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FUKAREK, Vera. Major mr. ph.
Methods of histamine determination for clinical purposes.
Voj. san. pregl., Beogr. 13 no.9-10#.468-470 Sept-Oct 56.
(HISTAMINE, determ.
technics (Ser))
00 its 00000000000 0
Oi!T0,10.011tell's 11 Qum& 0
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A L, -1-1- k ML
)!v.p*hq*t I.) r. I.qo
.00 The Lacrous of yield tM ~.mductioa of si&fcb ircm '00
so. Ok, Alukias. ChOm. ZtvjJi 1, 173 7(1917j. 1*0
m.ty 14 :1 It%* (it %tafCb in JWYI[Atiit~ "intg
.90 't%ey*kicunbcincrr4wdift)~%brokitj
A11Vf OW finj CILI. Are Imaled with 2)'- NAOIJ to
0 1- It-lught U1, fit 7.4 W KA). %I;,%.
's .00
so we*
ce 0
fte 0
ma"ill 'A a- All
.1. C_ a
u 99 PO 41 It 5 Aja 3 0 0
!a of UP (V It 1w Og It of It a n: it fir -UO a f I" JR4i
:~* 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 9 * * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'S 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 a 0 so 0 9_9~0_0 * e 0 0--4t * 0 0 009 0 * :1
BI'-'.NZKA, Jozef, doe. inz*;FUKAS, Gustav, Inz.
Mod-If ~.f!u Lion of mou"whoucs. Pt.5..Ghem zvest-A 18 no.2-.109-116
1. Department of Organic Technology, Slovak Higher School of
Technology, Bratislava, Kollarovo nairesti 2.
"Economic Engineers", P. 3, (TECHNICKE NOVINY, Vol. 1, No. 17/18, Dec.
1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
SOj Monthly List of East European Accessions, (UAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12#
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
"EducatLon of technl(-ians toward econoi*c thinkiniz, p.1" ZA 3(,)C--,ALI::TTCKOT:
VEDU A TECHINIKU.Vol.3, no.1, Jan 1953. Cziachrslovakia.
SO: Vvnthly List of Ea--t European Acc,-ssions, -L-C., V01.3, TIO-5, ?4,aY 1953
-FUKATO, J-..- Nc~rm-allii~~Vo-1-4.-14-o-.-I:,--jan-1955-------
Tasks of Czechoslovak technical standardization in the present year. p.1
SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, Ma. W. Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl.
L EVIT(.n)A'IIP(k)/~WA(d)/%*P(t)/F-VJP(b% Pf-4 - -A W-SSD/ASD(m)-r3/-__:_'_---~
CT 0~
oi~ ii -4
CCES5 OX 11R; IP:500158T Z/0031/64/OWM2/O8P1/OFJ8$
AUTHOR: (11-ngineerp Candidate-of sciencen); Vac*, T. (Exigincer)
i bqplosivas and their-iffeat!'U"talosive- metal forming
somd'.: Silrojiren*A rAvbar' V* 32P no Igo 1901 s 881-885
-TOPXC-~TWS-li--exgooivo'forminoi, .-Metal
imjPaqt wavop, impact Mpaptionp, sent= I wqAonlva
ABSMAGT:- -Some. fundamentals:-of- the x exploolve- forming. of metals lwiefly-reviewe&* -
It ~S shomi that the detoneLtIou rate, the,most important ebaraoteriatic of exTlosiveil,
varies-grelitly _dej=dbS -on-the-
density, homogeneity, shape, anct size of the charge and. the conditions of detonati=
(see Mg.1 of the Enclosure). Therefore,, a sjrcial metal forming eiqi1oaivej, Scmtex 1j.
bas been dnweloped. TUs cwAosive detw4ites ixt a constant rate in all charge- sizes
from 2 = up. It is dompletely vaterpmwf and can be shaped in my form Its charac-
teriaticsAres - heat of -expb)Ajoa-wn9O ~kcallkg, gda Specific Vaumt--O i5 a-1/k.-,
detonation ;~;e-7600 M/sec, ~ -and donsity-1.40, - g/wO. The duz-ation ctf ;he impact
.mve ia one hundred thousandth to one thousandth of a second. The 1xitensitY of impact
vaves de-Meada on the medigm. In uhich it pxopqAtes. GeneraUy. the exeater the ecoud-
_111__~-~_- -1 1, 7
L 2185645~
AC ==V 'lat: AP%U58T
tic iesistALnee of `141W t1w: Mwe - Intallsive'Is -the proxea%tim ct the -impact
-vava. r1he--preamire of- -the -I*pwt 4wes
air (sea F!Lg. 2 of the BWAOXAM)a Zwprojuamtion rate in air depends on.tM oyer-
pressure Jji front of lmywt v%%res For Instance., for an overpressure at I Wcmz'tbe
pro;),~tloa rate la 460 m1sea., wd for an am7mesure of 1000 kP/CML2 it Is ebmt
10,000 m/sece In vaterj, hoververp at an overpressixre of 1 ky/cm? the -r-Opagition
rate is IN50 w1seep and at an overpresaxwe of 1000 kp/am? the prepagmt'Lon rate is
1590 m/sec. She impact wave In'nonhomogenecus ma-dis suchas:dry sand liec=3 (L-farmed
eald chaN.,es graftLUy into an ord1nary pressure VaVe (see Fig- 3 011! the E=10w1M)-
Tne prestwe of Urpact vaves at t7he-point of transitioa from air lumsezes 13 times
earia from v),ter,, 2-3 times- The form of the charge determines the cotdiguratioa of
the presmve field,, i.e.j a ball charge prodwes a circular impact vaw and a cylin-
drical a rge, produces a wave
more slovly. Orig. art. has,., ~q figures (WW)
ASSOMMONI: L Vye4o=y ustav 1,nvnVelove chewlej. Pardubice-SemUn (Reseamb,.-Instk_~_
tute of Inclustrial Chpimistry)
-x -
, xv- sm,:
Coe" 2/5
"Appratus for momuring the propertior, of electronics." 1). 251
SDELOVACI TECHMIKA. Prahaj Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, No. 8, Aug., 19155
Monthly List of East Turopean Accessions MAI), IZ, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959
FUKATKOj T. Servomechanism stabilzer of voltage in a 2-kw. network with a voltage
stability of + 0,5% p. 20
Vol* 4. no, 1. Jan. 1956
,Vraha., Czechoslovakia
50: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2,1 1957
Increasing danger from radioactive instruments. p. 42
NORMALIZACE. (Urad pro norrulizaa) Praha, Czechoslov&kla, Vol. 7,
no. 3, Sept. 1959
Monthly List of East EuroFe&n Accessions (EEAI)j LC. Vol. 9, no. 2,
Feb. 1960
3/0 9,1601009100610071011
AUTHORS tPatuxi%o.. 1. X., Gaban.te, I., Z)I"avl.,. A. A.._x
K tov, T. I.. My%*. 1. A.p Tu. L., 3ukhori;9~0_'Inll
1: Mt. TV.. Jeat&, F., Doblaah, I., Woe, U., T.,
Bestow. L. T.
TITLE# The nodal at the ring proton synchrotron
I'MODIC.". Atan"ya anorglqu, v. 9, no. 6. 1960. 491-493
2=i The ring proton synchrotron hich Is 4 powerful focusing
accelerator with a magnotic field consist% with respect to ties. has bota
ongSonted in 1951 by A.. A. 1alozsn*kI7. T. A. Patukho,, &Ad X.S.3abint,lah
and, lzimp"dontly of %box. in 1955 by 3yucA (Phys.R.,. 2-3, 1152 (1955)).
To ;tara.devic4 a*= to be %ble to produce vory int."twe ac4al.rat.,t-
pe tal %*aas. A nodal or this ring synchrotron (with radial atctors)
b" 11404 constructed to the O'0"Y*din*AAYY 144titUt raderaykh isolodowanLy
(joint Zzatituto of Sacloar Research). The olvatrotAgnot of
might elements arranged periodically, each of which he.a a direct And An
InTerso sector; Is also has to* straight Actions. The astauthal
Crd 1/5
The modol of the ring... 5102/3212
dimension, or the direct sector, -bLch focuses the soon to r.41.1
AiroalLoa. to 220)0.. and Sat of the inverse a*ctor, which brings about
the ves-tiaul focusloat is 7 501, The Inverse sectors a*wo the arbItal
perlsetsr of the ring synchrotron to be ~igtj.r than that of a st&n4erd
strongly focusing accelerator. This ratio of the "Aim= r%41" or %h a
orbit to the minimum radius of atu~aturo to approximately #q"1 to 3. Th. WV
Jim generating She field are arranged : 12 that %4 ALA a %I - field I*-
-roam" with the radlua of the orbit &*a luding to 5 : 8.f1;Mo)4. I.e..
Let-&**: Cra- t:"10 'a a
t1htbips4Cher at .I C :.. , . :."
b 'I be 1 ra *4
proportion to the Cap radium. Therofore~ the ortic.1 412oa&tozs of the
working area will also change from 2 so 4 to. ?be Increase of all
docastrlea2 Ala a" 0f %no a'=3 And the constancy of the flail
I. C A mol a th:o'
do It %t Idlade. f Gdol if, equal '.0 4) urlag ahou% a
14""o.lbilarity of the orbits, wad th. frequotay of the free tactile-
to Vill also be aaftatent. The *"bar of betatron oscillations par
=:cIation say be varied fro* I to ) to the vertical d1r*atIQA. and from
2.5 to 3.5 in Ibis radial direction. The model is especially *"%*A for
cart 2/)
the nodal of the ring... B10213212
electron actel.ratioDi the injection (of 20-40 tow al.atra") may be date
soati,segemly or in a pulsed sooner. Th. acceleration to done -Ith 40
aleasria ratational field havinc a wolta4d of 10 to 20 v per vtmul At ton
and a frequency of 450-500 *vs. Th- first test reou~lts *bt4taod from this
a"a&home& that it to Tory a.swiltivo with regard to the accuracy of
Sol I'm, ion "A the stability of the prls*I;Al magno%lo characteristics.
lbe" &t0 2 figures and 7 rof*roncasi 5 Soviet-bta% and 2 son-Savia t-blaa~
fto two toCareDcom to SnaliSh-laMduage Publtc4%L4" v6st as (0110901
C. sywo;;,~Ws.J.v. 14L. 1152 (It55)j T. Chkove.
too (19
SuEzr"Em, my as, 1940
IPI 0 -14 o L D250/D305
AUTI10113 a Ililtukhov, V.A.p Itabnnoc, J. 0 Maravlov, A.A.. K~.rnmnin, M.,
Kitt(iv, V.J., Myao, F.A., Obukhov, J.L., Sochor, V.. CirLk.
-j1,--1,,,,,Ia, F., Dobif,6, J., havek, M., Pulek1ko, "I., Svetov,L.
TITLM A motitii or nn nntkulf.r cyclotron
FERIODICAL% Jud-wriA emirgin, no. 4, 1961, 136 - 137
TEM Thin In a tranislation of an R,vioinn article entitled "Nodell
kol'toovogo fjv/,,)troj,n" (Modol of an Amilar Cyclotron) oriFinally Ijl)li,)hcd
in tho Sovint 1wric(Itoftl "Atomnaya PnOrgiyfO, (1960), 11,0. 12, pp 1191~493.
It df-alf) with uio mmiel or im annular cyclotron which iz) a fixed-field, al-
ternating-pritilient nooolf-rittor. built by Soviet and Czechoalovilk phynicints
at the UnItm) lantituto of I;uiilojkr Ronenrch In Dubna. The proporal for an
annular cyclotr(m van moto for the f1rot time In 1953 by A.A. Kolomonskiy,
V.A. 11(stukhov and H.S. RaIdnovich (Itnt It Nekotoryye voprosy toorlyi tolkli-
cheskikh unkoritnIny(Bomii 1'roblems of the Theory of Cyclic Accolormtorm), AN
SSSR, 19551 Pribory I tochnika exporimenta (1956). no. 2, p. 26). The elve-
Card 1/ 2
A model of an annular eyolotron D2-30/D305
troangnot (if tho ncoolorator rcnnleta of eight nimilftr, n1tornataly renerved
parta, each of which hitit two nootorc with opposite orientation of thi? Vn.,-not-
ic flold, and two istritight nof,.tlona. The accelerator in used for elnctron
accolorntion. Montronn with onorgioa of 20-40 kev cnn bo injecteit elthcr
continuounly or in IjOnan. Unittif a combination of rddy and ra,110-frequency
flelde, A b"nin itrms-gy tip to 21M cent be obtained with thin mo4nl. 11ralirlina-
ry ranulto ol-t(tiniid duritig, teist runs hAve shown the high Accuracy of the ma-
china and th-. prntit otithillLy of Ito principal. magnetic chnractoriatica. Al-
so, in agreouinot w1 th the theory, a number of various reconancen van obnor-
Ved which have a subatuntial influence on tho intennity of tho accolorated
beam. Thero arn P figurnn and 7 rnforoncest 4 Soyiet-bloo and 3 non-fl'oviat-
bloc. The reforencoo it) the Lnglluh-language publicaZiono road no rollowus
X. Symon, Phyn. Hav. 90 (1952), 11521 T. Okhawai Hav. Sciont. Instruz. 29,
(1958), 100-
Urd 212
AUTHURSt Benda, F., Gabanite, I., Doblash, I., ZhUM&V1ax*-A--A,,
garmasin, M., Kotov, V. I., Liarok, M., Myue. E. A., Obukhov,
Yu. L., Petukhov, V. A., Svetov, L. V., Sokhor, V., Fukatko,
T., and Tairak, Yu.
TITLEt Annular proton synchrotron with rudial sectora
PERIODICALt Zhurnal fakhnichookoy fiziki, v- 31, no- 10, 196, 1253-1261
TSM This article describes the model of an annular proton synchrotron
with radial sectors, buil't and put into operation at the Wyedinennyy
inatitut yadernykh iseledcYaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research).
Technical datat
Ilumber of periodicity elements
Azimuthal dimensions of a direct sector 220301
Azimuthal dimensions of an inverse aector 7030'
Azimuthal dimennione.of the gap 10301
amplification factor 'V 3
Initial radius 35 cm
Card I X, I ' i0
.Annular proton synchrotron with ...
Final radius 59 en
Vertical dimenuion of the chamber for the initial radius 2cm
Coefficient k for which H a (r1r 0) f(O) 4
Field strength in the initial radius 4Z oe
Field atrongth in the final radius 3.10 00 -
Injection anirgy 20 - 40 kav
Critical energy (total) 1.12 Uav
Final energy (total) Z Mov
The frequencies of free particle oscillations were found to be V V 3.1
and V V 1.8f which are lower than the theoretical value. The machine
can also-be used for studying the behavior of the particle beam and its
accumulation. it cross-"ctional
_ziew of the electromagnet Is shown in
Fig. 1. A pressure of 1 - 2 *10 = Hg prevailed in the vacuum chamber.
The injection system is deoigned both for pulsed and continuoui operation.
Acceleration is effected by an electric rotating field of 500 cps and'
10 - 25 v per revolution. A special "speed up" system (rotating field of
600 v per revolution) serves for improving the electron-capture effician(v.
Card 2
Annular proton synchrotron w!th ... B111/B112
The pulse, which is excessively Increase,! by Via "speed up" procana, Is
reduced by a thyratron circuit. A con3tant value of k could be attained
with a theoretically calculated rrang--!mont or the field coils along the
ideal orbit. In addition to the princip-il coils, a coil was placed at
the yoke or each sector, by which the influence of the iron resistance
was eliminated. k and the azimuthal field distribution were measured with
induction coils and a ballistic galvanometer. With a few exceptions, the
values of k agreed vilth theoretical values to within 1.1~. The azi=uthal
inhomogenoity of the field wan never greater than 41~5. The position of
the magnetic surfaces woo dot,rminad with Formalioy feelers with an error
of 0.2 mm. The deviation frou the theoretical values was never greater
than 0.5 mm. The indication of the beam during the first revolutions
(without acceleration) wan curried out with screens and coordinate note
in the ohamber, and later (with acceleration) with photomultipliera
equipped with radially adjustable cote of targets. The measuroments
showed that the field Is strongly affected by the induction and "spood-up"
core (e.g., azimuthal inhomogeneity). It was found that under optimum
conditions, the upward deviation of the beam from the center of the
chamber did not exceed t4 mm, and that the deviation of the equilibrium
Card 3/
28 73, tj
Annular proton synchrotron with
orbits at one and the same point of the magnetic field visa -5 mm par
revolution. It is noted that this model can be asad to study resonances
.7ith free oscillations, electron capture Into a betatron syr-ml and
accumulation of acoolurated partioles. Yu, A. Chernyshor. A. Grachnv.
and R. Ii. Fedorov are thankod for aouiatanoe. Ther,3 are 6 f3qu:a3, !
table, 9 references, 4 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The three viiit recent
references to Engliah-language publicat'lons read as fu~lowm: K-i. 7t
T. Ghkawa, Rev. Sci. Instr.. Z2, 106, 1956. Hef. 6t F. T. G,-~'rj e. a-*..
Rev. Sci. Instr., 26, 403, 1957. Hof. 91 K. M. Terwilliger et a!., Rev.
Sci. Instr., 28, ~_87, 1957-
SUBMITTEDs December 61 1960
Fig. 1: Cross-sectional view of electromagnet and vacuum chamber.
Lagondt (1) magnott (2) chambarl (3) principal coils of ma&-netj (4)
yoke coils.
Card 4/jj
AUTHORS: Ful,.Atko. TomAh and Bilek,, Frantikek
TITIL: Pulse generator. with statistical and,linear repeti-,:
tion rate
PERIODICAL: Jaderna." energie,, no. 4, 1963, 128'-130
'=T: The Nuclear Research Institute developed and tested
a pulse generator with periodic and statistical recurrence frequency,
which can be used for testing and calibrating pulse integrators, re-
.,.duc'ers, etc This pulse generator consists of (1) the statistical
pulse sou,rc;, a TESLA 1-14A 31 noise diode, a wide-band amplifier and
an amplitude discriminator which.can also be used as a free-running
multivibrator, and*has a pulse rate, cbntinuously adjustable in seven
'ranges from 8-t6 5,000 pulses/min.; (2) the periodic pulse: source
with a pulse rate continuoualy, adjustable in six ranges from a few
g network a rxult*vibra-
to 209,000.pulsen/min' (3) the pulse shapin
tor, amplifier, and mechanical counter; (4) the clect'rical supply
system, an elecironically.'regulated 280 V source and a reference
Card 1/2
''Pulse generator D406/D301
voltage, derived from a 14 TA glow-discharge-tube regulator. Since
'tate all output pulses of radia-
this pulse generator is able to imA.
encrincering wherever radi-
tion detectors, it can be used in nucleak o
ation detectors and pertinent active emitters are used for testing
~'.and calibrating pulse instruments. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: &tav jaderri6ho v~zki= 6S" (Nuclear Research
Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of- Scier4es)
Card 2/2
Miuipment for measurement of the intensity Gf fast jorlic
beams. Jaderna energie 9 no*9t296-299 S'63.
1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu, Ceskoslovenska akademle red., Rex,
u Fraby.
Accv_~,siou Not AP4037677
AITTHORt FWcatko., T,,; Wrivanek.,M.; Sebek, Z&
TITLE: . Arranpament, of measuring probes for adjustment of the cyclotron bean
SOURCE: Kernenergie, no. 2, 1964, 103-105
TOPIC TAGS: Cyclotron,, beamp focussing,, probe, measurement
ABSTRACT: A set of probes is described which was built into the-ion
tube of the Institute's cyclotron. The probes make possible measu.-ement of
beam position and intensity in the trajectory from deflector to target cham.-,
ber. Figure.lof Enclosure.1 shows the ion bAb with probes and Faraday Cylind-
er. The probes are remotely controlled,, and the incident current is measured
with a special device* A method for the'goometric adjustment of the ion
tube~r.-means of these probes is describede
Origo grt, has; 4 figures,
n AL
"f T
AMMSION 140, AP4037677
ASSOCIATION: Institut'fuer Komforschung der Tdchochoolowakischen AKademie
der Wissenschaftenp Res bei Prag (Inatitut;e for Nuclear Reascarch of the
Czeohoslovak AcadeW of Sciences)
'Fie* I Ion tube with probes and Faraday cylinder
a).schematic of the ion tube
1. cyclotron acceleration chamber; 2., 3. position of probes behind
deflector; 4., 5. probes behind focussine lenses (in front of
deflecting magnet; 6. probe in front of target chamber, 7.j, 8.
position of Faraday cylinder; 9. target chamber; 10. position of
luminescence screen; no television camem
b)schematic of probes 2 and 4 used for measurement of horizontal "s-,-
tribution of beam intensity (measurement of horizontal positlm),,
c,!schematic of probes and6 used for measurement of vertical
beam position
d schematic of Faraday cylinder
7,8 ff
9 CC]
2 3
4 5
AUTHOR: M~xtkiij__:T6aaqj
TITLE: Stabilization of the amplitdde of the accelerating voltagee in e-yelotrons
SOURCE: Jaderna energielv.10# no. 10, 1964, 380
TOPIC TAGS: cyclotron
Abs-"j.ract:*Ab'atraot of a reacarch paper dencribing the stabilization'.
ZT75c amrlitude of the accelarating voltage in cyclol.-OronS ased'
on tho principle of controllbig the high-frequency out ut fed into'
a duant, 'circuit and on automatic fine tuning of a 120 kilowatt
high-frequency generators A 0*1 atability of the accelerating
voltage was Ohiemed,
ASSOMATION1 Ustay .4&dsrneh*'vyzku&u 08. (Nuclear Research Institute)
W, Rer,
NR FW 13M OW (X%.M: 000 JFRS
Acceleration of alpha particles on the U-220 cyclotron.
Chekhoal fiz zhu-rnal 14 no. 3:206-209 164.
1. NLIClear Regearch Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of
Sciences, Rez,
0251C6~ _/0_0_4T0122/0124
GE 4569
ACC NRt AP6027832 DE --..
AUTHOR: atko, T.
OAG: Nuclear Resbhtch Institute CSAV, Rez, Czechoslovakia
TITLE: St4ibilization of the deflector voltage in a cyclotron
SOURCE: Kernenergie, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 122-124
TOPIC TAGSt cyclotronp voltage stabilization, voltage stabilizer/SG2S voltage
ABSTRACT- The circuitry,, construction, and operation of a voltage stabi-
lizer for a cyclotron was described and illustrated by a schematic dis-
gram. The device is capable of maintaining deflector voltage stable at
5 . 10-3 without requiring attachment to or interfering with the power
supply* The dcvice is based on the commercial line-voltage stabilizer
with a 2 kVA capacity, manufactured by People-Owned Enterprise Krizik
[location not given), supplemented by a back-coupling component operating'
on the basis of the zero-method. The control voltage is taken from the
high-voltage distributor and compared potentiometrically with & stabi-
Jized SG:M type Slow-lamp stabilizer.. -The authdr thanks V Ghyle for the careful
construction of the stabilizer. Orig. art. has:
5 figures. &PR51
SUB CODE: 20,09/ Sum DA,rE: 04AUG65/ OM REFt 002/
L 37175-66
ACC NRo AP6027869 SOURCE CODE:. CZ/0038/66/000/003/009
AUTHOR: Fukato TmasK 3F
--4 ....0
ORG: Nuclear R search Institute, CSAV, Rez (Ustav jademeho vyzkumu CSAV)
TITIE: Deflecting voltage stabilizer
SOURCE: Jaderna energi~-, no- 3, 1966, 98-99
TOPIC TAGS: voltage stabilizer,, cycle rqmi particle nowebumbn
amplifier/U-120 cyclotron
ABSTRACT: NRI Report No. 1386/65. The paper describes.& deflactin& voltage, stab
for the U-120 cyclotron, characterized by relative simplicity, with a degree of
stabilization of 5 x 10~3, rrking on the prim'. e of a control-led tranaducer. An
electron-tube low-band ampL-fii-er-is connected in t)w fe Vwimmmk6lt Installs, %a 4LVjr- W
of the stabilizer require% no interference in the pow" suppW arrangenw*-z-of the
deflector. [JPRSS 36,84~
SUB CODES 20,, 09 SUBM UTZ: none
/4 2"P UDC: 621-384.6-015: 621E041W
USSR / General and 3pecial Zoology. Insects. Insects P
and Arachnids. Ohemical Nethod of Controlling
Hamful Insects and srachnids.
Inst :ifo-ldaVian Branch,-All Union Institute for
Plant Protection.
Title :A Colorinim trio *.,:'ethod of Deter--!iinin(, Hexachloro-
oyolohexane in Plants.
Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Eoldo sto Vses. in-ta zashchitv rast.,
1967, vyp 29 73-760
Abstract; A description and verification of the colorim-
etrio method of BHO analysis in -)lant tissues
which was previously used for detemination of
thd quantity of BHO in the intestines of barn
weevils after the seed was treated with this
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 96561.
~.uthor : FWcQllman, L. E.
Card 1/2
Ond Ticks. Posto ol Gr,-,in
0., jojp
n at.
t'.-I t I oil
T i Tho DoUwidiation o-f
Grl:.,, lub 31j, tr, ut . Vm--~, ln-tI ~kixl-,Criity
1.957, vi). 2, 7'17-~I')
t,botrz~ct Lo-c-offia-. to an analysi.,, On tho
ankl flf~h C)II -",*,!;.o ;Arlit-nintli
~f~A,tur tllj fu.Ij,JAi-L :,f ti,, 'I-).Ll by dich-
tlirro ..ia.,, i-.:or- zno!,4.~ th-~I
Lhc. sill thz:.ri
ri),.,,3 ok 6ho i-A'Lor 2Z) ,;L3 thcrr)
ro-ro, as
'tU -Mchl W-.s
i n L~ichca. Twico L
Chromatographic determination of benzene hexachloride in plants.
Fiziol.rast. 6 no.6:748-750 N-D 159. (XT'RA 11:4)
1. Moldavian Station of All-Union Institute of Plant Protection,
(Benzene hexachloride)
(Plants--Chemical analysis)
(Paper chromatography)
Chromatographic qualitative and colorimetric quantitative
meihods of determination of cevine in the green bulk of
plants and fruits. Vop. pit. 22 no.2:80-85 Mr-Ap 163,
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Iz khimicheakay laboratorii (zav. L.M. Fukellman)
MbIdavskogo filials, Vaesoyuznogo instituta zashchiky
rasteniy, Kishinev.
Methods for determining rogor (dimethoate) in preparations
in plant tissues and fruits. Trudy VIZR no.20:61-68 pt.4 164.
(MIM 18:12)
Pu~ el I man, J.!. 1_ , Te te 1i s , a nti HOs ~; i nevi ch, 11. ,
Problems of 7"1,' T "ype -jilor"rode I elii by Alternating
W -.1
Current With Vic .' ;~! -,C 7!-'.11so G.,nerators. (K vopro-
su o svarke elektrodimi 'i a '0' 1 na .-cremennom toke
romoshchi generatorov impullsov)
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, I.-r 1, pp 27 - 28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors state that experiments carried out at their
Dlant and at the Institute of Electrowelding imeni Ye. 0.
1'aton, have shown that the application of impulqe C-enera-
tors for alternating current welding by electrodes with
coatings, which poorly stabilize the arc process, can re-
place the application of direct current impulse
generators (shown in Figure 2) ha,.re good operating proper-
ties, small size (350 x 300 x 250 mm) and a weight of
26.5 kg. The required power does not exce~~d 20,- watts.
Gas thyratrones of TG-1-2-5/4 are utilizeil for these
generators. Two machines of this type have beQn working
for 1,000 hours under workshop conditions without failure,
and the quality of joints is no worse than in welding by
direct current. The authors come to the conclusion that
with the aid of impul2e gonerator.- oot : ected in paraliel, it
is po5,sible to perform arc ;veldirj-, bY alternatirg current
Card 112 with UOIGI-13 and other types of electrodes with coatings
135- ---0/2'S
_r t Wil-121
Problems of. U0111 Type Electrode Welding by AlLernating rlii ren
the Aid of Impulse Generators.
Card 212
devises for direct current welding. The application of
pulse generators ensure3 stable ppro,~~.s2as ~nd a reli able
re-excitzation of the ar.. This is a rortable device, is
light and comfortable, which permito -~;.2_ldirg at any temper-
ature of the surrounding air. Thcss, devices cnn be recom-
mended for industrial application in variouo methods of gas-
electric welding nnd for carbon arc welding of nonferrous
metals and alloys bj alternating current. There is 1 photo
and 2 circuit diagrams.
Library of Congress
1. Welding-Processes, 2. Impulse generatuors-Applicptiow
25(l) SOV/135-59-5 -17/21
AUTHOR: Kirichenko, S.I., Engineer, Pukellman, M.L.
TITLE-, The BEZ-250 Electrode-11older for Welding Without Vlsc-irded
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 5, pp 4~)-41 (uss!"
ABSTRACT: The design of the BEZ electrode-holder '~Figurc 11) is free of
one defect present in usual rod-type holders of 4 ts kind.
It contains a semi-automatic device for eAoiting the arc,
the necessary arc gap Js obtained, reliable contaGt between
the bottom of the holder and the artiale i,, achieved and the
welder is protected from the flash of the arc.. It can be
used with a current of 250 amps, a '/c or d//c and tiny type of
electrode. Instructions for its use are given. The welder
only needs 2-4 hours theory and 1-2 days practice to get
used to it. At one plant it caV save 650-750 thousand
rubles annually, and 200 have already beon produ(;Pd. There
is 1 diagram and I photo.
Card 1/1
ACCESSION NR: AP4013292 5/0135/6h/OC)0/002/0017/0021
FMOII~- Lebodev, Yu. m. (Engineer); Molinik., S. S. (Engineer); man,, H. L
J(Eng~ nk
;,ITLF,: Automatic fusion of stainless steel on pearlite steel using two wire
kURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo,, no. 2,, 196h., 17-21
TOPIC TAGSt steel,, stainless steel., pearlite steel,, fusion, welding,, two-Wiro
weldinG. St.3 low carbon steel) SIML-h low alloy steel, AK-25 high-strongth steel,
ADS-1000-2 welder, 48-OF-6 flux, Sv-OhKhl9Nl3M electrode wiro) Sv-O8Khl8NqF2S2
electrode wire,, Sv-O8Kh25N5TIdF electrode wire
ABSPRACT: This work was carried out in order to study the automatic deposition of
stainless steel on the low-carbon steel St.3) on loTrr-alloy steel SKU-112 and on
high-strangth steel AK-25. The purposes of this study were: 1) to determine the
tochnical conditions which would secure minimum fusion of the basic metal; 2) to
obtain the chemical composition of the built-up metal as near as possible to that
of the electrode wire; 3) to avoid the formation of the undesirable martensite
structures, The automatic welder ADS-1000-2 was adaptod for this purpose,, and two
wire electrodes were used simultaneously to build up the metal (under the h&OF-6
flux). Electrodes made of the following steels were tented: Sv-07Kh25Nl2,j
Sv-OLahl9N131113., Sv-o8KhlBN9F2s2 and SV-08Kh25N5TIIF. It was established that the
netal with the Iiiahest resistance to corrosion was obtained when the combination
of the electrodes produced a built-tip metal of austonito-forrite composition with'
3-8' of S-ferrite. in order to av*oid the formation of the martonsite structure the,.
chemacal comosition of th3 first few built-up layers should be such that the
points plotted for it on the structural diagram shown in Fig. 1 of &closure would
lie to ;he right of, the SK line# Origs arto has, 3 tables, 6 figures, And 2
for m.LI as,
Card 2/1 P_
MINIKJ~ S.S., inzh.1 WKELIMAN, M.L.,, inzh.
RaiBing the quality of the depositien of copr-gr and Its alloys on
low-carbon steel by gas welding. Siar.proizv. no.2:23-25 F 164-
(MIRA 18tl)
LEBEDEV, Yu.M. (go Nik--!ay9v)j RELINIX, S.S. (go Nikolayev)l FUKEL!W_.,j,'
M.Lo. (go Nikolayev)
Technology of mechanized hard facing of stainleea steel with
two wires, Artome evar, 17 no*4&71-74 -Ap 164 (MIRA 1831)
NR.,j AP5021218 U11/0125/65/0W1003/0006/00-
AVEHOR: liuke-I'man, M. 1,. (tngineer) (111kolayev)
TITIZ -, Tleaz--cy-c-l-eduring the y~!ldipg ff hull nteels on ships afloat
'70URCE, Av' omaticheukaya syarka, do ~j 1965, 6-io
1'OPIC TAGG- heat cycle, are welding, bull steel, shell plating, floating ship,
Witerline, coolimi, mater, unilateral veldingp heat propagation theory, heat drain,
near weld zone) nucleate boiling
J~1,13TRACT: In sbipbuilding and ship repair It is often necessary to weld Individual;t
elementn within the hull-, and smetimes even entire subassemblies, without
removing, any nection of the shell plating. Repair of this kind involves the use of;
rloatly~g, or dry doeRst the construction of special caissons, and is very expensive
and time-consvming. An alternative to this is performing, the welding while the
Ship is afloat. Then, howevert it must be considered that the welding can be per-
fon~ried on only one side of the plating, the other side (below the waterline) being
cool(,d by standing or running water. The attendant heat cyc'ke han then opecial
eatu~~,es of its own, -which are investigated by the author. Special attention is
aid to the rate of cooling during welding afloat. Corresponding correction factors
are introduced to the knoirn formulas of the theory of heat propagation during weld-
Ang) for the ca3e of a point source of heat (are) moving rectilinearly at a finite
Cord, 1/2
::-7 -7
L 65081_'65
1 0 :
~speed along one side of an Infinite plate on whose other side heat In intensively 11
drafted off by water. Calculations of the temperature fields for the case of
welding of ribs 4, 6p and 10 mm. thick at different rates of coolirA show that cool-i
li~g by running water Gbarply narr(r4a the isotherms whil e at the same time reducing
their lengths. The came applies to coolirg by standing water. Equations of the
gencrE.1 laws of the heat cycle in the metal of tbe near-weld zone in the presence
of unilateral cooling are derived on the basis of dimensionless parameters. The
~theoretical coceficient of heat transfer from metal to water is calculated ard
;'found t.o be similar t'o the case of beat transfer during the boiling of water (nue-
'~leate boiling).- Knowledge of these basic Itswa of the heat cycle during welding
Fafloat, can also assist in evaluating the 4ffectw of individual parameters of the
cycle on structural parameters in the metal and selecting the optimal welding re-
,gimes a.3suring -.~ high quality of joints and preservation of the protective externalt
co atinga. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. T formulas.
IM REF SM 009 - - 0111ER 000
WP5026292 - Jr./HM
SOURCE CODE: UR/0125/65/000/010/0050/0051
AUTHOR: Mellnik, S. S.'( nginear; Nikolayev); Pukelltman.-H. &g .(E.ngineer; Nikolayev
ORG; none
TITLE: Prospectsfor employing unshielded arc weldingin shipbuilding
SOURCE: Avtomaticheskays. sverka, no. 10, 1965, 50-51
TOPIC TAGS: unshielded arc welding, shipbuilding engineering, welding electrode,
welding technology
ABSTRACT: Since the employment of shielded arc welding in shipbuilding Is techni-
cally difficult, the authors experimentally Investigated the possibilities of the
mechanized unshielded welding of hull steel by means of a 1.2 mm EP-4391thick weld-
ing wire with welding current of 140-180 a, on using anVjP-7 pulied atQachmentbin
order to reduce the number of defects in the weld metal by causing the transferlof
metal from.the electrode wire to the molten pool to proceed in the form of smaller
drops with a shorter time of transit across the are column into the molten pool and
hence with a reduced saturation of metal by the gases of the air. This technique was
experimentally used to weld sections of framing to hull plating and watertight com-
partmenta. The resulting weldments were positively evaluated by representatives of
the USSR Maritime Registry. Thus, unshielded arc welding with wire electrode may be
Card 1/2
UDC: 621.791.75:629.128
953 -66
ACC NRt AP5026292
introduced in sfiip6uilding in some cases where welding in a C02 atmosphere is not
feasible. By the same token, the level of the mechanization of welding operations in of the.shipbuilding industry can be raised. Orig. art. has: 2 figures,
1 table.
SUB CODE:.- 11,13/ SM DATEs lOJun65/ ORIG RKF: 000/ OrH RU.- 000
Ca,.d 2/2
FUKELIMAN, M.L. (Nikolayev)
Thermal cycle in welding hull steel structures while ship
is afloat. Avtom. evar. 18 no.8:6-10 Ag 165.
(MIRA 18M)
1. Submitted January 22, 1965.
MELINIK, S.S. (Nikolayev); FUKELIKAN, M.L. (Nikolayev)
Prospects for using welding without a protective atmosphere#
In shipbuilding. Avtom, avar. 18 no.1000-51 0 165.
(MIFLA 18tl2)
1. FUELIMUN, V. , Eng.
2. U33i; (6oi)
4. Shipbuilding
7. Egorov-Voroblev m6thod for makin;? projections of hull plates. Mor. flot 13,
No. 4, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,
n, -t-r I A T v
IUXMIXM..V., Inshener-korablestroltell.
"- ~ ,, v 1.. 4 '. C , , -~.
7rom the history of caisson construction. Xor. I rech.flot 14
no-7:31 JI 034. (MMA 7:7)
IZONTIYEVp Valerian Markovich, inzh.; FROLOV2 Nikolay Fedorovich', inzb.;
RIKM, A.I.y inzh.p retsenzent; YUKEL114AII VaLat inzh,,
retsenzent; KUZIMIKO, V.K., dots'-7FU~6- red.; STOLYARSKIY.,
L.L., inzh.p nauchnyy red.; FRIMMI, P.S.j tekhn. red.
[Technology of shipbuilding and ship repairs'j Tekhnologiia sudo-
stroeniia i sudoremonta. Leningrad, Gos. soiuz-ioe izd-vo audo-
L4wroito ProrjYohl*s 1961o 1+35 Po (MIU 15:2)
1. Rredmetnaya komissiya Nikolayevskogo sudostroitelltogo takh-
nikuma (for Fukellman).
(Shipbuilding) (Ships--Maintenance and repair)
FUEELIVAII, Viktor Leonidovich; KHOLODILD, A.11., kand. tekhn.
nauk, retconzentj PAIIKOV, V.A., nauchn. red.; KAZA;I.OV,
YU.S., red.
[Theory of ships and the principles of hydromechanics]
looriia korablia s oanovami gidrorekhaniki. Leningrad,
Izd-vo "Sudostroenie," 1964. 349 p. (MIRA 17:6)
USSR/Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. m
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 20317.
Author : A. Fuki.-
Inst :Stavropol' Agricultural Institute.
Title :The FXfect of pH quantity on the Condition of Potato Tubers.
(Preliminar7 Report). (Vliyaniye vel-ichiny pH na sostoyaniye
klubney kartofelya ((Predvaritelluoye soobahcheniye)) ).
Orig Pub: 9b. nauchno-issled. rabot stud. Stavropollsk. s.-kh. in-ta,
1956, vyp. 4, 50-52.
Abstract: In a laboratory test where the pH factor of the nutrient
substance was 7.40 better conditions were established for
the sprouting of Cornwall variety potato tubers in sandy
culture. After winter storage the pH factor of degene-
rated tubers was 5-8, and of the non-degenerated ones 6.1.
Card 1/2
ussR/Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Veeetables. !,;elons.
Abs jour: Ref zhur-Riol-, No 5, 1958, 20317.
[jemrk by the reviewer. No references are given to the re-
thod used, particultrly to repeating the test.
Card 2/2
YU 11, A.D.
lpidamiology of wator favor. Sovot, mod. 16 no,3138-39 Xar 1952.
(OLIQ 22:1)
1. Krasnodar.
USSR/Medicine Leptospirosis FD-554
Card 1/1 Pub. 148 - 17/23
Author Fuki, A. D.
Title : A model for experimental non-icteric leptospirosis
Periodical : Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 6, 52-54, Jun 54
Abstract : There is a detailed description of the conditions necessary for the
successful use of suckling and weanling rabbits as models for non-
icteric leptospiroois. Freshly isolated strains of L. "Monyakov"
and L. grippotyphosa were found to be pathogenic for rabbits weighing
from 11--n to 500 grams. The disease in rabbits infected with types I
and II Lentospirae followed thE usual clinical course, jaundice appeared,
and death occurred. 7-ostmortem examinations revealed the characteristic
pathologicoanatomical changes in the internal organs. No references
are cited.
Institution : The Krannodarsk Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the
Krasnodarsk Kray Sanitary-Epidemiological Station
Submitted : August 14, 1953. The paper was presented at a meeting of the Krasnodarsh
Kray Department of the Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists,
and Infectionists on November 28, 1951.
Data nn the occurrence of-q fever in Krasnodar Territory. Zhur.
m1krobiol. epid. i Immun. no.6:23-28 Je '55. (HLRA 8:9)
1. Is otdola rikkatsiosov (zav.-prof. P. F. Zdradovskiy) Instj-
tuta spidemiologii I mikrobiologil Imeni N.Y. Gamalei AHN SSSR
( G.Vjygodchikov) I Krasnodarskoy krayevoy sanitarno-
epidemiologicbeekoy stanteii (glavVy vrach A.I. Bandur')
(Q FMR, epidemiology,
In Russia)
FUMKI A. D., end ZUBKOVA, R. 1.
"Nte on the Spread of Q Fever In Dreenogradakiy Kray." Proceedings of
of Inst. Epidem, and Microbiol im. Gomaleya 1954-56.
Division of Rickettsiosis, Zdrodovskiy, P. F., Active l4ember of Academy
of Medical Sciences USSR, Professor, head, Inst. Epidem, and Microbiol
im. Gem9leya AMS USSR
so: sum 1186, 11 Jon 57.
Result of double vaccination against Q fever. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i
immun. 29 no. 11:25-29 N 158. (XIRA 12: 1)
1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii I mikrobiologii imeni Gamalel ANN SSSR
i,Krasnodarskoy krSyOT07 sanitarno-epidemiologicheokoy stantaii.
FAVIR, prev. & control,
vacc., two-stage (Rus))
AUTHORS: Eygeles, M. A., Leviush, I. T.,
TITLE: Concentration of beryllium ores
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 11, abstract 3GTI
(V sb. "Issled. po obogashcheniyu i tekhnol, polezn. iskopayemykh",
Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1961, 115-123)
TEXT: Some fundamentals are presented on the technological classification
of Be-ores according to a series of features characteristic for their concentra-
tion technology (the size of disseminations of Be-minerals, the mineralogical
!ihapo of Ile, tho composition of valuable minerals, the subntmitiAl Composition
of the ore mass). The concentration of beryllium ores was developed in two
directions: the acid method and the alkaline method. Both these methods are
based on the depression of dead rock minerals and the activation of beryllium
flotation. An advantage of the acid method in the considerable activation of
beryllium by 11F and the possibility of obtaining separately mica, quartz and
fluorspar products. A deficiency of this process is the necessity of double
flotation of the basic ore mass in a strongly acid medium. In the alkaline
Card 1/2
Concentration of beryllium ores A006/A101
method, Na2S is used as a selectively acting depressor, which makes it possible
to depress, In one procedure, the basic dead rock minerals. Beryllium flotation
can be intensified by the following means: a) processing the pulp by the
collector during Its heating to 80 - 850C and b) removing multivalent cations
during the softening of water. A method of flotating beryllium ore without
preheating the basic pulp mass was developed under laboratory conditions. The
basic flotation is carried out at room temperature with oleic acid. Na2S is
used as a depressor. The basic flotation concentrate is processed with Na2S,
heated and refined once or twice. The results of concentration obtained from
bozh acid and alkaline methods are similar. Concentration of m1caceous ores i3
complicated by the introduction of additional fluorite and actinolite cycles of
flotation and repeated refining with preheating of the pulp. An additional
cycle of talcum flotation is introduced prior to the processing with reagents, to
remove easily flotated talcum and talcum rocks. Methods of concentration
ability tests are presented.
A. Shmeleva
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 212
KUZIIETS, M.M., prof. [deceased]; BOGDOOVICH, S.N., doteent; LBVKOVSKIY, N.M. 0
)mnd. med. nauk', SEMoVA, V.N.; OLUKONIKIT, B.T.; 7UXI, N.M.; OSADCHIT,
Treatment of lupus eruthermatosus vith phthivazid. Vrach. delo no.,#:
373-378 Ap 159. (KI3A 12:7)
1. Kiyevskly meditairAkiy inatitut.
FUKI, M.M. [deceased]
Study of the characteristics of opposing a two-cycle engine with
pressure charging. Trudy LKI no.26:183-203 '59. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Kafedra sudovykh dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya Leningradskogo
korablestroitellnoeo instituta.
,,T)a-,-Ity of the blood to thrombogenes's in ischemic card4ac
disease and its change folla4ing anticoagulant therapy.
Kardiologiia 5 no.1:46-49 Ja-F 165. (kIPA 18~9)
1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav.- prof. M.N. Tumancvskiy)
Voronezliskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
AUTHORS: Smolyan, ~,. S., Grayevskiy, A. I., Demin, 0. 1., Fukin, V. K.,
Y,atveyeva, G. N.
TlTLEt Certain rules oil polamerization of ethylene on heterogeneous
PFMIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 19061, 81-83
TEXT: The autnors point out the fact that the catalysts of the type
TiCl 4 plus organometallic alkylating agent used for the preparation of low-
pressure polyethylene rapidly lose their high activity in the course of the
reaction, dropping to one sixth of the initial activity within 30 to 40 min.
The present work attempts to find the causes for this drop in activity.
Experiments were carried out on polymerization of polyethylene oil catalysts
of the systems TiCl 4 + ALI 3 'Al(C2ji 5)2 Br, Alc2 if5Cl 2' ;" (C2H5)2 OC2H50
Al(C H ) AlC 11 Cl(OJ if ) und other compounds). Polymerization was per-
2 5 V 2 5 2 5 0
formed in an autoclave at 60 C and a pre3sure of 4 atm. abs. Individual
Certain rulet on polymerization of... B1191B216
catalysts were prepared by mixing the components under argon in a special
thermostat and kept there for use. Catalyst activity was dete.L-mined from
the initial polymerization rate and, with the same results, from tile
polyethylene yield, It ras found that the activity of all the catalysts is
low at the very outset but increases to a maximum within 4 to 5 lain and
then drops to practically zero within another 20 to 30 min. The same effect
was observed on catalysts removed from the argon atmosphere and placed in
the reaction vessel in the absence of ethylene for polymerization. The
authors found that the activity of a catalyst of the type under study de-
pends on the conqentration ratj9 of Ti3-+ and T14+ (low initial activity
due to the sole presence of Ti4_", maximum activity on reaching the optimum
T13+ : Ti4+ ratiot followed by decrease with increasing Ti3+ content).
Further experiments showed that the optimum Ti3+ t Ti4 ratio and thus also
the maximum activity may be maintained constant by careful addition of a
corresponding quantity of oiciiizing agent (to reoxidize excess Ti5+).
Air and,O 2' respectivelyy were used as oxidizing agents. There are 3
figures and 3 non-Soviet-bloc references.
Card 2/*"-
T -1 MT
ACCESSION NR: AT4012866 S/3060/63/090/000/0029/0037
AUTHOR: Kruglov, A. I.;". Fukin, V. N.
TITLE: Electrode erosion as a function of the current pulse foral
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Tsentr. n.-I. lab. elektr. obrabotki metal)ov. Elektroiskrovaya
obrabotka metallov. Moscow, 1963, 29-37
TOPIC TAGS: electroplating, electrode, electrode'erosion, electrode erosion
pulse form dependence
ABSTRACT:', In most work dealing with the erosion characteristics of metals under
the influence of low-voltage pulse discharges in a liquid dielectric medium, the
energy and duration of the-pulse have been regarded as the fundamental pulse para-,!:
meters. There is almost no work on the effect of the form of the pulse fed to the;
spark gap. The authors criticize the h pothesis of S. V. Divers (Spark machining.
- Aircraft Production, 1961, 23, no. 12~, claiming that his work lacks an ex-
perimental analysis of the effect of pulses of varying form, with the result that
his conclusions are unsubstantiated. The major part of this article deals with
preliminary findings on the effect of pulse form on electrode erosion. The authors
designed a laboratory set-up for their experiments which consists principally of
ZI Ise generator, a lab-type electroeroslon unit with automatic feed control and
a working-pulse counter. Figure I in the Enclosure illustrates the dependedce of
the intensity of erosion of copper electrodes on the time shift'T of a short
(duration: 1.5 microsiec., amplitude: 400 amps) pulsb with respect to the leading
edge of a long (duration: 20 microsec., amplitude; 60 amps) puls6. As the de-,
layl'~ In the arrival of the short pulse is increased, cathode and anode erosion
incr6ases, reaching a maximum at 'C = 11 microsec. With further increase In de-
lay, the erosion value falls off somewhat. The authors state that the results
cannot be i!~tgrpreted on the basis of the hypothesis of additive laws of material I
ablation 'J6r!ng the effect of a unit pulse, as proposed by Divers, E. M.,Williams 111'
(Theory of electric spark machining. - Electr. Engng, 1952, v- 71, no. 3) and
others. Rather, they tend themselves to an explanation in line with the theory
developed in the work of B. N. Zoloty*kh (Fizicheskiya osnovy* elektroiskrovoy
obrabotki metallov. Gostekhteoretizdat, 1953) who regards erosion as the result ~1
of the processes of heat propagation under the effect of the plane sources which
form on the anode and.c
athode because of the energy coming from the discharge
channel. OrIg. art. hdst."14 formulas and 5 figures.,
AtSOC(ATION-, Taentralfnay% tL,-:L. 3-aboratoriya e1ektr;lcheskoy cbrabot]CL metauov
1,11 SSSP. (Central,Scientific Reaearch Laboratory for Bloetrical VAcbining Pf Mat'also:
- - - --------------------------
Polarogr2ohic determination of the methylenehlue number of regenerated celluloses
of hi,-h carboxyl content, by the suppression of oxygen maxima. In Gennan. P. 59.
(Acta Chimica, Vol. 9, No. 1/4, 1956, BuftpO~St, Hungary)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl.
Pei-Irdical: ~~AGVR TEXTILTECHINIHA vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1959
FUINIKERS J. Deteridnatin of the concentration of certain dyes by means of
the Karl Yisher solution. PI 4.
Monthly List of East European Accessi-qns (:--v.Al) LO V~d. 8
.4 J. No- 5,
May 1959, Unclas,:.
Viottai viz5gillata hipigloldnOoer-ri A He P..
M D', 11 1 1 -(I 111 ngar iI
. iti. I VXA 5,). Nk,
I;- PP- 334--341- 8 fig-1, 4 tabi-)
The "sobible" and "total" Soditon content Jahymina
loid hydrated alunlin-i was deterniintA by using a Zci~%
MOM III plicOrneter with an air-aretylene flante. By thr.
eciticid anaiysh,if known proccdt its ll'ydro-
chloric acid (Iigcmtjon, and two treatments at s t, peratious-
phuric pres:iures) two new Inethois were eyedvt~l. one with
a sensitivity of less than % ~.nd another %vith a hithcr
sensitivity of W_i-4 than o.ootO,-, sodium c.,xide : Annina,
Will within error. It was found that abolkt of the
sodium con(crit of alumina and hydrfted a1u;iina Ipto-
duced it Alagya)&Jr, Hungary) is present in a "wrribined"
form Le ,the sodium was not dis~,,Ived quantitatively even
by tile hydrrichloric aci-A washing of the -sample. Droinlina-
tions carried out during the glolOng of thu sampir.-i
showed that at tile i,oint of transformatimi Lo a-alumina
the "combfiwil" -wdtum rnigrate:j it- tho -,;urf,tre 0 th--
inictocrvstah and M the sanic time becoules Soluble
L--iwc-z Ent, I r-
M. AZ- cnn-
HUNGARY/Physical aaemistry - Electrochemistry B-12
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 2080.1
Author I. Runnik, K. Fuldfer, I. Ya4kik-
Inst AcadenV of Sciences of Hungsxy.
Title Polarographic Study of Hida Molecular Substances by
Maximum Supression Method.
Orig Pub : AP-ta chim. Acad. sci. hung., 1958, 9, No 1-4, 49-57
Abstr&ct : A more detailed report on vork published earlier
fRZhI(him. 11956, 51683,-
Card 1/1
AB'S. JCUR. RZKhix., No. Ili 1959, 3,; a 43901
UT --lop, 1. , Kralilc, I., and
:!,:I ~111 7 ~K -
t, -
N o t e,-, v e n
TITLE Theory arc. Appii,;at~~Ljn or Poiaro.-rarhi, M-1xima
06 es~;;011. T V. ~)t'. -.m i n't
~np mo.LFcU-
R' R-19tions
0 d
PL .
nys Ctic-M (-EAD" I'), ";G 1-2, 56- r1; 61-;7 (19-"~
Mapy-~-r Txtrn F:)Lyoixa~. :D:i, No "0.,
9 5 T C T
IV. :.iliL-~or- have Lnves-,gilej effect
of foillj~':iT:7 ot'. the pc,laro-
i,M) in the ~,f- ve in C-.002 N
';.113 (;')Q1i n ,
,n,!tn:r1 cle I:. .3olu-
tiOTIS of D .~,ipprf_,zs M in eq-.:,al dt~gr~,es; SOIL,-
cC D a, equal WeiL?It L0r.Z:eT,trrAtj0r Sup-
'-' ir inverse proportion tr- the molecular
Betweer, '~-Mlecular A:!ignt of th,~ CtLLul,,se Diace-
tate Monoplichalate Fraction ~jnd tn--. ~-Jp.
' - qCity )f
Alkaline toLutionE of the '.Etter t.,) Sippress
Polarographic Maxima
401-403 (1956)
AB9. JOUR. i'0.
!N:3T .
OF, IG .-PU 13
14 ~;O
ABSTRACT weight of the D. In the rei!ion of 111 concentra-
tions corre.3i)ondinr, to a d".-rease in M to 50;~
of its -initial value, a _1L_n.-_,ar rellationshI9
is observed betweeil the heiKht of the A and
the noje,-ilar weight of the D at e. lual %eight
concer,trationc, of D. T'Le laLter ObstryatiOn
hab been ijtilized in the devulopment of a
procedure for thl_~ determination of lite molecu-
lar weigtit of thf.- D (accuracy + 4*).
C.PLRD: 2/5
COUNTRY Hungary 2-iz
G A T EFG 0 R..'
AB-S. JOUR. RZKhiia. , -,o. .14 19 39, ;o. 48901
J~T -'12 ,
T iT; LE
AB3TRACT heig'It of the M and the molecular weight (at
equal weight concentration of 1). With in-
cr~-asing concentration of I t1te neightt ol* m
det--reaaes, at first rapidly,t)--en at a siomer
rate. in the case of solutio;is containing
equimolar aviounts of I fl,actions, ta,~ fraction
with t?.e hij3her molesular vveight has a ntroager
6uppre6ving ei'fecr on .1-1, the depetAence of the
height of M on the molecular weight '~~elnF nor,-
linear. The authors note differi!~c~-,s --n Lne
C; Ol U i i TA Y'
iu i-ma
LY S -e .
T IT L 3
CA3X: 5/5
u ngs ry B-1 1!
NO 14 1959, No. 48901
character ji tsie aejeridencE of thv suppres2ing
ei"Loct A' a giv,~n --,iicstunce oa tile molecular
weiyr,ht in t0m, 7ases of 1 fracticw~ and of D.
For CommunLzation T Isec- 1;:) 24, s95'71
Investigntions by Treons uf polaropp-aphic raximum suppressl(,n. TV. Determinntl,-n Cf
the molec-4ur weight of basic dyestv-Xfs. "'. Pelationshlp
welgbt an-I the F.-olurot-raphic raxitrum -jupr-res.-ion of the
P. 1P
Vol. 61, 'No.
Monthly List of ';z,st European Acr-os-iunr L!~y
4, An'! 1~59
ABS. JOUP. RZXhim., 1~o. i939, A;o. 887915"
'L Rusznak, I.; Flikker K - Lay, M.
TITI"r Determination of the Conce-.,
Individual Dyestuffs with Karl Fische.-
OR P! .PUB. Mat-,yar textiltecM., 1959, 11, No 1, ~-6
AB:~TFACT An ir-Airoct method bas been worked out for
detormining the absolute coneeatratirri of bas-le dyes by
titration of the viater that is formee tov usr~ UP
d ) in the
Teaction between the. dyestuff being analyzed and Karl
F-Is-~,her soli-,tion. For I basic dyes results are presented
01 comparative analyse3 cQnducted' In accordance with the
new method.and by the conventional proce,iwe; irear error
"of 14 de Lorminat ions does not exceed 1.4~6.
5. liozenfelld
Theor7 and possible use of the suppression of polarographic -xl-.
VI. Studies of the condensation reactions and of the kinetieB of
reactions of macromolecular substances. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.3:643-449
Mr 161, (Ew 1019)
1. ForBehungoinstitut fur die Textilinduatrie und InBtitut far prak-
tisohe Chemle, Teehnische Universitat, Budapest, Ungarn.
(Polarograph and polarofraphy)
(Macromolecular compounds)
S/08 62/000/017/062/102
Millner, Tivadar, Pukker, Kkroly, Martin, Kornfil,
Dvorszky, Magda
Procedure for producing alumina of,high electric insulating
, Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 17, 1962 ' 383, abstract
17K258 (Hungarian patent 148074, March 31, 1961)
TEXT., A coating of corundum is used for insulation of heating coils (for
instance, an electron tube) at high temperatures.: The authors have found
that the electric insulating capacity of this goating Is considerably
improved if it is introduced as pure a-corundum and burnt in a neutral,
but pkeferablj in a reducing, atmosphere. Pure alumina, burnt at 10500C,
is used as raw material. The powder is burnt in a tubular furnace (thermal
response to 15000C - 1 hr, holding at 15500C - 3 hours, cooling to
11000C - 1 hour). The alumina must be burnt in a stream of hydrogen,
nitrogerr, or a mixture of these or any other gas in vacuum. The product is
ground in a ball mill with the addition of 0.1~ steatite. A film obtained
Card 112
S/081 62/000/017/062/102
Procedure for producing alumina... B150186
from this powder by already well-known methods (for example, electro-
phoresis) is applied to tungsten coils. The electric insulating capacity
of such a film is demonstrated by the fact that among 10 electron tubes
incandesced for 1000 hours no breakdown was observed, whereas in the same
period of time 6 breakdowns occurred with the,same type of lamp using a
film-coated coil prepared by an old method. Abstracter's note: Complete
Card 2/2
Authort Fuldeng V., A.
Titlet The Hilled Carbon 219-iron from cupola farnace. (Holouglarodistyj
chvgun iz vagranki.) 151 P.
Cityl Macow
dd~RAMMM-- --NC State Printing House of the Machine Conqt=tion Literature
Datel 1950
AvailAA*t Library of Oongrass
Sovxcet Monthly Liet, of Hwelan Accesvions., Vol. 3o No. 12, p. 638
USSR/Metallurgi - Foundry WpiWnt Jul 52
"Graphite Lining of Ladles for Desulfurization of Cast
Iron," V.A. Fuklev, Cand Tech Sci
"Litey Proizvod" No 7, P 10
Describes expts for using graphite lining, instead of
expensive magnesite and dolomite, in ladle for desul-
furization of cast iron designated for steel-king
process in side-blown converters in case when proper
S conen could not be maintained in cupola. Graphite
mass contained 50-70 of ground graphite ore, 22-42%
of quartz sand and 4 of bentonite I having moisture
content in 8-16% range. Service length of lining,
about 4o hrs.
M=/Xet4LUurgy - IrourAry, Xquipoient Sep 52
"Tuyere for Delivering Oxygen Into the Forehearth
of a Cupola," V.A. Fuklev, Cand Tech Sci, M. A.
Xhabarov, Engr
.. Litey Proizvod" Wo 9, pp 24, 25
Discusses poosibility for overheating cast iron
by blo4ng with oxygen in cupola forehearth.
Describes detachable tuyere box designed and in-
stalled at plant of Tnabsellmash (Tashkent Agr
YAch Bldg Plant imeni Voroshilov). Design per-
adts removing oxygen tuyere for repair, replac-
Ing it by spare tuyere box within period of 8-15
u1n. Tayere zone in box represents brickworko
300-400 mm high and 800-900 mm long, fitted into
opening in forehearth wall. Box in installed on
carriage for sake of mobility.
"Vessels with Graphite lining for Desulfurizing Iron." Tr. from the Russian. p.102
(PRZEGLAD ODIXdNICTWA Vol. 3, no. 3, March 1953 Krakow, Poland)
SO: Monthl;E list of East &1ropean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5. MEkv 1954/Uncl.
Graphite lining mixture for steel castings. Lit.proizv. no.6:28-29 Je '53.
(XI2& 6-7)
(7oundry supplies)
- -- - - - - - - - -
*42 'a
c l1rdi.-Odam. IC
4-9P77b"mb-4;nL an the tredlinent d C&A
iron With OXONA M thil fV?~- I k1-4tth -f 'A c
f"r 'I'll ta -ive ob mrtal
VOllm-W"a ur idgh-'i Ity Im'n
wo fXwr~-C~l ~,ItetliA of "': W0.11wi IS vul-jua,
06(wits two Wait dma ki th" Ett-vitilra 4,11
~Mlvwuitira Tha rat'11,041-tvi Ot OX134wn
0 in ded Iml 6 c-404,fvr~Q, The Imn by addLir -
a 0.02A-03% et, glumilliumt 111 6.6 lailk. Which cu..) Ir-=
-1 the nUrntAir of gmI,!ufiz46wi l4ucL-l ekid impov4d V%*
Blowing cinsion throng ouu&y kon In tritillIvIa-Uth Imbearths.
A. Fuk i v (Lileticfm 1954, No. 6, 14-16).-Exlwd-
in which the. metal flowing from x cupola was
Vown with 0, n3 it wa-i pwing through a three-bath furelicaith.
DVa are gi,,cn on the chaups In temp, and in C, ~i, and AM contents
various 0 blowing rates. raxwis influencing refrutory hfo
arr. EousidrW and practical Lines on Oz blowing ~,rv given, A
~=U.~r proc~3 is propor4d for cam-crting laundry iron Into Itce.1 ;
in lbimi casm- the forcheath ha3 an additional tinblovrn) both for
J. litbit STItm lusr.
v T.
Vol.- kapil'viks v
FvW,-,f. fitch;w ptali ti4ilol, llw, an. '22, Dt,~
It-"!'"'4 SUrg"
i Ch:tIgg FI;Lkc-llp Ud charging plat M,1110g, Ill., flollif-'r,
FUXIXV, Valentin Andreyevich--KOGAN, S.M., redaktor; RAOMATULLIN, F.,
fgH~ Ylemgo-r
[03ygen blasting of white cast iron in the forehearth of a cupola
furnace; practice of the "Tasheellmash" 'and mUzbokeellmash" plants)
Produvka belogo chuguna kislorodom v kopillnike vag'ranki; is opyta.
zavoda "Tasheellmash" i "Uzbeksollmash". Tashkent, Goo. izd-vo
Usbekskoi SSR, 1956. 54 p. (KERL 10:6)
(Cast iron-Metallurgy) (Cupola furnaces)
V.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.
, "I ---
Using removable tuyeres for feeding oxygen to the forshearth.
Lit. proizv. no.8:4-5 Ag '56. (MT.R" 9:10)
(Cupola furnaces)
SOV/137 59-2-2164
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiyi, 1959. Nr 2. p 20 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Fuklev, V. A.
TITLE: Reaction Heat of Oxidation of Some Elemerts During the Blowing of
Oxygen or Air Through 'molten Metal (Teplota reaktsii okisler-iya neko
torykh elementov pri produvke zhidkogo metalla kislorodom i1; voz
PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz. politekhn. in--ta, 1957. Nr 4 pp 201-215
ABSTRACT: EquationsJor the reaction heats of oxidation of Fe, Ivin S1, and C
in relation to the temperature were de- eloped according to da+a on file
specific heats, heats of soluiJon, and hezits of phase transformations.
I. T~
Card 1/1
Yuklev, Y,-A--, Grakhov, L. K.
On the Problem of Overheating of Steel in SideBlcwn
Bessemerizing (K voprosu o peregrove stali pri malom
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2,
PP 78-83 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the rocess mentioned in the title, the temperature rise
due to oxidation of silicon is about 2 to 2 1/2 -imes higher
than the one caused by carbon combustion. This in explained
by the fact that the silicon fully oxidizes in the liquid
metal phase and emits its heat to the latter, whereas the
carbon in the metal only partially oxidizes, and burns to
Co2 only outside the metal. Thus, the oxidation of Si is de-
cisive for the temperature of the metal. The course.of the
gas temperature during the blowing of the side blow-a con-
verter - shown in figures 1 and 2 - proves that the gas cannot
cause an overheating of the tank. The authors advocate such
overheating since it considerably shortens the blowing period
(Fil; 3), attaining a better utilization of the oxygen blown
Card 1/2 in. The habit of economizing ferrosilicon in practice is
On the Problem of Overheating of Steel In Sidc Blava ~,enemerizine
criticized. In this cano, the required teLperature is only
attained by the burn-up of iron, for which purpose 8 times
more iron than silicon is nocessary. Maxizmum efficiency is
attained by high overheating, good utilization of the oxidation
reactions of silicon and carbon, optimum utilization of the
wind oxygen, and a ninimum burn--up of iron. There are 3 figures
and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatakiy politekliniclieskiy institut
((Soviet) Central Asia Polytechnic Institute)
SUBMITTED: August 20, 1956
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Grakhovq L.K., and Puklev, V.A., Candidntes of Techni-
cal Sciences *_~
TITLE: Some Aspects of the Side-Flown Fessemer Process
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, T-Tr 6, pp 2o-22 (Ussq.)
ABSTRACT: Scientific studies have shown that Pessemer steel
comes very close to or even surpasses with its proper-
ties the Siemens Yartin steel and electric steel. This
is indicated too by the considernble attention given
to 'Bessemer steel during recent years. (The authors
quote an article by S.E. Smith and J.P. roy in "Plast
Furnace and Steel Plant", !7arch 1950). The specific
specialties of the "baby Bessemer process" consist
of blowing air at the surface of the converter or at
an insignificant depth (but not from the bottom). The
author compares the English experiments ("Journal Of
Iron And Steel Institute", January and February 1947)
and the Soviet experiments (Grakhov, 1:.K.,
Card 1/2 Doctor thesis, 19~5), both arriving at the same con-
Some Aspects of the Side-Blown Bessemer Process
clusions about the "baby Bessemer process" with re-
gnrd to the absorption of oxygen. The type of blo,.-,,in6_
is the basic factor of the baby Pessemer process. A
similar role plays the intensity of the blowirr method
This is especially the case during the start o?' Vie
melting process when there is not yet a "boiling 7.1ro-
cess" in the converter. The results of the experiments
are listed by means of 5 graphs. Conclusion: It is
the intention of the whole process to create the condi-
tions for an intensive oxydation of the carbon and for
a 'boiling of the contents of the converter during the
longest possible priod of time. (Remark of the editors
office:The so-called "boiling" (caused by the oxyda-
tion of the carbon) shall not be regarded as an inde-
pendent factor). There are 5 graphs, and 9 referen-
ces, 7 of which are Soviet and 2 Fnglish
Card 212
Continuous metal blowing by oxygen in the trough. Izv.vys.ucheb.
sav.; chern.met. no-7:60-67 160. (MIRA 1): 8)
1. Bredneasiatakiy politekhaichesk1y institut.
(Open-hearth process)
(Oxygen--Industrial applications)
Moscov. Institut stall.
Novoye Y toorli i praktike proityodatys mwrtenoYskoy stali Oiev (Developments)
in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth Steelmaldna) Moscow, Metallurgizdat,
1961. 439 P. (Seriest Trudy Hezhyuzovskogo nauchnogo soveshchaniya)
2,150 coples printed.
Sponsoring Agencys Ministerstyo neshogo I aredneso spetsiallnogo obrazoveniya
RSFM. Moskovskiy institut stall ineni 1. V. Stalin&.
Eds.t M. A. Olinkor, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Yjmdakoy,
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of
Technical Sciences, G. N. Oyks, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
and V. f. Tavoyakiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Ye. A.
Borko; M. of Publishing Houset N. V. Grow.; Tech. Rd.t A. 1. Karesev.
YWIPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for members of scientific
institutions, faculty members of schools of higbor education, engineers
concerned vith metallurgical processes and phloicaX chemistry, and students
specializing in these fields.
C ard 1/14
Nov (Developments) in the Theory (Cont.) WV/5556
COVERAM: The collection contains papers revieving the development of open-
hearth steel-king theory and practice. The papers, vritten by staff
members of schools of higher education, scientific research institutes,
and main laboratories of metallurgical plants, vere presented and discussed
at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. The folloving
topics are considered: the kinetics and mechanism of carbon oxidation; the
process of slag formation in open-hearth furnaces using in the charge either
ore-lime briquets or composite flux (the product of calcining the mixture of
the behavior of hydrogen in the open-hearth bath; metal
lime vith bauxite),
desulfurization procesoesj the control of the open-hearth thermal malting
regime and its automation, beat-engineering problems in large-capacity
furnaces; aerodynamic properties of fuel gases and their flov in the furnace
combustion chamber; and the improvement of high-alloy, steel quality through
the utilization of vacuum and natural gases. The folloving persons took
part in the discussion of the papers at the Conferience: S.I. Filippor,
V.A. Kudrin, M.A. Glinkov, 26P. Nam, V.I. Tavoyokly, O.N. Oyka and Ye.
V. Chalishchav (Moscow Steel Institute)j Ye. A. Xazacbkov. an6, A. S.
Kharitonoy (Zhdanov Motallurgical Institute); N.S. Mikhayiete(Inatitute of
Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR);
A.I. Stroganoy. and D. Ya. Poyolotakiy (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute);
P.V. Uwrikhin Ural Polytechnic Institute); I.I. FoWn (the Hoscov "Berp I
molot" Metallurgical Plant)l V.A. ftklsv (Central Asian Polytechnic Institute)
Card 2/1
New (Developments] in the Tbaory (Cont.) =15556
and H.I. Beylinoy (Night School of the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute)
References follov some of the articles. There are 268 references, mostly Soviet
Foreword 5
Yayoyukly, V. 1. [Moekorokiy institut sba - HoO=W Steel Xnatitutel.
Principal Trends In the Development of Scientific Research in Steel
Xwmfacturing 7
7111ppor, 6. 1. tProfessor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Hoscov Steel
Tnatitutel. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon OxIdAtIon 15
in Metals With L*v Carbon Content.
(Y. I. Antonenko pdrUc1pated in the experimenteJ
Levin, S. L. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dnepropetrovskly
mets.1largIcheskly Institut Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute).
Card V14