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CSUROS, Zoltan, prof., dr.;._GARA, Miklos; GIIIRKOVIGS, Ida
Copolymerization of al3,vl alcohol and acryl nitril on the effect of a
redox apten. Acts. chimica.Hung 29 no.2:207-225 '61.
1. Institute for Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University,
Budapest, 2. Editor, "Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae"
(for Couros).
(Polymers and lymerization) (Acrylonitrile)
r4l alcohol)
.,zARA, Miklos,_ kpndi (in us
Report on the debate about Frigyes Gelejils dissertation
for candidacy. Kom tud kozl MTA 20 no.1:131-135 163.
1 1. @%4.
.@@ @,O
I. .
and Spencer. D. C, A complex tpnIgF_
twMWdMTIMler manifolds. Act;a Math. 89,279-331
Sur une variW analytique complexe, Popkrateur diff6-
reiftiel d se dko mpose'en la somme de deux ofkrateurs 8
et@6 de typearcapectifs (1. 0) et (0, 1); si la vari&6 cat Munic
Ojine mktrique knWrieruie, Vopkrateur codifIftenflel 3 se
(16;ornpose en b et, , types respcctits (0, - 1) et (- 1. 0).
Cet article a W &elt availt h INtrution de I'article de
W. V. D. Hodge [Proc. Cambridge Philos, Soc. 47, 504-5 17
(1951); ces Rev. 13, 7S] dans lecluel ccs ophateurs ont 616
d6finis pour ]a premitre, fols; if a pour but (Ntendrc aux
opt-rateurs 0, 4, b, 6 sur les variWs kahl6riennes, des r6.
iultats connus pour Ies o0rateurs d et 3 stir les varMt6s
rietnanniennes. IA:s autcurs donnent, d'abord, des r6sultats
witables pour les variWs (resp. varikOs A bord compactes)
riernannientits quelconques: si B eat une varidtd & bord qui
posWe une singulariO fondamentale pour Popkrateur I-apta-
cien A, it existe une fornic de Green nur B qui permet de
rksoudre un problAnte aux iimite@ pour Ice for m*cs diffren.
tieI6 CO; condition nkessaire ct suffisante pour que B
pov*d@ tine'singularitfi fondamentale; preuve de 1'existence
h@ 4
7@7 ifA
i f9
d'une 3ingularitd fondamentale pour les champs harmG.
niqties (formes femi6es et. cofermtes) sur une varikk
riertiannienne Cd par une inkthode diff6rente do celle em-
ployte, par, K Kodaira [Ann. of Math, (2) 50, 587-665
(1949); ces Rev. 11, 108] et qui senible plus proclic do la
mktliode classique uti!Mc sur les surfaces de Riemann. Soit
maintenant M une variftd k3lit6rienne (to dimension com.
plexe k. Vespace P (resp. L), des forines de type (p, 0)
(resp. des p4ormes) do corrt scalaire fi,ni, est fit eomme do
I'c3pacc des formes ahalytiques .(resp. harmoniques) et do
Vadh6rence, dans P (resp. L), do I'tipace detj fornits
NP-1 (resp. Ax). Un courant Test dit analytique si, ou fiferi,
il est do type (p, 0) et,5T-0, ou bien il est do type (k, ei-p)
et bT=FO; il est alors harmonique; on dkermine, tine d6com.
position do Pespaqe des courants qui convergent sur toute
forme C-, de, mrit scalaire fini; cettC &composition com.
6rend Pespace des courant& analytiques ou celui des formes
harnioniques. Sur tine varift6 kahl6rienne bord, on 6tudie
G@ Vt
la relation entre lea P-(brmcs harmoniqu" et, les p-tormes
analyti'ques,surtout-dans fe cas p=O, et on d'onne une
formuk. de Cauchy pour les formes complexes sarisfaisant
A Jjp=@O-bfp(oti av-0-gip).' Nis oil &soud le probMine
Rux limites suivant pour tine sous-varikh A bord B d'un
espace kahiftien compact doant-: trottwx title fornle v da
type (0, k) sur B (elk, que: &)p - 0. 0dan3 B et que [a
restriction de v A IA frottiCiLlre de B soit dontide; on niontre
qWil existe une so)ution unique; la m6thotle de Wnionstra.
ti.on est, paralWe A celle de Garabedian et Spenccr [Trans.
Amer. I'viath. Soc. 730 221-:242 (1952); ces Rev. 14, 4621,
une foi.d! qu"une singuliarit:6 fondamentale pour ba it w
d6finie; @on rboud de la m8nie faVon le probl6nie dual. La
solution'du, second problame et d'un probleme voisin du
premier 'pertnet de diffinir Ies (ormes de Neurnatin N, et de
Grcen G. dan* B et le noyati, reproduisant des fortiles a et
b-fertu&I de typ,-- (p, 0); ces Solutions sexpriment & I'aide
tL fcrweis (Witites de G, et dt- N,;. Oil miiitruit eusuite la
singularith foikd@xiwztsOU cxwr les fonuv-s a t-.t @-fvniihs stir
B -, enfin,on construit, stir tine vat ih compacte,
tin couraiit de type donn6, hamonique ou 0 ot Wertn@, dwit
la, partie tunguliare cat donnde all voisinage de chaque point.
F. Do.lbwulf (Paris).
X'hPAN4SUV 16n,[Garabis, Jan], uchitel': GINEVSKIT, Ta. [translator]
,:Z*;c n " -- ,
Experience in combining Inatruction with students practical
work in agriculture. Politakh.obuch. no.11:79-M N '58.
(MIRA 11:12)
1. Vosmilotnyaya arednyaya shkola v Bilovtse (Chekhoalovakiya).
(Czochoolovak!sL--Agriculture--Study and teaching)
NAYER. V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAhjik;iIUK, V.K., inzh.
Testing of semicOr.UUULor coolers for transistors. Khol. tekh.
no.1:3-8 165. (MLRA 18:9)
0 EWT 119di (h)/T Pz-6/Ps-4/Feb IJP(c) Ar
AUMdR: Garachuk. V N
-- ---- - ------
ran-S 3-4
--t H-c-4-66-61,ee- vi-@for-t istore ......
6'b 6et
e lb-
01WO rorcoq,@qq c
VhO Ad
li@- U MWO141n; : -'- a- - 1@ ":': @ @. - ". '11'-Ign'@r@'
_J _-L-
was injected. - - The. dependence' of-'transistot- body_'temperature on -the curren passingi---,
jthrough the thermoelectric generatoriand1the efficiency of the coolers were deier-_.
mined. In order to m6intain-r. transistor body temperature of +55C for a model witif-
32 elements, it was necessary to pass a current of 6 amp through the generator at
q of 6 w an@. heat yield of the hot w. The same values
rated power Junctions of 18.5
for a cooler with 60 elements under* the same co6ditions were 4.2 amp, 8 v, and
w. Orig. art., hoz: -3.figure.s. (DWI
ASSOCIATION- Odegskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut
ishnchevoy i kholodilinoy promyshiennosti
dessa Technological Institute of the Food and'Refrigeration Industry)
Slii,41= 05Mar64
@.OTHEIR:. 001. ATD PRESSI 3221!
A NO MF SOV:-.002
J ......
ACR@17 N Wt
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/'36/000/012/0052/0052"
!W-6hIM : Garachuk, V. K.; Lavronahanko, G. Ks; Nayer) V. A.
TITW:@ A low temperature device. Class 21, No. 182778 Zannouncad by Odessa Tochno-
16!;I@ca-I-Institute of tho Food and Refrigeration Industi-f (Odeaskiy tokhnologichaskiy
166titut pishchovoy i kJiolodillnoy proqrshlonnosti)2
SO'LMCE':: Izobreteniya, proWshlonnyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki., no. 12, 1966, 52
TOZ TAGS: refrigerating system, refrigeration, refrigeration onginaoring, refrig-
eration equipment, Ettinghausen effect, Peltier effect, thermal battery, low tempera-
tur4 battery
ABSV,,ACT: This Author Certificate presents a low temperature device based on the
6'vke'c'ts of Peltier and Ettinghausen (see Fig. 1). For the simultaneous utilization
of a thermoelectric battery as the generator of low temperature and as a source of
the magnetic field for the Ettinghausen cooling device, the thermal battery ia made
in the, form of a cylindrical solenoid.
Lci!A 1/2 UDC: 621.362.2:536.48
A-C NP- AP6021788
Fig. 1. 1 thermal battery; 2 single crystal
GAR&MAI, Bela, dr., okleveles vegyeszmernok
Experiences with the retarded cementation method in Hungary.
Bany lap 96 no*10:796-802 0163.
1. Orszagos Koolaj - es Gazipari. Troszt, Wdapest.
iL_4j,?44-65@ nc-Vt4a (,Y)/ExAN WEEO (t)/E`WT(;0/FW Pis _.--i/Pi- @/Pil-4/Ft-7/
@ICES:)IO 50111:73
A, S N 00
Nezvall, Ye. 1.
AUTHOR: Belinskiy, V.
TITLE: Direct ultraviolet radiation at some poixits in the USSR
iSOURCE: Mezhvedomatvennoye sove'shchaniye poaktinometrii i o,* tike atmosfery. 5th%
Moscow, 1963, Aktinometriya i. optika atmosfery (Actinometry vnd atmospheric op-
tics); trudy.soviishchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 187-19L
TOPIC TAGS:.-Ictraviolet radiation, radiation intensity, atmosph,@ric ozo' wave-,
jlength dependence, annual variation, diurnal 7EZR_a1_ion, a@@qplhe_r'ic transparene
ABSTRACT: 'Prel-i-minary'reoulti are reportdd of observations of the direct ultra-
'I =ade tr1th the: Boyko quartz- monochromato2 by the Meterology.','.@'
racliation (DUR,, Moscou Stlite University, and:carried out@systematic-lly. at Mcmcvw_.-
:--aanca 19qO and, -under. expedition conditiom .@:at_a,few points in the USSR. The poss i-
bility of using these observations for the measurem6ht' ,of the tott.1 ozone content
is also considered, Graphs are.presented of the dependence of the intensity'qf
DUR on the.height of the-sun at wavelength < 0.35 P, the intensit! of DUR beyond:
the limits of the atmosphere as a function of wavelength, the DUR intensity at
Moscow for variouti transparenciesi the fraction of DUR in the total radlation flux
ro A/2
BOADVSKIT, Ye.V., doteent; GARADZHA, V.I., doteent
Problem of the biology of the dental enamel. Stomatologlia 41
no.WO-15 JI-AR 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. 1z k&fedz7 torapevticheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. Ye.Ye.
Platonov) i kafedry marksizma-leninizma (zav. - dotsent P.M.
Wshakova) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta.
Heothomism and natural history; imaginary reconciliation
between science and religion. Priroda 54 no.3.65-72 Mr 165.
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova.
^x-.C NRi AP7005235 SOURCE CODE':' --uR/-o*1'45-/,6*'6"/'o'oo/009'/'01-3'7-/-ol'4'4-*
@AUTJIOR: Garagash, 1. A. (Student); Malinin, N. N. @Doctor of technical sciences,,
iProfessof); Mdslich6r'yakov, R. K. (Senior instructor)
ORG: MVTU im. N. E. Bauman
;TITLE, Peculiarities in calculating calibration of thin-walled cylinders with
ISOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1966, 137-144
I10FIC 1AGS: cylindric shell structure, metal drawing
@ABSTRACT: Equations are derived for calculating the stresses, forces and changes in
ithe diameter of the opening, wall thickness and length of a thin cylinder during
calibration with elongation. The proposed method of calculation is based on the
momentless t'heory of she113 of revolution and the Prandtl-Reuss flow theory, assuming
that there is no reinforcement. The calibration process is treated as elastoplastic
deformation,of the cylinder. The following sections of the region of contact between
the deforming die and the cylinder are considered (see figure): 1-2--the elastic
.region touching the leading cone; 2-3-the elastoplastic region touching this same
cone; 3-4-the section touching the cylindrical part of the die and 4-5--the section
'touching @he trailing cone. An example is given showing application of the proposed
UDC-- 621-T
method to calculation of the calibrating process
for the shock absorbers in the Moskvich-408 automo-
bile. A comparison of the absolute values of wall
thicknesses calculated by the proposed method with P
experimental date shows a difference of only a few
microns, which is quite satisfactory for practical
problems. The observed discrepancies are partially
due to the considerable effect of variations in the
thickness of the cylinder wa.Us which nay be as high
as 0.25 am. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables, 26 formulas.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 30Kar66/ ORIG REF. 03
V,.thc-la Ce- dc-.@erminatlon of the quant,ity nrli of'
:1131 ndminntrntion in the tri-Mvint of Med. rad.
1 @@- ` 'Ag Im' NlRr, 18-41
-) no.8. ., 1, .4. 1
1, nejl!l's;.nsk'y institut i. Cl-blasnov -prTt!,.r,3zobn.;,y
G A,?.4 j A
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Internal Secretions. R-8
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biol.., No 16, 1957Y 70971
Author : 9�Kaqg@@E4yp_Ln, A.A.
Title : Investigation of Clinical forms of Thyroid Gland
Disturbances by Radioactive I (Il3l)
Orig Pub : Probl. endokr. i gormonotrapii, 1955, i, No 4, 9-21
Abstract : 880 goiter patients were observed as to the intensity of
il3l utilization by the thyroid gland and speed of ab-
sorption after 1,3 and 24 hours of administration of
2-4,- curies. in patients with euthyroid form of goiter.
the maximum absorption of il3l is observed after 24
hours an:1 is on the averaGe equal to 19% of the adminste-
red dose; in hyperthyroid 40; in hypothyroid -2.5%.
The absorption of the 1131 in euthyroid cond. in one hour
is 5.6, in 3 hours 9.8%, in hyperthyroid 10.6 and 18.8%;
in hypothyroid cond. 2.5 and 2.11%-
Card 1/1 @Z/55 -
!6, _6 ,
G,.ARAGLIP111 Y.'W,, 1. A. A.
Study, using radioactive iodine, of the functional activity of the
thyroid gland in endemic goiter and thyrotoxicosis. Med.rad. no.5:
6-13 162. (1aRk 15;8)
1. Iz -etanislavskogo oblastnogo protivozobnogo dispansera i Stanis-
lavskoi7o meditsinskogo institute.
(in Russlan)
I- - --
- - - . !lot 8 9
. , " P'. ,
,40 4, -.1
Changes in the incidence of endemic goiter in the Carpathian
Mountain region. Vrach.delo no-11:1195-1197 N'58 (kIRA 12tl)
1. Kafedra organizatsii zdravookhraneniya Stanislavskogo meditsinskogo
instituta i Stanislavskiy oblastnoy protivozobnyy dispanser.
3(7) SOV/5 o -5 9-5-8/2 2
AUTHOR; Garagin, I. A.
TITLE: Meteorological Observations in Irkutsk in the Years 1744-47
(Meteorologicheakiye nablyudeniya v 1744-1747 gc- v Irkutske)
PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 59 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the scientific archives of the Irkutskaya gidrometeorologi-
chaskaya observatoriya (Irkutsk Hydrometeorological Observatory),
records are available on meteorological observations made from
January to June and from September to December 1744, from May
to December 1745, from January to December 1746, and from
January to June 1747. They were written down by a certain Nikita
Kanayev. Nothing is known about hiG person, the duration of
his observations, nor the person who had established this me-
teorological station.
Card 1/1
ACCESSION UR: Ap4o4O292 S/0202/64/000/003/0039/0046
1AUTHORS, Hepesov, R. D.j Golinskiyp G. L.; Garagozov, D.
!TITLE: Data on macrosoisnic phenomena in Turkmenia fdr 1959 and 196o
SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. IzV. Ser. fiz.-tekhn., kh1m. i gool. n., no. 3, 1964, 39-46
TOPIC TAGSt earthquake, E-arthquake proof construction, ground water
@AWTPACTs The authors sought to show the fundamental necessity and use of ob-
sorvational data on earthquakes to predict earthqtiako violenc-r! at an, 1 ca t an
to evalun@e rcquiremonLs for earthquake protection. They emphasize that in,-,
tal data are not sufficient. Three earthquakes are conoidored.- 1) 11 February
1M, 11 hr 55 riin Greenwich time, 2) 16 August 1960, 09 hr 56 min time,
and 3) ILI@ OcLober 1960, 15 hr 45 min Greenwich tine. Observational Tiat-, for
various localities in Turhmenia are reproduced, and isosaitmol naps lirt. plotted. A
map is also dvawn for Ashlihabad designating three discontinuous zonf.'s to represent
districts rioj'u favorable fox, construction, those merely favorable, :ind those lonat,
favorable. Comparinon of thaaamicroaciamic data from actunl earthquake observations
wi-Ui geologic data of the subsurface in Turkmenia reveals a pattern. The atrongt1i
of an earthquake varies for different types of rock in the aubsurfacej and it
Xard 1 1/2
declines with increasIng depth to the water table. Those conclusions confirm the
general conclusions of S. V. Modvedev and S. V. Puchkov) and they are in close
agxeem@-_nt with computations -on increase In scale -value for acoustic stiffness or ATM
ground. Orig. art. has2 3 figures.
,ASSOCMION: Otdol goofiziki I seysmologii AN Turkmnskoy SSR (Division of
.,Geophysics and Seismology., All Turkmen SSR)
MIMI 000
ABS. JOUR, : 88386
AUTHOR : Garagitly, G. ; Polya, K.
T 1 T TUP, : Study of Molds Most Frequenti-y Encouzit,ered
!- n 'A-i:ttural CurIng of Tobacco
OR !G .PUB. :Dohanyipar, 1958, ockt.) 21-28
AB-JTRA%IJT :Among the molds the most widespread and
detr4zaent;il in tobacco rianufacture aro: Mucor, Racem,051.1s,
Aspergill-uz;, f3lauv.-I.S, Aspergii'Lus n1ger, Fenicillwn expan-
sum and Penicillizi glaucum. In addition tr, morphology,
anatomy and optimal conditions of prolif(--@rtation of t"De
Abcve-state'.1 mold-3, results of etpertmen,iz are presk@nted
wl.if-,h show that: their spores are ext-remely wid@@spread in
,L,I@f, areas of too-acco manufacture. Climatic Concir'lons Of
curinp not only cio not decrease., but on the
rscre;jse t!.e viability of tlv spores.
S. Rotenfelld
GARAGULIrA._.A....(g. xmgan)
No trivialitifis herel Kryl.rod. 10 no-3:17 Xr 159.
-,, -.. _:-- .::. I (MIRA 12:4)
1. Instruktor-metodist Zarganskogo aerokluba.
(Aeronautics--Study and teaching)
19'wbo A054/AO26
AUTHOR: Garagulya, A.M., Engineer
TITLL: Production of Large-Diameter Tubes from 19r (19G) Steel
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, No. 4, pp,. 346 - 550
TEXT- Based on experience gained in the Khartsyzskiy trubnyy zavod
(Khartsyz9k Tube Plant) and the Zhdanovskiy2avod imeni Il@icha (Zhdanousk
Plant imeni Illich), the Gipromez designed a tube-electrowelding shop for
the Chelyabinskiy truboprokatnyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Mill) in
collaboration with Yu.M. Metveyev, V.P Markov, B.I. Pasternak, IT A Shev
chenko et a,.'@-The equipment was manufactured by the Elektrostal'skiy zavod
tyazhelogo mtb;hinostroyeniya (Electrostall Plant of Heavy Machinery), the
KolomenskiyAnd the Minakiy stankostroitelinyy zayodu.,(Kolomna and Minsk Ma-
chinery Works). The high-speed welding apparatusilwas designed by the In-
slitut elektroavarki FElectrowelding Institute). The ChTPZ produces oil
pipes of 720 and 820 mm in diameter and a Twain thickness of 8, 9, 10 and
mm, welded from hot-rolled plates (12,200 x 2,520 mm). The following ma-
chines are used for this purpose: 9--@roll plate-levelling units, roller oon-
Card 1/4
S11' 33/60/000/004/006/010
Production of Large-Diameter Tubes from 19r (19G) Steel
veyors, from which the plate is transported at a speed of 27 m/min to a plate-
edge planing machine; a flanging machine which bends the plate edges into
the final shape; a 1,800 t and a 1,200 t press. All machines operate fully
automatically and there are no swith-board operators. The external seam ia
welded on a continuous 6-roller mill, by means of a stationary A-362 (A-382)
,type automatic welder; the tube is shaped on a mandrel and a block mounted
on it. Two electrodes are used for welding which are set for external weld-
ing under an angle of 600 to the tube formed (one inclined forward and one
inclined backward). The inside seam is welded by a small-sized, A-404 (A
404) type welding unit also equipped with two electrodes, the first of which
is set vertically and the other under an angle of 450. This arrangement
helps to increase the welding speed considerably, as one of the electrodes
melts the metal down to a given depth, while the other widens the space
melted. Thus the consumption of flux and electrodes can be reduced. A hy..
draulic tube expansion system is applied with an expanding pressure of alait
85 - 120 at. Sine 1956 tests were carried out at the plant to substitute
the 14YrC (14KhGS) grade steel by the 19G grade in the production of oil
Card 2/4
Production of Large-Diameter Tubes from 19 (19G) Steel
pipes of 720 in diameter. The Electrowelding Institute and the Nauchno-13-
sledovatel'skiy trubnyy institut (Scientific Research Institute of Tubes)
cooperated in these tests. The 19G type steel equals the 14KhGS type as
regards strength, plasticity and welding properties. This new type of steel
has been used since 1957 and yields a saving of 30 million roubles anually.
A new welding flux (AW-60 = AN-60) is used, with which welding rates of 129
M/h, even 160 m/h, were attained, whereas the welding rate for the flux type
is not more than 80 m/h. One of the main conditions of welding is a per-
fect shape of the intermediate product. Several modifications were intro-
duced into 'the pressing stage, which were made necessary also by the 19G
type steel. The calibration of the die and the shape of the key were modi-
fied. Formerly the key only served to limit the motion of the edges at the
periphery of the die and to fix the upper position of the gap at the edges.
By changing the ahape of the key, a bending effect is produced at the edges,
Thus in the new process pressing is partly substituted by bending. It was
also found that the expansion of tubes up to the usual 2.0 - 2151/'fo resulted
in ahardening of the metal and the weld with a non-uniform increase in the
Card 3/4
Production of Large-Diameter Tubes from igr (19G) Steel
value of the yield point (by 20 - 30@) and the strength limit (by 2 - 6%).
whereby the de t dB ratio sometimes attained such high values as 0.9 or eTen
nearly 1. Based on the tests it was decided to fix the expansion rate at
1.6%, thus ensuring the required mechanical and plastic properties of the
metal, while maintaining the described geometrical parameters of the pipe.
The following problems have still to be solvedi elimination of bending at
the plate edge which promotes the hardening of the metal and renders an ac-
curate shaping more difficult; improvement of the edge-cutting machines;
establishment of a rational method for insulating and coating the pipes:
improvement of the metal quality so that the expansion can be reduced to
1.0 - 1.3@. There are 4 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy truboprokatnyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling
Card 4/4
Seasonal freezing of soils in the SYktyvkar region and the
prediction of soil fressing changes following development of
the territory. Mersl. isel. no.lt45-59 161.
(MIRA 16:1)
(Sfttyvk&r region-Frozen ground)
GARkd=k, L.S.; LAZMOVA, G.G.
Practice of using geobotanical data for purposes of engineering
geology in the Syktyvkar region. Herzl.issl. no.2:214-221 @61.
(MMA 16: 5)
(Syktyvkar region-Engineerin geology)
iSyktyvkar region-Frozen ground)
Using geophysical methods for surveying frozen ground
dragging areas in the northern Yenisey Range region. Merzl.
issl. no-3:44-55 163. -(MIRA 17-.6)
Forecasting a change in the freezing condition of dragging
areas in the northern Yenisey Range region effected by
thermal and water-thermal melioration. Morzl. issl- no-3:
56-62 '63. (MMA 17:6)
Conducting refresher courses for teachers. Geog. v shkole 18 no.2:
69-70 Kr-AP '55. (MLRA 8:7)
(Geography--Study and teaching)
GkRAI, b-ndrana, okleveles vcgjre.3zmernok
Fabric testing methods; copper content deTermination. Szqbvany
kozl 17 no.3:109-110 Mir 165.
1. Hungarian Bureau of Standards, Budapest.
-UARAI, Endrene, oklevelos vegyesmernA
M3Z 84.1-64 Household cotton. gzabvany konl 17 no.4:159-160
Ap 165.
1. Hiingarian Bureau of Standards, Budapest.
GARAI, @@idrene, okleveles vegyeszmernok; RATKOGH, Tibor, dr.
Report on the 8th session arranged by the Working Group of
Chemical Testing, Textile Industry Technical Commission,
Technical Committee 383, International Organization for
Standardization.. held In Budapest, April 27-30,1964.
Szabvany kozl 16 no. 8:11.0-143 Ag 164.
1. Hungarian Bi,reau of Standards, Budapest (for Garai).
2. Ifead, Division of Light Industry, Hungarian Bureau of
Standards, Budapest (for Ratkoczi).
-GARLI,.-Endr-9.n-e okleveles vegyeiszmernokl SZEENTPALY, Tiborne2 oklerveles vog7ess-
Detarmining threads and finishings. lx&bvan7 koil 17 no.2:81-84
F 165,
1. Hungarian Bureau of Standards, Budapest (for Garal). 2. Comercial.
Quality Control Instituteo Budapest (for Szentpaly).
L 13420-M :*OU`f?'1-: ('fit /0(5@,
XC-C-NR, 7'66666Y@ )V:
AUTHOR: Riko, Geza (Doctor); Garay, f;r,-,.i- '2!r!1. mjilnil
flospit-111 (Bacs-Kiskun Megyei TanacIa Enflinz:
TITIE: Ihfluence of the oral admi ni str.0 1 ,n or nnphazolin ,it the mnfllitll of thp
normal and resected stomach
SQ1130P.: flaryar rndloloalav no. 2, 196% ')1 -91,
TOPM TA(;*-. drufr effectj digestIve syst-@m, ga-f.roenterolory, --nwr-ry
ABSTRACT: The effect of orally administered zi@iphazolln on t fie normil. and resected
stomach was invesLigated. The motility )f the stomach was i(mmd h- have Increased;
this effect or naphazolin was especially evident In stomachs with a diminished tone.
In the presence of disorders of stontach evacuation following resection, the beneficial
effect of naphazolin was apparent not only in the reduction of tho swollen stoma
but in the increase in gastric tone as well. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. JPRS-7
SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 001 GTH REF: 006
"With better mobilization we should guarantee the succe3s of the riational
Innovator Lxhibition" P. 3, (UJITOK LAPJA, Vol. 5, no. 2, Jan. 1953, ouciapest,
S6: Monthly List of rast European Acc6ssions, L. C., Voi. 2, No. 7, JulY 195),
7,)) z 9 /, /,
"Our Technical v-xmeriences In the German Democratic Re-public", -0. 9
"The Socialint Contract for the Plan of Technical and Organizational
Measures", p. 10 (UJITOK !LAPJA, Vol- 5, no. 21, Dec. 1951, Budave!wt,
Source: Monthly Li--t of Eait European Accession@, LC, Vol. 1. no. 5.
Mp. v
,A_q@develes gopeamernok
Measuring the friction coefficient of photosenBitive films and
papers. Finommechanika 1 no.11;339-3" N 162a
2,. Geofizikai *romumwrek Gyara.
'The word an pbysiological and curing factor" by K.I. Platonov-.
Reviewed by Laszlo Garai. Magy pasichol szemle 17 no.4:462-4"
GARAI, Laszlo
wConstructive and instrumental activity of anthropoid apes"
by N.N. Ladygina-Kots. Revieved by Laszlo Garai.
Magy pszichol szemle 18 no.1:88-90 61.
GARAI.- Laszlo
Data on the concept of the conscious and unconsciouij dialetic
materialist. Magy pszichol szemle 18 no.2:208-217 161.
GARAI, Laszlo; NAGY, Laszlo
"Voprosy paikhologii"p no.1,2,3,4,1957; a periodical review by
Laszlo Garai, Laszlo Nagy. Mma posichol szemle 18 no.2t251-261
161. . I
GAW , Laszlo
On a Hungarian pioneer of the dialectrical materialistic psychology.
Magy psziohol seemle 18 no-3:351-355 161. 1.
SALMON, Jeno, dr.; S.MOLNAR, Edit; .-GAR&LIasz1o;-SAGI, Antalte; SALAMON,
Jenone; ADAM, Peter; HODOS, Tibor; BODOR, Jeno ,
"Psychology in the Soviet Union." Vol.2. Rqyiewed by Jeno Salamon
and others. Magy pszichol szemle 18 no-4:446-468 161.
GARAI, Lasolo
Psychology of rellgious estrangement. Magy pszichol z@zemle 19 no.2:
2-13-221 162.
SURWC (in caps); Given Namea
CountrY'. Hungary
Acaderd a' Degmes; Cnot given-7
Affiliation: Cnot given-7
Source: Budapest, Magyar Pszichol6giai Szemle, Vol 18, No 3, 1961,
pp 351-355.
Data: "About a Hungarian Pioneer of Dialectical Materialistic Psychology.'
/ About Endre Gerg6, died 1944.2
GARAI, leazlo, aspirans (Budapeat, XII., Alkotas utca 47)
OProblem-solving thinking" by Dr.Ferenc Lenard. Magy pszichol
szemle 20 no-3-.480-485 163.
GEGESI KISSI Pal, dr., akademikus; RETI, Laszlo, dr.; HARSANYI, Istvan, dr.;
__,j JQ4 PERCZEL, Jozaef, dr.,
Lajos, dr.; MOLNAR, Imre, dr.; HORVATH, Laszlo Gabor, dr.;
LENARD, Ferenc, dr.; SALAMON, Jeno, dr.
Hungarian achievements in the field of psychology in 1961; also,
remarks by Laszlo Reti, Istvan Harsanyi, Lucy Liebermann, Laszlo
Garai, Jozaef Perczel, Lajos Kardos, Imre,Molnar, Laszlo Gabor
Hervath, Ferene Lenard and Jeno Salamon. -Magy pszichol azemle
19 no.3:274-314 '62.
li Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Fazichologiai Bizottsaga alnoke ,
es"Magyar Pazichologial, Szemle" foszprkeaztoje (for Gegesi Kiss).
2. "Mm&yar 'Posiobologial Ssaxle'" anorkeazto bizottangi tajga (for
Liebermann, Kardos, Molnar, Lenard). 3. "Magyar ?Bzichologiai
Szemle" technikai szerkesztoje (for Lenard).
fto z
i1y -p
1. 1.-7 1 L.
Anoth,nv renarl: on the. oroblem of "he "Eyn-minatian of Labo- 3.ifetv '7eclmioue.ll r). 23-
Decor.Lted a-'.,-vls'L.-,. n. 30.
- ! ,,, r i,,, -,,!, .
. ., -,, I!, . VIL. No. 4y Feb. 1)55. Pudu,le--t.)
:30: '.Iont'lly List of L@;-ust European . i :;, ll: I i '
;. i..L.
(WUI, Tanas, dr.
Determination of gastric acidity without urinary sounding.
Magy.b elorv arch. 12 no-5:143-145 0 '59-
1. Budapest Povarosi Tanace Balassa Janos Korhaz (igazgato:
Szokodi DjMLjtror Daniel dr. az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa).
Beloaztalvanak (foorvos: Friedrich Laszlo, dr. [deceased]
az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa). kozlemenye.
GARAI, Tamas
The enlarged mCsili" is the cot6try's biggest cultural home. Munka
12 no.3-1:19 N 162.
1. $Csilin ozerkesztoje.
CIMLA 11 ., T, I. @ I ;-..
- , .. . , - I I I ;
.L.L;12-4 -'t' n:- - r- @* A . - 4.
Z. I,- Ili 3.
Strength of Construction Elements
Dissertationt -"Investigation of Anchoring of Reinforcements in Concrete." Cand
Tech Sci, Moscow t;onstruction P;ngineering Inst, Moscow, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal --
Mokhanika.9 Moscow$ Mar 54)
SO: SUM 213, 20 Sep 1954
12. p im of Ntracthoily 4 ftfraz-
1OvW1dqpe%11'1iOA1jdrd1 - B, Lcagyel a.A-Garai (Hun-
Y - ipt,
art journal of Cherr,14-7TY,
5% 1953, No. If# PP- 343-345t 4
A simple victhad Nm clab,)tated for the preptittimli
tif tetracthoxy titanium. By reacting Otmiium tetia.
chlotille ,vith cIty aintannim gas, t1tallitiul tetmchIculde
hoxan%16; is pmdij@cd. ILly treating the l1tttt with ethnnot
uct was
s obtained.
No pro
totmethoxy titaniam
"Ild Ulm fractionatO undt!r raluced prt_-i@ura- vielding tile
porc titer. The compound %Ya3 identifittl 6y chernical
amlysis and by determinitig the 1-Aling pohit. Cryclicupic
11.1rISUrclinc lit S %vere carvit:d alit to dctcrmim tile mio-
cifition of the molmlics.
, 1
"Some remarks about CyurEy Ealazs and Jozoef Kilian's article "-)esult-- of Fracture of Pent
Concrete Holders and the New Concrete Regulations"; also, the authors' reply."
Melyepitcstudoman3,1 Szemle, Lludapest, Vol. ',, L"'o. 6, June 1954, p. 3-7.
SU: Enstern European Accessions List, Vol. 'Ily @,;O. 13, @,ov- 1954, L.C.
The training of Hungarian apeci@jists of building industry :*n the Soviet
Union. P. 99. Vol. 4, No. 3, 1955. MAGM EPITOIPAR. '@'udapest, -Hungary.
SOURCE: East European List, (EF.AL) Librar- V61. 6, No. I
y of Congress
January 1956.
Me2,yepltestudomanyi Szemle - Vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 3955.
Main pipes of rotated reinforced concrete produced in Hungany. p. 92.
SO: Monthly list of East Europgan Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
Unified definition and determination of statistical concept3j alBol,
remarks by E. Bolcskei and I. Koranyi. p. 311. Helyepiteatudmwwi Szemle.
Budapest. Vol. 50 no. 7., July 1955.
Source: East Baropean Accessions List# (EE&Q, La. Vol. r, No. 2., Feb. 1956
G.@P..A j 2 T unas
. . ......
,7. Hunt TU no,Fl?-,-@- -7 -F,-,-S "'-' I
A famous cit -1 `
GARAI, Tama , ujsagiro
Cleaning. ft*a 12 no.9:26 S 162.
GARLI, Tar-m
GleaninC. bi,nka 12 no.:LOs27 0 162.
1. Ujoagiro.
Effect of ai@inq on the static properties of wour.4 bars. p. 72.
(Melyepitestu-@omanyi Szerde, Vol. 7, no. 1/3, Jan./Mar. 1957. iu-apest,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, 4ol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl.
Garai,q T.; Palesch, A,
Mcperiments with an aiiiabatic calorimeter of a now type. P-79
MERES ES AUTOMATM. (Neratechnikal es Automatizalasis Tudomarqos Egyesu.Ut)
Budapest, Hungary, VoV, no.2/3, 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.13.
November 1959
GARLI, Tamas___,
Theatrical letter on amobronismo Hw-Jm 13 no*2:24-25
F 163 ,
10 *QpiliO szerkesAoJe,
nARA TArm .
Szekesfehervw:-. Hung TU no.3/4.-26-27 163.
Sopron. Hung TU no.5-11-13 MY 163.
GARAI, Tamas
Fossils in lhingary. flung TU no.7/8: 16-37 JI-Ag 163.
GARAI, Tamas
Facts about a cultural center. Hung TU no.9sl4-15 S 163.
GARAI, Tamas
1--. -- --, @ -- .1
Iessons from the Museum Month. Manka 13 no.12:22-23 D163.
1. *Csili* s;;erkesztoje.
GARAGASH-'YAN-,--A-. -A.___
Doc Med Sci - (diss) "Endemic goiter affection in the Stanislav-
skaya Oblast and the campaign for its liquidation." Khar'kov,
1960. 27 PP; (Kharlkov State Medical Inst); @'00 copies; ice
not given; list of author's works on pp 26-27 (17 entries@r, (KL,
5-61 sup, 199)
r'pta on macroseismic phenomena in Turkmenistan during 1959-1960.
Izv. AN Turk, SSR@ Ser. fiz.-tekhop khJm* i geols nauk noo3l
39-416 164 (MIRA 18:1)
1. rUal geofiziki I saysmologii AN Ttrkmenskoy SSR.
in jo; a F/W
S-1, ef, @ontribution to the representation of
-VEM)711febra. In a Atinkowski four-dimtuslonal -1 -
MT.- =yz. Mopis. Slovensk. Md. Vied 5 (1955),
4a- (Slovakc. Russian summary)
Dans ie travail I'auteur Winit deux od it des deux
vecteurs dans Yespace de Minkowski: [e' puro"dLit ,anti-
symithique" et le produit ,compldmentaire" et montre
une certaine duafitd. Le travail est mdthodologique.
F. VyNchlo (Prague).
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Theoretical Physics - Theory of Relativity. B-2
Unified Field Theory.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 164
Author : Garaj Josef
Title : On the Use of Imaginary Coordinates in Four-Dimensional
Minkowsky Space-Time Geometry.
Orig Pub : Mat.-fiz. casop., 1955, 5, No 2, 114-123
Abstract : See Referat Zhur Matemetika, 1957, No 5., 43@1-
Card 1/1
.; '@R;J' J.
Introduction of the concept of the vector of am-ular speed of the rigid body
fixed In one point. n. ?8. (Matematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis, Vol. ?, No. 1,
1957, Bratislava, Cz@dhoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol 6, No. 8, Am- 195?. Uncl-
GAR).J, J.
A rare jubilee; 9 31st of scientific- and technica-I publications of Academicjan
Dionyz Ilkovic. p. 80. (Matematicb-o-Fyzikalny Casopis, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1957,
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAL) LG, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aue 1P57. Uncl.
GLELAJ, Jan, inz.
Strucutre of dirhodano-diaminocopper (11) complexes. Chem
zvesti 17 no.7:488-492 163.
1. Katedra anorganickaj chemie., Slovenska vysoka skola technic@a
Bratislava., Kollarovo namesti 2*
AUTHOR: QAXAj- .1. -Garay,IYas (Engineer; Candidate of sciences.; Bratislava) Gazo, J.
Gazho, Tlae_TD_0@@r-Enginear, Candidate of saiences)(Bratislava)
ORG: Department of Inorgwiic Chemistry, Slovak TecWdcal 11nixemsity,_ Bratislava
(Katodra anorganickej chwide Slownskej vysokoj sko1y tochnickej)
TITLE: Problem of v4lidktar of Poyron's and Jorgen's rule for complex_RPMPOLA@q of
copper _(II)
SOURCE: Chemicke zveqti, no. 1, 1965, 13-20
TOPIC '.'-'AGS: - thiocyanite. copper compouncl, isomer. stoichiometry, ania
AMTRACT: 'P@aratiori of@ isomers with a stoichiometric fctrmulsL
as a ftnetion of the operating conditions was
(ju(SCN)2(NH )2
investigatea. They mey be produced from solutions where the SO
ligand is substituted by an ammonia molecule# or using a solid
state reaction where ammonia ligands are replaced by a*-sulf007- 1*
.anate group. From solutions the trans-isomer is formed* Thermal
decomposition produotio the isomer di-sulfocyanate-OU(Il)-OOIIIP10x.'
beta-Cu(8GX)2(NH ) , There is no complete analogy between (',U++ -
and Pt++'in the lo&ing of complexes *, Orig. art. has: 5 figu'rev, 1 table.
SUB CODE:-. o 7 Sam DATE: 10Jul64 / ORIG REF: 010 / OTH REF: 004 / SOV REFt
Card 1/1
5ulftw& Gwz: (;z
ACC NR: AP6025864 i .'. ... I
AUTTIOR:__qara_t,lo_M-_-_,~aray, Ya. (Engineor; Candidate of 0 n Bratisla-4ji 3[
Gaze. Jafi---:4`azho. Ya. (Docent, Engineer; Candida of 8
OqG.- Departnont of Inorganic Chemistry, Ployak
(Katedra afiorganiclwj chomie Slovenskej v@,solmj iskoly to k9j)
TITIZ- system cuso sub 4 - (IM sub 4) sub 2 CO sub 3 - NH sub 3 NH sub 4 SCN
H sub 2 0 (1). Substances eliminated from the system as solidD
SOURCE: Chemicke zvesti., no. 8, 1965, 593-603
TOPIC TAGS: copper cor4*und, ammonium compound. an&3,vtio cheadstry
Isomoleoular solutions with
total concentration
components equal to 0 investigated*
conditions of
,the formation of the salt Gu(SON)2 R3)2 were determined.
When the respective amounts of components were Cho d the follow@.
in salts were produced: 2Gu304-3Cu(0R)2; Gu3qi-3'0UT8K)2; Cuc &
u@ 0
a Two forms of CuSCN were observe -
OH)2; and Gu(SCN) (NH )24
In the presence of ammonig carbonate the colored form is prod-
uced; in its absence the white form. Ratio of copper ions to
,carbonate ions was varied from 1:1 to Is4; at low ratios cuprio
ithlocyanate'with 4 NE is formed; at high ratios 0u2(S0N)-4 (NH3)3.
I - .(
,and Cu (SCN) (NH ) il formed. The general formula of th6se
10 4
omple2en in CU(*)2(NH3 n Cu(SCN)(SH3) ; salts whirs n a 08,
,I,,. and 2 were prepared,.-,*- 'Xf@* art. hast 13.figLxrese -fJ'PRS7
SUB CODEs 07 SON MTKI 10FAr65 / (RIG REF% M6 OM M?@ 0"
Ir-A '11-1 L S
AUTHOR: . Garaj., Jan--Garav, Ya. (Engineer; Candidate of sciences; Bratislava);
Gazo,, Jan-7Gai*ojp Ya. (Docent; Enginee -W4-
ORG: Departme t of Inorganic Chemistry, SYg. Bratis]4XC
SVST) n _. A&WrA anorganickej chemie
TITLE: System CuSo sub 4-11H sub 3-(NH sub 4) sub 2CO sub 3-W sub 4SCN-H sub 2 0 (H)
Study of the solutions from the point of view of physic@l chemistry
SOURCE: Chemicke zvesti, no, 3. 1966, 196-201
TOPIC TAGSt spoctrophotometry,, copper compound, thiocyanate
ABSTRACT: The t Is investigated by spectrophotometry in the region of visible
spectrum. Thio ev carbonate groups in this system show a great tendency to
enter the inner sphdre f the cupric complexes, where they substitute for ammonia,
forming a complex with a mole ratio Cu++' CO- a ox. 1:1. It Iappears that the
precipitation of the complex trans-Cu(SCN)2R 3 9 out of these@solutions is not
connected to the mechanini of-s-uT)gtitution reactions but to its low solubility in
these media. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ZYPRS: 36100.0
SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DNTEt Olju.165 ORIG REFs 003 / SOV REF: 005 / OTH REF: 001
GARAJ, Jan, inz., G.3c.; GAZO, Jan, doc.inz., C.9c.
Question of the applicability of the Peyron and Jorgensen's
rule to copper (II) complex compounds. Pt.2. Chem zvesti
19 no.1:13-20 165.
1. Chair of Inorganic Chemistry of the Slovak Higher School of
Technology, Bratislava, KollRrovo namestie 2. 2. Editorial
Board Member, "Chemicke zvestill (for Gqzo).
Jar, F @ , dr,
@ Ic are Promoting the intorectv of publir I',, ctd!!carjj;;p
- I -Lj()n.
Normlizace 13 no.4.-141 Ap '65.
1. Central tconomic Librnry, Bratislava.
ACCEMIGM N 5015M) Mj'002?,/64/01@/06@/OW/@d6
akoli G.-.A
irred4cible binary polynomials and their indices'
TITLE: AjVrithm for dqltlirm@@
SOURCE: AN ArmSSR, Izvestiyao.Zeriya risiko-matematicheskikh naukt v.:. 17# no.*
1964,, 7-16,
TOPIC TAGS. @polynomial
Abstra a
c . Tfie.iatudy in teatrieted to. polynomials of the type f (z) a .4. x 4-
whose co-a f icielats - May 'assume only the.values 0 and 1. With,the
restrictionAhat addition is'vitk@raspect to modulus 2, such polynomials ara
."binary" (the other oper4tions aret ordinary algebra).
The alg,Drithm, folliova.,
1. Determination@'of All Oolynomials'(1, a a -1, 1) with odd Weights
2. Separation of an irreducible polynomia
3. Deterxinatiow'of, the'index of this polynomial.
The Algorithm is based ul'ion the following definitions and theo proof of,
Yhich is given.
Definitions. (1) A biniry polynomial of degree a is "irreducible" if-it-has no
-L 52598-65
S161i' IIR:,@'_ AP501-
.,binary, polynomial Zdivid' A,-with-.4 eee-greater than zero and less than:
'(2) For the-polynomial !'p(%) the -"inversell (conjugate) polynomial is 6ef ined
as F(x) -, xmp(l/X), wh@ch_ is @aldo, of degree m and ia characterized by.the set,
of coefficients (1, aa_,@# 4 -(3) The "index" -of polynomial ;,(x)
Kre 'for -- I (=
Us the-least positive vfiOie**nIuW which, xe,. x6 + I mod 2) is-.
1 divided -by -p(x) without
:Theorem l.. lf,polynomiRl@p(i) is-irreducible, then p(x) is alsc@.-
Theorem 2., Polynomial s.:0 (k) and`p(x) have-one and the some n ex.
i d
.,.Theorem 3. rf polunomial p(r) belongs to the Maximal.index a a then'.
it is irreddeible,
The article is accompanied by'&: tible of polynomials and their indices.'.for
'degree m ZT, Wand a table of the~quantitative-characteristLes of the j)olynomials.. .
!'and their indices for M@ 2 JA --------
;uP_@O___O_- Origo art. has 9 fbrmulias and 2.ta@ as.
IWCL: ()0
suBmiTrED; 16mar64
No REF SOV:, 003
AUTHOR: Garakanidze, K. A.
TITLEs Utilization of plastics for construction machines
PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaq no. 21, 1961, 451, abstract
21P64 (Dokl. Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva,
no. 56, 19609 569 - 595)
TEXT% The possibility of using plastics in units of construction
machines (excavators, bulldozers, scra)iers, etc.) is examined. [Ab-
stracter's notes Complete tranalat
Cari 1/1
Name : 3 A R A K' AN I D-,S , 'MIkhq!I Sas I y a nov ich
Dissertation: Gecrgian Wooden Architecture
Degree: Doc of Art Criticism
Affiliation; Z-not indicated7
Defense Date, P'ace: 3 Jul 56, Council of Inst of History
of Art, Acad Sci MR
Certification Date: 21 SeP 57
Source: BMV) 22/57
GARAKMIDZE, M.K., prof., red.; POLYAKOV, Ye.V.) red.izd-va;
- ------WrttERG, T.M. , tekhn. red.
[Building apartment houses in hot climates] Zhilishch-
noe stroitellstvo v usloviiakh zharkogo kliimata; sbornik
statei. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 159 P. (MIRA 17:2)
0 0 sov/169-r-0-6-6o84
:11rans."ation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 195 V USS
9, . r 6, p 97 R)
AUTHOR- G&rakanov, G.G.
;QW 'V/
TITLE.- On the Problem of Wind Velocity Change Whl'ke Pas5ing From Dry
Land to a Water Surface
PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr, g1drometeorol. in-ta. 1958, Nr 8, pp 113 - 128
ABSTRACT: Using the 9'simlyanskoye and the Rybinskoye water reservoirs as
examples, the author Investigated the wind velocity variations
in transitions from the dry land to the water surfa.2e. As a
rule, the wind velocity above the water surface is greater
during the night, morning and evening hours, than abov#? the dry
land. Bit during the daytime the velocity decreases very often
(up to 40% of all events). The degree of wind velocity in-
crease is indeterminate; the predominant values of the wind
velocity increase are 2.5 m/sec, but the velocity 1norease may
reach also considerably greater values. The calculation of
the wind velocity above the water reservolr showed, according
Ca.rd 1/2 to data of the shore station, that the w-ir.1 ve].00.1t7 Tay t!e
On the Problem of Wind Velocity Change While Passing From Dri Land -1v-o a Water
theoretically determined In the majority of oases witah an nrror cf W/30c,
but the maximum value of the error will reach 5 mlese. The calculation was
Carried out using thp rmula.-
U - u 1 T lg2 10
w 2 z
u 1 0
where u - wind velocity above the water surface, ul - w-ind ty ab,:@ve
w 4
the dry*land, 6 T - temperature difference of air and waler, Z. - roughneas
of the water surface, cl 13nd B - sections cut off by a et.ralght lint', on @he
horizontal and vertical &xes In the graphs of th@@ Vu, ratio plotti@d v,@r.-)ur)
the quantIty T lg2 10
Bibl. 10 titles.
L,V-- Klimeako
Card 2/2
GARA M VIK, K. [Harakhavik, K.]
light phenomsria in the atmosphere. Rab. i sial. 34 no.5:20-21
my 158. (MIU 11:6)
(Meteorological optics)
R.K* BoBe - D.K. Ray-Choudhuri codes and their implementation.
Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. aauk 16 no.6s25-40 163
(KIRA i7sS)
i'ech .-ici (diss) 11"itudy oi'j@!,
.Lx@@. On Lne example of the Okte,@bery;iriskiy rosl!r
3',,-ti,icn. Yereva-t, 19@61 2h pu witri illils@z-au;on.'Tlin f,
H,igher z-d7ication IISSR. Yerevar Folytec. inic Inst im Firl "arx)
15,,t co;:ies W,, 27-56, 100
92 -
The L-60 Brigadyr., Czechoslovak airplane for wriculture,, p. (3) of
cover) REPULES., (Migyar Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovetseg) Budapest, Vol. 8,
No. 12, June 1955
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,,
Vol. 4') No. 12., December 19-95".