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BORISOV, 1-9 Drepodavatel'; MORDVINTSIEW (g Krasnyy Sulin, Rostovskaya NJ; MOSKVICMjp P- (P.Ordzl,o' k ze3; KNYAZ'r:V YU. s'r-afer I ni ;d klassa (g.Krasnoyarsk); SOMVEY, A., sbofer J- klassa ~g.hrasnou- fimsk); LAMO, If., avtomekbanik (p.Kalinin); SUKHOV, I., sbof,-r; )',AVYDOV, G. (Kbersonskaya obl.) I.-or unified regulations for -awarding drivers' licenses. Avt- transp. 39 no.9:48-49 S '61. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Voronezhskiy uchebnyy kombinat (for Borisov). 2. Yliasskoye avtobusnoye kbozyaystvo (for Sukbov). (Automobile drivers' licenses) SOV/ 124-58..8-9317 Translation, from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 135 (USSR) AUTHOR: Davydov, G.A. TITLE: On Calculating the Springs Used in Injection Nozzles (0 ras- chete pruzhin forsunok) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Leningr. vyssh. inzli. morsk. uch.-shche, 1957, Nr 5, pp 40- 51 ABSTRACT: For calculation of the springs used in injection nozzles the author uses the theory of a longitudinal shock wave traveling along an elastic rod: the SDring is replaced by an equivalent straight bar, the mass and deflection - per -iinit-I oad of which are equal to the corresponding parameters of the spring. Formulae are evolved for determining the strain rate and the time required for a deformation wave to complete a single for- ward and return trip over the length of the rod. A determina- tion is made of th6stresses in different sections of the spring. The discrepancy between the calculated stresses and those determined experimentally is of the order of 5-656. N.P. Kashparova Card 1/1 DATMV, G.A,, inzboner-podpolkovnik. Preparing fighter planes for night flights. Vest.Vozd.71. 40 no-7:72-74 #TI 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Pighter plangs--Kaintenance and repair) GALIPEROVICH. L.; DAVYDOV, G., assistent ------- ft% Evolution of fuel injectors in the 8M 43/61 engine. Mor. flot 18 no.4:16-17 Ap '58. (MMA 12:12) loVedushchiy konstruktor zavoda "Rusekiy Dizel" (for Gallperovich) 2.Leningraaskoys vresheye inzhenernoye morako7e uchilishche im. admirals. Makarova (for Davydov). Narime diesel engines) (ftel pumps) L ' DAVYDOV, G. AO Cand Poh Soi-- (diss) "Study of the effect of a4a-mll~knml- ".44LOA factors upon the of'l~~bnliinelmrnerW Lan, 1959. 15 pp A 9 Ps ~141041 with graphs (Min of Witime Fleet I I V I JSSR, Len Higher Engineering- w School im Adniral S. 0. Makarov), 150 copies (KL, 49-59, 139) -36- GALIPEROVICH, Leonid Grigorlyevich:-DAVYDOV, GA-_, kand. tekhn. nauk., retsen- zent; BAIAM, V.I., inzh.., retsenzent; KAMKIN, S.V., nauclaVy red.; MKITINA, R.D., red.; 11OROVENKO, Yu.N., tekhr.. red. [Fuel injection systems for marine diesel engines; design] Sistemy vypuska, topliva sudovykh dizelei; proekti-rovanie, konstruktsii. Lenin- grad, Gos. soiu=oe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961, 221 p. , (MIRA 14: U) (Fuel purrps) (Marine diesel engines-Piel systems) "$A'IYDf,)V I G, A. 11- - Trtinslocation )I' the gencrt'.ri h,71zona cf -Fcicm~rtz soils under cuI-.t-i-z,,at--on. 'Inmy irir i.. ~-3ib. ota. Ali SS.7fi no.9..II)D-.~,_-Q9 I e (VVIFA 23:8) DAVYDOVY G.A., assiatent; RAROVSKTY, V.V., in-M. Neasuring statin, r'ynL-3,,,,i.r, --d thermal stresses in marine engine cylinder blocks. Qti-i. Sil. ust. no.2-.53-58 t63. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Leningradskaye vyssheye inzhenernoyu morskoye achiliabehe im. admi- rala Makarova (for Davydov). 2. Zavod "Russkiy dizell" (for Rabovskiy). a 1-1 KA14KIN, 11-and. telchn. nauk; DAVYDOV, G.A., hand. telchn. rauk LcndJrv- ol" main ma-rine diesels at high ship propulsion resiatences. 0 Inform. -;I)or. TSNTIrT n0.105 TolCh. ekspl. mor. flota. 28:25-39 '64- (141RA 18:7) !-ACC NRt'-' AT603654C WURCE COM Lm/0006/6 1066~014j/0145 AUTHOR: DavydovQo- *0~ - __ ORG.- none TITIE: The function of external respiration during alpine acclimatization and dulling exposure to extreme atmospheric rarefaction in a pressure chamber [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661 Konferentsiya po prob emam ~osmicheskoy Tgj in 966 Problcniy osmicheakoy meditsihy. ems o, space med c 0 'k -erentaii, 0 Ng Moscow 1966 -145 (Pnbl 6r1aly oni I , 143 TOPIC TAGS: high altitude physiology, alpine acclimatization, hypoxia, cosmonaut training, hypoxia, human physiology ABSTRACT: Studies of the function of external respiration during alpine acclimatiza- -tion in the mountains of the central Tien-Shan range, and of gas metabolism in pressure chamber atmospheres equivalent to altitudes of 6000 to 9000 m, ,are reported together. Gas metabolism was studied in 35 accomplished alpinists climbing Ehan- Tengri Peak (6995m), and*' in 22 'members of a scientifi-c expedition to Tuya-Ashu Pass (~300 m). Pulmonary ventilati= and vital capacity were recorded and basal me- tabolism during dosed exercise (bicycle ergonieter and ascent up the moun- tain side) was studied in selected individuals. ACC NR: Pressure chamber studies included determination of the 02 and C02 content of alveolar air. During 40 days in the mountains (elevaiion 4200 m): a) vital capaciti. was constant during the stay at the base camp and during ascent of the moun- tain; b) respiration frequency increased to 19 respirations /min during the -first days in.the mountains (3000 m); respiration frequency declined some- what during acclimatization 66'16' or' 17'per minute resting up to 7000m; C) depth of respiration was about 700 mg during the entire stay in the moun- .tains; d) resting minute volume increased by about one-third on arrival in jhe mountains (from 9 liters/min to 12 liters/min), remaining at that level ;during the whole period of acclimatization; e) the time the breath could be held, after exhalation and especially afier inhalation, was less than at sea .level; f) immediately after descent from the -mountains, basal metabolism and external respiratory functions returned to initial values. Observations of gas metabolism during dosed physical e:~ercise at. - 3300 m showed that the 02 requirpment of alpine natives is different from that of visiting plains dwellers. On the.�icycle ergometer (1000 kgm/min), ACC NRt AT6036546 plains dwellers performed a greater quantity of work but had a higher oxygen requiroment (2604 mllmin against 2080 ml/~in for'mountaineers). In a timed climb up the mountainside, the mountaineers climbed 4/3 times as fast on less oxygen (1243 ml/min against 1894 ml/min for the-plains dwellers). It was concluded that mountaineers utilize oxygen more econorni- cally during alpine exercise. Studies of tolerance to pressure chamber altitudes before and after al- pine acclimatization showed that: a) respiration frequency changes little during "elevation" to high altitudes; b) changes in vital capacity were ir- regular; c) the length of time the.breath could be held atan altitude of 7500 rn by persons fairly well acclimatized was half the sea level value; d) alveolar P02 and PC02 decreases as elevation increases, and also during continuous exposure to one elevation; at 7500 to 9000 m, alveolar pO?, fell below 30 mrn Hg and PC02 content to 12 to 14 mra Hg; e) due to greater alveolar ventilation, blood oxygen saturation fell off during elevation to high altitudes considerably more slowly after alpine acclimatization than before- 'fiand.:* [V.A. N6.* 22'- ATD Rebbit"66-3163.'_' P SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: OOMay66 Card ;I ACC tAR, AT60366i6' SOURCE CODEt UR/0000/66/000/000/0300/0302 AUT110, ft; Parin, V. V.; Agadzhanyan, N. A.; lUsnotsoV, A. G.; Barer, A. S Zsabayova,V. A.; Mirrakhlmovp He Me; Kalinichenko, 1. R;; wf 'arobova, A. A.; Karpova, Le I.; Nikulinat G. A.; Tikhomirov, Yo. P..; Sokol, Yo. A.; I'Gaviilov, B. A. 09G: none NILLA.; Establishing the possibility of using alpine acclimatization for the gFo 1ration and traininf of cosmonauts Irpapor presented at the Conference on ?MWOmr, Epace Medicine hold n tjosew from.24-27 May 1966_7 SOURCE; Nonferentslya po problemim kosmicheakoy modiesiny, 1966. Problemy kosmichaskoy maditsirkys (Problem of space viedicine); materisly konferentali, V4 i IMscovi 1966, 300-302 TOPIC T&GSs hypoxia, high altitude physiology, alpine acclimtisationg N ij cosmonaut training ABSTRACTs 11 Taski of the oreiant -study we'r'e to: 1. Conduct coroplOX phyfi&Offiftl snd clinical inv*ftig&ti0n* during the *coos of acclimatization at altitudes of 3300 to 4100 m. p r... -------- Coed 1/4 IEO~Iet;M_19-F_yw :~~a5t~ ACC_'N6_"kT6036616__ 2. Study the influence of alpine acclimatization on human tolerance to 'extremal spaceflight factors. 3. Study the comparative resistance of alpine inhabitants, valley inhabi- Itants, and alpinists to extremal factors. 4. Develop a system of alpine acclimatization for cosmonauts and issue recommendations on the application of alpine acclimatization for the prepara-: :tion and training of cosmonauts and on the creation of alpine camps for cosmonauts. Acclimatization was conducted at the alpine station of the Kirgiz State Medical Institute (Tuya-Ashu mountain pass, altitude, 3300 to 4100 m). A total of 28 male subjects were studied of whom: 11 were indigenous to al- I'pine conditions as farmers of the Tien-Shan- -Pamir region (2000 to 2500 m), 111 were valley inhabitants, and 6'were accomplished alpiAists. The follow. - -Ang indices were studied under alpine. conditions and using test stands: Functional condition of the central nervous system: external respiratory and cardiovascular system function; some biochemical indices; the state :1 of th~ blood coagulation'and anticoagulation. capacity; and in separate ex- periments; cerebral circu1;#4op_msJn jC.qAek9Strqp1pthysmoxraphic method. card 2/4 ACC NN. ATG036616 The experiments showed that after 45 days of alpine acclimatization, ihuman tolerance to prolonged, bAck-chest accelerations (8 to 10 G) was improved. This was reflected in a relativ; increase in the; amplitude of rheoencephalograms. for all subjects and consequently, improved cerebral circulation and lowered pulse rate. EKG changes indicated that the heart imas undergoing less strain after alpine acclimatization. After residence in alpine, conditions, a decrease in basic metabolic indices and a slight in- ;.crease in arterial blood oxygen saturation was noted in alpine inhabitants 1 during accelerations. showed that there was a drop in basic physio~ A study of heat tolerance i -logical parameters (heat accumulation and basal metabolism) after alpine acclimatization in all -three groups. These changes were more pronounc~ed in' indieenous' alDine inhabitants and less pronounced in alpinists. J The resistance of the organism to hypoxia before and after acclimAti- tation.was studied using two approaches; exposure to a certain "altitude ceilifig" In a pressure chamber and a method of reverse respir4tion, using a spirograph firstfined with atmospheric air, lnt~e latter case as a meas-! *ure of oxygen consumption, oxygen content under the bell jar of the spiro- graph decreased and exhaled carbon dioxide was chemically absorbed. -Card 3/4 D,A-.--Y,DOV, G. B. . "Correcting the Characteristics of the Group Time of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a Wide-Bmd"Cable Channel." Sub 19 Apr 52, Moscow Electrical Fngineering Inst of Com.-nunications Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55 TIGOROV, K.F.; DAVYDOV, G.B., otvatstyenn" rodaktorl GORMMVBKIY, ADY.9 Iredalctor, (Transmission of television signals over lon4g-distance acwtounica- tions lines] Persdacha tolovisionnykh signaloy po, Unilau'daVusi eviazi. Moskva. Gos.lud-vo lit-ry po voprosem eviazi I radioi-1953. 33 p. (LaktBil po tekhnike sviazi) (XLU 7.:4) (Television-Transuitters and transmission) AUTHOR: Davydov, G. TITLE: Aleterodyne-Type Resonance Indicator Measuimments (Izmezeniya a geterodinnymi indikatorami rezonansa) FERI,QDICAL: Radio, 1956,Nr5, pp. 46-48 (USSR) 107-5-36/54 A description of various measurements where the heterodyne resonance indicator can be used. Specifically, described are: Measurement of the coupling coefficient of two coupled coils; determination of the pass band of a low-pass filter; finding of resonance frequencies of hf chokes; daterminaton of resonant frequencies of a capacitor; antenna balancing adjustments. The conditions insuring reliable maasurements and minimim erro=s are described for each of the above oases. Various circuits for the heterodyne resonance indicators are described in the article "Heterodyne Resonance Indicators" by S. Khazan in Radio, 1955,NrlO. There is 1 figure in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 DAVYDOV. G. (gorod Babushkin, Moskovskoy oblasti). Method of increasing sensitivity in oscillographs. Radio no-9:53-54 S '56. OaaA 9:il) (Oncillograph) 6(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1334 0snovy teorii i rasoheta fazokorrektiruyushchikh tsepey (Principles of the Theory and Design of Phase Compensating Circuits) Moscow, S-vyazlizdat,, 1958. 292 p. 4,300 copies printed. Resp, Ed;: Taft., V, A; Ed,: Shorin, N.A.; Tech. Ed.4 Karabilova., S.F. PURPOSE: The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate stude~bs and communications specialists acquainted with communications theory as offered in vuzes. COVERAGE: The author discusses problems of correcting the phase characteristics qf electric circuits by means of phase compen- sating four-term~nal networks. He describes the theoi7 of phase compen4lating netuorks and presents new., pradticai methods of de- signing'and constructing various types of lattice circuits., The author also presefits infbrmation on the complex frequency plane. He states that'the book is an attempt to systematize the Card 1/6 Prinaiples of the Theory and Design (Cont.) SOV/1334 available information on phase compensating networks. The author thanks V. A. Taft and D. N. Vinogradov., Candidates of Technical Aciences, for their.advice and valuable criticismi. He also thanks 0. Ye. Zakharova, graduate student.. for performing a number of calculations. There are 17 Soviet references (in- cluding 7 translations), References appear in foot notes',. TAPIS OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Effect of Phase Distortions of the Shape of Signals of Electric Circuits With Nonlinear Phase-Frequency Characteristics 1. Classification of deviations of phase-frequeney characteristics 7 2. Effect of phase distortions on the shape of periodic signals 7 3. Determination of phase distortions by means of the Fourier integral 10 Principles of the Theory and Design (Cont.) SOV/1334 4. Effect of phase distortions on the shape of a signal of an electric circuit having a phase characteristic smoothly deviating from a straight line 12 5. Effect of phase distortions on the shape of a signal of an electric circuit having a phase characteristic with small oscillatory deviations from a straight line 14 Ch. 2. Relationship Between Attenuation-Frequency and Phase- Frequency Characteristics in Idnear Four-tenninal Networks 18 1. Complex frequency plane 18 2. Representation of impedance of a complex two-terminal network in a complex frequency plane 23 3. Characteristics of two-terminal networks consisting of purely reactive elements 29 4. Representation of a transfer constant of a four- terminal network in a complex frequency plane 30 5. General relationship between the j~hasd angle and ;attenuation of a four-terminal network 38 Card 3/6 Principles of the Theory and Design (Cont.) SOV/2334 6. Sorqe practical methods of determining attenuation time characteristics of electric circuits 45 Ch. 3. Lattice Phase-compensating Networks and Their Characteristics 48 1. General properties of lattice networks 48 2. Parameters of a first-order lattice network 51 3. Parameters of a second-order lattice network 53 4. General remarks on higher-order lattice networks 8 Transfomation of lattice networks 2 0 Effect of lattice networks on the characteristics of four-terminal networks 65 7. Artificial-line delay network with an infinite n*ber of phase shifting sections 67 8. Artificial-line delay network with a finite number of phase shifting sections 73 Ch. 4. Effect of Losses and Inaccuracy of Elements on the Characteristics of Phase Compensating Networks 80 .1. Effect of losses on the transfer coefficient of phase V~ I compensating netwcirks 80 Card 4/6 Principles of the Theory and Design (Cont.) SOV/1334 2. Effect of losses on the charadteristic impedance of lattice networks 3. Effect of inaccuracy of elements on the input im- pedance of a phase shifting network 4. Practical limitatLons encountered in the design of phase compensating networks 5. Some instructions on tuning phase compensating networXs Ch. 5. Methods of Designing Phase Compensating Networks 1, Setting up the problem 2, Preliminary selection of network parameters 3. Adjusting the parameters of individual sections of phase compensating networks 4. Principle of potential analogy 5. Application of the potential analogy principle to the design of a phase compensating network with a phase characteristic expressed as a polynomial 6. Application of the potential analogy principle to the 'design of a phase compensating network with a given transfer coefficient of the compensated four-terminal network Card 5/6 84 86 go 92 94 94 96 163 107 lig 129 Principles of the Theory and Design (Cont.) SOV/1334 7. Some methods of designing phase compensating networks I for band-pass systems 133 8. Graphical method of designing phase compensating net- works using normalized curves 138 Appendix A, Examples of Designing Phase Compensating Networks 142 Appendix B. Tables of Phase Shift Values, a, and Normalized Quantitieso tfo: for Second-order Lattice Networks 160 Table I. Values of Phase Shift, a. as a Function of Relative Frequenay,,~ . for Various Values of the Parameter., k l61 Table II. Values of the Normalized Quantity,, tfo, as a Funedlon. of Relative Frequency., r , for Various Values of the Parameter,, k 227 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 6./6 JP/wde 3-23-59 AUTHOR: Davydov G.; Bergeyev) Be SOV-107-58-4-35/5'17 TITLE.- miniature Tube Radio Receivers (Malolampo-v-yye rad'Lopriydm- niki) PERIODICALs Radio, 1958, Nr 4, PP 34-37 (UBSR) ABSTRACTs Two superheterodyne receivers which are built around a mini- ature triode-heptode tube are described. In this tube the grids have no internal connection and the two parts of the tube can therefore function quite independently. The first receiver i8.a heterodyne with mixed antenna coupling for use on medium and long waves. The heptode is used as a frequency convertor and the resultant IF signal, after detect-Jon by a diode transistor, is,fed back to the heptodets grid, which then acts as an AF amplifier. Finally the AF signal is fed into the triode output section and goes from there to the loudspeaker. The set is powered from the mains via a diode rectifier. The construction details are given and coil and transformer winding data, together with tuning techniquej supplied. The second receiver is a 2-tube heterodyne, this time with a powerful pentode output stage, which makes it suitable for use as a phonograph amplifier, Capacitance Card 1/2 feedback is emplcyed,. The heptode acts as a frequency conver- Miniature Tube Radio Receivers SOV-107-58-4-35/57 tor, and the triode as both IF and first AF amplifier. Current rectification is achieved through 2 germanium diodes, and the detector is also a germanium diode. The layout and coil data are given and the construction of a suitable vernier drive and pick-up jack described azyvd~il- lustrated. There are 2 circuit diagrams, 2 tables, 3 diagrams and 1 drawing. 1. Radio receivers--Design 2. Miniature electron tubes-Appli- cations Card 2/2 sov/lo6-58-9-06/17 AUTHORS: Amararitov, V.N. , andJ~~_ ~-~ TITLE: Nsw Phototelegraphic Communications Equipment (Iqovaya apparatura fototelegrafnoy svyazi) PERIODICAL; Elektrosvyazlg 1958, Nr 97 pp 36 - 43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of phototelegraphy for purposes other than sending news-pictures by wire or radio has been hindered by a number of reasons: 1, the low channel cal~~Lcity of facsimile equipment compared with strictly telegraphic inethods5 2, the complication and expense of facsimile equipment caused by the cost of materials and processes; 3, the cost of the ~eTminal equipment itself; 4, the difficulty of relaying telegrams at transfer points. In recent years apparatus has been developed in the Soviet Union which finds wide application and to some extent overcomes the above objections. First considered are the F TAM and FTAYL-2 equipments intended for high transmi ssior. speed and high reproductlon quality. Until now speeds have been limited to 1.20 lines/minute with a line length of 210 mm. The main cause of speed limitation was phase Card 1/6 distortion. This has now been corrected by the intro- duction of a 300 - 3400 cls phase corrector of standard SOV/106-53-9-6/17 New Phototelegraphic Communications Equipment type as described by Davydov in Ref 1. The use of this corrector5 together with single-side band transmission, has enabled speeds to be increased by two and sometimes three times. The FTAM set works at 360 lines/minute and has been described in more detail in Ref 2. The F TAYL-2 set is more up-to-date and is easier to make and exploit. It works at 250 lines/minute with 5 lines/mm. The characteristics of the special transmission line filter' with which it works are shown in Fig 1. The trans- mitting and receiving portions of the set are housed in separate bench mounting units. The sending portion is shown in Fig 2. Half-tone control is provided in the recording equipment and operates the dark and light areas of the image. Fig 3 shows a typical charac- teristic of received vs. transmitted optical densities when using standard production paper YHlb POM -3 with a sensitivity of 12 GOCT units. Phasing is carried out semi-automatically with the-aid of a small cathode-ray Card 2/6 ti~be. The basic parameters of the F TAIA-2 are'. trans- mission speeds 60, 120 and 250 lines/minute Un each SOV/106-58-9-6/17 New Phototelegraphic Communications Equipment equipment it is possible to arrange for two speeds); drum diameter, 70 mm, drum length 300 mmi feed step, 0.2 and 0.12-65 mm; interaction modulus, 350 and 2&; carrier frequency, 1900 cls for 60 and 120 lines/minute, 2800 cls for 250 lines/minute; supply, 50 ds mains; synchroni- zation, autonomous, from tuning fork oscillator. Of recent years there has been an increasing tendency to ;3end by wire plain text, drawings, synoptic charts and so on. This material is well adapted to reproduction on moist electrochemical paper such as EXb -3, capable of 6 gradations of density. The FTAP equipment makes use of this paper in a system intended for use in inter-: urban and cross-town con, mnications where there is a larie daily volume of telegraph traffic. Figs 4 and 5 show the transmitting and receiving parts. Half-tone images may also be sent where the standard of reproduction needs to be "artistic". Figs 6 and 7 compare the same image recorded on photographic and electro-chemical paper respectively. When the turminal equipments are fed from Card 3/6 different main supplies each is controlled by its oim SOV/106-58-9-6/17 New Phototelegraphic Communications Equipment fork-maintained oscillator but the receiver is still under the remote supervision of the transmitter. Leading particulars of the FTA P set are: The image is produced flat on a continuous roll of paper 220 mm wide from a mechanism involving an oscillating mirror driven by a cam; spGad, 120 linos/minute; scan step, 0 2 mm; inter- action modulus$ 3.1/~O; carrier frequency, 1906 als; length of paper in the roll, 30 m; supply 50 cls at 127 or 220 volts.. The development of methods of "open" recor- ding has also led to the introduction of much simplified apparatus for sending simple diaerammatic material. The cost of such apparatus compares favourably with that for ordinary start-stop tape equipment. Moreover there is no need for highly trained personnel to operate it. Fig 8 shows the recently developed "Rekord" set -%-.,hich may be used either as sender or Teceiver. It is intended for cross-town or internal system worldng and uses ordinary telephone connections. Autoiaatic gain ~-oatrol takes caTe Card 1+/6 of variations in line atterittation, the permissible range of the latter being 4 nepors. Remote aontrol and SOV/106-58-9-6/17 New Phototelegraphic.Commlinications Equipment synchronizing arrangements are as for the FTAP sets. The recording means is electromechanical using Coloured telegraph paste on ordinary paper. The leading particu- lars of the "Rekord" set are., drum diameter, 70 um, drum length,-150 mq speed, 120 r.p.m; scan pitch, 0.2 mm; interaction modulus, _150; carrier frequency. 1900 C/S; supply, 50 cls mains at 127 or 220 volts. When sending single-spaced typescript the effective sending rate is 1+00 symbols/minute. Fig 9 is an example of a drawing sent by the system. At transit points in a communication system the problem of multiple reception and storage of telegrams arises. This is most convenient- ly accomplished with the aid of magnetic recording. A severe problem here is accurate speed control of) for example, magnetic.tape. Practical solutions are the use of a lot bone on an auxiliary track or of perforated tape (Ref &I. Fit'g 10 compares the qualities of manuscript (a) Card 5/6 sov/lo6-58-9-6/17 New Phototelegraphic Communications Equipment sent from one apparatus to another, (b) after one photographic copying) (c) after one magnetic copying. There are 10 figures and 1+ references, all Soviet. SUBMITTEDt May 13, 1958 Card 6/6 AUTHORS: Davydov, G.; Sergeyev, S. SOV-107-58-9-27/218 TITLE: A Three-tube Superheterodyne (Tr'e'khlampovyy supergeterodin) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Hr 9, PP 43 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The receiver covers SIV 19-65 m, MY 187-578 m and LW 750- 2,000 m. The IF is 465 kc. The receiver has a rated out- Put of 0.5 va and sensitivity is around 300/kv in the MV." and LIV bands and 50OAv in the SW band. There is induct- ance antenna coupling in the SW bandl for MW and LW re- ception a magnetic antenna is used with capacitance feed- back. A push-button unit is used for wave-changing. To use the set as a grammophone amplifier, the MW and LVI keys are pressed simultaneously, thus cutting out the in- put circuits and thereby radio reception. The two sections of the lst heptode-triode are used respectively as mixer and heterodyne, those of the 2nd as IF amplifier and 1st AF amplifier. The detector is a DG-Ts4 transistor diode. Card 1/2 The final stage is a pentode output amplifier with nega- A Three-tube Superheterodyne SOV-107-58-9-27/38 tive feedback. The power unit uses junction-type germa- nium diodes as doublers. Constructional details and coil winding data are supplied. There are 2 sets of diagrams, 1 table, 1 circuit diagram and 2 figures. 1. Radio receivers--Design 2. Radio receivers-Performance 3. Radio receivers--Instruetion manuals Card 2/2 VASILOYNT, S.A.; GTJROV, V.S.- DATTDOT G B - =IN, S.A.; 71ATONGMOVSKIT. Te.A.; WINAO LISHAY, K.P.; KUMSKIT, T-d.S.; KIOAYLOY, Kj.; UNCLIMIT, K.K.; PUKHWSKIT, A.Ch.; PUKHALIMAYA, N.Y.; RABINOTICH, X.B.; SHTFXMIT, S.A.; KOHIW-P,- MINA. N.M., rea.; lug IUNA, S.F., tekhn,rea. (Rooommortutions of international consultative committees on telephoWr and telegraphy] Rekowndataii mezhdunarodnykh konsull- tativnykJi komitetov po telefonii i telegrafii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam, eviazi i raaio, 1959. 335 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. TSentralIny7 nauchno-issiedovatellskiv inatitut 6*7a21 Mini- ateistva evyazi SSSR (for all except Kondrashina, Xarabilova). (Telephone) (Telegraph) DOBROYCLISKIY, Georgiy Vladimirovich, prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk,[daceaUedj; DAYMNs G.B., otvaed,-, EIRILLOV, L.K., rea.; KARABILOVA, S.F., ~--Uxmrarwr.- [Transmission of pulses through conaunication channels] Peredacha impallaov po kanalam sviazi. Mockwa, Gosjza-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1960, 216 1). (KIRA 1):9) (Television) I (Wire broadcasting) (Pulse techniques (Blectronics)) DAVXDOV- Evaluation Of oomj~u 09-002"Mi~ 4viceo for selective networks. rdk~i-tma~ '16 no' *7 40-45 J1 162. 4-MU .15:7) (Ele~tionic c D M' -7, ~" v Y-.--istAc-n of the parameters of pbq-ge campen.-ating circuits for com- channels -with bigh-selpntivity. Elektrogviazt 19 no.7?1-9 ii 165. (MIRA 11817) ~~EWT(d)/F�ta4- 7/9001/0009 ACC NRt SOURCE CODE UR/0106/63[LW/00 -,4UTHOM Da*ovp. G. Bi ORG: IiOZke TITLE:' Evaluating the parameters of a pbasb-dorrecting circuit for high-selectivity d6munie'iition chanhels SOURCE., Blek~rosvyazt, n6. 7, 196%.1-9 TOPIC:TAGS t multiohamel oorwi=ioation, eleetroao-circuit- BSTnCT: ba f '(Da On'the '' sis o a previou Investigat n vydov, G.B, trosvyAz 1 0 'No ?s-196,2)#.An.wh1oh the author derived.,a formula 'for the. ompleilty:,of, ttre phase correcting circuit for an Ideal commuhication-channel, the parameters of this circuit are estima-`_ ..ted-:wIth-;respeOt to real$ high-selectivity e6mmunication channels r -f or which attenuation-outside the:tjransmission band must be.taken -,'I nto a6count. In such channels there is a large differential ~.,;betw en attenuation In autoff and.1transmission bands, The ori t eri cin. f or - the evaluation Is the feasibility of realization of phasei correcting links and the maximum permissible pulsed nolse due to Inaciouracies In-aqua It is shovm that,a phase- lliation, toorrecting circuit ~may consist.of se veral Identical groups of '~a'so-aorreotlng linksp sinos the number of links of the corrector-' r directly proportional to theattenuation.differentlal6. Each Cj3rd Ij 2'. UDC: 621.372-553 L og16o-67 ACC NRt AP7002313 B ORG: nono "Estimation of Tolerances for Deviations of Frequency Characteristics of Phase Delay Time and Attenuation in Communications Channels for Transmission of Pulse Signals" Moscow. Elaktroavyazl, No 6, 66, pp 10-19. ABSTRACT: An analysis of the tolerance for small deviations of frequency cha- racteristics of attenuation, phase and delay time of communitations channels on distortion of-signals transmitted through the channels, It Is established that the tolerances fordeviation of phase and 4clay time characteristics should be characterized not by the deviation amplitude, but rather by the area of the figure formed by the modulus of the characteristic and the frequencies axis within the transmission frequency band. Orig. art. has: 13 figures and 11 formulas. EJPRS: 37A.791 TOFIG TAGS: pulse signal, signal transmission SUB CODE: 17 SUBM DATE: 1OHar66 ORIG REF: 001 SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/66/000/006/0010/0019 U-uC: 621.3-018.8 + 621-3.018-12- RADMIGHO Pole., prof.; DARIPASXO, F*G.; DMITRITNTSKIY, L.N,-. PA SAAKTAN, V*Sh,; FINK. Ye.07.;.ATOYAN, FeG, vetvrach. I P 0 ~VG . ~D- Poisoning of cattle by corn allege contaminated by pathogenic fmngl. Veterinarila 35 no.4:79-81 AP.158. (XIM 11231 I.' TessoynaVy Institut eksperinentallnoy vaterinarli (for Radkovich). 2.*Machallnik vetotdola (for Deripasko). 3. Starshly vetvrach v'et- otdola-Groznenakogo obleellkhozupraylenlya (for Dmitriyevskly). 4. Mrsictor oblvetbaklaboratoril (for*Devydov)."5. ;aveduymshohly khIslaheekla otdolom (for &wOqa&)*v 6. (navnyy vetwuh Groznenskogo rayona (for link). 7. Irolkhos Iment 1-go YAya (for Atoyan). (Cattle-Diseases and peots) vmw r,") v G~ D iru.,... Pnict t~-,qs cf T. A. G a a 6rik.- Is ex a t-;:Ir brIc, ad c- of cnamun at Jabor Stroi* I dcr. waahe ~;-O . T 17- ' w w w 44, w few 9900099 90041 _ .A JL-r._Q IL' L-1 1- M.-I 00 A kit pamtm* '111119t~ll _T' P"Solil*d *QUA '00 G K. Dikvydav. Pedillogy in relatim to " go 9 Girlm n iRa7aimitir.-With the addn. (i 1946, id i h on- al e olk of doloutitic 111M.Atone to t%x1roliard mAls t joetio, tKqelltW (fit" Olting tit tile type of (VS.-IIIAItCr ' ratio 0-1) 1, tier or R namm C:.% mrKingLible for the accurodation of Iturnin wallstAtives uoder conditions of a mutral medium. With a wide rutio, under the same conditions, their is no appreci- C. % I ' aide increase of huming. 1. S. )oar s 00 AAL.Z v00 100 o ~."j~; it 0 Itillm pal 119 a, 'r a, JA nd 0 4 u u A, 14 a 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 o 0 41. 0 0 0*00*0 0 * :. : : 0 Ov, 6. k, VIROGRADSKIY,B.M.; DAVYDOV,G.K.; HOSKCVA,A.V.; STM)NISHIN,S.Ye. Follar nutrition of potatoes. Trudy, VNIISP no.4:115-121 '54. (MLRA 8:12) (Potatoes) (Fertilizers and manures) ILIIN, V.A.; D&VYDOY, G.M., professor, direktor. ' - -Orthopedic apparatus for facilitating the movement of the ankle joint. Xhirurgiia no.4:87-88 Ap 153. NrRA 6:6) 1. Klinika goopitallnoy khirurgii Arkbangel'skogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (Ankle-Wounds and injuries) (Orthopedic apparatus) I I.Ji I I 116A I I I I I I =1 !Yl I i 11118II(IL111 ~~111_111111196. ROMANZNKO, I.N.j Aademlkg otvetstvenayy red.; VLASYUX, ?.A., akodomfir. red.; ZAROV, D.K., akedemik, red.; RODIOBOV. S.F., red.; TYULEM,-K.A., red.; PSH]WICHNYT, P.D., akademik, red.;-DAVYWY. G.M.. kand. skon.; KUGUKALO, I.A., kand. okon. nauk, red.; BERMIXOTO V.S.. red.; YBDUN. A.D., red.; KOZAKIVICH. T.A., red. izd-va; SIVAOMMXO, To, K., tokhn. red. [Problems in the economy of Poleeye; transactions of a conference) Voprosy ekonomiki Poleslia; trudy konferentsii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol. 4. 1938. 134 p. . . (MIRA 11:10) 1. KonferentBiya po, voproBau razvitija proizvoditelinykh sil, Poleslya USSR. 1955. 2. Aimidemiya nauk USSR (for Vlazyuk, Zerov,). 3. Ukrainskaya Akademiya sellskokhozyaystvanWh nauk (for Vlasyuk. Ronanenko, PshenichrWy). 4 To oyasnaya Akedemiya sell skokhozyoy- stvennykh nauk in. V.I.Lenins e(f"or Vlosyuk). 3. Ghlei~-korres'pondsut Toosoyuznoy Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. Y.I.tenine (for Romanenko). 6. Cblen-korresponLient Akademli nauk USSR tf or Rodionov, Tyulenev)- 7- Zamestitell nachallnika otdela avodnykh perspektivnykh plauov Gosplana Soveta Ministrov USSR (for Beresikov). 8. fiachallnik podotdela Bellskogo khozyaystva i zagotovok otdela evodnykh perspektivnykh planov Bellskogo khozyaystva Gosplana Soveta MiniBtrov USSR (for Fedun), (Polesye-RCOOOMIC conditions) DAVYDOV. G.M. [DavydovT=R&a. kand.akon,nauk Scientific and technological achievements should find their practical application in industries, Nauka i zhyttia 8 no.4: 20-21 Ap '58- OURA 13:5) (Kharkov lbonomic legion--Industries) I A 29T_ 91 AM. 'Sotlet ftdi :an& bieta',Ilatimp G. No. ~_,__Testnlk Svy&z1 Xlektromalv".. xo~ 11 (92). i-:ftsmassee the -gens developownt . of Soviet radio 6 ,j 'le *oadcasting and thelustal1ation of radios In sett o'iefits and YWAges.ICaWree-Ruselan developmt to ftweign. Photagmpb of a p owe rful block of the nev broadcasting station at Nlwk. The author states due to the large noxiber of qualified radio "r- 1kiinel., who ome ftcalthe.Army) there Is -no remm vby the Soviet Uhim. cannot lwd:- the vorld in tho' field vt DAVYDOV, G. M. 1: PA 65T2 DAVYDOVP G. 11. DAVYD OV, 0. M. Govorit Moskva! CHere is Moscow!-7. radio, 1949. 122 p. illus., port. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i DLC: TK6548.R9D38 Sovetskoe radioveshchanie i radiofilmtsiia. fSoviet radio broadcasting and radio development_7. (Vestnik sviazi. Blektrosviazl, 1947, no. 11, P. 7-8). DLC: TK4.V45 SO: Soviet TransT)ortation and Communications, A Bibliorraplxy, Library of Congress, Reference DeDartment, Washington, 1952, U assified. - -11- " 1-1-1., ".." DAVYDOV, G. M. and Stlir-ov; V. V. "Supply Sources for Battery Rec6ivers"., Svyazlizdat, 32 pp, 1950. I -j)h,v, -- SHIPOV, V.Va; DAVTD~ ~; PIONTKOVSKIT. 3.A.. redaktor; X&SUROVA, V*G., reffMTo-r,-MOROZOVA, T.M., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [sources of current for battery radio receivers] Istochniki toks dlia batarebWkh radiopriemalkov. Moskva,;d-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1951. 30 p. (MIMA 8:3) (Electric batteries)(Hadio-ReceiverB and reception) , DAMOV, G. I E. Automatic excitation on harmonies of intermediate frequencies. Radio, 29, No 3, 190 52- P4~'jv~p -1 -- - -1 .. - - .--- .1 .'~ r'5~ ~~ PAVYDDVjG.M--. - - - - - - - - -- - --- - -- - - -- ---- - - - --- - - - DAVYDOV, G.A.'; SHIPOV, V.V.: ZHUK, M.S., otvetstvenW rodaktor; AlUMNnWOo -----"%-iT.O,`,fadaktor; SOKOLOVA, R.Ya, tekhnicheski7 redaktor [Learn'to read radio diagrams] Uchites' chitatt radioskhemy. Izd. 2. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1954, 71 p. (Radio-Diagrams) (MLRA 7:9) BLYMY, G.M. goviot radio lbroadmasting and radio morrice, T"tgvl" 7 20.11: 7-8 1 '55. (a" q: 1) (R&Alo) DAVYDOY. orMMDq!!z ~ch- GOROXHOVSKIY, A.V., rodaktor; RITTMMMM, N.V., or e lee r [This is Moscowt] Govorit Moskva. Izd.2-oe, perer. Moskva, Go*. izd-vo lit-'ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. 1957.111 p. [Microfilm3 (MIRA 10:4) (Moscow-Radiobroadeasting) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 810 Davydov, Georgiy Mikhaylovich and Shipov, Vitaliy Vasillyevich Uchites' chitat' radioakhemy (Learn to Read Radio Dia' ams) 3rd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1956. 1r, P. (Series Biblioteka radiolyubitelya) 155,300 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Teterin, N.P.; Tech. Ed.: Markoch, K.G. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended to assist Soviet radio amateurs to study radio diagrams and thus gain knowledge of the characteris- tics and properties of radio equipment. COVERAGE: The author states that the scope of this booklet includes only the most simple radio diagrams necessary for,the initial stage of study. No personalities are mentioned. There are-no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 83 Introduction 3 Card'1/3 Learn to nead (Cont.) 810 Classification Code System of Radio Tubes Semiconductor Devices Tube -* Amplifier for Detector Receiver Tube Receivers Simple Tube Receiver O-V-1 Principle of the Superheterodyne Receiver All-wave Superhterodyne Receiver One More Example Some Symbols Used in Television Circuit Diagrams Appendix 1. Diagram of Detector Receiver with Amplifier, 2. Answeres to Questions in Chapter "Simple Tube Receiver O-V-1" 3. Answeres to Questions in Chapter ."All-wave Superheterodyne" 4. Answers to Questions in Chapter "One More Example" 5. Some Advice for Radio 4mateurs AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK6553.D3 1958) JP/1sb Card 3/3 11710-58 44 46 48 50 51 58 63 70 74 78 78 79 80 81 7ASILEM, A.A., akademik,, GCRSKOV, A.A., red,; PowilIKOV, I.Mo# doktor Vokbnonauka red,; KUTUM, S.M.# doktor tokhn.nauke red.; ADAHRUKO, !sloe kandotskiwonauko red.;,P~VYDOV G.M., kand.okonom.nauk, redo;.LBPKIY, S.D., red.izd-va-, BUHIY, A., (Kenufacture of machineryt, proceedings of 'a conference on the development of productive forces of the Kharkov Economic Region3 Voprosy mehinostroaniia; trudy nauohno-takhnicheskoi konferentaii po rassvitiin proizvoditelinykh oil Xhartkovskogo ekonomichaskogo raiona,* Kiev, No.3. 1960. 182 p. (mm 14:3) i.,'Akgdemiya nauk USSR. Kiyev. Sovet pQ izucheniyu proizvodi- telOnykh oil Ukrainakoy.SSR. 2. AN USS~_(for Vaailanko)e 3. Chlen__ korrespondent.AN USSR (for Gorsbkov). (Kharkov 3conomic Region--Industries) KOPYTOV, V.F., otv. red.; DAVYDOV,_G.M., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; KLIMENKO., V.Ya.,, kandgeol.-riiner. nauk, red.; GOREV, N.A.s jmzh., red.; GORODETSKIY, V.I., inzb., red.; LYASOVSKIY, N.F., inzh.p red.; TMWOV, A.P.~ inzh.x red.; bTUKALOV, KoV*) inzhal beds; TITOVA, N.M., red. izd-va; CHUMACIOKO, V.S., red.Jzd-va; LIBERWI, T.R., teldm. red. [Development of the Ukrainian gas industr7]1'llazvitie ga,,ovoi prou7shlormosti Ukrairq. Kiev, Izzd-vo Ahad. nauk USSR, 10,62. 274 P. (MIlRA 15: 11) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Rada po vyvcbemiu produh-tyv- nykh syl URSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk. Ulw.SSR Institut ispollzovsniya gaza Akadenii nauk Ukr. SSR (for Kopytov). 3. Sovet po izucheniyu proiz-voditellnykh sil Ukr. SSR (for Davydov). 1+. Institut geologicheskikh nauk Alkademii nauk SSR (for Klimenko). 5. Ukrainskoye otdelaniye Gosudar- stvonnogo institute, po proyektirovaniyu zavodov iskusstven- nogo zb_JLdkogo topliva i gaw(for Gorodetskiy). 6. Gosudar- stvcm-qy planovyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Gorev;, Lyasovskiy). (Ukraine-Gas, Natural) OVCHARENKO, P.D., akademih-, doktor khim.nauk,;GORSHKOV,A.A.,red.; USENKO, I.S., doktor geol.-min. nauk, rea.; U'AVY.Dqy'-- G.M..,,-kand. ekon. nauk, red.; KHAN, B.Kh., kand. teklm.nauk,red.; KOAABL]IJI-~V;P,.pinzh.~red.;-$HTULIMiliF.,red.; DAKHNOYu.B.,tekbn. red. (Stone casting] Problemy kammogo litlia. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSRo 1963. 226 p. (MRA 17 t 2) 1. Akaderniya nauk URSR, Kiev. Rada po vyvchenniu produkty-v- rjykh syl URSR. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Ovcharenko). 3.Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Gorshkov). 4. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditelln7ykh sil Ukr.SSR (for Davydov). DAVYDOV, G.M.; MOROZOVA, T.M. ,-r,-,-,..-,.,- -.'' - - - Relation of disseminated bituminosity to the tectonics and petroleum and gas potentials of Ideal structures in the Volga Valley portion of Saratov ProTince. Trudy NVNIIGG no.1:62-66 164- (MIRA 18:6) KOROBOV., D.S.; DAVYDOV,, G.M. Microgavometry of the clay solutions of deep wells in the Vclga Valley portion of Saratov Province. Trudy NVNIIGG no.1:66-73 164. (NM 18: 6) P!YANKOV) V*M.k-P~~ Concerning th e co-cal-led *structures without rootsm of the Stalingrad tylpe. Ganl.nefti i gaza 5 no-4:27-30 Ap 161. (NBA 14:4) 1. Ifizhne-Volzhakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii. i geofiziki. (Geology, Structural) DATTDOV, G.N. kiQ&44LI- 011mloal observations of the use of ascorbic acid in lead poisoning. Tmay ZSGMI 14:66-73 '53. (a" 7:9) (Ascorbic &old) (lead poisoning) DAVYDOV, G. P. "Distinguishing on Maps the Sources of R vers by Indicating-Their Namesir Sb, Statey p0 Kartografii, 4. 29-34.p 1951 Investigation of four plates of a map of scale ltlOO)OOO and one plate of another map of scale 1:100iODO showed that they require the placing of additional legends of river names and names of sources; in the average up to 7M for maps of scale 1:100,000 and 33% for maps of scale 1:3W,000. The author reemmends on all maps of scale 1:200,000 and smaller the sig- nature of anmes of all rivers whose lengths on the map are three am or longer. (RZhGeol,, No 3,, 1954) SO: W-31187, 8 mar 55 z)/,;~&I, 4.1 (?/~ DAVYDOV, G.P.,.kand.tekhn.nauk "I-- - epresentation of the hydrographic network on general geographic meq)s. Trudy TS1IIGAIK no.92,39-104 153. (MIRA 10:12) (Cartography) (Rivers) KOIDAYICV, Petr Koni3tantinovich;~jLilU3LQy~.g.L.P. redivktor; KOMARIKOVA, L.M. _j. rjjOktor izdatelletya; KMOMIN-,--G'.W.-.--Ibkhnichookiy rodaktor [1010stic representation of relief on maps) Plasti~heskoe izobrazhe- 41is .1 rpllefa na kartak.h. -Noskya,. Isd-vo geodez. lit-r7, 1956. 133 P. (Cartography) (Surf-aces, RapresentWoll of) (MM 10:4) YEGOROVAI Tatlyana Mikhaylown; KANIVETS, M.A., retsenzent; R'YZHYM, I.Lp starshego prepod., retsonzentl STEPAHOV, S.P.0 assiBtent, retsenzentl GODELIMAN, M.A., prof., rotsenzent; GENIDELIMAII, A.M., kand. ek-on. nauks retsenzent; KUROPATENKOy F,Yt,p prof., re-tsen2ent; KONTOROVICH, I.A.., starshiy prep., re-bsenzent; YEIOFEYENKO, A.G., assiatenj retsenzent; DAVYDOV2 G.P.,.red.; SHAMAROVAI T.A., red. izd-va; SIJNGUR(YV,-V.S.y tekbn, red. [Topographical drawing)Topograficheskoe cherchenie 14oskva Geodezizdat, 1961. 158 p. (~~ 3-5: 8j 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy geodezii Omskogo sellskokbozyay- st-v-ennogo instituta (for Kanivets). 2. Zaveduyushchky kafedroy zamleustroystva TSelinogradskogo sellskokhozyaystvermogo insti-- tuta (for Gendellman,, M.A.). 3. Zaveduyushcbiy kafedroy zemle- proyektirovaniya i planirovki sel'skikh zaselenny'kh mest Be- lorusskoy sel'skokhozyaystvemoy akademii (for Kuropatenk-o). (Topographical drawing) -- - I DAWDOV, G. S. Davydov, G. S. "Swarming activity of the Indian land ra , 11 Soobshch. Tadzh. filiala 'kad. nauk SSCR, Issue 8, 194$, P. 33-35 Y SO: U-3566V 15, March, 53 (Letopis tZhurnal. Inykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). D V, 0. S. DalyoV2 Biology of the slepushonkailf Soolshch. Tadzh. filiala Akad. nauk.SSSR., Issue 11, 1044, p. 20-22 So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhumal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) 1. DAVYDOV, G'. S. 2o USSR 600 4. Rodentia 7. Fecundity of the ground rat (Nesokia indica 0.), Soobo TFAN SSSR, No, 28, 1950. 9- Monthly JAst of Russian Accessions# Library-of Congress, April 1953, UncI. -JMLXR9El-, L&L S IN I KOV SKIY, L.P. Scology and injurious activity of red-tailed gerbils In Tajikistan. Ixv.Otd.~st.nauk.AN Tadsh.SSR as '1:69-75 152- (KLaA 9:10) I.Institut zoologii I parasitologii I Institut zhivetnevedstva Aka- de-mii nauk Tadzhikskey SSR. (Tajikistan--R*dentia) DAVTDOT, G*64,~~, .kZag , - Xaterials on the ecology of pasture rodents of southwestern faji- kistan. Trudy AN Tadsh.SSR 21:145-150 '54. (nM 9 -.32) 1. Institut zoologil t parazitologil imeni akademik% Te.I.Pavlov- skogo Akademii nank fadshikskoy SM. (Tajikistan--Rodentia) DAVYDOV, G.S. Dalm-on the ecology of the red-tailed gerbil In UJIkistan. Trtdy A.N Tadzh.= 33:137-159 '~5. (a" 9: 8) (Tajikistan--Gerbils) VY'() 1~ Y, .t:'O f oiatidi:' fbii~._ ltdds 11 S, '0 Puture Pest by Dav ov, acting director of the Institute of Zoology and Parasitology imeni Academician Ye. N. Pavlovskiy of the Academy of Sciences Tadzhik SSR, Sells Khozyaystvo Tadzhi- Stalinabad, Vol 12, Dee 56, pp 50-53 10, No Rodents, those of the Otrbillinae subfamily in particular, cause ex-~ _tensive damage to pastures. They are also carriers of Ixodes ticks which" ..':1ifest farm stock, causing various diseases in the animals. As a result iDf experiments conducted at the Saratov Institute "Mikrob" of the KWIC- -try of Health USSR and at the, All-Union Institute for Plant Protection jt was found that bait poisoned with zinc phosphide and distributed over ilie fields by plane or by hand was highly effective as a means of control-- ling the pests. Similar experiments conducted at the Institute of Zoology and Para- ~:._*#ology of the Academy of Sciences Tadzhik SSR by the author in cooper-' with collaborators M. A. Gulyayeva, S. A. Saidaliyev, and Yu. M. lov, and I. V. Fadeyev, representative of the Administration for Plant of the Ministry of Agriculture Tadzhik SSR, confirmed these -flu 3 a rum of The poisoned bait was prepared in the following manner: d ~00 kilograms capacity was filled with 25 kilograms of wheat to which ~0-5 kilogram of cottonseed oil were added as an adhesive. Then 1.5 kilo--!!~ .,Vams of zinc phosphiae were added; the contents of the drum were thor- '~-.*Ughly mixed, and scattered over the pasture at the rate of one kilogram of the poisoned wheat to one hectare of pasture land. The poisoned bait, remained effective for a period of 10 days, killing 72.9 percent of the f!odents infesting the field. The experiments also established that the ~~'exiation method of distributing the bait was less expensive and more ef- fective than the method of -placing the bait,d.irectly into the burrows of. t-im rodents. 3 05 LOTOTSKIY, B.V.-, MURATOV, Te.A.-. SOSNINA, Te.F.: DAVY'MV. G.S. Problem of Improving natural pastures of Tajikistan. Izv.Otd. est.nauk AN Tadzb.SSR no.14:115-122 156. (MLRik 9:10:1 1. Institut zoologii I parasitologit imeni akademika Te.N. Favlovskogo AN Tadzbikskoy SSR. (Tijikistan-Pastures and meadows) Z) 'USSR/"Ooparasitology Acnrina and Ins ect -Vectors ci Diseatte G-2 'Pathogens. Abs Jour Rel' "hur - Biol., No 5, 1953, 19627 Author Sosnina, E.F., DaN7dov, G.S. Iut TIAle t Source Materlal on Lice of Gadfliec Iii Valley Districts of Tadzhikistan. Or."g r-ub Otd. estestv, nauk M1 TadzbSJSR, 1056, 15, 113-119 lib~ :,-- 1 uranped I stract In the Val:hsh and Giasar v; eYs, 78.4, of 131 ' _, common gadflies vere infected by lice Bremphthiri"s ellobii, characteristic rarresentativer, of the goinis nrevalent in tropical and sulotropica.1 countries. Datc is furnished on the seasonal changes of ser and a5e c,%:n- position of lice on Cadflies. /V Card 1/1 v SUSNINA, Tekatexina Fedorovna; LOTOTSKIY. B.V-,otv.re4,;._D.-4, otv.recl. Immy" To. -A-.,; BATALOYA. H.A.,red.izd-va; FROWYA, P.K., takhnerod, [Farasites of murine rodents In the Giogar Valley and on the nowthern slope of the (Keear Range (Tajikietan)] Parazity- nyshevidnykh gryzunov Gissarskoi doliny I iuzhnogo sklona Giasarskogo khrebta (Tadzhikistan). Stalinabad. Izd-vo AN Tad-ghewR-1957-165-P, (Akademlia,nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR. Stalinabad, Trwly, vol. 64) (MIRA 12:1) (Stalinabad-Para'sites) (Tarcob Dietrict-Parasites) (ParaAltenw-441ce) P? YA A - -$. Find of embryos in the abdomen of the Afghanistan vole Microtus (Bli.Lufordimve) afghanuo flioms. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR no.21-.47 1.57. (MIRA 11:7) I.Inatitut soologii i psirazitologii im. akaaemiim Ye. N. Pavlovskogo AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Field mice) DAVTDOV, G.S. Data on the occurence of the Afghanifitan vole (Ificrotus [Blanfordisys] afghanus Thomas) in %Jikistan. Dold. AN TAdzh. SSR- o.21:49-50 '57. OURA 11; 7) l.Infititut zoologii i parazitologii im. Exkademika Te.N. Favlovskogo AN Tudzhikskoy SM'. (Tajikistan-Field mice) DAVYDOV G.S. -- 7-- Distribution and ecology of nome rodents of the southern Tajilcistan piedmont region. Trudy AN Tadsh.SSR 89:165-194 158. (NIR& 13:5) 1. 1notitutIzoologii i parazitologil All Tafthikskoy SSR. (Nikistan-Rodentin) I CHERNTSHICT, TLadiidr Ivanovich; DAVYWY, Gs-S-,.,Pjjxtred; VIII)GRADSKAYA, S.N., red.'Isd-va; FROLOV, . (Acclimatization of co),pu in Tajikistaul Akklimatizataiia ntktrii v Tadzhikstanei Stalinabad, Izd-vo Akad. nauk tadsh. SSR, 1959. 63 P. (Akademiia nauk Tadshisikoi SSR. StSULabad. Trudy. vol. 106) -J,*-.l:.AtM 1.'. ..'i' "I- .(KR4_12:3.1) (Vakhah Valler--Goypu) - DAMOV~-O~ loology of *vusliks (Citellus relictun Kaschkarow., 1925) in Tajikistans Dokl, M Tadzho SSR. 3 no.3t39-42- 160. (K= 34 %2) 1, InfititUt MD010gii i peraidtologii AN Tafthikskoy MR. Fivd- stavleno ablenom-korreopondentom AN Tadshikskoy SSR MeN. Naxwi. kulovym, (Tajikistan-Sualiko) BDrAkCIIEV,,, L.N.; DAVYDOV G.,Sj, Prinimal uchastiye SHEN' DE-FAN [Sher I hardening on the gra Effect of preliminary IaQthema phitization of vhite cast iiron. lzv~ vyoo ucheb, zav,; cliern, met., 4 no.7:154,-! 161 ff63.9 (MIM 34: 8) 1* Ilralluldy politekhnicheskiy institut. .(Cast iron-Hardening) DAVYDOII, G.S. Ecolopr of the Transcaspian field moue Microtus transcaspicus Satunin, 2,905, in'Tajikistan. Trudy Inst. zool. i paraz. All Tadzh. SSR 22:49-57 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Tajikistwi.-41d mice) DAVWOV, G.S..- Distribution of gerbils in Tajikistan. Trudy Inst. zool. i paraz. AN Tadzh,.,12SR 22:58-69 '162. (MM& 15:11) (Tajiki,stan--Gerbils) TIFLOV,, V.YO.; DAVYDOV, G.S. Fleas of some rodents in southwestern Tajikie-tan. Trudy Inoto zoolo i parez. AN Tadzh, SSR 22:70-75 162. (MIRA 15:3-1). (Tajikintan-Rodentia) (Water metabolism) BOGACEsir., I.N.; DAVYDOVI G.S. Effect.of the volume of martensite transformation on the graphitization of vhite cast iron. Izv. 'iem. ucheb. sav. cbern. ;set. 6 no.2:104-UO 163. (141RA 16:1) 1. Urallskiy po3-itekhnicheskiy institut. (Cast iron-Metallography) (Metalso Effect of temperature qj) DAVYDOV, G.S. ."We" Brown rat and muskrat in northern Tajikistan. lzr. Otd. b,401. nauk AN Tadzh. SSR no.ltllO..3-U 163. 09M 17 t lo 1, Inatitut soologil i paramitologii im. akademika Favlovskogo 01 Tadshikokoy SSR. BOGACI-Im, I.r, DA- .,S ITMO, R.A., 'lilLY14-L -.4,ROMIKOITA, S.B.; SIDO' I kand:'-~ed-m. nauk, retsenzent; [Grafitization and heat treatment of white cast iron] Gra- fitizatsi-.'La i termicbeakaia obrabotka belogo chuguna. Mo- skva, lzd--vo "Pashinostroonie," 1964. 145 p. (MIRA 17: 8) DAVYDOV, Grilgoriy Solomonovich; ABDUSALYAl/jOV, I.A., otv. red. [Rodent of rwrthern Tajikistan] Gi7zurq Severnogo Tadzhi- kistana. Dushanbe, Izd-vo AN Tadzhikskoi SSR, 1964. 270 p. (MIRA 17-.11) IRVIN, B.I.; ANPIXDGOV, R.G.; BCOOMY. A.Y.: ~RYXIW, S.Y.; GOWMMAN, NIA.; DATrDO_Y',,Q4..;.ZADMl, B.A.1 2 INOT, A.M.; LIFUSHKIN, lmw-"- Vai;' XURATITAT, V.I.;* OGAXWOV. I.S.; PSTROV, SOLDATOVO Te.G., Abshchiy red.; I.A., red;,; PZSKOVA, L.N., red.1 IMMY, F.A., takhn.r6d,~,, (Nanual for studying the economics of construction in the transportation industry] V pomoshchk isuchaiushchim ekonomikm transportnogo stroitelletva. Moskva, Goe.transposhol-dor. isd-vo~--Vk5q. 271 P., (KIRA 12-17) t Construction industry) (Transportation) - -M ~M~M BOCHMYEV, F.I.; DAVYDOV, G.V. ------- Plecision measurements of crystal lattice parameters. 7,av.lab. 30 no.3:297-300 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. )Ios)ovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. ,,Wrl)O V. (Mosk-N,a) r- . W04 I Lamm on thei volume of a body formed by the revolution of a triangle around an axis. Mat. v shkole mo.5:45-46 S-0 158, (Min 11:10) (GeOmOtr7) 24(4) 7 240) AUTHOR: TITLE: A Very Simple Proof and Groiip Velocities sootnosheniya mezhdu SOV/139-59-1--31/31+ of the Relationship Between the Phase (Prosteysheye dokazatellstvo fazovoy i gruppovoy slcorostyami) PERIODICAL: Izves tiya VysshikJi Uchebnykh Zavedeniy5 Fizikaj 1951~. Nr 17 p 169 (USSR) I fOSTRACT: The author proposes the following simple method of establishing the relationship between the phase and group velocities. Let there be two waves with wavelengths W "%). '41 which are propagated with velocities Vl > V in tL"direction 011. It is assumed that the peaks of the two waves (amplitudes Al and A) coincide? at a certain time, at a point 0 (Fig 1). The next coincidence of the peaks will occur at a point 01 (Fig 1) on super- position of two peaks which are at the moment on the left of the point 0 at distances Xl and ), from it. Consequently the velocity of propagation of the "energy centre" of these waves, i.e. their group Ve'00'tY7 is Card 1/3 given by: U = X/t (1)