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lq$IDIINKO, T.D. So-callqd ocular bradykinesta, Zhur.neyr. i psikh, 56 no.11:882-883 N 156. ' (NW 1012) 1 Ionningradakty polkhonevrologicheakty Inatitut iment T.H.Bekhtereva t " (Iiii prof* V.N."stshehev) (MUSCIAS, OCUI~XOTIR, paralysis ocular bradykineePa (Rum)) DBMIDFJIK Vegetntive vascular reactions in nrterinl hypotension nnd hypertension. Vop.peikh. i nevr. no.1:151-160 '57 (MIRA 11:8) 1. 1% kliniki nervnykh bolemay Leningradskogo ordenn Lenina inatituta unovershenatvoraniya vrachey im. S.M. Kirova i pBikhonevrolo- gichemkogo instituta im. T.M. Bekhtereva. (BLOOD VESSELS) (BLOOD PRESSURE) MIDIOMKO, T.D. (Leningrad) Pecifliaritieti of vascular tone in arterial hypotension and hypertension. 37 no.7:53-58 J1 '59. (MIM 12:10) 1. Iz PalkhonevrologicheBkogo institnts, imani V.M.Bekhtereva (dir. - prof..V-N-Myasiahchev) i kliniki nervnykh bolerney (zav. - deyabvitel'nyy chlen A14H SSSR prof.S.R.Daviden1cov) LeningratIskogo inatituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey. (HMITENSION physiol.) (HYPMNSION physiol.) ABRAMOVICHt G.b.; ADAMOVIGHp V.A.; VOROBIYEV S P '-, GOSHEV9 A.I.; DEMIDENKO T.D.1 UYCIIIKOVAg N.A. [deceased]; R.S.; TERPUdarrgm?w -MrMMAp A.A.; YAKOVLEVA."IRMAN' LV. Some investigations of the clinical aspects, patbogor 4voiav and treatmefit of epilaosy. Trudy Gos. nauchll-issl. pl*honevr. inst. no.20043-354 159. 1 (KU1A 14: 1) Is Gomudarstronnyy n~uchno-issle4ovatellskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy ing(titut imeni V.M. Bekhterepap Llningrad. (EkLEPSY)' DEMIDENKOY T.D.; MIKHAYWVA, A.D. Effect of acupuncture on the course of severe recurrent radiculitis. Vop.psikh.i nevr. no.7s261-267 161. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz laboratorii igloterapii (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. E.D. Tykoebinakaya) Nauchno-issledovatellakogo polkhonevrologicheakogo inatituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (dir. chlen-korrespondent Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk prof. V.N.Yqasishchev). . (ACUPUNCTURE) (NERVES, SPINAL--DISEASES) C-PSHEV$ A.I.; DEKIDENKO, T.D. Effect of drug mixtures on tho actl-vity of pseudo- and true cholires-terase in the blood of adolts and children with epilepsy. Vop.psikh.i norv. 8s2l'1-227 162. OPURA 17%4) 1. Tz biokhimicheskoy laborator"', - p:,of, A.A,Shatalova) i kliniki riorv7,ykh boleznoy (7,av. S.P.Voroblyev) Psik-ho-navrologicheskogo in3tituta ireni V.M.Bekhtereva (dtr. - B.A.Lebedev). DEMENKO, T.D. Effect of differentiated work therapy on reactivity and compensation dynamics in epileptic patients under clinical conditions. Vop.psikh. i i nerv. 8t228-238 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz 7-go nevrologicheakago otdoleniya (zov. S.P.Vorobtyev) Psikhonevrologicheskogo instituti imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (dir. - B.A.Lebedev). e, SAVINOVSKIY, N., kand.tekhn.,= kand.sellskokhozyay .~.G., inzh.; DIMILMO, V.; GISIff. I., .Vej~~ Operation of continuous freezers. Khol.tekh. 37 no-5:35-39 S-0, 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vsesoyuzvyy nauchno-losledovateliskiy inatitut kholodillnor promyshlennosti (for Savinovskly). 2. Maekovskly khladokombinat imeni A.I. Mikoyana (for Dezent and Demidenko)- 3- Nauchno- issle- dovatellskiy eksperimentallno-konstraktorskiy institut prodovoll- stvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Gisin). (Ice-dream freezers) DEMIDENKO, V.A.; BEMYUK, Ye.G. Cardiac arrhytbvLLa of tonsillogenic origin. Vrach. delo no.109151-152 0 263. (MIRA 17.-2) 1. Llvovskaya oblastnaya klAnicheskaya bollnitsa. ACCESMON NIX. 5 016470 Encl: 01. T CA %,7- T Ndmogtanx of frictional _44, ent efficienoy~ totalvidue of the ca~uslng; gyroscopic fficlili* e9 nS ? : AcRacy otbl.- .efJ Y g. -refer- W the oute J -precessional axis-,respec~. nd tWely; A coup do;- dj, 0) s6mtemponentj arnpUtud0j._'I:.,-... and frequeaqv of agcIllau rcepePtivelyt Of dL6~ wbefty of the relativ motion' Ot the kad, Mai -'emple ame. cam 77 DEM-MIKOt V.j,- "Electrical Measurements in High Frequency and High Voltage Installations With the Use of Current Transformers, With Cores Having Constant Magnetic iesistance.11 Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni If. I. Kalinin, Min Higher Education USSR, Leningrad, 1955.. (Ell No 14, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 -'Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). CHUYKOJ N.M., doktor teklin.nauk; RUTKOVS1(IY, V.B., inzh.; DANICHEK, R.Ye., inzh.; PEREVYAZKCI, A.T., inzh..; BORODULIN, G.M., inzh.; TREGUBENKO, A.F., inzh.; SHAZaLl, Yu.P., inzh.; FRANTSOV, V.P., inzh.; VOLOVICH, V.G., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: IOFFE, I.M., inzh.; LAVRENTIYEV, inzh.; PARKHOIENKO, G.P., Insh.; DEMIDENKO, V.I., inzh.; RYSIN, Ye.M., inzh.; VOROBIYEVA, T.M., inzh. Inert gas blowing of metal in the ladle in vacuum. Stall 22 no.9009-811 S 162. WRRA 15:11) (Vacuum metallurgy) (Protective atmospheres) APCESSION NRI AT4025436 S/0000/62/000/000/0065/0078 AUTHORS# D*midenko, V. 1.1 Moronko, A. Yo. TITLEt Nondestructive reading of information from ferrite memory elements by means of a transverse field SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicbeskoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- trosvyazi. Nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentmiyab 16th, Leningrad, 1961. Kibernetika i elektronno-vy*chislitellnaya tekhnika (cyber- netic'a and electronic computer technology)l materialy* konfereittsii. Noscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1962, 65-78 TOPIC TAGSv ferrite# memory core# magnetic core storage, computer .components computer technology ABSTRAM Thials a review article dealing-with the forrgeagnatic media used for memory devices, particularly those in which the mag- netization is produced by crossed fields with emphasis on the biax C"d ACCESSION MRs AT4025436 high speed computer element (C. L. Wanlass, S. D. Wanlass, Diax high speed magnetic computer element, IRE Wescon ConventionRecord, 1959, v. 3, Vilig p. 4). The variation of the magnetization vector -field pulse in such an elemeikt under the influence of a transverse in analyzed, and the application of biaxolements for nondestructive reading is described. Orige art. bass LO figures and 43 formulas. ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTEDs OlSeV62 DRTZ AM 07Apr64 ZKCLs -00 DENIDENK0, V. X. Kiev State Pedagoj,H6135 Inst imeni. A. Mi. Gorlkiy, Kiev 1955 DETa-DRYK0, V. K. -- "Peculiarities of the Assimilation of H13torical Concepts by Students of the Fifth Grade." Kiev Stat,-- Pedagogical Inst Imeni A.M. GorIkiy, Kiev, 1955. (Dissertation for the. Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 35, 1955 D!2,'IDEI!'K0, V. I'l. Demidenkol V. N. "Sumer planking, of potatoes with freshly-hanrested tuber, , n-~-nrdinp, to the trethad, of the Odessa Selection-Genctic Invt-itue", Bylillaten, pa plodovodstvu) vino7ra- darstvu i ovashchevoclstvul No. 8, 19;-i7~ P. 1-54-60. SO: U-4392, 19 Au-ist 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 8nykh Statey, No. 21, 10h9). Kt%T';KHAIIOVp M.,N.1 DEMIDENKO V.P, Graphico.-analytical calculation of the effect of dry friction forces in supports on the performanoe of a gyromoope. Isv. vyve uohebs zikvoj prib. 8 no.31lO4-108 165. VaILk 18M) 1, Voyennaya artilleriyakaya akademiya. A:p X_ 990-6 14 june scTNTiFic -TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN GYROSCOPE TECH- NQ~.OGY (USSR) ? Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, v. 6, no. 2, 1963 156-1513. S/146/63/00610021010/010 The Fourth Conference on Gyroscope Technology, sponsored by the Ministry of Higher, and Secondary Special Educktion RSFSR, was held at the Leningrad Institvte of Precision Mechanics and 'Optics from 20 to 24 November 1962. The conference was attended by representatives from 93 organizations in 30 Sz- :~;-. cities, including educ;,tional establishments, scientific research in- sti=i;s, design bureaus, and in0ustrial concerns. The following are some of the topics covered In the 92 papers presented and discussed at the conference. Vibrations of a gyroscope pendulum with a moVable suspension in a nonuniform gravitational field-. M. Z, Litvin-Sedoy,. Senior Scientific Worker; improving dynamic characteristics of some gyro instruments and devices: A. V. Reprikov. Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; some problems of,the dynamics of a gyroscope with an electric drive installed in a gymbol suspension: S. A. "r& 1/3 Am xr. 99o-6 24 j=e SC= I1?1C-J=MaCAL COMWMCE (Cont'd) S/IU/63/006/002/010/010 Kharlamov, Engineer; problems of the theory of the'inertial method for measur- Ing aircraft acceleration: 1. 1. Pomykayev, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sci- ences. determining the drift of a floated-type Integrating gyroscope without the use of a dynamic stand: 0. A. Slomyanakly, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; natural damping of nutational vibrations of a gyroscope: X__Y__Q1u19_v, Engineer; motion of a not quite symmetrical gyroscope pendulum with vertically movable support: A. N. Borisova. Aspirant; gyroscopo-type inclinometer for surveying vertical fr'eezing wells: V. A. Sinitsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences; effect of joints between channels in triaxial gyro-stabilized. platform: L. N. Sle;-.kin, Engineer; theoretical proposal for the possiblo design of a generalized gyro instrument: M. M. Bogdanovich. Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; problem of drift in a power-type triaxial gyro stabilizer: V. N.' Karpov, Engineer; methods of modeling random disturbances In gyro systems; S. S. ShLohman, Senior _Fng4neer. method of noise functions for LnvesUg&tLng 4L system subjected to random car& V3 AID Ur. 990-6 14 Juno SCZM'TI?IC-=-CMaCAL COMMMCS (Coat'd) 8/146/63/006/002/010/010 si.4;-Is-. G. P. Molotk7ov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; drifts in a gyro- stapilized platform as a result of the effect of cross joints under determined and ran-, dorn disturbances: B. 1, Nazarov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; stabilitY;' anq natural oscillationsin inhomogeneously rigid gyro systems with backlash under extornal influences: S. A. Chernikov. methods of designing a gyro vertical with automatic latitude and course corrections: A. V. Til', Candidate of Technical 8cien- ems of the motion of an astatic ces; use of asymptotic methods in solving probl gyroscope in grnbol suspension: D. M. Klimov, Candidate of Physical and Mathe- majical Sciences, and L. N. Slezk1n; theory ofa'perlodic gyro pendula: V. S. Moqhalin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sc iences; and selecting basic parameters of course gyros !3y uhing nomograms: V. F. Dimidenko,- Engineer. Car& 3/3 ---------- -A J'' F4- AUTHOR, Demidenkos ~ i0 TrrLE- selecting, parameters of directional gyroscop ' 'b zrieans of nornograrns , y A . l SOURCE.- IVUZ. Priborostrolrie- 6 no. ~A 19 6 3. 78-89 topiz TAGS: gvroscove,~ diricAon''a'i.igyros cope, gyroscope design 7 ABSTRACT: are'-descri ibed which have been.. e r for desig g gyro eq#pment on the basis of ' spe'cified developed by th autho nin accu:racy. Differential equatims~ ofmotionwer'a set up and numerically sol4ed on. the "Ural*-211. digital computer foi~:various ~structural parameters and operatic ccn(Utions of gyrost The cal~-ulation.s were. accurate to the second order of d tyi3es. of ~equations ivere solved: (1) truncate infinitesirnals. The following . quations neglecting nonlinearity., (1) truncated equations allowing for Card. 'NO REP Sovi 0: 6m 1/2 act,-.. :~ -CODE SUB 000- ATD PRESS:. 4639 2161-~65 kC9=lOXilMRw.%;- AP501 k,6 I G Iroac f optc: device We L 3436-1-66 ACC NRs AP60 59 AUTHOR: Alekseyev, 0. G.; D ~iden~koV. P.; Fedaroy, I. M. ORG: Military Artillez7 Academy (Voyennaya artillerlyakaya akademiya) TITLE: Increasing the accuracy of ffroscopic devices SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 3, 1966, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: gyro, gyroscope, gyroscope motion equation ABSTRACT: The authors investigate possibilities of designing gyroscope rotors in several concentric elements, rather than in one mass. The purpose is to attain a higher net kinetic moment than possible with one rotor, without changing the dimen- sions or weight of the gyro. Considering first the case of i concentric rotors in 'which each succeeding rotor, starting from the internal one, has twice the radius and half the speed of the preceding rotor, the authors derive a general expression for net kinetic moment. This shows that two such rotors would give about a 13% gain in moment over a single rotor; increasing the number of rotors above two would, how- ever, have a negligible further advantage. A second and more promising approach would have each rotor forming a stator for the next rotor, which would result in the reverse of relative rotor speeds from'the first case; thus the first (internal) rotor operates at a speed dictated by the supply frequency, the next rotor would rotate at approximately twice this velocity, and so on. A cited two-rotor design of this type UDC: 531-383088.8) L 3436:L-66 WCC _N ki- -A Iq (see Fig. 1) would have more then twice the kinetic noment of a single rotor, other parameters being equal. The authors also weert that the overall balancing and Fig. 1. Two-rotor gyromotor 1 - Case; 2 - power input terminals; 3 - commu- tator; 4 - first stator winding; 5 - shorted winding; 6 - first rotor; 6a - retaining strap for stator winding on rotor; 7 - second rotor; 8 - shorted winding; 9 - stator winding for second rotor; 10 - second rotor bew4ng; 11 - first rotor bearin-g-.- g stress problems would be no worse than for the single-rotor ewe. Orig. mt. 2' figures and 3 formulw. (SH) ~5:jeft IT/ SUEN DAM. ot)Apr65/ ORIG REP.-. 001/ ATD PF3S8:_,5-$_j.3 DERIDWRO, Ye.; LAPIDUSO M. Effect of themoelastio tensions on the strength of the punch in cold stamping. Vastiale-tv ak no.9:43"/*9 '61. 1. Akademiya nauk Ietviyokoy SSR, Inatitut avtomatiki i mekhaniki. SO1111 1Z-58-2-2372 Translation from: Referati,%rayy zhurnal, Elektrotekhaika, 1958, Nr 2, p 96 (USSR) A HOR: BogoyavlenBkiy, V. N., Utkin, .1. V., and Demidenko, Ye. D. TITLE: An lavestigation of an Electric Tractor Main Dr~ve (IsE;ledovaniye gla-ynogo privada elektrotraktora) PERIODICAL: Y ab.: AvtornatimatBiya proizv. protsessov v s. kh., M., AN SSSR, 1956, pp 204-219 ABSTRACT: The finaJ. choice of a system for electric tractor drive has not yet been made. The first tentative solution was a simple replacement of the ther- mal motor by a squirrel-cage AC motor, with the friction slipping coupling re- tained in the system. The second solution has been the use of an adjuBtable- speed AC motor. The dynamic and static operatiag conditions of both squirrel- cage and wou-nd-rator motors have been investigated. Tbe first is started under no-load conditLons, and then tractor acceleration is effected through a slipping clutch coup1ing, by a method combining the utilization of the motor torque an-d the flywheel kinetic energy. An eq7aation describing the dynamic Card. liZ SOV/ 112 -58 -2 -2 372. An Investigation of an Electric Tractor Main Drive process of motor acceleration is analyzed, with particidar reference to the ef - fect of flywheel size. It has been found that even an oversized squirrel-cage motor has to operate up-der heavy thermal conditions. Besides, the friction clutch does not secure maneuvering tractor speeds, and a coarse speed regula- tion causes bumpy operation of the tractor, The wound-rotor motor eliminates the above disadvantages, and the adjustable slipping clutch becomes urneces- sary. Field tests of the wound-rotor motor tractor have confirmed that, among its advantages, are stability of acceleration and speed regulation under any load and no need for a friction clutch and flywheel. Instructions are given on calculating steps for the regulating rheostat. A. 1. B. Card 212 AVXN, 0.1. (X#skva)- DEMIDEM. Ye D (Moskva); DOMANITSKIY, S.M. (Moskva); KRUD, Blactric servomechanism with controllable speed. Avtom.i telem.17 n0,3:238-249 Mr 156. (HLRA 9:7) (Servemechanisms) AqCfSSION NR.- S/0030/64/000/901/0036/003 AP4013 734 AUTHOR: Domidanko, Ye. D. (Candidate of technical sciences) TITIA A synchronous tracking system with variable tranamisaion'cooffici6nt SOURCE.- AN SSSR. Vestnikj no. 1. 1964, 36-38 TOPIC TAGS: synchronous tracking system, tracking system, transmission coefficient,, variable transmission coefficient., angular displacement., drive shaft,, driven shaft ABSIMACT: The author has proposed a closed impulse tracking system with variable transmission coefficient. This system is designed on the basis of comparing angular displacements of the drive shaft and the driven shaft. The necessity of excessive resolving pavrer in order to obtain required precision of the system limJLts the practical accuracy that may be obtained. An open impulse trac;king system eliminates this deficiency. For a test, "he system was built an axp(wimental-industrial setup for the model 5AB33 gear-grinding maclxne. The system provides for 532 discrete settings for transmission ratios. It -ix evaluated by the accuracy of handling the products, which depends on the difficulties of measuring small angular displacements, The error in linear measurements of the Card 1/2 ACGF.';SION N'R: AP403-3734 handled products., measured in-miarons, has been converted to angular error in Ithe shaft of the synchronous motor. The author has established that whea the system Is in operation on the gear-grinding machine the error of tracking does not exceed three minutes of aro. This accuracy in handling products is considerably greator than possible on machines using mechanical linkage., Orig. art. has: 2 figuros. ASSOG.IATION: 4iMtitut avtomatiki i telemelchaniki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po priborostroyeniyu aredstvan avtomatizatsii i sistemam upravleniya pri Gosplane SSSR i Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Automation wA Remote Control,, State Conmittee on Instrumental.Design for Automation and Control System at the Gosplan SSSR and the Academy of Sciences WSR) SUB1aTT'ED-. 00 DATE ACQ: 0.14 EMGL z . 00 SUB CODE: IE NO FW SM 000 OTHERS 000 Card 2/11-1 UIMI121WO, Ye.D., inzh. --- ---, -De-jign of touturable power reactors. Vest. einictroprom. 30 no.2:63-66 F 159. (Reactance (Blectricity)) (MIRA 12:3) AVENI O.A.; DVORETSKIY, V.M.; DOMANIT,%IY, S.M.; ZALMANZON, L.A.; KRASSOV, I.M.; KRUG, Ye.K.; TALI, A.A.; KHOKJILOV, V.A.; Y BULGAKOV, A.A.LYDEMIU, Y,~,.D..; BFRNSHTEYN, S.I.; YEWLIYANOV, A. a.'t'1YYjRMP V.; PERELIMAN, I.I., S.V.; URNER, FITSNERI L.N.; CIELYUSTKIN, A.B.; ZHOZHIKASHVILI, V.A.; ILIIN, V.A.; AGEYKIN, D.I.; GUSHCHIN, Yu.V.; KATYS, G.P.; MELITTSER, L.V.; PAIKHOMF,'NKO, P.P.; MIKHAYLOV, N.N.; FITSNER, L.N.; PARKHOMENKO, P.P.; ROZENBLAT, M.A.; SOTSKOV, B.S.; VASILIYEVA, N.P.; PRANGISHVILI, I.V.; POLONNIKOV, D.Ye.; VOROBIYEVA, T.M.; DEKABRUN, I.Ye. Work on the development of systems and principles of automatic control at the Institute of Automatic and Remote Control during 3.939-1964. Avtom. i telem. 25 no. 6:807-851 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) GRIKKZ, A.Kh.; IMMIINNICO, Ye.I. Automatic presses vith self-food Kuz.-shtam. proizv.'l no-8:34-37 (Forging machinery) ,. of the material to be forged. Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) A~ 10 tJ, 141 14 41 E Va r, -1 F..g R L 4 09 ail 2. SO A HAM I U'A! 1 !~A 'E; V Automation of Cold [13--tall StoWping Production 507/5580 ih=rhtcyn, D. Ye. Automation of Stm-ping In Preno Shops (From the Practice at GAZ (Gorlkiy Automobile Pi=;)) 5 Hom.anavvIcty, V.P. A.utonation of Stamping Processes at Leningrad Plants 27 r-~n, P.ti, l'--chanization and Avtomation of Stamping Operations (rm 40 Kbolikin, L.W. Automatic Rotary Transfer-thchine Lines 48 lCravehento, D.G. Autauation of St=piDS Presses (From the Practice of tl:r-, D,xwlullaki~ ~avod mkba-tchcsldkh pressoy (Barnaul Y-echan- ical Prcor~ca Plant 71 Devidenkol Ye. 1. Investigating the Operation of Automatic Stamping for Relay Springs Zlotnikav, S.L. Some Problems of Automation in Givxping Production 98 Shof:man, L.A. The Present State of Stamplng'PxW~aetlon and Antici- pated'Problemn 101 MIKITYUKj Ye.P.; BARDASHEV, S.F.; PASECHNIKOV, H.S.; APIN, L.R.; PEMOV, V.N.; DENIDENKO, Ye.I.; MITROVICH, V.P.; FROLOV, X.V. Author's abstracts of dissertations. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.7%87-88 Jl 162. (MIRA-15:8) 1. Kiyoyslciy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Mikityuk). 2., Moskovskiy aviatsionnyi,institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (forbarddshey). 3. Leningradskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Fasechnikov). 4. Moskovskiy stankoinstrumentallnyy institut (for Apin, Mitrovich). 5. Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy ' institut (for Petrov). 6. Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.A.Zhdanova (for Demidenko). 7. Rizhskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Frolov). (Bibliography--Mechanical engineering) DEMIDUNKOP I*e,l.j IVANOVv SA; LAMUS, 14.Kh. Determining oertain parameters of an automatic press without connecting rod wid with aelf-feeding of the strip. Kus.-shtam. proizvo 5 no.n:26-30 N 162, (MIRA 17t 1) FIKHAU-11KO, F.F., kand. teklm. nauk; GRIKKE, A.Kh., kand. t -'kiz.. nauk; DEN11DRIKO, Ye.l., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEYI.TER, kand. [Automatic cold stamping of small. parts on high-speed pres- ses] Avtomatichaskaia kholodnaia slitampovka melkikh. detale-3 na bystrokhodnykh pressakh. Moskva, Mashinostroente, 1965. 285 P. (VIRA D80) P, PA I j) e 0. IS :2 AC 46.3 93 U . -~2 10 US -00 Aa 181;'91'er 'd-JV.'oj; V I A V, 0 !C 9" 1 0 0.4 SO. t. "JR -~ 0010 3.0 9 Ua Cos% 14. a- U.Izf.vmo 'jj 1~ . 340 4 a .4. U 19 0 a 0. 1 1 ,, C. r V; d-0 00 . 1, . 0 oz 9 do IM 9. 1 dx a rN ,DZKM'.P,NKO. Y,u.B. Determining and computing corrections in hodographo of re- flected and refracted waves. Raxved.i prom.geofis. no.29: 35-51 '59. ( MI Ri, 13: 1) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) DEMIIMNK(s, YU.B. Seismic logging of shot holes. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no-30:15-25 '59. (MBA 12:12) (Prospectinc--Geophysical methods) .DEKIM-NKO.,..Xu.B.-[I,)omydenkos IIJ.B.] Tectonic data- on the awface of the crystalline bedrock and sedimentary formation at the northern border of Us zarginal. part of the graben ;!I-- inAX9, DnVjPer-D6n9t6'. TOW andi i.DedU-iiMi~ 20 ~W.`,463L-a 160. IMM 14:4) (Dnieper Lowland-Geology., Structural) S/1169/62/000/007/032/149 D228/D307 AUTHORS: Demidenkoq Yu. B., Zabolotnyy, F. D., Raykher, B. A., T1-m_ofeyeva_,__N. 14. and Turchanenko, N. T. TITLE: Seismic exploration of the Ukraine!.s dasterly re- gions (Discourse theses) ?_'.-;RIYICAL: Referdtivnyt zhurnal.,IGeofizika, no. 7, 1962, 23, 'ab- siract 7A149 (V sb. Sostoyaniye i perepektivy.razvi- tiya geofiz. metodov poiskov i razvedki pol-ezn. isko- payemykh, M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 299-300) TEXT: The Dneprovsko-Donetskaya and the Prichernomorskaya'Basins are characterized by the fact t.hat the basement and the aediment- ary stratum have a block structure. The correlation-refraction and reflection methods are being used in regional and detailed sur- veys. In the detailed study of the block structure faults are being traced, separate structural block are being distinguished, and the reflecting boundaries within each block are being determined. 6ec- -tio4s a~e being constructed from the records of reflected waves Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/032/149 Seismic exploration of ... D228/D307 by the tc, method in the case of gentle angles and by means of wave- front charts when the dip a les are above 200. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.~ I Card 2/2 DEKWIMO, Yu.B.; PUZDROVSKIY, Ye.P. Detailed seismic studies of Balt domes in the Dnieper-Donets Lowland. Razvedei promogeofiz. no-450-16 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Dnieper-Donete loovland--Salt domes) (Beiomic prospecting) DEMIDENKO, Yu.B.; ZELITSMAN, P.A. Three-component shot-hole seiomic recorder. Razved.i prom.geofiz. no-43:61-63 162. (KMA 15:11) (Selamology-Electric equipment) DENEDFMO, Yu.B. Combined use of reflection and refraction correlation methoda for solving regional problems ana detailed-sludying of the structures of the Dnieper-Donets Lowland. Geofia.sbor. no.2s62-72 162. (KMA 160) 1. Trest~IUkrgeofizr&sv9dka*. (Dni. r-Donets-LOAAMI-~ology., Structural) (Dnie;'r'r-Donets Lowland-Seismic Prospecting) DEMIDENKO, lu.B,; MANIMA, M.G. Regional sei;mic studios in the northwestern part of the Dnieper- Donets.Lowland based on the Yagotin4kturin relief. S.ov. geol. 6 no,6:107-M Je 163. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Treat "Ukrgeofizrazvedka." (Dnieper-Dorwa Lowland-Geology, Structural) ACCESSION NR: XX4016846 3/2819/63/000/005/0107/0114 AIMIOH: Demideako, Yu. Be; Hanyuta, Me G.; Ly*senko, V. A.; Spikhina, L. Me TITLE: Results of saimitic inv*atigatione.of the deep structure of the earth in the Eastern Ukraine .--SOU=: AN UkrRS11. Inst. goof. Giofizich. sbarnik, no. 50), 1963. VoProsr* teor. i metod..geofizich. isoledavaniy, (Problems of theory and methods of geophysical investigations). 107-114 TOPIC TAGS: Hohorovicic discontinuity, Conrad discontinuity, seismology, deep seismic sounding, reflected wave, refracted wave, crystalline basement, geology, basalt layer, seismic boundary, granite layer. ABSTRACT: Daring the International Geophymic Year the Kiev Geophysical Ex- ploration Expedition uAdortook regional seismic inventigatigns by the deep seismic sounding method and the refracted and reflected waves methods along a 400-kilometer profile between Zvenigoro4ka and Novgorod-Uverskiy, shown on Enclosure. The profile trrmts across the strike of the northwestern part, of the Dnepr grabou and extends into the surrounding Ukrainian and Voronezh crystalline complexes. The structure of the'sedimentary cover and certain aspects of this CEW15t line basement in the Dinopr4oneta,doprossion are describ". It wea -2 NO - 7, AccEssioN im: Ano%M Tossible to determine the position of the basalt'layer, the surface of the sub- _crustal substrate &MI s*ismic bound- ies within the basalt and granite layers, indicated on Enclosure. The crust is an ordinarr continental type with a mean ~~thickuess of 48 km, the basalt layer averages 30 km. the granite layer averages 18 ka and the sedimentary lalyere rangs from 0 to 8-9 ka. Within the Dhepr the mrface of the crystalline basemnt has a conplex block structure A" lies at depths of, 194 to 8.9 kx6 The man velocity to the surface of Us basalt layer- (with the. exception of the 'zodimatary c~Vlox) to 6.15 klmlsoe' to -the surface of the Maho - 6.6 1444c. and in the "dimatery essiplex, where 6 to a8 ka tkick, 3,300-3,700 01/15441 Gris.:"art. has 2 figures. .:'ASSOCXATION: Xi3revska;ra &p6tisichaskays. r*xv*d*AWWa~,:.'"x"dLt"Y'L(Ki4V Geophysical AqpIG-ration SU SKMMt MU AM: OWAV64: MM: 04 W MW WNs A M SM CWZ. AS ..CAW 21.6 Z DEMIDRNKO, Tu.B. - - -.1.7 11 - ---, r . Vertical seismic profiling. Geofiz. abor. no,7:11-31 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kiyovska,ya geofizichoskaya razvedochnaya ekspedi.tsiya tresta "Ukrg-sofizrazvedka". DEMIDENKO, Yu.B. Nomogram for the calculation of radial diagrrms and theoretical hodographs of reflaoted waves making use of medium velocities. Razved. i prom. geofize no,50:45-50 163, (MIRA 18:3) DEMIDEN . FABIYANSKIY) ChIV, Voing a OCK-57 1AA-UOR wt-th intermediate magnetic recording in oeismic shot-hole prospecting. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no-46:25-29 162. (NIRA 160) (Seismic prospecting-Equipment and supplies) -- DEMIDENIKO, Yu. V. Vertical saiumic profiling. Geofiz.abor. no-1:48-72 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kiyevskaya geofizicheskaya razvedochnaya ekspeditsiya tresta "Ukrgeofizrazvedka". Submitted September 10, 1963. -.03MIMIKO, A.A. (Demidenko, Qjo; m-wimmo.- z.A.- (Domidenko, Z.091; -F TOLPYGO, K.B. [Tolpyho, IC. Hea:t capaelo"ilia natural frequendie-o-and amp~itvxiogi "of XBf,. Ukrs.fizii-xhuri. 3no.6:728-742-,N-D 158"... immA *12:6) -LI'l-Inatitut fisiki AN U"31~ (Fotassium,bromide c'rystals-Vibration)) (goat capacity); AUTHORS: Lashkarev, V. Yc-., Ra3hba, ". 1, -1/15,7 - 2'193 3 Romanov, V. A. , Demidonko, Z. A. TITLE: Kinetics of Some Electronic Processes in Sem-'conductors (Kinetika nekotorykh elekti nnykh protsesoov v p o I u p ro vod n i k n k h ) P r"i I OD I (,.,k 1, 1,1~7-,,I t..71chnicheskoy fiziki, Vol. 28, Nr 9, PP 1853- 1870 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 'Ihi~: j-! -.-k i.-,-~stigation of some electronic processes in sem~conducto-.,_ poistulated. that the absorption of the light quantum leRds to the production of a pair of electron holes in the same place in the crystal. This implies that the particular features connected with the possible particip- ation of excitons in the development of photoconductivity are not taken into consideration. The kinetics of nhotocon- ductivity, of the bulk photo e.m.f., of the phoioma'gnetic effect, and of the photoconductivit:r in semiconductors sub- jected to a magnetic Equations describing these effoc': derived linear- approxima- tion. After the kine-t-, Drocesses had Card 1/3 been studied, the problem.-; ini,~_~vec th~-~ determination of .."inetics of Some Mectronic Prooesse3 in Semiconductors SOV/57-2 -0-11.133 the parameters of bulk and of surface recombination are discussed. In particular it is shown that a joint investir- ation of the kinetics of photoconductivity and of the photo e.m.f. -facilitates a. simple judgement on the occurrence of carrier capture. The general formulae deduced are applied to the investigation of a number of samy.1u, cases. An experimental equipment incorporating a Kerr-cell was constructed, it per- mitted to make measurements in a wide range of temperature and frequency with a high accuracy. Experimental evidence bearing on the kinetics of photoconductivity and -the volume e.m.f. is presented, It is then compared with theory. Ye Miselyuk, A.N. Kvasnitskaya and 7-1.B. I-4ertens riade available the germanium semples. There are 10 figures and 24 references, IS of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USS'R,,Kiyev (institute of Physics AS Ukr~SR) Kiyev) Card 2/3 DEMIDENKO,, Z.A. Calculating the internal field in ditunond and NaCI cx7stals. Fizo tver. t9la 3 no. 3s803-810 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:5) 1, Institut fizikl AN USSR., Kiyev, (Electric fields) (Diamonds) (Salt) S/181,/61/003/011/030/056 B125/'104 AUTHORS: Demidenko, Z.A., and Tolpygo, K. B. TITLE: Normal vibrations of alkali-halide crystals with ions of very different dimensions PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 11, 1961, 3435-3444 TEM Equations for the vibrations of lattices with anions and cations of. very, different dimensions (e.g., Nal) have to be modified by allowing for the repulsion of I lons and by introducing a fractional charge. Thus, agreement between theory and experiment can be improved. The vibrations of binary crystals are described. by the system 1) and P#ffi 0 Card 1/4: S /181/(;1/003/01.1/030/056 iq Normal vibrations of alkali- B125/B104 X [G cos k. 2H(cos k,, -i- cos k, 2 cos k,,)], (2) 8,18.,26.y x L X [g cos k. --i- 2h (cos k. cos k, 2 cos k,)], Ce., Ot Pa3W2 M, Mo -4-- me '2 for the Fourier coefficients Ul and p1 of displacements and electron 8 s a 8 shells, respectively. Here, As = dimensionless polarization, a - distance 4 1 between neighi)orin.g Na and,1- ionsq (yasixy - electric field in the a th site, which is induced by the system of dipoles P., , psle s' ind Card 2/4 S/I~JI16110031'01110301056 Normal vibrations of alkali- -P',2'5/B104 depends on the WELve vector 1. The parameters i, and h define the "elastic fQTCeBII acting between the nearest, te-~4tucrs p p ,H) and .4 4 1 2 ((' P19P2 (g,h) for longitudinal (G,g) and transverse (H,h) displacements of the quantities p 11 P2# P2* Since C 12 = C W the rQlations C44 ' C12 2 4)(0-34778 + F + 2F,), C = e2/a4) [(1/2'G - 0.69544 + 2F - 2E 5/a 11 ( a (4) are valid for the temperature applied here. T!ie matrix elements appearing in (2) have to be supplemented by addit:.cnal terms given by the authors. After elimination of the dipole monents from the second group of (I ) the) equation for the lattice vibratiors :-ead _Q 2 _S? 2-* 4 AS Pax 'ILJB a I xy9s , y(7), from, which u.i. +2 qjjuj - 0 follows sly i after diagonalization of each square, The extens.~ve expressions for Qij- ai'd ~J, appearing in the latter relation, axe expli,,-itly 'Written. For the acoustic and optical branches one obta~~11'3 or'..ti.elgentrequency ea--h. All coefficients D ij of the transformed ma'rix C-t are explicitly given in Card 3/4 --/181/61/003/011/030/056 Normal vibrations of alkali- B11'-,;;/B104 an appendix. 'The eigenfrequencies of the Nal crj:ital are calculated for ,three approximations: 1) Shoxt-range forc~es acit cnly between the nearest + - ionsi 2) allowance is made for 1hp fo.rct--s acting between the -Na and I D individual I- ions; 3) in addition, the d-ff~irenc-.-- lcitween the ionic charge and e is taken into account. lrhero ar.) I 174.,-Ur,~, 2 tables, and 16 references: 13 Soviet and 3 non-S.~)viet. Thi-, -hrea references to English-language publications read as follvvir,: A. 1). B. Woods, W. Cochran, B. N. Brockhase. Phys. Rev., 11.9,, 980, 1 ') -- ") .B. J. Dick, A. W. Overhauiaer. Phys. Rev., 112, 90, 1Q58; W. ~-,o.,:--,ran. Froc. Roy. Soc., k251, 260, 1959. ASSOCIATION: -Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR K-i.yav (Institute of Semiconductors AS UkrSSR, Xiy"-v Card 4/4 86430 S/181/60/002/011/014/042 -2 -2 a 0 Oo V 3 / 40.3 91 // VJ) BOo6/BO56 AUTHORS: Demidenk Z,~_.A,~,and Tolpygo) K. as TITLE: Injection Effects in the Pafjnage of Current Through an Inhomogeneous Semiconductor PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2753-2761 TEXT: When a current passes through an inhomogeneous semiconductor with mixed oonductivityg the concentration distribution of electrons and holes is shifted by the field. The minority carriers (here it is assumed that these are the holes) are injected from a *high-. imp edano e into a low-impe- dance region of the semiconductor, if the direction of the current coincide with the gradient of conductivity. Therefore, the carrier concentration increases throughout the entire region of' the semiconductor, and the field becomes weaker. If current direction and gradient are antiparallel, car- riers are extracted and the field grovis. Thus, in the case of probe measure- ments oX resistivity of inhomogeneous semi conduc tors, the latter depends on the magnitude and sign of the current. P. 1. Baranskiy observed such phenomena in Ge. The authors of the preEent paper developed a theory of Card 1/2 86430 Injection Effects in the Passage of Current S/181/60/002/011/014/042 Through an Inhomogeneous Semiconductor 13006/B056 these phenomena for the simplest cases of a semiconductor with a constant conductivity gradient. The concentration dis';ribution of the holes and the distribution of-the electric field an dependent on the current passing through, the conductivity gradient, and the carrier lifetime is investigat- ed for the case of internal injection of holes. Furthermore, the algebraic sum of the potential differences between two adjacent bands is calculated for antiparallel current direction. This quantity is called the "volume- gradient emf, ?I #1t, following the example of Baranskiy who carried out similar calculations. In the case of woak currents, ~P is proportional to the square of the current, and in the case of strong currents, it is a linear function of the current; il* is also a function of resistivity, car- rier lifetime, and conductivity gradient. Furthermore, the part played by contacts during the measurement of -&0 is discussed in connection with the elect-,:Iomotive forces appearing at these contacts. A comparison between theoretical results and the experimental results obtained by Baranskiy showed qualitative agreement. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ins'itut fiziki AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Physics of the AS ~krSSR, Kiyev) SU13MITTED: June 7, 1960 Card 2/2 97300 S/18 61/003/008/030/034 B111XB102 AUTHORSt Demidenko, Z. A., Kucher, T. I., and Tolpygo, K. B. TITLE: Eigenfrequencies of lattice vibrations of germanium as calculated in various approximations ?ERIODICAL- Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 3, no. 8, 1961, 2482 - 2494 TEXTt A study is made of the natural vibrations of the germanium lattice, -A. I of electron shells, that appear taking account of the dipole mometntsi, with a displacement of nuclei. x;xpressions from Ref. 8(V. S. Mashke7ich, K. B. Tolpygo, ZhETP, L2, 520, 1957) and Ref. 12 (FTT, III, no. 3, 1961) are used for the potential ener,-f TJ of' the crystal. Taking account of either short-range forces (zerot,'.,i approximation) or the sole linear terms in di-pole exchange interaction (first approximation) is insufficient. Calcuiations are performed in various types of first and second approxima- tions. Experimental data, however, do not allow to prefer one of these variants. It is stated that the third approximation (i. e., taking also nonelectric interactions into account fits reality better than the model Card 1/3 97300 S/181/61/003/008/030/034 Eigenfrequencies of lattice ... B111/B102 W. Cochran. The present paper is based upon results of Ref. 12 (K. B. Tolpygo, PTT, III, no. 3, 1961), and its aim is to explain the nature of interatomic forces, and, by comparison between theory and experiments, to calculate all parameters. The natural vibrations of a diamond-type lattice are calculated in various approximations in the first part of the present paper, and formulas are derived for the moduli of elasticity and for the limiting frequencies of optical vibrations. A comparison of results with data obtained from the Raman effect shows that the first approximation is not sufficient to describe the vibrational spectrum in the case of large dipole moments. The matrices of the inner field and the eigenfrequencies are calculated in first approximation in the second part of the paper. By taking account of a possible noneleatric interaction, an attempt is made to improve results of earlier investigations (UFZh 1, 226, 1956; ZhETF, )2, 498P 1957; FTT# 11, 2655, 1960). A critical study showed that the dipole moments are not small, and that the electron-shell deformation and the interatomic electrostatic forces play an essential part in lattice dynamics. In the third part, the parameters of the equations describing harmonic lattice vibrations are determined, and eigenfrequencies are calculated in second approximation. There are 2 figures, 5 tables, 6 Soviet-bloc and Card 2/3 97300 S/181/61/003/008/030/034 Eigenfrequencies of lattice... Bill/B102 12 non-Soviet-bloo references. The''most important reference to English- language publications reads as followss 'ff. Cochran, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2, 495, 1955; Proc. Roy. Soc., A M, 260, 1959) ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Semi- conductors AS UkrSSR, 4iyev). SUBMITTEDt December 22, 1960 (initially) April 24,.1961 (after revision) DFIUDEMO., Z.A.; TOLPIGOI K,B, --- Normal modeo of alkali balide crystals with ions essentially differing in size. Fiz.tver.tela, 3 no-110435-3444 'I -16J. WMA 14:10) 1, Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR, Kiyev. (Alkali halide crystals) (Iattice theory) .3 3.3) 19 SV f P, 1 /0 18/05 2 B -, 08 /" ,N,7600 (11(13j //V4// 13cd' j B'04 AUTHORS: Demidenko, Z. A., Kucber, T, I-, and Tolpygo, K P, TITLE: Frequencies and amplitudes of atomic vibrations in crys-tals with diamond lattice for a wave vector directed along the cube face diagonals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 1, no, 1, 19621. 104 1050 TEXT: On the basis of previous papers (K, B. Tolpygo, FTT, 943, 196-1; Z. A. Demidenko et al. FTTv 3, 2482, 1961), the authors calculated the natural frequencies in germanium for the wave vector V pointing in the (1; 1; 0) direction. The six dispersion curves, calculated in four different approximations are somewhat different from one another, The vibrations corresponding to branches 3 and 6 are entirely transverse ( 'TO and TA). The other vibrations are mixed and have a purely longitudinal or transverse character only when V --40; 0; 01 or Lir; 1r; O~ ~Tablp I ), CX There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 non-Sov-.e-~' The four most recent references to English-language publica-iona read as follows: B. N, Brokhouse a. P. Y. Eyengar, Phyo, Rev... 747~ 19561- Card 1 3.3349 3/18 -1'/62/004/004018/052 Frequencies and amplitudes ... B~08/B'!04 W, Chochran, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2, 495, 1959; Proc. Roy. Soo.. 260, 1959; Chose et al. Phys. Rev., 113, 49, 1959; B~ 0. Brokhouse. Phys, Ref-~ Lett., 2, 256, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR Kiyev ~Inatiru--? cf Semicon- ductors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: July 12, -1961 Table 1. Compnents of "?, and P2 Legendi (A) branch no; (LO.) long'~ nal optical vibrations; (TO) transverse optical vibrations; (LA longi- tudinal acoustIc vibrations; (TA) tfansverse acouszic vibrazion-A. Card _0C S/181/62/004/007/018/037 'i 10 B102/B104 AUTHOR: Demidenk _A, TITLE: The natural frequency spectrum and the vibration amplitudes of LiF crystal ca.lculated for symmetrical directions of the wave v6ctor '_~-'ERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, Y. 4, no. 7, 1962, 1874-1877 TEXT: The formulas obtained by Z. A. Demidenko and K. B. Tolpygo (FTT~ 3, 1i, 3435, 19061) for the NaI lattice vibrations are used to calculate the natural frequencies and the vibration amplitudes of LiF. In contradistinction to NaI, the short-range forces in L:CF are non-central. This fact is -taken into account when considering the interaction within' two coordination spheres. Since the Li ionization energy is greater than that of the F affinity, the deviation 'from the strict heteropolarity has to be allowed for also. There Exe 1 figure and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: institut poluprovc~dnikov AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Semiconductors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1962 Card 1/1 .DMDENKO, Z.A KUCHER, T.I.; TOLPYGO., K.B. Frequencies and amplitudetj of atomic vibrations in a diamond type crystal for a wave vector directed along the diagonfil of 6 cube face. Fiz. tvsr. tela J+ 6o.3.:104-109 Ja 162. MM 15:2) 1. Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN USSR, Kiyev. (Crystal lattices-Vibration) (Vector analysis) DEIGDENKO Z.A. Characteristic frequency spectrum andvibration amplitude of lithium fluoride aryptals calculated for symmetrical directions of the vave vector. Fiss.tver.tela 4 rio.731874-lWn J1 262. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut polupravodnikov AN Ukz6SR, Kiyev. (Lithium fluorid' 'erfatili) -Pa 3/181/62/004/012/0()1/052 B104/B.102 AUTHOR: Demidenko, Z. A. TITLE: Calculating the.structural factors for inelastic scattering of 816w neutrons from NaCl-type crystals PERIODICAL, Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 12, 1962, 3359-3366 TEXT: The differential cross section of single-phonon scattering of Blov neutrons (wavelength-1 for phonons with J-polarization is oj (1k$ - k) = -f.- A1j jjj 1 (4) Here the structural factor is hpQ X aj, (q) elinne I' -) I ~ 1 (5) 7 k and k being the wave vectors of the incident and the scattered eutron, .,m the neutron mass, W the phonon frequency, NJ - texp(hY/k.BT) 'o Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/012/001/052 Calculating the structural B104/B102 -2(J and e the Waller-Debye factor. R 8 is the position vector of the s-th, atom in the unit cell, U is the amplitude of the normal J6 ' I's js vibrations of the crystal. In NaCl-type crystals, for symmetric q the -AP 4 polarization vectors 6 Js (q) lie in one direction, i.e. either parallel to 4 q*" (longitudinal polarization) or perpendicular to q (transverse polariza- tibn);l is the phonon wave vector. Therefore, U sj(q) u u sj (q), where U. is the place of polarization. From this follows ej (q, (-t- )' -4- 1 M9 where a m2 corresponds to the different values of T. With b2 M I this formula, the structural factors of neutron scattering are calculated Card 2/3 3/181/62/004/012/001/052. Calculating the structural ... B100102 for three directions of I (~O'0'1) bo'o~ I li'l,l]) for NaCl, KC1, XBr, NaI and UF crystals,~by using the previously calculated amplitudes of the natural oscillations. Results: The expression within the brackets of (7), for T - const, is mirror symmetric for the acoustic and optical branches with respect to a straight lini~ with the ordinate (a2 + 1)/2 lying parallel to the abscissa. This is shown to follow from the property (ul/u 2)opt.(ul/u2)ac ' I of the amounts of the polarization vectors. Furthermore a singular point exists where one of the amplitudes vanishes. This implies that during an oscillation of given polarization only one sublattice is oscillating. An approximation method for the 2(1,* 1) is proposed. There are 5 figures ahd 2 tables. calculation of g0 qt ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Semiconductors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1962 Card 3/3 DF111DOWY Z.A.; TWXYGO., K.B. Rolo of long--range rorcou in electron octitterir,g by phorlons In a howpolar crysbil. Fiz. tvar. tela 6 no.110321-3330 N 164. (MIRA 18- 1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN Ukr,")SR, Kiyov. S/18 61/000/010/002/004 D0389113 AUTHOR; Demidenkovg I.S. TITLEs Automatio linos for produoing forgings of outer and inner rings of RR bearings PERIODICALs Kuznoohno-j3htampovochnoye proizvodstvo h no. lot 196!9 26-33 TEXTs The article states that the possibility of producing forgings of outer and inner bearing rings from a single initial blank was confirmed by the experimental work carried out by the ENIKMASh, 3GPZ2 ENIIPP and SKB-10. The SKB-10 has completed the developmentg under the supervision of A.I. Klybik, of an automatic line comprising one or several twin lines. Every line will produce up to 200,000 outer and 200tOOO inner rings yearly* The following types of Soviet RR bearings will be produceds (1) I~K[;-1521 (TSKD-152 and L4Kg -l!j22 (Tsq2l522) roller bearings of similar dimen- 112 sionst 256 mm, out er diam., 86-5 tim high, and weighing 1j kgj and (2) VS-1520 (TeKB-1520) ball-and-socket bearings with 2560 outer diame, 95 +3 mm high, and weighing 14 kgo Before stamping, the blank is heated to Card 11/2 Automatic lines .... S/182/61/000/010/002/004 D038/Dll3 2.050-1150C, for 30 sec.,then upeetv the central aperture broached, and the core removed to a second hydraulic press for stamping the inner ring. After the operation the forging is cooled to 400-50000 for 10-18 min in a water spraying chamter and then transferred to the annealing furnaces. The author concludes that the new forgings must meet the following speoifica- tionss (1) higher quality determined by precise dimensions and shapep and the dispositions of metal fibers on bearing races3 (2) better use of metaZI and (3) reduced production costs2 and less labor-consuming production me+,ho,js. There are 7 fijraraB and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. C B.-rd 2/'-~ AUT11ORS; Demidankova, I. V., Shcherba, L. D. SOV/48-22-9-30/40 TITLE: Modifications in the Infrared Spectrum of Ammonia at the Transition From the Gaseous to the Liquid State (Izmeneniye v infrakraanon, spektre aminiaka pri perekhode iz gazo- obraznof,!-o v zhidkoye qostoyaniye) PBRIODICAL: Izvestiya Al-adem ii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1956, Vol 22, Nr 9, pp 1122 - 1124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an investigation of the infrared spectrum of liquid ammonia and of ammonia solution in carbon tetra- chloride. The spectra were taken with the spectrometer W KC-11, using LiF and HaCl prisms. The spectrum of liquid ammonia was recorded in the range 2 0' 15p at -500. The spectrum of the ammonia solution was only obtained in the range of the 11-H valence oscillations. Synthetic ammonia was used in the experiments, which was dried by condensation above metallic sodium. On the basis of the conceived hydroGen binding in ammonia, greater modifications had to be expected in the spectrum of the liquid, that is to say the occurrence of a new Card 1/2 band connected with the disturbed 11-H oscillation Modifications in the Infrared Spectrum of Ammonia SOV/48-22-9-30/40 at the Transition From the Gaseous to the Liquid State and a decrease ofthe degeneration of the inequality of the three NH bindings. Actually no essential modi- fications were observed in the infrared spectrum with the exception of a strong increase of the relative intensity of the V band and a comparatively great displacement of thg band (Table). This result can be explained by the assumption of an interaction between all three NH bindings of a molecule with the free pair of the other molecule. 1n such a case the NH bindings are all equivalent. For this conception, however, the formation of non-linear hydroEen bond is a pre- requisite. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and lo references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gos.institut prikladnoy khimii(State Institute of Applied Chemistry) Card 2/2 DFXMrM7,,0, A. YR.: Nimter Agric Sci (dian) -- "Co-ibattinF filtration by adding oolonets ooll to carbomte-loess and loeec soils in building irrigation systems and recervoirs". jaiarIkov, 19.58. 21-~ pp (19~ Acad Agric Sci, TTILW scl Res Inst of Soil Scionce), 150 copiee (KL, I-To 5y 1959j, 152) DEKWIYENKO, A.Yae, kand, eel I skokhozyaystvemykh nauki D&=ZW, V.M, ~1/I SalinUajion of the bottom of artificial reservoirs. Biol. v shkole no.2-05-06 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 1614) (Water storage) DEMIDKIN, A brigklir montazhnikov, zasluzhennyy stroitelf RSFSR Speed and quality. Na stroi.Ros. 3 no.8t2-3 Ag 162 jMIRA 15:12) 1. Leningradskiy domostroitellnyy kombinat No.6. (Leningrad-Construction industry) DEKIDKIN, 41eksey Sergeyevich; BORSHCEWSLATA, B.I., red.; LIVOIBYSKAYA, - - - I- - - L.%. j- teleh~mC- --!-, [Large-panel constractiva) Iz opyta kmpnopanellnogo stroitallstva. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1959. 54 p. (HIM 13:6) 1. Brigadir sontashnikoy 30-go stroitelinogo upravleniya 3-90 tresta Glayleningradstroya (for Demidicin). (Leningrad-41recast concrete construction) . ... I.... I . . I . .. DDIMM4, 1. 1. K010B."U'l,~Z11, I. E.-et al. I'Underground gasific,ttion of solid fuels", Russ. 53, 992, 1938. The gasification is carried out through channels ...cending downward ti the lower side of the deposit, then in a horizontal dire-' a and finely in an upward direction for the discharge of the gases. The igniti- Ls effected by startingunder- ground fires through injection of air., a partial - -stion of the solid fuel and production of coribbustion of the solid fuel and production of combustible gases. DJiKLDKIY, FoU,; SKRIFNIOUKKOO D.P. Clinical and roontganologic observations on the condition of the 60 ophagus.,stomach. and colon before and after radical surgery of tile lungs with summary in Anglish]. i red. 32 no'.4: 56-61 Jl-Ag 157., (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz kafedry obehahey khirurgli lechabnogo fakulteta (zave - prof, V.I.Struchkov) '.E Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo institute imeni I.K.Sechenovs i rentganovskogo otdolentys (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh muk P.F.Vlasov) Bollnitay imeni "Kedeantrud" (PIZUKOINGTOKY preop, 8s postope x-ray exam. of gastrointestinal system) (GASTROINTISTIFA SYSTEM, radiography preop. do postop. in pneumonectomy) DE,XIADKIN, F. N., Cand of 1-led Sci -- (diep,) "X-.Ray Observations of the Changes in the. Gastro-Intestinal Tract After a Radical Lung Operation," (1st Moscow Medical Institute im Sechenov) Moscow, 1959, 17 pp (K1, 6-60, 125) STRUCBKOV, V.I. (Moskva, 1-y Trushennikov per..,d.19,kv.37); DEHIDMI PA Clinical roetngenological observations of dynamical 0 gastric activity prior to ind following pnoumonectomy. Grud. khir. 1 no-4.03-62 J.1-Ag 159. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Struchkov) leebebnogo J.alaLlItetsa I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo institute. imeni I.M. Sechenove, i rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (Sav. - kand. med,nauk P.P. Vlasov) bolinitsy imeni "Medsantrud". (STMACH) (LUNGS--SURGERY) EMMIZZIN, P.N. Roentgenological obser7ations of change in the position and function of the esophagus after pneumonectoW. Xhirurgiia 37 no.2&95-100 F 161. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Iv kafedry obehehey kbirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Struchkey)' lechebnogo fakul'teta I Wookovokogo ordena TAmina meditsinakogo instituts, imeni X.M Sechenova i rentgenovskogo oteleniya (zavo -,rauk F.P. VlasoO bollnitey imeni Medmantrud (glavryy vraoh A~Nv Iobanova) (ESOPRAGUSi (WNG&-WWERY) DEMIDEIR.-P.N.; KAGAN, YU.L. First experience !n using the new Soviet intensifying screens for roentgenography in obstetrical practice. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no.3: 62-63 Mr 162). MRA 15:5) 1. 1z rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (zav. - P.N.Demidkin) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovateliskogb instituta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR O.D.Matspanova, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.V.Lankovits). (RADIOGRAPHY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) (OBSTETRICS) STRUCHKOV, Viktor Ivanovioh; DEMIDKIN, Pe r Nikolmy UA& KACHKOVP A.P.,, red.; BUKUMAIA, N.A.v zexm. red. (Radiographic changes in the gastrointestinal tract following an operation on the lungs] Rentgenologicheakie izmeneniia zhe- ludochno-kisheclmogo tra.W& posle operatsii na legkikh. Mo- skva Medgiz, 1963. 107 p. (miRA 16:9) 4LIMEWARY CANAL~RJOIOGRAPHY) (LUNGS--SURGERY)