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GEWINOV, I.P.; YEROKHINA, A.A. .r-, , International Confetence on Soils in Now Zealand and excursions in the country. Pochvovedenie no.4:29-44 Ap 163. OURA 16!5) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dbkuc'hayeva.. (Soil science--Congresses) - (Now Zealand-Soils) GERASIMY!, I.P.; CEEBOTAFC,-Vil, N.L'. Absol,nte agp of rhe latest (V,31-day) jjacla',ion on -zht! n,-,rthwe.9tern part of the East European Plain. 1z-,,. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. nc~.5: 3"4 rG-O t63. (YJRA 16,10) 1. ImitAtut geografilu AN SSSR. GERASIMOV, I.P.; KOMAR, I.V. Geographical problems in the work of the United Nations conference on the use of scientific and technical knowledge for satisfying the needs of underdeveloped areas. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.5t 127-132 S-0 163, (MIRA '16:10) GERAS14Q.V,,.. I.jl.; RYABCHIKOV, A.M. The head of Indian geography; on Professor S.P. Ghatterjec's 60th birthday, 1903- . Izv. AN SSS. Ser. geog. no.5:157-158 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:10) GEWDDVO 3.~P..akmdemik TW scientific geographical symposiums. VeOt,AN SSSR 33 no.2:104 F 10. (MIRA 16:2) (Mediterranean Sea region-Physical geography) GERASIMOV, I.P., akademik; GRIGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; DAVITAYA, F.F., iW4A; AYSTUX, G.A.; KAUZNIK, 5,V,; BUDYKO, M.I., doktor fiis.- matem, neuk Physical geography and Its position in the system of sciences of the earth. Vest. AN SS.':,R 33 no.lOt24-28 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. AN Gruzinekoy SSR (for Davitaya). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Avsyuk). GERASD(DV,, I.P,o aMdamik 9ppovius on Problem of ClAooificatlon and Nomenclature of Soils of Southeastern Europe. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.1205-76 D 163, (MIRA 17t1) GEW INOV, 1. P. ....... ---- Book on the origin and prospects for constructive geography. ,Zvi V8890 geog, ob-va 95 no.6-.552-555 N--D 163. (MIRA 17:1) GERISIDIOTp I.P.; HURCHRYAKOV, Yu.A. Gemorphological otago in the devolopment of the earth. In. AN SSSR Ser. gbog. no.6:3-12 N-D 161+ (min 1811) 1, Institut pogr&fti AV SRS-R. - ~Ail-w GERASIMOV,, I.P.1 HINTS, A.A. 7lie 20th International Geograpbleal Congrou; Londant Jub 20-28, 1964. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no.6s119-121 lq-y) t6,!. -, (MIRA 18,J)" ~ GERASDfOV1 I.?., akademik - - I I I ~ 1.1 1 11.1-1 1 '.", 20th Intemational. Geographical Congross. Vest. AN SSSR 34 na.1203-56 D 164 (MIRA 18al) GMW-,lIMDV~ 1. P.; BUZOV, N. N., W-9cow "A system of world soils." report scheduled to be presented at the 20th Intl Geographical Cong, 6 Jul- 11 Aug 64A Lmdon. GERASIWV, 1. P., WSHCHWAKOV, Yu. A., W~Eicav "Morphostructure and morphosculpture of the eazl;hls surface." report scheduled to be presented at tte 20th Intl Geographical Cong, 6 Jul- 11 Aug 64, London. ; w .'i. . It % , . . . : ~ , . . . . . , i 1111he role of pogroWhy in the study, conservation and rational use of the world's natural resourcen." report scheduled to be presented at the 20th Intl Geographical Cong, 6 Jul- 11 Aug 64 9 London. GERASIMOV IOPOI akadeDilk, otv. red.; ZONN, S.V., prof., doktor WAO%. nauk,, otv. red.; YEROKHINA, A.A. red. [Genesis, classification, and mapping of soils in the U.S.S.R.; reports at the 8th International Congress of Soil Scientists] Genezie, klassifikatsiia i kartografiia pochv SSEK; doklady k VIII Mezhdunarcdnomu kongressu pocbvovedov. Moskva,, Nauka, 1964. 1.64 p. WIRA 17t1-1) I* Vsesoyuznoye obahchestvo pochmeelov. GERA3II:.OV,,j,.X,,, akademik, red.; 1.1"EJACIERYAKOV, Yu.A., red.; V.OSTRYAKOV, A.V., red.; GORELOV, S.K., red.; EUMERASHKO, F,V., red.; YORZIMIEVSKIY, A.A., red.; NAW.'OV, A.D., red.; TDIOMEN, D.A., red. [Problems of planation surftces] Froblen- poverkhnostei vy- ravnivaniia. moskva, Nauka, 1964. 221 p. (MIU 17: 8) 1, Akudomiya nauk SSSR. Geomorfologichoskaya koi..issiya. akademikf glav. red.; SOKOLOV, A.V., red.; LETUNDVo P.A., red.; Y=V11NA, A.A., red. (Fertility and melioration of soils in the U.S.S.R.; reports ror tbo Nighth International Congress of Soil Scientists] Plodorodie i melioratsiia pochv SSSR; doklady k VIII Mezh-, dunarocLnonru kongressu poc)ivovedov. Moskva, Izd-vo flNauka," 1964. 233 P. (MI11A 17:5) 1. VseL;oyuznoye obshchestvo pochvovedov. 2. Prezident We- nDyuznogo obahchestva pocbvovedov (for Gerasimov). akademik, glav. red.; BODE, A.A., red.; A!::!!'OV- FARATAYEV, I.N., mi.; YONUEOVA, red.; VLAIUSTILP Te.N., red.; GMJUI%'OV, N.I., red.; YEROMAU, A.A., red. [FlUsIcs, chemistry, blology and mineralogy of the solls of tbo report at the Highth IntermAiumL Congross of Soil Scientists) Fizika, khimiJa, b1clogiia S mineralogiia I.--ocliv Sa"Sat doklady k VIII Mezhaunarodnorru kongressu pochvove,ov. 1.1,oskva, Nauka, 19b4. 31,13 p. (111RA 1-1:9) 1. Vqesoyuznoye obshchestvo pochv.Dvedov. 21. Prezident Vzce- soyuumago obshchestva pochvovedov(for Gerasi-mov). 3. Poch- venzQt,y inntitut Imi. V.V.,DukuchVvva, Morlma (for Antipoi- Karatayev) Gorbunov), 4. InatItut rdkrobiologii AN SSSR: Mos)xa (for Mishustin). KAMANIN, L.C., otv. red., LIKHAPA, 6.1N., otv. red.; Q4-tA~51NOV, ;J., aYademik, red. Prinimali ucMstiye: AHiAV()V, PREOMAMENAU, V.S.~ red.; RVUS, red.; [Natural conditions and reZources of the U.S.S.R.] Frirod- nv.e unloviin i estestvemWe resur-,y SSSR. MoskTa, !zd-vo Ilauka. Vol,8.[Central Siberial Sredniaia Sibirl. 1964. 4,71.) P. (XDA 17:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geografii. GEWINOVJI IJ. .I A, Paleogeographical paradox of the Pamirs. lzv. AN SSSR. Ser geog. no.3:4-13 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut geografii 0 SSSR. GERASIHOV I.1).j ZININA, R,P.; LILIYENBERG,, D.A,,-; LIV0111CH, M.I.1; ""t"NOO" lpaigi~IIWAKOVP YU.A.j CHUBUKOV) L.A.; CHUMICHEV, D.A. In memory of Anastar Stoianov BeshkO7 (1896-1964), a famous Bulgarian geographer. Ivv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-3:134 164. (MIRA 17t6) GMMIMOV, I.P. "em approach t) 13011 CjaSAMCWHO'l aS CgVibl~31hrd Ir 'V D6)ru-:Iji.av* and its appfl,-~Alnn to tbe erM wr~r)l :- dl nuips. ?ocbvovndenlib JeIL, (XTRA I'la-7) Tka or* t I cal problew of ar. I I -a cien,~-3 4n I I,- S ei!ti Discussion on the nev Aher ! -an er 41 .'Iia if !C0 .'!.',-.I '3y', ' ~!T,. lbide rU-19 UIBO of t'lle nev sy'll'em jil Voai,f~vn Con cl u m I on d 48 L, batitut googvtfll AN '.~Tlo ABRA red.; GOMM, Ye.M., red.; SAGITOVI, S.G., [Advanoed poultry breading praotices in the Tatar A.S.S.R.] Peredovoi opyt ptitsevodov Tatarii. Kazan', Taterskoe )mishnoo Izd-vo, 1959. 38 P. (mim 14a) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Poultry) G'l--!IASII,R:1V , I.P. Statement at the plenum of !.he congress and supplements to it. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.5:13-15 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:11) MRSHCHMWOV, Turly A2eksandrovlch; . ., ~ ~, ~, ie--, otv. red. -.1 1 1 ~ (SLY'Ictural geomorphology of plairilan6s] 6ttuktarnaih geomr.fologiia ravrdnnyklj ntran. Moskva, Nauk '.. 1965. 389 P. 18-- "), GSIP A -1, 1 ~x, ~,~ , --. i . 1.1-1 ;--If 11 '41 t! I I l'inle" or, Bolls of CzachoolcVakla. Poclaov~d-~:-Je li 164. 011RA 18:2) 3~ institift geogral'il AN 96 rio.4.-28,.-21*)3 P-4: 11)4'o Cbl.nn-,,~orroopondellt bN ,,ew0i.or zz.-urnala (ror KORZHUTEV, S.S.; Y;,TVITSNI'I, 4.N.; TEGOROV; C.;.; IMM7, S.!,.; YA;-.A7vAJF',', Y.N.' J:ACEuH:N, S.F.; ZOLINIHOVV V.G.,, NOWACIEN, K.P.; PrinJinalf. uiMsIi:p_, KCITMIJICH, N.I.; D'YAKO]IOV,, F.V.; I P akadovik, red.;- K 7-M.. G.D.1 PREO&WHESNUY 11. S. :j d. red.; ALRAMIOV, L.S, red.1 WAR,, D.I., IEILEh, red.; ZONN, S.V,y red,; WERREMSKII, B.I., red., KOVAR, I.V.. red.; LAVRIIKO, Ye.M., red.; LEONTIYEV. N.F. , red.:,~ TUTUEOV, P.A., red., LIVOVICII, H.I., red.; FIEStICHERYAKOV Y~.A... red.; MINTS, A.A., red.; MURZAYEV, E.N., red.! NASII.-CVICH, k.A., red.; POKSHISHEVSKIY, V.V.$ red,p POMM I.I.L.. rel. : 1307))V, N.N... red.; SOCHAVA, V.B. red.; FORMOZOV.. A.N.,, red..~ YUSHIN, A.L., red. (Yakutia] Ukutlia. Yosk-m. Nauka, 1965, 464 (VIRA 18:8', 1. Akademiya nauk S&M. pografi-~. 2. institut geogra- fii AN SM (for KorzImyiv. Vitv-'t.skiy). 3, lakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (f_%r Yagorov). 4. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy- instv%ut ir. 1,.K.Krupokoy (for Naumov). 5. PoclivenrVy muzey Ali SSSR (for Zc!'I'n_'kov). 6. Moskovskly go- isudare-Wennyy unIvoralte',,, ir. X.V,I,-om,.)nc1sovu (for Karavayev). 7. Proizvodstvenvyy institut stroitell- stva Gosstroya SSSR (fc!- Ka-,h..-jn). F. institut geografii Sibiri i Dalluego Vostoka S" _b!-vk?C~ All SSSR (for Kosmachev). akademik; PREOBRAZMISKIY, V.S., otv. red.; I.p otv. red.; SCCHAVA, V.3.., otv. red. [Tba cis-Wkal region and Transbalicalia] Predbaikalle i Zabaikalls. MosWa. Nauka, 1965. 491 P. (FJRA 18:8) Iq Akad"a iasuk SM. Institut geografti. 2. Chlen- korrespvniont AN =R (fo, sochava). - GMZAZIWIO I. P4~-VELICID-1-.0, A. A. ----------------- it Loess, periglacial phenomena and ancient man." report submitted for the 7th Intl Cong, Intl Aseoc for Quaternary Research, Boulder & Denver, Colorado, 30 Aug-5 Sep 65. GE.-RAS !AIV., f . I ,rpress in f-npr.9 I re su '1" 2 r., he ;, 0',r 7r,e: i ,!.i! r lAwdon. I zv. A',' SSSR Sr.~r, nr 18:2) GERASIl,rW, I.P.1 VAVI'.AYA, F.F. Geographical aymposia. Izv. AN SSSP Ser. goog. no.1:130-134 Ju-F 165. (MIRA 18:2) GERASIMOV, I.P, Physicogeographical atlas of the world published in the Soviet Union. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.2:29-39 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. 22RASMOVt i'll". ".1-11 1- .. ~ ~ -:11.1 'The ---avt 1;=Ofewl gl ~10 ' , o: :~ I-n I ! '.-- II, at! -an. All S~"R., (M] RA S,~rs relics, no.415-38, 1818) 1. InatItut geoerufli AN GEPASIMOV. I.P.t MINTS, A.A.; NAZAREVSKIY, O.R.; FFLOI-ILOVICH, B.A. Presevit ittate of the geograp'nical sciznm in Fzzakhstar, (in conneation with the 3d confe-ance of geographers of Kazaklhsttan). Itsv. AUSSSR. Ser. geog. no.5:117-119 S-0 165. Om'Em 18.-lo) Iatest gemaphologioal research in the theory of the erosion cycle. Izv. AN SSIS)R. Ser. geog. no.6:104-106 " 65. (HIM 18: U) FHDORENKO, N.P.., akademik; SUKACHEV, V.N., akademik; KARAKEYYEV, K.K.; FRANK, G.H.; KONSTANTINOV, B.P., akademik; ASTAUROV, B.L.; YEFIMOV, A.N.; SHUMILOVSKIYP NA; ISHLINSKIY, A.Yu., akademik; GERASIMOV, I.P.0 Ouldemiki KAZARNOVSKIY, LA,; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye,j akademik; ZHEBRAK, A. R., akademik Discusoion of the annual report. Vest.AN SSSR 35 no.3:95-112 Vw 165, (MIRA 28:4) I. Praident AN Kirgizakoy SSR (for Karakeyev). 2. Chleny-kolTefs- pondenty AN SSSR (for F~-ankm Astaurov, Yefimovt Kazamovskiy), 3, AN Kirgizskoy SSR (for Shumilovskiy). 4. AN BSSR (for Zhebrak). " iri I ": ; - " ", F ~ ~, '; ! - -. GEIFJ,'~ 7"OV, 1 . I '. p -C - . . r. . I . C.:)tj r,, i,vtt tdon lold ! ~ t I I .~ I ~ 6 . . , - : : f . , ; .. - 1.1%. th - I ~: I ~, I I ~ . 1 .. . . : 0 ~ ,, " ~ , .1 - -, r I KA 0'.. .,*. -3 .) w., . 1 o - i i"-f, -, , i I , ( !-'I F, A 18 : 10 ) I# GERASIMOV, I.P., akademik Kara Kum Canal. Priroda 54 no.8:61-70 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) Trl(Tj',41jt:v 1,,1- F) k Fi (4 P-m I k , :1, P.-it)"' ~ t ~ 4 k. f. !I ~~ 7t , i ~et I ~ prev.-n-it thc, r.,-~ j : 1; ~.., r, - i' . , 'i K (, i "ll . Y, I , 11 ! , Ir -, - - ~, ~, c " no . 1 '4 ~ ri I ;)r ~ 1 11 - : I ~-!, -,, ~ , ARMAND, OR7 FrUYF Y, S~S.; . _ WS I.F.; DUMrrRASHMO, N.V ; K HESHCHERVIKOV, Yu.A.; MUEZAYEI, E.M. Sorgel Vladimirovich Obruebov, 1891-1965; an obitu&r-y. Izv. AN SSSR. Sor. geog. no.6tl43-144 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:11) GEFM 114(ff, Tv. P. ffims and carbonate rich permafrost soils in the AIdan-Lais, interfluve. Pochvovedenie no. 2132-42 F 165 (MIRA 19:1) It Fochvenhyy institut imeni Dohichayeva. Submitted June 5, 1963. AVSYUK, G.A.; ARMID, D.L.; VFNDROV, S.L.; GELIER, S.Yu.; E- I. V-, J-P.; _q_rVU MD GRIGORIYEV, A.A.; GRICHUK, V.P.; DZEPJ)ZEYEVSYIY, B.L.; L.G.; ISAKOV, Tu.A,; LFONTIYEV, N.F.; LIVOVICHp M.I.; !111-117;~YF~, F.M.; - NEYSHTADT, M.I.) RIKHTER, G.D.; SOBOLEVOL.N. On Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev's 85th birtbday. .Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-4:3-4 J1-Ag 165. (MIPA 18:8) , p; LWANIN., L.Q.; MS ',, A.S.; KIKITSYN, L.P.; asun't &U&; %WWT#,j,#f MUFZAWj I.K.; XITSMUT, X.I.; IMMIYU1, To.A.1 MCWHAYAp V*V.j PPXMWHENSKIT, T.S,,; RINH , G,'D.,; RMS0010p L.L.; SILIVISTROYl S.I. David LIvovich Armudlo 6oth birthday (19o5-). Isy. AN SSSR. Ur. peg. no.6&141-11+2 N-D 965. (M-TRA 28sll) ARMAND, D.L.; BUDAGOVSKIT, A.I.; VENDROV, S.L.; VITVITSKIY, G.N.; GEUER, S.Yu.; GFfAj%=.-LJ.; DZFPDZEYr-VSKIY, B.L.; GWIT, I.S.; GRIGORIYFVI A.A.; DAVILDVA, N.A.; 7HIVAGO, A.V.; A.C.; KHAVCHENRO, D.V.; KUVSHINOVA, K.V.,- MEDVEDEVA, G.P.; W-UNER, lu.L.; CHUBUKOV, L.A. Aleksandr Petrovich Galltsov, 190q-1965; an obituary. *[zv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:145 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:11) i : .-~Rt MZOV, N.N. Soi~ntifio totivitiao of lkgeniia Nikolasyna Ivanovap 1890, NoUvoyed0nis no. 7t105-109 JI 165 (MM 19:1) I i 16 (1 ) 9 14 (10) L'UTHOR: Gerasimov, 1. SOV120-1 25-5-9/61 TITLE: On the Application of Similarity to DynamiGal Problem for a Canical Shell (Ob adnoy avtomodellnoy dlnami(-hes~:oy zadache dlya konicheakoy obolochki) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademil nauR 33SH, 1059, Vol 125, lir 5, pp 989 - 991 (IISSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with a circular cenical i-hell under the action of a mobile stress (constant pressure acting axially- -symmetrically and perpendicular to the surface r~f the cone), which moves with constant velocity v from the vertex to the eymmetry axis of the cone. The thickness of the shell is coh- sidered to be a linear function of the distarce fron. the ,er- tox. By proceeding from the equations for the equilibrium of the elastic shell (which has the shape of a s-31id of rotation, and which is under the influence of a symmetric strerjo) a system of partial differential equations is obt'a:.ned, which describes the motion of an element r,f the -7onical. shell: 2a2 62 G7 021'. + T, tga + P6_Qps2 Tj)-T Z.- - Card 1/3 2_QPs'_a_t7'0'=- - at 03 NJ On'the Application of Similarity tc. Dynamical Problem SOV/2,--~-12v~-5-9/61 for a Conical Stell Hore t denotes time, p - the presoure exerciued 1y the mobile stress, Q - the density of the material, T I ard T 2 - the meri- dional and azimuthal tensile stress, G 1 and G2 " the m9ridional and azimuthal bending moment, V and w - the dijrlac6menta rf the points of the central burface of the shell with respect to the tangent to the meridian and tho int,-~rnal ricruial respective- ly, a - the distance from the vertex of tho cono tr) the in.- Yeatigated element, a - the half of the angli? of aperture of the cone, P the avigular thio-kness -f the shell. The quanti- tiee TI, T 2 G, and G 2 relate to the unit -)f longth of the cDrresponding normal se~~tions; the corrnsp~nding formulas are oxplicitly written dDwn. For reasons Qf cymmetry no tangential stresses occur. The conical shell is assuned to be infinite, and therefore no oonstrant I lnoar dimiinsions what(iver ara giVen. Ths solution of tho dynamical prDblem ~s -Mried out by appli- cation of similarity. The solution of the ipit-LaLij wrJtten clown equations may be writton d-:,wn ao -,i s'-(f), W Card 2/3 W11 0 roIdenotes it now and indopond~.,nt t,, bo dlotorr!ned On the Application of Similarity to Dynamical r,-,J,1,,n- for a Conical Sbell from the formula o/vt. In consideraticn of tl.:~ given, the system- of equations vyitton down al,~ve ra,, 'e rc- duced to two ordinary 4ifferential equations coefficients. In e)rder to aimplify the apprnxftz~ttod of the problem ~ - 0 ia assumed V.,r Poinoon's After some furtYer steps the syster.- of ~.,,juati,-)n io simplified and becomes an ordinary diffor,~ntial f the sixthtorder with -.-arlable -cefficients. In the boundary 3onditions are briefly LSSOCIATION: Institut mokhaniki kkademil naul, SSSR (Insti-tilte ~,f of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PREBMTTED: November 21, 1958, by It. A. La%,rentlye%, SUBMITTED-. October 23, 1956 Card 3/3 10(2) S0V/?-)-126-4-1o/62 AUTHOR3 Gerasimov, I. S. TITLEt On an kaymptotic Integration of the Differential 1,quation of the Automodel Dynamic Problem (Ob asimptoti- cheakom integrirovanii differentsiallnogo uravnen%ya ednoy avtomodellnoy dinamicbeekoy zadachi) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, Vol 126, Nr 4, PP 727 - 729 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In one of the author's earlier papers (Ref 1) a system of differential equations was dealt with, which describes the motion of an elastic element on a conical surface, in which case the thickness of the elastic element is put proportional to the distance from the top. An asymptotic solution was found to be possible. This system of equations is given by Ml and is then reduced in (2) to an ordinary linear inhomogeneous differential equation. The coerficients occurring in (2) art. explicitly given, and by the application of as.;mp-Wtio intsUa- tion the general integral (5) ic obtained. The partial inte,rai is determined by variation of the constants. In ccnclusion, Card 112 the formulas (8) for the tensile force, tbe_bendirg mowEnt, On an Aujmptotia lnte,~ration of the Differential SOV/2o-126-4-lo/62 Equatipn of the -Automodel Dynwic Problem and for deformation are given. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCLLT1011a Inatitut mekhaniki A~-ad(--,-nii nauk SS~H (Institut(~ of Mechanics of the kcademy of Sciences , USSR) PRESENTED: February 6, 1959, by U. V. Keldysh, Academician SU39ITTED: February 5, 1959 Card 2/2 T-t- -T J. --vnnv- Im" -a (--A p.".4 -n- . J. on-% "I.". L-al'" J* "TA, jw .(--K3 wF-nft -6 V-M "-w"7Z -.8mm ~ -.F~ J. -T" ~Tp- T-~ V- -34. .6 "r-ft, ;An.* At -IWP-x rift . . . ..... W"P -."-s ~ . .1 --m A, -M-=Wftm I(-~W 0~4~ -M, -to -0 P -M J. A-M .0 J. *"Pon-" #f--"* -01-U J. A.-% P.M--s W J. M.'"Wa -a -4-m- go. -(---W43 C:::m -%L 4~nv""w Pn'ddy Pm Tozq-4 we LZ - 27803 S/508160/028/000/021/022 C;2 Iv tIC2 C) 0t607 D251/15305 AUTHORt Genaimov, IvSo (Moacow) TITLEz On the axisymmetric deforaation of a closed circular c%lindrical shell PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh r.auk. Inzhenern.v.v abornikp v. 28, 1960v 241 - 246 TEXT: The author considers a circular cylindrical shell with elas- tic-contaot on the contour of the plane base, under the action of an internal pressule P, a radial pressure P compressing the base, and an external pressure pl. (Pi - P = q) The case of elastic de- formation is consideredo The base of the shell is considered as a circular plate. The differential equation of axisymmetric bending for(Weh a plate is 1 ~r d11 d (rw) 2. F TFW Ur dr Do where q = const is the pressure on unit area, D = Eh'/[12(1-~')] Card 1/5 ~K 27~03 B/508/60/028/000/0211/022 On the axisymmetric deformation D251/D305 is the cylindrical rigidity where E is Young's modulus and V is Poisbon's coefficient, (Abstractor,a note; w is not defined, but is, presumably, the deflection),, Solving (1) and substituting the boundary coftitions r = a, w = 0 , dw Cf , M M (2) dr 0 r 0 gives w = TO a' - r 2 + q ( a? r2)2, (3) A( RUD where M 0 is the elastic bending moment of the base and CPO is the angle of turn of a radial element of the shell on the contour. The differential equation for axisymmetric bending of the cylindrical part of the shell is IV IV 4- 12(1 - 'V2 L(Ah 1 Jh' . I DI o'd, - P) (5) qr Card 2/5 27803 S/50 JY60/028/000/021/022 D On the axisymmetric deformation D25 305 where D 3 2))] is the cylindrical rigidity of the (Rhl/(l2(I - v shell, h is the thickness, o~, = TlAl is the mean axial stress on the wall of the cylinder, and equals q at the bottom, T 1 is the specific axial effort. By means of the change of coordinates and inserting specific boundary conditions the solution of (5) is found to be W s- 9((W0- wOD )cost +(Wo - IV 00 - qo ()sin-~'] + w00 (1D) '~ofl 2 where W = - "%h 0 00 E Ill The maximum bending of the cylindrical part of the shell is shown to occur at :I Of, are tg 7. + 2w Card 3/5 27,~03 6/508/60/028/000/021/0;?2 On the axisymmetric deformation ... 1)251/D305 and to have the value WMIX - Ulm %21 + 2Tlw,,, + 2e-11109 + The author then considers the case of elastic-plastic deformation. In the case of small bending, the deformation of the. base may be found from w (02 - r2) + A(a~ - r2)2 (19) 2 2Q where the parameter A must be found from the variation of the equi- librium equation4 The equation for dW/~';A is then derivedl where W is the work of deforming unit surface area, and hence A is found from the cubic All + mAl + PA +0, (27) Ct 124,$T0 24 WTI, - 320 q Card 4/5 72-13,4e 3640.3 Affla$ 1213,4 Ah2Da4 VK 27803 S/508/60/028/000/021/022 On the axisymmetric deformation ... D251/D305 LAbstractorla notet ~.not defined]. Hence 10 is given by tPo - 40aMe, -ionD, + IND - 244AVD) a' 3DXIh' - __ ?0' (28) 15D,wo, - MAIN -2560110DI 0. and an approximate solution may be obtained. The author states that the remaining stresses and deformations may be found from the load theorem [Abstractor's note: Theorem not st~tedb There are 2 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: May i9, 1959 Ve Card 5/5 -N S/14Y62/000/004/002/009 C111 C333 AUTHORt Gerasimov# I. S. - TITLE: The influence of a movable load on a conio'basin ?LRIODICALi Vysshiye uchebnyyo zavodeniya. Izvestiya. Matematikal nO*4p 1962t 33-37 TEXT: Considered is a circular elastic conic basin the thickness of which is proportional to the distance of the vertex, and on which -acts a constant axialsymmetrical pressure p which with the surface fornis the angle-.,~, (the semi aperature angle of the cone) and which is exten-. ding with constant velocity from the vertex along the symmetry axis. The author states that the motion of a basin element is described by the system 2 2 -a u (sT1 T2 + p Cos 't, P 8 2 a 0 ~2 DG2 2 *~ 2w aS2 (sG,) - -is + T2 otg rA + p sin OL - a Ot2 a 0 Card 1/3 S/14 62/000/004/002/009 The influence of a movable load ... cillYC333 where a is the distance.of the element from the vertex of the cone, u and v being.displao'Gients'along' the me'ridian and the inner normal, 15 L being the thickness of the basin, 9 being the density, G and a 1 02 being bending moments, T 1 and T 2 being dilatation force.s. The solu- tion of (6) is searched with the set-up u - 40), V - 8MM (7) where mo that (6) is reduced to a system of two ordinary vt 1 differential equations. This latter is for the Poisson coefficient V- - 2 reduced to one single equatioA,of 6-th order with variable coefficients, being only partly given, whici is then asymptotically integrated under the supposition of quickly changing solutions. As boundary conditions the author chooses in the case is 1, U - V aw 0 (14) all Card 2/3 V B/140/62/000/004/002/009 The influsue of a movable load Gill/0333 where 0 ~k 's 11 and in the oage ~ > 18 R w in 0 where 0 ~-' s 4- oD ASSOCIATIONs Institut makhaniki AN SSSR (Institute for Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the SSSR) SUUITTED; June 30, 1959 Card 3/3 4RABANOV, D.N. ~4. A.V.; IL ....Y ._ PPP Purifying sewage from petroleum refineries by electric flotation. 12v. vys, ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.11:59-63 t61. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy institut. OSWIMO& I.~&.; IZRAYIEVICHp L.I. Effect of a paying load on the performanoe of jolting mechanisms an molding whines. Ut. roia. noA17-20 Ag 162. (NIRA 115ill) 5kchtne molding (Founding*)) GERASDIOVo I.Ya.; JZRAYLEVICHo L.A. Simplified characteristic curve of the jolting mechanism on a molding machine. Lit.proizv. no.2:26-27 F '62. (MIRP. 15:2) (Kachine molding (Founding)) GERASIHN, I.Ya.; 1ZRATIXjICH,, LA. if Device for investigating joltsqueezer molding mAfhines. I=. tekb. mo,3:25-27 Mr 762, (MIU 15:2) (Mlding machines--Testing) fx-,:n~,;%,~ of me?l "0" "on, P. 35, (GOrSkO Vol. 114Y 110. ,')entpriber GMASDMV1. K, Ihe sevan-year plan note up goals. rzobr.i rate. no.9:3-4 8 160. (MIRA 13:10) Io PreaseUtell GospIAPA MM. (Technological innovations) TEIIIII, loris Timmillyevich; WRINOys X*A*, retsensent; DUGIU, N.A., takhalchsskly redaktor (Repair and adjustment of measuring instruments; tba experionos of a saahinist-adjuster) lasiont I iustirovia ismeritellafth p:riborov; ~z apyte makhanika-lustirovabohiks. Moskva, Goo. neuchno-takhn. isd-vo asishinostroit, lit-ry, 1936. 99 p. OMRA 10:1) 0616bing asohlues) DONSKOY, S.M.1 ZENSIOV, 14.7a.; OSMOVI V.I.; POTAPOV, A.I.; UDALIAHM, A.S.; YAROSM, D.Ya.; VAYNER, M.S.; VMj'YI:, Ye.l.; 011WO9 D.I.1 GERASIBOV X.ALZIBRIN D.A.; AYKWVALID, Ys.L.; XOE-W,--F-H-.L;-*MBULAPOV, A.6.; OSTROVSKM, L.H.; TAUBES, I.S.; PEMGV, Z.1.; POTEPALDlF, V.A.; PECHORY, A.D.; TROMOVA) A.S., tekhr. red. (Development of power engineering in the Tatar A.S.S.F.1 Ravitie energkiki Tatarskoi ASSR. Kazan' , Tatarkoe L-Azbzoe izd-va, 1961. 145 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Tatar A.S.S.R. Sovet Nandnogo khozyaystva. Upravlenlye energatichaskoy promyshlennosti. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Power engineering) POKOTI Solomon 11vovich; GMUSUM, X.M.1, insh., reteenzent; KCIZHILMOV, TO.I.P kand. tekhn. nauk.'retse'nzent: ALIKI'MUT, K.B., kjLnd. tekhn. nauk, red,.; PATRON IsAm, red. izd-va; R(YZIHIN, V.P., tekim. red. [Prinoblss of the elactrie drive servomechanism] Oenovy sledia- ahchego olaktroprivodso Isdo2s, perer, I dop, Moskva, Goo. Jzd-VO obor. promyshl,, 1958, 362 p, (min nt8) (Servomehani eats) _ G SIONSCHNAU, A.D., red.; POPOI, N.D., _ _%U, [In a regional economic council] V Sovete narodnogo khmialetva. Moskva, ltd-vo 'Sovetsksis Rosaiia." 1960. 6o p. (Gorkiy Province-4conomic policy) (KIRA U:9) SHIOALM, Y.F.; Wax7thing for man. Sdoravle 6 to,6tl-3 ;e 160. (mm g6rodskago 3orsta varodW6 kheigray- stva (for ghiplim). 2, Predeadatel I leni4gradmkogo Sorsta mL- rodafto khosoWstva (for Afamas'Yov)- 3- Predsodatell Gorlko-rnko,-- co $"Ot-wadsoce klwwjai tva (for Geravisov), (WORAD P2OTnVA-4WICAL WPPLIIS) (mmmla Ryalm) 3-3-3/40 AUTHOR: Gorasimov I P r Dotsent, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Taroslall Agricultural Institute. TITLE: Wl a Carefully Xduftte the 8tudents' Collective (Z(Lbotlivo vos- pityvat' studencheskiy kollektiv) PERIODICALt Vostnik Vysshey Shkoly, March 1957, # 3. p 20-22 (USSR) ABSTRAM The article deals principally with the experiences and re- sults of the instructors of the TaroolavlAgricultural Institute in their teaching. The author tells how the stu- dents are influenced by the enthusiasm of the instructor, especially in experimental work, and how this helps them to learn. Mhny instructors not only teach the students but also visit them at their meetings and recreations. In in- structor is assigned to each training group to conduct a weekly political discussion on the most import-int internal and international events. They are called "agitators" and the bast of them at the Institute are the Doteents I.I.Mak- kaveyeva, P.K.Labodev and the instructor F.A.Parbasov. In Card 1/2 My 1956, 193 Komsomol members of the Institu.te went for Lot's daraftily at"te the It"FSO.-Id"OTTO 3-3-3/40 2 months to Aktyubinsk Province to assist the harvest campaign on 8 colleative farms. They together earned 226t667 Rubles and 107PI43 kg wheat. ASSOCUTIONt YaroalavlAgrioultural Institute (Yaroolavokiy vollskokho- syayotvennyy lastitut) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 GUASIMT, K.P., kandopedAgogicheekikh nauk Mroslavl I) 'School circle of young beakeeperisO by P.P.Makeimov. Ra- viewed by LF."rasimov. Biol.v shkole no.4:92 Ji-Ag 160. (MM 1317) (B" oulturg-Study and toaching) (makalmov, P.P.) GERASIMOV, X.P. Experimental work on stockbreeding In rural schools. Biol. v shkole no.4t49-53 R-Ag 163. (Mi, 16:9) 1i Yaronlavskly pedagogicheakly lnqtitut. (Stock and stockbreeding--Study and t-o-aching) GIRASIWTO L. I'- I ...... -. Wks a photograpbic abronicla of your region. Sov. foto 18 no*9:29-32 S 158. (MIR& 11110) (Ph9tography) a~WII-:CJV, L.A.; BWaN, I.V~ Udvorwh]. pneumatic drives for plur4~er blockx, Vaf3hinostroitell no.,9-12 S 162, (11M 15-9) (Drilling aud boring maeldnery-Pneumatic 6riving) OMBIMDV p L A rip* cloaal a. Mashiriostroitell no.7:22 JI 165. A# 'PUMP (Mm 18:7) GEUVRIN I . Fl. -1. " ~ , Trtmitwnt of &aeala patients with dlr~!ct blo,-4 LTanufuslons and transfuntions of Frtably defibriwbeed blcod,. Cre-mat, 1. teral. krovi l123-25 t65. MRA 161,10) 1. laigoinskaya rblngtnayt Lqt.,mtil-.rt Ace .1140 40 W "tat dr(b, to 6 i,Dm current was observed durIng the gradual cooling but abarp decrease ir; Jen riirren,, dourn to 10-13Amt,) I 1,1 1ittl if hUiE? IltW . I I", I r GtJ t mr men igv~ .63 ZNCL 00 SUB CODE: EC Nof 0711ERt 000 1 7 1- !(w i d 2 ~ k l 11 U-T-kill `12', 144t Q . G-~TUISIMOV~ L. M.s; "Some biolofical features of sheep of the Romanov tweed 4 It Min Higher Education USM. N'~;scov Vaterinary Academy. m0scow, 1956. (bissertatim for the Dfgree o~' Candidate in Agricultural Lciences'). &-l: Kh-l.!!Ln!&ya let22is', No 23, 1956 PAY L35h C AIT A'13, 0 RY Farm Anbnais. Sheep JOUTI. RZBiol., No. 131 1950, NO. 5950 AUTHOR Genaimov, L. M. 11TU Certain Peculiarities of Reproduction of t1 Romanovskayn Broed ot Shoep lei ORIG. PUB. :Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 8, 21-23 ABSTRACT :The Romanovelcaya brood of sheep is distin- guished by its fertility and the capacity of reproduction almo3t during tho whole year round. The period of lient lasts in the majo- r1ty of sheeP for 59 hours, an the average, and depends on the number of the maturing follicles and the rapiditj of their ripening. lhiltiplb insemination increases the fertili- ty of non-simultancously discharged ovioells CARD: 1/2 - __ __ ____ - - Q38 . ..... . -Country USSR CATEGORY Parm Animals - Sheep A33. JOUR, f Ft7wBiol-, Jo- 1.3, 1958, No- 59540, AUTHOR INST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. : AB3TRACT : and augments the fecundity of the sheep. The cont'd. Interval bf 24 hours between inseminations is optimal in so far as spermatozou preiscrve their fertilizin6 capacity on the genital tracts of the uterus during 36 hours. It is requisite to shift to artificial inseminatia of all dams during the period of the sexual oyale.-- V. V. Po:Lovtsova CARD: 2/~2 GEMSIMO,V? Stratigraphy of the ignimbrite formition In the Kureyka and Lower Tunguska interfluve. Inform. abor. RIGA no.310-11 162. (141RA 16M) ')t,ratJ.graphy of the volr.,LnJc c,)rtplex in the Gorbiachi,-j and Lower runguska interfluve. lich. Zap. NIIGA. Feg. geoL, no.406-59 164. (MDA IF:121, GEWINDY, M., iTish. Sandir4,r truck with snow-removing aqii1pmont. Zhil.-kon.1-hoz. 7 no,12:23 157. (MIRA 11!12) (Snow plows) I .-.. ; T I.. IlDeacidification of acid petroleum ~.sphalt by direct wat.-r ste-am." TIEKhIKA. Sofiia, lhxll,!aria., Vol. 7, No. el, 199P z A !lj)nthly list of ~.A]T lUEOTIAli ACCLS31CIS (5.- 1). IL, T-11- 8), :;1. ", Jl.'Iy 1959, Ur-c"as GMILSIM)Y, IL, prof.; TTTOV, V., insh. Now technological layout for the recovery of wood resin from extraction Vattes. Gidrolis.i loookbim.prom. 13 no-1:15-16 o6o. OGRA 13;5) 1. Sofiyakiy khtmiko-teonologichaskiy Institute (auns &,ad resins) Jill ;SOMOB CODE: UR/01 )0 A 60 26/66/6o6/6 1/0168/0174 UM~ ras WHOM. J_ -0 im-Ov. V. A.: Granitsiciy, L. YJ IpLerinol~ ill A 30 AN SSSA Novosibirsk $qx 4n16, Chomistiz, 04G n 1 30 AN SSM) t I~#O OV MMI 'Pox rlmt -trdU x ray tube with automatic stabilization of ateh' J'atLid t; 6URCB:~ Obniket eksperimenta, no. 1, 1966, 168-174 Pic ij~'4quipftnt,: radiation intensity., stabilizer /ZER-1 lli!he~: N4hors -,present the results. of development tof an ex- tI6 T 11addo O(ZER- 1-Nith a J:' rime~t 6:f.i oree! electrode x nX_t_Uhe especial OdMI'm sp:1 A "and with a third electrode introduced to control Itbe x P%Jntensffy (Fig. 1). A special power supply, which cbmprlses~ ~ia modifi Olon btatindard x ray-tube Bupply, makes it possible to lioperate ~~6.Wb~i kth the anode current stabilized, witb.the x ray .11.'~Missioni4otenj V stabilized, under pulsed conditions, and with 2 _601 L Ard j f;i 7~ -Fig. 1. Diagram or ZER-1 tbree-electrode. ~Pt -ij IA ube. I Base of control e3ectrodej x.ray t 2 -- segment., 3 guides, 4 -- ebonite ring, A X ray tube body, 6 opening for emergence for x viye, 7 tube cathode, tube anode. 77, control of the x ray dose. The Ways of effecting the four different auto er matic-control operations are described in was made of the influence idetail, A studY of the Intereleatrode distance, the supply 1 I voltage, the magnitude and the shape of the Oontrol-electrode diagram on the dl.wnsions the plate-g d H_ of the focal spot, and also on it i~!charae6~kstibb~of the tube, The authors thank YR for c0nt1n4q4s I a tIn the work and a discussion of the resalts. Orig to 1 ;418 figures, pp ODeo64/ ORIG Wi 008/ OTH REN 007 DAM -6 WN M M M 4~ jj~-f ~> I , I , ~,- V/ 1' 1 , A. ti 14 i - Bulgaria/CImmical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubri- canto) 1-13 Abst Journal. Referat. Zhur .. Xhimiya., No 2, 1957, 5501 Authwi Gerasimov, Mikhail Institutim: Nome Titlet Concerning Bulgarian Petroleum and Ito Processing Original Publication; Pdroda (SofiYa), 1955) 4) No 3,, 25-29 Abstract: No abstract Card V1 GEMSIM079 14. GF.RASD�DVt M. New technological scheme for production of pine oil. p. 30. Vol. 4, no. 11, 1955 TEZHKA PROMISHLENCST. TECHNOLOGY Softyst Bulwia Sat East European Accessionsp Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1956 Cz`~A'ZP'nl?, ~r Concerning the Problem of the raw "aterial %nse for O)p Vanish iril Lac,~mr I~rMuction TT"IPYA Ml OMJ'A'",T~'TVT fHeaN-j lndusti~y) Isrup tR; I?; A,,,,riist 1955 037'AS-70T, t% New Tf.-chnolorICRI Scbpre for Obtainim- of Tat] OU . I'r W~4- TF7,11Y-A S, ( TnI,iDtry' 411; *,over:b-r 10`5 1- 7 ~ ~ - 17.1'-;"~!, D. III? H o -lit 1.1. i f, 1-nU 'tnel f' (Z) TS 12, ~. I K: Vol.3, :1a. 2, 11.)56; SS i1m, !-ii! -1a :'onthl- 11st of "UROPEO 11C T"~ Vol, 9p NO. ", hu.-,Imt, 1959 GERASLMOV, M. )iew trends in the 3oap industry. p. 29. LEKA PROMISRUMST. Sofiya. Vol. 5, no. 2, 1956. SOURC$. East European Accessions List. (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1956. R(Ozaria/Chemical Techmology. Chemical Products and Their Application Fate and oils. Waxess Soap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Abet Jourr4a: Referat Zhur - XhImiyay No 21 19M 6388 Authart 0%~ "llov, M., Gateva, P., Teaneva, D. ixetitut1cm; None Title: Corcerming the Procluction of Extraction Oil from Grape Seeds original NibliCatiOD: Leka promishlenost, 1956) 5) No 4, 29-30 Abstract: Descriptioni of the devel%nent of the production of oil from grape seeds In Bulgaria. The oil, obtained by extraction, haE; a dark green color, M20.D 1.475, di 0 926 acid value 9.28, saponification value 189, eater value 156.1, iodine value 131-09, viscosity ac- Uses of the extraction oil are cording to Engler (50o) 3-880- stated (mostly for the manufacture of paint) and also the conditions under vtdcb it can be produced with a low acid value. ca'na 1/1 I%; E-IIIAV31d, V. PrDduction of substituts for pine tar. ,.). 46. TEMIA pI,*U,'T.3jiLr,;OST. V,)L- 5, no- 5, 1`56 SOA:111, Eulearia SLURG1-: FAst ~uropmir. Accossions Livt Library if Congnbss,IVol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 BUEMIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical n,oducts and Their H-30 ApplAcation. Lacquers. Rtints. Lacquer and Paint Coatings, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1958, 27.UL6 Author : Gerasimov M., Ruschevj, D. Inst Title : Use of Sunflower ftl in the Manufacture of Drying Oil and Oil Varnish. Orig Pub : Tezhka prom-st, 1957, 6, Wo 2, 24-2'7 Abstract : The highest I-values (135-136) are those of sunflDwer oil (SO) varieties from northern ani mountain districts of Bulgaria. Drying time of SO having maximum I--~alues is from 20 to 24 days (oxygen values 10.3% and 10.1~, respoctively), and that of mixtures with linseed oil varies from 10 days (with 14 So in mixture) to 24 days (with 90% SO In mixture). Drying oil containing SO produces coatings of good physico-mechanical Card 112