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44 124-11-13480 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr. 11, p 16Z (USSR) AUTHORS: Demidov, P. N., and Filimonov, N. A. TITLE: Life-Expectancy Calculations for the Pinions of Cutting Chains ( Mschet dolgovechnosti sharnirov rezhushchykh tsepey PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Mosk. gorn. in-ta, 1956, sb. 17, pp U9-227 ABSTRACT: It is as.,mrned that the tension of the chain resulting from the friction forces accrues uniformly over the entire length of the bar, whereas the tension created by the cutting forces appears only over the active length of the guide bar. Utilizing a relationship between the chain advance ratio and the attrition coefficient obtained experimentally, as well as by computational formulas derived in the work, the Authors have calculated the life expectancy of the pinions of the cutting chains of the coal-cutting machine GGK-35M. Bibliography: 4 references. (B. M. Zuyev) Card 1/1 DEMIDOV, P.N. %4UNNOMOOMMMM History of rock disintegration by mechanical means. Nauch. trudy MGI no-21:5-16 157. (MIRk 11.-q) . (Crushing machinery) DEMIDOVI FIN. Experimental Investigation of flywheel moments in coal cutting madhines. -Uuc1r,-trudy-1GI no.21.#169-188 157. (Coal minine, machinery-Tenting) (14IRA 11:9) P.IT., eritz., Li (3,71: !"r! Tiir,-~hlangj, inzh. Doterminin- the spend of th,f ratchet sLroke )-I cuttur- loaders. f,:or.delo pro. 111, 127 1. Prodstavlenit lv,foeruy riachin Moskovalcoro ~-o-ioin lnq-ti- tuta i-i. 1.V. 5talinv. (Coal mining machinery) DEMIDOV, P.R., dotsent; LI GYN-CHLN. kand.takhn.nauk ......... Iffect of wear of the Joints of multivectional ratchet gear on the "Donbass-11 cutter-loader food dynamics Izv.vyo.uchob. savo; goreshuro uoolOtM-87 '59o iMMA 13:5) 1. Mookovskiy 9Or577 institut- (Coal min1w machinery) DEMOV, P.N dotsent; LI GYN MAN, kand.tekbn.nauk i Determining the design loads on the parts of the ratchet gear of the feed of the "Donbass-l" cutter-loader. 12v. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.11:84-90 161. (HIRA 15:1) 1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut imeni I.V.Stalina. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornykh mashin. (Coal mining machinery) D34IDOV Pavel Nikolq7ej KARTAVIY, Nikolay Grigorlyevich; LYUCHENKO, Dmitriy flikolayevich; LYUBIFOV, Boris Ilikolayervich; KRIVONOSOV) VVFO p , retsenzent; SKOCHIN-SKIY A.A., naucbnyy sotr., red.; PANOV, A.D., otv. red .; AUW.GV, V.I.,.red.j2d-va; BOLDYREVAp Z.A.., tekhn. red. (Coal plowa]Ugollrqp strugi,' [By] P.N.Demidov idr. Moskva, Gosgortekh~zdat, 1962. 295-p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Donetakiy gosudarstvemiyy proyaktno-konstruktorskiy i elcepertrentalln inatitut ugollnogo mashinostrayeniya sov~ (for Krivono 2. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo (for Panov). (coal mining madhinery) DEMIDOV, P.N. ~ . Experimental study of the operation of the "Donbass-111 cutter- loader. Nauch. trudy Mqsk. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektromekh. no.4-lil6-26 162. (MIRA 16:10) t-, .. - ~ DallfM Pavel Favlovich; MRAVE4, Yuriy Yakovievich WVO - Nakhodka, Vladlvostok, Dallnevostochnoe kni.zhnr-,e izd-vo 19650 1 V. (KiRA 19--l) L 29807-66 EWT(m)/EV1P(t)/ET1 ACC NN AP6020673 AUTHOR: Domidov. P, V, ORG: nong, IJP(c) JD SOWIC-33 CODE t TITIE: Smelting forroalloys at the Almaznvan Plant WOCISt Iflotallurgichoska-ya i gornorudnaya proryahlonnostI. no. 1, 1966, 74-75 TOPIC TAGS: smelting furnace, electric transformer, forroalloy, industrial autonati metal extracting, silicon alloy, manganese alloy, electric furnace /OKOB-61 electric furnace ABSTRACT: The author describes equipment put into operation at the Almaznyan tForroalloy Plant three years ago. Three-phase OKB-613 rotary electric furnacesi jwere installed in the smelting department. Thoso furnaces have a mechanism fori reversible rotation at a rate of one revolution in 31,18q hours. 31eqt1-1c power is supplied from three, single-phase SOTs'N 820011 rans-formorsictocated around the furnace. The transformer has 17 voltage stop's (secondaryTfrom 132.5 to 210 v. The furnace Vstallation has the following electrical para- meters: resistance--0.12,10- A; reactance--I.15*10-10 St ; voltage on the. high sido--10 kv; voltage on the low sido--170-180 v; primary current--950 a; secondary current--118-52 Ka; power factor--0.82-0-85. The furnaces are used for smelting grades Si-75 and Si-45 ferrosilicon. Automation of charge loading' has been completely eliminated in the has eliminated 16 men. Manual 1 Card 1/2 uDc: 669-.168 ACC NRt AP6020873 process. Op t ,they may be used for anese..; I .,silicon alloys., How 'satisfactory.' Orige SUB CODEt 13, n v I Card 2/2 TT I T 7 7 CHUYKO, N.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; PEREVYAZKOp A.T.; MOSHKEVICH, Ye.I.; Prinimali uchastiyet RUTKOVSKIY, V.B.; KONISHCHEV, M.I.; FRANTSEV, V.P.4 DE EDOV, P.V. Controlling the gaseous phase composition in aft electric furnace by means of an air curtain. Met. i gornorud. prom, no.2:15-18 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15-.,11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (for Chuyko). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy staleplavillftyy zavod vysokokachestvennykh i spetsiallnykh staley (for Perevyazko, Moshkevich). (Electric furnaces) (Cases-Analysis) KHITRIK, S.I., doli'tor tekbt. nauk; KADINOV' Ye.l., inzh.; B M DULIH, G.H., inzh.; TREGUNWO, A.F., in2h.,- YATSKMCH., I.S., inah.; DEMIDOV P.V' p insh"; FRVUSOV V.P., inzh.; SMOLTAKOV, V.P., G.P. inzb.-- a' D6VGIY, M.M' inzb.,- MOSHKEVICH, Ye.I., inzh.; kBOM-CH, A.'V., inzh. Reducing chromium losses in the manufacture of acid-resistant and stainless steels in electric are furnaces. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:17-20 Ja-F 262. (MIRA 16t6) (Steel, Stainisaa-Zlectrometallurgy) YBDOROT, G.B~; Prinimaji uchngtiye: VASILiTEVO R~Ao i NMIDQVO'.~-A. Determining the heat of sublimation of silver, nickel, and zirconium by means of radioactive tracers. Met, i metalloved. obtat. met. no. 2t141-147 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Heat of sublimation) (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) DDIIDCfV, S. F. DEMIDGVj S. F. Razvite sallskogo khozialstva v poslevoonDol platiletke. Moskva, Gosplanizdato 1946. 210 p. DLC: S469.R9D4 SO: LC, Soviet Geograpby, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. BEMIDOV, S. 25130 DEMIDOV, S. Voemernoye Razvitie Zhivotnovodetva-Teenti-albuaya Zadacha V Razvitll Sel'skogo Khozydystva. Plan. Khoz-vo, 1949, ITO-3, S. 3-19 SO% Letopial No- 33, 1949 DEKMV, S. F. W.R.Villyam's Study on a Grassland -'system of Cultivation and the Stalin Plan for Transforming the Nature of the Steppe.." Vest, Mosk. Un. 5, No. B. 1950 MLRA, Nov 51 j -so Agriculture . - Soviot aFronorq in Ow C.Ight f(-.r .1,--irovid agriculture, Plan. khoz., No. 1, 1952. t of Russian Accessions Library of Congres;i, 4uly 1952. Unclassified. . ;V;-)rI:I-p ~" zloiis 110 ile rt7lity, A,-robioloAta : u. 3, 1952 501 Monthly List of Russian Ace"sions., Library of Congress, Sc,,)t 1)52 U53 , Uncl. 1. S. F. DEVID . 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture 7. Agricultural probleks in the fifth five-year plan. AgrobJ,ologiia no. 6. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ---A~)ril 1953, Uncl. DEMIDOV, S. "For Further Increase in Flax Culture on Colledtive Farms," Kolkh. Proizv. 12, No. 9, 1952.. MIU, Dee 52 DE,1100%', s',%Cud. 3. ~,~ lax F '-'urtlicr development of collectivu farm flax cultivation. Sots. It'-.,oz6 23, no. l9r2. i;VT*L'::LY LIST O'e' 3,;IAN 19r2. 1# DEIZEDOV, S., Acad. 0 0 LI-I 2. USSR (6100) 4. Agriculture 7. Main task in tlinie field of agriculture during the fifth fiw-year plan. Sots. sellkhoz, 23, No. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. "Tht main a6-ricultural tack stt in tIv- lr'lCth *--ive-l-,~i-r IlLan .I ll-i~! Tr. from tht Russian." Pa,~n 7 ( k"41ILZU 1~0! At, ~ O-SO'l i t,-T -~I'. L Sciins -, IIL-a, V. 7j nu-Ij 1953, SO: I~Onthlj List of Eant Europr,-an Accctsslo;ls, Librar uf 7~A. 2, NAOa Oct. U153, Uncl. S . DIE "' 730V i- "Soi 1 ferti lity . Tr. i'mr, ti it! ~ius r 1 on - 11 Pa ~, ! ~~ " / ~- , ;. 7 -, -a -,~ - ~ -.- -;; ~-. - L, j k.- ;, .; -4-, il. SE'll A A"P ICULT i f ?.A -Z700 1E, Stri ts a 11 -a, v - 7, ri,). 1, J;:~- *,~ar- -~O; Monthly List of Eazt. Luroptaa Accessions, LiLxary of onw~r~-ZlS, vo` . 2, ~., Ic;. 100 Oct. !~~3, U:1cl. W14DOV, S. "The Realization of Stalin'S plan for the*Trdnsform7-:tion of Nature. p, 201 (KOOPFRATIVNO ZEWDELIE) Vol.. 8, No. 1, 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria. SO: Montly List of Eqst Euronean Accessions, L.C. Vol. 2,, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. 7 D 7FT-~j I T7 rL &-m- gig] ON-m6mbON&IAUCYBU, T.F., redaktor; GUBIN, H.I.. takhnichasIrly redaktor [Specialization and distribution of branches of agricultural Spetaislizateii i resmashohanis otraslei sal'skago khozisistva. Moskva. Ixd-vo *Znanie.l 1957. 39 P. (Ysesoiusnos obahchostvo po rasprostrijuenliu politichosirikh i nauobnvkh zaanit. Sero 3. noelQ X- (KUIA 10:9) 1. Daystvitelinyy chlsn'Vsesot=noy aksclemii eel IskokhozyaystvemWkh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Demidov) (Agriculture) DEKIDOV, Sor I kodemik; BOGATYREITKO, Z.S., red.; SAVCHENKO, [Development of socialist agriculture of the U.S.S.R. in the seven-yoor plan] Razvitie sotsialisticheskogo sellskogo kho- zinistva SSSR v eemiletke. Koskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,w 1959. 46 p. (Vaeooiuznoe obshchestvo po resprostraneniiu politichaskikh i nanchnykh znanii. Ser-3, Ekonomika, no-31) (MIRA 12:11) 1. Vaesoynnaya akademiya sellskokhozynystvannykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina (for Demidov). (Agriculture) DEMIDOV, S.P., akademik . . ........ Establishing efficient farm management syntems for different zoner. of the U.S.S.R. lzv.TSKh& no.2:181-192 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Agriculture) AVERKIYEVI A.S., red.; AGEYEVO Ya.P., dote.p otv. red.; AREFIM, V.A.,, dotm., kand. ekon, nauk, red.; DEVIWV. S.F.. akademik, red.; rMSHIN, V.Ye., dots., red.; KOGAN, #,7a.) sTa'rshiy prepodav., red.; WHALOV, V.I... starshiy prepodt6vatell,, red.; PITAYEVSKIY, POLP PI'Ofo, red.; SLOBODIN, V.M., prof., red.; SHOLOKHOV, Ye.I., red. (Problems in the now system of agricultural planning]Voprosy no- vogo poriadkh planirovaniia sel'skogo khoziaistva; trudy. Kyiby- shev, Kuibyshevskii. planovoi in-t1- 1961. 419 P. (NIRA 15:12) 1. Mazhvuzovskaya nauchnaya, konferentsiyaj Kuibyshev, 1960. 2. Zamestitell prods6datelva Kuybyshevskoy oblastnoy komissii (for Averkiyev). 3. kaybyshevskiy planovyy institut (for Ageyevp Makhalov, Karshin). 4. Deystvitellnyy chlen Vsesovuznay akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i Moskovskaya or- dens. Lenina sell~kokhozyaystvermaya akederiya imeni X.A.Timiryazev (for Demidov). 5. Urallskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Slobodin). 6. Zamestitell nachaltnika otdela sel'skogo khozyaystva i zagotovok Gosudarstvennogo planovogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov RSFSR (for Sholokhov). (Agricultural policy) GALITSINSKIY, Panteleymon Konstantinovich; DEMIDOV Sergey Ivanovich; OIUKHGV, Mikbail Nikolayevich; SAMOTIZVp KArey Yemellyanovich-; GRUSHKIN) A., rod.; ABBASOVp T., tekhn. red, (Cotton ;arieties in Uzbekistan; results of state variety test- ing for 1950-19591 Sorta khlopchatnika v Uzbekistane; itogi go- sudarstvc-nnogo sortoispytariiia za 1950-1959 gg. Tashketnp Gosizdat) UzSSR, 1%2. 219 p. (MMA 15 -.7) Nzbekistan-Cotton-Varieties) L 25391-65 I.IP(O AGICZ551ON NR; A?5(10Z14.5 B/O.iZO/64/000/006/0045/0050 -AUTHOR: Dama.skinskiy, Ice'. A.;, Dainidov, S. K. Rynnov, N. 1. ark ~Ei ch'aTge_cT=ers filled with various gas TITLE: Charac.A:eristica of ~p . _ mixtures .:-6 -tek-haii- JRCE. Pri'bor A-eksp4~riniditta- 45-50 Sol i 1964 . . , , , y , ha TOPIC TAGS. 6! 1 c1 park,d schaxge ta nb i or, spark c, mbergas. ABSTRACM Re,suM alee ri:ported of an- experiiiien"al invtstigation of the eff6ct gas compoilition an the irregularity of intensity of spark luminescence in various gaps when a discharge in a spark chamber along the track of a cosmic particle takes place, Coi;mic particles were, recorded as they passed through a six- electrode spark i;hannbi!r and two-scintillation counters connected in a coijicidenci~- circuit. The effect of an admixture to. the principal gas on the number of spurious dischar es that a.ccognpanied the main discharge along the particle track was studiedl It was fourkd that even a-mall admixture of a gan, whose ionization potenti,4 is sHghtly lower than the rninimurn excitation potential of the principal an drastically ohange the- chamber, efficiency; such an admixture s gast c harply Mir= ff T - NO 7fi- F-, e 9 7 7 170 s C a 7 t~ Q~i t r. V. 16W N7 W F."I L 25391-65: A125002 141; ACCESS101 OR:,'' cuts the h-ir pul&6 ~hiiigl t~ IMede g aes-were test H Ne+ 0, 5016 A, A 'N * ed. e VIC -4 2 b He plus yarious.,si irdl;%r4s! of N H 'G Ha It was. established that d"' the discharge channel for an a certain rninilnum fined is -re".Irlt4 XU _:.7 A! lurnineocence of -the spark. The irregul.arity of luminescence depends on the composition and, for a given cornpositio is independent of the applied voltage a power. It is frLiggested that an A+(O.,()15-0. 4)%CgH2 nlixure be used in s ark p chambers i,-,stead of this conventional, Ne+A mixture. "Thi authors wish to thank h,izov and 1. S. 1C.rin for their useful advice, S. P. Krugglov for his support and interesting discussions, and V. I. Win for hit; help in building the chamber. " Orig. art. 'Aas: 9 figurcs , 1 formula, and 2 t,ibles. 11 SS0C_jAT1 ")IN: FizJVo--tekhnicheski-r institut AN SSSR (?_Itysico -Technic stiLut e , -AN ESS R; SUBMITTEI): 19 Nov(33 E14CL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NO RFX SC'V:; 005 OTHER: 003 .:Card 2/2 DEMOV, S. M. "K voprasu o religioznom sirlkxetizme u turkiwn XTY -- nachala a v." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological &-iences, MCOCOW, 3-10 Aug 64. SN.,. inzh., red.; TV-1KIN, L.Ye,, rod, VOWNIN, K.I-',,. tekhn. red. (Directions for erecting reinforced concrete atrur,-tures and installations by industrial methods; planning and execution (USP 1,01-51) ] Ukazaniia po vozvedenliu zhelozoba tonnykh kon- struktsii promyshlenzifth zdanii i sooruzhenii industriallnym-4 metodami; proektirovanie i proizvo&stvo rabot (USP 101-51), Moskva, Goa, lzd-vo lit-ry po strolt. i 9--kidt. 1952. 222 (MIRA 16j7) 1. Rausia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet po deInm stroite.Pst',Ta. (F~einforced concrete conatruotion) MIDOV, S. 11. "A Cleam Break of a. Curved Beam Having a Right Angle Cross Section", an article In the book "Computing, the Stability, Hardness and Creep of Elements in Machine Con-- struction", Jdasbgiz, 1953, p. 64. AVU-11p DEMIDOV) S. P. "Calculating Right Angle Plates Loaded with Equal Loads" an article in the book "Computing ';he St8bility, Hardness and Creep of Elements in Machine Construction", Mashgiz, 1953, p. 64. DJIMIDOT, S.P., inshener. Calculation of jammed rectangular plates subjected to balanced load. LTrudy] XT-PU no.26:64-75 '53. Off-H A 7:5) (Alastic plates and shells) IMODOY. S.P.. Wh9ner. IL-." .Pure banding of curved beaus of rectangnlar cross sections. [TrcAy] MYTIJ no.26:76--105 133. (XLRA 7:5) (Flexure) (Girders) IIA), o" thf.- Sec%:~;rl a(, a Hof-'Lzofital ",I V-d :k!wn Cros:; scl, Or;..Ic-r of 1-"Ie Aoci ~aanf?r A~a!-man, 21 ilm 5~'t. 3~-rQ~3 n; iY"rL'It- Arz-,I.t,rard LVUJ'N~.." Tfjch Hi~;her Tc~clln'.c-ti 'Schooi Iw;~~--.~, IN. E. 11 Jun 54) SO: Sixi 317, 23 Dec. I,""h SOV/124-57-3-3384 Translati.-in from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 107 (USSR) AUTHOR: Demidov, S. P. TITLE: Stress Investigations of a Plane Rectangular Bow Girder Under Plane- Spatial Loading '(Issledovaniye napryazheniy ploskogo krivogo brusa pryamougollnogo poperechnogo secheniya v usloviyakh plosko- prostranstve.nnogo. nagruzheniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Raschet~ na prochnost' v mashinostroyenii. Moscow, Maqhg1z, 1955, pp 28-62 ABSTRACT: The paper is a surnmary of the results obtained in two previous articles by the same author (see itZhMekh, 1954, abstract 4945; 1956, abstract 2342). V. L. Biderman Card 1/1 IMMIDDT. S.P. '. Strength calculations of' plane curved bare of rectangular crass section subjected to forces perpendicular to the plans of the curve, Ctmdyl MM no.31:126-172 1550 (mm 8:0 (11"ticity) (Kedmical eagimering) P.... IMIUDOV, S.P., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. Stress study of a flat, curved bean of rectangular Cross sectiOn under a plum, dimensional lead. [Trudy] KM no.46:28-62 155., (Strains and stresses) (Kachinery-Design) (M1RA 9:4) V, ',FHASE I BOOK EXPLOITAT10K 871 Belya,yev, V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences; B:Lrger,, I. A.,. Doctar of Technical Sciences', Remidov,__g._k,, Cimdidate of Technical Sciences; Korotkov., V. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Kudry4Lvtsev, V. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ylartynov, A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Niberg', N. Ya,~ Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ponowerev, S. D., Doctor of Techa-Leal Sciences, Professor; Pronin. B. A.., Cesdidate of Schnical Sciences; Push, V. Z., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Slezzlkov, 0. 1., lbalneer; Stolbin, G. B., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tayts,, Z-,,A.,, Doctor of Technical Sciences Spravochnik metallista. t. 2 (Metals Engineering Handbook. v. 2) Moticov, Nasbidz, 1958. 974 p. 100,000 copies printed. Ed.(title page): Chernavrikiy, S. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. (inside book): Markus, M. Ye., Engineer (deceased); Tech. Bd,: Sokolova, T. F.; Editorial Board of the set: Acherkan, N. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board and Chief Ed.; Vladislavlev, V. S. (deceased); Malov, A. N.; Pozdrqakov, S. N.; Rostovykh, A. Ya.; Stolbin, G. B.; and Chernavskiy, S. A. PJRPOSE: The book is intended for technicians and engineers working in the field of machine design and in pmIuction. Card 1119 Metals Engineering Handbook. v. 2 871 COVERAGE: The book covers the following: strength of materials, debign of machine parts, connections, tranamLesions, lubrication, etc. The arrangement of mechanical drawings and symbols -used are shown. The book contains GOST (All- Union State Standards) tables for standard machine parts. The book is the second of a five-volume series. There are 79 references, of which 76 are Soviet, 2 are German and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (Candidate of Technical Sciences Demidov, S. P.) Fundamentals and Definitions 1 External forces 1 Joints and supports 1 Basic hypotheses, definitions and concepts 2 Internal forces and moments 3 Stress. State of stress 5 States of stress 8 Displacements and strains 10 Stress-strain relationship for an tilastie body. Potential energy of strain 12 Card 2119 DIMIDOY. S.S.; KOSTINSKIT, D.S., red.; EMNOTSOV, N.S., red.kert; SIM, D.A., [Mongolian People's Republic] Mongollsksia Narodnaia Rtspub- lika. Kosk-va. Gos.izd-vci g6ogr.lit-r7, 1952. 55 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Mongolia) VAVILOV, A.A.; VERKHOLAT, M.Ye.; RUBASIBON, I.B.; Prinimali uchastiye: YAKOVLEV, V.B.;-POMOV, S.V.; VOROSHILOV, M.S.j, karyl. teklui. nauk., retsenzent, [Actuating electromechanical servosystems for copying milling machines) Silovye elektrorekhardcheskie slediashchie sisterQr kopirovallno-frezornykh stankov. Moskva, Mash .inostroenie 1964. 406 p. (MIRA 18:2~ I. 0-11EKULAYEVA, L., DEVIDOV, V,. Eng. 2. 'USSR (600) 4. Ydlk, Condensed 7. Standardization of r-dlk in canned ndlk p7oduction. L. Chekulayeva, Zng. V. Demidov. Moloch. Prom. 14, No. 3, 1953. 9. MonthlZ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, Unclassified. I .RIW M individual stersometria construction apparatus. Politakh.obuch. n9-5'83-84 my '59. (11,Mk 12:7) 1. Saranokoya orednyoya sbkola Nool7o (Meneuratloft-Study and teaching) DWaDOVv V. ,.i, NAI-Io'lee of miniature radio w4jineering, 7.nan.--aila 39 no.6s 6-8 Js "63, (MDU 16 s 8) (Miniature electronic equipment) AGAYEV) E.R.; DEMOV; V.A. (Moakva) Exparlence in the brigade method in a immicipal polyclinic. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.1:33-38 1,61. (MIRA 14: 5) 10 IV, Instituta organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko Ministerstva zdravookhrallepiya SSSR i poliklinika No.37 Frunzenskdgo rayona Leningrada. (HOSPITALS, ADMINISTRATION) MINYAYEVp V. A.; SHELOMENTSEVAo K.A.k DEMIDOV# V.A. Concerning the articles, %dical care without registration in out- patient, Wtitutione of Tashkent" and "Distribution of surgical beds in a city." Zdrav*~ H~s.'Feder.,,'::39-4j,. My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Z.avedtVuahchiy Leningradskim gorodskim oldelom zdrav-ookhraneniya (for Minyayev).' 2. Glavnyy vrach ob"yedinemn6j bollnitsy Imeni V.I.I~nina, Leningrad (for Shelomentseva). '3. Glavnyy vriiah polikliniki No.37, (for Demidov). (TASHKE14T-HOSPITALS-OUTPATIi.ZT SERVICES) (PEN7,L-HbSPITALBEDS) _k&MIDOM,-Vladimir-Altknndrovichj, PETRAKOV, Biris DmitriyevIch; KHROMOV, Boris Mikhaylovich; GOLIDZILIBEA, EXI. red.; KOROLEV, A.V.J. takhn. red. [Now forms of orsa-4zatton and methods for the work In city polyclinics; works experience of folyclinic No,37 in Leningrad) Novye formy organizataii i matody'raboty 1gorodskikh polikliniki iz op3rta raboty polikliniki No.37 Loningrida. Moskva, M'sdgiz, 1963. 96 P. (MIRA 1635) (qNINGRAD--HOSPITALS-ADMI:NISTRATION) MKIDOV, V.A., inshener. Zquipment for processing gravel-sand mortarti used in Ingland. Stroi.prom. N 1.56. (=A 9:12) (Great Britain-Building mwhinery~ (Gravel) MWIWY. V.A. 9. Inshener. ..... , I.- Nounted equipment for a small tractor. I-troi.prom.34 no.12:43-47 D 956. (NLHA 10:2) (IngUnd-BuIldosers) DEMIDOV, V.A. 1_ - - I Reusable metal form for sealing joints of girders and colums.. Suggested by.V.A.Domidov. Rats.1 lsobr.predl,v stroi. noift 1/3.1-32 '58, (MIRA 13:3) 1. Po materialazi Ministeretva tranoportnogo stroitallstva SSSR. (Build Ing--Toole anUfriplements) - .-- YUSKOVETS, M.K., akadeinik, otv. red.; BOBKOVA, A.F., kand, vet. nauk, red.; GOREGLYAD, 'Kh.S., akademik, red.; DEKIDOV, V.IAI., red.; TUZOVA, R.V., redL.; KARKLINA, E.', red. [Controlling losses in animal husbandry; transactions] Bortba s poteriami v zhivotnovodstve; trudy NIVI. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. :Lit-ry BSSR, 1963. 212 P. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Minsk. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy veterinarnyy institut. 2. Akademiya nauk Belorusak(q SSR (for Yuskovetsp Goreglyad). IMMIDOTt. T.D.; ZARAIMIN, N.Te. New type of mine In the Kusnetsk lhaln. Ugoll 34 no-1:7-11 A '39. (MIM 32-. 1) loluzbaeogiproshaklit. (Kuznetsk Bnsin--Coal mines and mining) BORODATOV, V.I., kand.biolog.nauk; DUKHANIN, A.M.; 2HUKOVA, A.I.; KADILINIKOV, Yu.T.; LAMCHINKO. Tu.L.; KORZHOVA, TV.A.; KMOVER, Z.I.; PATROW, G.P.; PROBVIROV, U.S.; HULEV, M.N.; SOKO- LOV, O.A.; WICHAK, W.K.; EMMOV. N.S.; SHUIN, V.L. red.; FOR"- LIKA. Ye.A., (Study of tuna fish and mardines in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean; report on the cruise of the scientific fishery survey expedition of 19571 Issladovanlia tuntea i sardiny v vostochnoi chasti Atlantichaskogo olaisna; raisovyi otchat nauchno-poiskovoi skepeditsii, 1957 9., NosIc7a, 1959. 158 P. (miRA 13:6) 1. Koscow. V8880YU2;UyY miuchno-issladovatel'Bkiy inatitnt morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okei3nografii. (Atlantic Oceaxt--Tuna fish) (Atlantic Ocean--Sardines) (Fish, Canned) SHUPMAN, G.Ye.; DEMIDOV, V.F. Changes in the fatness of sardines (Sardinella surita Val2enciennes) In the Dakar reFion du:71ng the preapawning period of the annual cycle. Zool. zhur, 40 no.10:1.512-1535 0 '61. OMIRA 1419) 1. Azovo-Black Sea Research Institute of Marine Fishery Management and Oceanography, Kerch. Oakar region-Sardinpa) DEKIDOT., _ V. F,_- I Sow behavior feature# of the went African vardinella (Sardinelk aurita) in the Dakar and Takoradi areas. Mrady Azcherniro no.20.* 2 5-" '62. (MIRA :16:4) (Atlantic Ocean-Sardines) DEMIDOV, V. I. Rasprostranenie radiovoin v severnykh shirotakh i mery bor'by 9 narusheniliami radiosviazi. Z-Prqnagation of radio waves in the northern latitude and measures for preventing disturbances in radio communications_7. Moskva, Redizdat Aeroflota, 1946/. 48. p. (Nauchno-issledovatellskii institut GVF) Bibliography: P. 48 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference department, ashington, 1951, Unclassified. DMIDDY, T. I. ia- - I Combined method for draglIze during seasonal frosts. Gor.shur. no.12:58 D 155. (KLBA 9:4) l.Glavnyy Inshener pritakevego upravlenlya. treat& Yaniseysolot*. (Mining engineering) A/ XULYAMZIN, M.P.; 49MIDOY. V.I. Mechanization of the boiler room in;the Dmitroy excavator plant. �troi. i dor. mashinostr. no.2:24-26 7 1157. (MM 100) (Boilers DEMIDOV, V.I. Compilation and awaysis of metal balance in ore dressing plants. TSvet, met, 34 no.2.-25-26 F 161. (WRA 14.4 6) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-;Ssledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov, (Ore dressing) DEMIDOV, V.I.; I Sorpt.ion inethod for the pur.1fic-ation of ore dressing plant waste waters from cyantdc compounds. T'Savot. rrnt. 37 no.6:5-10 Je 164. 0,,~lfl.' 17:9) PLMAC, M.N., inzh.; 13KIDOT, V.X.. inzh,; RAGAZINA, N.Y., nauchnyy red.; DANILOV, TA, red. - (Kethode for calculating the stability of pit aidea in opeia-cut mining) 0 matodakh rasabets ustoichivosti otkosov otkrytykh gornykh vyrabotok. Koskys, TSentr.biuro tekhn.inform., 1960. 47 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvannyy proyt)ktnyy institut *Fundamentproyekt.0 (Strip mining) (Soil mechanics) BILENKO, D.Lj~DRU=1-44o; KOTELKOV, V.11.j NAZVANOVp V,F,; N0,10VA, V.A.; ORNATSWA, Z.I.;ROKAKH, A.G.; SVERDLOvA, A.M.; KAPSHTAL, G.G.; KIRIYASHKINA, Z.I.0 dots.,, red.,- VINNIKOVA, I.A.,, red. [Textbook for practical studies on the pbysics of semiconductors] Rukovodstvo k prakticheskim zaniatiiam po fizike poluprovodnikov; uchabnoe posobie. (Saratovj,, Saratovskii univ., 1964. 115F6 (MIRA 113: 11) DFXDCVj Veje Sorption method for the removal of phenol from the waste water of ore dressing plants. TS,ret. met. 35 no*7:13-19 j1 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Ore dreising~"dater supply) (Water purification) 03.291-66 7777T ACCESSION RR: ATS020450 entire interval.of.'Component.conce~trat,ionso Howevei, the most interesting alloys- from the standpoint of semitonductorl.electronics contain no more than 1.41% silicon, (for several reasons: 1. In this~raTige,-of-don~c:entr;ations, the width of the forbidden~ Izone. increases most rapidly Iwith silicon, contenti .Mis ev/at.%. 2. ilie current jearrier mobility in the alloy decreases rapidly with an increase in silicon concen- tration; in an alloy with,12% silicon the"electron m6bilLty is 1700 cm2:/V-Sec as. compared with 3900 CM2/v.sec in pure germanium. 3. As the silicon content in the alloy is increased, it becomes more produce a uniform sinitle crystal, a difficulty which.-is compounded by the need Jor heavily doped materia3z in making: SHI~ detectors. The authors study tbe~possibility of.using low-silicon germanium al. loys as A material,for the 3-cen'imeter range. In contrast to pure t Igerm-anium, it was impossible to I get flise wqAl to the:doped alloy's in air .(with or,without flux). A reliable contact with the alloys,was produced by using jelectrodeless nickel lati~ng followdd by.tinning.:Ln.air. An ordinary-2i-centimeter. p .1signal generator was used fortelting fhe-de.tictar. A description of the installa-.I-- i !tion is given. Operating condft on's (SRP"po~w level, constant biast load imped- -jance) were studied wit6 regard totheir effe'ct on the parameters of thet detector 1 (conversion losses', current sensitivity). A': definite relationship, was observed, be- 1tween the high --deteut6r'. 1t was, fr ency and, low. ft44uency characteristics of -the ara 21;j L 4586546 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD NAZZ AR~tAR_6017153 SOURCE CODE., UR/0275/66/000/oOV2020/3020 AUTHOR: ~Jrlyashkina, Z. L; Demidow, V. K. 410 IMF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn. i kontaktn. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh. Tomak, skiy un-t, 1964, 59-64 TITLX; Properties of detectors based on germanium and silicon alloys SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye,_?l . 18147 1/7 TOPIC TAGS: germanium containing alloy, Alicon containing alloy, forbidden zone width TRANSIATION.- GaSi alloys are of interest due to the fact that they have a greater ford bidden zone width than Ga and higher carrier mobility than Si. On the basis of theset' alloys, therefore, one can expect to construct instruments which will operate at hig'r er frequencies than in the case of silicon and at higher temperatures than in the case ~of germanium. An application of alloys with small silicon content in the components used in a detector (3 am band) was studied. The volt-ampere characteristics of the semiconductor diodes and the dependence cof video-mixer and video-detector parameters on the parameters of the material (compotation, concentration of the carriers, mobili- ty and specific m4istance) are indicated. 2 figures, 8 references. N. S. SUB CODE: 99/ SUBN DATE: none WCs $21.342.2446.281209 U L DOI VA., inzheaer. _MOMW -- 0am, lick Photoelectric reflectometer. Syetotekhnika 2 no.4:27 -T1 156. (Reflectome'ter) (MLRA 9:10) USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 1-29 Application - Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Aeents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33115 Author ; Semenova, V.N., Lendenskiy,D.A., Demidov, VAT. Inst Title : Tanning of Yuft Leather with the Use of Syntans PL, PS and SPS. Orig Pub : Legkaya prom-st', 1956, No ll, 47-49 Abstract : The possibility was checked of utilizing syntans PL, PS and SPS for the tanning of yuft. The experiments were carried out with halves of dehaired hides, of which the controls were tanned in the usual manner with oak and spruce tannins (T). To tan the experimental halves the following mixtures were used: 50% oak T and 50% PL; 50% oak T and 50% PS; 50% T and 50% SPS; oak T, 5C~ spruce T and 3(* SPS- By organoleptic indices the Card 1/2 PERM PV,, - V, P.,, - inah, Gae-turbim locomotiveise Zh4il.dor.tranap. 44 no.7:90-94 Jl 162. (MM 15:8) (Gas--turbir* locomotives) DEKWVO V.P. (Saranak) Improving the efficiency of sterisometry lessons, Mat,v ohkole no.6:26-27 N-D 162. (MIRA 161l) (Geometr7, Solid-Froblew, e~cepcises, etc.) i I i DEMIDOV, V.P. Some aspects of the methodology for solving stereometric problems. Uch. zap. MDPI 151118-51 160. (MM 16:5) (Geometry-Study and teaching) DZNI*)OVI V.P. Single-row puckering sutwe in gestrectosW and X-ray features of the stump thus formed (in the light of late results); abstract. RhirargRa 34 no.12:99 D 158. (MM 12: 1) 1. In Dsershinskoy rayonwy bollititsy, Stallaskoy oblasti. (STONkOH--SIM2ff DEMIDQV- V- P. Surgical treatment of tumors and cysts of the mediastinum. Grud. khir- 4 no.3:63-69 My.-Te 162. 04IRA 15:7) 1. Iz I-go khirur,gicheijkogo torakallnogo otdoleniya (zav. - doktor meditsinakikh nauk N. D. Garin) GoBudarstvennogo onkolo- gichaskogo nauchrio-~iss:ledovaiA)llfil-.ogo inatituta imeni P. A. Gerteena Wir. - prof. A. M. Novikov). Adres avtora:'Foskm, KrasnogorBkiy r-n. p/o Stepana,vskoye, bollnitsa No. 62, d. 34. (IMMASTIUM-1-TUMORS) (CYSTS) DEMIDOV P. Criterip of cparability in surgery of modinstinal Itu-Irlors and cysts. Klxurglia no,,D63-67 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. 1z 1-eo toridcallnogo oteolonlyq - doktor med. nmk II.D. Garin) Naucluio-issledovatellskogo onkolcgicheskogo institul...1 1!-,Pnl- P.A. Gertsena. DEW DOV, -,.V,.P..-,,.,inzh.; MEYLIKHOV, M.Yo., inzh, Gas-turbine locomotive made 'by ths Kolama, Plant; results of the testd' on the line of the GI-01 gas-turbine locomotive. Blek. i tepl.tiaga 7 4-6 N 163. (MIRA 17s2) D~bqDOV, V.P.., inzh.; SEN-ZHELEN, Ye.A., inzh. Effect of climate conditions on the performance of the G1_01 gas-turbine locomotive manufactured ty the Kolonna Plant. i Vest. TSNII MPS 22 no .707-38 63. (MIRA 16t12) Uri-,Ije~" charlgt~"~ ollmatical ocitidlUclit;o 164 91 MH" lioa282:11044 (,M I Pi, IT 10) -T . K -I% "IENKO E."I.; J.D. (Nloskva, prosp., T I' oj.' the une of clinical pneumori-ied -Las uinogr1uphy. Grud. khir. :'2 wic ol.0JOVaLej'Skiy Jristilut ~1-,,,Jctor pro% I~agunovp- i Onkolloi-Ichesk v ingt tut i:re:, 2 A. Gertgena (Jirektor - -r-cX. A.N. liovikov) , M k a. DEMIDOV ~ . I I Two-photon transitions between the surfine structure levels of the I S-state of the hydrogen atom. Astron.zhur. 38 no.6:106'-,-1068 N-D 161. (HIJU 14:11) (Radio astronomy) (Cosmic physics) DEMIDOV V.Fo,, inzhe--podj*lkovnik -~Lj ~ -- Fowerj"u2 ki)utrort amplifiers. Vest.protivovozd.obor. S 162. (Mystrons) (Amplifiers (Electronics)) n0.9:23-25 (MMA 14:8) A 9/'0 37258 S/057/62/032/005/005/022 ~L/. '1Y0 B125/B102 AUTHOR: Demidov, V. P. TITLE: Excitation of a plasma waveguide by given currents PEPIODICAL: Zhurnal tokhnicheakoy fiziki; Y.. 32, no. 5, 1962, 549-553 TEXT: The exoitation of an infinite, homofeneous cylinder of radius R, filled with a cold plasma without looses, and placed in a longitudinal~ uniform magnetic field H is considered. By solving the initial equations 0 for this wavepide (4' e., the Maxwell equations and the relation D E for the d., CL ap 0 ~.electric constant '-,P) in the form of a wave of* frequency w travelinj,, along the cylinder axis zj one obtains FZm =' im(ur)eimy (JM(,xr) is a Bessel function of the m-th order). The following dispersion equation is obtained for waves traveling through the (W2/c2)f 4 2(Ldl/04) _ 2 plasma waveguide: k' ~Hmn + 49 Umn/2 (3). The Card 01P S/057/62/032/005/005/022 Excitation of a plasma waveguide... B125/B102 wave corresponding to the plus sign before the root is called Alfv;n wave in unbounded space, and that corresponding to the minus sign is called marnetoacoustic wave in unbounded plasma. At very low frequencies, the first and the second wave resemble, respectively, the TUM ard the TE wave J of a hollow waveguide, and Eq. (3) is reduced to k2 = w;et/c2 and k2 = (w2/c2)& _ x2 , respectively. Because Of Lhe gyrotropy of the medium, the eigenfunctions '~Mn 'i (11(mnr) e'mrf are not orthogonal with respect to r. The system of functions (~ m,n has to be orthogonalized foi m / 0. If there are foreign currents of density 10 in the finite volume within the waveguide, the solution is written as an expansion of the eigenfunctions of the c::-oss section. The amplitude of the wave traveling far from the exciting conductors is described by Card 2/4 S/05-~/62/032/005/005/02-2 Excit*ation of a plasma waveaui~e ... B125/B102 At" 2-, a WOO NO? M 1= - a"-t Ld~,] -4- + i(n',t- drd7dzl. dr d? The -.)lus or minu,~ signs correspond to the signs of Eq. (3), and n2 = V 2 C2/W2 . The eigenvalue 0 corresponds to the eigenfunction f mn mn mn mn If a tube of radius R has one turn of radius R 0, which is concentric with its axis and is traversed by the current 1 0 the wave corresponding to the plus sign in.(3) has an amplitude described by 2 A,I= 0. 4~e k4- .10 (-,0.R Card 3/4 3/057/62/032/005/005/022 Excitation of a plasma waveGuide ... B125/B102 For the wave corresponding to the minus sign, the wave number k+ has to be replaced by k At tj - 0, the ratio JA+ 1/1 A- I tends toward zero. A On On 1 ring, concentric with the axis chiefly excites a wave of a structure si."Alar to that of the TE wave in a hollow waveLpAde. A loop introdi;.ced into the longitudinal section of.a tube excites waves of a structure similar to that of the TEM wave in a hollow.waveguide. Professor Frank-Kamenetskiy is thanked for his attention and assistance._ SUBMITTED: Rovember 18, iq6O (initially) April 14, 1961 (after revision). 3 Card 4/4 At 28646 S/020/61/139/006/011/Oii C B104/B209 AUTHORi Demidovt V*P. TITLEs Transverse refractive index of a plasqa near cyclotron frequencies and their harmonics PERIODICLLs Akademiya nauk SSSR, Do'klady, v -'139, no. 6, 1961, 1.342-1344 TEM The author studied the oscillations of a homogeneous unbounded plasma in a constant homogene4us magnetio. field which is applied irt the z direoti6n. The wave vector M lies in the x direction. The general. dispersion relation for this case is known (E.P. Gross, Phys. Rev*,, 229 2, 232,0951)). However,little is known about the behavior..- of the refractive index near cyclotron frequencies and their harmonics. The components of -the tensor of dielectric constant are obtained from -the Maxwell equations and from the equation of motion of charged partioles with Maxwellien velooit~. distribution in spaoet, Card V4 28646 S/02o/61/139/006/olli/022 TransveraLi.refractive index of B104/B209 -,a 00 j ra I a all. c,. I M -M ,2 -1,, 00 mll, (r,) + 2r2, (Im (r,,) I'm V,A P't e P-py a'.. r, (as/ 912. - m2 M---00 00 '12pa r,, Im (r,,) 2; Card 2/4 28646 S/020/61/139/006/011/022 Transverse refraotive index of ess B104/B209 I (r) is the Bessel funotion of the first kind with imaginary argumentl M 2 2 2 2 4 ;!R 2 ne2 r,,, - k vTIX /2Q e,.4 ; VT61 a XTc /mX I a e., - eH./m, al k - 10 PCA - 4 n/m.. The other components vanish. By means of these expressions, the bohavior of r or of N2 as depending on freque .noy near m2 eb( is studied under the 5Z 2 ~~22 assumption that p e. For the extraordinary wave it holds that N, -e +F-2 /15 In studying 112 near the first resonanosel one may rege.rd the XY Xx' eleotrons as oold and thus negleot the eleetron terms in the exprossions '2 forLr ik* Figs, 1 &nd 2 show N (rofraotive index of the extraordinary wave) near the ion.oyclotron frequenoy and its first harmonica (Fig. 1 and near the first harmonios of eleotron cyolotron frequenoies (Fig. 2~ in a hot plasma. The author thanks Professor D. A. Frank-Kamene I his interest and advios. There are 2 figures and 3 referenoest 2 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 3/4 28646 S/020/61/139/006/011/022 Transverse refractive index of ... B104/B209 PRESENTED: April 5, 1961, by I. K. Kikoin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 6, 1961 Card 4/4 DEMIDOV V P lnzh, P Selecting the c~ptimum rated temperature of the outdoor air for a locomotive gaig-turbine plant. Trudy MIT no-l5ltll2-3.17 162. (MIRA 16s2) (Gas-turbine locomotives) DEMIDOV, V.P.. Inzh. Sensitivity of looomo-tive,gas-turbiniq plants to atmospheric temperature cluinges. Trudy W IT no.i5lan8-134 162. RA 16:2) (MI ' (Gas-turb:lne locomotives.-Performance) PWPOV - P.. -ZHELBNq Ye.A, ,, ~, inzJi. ; SEN Gao-turbine locomotiveo with mechanical and JbYdrsu.340 tranw0al,on. Vest. TSNII MPS 22 no.-2:63-6~ 163. (MIRA 164) (Gas-turbine locomotives) I Nr. 96642 31 HAY ~ATTENUATION OF MAGNETOACOUSTIC WAVES IN PLASMA (USSHi Dernidov, V. P., D. A. Frank -Kam ert etskiy, and V. L. Yakimenko. Zhurnal ~e_khnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 4, Apt. 1963, 398-405. % S/057/63/033/004/005/021 In an investigation of absorption processes of magnetoacoustic waves propagal- ing at an angle to the constant magnetic field with frequencies higher than ion- cyclotron and mucfi lower than electron- cyclotron (wi ~c w