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I A001 fs 1 lptq~ p4WA SCTB- 7ao- -~ -/To j -/0 -17-2-/-o-1-7-4- ACC Ma AP6007T52. SOURCE CODE: LM/0293/66/&6 ~11 AUTHOR:- Ylorozov V..S.-~httshkg, V, S.; ORG: 'none t7 TITIE: Modeling the biologi cal effect of adepth dose froma monoenergetic proton flux SOURCE: Kosmi ,cheskiye issledovaniyIa, v. h:,' no. .1 1966,. 172-174 TOPIC TAGS: corpuscular. i-aftation, radiation effect, RBE, high energy-proton ABSTRACT: Previous experiments suggested that- physical protection (shielding) some times aggravates. the effeet -of ~ coryuscular radiationl,~on living organisms. - Unlike electromagnetic radiation, heavy, particles create a higher ionization density along their path and at the end of their penetration (i.e., linear energy losses increase with decrease in particle vel cit , and RBE likewise increal"Ies). Thus, corpuscular 0 'Y ~radiation can have a widely varying biological effect on different parts of an organism. Mcperiments,were condu.cted to trace the change in biological effectiveness of particles during their passage through tissue until they were stopped. Mice were placed in rows perpendicular to the,axis of 6 monochromatic beam of 120-14ev protons. Animals were irradiated with a close of 1600 rad.(dos'e power rad/min from a 50 V f the synchrocyclo,tron). of animals received an Intraperitoneal injection o, Card UDC: 629.198.621t L 34975-66 (1) SCTB DD/RD- ACC NRI AP6019602 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/003/0482/0491 AUTHOR- Jay I.; Antipov, V. V.: Kozlov. V. A.; Saksonov, P. P.; _ydov, B. Shashkov ORG: none TITLE: The problem of using radloprotective pharmacological agents under spaceflight conditions SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye isaledovaniye, v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 482-491 TOPIC TAGS: manned spaceflight, radiation protection, cystamine, methoxytryptamine, acceleration, animal physiology ABSTRACTz In tests on mice (exposiad three times to 44.4 G, 1.4 G/sec accelera- tions, with 5 min per exposure and 5 min between exposures on a centrifuge with a 4.25 m arm length) and guinea pigs (exposed twice to 22.0 G, 0.7 G/sec with 5 min between exposures), lowered resistance to acceleration was noted after injections of cystamine (80-150 mg/kg), AET.(15-150 mg/kg), 5-methoxytryptamine (75 mg/kg), serotonin (50 mg/kg), and aminazine (1-10 mg/kg). A change in resistance after injections of phenatine (2-10 mg/kg) and strychnine (0.05 mg/kg) was insignificant. Thirty min after the combined injection of phen.tine (5-10 mg), strychnine (0.5-1.0 mg), and aminazine (2.5 mg), the EKG's and respiration of dogs exposed to 6-8 G (0.2-0.3 G/sec) did not differ from those of control centrifuged animals. Card 1/2 UDC: 615.7.035.1:614.876(20 L 34975-66 ACC NR. AP6019602 It was concluded that extreme caution should be exercised in recommending radio- protectors, expecially AET, cystamine, and 5-methoxytryptamine, for use on space- flights. The authors thank S. N. Komaroy for his active participation in the study. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables.. [CD) SUB CODE: 06,-",/ SUBM DATE: 28Feb66/ ORIG REFo. 017/ OTH REF: 013/ ATD PRESS:' s- 0 21 L 03775-67 FSS-2/EWT (I) /EWT (m) /EEC W -21ECC Kfff' TT./T)T)./Rpl/(-A ACC NR, AP6028342 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/004/06 633 ov, Dobrov, N. N.; AUTHOR: Volynkin, Yu. M.; Antipov, V. V.; Davyd B.. Nikitin, M. D.: Pisarenko, N. _F.; Saksonov, 43 ORG: none X 19 TITLE: Assurance of radiation safety during the Voskhod-l and Voskhod-2 flights SOURCE: Kosmicheakiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 630-633 solar TOPIC TAGS: space radiation, flared radiation shielding, radij,~ "on dos etry, nuclear emu]. i n, radiation 'bA, lysogenic bacteria/Voskho -1A Vosk od-2 *L0=7 ABSTRACT: The Voskhod-1 and Voskhod-2 flights were characterized by extremely high.: orbits (apogee 495 km). It was calculated that Voskhod-2 would have a far higher radiation exposure due largely to the proton component in the area of the Brazilian anomaly, where in the course of 20 min the spaceship would acquire about 80% of the .daily dose. The extravehicular surface dose of electrons during 20 min could amount to I rad. In order to reduce this to zero a protective layer of 100 mg/cM2 is required. Leonov's spacesuit fulfilled this shielding requirement. Since exposure to radiation may reach dangerous proportions during solar flares the following radia- tion protection measures were taken during the Voskhod-l and Voskhod-2 flights. A preliminary study was made of radiation conditions on the proposed orbit. Forecasts Card lj.~_ UDC: 614.876(202) --0- 4 ~-- _-. ~ r L 03775-67 ACC NRo AP6028342 of the possibility of solar flares were made. The radiation dose was reduced by spacecraft shielding. Changes in the level~of radiation in the upper atmosphere were checked by means of ballon sondes. Integraldoses and dose rates were measured by on-board radiation meters. Individual dosimeters of the ILK, IKS, and IFKN types and nuclear emulsions were used to measure the total doses acquired by each cosmonaut. Living organisms were carried on board as biodosimeters. Radioprotective drugs were .carried for emergency use by the cosmonauts. In order to determine the effect of low- energy electrons during Leonov's EVA the two cosmonauts carried identical sets of dosimeters (on the chest under the spacesuit and in external hip pockets), which were capable of working in high-vacuum conditions. However, Leonov's dose did not exceed Belyayev's. Individual and.on-board dosimeters indicated that the total dose re- ceived on Voskhod-2 was 70 * 5 mrad, while that on Voskhod-l was 30 ' 5 mrad. Analysis of the spectral composition of radiatiun made by nuclear emulsions inaicated the presence of particles with linear energy losses comparable to ions of He, B, 0, and Ar. The radiation dose, taking RBE into account, did not exceed several dozen ber. Biological objects carried on Voskhod-l and Voskhod-2 showed increases in non- disjunction of chromosomes and increases in frequency of dominant lethal mutations in Drosophila, and disruption of the mitotic mechanism in microspores of Tradescantia; these increases, however, were small. Lysogenic bacteria carried on the two Voskhod flights did not show any effect of radiation or other spaceflight factors. Experi- ments performed by B. B. YeRoroy have indicated that various stages of mitosis in Tradescantia microspores possess varying sefisitivity to the effects of spaceflight factors. These findings confirmed Yegorov's hypothesis that the chief cause of Card 2/3 L ACC NRt AP6028342 disruption of the mitotic mechanism is weightlessness and that chromosome recon- structions are due largely to combined factors related to spaceflight takeoff and reentry. Orig. arti has: 2 tables. IBM] SUB CODE: 061 SUBM DATE: 21Aug66/ ORIG REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: S-D L 03777-67 FSS..,: _k1t_C_kR- AP6028343 VIVEEE"'~'i_':~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/004/0634/064 AUTHOR: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N. N.; Mayskiy, I. N.: Delone. N.'L.; Ry~akov,'N. I.r ~ozlov' V. A.; DavX ov, B. j.; Antipov, V. V.: _-Saksonov,_j!_ P.; Ry~g!Koya._ K. D.; Tr5u1ev,___d'._'P. ORG: none TITLE: Biological investiBations on the Voskhod-l and Voskhod-2 spaceships SOURCE: KosmicheskiX~ issledo-van.iya, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 634-640 TOPIC TAGS: biologic space ghltL"" , -1Tw*puzW4_ bacteria, *W*iW' -rrateePzve dru spaceflight fAWe&t_-^ pinemsew4, wheat.sowd/ Voskh6"d*__f04"VM111o'd" 2 -40 C& ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed on the Voskhod-1 and Voskhad-2 spaceships to test the effects of spaceflight on lysogenic cultures of E. colilK-12 (A). The cultures were carried in 1.5-ml ampules on'board spa cesh i p'~ _ciWd7_:CrFLeonov's spacesuit pocket during his EVA. Some of the ampules contained the radloptotective drug 0- mercaptopropylamine. Controls were kept at the cosmodrome and at the home laboratory. Results showed that on the basis of viability there was no difference between samples carried 'on Vookbod-1 and the controls. Experiments on Voskhod-2 resulted in a slightly high?r viability on the part of experimental cultures as compared to con- trols. Phagetproduction of experimental cultures carried on the also did Card 1/2 MM 629.19R.621t%7A-A L 03777-67 ACC NR. AP6028343 not, exceed phage production of controls, Thus, it was not possible to demonstrate the protective properties of 0-mercaptopropylamine. An attempt was made to determine whether spaceflight sensitized lysogenic cultures or E. coli K-12 (A).to consequent exposure to small doses of x-rays. Results showed that phage production in space- flown samples was almost identical to that of the controls. In addition, air-dried seeds of pine and winter wheat (PPG-186) were carried on Voskhod,2-and in Leonov's pocket during his EVA for the purpose of determining the genetic effects of space- flight factors. Results did not reveal any substantial differences between the two spaceflight-exposed groups,of weds and the controls. It is assumed that the absence of the effects Of spaceflight factors on lysogenic. bacteria and seeds of higher -plants in these two flights is due to the particular conditions under which these flights took place. Orig.-art. has: 5 tables.- (BMI .2Z SUB CODES 06/ SUBM DATEI 21Apr66/ ORIG REFS 013/ OTH REFS 002/ ATD PRESS: Card L 2�363-66 EWt (1 SCTB DD ACC NRi AP6018063 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020166/168/003/o6gi/o693 AUTHOR: Davydo,~, B. I ORG: none TITLE: Tolerance to critical acceleration after exposure to ionizing radiation SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 3, 1966, 69i-693 TOPIC TAGSi combined stress, acceleration, gamma radiation$ Ionizing radiation, critical acceleration, acceleration tolerance, acceleration biologic effect, radia- tion biologic effect ABSTRACT: The reaction of the irradiated organism to critical accelerations was studied using 1690 male mice. The reaction of the animals was evaluated as a func- tion of their viability after exposure to radial accelerations of 42--44 G on a centrifuge with an arm radius of 0.31 mi The force vector was iii a back-to-chest 60 direction. Prior to acceleration, the animals were irradiated with Co gamma rays in doses ranging from 100-4000 r (13-18 r/min). Exposi e to acceleration took ur place iron 45 days after irradiation, It was found that 42--44 G caused the death of 40-50% of the control animals. Deviatiuza from this percentage r6flected altered'acceleration stability on the part oi irradiated animals. Starting with the first and second day after irradiation, thq toleirance of irradiated mice to Card UDC: 612.014.48 L 29363-66 Acc. HR, Ap6oi6o63 T swaieu aaa ii vas noTem Tnam ioverem~T#Olerance SO 86111 n V 8 jamn luuv r wao, o a Card 2/3 ,rk, 7,-' - , ~ ~ " F, - ~ 1 - ~ . I . l: '-' .--~ : ~ I ;-c7 -~ '. -1 I ACC W AT7011642 SOURCE CODE; UR/0000/66/0001000/0001/0006 AUTHOR: V01Y111(in) Y%1# M.; Ant:lpov, V" V.; DaVIOVII-B.- 1. Dobrov, N. N.; -J Nihitin~ M. D.; Pisaronkol, N,.F.; Salcaonov$_P._~. ORG: none TITJ-I?: Rndiation safety during the flights of the Voskhod and Vosldiod-2 spaceships SOURCE: International Astronautical Congres's. 17th, 11ndrid, 1966. Doklady. no. 4. 1966. Obaspechaniye radiatsionnoy bazopasnosti pri poletakh 1corabley "Vosl.khod" i "Voskliod-21, 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation biologic effect, proton radiation biologic effect, EVA, space physiology, space'biolo3ic experiment, space flight Hos~mos-47. space flight, Voskhod-l spaco flight ABSfRACT: Radiation conditions on the Vo3khod-1 trajectory were fcrecast using xosinos-47,.-a satellite launched into the proposed'orbit shortly before the manned space- flight. A gre.ater r-ad.iation hazard was.predicted for Cg,dl/7 ACC NR: AT70116L2 the Voskhod-w spacecrosr because of the higher orbit and extravehicula*r activity planned for this flight. Preliminary calculations set the maxim=, 2L-hr dose at 0.1 radi about-8.0% of which was expected to accumu- late during 20 min spent passing through the region of the Brazilian anmmaly. At was calculated thaE.the EVA would exp?se Leanov to as much as 1 rdd of electron radiation In a 20-nin period, and that shieldinS of 2 .100 ma cm would be required,to eliminate this hazard. Lmnovfs spacesuit fulfilled the shielding requirement. A total dose of no more than several dozen RUI was anticipated for the V03khod~spacecrew for the 24-hr period. The possibility oi radiation Injury from. solar flare protons was carefully'considered. Disruptions of the Earth's geoma.-netic field after sone solar'flares are known to affect the "radiation screen" of the geo-.. ma-netic field. Thus,-approximate total doses from large flares of the type 10 March 1959 and 12 t1ovember 1960 were calculated vi'th different shieldInS thicknesi- ses, discounting the screening , effect of the Earth's. magnetic field. (see Table 1) Card 2. 7 _ACC_ MR, XV011642 Table I -Energy of protow-15' Shielding of ait- 0 E, Mev equivalont: S?_ s tnnce, - ggl cm a from flare, rad 12, 1960 May 10, 1 Et! 40. 1.5 550 11'20 E >, 80 5.0 -90 70 E> 100 7.o so 20 E -r 20.0 24.0 10 1 Ars can b6 seen from the table, cosnonauts; can receive radiation doses sufficient to disrupt %forking, capacity or endanger life during-a solar flare. Con- sequently, an important part of the radiation safety prosran consists of predicting potentially hazardous solar flares. In ~he measures just described, the' Voskhod radiation safety iy~stLmn Included measurements of radiation levels In the upper atmosphere usina sounding balloons. In addftto'n, a radiometer on the' craft meas- ' ured total dose and dose rate, each cosmonaut carried ~card 3*7 ACC NR: AT7011642 individual'~osimeteis (ILK jKS", andjMtypes, and nuclc~gkr emulpions), and the*fe were biologlc'al.dosimeter3 on board. Chemical radioprotectors were available for .;emergency situations. In order to determine the possible effect of elec- tron radiation during the EVA, both cosmonauts wore an identical set of dosimeters work in a vacuum, one in the cheat area under the suit, and one An the outside hip pocket. AlthougA the period before the Voskhod-l launch was one of-minimal splar activity,, on October 9., 1964,9 (3 days before the'launch) at 8:30 A. M. a 23-fold Increase-in radioactivity was noted In *the*upper atmos- phere at an altitude of 22 km. The inereased.radioac- tivity lasted,2 hr and is.still unexplained. Doses obtalned~by Voskhod crew members are shown In TAble 2. Card 4/7 ACC NP: N001161-2 ~ i radiation dozes obtained by*crew mem- Table 2. Tota bers on VosIchod-1 a nd Voskliod-2 spacecraft, ifi mrad (tissue) .Name of spacecraft Individual dosic- R-ZAM on-board dozi- meters meter avar.G-e dcae werege lom for dose rate , for =%Qtit, Jose ratr,- (IJ&t, mud mrad/day mrad z~acj/day losldiod-l 3045 29�3 27:tl 26+1 Voskhod-2 70�5 05�3 .65�1 6o+l The total radiation dose received by Leonov waa not higher than.that obtained by Belyayev due to electron radiation outside the spacecraft., as had been expected. The fact that the absorbed tissue dose~s*received by Voskhod-l and Voskhod-2 Oosmonauts were two and four times higher, respectively, than doses received on the Vostok flights can b6 explained by the'difference in orbits and by some increase in the intensity of primary cosmic radiation characteristic for quiet Sun periods. Card 5/7 ACC NR- AT7011642 The radiation doses for Voskhod crew members did-not exceed several dozen REM each, as calc~ulated.. This radiation dose is not considered Injurious to human health. Biodosimeters carried on the Voskhod craft included seeds of higher plants, microorganisms,'and fruit flies. In addition, Leonov had pine and wheat seeds and lyso- :genic bacteria in his hip pocket during the EVA. Analy- sis of this biological,meterial showed that spaceflight factors had the following effects:* mitosis was dis- .rupted in Tradescantia paludoP3 microspores, and there .Were more dominant lethalities and cases of nonseparation. of chromosomes in 'Drosophila. These shifts were of the same type as those observed in the Vostok-2, -3, and -6 experiments, and were-.also numerically*insignificant. .Lysogenic bacteria and plant seeds exposed In'open space or kept in the spacecraft did not show the effects of spaceflight factors. Yegorov's experiment with Tradescantia.microspores demonstrated that the various mitotic phases of this ..organism have diffe'rdnt.sensitivities to spaceflight C,,d 6/7 DAVYDOV, B.I.; SHCHEDRENOK, V,P, Fundamental differences between the social and economic consequences of technological..progress under socialism and capitalism Trudy LIEI no.35:3-23 '61. iMIM 14--8) (Technology and civilization) BUTDOT, B.L., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank. laureat Sfulinskoy premii. Calculating the starting resistance of an induction and shunt motor for a giTen'duration of the starting process. Vast.elektroprom. 18 no.10:1-4 0 047. Off-'RA 6:12 ) 1. Giprouglemash. Mectric motors. Indaction) ,t, . . ... ; --- - 9.~?A4 i~ 11?17P-P-~-. I-.-:- -, - - -- - - - - - - DAVYDOV, B. L. Teoriia kolodochno-lentochnogo tormoza. (Vestn. I-lash., 190, no. 1, p. 22-2h) Theory of a block and band brake. DLC: TN4.v4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library ' of Congress, 1953. 4% 1 1 0 0 1 J 11 * A s L A . a 1 V - - - - 0o OP "MOO., v 9 YLOV - L - 96 c 149k t)kviAlWe of o4wil" iveleimi to W- 0" www% littli a cokuww" of OF w4v go a r1mum*fibilt. 11 L kkvttkr.-. 1,1ram, !!--I - vV 12 5 111 -60 - e. ) .40 0.0 EnIuj*S clet x pmvitolm artiL* t~y this av:N, 00 11esin, (No. It)) (0,1., 1047i1 taL,!L . go tK411 OM Wdf Or S111146611t 46VfkWkW14 (411 CNAk" Ok' AO the AwowtvAik comixe tw amumd hjumt. b , j 11j%N*y IS dvVek$jW AOM If* Srpo%jn~&Jt fr4ItjV 00 a AUAI-, - 2bled. + fr-Adj)-l. wbnv At is t'- do a 10(tim W" Ap 0, WA At-, k the Imlimml uw~ 00 0- a with a sW v... Sy rAkabOy "WS the onlim 40 0 00 . dmulcliMiL is abown to 86c cTWkwu unia, L 119ft 0114AW61 09" finM IVINIKIN 141V AOW- If4imik"If 604 duj#A a1v 81mi f%K tilt v4hu!- 00 ?fUlAning MWAIKVS and slartift lium. Atic%A-- is giwa of a 7-0&p matur for x 730 r."t. nvknLv - tilt ft"*U we cwwAI,:d with [how ONAined 11 - NOR 0 Ao too &I," I L A NITALLU 16KAL LITIRATWOE CLAIIWKAT$N U40 0 too ..mobs %.logo .4t, it 111 ~ 811111 as a.- Lit 0 ad a 14 w I IN 0 9 A 0 31 9 W , - - - -- - ~i 9 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 : 0 0 41 6 41 0 a 0001000 00 0 0 0 9 *. 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0000 00 O ~ 5. L. Davydov, 11. L. "Inspecting the winches of lifting machinery when the cahle lies in several layers", Vestnik mashinostroycaiya., 19/,8, No. 12, p. 24-2,4. SO: U-2888, 12 Feb. 53, (Letopis, Zhurnal Iny1ch Statey, No. 2, 1049). DAMN, B. L. Raschet i konstruirovanic shaklitnykh pod'Iemnykh mashin. Pod red. N. F. Rudenko. Dop. v kachestve uchebn. posobiia dlia elektromekhanich. spetsiallnosti gornykh vuzov. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, l9h9. 298 p. diagrs. Bibliography: p (297) Calculating and designing mine hoisting machines. DLO: TN339.D3 SO- Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the 'Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. rAvyt,c,v-)* ~.f. -,~= 5)f S 11 - 0 33339 Raschet Irtskovykh Soprotivleniy Asinkhronnogo Dvigatelya Dlya Shakhtnylrh Fod'Emnylh Ustanovok. Vestnik Elektroprom-Sti, 1949, No 10, c. 6-11. SO: Letopist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 45, Yoskva, 1949 k~~ k" Nwli4 ( X~A - DkVYDOV,. B.- E~ ~zl - Nekotorye voprosy proektirovaniia shakhtnykh podIemnykh ustanovok. 14oskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1950. 116 p. diagrs. Certain problems of designing mine heisting equipment. ELCs Tt'339.D28 DO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Enginee:ring in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953, USSR/Mining -,Mine Equipment 1951 'Valculation of Rine Hoisting Plants Having Lim- ited Number of Start' Resistances of Electric Mo- tors," Prof B. L. Davydov, Dr Tech Sci, Laureate of Stalin Prize "Zap Irst Gornoy Mekh" No 9, pp 90-102 Stat,es that usual method for calcg hoisting in- stallations leads, in most cases, to sharp dis- crepancy between design and actual periods of Starting, giving hoisting cycle considerably longer in comparison with rated value. Develops method which eliminates this descrepancy by 204TT:7 uls~_ quip" (Cd:utd) .1951. S*Iecting values for start resistances of asyt, cbronous motor. af, wbich starting pe!riod corres- Poo .a. to -a given time.' Alco discusses soln of at giVen, .roverze:problem: detm of actual hoist start resistamceO. 204TTT 1r) DAVYDOV B *L profesaor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk; SOLOVYEV, -~L ~01111t, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. N A.A., ( ec-fievi r, C4-) A valuable and necessary book ("Mine haulage." A.O.Spivakovskii. Reviewed by B.L.Davydov, A.A.SOJOVIOV). Ugoll 29 no.3:46-47 Mr 154. (RUA 7:3) 1. KharIkovskiy gorn" institut. (mine haulage) (Spivakovskii,A-0.) SI MAVMV, B.L., professor; TIKHOVIDOV. B.D., doteent. Large elevator and ventilator Installations In mines of the Chinese People's Republic. Gor.zhur. no.5:35-38 Ny 156.(NM 9,.,8) 1. Msarlkovskly gornyy Institut. (China.-Nining engineering) DAVYDOVP B L professor. isiff"t'lon of mlnlng no.l,:40-42 Ja 157. (PoiPing-Coal equipmen.t in Peiping. Mekh.trtid.rab. 11 (K[aA 10:5) mining mchinery-Exhibitions) PA- V1Y 0 122-2-4/33 AUTHORS: Davydov B.L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and--Witoff~-SU-IUU Engineer. TITLE: Certain, Precisions- in the Theory of Friction of Flexible Bodies (Nekotoi7ye utochneniya teorii treniya gibkikh tel) PERIODICAL: VeBtnik Mashinstroyeniya, 1958, No.2, pp. 16-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the theory of enveloping transmissions, n.Ye. Zhuko- vskiy introduced the distinction between the sliding and rest sections of the enveloping arc. The sliding arc extends to the point where, with a given friction coefficient, the Buler equation yields the required difference in tension.. In the present paper, the finite thickness of the belt is considered. A method is given by which the length of the sliding arc is computed when a belt of substantial thickness allows some shearing (11'splacement within its thickness. Knowing the geometry of the belt and pulley, the friction coefficient and the elastic constant of the belt, an auxiliary quantity is found (Eq.10), with the help of which, from a relation (Eq.2) expressing the ratio of the belt tensions, the true arc,.o; sliding is computed. In a typical example, an are of 114 is found, compared with 132 determined on the basis of the simple theory. The difference increases greatly when the belt Cardl/2 contains steel reinforcement. Then, the sliding are drops to 122-2-4/33 Certain Precisions in the Theory of Friction of Flexible Bodies I to 57 0 by the new theory, but remains 1320in the old. The sliding are can disappear altogether. This has been observed with mine conveyor belts. The new theory also modifies the computation of the belt slip loss and shows this to be less severe than the older theory predicted. There are 4 figures and 5 Russian references. AVAILABIR: Library of Uongress card 2/2 DAVYWV, B.L.., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; CHZHOU SRI-TUT [Chou Shih-YUJI nz Most advantagqous cross section of troughs and flow of material for mine haulage.-Nauch.dokl.vys.shImly; gor.delo. no.4: 181-187 " 58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Predstavleno kafedroy gornykb mashin I rudnichnogo transports. Kharlkovskago gornogo instituta. (Mine haulage) (Coal handling machinery) '-'-,J)Ayrmv T, a B.. .*,,-.-Prof. Hydraulic brake theory on mine hoisting machines. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.shur. no~7:94-103 '58. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Kharlkovakiy gorMy institut. (Mine boisting) (Hydraulic brakes) DATYDOV, B.L., ALIKSANDROVA, M.N. Investigating an Increase in load capacity of mine care by vibration. Uauch. trudy MGI no. 20:231-241 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Mine railroa'di-Cars) DAVYDOV B. inzh. LL-=-P~ Repairing plunger pairs of the X-82 carburetor pump. Avt. tranap. 36 no.10:47-48 0 158. (MIRA 13:1) (Autonobiles-Bngiues--Carburators) DAVYDOV, B.L.. prof.,doktor takhn.rAuk Ma"B"Sm"WnCASOI-in mine hoisting units with bicylindroconical Arums. Nauch.ddlcl~vys.ehkoly; gpr.delo nol:16l-166 '59.' (MIRk 12:501 le Predstavlena kafodroy gorm7kh mashin i rudnichnogo trans- porta Rwlko4skogo goft o instituts, (Mine hoisting) OfHoisting Maiclibiery--Vibration) DAVUOV,.BtL., prof. Tewporar7 overloading of coal mining machine motors. Izvo vyseuchabonavo; goreshur. w.7:127-136 139. (NDU 13 14) 1. Kharlicovskiy gorzWy institute Rekomendovana Imfedroy gomoy ele"rotekhnikiv (Coal mining machinery-Jlectric driving) DAVYDOV, B.L. -,Prof. '. __ - I _- _ ." '. ~...; Behavior of the tail rope In balanced mine hoisting systems. Izv. vyseucheb.iavo; gorezhure no.lo:i26-134 159. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Kbarikovskly gojrnyy Institute (mine bolinting) , prof. Elements in the theory of tvo-chain scraper conveyors mving in sections. Jzv.vya.uchebexav*; goreshure no.2:126-132 160. (KIRA IA:5) Is Kharlkovskiy gorMy institute (Conveying machinery) DAVYDOV, B.L.9 prof.. Theory of movement of-coal-cutting machines vith a hauling rope. iz~v. VYS, ucheb, zave; gore, zhur, no-3:79-89 160. (MIR-t -14:5) 1. Khar')covskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana, kafedroy gornykh mashin i rudnichno r trans~orta. Coal*mlning machinery) B.L., prof, Performa as of an asynchrogous motor during brief signific=t overloading. Izv.vys.ucheb. Sav.; gor. shur. no.6tU6-121 160. (NIRA 14:5) 1. Kharlkpvskiy gornyy institutq. Rekomendolana kafedroy obshchey elektrot0khniki Sve#dlovskogo gornogo institute. imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. (Paeotrio motors, ind~otion) DATMOV, Boris Llvovioh, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SKORODUMOV, Boris ; khn TK Ale~lissndriovo to . nauk; KTI 0, A.K., otv. red.; SHOROKHOYA. A.T., red. iad. BMYRNTA, Z.A., ',nkhn. red. (Dynamics of mining meohinIaryl Dinamike gornvkh mashin. MoskvB, Goa. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961. 334 p. (MMA 14:5) (Mining machinery) PAVYDOVq B.L.t prof. ~ct~ion L-AR4 moving on dri vhee2z In mine transport and Vin CMJ m41nin 11M 1xv. TY8* UCbOb* xave; gore zhurno.2:105-IU 161. bM Ut3F I* MmrlkoTskiy gorWy J=tltute Aekpmdovana kafedroy gornykh mashin i rudniehnogo tmnvpbrtAi Miarskovskogo gornogo inBtituta. 0(im bau2age). (Coa3. mining madzinery) DAVYDOVV, B.L., prof-.p doktor tekhn.nauk Larp-scale mine hoists in Csoohoolovakia. Gor. zhur. no.4W~47 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut. (Czachoolavakia-mine hoisting) DAVYDOV, B.I, Statistical dynamics of an incompressible turbulent fluid, Dok3.~AN x 9SSR 136 nool.-47-50 Ja 16L (KM 14:5) 3-0 Iwtitut fisiki Zsmli-im, O.Yu-Sbmidta AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadlemikom M.A.Uontovichem. (Fluid dynamice) (Turbulence) DAVMM,, B.L., prof. 'Study of the interaction between the load-bearing and the pulling parts of belt-ohain conveyers* Izvevysouchebazave; gorezhur. no*3:3.17-138 161. (MMA 15 94) 1, KharIkovskiy gornyy institut; rekomendovana. kafedroy gorrqkh mashin i rudnicbmgo,transporta, Khartkovskogo gornogo instituta. (Conveying machinery) DAVYWV,O B. L, Investigating the interaction of two contiguous flexible bodies. Trudy Inst.mash.Sem.po teor.mashi me" 23 no.89/90".15-26 262. (MIU 3.5 -~ 6) (Strains and stresses) YEVNEVICH, Anton Vladislavovich; PAVEXIV, P,L', prof., ret-senzenti SOLOVIYEV, A.A., pror., rexsenzF=,, SHWKYANP I.G., prof., retsenzent; VASILIYEV, N.V., dots., otv. red.; KGVALI, I.V., red.izd-va; BOLDYI(EVA, Z.A.9 tekhn. red.; MAKSIMOVA, V.V,, tekhn. red, (Machines formine haulage] Gornye transportnys mashiny. Izd.2. Moskva, GosgortekhizdAt. 1963, 467 p~ (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut (for Davydov, Solov'yev) 2. Donetskiy politekhricheskiy institut (for Shtolonan). (Mine haulage) DAVYDOV, Bori Ivo rof.., doktor tekhn. nauk; SKORODUMV, Boris Aleksandro" dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BUBYRI, Yuriy Vladirairovichi-dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; SLIBKO, V.M., inzh., retsenzent; CHIST~YAKOVA, L.G., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., telchn. (Reducing gearsp--iaesign and testlmg]Redjktoz7; ko-hs'truktsii, raschet i ispytaniia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 472 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Gearing) DAVYDQVj Bo.:ke AjZgZ&qjLprof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SKORODUMOV, Boris Aleksandroviolk, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHORIN, V.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzentf.A=YUNYAN, S.M., otv. red.1 KOVAL'J, I.V., red.izd-va; MINSKER,.-L.I., tekhn. red. [Design and conatruction.of coal mining machines] Rasobet k konstruirovanie uglidotvaiushchikh mashin. Moskva, Gosgor- tekhizdat, 1963. 589 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy konstrAtor Dongipro4lemasha (for Arutyunyan). (Coal mining machlner7) DAVYDCOV, B.M.; SOLMM, N.A. Large block creation of an automatic cement and conersto pleat. Awt.derj18 &e.6:13-14 0 155. (XLRA 9:2) (Concrete pleat*) BASOVO A.N*; GUTTSAYTO V.I.; DAVYDOVP B.N.; KIRPICHEV,, V.M. Differentiation of industrial wholesale prices of motor fuels. Xhim. i takhe topl. i masel 8 no.9t46-51 S 163* (MMA 16111) 1. Vseooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pere- rabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu islmsstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. DAVYDOV, B.N.; BASOV, A.11.; GSI,11,13, I.E. Coqt of snent NafteDer. .1 AO-5:17-20 164. (MIRA 17:8) 2. Vaesoyiizn_vy inutitut po parerabotke nefti i gaza i poluchonbrii ir,'Wss-tvannogo zlil.dkogo topliva. GELIMS, I.E.; DA~~V,_ B.N. Problems of economics in the development of the production of catalysts for the petroleum industry, Khim. i tekho topl. i masel 9 no-345-48 MrI64 (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut. po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. TITOVA, A.I. prof.; GOLIKOVA, T.M.; VOIXOVA, A.T.; POKROVSKIY, S.A.; I~A_ NAZARETSKIY, F. Ye. Clinical aspeots and treatment of chronic pneumonia in children. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivane gose mede inst. nos 28:3-11 1 63 (MIRA 19:1) 1. 1z kafedry detskikh bolezney ( zav. kafedroy - prof. A.I.Titova) YaroslRvskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - prof. If. Ye. Yarygin). DAVYDOV, 3. P. Treating othematoma, Vest. oto-rin. 19 no.1:107-108 Ja-F 157 (MLRA 10:4) 1. I.z gorodekoy bollnitsy g. Lebedin Sumokoy oblasti. (BAR--TUMORS) DAVTDOV. B.S. Recent trends in the development of feeler gauges used for the control of surface smoothness. Ism.takh. no.6:46-48 N-D '55. (KEMA 9:3) . (surfaces (Technology)) (Keasuring instruments) -~.t 7~ DAVYDOV, B.S., inzhener. The necessity of standardizing the basic charkicteristics of clearance gauges. Standartizataila no.2:58-61 Mr-Ap '56. (KLRL 9:5) 1. VeenoyuzWj nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut Komiteta stan- dartov, mer I izmeritellnvkh priborov. (GaUgeS) DAVYDOV, B. S. Comparative study of the Indicated measurements gauges and optical instruments. Priborostroenie of surface-smoothness no-3:23-26 Mr '56. (MLU 9:8) (Surfaces (Technology)--Measurement) --------- - V Catogory TJSS1iVGcnor--l Probloms - Luthod wid Toolmiquo of Invor.- tigation ,,-4 -'Lbs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No 5607 -uthor Yo-;orov, Davyd-o-v, B S Titlo :Vorification of wo or Ins~r~uincints for tho Control of Rou~,;hnoss of Surfacos. Orig Pub :Izmorit, tc-khi-dka, 1956, No 3, 64-66, -I,bs-%-,ract:.1 survoy is givon of thoaisting mothods for choclkin~ foolor instrumonts, Llid also a doscription of various spacimons with irrogular profilos, Spocial spocimoris aro proposcd forlho tostin- of profilogrnplis (motf-~llic slabs 40 x 40 x 10 mm), on which aro loo %tod throo groups of graduation linos, in g roups of fivo caoli. Tho gradudtion mark h-is parobolic, triangular, and trapozoidal profil,s. Card 1/1 MAVYDDV. B. S. ....... - Conference on present-day methods and means for rating surface smoothness. Ism.tekh. no.4:83 J14g 156. (MM 9:11) (Surfaces (Technology)) (Metals-Irinishing) IkA.VrDOV. B.S... inzhener. Some correlations in the readings of surface roughness measurementes :SAwAartizatefts, zo.~:25-28 N-D 156. (MIJtA 10: 1) I* Vvesoyusayy sauchno-Issledov&tel'skly institut lomiteta standartov, ver i lzmeritel'sykh p4borov, (Surfaces (Technology)-Measurement) RAVTDOV, B.S., insh. instruments in checking the surface roughness. Vest.mash. 37 no.1216"7 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Surfaces (Technology)-Measurement)) (Pneu-ntic machinery) 24(0); 5(4)j 6(2) PHASE I BOOK X]aWITATIOX SO"15 Ysosojru=yy nauohno-lasledovatellskiy lastitUt matrOlOgli IXOril D.I. Mendeleyeva Rareraty nauchno-josIedovatellskikh robot; obornik Wo.2 (ScIcntinq Xssearch Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Yr 2) Moscow# Standartgiz, 1958. 139 p. 1,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. xondtat standartov, nor 1 ixiserital-ttykh priborov. Zd.t S. V. ReshotIna, Tach. Ed.i X. A. Xondkatlyova. VURPOSEt Tbe*e reports are intended for scientists. researchers and engineers engaged In developing atandardso wessuraso and gages for the various industries. CO"RA'E:m Th volume contains 126 reports an standards of moaaurv- Rent d Q:ntrol. The reports were prepared by scientists of Institutes of the Komitat standartov, nor I i=oritollnykh priborov~pri Sovate Kinistrov SSSR (Cocutlesion on Standards, Measures, )and Measuring Instruments under the USSR Council or kinisters . The participating Institutes &rot VVIIN - Vmeaoyuznyy nauchno-lesiedovatellskly metrologil Imeni D.I. Xen4oleyeva (All-Union SclwntlrLo Research Institute of Met- rology Inent D.I..Mendaleyov) in Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branch of this Institute, VXIIX - Voeooyuzny7 naubhno-i8aledovAtej-*kIy Lastitut Koaltatik standartovq mar I lzaeritelfitykh priborov (All-union scientific Research Institute of the Countlenion on Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instruments), created fraxi'KOXXIr - Rookovskly gasudarstvannyy 1nst1tut mar 1 Imerltal-ttrkh pr1borav (Moscow State lantItute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) October 2, 2955; VNIIFTRI - Vaesayu=yy nouchno-labledovatellakly Institut fIz1ko-tekhn1- chaskikh I redlotakhnicheakLkh Lzmarenly (A22-Unlon 3clentlflc Research Institute or Physicotechnical and Radio-*nglneerlng Measurements) In Moscow; KhODUP - Kharlkovskly gonudarstvenn" 1natltut nor 1 1=erlt*2'nykh pr1barev (Kharlkov Stitt& Institute of Neaxu"s and Measuring Inetrumans); and XGlMI? - Reveal- birskiy Cosudarstvenyy Institut itor I linaeritelIny1dt priborov (XavosibLrsk State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instru- _-.jeqtA). go personalities are mentioned. There are no rerarences. j!!EE!s, 3.1., and 1J.D. Zalmanzon (NODMP). Studying a Screw PeAr 14 IMn, O,s_ (KhaIMp). Measuring the Tooth Profile of Large- a ter Reduction Gears 15 SL=Jdn, O.S.. and L-L-2-hinavich (IMOTRIP). Investigating In. struments and Methods for Measuring Elements or Worm Gears 16 OmmolovskAys, Ye.P., an comparative Rating of Probe and Contactless Gages for Measuring Surface Finish 16 avyd v. Y.F_.F_u0cLqcnko, and T.S_J_Afi%tUaa__ a Mothod for Testing Surface Finlah Samples and Instruments Car Surface Pinish Quality Control 11 &Zus1&xnkjZ_X_(L (VNIrK). Making Improved Surface FlMi4h Test Swiss 18 (NOrMIP). Developing Methods and Means of 5 27 '7-' i SOV/120-5B-5-29/32 AUTHOR: Davydov, B. S. TITLE~__Me_asurement of IM~Amplitudes of Mechanical Vibrations (Izmereniye malykh amplitud mekhanicheskikh kolebaniy) IURIODIUL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 5, P 107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of measurement was based on the principle of stroboscopic interference. The stroboscope was driven by the source of electrical oscillations and the strobotron, type STN-l, Tras used as the source of light. The inter- ference pattern was observed in a micro-interferometer of the Linnik type which had the following characteristics: diameter of the observation field 1.7 mm, linear ma-nifi- cation of-the objective 7X-0.18 and the viewer magnifica- tion of 1,15x. When the difference between the oscillation frequencies of the vibrator and the strobotron is suitably chosen, the interference pattern observed is displaced relatively to the fixed visor. By counting the number ofL fringeslit is possible to determine the amplitude of the oscillations; the amplitude is A =-nXef/4 where n is the of fringesand kii is the effective wavelength. Card 1/2 . SOV/120-58-5-29/32 Measurement of Small Amplitudes of Mechanical Vibrations It was found that the amplitude could be determined with an error of not more than 5%. The paper contains 1 table and 4 references; 2 of the references are English -and 2 are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Komiteta standartov, mer i izmeritellnylch priborov (The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Oommittee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments) SUBMITTED: September 7, 1957. Card 2/2 DAVTDOV B KRTHKIN, I.K., insh., nouchuyy red.; RESMINA, 15J.9 red.izd-va; NATVBTBVI, I.Te., Elrundamentals of the feeler method for determining the roughness of surfaces) Oanovy shchupovogo metoda opredeleniia sherokho- vatosti poverkhnoe'vi. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo standertov *Standartgis". 1959. 167 P. (MM 13:5) (Sarfaces (Technology)--Testing) p PHASS I BOOK VXAITATIOX SOT/sm 7: Aks6onlys mock 333R. Institut mashinovedentys. woolsolys. po tokhnol.- 611 moshinestrovenlys. 3ominar po kschostwu pavorkhmeti smetwetwe poverkbnosti detalor mashin, abornIk 4. Tokhoologichoaki" faktory obrabotkI. Patrol ya I pribory. xxsplu2t&toioanrj2 3707- cr k t stva pover hos nogo mloym 3urftao quality of Phohine Parta, Col- leation'of Articles. No. 4. Processing rectors "In M&Ohinlr,3. . Jostr6lo and In tru ent O e t1 l P tl f th S - s m &. r& ma e ropor es o p urXian a Layer) -Wasow, Xxd-vo AN SM. 1959. 291 p. (Seriess Ites Tru*) ts. &Up inserted. 3.200 copies Printed. Sponsarins Agency: Akadenlys neck SM. Znmtttut washinovedonijo.. Resp; Id.s P.Yo. D'yachonkc, Pr~fossorj Ed. or ftblIshing Hansel ..G.B. Gorshkovs Tech. Zd.z T.P. Polonova. rt1RPqMs ThID collection or articles in Intended for technical personnel concerned with the quality of surface fWabas of machine , a. - , Ciok""i Thii oollootion or articles deals with woble" of a AwUghnssa and the *treat of surface roughness on the wear and strength Of machine parts. Among the topics - discussed are the do- wo2opment of international standards for surface roughness, the offset Of Gutting foods and cutting-tool vibration an the surface roughness of machined partd, the offect'of lay airectIon on the meow Or plane friction surfaces. rathoda and 1=:z=_-tc for measuring surface roughness. and the processing or promograza of finished wwraces. go personalities are continued. Reforsawas ollcw~ssvsrsl of tho~artlalsp_ Nor. S.F. Quallty W Wear of Motion Surfaces 41 Dal_eglonko, F.T. -1ffeet of lay Direction an the Wear of- Plane Use* Cutting Process for Increasing the Pa- w 44m of Machine Parts ak t 11*11 ?.To. blya4honkc, and O.To. Kestoor. Solld,Lubri- g - o ~-~tlou 79 Papshev. D. Effect or Surface-Layer quallty an Fatigue Strength 85 Xaslygm, N.Y. Some Problems of the Formation of the Surface Layer 93 Thocry of the VorkIng Cycle In Grinding as the Beals Z2- 0-4 for JAPTVV&" Machining Qual.1ty 96 _, A.A. Effect of Process Pactors In Orinding an the Sur- J3&MLaz1 _ ram* r 4 Surfaces In Precision and of Machine of Steel 12T DobychIna.-A.P. Instrument fOZ D~t*rmlhlng the Surface *049bn*26 or CuMag T ate 137 vn, '-A. Thermal Phenomena in the Grinding of quwwb- ] _M 142 'p tg 142 GrosinalaYs Z.r. Surface Hardening Of 00tala by Sell burnishing *8 Hisnevlah'L AAr. On the Problem of Surface Roughness or mohined Trostor-AmaLm torts 68 Davyd*v. B.S. Simple 3-face-Roughness Indicator 'U A.P. photoelectric Method of Recording Surface ftfter 5 Urtanh,11 . 0 2 ' jj 7 - libr-Ue Inductlon-Type, Profilorrap~-Profl,lcw@6. a or 177 Electric Circuit of the "KslIbr-VZ1' ft-~fllogrsph-rro Truton-, V.A XXX-2 Optic omechanlea I Profilograph Tl*hohonko, O.A. *Visual* Device for Measuring the Roughness of _TZF0-UndrSW0fwd*s 199 ' DAVTDOV, B.S.- KARTASHEVA, A.S. -feelor-type instruments for determining surface rougbness. Standartizatsiia -24 no.8:40~42 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Surfaces (Teabnology)--Testing) j sli'2VkIO00101110201020 t q000 A1611A130 ALMHORS i Davydov, BOS.;. Kartasheva, A.N. -Trmi Particular points of the now standard for feeler instruments for de- termination of surface roughness in the machine industry FERIODICALs Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. ii, 1960, 80 - 81 TEXTs Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritellnykh priborov pri Sovete Minis- trov SSSR (The Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments at:the Council of Ministers of the USSR) ]has approved a new standard - "Feeler Instrui ments for Determination of Surface Roughness. Types. Basic Parameters and Ac- curacy Norms". It complemqnts the ro7 2789-59 (GOST 2789-59) standard for sur- face-roughness, includes the basic Ra parameter of profilometers and profilo- graphs, and standardizes the roughness measurements in the industry regardless of the design.features of instruments. It is the-first Soviet standard for such in- struments, in claimed to be the most complete of analogous standards existing in other countries, and contains some new conceptions and designations needing ex- planation. The profilometers are subdivided into three types - of the highest accuracy, rt-7 (P-I)i medium aocUracy, TT-10 (P-10); and limited accuracy, TT-16 Card 1/4 25100 S/122/60/000/011/020/020 Particular points of the new standard for.... A161/P.130 (P-16). The accuracy is characterized by "peredatochnoye otnoshenAye" (ratio), i.e., the kelation. of Ra reading on the scale in microns to set linear needle displacement (also expressed through Ra in microns). The relative error of-the profilometer ratio is determined by-the formula % R - R' ~n - 100%, Ra where 11a are readings In mioronsi and R' the mean arithmetical value of the a needle displacement setting. The ratio error is determined by metlic-A-s specified in the 11148-5911 instructions, with the use of a vibrator imparting sinusoidal'os- cillations to the needle. This eliminates the component errors from the measur- ing effort P and needle tip radius r. The P-7 profilometers have Sn 4 t 7% and are designed nearly exlusively for -research, expert decisions, and profilometers of designs analogous with the knoi4n profilometer of the "Kalibr" Plant and Vse- soyuznyy elektratekhnichebkiy institut (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute) that belong -to thi s group. The P- 10 with S n A~ t 10% are for both 3. aboratory and shop use; they are less complex and costly, of less weight and size. The, major mass of piezoelectric and induction profilameters belongs to them. Th6 simplest P-16 8 < t 16%) iriclude instruments that are analogous with the latest~~-4 (P-0) n profilometers. The profilographs (being nearly exclusively laboratory instru- card 2/4 25-00 S 012.~/60/000/011/020/020 Particular points of the new standard for.... A16l(AI30 ~vided into two types _nr mehts) are d -5 (PG-5) with ratio error En