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. . . . . . . . . . . '14 AT5028W. 7 rrar dispersion ime t is derived as Lbe Kini*= 0 at t W(tij)dt, The importanoe Of critiulity of #U& a system arises bemuse of possible deviations of either the iiWAts or; of Us system Owaoteristios from those used in the Wnthasising process, M* perfaramo of a real tystem in a real environment my be 6oqwrad with tht ideal ~ system in an ideal environment through a ooefficient D*-DO ibem d-c 44 (1, 1) + W V. I) J WO. 'cl) (TI, RLIJ11, -%)jd%-2 W(t, -t,)R, + or areal qsteO in a roal environment my be ocapared with a system whiah is optima tor the real ei*ironmdAt (qporatiag in the real environment) through a ooefficient D'~ > 0), Lcato.~4 Vbere R;A V. 0 - WO (1, dit W* (t, 11) (11, 12) + L D* (-CS, %)I dis TO #61*6 the pro~j* of qjihesiaing the dyvisiiio chanoteristics, either the minimaxi- an method of K6,Xhjlstr~i:(8t&tistiohedkay& teoriya obnaruzheni'Ta signalov. M., HasUgizo 1%3# 9- 496) oT the ever&" method over all possil)le deviations of the q0tu dhaMoteristios 444 SAVOte *f be used, The former method is normally not Practioll while ths lattOryields equations for the averaged oharaoteristics of the form + whore 04 (TI "s) 1; 4.04 cth to M. (R4 (TI. 12)), d,, W Tjdil W* P to) + d-. An example is P"istUd to, 4 mostrM a use of all the above techniques. Orig. art. host 24 forwal" and 2.tisures. r--~ r A. IIHENA, N.. inj~. pc,~atn now to fight -.hem. I;at!Lra Pinlcglf~ It" , i.., . .-) ' .1-1 A . 413 V64. 1. I.G,".A., lluchqrost. io ~u, I i - ""IC 01, the ICCA ~unidentifiedj' 1-1;CI-arest. .:.daritation O'f the 3otryLis c4nerea Pers- 1an6u- 10 `ome C 4- G; e 5 No 4, Jul-AW 6" -~c!-.are3t, Seria Bio1oi-,de, Vol 15, 7", - -aboratory adaptation of the iungus to Thlovite L1111.1a ---tiocd.4e 50. C,5nsccutive re-inseminations were Lade on media with increasini, fungicide concentrat ions. It was not, possible to ot,zain cd--,"'kon with Thiovite because of its wtak fun's-icidal ivi w-ith Orthocide 50, however, the &uThors -'-~T)tation as 100 -%3- ;-!i --,ow-coh Of T.'.L mllures Crown for a lon,-er perioi, on nedia cinnll~llning tt~e fi;~ngricide. includes 1. graph, I table and 2 references, of which I itussia-n aLd I a-gl!Bh-lan,~-uage. -/l jojjEscu4WscEL I., prof. ing.; KELMER., I., ing.; COTIGARUO B,8 inge; RUSjjC-48CHI Maria$ ing.; ~q~r_F_Aj.m.,, ing.; COSTEIICIUC, N., ing.; GROIN, B... ing,j KATEI, An&, ing IONESOU44USCELl C., ings; RACks M,v U Contributions to the problem of wool washing under optimum temperature and pH conditiona. Ind text Rum 13 no.5.-197-203 My 162. Is Institutul do atiinte sconomice Me Lenin (for loyescu- Huscoll Lj Nolvor Cotigaru). 2. Labbratoral central Minioterul Industrid Uscare Ifor Ruawavechi, Ghencea). 2. Fabrics. Textile. Grivita (for Costenciua, Ghersin). 4, Minioterul Industrisi Petrolului A Chimi9i (for Matei). 5. Inotitutul do Oncologie (for Ianeocu4bascel,, C.). 6. Fabrica Blectrotahnica (for Racu). Furo!;(,,~~! Acc( 1,1st (--.' CHERNOS, V.I.; GHENDON, Yu,.Z. Reactivation between variola, vaccinia and ectromelia viruses. Acts. virol. 7 no,.3:282--283 My 163. 1. The Scientific Research Institute of Viral Preparations, Moscow, U.S.S.R. (VACCINIA VIRUS) (ECTROMELIA VIRUS) (SMALLPOX VIRUS) GHE?DOII, O.Z.; GENKINA, F.B.; MIUJSHIlq, V.N.; MUCIVIK, L.S. Comparative study of methods of evaluating the activity of smallpox vaccine. J. hyg. epidem. (Praha) 8 no-3064-374 064 1. bistitute of Virus Preparations, Moscow. - ~-f -"~ I ~- " L Dn the abill-Ly ;f cortaili viruseii to biock the effec;t of intei~ foron. AcIta v!rol. (Praha) (Dig.] 9 ". The Moncow 2,ilentific Rj~searcwll of 7:,-al Prepara- tLon, Vnsvew., GIMNEA, C.; GIKNa, A. Some geologic observations on t.ha presence of ~ontian betwoon Turnu Severin and Datutt, Darl sema Bed 46i jq~)--205 '58/59 [publ. 1621, GHLNEA , .I GHi,l;iJi , it - Soulo gj)~Ijogjc observations u t,ho prosence (if l'ontlat, between Turnu Severin and lititutl, Darl. seama sed 4v,: 158,19~) ~publ. 1( 1. t ,104FA. C. ; rIIFW,,A, Ana Noto on the preeence of Pontic 'auna on the `iatmau. r Darl seama sed 49 pt.1:109-112 161-162 ipubl, li,41. 1. Submittwi Fei~vxary 2 1, 1962. TUrEANd. E.; GF-E:,, ~,. Hyd:,ogeuloj:l,,-&l w.~j hydruLhiuralcal rtlatiuw butwoWi t:,~, pill'WitiC, f1m lacustrino waters In the Eastein Thmianian Plaip. Studii cere gool 7 no.2:275-3l.",7 162. 1. ;oiLmicar, jxzoritata de avadfi:daian G. Maitafwiia. 'iff.INFA, C. ; GHFW,.A, Ann Not,a, on the praspn--o of Ponti,~ 'filiria -)Y) th(,, iii.J2-~trl ::Ial.owi. Dart sommit nod 1,9 ~piibl~ 1;~,4~, I., 311~mltr,(-l Feil,ruary 2 1, 1962. ILIESCU, Violeta; GHEIEA, C. Palytiolog!-al rin(l geologl,~al observati(~!-,s on 'wm,~ dol, mits in f-ho citpilla Plain. Dare seam.9 sed ".9 pt.l: 119-1.27 '01-162 [puhl. '641. 1 3III-al I 1. 1 A111-11 ."0' lQ6".'. NAFTA, I.; ZILISTEANU, Eugenia; NICOLESCO, I. Th.; GROBJlICO, Mina; GRET.&TO, Ligia; POPESCO, Anap- SATMA111, C.; Collaborateur technique: GRENESCOP Ecaterina Virological and sorological investigntlone mde during the Influonza opidomic of February-March 1962. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no,1:13-27 Mr 163. 1. Trityall de, IlInqtitut "Dr. 1. Cantacuzino" - Service do la Orippe. (IbYLUENZA) (EPIDallOLOGY) (IRFLUENZA VIRUSES) (HEMAGGIXTINATION INHIBITION TESTS) NICCULESW) I.; GFMMCO, Ligia; ZILISTEM, Eugenia; NAFTA, 1. Col-labo- ration techniquat GMISCOt Sbaterina Biological study of enzyme and structural changes in type B influenita wiruses. Arch. roum. path. exp. microblol. 23 no.3t V7-742 S163 1. Travail do 111hatitut 'Ore 1. CantacuzIno*; Inboratoire do la Grippe, Hucarest. 711.13TWAK!, Eugenia, dr.; CRPITSCIT, LIgJa, dr.; !., n-.; NJr,7LFl"CT'p l.,dr., I dr.; Golaborator tehnj~-: ~l ;.p , __a'A,-:-!ra Frebquet,cy of untibodles arainst parainfluenzal v!rusp~i in thp P-omanimn 11*oPlelj Republic. Mierobirlorla 10 r1o.4: 349-3 -VI !I.-AV 1. efcctuatA In lrl~stltutul ":'r. 1. GHENGHEA, Ntru, ing.1 A14)JULOVICI, Al., Ing. Radiant boating of platfoms and waiting room by pat-. iLbv callor for 11 no.8s447-452 Ag 163a STOTA, I., dr., doctc- In stlinte medicale; Rn2:l;A,':TU, F., dr.; GHEVOTU.-C). dr.; PFTCU, R., dr. Factors causing recurrences in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Mod. Intern. (flucur.) 17 no.1:61--64 Ja 1~1 1. lAicrare efectuata in Centrul met.~,kiolnjylc do :-(,umittolngie, Flucuresti (directort dr. I. Stola). RUMMIA / Cultivated Plants. Ornamental Plants. Abs Jour S Ref Zhur - BloloSlyaj No 61 1959, No. 25144 Author s Ghenoviol, As; Popa, 1, Inst Title Additionul Light on Horticulture Orig Pub Rev. eospod, agric. stat, 1958, No 1, Abstract iNo abstract given Card 1/1 "471"IMI, ~. Giew-raphical :-,!;pects )f aipiriqn ernlmy ill the "all mkita ',renc.,-A i:n(I "-tt-Oxit Lake. p. 1~" ri r '74E r V DF (ArRrierr," a Repul Ii ri ii,,:t-:l Of Cercefari 'ieo;,xiiPire) cri;(~sti, Arian4a. V,)1. 1,)[:I0 90 ,47,nt.hl,,, ligt, Nf Acce"isi-, Ff-, ncl. OMOVICI, Alexandra Geograpby of commication and traneportation In the Banat region. Problfts geog 8:437-"9 161. I ", ' x IC~Rr).!I F , lon ; V;,TCE~ , ion; i l,.' ( ,,, p fl,~' !'( - ' ] , .. if~ \an I J,&L The ecoromic maj, of '~umanla. !'.VUra C'Poprrafie. 16 rio. 1:3-',' .1 164. Opimiu, I., prof.; CON3TAN"f!7PZCU, Dan.; GION7U, an., dr. ContributLon to the pathogenesia and therapy of coxosis. Mod. intern., Bucur 12 no.9:14U-1418 S 160. (HIP, diseasgs) UidANU, 1. , j,roi'. ; GO!.'.iTA,','TIILSGU, D. , (jr.; 9 '. , ". , Contri.1,utloas to Oie physical therapy of syndrc:.-.~~3 rolated to i3pondylo3is. Mod intern, , bucur 13 no, Ii: 5'9-564 Ap IoL (SP11L discasesi (PHISjIGAL TIl.I':.AI;Y') WOI-FS',;AV'7, I . ; 11,'Ji 1 TER, Aiwt-n; GIL~~711 STIME, Fm- I in; WCHE, ki -, ~ ~~ ia -, ", I ~,-T~ "Ii , lu 11 h. fin a vloo of tali n 1,11 y Ali the pori,(). Stud. ci,j-cot. ei,rfocr. 15 n(,.6079-5811, 104. OPREANUP I., prof.; CONSTANTINESCU, Dan, dr.;.GHKNTU, E., dp. A new method of treatment ot acapulo-humeral periarthritis by dooontracting galvwdiation of the reflex zones. Me4. intern. 15 no.1:97r-99 A 163. 1. Lacrare efectuata la Institutul do balneofizioterapie, Bucuresti. (SHOULIMR AnHFOM) (PERURTHRITIS) (HEYLEX) (GONTRACTURE) (ELECTROTEWY) ACC N& AP7001970 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/018/002/0511/0515 AUTHOR: Petrescu, P. Gheordanescu, V. ORG: Institute of PhyBics of the R. P.R. Academy, Bucharest TITLE : Anisott-opy of the photoemission froin some colored alkali halides SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 18, no. 2, 1966, 511-515 TOPIC TAGS: crystal anisotropy, alkali halide, alkali halide crystal, color center, photoemission r.,e-C-CIROA) FlnIS310A) ABSTRACT: Proceeding from the fact that crystals of colored alkali halides after irradiation, exhibit an absorption dependent and the azimuth angle Of tile plane of vibration of the incident irradiation, an attempt is made to verify whether the electron emission of these dichroic crystals is also a function of this azimuth. The study shows that the dichrosim of the alkali halides is clearly reflected in th e ani5otropy of the photoemission stimulated by polarized light. Tile re&ults obtain- ed by a new experimental technique are discussed and compared with those obtain- ed for anisotropic color centers by conventional optical metlilods. It is believed Card 1 / 2 ACC NRt AP7001970 that the new method for the study of anisotropic color centers may provide sorn e information on their orientation and symmetry and thus may help to verify the validity of the corresponding models. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Based on authors' abstract) [NITI SUB CODE: 201SUBM DATE: IlAug66/OTHREF: 006/ Card 2 / 26 GWI-V A. " 1,c I inf*lu(!nc,? of kni-As on the quitlity oltimber. p. P',~. kkevititi. fluourilor, Vol. '/'l, No. 3, Mbr. l(67, bucuronti, ltu-muniu) SO: kolitilly List Of Xa~;t European Accessions (XIW,) Lo. Vol. h, No. H. All,-. 1Q57. Uncl. ing?. I . 1. :. ~ 11 Adjustment of steering mochmi-Ism, of cars. Rev transport N, no.12:540-5,46 1) t63. L 18639-63 EWT(d)/BDS kMC/ASD/APGC/IJP(C) Pg-h/Pk-4/F1-h/Po-4/Pq-4 ACCESSION AP3001814 R/0011/6)/0071002/0087/OC92 BC AUTHORt Oheorghe, Ardelman (Major, Engineer, Candidate in Technical Sciences) TITIEs The frequency response of non-linear automatically regulated systems SOURCE: Automatica si electronics, v. 7. no. 2, 1963, 87-92 TOPIC TAGS#t Frequency response, non-linear systems,, automatic control, graphical- analytical method ABSTRACT: The author develops a graphical-analytical method for the study of non-3-inear and non-inertial systems containing me non-linear element, Starting with a closed system containing one linear element of response Y(s) and one non-linear element of response f(A) he derives the relationt Kf(A) - -Aa(w) b2(w) a2m + 1 12 - A2 Card 1/2 L 18639-63 ACCE3SION NR-. AP300181h where YOW) 0 1 a(w) + JS(wT- I - input signal E - output signal A - I - E For 2 examples he plots the right and left part of (8) deriving thus A for different values of 1, and the frequency w. Orig. art. has 17 figures, 19 equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMTTEDt 00 DATE ACQ: 03-Ju163 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE,. W. NO REF SOV: 00h OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 CITU, D.; (1,11JEOMPE, A. bevelopmei)t of stockbreeding on the (,(,' !ectlve farms 'n the Fetesti District, Bucharest region. Probleme econ 16 no. 5: 315-122 MY 163. ANDREICOVIC1, Gh., ing.; GIUHGIII,:, A. Mothods for obtaining microscopic sections of textile fibers of 1.0-15 microns thick and their photographing, Ind text Rim no. 3: 151-156 Mr 164. GHIMAI, H., ing.;,GMORGHE D. ing. " Detemining the elements of an optimal system of technical maintenance for motorcars, Rev transport 9 nD.10:413-420 0 162. 'r. ~ I '-p . " - I PA.'r,ALT'F,, Ch., I-ig.; POPOVICI, Aria, Ing - ZAREA, . .1 J. I 311,tia, Ing.; Elena, chinl.,it .~ef- --arrh and res,il ts in the f itild o~' * h(',- ~ -, w, i i ~~ -~ 1 41 1-i , 11 Of flotat Lon reage nt.s. Rev n-d n 15 no. 11 : ~L~;~ "' " .'.. LITEANU, Candin; CRISAN, Ionj GMORGHE, Florica 1.11--.1- 1 ---1 .. I Complaxonamtric determination of molybdenum by ratitratipn of complaxon excess with FeCl 3* Studia VnIv B-B S. Chem . 2007-111 163. 8 no. DIMITRIU, H. , ing.; ROMUL, Uadu, ing.; PANT.U1, Tudor, ing.; GEORGESCU, V. , ing.; POTOCIWIU, I., ing~; RADULESC'o', M.; GHEORGU, Gh.; ORWK, Goza Letters to the edit0r. Problomo econ 15 no.10:147-151 0 162. 1. Director, Trustul regional do constructii, Ploiesti (for Dimitriu). 2. Director, Trustul regional do constrwtii locale, Brasov (for Romul). 3. Director, Trutul regional do conatrictii, Iasi (for Pantelli). 4. Director, Truatul regional do contructtii locale, Galati (for Georgescu.). 5. Director general, Combina,tu.1 sid,erurgic, Resita (for Potocoanu). 6. Ingiher so'f Rosp Inovatii~ Intreprinderea Trainica, Fucioasa for Mddlescui. 7.'Intreprinderea Trainica, Fucioasa (for Ghoorghe). 8. Director, Fabrica de confectii Flacara, Cluj (for Orbok). 190GZA, Rihal, prof. (CJlapina)- POPESCU,O.; ALBESCU,T. (Fagaras); ICNESCU- TIU,C,, STATCU, I.M., 9, iterA (Wcuresti); DOBRMCU,C., prof. (Calarasl); GIIEUICiFE, i.1*11. Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 14 nc.11:0154)87 N163. Cli!,.aicril lll~;chnolory. Ch,~adca). Prodiiri.s and '111-2-18 Food J'.bs Jour: No )', .Z.Lutlior GNor~,hc , 'J. , l1licorizhu , I. ~,,l , -0. I ll:~ t Titlv ".,)Ll,.dy 0., Lot 'iiaoklYlL,- Cri-~ Pub: ln~l t. corcotnr i ul I., -iill. f .1 21 1407 - (lu 6 ii.b3tra at woru corldtlotod on hot -i::iokinC, of tho I , rring, horso- wl,OL; fish of Ax qP(-;Cio3: I., i; . ido, ocarl, brf-,Lll-!I, and Optimum ,.~)Viods loor s.aolldng ;ach 3pcjci.;,; ,,!i-;rc, dAarminjd. By a swift riju of th.-, roastinc~ -brui.ij)~;ruturu tho p.,..-a,.;vA duration of sr,iokin(.- vals d~,ci-)a-~(.d by.- 25~ .31UL4- :Z[)/0012/65/061/00~~/0323/0534" ACC NRi AP602514A 1: caical sciences); ~UtAQU, J# _La~_i;,ADoaLor; Moutonant noral; Doctor of r (Doctor; lrmcl); Dancioloiu. Al. (Doctori ;,~aJor); VAjdgAnU,_L_,_jI)octor; Lieutenant colonel'); 6ho.oi-Z)n loapA~octor; MaJor);.I~mcaa- Q_ (Doctor; Major) 0.1': nono 11 1~ TITL-1: Our jN;NrIeneo In the trcatnont of varicaso-ai-Im-lAs-Of the pelvis Rrlvl~fta aanitara -idlitara, v. 6.1, no, 14, 1965, 523-534 1,001C TA-':'",: c~',.:;oara thorapoutics, disease incidenco, circu.1atory system disease T AT~ 1,',' : 1% re port on 'Whe authors I ox-porionce during 1952 to 1965 with 576 patients SUfff'rli-. 7 'rron varioiis clinical forns of varicoso aff3dction3 of the polvise The -'orm of thorapoutic approach used are discussed, t1he effectiveness of the differ,:,i;'. ~rtho:ls for the soparato classes of ailments is compared, and some general conclusions; with regard to tho incidence and treatment of varicose ailments are pro- sented. fJI'Ast 33,50-0Y SUB COJ~-A 06 / SUBII DATS: 3OApr63 / ORIG M.F: 008 / SOV IIVF: 003 Mi RL;F: 005 RUS TFA 0 maria, dr.; DA131JA, Viorioa, dr.1 OHMROHE, Ileana, dr.1 JaNISCU, H., dr.; RVESCUt Zonobia, &.; LUNGU, Felicia, d-r,; SAIXMI Radio, dr.1 SAM, Valantina, dr.; STIVESOU, I., dr.; STOICA, V,, dr.1 SERBAR, N., dr.1 VISAN, Valeria, dr. Our results in the treatment -1 complications of dental carien. Stomatologia (Bucur) 12 no.10-16 Ja-F'65. 1. Cblectivul Serviclului do stomatologie al Spitalului uni- ficat do adulti, Constant%. IMANTA/Chemical Vchnology. Chemical Products and Iffieir if Apj,limtion, Part 3- - Wood Pulp Industry, Hydro- lysis Industry. Abe Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya) No 21, 1956, 72048- Author : 14. Ghg9s2"e J. Cornea) M. Ailincai. Inst : -rr:s-t_. cerecetari si experim, ind. lemn." Title : Ffn-e-Miii~-c&l--E-rlq-u--e-Elng. Orig Pub: An. Inst. aercetari si experim. ind. lemn., 1954) No 14, 137-156. Abstract: Results of laboratory experiments with briqueting charcoal mixed with 0wood tar and heating the bri- quets to 400 to 450 are presented. Card GHSOAGHE, M. Aiditions t,) the ln!'Ii~ence ot' c-)n,JItI)rvi inder which gL e ~;-)I ~tims ~j.-e I,repare-l - - -)n tho meebanical -eq~qtance ofqllued jqirtg. p. .ind preservai r L~LXMIUJI. AUMAAA. Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. SO: Monthly List. of bast guropean Acee331ons (MALI) L C, Vol. ~,, j)o. 7. JUY 1957. Uncl. r o t i Ar) i s t v r r n f,A cl. C (N! ft klw GHEORGHE, M&rian; MUSCA, Bart&; SZELL, Ion Frmi Lhe experience of the front-rankers. Go%str buc 11+ no.672:2 24 N 162. Cewitry C7~t(.":% Iry. scien s jnhj;j~.l , 11, .4 1956, 63156 ;,b.q j ur. ;,uthcr Ghc- rt,,,ho, Mi 11 Ir'st NIcnaurvo OIL Cqitr.1 rf 0 i1 F17 Title 1:,IsturL, oric, iub: ,~-3-43- 'Probl Z'), si vcterin., 3.957y N ,'~bstmct: ct Carl GHEORGI(&PM,.t.y*o, tmg. Calmilatim of loudspeaker unitis. St si Teh Buc 10 ne.4:44-45 Ap '64. "I nf I li,rm~ cf' iod zing ruiff it t "::)I I .)n -,r-xi 1. rf 4"i in .iipvle~,~vd tTy M. 1-1 the word t.( .-linolni-y" l.. M. IA:hk::. R#vj,,.jvA 11V M. Gh( I H (I I -, I I , 1 . 7 . , , , ( I . .1 1. . I " . . I : .1 1 : , ; . : ; :, , - I , I . . i . ; I , . : I I M.0 ing.1 GONSTANTINKSCU, V., c-him.; SACIDIA10,0CU, Flori~!&, .jT?!!~.nj,bTog.; CONS TANT 114ESCU , 0.1 (~htmO~IATJIINA, '.f fq. Using isoLoPos to ,i no the was ha 1b ~ 1 i ty 0 t of fxLngicidaA pr(xiLv:t!j from anUs pt I W0Q,'1 Rill! Orifil.B. Ind lejimlui Ili rlo.6~7.2115-219 Jo-,11 164. 1. InatituLo of Atomil'. F!1~1,,;i",Z, t,bwL1.r,-.1e (f,r 0.). .. . . 'I., . I '. . . . I I k I . . , . . i , . .!r " . I o . I I I . I ; i I : . . . - I 1 1. VINTILAY EPP dr. inz.; GMMGHE,M., inz.; COSTIN, F., inz.; LEITY, Miroalav (tran'5'TM";T"'"- ' Protection of steamed beech lumber by sodium pentachlorophenol Jn Rumaila. Drevo 19 no*3t 98 - 99 Hr164 1. Thstitute of Ferestry Research, Bacharest. vi rf%r. 'a ali", 1:( ::-,c, cq'~(-, '01100111 1 UW f 0 t I i it '4 L rc ~,11;11 I th (l; F No. (it e~,4, (4 t1t 'A, RUMANIA / Farm Animals, Honey-Bees Q-8 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7264 Author : 1. Gheorghe Inst : 9-oT-g-rv'en Title : The Banat Bee Is Becoming Acclimatized In Muschel-flistya Orig Pub: Apicultura, 1957, No 3, 32-33 Abstract: The Banat bee, which has been brought from the western part of the Hungarian low-lands into the pre-Carpathian region (altitude up to 600 meters) proved its worth when interbred with local bees. In Banat (a hilly region of Rumania and Yugoslavia), these bees are considered supe- rior to the Carniolan and Italian species. In Muschel (Rumania) the Banat bees become stronger toward the winter season, and stand the cold Card 1/2 39 RUHANIA POPESCU, Gh., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps; POPA, Rodica; BENES, S., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps; and GHWRGHE, N., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps. "Preliminary Study of Radioprotection of Mice with Nucleic Acids from Homologous Bone Marrow" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 409-414 Abstract: Study In mice administered DNA and RNA of homologous bone marrow intraperitoneallyand irradiated with 700 r 10 or 30 minutes later. Such treatment sharply reduced ~he mortality and prolonged life in those mice that did succumb. Table, graph. 80 GKORGHL, CAVULEA, 0., Licutenant-Colonel, Medical Veterinary Corr GASPAR, A.; PLESCA, I., ~Iajor, Medical Corps; BERG11D'0J, S., LicutcnanL- Colonel, PharvftaCiSt; POPESCU, Gh., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps; and t NIL 7 T R -orl no ll.ortlily ii.., 'Inc. WSU7 PA 60ftAtilbf Of V-. 0- and P- MA*; Wisowr 2V 4% isomer 219 W*1 bts(trkthyl-t bo"M law - Z Haiti ;tivline Achl,wide, 243 4 bs$(lriclk)l-! WOMMIslinacet ANW7-nomovoiripw )-c-diditioidixt dieVoride. 224-5*; W W" SM ,,-?p O"t"a xt (1067)(to GWM").-' I ealation IA (m.p. glyZ ?(without dcmpn,~; m4yomer. isSwe W; P-isoffict, (DWHIMI'M-l'obb thkmtj.1 1).M-jAenyWM6dWh2l6- above OW', bis(pyridinitiniaretyi)txnaidint dichloride., b1sclikwoem"il P-phr4rcediamhoe atove= Wp,- above 300% iickkrids.~ ~1- . id ma Ykiteii- 2th"WrItIntid tw, AlMe NO', and ils(chloroacet;l). 193-M-i 6jQ .dh l(piper ixild cej)j)-* kex nbldlose. I ". wkh the towmipciodfag ataint (no WAR& omios dioWde, 216-M (4cklorsdr. MI-s'); m-isismer di-I givM) pvt the 1011"ing Vven): bj&(JV sl- *V4fMSV IV-012- bit (I- ffleth,4p spr'44fn iiWfMcelj4)kx#V V- 2V-181; bb rfi~~Afrlyi)i; im 21i~ dim Whodide. 239-M* (dichJoridt, bis(I-4adh Vkt: 0"; NO(J-pi I~w 141141wine. 11.4 . UotZn- i.13-4 WWI A 9 a idiot folowed by quilt- r*, IWI?'); t Oyl '"Aaftlio=1141,11ky id difAlorids. 2M.6 1: pvt (m.p. wilb decompa.).- diamiso diisd 4 W 13"' (dWoride, 2*4* UkUwik 2304% Y, /Al// 251-21. kwwd P. WIET I'LULM;L / Or~,--.rdc Ch,~iaistry- Ore,-~,rlic, -3-mitnui3is. ~,Lbs Jour: Rjf ZjjUr-Kjji[aj,.r,, 1959 A~,9',. No 101 2 Author GliuorLho, H. In:3t Jvon. Titlcj DJ,s-l)Ul,,,.t~.,rmry Sults of of' rand Possussille, cur:ltiv- ,-,rtic~s- I. Bis-Oaiwa ~,cutyl ),,rivcitj.v-.s Ol 0-) 111-p -,ad n- ?h-,iyl,.i-,ijdia;Anu of Bunzirlinu -Ind .31' '--uiclnist- ,!in(-!. (rig Pub: Comun. -c-A. -11-'R, 1058, 8, No 4, 305-~~70. ,,bstract; For thu purposc., of' for thu I ~- ~, inl'c,rior cura-t-.iv.~ pronjrti,.~s oj ~.!-o known nry s,,Ilts of h.~vii-,u :tn av)i&; w qu.-, tL;rnL U - - roup in rmoloculu nd havine, -.~,n-vll I'Drinulas (C112), 7"CO(Cli2)2 kill ;Zll 1"Ill nnd (CH2) 2 jl. i I Z7 1/6 RLr,JNli, / Organic ChuMistry. Ore.~rjie S-rnt;j--,ijS. G- Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Rhiiaiya, No 10, 1939, 34893. Abstract: fC0Tli(CK2),a NI RI R'' 1,1111 X-. '/Z t.,n attofalpt was mado in inoruasing thcAr lipophylic pro,jortios by tho Introduction of 1,2, and 3 iro.,,.-,tio rings in butwuun thq quaturnary nitrogun ato,:is. Sub- stanaos of tho following go urcl forfaulR woro synthosizod: HLN-HCO(CH,, ~ -V Rt I Rl I I X- ,),m N -72) whora R phonyljno or diphunyl6no, a 1 or 2; R$ m Rli R'l I a OH3 or 02115; WRIRI I pip,ridyl, R'll r CH3 or 02H5, NRIR"Rltl a Dyridyl; X a I or Cl) I f rora o- m- I nnd n-phcnylonodiriLainu (1) from boilzidino 111) bind from o-6ianisiao (III) raspuctivoly in whioh m a 1 ond X = I or Cl. Tliono substincos woro obtain.,d ;)y con(,.,nsation of CH3COC1 with diaminos earrying r-actions via bis- C-rd RE' I / re.,,lidc CL-~)raistry. Girg,"Inic '3yrvh~,.'A.13. G-2 ,.bs Jour: Ruf Z;iur-Y,,hifaiy!--, No 10, 1959, 3.1E,3. ),bstr~ct. 236-238 (1 ~Conj p. LP, 0~ bi,;- tri,,,Zt layl- na~jtyl)-n-l, 285-285 X of bLs-(tri,-,thyl~,.~,;,ioniumncityl)-o-1, ~54-i-'-~b; DC of DC of ~4'--f;t3O; DC of bis-(pyridiniumr.u,tyl)-o-I, JC of bis- (pyridiniumnoc;tyl)-ra-I, --- 360; of' 6is-(.pyrid- inium~,.c,tyl)-n-I, .,> 360; diiodido (JI) of bis- d6-217 D! of 155- 160 klloconp.); i)I of .,to-,tyl)-n-l, 237-238 (d~,comp.); jC of i.i,~t.liyl,)i~,)aridiniLwi-,cc;tyl)-o-I 163-165 (ducomp.); ,l)". of bis- (j-,,,l-.thyj pip.,rilini L.1- cot ~rl) 212- 2.13 (0~,--cowp, ; DC of' bis-il-vi ti-,yl j-.j,jdjniwn- --n-I, 2145-1~.146 (d,)comp. A of bis-kthyl- C,ird 4/6 0 r.,, , ji i ctj, :"'F;~ "tGjjE I I '-0. , Fudwrp lit, I - . 1 -1 . A -~ ~.-: -- ;-,.. Constr Bur- i6 no.771 -.) !'1 0 164. i - - . i 4 . .. , . . . . . , I I I - - . " , : " . I . -1 . I . I I I . . ~ : . 11, - GHEORGIIE9 71 ,me Plan of the Technical Organizational Measures was put Into operation. Gcnatr Buc 16 no.769t4 3 Oct 164 Gfiholi(liiE I V, pj'apm*,~, f". r ~. Lr tur. C.: r1r, t.- ipu .. 6 *1 . t, -.6 GIIEORGIIE, V.; VOICU, rill. Trade unJone organize. Constr Buc 16 no.776t4 21 N 164. GHWRGHI,j V.IGIIIRGEA, Sabin, BENTE, Stefdn Trade unions orpnize. Constr bj~, lh n~,.?7'~&4 2e N '64. 1. Chailman of the Trade-Union Gomz!ttee, Filt", 'r1sett for Installationn, Buoharast, (for Jiijrger~,. 2. Chairman of the Trade-Union Committee, General IDepartment or Construction and Assembly, bucharest (for Bente). -, I ,jHYNI(Ifir. , , ., 0, , w~d (JI11, I I L V c Oil" r I .,V~. I , ) rl 111. - ! c, ill fo%d .1o .7,70:4 I'l . , 6". . Gll-:OR.X:, V. Lcil>or -,x,,tection. Gonstr 1~uu 17 no.79D.-2 2" ',' i "'j, - ii!-:, , . " . ; j, , j) -., , I , . .. . , I , ;,; I , I I Z. f I , I : ;, (; . 1! 1 , .,. AN 17; 1 GHEPR~'Ai!;:, .I ~ Im '. ;- - - ~ ' I -I- j ".-I, )! r o r # i ~ rl - ; ~rlir- , 4 . : , , ~. ~ i , ,, , ! ! r- ~,, 1, , , !~!W I I " r. L " ~ ~ .,) ~ ~ ", ".) lt~ 1 0 I , Fr t-%.t ,.Ii, z m, , , v I *~y ,,!' o. omm I I '~! r-,!, ii ;tr u I t,; I . - und titi.-Ir .,,) pilau t loi;,; -ii,ooj ;tc.,r. J~~bs L'Tour: !.'Of Nu 0' , 1~59, ,iluthor Ghuyro~ic,4 V. , G'IiGorf~zhu, I. D. I ris t Not Titlo il Study Of -"-0t St;;okInU,- Fis'.-.. CriJ. Pub: Lum--tril) Inst. ccmjt,-)ri 11."Y', 23, 1 ~'I 7 - 4~10 6 1 !~b:3traot: woru conCiuctocl on !-iot :;.ao~-inj~, of tho WIIOIC; fjOll Of AX sp~,ui,;j: D--Inulc- horso- i(!(,,, L;cwl, bruafa, arid Optimum iw)t:-.od:3 Llor satoking ~;ao!-, 3p-;ci,,, By a bwift ris-, of u)), roustio,-, t-,,,iro tho s,,,,;nurLd duration of sf.,,okin, v;-,j d,ci-3L, ,d by .9-11 5-;" csrd 1/1", 6HEMM T"iho ,~. -191 Q=titativs aspects of funetional properties of the materials . for bearings. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no,61530-534 Je 162,., q ,:. 1-0. f 11 t, - , .. 11 GEORGE, Viktorila (Gheorghe, Victoria) Exosmosis of the electrolytes of wheat seed suring vernalization. Rev chimie 5 ni.1:151-155 160. 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(GWMUMNIMITIS chronic. evolution & ther.) SPIRCHICZ, T. OIAIZU. I.; GM~ORGHJSCU. R. 0'10 .1 x I Annects of hydatid ryat of the liver. 1 9 no.1': 1-1;10) -1,", ~17 11;1~7 57. 1. )Px--~tro efef-tuatn in Clinica it V.-a :~POica'A, SDitH11-1 "V. Roaitao (LIVER DISFASMS echinonoccoeis, pathol. & rase reportg) (ACH1110COCCOSDS liver, pathol. & ca8e reports) RCULIEV SPII _LL .; VOICUL,T, N.; 'ICH.:Z, T. , prof.; GIDOiGiIISCU Bt Ej CONSTANNIC-Sn 5 -----m-Min, S.; DULG,E:.i7,1, C.; TAXIUA:i, S.; A study by means of radioactive i.-,,otop(,s of the blood volume and of the oxchanged between the peritoneal cavity and Vie blood in cirrhosis. Rumanian 11 Rev. no.2:15-18 Ap-Je 160. (LIV!:R Ut-JIOSIS complications) (BLOOD VOLLU-) (ASCITIZ etiolo-y) SPIRCHEZ, T.; GHBORGHESCU, B.; BRASIA, I.; MERCULIEV, El.; VASIIMCU, V. V. Considerations on the study of protein metabolism in chronic hepatitis with iodated (1-131) human serum albumin. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 2 no.5:663-670 161. 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"cd in" r.-I. ;~I,!u-- "J Ap 161, Luc-rare cfectaata in Clinic-t a V-a -.c;-dcula a O'-'IdtdtLuL "Va:Ale 4 Crusu ropolts) SPIliCiU, T. , prof.; STOICHITA, S., dr., GREORGIUCU, B. , dr.; L406 il:ANU E. p dr.; MUM'SCU, Eliza, dr.; TACOMM-i I S. , dr.; ~XSSU, M., dr.; STECIAGI, A., inig.; Elena, fiziclana; ASN`AG, C.,chim.; VASILLSO) V., fiz.; sTOICA, M. Contrihitions to the etiopathogenosis of the early postprandial symirom In gautroctomized pntiontB. Mod,. inter., Ducur 13 no.5; 749-758 My 161. (GASraCT014Y complicat-ions) SPIRCHEZ, T., prof.j GIIEOHGIiESCU,B.; OPHOIU, Al.; RMEDELA, D.; MERCULIET, E.; VASIIXSCU ?V. V.-..... . Clinical considerations on chronic pancreatitis and the diagnostic value of radioac:tive fate. Mmanian med. rev. no.8:31-35 162. (PANCREATITIS) (FATS) (IIADIOMETRY) I ..: , . . " I , :. - 2 . 6 & ;~I-- '! , , .1 . 1. . . . , , " SPIRCHEZ, T., prof.; _qIIWRGHESCU_, B.; dr.; OPROIU, Al., dr.; REBEDEA, D. , dr.; MERCULIEV, E. , - f.i.z.i- cian;.Vig=cuy V.V.p fizician Clinical considerations on chronic pancreatitis and the diagnoatic v&lus of radioactive fat substances. Mod. intern. 14 no.4-403-408 Ap 162 jPANCF&ATITIS) (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIG) (TRIOLEIN) (OLEIC ACID) (BIDOD LIPIDS) (FECES) SPIRCHUp T., prof.1 GHEORGHESCU,.B., dr.; VASILESCU, V.V., figician; BRASLA, 1., 6., MERCULIEV, Elena, fisician; MCTACI, Adrian The saintigraphio diagnosis of sme chronic hepatic diseases. Mod. intern. 14 n0.41475-484 Ap 162. 1. Lucrare ofectuata in Clinica a V-a medicala a Spitalulai "Vasile Ro4itu". (LIVER DISEMES) (RADIOM RY) (LIVER NEOPLASMS) (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIC) (GOLD ISOTOPES) (ROSE BENGAL) SPIRCHEZ, T., prof.; GHEORGHESGU, B,, dr.; BRLISLA, I., dr.; MMCULIEV, Elena, fis.; VASILESCU, V.V., fiz. ConsideratIons an the metabolirm of vitamin B 12 in gar~trecto- mized pationtg. ~%d. intern. 15 no.6t649-652 Je 163. 1. Werare efectuata in Clinica medieala a Spitalului OV. Rwitil", &1curesti. (PWTGA-STRECTOMY Sv..NDRCKS) (MIEMIAP PERNICIOUS) (VITAMIN B V) (METABOLISM) (INTRINSIC FACTOR) SPIRCHEZ, T., prof,; GREORGH&SCU B r BRA.'IA, I., dr.; MERCULIEV, VASILESCU, V.V., fiv. Considerations on the metabolism of proteins (Studled with rac1lolodinated serum albumin) in patients with postgastrectomy denutrition, Med. Intern. 15 n0,,10.,1153-1158 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a V-a medicala a Spitalului "Vasile Roaitar, (POSTGASTRECTOW SYNDROWS) (PROTEIN METABOLISM DISORDERS) (BLOOD PROTEIN DISORI)W) (SERUM ALBUMIN, RADIO-IODINATED) (RADICMETF(Y) SPIRCHEZ, T., prof.; GHEORGHESCU B., dr.; MERCULIEV, Elena, fiz.; P0F1*U? Karl da,-7(rr,,%0-J~j D., dr. The metabolism of vitudn B 12 in chronic hepatitis investi- gatod witJt the aid of Co-58 labelled vitamin B 12. 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