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T I ij , 1) . Lethod of observation of v;~.;unC he,-AinL- in vivo. --i. t, CESK06LC'lT-'!,'3KA EJOLCI'dE vol. 5, no. 2, Ear. 195c': (Izeelloslovakia - I I SO. L)S'l vol. 5, no - ~i JulY 1956 CHUTNAS J. CHUTNA2 J. Mechanism of the destruction of homotransplantings. I. Comparative histological study of auto-j homo-1 and heterotransplantings. p. 286. Vol. 5, No. 5. Oct. 1956. CESKOSLOVENSKA EIOLOCIE SCIENCE Praha, Czechoslovakia So: EAst European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Biology. Individual Dcvelopuent. B-4 fibs Jour Rat Zhur - Biol., No 11., 1958, No 47595 Author Inst Not Given Title. Sic Healing of Experimental Wounds. III. Study of the Healing of Wounds in Denervated Limbs. Orig Pub Ceskoslov Biol.x 5) No 21 79-85 (1956). Abstract The limbs of rate were denervatcd by severing the n. ischia- dicus and by removing the truncus sympaticus abdomina-lis. Wounds inflicted 3-21 days after devervation were observed to heal slower than those in the controls, when no symptoms of atrophy of the limbs were detected. The results fron histo- logical, histochemicall and from cytoloSical studies on the test animals and on the controls are the same. Wounds in- flicted on limbs with visible trophic changes 14-28 after denervation were observed to turn into open trophic ulcers with typical microscopic and clinical pictures. Card 1/1 17 J .5. V01-10/2 eb 57 K!"GERPTA K7MICA Sec Gen,Pathology 29-1. CHUTNX J. Biol. (Istav ~!SAV, Exp. Biol. a Genet., Praha. *Metoda pozo- rovg'nT _hof~nrrdny in vivo. A method for observation of wound- healing in vivo tSL.BIOL. 1956, 5/2 (86-88) In the cbrarized frog an area of web'2 - 3 mm. in diameter is excised between 2 toes f ixed on a cork ring. The defect is covered by a f ibrin f ilm from f rug- or chick plasma and the hind leg is immersed and fixed in a Petri dish filled with saline. The wound is continuously observed with a water-immersion objective for I - 30 hr. Cytological studies were made and compared with histological sections prepared from the wounded place. Transformation of lymphocytes into fibroblasts was observed. Dvofidek - Olomouc EXCERPTA 14EDIrk See 1~ Vol 7/2 Cancer Feb 59 544- On thi incidence of eojinophile leukotyles in immunological reaction of the organiim lumour homotraniplantj KEILOVA H. and CIIII-MAJ. Inst. of Chem., Czechoslovak Acal of Scis, Prague Neoplasma 1958, 5/1 (34---4-3YI-a-b-Te-3 7 IIIUS. 2 Quantitative study of the cell infiltrate in the neighbourhood of a homotransplant showed that cosinophil-leucocyte3 were the most strikin cell elements. Itasney Philadelphia, Pa. Cq M UTNA, 3 1%achanIsm of ti,e destruction or transplnntings. 11. Transfer of Imanity against normal homologous tissue." CESKOSLOVENSKA BIOLOGIE, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 6, Nov. 1958 Ylon'~*hl-y list of East Europe Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 9, No. 6, Sept 59 Unclas VOJTISKOVA, Marta; CHUTNA, Jitka; RYCHLIKOVA, Milena; POKORNA, Zora On the possible role of irm=ological tolerance in tho prevention of autodmune aspermatogenesis. Folia biol. 8 no.4:20?-214 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencest Prague. (SPEMUTOZOL) (ANTIGENS) (TESTES) CHUTNA Jitka Fate of the second- and third-set grafts in animals with temporary tolerance of skin homograft. Folia. biol. 9 no.2:104,-110 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) (IMKUNITY) CHUTNAp Jitka; RYCHUKOUp Milena Rmmtion and suppression of experimental autolmmune aspez- matogmesis in adult guinea pigs. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.3t 177-1,87 164 La'tudy~~f-.4iii~:Vio-loi~~a-'effectivmom-of andibo4ies in tlw-- development and-prevention o .f1, ezxp~ental autoimmune aspez- patogenesis, Ibid,: 188-197 1. Institute of Ebcperimental Biology and Genetics, C2mmhwlo- vak Academy of Sciences, Prague. POKORNA, Zora; VOJ'TISKOVA, Martay RTCHLIKOVA, Milena; ~N~i'--Titka An isologous model of experimental autoimmune aspermatogenesis in mice. Folia. biol.19 np.31-203-209 163. 1. Institute of F~~perimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sciences, Prague (SPERMATOZOA) (6UBM PIGS~ (DIMUNITr) RYCHLIKOVA, Kilena; 5TPLA~~ Polyvalent tolerance in newborn and sublethally irradiated adult mice. Folia biol. (Praha) 11 no#3:187-193 165 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czecho- slovak Academy of Sciences, Prague* CH Mechanism and kinetics of the oxidation of iron(II)-iona and acetone in aqueous acid solution by ga=a radiation. CoU Cz Chem 27 no.8:1M- 1885 Ag 162. , L Institut fur Kernforschung, Tachechoolowakis che Akademie der Wiseenschaften,p Res bei Prag. BEZDEK., I/droslay; KWERA,, Zaromir;-~~ ~Bowm~irCHALOUPKAY Miroslav Radiation apparatus for the source Co.-60 400 gekv. Ra. Jaderna, energie 6 no.6:202-203 Je 160. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Z/6221 Majer, Vladimir, Docent, Engineer, Doctor. Uklady jadern6 chemie (Principles of Nuclear Chemistry). Pragile, SNTI., 1961. 607 p. Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed. Collaborators: Ladislav Dr6ka, Engineer, Department of Nuclear Pllysics (FTJF) of the Technical University of Prague (6vuv; Bohumir Chutu~L Engineer, Doctor, Vladimir Kaeena, Doctor of Natura I Sci6nces, a n (I Jaromir Mal~, Engineer, all of the Institute of Nuclear Research WIM, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (C�AV); and Adolf Zeman, J)octor of Natural Sciences, FTJF, 6VUT, Reviewers: Jivr'ifTepl�, Engineer, Candidate of Sciences, U"JV, 'C"SAXT, and Cestk'Jech, Doctor, of Natural S iences, Candidate of Sciences, Of the In- stitute of Plf~sital Chemistry, &AV; Chief Ed. for Chenlical Litterature: Adolf Balada, Doctor of Natural Sciences; Resp. Ed. : Vladimir :_:"p6t~_il, Engineer; Tech. Ed. : Ludv'i'k Charvdt. Card lIX3 Principles of Nuclear Chemistry (Cont.) PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students in schools of highii~% educa- tion, as well as for research and industrial personnel onncernefi, wil.h. the peaceful uses of atomic energy and radioactive iso-topes. COVERAGE: The textbook deals with the principles of nuctleac ch; -~I;; Elementary concepts of the structure of matter and atonis and A' -- h c origin and development of nuclear chemistry and radiocloniisb- -.i r E-- I- viewed in the foreword. The main text is devoted to nuc.- le~ar r, ".011s, natural and artificial radioactivity, nuclear fission, an~--I the of, 1) nascent atoms, 2) interaction of nuclear radiation with u-latLe-r, I ra- dioactivek elements and isotopes, and 4) radioactive tracers. Wowkina methods and techniques, preparation of natural and artificial r.-i4-,Ij0activc compounds and stable isotopes, preparation of taggod compounds, and methods of separation, concentration, and isolation of radioacti%*;-I com- pounds and isotopes are described in detail. Uses of nuclear chernistry in analytical chemistry and technology, principles of nuclear cheinical Card 2 X~ Principles of Nuclear Chemistry (Cont.') Z/6221 technology, and principles of thermonuclear processes are reviewed, The following are some of the personal'ties mentioned: J. Kaspar, Professor, Doctor, Corresponding Member, 8SAV; J. Cabicar, Doctor, Candidate of SAences, J. WiAa, A. Gosman, Spurny. Candidate of Sciences, and M. Podest Engineer, all of FTJF, VT; F. Behounek, Academician; J. Klumpar, boctor, 6SAV; and M. Majerova, Doctor, wife of the principal author of this text. There are 1076 references, Czech and non-Czech. TABLE OFICONTENTS [Abridged]: Foreword 13 Symbols, Notations, and Abbreviations 15 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Basic Modern Experimental Knowledge 21 Card W.5 CHUTNYO B.; BEDIIARj J... Constants of s*td for reaction of radicals with chloroform. Coll Cz* Cb~ln 27 io.6:1496-U98 Je 162. 1. Institut fur Nernforachung., Tschechoslowakische Akademle der Wissenschstten., Rez bei Prag. ;: KIJUR~I., Jaromir; CHUTNY, Whwaii-t., Radiation syntheses of nrganlic corqx~-ao-.~s. ],isty 58 nci.9:- 1033-1063 S 164. CZECHOUMAKIA CIUYI'NY, B Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Acadearj of Sciences, Rez near Prague Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, No 1, January 1966, pp, 358-361 "Contribution to the oxidation mechanism of ferrous ions by hydroxyl radicals in the presence of organic compounds." 25032 S/057/61/031/007/65/021-~"~ B104/B206 _~1~40RSt~morgulist N. D., Korohevoy, YA. P,,.4nd Chutov,.~Yu; I., TITLEi Physic al-peculiaritiee of oonvl:rsion PERIODICAL s ZhurnAl tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 7, 1961P Q45' -TEXTs *The':authors study-the emf of energy converters and give data-ok its dependence on cathode temperature and caesium-vapor pressure. In the a die- first part,they refer to the fact that the emf 9 of a converter ii .:fined by the sum 'S EV, *rk In -.on the condition ZE =.O, I and I are the total cathode-, an k' a P and thermionic currents. With the aid of the diagram in Fig. 1 the authors show that only in t1he simplest case 1 (Fig. i), and when..the addi *-- tional conditions I I p0< , S a S and A a A are fulfilled (where'S: a k a k a is the. surface and A ihe Richardson constant), equation (1) assumes'the known form 2 ~T-k In (2) Ta a 7',' Card 1/4 25U32 S/057J61/031/007/015/021 Physical peculiarities of... B104/3206 Thus, the ialue of the emf' be an insufficiently definid quantity which depends on S, K, R etc. It does not directly oharaater y ize the important converter parameters, the current passing through the.-; converter, etc. A comparison of experimental data with the results ob- tained with (1) under the condition I < I shows that I must not b*e p a p neglected. The application of a more suitable parameter for these con verters is propose&s the optimum initial voltage with regard td the output. The dependences of this optimum initial voltage v on the m cath6de temperature Tk are graphically shown in Fig. 4 for pix different cathodes. The authors ref er to the independence of v from T , and 'atati,'.. m k that an increase of v equals an increase of the work function of the M electrons. Thus, v appears to be a suitable characteristic of energy.,: A m converters. In connection with the pnergy 6onversion at comparativelii0wi temperatures'(temperatures of the.saturated oaesium vapor of 150.- 25000) the authors investi&ated tungsten-caesium cathodes att a) low cathode tem- peratures and emission optimum, which corresponds to a monatomic.costing Card- 2/4 25032 S/05 61/O31/0O7/O'i5/OV.'_ B 104 2o6 Physical peculiarities 0 and low work function of the electrons, and very high temperatures for. almost uncovered backings. The experimentally-determined characteristics,.'- of these cathodes for various caesium-vapor pressures show the- positive role of additional aaelium sources of thermio:ftEk. The-caesium-coated metal cathodes prove very Promising'for use in energy converters. B.' I. Mikhaylovskiy is mentioned. There are 8 figures and 17-referencest 11 So'viet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy aniversitet (Kiy-ev State Uniyersi-ty) SUBMITTED t May 3, 196JD Card 3/4 MORGULIS, N.D. [Morhulis, N.P.]; CHPTQV, lu.1. Effect of a mapetio.field on phenomena in a diode with cesi= vapors. Mr. fiz. zhuro 7 no-9:1003-1014 4 162. (MM 15;.12) lo Kiyevskiy gosudaretve,nnyy ~miversitet im. Shevchenko. (Magnetic fields) Wio4s'), ~(Cesium) ALEKSANDROV, Ye.,, ark~itektor,-, CHUTRO, A.$, Inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, F.9 inzh. Bui341ing an apartment house of vibrated brick panels on settling goile Zhil. stroi, no, 4:27-29 Ap 161, (MMA 14:5) (Kharoon-Brick bouses) (Foundations) LIMTSI~IY, Ya., inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, F., inzh.; CHUTRO, A., inzh. House made of vibrated brick panels for rural construction. Zhil. stroi. no.9:20-23 S 161. O-MIA 14:9) (Apartment houses) .. :1 -,it CHUTRO, 01, inzh. Reinforcing the narrow piers of multistory buildings with 11contour" networks when building on settling soil. Bud.mat.i donstr. 4 no-4:22-23 J1-Ag 162 (MM 15:8). (Brick houses; GHUTSKAYzVA.--!ftt Gas combustion in a heat and electric power plant of the Moscow Regional Power System Administration. Gaz. prom. 7 no.5sl6-20 162. (MIRA 17. n) 86096 ,2zl, 2200 (loV3,11112 /-Y~)cjho ~407 S/112/59/000/012/007/097 ..'~ 16 A052/AOOl Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, ElektrotekbrLika, 1959, No. 12, p. 9, # 23987 AUTHOR: Qhutskov, V. M. TITLE: On the Problem of Superconductivity PERIODICAL: Tr. tbilissk. gos. ped. In-ta, 1957, No. 11, pp. 639-643 (Georgian summaiF TEXT: The effect of crystallographic parameters of the atomic lattice of metals on the critical temperature of emergence of the superconducting state T C is pointed out. Using the quantum nature of the interaction of conduction electrons with the lattice, the author has obtained a dependence of Tc on dimensions I of crystalline domains in metals: T. = aG/l, where a is the interatomic distance in the lattice and e is the characteristic temperature. A checking of this formula by published experimental data for thin Pb and Sn foils has given good results. The change of T. at a differeni thickness of a foil and in presence of mechanical stresses is also in accordance with the proposed formula. There are 8 references. V. Ye. L. TraLraslator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Cavd 1/1 CHUTNY, B. TECHNOLOGY Periodicals: JADERNA ENERGIE Vol. 4, No. 12, Dec. 1958 CfUJTNY3 B.: BABIVKY, A.: PETROVAI J. Chemical protection arainst ioniaztion radiation. P. 393. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, No. 5 may 1959, Unclass. ACC NR: AP7010702 SOURCE CODES CZ/0038/66/000/010/0371/0378 AUTHOR: Chutny, Bohumir; Plandor, Emil ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, CSAV, Rez (Ustav jaderneho vyzl=. IT CSAVj; /j-~iANDNVI Institute for Research, Manufacture and Application of T?zdioisotopos, Prague (U~tav pro vyzkum. , vyrobu a vyuzitt radiolzotopu) TITIS: Pro.-ress of radlochomical research Czechoslovakia SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 10, 1966, 371-378 TOPIC TAGS: radiation chemistry, radioisotope, chemical industry SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: A brief review Is given of radlochanical research In Czechoslovakia and technological applications of radioisotopes in its industry. Extensive bibliographies are included. Paper presented by H. Komurka. AW Cord. UD~..- 541.15(437) RUM11KO, P,; CHUTOVg A.,Te.; SACMV, S.T.; MARDYYEV, M.M.; SOKOLISKIT, I.Ye. Throughout the Soviet Union. Veterinariia 36 no.9:92-95 8 159, (MIRA 12:12) (Veterinary medicine) CHUTOV, K. V. "Side Diffusion of Dyes during Transferring of Images which Occurs in the Hydrotypic Method of Color Photography," Zhur. Krik. Khim . Vol. 22, No- 3, 1949 7`7 '_~-SOUIWZ CODE*. UE70120/65/000/00610171/0174~ ~-ACC MR% AP60.01597 f7' -Beskroyny Go vovarov, 8* Poo, AUTHOR: _yt 1. relldnaldy, Yui, Va; Pi Chuvashov, ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics. AN KazSSR (Institut yadernoy fizilo" icas, TITLE: Wide-range instrumant for measuring intensities of nonuniform magnetic fields SOURCE: FAbory i tekWka eksperimenta, no. 6, 1965, 171-174 TOPIC TAGS;. magnetic field measurement, magnetometer ABSTRACT: The development of a new wide-range (7-350 oe) magnetotheter is reported; an aperiodic circuit with DFPG o& , cc -diphanyl p -picrylhydrasyll iiiductively or, capacitatively coupled with the resonant circuit of a r-f oscillator to used as an EP,R-signal sensor. The conventional scheme of EPR spectrometer is- employed. , The magnetorneter permit .a measuring field intensityltith an error of 0. 00 1 at gradients up to 100016 per cm.. The error for uniform fields may be reduced _r to.(Z-5)x 10 The entire range 7-350 ce, or 20-2000 Mc, is covered vdthout changing the sensor. The ma 0 _--f standard Soviet-n2ade-, pet-meter consistis~ instruments and -devices 0x1g4.'4rt'* bas: .3 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: ~7j, 0I. SUB ht DATZ.4 050ct64 ORIG REP: 002 OTH REP.- Lg2rd' VDQ 621.317.443 SOV/137-59-1-973 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 13Z (USSR) AUTHOR. Chutskov, V. M. TITLE: On the Problem of Superconductivity (K voprosu o sverkhprovodimosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tbilissk. gos. ped. in-ta, 1957, Vol 11, pp 639-643 ABSTRACT: The relationship Tcr = a 0/1 , where Tcr is the temperature of transi- tion into the superconducting state, a is the period of crystalline lattice, I are the linear dimensions of an individual crystallite, and 0 is the characteristic temperature, was developed from elementary considerations. The author notes that the changes in Tcr observed in various experimental undertakings can be attributed to changes in the dimensions of the crystallites. P. S. Card 1/1 L 237Z4-66- EWT (in) DIAAP 8/60L/IDCW(~43 16 ACC -NRV- AP60-15271 SOURCE CODE UR 0251, V03 .AUTHOR: Chut'skov, Ve MV ORG: 5bilisi-Ndagogichi Pushkina (Tibilisskiy pedagogicheskiy insti UtY TITIE: Some isotopie effect SOURCE: AN.GruzSSRv 8oobshcheni~at' v- 38, no. it 19659 37-43 TOPIC TAGS: DOye temperature' hamonic.oscillation'-superconductivityj, isotope A13STRACT: The paper concerns. the effect of'isotopic substitution of the atoms. of a solid-on the freqnencies of harmonic oscillation, the temperature of transferring to the superconducting state# and the Pebye temperature. It is established that the temperature of transferring a sample from the normal to the superconducting otate-and,back and the Debye temperature are nonlinearly dependent on.the percentage of isotopic content in the sample; varying the percentage of isotopic content in the sample causes a variation in the temper- ,ature interval in the transfer of..the sample from the normal to the supercon--. iducting state.', Luring isotopic substitution the theraml capacity of the ;sample changes in the region of low temperatures, and this. phenomenon can- be made use of to determine thelsi6t6pic co~tent-of the sample, This paper was presented byCorresponding member, AN GruzSSR,.M. MirianaBh o 20 July 1964* Orig. art. has: 12 formulas. .EJPRS] SUB CODE: 20 SUM DAM 2OJul64 ORIG REF: 005, OTH REF: 001-. Card CHUTSKOV, V.M. Some regular features in the isotppe effect. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 38 no.1:37-43 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:12) MUMOV, A.A.; BODROV, 'F.Vq SHAFRAN, 1.Y.; t',IIUJVA,",FKO, A M.-, "ITANIN,,, V,P-; th tAei of but-- QU ln,v,~,73 t.Agatdrg Un regulal, inkage J ri rs -,-oiling oe high Olape-5. _IZv.vy3.u-hpb.-,av.; cLarn,met, 8 rc . 889-93 165. (MIRA 18:15) CHUVAhII IN, V. S. , ~- - - - CHUVAKHIIIJ V. S., and others. A Guide to the Control of Pests and Diseases of, Agricultural Plailts.- State' Pubn-s-h-i-n-e,-H-o-u-s-e--oT-s-ov-9 7oz--an-d-T-olkhoz literature, Moscow, 1945) Ed. 5, 496 pp.,..464.4 C472 SD- SIRA - SI - 90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 "Future Direction of Scientific Research in Protecting the Cotton Plant Against Diseases and Pests," Khlopkovodstvo, No.2, 1952 r! u'! Vh K IV) S~ CHUMANOT. Ta.I., redaktor; CHUTAKHIN. V.S,6. redaktor [cotton, growing) ftlopkovOdLstvo. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 407 (KLRA 10:8) (copt;on grolfing): ORUVAKHIN, V.S. --- 5111 , In Canada. Zashch. rast. (C9nmdA--?lanis,^Protection ot vred. i bol. 3 no.1:52-51 Ja-F '58. of) (MIRA 11:3) VOLKOV, Alekoandr Nikolayevich; GMIASIKOV, B.A.; ZARING, P.V.; KUWIXOVA, K.S.; NIKIFOROT, A.M.; PROKOPENKO, S.F.; POPOV, S.D.;_CHUVAKED. V.S.; MIffMOVA, V.R.. red.; GORI, Z.D.,; OUREVICIT.,-- -R-.R-., [Manual on controlling posts and diseases of farm crops] Posobie po bor'be a vrediteliami i boleznismi sellskokhoziaistvennykh kulltur. Izd.10. ispr. i dop. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry. 196o. 615 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Agricultural posts) (Plant diseases) CHUVAKHIN, V.S.; ALEKSAEDROV, N.V.; SHVER- Ye.V. 2 Protection of plants in.India. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol.' 5 no.9i52-55 S 160. KTRA 15:6) (India-Plants,, Protection of) ITAUVAKHIN. V.S. The 17th Afghan-Soviet Conference. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.309 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3-1) 1 (Plants, Protection of-Congresses) POKOKY9 I.;'.. 'TROSHANIN, P.G.;-CHIB[AK-HJlL,-VSj- KRULI, E.L. [Kralll, E.I, nauchryy sotrudnlk InforgatLon and news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no-3: 56--61 164. (MIRA 174) 1. Zampstll.tell nachallnika Gosudarstvennoy inspektsii po kamn,tlnil 1 zashchite rasteniy Mini-ster.94-lva sellskogo khozyaystva SSS-R (for Chuvakhin). 2. Inst-Itut zoologii i botaniki AN Estonskuy SSR, Tartu (for Krall'). AUTHORt Groben', Is It; 3~~e&3A=vv M. Ye-S Xondra B, N,; N~sUrenko# As Des I* Hog KFoM9RWj-V* G-ej C"enko, 1. M. ORG: none TITLE: Profosaor Is X~ Fedchonko (60th birthday azA. 35th anniversary of his 90iox amd podago&al actitlty7 SOURCEs Elektrichostvo, no* 10, 1964, 87-88 ToPIC TAGSt electric engineering personnel, electric engineering ABSTRACT: 'September 26, 1964 ivas the 60tb birthday of Ivan Kirilovich Fedchanko, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Professor In Charge of the Chair "Tolchnika vy*eokikh napryaxbeniy11 (High-voltage ongineering) at the Kiev, Orde? of Lenin, Polytechnical Institute* His entire career was spent at this institutes He successfully defended his 41aaertation In 1936 and became a reader (docent). He has published more than 60 scientific papers. Between 2934 and 1940 be, set up production of domestic bigh-voltage capacitors. Much of his activity bee been devoted to capacitor' problems* After the war be worked on the problem of earth conductivity amd use of earth as a return In power transmission. redahenko took his doctor-. ate In .1952 dIfsading a dissertation on earth as a conductor, which was do card 1/2 UDOi 621,3427.3 ACC NRi AP6=4n later published as the monograph "Toorlya somlyanogo proyoda" (Theory of earth an a conductor), lie boa worked extensively on Insulationso His most recent work Is on electric arose For his aablevvnents Pedobanko holds two orders of the Red Banner of jAbor, In addition. to several military vards h4st -1 figure. Orige art WD CCWs 09 / SM DATEs none C"OviiKIIINA) ZJ7. SMIRNOV, Ye.S.; CHUVAKHM, Z.F. Inheritance of acquired characteristics anii the -problem of the origination of-peats. Vest.Mook.un. 8 n0.5:17-26 Kv 153. (91-R- 6:8) 1. Kafedra entomologii. . (Insects, Injurious and beneficial) (Inheritance of acquired characters) SKMOT, U.S.; COVAMMA, Z.F. Visual distinction of number, size, and form in Nusca domestic& L. [with English summary in Insert]. Zool.zhur. 35 no.4:560-571 Ap '56. (NLRA 9:8) -- 1. Kafedra entomologil Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universitets .,-. imeni N.Y. Lomononova. Orlies) - --- -1-1 1 __ --I----- ------- __ ___' I_ - - - __ - __ - , Smmov, n. S. , 11 1 o k" Plant-Lice Develomment of hereditary Ftdaptution to a nk--w feedi-ng n1ant b;r Yeomysus circumflexua Buckt. (Aphididae)., Zool, Zhur, 31, no. 4, 1952 9. Monthly List af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress 'Ortober 1952 __%m Uncl. AUTIPOV, Nikolay Ivanovich, kand. biol. nauk, dots.; SHEWNRIA, I.M., kand. biol. naukj otv. za vypvsk; CHUVAKIN) A.Lj, red.; AZOVKIN, N.G.,, tekhn. red. [How plants feed and grow]Kak pitaiutsia i rastut rasteniia. Riazan'. Riazanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 166 p. (KIFLA 15:12) 1. Ryazanskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (for Antipov). (Plants-Nutrition) (Growth (Plants)) FOLYAKOV, G.V.; T~MSHEV, A.Ye.-, FEDOSEY*EV, V.S.;-CHUVAKIN,-V-.S--- Methodn for extractinp micas from Iftne-pTained. rocks and sma)l fractions for absolute aae determinations. Geol.1 geofiz. no-7: 99-101 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut Peologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR j Tomskiy poiitekbnicheskiv institut. (Geological time) CHUVAKINA, V. A. CHUVAKINA, V. L.-. "The effect of-,various growth conditions of young bybrid seed potatoes ontheir productivity.4 Author's abstract of a dissertation submitted at Omsk Agricultural Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Omsk, 1956. (Dissertation forthe Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Science.) Knizhnaya Letopist No 32, 1956. Moscow. CHUVIMI.Kovp K.Ka Casuistics of heart injurios. Trudy Inst. klin. -J ekep. k'-"--. All Kazakli. SIM %-104-105 163. (9TRA 17712) CIJUVAKOV, N. A., Engr PA 167T52 Ang. - ~Tk.uckx, Woldift Aug 50 "Automatizatibn and Mechanization of Assembly- .:Welding Operations in Manufacturing All-Metal Bodies for Automobiles," Engineers, 3. A. Chu- vakov, V. I. Gorbachev "Avtogen Delo" No 8, pp 9-12 Describes welding equipment for mass production of all-metal cab of ZIS-150 truck. Subject processes developed in three directions: con- struction of,special automatic multiple-spot welding machines) mechanization of assembly 'stands and equipment,and development of porta- ble tools for spot weldirg. 411M 167T52 to MAXaOV. A.F.; OBOROTOV, I-Te.; KALYADIN, I.I.; 113UNKO, L.I.; FXWILITSA~ V.R.; NECHAYEV, 3.N.; IIhVYWV, A.M.; IV"OT, N.G.; W1990-Y.P.I.; FILIKOV, P.V.; LARIKIN, G.D.; SVYATKIN, V.V.; SHARIFMIN, K. Railroad workers address metallurgists. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.8-14 Ag 160. (MIU 13:8) 1. Kovylkinakaya dietantslya *puti i putevaya mashinnava stantsiya No.66, stantsiyz~ Kovylkino, )Wybyahevskoy dorogi. 2. Machallnik Kovylkinskoy distantaii puti (for Makarov)- 3. Sekretari partbyuro, stantsiya Kovylkino, KxWbyshevskoy dorogi (fnr Oborotov, Nechayev). 4. Predseclatell meatkoma, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Kalyadin)- 5. Sekretari Vs9soyuznogo, Leninskogo kommunisticbeekogo sovuza molodeshi, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyahevokoy dorogi (for Yelenko, Ivanov). 6. Nachall- nik putevoy maahin=7 stantsii No.66, stantsiya Kovylkino, kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Perepelitea). 7. Chlen meatkoma, ataixtaiya Kovylkino, Kuybysbevakoy dorog7 (for Davydov). 8. Rakovoditeli brigad i udarniki kommmistichoskogo truda distantsii i putevoy mashinnoy stantaii No.66, staatsiy Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Chuvakov, FilIkov, LarIkin, Svyatkin, Sharifullin). (Railroads--Rails) YELOVATSKIY, Ivan Pavlovich; SHIBANOVA, A.A., red.; CHUVALDIN A.M red. kart; DRANNIKOVA, M.Sop tekhn, red, ~i~ (Countries of Southeastern Asia; economic and geographical studylStrany IUgo-Vostochnoi Azii; ekonomiko-geo raficheskii ocherk. Moskva Uchpedgiz, 1961. 293 p. fM 15:8) (Asiap Southeastern-Economic geograpby) CHUVAIDIN, A.M. More about the "Geographical Atlao of Tambov- Province.* Geod. i kart. no.ls64-68 Ja 163. (MM 1632) (Tambov Province--4kps) CRUVALOVA, X.T.;ROZXNNAN, Antibiotics in control of diphtheria bacterial carriage. Pediatrila, Mook-ya -ao.6:63-72 Nov-Doe 1953. (CTX1 25:5) 1,,.Of.the Infectious Division of the Department of Pediatrics (Read of Department - Prof* G,, NO.Speranskly, Active Member ANS'U=;' Head of Division -- Doctor Medical SciaiLces M. Tea Sukhdreva)'of itie Central Institute for the Advanc,-Id Training, of Phyp ialane, --and the, Taborat;ory- (Read - Doctor Medical Sciences Ye. A4 Kost) of Clinical Ordar of Lenin Hospital imeni S*' P. Botkin. CHUVALOVA, M.T.; ROUNMAN, L.A. Antibiotics in control of bacteria carr7ing in diphtheria. Pediatriia, no.6:65-71 N-D 153. (MMA 7:1) 1. Is infektaionnogo otdeleniya kafedr7 pediatrii (zavedu7ushchiy kafedr07 - deystvitellnyy chlen Akademli meditainskikh nauk SSSR professor G.N.Speranak17, zaveduyushch17 otdalen17em - doktor meditainakikh nauk M.Ye.Sukhareva) TSentrallnogo institute uso- vershen8tvovan17a vrachey i laboratorii Klinicheskoy ordena Lenina bol'nitsy im. S.P.Botkina (zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey - doktor meditsinskikh nauk Ye.A.Kost). (Antibiotics) (Diphtheria--Prevention) SUKMRAVA, M.Te.; GHUVA,LOVA, M.T.; BLYUHINTALI, K.V. Plating come laboratory methods for diagnosing d1phtheria. Ifib,delo 3 no.3:44-47 MY-Je 157. (RLRA 10:9) 1. Is infektatounogo otdola kafedry pediatrii (zav. - prof, G,M. SperanBkiy) TBeitrallnogo instituta usovershenetyovaniya vrachey i laboretorii, (zav. - prof. Ye.A.Kort) KlInicheskoy ordena Lenirs bollnitay luent S-P.Botkina. (D IPHTHIM IA ) CaUVILOVA, M.T. ~&Or.K- Using paper disks for determining the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics.' Lab.. delo 4 uoo'6:25-28 R-D 158 (MIRA 11:32) 1e Iz laboratoril (zav. - Prof. Ye.l. lost) bollnitsy imeni S.P. Botkina, Hook7a. (ANTIBIOTICS) (BACTERIA, RMCT OF mun's nu) C A- u rp Determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics. Med.sestra, 18 no.4:25-26 Ap '59. WiRA 12:6) 1. 1z laboratorii klinicheskoy ordena Lenins, bol'nitsy imeni S-P-Botkina, Moskva. (ANTIBIOTICS) (BACTERIA6, RVMT OF DRUGS 011) CHUVALONA M.T. _ material from the patient for bacteriological investigation. (KM 14'7) Med. sestra 20 no.6:43-48 Je 161. 1. Iz laboratorii Gorodskoy Uinicheskoy ordena Lenina Wlnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina, Moskva. (BACTERIOLOGY, MEDICAL) SALINIKOV., V., inzh.; DOLGOV, V., inzh.,- DUDNIKOV, V.; CHUVANOV, V.; VALIKOV., Yl. &change of experiences Avt.transp. 42 no.12:49-51 D 164. (MIRA 18~4) CZECHOSLOVAKIA VOSTALl J. . KOMARKOVAp A.,. qEY&M,_X;,_11U1titute of Work Hygiene and Occupational --- Diseases Hygiany Prace a Chorob z Povolani), Prague. "Relationship Between the Metabolism of Citric Acid and Collagen in Bone Tissue." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Pysiologie,Vol 150 No 2, Feb 66, pp 122-123 Abstract: Experiments with 143 white rats of 12 age groups.showed that tb e is a simple parabolic relationship between the Ga bone content and body weight, but-the increase in citric acid content cannot be expressed in a simple way. It appears that the content of citric acid is connected to the metabolism of protein components of the bone tissue, and in not connecte~~ with the content of bone 4ydroxyapatits. 3 Western referendest - Submitted at '116 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 2613ep 65- 1/1 kO~ NRs 031470 SOURCE CODE: CZ10008166100010031(YJ1210.333 AUTHOR: Hurych, Josef; Chvapil, Vdlos b. -Off ORG: -Institute for Work Hygiene and for Occupational Diseases, Prague (Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolanij T1TLE: Biosynthesis and rmtaboliz&,of collagen SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no- 3. 1966P 31.2-333 TOPIC TAGS: biosynthesis, biologic mettbolism, protain .ABSTRACT: Metabolism of collagen depends on the atypical content of aminoacids,-and the presence of hydroVproline and hydroxylysine, on the amount of tropoconagen, and its age. The structure of tropocollagen is discussed. Biosynthesis of collagen is compared to the synthesis of proteins. Activation of hydraxyproline and hydraxylysine, their complexes with s-ribonucleic acid, fcrmation of peptidic chain-F3, and the investigation of the structure of collagen by an electron microscope are described. Hydroxylation of proline and lysine, formation of their hydroxy- derivatives, metabolism of collagen proteins, and the mechanism regulating this metabolism are described. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 3 formulas and 3 tables. 1JPRS: 3600021 ~SUB CODE: 06, 0`7 / SUBM DATE% none / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 10 2 - .111 -1b)- PHUVARDINSM, V.G. Continental gIACiAtiOn Of Finland and Seandinavia. Prirod. abet. i fauny prosh. no.ls66-96 163. (MIRA 1728) CHNANW, A.M., inshener. I .Producing large blocks made of saved limestone-shell rack using calibrated machines. lekh.stroi. 13 no.9:24-25 JI'156. (Moldavia-4uIldiiag blobks)- (NLRL 911l) - _'q ~IR,jAvel Dmitriyovich;-BELOV, M.P., red. [Large-panel construction in Khabarovsk] Krupnopanell '- noe stroitellstvo v Kbabarovske. Khabarovskp Khabarovskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1963. 26 p. (M1RA 17:5) 1. Glavnyy inzhener treats. "Khabarovskzhilstroy" (for Chuvashev). CHUVASHEVA, B., inzh. (Moskovskaya obl.) 'C: Preventing corrosion of an automobile body. Za rul. 20 no-3:26 mr. 62. (MIRA 15:3) (Automobiles--Bodies--Corrosion) FEDOROV, A.F.; TARAPIKOV. G.M.; FARADZHEVA, Ye.D.; CRUVASHEVA9 K.K, Prapar,Ativn of a submerged culture of Aspergillus oryzae for brewing. Form. i spirt. prom. 31 no.7tl5-17 t65* (IC-Rk 18sil) 1. Vorozezhakiy tekhnologicheakiy institut. KUZIMIN, A.Ya.; CHUTASKINA, N.P. 1. a. Value of polyploid plants to agriculture. Dot.zhur.40 no.6: 844-850 N-D 155- (MLRA 9:4) l.TSentrallwya genericheakaya laboratoriya imeni I.V.Michurina, Michurinsk. (Polyploidy) KUZKIN, A. a., kandidat 211IRONKIN, I. M. sellpkokhozyayotvannykh nauk; CHUVASHINA, N.P.; Tetraploid currant. Dokl.Akad.sel'khoz. 21 no.10:23-28 '56. (NLRA 9:11) 1. TSentrallnaya gonaticheakeya laboratoriya imeni I.V. Michurim. Fre'dstavleno akademikom P.M. Takovlevym. (Currants) Country : USSR m Cateeory: Cultivated !~laxrtts - Fruil - Derries. Abs Jour: D =-iol., No 11, 1553, No 49135 Author KUzImin, '..Ya.; Chuvashina, N.P.; Zhirora;in, I.M. List Title Tetraploid Currant Plants. Or*.*,G Pub: Dokl. V,,,%.SKHNIL, 1956, No 10, 23-28 .Abstract: Triploid (2n-24), adequately fertile currmt plants with viable seeds were obtained for the first tine at the Central Genetics Laboratory (Michurinsk) by hybridizat.i.on of the red currant with bInch. In di- ploid seedlin(;s of the first generation, plants with tetraploid set of chromosomes (2n=32) were found. Card 1/2 'Country : USSR Ii CatcGory: Cultivated Plants. Fruit. Berries. I* Abs Jour: RZhDiol-, Ito 11, 1958, No 49135 Data of anatandcal, morphological, and b*-'ological studies of these plants is cited. Increase in the size of shoots and leaves is connected w-;.th increase in the size of the calls. -- I.K. Fortu-natov. Card ; 2/2 M-173 KUZIMIN, A.Ta.; ZHIRONKIN. I.M.;,CHUVASHINA N.P. A tatraploid current plant among the Kyz3rrgen Daviaion's Ho.8 hybride. Biul. nauch.-takh. inform. TSGL no.4:30-33 157. (MIRA 12:1) (Current breeding) (Polyploidr) CHWASHINA, N.P. Self- and cross-pollination in new high-grade currant seedlings. Trudy TSGL 6:447-458 '57. (MM 12;10) (Currant breeding) CIIIJVASHEVA, Natallya Petrom, doyarkal deputat Verkbovnogo Soveta RSFSR; KORCLEV-,-M-.R-. ', red.; VORONTSOVA, Zaa, tekhn. red. (For 7000 kg. of milk from our cows in a-year] Za 7000 kologramov moloka ot korovy v god. lzbevsk, Udmurtskee knizhnoe izd-vop 1959. 22 p. (MIRA 34:12) 1. Kolkboz in. Leniha Debegskogo rayons. (for Chuvasbeva). (Milk) CHUVASHINA, N.P., ka3idebiologicheakikh nauk Effect of gibberellin on the combining ability of distant forms of plants; Trudy TSGL 7:183-189 161, (MIRA 15:10) 1 ( ibberellin) (Hybridization., Vegetable) MELINIKOV, V.K. CHUVASHINA Physiological and biochemical characteristics of sterile pollen from remote hybrids of frui't-and berry plants. Fiziol. rast. 11 no.2:330-333 W-Ap 1646 (MIRA 17:4) 1. I.V.Michur-In Central Genetics Laboratory, Michiirinsk. ACC NR, A1160j2086 SOURCE CODE: ITIV-65f7_16-C1666 AW401M. Chuvashov, A. (Engineer; Lieutenant colonel) ORG: None TITU: Conveying machinery SOUIRCIZ.: Telduiika i vooruzheniye, no. 9, 1966, 54-57 TO?IC TAGS: conveyina equipment, hoisting equipment, conveyor, fork lift vehicle TITs-10 conveying equipment, KTsZhS conveying equipment, X?-1m conveying equipment, EFV-1 fork lift vehicle, EF-201 fcrk lift vehicle IDSTFaCT: Me use of conveyin.- machinery for loadinG and unloading military supplies is reviewed. Me data on the commonly used conveyors of Ws-10, XTsMas and 1-2-1m types are summed up in a table Giving their ckjacities, dimensions, weiUhts, etc. Lnother table rg-lves similar data on the ZPV-l and EP-201 electric lift trucks of 1 and 2 ton canacitics. In general, the electric trucks are built f or 0.5 to 5 tons while 1.111-io carz-j~ ing c,,pacity of gasolire trucks is from 1 to 10 %tons. The trucks can be equinDed with boom-and fo&-lifts. The use of direct-impelled vehicles for loading and imloading oporat-ions is described i-rith the. help of illustrating diagrams. 91-,o first diagram daows tho recomniended plan arrangements of passageways in warehouses. 'The second fiCure con- sists of six sketches schematically illustrating various possible versiorz of using lift trucks for loading material on heavy motor trucks. The third figure serves as an illus- 1/2 ACC NR: trating example for describing the unloading of material from railway freicht cars and "he moving of it to storehouses. Seven different versions are examined demonstrating the u--e of lift-trucka and automotive cranes'in connection with skid platforms. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE. 13, 15/ SUBM DATE: None 2,/2 CHUVASHOVO B.I. Ecology of Late Frasnian foraminifers and algae. Faleoto zhur. no.30-9 163. (NIRA 16:10) 1. Institut goelogii, Urallskogo filiala. AN SSSR- CHUVASHOV, B.I. Iron ores in the boundary sediments between the Devonian and Carboniferous in the Chusovaya basin. Sov. geol. 6 no.7t 127-130 J3. 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Gorno-geolog;Lcheakiy institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. I C-WiA.SHOVI- B. I. .... paleoecology of Stromatoporoidea. Trudy imt, geol. UFAN SSSR no.65s77-90 163. (MIRA 17:7) CHUVASHOV, B.I. Bionomic characteristics of the Famennian basin in the western slope of the Central and Southern Urals. Paleont. zhur. no.4:10-22 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Inatitut geologii Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR. PRIVASBOV z B.~., Katavella a now genua of foasil r-A a3lgaa. Palecirit. zhur. no.2; .1 L 144-1.46 165. (MIRA, 28-6) 1. Institut geologil.Urallskogo fillalv AN SSSR. MOVASHOV9 H.I. Foraminifera. and Algae from the Upper Devonian aM-Ilibents in the vestern slope of the ----i Southern Urals. TrLdy Insta -gaol, Ufan SSSR no.7-0-154 I (MM 180) CHLTVASHOV, V., inzh. In the Kuznetsk Basin mines. Sovshakht. 13 no.l-.6-7 Ja 164, (MIRA 17j3) 1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhnichaskoy informataii Kuzbanskogo covl-~ eta narodnogo khozyaystva, Kemerovo. ACC NR: AP6036710 SOURCE CODE: UR/0136/66/000/011/0081/,0085 AUTHOR: Nosall, V.. V.; Bogdanov, N. T.; Chuvashov,. N, ORG: none TITLE: Experimental determination of stresses in a KhFT 12-20 triplex cold-rolling mill SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metal1y, no. 11, 1966, 81-85 TOPIC TAGS: cold -rolling ml, =mphi4w, metal tulie, stress analysis, torsion stress / RhPT 12-20 triplex cold-rolling mill, N-700 oscillograph, N-102 oscillograph, B-ANCh-72M eight-channel amplifier A13STRACT: This mill is designed for the cold rolling of tubes from nonferrous metals and alloys. It can roll three tubas at a time, and it is powered by a 125-kw main-drive motor. Tho tubes rolled have an outside diameter of 12-2 0 nim and a wall thickaess of 0. 4-1 mm. The stresses in this mill were experimentally determined a's follows: the vertical rolling stress was- was measured with the aid of dynamometers inserted between the upper roll and the roll-staad frame; the axial stresses in the billets were measured by means of dynamometers attached to the feed assembly, and the stresses in the mandrel rods, by means of pickups affixed 1/3 UDC: 669. ACC NI- AP603G710 .directly to the rod; the tensile and compressive stresses in the connecting rods of the drive mechanism were measured with the aid of pickups attached to the lateral surfaces of the rods. In addition, the torque on the high-RPTM shaft of the main-drive reducing gear as well as on the shafts leading to the feed and rotation mechanisms was also measured. The readings. of all the pickups were recorded by means of N-700 and N-402 oscillographs with 8-ANCh-7M eight-channel amplifiers'. Findings: the axial stresses in each of the three simultaneously .rolled billets and the stresses in each of the three mandrel rods differ from each other by a factor of 1. 1-1. 5; this is attributable to the effect of many factors, such as lubrication bf the internal surface of the twbo, the quality of the mandrel surface, the distribution of friction forces in the area of deformation, etc. The stresses in the connecting rods of the drive mecha nism increase 2.5 times if the number of passages of the roll stand is increased to 100 from 65 per minute, and 4.5 times if the number of these passages is increased to 150 per minute. The increase in the torque of the high-speed shaft of the main-drive reducing gear as a functio of increase in the number of roll-stand passages was found to follow a similar pattern. In both cases the employment of a counterweight-type device (Fig. 1) markedly reduced the increase in stresses. On the whole, the EIPT 12-20 pilot-industrial triplex rolling mill proved to per- form satisfactorily as an installation for the simultaneous rolling of three nonferrous-metal and -alloy tubes; the accuracy of the outside diameter of the finished tubes is assured by 2/3 ACC NRt AP6036710 LO C lap- 1. LL~zt 177 Fig. 1. Diagram of a counterweight- type devico sufficient ridigity of the roll, and the wall thickness, by adjustment of the mandrel position. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE; none PUNCOGRAR, Z", inz.; CHVATAL, V., inz.; BECVAR, J.; KRUIOM, Fr., inz.; ERBEK A.; ZIDEK, in-z.- .1 q M--N~EK, L. Information on meta.Uurgy. Hut listy 16 no./+.-293-303 Ap 161. 1 PUNCOCHAR) Z;, inz.; ZDENEK,, Z., inz.- KOLDINSKY., d.. Inz. DIMKs Vlad.s inz.; ZMEEK, L.j MRAZp Ve Informatious tin a'aUnurgy. '25ut liaty 16 no-5;373-380 Mj'161.