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CZAKIS-SULIKOWSKAS, Maria; SOLONIEWiCZ0 Hajmund Crystalline complex compounds containing thiourea and thioeyanates. Pt. 1. Rocz chemii 37 no.lls1405-1410 163. 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Technical University,, Lodz. - - ---- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - ------- - -- - - - - - -- - - CZAKIS-SULIKOWSKA, _Maria, dr; SOLONIEWICZ, Rajaund, dr Analytical application of the precipitation reaction of carbamido.- mercury cyanoferrate. Chem anal 9 no.1:59-64 164. 1. Katedra Chemii NieorganiMej, Politechnika, Lodz. CYGANSKI, Andrzej, dr; CZAKIS-SULIKOVSKA, Maria, dr Coprecipitation of mercury thiocyanate as a metal detection method,. Rudy i metals 9 no. 8s445-448 Ag 164. 1 1 CZAKIS-SULIKOWSKA, M. Identification and determination of multiatom anions by~the speotrophotometrio method in infrared. Viad chem, 18 no.3t 176 Mr'64., Solubility produatz of certain thione4des of heavy metals. Ibid.&177 GZAKD,, Erzsebet... dr, Role of trade imiono and the e2ection of local co=cilo. Hunka 13-no*2:2-3 A 163, 21 Minintertanacs Tanacozervek oszta2yanak munkatarsae CZAKOP I. Effect of milk with reduced fat content on the nitrogen metabolism of young calves. Acta agronom hung 13 no.1/2: 18l.-200 164. 1. Abteilnng fur Rinderzacht des Forschungsinstituts fur Tierzucht, Budapest. Submitted September 1, 1963. CZA10 J~ wHethods of Increasing the Fat Content in Milk" P. 304 (A=rlW=AZ Vo2o 51 No. 10, October, 1953o Budapest) East European Vol. 31 No. 3 1954 SO: Month List of Accessionsj, Congress, March ift Und. '0' MARY/fluman and Animal Phyeiology (Normal and Pathological), T-14 Skin* Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mole; 140 U, 1958) 51426 Author : Czako) Jozsef; Ordogh, Katalin Inst Title The Influence of Environontal Temperature upon the Skin and Hair Temperature of Large Horned Cattle (multicolored Huntprian Breed). Orig Pub : ,'alattanyesztes, 1956, 51 No 4. 311-316. Abstract : No abstract* Card 1/1 147 P -7' A CLZIAKO, J.; GUBA, S. The importance of exanininE butterfat. p. 16. (Magyar Mezorazdazag, Vol. ll~ no. 2, Jan. 1956 Ithidapest) SO-. Yonthly LiEt of East European Accession (EEAIL) LO, Vol. 6, no. 7, Jnl~v 1957. 'Uncl. CZAKO, J. Breeding heifers is a basis for increasing the stock of cows. p. 16. (Magyar MezogaE- dasag, Vol. 11, no. 4, Feb. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LO, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. CZAKO, J.; KAPPETER, I. A prefabricated shed for young cattle. p. 24. (Magyar Mezogazclasag, Vol. 11, no. 6, Mar. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. HUNGARY Country Category Farm' Animal 9 Cattlee Abs. Jour s Ref Zhur-Biol,,j No 21) 1958, 96854 Author Czako Jozsef; WW, Lazzlo Institut, Q Title The Influence of Antibiotics Administered during the Nursing Period upon the Growth of Calves. % Orig Pub. :Allattenyesztes, 1957, 6. No 11 1-10 Abstract Experiments were performed with 1~ bu3ls which were half-brothers and 12 heifers (6 anlymoo a ol each sex were In.the experimental and In the control group), The experiments lasted for bulls 10 days to 22 weeks and for heifers u l to 18 weeks. Animals weighing 50-75 kg Me J '1L1 0 2 g of oxytetracycline (OTC), which was follo by an additional dosage of' I g per each 25 kgjI untIl at a weight of 175-200 kg the OTC dosage reached 7 g, The proaration contained 17*5 Mg Card: 1/2 Qountry HUNGAFM Gatogory Farra Anlynalso cattle. Abe. Jour Ref Zhur-Biols, 219 IWI 96854 Author Institut. Title Orig. Pub. Abstract of OTC-terrram~cin (T) per 3. g. As an abundant amount of nM ($00 3. of whole and 800 3. of skim milk) was used In feeding T did not pro- duce W effects upon either Ue weight gains nor the fodder expendituross In the group of heifers the addition of T to fodder saved about 1~5 1 of zM or about 7 kg of butter p calt. la the eamerimental groupq the utiliza-~ tion of fodder ia terms of starch units inare&-; sed b 22 percent while the hay consumption rose Ky 12 percZt* V, A& K=yuba Card: 2/2 C0U'_;,'.1TRY IMGARY GATWORY Farm Animals. Cattle,. ABS. JOUIR. RZhBiol., No. 6~ 1959, No. 25850 AUTHOR Tangl, Harald; Czakoj Jozsef; Muehlradt Andras D'ST. TITL2- Experiments Pertaining to the Application of Syntestrin for Improving the Fattening of Cattle. ORIG. PUB. Allattenyesztes, 1957, 61 go 4, 265-272 ABSTRACT Fifteen to 20 mg of syntestrin (acts as an ovary hormone? estrone) were added to the fod- der of each animal (a 41*.ota]L of 253 heads) daily in the form of a capsules DarinC ;'Vhe course of the 66 days of the exparJzent, the animals of the eoxperimental group manifested a 14,2 kg larger weight gain in comparison to the control group. In utudies arranged according to sex, the largest, weight gain of 25*3 kE was observed in bulls9whereas in cows it amounted to only 21 kg, CARD - 42 CZAKO J Calf rearing experiments with reduced milk and milkfat rations. Acta agronom Hung 9 n0-3/4:415-423 159. (EM 9:7) 1. Department of Zaophysiology and Feeding of the Research Institute for Animal Breeding, Budapest. (Hungary--Calves) 14 flipt, - ca M of bww. x -= 4 FJO Kikik" i i lilts to bam blMd 0 09 te4a ppid. by (MIJA 00 rffmts on The amt. of lwmws Wes ablier 00 00 00 i 4r & 0 0 0-6 4 0 0 0 -0 0 0 91 P " v a 1- I-A A .4 It 4 Ah* PtOPROW4 -"I - O-nrm- -t'Q-a-"- a 4g a. 1, KIW III 513(011), 941), aft. al of 100 dim The t a urea we to havt 2 lin (lboth d= am and r 160 see f Iowa*+) Hit 0%, Opt a, 10 Is w lu 6 0 IN I It la 9 Al a 3 1 PT IS 0AV Al 0*0*000000*0 *047i 699, Nfrv Data or Ore hvVar4won in Viron-Thermal Mag- Vnemuln MeAlarv. fjjal,b adalok & ;Lftc-~ k~ m"gn~ ~Ilung~qkm ) Ander Srah-o- an. %~I-x Ind 'i Izatl lop 1955, p. 413-40 Cr-doing and caldning *f dnLyrnitt-; equipmvill, b3irpteltirg. ITeblt-3, gropl~sl* 32 r-1. Ul A3~ -_;, , ~ -~3 - . , Z% UP- :Kim ~D& 3RE - -w- , t dqi,,SZOv)v$AX And p -fl Xv-17 OT i~41clnuig, 'Rutato Inte- alemye; mlo, a1v tray vary frum 10 to. 70 tum. ivithout affect- tilt: grain ~j -num teu- -r red4cing Ing 01 ea vual~ lime The c.V t it p, f r 1 i z M ;c uvaltrial 0 tile desired 0.5 . mllt of t ~jj 6 tfle tile -dr*nAiiff M" In grultA to a $raiu size of ClAwl-I'D SnInt pm~d 14 Utter *Itkh *,Itp rlppxg~t d. livicitwis La 1.7-1,8 K,/Q!D en f ug is 0- 114 of t The prawut nmq -ff VwLt 1~iqwtlh oly llr Ilai ~uired joy dry At 4 dryinn tvmp. of L".;O' th 0)(Mation of tlic 76% vt~'Sl i. 1wallgible III twth. the uct atul tilt! dTy wbile ~,JIwwbpt kirgcr 41 tile Iva briclucts. 'The dryizjs telilp, shauld not cxLx~nl 70-"'. Dist'r~ hLp2c M m2im phol,~; U M . wa".Tf" cs~aw out.ta JL raiwv r~=t-m b od Cglec"m Thebriqurts were pre ib ) W ;)Iartd in the-reducUm aftAft; ~M!..'A I&-2S-zdb,-mi=0 ced tin 0 6-2.5 invi, Hg. - 'nt tte4 into a ow wk uWm of I lmd ed th e r "his.-The DI WC1 j4jW produccA,.vM QS$- od pex~ttlon, the C ele6ir ----7 47~ q, z - fail Ism. - . w -1 -.- ~ -, - : - - I I - -- G YORGYIJ, Janos (Budapest); CZAKO, laszlo (Budapest) Forum of innovators..Ujit lap 15 no.23:30 10 D 163o CZ.AKO I Mihaly Application of DrOmetor lamps in metal microscopes. Koh lap 9*no. 10~ Supplemaint: Ontode 5no. 10:236 0 154. 0000 9000000006*09660641: 4 41jeoes *00 foe 0 99 41 * 0 04, M100,12MIRITT44-Mv off 00 000 00 of IPI 0 zq I I s A 1, 6 1 A 1 16 is A-J-.L -3L .'Zo r r r It.H I A so 190 *00 0e go go 00 60 4 Utirink Cuk4. R?*.%, rtiliAi C1,Ak-6. CzaktS, and Idd Ciakh Czak(. VID 00 00 4 tuldbefty it" arr 1110,14-ni'l, the txtfk Oft'i the. P .00 rokmvd piwil wjkl., and the hitirr 1xvIlons Wilrd fit a 2";, zoo Ott. of MA011 or trvatcd with Imilhis NlJoCl soln. to xi%-r Une white fibm. Nvin FinAly :4 o 0 00 00 of too Iso to, 0 160 -77-Z * 1134441 ca ~v M U 9 AT 00 It AA A S 0 0 a 6 N 84 0 A 4 3 1 ~ " 0 it at Of a a 01 u u It I " 4013 2 0 0 * 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to" : 1 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 9 a 0 ~Wl W."M, W V W W F a 10 to u 11 10 1) 14 If Fit 'A A- r A L-J-S, At I A L o: .4 00 be 00 -r 00 9 -j* 00 0 0 0 0 0 * O-v-w-A" H un INS Ism MONA 4110460 Textile Uers. 7cAlAnn 00 WkA, R6r-a Rrika Cr, 00 Udikil Csak6, mid Vgvzav.,thirentm, ZoRfin Cj Omawd)). Hung. 131,229, I-ell. 1.11, IIMJ. Nam oo VIF frildherry tree lire the lmtk unit the 1, volored AW11 lsellil., stul OW hiner julstiolvi Imilell in a 00 ~An. of NaOll or trrated with Wifins NIWI %oln. to 00 OiT white fibm, 1-tvin Fink 00 3 *0 00 be 4 I-z7r 1; a;_ _ilZ. oil r-T--T tv 'm , I v W 0 -0 - -I v so 6 a a :l It 0 1610 0 6 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lb 00000 0000 a (0 0 0 : * i rob 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 "00 *0 0 'fee '00 400 :0* 40 ;be we to lee too Pe CZAKOt Z. "My first flight" ps 17t (RITULES, Vol. 6. No, 18p Sept. 1953, Budapest, Hungary) SO: MIonthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. CZAKOP Zoltan, dr.; ARANrOSI, Janos, dr.; BASSLER, Guoztav, dr. Experience with the antibiotic treatment of pyogenic processes. Orv. hetil. 103 no.23:1073-1076 10 Je 162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi F~Mtem, The. Klinika, Sebeszeti 0sztaly as G~,ogyszertani Intezet. (ANTIBIOTICS therY BABSLER, Gusztav, dr.; SZABO, Gabor, dr.; CZAKO, Zoltan, dr. Zxperience with the antibiotic treatment of chronic pyogenic processes. Orv. hetil. 103 n6*'23:1069-1072 10 Je-162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem' OyogTozertani Intezet; M.T.A., K.O.K0I. Antibiotikum Oaztaly; Debreceni Orvostudomanyi F4&etem., Thc. Klinika. (ANTIBIOTICS ther) 1.'BAGSA, Sandort dr.; CZARO. Zoltan, AAMkW1, Janos, dr. 10-Ye ri Complications of aneathe a4over a a period. Orv. hetil# 104 no.42:1978-1981 20 0 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi..E0etem,.Tbc1 Klinika. (ANES"LIWIA) "CANESMSIA, "INTRATRACHEAL) ANESTHESIA, ItOGAI;) * (MUSCIX FMATANTS) FNEUMORECT00) '(THORACONMTY) (ANCKILA) i (SHOCK) (DIABETIC COMA) (ACIDOSIS) (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION) (CUA ARE (SUCCINYLGHOLM)i (BARBITURATES) HYDROXYDIOIM) (HALOTHANE) WAIACOL GLYCERYL ETIM) (STATISIMS) SZENTKKMZTY, Bela, dr.; SCHNITZLER, iozeef, dr.; MATUS, Iaszlo, dr.; -9-499., --Zoltan, dr.; JUHASZ, Istvan, dr,; GONCZI, Laszlo, dr. Surgical treatment of pulmonary echinaeocoosise Orv. hatil. 104 no.47.*2219-2224 24 N 163. 1. Debreceni OrvostudomanYi Egyetem, Tbc-klinikap Sebeszeti Osztaly espolgari Jarasi The-gondozo Intezet. ECHINOCOCCOSIS, PULMONARY) (PNEUMONECTCHY) THORACIC RADIOMAPHY) (MASS SCREENING TECHNICS) t,: A N AROYOSI, %Tanos,, dr.p SZEMEMNY, Belal dr.; CZAKO. Zoltan, dr. ~ .Healed multiple liver abscesses. Orv. hetil, 105 no,15: 707-708 12 Ap'64 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyo Egyetemp The-klinikap Sebesaeti Osztaly. BACSA, ',andor, dr.; C-ZAY01 Zoltan, 3r.; S'.'VAY, RoEmtganolqgic eymdnL4kjc;n of tf-ru ly:~q-'Y u t i ~; z 11 er, L-,.d lyrph p6d5s with oil contrast media. (-'nr. het-LI.. 106 Ja IC 165 1. Debreceni (h-vosLvdomanyll ',~Fyb' Tbe. b!AIIJIa,Hg,,,zgato. Pongor, Farenc, Seb~,szv~i (vezet3t, ga -Z g.,-7 4 Jozsef, dr.) es Rmitgenk-'Unika ilkl-~-~~-7' ~4. OV CZAKONP Jan (Katowice) Present state and development trends of the finishing techniques in building in the Katowice Voiyodeship, Przegl budowl i bud miesz), 36 no63tl34-137 Mr 164, POLAIM BOBOLI, Karol# mgre; CZAKOWO Julian$ dr* Inatitute of Nuclear Hesearoh (Instytut Badan Jadrowyeh)# Waraawo (tar both)* warsaws Memla analityezmj, No 4# July-August 1965P PP 595.602e "Studies on the time evolution of excitation of some Cap Las Vp Agp and Cu. spectral lines by the method of time- resolved speotrosoopy." 'A A 00 3r J: es a a K-1 IL a 41 s? a A. L 4t 4;tlp :7 0.00,61,t~ cc tn CAM I- Z. TA!r1rijMM1 (PrMV, IWAWMI (11ownep l-AV1.9 145). I. w No. 2.1111-13V 0 likatytilitt Waltiro (in PQW' A tww 41" 4wthv")hW ""0-, f,w 11.1 airon in C)AU.1 ~t i,4.n f4mtAining 0.4 f & l l4% o 4.tcrDAjM to pe4l. The time I&kA- 6 2-0" Of 801"41 )AX btft tk%'* zoo to � about J83 itain. wn4-110 ACCUMCY is within vialopim are. a mul. htois, and 70 min. in Int0h-w- J. w! 6,2- v if v -,v a AV W) KW 147 Ift I vr fx s jai a 3 Motatilt** wanx Rig 4:110 DiDtW hE3d- -V itvo-v A dateiiftium Is cat , i el l k Ad T. P ~ - t d A V I bld 6 n vir t e n. ( ts. j v tx~a fillat&W Internal siandard taLthDd In thi: range c4i ko~ea - frobi I to 4% M desalW, Standat(Is 4nd 41) 1 t 1=1 sample-t, prepd. in the jGm of tAbItts. The A, ~j -rpphc4a=vtrs coupled V404 VFM PIAMM4 hY tAlbj 4 ruL P01MM/Analyt ical Mcnistry Analysis or Inor&anic Substancoo. E-2 Abs Jour. Ref Zhur - Khlmiya., No 2, 1959, 4294 Author Czakow) Jej, Radvanp Z, Inst Title The Spcetrosetypic DatexTaination of Traco Amounts of Lithium in Metallic 031ciume Orig Pub Men Analitp ..;Ro No 3p 245-248 (1957) (in Polish Ifith Surm- rics in English and Russian) j Abstract A simple and rapid mothod has been developed for t4%; dc:ter- nination of Li; the uat]hod is applicalle to the analysis of sonplas Uhich do not contain Ke Procedure: 0#5 Lp of the calcium to be analyzed istreated with water, -di,; solu- tion is-evaporated.. and tho rQsidue is ground in a mortar. About 0.05 lp of the substance obtained is placed in tho hollow tip of the bottom,clectrodee Cu.elcctrodcs arc used: the lower electrode hns a diameter of 6 m witii an opening 5 m in diameter and 5 mm in length. The spLctra Card 1/2 10 & 5 ~j Country : Poland L-2 Catcf,tory : Analytical Chamiatry. iluaalyrile of Inorgsuia Substanoss Aba. Jour. Ref. Zhur.-Mb7dya No. 6, 1959 29155 Author Czakow, av_~iteciakj T. Institut. Tit 1 c Spectrographic Determination of Trace-Avounts of Boron and Silicon in Ammonium Fluoride. Ori,3-Pub. Chem. analit., 1957, 2, No 5, 426-435 Abstract Analysis is carried out by the method of ad- dition, on excitation of s,pectra in an alternatirg current are at 20 a. Spectra &re photographed in a medium spectro- graph. On assumAng that '6 of plate, and exponent in the formula I = acb, are equal to 1, the unknown concentration is found on the calibration graph plotted with coordinates CX9 (A-r / Ai+f) - 1 , where Af __ magnitude of deflection of galvanZ)meteF mirror on measurement of background blackening-, Al+f __ same for line. On determination of B at concen- trations 5-1M ': 3~10-4% the analyzed NH F is converted to NaF. Thesample is 1v 'Idea in 4 parts and ~ of these are combined, respectively, with 2,4 and 8 ml of H3BO3 solution card'- 1/3 country Poland E- 2 Abs, Jour, 10 55 Aut, Lor instlitlit. Titlc ,OrIG. Pub. Abstract containing 2.25'9 /ml of B. After evaporation the powders are placed in a.Cu-electrode vith aperture 3 mm in diameter and 5 mm deep. Upper Cu-electrode is cut to a planar tip. Inter-electrode gap 3 mm; exposure 1 minute, the sample-containing electrode is changed after 30 seconds. B is determined by 2497-73A line background on greater wave- length side is used as internai - standard. Reproducibility of B determination is characterized by error of i 14~,b. on determination of Si at concentrations 5-10nJ - 2-10-4 use Is made of carbon electrodes with aperture )+ mm in diameter and 5 mm deep@ Upper electrode out to a planar tip; Cl-rd: 2/3 PorAnD/optics - optical Methods of Analysis. K Abs Jour : Ref 2hur Fizika, no 4, 196%. 10003 Author ; Czakow Julian, Wezranowski Rugeniusz Inst : Institute of.Nuclear Research Polish Academy of Sciences Title : Spectrographic Method of Determining Traces of Lithium in Metallic Calcium by the Spark Method Orig Pub : Chem. analit., 1958, 3, 1-10 1, 9-12 Abstract : A spectral method is proposed for determining traces of lithium in metallic calcium. Tte determine5' region of concentrations of lithium is 3 to 10 x 10-0. The repro- ducibility of the results, calculated by the formula V = to~ (TIR) x 100% is eqxml to approxiamtely � 4% for p-= 95%. A high power spark from, a, 10 kw generator was used. The specimen in the form of CaC12) precBed with graphite, served as the lower electrode; the upper electrode was Card 1/2 170 POIANDAPtics Optical Methods of Analysis. K Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fivika, No 4, 196o, 10003 a carbon sample (spectrally Pure) 3 mm in diameter. One spectra Vere photographed vitIn a Rilger DJ.87 mono. Ckwomator. Analytic curves are plotted in coordinates log (Wbr-seA'Li,6707) vs- log C' Card 2/2 wow Val) t~ ee~i6iilon~ Mmuluni 0M an -outs res tamair VW40vdw VEWMetb6d k the I . lowt . Art.-W TIC 2 -Rad a I d --tv %Vamv) N" eL7- ;Strzviews" Unst . . . -W-4 MR-003h).-Samples of dry U are %velghing 350 mg., grained to 0.06 mm. and mixed %ith, graphite, powder W a zatio of 1.3, were pt!Lcd in the; rr Cu.8ectrude (FOdroan and Ellenburg CA. (upper) SM ~56,,23551)-Tbt holes~wiie adjusted to 3D-45 5m. ex-i posu,res,~ at A CI a. ' ~&W. trAIWOrIner- Or, with, a con- generator 4ther Tillh _ lVent.'"al,400 *,: one_ ~. $Pectrftrapb ISP 51 *M Camera- UP 84, 10 sill vAdLb, 44nm, analytical S~P, was used. 71t, analytical UAP'vas 409D.14-Ail- the 43Wmal standard w33. the 41M.025 A.. lin, ol Mo. .. Mo w" ad4od, in diffeient oma and OZ% for 0.001;-0.64 -anits. d th lniemh it the "Ytical Ible. '' The detm. - LB d i th Th V l eme use e atm. e n . iddii; it dv=qW,'. ACCUMY was 2.87o at 95% confiatilet VW9 Z J7 0/- //,~l Distri- Wo/Wd. ~U ' ` n d in tho Z r a ting me wde due$ it 0 m i t 1jr E ' Czak&r 7ofia Rad n g a t e m a t 1n g - e w j -and Bozena S;~ 'j,%i (49?~ ~ea ~ E - , Prvc.-U?Vj-xler~7Toif. Peaceful Vscj'Al. Nergy, 21--d. Gtnrw, 1958 3,681-4.--Sm C.A. 53 4OWh. N.-To~ X7 MA mvi, P(AdUD/Optics Optical Methods of Analysis. K Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 28641 Author : Czakow, Julian; Steciak, Teresa; Szczerbinska, Otylia List Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Title Spectrochemical Determination of Traces of Coiltami7 nation in Solutions of Metallic Electrodes in Sparks Orig Pub : Chem. analit., 1958, 3, No 5-6, (45-751 Abstract : The method, described previously (Fred, M. Nachtriab, N.H., Tomkins, F.S., Journal of Optical Society of America, 1947, A37' 279) is applicable for the deter- mination of Cd) As, Fe) Te, Mn, Pb, Pr, Cu, Ag, Na, Ni) Al, Ce, Ca, Si) and Sn in H 3P04) R2S04, and NaL The source of excitation of the spectrum was a spark generator of Feisner (L 0.02 m1i, c 1.5,^. f). Card 1/2 137 pqLiUjDI'Optjcs optical Methods of &.1alysis. K Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959; 28641 The limiting det~rmiaable awjuts of elements for 100 rderoliters of solution were 0.1 _- I micro- g~ams. quantitative results were obtained by two methods: 1) photometric method with use of molyb- denun as an internal standard; 2) visually, by comparing the spectra of the elements with the Addink scale. Bibliography, 9 titles- Card 2/2 CZAKOW, Julian Removing disturbances in the work of speetrophotomsters and other measuring Instruments caused by spectrographic sources of exitation. Obem awl 4 no.4:753 -139, MAI 9:6) L.Zaklad Chemii Analytyoznej Inetytutu Baden Jadrowych Polskiej Akademil Nauk, Warszawa. (Spectrophotomaier) (Spectrograpb) CZAKOW, Julian; RADWANq Zof:Lal STRZYZEWSKA9 Bozena --------------- Spectrographic determination of uranium in ores and residues after leaching, using the sifter method in the alternating current are. Chem anal 4 no.5/6:819-828 159. (ELU 90) 1. Zaklad Chemii Ana:Litycznej Instytutu Badan Jadrowych Polsklej Akademii Nauk, Warazavas Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr. Jerzy Rtnezewski. (Uranium) "ZAK JuUm- Spec 'trographic analysis by the sifter method. Pt. 1. Technique of method. Chem anal 5 no.1:35-49 160. (EM 9111) le Zaklad Chemii Anal-ktycznej Instytutu Badan Jadrowych PAN, Warszawa. (Spectrum analysis) (Electrodes) (Silver) CZAKOW Julian- WALWKAp Zofia Spectrographic determination of berylium traces in ores using a sifter electrode. Chen anal 5 no.3:369-375 160, (EM 10:8) 1. Zaklad Chemii Analityasnej Inatytutu Badan Jadrowych PAN* Warszawa; Kisrownik Zakladu. Prof. dr. J. Minczewaki. (Spectrum ana3,vois) (Bery-lium) (Electrodes) CZAKOW, Julian; MINCZEWSKI, -Terzy Spectral analysis by means of a sifter electrode. H.The influence of alkali halogides on excitation. Chem anal 5 no.6:862-V4 160, (EM 10t9) 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw. (Spectrum analysis) (Electrodes) (Alkali inetal.halides) _;-~Ow' Julian Spectral quantitative analysis of traces. Chem anal 7 ao.2:291-300 162 1. Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. CZAKOW, Julian--- (ul.Dorodna - Nr.16,VIarszawa 9, Poland,): YINUE43XI, Jerzy (ul.Dorodna Nr.16, Warszawa 9, Poland) Spectrographic trace analysis of reactor substances. Acta chimica Hung 30 no.3:395-398 162 1. prof., drw Abteilung fur Analytische Chemie des Instituts fur Kernfor- sch-mg der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, `~-8~ A d 002/017/6,98~ 8/081 63/600/ B166/M8 AUTHOR: Czakowq Julian TITLE: Spectral determination of Impurity traoes ,PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya# no. 2, 1963, 119, abotiact 2G21 (Chem. analit". (Polska), v- 7, no. 1962, 2'91-300 [?o1.; summary in Eng.3) TEXT: This article is a review. It discusses ways of enhancing the sensitivity.of emission spectral analysis in direct and combined (with preliminary enrichment) determinntion of impurities in pure materials.. 29 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] C~-rd 1/1 ,.CZAK(14, Julian; MINCZEWSKI, Jerzy. Spectrographic analysis by the powder sifting method. III. 14#thematical method of "addition and division." Chem anal 7 no.4:721-730 162. 1. Department of Analytical Chemistryp Institute of Nualear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. 6WAKOW, Julian (ul.Dorodna, Nr.16, Warszawa 9,, Poland); IMUMWOU, Jerzyp profe,dr, (ul.Dorodna Nr.16p Warszawa 9p Poland) Spectropaphic trace analysis of reactor substances. Acta chimica, Hung 30 no.3%395o-398 162. 1. Abteilung fur Analytische Chemie aou Institute fur Kornforsehung der Folnischen Akademie der Wismenschafton, Spectrographic analysis by the powder sifting method.Pt. 4 Chem 8 no.1123-28 163. 1. De par tment of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Reoear6hq Polish Acadw7 of Sciencesp Warsaw, --M -W CZAKOW,,-.Julian;. ~AVADZKI, ZbIgniew Quantitative spectrochemical analysis of hydrochloric and nitric acids of semiconductor purity. Przegl elektroniki 4 no., 2: 93-96 163. 1. Zaklad Chemii Analitycznej, Instytut Badan Jadrowych, Polska Akade-mia.Nauk, i Fabryka Tewa, Warszawa. -~M -E CZAKOW, JulianAir Analysis of semiconducting materialso-Przagl.elektroniki 4 no. ~/6: 257-263 My-Je 163. 1e Zaklad Chemii Analitycznej, Instytut Badan Jadrowych., Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. DESI, Illes, CZALAY,jqs4op GATI, Tibor, HAJ%Ml, Bela; NIKCLITS, nona; SULE, Pereno; MARKUS,, Vera Changes in the electric activity of the central nervous system in experimental neurogenie hypertension, Experimental evalua- tion EEGG-cur7os by moans of Fourierts analysis. Acts. morph. aead. sci. Hung. 12 no.4:225--232 164 1. Bidapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korele+',%ni Intezete e9 Magyar Tadomanyos Akademia Kiserleti Orvostudomanyi Kutato Intezete. CZALBOWM, Irena; DEKA, Zenon; LITUS I, Michal; MOSKWA, Jerzy Analysis of cases of bone fracture and of their effect on the course of organic ohanges leading to fatal outcome in patients over 50 years of age. Chir.nars.ruchu ortop.polsim 24 no.6:48$- 494 '59. 1. Z Miejskiego Szpitala Chirargii Urazowej w Warssawie u1. Jo- tejki 9/11. Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka. (YRACTUM) GZALBOWSKA, Irena; DEKA, Zenon; IMOSKWA, Jerzy; RYOF14BEL, Zofia Causeo and therapy of delayed unions and false joints in long bone shafts of the upper extremity~ Chir. narz. ruchu, ortop. polska 26 no.6:635-639 161. 1. Z szpitala Chirurgii Urazovej w.Warizavie Dyrektor; dr Z. Deka. (AR14 fract & disloc) (PSEUDARTHROSIS surg). (FRACTURM UNUNITO su'rg) CZALBOWSKA, Irena; DEKA Zenon Remote observations of the hip joint following traumatic dislocation. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 27 no.6*,695-701 162. 1. Z Miejakiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w W.arszawie.Dyrektor: dr Z. Daka. (HIP DISLOCATION) GZALBOWSKA, Irena; DRU, Zenon Complex injuries with special reference to head injuries. Chir. no ad. ruchu ortop. pol. 29 no.4-.401-405 163. 1. Z Miejskiego Szpitala Chirurgii TJrazcweJ w Warnawie Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka. (WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (EM INJUKES) e N (STATISTICS/ T CZALBOWSKA, Irene. Notes on the treatment of injuries ct ba cervIcal spine, Qilro narzad. ruchu ortop* Pol. 28 no.7,.,'.,).~-~794 163 1. Z Il Oddzialu MieJaklego SzpItala Chlrurgii Urazowej w Warszawle (Dyrektort dr, Z, Deka), KOLUBOWSKI,, Wiktor; CZALE.T. Bobdan Pattern species and dynamice.of the beetle population occurring in plantations of Salix cordata V. Americana Hort in the Nowy Tonyal District. Frace nauk toln I leon 13 nool;33-69 t62. 1. Katedra Ochrorq Lasu., Wywza S2kola Rolniaza., Poznan. 0 CZMANSKJ, RaKAN. Ed. IPomanskie; (alb= o PomarAu i wojewodat vie) W. Poznaniu, Wo~ewodzki Komitet Frontu Narodwego, 1955. loo p. (The Poznan region; an albm of Poznan and Poznan Voivodeship. inus.) Poland - SO: MON&Y IN= OF EAST EUROFFAN ACCESSIONS (EW) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 CUMSKA, Dorota GZAMS",,. Dorota Visits of foreign scientists in Poland. i4a polska 2-1 no.l: 185-187 Ja-F 163. Visiti of Polish scientletwabroad. 1. Polska Akadeftla'Nauk, Biurp I~spolpracy Naukowej z Zagranica, SULIKOWSKI, Jerzy; qZAMARSKAy Danuta; HAV CEIP-%TU The influence of false steeing on the initial shrinkage of cement paste. Ceramika 32. no-4:73-79 161. 1. Katedra Technologii Materialow Viazacych Akademii Gorniczo- flutniczej, Krakow., IVANYIP P.; SOUKUPOVA, M.; ONDRUS, B.,-.,,CZAMBELOVA, A.; UJHELYIOVA, M.; SMETANA, K. Experimentil fetal erythroblastosis in rabbits produced by passive immunization of the female with immune iso-agglutinins. Pratisl..Lek. Listy 2 no.3-1:6334-647 161. 1. Z Okresnej transfuznej stanice pri OW v Nitre, prednosta MUDr. Czambelova, z Biologickeho ustavu Lek. fak. KU v Praha, prednosta prof. MUDr. B. Sekla., z Patologickoanatomickebo ustavu Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava, prednosta doc.,MUDr. M. Brozman, a z Histologic- keho ustavu Lek. fak. KU v Praha, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Wolf. (EUTHROBLASTOSIS FETAL exper) 2 1VAHIP Pe; ';.ZAITF-LOSAp.Ania,----DOliNLITZHUBER, V.; UJHELYIOVA, Marta Immunological tolerance in rabbits. II. The influence of intra- embryonal injections of group-incompatible blood on the formation of imune isoagglutinino. Folia biol. 7 no,5:,337-342 161. 1. Blo'od Transfusion Station and Departmentof Morbid Anatomy, District Institute'of National Health, Nitra. (FETUS) .(BLOOD GROUPS) (PIRMWICY imnlinol) (ANTIGEN ANTIBODY REACTIOHS in pregn) GDR/Microbiolo.-7 - General MicrobioloEW. F-1 Abs Obur : Ref Zhur - Biol4P No 11.. 1938, 47874 Author : Berenesi, G., Czanik Be! L .~~ ) choczky) Me Tnst Title Investi(ption of Respiration in Bacteria. Orig Pub Zentr Bakteriol Parasitenk, Abt I, Orig, 167, No 6-7, 523- 528 (in German with EnGlish) Fronch, and Fusiian summrics) Abstract Ho abstract* Card 1/1 SZABO, I.;CZANIK, P. ~ ".1 Mycobacterius tuberculosis and the streptomycin resistance. Ory. hetil. 93 no. 24:699-700 15 June 1952. (CLML 23:3) 1, Doctors.. 2. Taberculosis Diagnosis and Research Idboratory (Head - Dr. Istvan Ssabo),p National Public Syglene Institute (Director General - Academician Dr. Andras Havas)., KIR I,;CZAN1K, P,;RADICS, J. Clinical experiences with streptomycin resisfant patients. Orr. hatil. 93 no.,24:701-703 15 June 1952- (GIML 23:3) 1, Doctors. 2, Ifational Pablic H~giene Institute (Director General -- Academician Dr. Andras Havas) and Koranyl State Tuberculosis San- orium (Director - Read Physician -- Dre Pal Dessauer). =NIK, PaU SERI, Istvan, dr.,-, CZAHIK, Pal?- dr.-, MIDUS, Isszlo, dr. Chemical and physiological affect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide. Tubark. ker4esei 7 no.2124-27 Apr 54. (NICOTINIC ACID ISOMS. off. Oisoniazid, chem. physiol. off.) SZABO, 19tvan, dr.; SMK, Lorand, dr.; CZANIK. Pal, dr.; LACZK0, 3de, dr. Anti-tuberculous action of hydrazide of acetic acid cyanogen reazide. Orv. betil. 96 no.18:489-492 1 May 55. 1. Az Orscagoe Tha. Intezet (Igasgatot Seb~k, Lorand dr.) DiWosztikai Laboratoriuma (vezeto: Szabo. Istvan dr.) kozlememys. (ACSTIG ACID, derivatives, cyano-acetic acid hydrazide, eff. of X. tuberc. & exper. tuberc.) (MYCOBACTIMUM TUBIMCUMSIS. effect of drugs on, cyano-acetic acid hydrazide.) (TUERCULOSIS, experimental eff. of cyano-acetic acid hydrazide. KULU FRIGYRS,-Dr.;-GUNIN PAI, Dr.; VINCZE )DON, -3)r. Bacteriological examinations during lung resections performed in tuber- culosis. Tuberkulozis 11 no.7-8:163-166 July-Aug 58. 1. Az Okszagos Koranyi Tbo Intezet (igazgato foorvos: Bostormenyi Miklos dr. kandi datus, tudomanyos vezeto: Foldes Iatvau dr. kandidatus) Bebeazeti (foorvos: Ungar Imre dr.) diagnosstikai laboratoriumi (oazt. vez.:52abo Istvan dr.) es korszovettani oszialyainak kozlemenye*. (PI]EM401MGTOXT, Invarious dis. pulm. tuberc., bacteriol. exam. of tissue saqDles during surg. (Hun)) ERDOS, T.; TOMOSANYI, A.; CZANIK, P. Demonstration of benzoic acid oxidase by assaying the catechol formed. Acta pbyaiol. hung. 14 no-3:207-211 1958. 1.,Koranyi National Tuberculosis Institute, Budapest. (OXIMSES, detem benzoic acid oxidase in IVoobaoterium frieburgiensis by determ. of amount of catechol formed daring enzyme action) (MICOBACTBRM, metab, frisburgiensis, downstration of benzoic acid oxidase activi- ty by determ. of amount of cateohol formed during enzyme ac- tion) TARNOKY IvaIn, dr.; SZABO, Istvan, dr.- CZANIK Pal dr. Use of domestic hemoglobin albumin in culture media for M. tuberculosis. Tuber-kulozis 14 no.8:252-254 Ag 161. 1. Az Orazagos "Koranyiw The Intezet (Igazgato: Boazormenyl Miklos dr kandidatus, tudomanyos vezeto: Foldea Istvan dr. kandidatus) Diagnossti- kai laboratoriumanak (Vezeto: Szabo Istvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye.. (MCOBACTERIUMITUBERCULOSIS culture) (HEMOGLOBTA) FODOR.. Tamav, dr.; TARNOK, Ivanp dr.; CZANIK.. Pal, dr. Sources of error in the datemination of drug resistance.of tuberculosis bacterts. Tdberkulozis 16 no.9t260-261 8 163. 1. AZ Orazagos Koranyi The Intezat (igazgato: Boszomenyi YAklos dr, kandidatus, tudomanyis igazgato: Foldes'lstvan dr. kandidatus) Mikrobiologiai osztalyanak (vazeto: Kertay Nandor deceased] dr. kandidatus) as Diagnosztikai Laboratoriumanak ivezato: Szabo Istvan dr.) kozlemnyo. (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) DRUG RESISTVICE, MICROBIAL) ISONLVID) (STREPT%MIN) i (AMINOSALICYLIC ACID) HLINGARY/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.; No 71 1958, 30058 Author : Czanik, Sandor Inst Title : The Cultivation of the Black Currant in Czechoslovakia, Orig Pub : Kerteszet es szoleszet, 1957, 6, no 6, 8-9 (Hung.) Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 26 - 7Fip ;7-7 77 - SOKOGYI, $silvasster, dr.; CZWI, Iva, dr. Two cases of bilateral traumatic luxation of the hip. W.W. sebesset 7. no-5:353-356-Oat.54. 1. A Budapesti. OrrostudowAyl Basten 19aleseti Sebeeseti Intesetenek kozlemerqe. IgazSato: ~tubwWi Pal dLr. egyat. ts"r, (HW, - dl slocat ion traume..' bilateralo -that.) (DIS106ATION hip, traum., bilateralo there) CZAPARYt L. CZAPARY, L. Experiences with ensilage on the Alsotengelic Experimental Farin, voi. np No. 10., May 1956 MAGYAR MEZAGAZDASAG AGRICULTURE Budapest, Hungary SO: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, voL. 6, no. 3, March 1957 CZAPCZYK, Teoclor New organization reserve workers handling cargo, Tech goop morska 10 n0-3:68-69 660., (EUI 9:6) 1, 7Arzad Fortu Gdynia. (Poland --Cargo handling) CZAPCZMKI I Pawel Color as an element in industrial interiors. Problemy proj hut maszyn 10 no.5214S-3A8 162. 1, Biprostal, KrAkow, OR CZAPIG A, M. PNIM-1 DMINS-KA-1--C.- Electric cables insulated and covered by plastici-,ed polyvinyl chloride. P. 50 BI=Y-.N' KABLOVIY (CentraLne, Biuro Kor-strukcju frablawych) Oxaraw k Warszawy Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (M,-3 LC, Vol. 8, No. 7., July 1959 Uncl. a t I r ~vi a; o ur Hc f. Flo m- lo, P1 !A, I'm) t 1, IVA T it 1 Cstle;~, Int,iiiatod by 4n Abbtract The clusil-LiPS iizse'~i for the inc-ulation (I) ant': wrqj)-!.n.!' ex?'T--Ansd. It, vIt's the beet nateritil fni- I l6 Pill, prAucel by writer rpsistance and SL ellainctric rrO'x$-- flas of I and 14'. aml te anill'O.'! to C Itit-ad for r-. of to 10 zind, in sc,,,;e oC up to 20 1~v. The stmmturl(s, ex~~joj, prcpurtl!~ti arl the met)-ods of lavtincr G the r)clVvlrylchlorl6e t'(-ld robb"r 71.4R) off aleo thp charact,arlet . POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H-5 Their Application. Water Treatment. Sewage. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1. 1959, 1725. Author Inst :Not given. Title ;Fauna in Purified Waters in the Cities of Gliwi- cack and Maciejowie. Orig Pub: Gaz, woda i techn. sanit., 195B, 32, No 2, 52-55. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 14 CZA211i A. Microfauna of the brackish Pta si Raj Laka. Folskie arch hydrobiol 10:371-378 lue 1. Zaklad Zoologii, Unilwarsytet JagiaLlonski.. Krakow. GRZIKEK B.; CUPIK A krunslatorl p vx.P.MUA=&~' 11 '4EV. A bird with a snakelike neck, Vozechswiat no,22:291-292 D163, CZAPIX, Anna, dr, Fauna in the savage purification Plant in Krakow. Acta bydrobiol 3 no.2/3:63-67 161. 1, Zaklad Zoologii Syetamtycznej, Universytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, u1. ow. Anny 6. LUCHTEROWA Arms; DUTEIEWICZOWA, Elzbieta; IZAPROWNA, Anna Investigations on microorganisms in trickling filters. Acta microbiol. pol. 10 no-4s417-422 161, 1, From the Nature Conservation Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, and Department of Hiorobiologyp High School of Economics, Krakow. (SEWAGE microbiol) CZAPIKI Anna -------- Contemporary views on the systematics and evolution of Ciliata. Przegl zoolog 6 no.2tl26-134 162. - .1. Zaklad Zoologiczny, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow. B.; GWIK, A. [translator] wwMMMOO *ping from the nest into tlia abyso. WazeWWiiit no.4ilO6- 1102 _Ap 063. Vr 03.1.1 Xftws~ MVIK3, Anm Gottus gobio L* Wazoebawiat no*3&78-79 Mr 062, CZAPINSKA., K. The quality of ready -made clothing and the 'profitableness of enterprises. P*1141 (omim, Vol. 8. No. 6, June 1957, Ioodz, Poland) .SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) w, vol. 6, No. 9, sept. 1957, Uncl. -U'ZAPKEi Karol (Gd-vria) Agar - agar from Fo2tsh algae. Frzem mpoz 15 no.21:12-17 162. 1. Praze Wykonsxo v Zakladzie Technologii Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego. 55N Ru. ZAPIOR, Bronislaw; CZAPK=CZ, Jan Elec-trocapillary.propertics of aveous soi~tious ok aminophen.vlpropanes. Rocz chemii 36 no.12si863-101, 163, 1. Department of General Chemistry, Jagellonian 13niveriity,, Krakow. C yj El -15 SO UX--'E S -z k1o i cc~ rnmi'v q n~) 4 07 TUMU TAGS, glass, twic Mdde. boric oxicle aeterminaLtIon, Ueut-I-On me-t-b-1-0. neutrcm mpthcki T-anlA --4- 7 % 7 7-, 77- 7" 777 ::-AP V4 I i,%j al-, 15 uxe accurti-w ae-verml~ iam ions and i~) the coame-grain and ar ures -I.T: z= LU )r jz;u Tall J-0 i==,rl =72 Una be us~ed in w1lass-malkina -cilAhta ana in z-ta?, AY-IA ann, I mrd "'T ~Ml V, 4-1 EN-Nf 24 How ', 111-irty ecoll-)!dc f op,"F;rence assisted ir, thfa of the Plan. P, "21"KLO I CI'I:I.V'IYA Vol. -(), no. 5, '-'f-.iy lcj5;~ SO- 1,1onthl-, List of hast, European Acces5iwls, L(,, Vol. );, no. 110, Oct. 1'55, "ricl. ----CZAPLAP I.- "Is one jump enough?" p. 115. (Skrzydlg I Motor, Vol. 8, no. 8, Feb 53, Warszawa) SO: Mcnibly List of East EuroRea LqUAgl&ng, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Congress SeDt 53 Unal For bet-bar exploitation of suburban lines.~ P. 81 Electrification of railroads in Czechoslovakia. p.99 PRZEGLAD KOL-EGOWY (Wydawntetwa. Komunikacyjne) Warszawa. Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library, of Congress, Vol- 4, no. 12, December 195$ P116 I I*'I-,--_-"-_i