUTHOR: Curvich, I. I.; Pochtovik, V. S. ORG: Moscow Cealogical Prospecting Institute im.. S. Ordzhonikid-e (IAo:-,kov:;kiy geologo- razvedochnyy institut); Geofiznefteuglerazvedka Trust (Trest Geofiznefteuglerazvedka) 7~'TLE. 3)"Icl investigations of a'two-dimensional seismic waveguide with sharp boundaries SO*L-'~,CE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. 12, 1966, 11-27 TO~IiC TAGS: seismic modeling, interference wave, ultrasonic seismoscope, seismologic~ 4nstrument ABSTRACT: 71wo-dimensional seismic waveguide model invescigations were conducted in which the kinematic and amplitude characteristics of interference waves WO.-F-1 examined in relation to the thickness of the layer. Duralum models (1000 x 500 x 2 mm) were used. A perforated band with a triangular net-- apertures served as the waveguide layer. Rochelle salt cryst .als (6 x 6 x 6 mm) acted as receivers, while an ultrasonic seismoscope re- corded both narrow (60 kc) and broad (600 kc) bands. The effeLt Of changing the location of the source relative to the layer on the ampli- tu(Ic of the interference waves both within the layer and in the surroundin,-,_ Medium was studied. In the case of a solid low-velocity layer a very. Card 1/2 UDC: 534-21:550.311 'ACC NR: AP7001909 intense interference's was observed when the source was insice.tne layer. When the source was outside the layer, a surface wave was gen- erated vhose amplitude diminished rapidly with distance from the-layer- boundary. Orig. has:! 12 figures and 2 formulas. Art. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 22Mar66/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF; 007 ATD PRESS: 5111 Card L 05.402-67 M4T(m)/WP(t)/ET1 TJP(c) JD ------~[ffo-/001-/0088/0090 SOURCE Coj)z: Ult/0289/6 " -3 ~ AUTHOR: Pronin, V. A. Gillbert, E!_14. and Artyuldiins P. I. I -..... ...... .......... -.1- - . ORG., Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Department, A14 USSR, Novosibirsk TITIX: Determinat-)n of Impurities in thallium b the neutron activation method 1) SOURCE: M SSSR. L'Ibirskoye otdelenlye. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskilzh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 80-90 TOPIC TAGS: thallium, sorption, gamma spectroneter ABSTIMM The -.,;Ivc trome try method was combined x.-ith the rapid chem Ical separation of impurities to determine Sb, Ga, Fe, In, Zn, Cu, Co, As, Te, and Sn in thalliun. The Puthorsst study of the extraction equilibria in the system beta, beta' -dichlorodlethyl ether (Ildiloreksl)-water rolutions of hydrochloric acid for a large nunber of elements Indicated that T1 can be removed by extraction NrIth Idiloreks from 311 11C1, while Sb, Ga, and Fe can lie separated from the remaining nicro-inpuritios by extraction from 9-10N HCL. The Go, Cu, In, In, As, Tl, and Sn Impurity elaivnts min ba divided Into L1,1o groups on the hases of different sorption capacity of fluoride complexes on anailoo1tlc. ;n, and To, with a concentration of 5-3 N 11F are sorbed on the anionite whereas Co, Cu, In, and Zn freely pass throu.-h the columin. Nuclear-physical characteris tics of the elements Co, In, Zn and 01 ps !!n1l as Sb, Ga, and Fe, permit their Identification without further chemical se paratio Orig. art. host 2 figures and 2 tables. fjiRS.- 37,1771 Cand UDC: 543.53 .GILIBIKH, G-.S., lnzh.-. MUKOSEYEV, Yu.L., prof.,; NAKULIN, Yu..P., inzh..: BAK, S.I., inzh. Electric pcwer supply of oil well dri'llAng HL-,F. Prom. eno~rp.. ~O no.10:28-34 0 165. (MIRA 1S.-JO) .1. Mizannknve otdolenive Gosiidarstvenn-vc j7(1vC'ktnc;tv Instituta "E'l ek troprove kt " (f or G i I I bi k11) . 2. 1 c r I b c vvi - v r - I I , -I hn i ~ he!i kiv institut (for MukoE;evev). 3. Trest Tu:mazaburnefO, Bashkirskaya SSR (for NIkulin). 4. Institut BaRbne'teV,rovekt (for Bak). GILIBO, E.Z., YMOAZINA, A.Ta. CAunnslan recurrent typhus. [with summnry in French]. zhur.nevr. i poll1h. 58 no.2tl77-180. 158 (MIU 11:5) 1. Stnvropollskayn paikhonevrologicheakRya bollnit9n (glavnyy vrach A. Tn. Dorsht). (PARASIS. therapy, fever ther,with malpria & CRucAsiRn recur.fever &penicillin (Rue)) (FEVO THKUPT. in vnr.dis. parsois, malaria & Cauensian recur, fever ther.with penicillin (Rue)) (PINICITZIN, ther.use, paresis, with mahrin & CauaRsian recur. fever ther. (Rue)) 3ERG, S.L., polkoynik; VOROBIYEV, V.I., kapitan pervogo ranga- GILIDD r kapitan pervogo ranga; AVANMKO, A.A.; BALAY HINA, K.Y..; ~XIIIIKOVP B.S., kapitin vtorogo ranga; ijAKFUNA, G.F.; MNUUM, N.V.; BUTYIERIA, F.Ya.; VOROBIYEV, V.I., kapitan pervogo ranga; GA-'-'S, I.P.; GINMI1, N.S.; GLADDII, D.F., polkovnik; GOLOVANOVA, L.G., kand. ist. nauki GOLUIEVA, Z.D., kand. filol. nauk; GOIXHA.,0VA, A.I.; ZAVIADVO.cOU, :411.; IVANOVA, N.G.; WMIZIN, G.D.; KOVALICEUK, A.S.; ITOMDOYA, V.A.; 1110VA, Ye.I.; FOLMU"OVA, T.I.; URI', L.S.; PwIlEiAh'i A.U.; PZI',IZS, V.I.; SAVINOVA, G.N.; SENJUKU'A, T.I.; 5MIT'IKOV, h.G., kand. ist. nauk; Fth-PTNA, I.I.; CHINUVA, N.N.; 'YASEISKAYA, L.F.; GLADIII, D.F., olkovnik; LAMISHY, Ye.F.p pod- policovnik; LEJEDM', S.M., kapitan pervogo ranga; 01WYMCIEM, N.I., kapitan pervogo ranga; NADVODSKIY, V.Ye., podpolkovrik; DE3,111, L.A., inzil.-kontr-uhriral, glav. red.; Kibl,'KIN, N.S., polkovnik, zar. otv. red., LEVCHENKO, G.I., admiral, red.; BAKETINA, G.F., tekhn. red. (Eaval atlas) Morskoi atlas. n.p. lzd. Glavnof,o _Ihtaba Voenno- Mornko Plota. Vol-3. (Ijaval history] Voenno-istoricheskii. Pt.l. roext for the maps) Opisaniia k kartar- l(!59. )-xii, 1~,42 p. (NIAA 15. 5) 1. hursia (1C)23- U.S.S.R.) I-linisterstvo oboror-O-. (Paval history) GILIBOp I. S. GILIBO, 1. S. "The arteries of the testes.' First Lenirgrad Medical Inst imeni Academician I. P. Pavlov. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in,,Sciences) ~~--dical So: Knizhnaya Letopist, No. 18, 1956 USSR/Human wid Anirial M)rph.-I.)a - N.;rLml and Path)l,,,jcaI. S Circulat)ry System. Abs JDur Ref Zhur Dial-0 ND 11, 1958, 50280 A ~: t'~ i ) r Title Arteries 3f the Mle Sexual Gland in Mwi WE; Pub Arlthiv anatordi, G4st:)l. i mabriAoE;ii, 1957, 34, N) 1, w6-i14 AUStract The internal sporrntio artery (A) is tle maiii vessel snpplyinr; the testis, and the appendix. A :if the ductus defereus as well a9 the the external spermtic A are com- plenentary. The structUre of the arterial channel if the seninal cord has roijy variants which nay be brou(tt d)w t:) the ebbrpaal, reduced and intermediate f.)rms, and uhich correspind to the structure Df the venDus and nervous plexuses. The constittition of the arterial chcai- nel A the testis expresses its structure and devel,)Imerit: Card 1/2 GILIBO, I.S. (LemiWad, D-25, Nevakty prosp., d.101, kv..39.) .. Arteries of the epididymis in man. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 3? no.7:88-91 J1 '59- (MIRA 12:10) 1. lafedra normal'noy anatomli (zav. - prof.H.G.Prives) I 1~eningradnkogo meditsinakogo institute, im. I-P-Paviova. (EPIDIDTMIS. blood supply) GIL'BO, X. P., SHUMMVICH) Ya. M. I MWM, V. F. Tvo cases of salverman encephalopathy; cure. Vest. ven. i derm., No 2, 1952. 11 41iL~,a EWT(d)/EWP(c)/EWP(Y)/T/I;WP(k)/-rwP(l) Pf-4 ACCILSIM 11Rs AP50011677 S/OUS/614/000/009/0058/0059 none T771.rt Fourth scientific and technical f r t .L~ n.. actlon pvthNs" ,-WRCEx InzarltolInaya tekhmika, no ~ L 4, 5649 TOPIC TAGSs cybernetica, electric measurcment e ectric quantity instrument, digital conputer, electron en , e ectric angineerine confcrence A3STR&M" The conCorence was hold 1-4 July at 6s All-Union Scientific Research Institut* of Metrology by the Section of Slectrioal Measurements of the Cc -unoil __ on- Problem of "Soiantific --- In3trum-ant-Making" or the or Sciontiric Roanarch Yrork in the SSSR together with the All-Union Sclentific- Bosom)) Institute of Electrical Uessur-ement Instrumen.ts %nd the L*n1ngr!kd_Pegion&I -idL'7'in"1q-tr'ctWn` of-6-a-So-lan t"Ific* and Technical Division of the In rumen M kin ~~t~ t Fifty-sevan roportB were heard and discussed. Reports were given byi P. FOVIT,~,K Y (Loningrad)--"Definition of the Concept of Informational Irror in Measurs- mont and its Importance in Practical Use" and "On the "Isis or the Iverage Inforsaa tional criterion of Accuracy Throughout the Intire 8cals of an Instrvisent's Too 4. C&Xd WL L 41182-65 ACCL'.31311 URt AY50OL677 XUP-Mr)IMPT (Moso*w)--*On Determine6on of the, Criteria of Accuracy for MesoUrINIOnt c-o S. 11. HANDBLIS11TAN (Leningrad) --report on a now criterion of acournoy of n0bourostont instruments; P. F. PARSHIN (Len ingrad)--re port on Optimization whan. using Fourier transform on electronic diCital oomputeres S. P._RIA DOLGINTS"VA and A! _A ATQ --proposal of a now -athod for sol"Wr~, , JP _T (Lantngrad) n prob optimum filtering for non-stRtionary rftndom alKnals and intorCerencol 0._C11S1,Pk?,'PV.-"CRlcul&tion or the Dynamic Chirqotarlatlos or an Optimum Complex .Wo-chnnnol System which Uses Signals from a Position Meter and from R Speed Meter'l R._AL_?94WM (baningrad)--"Optimum Periodic Correction in the Moftsuromont of Conti,=113 P. AB,*!qUCH (Mosoow)--"Anslysis and Construction of Devices Nr (,nrriotion of Non-lin4srity and Sesling for 11nitery Codesi G. V. GORSLOVA (T%g%nro&)--"A 14"thod for Stntistioal Uptimi*zation in GrnduNting the SnRlse or 31ectrical M*Asurinr In-Artiments"I M. A. E&INWRAN (11os0oW)--"&n&l0&-D1r1t&l Voltage Convorter with Automatic Error Y. S. KALENCUUK and __L. J.L_TK'.TSaU1 (Kier) --wAutomatto Monitoring of the Parameters 3? 6a iieotrioal Sipals of Complox Radio and. Electronic iquipmnt"l V. Pa PEROV (Vosoow)--"Opqr&t1onA Cybernotloo as nn Independent 6oientiflo Speoialization NI L"x jl!_,1Q_(lAnintrad)- - 'On the Probles of grfootivo Non-linear Scales"i A. 1. MARKELOV (Mosoow)--"D*vi*e# for Preliminary Prooessing of the Results of Usaiu-ments Presented in the ram or,/1 Gem 2/4 L 411v_65 ACCI.IZION 1.1s iPr?OOh677 Graphlo Recordings For Subsequent Introduction of the Information Into Universal Digital Cmputarg"; 0. U. MOGILMR and S. S..SOKOLO.V (LaninsrRd)--"On a Rethod for Redneinr, Sxesdo InfW~Wi-oi~ )-.T! -L.-PAOLKY IM. (Lon I nrr ad) --*A Device tar Temporal Di~rrntf&Gtlon of Continuous Sirnals"j_A, A. LYOVIN and M. L! P&IS (M(;Roow)-- "Optimitntion of tho Trans-Mesion of Tolemetrio Information as a Means for Raising the Efficiency an-I 311minsting llnterrarenos"12.t_S- 0 OYSKIY (Voscow)--"On a Ste- tintle Approach to the Detention of Swents In Automatic lospootion"j-11. I.WIN_ t (Lanin~rad)-.*Hothod tar Caloulaiing the Holding TI-ne or Co~muniontlona in a Contrad lized Inopiction lystem or Constant Servicing TIAel 0. N. PROINSHTSYN,_~. L. RAYXINI an4 V. V. RYKOV (Ito-scow)--"On a Singlo-Lins Mnsa Servio - Sist m-with Lossasol-G- --report on circuit danirno tar direct oonp9nftmtjon electrical dir,itel' mnnsurinG Jnjtrtra4ntsj A, N. KOVIOV (Novochirka ask)--report on a now method for conp)nnntlon of d1r.ItnI b~'idgesj It. W. GLAZOV (Leningrad )__ report on the problem ,of voltnro-Lo-anVjInr rotation conversionj Va So GUTNI!~OV (Leninrr&d)--"I1sthods for ConRtruction, of Froquenoy CApncitanc Pickups with a Linear -,SYIIOPYXTDVK and R. R. KILARCHMKO (MoLow)--repart on the determination or the AMpli-. tude-fr:qu~noy)an! phase characteristics or PFIA and M. modulatorstjo. 1. fH?1T&K_OV' '(Kovach rk. ask -- The Phototransistor as a Switch ror Electrical MeAsurament Yurpos*0x*s H. V. report 0*n_~~a _f;r making universal equip- .mant far mossuramont of current, voltage and pow's rl P. P. ORNATSXIY and V- I# ZOZVLYA (X19 ports an the oonstruation of, stotio Voltmeters. ~Wattm*Wq VA4 Card 3/L L 4l.182-65 ACC93351DII Ik$ phnsn "tars; A.'V.- TRI'K!LANOV, 1. _G._.59Y$M1,YAY.SV, N.J.-SABUN, V. Me RAZIN and V. A. GORBUNOV (Tomak)'.-_iep~ort on a device for automatic processing of the measurements of; vf6r_n_6Tn amplitw1a or pneumatic hanmral L. K. RUKINA and V. 0. XWORRING (beninq&4 --report an tho development of a digital measuring-pres-surs. force, I Atc.; N. P. DADITKINA (Laningra0--re port on a method for constructing rrequenoy pirk,upis for rat orinlysiol Yes Me LOPOV, V. A. BRAZKNIKOV and B. Yes LIKUTSINDER (Gybyeho v )--reports on an-&-fy-sts an-d Yu. V. __j7.jiT.,1r[jN:Y0V,(X%Vbysh*v)--*A High Speed Voltago-to-Digital Code Converter for so Pick-upi"I 0. P. TIKIMOV and VLK. 1MY9V (Vilna)--*A Hithly Accurate Digital Peak- to-PI34k Y6Y_1~W-_t76i:`ri _aAd 3. M. PiR_65_(1Wnintr&d)--"A Lew Level Analog-Ditital Volts,' age ConTertor." ASSOCIATIM ram SLU MIEDS 00 ENCLs 00 SUB COM EE, SO NO RLF SOVs' 000 QrHERj 000 JPRS /7w-lf- Card 4A GILIBO, Ye.P.; P[MVOZVANSKIY, A.A. . ~, 11 Steady state in the discrete system of sop-by-step optimalizing control taking into consideration the inertness of the controlled object in the presence of random disturbances. Trudy LPI no.226: 147-156 163. OURA 16:9) (Automatic control) k)/ZfP(h)/W(1) IJP(C) WW/BG. 1477-" =M 1*3 AP5021057 UR/0280/65/000/004/0148/0153 i AUTHOR: GU'W ingrad) (Lpn TITIZ: Optimm characteristics of nonlinear converters in the presence of interferencei SOURCE: AN 86$R. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 4, 1965, 148-153 TOPIC TAGS: nonliogutr ontrol system automatic control desip~~ control circuit, c A '- I 1~ ilignal signal to noise ratio, randoin-no-i-s-e"signal, filter circuit ABSTRACT: 'W ibutomatic control systems there is often a need for nonlinear con- version of ;rignalil. To exclude various interferences such conversion systems con- tain an inpot filter whicb smoothens out the input signal. However, such engineer-, in& solutionti are often far from the optimum one. Consequently, this author in- vestigates the synthesis of nonlinear converters for random input signals obeying the normal distribution law. The discussion follows the general theory of optimum nonlinear filtration developed by V. S. Pugacheii (Teoriya sluchaynykh funktsiy i yeye primeneniye k zadacham avtomaticheskogo upravleniya, Fizmatgiz, 1962). For various kinds of nonlinear conversion the paper gives estimates of the sensitivity of a given system to the type of nonlinearity aa a function of the signal-to-noise Coid 1/2 1477-66 ACCESSION APSP21857 ratio. Orig. art. bast 41 formulas and 5 figures. ASSOCUTION;t None AUBMITTED: 29Feb64 ENCL.- 00 110 REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 SUB CODE: I910P GILIN)f YO.P. Inolating a tignd from Its nonlinear conversion on the back- groune of random interferences. TrvAy LPJ 252t127-132 165. (MIRA ISM GILIBO, Ye- (Laningrad), 41"JiELPANOV, I.B. (Leningrad.) Characteristic of an optimal inertialass impulse noise filter. Avtom. i tel"n. 26 no.6:1074-.1078 Je 165. (MIRA 180) GILIBO, Ye..P.,(Laningrad) Optimal characteristics of a nonlinear converter in the presence of interference. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.4t148-153 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) z-7-7 A =91 V259 2 3/65/0W/ 52/0127/;4, A inin ti 441 x0 4A-, ts. TVLEC Be of 6i AkWIV*'Its nonlinear transformation in a random noise b k&Vund 4c smc~, LOWWO POX Ob" wtilat, Tiu4y. no. 252, 1965, Din-Jim i J~ 40Mjl=4% (4nandes and duribility of 432 "lc 4w: 00a1 identificationj signal, noise the"elvAl At) vhen the input to the measurivS I 'A'efth 4 1 b moba ftoti" of the signal y - O(x) and of some r 1 - + n(t))t is discussed. The problem i*y tie 0" -0= 6d t* #'W'8tbV*tiOA X* - X(S) whiob will give the optiaw- oz~ Ifinim'sibg the dispersion apwox~wtion 141, for: ~.'i an "PtVagion fo~ *~e tOM MAlon Is found as 4ACNi~ it%288301 e noise a(t) solution of y OW for ber W wooiut 0 X; ~ fyU) - probob ~!~ty ty ~Of vocess y(t)7. The dispersion of the error of the optin" tren 6tr r6wd 60 of f5yl z wo 9i*On I A. As P0 Pratlesq v U.01inemkh avitonati0heekikh vie 6 met Vil-U. t. Sol 1 If) instisd of the optima dhersioteristio X(s), tbe nota: on (I *(s) is usedo then the error dispersion V Z, V(Y) 7 11 (2)1'. 2 2 Lon "dui I f6i -W) Amlinar-fitmotion y k x with Th wadaiat Orig. art. hast 2 r r ce rSi( OB =04.' 17i 00, AM ca 2~2 L -!1 2"79 ACO NR.- KPOW$63 SMCE CODE: UP-/0103/66/000/002/0070/0075 AMOR ye (LOInOad)) M* *novj 1. 3. Oft. *Ono ... r Insitql4se transformaUou of the sipale of several ft*m. ra tion Into account Ad SOURCE: Avt*Wft -o. 2, 1965, 70-75 TOPIC TAGS: rollability: theory, r0liability engineering, system reliability T, 0 Rutho' doter: 4 the nonlinear characterisUe of a. device which Is al with V OMWIM error dispersion criterion for the problem of the to 'fro Osv- 60t instruments. It is usumed om, owerst".4, terd rf that the rand or Me koOvrn f fik" al wentiovial mode of the Instrumem and for are or a, OW -for 0 case of three Instruments that the character- I VL dWe data and rejecdon of unreliable dMa. the a priM pftbgMty of instrument failure. Th 62-52:519.281 Ca" '74 ............ .. , 0006-71 A co cons oil' swu ORIO U71 003 Bug a4l. 1A a"2 CL GIL'BRIKHT-ILIKOVSKAYA, A. [,Gilbricht-Ilkawska, A.) 4 - Sojae characteristics of the succession of mif~rofauna in a hay Infusion representing an experimentul aquatic ecosystem. Vop. ekol. 5335-37 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut okologit Pollskoy AN, Varihava. (Micro-organi8ms) .- G.ILGA., F., ca"fi.44te in gtitnte economice; TONITA, 0., candidRt4inftitnte 66elhomice "Increased rentability of 9+e agriculturia farms" by V.Baghinschi. Reviewed by F.Gilca and 14.Ionita. Probleme econ 15 no.2:142-146 F162. ~~,&,_eandidat in st,iinte economice; IONITA. M., candidatin stAnte economice Many-sided and intensive development of production on conee-tive farms. Probleme aeon 15 no.8:43-56 Ag 162. _Atk2&j FI., candisbLt in stiinte economice; IONITA, ?.',. , c&ndidat in stiinte economice; REDEJ, D., candidat in stiinte economice Aspects of economic efficiency of sunflower 1pultures on collective farms in the Ca-MrIkei District. Probleme econ 16 no.1:117-123 Ja 163. I I . , I . . . , . . I .. 1. : I ~ I . . - :, , .: :I ... I -. .. : t I . . . G t! G1 L I CH.',IKO A'V., retmenzent; DATYDOVA, M.A., ot.v. -,a vypu'13k',-' MvoviM, Ya.D., tokb.,.. red. fl',odorn organization of the orection of buildirq,-s from panc-la and blockal Sovrovannaia organizatslia nontazha zda- nil iz P,nolei I )1okov; uchobnoo pobic (ilia zao(~hnogo po- vynb(inhit kvi-.1ifilmisil Inmerno-taklmicheslAkh rnbotnikov k proEyar-uw karBa "Progressivnaia tekhnologiia I orguniza- trila stroitollnogo proizvodstva." Monkvu, V.-30S.ZV()CIu)yi toklmiku, 1(1)63. l)7 p. (V3 i,A 16:12) ("huildings, Frefabricated) B QK Z.1, ~ Unit for the preparation of water-oil emulsions. Stroitell 8 no.11M N 162. (KRA 1631) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applioations) (Emulsions) AID P - 4021 Subject USSR/Power Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 10/31 Authors : Gillcher, 0. A. and A. D. Shleyfman, Engs. Title : kea~s of'elim-'inating vibrations In relays of the EN and ET-520 type. Periodical : Elek. sta., 11, 36-38, N 1955 Abstract : These types of relays are discussed and explained in detail. Research on new types is reported. Three diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date BASS. N.A., inshener; GILICHIR, O.A.. inzhener; SAVOST'TAhDV, A.I., Inthener. Using PZ-156A distance protection. Ilsk.sta. 27 no-7:41-46 11 156. (MLRA 9tio) (Ilectric apparatus and appliances) GILIGM, 04, itish. Blocking the remote protection from simultaneous voltage vanishing in three phases. Xlek. eta. 30 no-3:74-76 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Electric netvorks) (Zlectric switchgear) GILICH&R. TeodorIgilcer, ?.I (Praga) Nesent state and future of Czechoslovak railroads. Zhel.dor. transp. 44 no.518344 My 162. (KDA 15: 5) (Czechoslovakia-Railroads) C, n f t ty t I f Lic t(-,rz c 5, C t o nr :7 c zzn l , !or o o t d t 11,22 4nn of linc In ZO c o n a i 1!,:; 11 GnDAU , _ ~.j VALERIU, A. Measuring the distribution of the magnetic field by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. Studii cerc fiz 11 no.2:462-467 6o. (EUI lo:l) (Magnetic fields) (Magnetic resonance) GILIDE, E.K. Entimnting footwenr costs. Leg. prom. 18 no.4:6-8 Ap 158. (HMA 11:4) 1. Znmostitall glitynogo bukhgAltern Unrnvlanlyn kozhoveitno-obuvnoy I mokliovoy nromyehlannonti LeningrAdskogo Sovnnrkhozn. (Shoo mnnufncture--Costs) GILSIX, A.K. Bonus systems for decreasing second-grade production in shoo factories, Legeprom. 18 no,11:1)-15 N '58. (MIRA 11:22) (8hoe manufacture) (Bonus syvtem) GILIDS, R.K. __-_ ... Utilizing the reverse aide of materials In shoo fhetoricas Ko,-h.- obtiv.prom, two4:1-4 Ap 159. (MIRA 12-.7) (Shoo manufacture) GILIDEI H.t:. M 1 erhanivitlon of estJmated and standrird arcoiirjtln-. Kozh.-obljv.pror..3 no.3:9-12 Mr 161. 1 14.- 6) (Machine accounting) --- 1 3~614-66' UP'(c) - ----- - ACC NR, AF6025022 SO(JRCE CODE: HU/0016/65/000/010/03()4/'031-1- AUTHOR: ORG: lzirtitutv f,.:r Th,~:xetical Mysics, Jozoef Attila Scientific University (Jozsef Attila Tudomarijoryetem Ehieleti Fizikai Intezet TITLE: TemperAture SOURCE: FizU-J no. 10, 1965, 304-311 TOPIC TAG': tv--,!,perature, themodynamics AWTRACT: Scientific) expertmentalt and philosopical aspects of tempera- ture were discussed and some common, misunderstandings regarding tempera- ture were traced to their origin and dispelled. The following subjects were Jealt with: experimental aspects of the temperature concept, theore- tical devclopment of the theories dealing with heat and temperature, fea- sibility of the realiuktion of a system endowed with empirical tempera- ture, concept of absolute temperatures characteristics of absolute tam-. parature, and philosophical ramifications of the temperature concept. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 26 foruulas.. (JPRS: 33,9091 SUB CODE 1 20 / SUEM UTE: none / ORIG REF; 004 / 01H VM; 003 HLINGARY/ftsical Chemistry. Molecule. Chemidal Bond. B Abe Jour: Ref Mur-Xhimiyao no 22, 1958, 72955. Author F.J. Gilde, M.I. B6. Inst '-/' ;~,:' I , Title F2ectronic Structure of Cr(III) Rexacyanide CoMlek Ion by the LCAO Method. Orig Pub: Acta phys. et bhem. Szeged, 1957, 3, No 1-4, 42-48. 0) - Abstract: The complex CCr(CN)63 ' was studied by the MO= method. Nine 3d-, 4s- and 4p-orbits or. Cr vith 3 electrons (corresponding to the Cr-,r ion) and three 2p-orbits of each C atom with 4 electrons at every atom were considered. The 27 available AO-s vere divided according to types corresponding to irreducible group con- cepts of 06: G - 2A (4s and the linear combina- Card 1/4