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Fric , V~. Fric, V. Instability of the auxiliary impulse in the switch vilve. p. 643- Haj. A precise differential amplifier. Tr. from the English. p. 643- Skv Antimony-lithium photocathode. Tr. from the Russian. p. 644. 2d Exhtbition of the Czechoslovak Machinery Industry in Brno. (To be contd) p. 646. Vol. 17, no. 11, Nov. 1956 SLABOPROUDY OBZCR TEOMOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6, May 1957 1410. 5 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Radio Physics - General Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikaj, No 8) 1958) No 18534 Author D:J~ Inst Not Given Title First International Congress in Paris 1956 on Microwave Tubes Orig Pub Slaboproudy obzor, 1957, 18., No 11., 764-769 Abstract : Survey article,, devoted to microwave tubes and based on the published materials of the First International Congress in Paris in 1956. Bibliography, 100 titles. Card : Vi 8 i373 Z/03i/60/000/005/004/056 Al?R &~82 Evaluation of the Fundamental e of Tuning the Magnetrons from the Point of View of Efficiency and Frequency Stability they operate with low "parameters". ASSOCIATION: Vy/zkumnj ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, L/ /I Praha (Research Institute for Vacuum BleDtrotechnology, Prague) Card 2/2 Z/039/60/021/o8/005/032 E14O/E563 AUTHOR: Fric, Viktor TITLE: Increasing Magnetro Efficiency by Ferrite Isolator!%~' PERIODICAL: Slaboproud' obzor, 1960, Vol 21, No 8, pp 468-473 y ABSTRACT: The article examines the theoretical increase of magnetron efficiency resulting from the use of ferrite isolators, which eliminate load variation influence on the magnetron parameters. In a numerical example an increase from 41 to 58 percent was found. There are 9 figures and 9 references, 3 of which are Czech, 1 Soviet and 5 English. 64 If ASSOCIATIONt V~fzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechnlku (Research Institute for Vacuum Electrical Engineering) SUBMITTED: January 29, 1960 Card 1/1 FRICP Viktor-, DOHNALEK, Jarmil; STARY, Zdenek, inz. Magnetron 60 SA 51 for industrial use. Sbor vak elektratech 3:36-51 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechnikup Praha. FFIC, Viktor .... . . Evaluation of principal methods of magnetron tuning from the viewpoint of their efficiency and frequency stability. Sbor vsk elbktrotech 3:52-61 161. 1. Vyzkwuq ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha, FRIC? Viktor; STARY, Zdenek, Inz. Contribution to the design of magnetron output transfomers. Sbor vak elektrotech 3t62-73 161. . 'i Z701039 OX61~022/008/004/007 -3 D260 30.5 AUTHOR. Fri6, Viktor TIT'LE: On the significance of a high vacuum in microwave tubes and methods of its production PERIODICiE: Slaboproudy' obzor, v. 22, no. 8, 1961, 476-479 TEXT: The performance, stability and life of microwave tubes depend to a large extent on maintaining a high vacuum in them., Modern evacuation methods and devices pen-,at attaining and maintain- ing a vacuum better than 10-8 - 10-9 mm Hg. The article describes the principle and performance of the following devices: 1) The con- ventional evacuation system consisting of a forepump, and a diffu- sion pump; 2) A US electronic cold-cathode ultra-high vacuum pump; 3) The French PV S 11 electronic heated-cathode vacuum pump; 4) A, '~ ~Nt French miniature heated-cathode vacuum pump. In Czechoslovakia, the katedra elektroniky a vAkuovej fyzily Karlovej univerzity (Chair of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Charles University) has Card 1/3 27109 Z/039/61/022/008/004/007 On the significance of a high vacuum.... D260/D303 built several modifications of small, glass elements with titanium evaporation designed for producing very high vacua in systems pre- viously evaculated by the convential foreppmp-diffusion pump sys- tem., which were described by L. Eckertova, L. KryAka, L. PAt� and P. Schtfrer (Ref. 16: 6erpaci elementy s parovan' titanem (Pump- 'vaporation), YM ing Elements with Titanium L is.. das. fys. 10, 1960, no. 5, 443-447). They operate on the principle of gas gettering by evaporated titanium. In one of these elements, the titanium evaporation takes place in an atmosphere of residual gases partial- ly ionized by the potential between a heated cathode and a titanium-,",-- rod as an anode, thus increasing the desorption of inert gases. Measurements have sh=i that residual-gas pressures as low as 4 x 10-8 - 4 x 10-10 can be produced by this element. It is hoped that these elements can also be used for the additional evacuation of smaller microuave tubes. In conclusion it is stated that in addition to their better economy, the main advantage of electronic vacuum pumps is that the pumping process can be interrupted at any time without damaging the tube. There are 4 figures, I table and Card 2/3 271W Z/039,/61/022/003/004/007 On the significance of a high vacuum... D260/D303 18 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Sovict-bloc. The references to the four most recent English-language publications read as fol- lows: E.Brown, J.H. Leck, Desorption of Gas in the Cold Cathode Ionisation Gauge, Brit. Journ. of Appl. Phys., 6, 1955, May, 161-164; N.i,I.W. Smith, Noise Reduction in Microwave Tubes by Getter Ion Pump- ing, Abstract in Le Vide 15, 1960, no. 85; S. Wagener, The Use of Getters for the Production of Very High Vacua, Vacuum. III, no. 1, January 1953, 11-23; L.D, Hall, Electronic Ultra-High Vacuum Pump9 Rev. of Scient. Instr., 29, 1958, no,, 5, 367-370. ASSOCIATION: V�zkumn~ u'stav vAkuove' elektroniky, Praha (Resegr-cA* Institute of Vacuum Electronics, Prague) SUBMITTED-, December 7, 1960 Card 3/3 h3198 z/o39/62/023/012/003/004 1-.'L 92 /1,3 A111,11011s: Fric V-Jilitor and DohnnIck, Jarmil Ti,rLE: Principles of dielectric heating at microwaves PE'RIODICAL: -Slaboproud~ obzor, v. 23, no. 12, 1962, 691 - 697 T E'XT The heating power produced in a dielectric having a p ermit t ivi t yc. and loss f'actor tan 6 , placed in in el-ectric field 9 of frequency f , is proportional to r 2 frtanb . The heating of high-loss, high-pemilittivity materials is thus comparatively efficient, while For materials of low c and lou, tan 6 it is necessary to employ high X o r f however, neither 17 nor f Call be made V(.I-y high Since highE can restilt ill breakdowtis oi* the diolt,ctric and Iligh f, call 1.0dilco tile l'ield pelletration depth into the timLvrial. vreciiiv"cies ranging 1'rom I.-) Mc/s to microwaves call be used Cor tliv 1mr-pose of' heating but microwaves are advan- tagreous in many applications. Continuously operating magnetrons irticularly suitahle as sources oi* microwave heatin,,; energy -ire 1). 2 siieciaL oibes i..vrv clivnigned For this purpose at the Research a nd Institute for Vacutim :JectrotechnoloqY at Pr'a.Q:(lC- The first magn et roil, type onnr;ites -it 2%75) + 50 Mc/s and :-~ivvs Card 1/3 03 9/0'!/Q 2 1/01, 2/00 ~/O,)'. Principles or' g,-,/ continuous ,p. -cq~ It., sjjp!)j*,. arill "llodo current 0.;; 1110 S,"tUl-,~LiOll l11A'4neLiC1 11 '1, It e ot I ier ma-tiet von L y!)v I, a I so oricrat c:; oiie , ame 1*rOquciicv and has a coicLil allLetilla ouCpUr; ILS maxiwum anode volt;%ge iS kV and cill-r-olit ".8 %. J*hP magnetic Cicid in the gan if: 1150 G and tire wir,mi- ol' Clio device is 2 N~.11; the tube is i.,,atcr- cool.ed at tire rat(- of' 5w, - 60 I./h. file resonance F,.Vftclll of, the dovico consi~.z..-; of' 16 i-esonators vith double coiiplin,~ stri'll"s. 1, h c dioiectric jileaLing sources ol' this type can be used. f'or wnrm -up ! *,*ri.~.,Pr,)tPk1 `ood; a special ovell %,ith .1 wavogtlidc, used tstl.~ D%WtIOSC,i!~ Shown. I'lle hcates..,; call .11"o t'ind gl'.~Lfl and othet- vegetawLe nroducts, dcstruc- tion oL` Ell(-- pasteurization and sterilization and- vulcanizzitio;. .)I* roulibet A_ plasma burner operating at 3 500a c for destroyin,,,c Iiarci1*uL ingredients in the prod!icts of internal- combustion ongirips can be constructed bv using the magnetrons, liuman operators have to be suitably protected operating with microwave licate'l s. The Permissible maximum microwave radiation in the is It, 1w,../c1n*' Iiililo ill tile Soviet Union it is as lc)lv as Card 2/3 z/o59/6"/()23/012/005/004 Principles of .... El 9 2/1-3 8 2 10 V11.'*/cm2unless the operatorlis in contact with radiation for less than 20 min whon I mW/cm- im permissible. There are 9 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: V~zlcumny u"stav pro valcuovou -elektrotechniku, Praha (Research Institute for Vacuum r1ectrotechnology, Pragu 0 SUBMITTLD: may 14 , 1962 Card 3/3 Z/037/62/000/005-6/045/049 E140/E520 AUTHOR: liric, V. TITLE: I-Aectronic limitation of the high-frequency output power of magnotrons PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensic/ ~asopis pro fysikup/,no-5-6, 1962, y 697-709 T,-'.XT: A relation is deri ved for the stability of the. working inode from the condition.-, of synchronization of the basic components or a high-frequency field and electrons in the neighbourhood of the cathode. The way in which the problem is put shows tile influence of the space charge on the upper limit of tile magnetic field. at which the magnetron can be operated stably in the frmode. The limiting.influence of the space charge and the high-frequency field in the interaction space is included in the common function F, the value of which was determined from an evaluation of the data published on a large number of' magiletrons. 'rho conclusions reached can be used with advantage in designing a new magnetron as a criterion of the .fundamental possibility of the generation of the required high- frequency output. 'There are 5 figures. Card 1/2 J Electronic limitation of the ... Z/037/62/000/005-6/045/049 E140/E520 ASSOCIATION: Vvzkumny ~3Lav pro vakuovou clektrotechniku, Praha (Research Institute for Vacuum Engineering, Prague) Card 2/2 h5696 Z/039/63/024/001,'003/oo6 f, q 0 Rl. 92/ 10 8 2 AUTHOR: -LrjLc,, Viiaor TITT, E: Practical use of the criterion of electronic limitation of nmximum I)ower output in the design of inagnotrons Slaboproudk obyor, v. 224, no. 1, 1963, 111 - 18 T','-*,"V: The author found in an earlier work (Cs. 'Eas. pro ry.,;. , 112, 196:~, 5-6) that stable operation cotild be achieved in nei-ily (le~-ipmcd types or magnetrons up to a certain value of the magnetic field. There wa.~4 evidence that the upper boundary of the ma.-,netic field was limited electronically due to the space charge and high-frequency field in the interaction Space. An attempt is made in the folLowing, to show how this linitation criterion can be used in the design of new magnetrons. It was .shown in the earlier iork that over the whole operatinr region the magnetron should meet the following condition: U F U a v 1/ 4 u5 9/ 6 5/o24/ool/oo5/oo6 Practical xvic of .... if it is furni.-died with resonance systems consisting of identical resonators and: Ua F WX aTI v when the resonators are "stagg-cred". in these equations, Ua is the anode-operating voltage, U N~- is the threshold voltage for the err"-mode,F is a function whic i 'expresses the electronic limit for the upper boundary of the magnetic field, 14 is the number of resonators x is the resonance wavelength of the W -wode and xv tile resonllyce wavelength of the neighbouring mode with the nearest phass- velocity. The power-limitation criterion is taken into conaideration by the following design approach. First, the thre.qhold voltage for the Ar-mode is plotted as a functicn of tile magnetic field (using the Hartree formulae) andtive threshold voltage given by Eq. (1) or (2) is also shown. The maximum value of the anode current and voltage can now he determined for any Card 2/ 11 Z/039/63/024/ool/oOVOo6 PI-actical use of .... E192/133622 vzllue of tile magmetic field. The dependence of tile anode current oil tile anode voltage is then calculated for various successive vallle~; of /-\IJ Tile electronic efficiency is evaluated for every calculated vidue of.' the anode current and is plotted as a suitable g The high-frequency poi..,cr generated by tile electrons is then calculated for each successive value of the anode voltage --ind the correspondin- anode current. The amplitude of tile high- a t frequency voltoge , tile allode call be calculated for each succes- sive vnlllc U a 4 The resulting values of the high-frequency anode voltage call be calculated for radii giyen by: .,r2 r Icni; u e) (6) 1 It x 10-7 ~ 1 11 it It is now possible to plot a function U = U 11 + Uvf as a f'tjncLiI_-.. of tile anode voltage U or the anode current I Such a graph gives tile maximlim theoretica! anode voltage and current and thus Card 3/4 Z/O~9/63/024/001/003/Oo6 Practical use of .... V,-L 9-/ E3 8 2 permits evaluation of the maximmii high-frequency power. A Lk 11111"Ierical example of Iming thi.,; approach in the design of a 2 kW magnetron is given. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: vyzlcurln~ 4stav pro valmovou elelctrotechnilcu, Praha (Research Institute for Vacuttin Electrical Engineering, Prague) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1962 Card 4/4 FRIGH) V. [Fric, V.j --------------- Umitation of the oferating parametern of magnatrons r-' -Ined Irt the special foatures of the interaction of electronr with i high- frequency field. Radlotebh. i elektron. 9 no.8sl386-1398 Ag 164. i (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iseledava tell skly institut vakuumnoy elektrotekliniki, Praga. L-- FRIC, Viktor Determining the value of the F "unction limiting the upper electronic threshold of the magnetic field of magnetrons. Sbor vak elektrotech 4:16-25 164. 1. Research Institutp of Vacuwn Electrical Engineering, Prague. FRICEK. J. F11 IGHT .J repairs of tractors with Aiceds i:, the district repair sho, i , p of machive-b-actor st:Aio;ts in 111-:en. (To loo ce . U~. Correct sta.-.,dardizatiori of work Ll the repair shops of -v.,ichii,e-tractor statio!-,s. i) - 15. Vol. 7, :o, 1, Jail. 195,1 M.~ITEDI-1371I - E VF!'CULTUR Czechoslovakia So- East European ~ccessi-n, Vol. ~-,':'o- 5, I'lay 1057 FRICEK, J. FRICEK, J. General repairs of tractors .-r! h wheels in the district repair shor, of machii.e-tractor statiot;s i.. Plzen. (To be corltd.) P. 39. Vol- 7, no. 2. Ja-i. 1957 I-MfL,',,'.ISACE Z'cY,.-:EDMSTVI AGRICULIURE Czechoslovakia So; East European Accession, Vol. 6, .'~O- 5, HaY 1957 --,,adio Physics. of I-I Radio-Proquoncy Oscillations. Abs in ur Rof Zhur - Fizike. No 3, 1957, Jo 7255 Au thor F-rich- Ti '.1e Calculation of Fundmaental Paraneters of the :Ressonant System of EL Ma_rnetron Ori:,- P~tb SlabODroiidny obror, 1956, 17, 11o 6, 430-438 Abstract Pelations are derived for the calculation of the fundamental parameters of the ma--notron. A siz,-=ry of the fun~lwmontul r-4- les Quit niust be observed in the calculation of a ne-.-. re:;OT:a---t system of ma,!netron3 is given. Card 1/1 - 16 - FRICH, 1.9 CAND MED SCIp "FORMS AND METHODS OF TRAINING PHYSICIANS IN THE USSR AND IN CHECHOSLOVAKIA010 LENINGRAD9 1961, (FIRST LENINGRAD MED INST im ACAD 19 P. PAVLOVV CHAIR OF ~RQANIZATION OF /~UBLIC.~EALTX). (KLI 2-619 220)o -292- FRICH, T. - w , I "' -" New method of pneumography. Gig. i sane 23 no.5:77-79 Vq 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz Klushskogo nauchnc-iseledovntallskogo gigi.,renicheakogo in- etituta, RumynsksyiL Farodnaya Respublikae (RESPIRATION, physiol. pneumogrnphy, new method (Rua)) SHTRAUSP Kh.; LENGEL, I.; FRIC11, T. Influence of air pollution from cement dust on the body and public health. Trudy LSGMI no.*102-3-12 160. (MDU 14: 11) (RUIWIA-AIR POLLUTION) (MIANIA-7PUBLIC 11ULTH) ACCESSION NR: AP4043672 S/0109/64/009/008/1386/1398 AUTHOR: Frich, V. TITLE: Limitations of operating parameters of magnetrons imposed by the peculiarities of the interaction of electrons with a high-frequency field SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i clektronika, v. 9, no. 8, 1964, 1386-1398 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, xmgnetron theory, electron interaction, electron field interaction, space charge, space charge distribution ABSTRACT. This is a continuation of the author a theoretical work whose results were reported bofore the Second Czechoslovakian Conference on Electronics (V. Fric",6eskosl. 4asop. hys. , 196Z, 12, 4, 697). The author's formulas for the upper operating limit of a magnetron were reported. In the present article, a more accurate derivation of those formulas, based on the similarity of electron trajectories in static and generating magnetrons in the near-cathode region, is submitted. The magnetron upper operating limit is imposed by the distribution of electrons in the boundary layer of the space-charge cloud; a purely Brillouin !Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043672 Ispace-charge distribution is assumed. The function F expressing the operating limit is numerically evaluated from the published data on many magnetrons ;. this function allows for the effects of the space charge and field asymmetry. The numerical values of the function for multicavity (including the rising-sun ty pe) magnetrons %Vith and without strips are given. These conclusions are also offered: (1) The near-cathode electron trajectories in a generating mignetron similar to those in a static magnetron; (2) The electron distribution in the space-charge cloud corresponds, in the first approximation, to the Brillouin state; (3) The function F may serve for an approximate determination of the thickness of the transient layer of the space-charge cloud in a generating magnetron. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 22 formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: Isaledovatel'skiy institut vakuumnoy elektrotekhniki pP=Ve (Research Institute of Vacuum Electrical EnAineering SUBMITTE D: 25Aug63 ENGL: 00 003 OTHER! Oll i SUB CODE:- EC NO REF SOV: ;Card 2/2 . ...... "or LO11 a (0) :1U* )(1), rector: jor S =.t D in Do;. ";("St snails T Co ILL - Of -e DeSc--i2t.OV) On6 ito 10;~~e .,0 jul 1 Q "'ol n a, ~,:an6t te le 0 t -clef C Of -snai!5 in -ater frUt" .3 We"'! 0t., --r n4-- Lce cecuri.,C., -ru- fol. tile ~thyr..n -L-J KAHLICH, ft.; FRAIEK, J,; FRICOVAJI 0. Distribution and activity of P-hemoly-tic stroptococci in newly formed communities. 1. The role of streptococci as the pathogen in acute respiratory diseases. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun.12- no.2 81-87 Mr 163. 1. Vojensky ustav hygieny, epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Praze (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIMS) (RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS) lZill ".1ma ta in blolaocal mqterl.-J. Vlehva Fn,~m li "Ind Tomig - 1. C, (tgt -0 Prague). U.--toAl"Ill jv bl"fTIRT Ok~i Ety 51. MIS-V1957).-A vzcdifi-A quart. detu. is Jw;, direct phell(Atleuic of turbidit:f .64 by which atises, afttx btd pLmaa. detipceif-ed mcording t.) Mae-4ns(Laacd H46,2241), has U~rji adjusted toptl 4.2 by addo. ofAcOll buGer. TEc mcthtA it-quirtA em little mzO.2- PRISTOUPILP T.I.; A*OVA, V. .:,;.. Some changes in the sulfur groups in modified proteins. Cesk. farm. 12 nojs134~137 Mr 163. 1. Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuse, Praha. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SULFUR) (HEU) (FORMALDEFrIDE) (HYDROGEN PEROXIDE) (CHEMISTRY) (SULFIDES) c z Eci 10S LOV.11.!Ill 11. V. FUICOVA and T. 'I. PRISTOUPIL, FA'Cfilfation niamw as 'I'Imvc-.7~ "Euiz-matic Decomrosicion of i"Ovi;-.0 Pra:;uc, Cesicoslove-ska Farmacic, Vol 12, ::o I., :a-.. 61; -.n 191-IIJ-3. I ~rj-- En 1 i s 1 i -- L., rr.-. i a :: y r. o d i f i c d t-,nd nepsin hydrolysis of s-ccimens of bovinc scrum al'Oum-i-n., citIzer denaturred Ly he--L, I-OMM.-Ilin, oXidnLion were studied I)y I)iurct and nin'l-ydrin methods. Denaturcd samples dCCOMIPOSed to a t~,an native ores. Table, 4 Zraphs; 3 Czech (I patent) and 3 retcrences. 21 VA , "a c la -!,a lVan: F~T CO 17-: '"!A-iL, 6 64 1. institute of Hematology and Blood Transfuc;~-11- P!"': FRICOMY, _ R. _- , -1- ------ - , , Cement'ig in spectacle optics. Jemna mech optu 9 n7,.4; 1)7-1'8 164. FRIGSOVSZKY, Gyorgy How do semiconductors work? Tem tud kozl 7 no.11006-509 19163. 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyogyetem Atomfizikai Tansmeke, Budapest. KIRSCIRIER, Istvan; PAPP, Memer; FRICSOVSZKY, Gyorgy Physics of supraconductors. Ptol. Fiz szemle 13 no.10:311-318 0163 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyagyetam Atomfizikai Tanazake, KULSONER, Istvan; PAPP, Elemer; FRICSOVSZKY, Gyorgy Physics of oupraconductors.Pt.2. Fiz szemle 13 no.11;336-349 N 163. 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegvetem Atomfizikal Tanszeke. KIRSCIRM, Istvan; PAPP , Elamer; FRICSOIISZYY) G- yorgy Physics of supraconductors, Pt.3. Fiz szemle 13 no.12: 379-384 D163. 1. Botvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Atoiftfizikai Tanazake, SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1689 AUTHOR KLJARIELIDIB.N.t MD. A.-A. TITLE A Filamentlike Aniolie-717n'& Gas Discharge. PERIODICAL turn.teohn fix 26t fasc.11# 2541-2547 (1956) Issued: 1; / 11935T Here the experimental investigation of the ignition mechanism of the discharge in a long discharge tube along the axis of which a thin wire is drawn, is described. The application of a potentialf which is positive with respect to the cathode, to the filament causes a discharge luminescence on the surface of the filament as well as the instant ignition of the discharge between the main electrodes. In mercury vapor* (p - OtOO1 mm torr in the case of discharge currents of the order from 10-5 to 10-3 ampAres on the filament) a weak luminescence extends over the surface of the filament to the extent of up to 75 cm. However, a reliable discharge is attained only if the discharge tube is not very long. That portion of the filament which is next to the cathode is the anode of the independent discharge. The remaining part of the filament collects the electrons which are propagated from the domain of the independent discharge. These electrons penetrate into the cylindrical field between the walls of the tube and the field, describe several circles round the filament, and then impinge upon the filament. Near the filament the electrons have the highest kinetic energy and ionize the gas intensely. On this occasion a noticeable concentration of electrons and positive ions is broL,ht about in # 9 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 - I *is 0 . - - - - - 9 Of 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 M 0 of f 0 It u is w t$ 16 It it " a to a Is a x J6 ifAif If Ulf J." A's *nsm 41 u4i"alro k A-i-A-1~ a a p a a 1. If Al t- t_A__ M, 0 ccI Ct A 'ay ~o 0 04(1