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25920 S/126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and diffusion E193/E480 These were annealed at 800 to 900%, the annealing temperature for each alloy having been selected so as to obtain the same grain-size (approx. 0.1 mm) in all test p eces. The rate of plastic deformation varied between 10-~ and 10-11 (sec-1). In the first stage of the investigation, the effect of alloy comp?sition and experimental conditions on the rate of deformation E was studied. The results relatint to steady creep are reproduced in Fig.1, where log i ( ,ec- ) is plotted against the Cu content W in the alloys tested at 5 kg/mm2. The test temperature is indicated by each curve. In Fig.2, log ~ (sec-1) is plotted against the Cu content (%) in alloys tested at 600*C, the magnitude of the applied stress (2 and'9 kg/MM2) being indicated by each curve. In the next stage of the investigation the relationship between the applied stress a and the activation energy Q of the deformation process was studied. The results are reproduced graphically. In Fig.5, Q (kcal/mol) is plotted against a (kg/MM2), the experimental points denoted by crosses-, circles and dots relating, respectively, to p%xre nickel, 40% Cu-Ni alloy and 60% Cu-Ni alloy. In Fig.6, log c (sec-,l) is plotted against lo3/T (where T is the absolute temperature) for the 40% Cu-Ni Card 3/8 25920 s/.L26/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and diffusion ... E193/E480 alloy tested under conditions of stress relaxation, curves 1 to 7 re'lating, respectively, to a x 0.4, 0.6, M, 1-o, 1.2, 1.4 and I ,6 kg/mm2. Fig-7 shown the same relationship for the 40% Cu-Ni alloy tested under conditions of cre;p,,curves 1 to 4 relating, respectively, to a a 2, 3, 4 and 5 k / 2. Finally, the effect of applied stress and temperature on the rate of deformation was determined. Some of the results are reproduced in Fig.8 and 9. In Fig.8, i x 109 (see-1) is plotted against a (kg/mm2) for the 40% Cu-Ni alloy tested at 600*C, Fig.9 showing the same relationship for the 60% Cu-Ni alloy. Correlation of these with results of X-ray diffraction analysis, data obtained by other workers, and theoretical considerations led the present authors to the following conclusions. (1) The processes of creep and relaxation can be regarded as a result of a complex interaction between deformation by slip and diffusion. The relative part played by each of these depends on temperature and on the magnitude of the applied stress, (2) Under the conditions of low temperature and high applied stresses, the plastic deformation in creep can be described by the expression, due to S.N.Zhurkov. Card 4/8 S/126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and dimpilon E193/E48o Q - YO RT High activation energy and the fact that the above relationship is alid for low temperature and high rates of deformation indicates that under these conditions plastic deformation in creep takes place predominantly by the mechanism of slip. (3) Under conditions of high temperature and low applied stresses, the activation energy for the deformation increases with decreasing stress and approaches the activation energy for the diffusion of the alloying element. In this case the process of deformation in creep can be described*by the known equation for plastic deformation by diffusion: DOO Fk-T Under these conditions of deformation the strength of alloys decreases and may be lower than that of unalloyed metal which indicates the predominance of the diffusion mechanism of deformation. Card 5/8 S/126/61/012/001/012/020~ t5920 E193/E48o The role of slip and diffusion ... (4) In the intermediate region of temperature and stress, plastic deformation by slip takes place side by side with the diffusion relaxation process. The results of X-ray analysis indicate that under these conditions the plastic deformation brings about fragmentation of the crystals and formation of blocks. In this case the deformation in creep is approximately described by the formula due to J.J.Weertman (Ref.28: J.Appl.Phys., 1955, 26, 1213) i . C&Q/RT] exp(- Q/RT) There are 12 figures, 3 tablos and 28 references% 18 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet, The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows: Ardley G.W. Acta met., 1955. 3, 525; Greenough A.P. Phii. mag., 1958, 3, 1032; McLean D. Inst.Metals, 1952-53, 81, 287; Weertman J. J.Appl.Phys., 1955, 26, 1213. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 22, 1960 Card 6/ 8 f"I 32657 S/126/61/012/005/017/028 E091/E335 AUTHORS-. Pavlov, V.A., Gaydukov, M.G.. and Mallnikova, V.V. TITLE-, 'Mechanism of plastic deformation in the creep of aluminium-magnesium alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 12, no. 5, 1961, 748 - 755 TEXT: Pure aluminium and aluminium alloys containing 0.1, I and 201o' Mg were investigated. The alloys ifere melted under flux in a high-frequency furnace. The ingots were forged into rods of 18 mm diameter, from which specimens 50 mi-.1 long and 8 mm in diameter were made for creep-testing and other 100 nim long and 8 mm in diameter for stress-relaxation testing. The specimens - 44o 0C. Foreach alloy, the annealing were annealed at 420 temperature was selected so that a linear grain diameter of 0.1 mm should be obtained. The rate of plastic deformation was -4 -1 _10 _1 chosen within the limits 10 See to 10 see Rates below 10-8 see-1 were obtained during stress-relaxation and the higher rates in creep. The mechanism of plastic deformation could be Card 1/~ 32657 S/126/61/012/005/017/028 ,Nechanism of plastic .... E091/E335 judged from the dependence of the rate of deformation on solid-solution concentration, from the energy of activation and its dependence on stress and from the dependence of the rate of deformation on stress. It was found that the mechanism of plastic deformation under conditions of creep and stress relaxation, both in Al-NMS and Ni-Cu alloys, underwent .1 change on varying the conditions of deformation. As a result of such changes, diffusion processes begin to play an ever-increasing role with increase in temperature and decrease in deformation stresses. At relatively low temperatures and high deformation stresses, the mechanism of plastic deformation is governed by slips The diffusion mechanism predominates in the region of high temperatures and low stresses. Plastic deformation by slip takes place in the intermediate range of temperature and stresses in conjunction with relaxation processes. Alloying Al with Mg leads to an extension of the stress range in -which difrusion processes play a noticeable role in plastic deformation, This extension is due to the increased resistance to the development of deformation by slip and due to a -reater decrease in the energy Card 2/~ 32657 S/126/61/012/005/017/0n~8 Mechanism of plastic E091/E335 of activation with increase in stresses in the alloys as the diffusion mechanism of plastic deformation jorocees. S.N.Zhurkov, T.P, Sanfirova, B.Ya. Pines and A.F. Sirenko are izientioned in the article in connection with their contributions in this field. There are 11 figures, 1 table and 18 references: 14 Soviet-bloc and It non-Sovict-bloc. The four referelices rientioned are: Ref. 9: F.R. Nabarro - Rep. Conf. Strength of Solids, L, 1948, 75; Ref. 10: C.J. Herring - J. Appl. Phys., 1950, 21, no. 5, 437; Ref. 11: J.J. Weertman - J. Appl. Phys., 1955, 26, 1213; Ref, 18: F.H. Buttner, E.R~ Funx, H. Udin J.. Metals, 1952, 11, 401. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Paysics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 27, 1961 Card 3/3 S/123/62/000/015/00;?/013 A052/A101 ALITHORS: Sadovskiy, V. D., Sokolkov, Ye. N., Lozinskiy, M. G., Petrova, S. N., Antipova, Ye. I., o Mirmel'shteyn, V. A. TITLE: The effect of thermomechanical treatment on refractory properties of austenitic steel PE11IODICAL: Referativ4y zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 15, 1962o 21, abstract 15Ai15 (In,collection; "Issled. po zharoprochn. splavam". T. 7, Moscow, AW,~SSSRO 1961, 202 - 209) TPU: The effect of thermomechanical treatment on the change of structure of,, austenitic alloyed stiel in the process of high-temperature stretching in a v4QUUM (at 9000C and 9504,kg/mm2 stress) and on the rupture strength at 6500C 2 ?-,k studied. The thermomechanical treatment consisted of 35 and 38 kg/mm ) w4p rolling with 25 - 30% reduction in area and 5-7 m/min. speed at 1,000 L 1,1000C and a subsequent water hardening. It is pointed out that thermomechanical treat- ment increases the rupture strength and inhibits the process of creep rupture; this is explained by the characteristics of the structure forming at a high-tem- Card 1/2 S/123/62/000/015/002/013 The effect of thermomechanical~.. A052/AI01 peratur.e plastic deformation. There are 16 references. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation) Card 2/2 C, r, 26/62/013/003/007/023 Y4-0 E193/E383 i AUTHORS: Petrova, S.N., G and Smirnov, L.V. TITLE: The effect of thermomechanical treatment on creep- resistance of nickel PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyo, v. 13, no- 3, 1962, 380 - 386 T=,: Thermomechanical treatment (TMO) constitutes a new method of improvIng the strength of stools and othef means of hot plastic deformation, followed immediately by quenching. The treatment has been extensively studied both in the Soviet Union-and abroad but the interpretation of the results has been someWhat difficult owing to the fact that the changes observed could be attributed both to TMO and to the effect of solid-state transformations taking place in the alloys studied hence the present investigation carried out on technically pure nickel. Square cross-section test pieces (11-5 X 11;5ox 70 mm) 0 were heated to 1 100 C, cooled in the furnace to 80 C, hot- .2 rolled at this temperature to 2594'.reduction at a rolling,speed of 11 m/min and then immediately quenched in water. Another series Card 1/.0 S/126/62/013/003/007/023 '7 The effect of .... E193/E383 ~O of test pieces was subject to the same heatin �/- cooling cycle without, however, plastic deformation at 800 C. Creep tests were carried out at 500 0C on test pieces of each series. The results are reproduced in Fig- 3, where the stress 2 (o,, kg/mm ) is plotted against time-to-rupture hrs), p the continuous and broken curves relatIng, respectively, to material subjected to TMO and to the pilot_ est pieces. The rate of steady creep amounting to 1.1 x 10 9O'/hr for the pilot -4 . I test pieces was 3-5 x 10 J'o/hr for material subjected to TMO. Since it could be postulated that the higher creep resistance of specimens subjected to TDIO was due to their higher hardness o (100 BHN as compared with 60 BFIN of nickel quenched from 800 C), a supplementary series of tests was carried 0out on specimens given, the following treatment: heatin to 1 100 C; quenchingi 250% reduction by rolling at 300 6C and 12 hours annealing at 500 OC. The results are reproduced in a table. It will be Card 2A 5 s/126/62/013/003/007/023 The effect of .... seen that also in this case the material subjected to TMO exhibited better creep properties. These results,combined r with the results of metallographic examinationled the present authors to the conclusion that the improvement brought about by 71-10 was associated with the high stability of lattice dis- tortions caused by this treatment, both in the interior of the grains and,particularlyin the grain-boundary regions. In addition, the grain boundaries themselves become distorted in such a way that they inhibit the propagation of cracks under conditions of intercrystalline fracture, thus increasing considerably the time-to-rupture under a given stress. There are 7 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizik! metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: November 17, 1961 2! Card 3/4 0973 S/659162/009100010031030 1003/1203 M. G. Noskova, N. I., and Mel'nikova AUTHORS Pavlov, V. A., Gaydukov,. TITLE- The slip and diffusion ($%urc of plastic deformation during creep of nickel-copM alloys SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metalturgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam v. 9. 1%2. Materialy Nauchnoy sessii po zharoprochyrn splavam (1961 g.), 23-30 TEXT. There arc controversial ideas on the mechanism of plastic deformation under conditions of creep. This work shows that the processes of creep and of relaxation arc the results of both slip and diffusion. The authors conclude that; 1) At low temperatures and under high stresses, the deformation is due chiefly to slip. 2) At high temperatures and under low stresses the diffusion process prevails. 3) For an intermediate range of stresses and temperatures plastic deformation is the result of slip and relaxation is the result of diffusion. The relationship between the rate of creep on the one hand and the temperature and stress on the other, can in this case be expressed by the equation: E = C(a'1RT)cxp(-ip1RT). In his reply, K. A. Ospiov proclaimed that no proofs have been given in this work for the existence of a diffusion process during creep. In his opinion the fact that the activation energy is equal to that of self-diffusion as found by the authors is not sufficient proof that such a process takes place. There are 4 figures and 2 tables, Card 1/1 Uo"' ('j s/i26/62/014/002/012/018 r.193/E383 AUTHOaL: Pavlov, V.A., Gaydulcov, 'Mcllnilova, V.v. TITLE: Dependeace of the mechanism of pla:;tic deformation in creep or 11i-Al and Ni-Co alloyq on the conditions of deformation PEiZIODICAL: Fizilm metalloy I i:ietallovcdeniye, V. 149 110. 2, 19G2, 275 - 282 T E.XT In continuation of their earlier work on the i-,iechanisi,,i of creep of .2111i-Cu and Al-rNc alloys, 'the present authors investi- ,c,ated the effect of various factors on the:mcchanist:i of crer.1) -of Ni-Al and Nli-Co alloys. The Ni-Al alloys, cont*ain'n- up to :;c,' Al were c:ioscn as one of the experimental materials because they represeated alloys characterized by relatively large static lattice distortious and non-monotonic concentration-dependence of the clostic i.iodulus. In contrast, the lattice distortions in Ni-Co alloys (;;it!, up to Go?,' Co) werc relatively'small and their elastic_ -.iodulus was practically inddpendent of the composition. Tae*crcep tests were carried out at 500 and 800 0C, the rate of Card IA S/126/62/ol~,/oWoic/oi8 D c:) end c:, c a of E193/E383 4 2 -1 creep V.-'rying between 10 and 10 Sec The results are reproduced in tlie form of ~;raphs' --'io%fin-: concentration- dependcuce of the rate of creep under various applied stresses; relationship between the rate of creep and the yield point; strcsz-dc-,)cndcncc of the activation energy for creep.of the alloys studied; stress- and temperature-depcndence of the inte of creep. The conclusions reached can be sum::iarized as follow-o. 1) Slip is the prcdoi-iiinant t-,techanistn of plastic deforma~io.l -'I, creep at relatively low tc.-,iperatures and high~trcsses. The rcl,-%tionship between the rate of creep under these condition.;, on the one hand, and tetiiperature and stress,on the other, can be described by an expression due to Zhurkov and Sanfirova (DAN SSSR, 1955, 101, no. 2, 257): RT -coe W where Q is the activation energy for creep at o,= 0 and i0 and y are constants. Under these conditions, -the rate of Card 2/4 j Depelidence of .... s/in-6/62/014/002/012/013 C193/r-.383 crec? caa be correlated witi, tile yield point of ilie. alloy.. '"' )In crccp at tcwpcratures and wider lou stresses the diffuz--ioti mechanium of plastic -defort-tiation prodominatos and there i:; a definite temperature and stresd range within which the rate of creep increases linearly urith increasin- stress. 3) In t:ie interziediato range 'of stress an~ temp~'crature deformation by slip tnIcas place side-by-side with tho ralwzation procer'-ses. The appro.,zimate rate of creep can be obtained,under these conditions,from an equation due to J.J. Weertman (J. Appl. PhYs-, 1955, 26, 1215): ~ = c(O~'/IIT)exj-)()Q/RT) (2) wlicre CL is the activation dnerm ,y for diffusion, e is the stress and Cc n coefficient equallin6 3-4- 4) Th-c raii-Jc of temperature and stress in urhich the diffusion Mechanism 0f deformation predominates is wider in alloys than in pure metals. The same applies to the range in which plastic Card 3/4 S/126/62/014/002/012/018 Dependence of L'195/r.383 deforiantion in creep is doscribod by Weertman' s ec:uation. Thus, t:ic strenn dependence of t4e activation energy for creep ccnsc;i to be li-iiacir at 6 - 71q;/mm" for .,)tire nickel and at 10-l'.2 kzkmm for ttic 60!' Co-Ni alloy. 5) The onset of tho diffusion mcclianism of plastic deformation in the alloys studied is facilitated by polygonization. There are 12 fif-ures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Instituto of Physics of Metals, AS USSR) SUBIX'ITTED: July 28, 1961 (initially) March 2, 19642d (after revision) Card 4/1, SADOVSHY, V.D.; SOF3LY,')V, Ye.N.; LOZPISHY, M.G.; PET,V)Vj,., S.N.; ANTINVA, Ye.I.; GAYDROV, M.G.; YIRMEL'SUTEYN, V.A. Effect of hot workinE on the heat-resistant properties of austenitic steel. Issl. po zharopr. splav. 7:202-2C9 '(1. (mujbt v$:11) (Steel alloys--Thermal properties) (Rollini- (Metalwork)) N 7`M no.71. -tl~)n "roduc. Um td. 29-36 f~"' 1 . U 11 ok i y i'l i FAVLOV, V.A.; PAYDUKOV, M.G.; MELINIKOVA, V.V. Dependence of the mechanism of plastic deformation during creep on deir8rmation conditions in Ni-Al and Ni-Co alloys. Fis. met. i metalloved. 14 no.2:275-282 Ag 062. (MIRA 15:12) 1e Institut fisiki astallov AN SSSR* (Creep of nickel) (Deformations (Mechanics)) L 17699-65 F,~IT(M)/EWP(W)/94A(d)/MP(k)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) Pf--h/Pad =/JD/flW1 ACCESSION NR: AP4042041 S/0126/64/017/006/0845/0851 AUTHOR: -Sadovskiy,_V. D.: Sokolkov, Ye. No: Petrova, S. Vo A ; R_aXdu1kovL.AL.9jj Noskovaj No I.; Kagan, D. Ya? TITLEt The effects of high-temperature thermo-mechanica1_SVjqj"e on the heat resi sto of KhH77TYuR allay SOURCE: Fizika metnall)ov i metalloveenniye, v. 17, no. 6, 1964, 845-852 TOPIC TAGS. nicke?-alloyo chromium, containing alloy, aluminum con- taining alloy, creep- Yate, recrysta',lization, boron containing alloy, KhN77TYuR alloy, thitmo mechanical'treatmentp heat resistance ABSTRACTI The method of hot plat-kic deformation combtned with quen- ching, was used to enhance the ati-ess-rupture strengthtgof austenitic steels. The authors InvestiRi-t-0.the possibility of applying this combined method to KhN77TYuR0 a limonic-type alloy. Specimens 11. 5 x 11.5 x 70 mm were annealed at 1080C for 8 hr. and rolled with a reduction of 252 at a rolling speed of 1.5 m/mLn, The process Card 1/3 L 17699-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4042041, of recrystallizatiojiwas,suppressed by water cooling the specimens immediatellt after plastic deformation. All specimens were aged at 750C for lb hr. Hardness was 285 HB. At 550C and under'a stress of 90 kg/mm2, the rupture life was extended from 4 to 100 hr while the creep rate decreased,from 4-8'x 10-2Z to 8 x 10-IZ per hr. Above the 500-600C range a deterioration of strength characteristics was ob- served. The authors attribute the adverse effect of the combined me- thod at 750C to the recrystallization during testing and to a possible higher rateof coagulation of the strengthening phase. The decrease in the creep rate and the increase of the rupture life were verified by x-ray method. The authors point out the formation of a,polygo- nized substructure and to a boundary distortion in the form of char- acteristic serration during high-temperature deformation. They con- tend tha .A the substructural boundaries impeded the travel of dislo- cations0during creep, while the distortion of the grain bouniaries lowered the susceptibility to inteircrystalline failure. The authors suggest that the method of investigation may be insufficiently deve- loped for-an exhaustive interpretation of the results obtained and . of the peculiarities.of the structural state of the material. Orig. arts hast figures, Card 2/3 Ll 1 01-65 - Vdr(m)/WF( -)IEWA (b) P 63 W wp c 03/0437/0442'. ACCESSION NR: AP4046094 S/Oi26/64/018/0 AUTHOR: _Wulv*chev, D. K,; Be rasnev. B. I.; Gaydu-kov.- M _MartY*nov._Y_&,__P_,; Rodionox,_A. P.; Ry ini TITLE: Healing Muosit 13and cracks in metals by..pkAskjq__4e under high hydrostatic,eressure SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 3, 19640 437-442 TOPIC TAGS% metal defects, hydrostatic pressure, defect heating a ABSTRACT: Experiments have been conducted to explore the possibility of eliminating defects in metals with high hydrostatic pressure. The M2 sup-eJ1pectmens with arti .ticial defects such as microcavities and microcracks were subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of up-to 100,000 atm. Compression on accompanied by plastic deformation was-found to,.-- have no-effect on the number or size of defects, since it created mainly elastic deformation and only an, insignificant amount of plastic deformation. However, when defective specimens were subjected to a tensile test under hydrostatic pressure, the defects were either ''Card 1/3 L 16301-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4046094 entirely eliminated or was reduced in size to such an extent that they could not, be discovered by optical microscope and did not ef fec ,t adversely mechanical properties of the metal (see Fig. I of the Enclosure). The intensity of defect healing increases with the in- creasing pressure and plastic deformation. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: -Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR ~jnstitute Iof Physical of Metals,AH SSSR); Institut-fiziki zemli AN SSSR _ttute- of Physics-of Earth,_AN-SSSR) SUBMITTED: 2ONov63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE:. MM NO REF SOVI 009 OTHERt 002 2/3 I I Card3/3 t c L 16318-65 E'.~r /EAA d 1F.4 P /0,JTW/EqV(b) Ff -4 lip( M=ISSM11 NR- Ar5001248 S/0126/64/018/005/07T8/OT83 AUTHOR: Beresnev., B. I.; Bulychev. D. K.; Tu j!! D. Zo onov K, P. Ry in N. TITLE: Healing of pores and cracks in co by extrusion with a hA _&h pressure fluid SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 5, 1964, 778-783 TOPIC TAGS: copper, copper defect, metal defect, density defect healing ABSTRACT: The healing of microscopic pores and cracks in metal by plastic deformation has been investigated. Specimens of sound coppers and copper withartificially produced pores and cracks were hydrostat- ically extruded or drawn with a 5-68% reduction at room temperature. Both methods of deformation increased the tensile and yield strengths, reduction of area, anddensity of both sound and defective specimens; extrusion did so to a greater extent than drawing (see Figs. 1 and 2 oil the Enclosure). The mechanical properties and density of defective copper changed slightly with small reductions (5-85) but increased appreciably with increasing reduction;,with a reduction of 40','V they Card L 18318-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001248 CZ .practically equalled those (if the sound copper, evidently due to the elimination of pores and cracks. In drawing, the strength of defective copper at a reduction of 75% decreased probably because the metal be- gan to "ail. Examination of the nicro;tructure showed the number of pores decreases with increasing reduction, regardless of the deforma- tion'method. However, the pores completely disappeared after a 40% -re- duction by extrusion, but still remained after a 60-705 reduction by drawing. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. A S E~Mrxt 16 ff Insiitut fizi-ki-metallov-AN SSSR (Institute of tfieThysics,. of 1.1et-als, Alf SSSR) ;~- Institut fiziki Zenli All- Stitute of Ph s AN SSSR SUBMITTED: 221iov63 'ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: oo6 OTHER: 00h ATD PRESS: 3155 COTd 2/4 TA I. PfX PW/A AFWL/,-,3(mp)-2/SSD(gs)7R5Rtj 3V7HW C -a a '0020/64/156/o0jL/bo6T/00(0 6. S31ailMl AP4035612- A AUMW i a Ke; Boresnev,-Do laj ggydukewl, No ov 0; Dulyfthev, D Bodif=ov,- TITrZ tStru*turel defecto =a plwtlc defwAtion of coppei4 4jzb wessu"OK S OLIRCE iAN -SSSR# DokLAY*.. ve 156t no* 1$ 19640 6T.680 and top b" at Insert facing p4 68 TOM TAGSs metal vlastl*ity, atructural defectv copper. h1sU pmantwe notda-..'. lurgy, self healing,, dislocation,, vacancy,, solid state "lea ABSTR=j The present paper describes experiments designed fcw th6'- ebw1datica of the influence of defects In solida cc the Increase of plasticity unA Pres- sure. 02e experimental technique is essentially the same as described by I# X4* Grtenwood and De Ro Miller (Acta, Ketelaurgica., 2. no. 2v ' 1954,, 250. The true ddfo=ation a W, In(fo/f ) vhere f0 Is the Initial croas BectIca of the Specimm': of copper H2. f. - that at rupture, vas measured, in additlcn,, US Idtxwtru(t- t=cs of samples ruptured under wessure vere Observed with an qvUcal VA ------------- L '13621-6,,5 M, C A,F,40j~W ecome It was found that there lo,, at lower preasurza, a cowiderable dif- ference between the plasticity of defective and defeat-free specimen & But at xessurea above 4#000 atm t4da dUference d1sappearse Siodler results were. ob- tained by ektrusioa uader " praosurse Appsreutly,, the structural dife&A h-- as v tch cause rupture tAma to disappear during the dafarustion under high' Orig.. arto has: ASSOCIATICUt Inatitlit Mild ZeMU ft Oe TU* gbmidtAL Akaamdi nank SSSR le ~ IE 1. mistitut ftsiki, mauum Matitute Man Pbolce of Ket&U) GG CM31,;, "IGO HE SI i Me*63 AO MW SM 007 I Y7 Z. . ......... t 10 .260-66 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(z)/EWP(b)/EWA(c) IJP(c) JD/HYI ACC NRt AP5026369 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/65/000/005/0187/0192 AUTHOR: Gaydukov, M. G. (Sverdlovsk); Malahey, K. A. (Sverdlovsk); Pavlov, V. A. (Sverdlo ORGt none TITLEt Effect of phas2 transformatio -induced strain hardening on the-he-at resis- tance of iron-nickel alloy SOURM AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Metally, no. 5, 1965, 187-192 \% TOPIC TAGS: iron alloy, heat resistant alloy, nickel containing alloy, titan?uM containing alloy, strain hardening, iron base alloy, rupture strength, heat resistance, solid mechanical property ABSTRACT: Two iron-base alloys containing 1) 0,006% C and'28.9% Ni, and 2) 0.04% C, 1.73% Cr, 24.5% Ni, and 2.32% Ti were tested for the effect of transformation- induced strain hardening on mechanical properties at room and elevated tempera- tures. Alloy specimens were austenitized at 1200C and quenched In liquid nitrogen and then annealed at 600, 700, and 800C (alloy 1) are at 900 and 1100C (alloy ~). In alloy 1 the maximum effebt was produced by annealing at 600 or Card 1/2 UDCt 6 69o15,24-177 10260-66 ACC NRt AP5026369 0 700C, which i*ncreased the yield strength to 41 and 37 k94mm2p respectively. Annealing at 800C lowered the yield strength to 13 kg/M~ and increased the elongation to 40-465%, In stress-repturb tests at 400C, alloy I annealed at 700C had a rupture life of 337 or 55 hr under a stress of 36 or 38 kg/mm2, respectively. while conventionally treated (annealed at 12000 alloy under a stress of 30 or 32 kg/mm2 bad a rupture life of 68.5 or 1.2 hr, respectively. At 600C the positive effect of strain hardening is maintained for a relatively short period of time, not exceeding 100 hr. The effect of transformation-induced strain hardening on alloy 2 was considerably greater. Alloy 2 annealed (after quenching) a~ 900C had a 100-hr Npture strength at 700C of 17.5 kg/mm2, compared to 3.5 kg/mm for alloy 1. Drig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODEi l1/ SUBM DATEt 06May65/ ORIG REFt 0161 OTH REF: 0021 A1jFPRESSt 4160 Card 2/2 hw to- hi-gli--te~ingetat,uteF-therwirechani4~al--treatment-~" SOURCE: Fizika Metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 19, no. 1, 1965, 101-104 TOPIC TAGS: nimonic alloy, nimonic alloy creep, alloy thermomechanical treatment ABSTRACT: The effect of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (11TTHT) on the creep behavior of nimonic-type-alloy has been investigated. Alloy specimens were rolled at 1080C with 25-30% , reduction, water quenched, and aged at 750C for 16 hr. Creep tests at 500,-550, and 600C under a stress of 70-105 kg/mm2 showed that the HTTMT considerably affects the alloy creep behavior: it decreases the initial deformation, prolongs the first creep stage, and reduces the creep rate and the total deformation of the first stage (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure). Such behavior is explained by the decrease in the number of moving dislocations and the formation of a stable substructure. It is assumed that HTT11T has a more pronounced blocking effect on dislocations than the substructure formed in the first creep Card 113 26633--;65 ACCESSION NR:. AP5004271 stage. This may be associated with-a localization of the decomposition of solid aolution around the dislocations, and also with the formation of dissolved atom clouds around the dislocations. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. IND] ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals,AN SUBMITTED: 27Jan64 ENCL. 01 SUB CODE: M NO REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 008 ATD PRESS: 3188 Card 2/3 I .I y I I . I 11 1. 15 --- -7-- -- - - I--- I CE CODEs UR/0000/66/000/000/0263/0271 AVN=s. Surkov, Ta. P.; fiadowskly, V.'D.1 Sokolkov, Is. N.1 Pavlaw, Ve Ast Gaydukw. M. G. 00 S none TI=s Effect of high temperature thermomechanical treatment at a small deformation rate an the heat resistance of Type XhW7YuR alloy SOURCZ: AN SSSR. rnstitut metallurgii. Svoystva i primenenlys zhmprochnykh splavow (Properties and application of heat resistant alloys)* Moscow, 1=1-vo Naukao 1966, 265471 TOP= TAGS: metal beat treatment, heat resistance, metal deformation, metal recrystallization ABSTRACT: High temperature theromwchanical treatment, concluding with deformation of the material at increased temperatures, and then cooling. eliminating the development of recrystallization due to the birth armi growth of rmw grains, leads to a considerable improvement In the heat resistance properties of stools and alloys. 210 present article considers the effect of high temperature thermomechanical treatment &t a small deformation rate (.0.003-0.004 seo;"1) on the heat resistance of alloy IbN?7TYuR, Samples with & sise of 50 x 50 x 75 = were heated to a texperature of Cwd I/?, ACC NRt AT6034463 1080o with a holding time or 8 hours, after which part of them were cooled in air (control samples), while the other part was subjected at the same temperature to 25-30% deformation. On the basis of the experimental results, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) high temperature thermome?hanical treatment of alloy EhN77TYuR with a deformation rate of 0.003-0,003 see- assures a recrystallization structure In a cross section of the order of 50 x 50 mm, and leads to an Improvement in heat resistance properties; 2) fragmentation of the structure in the alloy assures greater stability, and increases the temperature of articles made from the alloy by the method of high temperature thernomechanical treatment (up to 8300). OrIg. art. h&8$ 3 figures and I tablee StB CODSt 11/' SUBK DATEs iOJun66/ CRI~ REF-s 005 2/2 GAYDUKOV. N., Defenders of national property. NTO 5 no.10:40-41 0 163. (MIU 17: 1) 1. Predsedatell revizionnoy komissii scktsii protivopozharnoy tekhniki Kiyevskogo pravleniya gorodskogo khozyaystva i avtomobill- nogo transporta. ,9yevich; KIYANICHRIKO, N.S., red. GAYDUKOV,._ - I.- . _.~!rg (Fire prevention *in residential and public buildings] Pozharnaia bezopasnost' zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanii. Kiev, Budivellrqk, 1965. 179 p. (MIRA 18:8) GATDUKOV, S. (Voronezh) Propaganda to animated, creative work. Za rul 17 no.3:6-7 Nr 159. (KIRA 12:5) I.Zameatitell predsedatelya obkoms Dobrovollnogo obahchostva sodaystviya armli, aviateli i flotu. (Automobiles-Societies, etc.) (Automobile drivers) . QAYDUKOVP V.I. I Now method of roof control. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.1:32-3 -Ta 161., " 14:1) (Ktne timbering) - A I ILISHTEINP A.M.; GAYIXJKOV, V.I.j ZAKUTSKII., I.A. ...... . Rock pressure control in langwalls of flat and inclined seams with roof caving on the stope lining. Ugoll 36 no.12:27- 31 D 261, (MIRA 14:12) (Rock preBsure) (Mine. timbering) GrdDUKOV, V.I.; ILISHTEYN, A.M.; FETISOV, M.S. Studying rock pressure in mines of the Moscow Basin. Fiz.-mekh.- svois.,dav.i razr.gor.porod no.ls6l-85 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Mosacw Basin-Rock pressura) GAYDUKOV~ V.I._, gornyy inzli.j ZHELTONOZHKO, Yu.V., gornyy inzh. Performance of the SU angular props. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.8:31 Ag 162. (MM 15:11) (Mine timbering) 0-5 2- ACC NR: AP70 5 0 SOURCE CODE: UR/0342/66/000/011/0072/0072 AUTHOR: Volodina, L. A. (Docent); Gaydukov, V. L (Aspirant); Yavorskiy, B. M. (Professor) ORG: (Volodina; Caydukov] MT1 TITLE: Applying neutral light filters to improve precise measurement ofireflection coefficients for dyed fabrics SOURCE: Tekstil'naya pronyahlennost', no. 11, 1966, 72 TOPIC TAGS: 'Vreflection coefficient, transmission coefficient, glass optic property, spectrophotometer/4,v~/ Orka C -/0 WS- 7 jak-/ ,Vs- 1 J,-^44- ABSTRACT: In measuring reflection coefficients by spectrophotometer or photometer, a glass neutral filter placed in the path of the calibrating beam will increase the reflection coefficient by _i- (T* Is the iransmission coefficient). The true values' TA , A of the reflection coefficients In this case will be R A true ~ RA meas T,, where RA meas is the value of the reflection coefficients with the introduction of the light filter. Such a filter was used in an SF-10 spectrophotometer with polarized light in examining dyed fabrics,' and was found to double the minimum and maximum ACC NR. AP7005520 reflection coefficients, probably due to the relation of dye molecules to fiber axes in the fabric. A table gives percentages of error in determining reflection coefficients by three filters WS-6, IRS-.7 and NS-9. bass 3 formulas, 1 table, and I figure. -SUB CODE: 110 14 SM-DATR: none Card 12 ILISHTEYN, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; GAYIDUKOV, Viktor Ivanovich; ZAKUTSKrf, Igor' Alek sand r6v-i-c F,-- A - otv. red. [settling of the roof without battery stulls In longwalls of flat seams]Bezorgannaia posadka krovii v lavakh polog1kh plastov. Moskva, TSentr. in-t tekhn. informatsii ugollnol. promyshl., 1962. 51 P. (MIRA 17:7) BTSTROV. N.M., otv.Ted,; KUZWSOV, N.A., red.; KRUPA, G.D., red.; LIKHACHU, I.I., red,; qAMXOWY.X,, red.; IVARCHIKHIN, I.Ya.. red.; OVCHARMA, N.G., red.; NOVOSPASSEIT, K.M., red.; AVDYUSHIN, I.-D., [For the Soviet regime; articles. sketches, and reminiscences devoted to the 40th annivereAy of the Soviet regime in Belgorod Province] So vlast.I sovetov; stat'l, ocherki. vospominaniis.po- sviasfibhennye -40olotliu Sovetskoi vlasti v Belgorodskol oblesti. Belgorody'llurskoe knizhnoe Isd-vo. 1957. 232 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Balgorod Province) GAYDUKOV, V. P. N15 664.4 .GI Eksploatatsionnyye mashiny I mekhanizmy v neftyanoy pron7shlennosti (operation of machines and mechanisms in the petroleum Industry) Moskva, Gostoptakhiulatp 1945, 438 P. Diagra., tables. "Spisok literatury"P. 4324433~) GAYMOV2 V. P. Hydraulics. State Technical Press, MOscow-Leningrad: 1946. 300 pp. (Mateorologiya. i Gidrologiya, No 6 Nov/Dee 19h7) SO: U-3218P 3 Apr 1953 .0 PZWV. V.S.; KUZNETSOV, G.I.; P redaktor; 1UNINOVA, Te.G,9 redaktor; MASOLOV. Ta.M.1towme"my"redaktor. [Deep well pump operation practice of the State Association of Azer- baijan Oil Industry] Onvoente i ekepluatatelia glubokikh skyashin nasoonym sposobom; opyt Asnefti. Moskva, Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo neftianol i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1954. 31 P. (MIRk 8t4) (Oil well pumps) V.S., Insh., prepodavatell, retsenzent; MMVIM, T.M., inzh., reteenzent; PETROVA, Ye.A., vedushchiy red.; FIDOTOTA, I.G.. (Technical calculations in petroleum production] Tekhnichaskie raschety pri ekeplustatsii neftianykh skvazhin. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 271 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Gromnanakiy neftyanoy teldinikum (for MuravIyev). (Oil reservoir engineering) MISHCHENKO, N.M.; BELEVTSOV, G.A.; ROTMISTROVSKIY, BA; IVANENKO, A.Ya.; KONOVALOV, S.I.; MYTSENKO, D.I.; ANDREWI, A.A.;-QA1~11qKOV, V.S. - -, ...... Complex automation of blast furnace air preheaters. Stall 23 no.6:497-499 Je 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Yenakiyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. GAYDUKOVO V.V. __ Over-all mechanization of the production of test tubes. Stek. i ker. 18 no.11:35-37 N '61. (MIRA 15:3) (CILass blowing and working) GLYDUKOV, Yu.: NIMAYLINA, A..- TOLSTYXH, A. - Improve the interpretation of problems in increasing labor producti- vity in industry; & review of the literature in 1955. Vop.skon. no.4:239-146 Ap '56. (XLBA 9:8) (Ifficiency, Industrial) 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 5OV/2581 Veselkov, F. S., Yu. A. Gaydukov S. Y@. Kamenitserl Z7Chlef7 V. G. Kontorovich, A.M. Savk1n, A.S. Tolstyk~, and A.S. Fastovskiy Ravnomernaya rabota mashinostroltellhykh zavodov (Uniform Work of Machine-Manufacturing Plants) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 171 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Reviewer: A. K. Bondarenko, Engineer; Ed.: V. A. Letenko, Candi- date of Economic Sciences; Tech. Ed.: V. D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Economics and Organization of Production (Mashgiz): T. D. Saksaganskiy. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineering and technical person- nel in machine-manufacturing plants COVERAGE: This book discusses the national economic importance of uniform operation of plants according to a schedule, and points out planning problems that should be solved to permit work'uni- formity in manufacturing establishments. It defines organization- al and technical prerequisitesfor uniform work, shows the in- Card 115 Uniform Work of Machine (Cont.) SOV/2581 fluence of financial agencies of establishments on production uniformity, and describes methods of measuring work uniformity. The last two chapters are devoted to work practices at the Moscow "Elektroschetchik" Plant and the Pervyy Moskovskly chasovoy iavod kFirst Moscow Watch and Clock Plant). No persorti? ltlu~ are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Author 3 Ch. I. National Economic Significance and Methods of Measuring the Uniform Operation of Industrial Establishments (S. Ye. Kamenitser) 1. Concept of uniform operation of industrial establishments 7 2. National economic significance of uniform operation of industrial establishments 10 3. Methods of measuring the uniform operation of an estab- lishment 14 4. Ways of ensuring uniform work and output according to schedule 24 Card 215 Uniform 'Work of Machine (Cont.) SOV/2581 Ch. II. Organizational and Technical Conditions for Uniform Output (V. G. Kontorovich) 31 1. Creation of organizational and technical conditions for uniform output in line.production 33 2. Creation of organizat-i.onal and technical conditions for uniform product 0q t in lot production 41 Ch. III. Some Problei~s In Planning Uniform Operation of Industrial Establishments (G. A. Pishchulin) 54 1. Role of,planning in the organization of uniform operation of establishments 54 2. Operation and production planning and the rhythm of pro- duction 59 3. Problems of improving operations and planning and the scientific solution of these problems 65 Ch. IV. Setting Standards for the Length of the Production Cycle as a Factor Contributing to Uniform Operation of an Establishment (A.S. Tolstykh) 76 1. Special production cycle features 76 2. Establishing standards for the production cycle 78 Card 3/5 Uniform Work of Machine (Cont.) SOV/2581 3- Calculation and analysis of the length of the production cycle 94 Cho V. Production Rhythm and the Material and Technical Supply of an Establishment (A. M. Savkin) 108 1. Material and technical supply planning and the estab- lishment of standards for supplies 110 2. Establishment of standard banks in production 116 3. Introduction of progressive standards for material expenditures and imposition of limits on material re- quirements 119 4o Control of the supply plan fulfillment 121 Ch. VI. Role and Tasks of Finance Workers in the Struggle for Uniform Operation of Establishments (F. So Veselkov). 123 1. Providing an establishment with working capital necessary for the organization of uniform work 124 2. Cooperation of departments in securing continuous turn- over of current assets in the course of a month 130 3o Ways of improving irreguler production and the encourge- ment of plant workers to find and use them 133 Card 415 Uniform Work of Machine (Cont.) SOV/2581 4. Use of ruble control and other financial means to stimulate the drive for uniform operation of establishments 136 Ch. VII. Organization of Uniform Work at the Moscow "Elektroschetchik" Plant (Yu. A. Gaydukov) 140 1. Improvement of equipment, techn6logy, and production organization 143 2. Organization of a system of external cooperation 145 3. Organization of accounting and control of consumption of material resources by work sections 14? 4. Organization of operational and production planning 152 5. Increasing personnel qualifications and development of socialist competition 157 Ch. VIII. Practices of the First Moscow Watch and Clock Plant Providing Work Uniformity (A. S. Fastovskiy) 159 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JG/ec Card 5/5 11-6-59 Unviahr-kimd. ekonom. nauk; KUZNETSOV, P.V., red.; GERASIMVA, Te.S.j, tekba. red, (Analyzing the fulfillment of the production program and technological development plan of an enterprise) Analiz vypolneniia, proizvodstvennoi programmy i plans. teldwicbs- skogo razvitiia predpriiatiia. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit- I 1961. 55 P. (MIRA 15:21 Noxcow-Industrial management) (Accounting) BIRMANO A.M.- GAYDUKOV, Yu.A.- GOLUBTSOV, L.B.; ITZ, L.I.; I.N.; TOL.MKH A.S.; Sfffl-~ 'AFSKIY, V.P.; SHUVALOV, N.M.; AVETISYAN, Ye... red.;MUHIN, YUSY tekhn. red. (School of, socialist management; book for reading in schools for workera studying the economics of industrial enterprises] Shkola sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvovaniia; kniga dlia chteniia v shkolakh rabochikh izuchaiushchikh ekonomiku pro- myshlenrykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1962. 295 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Industrial rmnsgement) I M-11-101 gla-v. red.; BACIWRn.1, A.V., red.; VOLODAIRSKIY, L.P., red.; GRIShsMG, S.R., red.; G11:ZBU.RG, S.Z., red.; DIJNI)UYOV., G.F.J% red.; KIRZINEF, D.M.., red.; KU M,: W, K.L., red.; KORLILOV, F.V., red.; WHOLIKOV, A.11., red.; YLOILOV, P.V., red.; LIVAUSKAYA, F.V., rod.; LOK311111, E.Yu., red.; 05T.10VITYAYOV, K.V., red.; POSVYAI!SKIY, S.S., red.; FAUDELSKIY, G.A., red.; -13JUIUMOV, H.A., red.; RUMYA11TM,A.F., red.; TATIR, S.K.,, red.; ShIff:11GALITEEP, L.Ya., red.; BAZAROVA, G.V., starnhiy nauchnyy red., kand. ekon. nauk; KISELOI-MI, S.M.., starshiy nauchWy red.; GLAGOLEV, V.S., nauchxWy red.; TUMIAN(WA, NU.., nauchnyy red.; BIAGODARSKAYA, Ye.V., mlad. red.; SHUSTROVA, V.H.., mledshiyy red.; GAYDUKOV, Yu.A.., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ZBARSKIY, M.I., red.; LOZOVOr-,Ta-.7.-p red.; SIRGEYEV., A.V., dots., red.; KHEYFETS, L.M., kand. telchn. nauk, red.; LYUBOVICH, Yu.O., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SYSOYEV, P.V., red.; KOSTI, S.D.,, takhn. red. (Econordc encyclopedia; industry and construction]Ekonomiche- skaia entsiklopediia; prorr:~shlennostl i stroitel'stvo. Chlony rod. kollegii; A.V.Bachurin J dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchn. izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia." Vol.l. A -1-1. 1962. 951 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Russia--Industries-Dictionaries) (Construction industry-Dictionaries) GAYDUKOV, Yu..I.., Using auger-care tools in the proapecw'-Ing of titanium- zirconium placers. Raxved. i okh. nedr. 30 no.5126-27 My 164. (ERA 17tIO) 1. Volgo-Donokova geologicheskoye upravleniye. U S S R, AT-VERY-LOW- ThNIPFRATURE9. 0. E. AleSt!sreyok and VI a1dukov. ri-u-F E UZi . I Too v~ t. F iz L5. 143. 3. 3-4(1043). (in Russian) It was found tho lnterna4~Wllc com- pound B12Pt diap1ays_qvorc_41_q,.LvAkjjjy, The R,(J) rotation- ship is expresacd by the forinula. lQH? + (TIT,)' - 1, where H. - 9.5 Oe and Ti - 0.1551K,which is so far th* lowest recorded Aupercooductivity transitior. tornperature. The 131 Pt alloys goe unmttkin resulti, and the navts-t must bu. repeated. BI:Sj did not Afsplay sujvr~7,x~-i-,u!t1v1ty down to OXK., 111,11h diaplayid suporcond owly in hardened state. (Science Abstracts) XTSSR/r-.-.Iysics - Superconductivity versus pressure FD-3280 J Card. 1/2 Pub. 146 - 39/44 Author : Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye.; Gaydukov, Yu. P. Title : Influence of pressure upon the superconducting properties of cadmium Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dec 1955, 898-899 Abstract : The influence of pressure upon the displacement of the critical tem- perature of superconductors has been investigated by many authors (e.g. N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy ibid., 10, 1940; B. G. Lazarev and L. S. Kan, ibid., 14, 1944; N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy and N. B. Brandt, ibid., 22, 1952; L. S. Kan, B. G. Lazarev and A. I. Sudovtsev, ibid., 18, 1948), but only superconductors whose temperatures of transition lie above 1*K. Among superconductors with lower transitional tempera- tures is cadmium, which passes over into the superconducting state at 0-54'K. The authors measured the dependence of the critical mag- netic field upon temperature in specimens of polycrystalline cadmium without pressure and under pressure, the results of which experiment are given here. For obtaining temperatures in the interfal 0.06- 0 .60*K they used the method of adiabatic demagnetization of a para- magnetic salt; pressure was created by freezing of water in a con- stant-volume bomb (B. G. Lazarev and L. S. Kan, ibid., 14, 1944). They conclude that the relative change in Tk created by pressure of 1500 atm amounts to 8.3% exceeding by several times corresponding values for other superconductors than Cd. Ten references. V-K'o- q - k- - - "ure on th -D L-104119nomWetic Propartles: of Rold. N. 13. Atekitevatit :and Vu. P. dukov. Zhur, EksP11. i Tearel. FF*x- 31 947-WIM).-The elec. resistance of Au, vylih Pr withoui jnagnetle field, was measured at 0.05-220.41'K. Four -i tamples of An 90.0-09,M% pure (balavee Fe) WCrOe4----" investigated. Three sample had an anomalous file of cord. at low tern 91 to a sata. value ra. - - Ar - (tt - r. i.Mr.. i.~ OforH.-P8kHo6mted. The ¬nalous behavior Is attri. bated to smail iants. of 1m;hffitits. probably of atoms with AUTHOR i TITLEx PERIODICALs ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BYz SUBMITTEDs AVAILABLEs Card 1/1 ALEKSEYEVSMN.YD., GAYDUKOV,Yu.P. 56-6 54/% The Hall.Effect and the-SUffc-e-p-Mility of Gold. (Effekt h.,olla i vospriimehivostlzolota, Russian) Zhurnal EkSperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 6, PP 1589 - 1591 (U-S-S-R-) The following experimental results were obtainedt The dependence r(T) for the gold sample Au-1 shows T minns 40K. The increase of 0r takes place proportional to ln(l/T), where ar/r min at T a 0,07 K amounted to about 15 %. The measurement Ar = r 0,070K - rmin in dependence on the magnetic field furnished the valueW,8,5 kOe for Hk' The gold sample Au-4 shows no irregularities. In the temperature range of from 2950K to 1,450K the magnetic susceptibility of Cold of the class Au-1 remains diamagnetic, where its value at 1,450K amounts to 70% of the value at 2950K. Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. 28.3-1957 Library of Congress AUTHOR: Gaydukov, Yu, P. 56-34-4-8/6o TITLE: The Temperature Anomaly of the Resistance and the Hall Effect in Gold (Temperaturnaya anomaliya soprotivleniya i effekt Kholla u zolota) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 4, PP- 836-842 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigates the Hall effect ca the temperature and on the magnetic field sLrength in samples of gold with normal and anomalous temperature dependence of the resistance. For the production of the samples two sorts of gold of Soviet origin were used, their composition ascertained by spectrum analysis is given in a table. The degree of purity of these gold samples is 9%v. The measurement of the Hall effect was made at room temperature, at the temperatures of liquid ni- trogen, hydrogen, and helium, and also at eitreniely low temper- atures, which were produced by adiabatic demagnetisation of iron-ammonium-alum. The construction of the device for the pro- duction of the extremely low temperatures was already pre- viously described by the authors (Ref 5). The relative error Card 1/3 of the measurements was kept below 13%,. The resistance of the The Temperature Anomaly of the Resistance and the Hall 56-34-4-8/6o Effect in Gold sample Au-1 increased considerably at a temperature drop, the increase of the resistance of the sample Au-4, however, re- mained equal in the temperature range 412 - 1,40 K within the limits of measuring errors. In Au-1 the temperature minimum becomes zero at a field strength H = (8 + 0,5)..lo3 Oerstedi The intensity of the Hall effect as a function of the magnetic field strength was measured at the temperatures 295,77; 20,4; 10,1; 4,2 and 0,070 K. The corresponding results are visudized in 2 diagrams. A further diagram visualizes the Hall constants for Au-1. In the gold samples with anomalies in the curve r(T) also an anomaly of the Hall effect is observed, At the end a short report is given concerning i~esults,by other authors dealing with the same subject. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute ior the Study of Problems in Physics,AS USSR) Card 2/3 24(2) SOV/56-35-2~ 58/6o 'AUTHORS: Alekoeyevskiy, N. Ye., Gaydukov,: TITLE: The Anisotropy of the Electric ResWance of a Gold Mono- crystal in a Magnetic Field at 4,2 K (Anizotropiya elektri- cheskogo sopiotivleniya monokristalla zolota v magnitnom pole pri 4,2 K) PERIODICAL: Zhuxnal eksperimental~noy i teoretichoskoy fiziki, 1958,. Vol 35, Nr 2(8)~ pp 554-555 (USSR) ABSTRACT, The results of many papers concerning the investigation of the Calvanomagnetic properties of monovalent metals do not agree with the theory, It is interestinR.- therefore, to investi-, gate the charactei of the variation of the resistance of these metals in a magnetic field. These investigations are carried out for various crystallographic directions. A gold mono- crystal is the most useful material for this purpose, Such a monocrystal (hei&ht 30 mm and 0,,3 mm, purity 99~,9999 ~) was prepared. The resistance was varied by 1650 timea when the temperature decreased from the laboratory temperature to 4,20K. A polar diagram was obtained for_this 0gold manoorystal Card 1/3 in a magnetic field of H = 23 kOe at T 4,2 K~ The rotation SOV/56 353 2-58/6,~ The Anisotropy of the Electric Resistance of a Cold Mo=rystal in a Magnetic Field at 4,2 K axis of the magnetic field was parallel to the axis /of the gold monocrystal,. The dependence of the ratlo Ar Hjr. .(r H ''rci )/r0on magnetic f --*eld strength was obtainect 3.n the dire,,~tion of the hig~hpst maxim-am and cif the Ic-mest mini - mum of the polar diagram. rH and r0 denote the -values of the resistance in the magnetic,, field and withcut a nagnc,'nni., field. The results of these measurements are shown in 2 figures. In the direction of the maximum an u-nlimited increase uf the resistance A r Ir - HI ~ ") is observea, but in the dire.ltion Re PeailgToric's is totalAy saturated o4the mininum t r ( A rH/X 0 - , ) 5 L:f H >> H0.110may be derived from thq equa, tion .1/R - I and in the investigated case it is equal to 1,4 kOe. 1 denotes the free length of path and R - the curvature of the trajectory of the motion of the conduction electrons in the magnetic field. Analogous results were found for all the maxima and minima of the polar diagram. From the results of this paper the following conclusions may be drawn: Card 2/3 The linear increase of the resistanne of polyaryBtall-ino SOV/56,3'1-2--jP,/6o The Anisotrny of the Electri-.. Resistance of a Gold Monocrystal in a Magneti,:~ FieLd at- 4,,2 K specimens (which was found by Kapitsa) is caused by the averaginK of various ratios Ar I/ro with resp8ot to the angles. The author thanks P. L~ Kapitsa, 411'ember, Academy of Sciences., USSR, for the di8cue3ion of these resulta. There are 2 figures and 7 references, 3 of whioh are Sav3ct~ ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 14.-, '956 Card 3/3 18(6) AUTHORSs Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye., SOY/56-35-3-47/61 Ga,ydukov, Yu. TITLE: The Influence Exercised by a plastic Deformation Upon the Anomalous Behavior of the Resistance of Gold at Low Tempera- tures (Vliyaniye plasticheskoy deformatsii na anomallnoye povedeniye soprotivleniya zolota pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19589 Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 804 - 8o6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, two earlier papers dealing with this subject are referred to in short. For the purpose of investigating the influence exercised upon the minimum resistance of gold more accurately, the authors carried out an experimental investigation of the influence exercised by elastic and plastic deformations on the depth of the minimum and on the value of the "critical" field strength H 0. Compression occurred from all sides by allowing water to freeze in a bomb made of beryllium bronze. In the case of such a compression from all sides the depth of the minimum is reduced only a little and also the specific resistance Card 1/3 changes only very slightly. The influence -exercised by The Influence Exercised by a Plastic Deformation SOY/56-35-3-47/61 Upon the Anomalous Behavior of the Resistance of Gold at Low Temperatures plastic deformation on the course of the resistance curves was investigated in two series of tests. In the course of the first series of tests, the deformation of the sample was investigated at the temperature of liquid helium by means of a special press. The deformations 'obtained at the tempera- ture of liquid helium were comparatively small. The influence -exercised by greater deformations was investigated on wires which were deformed at room temperature by means of a hydraulic press. The result obtained by these measurements are shown by diagrams. According to all results obtained in the present case, the depth of the minimum and the "critical" field strength depend to a considerable extent on the deforma- tion. With a certain value of deformation, the depth of the minimum becomes equal to zero, and the critical field-strength tends towards infinity. A comparison of all results obtained results in the followingi The occurrence of the minimum of resistance is caused by the scattering of conductive electrons on the impurities of certain elements. The authors thank Card 2/3 P. L. Kapitsa for discussing the results obtained. There a The Influence Exqroised by a Plastic Deformation SOV/56-35-3-47/61 Upon the Anomalous Behavior of the Resistance of Gold at Low Temperatures are 3 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut fizioheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of SciencesVckc-~ SUBVITTEDt June 14, 1958 Card 3/3 24(o) $01/30-59-2-42/6C AWMBI Lbalstalkay. 1. K.. Doctor of thy.ic.1 and 30t.*C.. IMS. in ... tid.tio.. of Po f1folk. alskikk Coup. at" IMOSIC"I V*.tmLk Ak.4.oiL a." 3331t. 1959. fir 2, pp 94-100 (03SX) AUTBACT. no 5tK All-V f Co, "46 o ;. Ml L r~ October 2 to r is ; Nowoc, I ninerad, Tbtllot. , 1. or% ; physic nyow. 1166 4. .."r,titwidtly a It III bell- it.,1Q tivitA g affect. Th. following Sao. to reports cat or. boards A. A. kbrlkftgy. L. F. - _jjC!A" reported Ch. An-811doti.0 if the properties T A. A. khrikoo*,. L. ?I properties of ouprucoa4uctoro to the big%. a . "d. Ch-A . Shirkow rt.% d, D y . iw I. Chokow 111-aktal , wo c t o-O-Viri�rlits. 406arit.4 c the tallosaas exeralf.d by the Coulomb (talon) LAS-ra4tim 1 Cart 1/6 Yal"Alux. explained the :1 ob"goo on ouproacAusti,ity. V. W. "- - "Sure or MWOO-0.11.4 .011catt'. of the Some S" 1 2. To. A. T..rk."Ikov : fthe th.modywastic. or ..yr44..d. "ti. or* Z. ff-In of the thermal coad".tLe. of *.Pro- T. Y_ZA"ANbh, r reported on as. Porladatal ark at" upraccaftotors. spoke at 0A of Ch* anisotropy of thermal aanduattwi%fi, Is the 8%proaaaductive state. to a @*rise of r.porto przkleso of rltq idity of halt" *or. discs ... 4. watch .44 discover. Uko op ad 34 %; F. L. Ljitt.* Net tn. th.cry of which .4o *at up ,: I; SA 1941 by L. D- Landsm. S. L. Csd".tk.jh,_LU and his col- laborators I aveattesto4AW prowfr.. -urrot-ttne halt". at the formation . fthe lqutd "4 now qp.rl&q.I4 halt". Go" we, : or ky *1 6 1 l r* Ql ' the **-called J-P In '",*r : , , go -J!_JL_rAAzUaAx1y Cleat 4 -9" strong sagnotte, fIdlds for metals with opwA Forst siArfaces. I .... it- . ?.Qsyd S. U. Alokasyevokly. Tv 4uh __SOV4 114 ~a Jj 9-t-4 be rt-l-r"-- .. MR, ... 1. th. . ropy . S , ~ ~ mad-tic S. tan, Combine tn. Pre.ona. of a,- 6 Somper6ture Lai- witir the structurs state of the metal. ra the q-"%- theory of can- r% A P tb: %: otL.Ity 1. 1 ranize 61-traosenetto "4 coast"% use. : d , t, a fl old. A. 1. ftrcvtk-j23aa2,y r*portod on the ask forra- : ,We tLow IN saw."caken.ts. .";I.@ of MC03. jk!_11, trw~,~. the aosuotIC al-tropy *f the "it- ...*crystal. Caso4-4 C.:.O4. 1. A. AIIAKS~ov port.4 an *1 r I __L_ZQN4arm"y And oll.b*r.tcr. repo g.t a u, tI : :Zu I'llity of nickel And nickel-co;;ar alloys at low Cooper too. Qft k1ft*t1Q Pk%;AO&.Aa In M~jj%t-Lk r:;,ort#4 , tomporm,tura. A, k ..-A. I*rr ... .ott.. My- , .hIA-, "4 3-_r~ spoke of Q.pato%t..o ,f the ..Pat,. 14 f.rr.-^.tlo dielectric, ob4-tta. r.. SA-d.. .9.. f A--,. -ar th 61 0 , ..It. of 71,90 3 ' Itrate. gave a thooro &test of the rientation or the n%cloar spin in the 0,.rh .... r (0 ... kh.u..r) .rr.ot In D. ~. SwozJ." ~. K. - , - 1-bOr.- n l - - " - i- Als d i~ co tor. reported on obt4s or 1 onthted Aucy el o e va, ~. i o I- an and , t h 4,a . th Isot 1 a n opes T , _ a tft. h... a rr.riit7atFu.%.r.m. x. Z'Gi-I I a. 0. L. r ,, Fh. D. 3tor_q_4,qU, "4 V. 1. XhQtk,yjqh poly. , No h .4 1. . a-b.r of state at to. I. ;; In:' n!'- -4 M. ?.__Mj&iLov reported an the : .t 8 r or., gn scientific jo.earch %ark LA the field at Phi-W-. At the and of the Canf ... no. it, 1, UP& 6- Jk. of his saca ... ral of I .... it- ,* t - %h. el :140f 11 Th, Ph 1 r oI- E-tloa: 1 y , f punts the C..f r. t th: Ir t , ,, ,: d , , . I .k :, ; . ! ( t.stit.t. of th. Academy or 33R) and the phy.t.. ?-m f Tbill.1 a ty _! . .. 0 !-:1,y " "'I a. th. '" Iding of the r - r.h stout. : 1 at. ..or T1,111.1. ..24(3) AUTHORS: Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye., Gaydukov. Yu sov/56-36-2-15/63 TITLE: Measurement of ihe Electric Conductivity of Yetals in a Magnetic Field as a Method of Investigating the Fermi Surface (Izmereniye elektroprovodnosti metallov v magnitnom pole kak metod issledovaniya poverkhnosti Fermi) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 21 PP 447-450 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lifshits, Azbell, Kaganov (4ef 1) as well as Chambers(Chembers) (Ref 2) showed.that isoenergetic surfaces of conductivity electrons in metals can be represented by topologically composed surfaces with open cross sections.,The Fermi surface can be built up from data obtained by measurement of the de Haas-van Alphen (de Gaaz, van.Alifen) effectt of the anomalous skin effect, or of cyclotron resonance (Ref 3). Hovever, these measurements did not produce unique results near open cross sections. The present paper intends to investigate the anisotropy of electric resistance in a magnetic field in various (Sn, Pb, T1, Ga, Na) single crystals in connection with the. existence of open Fermi surfaces. As already shown (Ref 1), a Card 1/3 quadratic increase of resistance is to be expected in open Fermi L'basurement'of the Electric Conductivity of Metals SOV/56-;36-2-15/63 in, a'Magnetic Field as a Method of Investigating the Fermi Surface surfaces for one field direction, whereas for another field direction saturation sets in. In a previous paper (Ref 4) the authors already investigated the variation of resistance in gold and copper in dependence on the angle formed by the magnetic field r and the crystallographic axes, and thoy showed that for the course Ar./r. partly a quadratic increase and partly satura tion occursp according to the direction of rl. Novi, the angular dependeXices of r(H) for other metallic single crystals are investigated at 2.4 and 1,50K. The data characterizing the samples are given in a table. The polar diagrams measured for H const on a Sn-, Pb-, and Tl-sample are shown by figure 1 (H 23 kOe, 22-3 k0o and T - 4.20K). I was in all cases vertical to the measured current 7. These diacrams show that also in these'crystals it is true that with a variation of the angle betreen-the field and the crystallo~;raphic axes the law of increase of the resistance in the magnetic field changesfrom. a quadratic form to that of saturation (Fig 2). Anisotropy was found to be especially high -in tellurium and gallium. Card 2/3 Measurement of the Electric Conductivity of Yetals 507/56-76-2 715/63 .1 in a Magnetic Field as a M6thoa of Investigating the Fermi Surface A theoretical explanation of these phenomena is given by the paper by. Lifshits and Peschanskiy (Ref 6). The authors finally thank Academician P. L. Kapitsa for his constant interest in this work. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 21, 1958 Card 3/3 . 240) .'AUTHORS:- Alekseyevokiy, N. Ye.v Gaydukov, Yu. P. SOV~56-37-3-14/62 TITLE: The Anisotropy of the Electric Conductivity in the Magnetic Field and the Topology of Fermi Surfaces of Metals PERIODICAL: Zhurndl eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 3(9)t pp 672..677 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives some results of the investigation of the anisotropy of the change of resistance in the magnetic field of monocrystals of Au, Cu, Sn, Pb, T1, and Gal~which have been investigated already previously (cf. Ref ) as well as of Ag, which was investigated for the first time. Most of the metals were investigated on 10 to 1) samples which each showed different orientation of the crystal axes (Determination of the orientation was carried out by 0. E. Karstens). The purity of the samples was characterized by the resistance ratio ~0000)/? (4.20); it amounted to 10 000 for Sn, Pb, and Ga, to 3000for Tl, and for Au, Cu, and Ag it was of the order of magnitude 1 000 ~ All measurements were carried out at 4.20K. The samples were rotated in the constant mag- netic field and the angular dependence of the resistance was Card 1/3 measured. Figures 1-4 show this dependence for differently The Anisotropy of the Electric Conductivity in the BOV/56-37-3-14/62 Magnetic Field and the Topology of Fermi Surfaces of Metals orientated Cu, Ag, Pb, and Gar-samples at H - 23.5KOe. The orientation (in figures 1,2, which show the angular depend- ence of the relative change of resistance) and the degree of purity are given. An investigation of the anisotropy of the resistance of silver showed that the resistance in the direct- ion of the minimum (in the rotation diagram) attains a satu- ration value and that with H it increases exponentially (nearly quadratically) in the direction of the maximum(R95)- Similar conditions prevail also in the case of other metals. It is further found that the average relative resistance depends linearly upon H (Fig 6) (Law of Kapitsa). The con- nection of the half-width of the narrow maxima and minima for Au, Cu, Pb, and Sn in the rotational diagram was investi- gated. It was found that the half-width of the maxima decreases with increasing H (e.g. like I/H), and that of the minima at the same time remains constant, which agrees well with the theory (Fig 7, Ref 4). Further investigations were made Amt the variation of the depth of the minimum in the case of fixed H-direction and varying current direction. Figuze 8 Card 2/3 shows the result for four different Sn-samples. A stereo- The "isotropy of the Electric Conductivity in the SOV/56-37-3-14/62 Magnetic Field and the Topology of Fermi Surfaces of Metals graphical projection of special field directions may be carried out from the various data; - an example (for silver) is shown by figure 9. An analysis of the stereographic pro- jections can be carried out by comparing the results obtained by Lifshits and Peschanskiy. Such an analysis may supply information about the shape of the Fermi surface. All data obtained indicate that, contrary to previous opinions, most metals possess closed Fermi surfaces. In conclusiongthe authors thank P. L. Kapitsa for his interest in this work and Professor I. M. Lifshits and V. G. Peschanskiy for dis- cussions.There are 9 figures and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1959 Card 3/3 85679 S/056J60/038/006/021/049/XX o?df 07700 (16 V-3., 114C0) B006/BO70 AUTAORS: Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye., Gaydukov, Yu. P. TITLE: The Anisotropy of the Electrical Resistance'of Mg and Pt Single Crystals in a Magnetio Field at 4.2uK I'l 'YX - PERIODICAL: Zhixrnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 6. pp. 1720-1722 TEXT: It was shown in Refs. 5 and 6 that the electri--al resistance of polycrystalline Mg and Pt specimens in a magnetic field increases without any limit. Therefore, the Fermi.surface of these metals is either closed (number of electrons equal to the number of holes) or open. In the first case, the resistance must be practically isotropic in large magnetic fields, and in the second case, strongly anisotropic. The present work was undertaken to clarify this problem for single crystals, the galvano-- magnetic properties of polyorystals of Mg and Pt having been studied already. The Mg specimens had a~300OK/ ?4.20K rat'o of 230 - 610', ror Pt, this ratio was between 1900 and 2400. The results of measurement are Card 1/3 L-"~ r -7 The Anisotropy of the Electrical Resistance of Mg and Pt Single Crystals in a Magnetic Field at 4.20K S/056/60/038/006/021/049/XX B006/BO70 shown in diagrams. Fig. 1 shows the polar d-~agram ef the resistance of the h1g single crystal specimen, Fig. 3 that of P!. FigF. ard 4 show the resistance of the specimens of Mg and Pt, respectively. as a function of H, each for two different angles. The fa--t that for some definite angles the relative change of resistan.-,,e shows s%turation and for others an exponential increase indicates that Mg and Pt hane open Fermi surfaces. It may be assumed that Mg. like Tl, has a Fermi 3urface of the type of a "corrugated" plane, and Pt has one like a "spatial cylinder ne"'. Academician P. L. KaRitsa is thanked for hii great interest, and.G.,E. Karsten-s for help in the determination of ",be crientakion of the cry9tals, Ye. S. Borovik and V. G. Volotskaya are mertioned. There are 4 and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of S.-,iences USSR) SUBMITTED; January 29, -1960 Ca.rd 21.5 W91 S/056/60/039/005/005/051 0 0-4 v3j "V3/ ls~7 B029/BO77 AUTHORS: Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye., Gaydukov, Yu._22, Lifshitsp I. M.~ Peschanskiy, V. G. TITLE: The Fermi Surface of Tin PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 501), YP- 1201 - 1214 TMIT: The author starts by analyzing the geometrical conditions of the Fermi surface for tetragonal crystals. The following expression is used for the dispersion law 8(j): cpz cpZ (c ap, 'a spy EM - Ao-A I coo A2Cos 2f 24 24 ap apx a!, coo - coslapy _ + Cos _ - A 3 x - 'k 4 (COO c denotes the lattice 2A- 24 constant along the tetragonal axis [001],and a is the lattice constant Card 1/4 86891 The Fermi Surface of Tin 5/056/60/039/005/005/051 B029/BO77 along the binary axes [100] and [010]. Detailed statements are supple- mented by illustrating the transformation in stereographic projections along the direction of the magnetic field. The second part of this paper deals with determining the directions of plane sections of an open Fermi surface. There are several types of current diagrams with const(a), where a denotes the,angle formed by the current and the H opzn cross section or a certain crystallographic axis (I-A). Using these polar diagrams of the current intensity it is possible to de- termine whether the cause of the quadratic increase of resistance for a given direction of the magnetic field is the compensation of volumes (Vi M V2) or the presence of open trajectoriesp and it is possible to determine the direction of these trajectories. Two special cases are then investigated. The experimental results are given and discussed in the third part of this paper. Tin was produced by zone melting at the tekhnologichaskiy otdel IFP LN SSBR (Institute of Physical Problems of the AS USSR, Department of Technology). The resistance diagrams of all tin specimens whose axes enclose a small angle with the axis Emil (00 < ,%' ---- 300) have the form of eight-leafed rosettes. If this angle Card 2/4 86891 The Fermi Surface of Tin S/05 60/039/005/005/051 B029YB077 is increased, new and very small minima will appear; for these minima no saturation of resistance in the magnetic field was observed either. The polar diagrams for the case 01 _~' 500are two-leafed rosettes. Further details are given. A single Fermi surface cannot explain the current diagrams of the type III. (Such a diagram is obtained by em- ploying the method of volume compensation, V I W V2) . Tin has also other isoenergetic surfaces, which make it possible to explain such a com- pensation of volumea. At least two sections of the energy spectrum E(p) are essential to the Fermi surface of tin. The second isoenergetic sur- face can be closed or open. The two variants of the Fermi surface of tin can be made to agree with the stereographic projection along the main directions of the magnetic field. The open surface represents holes, and the closed one, electrons. The shape of the tubes (the con- necting parts between the planes) is very similar to a cylinaer. A quadratic increase of resistance is predominant for tin in a magnetic field. The one-leafed characteristic of the Fermi surface could be used to explain the specific features of the galvomagnetic properties of lead, cadmium, zinc, and other metals with open Fermi surfaces*. Card 3/4 The Fermi Surface of Tin S/056/60/039/005/005/051 B029/BO77 Academician P. L. Kapitea is thanked for his interest. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR) SU13MITTED: June 17, 1960 Card 4/4 ATMKSXrjlVSKIY,M.Y*.;GAYDUKOV, Yu.P. Fermi surfaces for tin. Zhur.ekop.i teor.fiz. 41 no-4;1079~-1082 0 161. (MA 14: 10) 1. Institut fizicheskikh pro4lem AN SSSR. (Fermi surfaces) MO S/056/62/042/001/011/048 B104/13102 AUTFORS: Alskseyevskiy, N. Ye., Gaydukov. Yu, P. TITLE: The Fermi surface of silver PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikii v, 42, no. I ~Jlj 1962, 69-74 (M /F-,g 16 TEXT: Silver single crystals (- 30 mm long, -2 mm in dAameter) were grown by the Obreimov-Shubnikov method. The following ratio was found between their registivities at 300 and 4.2()K: Q300/Q4,2-.'Ooo' UsIng a potentiometer airrzuit with a photoelectric amplifier, the Hall e.m-f- was determined at 4.2 0K in magnetic fields of up to 24 koe, which were retated in a plane perpend-icular to the specimen axis, At a constanz mae-tatic field of 23,5 koe, the resistivity of the spe-imens was determ:Lned as a function of the angle between the magnetic field and the _rystallographic axes. Both the resistivity of the single crystals and the .?;~pendence of the Hall e.m.f. are strongly anisotropic. The maxima of the Hall e.m,f. are equal and lie in the dir,~ctions [0011, Card S/056/62/042/001/011/0418 The Fermi surface of silver B104/B102 1.1!0.1. and In the zones II of the stereographic projection of th"~ m.f, (Fig. 3). the latter depends linearly on the angle. In 1. thi.s dependence is almost linear. In the (1-12) dir.-ction, the Hall e m f. ~-n the magnetic field tends toward saturation, A distin;t maximum of resistivity was established when the magnetic field was in the (00-) p- -ane. This 00'. characteristic line in the stereographic projection was also found in gold. Distinct maxima of resistivity were found in the lines of intersection between the plane of the magnetic field and the (010) and k 00) planes- The only difference in the stereographic projections of the char-a--ter"stic directions of the magnetic field of the Fermi surface of si,ver, gold, and copper is found in the dimensions of I. As shown by I. M. Lifsh;.ts and V- G,, Peschanskiy (ZhETF, 38, !88, 19060)- -he ztereojFraphic projection presented in Fig. 3 corresponds to an open Ferm,- su--fa---e of the type of a spatial network of "corrugated cylinders" wi-ch ax4:s parra-le! to the (001)~ [1-101, and [1111 directions. Professor I. M. Lifsh'-ts and V. G. Peschanskiy are thanked for discussion3, Acad;~mlcian P. L Kapi-tsa for interest, and V. A. Gromakovsk4-y for -is s1 z 1 tabl .-itance in measurements There are 5 figures, e: and '4 rs~fe7ences: 6 Soviet and 6 non-Sov--et. The four most recent -references Card 2/'41" S/05 62/042/001/011/048 The Fermi surface of silver B104YB102 to English-language publications read as follows: M. G. Pristley. Phil. Mag. J, ill, 1960; D. Shoenberg. Phil. Uag. 5, 1057 1960; R. W. Morse, A. Myers, C. T. Walker. Phys. Rev. Lett., _1, 605, 196o; J. R. Klauder, J. E. Kunzler. Phys. Chem. Solids, 18, 256, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 26, 1961 Fig. 3. Stereographic projection of the main directions of the magnetic field of the Fermi surfaces in silver, gold, and copper. Card 3/,4