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Dynamics of the reactivity of blood veasels and bloo4 ccogulatlon
during dicumarol therapy of cerebral vascular disorders. Vrach.
delo no.9:929-931 S 157. (MMIt 10-11:
1. Tratlya pstichistrichaskaya kliniks (zav. - prof. Te.S.AverFukh)
Leningradskogo nauchno-tooledovatellskogo paikhonevrologichaskogo
GAPCNCVJI@@ V. D.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "The clinical ef'L(,,ct,iverY_,ss and phy-
siological principles of using d1coumarin to "refit pationts with hypertonic and
atherosclerotic psychoses". Leningrad, 1959. L? pl, (Stato Ordor of Itgnin Inset
for the Adwance6 Training of Phyr-Icluns Im S. IM. Kirov), 200 copins (KL, VO 13,
1959, 111)
'WMMO, V.L.; LEBEWV B.A-.---
Modern approach to the investigation and treatment of mental dis-
turbances in -knerters tan. TAW Goa. nauch.-issl. oneir.
inst. no.20:14'9-162 I".' YrRA 14: 1)
la GasudAretyannyy nauehno-ia4ledovatellakiy poikhone0iologicheskiy
inatitut imeni V.M.-Ikkhtereva, Leningrad.
Use of anticoagulant4i in vascular diseases of the brain; clinical
and experimental study. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:
340-344 '60. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Psikhonevrologicheskiy institut, imeni V. M. Bakhtereva.
Cases of unusual localization of intracranial foreign bodies
in medical expert testimony. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. 59 no.4:
481-485 '59. 04MA. 12:6)
1. Nevrologicheskoye otdoleniye (nanchny7 rukovoditel' -
prof.11-K-Bogolepoy) TSentrallnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo
institute, ekspertizy trndospoaobnosti i organizataii truda
(BRAIN, for. bodies,
determ. of work-connected disability (Rus))
in brain for. bodies (Rus))
Studies on the relationship between the analyzers in epileptic patients
based on electroencephalographic and optic chronaximetric data. Zhur.
nevr.i psikh 60 no.8:965-973 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Elektrofiziologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. I.M.Feygenberg)
TSentrallnogo ngilchno-issledovateliskogo instituta sudebnoy psikhiatrii
imeni V.P. Serbskogo (direktor - dotsent G.V. 14orozov) i nevrologiche-
skoye otdeleniye (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. N.K.Bogolepov)
TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta ekspertizy
trudosposobnosti i organizatsii truda invalidov (direktor - prof.
D.I. Gritsekevich), Moskva.
Correlation between the bioelectric activity of the brain and
the interaction of the mialysers in epileptic patients. Probl.
eu4zpsikh, 11t196-209 161. (MIRA 1693)
V,IOXAIP@ics - Wave Guides, Circular NOV 49
"Itxcitation of a Circular Wave Guide by an Annular
Antenna," A. Gaponov-Drekhov, M. killer, Physicotech
Inst, Affiliate, Gorlkly State U, 11 pp
"Ehur Tekh Fiz" Vol XIX, No.11.
Introduces general 'formulas for the characteristic
Impedance of a thin transverse antenna in a vave
guide. Considers a tuned annular antenng in a wave
guide in detail. Gives formulas for radiation
resistance and for reactance. . Gives latter formula
In the form of a series, the convergence of which Is
Ift 150T94
USSR/Physics - Wave Guides, Circular Nov 49
proved, thus showing the applicability of the theory
of,thin antennas to a lambda-ring In a circular wave
guide and the possibility'of tuning such a ring.*
Gives formulas for radiation resistance of a trans-
verse bal -wave dipole, and a graph of the radiation.'
resistaiice of this dipole and a lambda-ring. *Sub-
initted io may 48.
"P c -
Institut; fiziko-organicheskoy
khjra@i AN Beloruaskov SSR.
Experience in the surgical treatment of thyrotoxicosis. Frobl.
andon. i gorm. 6 no.6:70-75 '60. (MIRA 14:4
Effect of space arrangement in the characteristics of sugar beets
in White Russia. Agrobiologiia no.11144-146 JaJ 162.
(KIRA 15:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sakharnoy svekly,
g. Kiyev.
(White Russia--Supar beets) (Plants, Space arrangement of)
GIMOVICH, V.Ta., aspirant
Postoperative use of synthonvoin In radical ear surgery. Vest.oto-
An. 17 no.1:31 Ja-S 155. (MIRA 8:5)
1. Is kliniki bolostiey u1cha, gorla I nose, (dir. doteent N.O.Kniga)
Minskogo med. Inst,
(GHLOTLkXPBWUCCL, ther. use,
postop. in ew- surg.)
(UR, surgery,
radical, postop, use of chloramphanicol)
First results. Tekst. prom. 21f no-3:84@-26 ]-@" '!@4. (IMU 17:9)
1. Glavnyy inzh. KiyevskoCo kombiruita isk-usstvczuio,r,o i sinteticheakogo
volokna (fbr Stavt3cv). 2. Glavnyy in2h. Krasnodarskoio kamvolino-
suIconnogo kombinata (for 'Nendelev) . 3. Glavnyy inzh. I-ryanovskogo kamvol I -
no-pryadilinoy fabriki (for Privalov). 4. Glavnyy in--h. Pavlo-Posad-
skogo kwavollnogo koraLinata (for Gaponovich).
I.- 088o5-67 0D.___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - @ , 6--i
A(-C M& MeG020443 SOURCE CODEt UR/0000/65/000/000/0131/013
AOTHOR: Kitsenko, A. B.; Gapontsev, B. A.
.O.RG: none
TITLE: Movement of streams of charged particles through a plasma at an arbitrary an-
.gle xvlative to the internal magnetic field
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchkov zaryazhonnykh ebantitg a plazmay (Int*rac-
tion of charged particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 131-136
TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field, charged particle, electron oscillation
'ABSTRJ%CT: The excitation of high frequency electron oLlIations by a relativistic
lbean, oil charged particles moving in an to the internal
nagnetic field is studied. The main interaction effect is assumed to take place where
the wave frequency exceeds the cyclotron frequency of the beam and the wavelength is
small compared with the cyclotron radius. The analysis of the tensor giving the di-
electric properties of such interacting system gives the rate of growth of ordinary
land extraordinary waves. The simplifying assumption which considers only waves with
phase velocity much smaller than that of light yields a simple expression for the
growth coefficients. In addition, so-called "whistler waves" are considered as a spe-
cial case, where it is shown that small phase velocity waves are most effectively
Card 1/2
ACC NRi AT6020443 0
Igenerated when the angle between the wave vector and magnetic field direction approach
es 900. The case of nonrelativistic streams and their rate of growth obtained for the
4 figu so
whistler" mode case is also discussed. Orig. art. has; re
Curd 2/2 nut
Rglatiohsh# between the liquid nnd solid phases of stray f1wce
Geokhimiia no.2tl98-210 F 165. (MIRA 18t6)
1. Institut geokhimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk.
U B166/B102
TITLE: Ualculation of a circular plate on an elastic foundation by
the finite difference method
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Matematika, no. 10, 1962, 28, abstract
1OV139 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Str-vo i arlihitekt.,
no. 1, 1962, 7 - 13)
TEXT: The calculation of a circular thin plate on an elastic foundation
.subjected to the action of an axially symmetric load is given. The
elastic foundation, being in accordance with P '. L. Pasternak's model,
functions not only by reaction but also in.shear. The finite difference
method is used to solve the differential equation of the deflection surface
of a plate resting on an elastic foundation. Formulas are obtained which
.are convenient to use, and tables are compiled which considerably simplify
the computation process. It is stated that when an arbitrary load is the plate the solution is carried out in the same way as that
set out in the article, but the formulas obtained are more complex and the
Card 1/2
Calculation of a circular plate ...
tables to them are more extensive.
plate subjected to an annular load
as an example. BibliograPhY 4 titles.
The calculation of a circular foundation
actinr around the circumference is given - .
Abstracter's note: Complete
Card 2/2
Design of a sector slab using the method of finite differences.
Trudy Ural. politekh. Inst. no.132:43-48 162. (MIRA 16:6)
(Elastic plates and shells)
GORYACM01 K.V., @.r,jnik
polko,mik b.l-; I."" L
.-,I -q!; Y Kj, T
tsin3koy _-;luzhby; SMIldl.m, p.j. 'ra./or 'mE-di.
P.V., mayor mouditsinskoy @Iluzhby
Characteristics of an influen-za outi-,-,ak arnori,,, trEirrison porionnul.
Voen. - med. zhur. -1.,).1:5,1,-56 190. (MIRU 17:3))
r-A7V!*,!@'T"I r.
Borlba s :-i!-antomaniei-vazneishaia darodno@e'-,o-!,,JIa zadacha.
"Megalomania" is a Yer7, important objective of the national econom-yj . Manovoe
khoz-vo, 1939, no. 4, P. 1?2-28).
"The main-:-oints appear to have been shortening of construction time,
Obtain production quickly. 'Most of article explains tl:c new five-.yrear plan
decisions of the 18th Conaress.11
DW: III0331-P52
SO: Soviet Transportation and Comiunications A 13iblioi,raphy, Librar-.- of Coni-ress
Fe-re-rence LeparEmenf-iil.Yi.-shinr.,ton, 1!@@bsified.
Potochzi3-i metod Eoskva) Cjo.9j-lani-,dnt) 1910. 31 F, dkajr:,.
(V i,omoslxI,.' ck-oijortiLcheskomu obrazovarLiiu kadrov)
Assembly-line methods of production.
DLC: T60-A75G3
SO: I-Lanufacturing and Plechanical EngineerinG in the Soviet Union, Librany of
Coneress, 1953.
I,otochwi metod v promyBhhnnoctl L;L,514. !@'oqkva, Gozqlanizdat, 79 1 . aj -
.11 di _:r-
Assuibly-line methods in the Soviet industr-.,,.
DLC: T60. A75--132
SO: Manufacturing and Hechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union,Library
of Congress, l,c5-3
Two hundred and eighty-five variable stare observed in the
direction of the center of the Galaxy (with summary in
English]. Per.zvezdy 10 no.6:337-381 Jl 155. (MMU 10: 2)
1. Garvardskaya observatoriya. Kembridzb, Massachuzet. SShA.
(Stars. Variable)
GAPOSHKIN, V.F., Cand Phys Math Sci -- (diss) "Concerning
the bases in Bimakh spaces and certain generalizations of
them." Mos 1958, 8 pn. (Pes Order of Lenin and Urder of
Labor Red Banner State Univ im M.V. Lomonosov. MechwaWM
Math Faculty) 150 copies (KL, 39-5e, 106)
AUTHORt Gaposhkin, V.F. SOV/155-58-2-6/47
TITLE: On Summation Ba-ses (0 bazisakh summirovaniya)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki,
1958, Nr 2, pp 24-27 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author considers the properties of the summation bases in
separable Banach spaces. The definition of the T-bases due to
Kozlov [Ref 11 is refined by distinguishing ordinary and weak
T-bases. Besides still the notion of an unconditional base is
used. 14 not very profound theorems are formulated and partly
proved. Most interesting is the assertion that there exist no
"universal" T.-methods.
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 American, and
1 Hungarian.
ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosadarstvennyy universitat imeni M.V.Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDz March 4, 1958
Card 1/1
L/O 0 0 SOV/155-58-6-'12/36
AUTHORSt Gaposhkin, V.F., Olevskiy, .1.11.
TITLEt Tn -Absolutely Summable Num erical Serie g
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Pizi ko-matematicheskiye nauki,
10,58, Nr 6, pp 81-86 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Let T t be a Tbpli
nk I tz method.
Theorem If the series
(1) a
is absolutely T-summable, then it is a
' A + b
where A is a fixed number and
b < oo A is different
from zero only if the method T sums the series
(2) 1 + 1 + + 1 +
Card 1/2
On Absolutely Summable Numerical Series SOV/155-58-6-12/36
The authors mention an example of I.I. Volkov.
Th6re is 1 Polish reference.
ASSOCIATION: Moakovskiy goaudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova
(Moscow state University imeni 1J.V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDs December 23, 1957 Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk)
October .24, 1958 Rauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko
matematicheskiye nauki)
Card 2/2
L4 0 0 0 SOV/155-58-6-13/36
AUTHORs Gaposhkin,.V.F.
TITLE: G-fi--AVSofUteYY Summable Series in Banach Spaces
- \V -
PERIODICAM Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematichaskiya naukil
1958,Nr 6, pp 87-95 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The theorem proved by the author and A.M. Olevskiy in I-Ref 17
(see the preceding paper of the present issue) is extended t5
Banach spaces. Furthermore the following question is con-
sidered t Let E be a separable Banach space. According'to
V.Ya. Kozlov Z-fief 3-7 the system Xk Z , xkC-E is called T-
basis in E, if to every element %ICE there corresponds a unique
(18) 1E Ck Xk
which is T-summable to x with respect to the norm.
Theorem 3 : Let T be a regular summation method. Every ab-
Card 1/2 solute T-basis in E is simultaneously an absolute basis.
68012 13
On Absolutely Summable Series in Banach Spacea SOV/155-5a-6-13/36
The author mentions I.I. Volkov, and A.A. Talalyan.
There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 American, aAd
I Polish.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy iroaudarstvennyy univereitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova
(Ifoacow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov)
SUBLqTTEDz December 23, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTROIL:. SOV/42-13-4-5/11
TITLE On Unconditional Bases in the Spaces Lp (P> 1) (0 bezusloynykh
baziaakh v proetranot*akh Lp (p> 1))
PERIODMALi*Uspekhi matematicheakikh nauk, 1958, Vol 13,Nr 4,pp 179-184 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A base is called unconditional if it remains a base for an arbitrary
' i
permutation of the elements.
The system fk@ 'a called closed in the Lp if the closed linear
closure of the elements of .J!,L Ii.s identical with Lp. Let f
be a closed minimal system in*.the LP[a,b]; f-*k1the conjugate
system in the L PI Ea,b'], 'P , lot 'Y be closed in the
P-1 f kI
Ly'*ta,b]. Let to every f 6LP correspond the development
OD b
fr.-, where (f, Yk) - f(x) Yk(x)dx. Let the number
Z (f"yk)fkl
k-1 f
sequence o(.(&,,a 2s' ..,an belong to the space k p(fkl'f 1
b 2 b
f [@4fk(x)]2 dx0 SOV/42-13-4-5/11
Definitions Let the system (fk@ possess the property (A) if for
every fF_LP the aequence J(f,-T k)I =- 0(, belongs to the' spaos
'LP @fkl- Definitions Let Jfk) possess the property (B) if to
every sequence fak@ of Ap ffk I there exists an f GLIV-such that
(f'-*k) - ak-
Theoremi Let fkI be a closed minimal systen in the LP[a,b)
p> 1, and let -A' be the conjugate system. The system is an
{ Vk I
unconditional bass in the LP[a,b] then and only then if it has the
properties (A) and (B). If f Cz LP,- f ^, Z (f-, '@Fk)fkl then there
exist constants m and M, 0 S into NaOM
and Nit S).O3i@, achieved by nivans of introducing p@roktsitv
(62.317,16 ?vft.02' into the spent el,--ctrolyte ill an amount equal to
the ratio IvIn02/Na?S - 1.5 2; as well as by vigorous stirring of
Card 1/2 the MINture over j period of 2 hours after heating it to a
Regeneration and Processing of a Spent Electrolyte (cont.)
temperature of 90- 100'. In order to separate the Sb completely, it is es-
sential that the quantity of CO-) passing through the solution be greater than
is required stoichiometricaliv.
2. E*I.e,,-.;!'C,!:,;t~--.3--,tit~,gonei,~'.-.1o.- Antiln@_,ny
ElectroIj Bar-um hydroxideo--AppHca@ions 5 PT,.aam!@m*,,te.,--APP_1
cations 6. Mangfino..v.
Card .1/2
ranslation from- ReferativnNy zburnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 115 (USSR)
AUTHORS A-ladze, R.I., Gaprindashvili, V.N., Nizareulishvili, N.V.,
Lomidze, T.N.
TITLE Cementation of Antimonv With Metallic Precipitants (Tsemen-
tatsiya surlmy metallic@eskirni osaditclyanii)
PERIODICAL- Tr. In-ta metalla i gorn. dela. AN GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 8.
pp 135-140
ABSTRACT Conditions permitting maximurn extraction of Sb from solu-
tions were studied and various other precipitants were investi-
gated in an effort to replace them with Al. The degree of ex-
traction of Sb increases as the quantity of metallic Al intro-
duced into the reacting mixture is increased-. it reaches a max-
IMUM when the amount of Al is twice as great as the stoichio-
metric value. Introducing an excess of NaOH into the initial
solution reduces the duration of the cerrientation process frorn
3 to 1.0-1.5 hours and increases the degree of extraction of Sb
(111) to 94%). In the case Of a 111minuni -silicon the degree of Sb
e aches
xtraction increases ,%,itli increasirg temperatiire and re,
its maximurn value (65.8%) at 1000C. Maximurn extraction of
Card 1/1 Sb (98.8%) is attained at an SB-SiAl ratio of 8. G. S.
1. 2. J.
4. Scdi1_;_,n !Wdi,oxi~le---Effe(~ti-.~eiieL,.;
Translation from. Referat-@vnyy zhurnal, Metalturgiya, 1958, Nir 6, p 115 tUSSRI
AUTHORS Agladze, R.,. G..iprindashvili, V.N., Nizarculishvili, N.V.
TITLE Raw Ammonia Water Dissolves Sulfide Minerals Containing
Antimar@@ ind Arenic iSvrava ammia(hnaya voda kak rast
voritel' nul'tidtivkh mineralov sur'my i mysli'yaka'
PER'ODICAL 'Fr. li ?a metalla 1 gorn. dela. AN GruzSSR, 1957 Vol 8,
pp 141 146
ABSTRAC,r The pro( ess of lea( hing of sulfide Sb and As ores with raw
ammonia wdler wds investigated. Up to 90-92% of Sb and 80-
85% of As (an be extracted in a leaching operation provided the
ore i@ (. ruched to a particle size of 2-3 mm, the liquid-to-solid
ratio is approximately 2:1, and the pulp is vigorously stirred
for a period of one hour. As and Sb are separated fTOM
ammia(al -rolutions in the form of sulfides.
Orel-PrOOPSsinv 2. Antirrony S,11fides-SoluLi !--" ty
3. siilfile:3-501,@jbillty 4. Aarionia-Soivert %rltjcr@
Card 1/1
Translation from Referalivnyv zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 115 (USSR)
AUTHORS Aglodze, R.I., Craprinclashvili, V.N., Basti-ianova, S.N.
T , -r I, I- Carbonization of Alkaline 1Su_1rT(Tt7An(imony Solutions tKarboni-
ztttsl@a sit( helochno-sul'fidnylh rastvol'OV SUr'niv)
PEIZIODiCAL Tr. In-ta nietalla i gorn. cle!a. AN GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 8,
pp 1-17 - 15 j
ABSTRACT The carbonizdtion process was carried out in a 300, ct re-
action vessel 981% of COZ from a tank were introduced through
a covstant-press,.Lre vessel. The quantity of gas being supplied
to the reactor ve:-;sel was determined by rneans of a transparent
tube-tvpe flow gage. The carbonization of the solution showed
that the reaction of Sb F-ulfo salt with C02 produces an Sb sul-
fide precipitate and that the (ompound NaHCO 3 forms in the
solution accompanied by the liberation of H2S. If the tempera-
ture is raised to I00oC the carbonization process terminates in
the formation of "la2C03. The amount of C02 needed for com-
plete carbonization of the solution is a dire( t fun( tion of the
concentraticiii ot Sb in the solution. Best results were obtained
Card 1/2 by carr@ivg oitt the process at room temperature, by increasing
Carbonization of Alkalipe Sulfide Antimony Solutions
the height of the bubbler colurrin to 5 m, by passing the COZ at a volumetric
rate of LO 1.5 F/hr, and by employing solutions the Sb content of which
does not exceed 20 g/ f .
1. 2. AntirvoRv @@ulfide--C'.iemicai reaction-s
3. Cart@cr rea,2tions
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 113 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Agladze, R.1 * Gaprindashvili V.N , Mzarculigiviii, N.V.
TITLE: Extraction of Arsenic From Sulfidic Arsenous Ores (Polu-
cheniye rnysh'yaka iz sul'fidnykh myshlyakovistykh rud)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta metalla i gorn. dela. AN GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 8,
pp 155-161
ABSTRACT: The process of leaching of sulfide As ores with alkaline and
alkaline -sulfide solutions was studied, and the possibility of
extraction of As from these solutions was investigated. Na2S
solution was employed in the leaching process. 95% of As can
be extracted by a 616 solution of NaZS from a pulp that has been
stirred for a period of four hours, while 9 1.71o can be extracted
by a 13-percent NA0H solution. Metallic As may be extracted
from alkaline- sulfid6 As :solutions@* means of carburization.
By neutralizing alkaline-,su'Ifide solutions with H2504 the As
can be extracted completely in the form of arsenopyrite.
I G. S.
I. Ores-rocessing 2. Molybdenum ores--Flota@ion
Card 1/1 3. Minertls-Separation
Electrolytic purification of antimony in alkali-sulfide solutions.
Soob. All Gruz. $$R 20 no. 2:171-178 11 158. (HIU 11:7)
1. Aff GruzSSR, Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimii. Tbilisi.
Prodstavlano akademikom R.I.Agladze-.
Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut prikladnoy khimii 1 elektro-
Trudy, t. I (Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSPL Institute of Applied
Chemistry and Electrochemistry. Transactions) v. 1. Tiflis, 1960.
186 p. Errata slip inserted.
Personalities cannot be established in Georgian writing.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for mineralogists, metal-
lurgrists,and mining specialists.
COVERAGE: The collection contains articles concerning recent research on
methods for treating antimony- and arsenic-bearing ores and carbonate
Ores Of manganese. Research on the electrochemical properties of certain
ores and their electrodeposition is also discussed. The collection includes
Institute of Applied Chemistry (Cont. ) SOV/5277
studies on the corrosion and electrical properties of certain alloys,
studies of the properties of certain cements and cement components,
and studies of certain phases of the cement production process. The
following personalities are mentioned: Professor N. A. Figurov8kiy and his
scientific aasistant T. B. Gavrilova (p. 118, bottom); R. 1. Agladze,
Academician, AN GSSR (AS Georgian SSR) (p. 150); S. D. Dzhaparidze
and N. 1. Lagidze (p. 171). The articles which are written in Georgian
are followed by a resume"in Russian. References accompany each
1. Kalkabadze, V. [Printed in Georgian]
2. Agladze, R. 1. , and'V. N. Gaprindashvili. Hydrometallurgical
Processing of Antimony Ores From the Zopkhitskiy Deposit 49
Card 2/ 5
Studying the potentials of certain sulfide minerals. Soob.AH
Gr,iz.SSR 24 no.4:407-414, Ap 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. All GruzSSR, Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhiAiij Tbilisi.
Predetavlano a W emikom R.I.Agladze.
(Sulfides--Ilectric properties)
.ll*.i.,@%-",:-,-.-, I..i.; '. ; '.1-ILE ? @* . ; .
"(11-cilut-111---ical p:-cc@. c.---' z@i!timony ore irom
i i,,
r-,-ooit. Ir-t. j. i elektrolchim.
. . 1:@`-50
the ZopkIlitulko7e
j'.n Gruz.
CMiA 14:2)
Preparation of arsenic trisulfide. Trudy Inst. prikl. khim. i
elektrokhim. All Gruz. SSR no. 1:125-130 160. (MIRA 14:2)
(Arsenic sulfide)
G;,,PiU."-DASF1-,1ILI, V.I.T.
Gamantation of Effi-m-ony frmi alkitli culfide solUtion]. TrLdy inst.
pril:l. khiin. i cluktrokhtm. it!.' Gruz. bSl@ no. 1:131-1.38 160.
Cdlk 14:2)
(Anti-nony) (Alkali vi-@tvl sulf1fe)