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GERLOCZY, Ferenc,, dr..; BENCH, Bela, dr.; KASSAI, Stefania, dr.; BAIRTA, LaJos, dr. Recent data on the vaso-protective role of vitamin E in children. Gyermekgyog,,faszat 12 no.8,.225-233 Ag 61. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I sz. Gyei-mek)-linikajanak (Igazgato: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr. akademikus, eUetemi tanar) kozlexeM. (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHERAL ther) (VITAMIN E ther) GT-RL6czy, Ferenc Countr7t Hungary Academic Degrees: Dr Affiliations Cnot given-7 Soace: Budapest, Gyermek(jy8qya'szat, Vol 12, No 10, Oct 61, pp 319-320 Datas CBookreview-7 "The Effect of Gravity on the Development of Authors IstvAn FENYES, Dr Publishers Akad4rnia Kiad6, Budapest, 1960 sms. GF0 IA164) -ILOU1,H) k GEZ f , ; D' LNGZZ, Ij. Contribution on the oignificance of vitamin E in childhood. Acta Paediat. Acad. Sci. flung. 2 no.14.:298-327 '61. 1. 1. Kinderklinik der Medizinischen Universitat Budapest (Direlctor: Prof. Dr. P.Gegrosi Kiss). (VIT-01114 E nutrition & diet) (INiAlIT NUTLITION) GEALOCV, F,; SZADO, J. Capillary rcsistance: phyaiolorical values fri c!-JLIEood, A,2ta pediat, 4 no,1:8'i-85 163. 1. First Department of Paodiatrics, University Modical Schlool., Budapest, (CAPILDRY ESISTANGE) GER1,00U, Ferenc, TARJAN, Robert.; B:KNUE, Bela Protein deficiency disease in twins fed e.,clusively on human milk. Gyermekgyogyaszat 14 no. 8:225-23.3 Ag. 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem I. oz. Gyarmekkllnikajanak (igazgato: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr. akademikus, egyatemi tanar) as az Orszagos Elelmezes- as Taplalkozas-tudomanyi Intezet (igazgato: Tarjan Robert dr. egyetami tanar) kozlemenye. (DISEASES IN TWINS) (PROTEIN DEFICIENCY) (MILK, HMAN) GERLOCZY, Feronc, dr. First days of an iafant. 11. Elet tud IV no.9:278-280 3 Mr '63. GERLOGZY, FerAnc, dr. - The first days of the infant. ~let tud IS no.8:234--237 24 F 163. i GERLOCZY, Ferenc, dr.; SZABC', Jozoef, dr. "A-auLination of capillary resistance in childhood. (De~termination of physiological capillary resistance values in pramature and newborn infants and children. Gy(-,,rmekgvogyaszat 14 no.3:65-74 Mr 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. sz. Gyeriaekk-linikajanak (Igazga+.o: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr., akademikus, e yetemi tanar) kozlemonyo. (INFANT, PREMATUFC-l') f4PILLARY RESISTANCE) GLULOOZY. Ferutic.-dr.; DENCZE', Bela, dr.; IVAITYI, Kornol, dr. Demon3tration of vibarain E, a new biologically activc substrate, in the vernix caseOl3a. MaLry. noorv. lap. 26 no.1:21-22 Ja 163. 1. A budaposti Orvoatudomanyi --gyutem I. sz. Ceyermolcklinikajan&k kozlemouye (IgazGatos Gogesi Kiss Pal dr. akademiku, eyetemi tanar). (VITAMN !;-I) (VEMIX OAS.--;OSA) GERLOCZY, F,i LETENYE!, C,i 3'-'ETUY, J.i RW"TNAR, L.; PAJUICZ, E. Contribition a 111rt'jdei de Ilhomihypertr MOO (A propos do 10 nouveaux cf-s d1h5mihypertrophbo rra,7. Acta pitedlat. acad. sci~ ffwig~ 4 -,io.2. 159-1,93 10. L V~7e Chnique de Ndiatrie de I'Universite Medicale de BudaDest (Dlnm~~Teiiri Prof. P. G"gosi Kiss), et Institut gnti~nal tie Neiiro-Chiriii-gle (Dired murk Dr. L. Zoltan) (HYFERTPOPHY MID HYPERPLASIA) (ABNOFMALITIES) GERLOGZYY Ferenc, dr.; SCHUR, Demo, dr.; LET]tlym, nara, dr.; KISS, Sandor, dr.; HERVEI, Sarolta, dr. Our obgervations in a case of hemihypertropliy. (h-v. hetil. 106. no.28t1310-1312 11 J1165. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, I. Gyermekklinika (igtLz- gato: Gegesi Kisa Pal, dr.) as 11. Gyermekklinika (igazgatot Petanyi, Gaza, dr.i. GERMCZY) F.; SCHULLR, D.; UTENITI, Klara; KISS, S.; SaroItd Hemihypertrophyi 10 years follow-up and chrmosuma). istudy. Acta paediat. acad. sci. flung. 6 no.3A:423-428 165, 1. First Department of Paediatrico, and Second Denartment cf Paediatrics, university Medical Schoolp Dadapos"". Submitted july 31, 1965. I BENCZE, Pk,,la. ;'nic (Budapmti Orv3studo- Fedical University of BudapEst, 1. Ppdiatric Cj I k. manyi 7-yetem, 1. sz. ~Iyermekkclinika), and Schopf-Yerei A~-ost Hospital for Premature Delivery and Premature Infants (Schopf-Merei Arost Kora- szulo es Koraszulott Korhaz). UThe Effect of Vitamin E on Hemo,_Job-~'n L3ynthesls Under Low Protein Nutri- tional Conditions." Budapest, A MaFyar Tudomany s Akadernia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalya tak KozlemEnyei, Vol XVI, J.1o 4, 1965, pa,;es 297-309. Abstract: [Authors' Funrarian summary] Protein deficiency anemia was de- veloped in white, male Wistar rats by usin.- a dir-t which contained only half of the op~lnial protEln amount, 18 p-tr cent. The hemo,-,lobin of the animaln which were on this diet was cons 1,,ierably decreased with an avera,,,,e value of 3.L~ j', p,-r cent. The experimental animals kept on the same diet which also received oral doses of 40-60 m,~. dl-cL-tocopherol daily were able to maintain a normal level of Hb with an average value of 13.1 t; per cent. Tile effect of rerular daily (ioses of vitamin E oil tile Hb synthesis of animals on a low protein diet was a pronounced one si.nce it completely in- hibited the decrease in Hb content in response to the lack of protein. It is thought that a disturbance in the synthesis of globin, the prosthetic ,-4 HUMARY Budapest, A '.'.a,-_7(ar Tudomanyoi Akademia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlenenyei, Vol XVI, No 4, 1965, Raves 297-309, tration. The details of the mechanism of this action of vitamin E have not yet been elucidated; the cause should, presumably, be sought in the effect of tocopherol on the regulation of protein metabolism. 4 Hun- garian, 25 Western references. [Manuscript received 20 Jan 64.1 2/2 - 19 . no VATIlShTUIT, G.M., inzh.-, GERWVIN, E.G., kand.teklin.Tumle. Mechanization of concreting in the courn6 of n1nine, operations. Shakht.strol. no.12:6-9 ' 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Mining enginserinV (concrete construction) (Pnemmatic tools MA llj-iij 31-, i IJ :11 H Card 3/11 6M.'. D J., 4 ol-i-rhi, V. A. rlni~i])Jn, A, Yi t N. A. o 1: M:y M. 'Mir nov, -11. 1. ORG: none vulvt! -vith a hydrull-I lo c"t. :Lc drLvo. Clas-, fic-. 181101, [vin,junoed by flie De!;it-11 f, Ulo PolAdc Tlujl(l nf;..T-, tgrj i-, e, ro OrdlzllonlkM7,,2 IM!"O kolerfl-rovi,~niyn PaltiysEntzo zavb_d'ail__ SOU F CF lzobret. L,.rci,,i c,brq~' !.()V 7,11, 1),-). A13ST,:iACT: The propose~l,va ve w1f,ri ~lydrlnlliu or pi!zfoll di-Lve 3esiolcd r)r opening and cllosin~, tlic limuf7h main P,.rA rmxiliru~r piplnr.-,3. In order ,o synrllrOrli7,C n!r ,he pr-~vid(_,d wiLli vi anw-ilar W11;C11, ill ~IP~ Or,1211 VIdlill j!NlD'.iOn, Lhe --Card 1,12 ACC NR: AP6029071 Fig. I . Fiston vuLve C,-, - P I E3 int,-O~e and outlet cavftjos of- t1le atlxill,,Ll,y pipillg (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: I rigure. (AV] 'jB CODE L 21,j DATE: IlMay65/ Card 2/2 mjz YENIN, Yladimir Iosifovich; GIMWYIN, L.I.. rotsenzent; L9TIN, B.m.votv. red,,; SAIMM, N.Y., rod.izd-va; KOTLYAKOYA, 0.1., (Harine boilers; thoir grouping and denigal lotly morskikh Budov. Lomponovka i raschet. Leningrad, Izd-vo 'Morokoi transport,* 1959. 422 p. (HIU 13:3) (Boilers, Karina) .GERLOVIN, Lazar? Izrailevich, SLUTSKEt, Semen YciBoyovich; YENDI, T-.r.-,--ka-n-&.-tekbn. niu-k, rett'senzent; KHAVKIN, A.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; NIKOROV, A.A., nauchrjyy red.; INIKITINA, R.D., red.; SHISHKOVA, LA9 tekhns red. [marine waste heat and combination boilers)Sudovye utiliza- tsionnye i kombinirovannye kotly. Leningrad, Sadpromirizp 1962. 250 P. (KIRA 15:8) (Boilers, Marine) (Heat regenerators) GOLIDYI'FC-11~ Aleksandr Kellmanovich; BABADZ:~AMAF, Levon Lrakelovich; 1..ASLOV) V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, ret3enzent; GUILOVIE, L.I.L- inzh., retsenzent; EYTIM, L.V., nauclinyy red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhn. I-ed. [Performance and operation of marine boilera]Rubochie protsesay i ekspluatatsiia sudovylch kotlov. Leningrad, Sudp'.orgiz, 1962. 423 P. (MI-RA 15:11) (Boilers, Marine) Ilr:: e E Ko m'-,; o no vy. a "GI, ad 1'a r 1~ MAIN 8111MINDIM &#OWN= to MW" 91IMPUM '=ICIII SsI. U-H S.S.. 1943, I - =W-11111)s. show a strong alsecirplim max. at 0 -10 &,AM food quafte At 9 P, This 6u" the "Mmlition indicates a ring stmebris of the tirtrabodra. Addlitift of metal oxides causest the max, of the bands to become mom diffust and to %Mft to tonger X Results indicate that glass has crfd. propwifes, which diminish As the composition becoiness more complex. N. it. B, ol ash" % 41161111W "anduall "d emu bmum"m III U. I TO- borgtv~ 10 silkatip. and 4 phnaphair ittueira, at.] %itrwu%SiCljaMd%O ithO-6%IU)h)prrvv-nt4lvvnmp hirbidity) :W"law"tiptiod. S11~711*lr SMWt,,I,r r!iig!,tniliiml%Mf ". Ith 4 hr%%d bohle tranamisslm lArxil r , , U to &- M 214,-311p. BOMIA gIAMM show aboo.9tion biands at JAS Lad 3 lp. and, foe lighter glasinei at 1-2 AM 2-4 j4-: 11,0. his the lout trans. mlaWou. Phosphate glasses show absorption at 1-2 to 4 max at 35 - Fosed saru has a sharp :bsortillain mat. at 3 7 and a ir.Xrm&X.&tVTj&. Inallcam, ddit"ofmotalollimi"11.0 glAaws increa"s the trtraint"m. the increass licing n-i- mArlird m passing fmm light- to hr*vy-metal oxklfo. N 161 It !II I : i I I. I , t -, -, " ~ I-, A VETNGP,ROV, MA.,- GERLOVIN, Ta.l.; PAMIATOV, N.A. Anegrativn optico-aenustical phenomenon, Opt. i spektr. I no.8.* 1023 D '56. (HLU 10: 2) (MoleculFir dynamics) (Infrared rayo) --"-o jo Amqn 3cownur -x -T ----Q t-j -2 -72 -e-q I IT- I X,- xam 2 wym ~4(7), -;;(]) -7 -11 -16 i27 AU THORS Uarlovin, ya.l. aild 31obod.-i:aya, P.I. --f J-!1-3 .analysis TITLE: In,~reas n o r the Sons itivity of t'~-,a C-A! ~c- - . 'i 1 by the U--e of 3-3113 with Liulti~!,~ 'Prl~-~a,- ohuvstv1te11no-A1 ontiko-EI'laliti m !)""t am primeneniya kyavet s ri no v okra tn%-.,i Rs'RIODIVI! Ootilca i s ~,njktrm ~ooiya, 195,~J, ';-)I r ji ~,BS'MCT The authirjr,3 Jis.~uizi rall c ptj jassaF-e r!olls (Fifr 1) - The %:ai r r-(Y:i -if ti- r a -iorkinr coll (1), a coi-imar-son -7;)11 a -:~-,k apertures (4), an optico-acousti - r;i a!., f and a doteotor (io). Tne vorcinr c3111 -.1th of (i) F,a5 ax',,-rAting no optical ab,.or-tl,~i,, kn tll-: and (ii) a ir.s absorbing, in the car--, (it J~ to find the ai;lount of the absor"Ang FaB in tho call (3) mrount wa s l'i I lad 7~ 1 th a non -a b ~; o r b In z ra ~.h i v t of the ibuorbin, Gas . Tna !Ailed with the absorbing ~-a,3. Lit~ht proceedud fr~7!-l ~i-r% t~:c, LArrors (6, 7) to i)oth cdllli. Iii )aoli -,,) 11 1i -,ht f i~d fro Ca rd 1/3 (4-52 tii.,,es ) betwaen mi rror3 I , I I :i ! ' -, +' '. E~ 5 11 f-- ~ a t h of 1i ~;Uch th t t -t7.0 T i. F.; I - -,, I -,.,; - I IT - 'j, . I. ' . ,If -sil Cc. t 3' I-It ns .6 it LY6 'j ,hown ht of to JOS n.~:- of _Lrd '8p U.-;o Of ~011:; "..ith c tho all, ;7u n ST: 5i'l TT ca r'j -,~JTM~: ~arlovin -~,Pectrum MME The Cptico-z,coustic 3ffact in the 1011traviolet ie6ion of the ~'--:Odtiai i s-)ektrosicoplya, 1959, Vol 7, Yr 4, Op 571-572 (WSR) -,ILTI~GTL: Yonoatomic Fases, as wall as nitrogen, oxy,am and h7irogen, do not ausorb in the infrarad re6ion and, theref-re, the optico-acoustic effect, discovered by *Dell, R6nt6on and '~yndall (ilef 1). is not o'briarved at infrarod frequencies. The OdtIcO-uCOuBtic affect coul-J be -)xpactad, however, when th9se gbbes (and Cases which ab-sorb at infmLred frequencievj were illwainated by an interrupted ultraviolot beam. 7his war. in fact observed viciually by '".L. Vayn6erov and U. Ya Turovskiy in 1941. The prosent -author rooortEm objective observations (usin6 an optlzo-acou6tic receivorj oi the o-itico-acoubtic effect in tKe ulrrL&violat The receiver vras fiiiad .,.,ith the :-us to be investigated and fitted with * resoiance electrodynamic wicrophoLie. ~~n 0.5 le,'I hydrogen laup, with * fluorite window, was placed in fron-c of the receiver. The ultraviolet raliation from the laiap was uodulated by ap,!Iying 400 c/s voltage to the h, ydro.;en lamp anode. Nitrogen, oxygen and acetylene kthe latter absorbs also in the infrarod regionj was found to exhibit trio optico-acoustic effect when subjectsd to intermittent ultraviolet ridiation. Tha (;tire 1/2 0 U/51 -7-~-2t./32 The Optico--coustic Effact in tha Ultrtviolat-Re-ion of the --j u p a e 1; rar- ui6ratl-to-"oisa r-.*~fftj vad, i-) In tho : ~so of dt;o6on, 6 in tho C~66 of o.xy,,,-,ar, and 35 in th-) casa'of icatylana. To vorify -hit the signal aus dua to ultr~viol.,3t radlution the authar a thin mica platq (7;hicil .u 7.rinscarent in tha 1-frared raZior, bu, a'worbr, ultriviolat freTaenciesi u.:,t,--.aan the lamp und thi racsiveri tho tnan disappaLrad. I h a r a r 3 L refaron cob , I of' vJi 1 al i5 , OV io t and th o othar mixed (E-61ish '1"I jorman) - jril 18, 1959 3 A,-rl 2/ 2 A UTIN it j. G e rjQL1 i ;I ',- * 'i I ob TITLE: I n c r(--a:j o, of tho 3cr,,!j i t it of t %r.t t, i 12, Analy8is ',)~ Uuinj, ~ul b-- 471 th q a. P (Povysheni~e ch,,ivstvi -tal ' nL,:;ti t i 1( 11 11 t i _- 1'. " ~:'k C; -'c' C7-a7.OVO!YO EMalize. 1,utem k.;-u,r-Dt -; :::noq(1kvatn~- ~,rokhozhdar,,i,iera radiat~jii I EAR DICAL: Zavo&3kaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Ur 3, PF 303-3,04 AB~'-'TRACT: A lecture on this inveoti4ration wa.; ir:Lven at the XII Ysef3o~uznoye soveshchani-je po spektru~*opii (Twelfth All Union Conference of Spectroscopy) in Moicow in November 1)50. An opto-Lcountical 'as anal-lzer was constru,~ted -Lad tvsted. The apparatub contains bulbs accordine to the scheme (Ref 3) and s,?rves for analyzing; small amounts of gaj folloxing the princi;le of infra-red ra.-,~ absorption The sen~;itivity of the app!tratus dezend-, on the rule Foverning the ray-abaor~tion in the substance to b,-, irv;,~Stiq'Lt- ed. It was found thaL the moat rational a~.I;licatior. is at such a Jecree of concentration at which absorption in the bulbs follows the linear law. The lin~.t of sensitivity fo:,- of nitrr.- Car,-', 1/ 2 ~ is 5.t 2, 10-5.1 Thi,, valu.,_. w,~,s foun CO _ , j V n c r, i.--ji' u% t i t t u N i t hR w i t I I OL I t 11 C) f 5 01'-s of thn fyin.-I unit :.hl-ch tO I LiLl~~ of -1 C. ~ soconds If thc lattei- ii to 8ez!onds the z~.bove I value ch -.rq-~,s tO 7 '() Jith !t co--roolondin~,-, of the fle!;ij,11 of tilt. billb the of tho mixtu):o t(., lj,., !-nal~-zed 1~jadj to tin incr,-,a,-e Lhe t--ensitivi.t,-, of tile g113 arl-ulyzer, pro,ortionally to the Iin pres3ure. There are 3 ref- erence,s, 2 of vih~'ch are Card 2/2 28(5) S/01 9/60/000/05/2, 20,1'3~0, D002/D006 AUTHORS: Slobodskaya, P.V., Gerlovin, Ya.I. and 7eyn,'erov, M.L. TITLE: Optical Acoustical Method of Gas Analysisl PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobretEniv, 1960, Nr ~, 1) (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 421, 4 . Nr 126657 (,1c..6024,/0e72'-,/26 of 26 Apr 1355). 1) A method'Kr analyzine -ras mixtures hy p.-oducing pressure variations in a chamber fille.-i ,,;ith the gas under investigation by meani7 cf infr;IT,~~ radiation. The Quantitative relation of gases ~n lhe mixt,.,ire ab- sorbing infrared radiation IS s-ift ri,-n. tude of the pressure viri,-t~iion wavE' phaci~~ to the modulated radiation l.-hase. 2) To p,:,rmic thE ana'~ysii3 of gas mixtures not absorbing infrared radiation, a Quan- tity of another gas is added which atocrbs it, e~;7. carbon dioxide. Card 1/1 S/0 51/60/009/00 5/014-t"019 E2'Ol/El9l AUTHOR: Gerlovin, Ya'J. I i a t; In ril, TITLE: A Method of Determining the..Ra, Pribability of Gasez, and Vapours PERT.ODICAL; Opttka i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol.,9.. No.5, pp 664-66":- TEXT-. The author describes a method of determining the p-robab.,-lity of spontaneous radiation at waveleng-,.Iis of rotat.10n.- vibration absorption bands of ga.,-es and vapours. The method 1.3 based on a comparison of' the .ntensities of emisFi.or, by a gas and a bla,;k body at the same temperature, which is higher than the tpmpeTatuf,e Of a Tadiation receiver. The method was applied to absorption band at room ca:bon dioxide gas in the region of 4.3 m - I t eM u I ~~-eT a tUTe. A lead telluride photoresistor (l in a f.,g i-e on Pag~e t"65) *, (,!ooled with liquid air,, waS used as a k. interferenr:e filter (2) was placed i.n f-ront of the rer.eiver; th e f had a transmission maximum in the region (.-!f mv~ Behind the filter a cell with carbon dinxide (3) or a smoked. glass piate (4) was placed, The emissivity of tlie gla~,s plate wa.s taken to bk, eqlial to the emissi.vit-v ot a bla!l~ 1,,,-.IJ,y at rooln temperature, -Both the cell and the 5m;ked glass plate were V: Card I/C- S/O I" -V60/009/00 5/0 OW0.1 9 E12.0 1 /El 9 1 A Method of Determirung the Radiation Probabil Lty of Gases and vapo~,-I-r = io-m temperaturc-. The ell had a window and wa- fit,ted- with a plane mirror (U) at. thp, bacli wall, A modulaLmIz d1sr; (?) was rotat-3d in f-ont of the cello the modulation frequen~7 Was 400 ols, The receiver wa5 connected ~o an ampl.ifier (8) and a -synchronous detecAor (9). A photocell (.'.0). illuminated with a lamp (11) was used a5-- a SOUTC-e. Of standard ol t1a g P The. probability of emssion of '-t~3 my iadLati.,)n wi!-'. found t-o be 350 Sce'; ',~ There axe. I figure and t t-eferer,~.e,-~ ~' Sovi,et SUBMITTED: MaT-Ih lgt,O Carr',. GERLOVINY Ya.I. Meagurement of the acoustcoptical effect during -the irrodiation 0 of certain gases and vapors by ultraviolet rays. Opt. i spaktr. 15 no.5:713-715 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 11 '%CC!:SSION Nit, AP4011401 9/0051/04/Olil/001/0017/0021 IU711OR: Gerlovin, Ya.I.; Orloval I.N. TITLE: 11casuremen 4.3 of the probability for spontaneous emission of some gases SOURCM Optilca i spektroskopiya, v.16, no.1, 1964, 17-21 TOPIC TICS: spontaneous emission, infrared band, transition probability, maission probability, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, sulfur dioxide, molecular radiation I ABSTRACT: The paper gives the results of measurements of the probabilitien for spontaneous (infrared) emission, corresponding to rotitional-vibrational states of the molecule, for nitrogen monoxide (N20) in the 4.5,p region, carbon monoxide in the 4.62-p region, and sulfur dioxide in the 4. 0-p region. The measurements trare carried out using the procedure developed earlier by one of the authors (Ya.I.Ger- lovin, Opt. i spolstro. 9,664,1960) and based on comparison of the intensity of the gas with the intensity of the radiation from a black body at the same temperature, uulln,- ror this a rotating disc, also maintained at the same temperature. Photo- graphs of the experimental set-up are reproduced. A formula used for calculating the probability is derived. The experiments consisted in measuring the variation Card 1/2 ACC.NR- AP4011481 of the photocell (a liquid air-cooled Tl-Pb photorenistor) signal strength as a function of the gas concentration in the call at 290 and 300oK. The values obtained for the probabilitios are 235 sec-1 for N20, 33 3ec"l for CO, and 4.0 sec--1 for S02 (these are based on the 290oK measurements). The nwults are In good agreamontwith the data of other authors, obtainod by the same and other methods (extrapolation and dispersion methods). 1 formula, 3 tableN and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 05Apr63 SUB CODE; PH Card 2/2 DATE AOQ: 14Feb64 ENCL-. 00 NR REF SOV: 001 MIER: 008 L 9885-66 ENT(1)/EWT(m) IJP(c) DS ACC NA; AP5027662 > &"VAU. CODS: Uh/0051/65/019/005/0685/0691 AUTHORi Gerj2y.Ujq,._I. ORG: none TITLE: Detqmination of the relative cptic dtamfit,?rs of tlie collisions of the nitrogen oxide moleculis by the optic-acuustio rpntho4 5 1 4q) Tr '" - SOURGEt OVtIka I spektroskop~;a, v. 19, no. 5, 1965, 685-091 TOIC TAGSt a ~6 an,~.l -F, absorption coefficient, r1trojen oxile Z_~! ABSMICT: I. N. Orlov (Opt. mid tpect.j 13,471,1962) showed that an optic-acaustle gas-analyzer,7equipped with a multiplo passasep coule) be unel for eva uatinj the relativa optical dimneters of the collisions of gas nicilimules for the cate of the infrared regions of absorption, The author used a hgrinetic optic-acoustic eas- analyzer capable of p3rforming measurements corrasponling to various pressures of the gas, and, In particular for the pressures considsrably lower thin that of the atmosphere. There was no need to assume any depenience law between the coefficient of absorption and the concentration of the absorbing gas. With some improvements 1/2 UDC: 539-196.3 L qP5-66 ACC NR: AP5027662 in the 4esign of the apparatus, the methol yl,ilded hitgt ac=acy. The Chan-en of the raaiation flux or the muddines.; appearing In Lhe windows of the apparatus i1a not Interfere with the measurements of the optic 11ameters of' the collision of glas molecules. Orl art. has 1 3 f igures, 4 formulas Rnd 2 tablen SUB CODgi 20/ SUBM DWE% lQu164/ HR REF SOVI 001/ MZRs 004 -L_ 4 . E11_ A:0~ ~.;_ AR6023264 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo58/66/00O/003/DO32/DO32 AUTHOR: Gerlovin, Ya.-I.; Orlova, 1. N. TITIE: Determination of the probability of spontaneous emission of nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide SOURCE: Ref zh. Fizika, Abs. 3D251 REF. SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii. 1011-SSSR, t. 3, vyp. 1, 1964, 205-213 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur compound, oxideprobability, black body radiation, radiation intensity ABSTRACT: A previously developed method, based on a comparison of the intensity of radiation of the investigated gas with the intensity of black-body radiation, is used'; to determine the spontaneous emission probability corresponding to the rotational- vibrationa.1 states of the molecules of nitrous oxide in the 4.511 region, carbon mono- xide at 4.62p, and sulfur dioxide at 4.0p. The obtained values of this constant are 235 sec-1, 33, and 4.0 sec-l for N 20, CO, and SO, respectively. From the magnitude of the probability of the spontaneous emission, the authors calculate the abnalute 1/2 L 4 5' '-'96..66 ACC NR: AR6023264 intensities of the indicated bands. The obtained values are close to the results by others. The possibility of employing this method to determine the probability of spontaneous emission of solids is demonstrated. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 2/2 is o-~ the prob;-.)il,*cy ol: corresspondin,, to- in- i ssdoxuro~;'Xopiya, v. 21, no. i, _'~D66, 33-35 7 L of of oz 1:..-1G Vd')o.-r,) cocoid'2."S UZC or in or~cr to 'Ovo,,,~cn ti,,c of over the "or c,.-,d abso- o.-: t"-Ic wzvo a~_sorptlion of ai-zroui; oxi(le wi'~.-4 a non- t -1(! ej, `0 ,Tj-,ot r.,Ca:;Ur(I -I n gnal direct- C,_ C-, -c C 6 6 i,~ u5t equipment, CO.1- 01, L":j .'alea W.L-",l C,xy icc ilt rli~jlit to e~tcli otlrlor. A :~Iozzou! U:,-*~;k, On One i~; PliCeGI It az tho po--';,.t w'jlere the axer. of the cooli-n- un_--L:~ iitcrsucz. In linc with Ont. ol" cooler:; I*!; gau ssxaple., a optic 0 n al fl, Iter , a t;i,;nal "d a mcording meter. T~,e dislk servca ar. a chopper to al-_ UDC: 539.194 Curj 1/2 ACC NR; .L '--o one coolcr und L-,cn reflect tihe ~;ignal froz, th M e other. d -c a 1, 1 G o 2c c q u i z , its opera-cion, and macasurementa made are given. Orig. al,z. &-as; I ",um, 3 formulas. 4 L.L, S,U,a CODE: 20/ DA-IE : 29,vzr65/ ORIG REF: 006 Cc;, -1, 2/2-- ACC NR: AP6025971; 30UHL COD::: AUTHOR: Gerlovin, Ya. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Determination of the probability of spontaneous radiation in solids SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 138-139 TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotometry, IR spectroscopy, black body radiation, emission spec- trum , spectrum analysis, spectrum analyzer, IR spectrometer, radiation spectrometer, IR radiation, thermal radiation detector, solid physical property ADSTRACT: A new method for measuring �Dontaneous radf~tion from solids is described. The method is suitable for calculation of _~he Eii~:rtein's coe'Eficients corresponding to the IR radiation bands of solids. The experiments were carried out using a calcium' fluoride crystal doped with cerium. The total IR radiation from this material con- sists of the emission due to the cerium ions an the backgro~.qid radiatipn. To isolate the desired signal, the ernission of the cerium' loped calcium~ huoride':1irystal was compared to that of a pure calcium fluoride crystal. Since the latt r is transparent at these wavelengths, its emission is due solely to the background :Idiation. A blackened metal plate was used as the black body radiation reference. The emissions from the three radiatozs were measured alternately by means of a Pb-Te detector (cool---- UDC: 535.330 -Card 1/2- I I LI 7 ~)' - i ACC NRt AP6025974 ed to 900K), connected through a frequency selective amplifier to a vacuum tute volt- meter. A mirror optical chopper modulated the mdiation before its passage through an interference filter with a bandpass in the 4 to 5 p region. An expression relat- ing the measured radiation intensities to the probability of spontaneous radiation is given.. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Nov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002 kh Card 2/2 GXRLOVIN, Ye.Sh. "-~a ~17 or racomparative histological investigation Of the reactivity of the epithelium and glands of the mucosa of the anterior sagmmnt of the gastrointestinal system in lower vertebrates. Trudy 1ZGM1 16:169-192 '5J. (KLP1 10-8) 1. Kafedrs gistologli I embriologil laningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyeniciiaskogo maditsinskogo instituts (zey-karded"OY prof. i.I.Shchelkunov) (GASTROINTICSTINAL SYSTEM, physiology. regen. of epithelium & glands in lower vertebrates) (XPITIIELIUK, gastrointestinal. regen, In lower vartabrates) (REGENERATION, gastrointestinal epithelium & glands in lower vertebrates) GaWVIN Data for a comparative histological stuKiy of raactivity of the epithelium and glands of the mucoun metabrane of the anterior satpont of the gastrointestinal system in highjr vertebrates. Trudy LSGMI 16:193-2Z8 153. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Kafedra gistologii I embriologli Leningradukogo sanitarno- gigiyenichoskogo maditsinakogo Inatititta (zar. kafedroy prof . S.I.Shchalkunov) (CrASTROINUSTIRAL 5Y5TZM, physiology, regen. of epithallum & glands In higher vertebrates) .PITH9LIUM, (F gastrointestinal, regen, in higher vertebras) (REGAMMATION. gastrointestinal epithelium & glands in higher vertebrates) GZRLOVIN, Te.Sh. Activities of the All-Union Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Imbryologists in 1949-1952. Arkh.anat.gint.i embr. 30 no.5:87-94 5-0 153. O= 6:12) (Anatomy) (Histology) (Embryology) C) USSR/Medicine - Morphology Nov/Dec 53 "Plenary Session of the All-Union Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists, and Em- bryologists, in Leningrad," D.A. Zhadanov and E. Sh. Gerlovin Usp Sov Biol, Vol 36, No 3(6), PP 380-339 This session was held 23-27 Jun 53 in Leningrad to discuss the role of morphology in the USSR, new methods and teclaniques of morphological re- search, and plans for making anatomical and his- tological work in hig'her institutes or lcarning serve a more practical purpose. The key speech was made by A.N. Studitskiy and "The Tasks of 273T58 Soviet Morpholog3r." He only mentioned the exist- ence of tazks and then launched into a theoret- ical discussion of the Soviet concept of morpho- logy. Thts speech uras discussed, then other re- porte were read, among them "Electron Microscopy in Cytohistological Research" by Prof. G.M. Frank (Moscow), and a report an Radioautography by A.M. 101zin (Moscow). The article does not disclose any new organizational plan . GARIMIN, Ye.Sh. ...... -=- ~' In the Presidium of the Administration of the All-Union Scientific ;Society of Anatomists, Histologists, and Embryologist&. X.Sh. Gerlovin. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 32 no.2 Ap-Je 155. (14LRA 9s1) (ANATOMY-SOCINTDIS) (HISTOLOGY-30C DIT INS) '.1 (DORYOLOGY-SOCIRrINS) GAILOVS, Y0.811. Achievements of the All-Union Society of Anatomists. Histologists and 3mbr7ologisto in 1953-1954. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 32 no.4: IOZ-Lo6 o-,D '55 (MLRA 9!5) (AIUTOMY--SOCIETERS) AJ 4' ke, USSR/General Biology Individual Development. B-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 28527 Author Gerlovin, E.Sh. Inst Title Data on Comparative-Histological Study of E`mbryonic Development of Organs and Tissues of the Anterior Sec- tion of Digestive System in Vertebrates. Orig Pub V sb.: Probl. sovrem. embriologii. L., Un--Vi 1956, 205- 211 Abstract A study of histogenesis of the anterior section of the digestive systems in groundlings, frogs and cats) as well as development of epithelium and secretory appara- tus of the oral cavity and esophagus of the human fetus, showed that the histological stn,.cture of these organs and tissues at all stages of development is determined by their relation to the external medium and function, as well as to their correlative relationship to other Card 1/2 USSR General Biology. General Histology. B-3 .i~bs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 80996. Author : Gerlovin, E. Sh. Inst f Title Some Natural Regularities of Histogenesis of the Anterior Division of the Digestive System in the Human Being. Orig Pub: V Sb., Probl. sovrem. embriologil. L., Un-t, 1956, 281-288. kbstract: Developing subsequently in the intra-abdominal period, the secretory elements of the digestive system in the hLujan being (the mucous glasslike cells and extra-epithelial glands of the esophagus, the small glands and the large salivary glands of the oral cavity) have a functional sign6ficance and express the adaptability of the embryo to the development of specific coaditions of environment. Card 1/2 9 G& ~, " . " " " _WdOOMM-000 ', x-lenum of the adainistration of the All-Unioa i-,f Aivitom.'sits, Histologicts and Ambryciloglats in iiwr~~,v. A6ch.fmAl.;;lst. i ea;l)r. 34 no.2:122-124 Ar ~. I C7. - P "P'LaA 10:13) Luly) ~19RLOVIN, Ye.Sh. (Leningrad, 194, u1. Kalyeyeva, d.16, k-v.2) History of the All-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologists, and Nmbryologists. Arkh.anst.gist. i embr. 34 no.4:108-113 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) (ANATOMY, history All-Union Soc. of Anatomists, Histologists & Embryologists (Rua)) (HISTOLOGY, history. same) (IDMYOLOGY, history same) GARLOVIN. Ye.3h. Plenum of the administration of the All-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Ambryologists held in Minsk on June 8 - 10, 1947. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 34 n0-5;107-111 8-0 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (ANATOMY) (HISTOLOGY) (EMBRYOLOGT) GERLOVIII, Ye. Sh. (Leningrad, ul. KRlyayeva. 16, kv.2) Hintory of the All-Union Scientific Association of Anatomists, Histologists, and Embryologists. Arkh.snat.gisf,4 i embr, 35 no. 3!96-96 Ny-Je '58 (MEU 11:7) (SOCaTirs, MEDICAL. histo All-Union acientific, Assoc.of Annt.,Histol. & Embryol. (Rua)) GIRLOVIN, Regeneration of denervatod and intaCt BUbMnXill,97 gInndj [with summary in English], Trudy Lsami 42:132-154 158 (KrIA 11:12) Is Kafedra gistologil i embriologii Leningrndskogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheakogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR, prof. C.I. Shchelkunov). (IMMMATION, submaxillary gland, eff. of denervation (Rus)) (SURAWKILLARY GLARD, physiology, regen., eff. of denervation (Rus)) (SALIVARY GLANDS-IPMRVATION) GERIOVIR, Ye.Sh. Regeneration of parotid glands with intact innervation Lwith summary in English]. TrmV MGMI 42:155-69 '58 (MMA 11:12) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologli Leningrndukogo sanitarno- gigieyenichaskogo meditainakogo inatituta (zav. kafedroy - chlem- kor-espondent ANN SSSR, prof. S.I. Shchelkunov)#" (REGMTEPATION, parotid gland (RUB)) PAROTID GLAND, physiol* regen (RUB)) PrERWVIII, le , ningrad, D-194, u1. Kalyayeva, d.16, kv.2) Ifistory of the All-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologists, and Mlibryolopints. Part 3: Organization of the All-union Society of Anatomists, Histologists, nrid Embryologists (1931-19119) Arkh. anat. rist. i Pmbr. 36 no-3:RI-92 Mr 159. (MIRA, 12:7) (ANAT014T , hint. All-Union Scientific Soc. of Anatomints, Histologists & Embryolopists (Rus)) (HISTOWGY, hint. same) (EMBRYOLOGY, hist. same) GIRLOVIII, Ye.Sh. (Leningrad, D-194, ul.Kalyayeva, d.16, kv.2) History of the All-Union Scientific Society of AnatoniBts, Histologists, and 3mbryologi9ta. Arkh.anat.,gist. I embr. '313 no.6:92-101 Je 159. 041M 12:0 001ATORY, hist. All-Union Soc. of Anat.Histal. ea B~ibryol. (Rita)) (HISTOL01TY. hiat. BaMe) (MVIRYOLOGY, hiet. name) GXRLOVIN. 'fe.Sh. (Leningrad, 1~194. u1. Kalvayeva, 16, kv.2) Activities of the All-Union Scientific Socjoty of Anatomlets, Histologists, and Imbryologists during 1955- 58. Arkh.anat. glst,i embr. 37 no.lOr94-106 0 159. (MIRA 13:4) (ANATOMT) (HISrOLOGT) (BMBRTOWGT) (SOCIRTIES, NUICAL) GMWVIR,--,Ye..%.--,(L9ningrad, D-194, ul. Kalyaveva, 16, kv.2) Ditormination and plasticity of tiosues under normal, oxporimontal, and pathological conditions. Arkh.anat.gist.1 embr. 37 no.12:104- 118 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) (HISTOLOGT) GERL-OVIN,,Ye,Sh,; IAEV, I.D. Plenary Betision of the All-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologizts, and Embryologists. Arkh.anat.gist.i embr. 38 no.2:1.04-130 F 160. (MIRA 14:6) (ANATOMY) LiEiluviii, ye S11- '-'eac"'l.r:-'y --n-4 D" ', ~7,an --Da-d -n sialcil'h-'asiz; I - -1 ~, I- - - - - 1, L,- - - -, ., - - . - - - and j~ I ~ Po, j , 1 ~ :.;ois , - , - - qL ~, t"J,; 1, ):, ; ts -,~ t ~.Cll --, ; ~-n( ;:.It .loL-. . - I . A~ ~, l.6C!:,U (.'~-Y/u 192 ~;SO, (CALGULI , SALMLi-.10 I .. "L ; " 1].5! 1) frudy G!,hLOV1N, Ye.Sli., Couferan;-~e -on the histochemistry of polysaccharides. Arkh.anAt. gist. i embr. 40 no.2:115-125 F 161. (IIIIHA 14, 5) (POLYSACCIIAltIDIZ) BUKINP Yu.V.; (11";UOVIN, Yo.Sh.; YAKOVLEVA, Yo.S. Survey of the sessions of the Leningrad Society of Anatomia~p, Histologists, and Embryologists in 1959-1960. Arkh. arAt. gist. i embr'. 40 no-3:108-1-15 Mr 161. (M I -~A 14:5) I (UNINGRAD-ADIATOMICAL socii-.,m-~s) r' n tu4rut Cc V AU -!Mior. lo C- nt ti and ]mh"'Ologi-All Ln ir~-L.ts i ezllz~ i"J. no. GERLOVR;,. Y:3.Sh. (Leningrad, D-194, ul. Kalyayevn, 16, h-v.2) Electron microscopy, of the large salivary glands. Arkh.anat., gist.i embr. 44 no.1:103-113 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra gistologii i ernbriologii (mav. - prof. II.I. Grigorl- yev) leningradskogo sanitarmo-gigiyemicheskogo meditsimakogo instituta. (SALIVARY GLARDS) (ELECTROU MJCROSCOH) 4111 [IdEfflitulit. -wmm, ACCESSION NR: AR4036037 S/0299/64/000/006/MO19/FI020 SOURM Rcferativny*y zhurnal. Blologlya, Abs. 6M120 AUTHOR: Gerlovin, Ye~ Sh, TITLE: Transplantation of the submaxillary salivary gland under experimental conditions qITED SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. san.-glgiyen. med. In-ta, V. 76, 1963, 76-100 TOPIC TAGS: transplantation, organ tran%plant, salivary gland transplant, sub- maxillary gland, autotransplantation ABSTRACT: Autotransplantation of pieces Of submaxillary salivary gland (5x5mm) into the oral cavity was carried out in adult cats. The transplants were investi- gated histologically up to 11 months later. In the central part of the transplant the degenerative processes began early. In the beginning, there was sloughing off of epithelium In the salivary tubules. The cells became wrinkled, the mitochondria agglutinated and became enlarged. The nuclei became pycnotic. Subsequently, the degeneration spread to the secretory epithelium of the terminal parts, and to the epithelium of the other exc-etory ducts. Degeneration of the transplant was ac- companied by Inflammation of the surrounding tissue. In the early stages of de- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4036037 generation, the secretion of the mucous cells increased, accompanied by decomposi- tion of the cytoplasm and death of the cells. Together with degeneration, there was proliferation of epithelial and connective tissue cells. in the epithelium, differentiation of mucous secretory cells began. The connective tissue formed an Intermediate mass. These processes were most distinct In 10 days. The epithelial regenerate formed basal and surface elements. In the transplant, the salivary tu- bules did not differentiate. In the absence of excretory ducts, the transplant died. When the transplant epithelium combined with the epithelium of the mucous membrane and formed an excretory duct, the transplant developed Into a smal I salivary Siland. The author considers this method to be of possible use In stoma- tological practice. B. Kothevnikov I DATE ACQ! 09Apr64 SUB CODE: LS ENCL: 00 Card -2/2 1*! W I I lo I,e vort z ~j:, Al- ACM~ [ON IR: A1'403'1~')22 5 /Jl8l/U,/0O6/005/1a8/2J.23 AUTHOM: Falatunik, L. 3.; Gladkikh, N. T. Garlovskayn, L. V. ; Taran, N. M. TITIZ: Tho machanism of ionic compoun,1 condansation in u v!icuun SOURCE: Fizika tvor(lo.-o Lola, v. t" no. 5, 1964, 14-18-11,13 TOPIC TAGS: condensation, ionic compounc.-, to-m-paraturo darondonco, vacuum, sodium chloride, potassiLua chloride, pota331wi bromida A33TRACT: The izoehanisn. of condensation In a vacuum was in-vostigatod with NaCly 11,C1, and K131r. Samples of tho vacuum condensates woro propared by ovaporation from cylindrical alumainiz- oxide cruciblo3 and doposition onto backings of polished copper shoots. A tempera"uro drop in the ~J'ntorval ljQ--600', was producod along a shoot. In all CUS03 a .coundar-I was cloarl~, obsorvod, corr--.)sponding, to a critical condon,,~allion tr,:-.:poraturo Tabove which thoro was no dopo.~ition. The dopendon;p k, of Tk on tho con,!ansntion rate W was found to be well described by tho expression whero Qk 'a tho heat of condensation and A is a constant, 7,tigation of the condensate microstructure depending, on the Card ACCESSION, ITR: AP403/j,922 preparation conditions was carried out for KBr samples. For constant layer thicImosses t'ao average crystal dimonsions -I incroaaed gn-adually with incroacingrP 4- uomooraturo to 300C. in the interval 300-400C E increased rapidly. There was practically no change in E from 400C to Tk' At constant backing temporaturea IE incroasod rapidly with incroaaing layor thickno.";s 11 < 30 ~t , then bicroasad moro slowly. For Ii >, 60 A L rerzined pracUcally unchanged. Orig. art. has: 1 .Gquation, 13 diag-rams, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvonny4ly univorsitot (YdLa-koy State Univoraity~j SUBMTED: 1151iov63 ENCL: CO SUB COM. ; SS NO UT SOV: 005 O-MR: 003 C--rc; 2A I . JD/h_W L 4913-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025324 UR/0126/65/020/003/0396/09* 62lu785*3 4"'&N ~ 10 XY. AUTHORt Palatnikp L. S.; Gladkikh, N.T.; Ggr1ovskaya, L.Y. TITLEs Urect of annealing on structure of vacuum-condunced metals SOMIGM Flzika metallov i metallovedeniye, ve 20t no,. 3j 1965, 396-400 TOPIC TAGS: metal film, ,vacuum, annealing, deposition ABSTRACT: Metal films. Nondensed in a vacuum$ have a structure and physioa-ohemi-! cal proper-des different from these of the annealed massive moUls" The CU Ni-Oand Fevkilms were condensed in the 5xio-5torr vacuum directay on thelffeau polish4_metal base layer, or after coating it with a thin NaC.1 layer. The film samples were pretreated at various temperatures and then annealed at temperaturas ta.43.060C for 0-1200 minutes, The microstruatuve and microhardnass of samples were stu&i9d in thin arose sections before ard afttyr annealings The c%urvea of the deq-~ pendlence of the microhardnesis (H,-) of condesed metal before ana after annoa~ling on the tamperature of the bass layer (Th), of the depandsuce of K"~on annealing time (1~) and temperature (Y,), of the dependence of the -Wtal volume of Wres Card 113 L 4913-66 ACOMSION NR: AP5025324 M and their average size (d) on'f~. were plotted Only for Ou and Nil because the i changes in properties of Ag and Fe were similar to those of CU and Ri. An i anontalous decrease in the microhardness of Ca was observad at Tbzl/3 Ts(Ts is 0: melting point). An annealing of NI (ta 1060CTt, 0 min.) docrea*sed Its micro- I hardness II)t from 400 to 100 kg./ The presence of microporev was obearved in vacuum-oondensad metals after annealing., The number of pores, their sizes and their distribution along the thickness of the condensed layer depended on the temperature of the bass layer during condensation. The changes in structure and properties of the vacuum--condensed metals were controlled try their porosity'. The, following interpretation of the porosity formation is given. The highly dispersed metal layers were formed at Tb4l/3 To because the condensation passed throuLt an intermediate metastable liquid phase (mechanism% vapor-P liquid -~ crystal). This layer had a very distorted structures it contalned the subeioro;ores of vacancy origin and submierofracture3 caused by internal stressoso At 1/3 T04Tbc2/3 Tes during which the condensation occurred through formation of the crystal phase nuclai and -their growth (mechanisms vapor-* Wstal)v the submicropores were formed in the boundaxVbetween crystals by the mutual oar-oaningo The maoroporosity appeared after annealing be~muse of the pore growth and posoibly because of the effect of residtal gases adsorbed by the film during oond4asationt Orige arts Card, 2/ 4913-& . .. . ...... .. .. ACCESSION NA: AP5025324 baos 4 fiLwes and I tmble. Kharlkovskiy gosuniversitat im. A. R Gov' '5"N' lAwicaNrikovsk y polit : V. I 9khnicheakiv imstitut im r 'Li t iml M=~6p ENCLs 00 NO RU SOV 1 016 OTHERs 000 C.rd 3/3 kwStata Aa~ na ha r SO CODEs MKv SS _~I~UOVSKIY, VA. Recommendations based on vell tried techniques. Elek.1 tepl. tiaga 7 no.2237-38 F 163. (MIRA l6s2) 1. Mashinist-instruktor depo Rusayevk& hybysheyckoy dorogi. (Electric locomotives-Maintenance ekad repair) MUMMY V.K,, mashlnt:~!, Mre aboat short c"mIlts in the low vol-tag-si viring *f VL8 electric looomotivop. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.10329 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Depo Ruzayeeka Kuybyshevakay dorogio , TaJas ono; GFJII,l FEIINA-',, D. [transia-~or 'I; r 1, e d' . [Gpt acquainted with Sov'Let Lithuania. Transho2ed !r(ii. tht- LIUmanial Ponakorn'tes' .9 `ov,.Askot llt,voi. IV] intuz, 0 1 ~ I i~ 'lint.l:;, ICIO P. YURKEVICH, I.D.; GERLIMM, T.S. Forms and hybrids of speckled alder occurring in the White Russian S~S~R. Biu-1. Inst. biol. LN BSSR no.5163-M 160. NIRA 14.7) (WHITE MJSSIA-ALDER) 1' a 3EMMIG, E.K.; LEVSKIY, L.K. Yield of argon isotopes from the bombadrient csf t;.r;,,ets with 660 Nev protons. Radiokhimiia 3 no.1:97-M-1 161. (MIRA 140) (Argon--Isotopes) k AUTHO,R: Germ, SOV/109-4-7-15/25 TITLE: Differential Phase Shift in a Twisted Rectangular Waveguide with an Axially Longitudinally Magnetised Ferrite Rod PERIODICAL: Radiotekiinil(a i i elektronika, 1~)59, Vol 11, Nr 7, pp 1198-1200 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A rectangular waveguide with an axially longitudinally inagnetised ferrite rod produces a phase shift depending on the magnitude of the magnetic field in the ferrite. The effect is reciprocal, i.e. d--.t not depend on the direction of the wave propagation (Ref 1). The author showed in an earlier work (Ref 2) that the system can become non- reciprocal if the waveguide is twisted (Figure la). The non-reciprocity is due to the interaction of the propa- gating wave and the limit wave, which are coupled by means of the magnetised ferrite and by the botmdary conditions at the walls of the wavegaide. The propagating wave is the basic H 10 wave, while the limit wave is one of the waves whose electric vector is polarised in Cardl/3 parallel with the wider walls of the waveguide. The system sov/iog-4-7-15/25 Differeutial Phase Shift in a Twisted Rectan-ular lfavegx:ide with an Axially Lon,(,,itudinally Magnetised Ferrite Rod was investigated experimentally and the results are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 illustrates the dependence of the phase shift ~o0 and the differential phase shift 'A (P0on the magnetic field in the ferrite, Curves 6 and 7 of the figure illustrato the differential phase shift for a vraveguide systom having a twist of 4.5 O/cm and 10 O/cm, respectively. The phase shifts are plotted for a,magnetic field up to 1 000 Oe. The measurements were made at the frequency of 9 370 Me/s; the ferrite rod had a length of 70 nim and a di'ameter of 6.75 mm. Figure 3 shows the dependence of the losses, the standing-wave ratio and AY 0 on frequency for the waveguide having a twist of 10 Am; the measurements were taken with a field of 70 Oe ove, a range of 3.2 cm 4+31/0. It is aeen that the ldsses do not exceed 0.8 db and the standing-wave ratio is less than 1.3. Card2/3 ed -lVa* S%V10 Differential Phase Shift in a 1, wi -41' !I~Ieguide with .St ec Nngular an Axially Longitudinally Magnetised Ferrito Rod There are 2 figures and 2 references, of which 1 is English and 1 Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 2, 1959 Card 3/3 A- ~ 19,! 3/109/(- 7/"' -~_2/rj -1 i //ri _241 9 7/ (//q 9/ 11r D2 0 1 / D 3 0 3 AUTHOR: Germ,---A.I. TITLE: Some problems of the theory of a syrmetrical rinF~ circulator PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. ~!, no. 2, 1962' 27U - 279 TEXT: author shovis that a three-port ring circulator described by W. Grace and P.R. Adams (Ref. 1: Three-port ring circulators, Proc, I.R.E., 1960, i '8, 8, 1497) can operate at any, including small, phase shifts. By using the circuit theory methods, in con- junction with the symmetry properties of the equivalent circuit of the ring connections, the author also derives equations, determin- ing the dispersion matrix of the circuit in terms of the parameters of its constituents and determines the relationships which have to be satisfied by those parameters so that the circuit forms a circu- lator. Prom these he obtains the relationships w1iich must be satis- fied for realizing the circulator. It is shown -,hat a symmetrical Card 1/3 S/10cj 62/0'7/002A11/'(;'4 Some problems of the theory D201/D303 three-port ring circuit, consisting of three-terminal circuits and of non-mutually coupled phase-shifters, has the circulator proper- ties for any, also very small, differential phase shifts A F in the phase-shifters if the condition of junction matching is satisfied. Small ~SC in a ring circulator are stated to be of interest in des- igninE long-wave circulators. The low-frequercy limitations of fer- rite devices are determined by resonance lossos in the ferrite which increase with the decreasing frequency. If A 8 is small, the ferrite mass may be made smaller, its losses decreased and the Ope- rating frequency decreased accordingly, The ring circulator could also find application as a narrow-band device for the decimetric and metric wave-range, in the same way as a Y-circulator with tho difference that the ring-circulator can be theoretically designed'. Design formulae are obtained which make it possible to determine the required parameters of three-terminal networks from the given parameters of phase-shifters (or vice versa). The formulae were used for designing an experimental circuit having properties of a circulator. To obtain optimum properties some a0justments o~f magne- tic field and of the position of phase-shifting blocs were necesoa- ry. After the final adjnstments, the followin!~- .-~re obt-ined Card 2/3 U ACC NR: AP7005613 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/002/0051/0051 INVENTOR: Germ, A.J.; Kas'yanov, Yu. P. ORG: none TITLE: Six-arm waveguide bridge. Class 21, No. 190442. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 51 WPIC TAGS: waveguide element, waveguide couple ABSTRAM', An-Author Certificate has been issued for a six-arm waveguide bridge (see Fig. 1) containing three sections of rectangular waveguide. To provIde equal division of energy the adjacent walls of the waveguide section have longitudinal alots which forta a coupling cavity. A longitudinal metal rod is placed inside the coupling cavity& . Orig, art. has: I figure. [WP) Cord ACC NR- AP7005613 -Fig. 1. Waveguide bridge I Rectangular wavaguide section; 2 adjacent narrow walls of the waveguide section; 3 - longitudinal slots; 4 - rod. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: l4Mar641 ATD PRESS: 5115 Card .L 63227--o~ ACCESSION NR: AP5015909 URMWWW/006/1067/1073 621,37,1.335 AUTHOR; Vasil'yeva, N. P. jMoacow); Matorina, V. S. (Moscow); Petrukhin. B. P. WOSCOW)) Prokhorov, N. L. i(Moscow); G!yn_.K~j. (Moscow) TITLE: Regions of mutually stable characteristics of logical elemento and the problems of their design SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekh-nika. Y. Z6, no, 6, Ms. 1067-1073 TOPIC TAGS: logical element, logical element stability, logical elan-Ant design ABSTRACT: There are two types of the "transfer" (input/output In relative units)' characleristic of logical elements: the repeater type and the invertai type. The functional stability of both types, defined an the absence of an undesirable transition from I to 0 or from 0 to 1, is considered. On the basis of input signals' and noise immunity, boundaries of regiong are established within which all Card L 63227-65 1ACCESSION NR; AP5015909 I "transfer" characteristics of the elements are mutually stable. Also, the limitations Imposed on the repeater and Inverter regions by maximum output signais are considered. These design steps are recorrmended: (1) Establishin i the desirable characteristics of logical elements In terme of load, supply voltage, temperature. etc.; (2) Selecting the optimal parameters of the elementsi (3) Finding the stable region* on the basis of the element chiLractertatics or on tke~ !basis of input-output signals and noise immunityi (4) Allowance for the tolerable I parameter spread, (5) Determining parameters for tM quality control of logical I elemants. Orig. art. hast I figuras and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATIONI none SUBLUTTED: IIJul" ENGLI 00 BUD ;:ODE: DP& EC NO REF BOYS 001 OTHERi 000 Ir'ov~ )0 C1 ze 30tuoin I'WP rjjjal.~~ 01 TcT zavo t 3rho d-c' Ka-J a Pe cjjaini~ A'O. ter.- J'~Urjja C rt e1 za ma ()Pen-Rea Uir OCIU of oclin I ja 1r reluontu 10)591 vp uasyleniYe vaarj~hoz :1,ietallurg' ,nicae 6101,e r&jojskJ 50 TsBT1 1,1()!) the Tel~) Of tile -ve t., r w1t h the n jjjj~y 1956 j emend tose The ilia DEL 6 , GOURC11) (Tecilnical couOMIC 11001 at the Ore" Wo methO&s for ("-~-Verdjovsl& i~ worj~s SC evaluat ' ' - the I)e st act ic .1 -he IP inter- ad, aIrst give and t 0 jaethods rarl to fjj~L a~ rep bottOlu ob3ect vja5 bottolu t1rua fo of 'th furnace ion of Progre- Open-1heal ad-OP' aace d.OVU ,,, foreMOU " On t e 'Cing f11-11 CS and 5131 to Ni vials of red., melte: also of the lling) . dicate t steel cil and. . ,,. txl'be-rO le Tile tile C311U allabin MetallurgIca er Go vag Imt Uv (Ch'. (Uzalch Viol t boPrOjurgicilesy-3--i tabulate the bottolu- metal 'athors I t worlts f or 51~~"y a re.a e r sity za icipated - the Clif f e Iskly an gare 5 f Or hoWinG a great iv 1.;l or of 1958 5 tile -JZbne Tag' repair ~ee-lhs irje & by a 'e obt a j3e st results vie I Of Cazd C -ffj e 4a-Une a4a. school LLP&Ical 'Ile (;,a, ~UjvL 'o""00thxie Stre ~ 1 0 Pko'- S~E;. -S the - 'ROIlth-13, , , the :.;:Jo-rt SOMMUM., e-Pai i, - ~e~si.vabl. I -'-~ (azice ~:RLUVIMIJHIT- M! 1,11PRUNERri-Jim" H 1111 -1M1 .:'JI/13~)-39-2-5/17 inter- Plaii'l 'jchooi i'vi, _L.ottom i~ej)airs and IIaiuLenance of Oi)en- qearth Furn--ces preparation for repairs, tllorour~i removal of residual slag and wetal at minimal firing rates with compressed air oi, oxyt~pn, mech2inisation of magne~site powder and will-scale feed to the bottomv the use of a sint7Je layer (up to 150 to 200 nuil thick) of jaelted-on Mao-le site -powder, the heating of tile layer at the melt-down firing rate for not more than 1.5 hours, the addition of will scale (in amounts of 25 to 50,lc of -u;ie weiGht of magnesite )oivder) following which slag should not be allovied to accumulate in the bottom, the raiarninf~ of the casting hole on a sheet-iron pipe. There is 1 tabled Card 513