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e opt SquOms for the cutrittil intensity in solutimm Npr., Chrim. I oly 3?, .04 41. It, CO I lie om- -~Wialiiwls ate Niscif ..,I the OA-h-Al if it i, amullied that there is Ito llultuAl halueller 411 tilt ims, Uquatims ate dieducied for the current intensity, when the ion maim is produced by tilothing but ekc. And mmocie Nrces. Equations art extended to the clectrolvic mist. and integrated. the lincar comm. change of all ilm- in the contact layer and clectroneutralily In all avelit"ill tif The Laver being a%mmed. %%*bell the total current initit. sity equills sevot the cquaik-43 irsull,% ill the known l1ruilry. son equation evuluating the diffusklit potentU9. Wilm the intensity diffm front zero. an equatimi is deduced ex presshis the total temloit on the eontact layer its a funoim; of the diflu4mt I-trmi.d. 4 tile teimima drin-ndiur .111 Ih,' rumni imettlit 11M.Allit thlough Milli of the mil. . of Ill.- border sobill. Luatious lot the total trustiml tilt file layrr with r"IRTI 14) 1lw linvior variability W The vm%,hh-jtw- K'Clilm have brell Pronlotill. F.I.Itm PWarbad" vi Gras-ardar jtn4 speomf alder olectodre Nim, (le". Lifty 37, M.3 .7004-1) .1 31). 3~'.14j 942); C.A. 44, IX12t. -TIk- why and when the Anplifitil tquAim: %K, - %Kj f lbe pfilaril.1111i" 4 Illefil't and poviint unler rlvetr-xk~ It cmiodrov.l. AK. t- the etmen, rhanjrom oil lbe r.,11itot dile W the vIkv 1-11"cut. AK, Unit A'J'apprimi,ii. rIumAr, slepritbus til.m the tmii-iiaml fiellf") ill"n'bill, 11,41 1( VO."~ Ckm, U# 3S. 21-2 proak. muos h.dllckY mm~ ---- - - -- - - --- - I- - - e7-. ~l --b , . ". k / - '61 a - " protectim of OMW swkm by pb*vMUmUon is rvviewed. R. Timwom. ~4; 0, M -AV a 0 Mjne 10, Tin i-hilew ta-~ *09 -;;~ rat downlasUr upwing"aft. tramp" ka of 0. an %VMS IM lei Qj? 0 (W V 0 wA tba tnw tmWuk so. WO Z NOW ra-po" a, mw "xied by I a don b 311d. Wt- V. 04 obtriDytblevub!r.HftcwrkawOtbofttkumd JL,' ~Oow to to Ofts by fly, CW , am ~.' ~-- ~ z CWTW Nhb The 63400 "d 0130 06 WNW$ 041 BY ud Z"- Owseb" wii-* th am to 0 - 0. -was+ f" q* "Tw the Atj =14" qn. d tb. dgelambabd ISM/A). -j calbe -(ChA-3A,'7g3y5): U - uOt I a tbb wt. OM b IMM em by W= ZO I$ oft ebazuber aM=. ift; burnpark ci Ions. a 0 -16)8+10 V qbe 00 a "Icom cc the catwc. F 040" dimt3mcketrelYndo'l ktMyw to t ub. An d the urm me* Od. wt. ci the L=.) - 7m V-ohkNL 4M- d the ; -_ - t expregalois an bacrugewcas (kc tw= d M, w V i-Q210- +1m-j4*)-; zodo,deigetralyftubtainkttaistbe .%o 'IL, =0 sal - lot(' Kfil Qjr/al + (jM,/M4). ml t a + Wit.] + 10.1ti'M I A- - X. 'n. of MyM j. tW ;= 6.zbw belm-006 -P-; =MM p6mmucceavertsock.alwat"te destrolylb and'& wd Jr., sn' *qOT. uxb. ce r yu). Fwtbmm% wabb-'s epation pr4!dkb no diverts" betwen the two trampm d ft 4-inwrazz Sb=-. oop. at hifinhe Uri.; the V t ozynnics Pvu" 'Mmuce of s;m,1M. wbkb' we a* In tk* 000 vpwcW cam wbm botb anka MA catim VAMOPM 04-1 smb. cd VFAM. or wben no water as as is us-ported. J. Mart *Sao *"Inv Sign to a- a 16 a .1 A3 a :1 *Jk. 4 t 4 t I to it I'l 11 14 it it 11 is a A b h P 19. 19 s x P St 11 14 It 0 W 410, it V AJ Gd 0 ~L I ` , 11 to A- J it J- % -% UP ltjt~ I if. t- f, 8-11-t ~116 0 A fWz (..t. 011 Normal potential of the blimstAth 9loctrodo. u1n, 11' i' -a ullif it l '(104 6j ir P fa i k N 290 27 . ti u . c t . . o. o a t ry . pil and Kflhn It =47 ~ C A 11% t . . - s. wrlt , fi , ro; octosl in IICI polits, sit4l. with MOCI. ential The ril 6 0.2004 - tl,t%ll V~ lit tdrIVIwe its thr .0111;i I Vlov. ,, l WAII *kill. Of JW-I (S.WtUMIU$ t'WAj4(`tt 11tUAWW % bowel thAt K suclraws with decmasing ^Mity; A j H'j'/(jHi1**J JCI-J). Thus the reactions MCI. + k ilo z-- RiOCI + 211CI awl Bi + Cl + JIjO ;-t Him -t- 'If * 410 not suffixV to expl.kin tile hyAt'.4tic decornpit. --f HiCis. Oiller reactimis I"Ohibly int.-tf,w. 00 es:Wri-tity W collrd -Ao.. J-hr expl. &W,, not dral ~ilh 00 he normal potentJ )f the 131 elrctmir. but will% the it caled. for 11ii-I ot IjAl of the stme clectrMe I go j I from expts. ill a - - is it' m.. when the activity of 1111 %ome relation tO.Cle conetts. of 11 and Cl-. K. I.- 00 4 W- &%o It A J. A I I :~K 4- At so W F-Wo 1 9 IN 0 d3 31-1 0 51 u Is Lit 10 IV, n PORMAI 014 OKU RVItt Ito( n I ~14 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 All 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 101,40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 400 A 9 Joe -.No 400 to Vpv -orpi A -S- 004 we a 0 go a 00 IN III *flu ids M9016#14tisk'11 L-.A-JL-L- "11MAL P j -%--L -A Vol both$, V. RL for pho-1611,411111 Illelfill ;ml)I1l:I1;I ILK) 01"d int la 11'P()4 44 the tail"Ary phosplt4les (A Z11, Mn. AM VC in 11,K), ln.AdV with the quinhytitinte and antummy rrjatiomhip~ tw1orr" thr 11' C-mlrilultA Ity the pb~phme amt the mtio %mnulAry and let. 00 t p tc% in the meat pbosphAte ppts. have Ix-rn '00 lot to timlop equaticuto for do . se factors are u. eAkg. the aint. ol metal pbosplutt rwt~rnt Innn the FAI) of the titration with %:1011 to the methyl omngr md pint i re 0 S I i atA the phemAphthAcin end 1"nl. In u proprOy I Aling bu%phathit tuth, The rAlio lleiwrrn file two fiffi. tions 0. 1. R01wrt M. Finder '410 If' LITENJIM Ct.AUW ATM* CS j". roe Ago !Zoo too 00 0 Zoo An I I a r'd a 0 1 W IN I a .0 3 2 1 -U" Iisi-- ';:4 Ina, ;*1 ;01; llf;LLAII I do; to 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 *****I** go** 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 *0 00 U 00 U 14 x it t, R 0 6~ 0 Q J_&A-1-1. II.- -k-A-L A _x taAd" of pb-pb- and pb-- put". U. M. Iletnah. Pubs. famUl ici. 'h ~ .311M 949 .-The strychnine- 63 1. 0 O 1 VA4 D unit. He of goch (If W. Krupp mitAybdele im; & '31 p to steel 6 nwified by sult- or 4 Fargh 1. d4ttS. Stituting for strychnint a pyfidint mtent IntTd. by utt'l- r* ingi2bod.cdpyfldinetol25nd.olliNOs. Tbencwtea- is equally senjitive but less affected by the addity or at mtent of the Wo. It can be uwd with a stahle MWOO'Soln'to"acethe Um;j add tnolytkute "41. dewriptionancicircuit diagrain cis special nephek"eter. fwm on niensuriltz the voltage tether than the current f"xn I he Owtoelve,cem, Is given. R. hL. F. tv 0 00 ak D%i SVJOOI~ kit o" Qvi "SWCH 'ti Y"T a t V fm 0 01 2 1 9 a 9 U Wr so to a .4 It I 'i 1-1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0-0-0 0 00 00 0 Theoreticke zaklady elektrochemie, j~yd. L.7 -Praha, Statni pedagogicke nakl., 1953. 262 p. (Ucebni texty vyso4yah skol) ZTheoretical fundamentals of electrochemistry. bibl., diagrsV East European Vol. 3, No. 3 1+ SO: jonthly List of Accessions/ Library of Congress., March 195j, Uncl. MRS, VACLIV Uvod do fysikalni chemie. gyd. l,7 P aha, Statal. pedagogicke nakl., 1953. 315 p. (Ucebni texty vysokych sko ) Nntroduction to physical chemistx-f. diagrs-.7 East European Vol. 3, No. 3 4 SO: Month List of WAAM,Accessionsphibrary of Congress, MELrcb 195A Uncl. R5 i-q' -,;I 4~1'1~. CUPR, V. Licht :nc-gTapblo mensuremen1s. V. /Cj4!'r (Pub. Sri. Pyj 1953~ No arrange- n iz,.;IM ment, whih allpit-4 the Rtmlv of Oectrochrmicat promses hy invaus of continumm grapliic recording 14 desviibed. SpeciAv dvsigned cl,mtrical Nuilmoent lwrmits recording of the intensity ana !h(: potuitial of p0atisation of the examind Occtrotle during and ontnedintely -,Jim, ,-he pc-latisation. as a function of the c.-terlial pottriVal. Phottwaphs (go called - elchmngmplis ") obtaincd dwing the study'cf the Passivity of Cr end Sn clectrodes in acid ink-dium and phosphatisaUcia of Fe we relmAuced and di.;,:u%sCd. LAcnm .vi.ct. to u- CUPRO V. Slozene elektrodove soustavy. Brno, Prixodovedooka fakulta Havarykovy wniversity. (1954) 262-299 P. (Brno. Universita. Prirodovedocka fakulta. Spisy. Rade. R 8, cie. 358 (Comp'ound gry3teas of eleatrodea. Kranch and Russian Surmaries. bibl.,, diagre. Zdislav Vavrin: Alkyl-e n selenates. German and Russian swomaries. bibl.) SO: Monthly List of East European.Accession, (EM), LC, Vol. 4. No. 9. Sept. 1955, Uncl. '-f4frto of cApadtY uku el -iiaremmts. V. Bruo;Czeeh.). FuDis. Inc. 5n. C.Mr.- AVIUV S-Y. TiChC7nO.-T--Dh!Z Measilmneuts 1. C.A. -is, 111-;22!~ P, cjc, criteric'n 11~~ p pielty Oect wilb cllecm4cs ~m4 vm ill at, and O.W, 4-45 Slvrn ~y tt.* m3tj-j&. pn of 111~ sysivin vra3 xnal,)Xmi 1" tin ~ Rc CA" where Curmt I pm,~ej thmuXb IvAtanct R and rup:icity C plarved in pamlirl. 0o ibt ba!as o1 thb 41 in "1131, with ama vitfout V-Ttmt p3t-Olnf, 41 a functilan of P~ Frmn mt--amir~ N-aWp~ It iras thrn -,omijbic to &t. C The "PEC cell," (C wat, in pamW with x bmv7tb Contir. b4th the e.m.f. 3carve ani R) wa3 to-ftmed by similar- MRj V. CUPR,, V. Research in metal facing, p. 141. No- 363s 1955. SPISY SCIENCE Brno, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, V61. 6., Nol 2., Feb. 1957 CUPR,, V. CUPRs V. Influence of capacity on elecItrochemographic measuremente. p. 295. 140. 366s 1955- SPISY SCIENCE Brno., Czecboslovakia So: East European Accessions Yol..6, No. 21 Feb. 19,47 CUPR' V. CUPR; V. A method of sumplifying measurements requiring a network of calibration curves. P- 315- No. 366, 1955- SPISY SCIENCE Brnop Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol.r6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 -CJPR,, V. Corrosion and its electrochemicla study,, p. 242., TECINICKA PRACA (Statne nakladatelstvo technickej literatury) Barati-slava., Vol. 7,, No. 6. June 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress., Vol. 4,P No. 12., December 195~ ~- ~ I --- - - - - 11- 1 - - - . -, - , I . , .. . - ---:; --- ---- -- :~, . I -.e AA f-I V. Cons--riervtions of inet.-J. cori-c-s-cn viewpi-nt. p.41. Bmc. Vol. 27, no. "', Y,56. SCUR,CE: East Europe-r.n Lecessions lisL, (LE11L), Libr-,._-;: of Con,7.,reso Vol. .~ No. 12, Decenber .-- -1 . ~ . N~ ~ .4 a . - I : , , - , ~ z, ~ '. r! I v~ f wz OL ~; 1!~4; ~,- , =- -3 t I - U I -. ,-- iii L.A - U Ar CZEECH0SL0VAKIA/'Chw:iical Technoloay, Chemical Product.,j and Thier Application - Electrochenical mnufacturing. Electrodeposition. Chemical sources of electrical current Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12474 Author Cu-or V. Inst De;art nt of Theoretical and.Physical Chelaistry of the University imeni Masaryk. at Brno. Title Investigation of Procedures for the Treatment of Metal Swfaces Orig Pub Vyzkumy v povrchove uprave hovu. Spisy Vyd. prorodoved., fakult. Masaiykovy univ., 1955,. No 3, 141-163 (Czech; Russian mid French sirrp aries 11 Abstract A symposium of papers fron the Department of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry of the Masaryk University at Brno concerning work conducted during 1943-1953. In the case of a nw-,ber of coatings that have been investigated (of Cu-Ni alloys deposited, froia cyanide and oulfuric acid Card 1/3. 55 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Clienical TechnolofV. chel.,lical Prodlicts and Their Ppplication - Electrochemiaii manufacturing. Electrodeposition. Chemical sources of electrical current Abs Jour Referat 71ur - 111.1,11ya~ Wo 4) 1957) 12474 baths, and of Cu-Sn and Cu-7,n alloy coatings) it is shown that electrolysis 1rith alternating current results under proper conditions in coatings Of i'11P.00ve(3 quality. It is also shown that oil cathodic separation of Cii, by use of alternating curre:it, th-a 0--cathode acts, at low current densities in a CuS30), ouliition, as an inert electrode. Bath Compositions are given for the deposition of W and its alloys. Deocribed i-, a generator of ultrasonic wa- ves) thO use Of Which in electrolysis makes it possible to produce thinner Ni coutinEs. Considered are problems of formation aud pernea'Liiljt3~ of phosphate fibas upon me- tals in connectio-1 witll which the author recomends the titration method for evaluation of the quality of the taths A riethod is aloo described for doterraining the ac. tive and pansive stato of i:ietals, and the question is Card 2/3 56 CZECHOSLOWICIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 1-8 'Meir Application - ElectrocheLdcal manufacturing, Electrodeposition. Cher-ical sources of electrical current Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12474 considered of the effects of corrosion inhibitors on the operation of local elements. Data are also pre- sented on anodic filrs of Bi, on rletal coating of plas- tics and the corrosion of novodur (polynivinyl chloride). Card 3/3 57 4 0 'Czechoslo bLk a/Physical Che(aistry. Surface Phenomena. Adsorption Chromatography. Ion Exchange. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Xhimiya, No 7, 1957, 22533. Author :Vaclav, Cupp Instt :flo-c- given Title :To the Capillarity Theory in Conical Tubes. B-13 Orig Pub :Spisy vyd. prirodoved. fak. Masarikovy univ. 1956, No 3, 137-146 (czech. rez russ nom.) Abstract :This is a study of equilibrium of a liquid column of the height 1i in a vertical conical capillary (K) with a small angle ba- tween the generatrix and the cone axis. The author is assum- ing that edge moistening angles in conical and cylindrical X ara not identical. A condition is evolved, under which an equa- lity is possible between the height h of liquids elevation in conical and cylindrical K when the radii of sections of K at height h are equal 'one to another. Card 1/1 -187- CUPR' V. Evaluation of electrochemical measurements. P. 117. (SPISY, lio. 373. 1956, Brno, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions LC. Vol. 6, Ao. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl. CUPR. V. .Contribution to the dtudy of capillarity in conic tubes. P. 137- (SPISY, 140. 373, 1956, Brno, Czechoslovakia) SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 1Z, Dec 1957. Uncl. CUPR,, V. FAUCEKI M. Vacuum metallization of plastics. P. 51 (Cbemicky Prumysl) Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LG. - VOL. 7, 110. 1, JAN. 1958 CUPR V. : DVORAKOVA, E. "Color layers on bismuth anodes. In German." Pe 305 (COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. SBOIDUK CHECKHOSLOVATSKIKH KHMICHESKIKH RABOT. --~ Praha, Czechoslovaka.) Vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (FEAT) LC, Vol. 7, No. 5, MaY 1958 VA f1 V' 4CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Physical Chemistry - Crystals. Be Abs jour Ref Zhur 1(himiya, No 14, 1958., 45731 Author : -44z1av-XAipr.,,_Silvestr Minar,, Vladimir Kleinwa"chter) Josef Prikryl Inst ; Brno Institute CSAV Title : Study of Tertiary Zinc Phosphate. Orig Pub : Prace Brnenske zaklad, CSAV., 1957~ 29, No 11 19-39 Abstract : The structure of tertiary Zn phosphate was studied by the x-ray method with the application of the differen- tial thermal analysis. Solid phases were separated at temperatures of 371 75 and 940 from the ZnO - P20 - H20 ystem containing lls8% of ZnQ, 0*8~ of F 0 9nd 79-4; of H201 and the,aging process of solid PlUses in the air was studied. The solid phase separated at 37o is a tetrahydrate. The solid phase peparated at 756 Card 1/p CZFCHOSLOVAKIA/PhYsical Chemistry Crystalso Bo Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya., No 14) 1958) 45731 is a tetrahydrate while it is freshly depositedp but after two months of aging a mixture of tetrahydrate and dihydrate of the ratio 2 : 1 is formedo The solid phase separated at 941 was identified as a mixture of tetrahydrate with dihy(3.rate) their ratio changing from 3 : P_ at the beginning of the aging process to 2 : 3 in tis ende Card 2/2 COUNTRY : Czec hosloyakia CATEGORY : Physio&l Chemistry. Bleotrochemistry, ABS, JOUR. : Mhim., Zo. 16 1959, I',;o. 56530 AUTHOR : q2Rr~~ TIT S-T , % Masaryk University TITLE. : The Application of the Bismuth Electrode to the Determination,of Acidities ORIG. PUB. : Spisy Vyd Prirodoved Fak MasarykoAy Univ, No 61 237-258 (1958) ABSTRACT : The au*thor has investigated the dependence of the potential of the Bi electrode on the pH. T~e potential of active Bi (in acid solutions) is shifted to more negative values as the pH is in- creased and to more positive values when bismuth oxychloride is added to the solution. The poten- tial of passive Bi is determined by the pH. Neutral salts (particularly chlorides) in acid solution shift the potential of passive Bi to more negative values, whereas in neutral or CARD- 1/2 COUNTRY Iftechoslovakia CALI]GORY ABS. jOU-.R- 11ZIUjim., 14o. 16 1959, No. 56530 AUTIHOR INST. T I T L.3 oRIG. PUB. ASSTRUICT :alkaline solutions they have practically no effect L, on the potential. The results are interpreted in the light of Mueller's passivity theory. A. Chemodanov CAiID* 2/2 51 J 14 t i k ~ ~~ . un '.. . Masarvk 10, - 4a : ~ !ou of ct7f., 11 Curvc%, illuSystem a Or pup-1 cwr,~.nts ta 110t P4,14A tflit calhulic atid wvoi,~. livi arc -ab it!k lbe applic 11ily, ' uf Akimov s c rro~jujj cjjzgt- gz g7a ` 4 , ; ~~ ~10 0~ CUFR~ V., prof. inz. dr. (Brno) RuEit removal before the application of coat paints. Strojirenstvi 14 no.9:701-103 S 164. - -- --- - -- - --- - ---- - ---- - --- - - -- - -- --- ---- - --- - -- - --- - CUPRY V., prof., inz. dr. (Brno) Corrosion effects in using mazut as fuel. Stavivo 42 no.l.-16-17 164. .4 ~ . . . . OUPRbIlov, V. Development of the fuel economy of the Soviet Union in the sixth Five-Year Plan. P. 509 SOMSKA VEDA: ENERGLTIKA (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Technicka qekee) Vol. 4, No. 5, 1956 Praha, Czechoslovakia SC)URCE: East European List (EM) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 MIKOLAS, Milos, inz.;__qUERUNgY,, Vladimir,,inz.; STEINER, Oldrichy inz # Characteristic features of the power economy in Czechoslovakia. Energetika Cz 14 no, 4: 153-157 Ap 161+. 1. Central Administration of Power Engineering., Prague. CUPRIN., Jerzy Adaptation of the Lorand tokograph for the examination of uterine contractility after delivery. Ginek. Pol. 36 no-4:471-474 AP 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych A14 w Lodzi (Eiero-wnnik: prof. dr. med. S, Krzysztoporski). GUFSA, Adrian, ing. (Buouresti) Contributions to the calculus of low pover(S