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ASSOCIATION: PRESERM M: SM3LTTTED: AVAILABLI: Card V3 PA - 24!? 6 The Internatioml Geographical Oongresa held in Brazil author declares that of Bmxil published U.S*S,R. , the man in tras &M what not. Not given Library of Congress in spite of the fact that the bourgeois prbas slanderous and distorted articles about the the street in Brazil knew exactly what wu ..,- --ir ~ i- .3 1.,"; 1 1 .1 - I . GXPASIMPT. I.?., akademik. ... On the loses of (Patna. Pr1roda, 46 n;).5:67-70 My 157. (XLRi 1096) (China-loess) GIRASIHOV, I*P.. akademik. I Goopaphic observations in Brazil. PrIroda 46 no.8.-69-80 Ag 157. Om 1019) 1, Inatitut geografil Akademil nauk 3113R, Moskva. (ftazil--Description and travel) GMSIKOV, I.P., akademik (Moskva). mmowmmft "Asoys on geowrpbology" by HcTiri Baulig. ReTiewed by I.P. Gertsimov. Niroda 46 no.91l2l-123 S 157. (KLRL 10:3) ( ft sical geography) (Baulig, Henri) GIMINOV, I.P. Scientific principles of Soviet geography in the interpretation of a Canadian geographer. 1zv.Vses.g9og.ob-va 89 no.4:369-372 Jri-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10'1 (Geography) ~P~~,.WNT MA TUR-CHMI (Ma, Tung-chih); VOIXNSKAYA, V.S.. red.Vid-va; BIRINA, A.T., red.izd-va; GOITJBETA, V.A., [Genetie t7pes of soils to the Chinese People's Reoublic and their geographical distribution] Geneticheskie tipy pochv' na territoril Kitaiskoi narodnoi respubliki i ikh geograficheskoe rasprostrionenie. Hoskva. Isd-vo Akad.nmuk SSSR, 1958. 85 P. WRA iltQ (China-Soils) .3 (3,7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1914 Vsesoyuznyy gidrologichoskiy s"yezd. 3d, lAningrad, 1957. Trudy ... t. I: Obahchiye evedeniya, resheniya i plenarnyye doklady. (Iransactions of the 3d All-Union Hydrological Convention. Vol. 1: General Informetion, 'Resolutions, wA Plenary Reports) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 242 D. Errata Blip Inserted. 2,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: V.A. Vryw"ev; Ed.: R.V. Grosman; Tech. Ed.: A.N. Sergeyev PURPOSE: The book Is intended for scientists engaged in the fields of bydrophysice, meteorology, hydrodynamics, hydrometry and general hydrolog, COVERAGE: This is the first of ten volumes to be issued by the Hydrometeorological Service on the Third All-Union Hydrological Convention vhich,took place in Leningrad in October 1957. It reports on the preparation foF and the actual praceedinpmt the convention, the decisions taken in plenary and depextmental 4neetings, the minutes of the plenary meetings and plenmcy reports. It provides a complete list of.the reports brought up for discussion, the names of the organ- izations vhich participated in the convention, and a complete list oJ! the 1260 participants together vith their affiliations. This volume vas prepared for pubiicat,lo* In tkie GosadaretwenW ordena Tradovogo xmsnogo Y., n1 gidro- logidbesklY institat by Candidates of Geographical Sciences O.N. Borsuk, I.V. Popov, and O.A. Spengler under the editorship of Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. UryvsM. There are no references given. see ol o sfleo 0 V"' lj~ ot e i~e;~l Div Ot ~dr '04 Ge 6coy. 4p IVY Ile 0v, ot ~je .0'. .09.0 .1e dO - . 1 $1" 10 e oe "o ew OD, 6~ ,6, ,e r Vol 11'so pe ~ev & -lp ot elop 00 ~-te Ve .o 40 de A ot clolo" 0,0M, p 10 9,~e Atoo 6 AO 01. TTUP11, I.T., akademik, rod.; QZRA skedemik, red,; ITANOVI, TOONSO profo. red.; NOSIC, IM., *;Mansuk., red.; KMOV, T.Ts., red.ixd-va; XMIRIN, I.P., (Soil SU"ays; a sauual for field studies and soil mapping) Pochvennsia *%uka; rukoyodstvo po polavyx issledoyaniiBm i kartirovanitu pochv. 346 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Akadamiya nauk OSSR. Pooh"nqy Institut imeni V,V,bokuchaysva, (Soil surveys) Jill sill I jai v g BW, Lev Samenovich, akad., reti.; GUIM, S.1u., doktor geografich?skikh nauk, oty. -red.: kad. , rei.: GRIGORI YIN, -A.A.,, mikad., red.; ~ YIK, S.V., red.; -d.: MMKOV,,K.K.,,red.- HMAYRV, LAI,* II.H.. red.; NIKOLISKIT, G.V., red.; NIKOV SKATA, V. V. red.; a)RUCHRV, D. V. red. PAVLOTSXXY, U.N., andi, red.; SYRTOVIDOV, A.U., red.; SPRTGIIA, I.t., red. ltd-va,; KUZIMIN, I.F., tekhn. red. [Selected workli) Izbrannye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vols 2* [Physical geography] Fizicheskaia geografiia. 1958. 425 P. (MIRi 11:11) l.-Ohlen-Vorroapondent AN SSSR (for Kaleenik, Nikollakly, S,retovidov). (Physical geography) U-3OR / 3oll Scioncu. Gonosti and Goography of SoiD3. J-1 Abo Jour Rof Zhir - Dinlogiya, in 16, 1958, NO - 7,26~4 Author GorasL-io In9t o givon Title Major Genetic Typos of Soils ir- China and Thoir Geographic Location Or i[; 2ub Fochvovodun..yo, 1958, No 11 3-12 Abstrac",* A now tjoil *-np of the CPR on a acalo of 1:20Y000)()OI) was madf., by the cuthor together with the Chinoso soil sciont~st wi Yun-Chzhi. According to this nap, tho following baLic Conetic types of soils are spread on the territory o-.L' tho CPR: turf-glcys (Ifurthoastern china); podzolic chornoLams, allmlis typical and carbonate, Leadov-6hurnozcim soils (Damboya plaims); grey and bravn forest 80113 (Domboya foothill :~ogions); light bravx,. prizitive carborato-gley and gI)y soils (northern Chim); USSR / Soil Soicinco. Gonesis and Gooeraphy of Soils. J-1 Abs Jou Rof i"Ahm, - Diologiya, No 16, 19D6, NO- 7,2624 gray-light brown soils (forost platoau); yellw-lig,A brown, yollov soil, rod earths (contral Chim); latcritic soils aryl letorites (tiouthorn Chim) and Iron- latorito Goills (Yumn pletoau). Onnoti- fr-.t-nos uf theso typos of soils tam illuntratod by souic amlytioal dixte. OULMB, C02? pli, vator ortract, exchargo basos, contont of particlos O.Ml mm). Also widealroad in 'him aro =admr-.~maxsb soils, Bolnnotz ard solonchnk; allivIalls, gloyn (rico soils), alkalis nou-.ral and acid, alpim- noadoirs, alp'.1ao-poftolics, n1pino ~rovn forosts, n1pino 8ray-browiv, P.1pino chornozoms, alpino. rod nry! yallai soils) Enilq of alpirf, vxd high mcuntain (Cold) t3tcFr.?os, sr)U3 of iii,-Ji ,,xiuritnin (cold) dusorta. 'Tho goographIc forituros La ~'he atructuro of tho r4oil cavor of tho C'?R rofloct thl'ou basic uniformitioa In tho sproad of solls; broad or 1iorizon'tal zonality, onvirormnt of provincialism, Caro. b USSP /1 .;oil Sclarrc. u'A Geogmphy 'T Soils. J-1 Abq Jotu, Rof Z.Jvur - Biologiyn, INn 16, 1958, No. -12424 vortical zo:wtion. The high kvToomtri., lovol cf tho countr.r rud the diajoLntod zountnin rolinf the formtion x, the vertical geo=phie -omj of tiio CPR of a siiltropical "Dolt Of arocial eombinat.Lord of soll, -,rA joil typos. Duch, for oxamplo~ are the yellow-brawn and gToy-brown allino-forost soils, tho soils of tho high mmintnin cold dasorts rind etopre,~ cq' Tibct. It is -iotod that. tho au~otroric~al -or lion Is little studiod. -- P. V. Skramko Card 3/3 2 GERASIMOV, I.P.;GORNU14G, M.B. Internaltional Geographical Conference in Japan. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.1:16-27 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Japan-Geography-Congres aes ) ell) AUTHORt Gerasimov, I.F. 10-5E-2-6/30 TITM GeOgraphioal Observationsin Japan (Geograficheskiye nablyude- aiya V Yaponii) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akadomii nauk SSSR - Seriya geograficheakaya, 1.956, Nr 2, PP 54-63 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author describes observations made during a research ex- podition in Japan. This was organized for the foreign dele- gations participating in the Regional Geographical Conference in Japan in Fall 1957. In hi4 paper on "The Subtropical Geo- graphical Landscapes of the USSR, and its Far East analogies" delivered at this conference, the author compared soil typea found in Japan with those in the USSR. He also mentioned the relevant ressaroh work done by B.B. Polynov, T.Seki and O.N. Mlkhaylovskaya. There is one chart, onetable, four photc- Card 1/2 graphs and 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 7 Japanese. 10-!i9-2-6/30 as 02 awftiom ln Jqw, (Mmpsticbee" rablyudanVa v upwil ASSOCIATIORi Institut geografii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography, of the AS USSR) 1, aeographical-4aaference 2. GeograPhY-USM 3, Geogmpby --Japm Card 2/2 10-58-2-21/ 30 AUTHORt 0~~~ P., Academician, President of the National Committee of Soviet Geographers, Gornung, M.B., Laaamed Secretary TITLEi A Letter From the National Committee of Soviet Geographers to the President of the International Geographical Union, Professor G. Ahlmann (Pialmo natsionallnogo komitete, sovets- kikh geografov prezidentu mezhdunarodnogo geograficheskogo soyuza Prof. G. Allmanu) PERIODICALs Izvestiya A-kademii Nauk SSSF! - Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 142-143 (USSR) ABSTRAM This letter deals with questions concerning the organization, the program and agenda of the 19th International Geographical Congress, which is to take place in Stockholm in August, 1960. ASSOCIATIONt flatsionallnyy komitet sovetskikh geografov(Natior-al Committee of Soviet Geographers) 1. Geography-tonforence-Organization Card 1/1 AUTHORi I r.!, - 1 ~ . r, ;' - I- , Gurasimcir, I.P. .112u . . . . ......... TITLEi: rhe 11roselit StatuB of, D;')kuO'h;tVeVIS !'Yeor~! of soil zoj)zjlity arid, of L.I. 11raeolo-v, 5 Scienta.fic Concepts on Soil. Provinces, avid Their lriportanc~i ror thfe Tb,ury of iivit;ion into Natural Rogions (S,-,vrcqretjir~1j(4 m,)tJo,ptniye Dokuc~ayevskoeo ueliciiiYa o zonal~not ''poohv t rauchnykh idey L.I.. Frasolova o poch- venricy provl.ntsi *I In,,,,:,ti .1 Akh znacheniye dlya teorii prlrodnoGo r-~yorixrc:-variiya) PER IODI CAL t Izvestlya Akademii nauk 33511, Seriya Geograficheqkaya, 1958: Nr 4p PP 3-10 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This article was delivered as a lecture at the seminai~ of the Institute for tho Study of Soil, of the Academy of 51ciences of the Chinese People's Republic in Nanking, in connection %Ith the pending division of the Chinese t?rri- tory into natural regions. The main basir, of the! Dok-ichayev theory is his affirmation that natural soil is the pr)duct of the a.~tion of biological factors on the matrin, this ac- tion depending on the climate and the relief of different belts or zoneB. He found that the belts or zonei3 were form- ed long! t adxnal2y, rouGhly corres pond _4 rig to the ,limatic zones cf the world. He divided the viurla!3 soil into 5 Card 1/ 2 belts, of which at present nily 3 (arctic, foreqt and later- The Present Status 6f Dokuchayevln Theory of Soil Zonality and of L.:.-. Prasolovlo Scientific Concepts on Soil Provinces, and Their Importanoe for the Theory of Division into Natural Regions itic zones) remain on maps of the world. According to Frasolov's theory different "prDvinces" of soil were f,)und in the same belt or zone, formed under the influence of various local, climatic conditions, The author says V.11at both theories must be taken into consid0ration in the :1as- sification of so.-Is. SOIL Its-classifieRtion 2 - S 0 i 11 m' a f t or Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Gerasimov, I.?., Acaldemicl-an 26-ca.-4-10/45 TITLE: ilroblems of' th. QLutnnary Peftod che't,vertichnogo perioda) Results ~)" the Al L-:.,ni )n Conference ~'K itogam Ysesoyuznogo soveshchaniya) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1-)58, Nr 4, pi) 49-54 03L"'"' ABSTRACT: The author eives an account of the All-Union Corference for the Study of the ~uarternar Feriod, -,which convened, in Moscow in May 1957. The Ccriference was organized by the USSR Aca- d.emy of Sciences and the Ministry of aeDloey and Conser- vation of Mineral Reso~rces. Over ;-)00 scientists repre- senting 140 scientific and industrial research establish- ments participated. A totul of 2~O lectures viere delivered covering the history of the ~uarternary Feriod based on the latest research conducted by the following scientists S.A. Yakovlev, A.I. Moskvitin, V.P. Grichuk, H.H. Sokolov, V.M. Tsapenko, S.M. Shik, A.S. HYabolienkov, Yu.F. Cheinekov, G.S. Ganeshin, V.P. Vas'kovskiy and others. According to tneir statements the ~uarternvxy Period fc~rmiutions dif'er a great deul from each other as to their ext;_--nsion Lind rhythm :)f time in the various:, parts of 1,hf~ country. it wai; deciled Card 112 that instead of the clb:xleta t,erm "quarternary Perlod" the 2u'-',; 5-4-10/45; Problems of the Qtiaernziry Per.iod. Results of tne All-Dnion Confe:rence synonym "anthropogeny" should be used Lind that more detailed stratigraphic subdivision of that period be adapted for a better theoretical study of the various stages ~Df develop- ment whi,:~h had taken place in the territory of the Soviet Union. The next All-Union Conference is to convene in 1960. ASSOCIATBA: Institat geogr&fti Akeaemii aaak S33H (Moskva) Institute of Geography of USSR kcade3Zr of Soiances (Moscow) AVAIMBIX: Lilarx-j of CmWess CwA 2/2 1. Quatervri7 Period rese,~rch-'JS3R 2. Scientific reseErch-USSR 3. Geolo.7-USSR it 10 " I T I, EV Structural Features of the Relief of the TJS~':-'R and Their Origin (Strukturnyye cherty rel'yefa SSSR i ikh proiskhozh- deldye) PERIODICAL.- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR - Seriya geograficheskaya, 1958, Nr 5, pp q-9 (1133H) AIIM'RACT: Information is presented on a method of scientific nnalysis of morphotecton.1c structural and sculptural elements of the relief of the USSR, which is fully based on the main theory of modern geonorphology, i.e. that the relief of the Earth's surface is formed by correlations between endogenous and exogenous factors. 'his theory is applied from dynamical and historica:L points Df view, The suthor points in parti,.,ular to the methodical aspect of tnis investigatIon. ASSOCIATION- Institut geograf-ii, AN SIM OeogrRphical institute of the AS)IJSSR) Card 1/1 GMWDIDVP 1. P. "Lqwtant Aablevements of the Institate of Geography." Report of Activity In the Dept. ot Geological Geogmphical Sciences, Test. Ak Im* SM) 1~8, No. 5, pp. 56-59. e 11 -7 TITLF- geomorphology in '.'olrind (,corrorfolnriya v iol'skoy `iarodnoy Respubl ike.) Impressions from ~i Trip vpechqQe!AyPM 0 poyezdke) PFRIODICAL: Tzvestiyn Akaderiii nA, *ik i7eogrltf ichesknya 1958, .5, pp 100-11~ (71~1-';:) ABSTRACT: The author-, tell Of A Visit to I'OlPnd fOT gather-Ing information on the stage of geomorpho1ovical and geographicni stu8ics. A detailed description is given of the activities of gec- morphological centers, At Torun, -. group of gEororDholo:LY,'-J.Qts headed by Professor R. Calen, is investigating the rec(!nt glaciation in northern Poland. At lodz, periglacial format--ons in central. Folsnd are being investigated tinder the super- vision of Professor Ya. Dylik. . t Wr,),-! !::rc ', ff!OmorDholcwis~s heEided by Professor A-Yan, S. 5hchepankevIch arid Y- Eli- mashevski), are studying slope formation with the sil of continuous obrervations of erosion and accumul~!tion broctesses, ,carried out in qwithern Foland, The study of Holocene phenomena is mainly performed at 'K rakov under the super.- vision of Frofesgor I Sntarkel:, .', t ."' F-. r s a w ,',~rof esso r'; Card 1/2 Ye. Yondrstskiy wnd "'A.. Petkevich of the Institute of uoo- Seomr,rpholof.-,y in Polqnd - Jmnres~ lons from a 7rip graphy of the Poli!~h Academy of Sci-ences are Investip,,,,t-.nF-, the glacintion lar)0.3cape The Tnstitute of ;i-,e V.11in of Ceoi3ry of if' headed Ily F, and its Activitiev include the rompiling .,,If' F.1cloricFl lraf~.;W (S. Rutkovskiy), the study c' loess in the Lub'-i-,, elpvition (F. Moyqkiy); the analyses of unterntiry deposits nd tie morphology of the BnItic coast (~rof. ~. ,); the inves tign tion of the contral Vistula valley (Prof. Ruzhatskiy). A geoir,,)rpholorical !iail studY of the area is being performed by c, 'I'Mzhitskiy and rushinskly, The authors submit various suggestions for the fUrther de- velopment of geo-norphological sciences in Poland. There are 6 photos and 1 r,~iip. Card 2.12 scv,/10-58-6-16/21 AUTHOR: Gerasimov, I.P. TITLE: The General Soil Maps of China (Obzornyye poohvennyye karty Kitaya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geo~ra- ficheskaya, 1958, Nr 6, P 137-140 (1JSSR ABSTRACT: This is a review of different soil maps of China. published -IV-here after 1952, when the first gencral soil map of China was published. Card 1/1 IVAHOVA. U.N. Throe scientific trends In the study of general soil claaul- fication problems end their reciprocal relations. Pochvoyfidenis no.11:1-18 N '58. (MIRL 111:12) 1. Ine4itut geografti AN SM. Pochvennvy Inatitut Imenl 1r.V- DokuchiLyeva, AN SSSR. (Soil$-classification) GER.ASIMOV, Indken iy R. (Moscow) _......_.... . .... :~~ The present state of geographical sciences in the U.S.S.R. Przegl geogr 30 no-39393-402 158. (EW 9:8) Mussia--Geography) AUTHORi Gerasimov, I.P., TITLEi Tasks of Geographical 6cience in the Study of Land-Use (Zadachi geograficheskcy nauki v izuchenii sellskokhozyayst- vennogo ispollzovaniya zemell) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1956, Vol. 90, Nr 3, pp 209 - 219 (Uz-SR) ABSTRACT: Lately, the problem of land-use has attracted the attention of 6eographers. Due to the activity of the Inventory of World Land Use, a detailed report on the actual stage of this problem was delivered at the XV`lII International Geographical Congress at Hio de Janeiro in 1956. It was then decided that a 'horld Clap on Land -Use would be compiled. The article pre- sents information on the progress in several countries o~' cartography for land-use and gives a short description of the devolopment in the field of land-use, based on V.V. Doku- chayev's theories, and the works of other Soviet scientists such as Malyshkin, L.I. Prasolov, N.N. Rozov and D.L. Armand. With regard to the proopective development of land-use, the author comes to the following conclusions: scientific gco- Card 1/2 graphical inve3tigations of lard use must be closely connected 12-90-3-1/16 Tasks of Geographical Sciences in the Study of Land-Use with the active utilization and transformation of lands; in- vestigations relating to properties of agricultural land have to be carried out by geographers who are soil-experts and bo- tanistsi materials, specimens, etc. gathered during in,restiga- tions must be kept in storehouses; scientific information, cartographic generalization on a small scale, and the evalua- tion of scientific material on the estimation of lands must be developed. There are 5 Soviet and 1 English referencei RVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Geography-Economic aspects 2. GeogrFphical science-Applications RANTSMAN, Yellsovets Yskov1evns;,AW; ,_I P. Andemik, otv.r-ei..; tokhn. red. SHMOVA, K.N., r-ed.izd-va; I Coaamorphology of the Issyk-Kult Depression and its marginA mountains) Goomorfologiia lssyk-lullakoi kotloviny i ea gornogo obramledia. Koekva, Isd-vo Akad.naulr SSSR, 1959. 86 p. (HIRA 12:12) (Issyk4ull Depression--Geolotr_v, Structural) mgmv IWobin!4i PetrqT~, ; VOLYNSKATA, V.S., red.izd-va; POIIJNOVA, ".000000 1f$, OWN ft. .jF:* N . e. Structural pattern of t4e relief of the earth's surface Ir. the 6 .6.S.11. and their originJ Strukturnye cherty reliefs zemol. poverklinosti na territorii WSR I ikh proiakhozhdonis. Hom).va, lid-vo Akad.nauk SM, 1959. 98 p. (KIILi 12:11) (Geology, Structural) GIRASIKOV In k ti Petrovich, akademik: ZARANKIN. V.M., red.; -- R. Wb VIZ., a ..' (My foreign travels] Mol sarubezhnye puteshostviia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 182 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Voyages and travels) , 91 Innokontiy Petrovich, akedemik; ZARANKIN, VA, red.; BRA!R# y red.; MICHEVSKIY, G.H., red. kart; SOGINA, I.I., L35says on the physical geography of foreign countries) Oeharki po fizichaskoi geografii sarubezhnykh stran. Moskva, Goe.iod-vo geogr.lit-ry. 1959. 352 p. (MUU 12*9) (Physical geography) GZUSIMOV, I.P., akmdamLk, oty.rod.; ANTIPOV-XARATAYEV, I.N., alademLk, TIMIKOV, 11.1h., doteento otv,rade; TANOTp YeoNep starsMy nauohnn sotradnik,,; GALIVA, V.V., red,; TYURIN, I*Vv, red.; KAYUNO P,K.. red.lsd-Ts; MAKUNIiD.T., takhavrode [Soils of Bulgerisil Poohq BolgarLI, Noskya 1959. ':196 P. (1&; 12:6) lo Jkndemiya nauk SSSR, Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dobachayeva. 2. A Tadshikskoy SSR (for AntipovAlarstayev). -Soils) (Bulgaria -7110 R8: '~Irumpiyev 31--drint-sev '!a-.5-ulin V.-%, -ru.-Lari Yl-.L. , D-l-,'.,amal-ov C.D. -LI(Illasli.loy I.Pa $ ZaorsY~;t,:, a--' 'lc!-sand-ova V.7., Lu:-la.yev EIII.-!, i-dkisho~ Preobra:~)~cn:-I:i,- :~.I. 7e,,r:;in Ya. U. 2! 2L-7: ~Ieb l7ilcanorovicli 'her~ant~ev PE.RICi)l(".:IL: Izvostiya A'Imd,~ 1, 41 naulk, -Co-rafich- c!Aaya, 1S",0, I-Tr -1 p L, ;.B"TR~.CT: This article ha-- been viritte-r- in co:-,-ze-oration of the Acade.-ician of the .1 3 -7-bel~- 33H, Oo--tor of .71,conotdc Sciences, Glob 7-ilza~'-~)rovicl, 3h,-r~Ix-itsev, 35'. TM scie.-atist vfho died on X-celaber 10 u one of tho senior rlroforr~Dr:7 of t-'Ilr-, institut in-zhencrov L;oodezii, acrefo~u-os"yen"'.i- i -1,;.Lrto6rafii (lio---.o-.,- Iii:,,tit"ute of -inecr-' of ~Lu y5. "e publ-.,.~,-,I)ed Geodesy, 'ir Survey a'~l Car'-O Card 1/2 nore thar, loc scin-l-'il'ic ar~iclcs :--n- !-C:-,0 boolcs. Tleb I-ilalloroViCh (,herdantsc~tr (1. "r-1c") ?or nany -e,-,.ir: aj:~c ... crl:c3. in the field of ]ic -..O%rolonmont 0' t' I he ro-,)T~bijc:7 Of *.,!as electecl llcnb(~r, mi-I latcr on Aca- -eco--ition Of ~le--ician of t'-,lc "3 I-T,-Ilol_ Z~v -dS norits aF teac'ler 4- Tenin Onler. Car,"I ':V2 3(5) SOV/10-59-3-2/32 AUTHOR: Gerasimov, I.P. TITLEt Cloy Pseudo-podzolic Soils of Central Euz-ope ard the Format--- -1sits ion of Two-Component Surface Depc V PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii navk, IISISR, "'eriya Ceoiraficheskaya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 20-30 (ITSSR) ABSTRACTt The intention of the ai;thor is to diosirutc. the ccmplicated terminological situation in Western _Europc C-..nd Russia con- cerning the terms lipodzol", "-Dseudopodzol", "lessivage", IfiFley" and "pseudorley". After havinC studied different kinds of poftolle anl t7loy Soils 4.11 Central Europe (Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia), &nd in Russia Pelorassia , Subcar- pathian Ukraine), and having analyzf-d the points at issue among different soil-scientists, the, author ~,tates that the rlue to the clarification of terminolory L3 to be found in the following: It is necessary to distinC,%,ish genuine pod- zolic Soils from pseudopodzolic ones, heoqu5e the latter ones, although apparent ly Similar to the first, do not cor- Card 1/3 respond to the essence of podzols (their miieral mass is J'OV/10-59-3--2/32 Gley Pseudo-podzolic Soils of Central Purope and the Forma-.ion of Two- Component Surface Deposits not thorourhly decomposed; they neither shog residual quartz setliments nor displacement, alonj- the profile, of the pro- ducts of decompo3ition-hydrates of aluminum- and ferric- oxide:.) The author tries thon to vxp~ain the formation of the p eudopodzols b5r rcferring to the Polish geological theory of "periglacial phenomena". Formation of pseudopod- zols includes poutUlacial decalcification and subsequent decolmation. (migration of the slime particles from the upper part of the jedinents into the lower part). The author calls Central-European pseudopodzols '11-ley pseut!cpodzolsII because the gley process is rather advanced in the,-, as a consequence of humid and mild West-European wintors (oTro-,inq~ the se- vere winters of the Eantern lltaygall areno, actual homeland of genuine podzols). fie then states that these gley pseu- dopodzols have been called "sol lessivell ar,d "paeudogley" in Western Europe. The following Polish gEomorphologists and geologists-specialiats in the Quaterna~-y Period are Card 2/3 mentionedt Ruzicki, A,~&Jemlcian, Profeuv~r F.Gale~nj 'Ia. Gley Pseudo-podzolic Soils of Central Europe and ponent Surface Doposits ~OV/Q-G- -)q-3-2/32 Dylik and M. Klina3zewski. Pro-C. Cernescu I Ramar~-'a is said to I- -, -' - own soil-scieni i.~t. The 6.uthor further refers to the following 'Sovict 3clentist'sl V.(:. Klasat,~Jn, YAR. N. Afanaslytivj N.A.';Nlogina, Fii3hinskiy, T.G. Rn--Pnov, IT.B. Vernanlar, V.."'. Rulneva, and the Yu,-os- lavian soil scientist 1.4. Zivkovic. There are 4 tablcs and 16 references' 13 of wl:lch ar,,, 3oviet, 1 1. and I Oerbian. (Tnstitut,~ of Oeo~-rKFI-y, GEUSIMOV, LP.~ akademik Problems of the DUuvW (Quaternary) period in the U.S.S.R. Zbornik rad Geogr Inst SRI no,67M-28 '59- (.EEAI 9tlO) 1. Diroktor Geografskog instituta Akadenije anuka SSSR. (Russia-08ology) i1.- 1. Present condiAbions of the Dokuchaev theory or, the zomaity of soils, and or the scientific Meas or L. I. Prasolov on soil provinciality, and their -ean-ing for the theory of natural 7onlw. p. 151. ARULE ROFINO-SOVIMCE. SERIA ;,,WLO,.',IFGEO,'aAFIE. BuciireA~., Runania Vol.. 121, no. 2, AT)r./June N50. Yonthly List of East European A,~vessions (F&U) Lc, Vol. 9, no. 1, January YtO. Und. nmkIIMvp I. lissian, Gerimin, FAnd Amrl,,.an orientations In the clasqification ol soils, and "heir nutual relati,)ns. D. 141. &NALEVE RCIVINO-WrIE?ICE. MRIA GEOLaGIE--]jX3RAFTE. Bucuresti, Rumnia Vol. 12, mo. 2, Apr./June 1951). ~bnthly List of 14irt Diropean Accessions (EvAl) LC, Vol. 9, no, 1, Januavr 1960. Uncl. GIMZDIOVI I.Po [Gemaiwvp I.P.) . I PrIoblem of the Glacial period (DiluvW epoch) in the Soviot Umion. Foldr korl 7 no.4: 33,13-320 159. OMMSIJOV I.?. -- ..... ---10 Tropical sails of Hainan Island. Yest.Hosk.u,,i.Ser.bioll;:Pocbv.t geolop geoge 14 n0-1:183-186 159. (mm 9) 1. Nbskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Kafedra gengrafti I karografil pochv. (Hainan Ialand--Soilg) qrwrrv, Tnnokent4y P. (1) "The Recent Natural C-onditions of the Siberian pole of Cold.11 (2) "A Scientific Sympo$iuq~ 'Tbe Sov~et leographyl, and Its Contents." report to be submitted for the Intl. Geographical Union, 10th General Assembly and 19th Intl. Oeographlcal Congress, Stockholm)Sweden, 6-13 August 1960. G-Lkju~ Uiu`j , --" . 17. "I'Vew Sol.' limp of the World. " (Active Menber, Andemy of Sciences USSR) report to be presented at the 7th Intl. 5M.] Science Congre.,;s, Radison, Wiscomirl, ..5-23 iwg t-qtso SOCHATA. V.3., otv. red.; KROTOT, V.A. , prof.,;..GHRASIMOV,I.P.I akad., red.; POKSHISHETSKIY, T.T., prof. red.; RIOTER,G.D., prof., md,; TOROBITHY, Y-Tv, kand.geogr.wuk, m,.; XUDIXOTA, Le-le, rod.i KHHEL'NITSKAYA,Te.E., red.; SUPING. H.G., red.; PMCfWRMtAYA,T.I., [Oeographical problems of Siberia and the Far Enst; results of the First Soientifio Conference of the Geographers of Siberia and the Par lost] Problemy greografti Sibiri i Dallnegn Tostoka; itogi ftrvogo nauchnogo soveshchanits goografov Sibiri i Dallnego Unto- ka. Irkutsk, Irkutakoe knizhnoe I:td-vo, 1960. 133 P. (MIRA 14:5) I, Akedenlya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoyf) otdelanive. Inatitlit geogrefii Sibiri. I Pallnego Tostoka. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SM (for Sochave) (Siberia-Oeography) (SovIet Far East--Geography) red.; BUDYKO, M.I., prof.. doktor fiz.-mat,, nauk, red.- GALITSOV, A.P., doktor geogr.nauk, red.; TAiU TA, N*M*O red.; BRAYNM# X.I., (Thermal and water regime of the earth'a surfacel Teplovoi i vodAyi reshim semnoi povarkhnasti. Pod red. I.P.Gerasimova, N.I.Budfto i A.P.Galltmova. Lartingrad, Gidrometeor.isd-vo, 1960. 191 p. (MMA 14:2) I* Rusnia (1923- 'U.S.S.R.) Glavuoye upravleniya gidromotoo- rologicheskoy slushbyo 2o Institut geografii Akedemii nauk SSSR (for Gerasimov, Oalltsov), 3. Glevnava geofizicheskaya observato- r1ya in. A.I.Voyeykova (for Budfto). (Earth temperature) (Hydrology) GXUBINOT, I.P.; TOLYNSKATA, V.S.. voditshchly red.; DOROXHINA, I.N., '..Md. [Soils of Central Burope and related physicogeographical problems] Fochvy TSentrallnoi Avropy i eviatannye a nimi voprosy fisichoskoi geografii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 141 P. (HIRA 13:7) (3urope, 11astern-Sollu) GIRASIMOV* I.?.; GIAZCfVBWAg M.A.; ZARANKIN, II.M., red.; BELICKENKOp `---R-,X;-.qmIedohi), red.; HALICHEVSKII, G.V., red.kart; GLEIKH, D.A.p,; NOSERMA, S.M., tekbnaed, (Principles of soil science and soil geograpbyl Osnovy pochvovedeniia I geograftia, pochv,, Moskva, Gos,izd.-vo geogr,lit-ry, 1960. 490 p, zmpoo (MIRA 142 6) (Soil science) (Soils--Maps) BIRG, Lev Somenovich, akademik; KMZAYIV, I.K., doktor geograf.nauk,; PATLOVSKIT, Ts.N., skadomike red.; GELLER, S.Tu.. red.; GIRRASINOT, I P" akedsaik, red.; GRIGORIYET, A.A., akademik, I--- IK, S.V., red.; LINDIMRG, G.U., red.; KARKOV, 1,1" red.; NIKCLISKIY, G.V.i red.;'MIKOWSKATI, V.V., red.; OBRUCHIV. D.T., red.; PAVLOVSKIT, Te.N., akademik, red.; SVRTOVIDOV, A.B.. red.; SPUGINA, L.I., red.izd-va; GOLUB' , S.P., [Selected works] hbrannye trudy. Koakva, Izd-vo Akud.nauk SSSR. Vol.3. (Central Asia. Loose] Srodniain Asiia; Lose. 1960. 550 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlaq-korrospondenty AN SSSR (for KaloBnik, Hikol'skiy, Svotovidov). (Soviet Central Asia--Physical geography) (Loess) GIRA3ImPV,-I.P,,N, red.; KALESNI, S.Y., rod.; KONSTANTINOV, O.A., red.; Wn=TXV, 2.9., red.; SALISH(MV, K.A., red.; IONATIUV, G.H., red.; ANUMOT, L.G., red.; KONOVALYUK, I.K., mledshly red,; MICIMSKIT, G.N.. red.kart-, GUYKH, D.A., [Soviet geography; results and tanks] Sovetaksia geografiia; itogi i saaachi. Moskva, Gom.izfl-vo vogr.lit-ry, 1960. 634 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Goograficheakoye obehobastvo SSSR. (Geography) GERdismov, I.P. Resultfi of the Third Congram) of the Geographical Society of tba U,14-S.R. Izv,AK SSSR-Serageog, nD,,):100-107- ,(' ("t, (HIRA 131:~) (Oeograpbr-congresseB) ~ GRMBI140V!_jjj DRESH, Zh. [Dreacb, Jal (Sorbonm, Frautsiya) Coutexporar7 French geomrTbology and its progress; a Frawo- Soviet 2reting. Izv." SSU.Ser.geog. no-3:129-134 *-Je ItA. (KIR,k 13:6) (Yrance-GeogTaphical research) GXU� "10 AWED, D.L.; DATITIYA, Y.F.; DOLGOPOIDY, I.Y.; SILIVISTMV, S.I. Betentifically. based agricultural maDagement in the U.S.S.R. and tasks in Soviet geography. Inv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-5:3-10 3-0 160. (MM 13:10) 1, Inalltut goo &M AN SSBR. FA:%Itural geography) GZRAS3HOV, I.P. Plain tafte and trends in gomrphologrical atudles in the U.S.S.R, Imv. AS MR. Bar. 900& n0-5:88-95 -5-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (PhySiftl geDgraphy&-Study and teaching) GZRAS _LL-1; GXM, 8,Ya,; DURIIIWM, N.V. 1 KAHANIN, L.G.; ERZEUI&Y, '"RMHUYINOTo YU.A.; )PODROVICH, B.A. ju memory of Aosidemitian I.S.Shatskii. Isv. AS SSBI. Bar. geog. no.6:146-147 v-D l6o, (HIM 13! 10) (Shatakiii, Nikolai Urgseviohs 1893-1960) GARASIK(ff. I&.; ILIIHA, L.P. Recent volcanion and soil formation on Kamchatka. Izv. Sib. otd. AM SSSR no. 10:84-93 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut geografli AN SSU, (Namehatka-60116) ORUSINOT, I.P. # 4Udemik am 00A QaoVraphr In the modern worl4l remate of the Hinateeath Interna- t-lonal (loographical Cor4reave TostAX OSSR 30 no-12:58-64 :0 160. (asopapby-Oorgressea) (MIRA 13:12) I GIRASIMOT. I.P, ..-" -- - ---- letters to the editors* 19yahesegeog. ob-va 92 no.3:291 MY-Je 160, (mm 13:6) (Geoapaphy) ft"'- Se"I'Ittell far the 17Lh ?.ft. 3.L.ooe sm MI. or C.-I, or eir-11--n ,f -- 4-ri th- -lt- ;,hr' 'LPct' yer od LA the nor of the F~~Lrlc C,-- -Or V! 1 - 76- re.-.L.. of 5--., or Scl-71: rzl - -Tt;, -1. of the bLrdx of bit-rie. -1- F~ Y~.nt -f t~- -M-P. of rto,. -A 112--' .VSXI D. L'. 1-tit.te- of C-gr.khy, Mu"Bou"' -'h.%n~ysls of - r- .... I ~f -,Me Aat-t:l' (2-t-I.. Vl:.C-!~ TAVORSICATA X ,A., of G~lacj - --. '--t r-,~Tt:sn i;k7.ow of --he PWTI lic Atores of tr, L::Zp- (:-ti- V-:~ last..-tt or 0"e-lOj . *:,- -- sc=-~ of 1-2 -t. of the P-IfL4* V::.Il, -;~y - tn th-e Gcg- A.. Y.. zast,.,,~. of F-th r-.y--, .- z - r~ - sm- !t ~.i. cotelt-aae, Z' th to ~wt,_L or the e-h,. ~-- ;n of st~ ~e~cf the PvcLf- (S-tlor. Yll.C.2j A~ -r -Z -Ifl- r- Y-t tof a:e-11 41.tftb~l- of ;zo-,P'.&hxt~ In tag trnp-.C~ ;-t o" -6 rtzlf.- (S.'e't, on rl: 0, ~rh. 43-11.6i.e.1 J~.- local A. P. X~4-7 of Sole- LV= teeth fo,=d V- =-, Wtt= -4f S_ ~h. Lb-.tOry o. -!~V he- L reat- of vol-i= :z "letian t4 the ty;es or -.-s 0--h's C-et- ts-tlo~ T11-C-3) =t& ,t. of 0--loc, - 'T-l It. .4-~r-7 of U. F-irt., (SeetiIm 11I.C.", P-1- last-t-Am of Geoar,,rhy of S'ter~ - the FIr 7~t _h. arlCiet.1 tr.~ -d --it. If oedl.- mw Sot- 7- rn~ W44xff0=L A. q- -Ino ce. ~l !11..tlftz F---- r M.rjhI, j-..htg wA 0--.gror~hy - -- thhth~-IzZi-I he,t.rt~I MU#oted d=&mg toe 3- Ing. F~& aorpcdttj~- 9.-r~ ta. A41- uALum m4 ?~-,rs. c- --i.citirit ?--h F--.w e4 mod gene .. g-phy to L958--g* (S.-tion T114) :a .' tI of r' --%,ocr - of 1-tiag --'~-7 old t"ing Lt. -oon- th. fltl.-t of 1.1.--* (5.otl- T11.3) or 0C.-logy - -=-A roller of I- it.t. of 0-1.6 z r u- mwrtb~ P41t of =r r-:Ln,- -.1 =---= -- -7- 7 -, -Z =="-- e-. -#.Lyche." or th# I.- t. tire "-Zt -4 M,=' *r -me,,reoirto~ 4j. t" b~,,on, -S-ti- ~t. t-n- I,Y, a4' L.4. of S. A.. Uttst.t. or 0--alv -3~- rlc"no-tt'- If wl: th. ths-l'- fo-L 4 in Z= -1 :9- .:Zz T.1-1 1A A7' -A .!.L.f or tle e.=I-lea .-.f IC t~., .1-h-rd (LLj.&tbj.) 3_ 1. ..them tn" (S-Lian r:2.C.1) of zoh.-.L.~ 1614&U And ta the "ter* of .1ze,oz.- -4 (r-tion V'J.D) 1-tit.t. 4r - -A 1-7 f do;t. ir-7 pro4udtl~ La the wrthtrm paw'. or the P-Me" (S-tton Xrl.A)pr GK4a4W,j,P., akademik, otv. red.; HESHCIMAKOV, Yu.A., kands geogr, naukp otv. red.; KWASMA, I.G., red. izd-va; MAKUNI, Ye.V.s tekhn. red6 [Recout tectonic movements of the earth's crust and methods of studying then] Sovremennye tektonicheskie dvizheniia zemnoi kory i metody ikh izu- absuila.. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk, 1961. 156 p. (MW 14:11) 1, AksidemUs. nauk SSSR. Otdolenip goologo-geograficheakikh nauke Geo- morfologiohsskaya komisslyao 2, Institut geografil AH WR (for Me- sbaberyakov). (Earth movements) BAWOYj A,N.; skademikp red.; GERASIMOV, I.P., red.; KALESPIK, SJ., red.; SALISH01XV,, N.A.,, do)1dTA-6UE.-'-naaP red.; GORNLRIG, X.B., kand. googr. mauko red.; VOLYNSWA, Vest, radoizd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., tokbn, red.1 GOLUB', SaP*, tekbne red, [The 19th International Geographical Congress in Stockholz]XIX Mazbduz wrodayl Geografiebankii. Kongress v Stokkholme. Moskva, Jzd-voi Akad. raixk SSMx 1961. (MIIU 34: 11) 1, International Geographical Congress, 19th,, Stockholm, J-960.2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SM (for Wasnik). 3. Inatitut geografti AN SM (for Gerasimov). (Geograpby-Congresses) GLUSHKOIfp Ifiktor Grigorlyevich, inzh., gidrolog (1883-19391; LIVUVICH, M.I.j --RWDIOWj-IJ,ry akedemik,, red.; BLIWAK, To V red. (deoeasedh DAVIDOV, M.I., EMIR, V.N., otv. red.; RiiIiiiii, V.V., rohrBIRINA, A.V., rea. izd;-vaj POINAKOVIt T.V.,.tAkbn. red. (Tbaoretical problems and methods of IV&ological researeb] Voprosy toorft i ioo* *CjftIcqtdWmk"..isa1edovanii. Moskva, 12d-vo Akad. nauk'SWR, 1961. 415 P. (KMA 14t9) (HydroloU~Researoh) CoUected papers on "Soviet leolTraphyp results and tasks". Izv. .i AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.1:158-M Ja-P 161. WIRA 14:2) (Geocrapliy) '.. -MffLASIHOVOjj, ... ..... .. -, Modern 3Atsrites and lateritic soils. In. AN SSSR, Ser. ge2g. na.2:3-32 Mr-Ap 161. (MIFA 240) 1. Institut goografii AN SM. (TAterit,e) COMWIMOV, I.F... almdamik; NMRTADT, M.Lp doktar geograf.nauk,, prof. In the Soviet section of the International Association on the study of the Quaternary Period (MU). Izv.* IV SSSR. Ser. geog. no.2:115-ng "p 161. (MIFLA 3,423) 1, Prodmedatell Sovetskoy sektoii Meshdurmrodnoy assotsiateii po ixachaniyu chetverichnogo, period& (for Gerasimov). 2. Uobttnyy sek- retW Sovetakoy oektaii Mesbdunrodnoy asootsiateii po imobeniyu obstreriohnogo period& (for Noyahtadt)s - (Geology, Strati phic) GERASIMOV, IJ I Present state of research on the glacial peri,)d and its role in studying the Quaternary on the territory of the U.S.S.R. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 4:3-9 JI-Ag 161. (111RA 14:7) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. (Glacial epoch) , GERASIMOV, I.P. Soviet geography and protions of alterinp nature. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. Spog. no.516-1? 5-0 '61. (MIRA 14!9) 1. Institut eeopTafii AN SSSII. (Geography) (Natural resources) GFRASINW, IJ.; ZVONKOV, V.V.; WYANMISKIY, M.S. The Danube problem.and main tasks In developing the Danube Delta and Danubr~ Valley on the territory of the U.S.S.R. Izv. A14 SS,';R. Ser. Reog. no.5:36-41 S-0 '(1. (KIRA 14:9) 1. Institut geografti AN SSSR I SovPt po problemam vodnogo khozynystva AN SSSR. (Danube Valley--Economic geography) GAL"ISOV, A.P.; GERASIMOV. 1.P.-, ZANIN, ON.; SODDLEV, L,.,q. ......... Schew of the eeneral program for station fiPId research on the biorp-aphysics of natural landforms. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. eop no.5:9,r-99 S-0 '61. Mai 14:9) 1. Inatitut geografil A14 SSSR. (PhysicAl georraphy-Resparch) GEWINOV, I.P. ... ........ A visit of a 14S.S.R. Academ7 of Sciences delegation to the Republic of Gui4eA~q Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:27-35 N-D 161. (MIM 14:12) 1. Institut geografti AN SSSR. (Guine-a-Natural resommes) (Guinea-Visitors, Russian) GEWZIHOVO I.P. (Geraoimov I P ] Main taoks and trende of goomorphologioal rellearch in the Soviet Union, Foldr kosl 9 no,4t293-300 161, GEW M, I.P.0 akademik In a pung African republic. Vest.M SSSR 31 no.9.*84-92 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Guinea-Economic condMons) ~ GWSDIOV I.P.,j akadenik 1-1 Soviet grographical science and the proble;ts of t~e transformation of naturo, Vest. AN SSSR 31 n,).10:36-42 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Physical geography) (Natural resources) DMEWS I'd?. PSoviet transcaucesis - balkan peninsula: Soil geographical analogies In the Mediterranean regions and its reflection in land use," mSelf-defem of and regions against processes of denudation.* Roper ta subititted to the IGU Arid Zone Commission Co&lo-quium, Iraklion, Greece, 19-26 Sep 1962. Institute of Geography, Acad, Sciences USSR aswrmy , -P I.F. An attompt of an American scientist to gain priority over M.Do3mobaev in orsatiq soil science. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser, geog no,.ItIA.128 Ja-F 162, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut, geografft AN SSSR. (SOLIS) GERASIHDV, I.F. - - ............. ... ",_ .. ....- Low and soil fomation. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geoge not2t 3.7 Mr-Ap 162, (WRA 1,5:3) 1. Inatitut geografii AN SSSR. (Loesm) MPWMMVO I.P. "$I MI, Comserution of xatuA in the mtio* parks of the U.S.A. Izv. AN SM, Ser. geog. so.403-102 J1-Aj 162. (MIRA 115:5) (United State"ouservation of natural resources) (United States-National parks and reserves) RrillimaI4 uchastiyiaz ADUld), D.L.,, naucbrqy notrudzdkl BWAGOVSYJY,v A.I., nauch*y sotrudnik; LIVOVICH, N.14 naucbnyy motrwWk; SILIVESIROV, S,le, naudwyy ootrudnik; SOBOIZVj LJ9, nauchW ootrudnlk Wuce emd bring to a minlymm the dependence of our "riculture on matw,al elmento, liv, AN 5=,, lar. :;eog. no.5.&51 94 (MIRA 15:10) .Lo, Irgititut geografii All SM, (Agriculture) (Geographical research) GEMIK)VI I.?. Now American classification of soils. Fochvovedenie no.6:34-46 Ze 162, (MM 15:8) Is Institut geografii AN SSSR. (United Stateo-Soils-ClaBsification) MMASDM, I.P.; KAtMNIK, S.Y.; KULAG339, G.D.; GORMG, M.B. Soberto Almayal obituary. Izv.Alf SUR. Ser.geog. no.6045 N-D 162, (MIM 15S12) (Almaja,, Roberto, 1884-1962) IGRRASITV, I.P.,_ ONMOUV80 Of SOVIst BOLI NcisncO In the light of the new progran' and resolutions pusad by the 22d Congress of -Ze CPSU. Pochmodenie no.Wl-16 N 162. (MIRA 16%1) 1, Vsesqusnoya obahcheetvo pochvovedov AN SSSR. (Soil science) GaRAsimov i rw,[Geranimovi 1. P.), acad. , Soviet geographical science# and problems of tha transformation of the nature. Analels geol geogr 16 no.IjID2-109 Ja-Hr 162. L 4ripimov, akademikus; IMS, Dezso, dr. Soviet geographical saien6e and the problems of the transforination of nature. F61drajzi ert 11 no.4:1+33-"5 'f2. 4 9 GMMASIWV, I.P. I-COMAW-70, I,?.]; ZVONKOV, V.1r.; BURIANOVSKI, M.S. (Buryawvskiyo X.S.Y Problem of the Danube River, and main problems of reclaiming Ito delta and bw* on the territory of the U.S.S.R. Analele gaol. googr 16 no.21l27-133 Ap-Ja 62. GEHASIMOV, I.?., akademik .--1014et gijography aW the problems of the transformation of mature. Geog. v shkole 25 no.6:2-7 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) :L. Dixe)xtor Imtituta geografil AN SSM. (Natural revourcos) GERASIAW akademik ..... .. -.j ...I Ttanarormation of our country's nature; present-day tasks of Soviet geograpbv. Priroda 51 nc,.3s9-16 Mr '62. (MERA 15:3) (fiatural r6sources) GERASIMOV; lop* Scientific results of Soviet geographers' trip to the 'United States of America, Izv, Vaes. geog. ob-va 94 no.1351-55 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 1513) (United States-Geographical research) (United States-Relations (GeneraLl) with Russia) (Russia-Relationa (General) with the United States) akaderik, otv. red.; BUI,ANZH:,:, Yu.D., doli-tor _MURIQ flaiko-owitem. rAiLk) WZJJCHEj',l'YAKOV, Yu.A., 1.9nd. pDgr. nauk, otv. rod., VIISTAK, G.V., red.; OUSEVA) A.L.j tokhn. red. [Rocent craotal movorontal Sovromennye dvizheniia zermoi hory; obornik stated. MosAva, lzd-vo All No.l. 1963. 382 p. (VJRA 17:1) (Earth-Surface) FZDDF,OV, a. X., am ORROINN, 1. P. Norld's natuxal reavames belon" to the vhole of mankIT4* repon t4o be aWWtted ftr the Valted JbUaw Cwhruce cc the AppUcatim of Oclq=* 4W ftchrialca ta the bmftt of the LOSS Davolaped Aross - OMIM, &dtaerl&W, 4-90 Yeb 63- GMASIHOV. I.P.t DiVrMA, F.T. Two alentWic oympoola it aresce. lzv. A14 SSSR. Ser.geog. A-r 16.3. Wid regiono) (MM& 160) GERASIIVVO 14-P, Originality of the gonetic types of Siberian soils* Sib,, geogs abor, no,20-27 163, (I-TIRL 16-.11) .,GUM*DV Scientifto work of the Institute of Geography of the AcademW of Seisnoss of the U.S.S.R. in 1962. Izv.A19 SSSR.Ser. eog. no,2t: 111-115 Mt%-Ap 163. (Geographical research) IMIRA l6s4;1 GERASIMDV, I.P.; ZHIBITSKAYA, E.D. 11, -' Me 75th anniversary of the Geographical Society of Finland. Izv. AN SM. Ser. geog. no.3:124,125 MY-Je 163. OERA 160) (Finland-Geogmphical. societies) GERASIMDV,. I.P~ - Ark of Siberian geographers. lav. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.3tl28-130 My-Je 063. (MIRA l6t8) (SiNiria-Geographical research) 4, I.P.j GRIGGRIYEVq A.A.; DAVITA' , F.F.; AVSYUK, G.L; BUDYKOp M.I.; GMWILVV IA I xOtESNIKO Seve; SwffW,-V'.G.- -' Geography in the system of soienee studying the earth. Izv. AN M., Ser, geog,, no,43102-111 Sl-Lg t63. (MIM 16:8) (osography)