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USSR/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8641 Author Varfolomeyev, A.A., GerasImova, R.I., Zamchalova, Ye-A., Podgoretakiy, M.I., ShcherbakoVi-,-M.N. Inst Academy of Sciences, USSR. Title Energy Spectrum of Negative Pions, Formed by Cosmic Rays in a Photo Rmll ion. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 6, 1164-1166. Abstract The authors give the energy spectra obtained for 195 Posi- tive and 328 negative pions, generated in the R-5 emulsion (emulsions 330 and 450 mecrons thicX, 10 cm. in diameter), exposed to cosmic rays in the stratosphere. Corrections are made to the obtained data to take into account the finite dimensions of the emulsion blocks.. The author be- lieves ti possible that in the negative pion spectrum, in the range of 10 -- 30 Mev, there is a small maximum which in their opinion can be interpreted as the decay of A 0 Card 1/2 USM/Nuclear Fhysics - Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8641 particles, absorbed by the same nucleus. The shift in the position of the maximum can be explained by the fact that the A 0 particle my turn out to be a lower energy level than the least bound neutron, and also by the slo- wing down of the negative pion in the Coulomb field of the nucleus. Card 2/2 R ~) ~ ~ 1Y) O-V /// 8, /. USSR/Nuclear Itysics - Elementary Pm-ticles - C-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8634 Author Varfolameyev) A,A., q!Kasimova, R.I. Inst Academy of Sciences, usmt-.- Title Disintegration of Beryllium and Carbon Nuclei as a Result of IT- -Meson Capture. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 6, 1166-1167. Abstract Seven cases were observed of the absorption of 717, -mesons in microcrystals of beryllium and 12 cases of absorption in microcrystals of carbon, introduced into the photogra- phic emulsion. The characteristic feature of the above stars is the absence of tritons with energies grea- ter than 10 Mev, and the fact that the mean energy of the emitted protons does not exceed 10 Mev. In the author's opinion, the above data are evidence that in the primary act a greater portion of the rest energy of the It -meson is received by 1 -- 2 neutrons which do not ex- perience secondary collisions in such light nuclei, as Card 1/1 beryllium and carbon. ge E4 'i i M 0 V, q,. P, 1. SUBJECT USSR / PJIYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1666 AUTHOR BARFOLOUEHV,A.A., GERASIMOVA,R.I., KARPOVA,L.A. TITIS A Possible Example foF-tEe Anoma ous Decay of a Hyperfragment. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fasc-5, 758-760 (1956) Issued: 12 / 19-5r A packet of 56 emulsion layers of 31,0 eL thickness each, which was irradiated in the stratosphere, was used for the purpose of studying unstable particles. One of the secondary stare found was ascribed to an unBtable fragment decaying with an abnormally low omission of energy. The primary star was of the type 18 + 4n and it emitted a particl hich decayed after passing through 39,A,.,- e~w and emitting two charged particles b and c. Both came to a standstill in the emulsion after 150 mm and 4,5e respectively. The traces of a, b and c were complanar up to 20. The charge of the particle a was z a< 3 and probably even za < 3. However, at least the mass of the particle a was probably larger than that of the proton. The trace of b originated from a negative pion which had come to a stop in the emulsion. Taking account of a possible straggling its energy is assumed to be 29,4 + 1,2 MeV. In the case investigated here it is im- possible that a 2:,-hyperon i; concerned. It follows from the shortness of the trace that spallation may be caused by the capture of a T-hyperon by a light nucleus of the type C,N,O, but not by a heavy nucleus like Ag and Br. The process investigated is apparently the decay of an instable fragment associated to a A o-particle. Ho decay scheme with the creation of two particles Dokl.Akad.Nauk,11O,faSC.5, 758-760 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA .. 1668 Agrees with the experimental results. Among the analyzed schemes with creation of three particles the following cc-me into question: Y 3 n- + Ee3 + + Q, Q, - 50 + 8 Mev, B11 7,5 + 9 LeV. H4 n- + HG4 + + Q2 Q & 51 + 9,5 MeV, B 6 10 MeV. A 2 A AIIJ---;~ x- + Li6+ n + Q3 Q3 " 35,5 + 2,2 MeV, B 4 MeV- tv 4,2 + 2 At present about 100 acts of decay of hyperfragments are known. If the schemes (1) or (2) are recognized as valid the case investigated here might correspond to a relative probability of the radiation decay of the hyperfragment of - I%. Apparently the cremtion mechanism of the r -quantum can, in the case under in- vestigation, be the same as on the occasion of the anomalous x -da- aecay with a short range of the emitted myons and as in the case of the radiation decay of a r-meson with the decay scheme -r 4 3n + e (this is the case all the more as, according to T.EGUCHI, Phys.Rav.�~,943 (1952), and other works, the probability of the radiation decay of the fragment and also the probability of the reactions X-4,AL+ a 4 ~, T-.k 2n + r and K-~e(,L + Y + r are near 1%). Of the remaining rays of the primary ray 20 traces belong to stable particles and 2 traces do not end in the emulsion packet. INSTITUTION: 56-5-5/55 AUTHDR VARF01011EYEV, A.A.j GERA:,MOVA* R.I., TUMANYAN:-V.A. TITLE multiple Flectron ~ner6y Electron-Ph-Ann sholver (MnozhsstYaTrjWE obra2o%n#e ilektronov v e1ektronno-fot-onnomlivne bol'shuy enargii. itussian) MIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim, i Tooret, Fiziki., 1957) Vol 32, Nr5 - pp969 - 973 ,joection with the systimatiq investigation of electron-photon sho- ABSTRACT In cor wers occuring in the nuclear soulsion layers in the stratosphere an un- usual formation of showers was recorded* A 150 - layer plate of the emulsion "P" was used as photoplates The thickness of a layer was about 4We and. the plutes had a diamier of 10 cm. Exposure was carried out for about 10 hours in an altitude of about 20 24 kmo The denRity of orbital traces in the smulaian was 37 grains per 1004& in the came of a minimum of ionozation. The unusual ghower was caused by single electrons the path of -which in the individual layers of the emulsion was-0,5 cm- 21 sscondp ,olectron-positron pairs were found, of wbich 12 had an *nor. gy or-lo ev. in *;act analysis of these traces allaws the conclusion that the primary Card 1/2 electrons causing the effect had an energy of from 0.6 to 2:1010 *V. MENOMONEE 56-5-5/55 Multiple Electron Production in a Ifigh Energy Electron.-Photon Shower &e a particular feature when analyzing the traces it wjw found that 6 olectron-pooitron pairs,alwsys in couples occured and must therefore also have been formed simultaneously. ASSOCIATION Not given FUSENTED BT SUBUTTED AVAIUM Library of Congress Card 2/2 OTMASPI.OVA, R.I. "ELVVTON-PROTON CASCADES WITH ImITT-70IFF, FROM 10)-l TO 10-13 v IN NUCLYAR MUMS" R.I. Gerasimova, A.A. Vartolomeyev, I.I. Gurevich, L.A. Makaryina, A.S. homantseva, S.A. Chuyeva Fifteen electron-photon cascades with energies from lfjl1 to jc~13 ev. recorded In six emulsion stacks with a total volume of lo 1, have been investip.1ted. The energies of the primary photons evokinr the cascades were determined by the .y spectrum of the cascade electrons at a depth of 2.5 z 3to (to - rad. unit). enerfr The grain density and th- gap density were measured for thp first pairs. In all the pairs with energies 3;iIX ev, a decrease in grain density Pt the apas caused by the screening effect wns discovered. The following experimental relation of the ionization los-Ps o" pair (1) was obtained; whe;e Ipe is the specific ionization electron loss at the lonicption plateau, x is the distance from the apes of the pair In am, and E, is the onerF',v of the photon which produced the pair. The expression obtained for I/21pe may be us,--I to letermine the E energy from experimental values for 1. An estimation o' the IF error 15 Fiven, taking into consider- ation the screeninr effect. The number of eleotron-positron prips proluced at depths of 1.0to and 1.5to was measured. G-EFASr2UVA, RA. ( COWINUED) .The results agree with the calculated data obtilned ~y the Monte Carlo method, takinR into account the effect of the medium on Bremsstrahlunpp (Land2u-Pomeranchik and Ter-Mikaelyan effects). For 10 cascades with e 1.8x1011 ev, the prol-ebility V P ( )2 from the criterion / 2, is 2-5 4 5% when compared with the curves which do not consider the effect of the mdelum, and ft-95% when compared with the calculations that take into consideration the effect of the m--divm on the Bremsstrahlung. report presented sit the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow 6-11 July 1959 GFWKYOVA, R. 1. "DIRECT PROLUCTION OF ELECTRON-POSITRON PAIRS FY 'HIGH ENERGY EUCTRONS" R.I.Gerasimava, L.A. Makaryina, Ap.P. 144shakova, A.S. Romantseva, G.S. Stolyarova. V.A. Tunanyan, S.A. Chyueva, A.A. Varfolomeyev. The cross-section of direct production of electron-positron pairs by high energy electrons was neasured experimentally. For this rurpose, a study was made of isolated electron-photon cascades and the phaton component of high energy nuclear interactions in 0mulsion stocks exposed to radiation in the stratosphere. In order to exclude spurious cases of direet pair production, which constitute t e main difficulty In experi,rental measurement of the cross-section of such pairs, the calculation was carried out by the Monte Carlo method ' The calculation was made for three values of prima-.~y electron energy: 10; 100 and 1,000 Bev, taking into consideration two possitle variants of the Bremsstrahlung spectrum: Bethe-Heitler and Higdal variants (Laundau-Pomeranchuk and Ter-Mikaelyan effects). A method for determining the energy of ultra-relativistic electrons from the lateral distribution of the apexes of el.ectron-positron pairs is suggested. During the experitental measurement of very high electron energies, certain possible sourc,-s of umderestimation were eliminated. The crosH section of direct pair production by high enerpy electrons was found to he in agreement with r3hal-hals calculation within the limits of experimental error. report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscaw 6-11 July 1959 31541 S/627/60/002/000/024/027 -3, -2 'k16 D299/D304 AUTHORS: ~ar'folomeyev, A. A Gerasimova R. J., Gurevich, I.I., - i Makarlina, L.A., and Chuyeva, S. A. TITLE: Electron-photon showers with energies of 11 11 - 10 13 ev, in nuclear emulsions SOURCE: International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Moscow, 1959. Trudy, v. 2. Shirokiye atmosfernyye livni i kas- kadnyye protBessy, 299-306 TEXTi A detailed investigation was carried out of 15 electron-pho- ton showers with energies >10 11 ev., at low depths. In contradis- Unction to other works, the results are compared with those ob- tained for cascades by the Monte Carlo method. Six emulsion stacks were used, with total volume of about 10 liters. In 5 of the stacks of emulsion P4,114K~ Y (R-NIKFI), the grain density of relati- vistic ulectrons waa 30 - 35 grains per 100/a. The energy E r of primary quanta which generate the shower, was determined from the Card 1/4 31541 S/62Y60/002/000/024/027 Electron-photon showers D299 D304 number of oaseade electrons of energy higher than 6c = 300 Mev, at a depth of 2.5 3.0 to . A table lists (for comparison) the values of Ep obtained by the Monte Carlo method and by formula R (1 + 140 1 [45,0 + lri[(2x~2 xj~ where x is the distance from the pair vertex in cm; this formula is semiempirical and represents the ratio of io4i~ation losses of pairs to those of relativistic electrons; the ionization losses are due to mutual shielding of electron and positron fields. In the ex- periments, particular care was taken to detect the vertices of the electron-positron pairs, formed at depths