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S- S. 4 M).-FrTi@ the pcctiu tA bcrt- rm)t watupwin Wert im6ted by*atwmt&n. Ca Mt Nut 4 pectk " and armban. Their swrIting &W beets C4 XWCR* in W W 1fo-r l to" i & 1 h i l VW M s. Wert 14 . T e bmt of oft. Is water of dft@dm In vatious z1aws 14 AWCU. ina wait awasetrd aim; It becomes IntnicuutalAy stuall wh a h b k O f I H h m ra am w ta or cw en up Irre Oil x"mp. O j J. ItAmmaii des oe JIM@ 00 A 0 00 ae :it too 1:10 0 too told.) "it 0. v n AT Do A% u a, ; a, w In a ew0 A v Is 5 A3 a o go * go 0 * 0 0 0 0 & 0 : 0 0 0 0 o q 0 0 0 0 00 000 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 * 0 60 so. I 00A so ci 00 a 06~ 000 d v a a 4 0 a 4 u4 :00 *9 lir see so* see Not goo see rcsooln) 9. 1752- 4 (10301, M. Cbm. ju. . a pgctim with 5% Ha f- a Ism a, 14D is jivirs a p(Ay- Ic acid which k Invol. In 11.0 Ond %fl- 'kavirlit%. 1:1 H.0-ppialine bd- (Al'- ThcnmA-wl-')y the W and the cmff. of pulirn@@i- ,,,=I,Z.uwdwd Is 42, Nitmjim with stneg IfN(h for I hr N With a mol. wt. 19.(N)D wo a a ftmpd. contg- R-M @at 5. It. I.I. Lickcs cr IA&bora;ory of OrPnIc L)aemjBtrrp voro22eah Agrcultru&l Inisti tallOM CtSUVCAIW K, 000 00 060000: 00000060040906060 so 0 Roe '90 goo 'eq a&* '90 too@ 1,09 No's 600 too 811111 do Qv ilk All ik I I Gd -,00000:;;oI,9:;Ooo64o 0 006000000000000 00 0 a -a V -2 1 A IIt. Tj A .0. u A I ecats f P_.% AND 'POOP1411.11 WO&A d was mm@ d mbu = F. T_ N.,WAWib from 93 0,0mi. Oak of alk&Ww by 110 o 0 by an toll mixtu". T -i CONIPWO cmdu t1us, awl at 6-8. At OA DAM &CklitY 'be I Ul A Una *@Wv 1, OMM it is known that the mtes a MiU: at tbb PrOsation ;!rc:t J. It. ac a &HAt bit a -00 coo coo as a see 40 400, tA 0 :41 A 0 - A 211AM-WGICAL LITINATL41 CLASSIFKADOM too g go 9 still 43.11. It, u it 41 -0 A I a W 0 &1 4 3 a am @40 foe A, it ti at a 0 0 0 a 0 .1 0:0 00 0 0 0 0 0 III A*D j 0401*1 t 9 ON 3 A OC11311 AMC FIC9141116 @6#. -a At l will ee a 00 Pwa eddiiiiiiiiiii k Tom b8*@vL 00 (K@Usa S"M.. 100, -4144).-Tbe % of pectin in 84, - and f(W rise$ h i f e 61 SAM. . t ng o beetroot is SIMON In the beginn at about 20% on watered firlds. Whaftft godwh 2 Cockst 00 . The ratio of vratrr@.(,I. "' I I see t' VVVY to w&w4v*A pectin is high In Yount boetrwR WR Ike oniount ad substances it d i . aces ngra ic@qieeussa: vater akohol MVI ether at normal juice b f 0* a m WbAcAk we 1g, It is lowered by waterin r n th ourve at I d . o s, . *cnm" f *' b d " rott the 1 Increases durin t COO OOU wa er oun The amount o g f l t f ion o a and is Most lot unwatered bfttrvot. accumu hydrophilic colloids Is used by the plant to tight cittv ht goo see see :1 zoo 00 00 00 ',-A MITALLVOGICAL LITINATUM CLASUPKATION be 00 i 9 Z- JIL t e 0 0 Wo" .0 4.t we 0 V 1f 10 NN, $*boo RVI i! 3 0 V91"10 1 its 1qWx it one - 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 444 fee a 0 0 0 - * 0 * 0 41 41 a 0 0 a T f 6 AL-4 16 1110 k it I The resum oetwro podic substAnces sea acma. P/4-1 Che-. - I S S 11 1 J. '00 @1 "r.*nA'.UAr_=I. 34. Ntr. -It '4 jxvtic " hl .4.t.ttwd I-- ..'am t.vt' ":" 1. . 4 d 1,00l'o 41114-vilt 1, Lll"I 1., 0'.. L .. ."A %tit 'Atilt 11 lon -00 mhlll;4 litinvul i6l. I he A-t. A I I wn tit, I,v t-l::' F1vru;tuA milli jal Inctraw A Ih, C."wit .-1 09 lveI Ca al"I Nlr' pm. '-.411 bc vull -let, I v Irm"I'd 00 "lliv I-V IVIW'ST'NI W.S'lltilit .4 it,, I'I'l A J- 11 A. '91"1 rIll. 1. 00 oe 00 f -00 09 60 00 ro "U n. a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 .Z., : 0 0 0 * o 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 * 0 T. and IIA. Obituary in Prof. I.D. Buromskiy, Hic!*0biologiya. Vol. 22. No. 3, P. 359, 1953. FD 299 USSR/Biology Card 1/1 Author : Gaponenkov, T. K. Title : The splitting of the pectin substances of plants by microorganic enzymes Periodical : Mikrobiologlya, 23, 317-321, May/Jun 1954 Abstract : In order to determine the conditions favorable to the splitting of water adluble-pectin and@pectose'found_in the pulp of-the roots of sugar beets and the composition of the pectose, experiments were carried out with the pectin-decomposing enzymes formed by a culture of Aspergillus niger. Pectose was found to be a heterogenous complex substance, the fermentative splitting of which was not consistent. The ash elements which entered into the composition of the pulp increased the stability of the pectose and caused it to split more slowly. It was concluded that the decomposition of pectose by the action of microorganic enzymes into galacturonic acid is a complicated process which depends on the composition of the pectose. Three tables, three graphs. Eight Soviet references. Institution : The Voronezh Agricultural Institute Submi@ted : April 29, 1953 USSR/Physiology of Plants. Respiration and Metabolism I-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-BioloGiya, No 2, 1958, 5605 Author T, _K..,..Gaponenkov Inst Voronezh Agricultural Institute Title On the Distribution of Pectin Substances in the Root of Sugar Beet Orig Pub Sakharnaya svekla, 1956, No 10, 3G-A7 Abstract The largest quantity of pectin substances vias found in the head and the little tail of the root of sugar beet; the smallest quantity was found in outer cover layer of the root itself. Sacchariferous varieties contained less pectin substances than normal and harvested varieties. During the su-,ar accummulation period the trans- formation of pectin into pro"Clopectin was noted. The work was carried out at the Voronezh Agri- cultural Institute. Card 1/1 s Oul:: 2o, '.,:r-' c,,Ll t-ar-1 se, T. r-f Su: .c-]: LAIWOL ori L)u cf Crosses lbrsimn autlmrs C-cliclu .0 ucativo i.0 rul 0--@Ucuic a -jcry Groat-Io".. 35 GAPONE14KOV T Biosynthesis of pectic substances in Plants [with su=ary in Bnglish]. -6iokhimiia 22 no-3:565-567 My-Je '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Voronezhakiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (PECTIC SUBSTABOSS) (SUGAR BENTS) ,r-ffect of sexual And asexual hybri@lization of hnrd on the chemical com-mitioa nzf the i:rnin. Dokl.AkAd.:;,,-I' 72 , '.'7 no.Q:16-18 '57. 1. Voronezhakiy se1'skokhozvaystvenr*,y insIvitut, akademikon I.V, Tn;mshkin5,rj. (Wheet breedine) GAPONMEDV, T.K.,- PROTSIMO, Z.1. Pectins of sunflover heads. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tokh. n ai4 o. 347 158. (MIMA 1118) 1; Voroneshokly sellskokhosMetvamW institut, Iaboratoriya orgar. nichookoy khisli; ' (pectin) (Sunflovers) GAMUMIKOV, T.K.; KJKHORTOT, U.N.; STANISIAVSKAYA, T.K. Wfoct of annual plants on thn accumulation of organic matters and soil structure. Zemeledelie 6 no.1:23-26 ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Voronezhakiy oellskokhozyaystvennyv institut. (Soil physics) (Sudan grass) GAPONENKOV. T.K.; FROTSMO, Z. I. Properties of the Amflower pectin d"nding on the method of its extraction. Zhur. prikl. khIm. 31 no-2:319-321 F 158. (MIDA Ilt5) 1. Idboratoriya orgwaicheskoy khimii Voronezhokogo sel'sko- khozyayetTennogo instituta. (Sunflowers) (Pectins) PROTSBIW, Z.I.; GAPONWOV, T.K. Gelatlon of pectin of sunflower heads. Izv.vyo.uchob.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.3:146-149 .'59- (MIRA 12!12) 1. Voronezhskiy sel'okokhozyaystvenny7 institut. Laboratoriya nrgatiicbeskoy kbimil. (Pectins) (Sunflowers) AUTHORS: Gaponenkov, T.K.9 Abros'kina, S.A. SOV/80-32-2-54/56 TITLE: Investigations of the Albumens of Winter Rye (Issledovaniya belkov ozimoy rzhi) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol MII, Nr 2, PP 465-467 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Winter rye of the new type "Voronezhskaya SKhI11 was tested on the experimental field station of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute. The data of the Tables 1 and-2 show that the con- tent of the different albumen fractions is higher than in the rye type "Lisitsyna". Considering its Droductivity and quality it can be reoommended for.the Central Chernozem Zone of the USSR. There are 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Voronezhskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Voronezh Agri- cultural Ins-;itute) SUBMITTEDs January 20, 1958 Card 1/1 GhPO]MUKOV, T.K.; STANISTAVSUTA, T.K.; IVAWOVA, Z.A. Preparation of araban from sugar-beat pulp with the use of lonites. Zbur.pr1kl.kh1m. 33 no.2:494-496 7 160. (14M 13-5) 1. Laboratoriya organichaskoy khimii Voronozhakogo sell- skokhozyaystvannogcP institute. (Araban) (Ion exchange) ift > I E I > 2u(V / I -@I) 112 are valid. It is also possible to build up threedi9ensional potential wells of unidimensional and two-dimensional potential wells. There are 3 referencess 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Gor'kiy Obs* Qdversity - (Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957 AVAILABLE.- Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORS Miller, 1,1,. A. SOV/56-34 - 3- 36/55 TITLE. on the Use of Moving High-Frequency Potential Wells for the Acceleration of Charged Particles (Ob ibpol'zovanii dvizhush- chikhsya vysokochastotnyk1i potentsiallVkh yam dlya uskoreni-va zaryazhennykh chastits) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 3, pp. 751-752 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When using oscillations of different frequencies generally a potential relief f(?O,t) changing with increasing time is ob- tained. This way especially an accelerated motion of potential wells can be realized and consequently charged particles local- ized in such wells can be accelerated. The authors investigate 2 wave running in opposite directions (�z). th equal frequenc- V x iW t, ies and amplitudes they form a standing wave 0( y,z)e where E-*(x,y,z) is a real function. The potential corresponding to t9is field may give absolute minima. For the reason of a dis- placement of the notential wells on the z-a-xis the phase of one of the oppositely running waves must be changed. The authors re- Card 1/3 strict themselves to a non-relativistic motionlagiWe')o and ne- On the Use of Moving High-Frequency Potential Wells for the 'SOV/56-34-3-36/55 Acceleration of Charged Particles glect the difference in the structure of the fields of opposite y runRj'ng waves. Then the expression EO(XIYIZ v -I- tc is obtained for the whole field, where 24h h4l) - h((j2) holds, and where h(IJ) denotes the propagation constant. The potential corresponding to this field has the form @ ;J@o(xc'ym'zn_ v,t). The velocity v - 24q[h(6)l);h(q)j of the ispla e e t o the potential wells is propcrti nal to the difference of the frequencies of the oppositely running waves so that the capture and the subsequent acceleration of the particle can be realized by a change of the frequency of the generator exciting one of these waves. When the velocity vo is relativistic the potential wells in the corresponding supply system are a little deformed. However, the velocity of their displacement also then satisfiec the last mentioned re- lation. As the particle to be accelerated in the corresponding supply system constantly oscillates with the frequency of the external field the degree of efficiency of such an accelerator is smaller than that of a normal linear accelerator. The here discussed accelerators with high-frequency potential wells have, however, also their advantages. First of all in the use Card 2/3 of transverae magnetic waves there is no necessity of an *On the Use of Moving High-Frequency Potential 'Jells for the SOV/56-34-3-36/55 Acceleration of Char6ed Particles additional focusing of the particles in the transverse cross section. As the capture and the acceleration of the ;articles do not depend on the sign of 'heir charge this principle can also be used for the acceleration of quasineutral plasma con- centrations. After all, waves with random phase velocities (greater and smaller than light velocity) can be used. Therefore also the usual smooth-walled waveguides can be used in place of periodic structures. When an additional focusing imtgnetic field HZ - const is present in the acceler;@tor also waves of the trans- verse-electric type can be used. There are 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Gorlkiy State University) SUBMITTED: November 25, 1957 Card 3/3 0. C.- (c 22 r. A. 3WN- At L f- C24 A. R. 0 it IV-. r-=t-- (c AL It Ip@ 'L K.,.% A. IL lk svl@ a IL I-- Forms amobwaw lbobs of Us adw ftonwftS wA SUMial OmmAMI= to. A. S. law (MM), Omm, It 10 All 16 um) A. L f- t. OL 4".- a IL lt@ p.-A raq OW"s I f"p ... .. (Alt 23 IL JL $,pp- 14 OL OL 1-r A. w W L U-69MA mpwq sub"Ofts ftw co-wousi welottam" jktaoiffs am lety of Smile ANW41SOWSM and 21661briftl Commulfttlim Is. A. 4. Yopw CVVMA), ft@, a-IR ~. Ifsl t?, 31oo 67539 AUTHOR: , Gaponov, A.V. SOV/141-2-3-16/26 TITLE: ExcItai,io-n- , 'o"t-a--transmi s s ion Line by a Non-rectilinear Electron Beam-:11 as PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 443 - 449 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The existence of a transverse component of velocity in a beam of electrons causes the convection current in the fixed system to 'aave a non-sinusoidal density-variation with time. This considerably complicates the calculation of interaction with even a monochromatic wave. It is thus of interest to discover under what conditions the field excited in the line by the beam can be represented by the superposition of monochromatic normal waves and to express the ampl:itudes of these components in terms of beam parameters. A strict solution would use "waveguide equations" but for simplicity the quasi-state approximation will first be used. The line and beam are shown in Figure 1, where it is assumed that the transverse dimension of the Card 1/3 line, d , and the fundamental wavelength in it, XB . are Lf-11, 67539 sov/141-2-3-16/26 Excitation of a Transmission Line by a Non-rectilinear Electron Beam so small that the electric field can be calculated from the potential in Eq (1). Thle "telegraph equations", Eqs (2), become an inhomogeneous wave equation in voltage after elimination of the current term, i.e. Eq (4). It follows that a monochromatic wave will be excited in the system if the space charge M(z,t) is a sinusoidal function of time. This is not generally so but in the majority of practical cases the wave amplitude is such that the field due to space charge can be neglected as a first approximation. 4owever, starting from Eq (3), integrating with respect to time under the integral sign and using the continuity conditions, M(z,t) may be easily expressed through the longitudinal and transverse components of current density in the beam, Eq (6). For a thin beam this simplifies to Eq (7). The wave equation-may now be written as Eq (9). The result may be generalised for any cylindrical structure using the "waveguide equations". Eq (16) gives the ampli- tudes of the normal waves, while Eq (19) is a similar expression in terms of electron position. Card 2/3 There are I figure and 4 Soviet references. 1K 67,- @, OV/1 4 .1 -3 -V6/ 2 6 Excitation of a Transmission Line by a Non-rectilinear !@.*"Gctron Beam ASSOCIATION: Issledovatelgskiy radiofizichesk.Lv in,--tit-t pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysic.- Research of Gcekiy Uaivirsity) SUBMITTED: May 17, 1959 Card 3/3 fol 67540 115100 AUTHOR: Gapoxiov, A.V. SOV/141-2-3-17/26 'P TITLE: The in-twe W=etro*n*@of Non-rectilinear Electron Beams with Electz-omaxnetic WaveshiLn Trau mission "A .9 1-5-15 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeuiy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 450 - 462 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is usually assumed that in the absence of the high- frequency field the electron trajectovles are rectilinear. It is known that static modulation of the beam velocity causes essentially different effects when interaction takes place. By using on 'e of the XaLst -spatial harmonics of the beam it is possible to have interaction with an undelayed wavegulde mode. A periodic structure may still be used, not for delaying the wave but for modulating the electron beam. Careful focusing is also necessary. There is, therefore, a practical advantage in considering an-alternative form of beam modulation not requiring an intricate periodic. structure. The most convenient method is the use of a uniform, constant magnetic field. The analysis is based on formulae dorived in the author's paper published in this Card 1/4 issue (Ref 6). If the high-frequency field is considered as a perturbation, the solution to the equation of moti@n,'.@ 61540 SOX1141 2 -3 17126 The Interaction of Non-rectilinear Electron ijeanig' VIR gjei@-tromagnetic Waves in Transmission Lines can be expanded as a series and the first approximatior is given by Eq (26). The latter applies to two classes of system. The first has a non-uniform periodic electrosta@j.c field along the z--ax1s and zero magnetic field; it ha-N been studied in Rcfs 4, 5. The second-has uniform static. fields and , in a particular case, zero electric field. The sphtial modulation is achieved by the beam being C;rochoidal or helical. The perturbation equation for the arrangement of Figure 1 is Eq (6), having the solution, Eq (10). The most general. solution, however, is the sum of -this and thc solution to Eq (6) as a homogeneous equation. For a thin helical beam, Eq (10) becomes (10a). To obtain the dispersion oquation for thp general case of crossed electric and magnetic-fields the results derived earlier (Ref 6) are used. Only the most interesting practical case, of feeble currents, is treated since it is then only necessary to take into account interaction of the electron beam with the synchronised normal wave. The dispersion equation for a Card 2/4 trochoidal beam is Eq (19); the rezult for a helical beam 67540 SOV/141-2--3-17/26 The Interaction of Non-rectilinear Electron Beams with Electromagnetic Waves in Transmission Lines is of the same form. Compared with the corresponding formula for an ordinary travelling wave tube the only difference is the numerical value of the interaction impedance K m . Amplification and generation is i _,osslble in association with waves in smooth.-walled guide@@. This is referred to a* Type 0 interaction and requirr,, ncn-ze,,o coefficients G XM If, however, G xm @ 0 , the mode of interaction is different, called Type M and the GiSperS11-111 equation is Eq (20). In spite of the formal between the results for helical and trocho.Ldal beams the mechanism of interaction is essentially different. The following examples are described in detail: 1) a helical beam directed along a magnetic field in the field of a slow TM wave; 2) a helical beam with an undelayed TE wave; 3) a trochoidal beam in crossed electric and magnetic fields in the field of a slow TM wave; 4) a trochoidal beam with an undelayed TE wave. Card 3/4 In the majority of cases, Type M intoraction is not as Is The Interaction of Non-rectilimear Waves in Transmission Lines suitable as Type 0 of power. There are 3 figures Soviet, 2 German, I 6754C SOV/141-2-3--17/9-6 Electron Beams with Electromagnetic for the amplification and generation and 11 references, 7 of which are English and 1 Swiss, ASSOCIATION, Issledovatej.lskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gorikovskom universitetc (Radiophysics Reseat-cl, Institute of Gor'kiX Uniy@gq:@@jjy) SUBMITTED: May 17, 1959 Card 4/4 1300 J@J32@002/05/023/026 A@o AUTHORS-z Bokov, V.M. and Gaponov " of - TITLE- Type 0 Interaction in Systems With Centrifugal Focusing PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebuykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 5, PP 831 - 833 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous studies have dealt with interactions between an electron beam and either a longitudinal magnetic field or crossed electric and magnetic fields. Electron motion in a centrifugal electrostatic field is described by Eq (1). Using the method of perturbations the effective electric field is Eq (2) and the component vectors are Eq (3). For a sufficiently veak electron beam the resonance condition for interaction with one q1 of the normal waves is Eq (4) and an approximate dis- persion equation is Eq (5). If the condition of Eq (3) are now satisfied the type "0" interaction in a centri- fugal field is Eq (6). Two examples are now evaluated& in the first a coaxial transmission line has a negligibly small inner conductor with a positive potential with Cardl/2 respect to the outer tube and a spiral beam interacts S/141/59/002/05/026/026 AUTHOR: Gaponov, A.V. E041/E321 TITLE: ter to @he_ Editor PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizilca, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp, 836 - 837 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the author's article "Interaction of Non-rectilinear Eiectron Streams$6ith Electromagnetic Waves in Trans- mission Lines" -'in this journal, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, p 450, the propagation of waves was considered in waveguide systems threaded by spiral or trocho�dal beams. In deriving the dispersion equation a non-relativistic expression was used for particle motion in the beam. A subsequent examination of the relativistic correction shows that while the interaction mechanism is not essentially changed there is the possibility of an effect connected with the azimuthal bunching of particles rotating in a constant magnetic field. The dispersion equation describing a type '1011 interaction is Eq (1), where 0 is the electron velocity normalized to that of light. The detailed modifications to the previous article are small Cardl/2 and are given. 68562 S/14l/59/002/()5/o26/026 Letter to the Editor E041/E521 V.V. Zheleznyakov is thanked for drawing attention to the need for the correction. There is I Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: October 19, 1959 Card 2/2 SOV/309-- -4-3-22/38 AUTHORS: A.M. Belyantsev, A,V. Gaponov@ Ye.V. Zagryadskiy TITLE: A Delay System of the "Counter-Stub" Type for Travelling- Wave Amplifiers (Zamedlyayushohaya sistema tipa "Vstrechnyye shtyrill d1ya usiliteley s begushchey volnoy) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol LF, Nr 3, 1959@ pp 5o5-516 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility of employing a counter-stub system (of the type illustrated in Fig 1) was mentioned by Fletcher in 1952 (Ref 1). Here the problem is investigated in some detail. It is assumed that a counter-stub system of the type shown in Fig 1 can be represented by means of an equivalent circuit which consists of a parallel-conductor transmission line with capacitances connected across the line at spacings 1. The circuit is shown in Fig 3. The scattering equation of the system is given by: Cos T = Cos kl 1 + Co + 2@T- sin kl, 2cl 20,1 Card 115 where k is the wave number7 1 is the length of the stubs, Co and Uo are the capacitances between the SOV/109- - -4-- 3-22/38 A Delay System of the "Counter-Stub" Type for eravelling-Wave Amplifiers stubs and the "basell, respectively; Cl(pis the capacitance between neighbouring stubs er unit length)5 J`CT @ jBT is the equivalent Capacitance of a node. The above circuit does not take into account the cross- coupling capacitances of the system. If these capaci- tances are taken into account, the equivalent circuit becomes more complicated and i's in the form of the diagram shown in Fig 4 . For this case the characteristic equation of the system is given by: M+l Co + 4 @: Cn sin2 nO k1 n=1 2 tge- - (2) 2 m+1 Co + 2: Cn sin2 n (cf + r, n=1 2 where Cn is the capacitance (per unit length) between the stubs which are situated at distances nD/2 from each Card 2/5 other. The SUMMation in Eq (2) is carried out up to th-9 values of r such that the cz-,@,ss -coupling capacitances SOV/109- --4-3-22/38 A Delay System of the "Counter-Stub" Type for Travelling-Wave Amplifiers become negligible. For the counter-stub system in which the "hairpins" are displaced vertically (see Fig 2) or with "hair ins" whose teeth have different cross-sections (see Fig 5@j the scatte@ring equation is given by Eq (4). The meaning of the various symbols in Eq (4) should be clear from Fig 5. The scattering curves for two different systems with displaced and differing "hairpins" are shown in Figs 6 and 7. Pig 6 corresponds to the system with similar but displaced "hairpins"; curves (1) and (3) of the figure are corroborated by 5ome experimental points. Fig 7 illustrates a system in which the "hairpins" have different cross-sections. It was found that a decrease in the scattering and an increase in the transmission band- width of the system could be obtained, if one of the "hairpins" was removed (screened) from the "base". Examples of such systems are illustrated by the scattering curves of Fig 8. The relative magnitude of the electric field in a counter-stub system can be represented by the so-called interaction impedance or coupling impedance. Card 3/5 This is defined by: SOV/109- - -L@-3-22/38 A Delay System of the "Counter-Stub" Type for Travelling-Wave Amplifiers m m 10 E@ E0 (6) CLP 2h2 p m where RI and Em are the spatial harmonics of the G 0 electric field component, whi,-h interact with the electron beam of the system; bgL is the propagation constant of the m-th harmonic. while P is the power carried by the wave. The coupli@g impedanoe of the circuit shown in Fig 3 is given by Eq (101), where the first term is defined by Eq (1011). The ooupling impedance of the system shown in Fig 4.r. -which the first fundamental harmonic is "separated", is given by Eq (141 On the other hand, in the systems where the nhairpins" are dis- placed in the horizontal plane, the impedance is also given by Eq (110), except that the amplitude is represen- ted by Eq (15). The amplitudes of the coupling impedance for the first harmonic of the system shovni in Fig 7 is Card 4/5 illustrated in Fig 10. Fig 11 shows the coupling impedance of a system with horizontally displaced 30V/109- - -4-3-22/38 A Delay System of the "Counter-Stub" Type for Tra,, -ell ing -Wave Amplifiers "hairpins". The coupling impedance of the system was also measured experimentally3 and the result,@ are shown by the lower curve of Fig 12; the upper curve of Fig 12 was calculated; this is in poor agreement iAth the experi- mental data which is not surprising since Eqs (13) and (14) should be regarded as comparativell: rough approxi- mations. On the basis of the above analysis, it is concluded that the counter-stub systems Ath separated fundamental waves can be successfully em-.)loyed in travelling-wave amplifiers operating at -,.m wavelengths. The method of evaluating the dispersion !haracteristics proposed by the author is comparatively jimple and is sufficiently accurate for most practical. applications. Card There are 12 figures and 5 references, 22. of which are English, 2 Soviet and 1 French. SUBMITTED: July 9, 195"1 9.1000 AUTHORS: Gaponov, A. V., Miller, M. A. TITLE: Letter to the Editor. A Reply to tile 1-ttx- Writteii by B. V. Braude on the Subject of a N11)(W by t. if! Aut,havz;, E.W' Ltlcd "On Integration of an Equation for Ckivvviito In tho ThQory o" Metallic Antennae" I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 10, 1) 1291 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In their reply to the letter by Braude, B. I -Ihc: ailthorz; of the paper state that apparently Brau-1c, B. @ :3omQ%j1iat modified his original viewG with which the authorn, d-.d not ugrcc and whif:h were erroneous. There are 2 Soviet Card 1/1 210) SOV/56-36-3-65/71 AUTHORS: Gaponov, A. V., Freydman, G. I. .. ................................... TITLE: On Electromagnetic Shock Waves in 7errites (Ob udarnykh elektromagnitnykh volnakh v ferritakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Ur 3, Pp 957 - 958 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the.present "Letter to the Editor" the authors investigate the propagation of plane homogeneous electromagnetic waves I in a medi f r th case in which induction and field strength of the magnetic field are in nonlinear connection. The medium is assumed to be isotropic and that B-B(H), p(H) =@B/@H. Basing upon the Maxwell (Maksvell)equation and its partial solutions, the authors in the following investigate the boundary conditions holding for the field on both sides of the discontinuity, and subject the front of the electromagnetic shock wave to a thorough theoretical investigation extending, for the time being, to the simple case of a plane homogeneous wave in ferrite which is magneti- ed up to saturation point by a homogeneous magnetic field Card 1/3 i , which is longitudinal with respect to the direction o On Electromagnetic Shock Wavea in Ferrites Soll/16-36-3-65/71 I of propagatIon of the wave. For the connection of Ml' (magnetization) and (zIt) it holds that -10 oj_@ -2r W3t + M M rM + H (3) 0 (y- magnetomechanical ratio for the electron spin, r4laxation frequency). Further, the case @ @-eo is subjected to a short investigation. As it is found impossible to write down a general solution of the Yaxwell equation in consideration of (3), the authors confine themselves to dealing with the case of a steady plane shock rave. For this case 't is easy to integrate the equntion. The@esult shows that A, rotates round the direction of propagation of the wave z (precision angle T) with the velocity HIcos 9/sing' - (H 4nM cos 9)@(Q - the ang1b between CJ - Y 11 0- M and zp the primed quantities denote values at a great distance from the wave front, i.e. at z -4 - cD ). Ex- pressions are further given for the time width of the shock wave front and the special cases of strong and weak shock Card 2/3 waves are described in short. There are 4 Soviet references. On Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Ferrites SOV/56-36-3-65/71 ASSOCIATION: Radiofizicheakiir inotitut Gorlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. (Radiophysical Institute of Gorlkiy State University) SUBMITTED: December 18p 1958 Card 3/3 694!6 s/141/60/003/01/008/020 xi4.71oo E032/E414 AUTHORS: Gagonov, A.V. and Freydman, G.I. . ............. TITLE: On the Theory of Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Non-Linear Media PERIODICAL: Izvestiya v-ysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 196o, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 79-88 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The propagation of electromagnetic waves in ferrites and ferroelectrics is usually discussed in terms of the linear approximation. The present paper gives a detailed discussion of the propagation of plane uniform electromagnetic waves in non-linear media, le media in which the magnetic induction B depends non-linearly on H. The paper is divided into the following sections. 1. Simple waves in a non-linear isotropic uniform medium. Production of discontinuities. 2. Conditions on the Discontinuity Surface, 3. Structure of the shock wavAfront. 4. Effect of the fir;ltla conductivity of the medium. The Maxwell equations are written down in the form given Card 1/5 by Eq (1) and (2)4 the relation between D and c is,/ 69h].6 s/141/60/003/01/008/020 E032/E414 On the Theory of Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Non-Linear Media assumed to be linear. Special solutions of these equations can then be shown to be given by Eq (3) where c is the velocity of light in vacuum, il(H) = dB/dH and f(�) and fl(j) are arbitrary functions determined by the boundary conditions. Eq (3) describes travelling waves such that each point on the wave profile moves with a velocity which depends on the magnetic field at that point. If the permeability decreases with the magnetic field, then those points on the profile at which the numerical magnitude of the magnetic field is large will move with a large velocity. Consequently, whenever the magnetic field increases tin its absolute magnitude) in a direction opposite to the direction of propagation, the slope of the front will increase until the continuity of the field vector breaks down (Fig 1). If ji is not a monotonic function of 11, the situation is much more complicated. The boundary conditions on the moving Card 2/5 shock wave-front are obtained by assuming that its 69416 s/141/60/003/01/008/020 E032/E414 On the Theovy of Electvomagnetic Shock Waves in Non-Linear Media velocity changes slowly in the case of a plane wave. The boundary conditions are given by Eq (6) and (6a). It-is shown that if the discontinuity in the travelling wave is a weak one, then the behaviour of the travelling wave can be discussed in terms of the special solution given by Eq (3) and the boundary conditions given by Eq (6a). The problem is thus reduced to the determination of the position of the discontinuity in a simple wave. Weak shock waves can only exist for a limited time. In order to discuss the structure of the front of an electromagnetic shock wave, the relation between B and H and D and E must be known. In the present paper a simple case of a plane uniform wave propagated in ferrite magnetized to saturation by longitudinal uniform magnetic field is considered. If one neglects Card 3/5 internal fields, then the connection between the 69L,16 s/14i/60/003/01/008/020 E032/E4i4 On the Theory of Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Non-Linear Media magnetization and the magnetic field strength is given by Eq (14) (Ref 7). The structure of the front of the electromagnetic shock wave, ie the solution of Maxwell's equations subject to Eq (14), cannot be carried out in a general form. Howeverg the present paper succeeds in deriving the corresponding solutions for a stationary plane shock wave. It is shown that the frequency of field components in the region of the front of the shock wave depends mainly on the magnitude of the magnetic field in the wave. The length of the front is reduced as the magnetic field increases. The character of the structure of the front of the shock wave is determined only by the properties of the medium. There are 4 figures and 12 references, 10 of which are Soviet, I English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION:Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut Card 4/5 pri Gorlkovskom universitete (Scientific Research 6@416 s/141/60/003/01/008/020 E032/E414 On the Theory of Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Non-Linear Media Radio-Physical Institute of the Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: October 21, 1959 Card 5/5 86857 s/141/60/003/005/012/og6 19, q.23LI E192/E382 AUTHORSi Bokov, V.M. and Qaponov_ A.V_ TITLE; Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 826 - 836 TEXTa The so-called strophotron (Refs. 4, 5) is an example of a system with anharmonically excited oscillations, which employs the electrons oscillating in an electrostatic potential well along a stronguniform magnetic field. A simple model of a strophotron (described in Ref. 4) is illustrated in Fig. 1, where an oscillatory circuit can be connected to any pair of electrodes. Such a device can be used as the high-frequency oscillator or a regenerative amplifier. Another type of strophotron based on a different type of electrostatic potential well is illustrated in Fig. 2; this is a coaxial strophotron (Ref. 5). In the following the strophotrons of the above type are investigated but it is assumed that the electrons interact with a travelling electromagnetic wave, In the derivation of the Card 1/8 W57 s/141/60/003/005/012/026 E192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron principal equations it is assumed that., the beam current is small, the length of the interaction space is comparatively large and that the interaction takes place with only one synchronous wave, The motion of an electron in a two-dimensional potential well in the presence of a constant magnetic field H is described by the following nonrelativistic equation: 0 n(E0 + E 0 + 11@_] (1) where E. and H,,, are the high-frequency electric and magnetic fields, E 0 is the electrostatic field having components E ox and EOy e is the charge of an electron, m0 is its rest mass and e/mo . If the motion along the axis z is uniform and if the high-frequency field can be Card 2/8 86857 S/141/60/003/005/012/026 E192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron regarded as a perturbation the solution of Eq. (1) can be in the form ofj r = z0Z + x 0(X f x I., X The zero approximation of the electron motion can be described by Eqs. (3)o where the function E x changes its sign at X = 0 . The solution of the first of these equations corresponding to the real initial conditions and being a periodic function of t with a period T E = 21T/wE is assumed to be in the form of Eq. (4). The derivative of this is given by Eq. (4.8), The equation for the first approximation is obtained by substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) and is in the form of Eq. (5), where (I(x) = qOE x/21x) .. and E_ is the x-component of the high-frequency electric field. The general solution of this homogeneous equation should be Card 3/8 86857 s/141/60/003/005/012/026 E192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave StroPhotron in the form of Eq. (6), where u(t) is a periodic function of time. C 1 and C 2 are arbitrary constants and M is the so-called parameter of non-isoclironismv which is proportional to the derivative of the oscillation! frequency U)Ewith respect to the oscillator energy 10@ - The parameter of non-isochronism M is expressed by Eq. (7). If it is assumed that the high-frequency field in the interaction space is in the form of a plane nonhomogeneous wave, the solution of Eq. (5) is appvoximately given by Eq. (10)g where U0 is the velocity corresponding to the drift velocity v 0 and V 0 is the amplitude of the plane wave. On the other hand@ the amplitude of the synchronous wave excited in the system by the electron beam is expressed by Eq. (11), where 1 0 is the beam current, N is a normalising coefficient and -r. = Z/V0 is the transit time of an electron Card 4/8 86857 @:i,1141/601003/005/012/026 E.192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron to the cross-section z . By substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (11) and integrating it with respect to t , the following scattering equation is obtainedi 2 3 10 he Cm 2U a2ON M IGm12 (12) 0 0 where only the resonance terms of the order 16(b _ J)2 are considered. This equation determines the ciorirection factors to the propagation constants 6h 0 = h - ho . Eq. (12) is analogous in fo--T. to the dispersion*equation of the normal travelling-wave of the type 11011. If the relativistic effects in the tube are taken into accounts the equation of the first approximation is in the form of Eq. (13), where X(t) is the solution of the zero approximation. The parameter of non-isochronism in this case is given by Eq. (14). The Card 5/8 86857 s/i4i/60/003/005/012/o26 E1@12/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron scattering equation is now similar to Eq. (12) except that M is replaced by the expression of Eq. (14). When the electron oscillations in the potential well can be regarded as being harmonic and the parameter M is small, it is necessary to introduce the resonant components of the order I 6)- In this case, the scattering equation is in the form of Eq. (15). This can further be written as Eq. (16). For strong currents, Eq. (16) is approximately expressed by Eq. (16a). This represents the so-called I'M" type of oscillator systems. Such systems give the possibility of generating electromagnetic oscillations, this being due to the presence of complex roots in Eq. (16a). The amplification coefficient of such systems is determined by the imaginary component of the correction factor 6 . Its dependence on current is illustrated in Fig. 4. -The above formulae are used to analyse a coaxial strophotron with a travelling wave. It is shown that the gain of this system for the direct wave in the card 6/8 86857 S/141/60/003/005/012/026 E192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron absence of absorption is given by; G = - 9.54 + 47.3 CLA where C is defined by Eq. (18) and L is the length of the system, A graph of C as a function of a/b (Fig. 2) is given in Fig. 5. The above interaction mechanism is dependent on the self-phasing of the particles in the field. However, if the beam passes in the vicinity of the wall of & transmission line, the situation is different, The mechanism of the interaction of nonlinear beanis with electro- magnetic waves can be analysed on the basis of the results obtained by V.M. Bokov (Ref. 11). In this case, the first approximation can be written in the form of Eq. (19), where T(z) is a slowly changing function of z . By analysing this equation it is found that for a beam with uniformly distributed current, the gain is expressed by the third equation on p. 835, where j0 is the current density. Card 7/8 86857 s/141/60/003/005/012/026 E192/E382 Theory of a Travelling-wave Strophotron There are 6 figures and 12 referencesi 3 English and 9 Soviet; one of the Soviet references is translated from English, ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatel@skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED; June 18g 196o Card 8/8 21176 S/l/il/60/003/00b/015/025 9, E192/E382 AUTITUINS; Antakov, I.I., Bokov, V.M., Vasillyev, IZ.I-. and gLqp-o. x, P-v-j- A. -V-. TITLE: Interaction Between a Trochoidal Electron beam, and Electromagnetic Waves in a Rectangular Waveguide PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, 11a.diofizika, 1960, Vol. 3, LNo. 6, 1)1). iU33-1044 TEXT: A detailed analysis of the interaction between a trochoidal electron beam and electromagnetic waves in a rectangular waveguide with three ideally conducting walls"and "one" impedance wall is presented. A sufficiently weak electron beam interacts effectively with one of the normal w-aves in a transmission line or waveguide only under the condition that h (1 + 11 ff-hH or. MW (1 + C)v /V - q) Card 1/6 21176 s/141/60/003/006/015/025 interaction Between .... E192/E382 whe re m @ 0 11 + 2 1 and h, - W/V (0) is tile propagation constant of the corresponding normal wave in a "cold" waveguide; vj, = Eo/B0 is the driftivelocity of the electrons tooving along a trochoid and having an oscillation amplitude a in crossed fields EO and BO ; lie = W/V11 hH = WH/vj@ 'wH = (e/m)BO . qBo i,?hich is the gyromagnetle frequency. If the condition of synchronism given by Eq. (1) is fulfilled, the scattering e(juation for the correction of the order 6 = (h - h 0 )/h0 for the propagation constant of the electromagnetic wave in the waveguide for comparatively weak signals (without taking into account tile space charge) is in the form (Refs. 2, 5@): k2- X2 Ey=11.COS(1,.x)(:h(TY); H,-- j--@@-cos(-A,x) ch.(TY)-, (3) zo hx Hz w @nwwn S I n (-A,,x) ch (TY). Cnrd 2/6 kZ, 21176 s/141/60/003/Oub/015/025 Interaction Between .... E192/E382 where I is the beam current, 0 2 U0 v11 /21 is the voltage corresponding to the drift velocity, v1/c (where c is the velocity of light, V4- is the transverse electron velocity), GxP Gyp GzP are the Fourier coefficients of the high-frequency Lorenz force acting on an electron moving along a stationary trajectory in the field of a non- perturbed normal wave, N is the normalising coefficient of this wave. Eq. (2) is used to analyse the interaction between the 11 -wave in a smooth-walled rectangular wave with the 01 electron beam and its interaction with a non-symmetrical wave in a comb-type (periodic) waveguide. The interaction between the electron beam and a symmetrical wave in a comb-type strip waveguide is also investigated; the following special cases in Card 3/6 23-176 s/i4i/6o/oO3/006/0l5/025 Interaction Between .... E192/E382 the above type of interaction are considered: a magnetron amplifier with a trochoidal beam; interaction witli a fast electromagnetic wave and interaction with a slow electro- magnetic wave. The problem was also investigated experimentally on two specially constructed models, provided with comb-type delay systems. Such a system is illustrat(.d in Fig. 4; this consists of: I - a comb-type anode; 2 - cathode; 3 - focusing electrode; 4 - electron beam and 5 - a cathode plate. Both models were designed for the 3-cm operating range. The results of the experiments are in good agreement with the calculated data and indicate that for the electrons rotating in a constant magnetic field both mechanisms of interaction of the type 11011, i.e. the self-phasing and the spatial de- bunching, are equally effective and can be employed in micro- wave amplifiers and osciliators. There are L) figures and 11 references: 10 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 4/6 Interaction Between .... E192/1-1'382 ASSOCIATIUN: Nauclino-i3sledovatcllskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor,kovskoin universitete (Scientific Research Radiophysics lastitute of GorIkiy University) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1960 Card 5/6 83182 S/056/60/039/002/019/044 Boo6/13056 4-, 4_j@o AUTHOR: Gaponov, A. V. TITLE! The Instability of a Syetem of Excited Oscillators With Respect to Electromagnelic Disturbances PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8), pp. 326-331 TEXT: A current of charged particleAhich moves rectilinearly and unifom- ly (velocity v) is instable w1th res ect to electromagne%ic disturbances if v is greater than the velocity of light in the surrounding medium on. Classically, this instability is considered to be the consequence or a grouping (autophasing) of particles in the electromagnetic wave field; these waves propagate in the Cherenkov cone; the clusters produce co- herent Cherenkov radiation. Analogous instabilities may be observed also in currents of excited electric oscillators, with th(-. only difference that here a coherent radiation is emitted also if v < on. In the present paper, the autnor discusses the possible mechanisms of the autophasing of ex- cited oscillatorn in a radiation field leading to instability of the Card 83182 The Instability of a System of Excited Oscillators S/056/60/039/002XM044 With Respect to Electromagnetic Disturbances B006/BO56 system with respect to electromagnetic disturbances. The attempt is made to explain these instabilities both classically and quaritum-theoretically, Fo- this purpose, a current of excited oscillators is investigated, where each oscillator is assumed to be a charged particle oscillating freely the oscil- .n a reference system at the fre@quenoy Q., At the instanf t., lation amplitudes of all particles are assumed to b6 equal ; so that the mac-osoopiP current vanishes, and no electromagnetic raliaticl conurs. By means of an electromagnetic disturbance of' the fcrm e h(r)e tho motion of the oscillators is disturbed, and a variable polarization current occurs. First, thi? case of a harmonir, o8cillator is briefly discussed; the grouping of exciteJ osaillarors ascording to phases which is necessary for instabillity, is possible only if *.he motion of the oscillators in the ?xternal field obeya nonlinear equaticns@ For an an- harmonic oscillato-zi in weak external :!ield, two different phasing meohar- Igms are possibl;?7 !)"A phase grouping" of the anharmonir, oscillators, and 2) A spatial group-.-ng of the moring os(.,Illa%or3 in an inhomogeneous fie)d. Bcth cases are ireatad, and The mathematical results are discussed. The Instability of such a system may be explained classically. and is net related witn pure quantum effet:ts; nnverthele,3s a Card 2/3 83182 The Instability of a System of Excited S/056/60/039/002/019/044 Oscillators With Respect to Electromagnetic B006/BO56 Disturbances interpretation is of interest as shown by the author in the last part of this paper. Two possibilities are discussed on the basis ofthe most simple idealized system: a) The instability of the system of anharmonic oscilla- tors is related with a difference in the spacings of their energy spectra. b) The displacement of a moving excited oscillator in an inhomogeneous elactrio field Is connectAd with a recoil in the emission (sr absorption) of a photon. The author finally thanks V. L. Ginzburg and V. M. Payn for dissussions. V. I. Gayduk is mentioned. There are 18 references, 16 Scviet; I US, and 1 Swedish, X/ L/ ASSOCIATION: Radiofizicheskiy institut Gor1kovskogo gosudarstv,ennogo universiteta (Institute of Raiiophys:Lcs of Gorlkiy Statp University) SUBMrTTED: February 1, 1960 Card 3/3 3 7-: 13-3 i/6l/C'--VC,.15/ol6/020 AUT!10-R: N:- Ga2onov, A.V.- TITLE: ."'clativistic scattering o,@uatiwi fcw the wave,@-uido Systel"Is with helical aild trocioidal electron beams PE:',ICDI-I,kL: Izvestiya vysshildi 11cliebily,:111 ---avedeniy, I L R adio.-Cizilza, 19GI, V. 4, 11o. T),,) - 5117 - 5 5 9 T&XT: The results pramited in this vor!: ;@.-ere reported in a paper read at the 13th General Assembly of URSI in September, 1960. "Rien consideritir the interaction of electrons and clactro- t-.ia-netic field, it is often necessary to introduce the relativistic corrections into the scattcriri:@ equations of the systct-.,.r, which operate with helicc.1 or trochoidal electron baz,riss (Raf. 1 - this journal, "-, 1141, 1@)59 aud 2, 1150, 1959, Ref. 4 - 11.'1. Pantell, Proc. o-C the Symp. on millimetre waves, Politechn. Press, Broo%lyii, %aw Yor-., 1959, and Ref. 5 - the author - this journal, 2, 836, 1959). This worl: is concerned iith t!ie derivation of the rola`ivistic scatterin.- equation for this type of Systel-.1; t'io 0(!Iiation is derived Cnrd 1/10 s/ 14,1/6 1/c /co,3/ol 6/on lZelativistic scatteriiir . . . . undcr the usual assumption that t.'ac 'Clectron concentration .,nals art) comparatively wealc. is small and that tine sig Th e Problo:ii of c;:citation of a irave_f-itide by ;7t t1iiii non- rectilinear elect-on bezxi-.i was cmisiderod iii Rol'. I and tae final fort:iulzio from that work are used. T;ic Fourier comoonents for the field c::cited in a wzive:@uidc can be written in ihe form o-f a sum of nor-mal wavct;: E.= V ( WE" V, Ev-) U., ZO) Z.: .Lj + ih z + + -ilz + CIS + CIS wh or e r-,- Wid 11 1 C are the s -S -S fS intensities of the electric and magnetic fields of tae nori-.1.0 waves at the frequency ci) , respectively, @o is the unit vector of tae x,--is z , which is parallel to the a:cis of thf, 1w is the Fourier conpin,-@nt of the current waveguide and Card 2/10 ?cr,)eVoo,-Vol61O2O Relativistic scattering .... aicit dw -The z,.mplitmlos of the nori-,ml density j.(t) waves W! can be calculated if the equation of the electron 3 beam ir"Liich P;-ccitcs the i-,ravesuide is written in a parc-Imetric 'L@ -O.r:,.l r = r ( 7Z@, tand the e--:,i)ression for Vis integrated u*ith respect to the transit time ":@ (i.e. integrated along the electron trajectories). It can also be asisw;ied that the electrons in tie beam under.-o small han-.ionic deviations at the Crequency W 'So tl-IQ4- r r,,(--) + rl,,.(-) ei.- frl- ID); = -.,,(z) + -.I .,(z) ri-1 7,) where r 0- is t-he stationary value of rThe aiii-plitudes can thus be written as: Card 3/10 1 "5 S/lI.i/61/COV003/ol6/c2o Relativistic sca"Itcring jim@'I.J-)rj G,' @ r,,'- ih + .U (2) ri., + E.; I'th er e1,2 0 10 NS mo (-,@) The quantity are transit. times correspondirl- to tile start and torMination of the beai.i, is the DC comporieut of bez,.m current, is the normalisin:@ fictor and is tie electron velocity iti -- iion-pcrturbcO bcam. G� is t:ie Lorentz force, s r + + -S - E + No if- s C -%.-!iic.i is clefined by: Card 4/10