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Sj-..jjjtjt jj~,/ R- Ai, I r~. L[,,Zjjjejjt 3f 4121 uni,1-3 (i,,-. ad~iiti-)n an in~Aalied se-par'llbely). 5,2 un.i~S GI~1111 I)e ~J!, a!,(,- .,I located in t,Le up:,,er t ai t of '111).e irlstrument. 1he lower all, cor,-Iaj-ns power .)acks, ALL the unts are .L-e %1-1 te -,laced in ui,7 p ~,) s i ~V i L e ~i-el. T C COLStrucLiun of t_,_e ini ar(~ ti,en j., ed ~J, ~.a I of a(-Ie tLe dif ferent f ;.ut_ u ;And tl,,,,:~ Lr~~ T. I in, e a t c -1 t Or37 .nertia, amplifier, dif-n~~it-Jatir.~_I universal and severai other binds of unit- TLe c_--trol a ne 1 is locrited in ti-.e centre of 'U!-,e ar, ar:.,,us I~Idl .,- ;"ied to !:; -~i L 't C 1'. Ild (:011(,I~Oi t;~~e SLI~Tl`,' (.0 :tA,V 01, tiie -,,lain :)ar~ei _Ls V dl ided. "ne equ_i,,iaen-. -ncliaes -~ Cathode- ray osciilog:raph, Coirect, op~natui(_)rd ul vl.e, in:~_rument .,,-hen simulatint_-, lic-~ted to u, ts is -~nsuTed by the ac,,,ar.ICY if ~-Ce of' a ~he ieaklage linka,es. The overail acrur,,cy ~.i-_e de,.:e,,ids on 'U',-.e com-,)lexity of the i~oblei:: -nd -.,: ~:n an,e Jr, Al-l"'oush the in_,Arum~mt las not teen Ln t;,-e _cmj-, it hac. succes_-- fully and rapidly solved a !~i~!:,-hev _,.- p:o.-Icul,~r --roblems on lie deveio~,m;.,i-.-~ o,.. i 4L c : t e (I r JL - t o r s . u ~r,_?d3/4 There are i1 fiFures, and 7) reterences, Of 71;.icln --e Si- vi C An Ins trument kr Sirril I c~_te L:3 of Au 'or-:-, tic te---s ASSOCIATION: 'TEI SUBMITTED: February AVAILABLE: uard 4/4 SOKOLOV. Nikolay Nikolayevich; ANDRIANOV, AKOPW, A-A.,red.; BIRTU7KOV, V.G..glaynyy red.; BUTUVICH,; GRANOVSKIT,; -111RIPUN 110it",; WTRINA,; KA-LITYW3117, 7.1.,red.; KLTAmPb,'r.N.-, WOVICH, A.A.t TIMOFETXV, P.V.; YASTOVSKIT, V.G.; TSHYROV, Ye.M.; FRIDMAN, A.Ya.-, SHAMAYEV, A.H.; TIMAHINA, (Mothoda for tne e.,mthestH of organopolysiloxanfiel Metody sinta%e poliarganosilokeanov. Moskva, Gos.onerg. izd-vo. 1q59. 198 p. (Moscow. Vsasoiuznyt alektrotakhnichankii institut. Trudy, no.66) (MIRK 12:5) (Siloxanes) ~i2i"': V 0 1 t a I t~ = a T, ~O r f o r i n i, i t D 1 1,,: V. a n d JL Output wita j,xciuation rit-~i%-ai~lt.u~, de gUlyal- or " y naj)ry;tz."f,-LILT-' pe.vel:lerlrw6v ioku '--~Ilcq I vo 7. 1u z1ade n.~ 1. ~yeui et, gennarlyerpl) PhidODICAL:Ve:itni~- I AB62i~Al,'111 'Eien L;-e ,:-iiianiw:i rect Lf ie r,, '-;3,AL j i, o i aiuemlu'~C I-,- tile V")Lta~ vri I -I ~-kj 'Lld li~ i voiuac-.e is about A til,~ i A-:-ed 1vt I ue~ u:-ien Lie excitacr'.4on urranEeiiient.3 ur(~~ wr.'j -'L no PXr-iteP -L1! tile Cll'difLlf 3 ell - (,' 01* a vul~;LI6'~ xovided by &2riLaniua L5 iaos-G i-'It~oltan-' J'~a~se compourid.JM6 Lransforuer (if ,-i wish ai-r trap, a &~-nuanluiLi recuifi,wi: ~i corrector. 2ne phase coiapoundin~~ transformier :-:A., on eac-, L)Liase uLe direct currenL sli,- -ri,m windini-- is viowid on each cort,~ and vie --A-r. 1; Illi:l t*, I i Oil tly-- 11-NO COI'e;~ rOb(;!UIUL- '~~'~.ion and ~'. , -L ~.. C~Al. - ioltu6,j i~u6uiuLor,-- I'C)r AlturiiaLcj-CL; of Lov, '~tL~u "vitn Excitation from ~ermaniuu itectifiers tile operating principles of t e tra-z- f ormer are expiained iu was found, on tts-6, that ---yste.L -).-f p.-nase co,~qjourAin~ wizhout a correc-uor coald 0 -c; o w Lt hin + when the load anu coviei- factor varied over -a wide rLin6e but vmen a corve,~uor -,v-,tz vil.1-ii aiapiidyne. as siiown in i, tiie vol!:~.:;-U waz waintained to wi~ilin + 11, corr,~-",or ons is s of a meascurint; device anu a:-,.. -.,oro--*dal co re I-u iias direct currents ouui.,ut -feed-back, t '-~e a -ut ~)'i -~ I z C; o I-11 i ec't- e I-JL -I, o t~; , eJO - I n -3 -u.:ie -uransforMel'. of Lhe corrector are fuilj di-c-Cassed, ..Ale. sy:.Lt~~.. ".'a-- tu.:;Led ai~i-icatiou k;o ;ai -.11t,rnator of J00 :50 V anul 6-5J A drivt~n b., I a did~;ul en6ine T-utii C)'L t-Le lie oiie -)0 A ruc-6.'fier in of JO V In urder to f U f -,ard L/ c for AdterfiatcrZ 3-L" 1--J-,.,. L:-_l z.xcitation fmi. jtr ra- .LL" Lub-iza~;nerisall-ion whun tiie s J[, le 1, 4 ,1 c.irre!-t -.,.-s of no -lo:_.~d C, 0:, w:1-Lt3i: _.L.- ve 1, we U~! T, f oul i ll~: 11. t, le Li 11-1 cl'u ll:;~l I u~ll re C; t: rz~ 1. 1; r,-- i e uo L~tt _,t~n I uia L r;e dol, L-w:d L V!X1, L 1! L V Al ; li~ 1'-:Ct AL L L3 , i u L 3 1LU', 'Ni '4 J Ut~ U(~V,;. 1~e Ld~ VO i tU 11 L~' 1, 1 ?J 10 ~L: ILU L'tj !i G ,f-jl' V_; C I atA LLL~G low po*,*.,,, :.' I'a C *,, 0 1 0 _e wiii LLL i 1.~~ it~ I* V: 1. e d w 1. Lile ii.,dus of tile actual s J~e ed c or'- I )i l', 'L) 0ilu_ tiie lol-il and powur factor ai,~ v~i i,i,~;d L 1-1~ 'it) iV1,1,_~e MaiLltallleu to witilin + ItF', Volta6e Regujuturij for AltemaLor~; of ai--I wit-j- Excitation froL xi-manium ixectifiers tUkLUG U.) UO 100c,'1 (;k-U~refl~ iC;LLdiIIj!' '0014'er fact-01', tiie osciiicL;rLuu of 11'ig.5 Lo ccruiectin;,; La. indaclk*-ion of 8'j ktV and the o;~cilloi-m of PiC-C", to circuit at tile load t~;minal:-- Undt! r IU-Ii,~ conaitions of L,'ig.4 the voltage drop at ti,,e fir'-L morienu of the load is 14'.., W. cause of Lix ieaka~,e reiicLance, tiu voltage is ~Uiclldy rQ-Uored to O.C)' r:J;ud volta~),--! ;.Lfter 0~36 see. ihen the induction Lotor is started th-e m~-mLaum voltage drop is 24, which is mstored to 97~`, of rated value after 0.7',' !Dee On t-.i-.e cimiiiu- tiid excitation is dQUbled and ,3hoy~,t ci-rcalt cl=ent Lilaintained at 3,.45 times ti.,e -rated carrec,t. ~`i-e ti.Ue r(,~~tuired Lo I-e~tore Uile al*~ei- re"-, VA. of ti.e SI,Ort CiPCUit ij 0.5b sucond:-i., i'lo- j!-c.Lilo~;ram of shows tile transient Drocess durinL) -,Lo:[% Ciicuit, at Ulle busbars waen two genurators of 200 ~i art. wor&in~' in parallel wit', equalisinz- connecuians on the a.c. side. 0 it -xiil be seen 'uhat in tnis ca-3e L~e,-.erator lo!~es volta6e for --~aasuus explained. ~Jor re 6;: Ond i-nt~ ~~ard 4/6 oscillot~rams taLen ,,iaen the equ:Ll-'~s-*Lnb (connection is on Volta6t, Aeguiatcr~.i for Alteraa-%ors of Low ani ,~xcd.tation froia ~.~rmaaium Rectifiers t'ae d ,-, . side a re sno--m- i a 2i E. I ii tiii s --a-,-: e the tz;.~~citation of the z~-enerator SZIfiz-.:Lently 3n shor-, and tile voltaGe builid-u~, is ra id -~I- dl: _'Zi 3.~ it,,,' 01 i.:aking con-n,jc,L~ ion on the d,-_ side _4~- tiia- it i_- dif-Lic;_11- --,.o mak-- venerators of ditfferent; ArI(I qJL::ut work in ~),Uali,~l with tLi-C com;f:,Ction. _Le cf o,araLie, iin t 'Ile 6u-nu~ a t o r v~ it ~ i o t i--- i, s, 'L; v ti~ e me. z 11) "11 o f C, witL in --;)nUt?,-, L;I~)n on 4- %_ts trIed, utc_,~i- circuif,z vjL!je tried and t~a,~ resl,.D,_~. -ire ,:iveii~ ~~`-Le ,)r_LiLC_:LpaI circu_'t, d,_:~~cribed fo.r, vollua-e c6n-~;rol 3f ~~Lall and ,iedi-jid sized e E- tt i and dvna~uic dire ba~-~t:r riitn an eXCI-v('P iS LlSk~d. If tlie s L L.j iii rusL.)ecU of dr');) -CL - I -L ( r j:~ firL;I swi-~~;.ied on a 6iLiwler 6ciieiEtr b,~ ";.Sed, c I-V, a6e build-up i3 ru liaul-- il' uii,:! re-ane nT, vc) I t -a Gt_, i. -, -,, I ~,',ard ordui: t)f Lc"I of the ratcd volta~~c or if ar~ Voltage Rebulators for AltematorS Of IL-1; ~-,nd :.ed~:-~ii C~utp-~, !11;i t Excitation froLi U'erma-nium Hectifie~~s u:~vd with -a remazwnt voltak~t, of 15. Ger;,F~rator,; with sullf-tjxcitatiun from rectif:L(--,vs c '--L-rL btl otlerated in parallel if t1iere are equaiisia~, co,,iiic--~,t~-Ions irL ti- 'e field circuit. Tiie self -sinchronl'sation method an bp used, ikien germanium rectifiurs !jre iLl to -,3ic-mt Tiio ficl-'I windizi,,;- b:1 o F u r,,,.,;i~Auilce in order to rtd,.ict! tij-~ am;AP.I.I~Ie of' bacK volta6e on 'uIle rectifiers and ~o iL.,provc- tiieir oi,erating conditions. TLere ;ire :'j fij~,.res -arc~l 19)6- Card 6/0' I , SIM cxw= -4. 'ATT-.Aoc= A=rm 'T -A RT,M Dkm=m AVI_ Tp 4---m -A -T 'Imnnu 'w"U.-Mg 4p -wr 2-T=r-9l_ j" 'JU.rja -7 'S 'AD=AVU _j7- t- 9~.~P_JT_ nl.-nrl .n Rm&:&rLr= 11A.P -z'7. I'T 11 1~d- K f VMKOV, V.A., loktor tekhn.nauk; ;Wrid. to k tin. nallk KOS il-KO, alr-ademik; IlMa.';, L. 1-: S.A., kand. t P;rkin. naii-V-, SOKOLOV, D.I., kand.tekh.nauV Stron~; regulation in electric syste-.s. Ylalr.Bt~t. 31 rio.6-41-49 Je 160. (MLIA 13:7) 1. AN SSSIR (for Kostenl:o). 2. Ghlen-korrcs'.onaent A-N 56sq (for I-r-rinan). I (Electric power iistributi,n) (V~ltaf,e regulators) GERTSEEBMIj, G.R.; GLUTEITIK, 0S.R.; KASIMIYAT, FMITSKIT, V.G.; SMYY, N.S. Study of thu piirallel operation oil clectrIc Curren. ::enerators " i . feedinC two nlecuric power systems via a.c. alid d.c. bower transmission lines. Sbor. r,-tl-,. po top. elekti-ozmellkh. no.~Al',-3( (MIRA 14:9) (Electric power distriblition) (Kocti-Ic gomerntors) I BOBiI-C,V, V.I.',,, inzh.; GLEBOV, IA,, kand.t,--khn..nauk; inzh, ; SIRTI, N S in-qh., k-nd, te' zIffect of excitation systems on the stability of' ti~c parallel operaticn of large turbogenerators. -;lf1ktrichestvo rc.7:7,-13 ii Ed. 14: c") 1. Institut elekti-amakhaniki (for i:oLx---,v, ~--lebov, Kashtelyan, Siryy). 2. Vaesoyuznyy olektrotokhtil-,hosEy institut (for GortsenL-irg), (Turbogeneratoro) Gf-, FtTS T, ka,id. ",,k-hr raL~c and URTSENBERG, G.R.p kand.tF-khn.naiik, laureat I,?nIn:3k-iy pr.?j~jj Automatic voltage regulator for hy4roganeratc.,rt3 with ionic excitation of the V.I.Lenin Volga Hydroelectric Power Station. Vast. elektroprom. 32 no.6:11-16 Je 161. (MIRA 160) (Voltlig') rog,111w 'I's) Nolp Hydroelectric Power 3tation (Lon1n)), K03TMO, M.P,, akademik,, REYMAX, L.R.; GLINTFT,,.4IK, nauk; KA6HTELYAN, Me., inzh.; NO7M;K1Y, V.G., inzh.-, SUITT, N.s., inzh.; GFIMSENIPIG G.R., kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic control and stability during parnllel opevation of the generators of an electric powor 1)1,ant foodAng n.e. tind d.c. power transmission lines. Elektrichestvo no.10.1-9 0 162. (MIRA 15i12) 1. Institut elektromekhaniki AN SSSR (for Kostenko, Neyman, Glinterr.1k, Kashtelyan, Movitskiy, Siryy). A2. Vsesoyuzrqy elektrotekhnicheskiy Institut (for Gertsenberg). 3. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Neyman). (Electric power distribution) KC I MIELYA fl, (;.Y'~. I I ''.f I.; $I ;-,'ffectiv~.,ne,-;.,,, of 01- niga-,,iptied action of I,*,,.. -:):cD.:-.tion :iy,- ~ullu; and collEtIolls of :Iutoaltic, voll,:qv of ll~lryf! i,urbog- nt~, ru t. kxo e r t,vo 11 3 1 M , ll~I i . V o,-.; -.I, YAN V . Y;, rtzh YI: ~. I--" ~ H G .," , ktind t,?kk~r . nai,k -spee,, regulation oi' steam U.r? r High ml. I (' '.'~-'.S LOWEI-1, stability. Elektrichestv(, 1. lnstit~.t , 1'ektromeichaniki, 2. for 3. Vsesc)yi~znyy for 111-57-10-14298 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiye, 1957, Nr 10, pp 150-151 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gertsenberg, P pbert TITLE. The Colloidal Theory of Origin of the Tin Deposits in Bolivia and a Discussion of Some Minerals in These Depasita (0 kol1oidncy teorii proizkhozhdoniya mestorozhdaniy olova Balivil i o nekotorykh mineralakh etikh mostorozhdoniy) PERIODICAL; Mineralog, abe Llvovsk, geol. o-vo pri un-te, 1956, Nr 10, pp 50-67 ABSTRAGT; The present pegmatite-pneumato4tic and hydrothermal theories of formation of tin deposits do not explain satisfactorily the origin of many of the Bolivian deposits, and especially those in the regions of Oruro and Potosi. These theories assume high temperatures of formation for the casaiterits and do not explain the origin of the mineral at low temperatures. Cassiterite was f,.:rrmd at all stages of ore deposition in Card 113 Tne 9 1 io 1 1 a 1 ':'if ~o r.y C)rl :-1. r, f t'~-,e m - f) r I t v, IL V1 I i 3 e r e x n t i t x t e f e 3 e . o o 1, r C. 1,3 ("'1 1 t rl t t" E tl "o rmL: t c cl ~,i j 1 rl t I _-i i s r t ~ie v i ew3 i-I I I I d, ? m r 1-~! T a fiq t L!Or v. ~1 4, ~3 ex 6 V1 11r, r t e:~ r L f, Y o r r v e 1) V1 t I o n s o Pm Ins table s I ti n s o c r) o I Lt. :)x e t! s e o 111 11 o ris o 1 ti J:~l u P :1 r C i r I tlitt~d I r t 1 :n'! s (' 0 11 V 0 1 :3 t r L n s e r n ; ;r I rik- Co r'n!. '_,I~M ah Iv b L y 3 n c c ~) inp I 13 11 R (11 &_!k~:Jlrje ~i 1 T) " t"In I I Vr)s t. ti t: 1, 1, Et e a c p r: C :'M C P: Card 2/7 The Co! 'hf-, C 8 3 3t"! 10 lit, 7 Fe r imp I, IL ,,;here s q. c, t,- t ho iv t-, n and C; c c om o sr'l r I rep uc t2 r. 1. c aril x t. It,, and ~,rQ t t'. T r 0 o o e v Card Z V L. FISHMAN, L.G., GMTS M,'FRG, Te.Ta. (Koskva) Diagnostic er-ors in thromhophle-dtis of thr! iu-);!rfir1?1 veins of the legs. 36 no.11:107-110 K 1.58 (maA 11:12) 1. Iz Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinichenroy hullnitay Wo.6 (t,lnvn.yy vrach K.S. Shevynkov). (THROI,00;'HMITIS, ding. superficial veins of leg. ding. orrors (Rus)) (LEG, blood owplv thrombophlobitis of nimerfirinI v-ins, dine. errors (Rns)) URTSINBIW, E.S., inshener. Mobile automatized plaater,*~ng machine. Up!' 21) no.2:44-45 F 154. (MIaA 7:1) 1. Institut YNHOWromzhilstroy. (Plastering) (Building machinery) GERTSMBERG~ Z~S. [Hertsenberg, Z.S.I. inzh. PG-0,3 loader. Mekh. sill.hoap. 12 no.?:30-31 JI '61. (KUU 14:6) (Loading and unloading) GERTSENBERG) Z.S., inzh. PG-CZ hydraulic loadtr. Trah-t. i ~;ellkhozmazih. 31 ro. 5:34 My 'I'll. (!-liU 14:5) 1. Gosudarstvonroye spetaiallnoye I-onstruktorskoye b"ro po sell skokhoz3,ayotvonn),n, mashinam. (Loacting and unloading) GERTSEHOV, B.,[Ifertsenov) B.] Finger or the pulse of the land. Nauka i zh~ttia L2 no.1:42-4 ''Ja ',63. (141~1 16:3) (Donets Basin,-.Electric power iroduction) 0 GIRTSENOVA,K.N.; SITNICHMO,M.G. Some problems in stereometriC Drocessirq, of photogrAphs of mount-in regions. geod. no.7:3-1.5 '54. (MLRA 9:11) (Aerial DhOtogrammetry) GERTSINDVA, K.N., kandidat takhmichaskikh sauk, dotseat. Graphic method of determining the plate plumb point. good. iko.6:49-54 154. (MW 9!6) (Graphic methods) (Photographic surveylag) DROBYSHU, Fedor Vasillyevich; GIMMS1140VA, K.N., redaktor; KHRONCHINKO, F.I.,redaktar; XUZIMIN, G.M., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor. r]Nmdamentals of aerial photography and photograrumetry] Osnovy aerofotos"emki i fotogrammetrii. Moskva, I-rd-vo geodazichaskoi lit-ry, 1q55. 226 p. OMLIIA 9:1) (Photograp~q, Aerial) (Aerial p6otogrammetry) . GIMSUOVA, K.H. _ Effect of regional relief on the accuracy of reciprocal orientation of photographs. ;,po '55. (MLRL 10:2) (Aerial photogrametry) GIRTSUOTA, Klara Imunovna; OCHMWIKOP Aleksandr Konstantinovich; - ""' " -A!A* IN 0 B.K.'. redaktor; KOMAR I KOTA, LA., redaktor LzdAtel I stva; KUZIMIN, G.M., takhnichookiy redaktor (Manual of photogrmmeryl Posoble po fotogrametrichaskin rabot&m. Moskva. Izd-vo geodesicheskoy lit-ry, 1956. 325 P. (MIRA 9:7) (Aerial photogramustry) RrS F#DV.4 K. MVerlmentla QWWOM for the CmstrucUon of PUmnW M- topwmtric Networks on a Mdtiplex Appentus and Iteir Re. el ,.uct.ion for the Creation of "aps. on n ;calf! 'erlserlov~ 1,andidat,_- of Tr_~chnical (jeodezzlya i N . G I-artolTafiya, .'o 1, ',,in 57, rP The stal~cs that :n 1056 the Laborat~.lry of the Aerogeo.icsic !'nterprise of' "ie Yliin .'.Ltninistrati~~n ol' esy ard CartoLraphy (TJOK) carried out experLnental wcrIz: for the const--uc- tion of planned plictograrnetric ret'dorks on mull-A*31ex apparatus and th:~ir reduction, suitable for the creation of r.,,aps an a scale of 1:10,000. In this worl: it ,,as necessarv ~o deteri.-A..-.e ~.,Ie order cf rzaU-itude of the instru7ental error, the ace-aracy of the construc Ition in ri-.1_:.1tLplex of the planne~l photo-rarretri2 the -~f '.-Ie reduction of the planned network whi ch ira3 made wi liln a mul t_iple ~Irojcction. reJucce: , ar.d the workinl-:,- ou'. of ',echnolo.fcal construction of ',Fe net7vorks on tte multiplex apparatus and th2 reduction of those r-tworl:5. 7-ese subjects are treateC, ir. detail ir. the te:~t. -he work corfirneil -ho suitabilit'; the ~or the cons-.ruc- tion o-f' T)lanne6 netWor::_,, !'-,r the creat i-on. cf' raps ~~n a -cale cf 1:101000 in reLar~. to accLTacy Ln_id. ~tlicr fao-.c)rs. 'n tht_, bas-'s of theso studies anC, experi:!:ent's P_ productiDn rechnolnE7,y for construc-,_i= cf pla.-Uie'- net- works on -he multiplex and their re,luction was develop--!,. w'-ich vas con- siderO and apt)roved at a conference of stereotoyoL.;raphic and pbo-togram- metric speci&l....-.;_ (U) AUTHOR: G rt s enov- 11. , Can d i &--t t 0 erices T I TLE: On the Accuracy of Photo6razmetric oil (0 tochnosti fotogrammetrichef3kotzo c3o-u:3hc',11eniyv et). a is PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Knrtot-rafiya, !950, Nr 1, 26-;~) ( U S S R A.BSTRACT: For obtainin(; data with re3pect to tKe accuracy, of photoCram,metric height-condensation acc-orline; tc. ti.,. of T31IIIGA i K (Tsentrallnyy ri,iij(,hno-isiledoVi,tt.~1'3kij inatitut geodezii, aerosnimki i karto~,rafil) (C~-ntral Scientific Research Institute for Geodesy, Aerial PhotoEraphy ind Cartography) and according to the meth.)d of the undi3t,-).-ted model, the Experimental-Regearch-Laboratory of the Moscow Aerogeodetical Enterprice at GUGN (Glavnoye uiravleniy,:~ k_eodezii i kartografii) (Centr.:il Offic~! f~r 'U'eodt!3~ and Cartography) carried out a testing work an aerial phitos on the scale 1 : 12000, in 1956. The -pl-tti4' of the statoscope- and radio altimeter-indications, the det-irmination of the element of reciprocal orientation in aerial ~Kotos was carried out in fhe stereoi--ra.-hic -Jivisi,)n of the b[AGP Card 1/4 under the supervision of ent:ineer M. V. Abramova (a Voman), On the Accuracy of Pr,otogra:-.metric "he heit'ht Computatiol'o an't tilt. eod'_~tic orientation of the ,iectiono %Yur,~, c;irried out by t~,,-, pI.I.,to- !-rammetric eritineero S. V. Solodkova, ';. T. mid Ye. IT. Soldatenko. '~he photorr.,i: met i i colideli:l~ltloll 'Iccor,linil;- to tho FJ,1;!1,;A i K i'~ ~"iv-lt In chflpt,~r 1 . Hert~by the acc,Anwy PIH.3 ~: C to the folloviinj~ crill-ria: 1) Ac,,-!crilini I o v t f j t Wi tj~ t1j,' '11t i t1l(Ifl C ilj tjj(~ kl~)111,~-Itj lit rmean V,-1111e. 2) Accor,iiii,- ',(, ~Jh- f t, ~ i,. Coodk-tic lheiLhts vitli t)-.0 colltrol p~int!l ;owl 1'... i r:-)ht "o- Er-Lmmetric which Ti,~r~-, obt:;J';ie,! %fter th orientc~d outv:-tr(I turt.-inL rouf.,l t I i AC r i i:.i; t o t! d i f f.: i th t 1i L f ti, CCfitf(21 L.1-lifitS ;,,"i tl"-il' whic". r:, 1~- o~.ta.4ned after th~_ outv~,-_rd ~:.C_-Crlli"i' to ~ io~ieht triaiq_ulaticr pcints. tioccr-jin,. t:_. 'L- " KC t 0~ ra.-_ divere:encec J '-t"veen t~_e '. m~,tric hei6i.t3 of t~i noints com-mor. to the nighborinC. condensation of the heiEhl-,3 cf t".--~ undistorte,i model is Eiver, in tht~ 2nd Th~ 1-ccuruc Card 2/4 of ~ieight-d-,2terminatica was Ovaiuat-_~fl K.1r,:- scccriint to On the Accuracy of PhotoLrwmetric the following: 1) Aocor(lint- t~) 3: the identical points of -Icrilo photographs. 2) According to the liffers.-- ~-z of photoErammetric hei6hts of minor cintrcl i~oint3 in fret networks. !) kccordinE to tl,.e differerx-.- !! nf heights of minor control pointo and ti-.t,,iz, - ~ho tot, ra::i:.-.; tri c heights which were obtaiint.-d :ifti-r th,~ z,-o "i n,: u,re geodetically oriontattid. 4) Acccrrdiiq~ t~ t:,,,-, between the photoj:ra:%metric witl~ the to the neighlicurinj: distajice~. The results of the performei according to the methcd of t-,e u!il'stortt -l ::!-,d!~' (recommenlt~d in the lliii3+riction for t!i.-, scheme") he height of the can bt, vith somewhat legs an accuracy t1rvin TsNIIGA i K - method. Card 3/4 On the Accuracy of Photok:rarmt.1',ric, " . -, _- /I,' There are 2 figur*!s, 11 ni " -' cf which are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Librrir~ ef Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Ge-rtran-ov', Scienceo, LLIr'ye TITLE: An Evaluation of the Corre,:,Ii.on of an Aerophctci-,raphi~~ Film Into it Plane in AerL,'11, Photc~-,raj~ha i)f llounfaino-io Re"i-,no (Ot3enka vyravnivarliya aor,%~'Ieriki Pri aer-f(J~:,s". yemke gornykh rayonGv) PERIODICAL: Geo-leniya i Kartoi,-rafLya, "",9 Nr i C I (USSR A,BSTRACT: The correction of an aerophot~gra-,~,i--Lr film inro the plane is in aerial photographs at pre.7ent rrilnly evaluated a,.--crding to the method of the graph!~,al inter-:01at.'Or. 3f the transverse -values r-~ii-.-ed ',c parallaxes. In mcuntainoas r,?giono -,he Q a plane for all points of reductiori are interpolated. Ir the evaluation of the distortion3 of aerial nhotograph nejativ~-3 it was found in the Moscow Geodf0i,;jk Serv'lce *,hat in some cases the diver,3eri~e. exceedirl-, thf~ permi~isib--! :,,easure between q measured and q,. alcula~ed ii-~ not ~aa3ed by the, di3tortion3 of the aerial. but, by the errors of measurement of the p:irallla~. One of !~Ye -gources of the3e errors is frie -ne),act orinntat.-~,,n .-)f the Card 1/2 aerial photo-ra-,hs to the The u I An Evaluation of the Correction of at., Aerjp*noto,::ranh_, F~.Im Into a Plane in Aerial Photo~;raphs of 11,11ountaircu-i ReFicnq error i3 given here and i, ~~s sh(,w7i ;.s r..~Ce!-,:ary to employ more exa(l. metKcd in 'r,!.' :f aerial phcto.-raphs , 'Moreover the err -rs cf t~-' tr !)_~ rallair -measurements pr()T,~r exert an irfllt.:n - ~ u; :,n th-~ re3,all~s in the evaluatior of the -orrecti.~n,,~ films for the ilane, Ther.~_for- tile -cn~,roi .-,f and the controi of the canlculritior~s ar~? very im,_-~rtanl It ii expedient when twc per:-,or,;3 ~:urvey ar,d when The averar,'-e' _f results of tile tw,-, :ieasuremen~,o i3 uned for further computations., in the Moscuw Air Geo(letica; Servic- a Methr,d for the evaluation if the corre:t.-.r,~. .nto the pian- ~f aerial photographs of mountairou:3 regi~- ',rij wag w,,rke,' -),i' 1.ak1rj7 account the inflven~- ~,f the !?rr.)r.-, r.,f nrieri~ari.-r, ar~ci instrument measurement., This me,:h~]. ac,7rrd1n:1- 7o '~he r-raphi method of interpolation ~J-3 slhortly described herc- The determination of the distortion5 of the ne~.atives c.f aerial photoCraphs was carried out by mean3 ~.f tile, otere-projeot. r C P..2 by Romanovskiy. 1 .1 5 hourj at- noces3ary ,r. tile average for one pair of aerial phot:1,1raphs, There ar~., figures, I tables and referencp~3 AVAILABLE: Library of Conj,,rells Card 2/2 -1. Aer-'a-1 3(4) A U 'D S a i-A f I ' : n 7 r am a Y r En n, ~7 i,n tI,- :Ll ~I T t 1~ -2oprq-r--)~ ni S t r m- to r r-~yon:i r-,:1 PEK IICAL: ('C'. fin"I Gilt the e n I! an 'I I-.., b t ot t 1 11 .2 Mo sk,-; r:,e:c r-T L G,.,- r r w A i r n .2rimentai v~~-~,Iarcn -v o r 1: on th.-~ lnt!.,in~ off an exp o n t a M ap 'Oil -1 tho top)~---,aplrii, t t - rf c) r scale -1f OA nd v; t h -t s t i e i t, 1 f Pa r t IL c i I n t h Ti o rk -ae re A z i r. V~ 7, Lc-Dn,--ja, Z~ D. 'inv titl ccn. i -r. Le .~a d: Tho 2 i L: f y f a rol i e C s-t rvi,y o n t i, or, a walo 0(' 25 c0c with a flectiorial fcr n I :,po~;raphi, map f i ','I(' i gh 2 m i r re i ri fLB - I i i! r c r. , i I t -- t 1; d 1 /2 e t -re e n Experience of 2elief Drqwini~ of a i,lanc on th, "opoi,,raphical Stercomoter I : 16,OUD aml I 181,00C Iq meazi:; 7%r. ,9.~)Parafus with fi, 55 nirr., u3 tl-.i.9 ;;iv-- best re~zult"; Of tlie 3terocitopo,- jnplAf~fil curvo,;, .-ho tim.? th(' Ili- 911~'Vk'y should. bo chosen ,:o af-, tc I, f;h11tr,- listinction of the picturea of the microformt in the th hotor phic Aadin,,7 in the air ,iurvoy )Yitrmst of the pic ture shoul d t,,iw, gifff J ci Pnt ac. c u h,, I, i.o tri;,rammk. tri i nts, '"he height detprminatior of r,~Iativ,:! basis of a ireas to be made by t!.e method of In d' r aw i rq~.. altitude traverses, the r-.ark~; it the c~:arm7-rristic points cf the relief should b,- 4~,termiael f(,-- hi,-hor %cclaracv of, thi-. ster(?o,drawing of' tho relief. 4) Th-~ Of ;raphical r b-2 jntru.-,tvd ro~7ions (in the tcopo, pi- - r s o n s w i t h ~rr! a 46 o x pe r i1, 1 1. T1.1; a te .; t c. r,~ om t,2 ~i!. ;7ith same in ire i3 fj~~ur~ in: fher-~~ k C zird 2/2 -~Qr to,~ n Ovrl i t c V/6 - C- - t, 2 c TITLE: in jr)), :.I, J, 1;p 1.1-10 ~,i:jJR) A13 HA `2 - In i:rac'.ice the re~L,Iiri,- da*a o' L'Ae radi--~ liltimeter I :3:~ n, i Ti mr);, n ta i n re, - i o n:: n 3 '11: 11 i, !L~~ he I i T' '1-j i 11 L. I el a t m.? L:;~ivk,t a.-. I e h o 1, o q r.- m x e t r i c r:ot-,~)rk atil on tiie '-'rrors in ti-ie r: t 7 i t, i n ri n t o.i i i) n -I e rL. i n o r e r 0 f -1 ;p C) 0. t I r-,a !v to errc r 3 i:i f 1,; ints ne i. h t ,I;, to u "a.:'ic Sc Bile of -,-.erefore, Are m..;:;i:i tL; -.,.cr,~ c3n,:e:ii~n' to ~,.ei.-Ilit jlro,~~ !lr~~ !ierp. r I th t.he heie~ht r -,I I c ~ I to) r,i a,; 1, L,,: e! is deter- I ~3 -.1 111 ij ;sed in D,~ t-r;-i b-,,- the ire r -1 c s tu tO lie J -'2 in deter- ~,j L a Card 2 3(4) SO V1 1) - ~o5-6 - 7/2 7 AUTHOR: Gertsenova, K. N., Candidate of Technival Sciences TITLE: Estimation of the Accuracy of Stato!'cope iic-adin-os (Otseaka tochnosti 1,okazaMy PEi-'IODICAL; Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr Eq, (UISSE) ABSPRACTs Phe paper otarts by ari examinati(~n of the i:~:---i~r-Lcy rel~uiremert!l of stato.9cope readinj::;. It iS !3hOW11 that a hi,rh Je,,7ree r'f accuracy is required for the photo-;-r-ammetrictl densification of the elevatiun3 in the determination of t.'rie angles V of the inclination of the photo base. '7hen, the MethOd for estimating thV accuracy and the prucess,by which t.he effect of the errors in the statoscope readings rliay be reduced in "Uhe individual sections of the route are explained. Nher, develoTian- the method for the estimation of the accuracy of statoscope readings one has met the requirement for 4;implicity and a :;mall sco-ae of calculation. The order of calmlations in ei5timating the accuracy of statoscope readings is given. The m-:,thod -explained in this article was used for estimations in the iarious under-akings, Table4 showsthe results, fromshichit c.-irbe seenthat inanumberof cases a high degree of accuracyof statoscope reaflingswas achi~fvpd, Card 1/1 There are 1 figure and 4 tables. 69030 J WO AUTHOR: Gartsenoyll, K. N., Candidate of Technical 5/006/60/000/03/005/019 sciences B007/B123 TITLE: Investigation of the kocuracy of Determination of the Elements of Relative Orientation of lerophotographa \/ PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1960, Nr 3, pp 27 - 36 (USSR) TEXT; In order to investigate the character of error# when determining the elements of relative orientation of serophotographe Doxperiments were made in the opytno-iseledovatelinkaya laboratoriya Nookovskogo aerogeodezioheskogo predpriyatiya (Experimental and Re_tearah T.Aborat ry at the Moseaw-Agrogoodatic Enterprise). The results obtained are listed here. The accuracy of determining these elements is influenced by the following factors: 1) by errors of measuring the vertical parallax of pointel these are caused by errors in measurement, in- strumental errors, and distortions of the aerophotographe because of lease distortion, by nonuniform deformation of the air film, insufficient smoothing of the air filmg and by refractiou; 2) by the insufficient accuracy of calcula- tion formulas. The procedure of investigating accuracy in this respect is de- scribed here in detail. The vertical parallax was measured by first-order stereometers of the types SK-3 and SM-4. The accuracy of formulas used in various analytical methods when determining the elements of relative orientation, Card 113 69039 Investigation of the locuracy of D#Lormination of the 8/006/60/000/03/005/019 Elements of Relative Orientation of Aerophotographe BOO?/2123 was judged by the model method. The models of the photo pairs were calculated for the following oases: 1) for the orientation of the aerophotographe in the instrument after the original direction (for checking the formulas by Valov and Shukov), 2) for the orientation of the aerophatagraphs socording to the trace of the principal plans, and 3) for the orientation of the aerophotographs according to the trace of the basic plane that runs through the isocenter ana is parallel to the principal plane of the left aerophotograph. Based on the investigation carried out the following statements were made: 1) The root mean square error in the course of measuring the vertical parallax of points of first-order stereometers amounts to +0.02 am. 2) The mean error of determining the elements of relative orientation according to the scheme given in table 1 of the regulations for topographic surveys on a scale of I ! 10,000 &n& 1 : 25,000 amounts to 0-3 - 0-5 (systematic errors of formulas). Calculations of these elements according to the scheme given in tables 6 and 7 of theme regulations may lead to greater errors. 3) The exclusion of systematic errors of elements of relative orientation permits a more accurate determination of the angle of slope 0 of the photo base in those parts of the route where the accuracy of statosoope readings in insufficient. This guarantee@ improvement of the accuracy of determining the longitudinal angle of slope a x of aero- Card 2/3 Investigation of the 1ccuracy of Determination of the Elements of Relative Orientation of kerophotographs photographs. The papers by G. Ye. Strellnikov (Ref 1, X. D. Konshin (Ref 4, footnote on P 34) are mentioned and 5 Soviet references. 69039 3/00 60/000/03/005/019 B007YB123 footnote on p 29) and I There are 5 tables Card 3/3 PAVLOV, Leonid Valentinovich; GERTSFNOVA,-YJ1,, red.; KFRCVCE,'NKG, F.I,, red. izd-va; SMIGUIROV, V.S., tekhn. red. [Using a mine rectifying apparatus for cc,-.piling ae--ophotogrFj[.'-I'.- plans of relief sections] Sostavlerde fotoplanov relleftykh uc~zst- kov pri ponoshchi gornogo fototransforniatora. Moskva, Izd-vo, 1961. 58 p. (MIRA 15: 1) (Aerial photogr~=.:eta7) VALUYEV, Afanaeiy Sergeyevich; G&RISMUA, kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, IL~ANCV, &.N., retsenzent; BCRDTUKOV, F.P., retsenzent; EUDYWV, P.~., retsenzent; OVSYANNIKOV, H.P., retsenzent; POGORELOV, VY., retsenzent.- ROGOZIN, S.M., retsenzent: 'V'ASILIYFVA, V.T., red. i-.d-va; SUNGIJi'OV, V.S., tekhn. red. [Practical work in stereophotogrametryl Praktikum po stereo- fotograirinetrii. Moskva., Izd-vo, 19bl. 319 (MIU 15:1~0 1. Kafedra fotogrametrii Voyseno-inzhenernoy akaderdi im. V.V.Kuylyjslieva (for Lovanov, Bw4yukov, Budy-Lov, Ovsyannikov, Pagorelov, .-togozin). (Fhotogrametry) GERTSENOVA, K.N.; POhTNOVA, O.V. Results of investigating the aceLracy of *rA;-r9o-I,*;rmq Ly the use lof the 5D-1 atereoEraphe Geod. i kart. no. "1 -1,-? 2,~ ',r t~l. (..'-a:-A 14:4) (Aarial photoFrametry) GERPL;ED VA.. Y.N.; ilaRAMLNA, M.11. Errors occurring in measurements of the elements of photopolygono- metrio traverses. Good. i kart. no.7.-36-1.2 Jl 16~'. (N-IrA 14:7) (Traverses (Surveying.~) 1'41,clay Fedorovv:h, OtTSE:M,,'Aj K N YF,LIZA:t()V, ~ , , red - ; KO'M I K(VA I LAM. , -ed. i:lAi-,ra,, .~Cl-,VVTA, V V,.. tek~,n.. reO,* [Textbook for operating :;. multiplex] Posobie po ra,,)o--E! na Nli~tl- plekso. !-!oskva-, ~Icodezi-;dat, 1962, 170 p. ~MLl 15! 7) (F:~otogsramr.etry) GERTSENOVA, K.N.; xyl, EUVA, N.I.; WROZOVA, Z.F. Making 1:25,000 maps of mountainous taiga regions. Geod.i kart. m.?:34-39 JI 162. (HUA 15: 8) (Siberia-Aerial photogrammetry) (Cartography) KOZHLYNIKOV, N.P..; GERTSWVAp.-!~J, Determining relative orientation elezeritB for aeri-ril photographs of mountainow regione. Good. I kart. no.2:~-11 F -(,*~. Omlu Io3) (Aerial photograiunietry) yt~vlch, rolf. "7V I "A E; 1A.Aiv r q 11'.* reLsonzent; ZAKIHk-,CV, V.K., prof., retsenzent; III K-'-,V, dot', . ret--enzent; doktor mu'N, d [U se -,I" ae.- -~al totci,r.',j.!dc surv~-,-,-I an,; in forestry; aerial ~Iiotof- root avintion] raihy of Frimcneri~e v aerofutos"~-P.ka ies-uv i 1,,L:nftia av-c 11a. ispr. Yozkv-,~, Lezru;a 4F',* 7! 1c) 1. jafedr, iemuy tekluioJogicheckogo '-m,~L`tuta (for SO KOLG'I A, N. A,; K. N. ; VAINI N, .' . l' . Resulte of work cm -. -- I "'' . .: -.,,graw-4 tric . I nets using univeraa-', Instrument--, , L. n:~.-,-t28-4--' My 164. (MTPLA 1-1: 3j ACC NRI .AT6028595 ouliCE-CODr,':'-u'11/2547/61;1000/165/ool6/0022- AUTHOR: Sokolova, N. A. ; Ge rtsenova, K. X. Van in, A. G. 10RG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aero.,urveying, and Cartography, (Tsentral'nyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut, geodezii, aeros"yemki i kartografii) ~TITIE: Spatial triangulation using universal stereophotograiwiptric instruments an(! staL05cope r-adings SOUECE: 1'/oscov. Tsentral'nT I y jreo,lezii, aeros"y=~Li :'i kartografil. 'rru(iy, no. 16,j, 1066. Tsiill~dovtuiiya po (PeaeFu-ch in ~photogrammetry), 16-22 TOPIC network, statoscope, Foint, pho t ogrtumme t r4 c po i nt , ~; t (ui rbird p,x; i t, i on, t r i wi gii lat ior' Yvc);)i-_ rc_ T(. YP i/P e/ p.BSTIPA(7~: Two kinds oi' photok-Xa1T11T1et1'iC '111-11 1 wu r k independent and th~, other is compile(I from datt !tn iriz.1-rument is equipped with a base coq)onent determined fron The free net- work yields a spatial model of land~;capes from a sphoro~! by aerophotographs. This network, if oriented on geodetic points, differs from a~~rlru maps because of the difference between geodetic tuid photogrammetric planes. Ilie (Liff-rence in point altitudes increases with the increase of the network nrca. !Ierial photographs Card 1L L __52 aj:15 _,2 ACC NRI ATIA28591, are obtained under ~-Iqual isobaric and level cenditi.ons 1',!;ing then iphotogriuTnetric iuid ~;eodetic iiLtitudes of' bitsic point..,i ;0, ,hr net,work boun,mr,; ~Lre equal. In the raiddle of the network, photogrammetric. p(Ants itr#-! hipher Lhtn j;-olletic points. The compilirl~!, of' it fipittAiLl photogriummArio tit-twot'k on trio (it' i'val photographs is difficult and complicated because of Qrn~,n; in photographs 011115t?d by shifting of base points, by disagreement of isobaric and Leve-- surfaces, and errors in statoscope readings. Systematic errors in photographr, dis'.ributed symmetrical-ly 'influence the Foint position similar to Earth's curvature. DATerent values of j altitude deviations occur when the side points are shifted fro'ni Ue standard position, 'Asynunetric errors may be caused by low quality of the instrument lenses resulting in (LisLortion. It in not expedient to compile independent phot-ol,-ranmetric netvorko for 1a1'02 arl'LL6. photographo tire not offectivi.! bocau;-io oyatematit: ~MINI and the Barth's curvature cause distorsion of the relief, OrIg. art, has: 2 figures, 2 tables, and 6 formulas ~ SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 Card 2 12 ACC NR. A76028596 SOURCE CODE: Ult/2547/66/000/165JO023/0055 AUTHOR: Gertsenova, K. N.; Vanin, A. G. ORG: -AariL TITLE; Development of traverse photogrammetric networks of large dimensions using a stereoprojector and stereograph SOURCE: 'Moscow. Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut geodezii, aeroa"- yemki i kartografii. Trudy, no. 165, 1966. Issledovaniya po fotogrammetrii (Re- search in photogrammetry), 23-55 TOPIC TAGS: photogrammetric network, atmospheric refraction, photogrammet Ic coordinate statoscope, azimuth, zZa===, base point, stereograph,i J-0 Ad-I" ABSTRAM: The accuracy of a photogrammetric network t!l df,--rea!;o(1 by atmospheric refraction, faulty lenses of the aerial camera, by errors of photogrammetric cuordi.- nates, and by methodic errors in processing observational data. Some errors may be eliminated by the use of statoscope readings. Experimental data showed that the main distortion is caused by damage to photographic materials during laboratory processing of films. Formulas were developed for computation of laboratory processing errors and their influence on the final result. The composition of a photogrammetric net- work from individual links contains errors introduced by erroneous azimuths of Card 1/2 UDC: 528.735.4 ACC NR: AT6028596 individual links. These errors are positive when points of the network are shifted to positive ordinates. Formulas for correction of these errors are developed. Coefficients for coordinate transformation can be determined from measured dis- crepancies nf cocledinates of base points. Formulas for coefficients are rompiled for meridional and IsLitudinal directlons. Remaining errors In network deformations after coordinate trans formations influence the position of base points and tile scale of maps. The accuracy of traverse networks compiled from stereoprojector and stereo- graph data is influenced by errors introduced by orientation of links and scale de- termination, which depend upon the statoscope readings and tW coordinates of the model points. Results of hphotogrametric networks compiled satisfy claims of relief sections of 5 m for flat regions. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 14 tables, and 55 formulas. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ C*M 2/2 GERPISHTEYN A inzh.-konotruktor Rubber conducting electricity. Izobr. I rats. no.8:1-4 iLg 102. (MIRA 15:9) (Rubber) (Electric conductivity) Oct 1947 Modulation OAmplification Llmitqre,m B. Y&. Gartasnobtem, B. T. Posdeyev, N. A. Sevina, AW, rAnIngmd Rmoh of the gmtral ]Research and Investigation Inst1tuteo Ministry of Commmications, 5 vv *T"tnik Svyazi - Ilektroarvyaw So 10 (91) Cmftt regulation of the dynWo ranges of broadc"t tranmUsim is am* cif the basic roquiremmts for trannission of h1& frequencies. Numal control re- nlts In avonoltagal Alch cause nonlinear distor- Mcn. As a result, the author recoomdo an antamatic aim of control. Presents olmit diagem and for- =146 fer salavl4leg the r*pUU4 oMrsaterlstics A-mkoefte eastml. W-- GERTSENSHMN, B. YA. USSR/Radio Broadcasting Radio, Wired May 1948 "Wired BroRdcastling in the USSRO" N. L. Rezladnov, Candidate Tech -Sci; B. To. Gertsenshteyn, Engr, 2 pp "Vest Svyazi - El.ektro-SvyazI" No 5 (98) Briefly describes development and expansion of wired broadcastinF in the USSR, with some notes on the progress of USSR technology in this field. PA 65TJ04 k8 Thlephonse - Repeater Circuits, Amplifier "Autcmtic StabillrAtion of the Operation of an Amplifier During OverloadIng," B. Th. Gerteen- shteyn, Ingr, 2 pp "Vast Svyazi - Slaktroffr7azl" No 7 (100) Discusses design of amplifiers to avoid possibility of damp &us to overloading. Gives circuit dia- gram, and dedwas design graph@ frca relevant equations. FM 714M 6 gR rSC_A1,5 H YA. WMV31--potronics Owd 1/1 Pub. 133 - 4/21 Savina, N, A.~ and Gertsenshtsin, B. Ya. Title I Design of long feeding-lines for wire-type broadcasting Parledle92 j Vest. avyazi 9, 7-9, Sep 1954 Abstract I Nethods of increasing the length of troadcasting wire feeding-lines are described. Formulas for calculating and making the proper choice of a pupinization system are presented. Graphs. Institution Starshiy imbener Leningradskoy MM. Submitted GIOTSENSHMN Boris Takovlevich; aAVINA, Nins AlekBandrovna; ATLIVASIX, %.AAA ~,'Iu"chnyy redaktor; GALDTAII, M.A., redaktor-, I&NIVA, N.Y., na tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Principles of theory and the design of wire broadcasting systems) Osnovy teorit i raschet linii provodnogo veshchaniia. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-r7 po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1958. 371 p. (MIRA 9:12) (Radio broadcasting) BEZLADNOV, Nikolay Llvovich: OJEWSENSHTEY-N, Borin Yal~ovlevich: SAVINA, Nina Aleks~mdrnvna: BASHCHUK. T.T.,.rad.; KAUMILOVA, S.F., [Wire broadcast networks] Sati provodnogo veshchnniia, Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam aviazi i radio, 1959- 371 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Wire broad ca st ing) 0 1 cated i. C. ble, c c C 7 Card F',cr,-a.:in - I I , , /I- I -- -- I -1 ~ 'l, 41, v.- '-- -1 , - - - -1, -11, . .. II I, , I" . ~ i/ I !- - ,I - I- / '.. -/ - . '. . . .; i ! , ~ , 7- . --- I .-, , -~~ : - -,c ---: ~ 4 - - I - - - - - -I - - 11 1.I . - I- . ~ 7,- L ~~ -- 1, , . %,P;- ~111 I , - .- - -- , / :! - -L - - .- - . I - - I - I ncroa.-~in t~-~~ .:f IL cc Live o f a Tn u u 'I T 0; Produc~4 (D: -(jr n, ra GERTSENSHTEYN, B.Ya. Simplified hiwh-frt.~quericy ,h;jrrioll f,r* exc~ianpps. Vrst. sviazi 21" 1. Nachal'nik proizvodgtv(-nnoy laboratorii Lorlirigrarl5ku-- otlastnDy dirpktsii radiotranslyatsionnoy seti. (Telephone.) vilK, equipment for t. no.."; ~-,) Ap ()5. Nachallnilk a Ll(. c sv),azi. GWSHID, T.V., in2honer; GEELTSINSHTM, D.I., inzhener. 1. .... ... 11 -- -.1 ~.... Use of static capacitors. From.snerg. 11 no-.3:12-13 Mr '56. (Condensers (Electricity)) (KLU 9:7) G AUS'HKO, V.7., lazhener; GiaT41NSS7lXYJf, D.I., inzhumer. - --l- ------- P-otection a capacitor squipwat against d-.* to high temperatures of ambient air. Prom.energ. 11 no.8:10-11 Ag '56. ()G..u 9: 11) (Candeneers ~110"IrictW) GFMSINSHTSYN, D.I., Inzh.; GLUSHKO, T.T.. inzb. Using portable electric drills. Bezop.truda v pron. 3 no.1:10-lZ Ja '59. (MM 12:3) (Boring machinery) GERTSENSHTEBI, D4L. Saving of electric power in coal mines of the Lugarsk Economic Council. Prom. energ. 16 no.2:8-9 F 161. (-'-!IRA 14:3) (Luganak Province-Electricity in ridi-dng) GERT-ZIENSIMEY11, D.I. Orgaw'Vng the repair of electric equ~,Pme.,-,t in enterprises of the I;Ligansk Economic Council. Pron Ienerg. 16 no.9:7 S 161. (1-11FUt 14:8) (Lugansk-Electric machinery-:1aintenance anj repai-r) GLUSHAOY V.V.; GERTSENSHTEYN, D.I.; KAREV, A.P. AFV-RU apparatus for protection of electrical networks in mines. Energ.i elektrotekh.prom. no.4:38-41 O-D 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Electricity in mining-Safety measures) (Electric protection) GLUSHKOI V.V., inzh.; KAREV,A.F.p Inzh.; UOLZRIISILIT, I.N., inzh.; GITTUISHTEM, ~.I._,_.inzh. Protection of the insulation of electrical networks in mines. rrom.energ. 18 no.1:13.-17 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Electricity in mining) GLRZ3E-XKT-----,'N, D.I., inzh. i~~enditvre oil electric power in ~.;`Lnes. I 1,0--I. ~~ no. il 163, 1. a-: .:~. I ~: ( , (:;Ioctricit~, in mining) RLIUNKG, Z.Ya.,; GARTSINSHTSYN, LOgODed Stammaring. Zdorovle 3,no.10:18-19 0 '57. (ml.,4 lo-n) (STAMURING) RUDEND), Z.Yn.,, GW.5=~kU=- itig., lopop d I , pp SpPech trniiiirV,. Zdorovlo 4 no.6:?5-26 Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) (SPLT,CH, DISORDERS (7) BF.T, E.S.; GERTSE14SH'lEYN,_E.N.; 70ID-11KC, Z.Ya.; "AF-.AFO',*A, S.L.; V CHEITOVA, A.D.; SIIOIUIOP,-ITCTSYA,'A, KIIJ17--lPi, L.A., red.; i,,Z" I!:A, teklin. red. [ELndboclc cn the recovery of cFeecl. by ;~erl-~orns affec'Ue--' -with aphacial Posobie po,,vleriiu -ochi u ~,ollrv~h Pod red. E.S.jein. !.'oskva, I-edCiz, llh:2. ?-Ir (',-MA 1:5: (AFFLASIA) (SFELTI: 0 0 0, 0 A L A If. It A L P 6 1 TTo Vof I &A Lt 90 It feolopmsls (0111polusk,15 b#tW*tg 0118 &Md TOOLU Ul ~ C.,tt"Ahtoritl I I e, 4 " ~' i ,, , k %. ".4 ~IW." ~Ih,, 111f.11 IdAti, "I In 1'. so .11", Ar and h, " "~'t 'o , h.". 1, 1'~ 111"4,l., ing 01, I.-C 1.. -00 J.ndlf'K 0., to fill, ~811.1 I, th,, ~ fill.ij 4 m, t. -hr ii-lus illa~. '"All" 11 J". lorl"t. it- Vt-ltv 4 . .... .. 00 :it, a d"" 1 .00 90 .... .... .. t. l." It, 1! 00 oinalvf~ mo,lh-t it f- -do, - 00 ,jAjj..jj -,ht ~ .00 of Im4.-npl vvhw -00 . "ll" "'"qkl th~ fifl. 0 1-01. th. re"114 Injo, 1w fargl" 1'0' m.1 I., t"-u .00 n l -00 00 bl of 4) 1% w fv tv ~f v it a a 41 1 4 9 K(F et 1( IN PIA3 n a lo 4 e 060490109000044 0006 1; 10 "N VA 4, 1 -LA ISO - so A, 00 A of A 00 06 00 00 0 6 It's * a w0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 041 0 0 U 0 0 * I 04a 440 I f 10 4 A LI -06 -00 40 1-00 Ja p-W _bhL (i,&Tnw .00 E"&kAwOvv I.Vo. 8) 5140 11%6) In A4, 0 -i~ '"WiWiDft Q( P4111111CUM 10 VOWW -9 Wovaiiewd papa lm)w mWows. w" aMn 4 0 U=d PMM 10 kv. ". mW dc.. am pi bet M= ffistdbutim Mm &W tabks are lpvon, and a** the MAW 6wwad ift *A 11#11 O(pOMU JVAWAvWW so$ 06 SOO, too 0 I 1 0 S L INITALLUMIC.i. LITIFIRATIollf CLAMPKATION goo 1.14.j .11 ~. J.1 u a A# -0 is 0 1-- ia r*090"100, ; If a III III n It IN Ill a tv to a no m I a o, 0 111 0 0 * 0 0 IS 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is p M 11 U It w is 0 1, a A A L S L J I A - A 0 CC 0 Of Ar, W*dw bm 4f Paw ob .3 Cobbs. 00 a 33-7 1 l9w) I 1 Pl -4wvin of .6r)MV b"tM of cof 04 'imo awgirgowim us wvm- Iva ; schodog beitir distAtoidwa. ushis a r pt . Zoo i 00 &iM IM - r -Of Thot results 00 their "W ad wootwiow distrNsti- zoo , Made for am arAtyllod "Miall(kavy. -W -sv-- j"hWj)VefWfll% In OXISIM30A And "UnurwItim a** Zoe Iv 00 00 f As. %LA MITALLwKKAL oTINOWt CLaUSKAININ ..... ... .. u s "Rapty" Characteristics of Poww Cables,' 1. 0, 9ortsmashteyn, 9 vp "AdArlobestvol NO 8 D&U (a the mechanism of raptures in p~ saklm., wift a treated paper Insulating cover, 0.5 - 3.0 mlUlawters thick, cerz7InS alternating cumimets. Dimaxses a series of now characteristics $9 amobam alm occurring In a raptured poww cable a& the role of certain factors In the event of a no," - Prows praotiwa amoluslow, vIth respect to tba 5"10A a& we at Iwdx"" "wers for Poor zaw.- Iteemmah awwow at Vw imom amotle batitate, Aw *16t6T. 9RT42 CERTSENSHTEYN, 1. 0. FA 27/49T4.2 LIMM/Itleatrialty Noy 4.8 Cables, Figh-Voltage Cables, Electric "Review of V. I. Pogaretly's 'Working of Y!K-h-7-11tasa Power Cables,'" Kh. F. Kalkin, Engr, 1. G- Gortsenshteyn, Cand Tech 3c1, 2 pp "Zlektrichastvo" No 11 Very critical raviev, of subject book. 811%~-a t ~a', material is Inoomplota, consideration superficla'-, theoretical staadard low, and mistakes and Ii- accuracies abundant. rM 27/49T42 WTUAHT&YN, I.G. 25704 Gorteenshtsyn, I.G. Osnovnge tendentsii v razvitii gorodskikh elektriabeskikh setey za rubezhom. Ilektrichestvo, 1949, NO: 8, 5. 69-74-Bibliogr: 24 nazv SO: Utopie'Zhuraallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Moskva, 1949 USSR/Radiophysies Application of Radlophysical Vathoda, T-12 Abst Journal- Referat Zhur - Fitika, flo 12, 1956, 35525 Authort Gertsenshteyn, I G. Institution: None Title: Tnterfnrinr Effects of Lonr Electric-Transmission L'-iis on Com- munication Lines Original Periodical: Elektrosvyarl, 1956, No 6, 71-77 Abstract: The calculated distribution of h1rher harmonic components of the current and voltage In a 400-kv electric transmission lire 900 km long were obtained. rt in shown that In the case of long electric- transmission lines, the interferinr effect on wire ea=mnicatlons line may be oonsiderably higher then those obtained In accordenoe with the "Rules of Shielding" now in force. Card 1/1 8~ 3) % . Tra-~.qlat;on from: Referativnyy zhurnal AUTITOR: Gertsenshtey!1,J_G.-- TITLE~ Effec.; of AC Corona Lines SOV/ 112-59 -1-602 Elektratekhrika. 1959, Nr 1, P 80 (USSR' Switc~iyig Stirges or Long Tran9missior PERIOD-CAL: V sb. : Materialy 1-y- Uzb. nauchnD-tekhn- konferentsii po izolyatsii i zashchite ot perepapryazheniy. Farkhadges.-Kayrak-Kurnges, 1957, pp 89-104 ABSTRACT- A corona. discharge on transmissior line conductors involves rat only active but also capacitive reactive power, which can bcost the overvo!"ages. Equivalent networks for a corona-d,,splaying line are suggested which contain riot only an adjustable leakage but also an adjiistable voltage -deper'dert. capacitar~ce. An approximate computation of a steady-state no-load 9~.ngle - circult 900-krn line with and without corona is presented In the example used. the corona discharge caused about a 10-per cert boost in the overvoltage. S S.Sh' Card 1/1 GIM`;Ki-OfTXM, 1,G,, hund. tekhz. naWc, dota. Conditions and basic directions of dAmOlopment of miniciT*.l amUl electric power plants abroad. 1-.v. rrs. ucheb. za-T.; qaerg, U'3,4,. 119-127 AP 158, (HIHA 11:6) 1. Frunzenekiy polltekhnicheOdy Institut. (Electric power plants) GE:17SENSHMYN, I of fli-!! ~nsli!Atlng Ivier of a,~~ ~4ble lineg with 110-50C ',-.v. ratingo, L . I .I - 162. 'r,,,d, F,,,,,, no. 611-'"- If, 'If- I-) A I I , ) 0 Gooo 00 0 10 o 6 a t 00 o 660009000 0 00 0 0 0 0 OwIl s i 03 1 1 4 1 It p a I a 11 a , l u to 16 'a ly 0 0 a ~ " b1, so 5a I A L A A_J jL-A-A-A-L a A f A A I I I 1.2 1 .1 1 MA M M I C T~, f it Coa4.n*M CmWmkbg R"WILI Old Aud ckk-- flutic cankpollows. cin '4W 1 3 1 9 i Sly'll .111 f1w lwtf!. 1: . ..... Ih, 14 ..1 0 1 ll,~ it : AS .1- At 0 t.u! It -- " 2 a Ow.111, the -m. hIr vo,cf, -1.1-1 h~ It,, j Id-k III,, I,- .4 Al " wnsr oil Ille vlarv. 4.4 laildrill 4 .411sh " .1" "it. It 0'.s 0.. 0 0 q 0 0 0 a JI Is 0 0 0 Is r a Is 0 a 0 a a Alto K c L A.; to'st a A _-9o 00 1.00 d Ik- 1-00 ~l i D.11.1 %1 I,i. "I h. R 4 ,,04 It .1thil'aultal wooklust 'talIm"tillto. It to 0 0 see no 0 0 N v 1, c r Apr 19118 Dielectrics - Losses Dialectr'.os - Thermal Instability *Dielectric Losses in Impregnated Paper for S=31 Gradients," M. G. Gertasnebtayn, Cand Tech Sci, Works of b1inistry of nectrical. Ind, USM, 21 p-p "Rektrichest" No 4 Dielectric losses axe usually studied on basis of tg 5' to temperature relationship, and tg ;5 to ele%, trio field gradient relationship. Studies cn im- pregnated paper conducted to determine value of tg 8 at very low tsioperatures. ]a 69T35 GEPTSENSUETNp 14. TF. U88R/Physies - Electron Plasma Har 52 "Longitudinal Waves in an Ionized Medium (Plasma)," M. Ye. Gertsenshteyn, Moscow State U "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXII, No 3, PP 303- 309 Computes dielec permeability of electron plasma taking into account the electron motion, which is found to depend on the spatial structure of the field. Introduces the concept of spatial disper- sion. Investigates properties of longitudinal waves and their connection with transversal waves. In- debted to Prof P. Yo. Krasnushkin. V. N. Kessen.1kh V. V. Potemkin and V. M. Lopukhin. Received 1 Jun 215rm