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GFUIDUNt B.T.; GUROT. X.F., rddaktor; TUXARKINA, N.A., takhnichesidy .1 "ieaaktor. [StatistluLl theory of phase transformations] Statisticheakaia toorlia fasovykh prevrashchanil. Moskva, Goo. Isd-vo takhniko- teoret. lit-ry, 1954. 119 p. (MM 7:12) (Thermodynanics) (Statistical mechanics) ;A: !i:;P: J~l Ill! qj!' I ji~~ t I ;I ,-wLUw,-B.T. [Sam problem of =clear fission theory] Hakotor-ye ropropy teorli deleniia iadrss Nouku, im, n P. (KIU 140) (Nuclear fission) IY USSR/lbeoretical 1bysics B-6 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10931 Author : Geylikman, B.T. Inst : Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Title : Theory of Strong Coupling for Meson Fields. 1. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1955, 29, No 4, 417-429 Abstract : A study is made of the state of a spinless charged meson field, interacting with an extended infinitely heavy nu- cleus. The solution of the Schroedinger equation for the systam is obtained by expanding in a series in powers of the reciprocal of the interaction constant g2j'hc ;-> 1. The scheme for the solution is illustrated by an analogy with the adiabatic theory for molecules. By way of two possible methods, the following is proposed- in -the zero approxLnation one neglects the kinetic energy if the me- son Card 1/5 USSR/Theoretical Pbysics B-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhlar - Fizika, No 5, 1957, No -LO931 field, sin!!e it is proportional to (g'/,tfc)o and consequent- ly is BMEL11 compared with the potential of the field and the enerty of Interaction, which is proportional to 62/lbc- With this, the meson field J,,, Is split up ijito the classical and operator portions: 0 E ).r- V, 11.14 C' P fo\ - 4 ~al x -t f -t The unpertxwbed Hamiltonian HO is an operator only relative to the variable s of the isotopic and ordinary s-pins of the nucleus. The- solution H 0 = 90 41 0 g - ves a system of nucleon eigenfunctions 4V,,~ and e?'gen~v`alues E~ of the operator HO, which depend on .the field as a Darameter. It is shown thatoS for each state 4 should be deter- mined from the C Ition of the minimum E~/s4a which leads to an equation for 0 . 14 A Card 2/~ USSR/Theoretical Physics B-6 Abs Jour Referat 2hur - Fizika, NO 5, 1957, No 10931 t'A where C For each value of the field so obtained, one finds then from the equation H. 1"\, -- E~ ~~, -~'\ . 0a system of functions and the energy spectrum of thjnu~-leon The lowest term in each Oroup Is EO In the case of a symmetrical field, the levels EO~-~-' for various \ turn out to be the same. Thus, for a pseudo-sealar charged field one obtains four systems of levels BO.,,,., and functions 7 0 - The total i .-function of the system is sought nea~'N'e state 4.)'0 in-the form of an expansion Card 3/5 USM/Theoretical Physics B-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - FLzika, No 5, 1957, No 10931 in terms of the spin nucleon functions for values of the (the level EO . for each j- -iven HO field coordinates 0 1 is ansumed, to be non Segencrate). For the determination of one considers a series expansion in ~' 0 - ,, powers of Ci-e., (U2/hc)-j 7. The perturbation theory developed in this manner *.-urns out to be close in form to that used In the theory of moiecules. The second approximation formulas are &iven. Thus, it is shown that in zero approximation ( - 0) one obtains the self-energy of the nucleon (and the energy of interac-,ion of the nu~~leons for a system of nucleons), In the first approximation ( LO) one obtains the quantized meson field, i.e., the true mesons that interact with the nu- cleon, and in the second approximation (... r2) one obtains Card 4/5 LMS-SH/Theoretical Physics B-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhxir - FLzika, N-) 5) 1957, No 10931 the anhariwinLe nature of the field of the true meson (and corrections to the self-energy of the nucleon). The assumpLions made previously ( ) 4.~_ -X 2a2 (where a is the radius of the nucleon). In the presence of mesons in states with quEaltum numbers kS , it Is necessary to satisfy the additional conditIons for the scalar and pseudo-scalar fields respectively. The theory is generalized to include the case of a system of nu-ieons. Card 5/5 USSR/Theoretical Pbysics B - Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fi.zika, No 5, 195'~, No iO~,--)2 J Author Geylflunan, B.G. Inst ). Title On the Iheory of' Stroni.; Cour,Linj, foi Me,-,)n 11 Orig Pub Zh. eksperin. i teor. flziki., 1955, 29, No L, 1130-L33 Abstract The theory :)f stronLg coupling deveioped "n the pre.~edine work (Abstract 10)31) is used to consider the neutrai psexido-sca-Lur, char ge3 -scalar, and charCed pseudo-scaLar fields, which interact with one nucleon. In all cases the author finds the enerCy spectrum and the ftuicti,on of the zero approxinistion. For the nucleon interactinE with a s3maetrical pseudc-scalar field, the foilowin,, magietLc momen-r, is f:)und M k L,2 a/h c ) e / x 2 a - er- 2n Z _j where 1, and a is the "radius" of the nuoleon, Card 1/3 USSR/Theoreticall PhysiaB B-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 195Y, no 10932 wbereas for the proton and neutron, as can be seen, the mapetic moments differ only In sip. Also derivc-d are the )6 -functions of the zero approximation and the in- teraction enerff between two nucleons in the case of a neutral pL;eudo-;calar and symmetrical scalar field. For the same fields, the author investiptes the first approximation in the case of one nucleon. The author also determines the wave functions of the mesons and the scatterir-g cross section for the scatterinE, of motsons by nucleons (without allowance for dampine;) d (X2 + k2) -'d j~-' a -, 0, d 0 c 6, 1 .os2 (x2 t k2)/3,--x3 /' PS L17 0 k, ~ 9 - d where Z is the enerEy of the meson, k is the wave vec. tor ~. lo ,,, (3/20) a, d -C1- 7- 2 -0, d, Card 2/3 USS~/Theo'retical Physics B-6 Abs Jour Rererat Zhur - Fizj.ka, No 5, 1957, No 10932 When U. approaches 0, the cross section d O~S\ tends to a finite limLt, and d LT- Ps --> 0. In connection with the fact that the resulto obtained are substantially diffe- rent from the results found in the well-known works by Pauli, Dancoff, Kusak, and Serber, the author eyamines the causes for this difference and notes many errors found in the above works. Card 3/3 -'JiMXcleaY ~hysie`s'' Me9on Fields FD-3332 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 4/28 Author Geylikman, B. T. Title i~eory of strong bond for meson fields.III Periodical Zhur. Teor. i Kksp. Fiz., 29, No 5, 571-584, 1955 Abstract A pseudoscalar meson field interfering with movinc, aucleoas is analyzed in approximation of strong bond. A the-ty taking into account the polarization of the nucleonic vacuum is developed. Ten references, 5 foreign. Institution Moscow State Pedagogical Institute Submitted June 12, 1954 GE"HaMO, ~). T. . L . " t th .--f I r. 'Sijrv(-,y o" the T Cory of Fi.ssion It a re-..ort at t e Co erence on the Physics of :*.ucleir Fission, 19-21 Jaruar,,,,. Atorn. ---nerf-., !9:56 GOLIDM~N. losif Tilich: KRUCHNIZOV, Vlndic,..Ir redFi~tor: ZlViBOTTf6,*KlY, Ye.Te., r,?e' IAVRILOY, 'Otmich-skly relaktor cf problemq In quantum mechanicel SI)frnik zalach po k-vanlr,,,;cl '~'od rod. Gaq.tzd-v-j 1-it-ry, 10~7. 275 p. 10:1~) GRYLIKKAN, B.T. Theorl of nuclear finsion; review. Atori.energ.supplement no.1:5-26 '57. (MIRA 10:10) Ohiclepir f ission) ADTHOR ORYLIKWI B. T. TITIS -Ui-g is-o-Tn-ti-radtion of glootrons and the Anomalous Diamagnetism. (Magnitnoye Yzaimodaystviye elektronov i anomallayy diamagnetism.- Russian) Pnioxm Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32,.Nr 5, Pp 1206-1211 (VO31) ABSTRACT Us paper under review investigates the diamagnetic properties of electrons in a metal under consideration of the magnetic interaction of electrons. The vector Potential I 'being Caused arbitrarily, the energy of t4s system in the magnetic field must be of the following form: 2)"* Air) _q)] 9(q Ate 8-,(.# Ar (r)'lip. q Because the Aeld strength changes only slightly, it is possible o expand 9 in a eeriest CARD 1/3 T(q ) - go * fjq2. ..... Magnetic Interaction of Slectrons and the Inomalous Diamagnetism., An anomalous diamagnetism is possible only then if the term TO is different from zero. In such a case, we obtain for the field strength the London's equation. In order to obtain ~ London's equation at div I ~ 0, a pole of the type q-' is required in the expression for I or Ir But acoordi to U. Schafroth (Helv. Phya. Lot&, Vol 24, p. 645 (19511) the Coulomb's interaction leads in the perturbation theory not to the anomalous diamagnetism. It is shown in this context that also the magnetic in- teraction of the electrons in the framework of the perturbation theory does not lead to an anomalous diamagnetism. The relativistic Hamiltonian is the best choice for the quantized electromagnetiv field. In this context, the interaction of electrons (neither the Coulomb's interaction nor the magnetic interaction) is not introduced in its explicit form but rather is the result of the exchange of virtual photons (longitudinal and transverse). Then one obtains the first non- vanishing and with respeet to A quadratic correction of the energy in fourth perturbation theoretical approxima- CM 2/3 tion: in second approximation with respect to the 56-5-3V515 Vaer,ratlc Interaction of glectrone and tho Anomalous DiamagnetJ am. outer potential and In second approximation with respect to the potential. of the.radiation field. Eight graphs correspond to this, correction. The matrix elements for two graphs are written down in the paper under review. Then the paper proceeds to follow step by stop the further oourse of the oomputatione. The magnetic interaction yiolds no anomalous diamagnetism. The terms of higher ordor with respect to q2 yield a correction of the usual diamagnetism. It is not nooQssa.ry to take intoiaocount the higher perturbation theoretical approximations for the magnetic inter- action. It appears that application of the perturbation theory to the magnefi- interaction is justified. (1 reproductio?l' ASSOCIATION: Moscow State Peuia6ogic Institute. PRESENTED Jr: - SUBMITTED: 13-7.1956. AVAILLBLE Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 iftiOR: WLIDAN,B.T~v GINZBURG,V.L. PA - 2053 TITLE: In Memory of B.Z.BELENIXIJ. PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizioheekikj Nauk, 1957, Vol 61, Nr 1, pp 129-132(U.S.S.A.) Received; 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT; On Ssptomber 21st 1956 Sun ZACHARCIVIC BELENIXIJ, a well-known theoretical physicist whose reputation is mainly based on his works on cosmic rays, died at the age of 411. B.Z.BELENIKIJ was born ip Moscow on the 14-June, 1916; after his leaving examination (1931) he worked two years in an electric -plant. From 1933 to 1938 he studied with great success at the physical faculty of Moscow uni- versity and worked from 1941 to 1943 at the Central Aero-Hydrody- namlo Institute. He then undertook a dissertation at the Physical Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR and became the head of one of the theoretical sectors of this institute in 1948- BELENIKIJ wrote his first scientific work (on the scattering of X-rays) during his last university term. These works showed the author's aptitude for theoretical j,hysioal work. In 1938, as an aspirant at Moscow university, he vas able to concentrate his whole attention on the problem I.H.TAW had asked him to solve (theory of cascade showers in cosmic rays),, BELENIKIJ was able to deter- mine the spectrum of cascade electrons and this work served as a basis for his candidates' dissertation written in 1941. (Reviewer's comment: In the USSR there are canlidateal- and doctors, disserta- Card 1/2 In Memory of S.Z.BELENIKIJ. PA - 2053 tiona). In oonnection with the problems solved by experiments BELEHOKU undertook quite a series of further investigations, in which the development of the theory of cascade showers was practically completed. In 1948 his monography "Cascade processes in cosmic rays" was published. BELIVIKIPs works on the cascade theory are of fundamental importanoo. Though it is true that the investigations of the cascade showers form the main part of BELENIKIPs entire activity, they ware not his only domain of re- searchl he also dealt with hydrodynimic problems as well as with the hydrodynamic and statistical thoory of the multiple produc- tion of particles at high and superhigh energies. Recently BELENIKIJ dealt with the nuclear cancade processes and with the phenomenological theory of the scattering of nucleons by nucleons at high energies. For his merits in solving applied problems he was awarded the Lenin order and the Stalin prize. ASSOCIATION: Not given. PRESIMTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 GEYLIMON., B. T. (moscom P UM) 'S= I'asymetrie axiale des nqaux." report Presented at the Ihtl. Congress vor Nuclear interactions (Low Inargy) and Nuclear Structure, Paris, 7-12 jay 1958 (Intl. Union Pure and Applied Pbysics) AUTFOR B'T. 34 4 60/ 60 tIT"ILS I (:of-AI'.-.' .. -, y (0 f IpI-0PrID'V-0An0b ti Or -lit, T 114RIODICAL~ zh.~fm, QI;Att Vol, 4! NI 4., pp, (USSR) ABSTRACT-, bj~maum,~ of i,~A~ ~!xi-vtncl~ Of !~L gap in '.u- eilargy spectrm of rLk &-- 7