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KUMIS Mop inz*$, CoSce; _CUTA.-Erantiag" prof.,, J=.o dr.; JELIMK,, Jaroslav, iiin. rr I dr. Report.oix the transactions of the Central Co=ittee of the Czechos4wak Chemical Society at its meeting of July 2,, 19Q* Chem lioty 57 no.1:104,-106 Ja 163. nt vOo=etric method lor the dew. of idtainii A h based ons, Color irwWon develME4 by tbe addn, of 50.1% RCIO* to i .CHCJ,soln.vfvjtan"A. nt measummcnts Aft prmtded by entrifus i'lan of a turbhMty formtd afttr the addn. of HCIO,. Ab~~mtlm max. of the colmatlon is 5430 A. For the tolonnetzic method, a standard preod. ofpbwol red at PH 6.4 (Trax. -nbsnption at 57BO A7) wa~ used. The Presence *1 vitarnIn D dow not Inteden "ith the deta. of viltamin A. M. "'! " E- CUTA, F.; STRAFFIDA. F- Electric resistance, salt error, asymmetric potential, hydrogen function, and cbemical resistance of Sokolov-Pasynakil glass electrodes* In Russian. p. 67 Vol. 20, no.1, Feb. 1953 SBORIM CYUIHO=VATSKIKH KHI141CHEMIKH RABOT Praha, Czeeboalovakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol* 5, No. 4, 1956 ZE C H 1, ILUauc cr. 'in nickel sidtfi. Fraritk.!r ~bips arid ]z r h 'Gd. 4 9, 44,. ~t7~-IS~~-,I--6--O.!:i~.2r.-~.~~,~-,S~~,,~ 7 C. and j)Qhmm)B ialti. (Vy-s&kl Vkob cu'M' LiVy 49, 41 ----1 ~ i95a)17 271- ~MUle P~ MMM-MMMU hy zue.;L~ ol a Itil,! clt-ctrode tht '-trd thumodyuwnlc mnst, of at 0. W was drtd.! 6.1 X 10-3, 5-&~ X 10-1 , 75 MEMO --,pga- - j gg g OM lvi I Czechoslovakia/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances., G-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956) 61879 Author: Cuta, Frantisekj Ksandr., Zbynek; Hejtmanek, Milos Institution: None Title: Potentiometric and Conauctimetric Titration of Free Acid and Acid Liberated from Nickel Salt on Hydrolysis at High Temperature Original Periodical: Potenciometricka a konduktometricka titrace kyselin voinych a hydrol- ysou odstepenych z nikelnatych soli za vyssich teplot, Chem. listy, 1954.* 48, No 9, 1341-1345; Czech; Sb. Lhekhosl. khim. rabot, 1955, 20, No 2, 381-386; RuBsian; German reBumg Abstract: A low temperature free acid is titrated in presence of Ni salt by potentiometric or conductimetric method. On titration of Ni(ClO4)2 and Ni(NO3)2 With NaOH solution the entire acid liberated by hydrol- ysis can be determined at 900. With NiC12 and NiSQ~ by NaOH titra- tion it is nossible to determine,. respectively, 99% and 97$ of the substance at temperatures 4500. Hydrolysis takes place incompletely. Card 1/2 .1 Czechoslovakia/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances,, G-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 61879 Abstract: Results that are too low are caused by fomation of slightly soluble basic salts. Chem. Abstro., 1955, 49', No 2, 780- Card 2/2 CUTAP CUTA., F. Continuous potentiometric determination of traces of hydrogen sulfide in hydrogen by absorption in an iodine solution. In German* P9 410 Vol. 21, no. 1, Feb. 1956* SBORNIK CHEKHOSLOVATSKIKH KHIMICHESKIKH RABOT. COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHMICAL COINUITICATIONS. Prahap Czechoslovakia. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 M, 4 MAN RN - -1 - - I ~ -, -, 1 ~ ', - , , I I - - - , - : , : ~ ~ , :-.i.- .~ -1 . - , - - . - -- 3. r CFWHDSLOVAKrA/Physical Chem.Lstry Molecule, Chemical Boal. B-4 Abs Vour: Referat. Zhurnal Fhimiya., No 2., 19A 3522. Author : Firantisek Cut&, Jan Pisecky. Inst : ............... Title : Spectro-Photometric Study of Symmetrical Trinitrobenzene with Sodium Hydroxide. Orig Pub: Chem. listY, 1957, 51., No 3, 433-439- Abstract: An addition of OR- takes place in aqueous Alkali" solutions of By=-trinitrobeniene (I) with 'the formation of an dixy-anion of polyquinone- my be ze~mt_7 (sic.) structure, the seniquinone f which is revealed by the shift of the extinction maxinum of non-dissociated I from 330'to 445 or 485 m,~%. The mtio of heights of both the last =xima and the isobestic trisobathyc" may be meant_7 (sic.) point at 262 m/,ilead to the conclusion that in very much dilute NOR (II) solutioas, one equivalent of rl is added, that an equilibrium of the anion with Wo equivalents Card 1/2 -3-1- CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Phpical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond* BA Abs Your: Referat. Zhurnal Hhi-iya, No 2, 1958, 3522 takes a 0-15 n., and place in II soluticas of concentrations abov. that, if the concentration was above 0-5 n-~, an equilibrium with tln--.e equivalents takes place. Satux-ation takes place at the con- -entration, of II = 9 n. A maximmm at 225 m&4~, so far not described, vas revealed on tbe extintrIsicc. clm.*ve of acid aqueous solutions of I. The isobestic (sict) point at 262 m was used for the camputa- tion of the first constant of I dissociation, X - 1.2 + 0.2 - 10-14. A neutral chlorid,!~ discolors I completely even Im dilute II solu- tions. Card 2/2 _12- CZECHOSLOVAKIA Physical Chemistry~ Molecule. Chem- B ical Bond. Abe Tour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1956, 69760. Author : Cuta, Frantisek, Eduard. Inst :*t-i-iven. Title :The Spectral Photmetry of Trinitrobenzene Com- pounds With Sulfiteej Sulfides and Cyanides. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 9, 1669 - 1676. Abstract: The properties and structure of red colored adducts of a symmetrical trinitrobenzene (1) with,sulfites (II), sulfides (III) and oyan- ides (IV) have been studied spectrophotomet- rically. The above mentioned compounds are similar to the adducts of I with hydroxides but are formed mostly at a lower pH. By a method of continuous variations the molar Card 1/5 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Molecule Chem- B ical Bond. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 69780. Abstract: ratio of both components (in compounds of I with II) was established at pH_,9 to be 1:1. This compound is formed in an alkaline medium above 'pH 7 and possesses absorption maxima at 462 and 470 m A. Its absorption curve at -.462 mAversus sog-ooncentration does not obey the Beer Lambert Law completely. At higher con- centrations of SOJ- the red colored solution be- comes colorless. The coloration fades in light as a result of photochemical decomposition of that compound. The reaction between I and III proceeds similarly as with JI; however, the coloration is stable only for a few seconds af- ter which time the solution acquires a perzaan- ant Yellow coloration due to the presence of Card 2/5 2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Physical Chemistry. Molecule. Chem- B ical Bond. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur.-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 69780. Abstract: ning euvette at pH 9 has a weakly defined max- imum at 440 m/(. The formation of colored com- pounds of I with II-MV might be explained by an addition of SO�; S11m, and CN-to a molecule of I. The corresponding colored anions are formed only in the pH range in which the anions of II- IV are able to exist. When these anions are present in excess and their maximum quantity becomes attached, the mesomerism of the adduct disappears and the solution becomes colorless. The decomposition constant for the adduct of I with II was calculated from the concentra- tion of colored anion graH 3(NO2)3. S047 Card 4/5 3 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Physical-Chez-1-stry. Molecule. Chem- B ical Bond. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Ehimiyai No 21, 1958, 69780. Abstract: which, in its turn was determined spectrophoto- metrically at pH 8 with constant concegtration of I and various concentrations Of so- The latter were calculated from the seconR d*isso- oiation constant of H SO After extrapola- tion of II to 'Abno cofice&atioLi its magnitude was found to be (1.8 0.1)-10-0. Card 5/5 -COUNTRY CATEGORY AB-3. JOUR. A-71(him., i~,o. 23 1959, A*.,o. 82188 AUTHOR T I T L E ORIG. PUB. A B:13, T R A C Tand the riawL'auin of absorption of I are civ cont'd I U, er_ 440, 350;,C.'!-, 1-1, 400, 300: S1 7-10, 461, 220; so 6 0 3 Vio dissociation oon3tant k' _,T. 0 1') -10-- at ")-ii 8 for the reaction (X-SO~) wa S Calculated. The censitIvirly of Vi-,--, c - 4-on of I ""th S03- 2 I- . at pi[ 9 cor,:~titu-uen 1: 1~00, 000. -Lrae di:~.qociation Gonstant of 111 (1.2�0.2).10-14, was' dotermined. The absorz)- tion spectra of i with Mae above -nentioned anions are giver..-- S. Ioffe CARD: 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Optics - Optical ~%thods of Analysis K-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 2., 1959, No 4556 Author : Cuta F., Pisecky J. Inst Title : Spectrophotometric Investigation of the Reaction symm- trinitrobenzol with Sodium Oxide. Orig Pub : Collect. czechosl. chem. comun., 1958, 23, No 4, 628-635 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 126 CZE110SLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic E Substances. Abe Jour liar Zhui, - Xhimiya, Xo 10, 1959, No- 34650 3 ml of 1 N solution per halide ion). The solution was diluted with water to 25 ml. CT was then conducted by usual means at a current of O.P - 10 ma. The appearance of halogen excess was registered by an amperemoter, by means of a pair of Pt electrodes with the impressed voltage of 350 rav. The halide ion concentration in the solution should be >~ 0.01 N. The titration of phenol (1), 0- cresol (II), n-cresol(III), hydroquinone (IV), pyrocatechol (V), and resorcinol (VI) was studied. CT with chlorine Sivas satisfactory results only for IV in 0.12 N B01 medium (oxidation to n-quinone; consumption of 2 chlorine atoms). With other phonols, chlorino gives either non-reproducible or excessive results. CT with iodine is possible only for IV (PH 7 - 8; consumption of 2 iodine atoms, oxidation to quinone) and VI (pH 11 12; consumption of 6 iodine atom , Card 2/3 CZB-,HOSLOVAK1A / Analytical ChorAstry. Analysis of Organic Substances. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Khimiya, No 10, 1959, No- 3465o triiodorosorcinol formation). Iodine does not react with 1, 11 and III. CT with bromino is most universal and yields good results undor the following conditions: I - pH < 1, consmiption - 2 Br atom (at Ph -'~! 2.5, the ratio is non-stoichiomotric due to the formation of mono-, di- and tri-:bromo-derivativos); II - pH