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G1XOSj GY. TECOOLOGY PIMIODICAL: 14AGYAR EPITDIPAR. Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1958 Gabos, Gy. Instruments in the service of engineeri4q, work. P. 314. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass. A -c-thly id~,f -,rnt 1~c GJJ305, GX. Lett us use cement-stabilized soils for base material for buildings, p. 505. Wgyar Epitoipar. (Epitoipari Tudomanyos Eg3r~sulet) Budapest, Himgary. Vol. 8, no. 11, 1959 K)nthly list of East European Aceessions. (EF-AI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feib. 1960 Uncl. I GA-BOS, Gyorgy; TARJAN, Laezio National contest entitled "Foundation on Volume-phanging Soils". announced by the Ministry of Construction. Magy*ep ipar 10 no.61 259-265 f61. GABO:3, Viyorgy The 1961 research activity of the Geodetic and Soil Testing Enterprise of the Ministry of Construction. Epites szemle 6 no.3:86-88 162. 1. Epitesugyi Miniazterium Foldmero es Talajvizagale Vallalat igazgatoja GABOS, rT!rgy Utilization of expert opinions of soil mechanics in the building industry. Magy ep ipar 11 no.2%60-63 162. GABOS~ Gyorgy, okleveles mernok Work in the field of geodetic technical development at the Surveying and Soil Testing Enterprise of the Ministry of Construction. Gdod kart 14 no-51339-31+2 162. 1. FTI igazgatoja., as nGeodezia as Kartografia" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. okleveles mernok; GYORGYp VAJDA, Jozeef, okleveles mernok; GAPQjx-9yp.:FSy Istvan, okleveles mernok--,~TELCZERv Karoly, okleveles mernok; SZERENYI, Laszlo, okleveles mernok Significance of water quality in water economy. Hidrologiai kozlony 41 no.3tl77-187 Je 161o 1. ore vizugyi foigazgatohelyettes (for Vajda). 2 Fol es Talajvizagalo Vallalat igazgatoja (for Gabos). 3: ViFrOT i ervezo Iroda igazgatoja; "Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeezto bizottsagi tagja (for Gyorgy)b 40 Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet igazgatoja (for Stelazer). 5. Melyepiteai Tervezo Vallalat iga--gatoja (for Szerenyi). 11/08 1 /62/000/022/o65/08.8 B166/B144 AUTHORS: Muresan-Kertesz, I., Albu, I., Gibos, M. TITLE: Production and properties of polyacrylate latexes. 1. Effect of production conditions on conversion PERIODMLL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no.22, 1962, 497-498, abstract 22P152 (Studia Univ. Babes - Bolyai. Chem.-, no. 2, 1960, 53-62 I-Rum.; summaries in Ru~a. and French]) TEXT: The article gives the results of a study of how the nature and concentraition of the emulsifier, and of the monomer (ethyl acrylate), and the polymerization time, affect the "useful conversion" (ratio of the amount of' polymer formed in the finely disperat state to the total quantity of polymer calculated from the initial quantity of monomer).. The object of the study was to produce a 11 torage-stable latex (absence of sedimentation after storage for I year). [Abstracter's note: Complete .-translatlonw~ Card 1/1- IWITTENEERLER, C.; qABOS, Marta Investigations on the muscular adenylic nucInotiles in rat ontogenesis. Studit cerc biol s. zool 17 no.1:85-91 165. 1. Section of Animal Physiology, Center of' P ological Research, Rumanian Ac-demy, Cluj Branch, and Chair of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Gpoographi, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj. Submitt... October 27, 1964. tit left A a L A-J-1 2a A . L, 11- I 00 KiL--I, it s i 00 A t- $ l 14CO191-It VI" fiM A e 06 .313. loolo r%clemogroroo. 1-%- .1% V44111a mid -00 IN Iloilo- It No. 1 11 1.1, 111111k,11% 040 I; No I oo If W.'M ,-00 , ji i I... I... 1. 1.1. ,00 oo ~to,lh.oor I-oll m gla., 1.01- -4 ?41 Iloilo 11,0 11"I'lom. .I t-I. is#-# low JA, so 00 91 400 1.00 boo 'J00 woo ' t -,V an a I 4 1 a a I , it to so IN a a 0 1 and 0 0000 0 4.000000000*000*0000*000000000000000 0 0 0 0 o 0*0000 0 0 0 0 *A-SAJLtA-".JL4 0 0 * 4 111 0 0000 0 0 0o 09 4 so 04 00 00 00 00 00 so - ir 00 00 as so so of 00 0 0000(bo**000090000000000000000000000000000 0-0 0 *IN 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 2, Category: Run&aia / Physical Chemistry-Molecule. Chemical borA -P-4 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29546 Author : Gobos_Z_, Maurer 1. Inst : -To.say Filiate of Runanian Academy of Sciences Title : Contribution to the Study of H. + Ion Orig Pub: Studii, ai cercetari, stiint. Acad. RPR Fil. Jasi, 1954, 5, No 1-2, 7Si-86 Abstract: The authors consider the chemical bond of H1, + , on the basis of an objective existence of electron orbit. It is assumed that in H.,+ the "mitualized" electron describes about the two nuclei & trajec- tory of the type of a lemniscate. "Matualization" of the electron takes place on convergence of nuclei within 1.36 A. On considering in this connection the energy of H + as the sum of minimm energy of vibration of the nuclei along the axis that Joints them., and assuming the vibration quantum number v=l, minimim electron energy is calculated as 16.29 ev and energy of dissociation as 2.75 ev, which is close to calculation results according to wave medianics It is noted that it was possible to find a simple explanation for the necessity of taking into account the energy at absolute zero. Card - ---------------- RUMANIA/Theoretical Physics B-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10815 Author Gabos Zoltan Inst MGe-r-iit~"#j~)lyaill, Cluj, Rum=ia Title Concerning the Problem of Investigation of the Gravitatio~- nal Field. Orig Pub : An stiint Univ. Iasi. Sec 1, 1955, 1, No 1-2, 191-199 Abstract : As was shown by the author previously, the gravitational field of the sun, acting on a moving planet, is described by specifying certain vector and scalar potentials. Using the explicit form of these potentials, the author obtains for the shift in the mercury perihelion a value close to the observed one. In the case of motion of a photon the only thing of importance is its interaction with a scalar potential; the latter leads to the same value of a red shift, as follows from the general theory of relativity. Card 1/1 Direct Derivation of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equ&tiong of the Nevton Typ in the Spwial Theq ,W of Ralativity., utscb. IM Oon directo Ga" Z , et-N do; MindfAn-Ts"AM lu tM Nawtm dans I& thiorie do la relativitd restreinte- Acad. R. FI.F\W Ronilne. Fil. Cluj. Stud. Cerc. Mat. Fiz. 7 (1956), no. 14,. ,79-90. (Romanian. Russian and French surnmraies)t By adopting several of the principles which the re-, viewer set as a basis of mechanics (broad * Newton's),! Med by the', the authors deepen the function accompli . ' le of leas'. action and its elation to Hamilton-' rMcIP r Nacobi's equation, concerning the set of possible move- ments of a material point in a field characterized by a! quadridimensional potential (three components for the', ial victor and one for the scalar potential). I :potent The corresponding mass is the relativistic one. Ile, development of this paper gives rise to interesting observations. 0. Onirewu (Bucharest) ~WANLVThoorotical 1hysics - Quontur Mechanics B-4 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 10, 1958, No 22074 iluthor I iieiez-ienn A.j,-11.pbosZ Inst j Not Given Title Oortein Now Investigations on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Orig Pub t I,In. Ron.-5ov. 5or. rat.-fiz., 19571 11, No 4, 83-88 Abstract i No abstract Crrd RU14ANIA/Theoretical Physics - Relativity. Unified Field Theory. B- Xbs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1960, 5030 Aut'ior Gabos Zoltan Inst Title On Gravitational Potentials, I. Orig Pub Studii si. cercetari stiint. Acad. RPR Fil. Iasi, Fiz. si stiinte tchn., 1958, 9, No 1, 63-69 Abstract Using the Schwarzschild metric, the author shows 'that a weak gravitational field can be described by a potential in the form of a 4-vector A, where A,, C + e Is the paraneter of the Schwarzschild metric. A.A. Borgardt Card. 1/1 3 RUNLVILI/Theorcticni Physico RQlativity. Unified FieId Tl,.c-,:-y. B - GABOSO Zoltan On the Isgrange function in the generalized theory of relativity. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.1:1-e '59. (MI 9:3) i 1. Filiala Iasi a Academiei ReDublicii Populare Romine. (Relativity(Physics)) (Dynamics) (Gravitation) GLBOS, Zoltan Contributions to the study of the applicability of the Hamilton- Jacobi theory. I. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.1:105-110 '59 (MI '9:3) (Dynamics) (Spaces, Generalize 'd). (Transformatione(gathematice)) 1~ ~,-"Os, :Z. .Lagrange's equivalents in the generalized theory of relativity. ;Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2s201-205 159. (EEAI 9s9) A (Relativity (Phygics)) (Dynamics) GABOS. t- ~~ . . Contributions to the study of the applicability of the Hamilton- Jacobi theory. II. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 no.1:79-88 160. (EUI 10:3) (Transformations (Mathematics)) (Serie Lagrang7le) (Pfaff's problem) (FunctZo#ns) Calculus of variations) - - .--- -, I---- ~ .. - -.- % - .. - - I GABOS, 2.; MINZAT, L. Maximum work. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 13 no.2t285-289 162. GABO31 Z.; GHERMAN, 0. Observations on '~n symmetry properties of the Dirac field. Studia Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.2:83-93 164. GIJ301'.~) Z.; SIMICIN, Eva Contributions to the relativistic study of electrcn polnar- ization. Studia Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 10 no.1:315-129 165. Now nwdwd Ow dw A~Wmdnadm of caldsm. -Widid %*.brm All't 161" (Wma-Pustor (Wooralch 1014. fiv Slant I'l. ".tty. Kido. Illolphtal S6. whilstwIt, --AIAW thr .401. affilmodAml. #two% mAl . ftfight tacrm 4 ArOll and a knuotru v&A. III molmuLso-l owilti, Alfri 4 bro. (titer aml litragr The va-CAJ6 Md" Alkytml liostl sol thr fill(Alf Itith XMI1416. 1. lliflily L 64492=�5 EAT(1) ACCESSION NRi AP501263T ."VOON16510 1 8/005/0908/09-1z- 535.233 AUTHORS: German, 0; qaboah,-Z. TITLE: On ttie thQrmal radiation p~r~'substances :,SOURCE: Optika I spektroakoptya, v. 18, no. 5, 1965, 908-911 TOPIC TAGS: thermal radiation, solid state, liquid state, electric field, refractive Index ABSTRACT: The authors present a theoretical analysis of the polariza-1,, tion of thermal radiation from hot solid and liquid bodies, Inasmuch as it turns out that this yields certain information on the physical properties of the substances. A general expression Is written, by using Fiestiel'a formulas for the components of the electric fteld of the beam emeriging from the surface of a hot metal, as functions of ,the componentis of the incoming beam.z The degree of polarization is determined by using the Stokes parameters. It is shcwn that the de- gree of polarIzation a complex manner on the angle of Card L 6448q-05 ACCESSION NR: AP5012630 ,refraction, On the material constants, and on the froquency. Tile 1 angle of refritotion is the angle of the emerging beam. Maximum polar-' ization Is when this angle is ir/2. It is thus shown that the refrac tive, Index of bodies can be.determined from the measureirent of the degree Of P01ELrization emitted at an angle of 900. Since there is dispersion, all measurements must be made in a narrow frequency in- terval, and in the oase of dielectrics it Is necessary to work with a continuous eipectrum. Orig. art. has., I figure and 14 formulas, 'ASSOCIMON: None SUBMITTED: lc.Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OF NR REP 8017: -COO OTHER., 003 T-- __7 Card 2/2 SADIK, O.Z.; GABOV, A.A. Readsr-Al coments on our periodical. Med. sestra 22 no.le63-64 Ja 1,53. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Zamestit-%P glav-nogo vracha Yarosla;rBkoy oblastnoy klinichttkoy bollnitay .. chlen rodaktsiomogo eoveta zhurnala "Meditsimskaya 3estra" (for Gabov). (MIRSES AND NURSIVIC-PERIODICALS) MYSLYAYEVA, A.V., kand. med. nauk; ZAKHVATKDIA, I.A.; SI&MLOV, S.L.; MDREM, I.D., dotsent; GEVADDIIJK, I.S., kand. mod. nauk; KU22,IETSOV, A.A., NIXOIAYEVA, G.V., prof.; SILAKOVA, V.V., dotsent; SFAMLYANP II.P.; FRIDMIN, dot-sent; GORBYLEV, M.K.; SIGAL, Ye.S.9 zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR;KHOLOPOVA, L.N.; G&~~V,-A.A.,__ LILEYEVj V.A.; I-DJUMVICII, Ya,Ae, band. med. nauk,- SILELEPIN, A.S.; SEMELEV, M.M.; PEVZIIF.R, G.I.; SIIAYEVj Yu.S. Abstracts. Sovet. med. 27 no.6:140-145 Je'63 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki wmtrennikh bolezney i patologiches- koy anatomii Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Mysl"vao Zdkhmtkina). 2. 1z Ilovozybkovskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy Bryanskoy oblasti ( for* Sverdlov)e 3e Iz kafedry normallnoy anatonii 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta ( for Andreyev). 4. Izlxafedry obahchey khirurg-ii i kafedry rentgenologii. Ch-alyabinakogo meditsinakogo instituta ( for Genadinnik,, Kuz- netsav). 5. Iz kafedry propedevticheskoy terapii Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo institute. ( for Nikolayeva,, Silakova). 6. Iz lovozerskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Marmanskoy oblasti ( for Shamlyan). 7. Iz kafedry Nbspitallnoy terapii Bashki-qjt .Ogo meditsinskogo instituta i terapefticheskogo otdoleniye &7 bollnilkey (fcr (Continued on next card) GAB(N.A.I., bulldozerist My erperience in bulldozer work. Avt. dor. 18 no-3:13-14 )fy-jg 155. (XLRA 8:9) (Balldozers) p F-93068 I FILCBCFSHYI~ V2GUAM DLiU%11..IS CV. "USUA, 12D- VO ZNAMYE, 1953. 38 P. (VShZUflJZlGYl; OBSI',Cli:-S'ivo PO 1..:~spllcsov~aumu CLI --.IC;- mj: I ":Aucluxim z1a"ay, 1953, SF-RIYA 2, NO. 12) B13LICGl~Jl,'YlfICiJ', FOCTNOTES. RUSSIA ACC NR: AP7012430 SOURCE CODE: UR/0075/66/021/009tllO7/1112 AUTHOR: Gabov, N. I.; Shafiyev, A. 1. Shaftev, A. I. ORG: Perm' State University Im. A. M. Gorvkiy (Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Chromatographic separation on paper of alkylphosphates and alkylphosphites SOURCE: Zhurnal analitichaskoy khinii, v. 21, no. 9, 1966# 1107-1112 TOPIC TAGSt paper chromatography, phosphoric acid, phosphorous acid SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRI%CT: The author's investigated solvenAsi'with'-the best separiatory capac- ity for paper chromatography of a mixture of alkyl esters of phosphoric and phosphorous acids, of the composition ROPG~H2, 002PO-tt-009, ROMA.# C~H. anel (RO)3PO. In each individual case, one of the following radi- (ROV cals served an alkyl groups: C C2H n and. n-C4119. Instead of, "31 V -C3H7J1 monoalkyl- and dialkylphosphoric acids and monoalkylphosphorous acids, the acid chloride were used,, vhich hydrolysed.vith,the water prgsent In the , solvent, into.. the. Orig. ait. hast 3 tables. fJPFSt 40,42g Card' . ... .. UDCs 543.544 9 3 2- 3 7 e* MurLFMEK, Yu.A.; GABOV, O.A.; YEGOROV, M.V. Testing the model of a ball mill. Obog. rud 6 no.5:39-42 161. (H3RA 15:1) 1. Urallskly zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (Crushing machinery--Models) MUYZEMM, Yu.A.; GABUV, O.A. Crusher for coarse crushing. Gor. z4ur no-4.54-57 Ap 163. (MIU 16:4) 1e Urallskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze? Sverdlovsk. (Crushing machinery) IIOVAKOVSKIY, v,M.; GABGV,-VM Hydrogen OvOrvoltage in presence of oxidizers. (Trudy] UNIKHIM no.9:52-58 161. (NMA 15:12) (Oxidktioni, Electrolytic) (Hydrogen ion concentratioD) W-BOV, yu,k,; SRHYKH, V.1,; MIMAYLOVA, Ye.K. Hatnium in zirooniums from granitolds in tne Zerena Massif. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR, Ser. geol. 22 no.4:65-68 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 1819) 1. Tgentrallno-Kazakhatanskoye geologichoskoye upravlaniye, g. Uraganda. ROM,'BLYUM, Yakov Shavellyevieb; MURAVIYEV, M.I., nauchryy red.; -GABOVA, D.M., red.; SHETSOVs S.V., tekhn. red. [The "Wit solo-stitching machine and the UW angle-nowing machine] Manhina SPR dlia pristrochki podoshv i ugloproahivaniia mashina UPM. Moskva Rostekhizdat, 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 15:6) IShoe machimry) GORSKOV, Vl!Ldimir Alekseyevich; LYULYUKMp V.F., retsenzent; ZINYUK9 M.N. j nauchrqy. red,; GABOVII DOMS F red.; SIIAMKOVA, TA. t tekhn, red. [Tec~mical standards and the organization of work I lass pro- duction (higb-quality glassware and glass co tainers) Tekhniche- skoe normirovanie i organizatsiia truda v stekollnom proizvodstva (sortovoi posudy i stekliannoi tary). Izd.2.., perer. i dop. Mo- skva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekbn. lit-ry RSFSRf 1961. 393 pe (Glassware-Production standards) (KIRA 24:9) MARAXIJSHNV, I'evgejiiy AleksayevIch; 0BLIZOV# Aleksandr Ivanovich; SAYIUMOVA, Irina Vasillyevna; GABOVA, D.M., red.; KOGAN, V.V., EPMZ class 202 sawing machine for stiching the sleeve into the armholej Kashina 202 klasse PMZ dlia vtachivaniia rukava v proi=. Moskra, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legicoi promyshl.. 1959. 75 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Sawing machines) ROZOV, Noram Lazarevich; KARPELI, Bafirl Donovna; GENIN, Illya Llvovich; UPKOV, LA., kand.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; GABOVA, D.H., red*; KNAKNIN, K.T., Cieft knit manufacture] Utochnoviazallnoe proizvodstvo. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959. 109 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Knit goods industry) FADE11M. Vnailiy Gavrilovich. kand.takhn.nank: SAVOSTITSKIT, A.V., retoonzent; VORONIN, G.M.. retoenzent; GABOVA, D,M,,, red,,- JQfAKNnI, M.T., [Methods for making glued seams in assembling clothing aeotions) Ketody kleevogo soedineniia detnlei shveinykh Isdalii. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn. :Lsd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959. 146 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Clothing industry) (Glue) MALTSHEVA, Hadozhda Ivanovna; BARYSMIKOV, Alskeqndr Vssillyevich; KOSMKOV, Nikolay Ivanovich; FOUN, P.D., nnuchny7 red. (deceased]; GABOVA D K., red.; M3DVKW, L.Ta.,; KNAKNIH, X.T., '~ -V(ikhn. red. " [Design and control of Cotton machines] Ustroistvo i regulirovanie kottonnykh mashin. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959. 221 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Knitting machines) POIIKGVg Vaailiy Ivanoviobt kand.tokhn.nauk; SERGIYEVI Vladimir Poliyenovicb; VORONINj, G.Meq retsenzent; NIKITINp V.M.y retsenzent; GABOVA, D.Kjj-red.; KNAININ, M.T., - -------- [Work organization at garment faetories] Organizataiia proiz- vodstva na shveinom prodpriiatii. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekbn.:Lit-Tyl 1960. 202 p. (MIU 14:6) (C:Lothing industrY) TRZTITAKOVA, Nina Takovlevns. Prinim9l uchgatiya FODIKAN, L.V. MCIDISTOVA, T.A., dotsent, kand.takhn.nouk, retsenzent; RUSAKOV, S.I.. dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, nsucluW red.; GILBOVA. D.&._yed.; KNAKNIN, M.T., LOuide for textiles used in clothing manufsc~ure (textile fibers; mechanical and chemical data on fibrous mateiials)) Katerialovede- nl.o ahvainogo proizvodstva. (Tekstillnye volokno; krntkais mekhani- cheskaia, i khimicheakaia tekhnologiin vololaiistykh materialov). MoBkva, Izd-vo nijuchno-takhn.lit-ry R:WSR, 1960. 2)l p. (MIRA 13:11) (Textile fibers) (Clothing Industrk) ABRAMOV, Sergey Alaksandrovich; GUSEV, V.P., retsenzent; GABOVA,. D.M., red.; KUFTINA, R.K.0 tekhn. red. --- (Equipment and technology for the steam setting of capron hosiery]Oborudovanie i tekhnologiia zoparivaniia kapronovykh chulok. Moskva 0 Rostakhizdatp 1962. 140 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Hosiery, Nylon) (Textile machinery) SMIRNOV, Leonid Stepanovich; TRUKHAN, Gennadiy Lukich; VINCH, Lidiya Vladimirovnal DUBININA, Ollga AleksaysYnal KOBLYAKOVA, 11 1 . Ye.B., kand. tekhn.nauk, dota., retsenzentl GA-BOVA. D.M.. . - "ALdw red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red, - -. 17V [Pattern design for knit goods]Konstruirovanie trikotashayO. izdelii. Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 187 p, (MIRA 16:3) (Knit goods) (Dreemnaking-Pattern design) MDKINp Moioey Samuylovich; SVIIN, Solomon Khononovich; LIPKOV, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; XISLYUKp I.V., kand. tekhn. naukp retoenzent; GABOVA, D.H.p red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekbn. red. -it (Circular knitting machines for knitted cuterwear]Kruglo- viaznl'rWe mashiry verkhnego trikotazha. Moskva, Rostekh- izdatp 1962. 307 Pe (MIRA 15:10) (Knitting machines) KOZLOV, ~aailij Petrovichj OBLEZOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; KOKETKIN, Petr Petrovichl LUDYA, _R~M.j, red.; BATYRETA, G.G.,, tekhn. red. [Semiautomatic PMZ Glass 220 zigzag sewing machine for bar tacks] Zakrepochnyi poluavtorrat 220 klassa PMZ. Moskva., Gizlegpror., 1963. 51 P. (IURA 17:1) KOGAN, lAiv Paysakhovich; SDUN, S.Kh., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; GABOVA, D.M., red.; ZOLOTAREVA, I.Z., tekhn. reid. (4-rcular knitting machine KT-1] Kruglotrikotazhnaia ma- shina KT-1. Moskyap Gizlegprom. 1963. 87 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Knitting machines) POTEMKIN, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich; SHORIN, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; qA~PV#., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Development and improvement of warp-knitting machines] Razvitie i uaoverahenstvovanie osnovovyazallnykh mashin. Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1963. 98 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Knitting machines) TAZOVA, Fadozhdn Afanafliyevna; GABOVA),_P!M,,p red*j BATYREVA, G.G,f- tekhn. red. (Handvoven filet lace and filet guipurq embroidery) Ruchnoe fileinoe pletenie i fileino-gipiurnaia Aryshivka. 2. izd., perer. i dop. Moskva., Gizlegprom., 1963. 158 p. (MIRA 17:2) SIEIN, Solomon Khonovich; MIRKIP, Moisey Samoylovich; STELIBOrE, P.S., retsenzent; GABOVA, D.M., red.; VINOGRADDVA, G.I., tekhn. red. [Multisystem circular interlock knitting machines) Mnogo- sistemnye kruglovinzallpye mashiny Interlok. Moskva, Giz- legprom, 2963. 268 p. (MIRA 17:1) SAVVATEYEVA, Zinaida Vladimiroyna. Prinimal uohastiye PLUNGYAN, T.M., kand. takhn.naukj FLEROVA, L.N., kand. takhn. nauk, retsenzent; GOLIDEIERG, N.V., prep. takhnikuma, reteenzent; TIMONINA, YO.P., prep. tekhnikuna, retsenzent; ABOVA. D.K. red.; BATYREVA, G.G., takhn. red,- [Techn4logy of the manufacture of knit clothing] Tekhnologiia trikotazhno-shveinogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Gizlepgrom, 1963. 430 P. (MIRA 160 1. Ivant4wevskiy trikotazhnyy tekhnikum (for Flerova). (Knit goods industry) PLUNG) AN, ':at.lyarvi Nlavk~)vva; ZZ4C-J:Z;JKfY , A.K., tIALOVA, D.M., red. (Convoyorization or opersitions in knit f~r)ods manufacturel Konvelerizatsila prol-se.3.1ov v ty. I ko U, '~' III,)!% - rol'."vudolve. Mool-va. Legkala lriduvtrll~ij 1.9(4. '1 1~10 p. (VPA -1711.0) GALANINA, 011ga Dmitriyevna; YITWELENBOGEN, Abram Moiseyevich; ROIWOVA, L.A., retsenzent; LYAKHOVETS, M.S., retsenzent; GABQVA,-D-X-,- red. [WDrking principles, operation and maintenance of warp- knitting machines) Ustroistvo, rabota i obaluzhivanie os- nawoviazallnykh mashin. Moskva, "Legkaia industriia," 1954. 276 p. (MIRA 17:10) KOLESNIKOV, Petr Alekseyevlchl 12VESTIYEVA, A.Ya., retsenzent.; GAWVA, D.M., red. [Boat insulating properties of clothing] Teplozashchitrye svoistva odezhdy. Mosk-va, Legkaia Industriiap 1965. 345 p. (MIRA 18:4) BAZUNOV, Undimir Ivanovich; KOBYI,YANSKIY, D.A.,, retsenmmt, RYNNIKOVA, A.M., retsenzent; BEL/OKONKOVA, II.A,, ret.-enzent; MINL7LIJA. V,T-. rptsement: ll()D"YW;5J!GFTKr)VA. K.K,, retsenzent, . GABOVA, D.M., red. [Study of materia2a used In the clothinr industry) -!ate- rialovedenie shveinogo proizvodstva. Mo,,kva, Leg-knift lln- dustriia, 1964. 374 p. (MIRA 18:4) IOFFE, Iosif Grigorlyev-ich; MOVEDEV, F.F., retsenzent; 27JBA~,EVA, M.I.1, retsenzentj red. (Organization and planning of knit goods production) Orga- nizataiia i planirovanie trikotazhnogo (viazallnogo) proiz- vodetva. Moskva. Legkaia inductriia.. 1965. 237 p. (MIRA 18-- 5) SINYAKOV, Alaksandr Borisovich; ANTIPOVA,Aniaiya Ivanovna; KKOLSEVA, Nina Nikolayevna; AVERIULNOVA) T.N., inzb.j, retijenzent. VIDANOVA.. R.I... prepodav., retsenzent, GUR"YANOVAY Nel., prepodav., retsenzent; DATNER, M.G., inzli., retsenzentj KARASEV, V.K.) kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.,-. GAbOVA,,.,D-jM!,~'..,red. (To,.-hnology of clothing manufacturel, Tekhnologiia sh-vei- nog-D proizvodetya. Moskvap Legkaia industriia,, 1965. 409 Po (MIRA 18:7) GOLIDANSKrY, 1~racheslav Iosifovich; ASTAKHOVA, Valentina Grigorlyevnap zburnaJist; GABOVA, K.K.p red. [Minicles of transmutation] Chude-a skva., Znanieg 1964. 31 p. (Novoe nike. XII Seriia: Estestvoznanie i 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for prevrashcbenii. Mo- v zhizni,, nauke, tekh- religiia, no.9) (MIRA 17:11) Golldanskiy). NEGOVSKIY, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, laurcat GosudorqtV6rnOV LrPrlti prof.;.GABOVA, K.K., red. (From dbAh-to life] Ot smorti k zhizni. Maskvap 11-Onnniep" 1964. 39 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauko2 tekliniKe. XII Serila: 1j'otestvoznanie i religlia, no.4) (mim 1,1:0 TP'.-YILOV, Boris Aleksar-drovich, kard. oial. n-siuk; fj.'ist',V,n, K.K., nad. (Bones of a dra on] Kosti drakona. Noskva, Jzd-vo "';-nanJi-I 19EV,. 45 P. (lio oe v nhimi, nauke, tekhnike. XII ::oriia: Eatostvomanio I religila, 1,'),5) 0:11ZA D-6) GABOVA, K.K., red. (Science penetrates into the unkno-.m) Nauka v-torgaetsia v neizvedannoe. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 47 p. (Novoe v 7-hizni, nauke., tekhnike. XII Seriia: Estestvoznanie i re- liE:iia, no.2) (IIIRA 17:6) AKIMUSHKIN, :~'gorl Ivanovich; GABOVA, K.K., red. [Discovery of the "sixth sense"] Otkrytle "shestogo chimstva." Moskva., lzd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 55 p. (Novoe v zhizni$ nauki- .. tekhnike. XII Seriia: Estestvoznania i relAgila, no,l) (MIRA 17:6) '~.K., red, [ rG~jc .!I, is t I~v a nd th-j Se c r,,, 4. c, f 11 '*f- -;' "': ~~ ', Irl ;-% I - n -- '7Y " ! 1~ ,~ ; zhimi; sborn-lk stritel. I 40 1~- (Ncov,-,e v zhi zn, , rr ukp, tal-laii ka. XT 1 ::~,r * !a' EStE!st,,,,ozrlftllie I ri-;liula"q, no.12 ,) ('Y r;,., I ~',- , ) NERING, Tat'-ana Aleksandrovna; GABOVA, K.K,.% red. Y ~ " ~ [The brain and psychology] Mozg i psikhlka. Moskva, Izd- vo "Znanie," 1965. 45 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Estestvoznanie i religiiap no-4) (MIRA 18:4) KUNYANTS, ]van Lyvdvigovich, akitclemi?: A-STAKFoW, Va~en~.ina Grfgorlyevna; GQ2-VAI K '.! red. .j.L [Clisil'ienge to a great w--cretj Vyzov volikr,4 taine. Mc-- sk,ra, Tzd-vo "Ynnnie," 19C,5. 4? c. (Novoe v zliizTii-, nalike, takhnJke. XIT Serl!a: Este stvozriAn' e i re'..igiia, nc,. 0 NESTRUKH Mikhail Fedorovicb . -.. - .., , doktor biol. nauk; Natallya Mikhay1cvna; GABOVA,_~.4,,,, red. (From the higher animals to rvinj Ot. vynAilkh zhivotilykii k cheloveku. Moskva,, lzd-vo I'Znwila '," 1965. 47 p. (No- N*oe v zhizniInauke, tekhniko. XII SeriJa. F.9testvomanie J religiia, 110.7) (XIld, 18-.7) The Effect of ErrAronment :in tha Extreme North on Newborn Infantse M. V. Gabova. (Pediatriya) 46-47, No. 3., May-June, 19-Qj. made at a settlement in the extreme north of Russia on 365 newborn infants (161 males and 184 females) to determine whether the climatic conditions and the diet of the mother, consisting largely of tinned foods, affected the development of the foetus or of the child up to 6 months of age. In the dentifieg area of the settlement winter lasts for about 8 to 9 months, and strong., ~,~ting winds and tempera- tures of -500C. are common. The pregnant women lived in wooden houses and had an abundance of titmed foods,, supplemented at certain seasons by fresh foods such as reindeer meat,, I!ishj, potatoes.. and berries. Vitamins were provided in dragee fom daily, The followirq were among the most interesting findings. (1) When the mother had been in the extreme morth for less than one year the average birth weight was 224 to 246 g. lower than under normal conditions. (2) The average birth weight of children whose mothers had been in the extreme north for 2 to 3 years was 3,444 g. for boys and 3,380 g. for girls, these figures being higher than those for children born of indigenous mothers by 101 g. and 127 g. respectively. (3) The average birth weight of children whose mothers had been in the extreme north for 4 years or more was 3,780 g. for boys and 3.,500 g. for girlss exceeding figures for children born in the more temperate region of the Urals by 437 g. and 242 g. respectively. (4) The number of premature births was slightly below the average, and in almost every case the mother had been in the extreme north for less than 12 months. (5) Of 75 infants born to mothers who had been in the north for 4 years or more,, none (1ied during the first 6 months of life, and of those born to mothers who had been residont 2 to 3 years, only 1.3% died - a lower mortality than the average. Edward D. Fox SO: ABSTRACTS OF WORLD MEDICINE, Vol. 16 No. 6 STREURV I.V.; MORGOOVAj E.14.1 GABON Ye#L. Study of the synthesis of calcium hypophosphite solutions. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no-5:953-963 MY 163. (MIRA 16s8) 1. Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimicheskiy institut. (Calcium hypophosphite) STRIOHNEV, I.V.; MORGUNOVA, E.M,; GABOVA,,Y-a,.L. "- , Production of sodium hypophosphite from yellow phosphorus and caustic soda In the prosence of barium hydroxide. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.9tl873-1882 D.163. (MIRA 17:1) GAE1OVA , Ye. N. Observations on bloodsucking insects and thoir daily activity In the Komi A.S.S.R. Trudy Komi fil. AN S,-Z11 no.9:92-95 '60. (W.'a 15:1) (KOMI A.S.S.H.-DIPTEM) (INSECTS, INJMUOUS AND BFIIEFICIAL) Cri'J"NAY Ye.11. The anophele.4 Jn the vicinity of the cit.-,r of Syktyvkar. Izv. Komi. fil. Geog. ob--va SSSR no.8-.84-87 163. (MIRil 17:6) m,arYMIKO, Vera Antunovna; GABOVA, Z., red. ............. (Medicinal plants of the Komi A.S.S.R.] Lekaratvannye raste- niia Komi ASSR. Syktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-vo, 19"1. 42 p. (MIRA 18:4) Nam: GABOVCHIK,, PLTR Dissertation: Investigation of phenomena in the output resonator gap of a klystron Degree: Cand. Tvch Sci r- eiwog .6 0 r AC44itwoftn: Min Higher Education,, Leningrad Electratechnical Inst imeni V. 1. Ul'yallov (Lenin) pm,d.i- t e- 14 rl vit Se"Pu0saftle, Place: 1956, Leningrad Source: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 4, 1957 GZWICII, A. A. GABIVICII, A. A. -- "The Experimental Verificati-m -)f U a Basic Equations (.)f Currant in Oscilligrapfic PolarnGrraphy. 11 Mdn lliv~er Fducation LISSR. K)scow Irdar of ianin State U im5ni h. V. lj~mnnosw. Chards- try Ftculty. 1-~-.scw, 1955. (Dis3ertatinn for tl~e3 Degr:-a -.f Candidate in Chemical Sciences) '3'): Knizhnaya Letapis', 1b 1, 1956, op 102-122, 124 Category: USSR/Fitting Out of Laboratories-Instruments, Their Theory, H. Construction and Use. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Rhimiya, no 9. 1957) 31171 Author _Gqla~ ~. Inst Kishinev Agricultural Institute Title Pulsed Oscillographic Polarograph with Trigonal Voltage Scanaing and Its Utilization. Crig Pub: Tr. Kishinevsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 19,;z6, 9, 143-172 Abstract: The polarograph can be utilized for qualitative and quantitative analysis of solutions of up to 10-s-M, and for the study of kine- tics of electrode processes. Direct proportionality has been as- certained between magnitude of maximum current and concentration of solution undergoing reduction, in the case of millimolar con- centrations of ions: T1, Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe, Zn, Co, Ni, Cr. Card 1/1 -25- AUTHORS: Gabovich, A.A., and Samus', I.D. 3-58-2-18133 TITLE: An Apparatus for laboratory Work in Acoustics (Ustanovka dlya laboratornykh zanyatiy po akustike) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, #2t pp. 71-72 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The kafedra fiziki (Chair of Physics of the Kishinev Agri- cultural Institute) has designed an apparatus for exercises in acoustics at the Mechanization Faculty. The device consists of a sound generator ZG-10 with a telephone as a source of sound and a piezo-electrical microphone with the electronic oscillograph EO-7 as an indicator of antinodes and nodes. The sound generator conveys to the telephone a certain current of the audio frequency. The measuring of the length of a standing and a running wave is made by taking the difference of 2 readings on the small table. The device can also be successfully used for lecture demon- strations with standing sound waves. There is 1 photo and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy.institut imeni M.V.Frunze (Kishinev Agricultural Institute im.M.V.Fr=ze) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Gabovic 3-8-16/34 T*.'TLE: New Equipment for Practical Training in Electricity in the Study of Physics (Novaya apparatura v fizicheskom praktikume po elektrichestvu) FERIODICALt Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, # 8, pp 69-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT% During recent years the Chair of Physics of the Kishinev Agricultural Institute has developed its own methods for conducting practical training in electricity at the Faculty of Mechanization. A number of devices has been manufactured with students' assistance enabling better utilization of new equipment and measuring apparatus. Special attention was paid to bridge, potentiometric and magnetic measurings, electronic devices, oscillations and waves. The section of bridge measuring is, in practical trainingp represented by d.c. bridges for small and medium resistances, and also by a.c. bridges for measuring the resistance of electrolytes, capacitances and inductances. The article deals with the bridges of Thomson, Kohlrausch, Card 1/2 Soty and Maxwell, and indicates how they are assembled. 3-8-16/34 New Equipment for Practical Training in Electricity in the Study of Phy8icB It describes the work in potentiometric and magnetic measuring, and the application of electronic devices as well as the study of the kenotron rectifier. The section in oscillations and waves includes training in ascertaining electromagnetic waves, studying the principles of radio communication electronic oscillographs and the assembly of radio receivers. The study of radiocommunication is not carried out with the complicated factory sets as recommended in K.P.Yakovlev's book "Practical Training in Physics" but by means of a specially constructed device (Figure 1). The study of electronic oscillographs is also conducted on a special training device without amplifiers, (Figure 2). The article contains 2 figures and 1 Russian reference. LSSOCIATION: The Kishinev Agricultural, Institute imeni M.V.Frunze (Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni M.V.Frunze) LVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 GABCYVICH, A.A., kand.khim.nauk Quantitative oscillographic polarography of copper, lead, zinev and manganese ions. Trudy Kish.sellkhoz.inst. 26tlO3-116 '62. (KRA 16: 5) (Metals-Analysis) (Polarography) GABOVICH, A.A., kand.khim.nauk Oscillographic reversibility of manganepe, zinc, cobalt, nickel, and chromium ions. Trudy Kish.sellkhoutinst. 26417-121 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Metals--Analysis) (Polarography) GABOVICH, A.A. 11 ~and.khim.nauk; EDIGER, V.G. -.-ONSIM" - Oscillographic pol"ograph with a single and multiple saw-*thed voltage sweep. Trudy Kish.sellkhoz.inst. 26:123-133 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Polarograph) V -"If Catogory: USSR / Ph/olcal Cherdstry - Elodtroehemistry P-12 Abs Jour: Feferat ?-qur-Rhimiya, No qj 19.57) 30147 Author :.-Gabovich A. M. Inst : Eishin~v Agricultural Institute T.1 U : Conceniing the Effect of Some Surface-Active Substances cr. Current Fcaks In Oscillographic Polarography. Cxntuii cation 2. Orig Pub: Tr. Kinhinevsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, 9, 173-176 Abstract: Height of the -Deak of cd"~ (6 . 10_'~M) with a background of 1 11 FCI decreases with ineresse of concentraticn of surface active i'm (1), n.-C 11jr,11 (II), ri-c 11 " on (III) substance (SAS) n-Cj , 'V ' 1. Peak inhibition increezes with increaue of molec-ilar weight of SAS. With a 14 .43 - 10 -1, 14 concentration c.f I!, cr 8.67 - 10 ` M ccncentrati,~n of III, the peak is inhibited completely and the or,cillograrr becomes of the form of a conventional polarographic wave. With eaual concentraticns cf II nnd III the peak is inhi- bited atcut three times as imch Icy ar a~ldi-r,"Lsr. of 7-11 than by the addition of II; this indicates that the rate cf 5AS feed that in- duces peak inhibition is determined by the process of adsorption - desorption of SAS and not be diffusien cf the latter. Card 1/1 -15- *GVICH, A..M. Problem of amperometric titration by means of an oacillographic polarograph. Trudy Kish.sel'khoz.inst. 26:89-94 162* (MIRA 1635) (Polarography) (Conductometric analysis) GABOVI,'H, T.A. Characteristics of the formation and distribution of underground waters in the northeastern area of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Mat. po geol. i pol. iskop. Sev*-Vost. Evrop. chasti SSSR. no.2:74,81 162. (MM .15:11) (Russiap Northern-Water, Underground) I I . .son" prooomme M dia&arge "! z: ra tall 1 N. 1). Monu uus and 31, r- 9 - VIAZI so I'm 8s Im T A& U 1t 00 . . .. . . .. . i -The effecu of feeding tension, P-Irr. ar"I wall 90 rifects (M thp Illachur pol"llal of liql7it"Inn Rt ilitil-11 anlilmml i 1 l h 00 . "Wil px vu aye laar" g I k In found tonly wbmr a negative. Charge 4-All Smulnulate on the %416. mW the pvak dirniniollem with incressing pressure. L. J. J. 0:J1 .00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 :re 0 *TOO - Do 0 0 ***so* so** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Va' o ~ge ~ ~ 0 vg~ It It is 1. " T-W 6 0 0, 4 0 SA tc M 11 Al IN me"wy fall"" m 1). MICRA" V .; 4 m J, 9 l. A Itt imi k / I , ( t, . . ' l . Y it z o: o 00 of Ile 00 1 5 so* -40 of 00 of too AA 6 tW 0 FI, tp it OF of w 1 0" o 0 410 * & 0 0 4, a 0 00 V 04 000 0 US"'R/Ph,"Sics Electrons - Emisaion Cathodes, Oxide '5 Dec 1946 "Electron Emissions of' an Oxide Thermocathode in an Impulse System," N. D. Morgulis, M. D. Gabovish, 4 pp "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XV`I, No 10 This article discusses some experiiiiental da"a characteristic of electron emissions znd effect. Shot effect for oxide thermocathodes during excitation of the tested tubes appe;-red as charge iinpulses of short duration. Submitted at the Kiev Brknch of the institute Of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSI~-` PA-26T95 u ' V Ab4w Via W w V ; " ; : ; ;, ; ; ; Tj Is I$ ; " - I ~ l - 0 u A . C P I 0 ui - ~ 09 a Retimead iotaltion amd s"osdary sualsitiou from a usphite In nw.w M 1) Gaimmich Topm -00 . . . . y Jlb It% S R ) Ita S IA21-911[40) cf C A 34 . . . . . ~ r~ . ; , M.194I.-Girephile In Ifit val"W'k klrvth,l, sn,wn- W hit" lmq,4 14'C's -^,m,latr citsil'i .... ... Wit I,q i-4- 00 %"t`aO4b`k%M1 IbAn OW Ciftil 9194-h$ft "I#IA,r 11w spr4 4 _9411 4 the rIqxt1kwk mv""I with Ott. fijtkdeVT.aca .11h tesup, 00 and with ,he si~ .4 tb~tarkml trettatent :Stich Win- -64, favor the sppmtamvo(rrvet%rdiSni1i4m. Tbr-mon,Urv- i W ff ( hi If i f 4 z etn il m cive . it 4w te du% pute grap irraw enerp % the twilet 4.1 R, (Unlow 400 ~00 Cos age 360 j.1 zoo I L A ACTAMOW44 LITIRASU41 "ASSOKAT44 9 'T Ilaw i~v;jswo ago, O is 0MV oil *Okla i ~ 0g u It IV 00 a a 19 a OR Iiu AA I I Md 0 Or so 5 A a 3 9 0 is 0 0 0 age *1 0 6 go 0 * * * 0 0 & 0 *_P_ 9 9 0 0 4 000 .1 Os 0 -.0 90000 99099496 -d *~-, 0 0 It 11 a u w 6 u 0 It It a 0 , ! 0 11 1 1 L A--A-A- P.-A. -4 r f Ito -00 00 A f7 /9 IT 3 00, - -00 we It -90 so a .00 00 1 ~9* W7. UNWO of 400M 60OW 6p ft dNew bw %m4 mom Of "m dweL 04 hLJ3.~~J. re& Pftv. USSR, 31 (W 3) oet , got ! A sweed is *4m of cdmhft do Owd boob 00 4 ~~ , of do kr^ *4 sw as tw W~ Ad -00 000 ham tw NOWW r"hw am ft tk 400 004 hM4m A is 0"" of Samoa of - dblmmp~ bow 00 "%OV6 Fm dw con in - n t goo sea ol , .. g Gdd boom il *Mcb *wo hr suo Sao Sol krA and mcnam. an OPPOL Whowe b Om% -0 Sao* who dw swe ofdwtmm at Ow I== is wt > 1 Owle on ksvft dw New J. C L APPONM goo see Sao goo 4 Igo* - ----- --- - - _ W061) .7T S41484 41f ON. 44, OL411061 ms;.11 *a W.. all a ~t it 4 a Af 7 u #A I I a w 6 d a I IN N 9 A 0 3 1 V 1 JIG I 0 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 IP 0 o a a 0 0 a 0 0 41 w -10 -a0 l 0 a a 0 0 FD-3184 ussR/Physics ChargedParticles Card 1/1 Pub. 153-14/21 Author : Gabovich.. M. D. Title : On some xules of spreading of intensive beams of charged particles Periodical: Zhur. teM. fiz., 25, No 8 (August), 1955, 1458-1461 Abstract : It is knc)vn that the spreading of a beam of circular cross section under the action of a space charge differs from the spreading of a beam of rec- tangular cross section. The author investigates one previously undiscussed difference and derives formulas for the current density limit in beams aris- ing as a consequence of the spreading effect. He restricts the discussion to beam which are much longer than their radii, and whose particles have a velocity much less than that of light. Submitted : January :22) 1955 ICIQ A EC -tr-MI2 'i CT OF VOLUME CHARGES DURING Tiff DIF FILITC-N OF tll'I'ENSX DICANS OF CHARGED PARTICL ruxtated from 0-p5.khl Fit, s~tuk Eb. ~Iunr barge oa m, 1-11- -1 lwerusc tvimis ul chal ted Pdrucled Lee r-i-~ .-i -Ila"cd f.r L~. Pun - of indicattaC phia"s wbLicb reTIre pert nealAtlan and wlctel~ t6bory The dilfu&lio o! -i undc r thir effee! (if the!r own ~m4uaw chxrig~, il In"t cc b-~3 -n formatton. reelrtctl- of rvrr~,.ii ;r. t-..- 2 m n .w ~Iiimc ~tllrjjvi noutralintior by ~Pvi-i;viy rt-'JF"~e- psr% ritit are n"iddred. Hathemailical I.- part! tit t~%m strvrture and foc~dtng, ti,4 diff-r-, J;01 A C /V/ USSR/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. c-2 Met:iods of Measurement and Research. AbsJour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8520 Author : Gabovich, M.D., Fedorue, Z.F. Inst Title Source of Protons with Thermal Dissociation of Hydrogen Molecules. Orig Pub Ukr. fiz. 2h., 1956, 1, No 2, 156-169. Abstract It is shown that it is possible to increase considerably the yield of atomary ions (UP to 85%) in ionic sources by using the thermal dissociation Of H2 in the discharge chamber of the source. In the source developed in this investigation, the discharge takes place in a metal cham- ber heated to 25000 K and results from the energy libers.- ted during the discharge process. It is shown that in- creasing the yield of atomary ions causes the thermal dissociation of the H2 molecules. I Card 1/1 pz'~ - ----- _~) _PT USSR/Nuclear Physics - Instruments and Installations C-2 KetJ:iods of Measurement and Investiption. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958) 257 Author : Gabovich, M.D. Inat : Institute of Physics, AcadwW of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Title : Mass Analyzer for Continuous Observation of the Composi- tion of an Ion Beam. Orig Pub : Probory i dekha. eksperimenta, 1956, No 2, 88-89 Abstract : Deucription of a practically inertia-less mass analyzer, which permits continuous observation of the composition of an ion beam. The instrument employs the method of se- leation by masses, known under the -a of "the method of compensated fields." Out of a beam of ions, leaving the ion source in a space with crossed electric and ma- gnetic fields, the only ions that can reach the collector Card 1/2 GABOVICH, M. D "Probe 76--asurements of J?arameters of a Plasma Located in a V Magnetic Field," by M. D. Gabovich, Tr. In-ta Fiziki AN UkSSR (TWorks of the Instii-ule of 'Physics'of the Academy of Sciences UkSSR) 1956, No 7, pp 44-49 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Fi- zika, No 10, Oct 56, Abstract No 2919 "Experimental results with a ferromagnetic probe (steel ball of 2 mm. diameter) are described. The tests were made to find the causes of distortion of probe characteristics in a magnetic field. Measurements were made with a cold probe and with a probe at a temperature above the Curie'point. At various orders of discharge in a magnetic field up to 500 oersted the ion parts of probe characteristics coincide In the mag- netic and nonmagnetic states, while the electronic ones differ, but al- ways by less than twice. The relative difference in electronic currents of saturation passes through a maximum with the rising discharge current. The author suggests that with magnetic fields used in the experiments the causes of distortion are connected to the so called d-effect. How- ever, this effect is not sufficient to explain the distortions." SUM. 1287 WIRML T EKINIC FX5rKGI F1 ZI KJ Journal of Technical Fhysics Vol XXVI , N o - 5, may, 19 56 /OF S' r'.ir - 0 NIGH. M~ D. PenetratinIZ Plas-ma and its Relation With th- Y'rimary Focussing of tlie Ionic Beart. The parameters are deterinined of a i)1~111M* which penetrates throu-h an exit hole of a protc-ri soul-r-p- for ;a lascharge in hydrol-ven and also the spatial distribution of the indivichial parameters. In another paper (which is in The process of publication) the penetrating is investigated for a di--harge in mrzury vapours under fav:D,,ralbie me-ueri-V conditions; it is show-i in that paper tr,-3t *.he potential gradient may reach very high v-alue8 of abcnut cO V/C,-,. A sketch of the ion source used in thE! J--.:cribed tests is 1 . The val t-ar,-, shown in Fig. 1: p. 997 observed on dr~-,wiV, &.way the ik.~njc 1-- .7, f? :~,-I; M e 15 explaine2d by a t harige -1i" the 44K,il--L Lline penetraving pla~;-va.- -1he author.$_ pont- out.---Mat- zre - -svizEment-- -by-id-stimam.,,& . 7 - - '_i Fenetrating Plasm ana its Relation With the Primary Focussing of the Ionic Beam and Douves Dekker (Fialca. 16., 1,08, 1950) of the dra,.m ionic current being limited by the space charge is not at all sabstantiatede GABOVICII, M.D.; YERMOLOVIGH, Yu.B. ONEWWONEWMEOW On the radial distribution of the concentration of charged particles in a magnetic Ion source. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 2 no.2:165-174 Ap-Je 157. (KUtA 10:6) 1. Institut fi2iki Akademii nauk URSR. (Ion beams) (Magnetic fields) ~T7 AUTHORt GABOVICH,M.D., KUCHBRENKUV,.-,,T. PA - 2126 TITLE: Investigation of the penetrating plasma on the occasion of a discharge in mercury vapors (Isslyedovaniye pronikayushchey plazmy pri razrjade v rtutnykh parakh. Russian). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. ~~iz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 2, pp 299 - 308 (U-S.S.R.) Receivedt 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRLCTt On the occasion of the forming of an ion bundle the source of which is a discharge plasm there is a transition domain in which transition from the chaotic motion of ions to a directioned motion takes place. It was the iask of this paper to investigate this transition domain, attention being confined solely to the dis- charge in mercury vapors. At first the device is described with the aid of which experiments were carried out. An illustration of this device is attached. Preliminary experiments, which were carried out with the help of another device, showed that when shifting the probe from the domain in which the discharge occurs into the domain to be investigated he characteristics of the probe retain their normal aspect. th!se characteristics are shown in form of a diagram. A further diagram shows the axial distribution of the characteristics of the plasmas obtained if the negative potential is lacking. An approximated equation for this distribution is given. The following diagrams show an analogous 2 Card 1/3 distribution of characteristics for the discharge current of 90 A/cm PA - 2126 Investigation of the penetrating plasm on the occasion of a discharge in mercury vapors. and the spatial distribution of the characteristics of the pene- trating plasma for a discharge current of 20 K/cm2 and 90 A/CM2. Furthermore, the influence exercised by the field on the con- figuration and extent of the penetrating plasmas was investigated. Experiments were carried out while at the same time the electric and magnetic fields exercised their influence. It was found that the temperature of the electron gas in the penetrating plasma diminishes considerably with a growing distance from the output opening. The gradient of the potential within the domain of the penetrating plasma is considerably higher (by several volts per cm) than in the dis- charge itself and it is directioned in such a manner that the ions are accelerated. The chaotic wall-flow of the ions emerging through the outlet opening is subjected to the influence of a highly ac- celerated field and is transformed into a flow with a predominant direction. From an equation derived it may be seen that the minimum amount of the potential within range of the outlet opening cor- responds to the amount of the energy which the ions have in the transition zone near the negative probe. As long as the boundary of the penetrating plasma does not advance into the depth of the Card 2/,3 discharge, the entire ion flux passing through the opening is