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CEUVAKOV, Arkadiy Yevgrafovich [Frotection of wheat from rust] Zashchita pshenitsy ot rzhavebiny. Leningra , Kolos, 1964. 98 p. (MIRA 17!11) CHDIAKOV, A.Ye., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk .... .. z-.-----1., Survey of the development of grain diseases. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.5:46-47 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy inatitut zashchity rastaniy. CHUMAKOV, A.Ye., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Development of resistant varieties in Canada. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.9j49-52 164. M RA 17: 11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy Institut zashchity rasteniy. POLYAF)"79 ToYFLYNKOV, fc-.P.; CHUMAKOV, A.Ye. ~Ij--Inciplas of riation-w-Ide planning of plant protection measures. Trudy VIZR no.17.-5-20 163. (MIRA 1839) CHUMKOV, A.Ye. A.A. IAchevskii as a forerunner of the study of epyphytotic diseases. Trudy VIZR no.23:142-148 164. (IIAM 19:2) na r * L CHMAAKOV~ B..9 COL- Irl MWILer US: Training Feb 50 ~Control Test of Piloting Technique," Lt Col B. Chumakov "Vest Vozdush Flota" Ifo 2, pp 4i-46 Deacribes trainer check on pilot's flying ability and Skill in aerial.combat. Outlines behavior of instructor before and during flight, his duties and ,training- ExPlains elkDleYment of inclined shields as practice target , instructor's use of orienting Wint to det correct start of approach aive. sov/86-58-lo-29/4o AUTHOR: Chumakov, B.P., Sen Engr Lt TITLE: Checking Routine Maintenance Work (Kon#roll regla- mentnykh rabot) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 10, Pp 74-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals briefly with the problem of training technical personnel in air force units. The author stresses the need of strict control over routine main- tenance work. Card 1/1 CHMIAKOV, B. I Ylying battery. Voenanan. 25 no.6:15-16 Jo '59. OIRA 12:12) (Aerial gunnery) .... Jr ;" ZHIVOV., L.I.; CHUMAKOV, B.N. ' New method of measuring angles of deflection and a r velocity of shaft rotation on press forging machinevs. Kuz.- shtame proizve 5 no-11130-32 N 163. (MA 17:1) ~07' F. I. ClWcal and morphological characteristics of laryngeal tuberculosis treated with streptomycin and PAS. Probl. tub. no.4:29~-35 Jl-Ac 154- 1. Iz ftizic-laringologichaskogo otdolenlys. (say. prof. A.N.Toz- nesenskly) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo tuber- kulasnogo Instituta (zam. direktora po nauchnoy chasti, prof. D.D. Aseyev) (STREPTOKTCIN, therapeutic use. tu'h4rc., laryngeal, with PAS & alone) PARAAMINOSALICYLIC ACID, therapeutic use, tuberc. laryngeal, with streptomycin & alone) (TUMOULOSIS, LARTNGRAL, therapy, PAS & streptomycin) V:-'C'E`1,~TA11-'-nDTfjA 5cc 15 V01 11/11 Chi-st, Dis. Nov !556 . s1 I Ec IA L F EA, I' U I ~ E S (I I.' "I' I It"( JJT RS 1-: k) I. *I'L* III.' I, Ct' I 4L),~I.1; t) I-* T I IIYNA THEATE'D WITH SlIxEl"I't.)MYCIN' AND (11F.MICAL I'Rj',PA11,AT1(jNs (Rossiml Ulm) - C ii it ma k tw I, F. UK, I I 11) silit,I. vozw'l (if 11) o( Mt of wilit'll WOVO mill oliti-liv drug..4; 2~1 flied froul progros.,-ivi. pillmon'try th and hi stolt'g, ioa 1 oxazo;n- Mimi ww; mikviv of tilt- UVI-VIIX ill Vverv %~a q -V; tlIV remaining 32 had twi-aillill- oxamilled, It Iv;us k'stablislied that tilt- olitlical and tile histolo"wal fillti- ing's inav divorp, anit that all ilivt)1'1'Ctlt tlizl%llosis Illav bc lilado l1v lal-Nill-os, The Viltirst. of tIN of tho dov, no" It) tho actu.11 IWO.Nent, In Ill (if tilt, 23 casvs wilt) tljV(I *1101-V WZIS k71)1ljjlIO[O Ilk' tweell tilt, lall.vilgost-ollit, and fili'lings. ))ivel-goncies ill thost. flilding, an, o\11lained l1v loklali-,-.atioll %I( tilt, di:waqw, it, oann."" I,,- 'well, small si.:v of tilt-Vt., nodtlial. ifiriltration, and eervelling of low-sittlated til- rs. cliallp's ill tile slirfilop of tile larylix killk, to livaling may rosult ill wrong treat- lient, atut it I.,; nocessat-v to trv tile df~ct of ami-ttl fit-kigs; ill some cases repoawd Wopsy(oll-citage) is ind it'll tell. De feet iVAL' 1111011M ik-M Ill it I.ill-;-S iS t .1ftVV (IC of tilt, W1wroWous proevss and depends upon tile imatom ical changes ill the larynx. (S) OHUKAKOV, V.I. Cure In taborulosis and cancer of the larynx. Yest.oto-rim. 19 no.4: 102-104 J1-Ag 157- (MIRA 10:11) 1. Is bronkho-oto-rino-laringologicheekogo otdelenive (rukovoditall prof. A.N.Vosuesenskiy) Goeudaretvennogo naucbno-loaledovat9l'Bkogo institute tuberkuleza Ministeretva idravookhraneniya RUM (IARYNX, die. tuberc. & oancer, ther.) (TUBERCUIMIS. IARYNGRAL. case reports with cancer of larynx) CHUKAKOV, F. I. pathomorphological characteristics of laryngeal tuborculosis treated with streptomycin, PAS, and phthivazid [with summary in Inglish]. Vest.oto.-rin. 20 n0-3:77-82 vq-je 158 (HIRA 11:6) 1. Iz bronkho-otolnringologicheekogo otdeleniya (rukovoditell - prof. A.N. Voznesenskiy) Gosudarstvennogo naxichno-issledovntell sk-ogo instituta tuberl-uleza Ministerstva zdrivookhraneniya RSFSR. (TUBERCULOSIS, LARYNGEAL, ther. PAS. streptomycin & N-(4-hydroxY-3-methoxy) benzal isonicotinic acid hydrnzons, (Rus)) CHL714LKOV. F. I. ""_ftft"WW. "Changes In the la2.7ngeal mucosa due to tobacco smoke" [in Germ,n) by W.Michailow, R.Raitschew. Reviewed by F.I.Chumakov. Vest.otorin. 21 no.4:103-104 JJ_Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) (L&RMa) (MUCOUS 14EMBR&IIES) (TOBACCO--PHYSIOLOGICAL EVECT) (HICHA6ILOW, W.) (RAITSCHEW, R.) CHUM TL-Ll#y; YEVMMOVA, A*D.9 kandemed,narak Clinical aBpeats and treatment of tubermaosis of the upper respirator7 tract in patients with disseminated tuberoal of the 3.mngs. Testootorin. 22 no,6&70-76 160, 14:1) 1. Iz bronkholaringologicheekogo otdeleni-ya (rukoroditall -,-prof. A-IR- Tomesenski7) Mookawskogo nauebno-iesleda7atel'~kog* L!~stl~ tuta tuberkulaza Ministerstva adravookbraneni7a RSFSR i kafqdr7 tuberkuleze. (zav. - zasluzhermy7 deyatell nanki. prof. F.V. 4hebanov) r Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (MMERCULOSIS) GHUMAK()Vj_.?~,I.v kandemodenauk, Optical tracheobrcmchosoopy in tuberculosis and its impor- tance for the early and differential diapoeia of dioeases of the lungs and bronchie Proble tub. nools 45-50 163, (MM 16:5) 19 Is bronkholaringologicheakogo otdolen (rukovoditall- prof* A*11. Voznesenskiy) Mookovskogo nAuelmo-isoledovatell- skogo, inotituta tuberkuleza (direktpr - kandemedna4 Ve I* Chernyshavi zamestitell direktora,po nauchnoy chasti. - prof. .D.D. Ueyev) Minioterstva 2dmvockhraneniya RSFSR. (MMOHOSCOPr) (IMOB-DIBUSM) (MMMI-DISUSIM) 4 CHUMAKOV, F.T.,, Mobility of the larga bronchi according to data of optical bronchoscopys Sovo medo 26 no&2:U4-148 F'63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ivbroncho-laringologiaheekogo otdeleniya (rulcovoditell prof. A.F.Vomesenskiy) Moskovskogo nauclmo-issledovatell- skogo instituta tuberkulaza (dlr. - kandidat med. nauk T.P. Mochalova) Ministerat7a zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, (BRCIqCHOSCOPY) (LUNGS-DLUMM) CURMAKOVP F.I. R,usults of otpical tracheobronnhoacopy In tubermiloals. Zhur. ush., nos. 4. gor. bol. 24 no.l.:55-60 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 180) 1. lz bronkhc-laringolo lchask.-7o otdeleniya (rukovoditell - prof. A.N. Voznesenskiy~ Moskovskogo Nauchno-isal-tedovatellskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya RSFSR. GAKHOV, Fedor Dmitriyevich; ROGOZHIN, V.S., dots., red.; BACHURINA, T.A., aspirant, red.; GOVORUKHINA, A.A.9 aspirant, red.; WIPOV, R.Kh.., aspirant, red.; MELINIKp I.M., aspirant, red.; MIKWLOV, L.G., aspirant, red.; LITVINGHUK, G.S., aspirant,, red.; PARADOKSOVA, I.A;O aspirant, red.; KRASABOV, E.G., aspirant, red.; CHERSKIY, Yu.I., aspirant, red.; YANOVSKIY, S.V.,, aspirant, red.; ARAMANOVICH, I.G., red.; Prinimali uchaitiys: BOROVSKAYA, N.I., red.; RYSYUK, N.A., red.; SHAGINA, V.I., red.; KHAYRULLIN, I.Kh., red.; CHUMAKOV, F V red - PULOVINKIN, S.M., red.; UPPEN, LV., iiigIN, i.'L.. tekhn, red. (Bondary value problems]Kraevye zadachi. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 639 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Boundary value problems) L M141-66 _F,-[T(cdl___IJP(c) ACC M AP6023909 SOURCE CODE: UIR/0376/66/002/004 f64-4-F06-0 of ORG: Belorussian State University Im. V. I. Lenin (Belorusekly go MeMy universitat) TME: General theory of integral equations with a power kernel SOURCE: Differentsiallnyye urayneniye, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 644-659 TOVIC TAGS: singular Integral equation, Integration theory., f-OCO Abi^ I-QU11 710A/ ABSMACT: This paper ds-als with the integral equations with power kernels which tend to infinity with an order less than one. Such equations belong to the Fredholm type but the chang; In the character of the kernel during transitions fitrough the main diagonal of the defining re- gion and their first order character makes them singular. The author develops a general theory of linear Integral equations of the type discussed extensively using the theories develop ed in conjunction with the Riernen problem and the Cauchy kernel equations. The author sin- cerely thanks Professor Y. D. Gakhov for his constant; attention and interest In the work. Orig. art. has: 87 formulas. SUB CODEt 12/ BUBM DATZI MOMS/ ORIG REFt 006 IL Card 1/1 UDC: 517.948.32 CHUMAEOV, G., inzh. Producing five-layer silica blocks. Stroi. mat. 4 noo4:28-29 Ap '58. (MMA 11:5) (Building blocks) CRUMAKOV. G.. inzh. Back pusher for tunnel kilns. Strot. mat. 4 no.11:38 1 '58. , (MIRA 11:12) (Kilns) 4% BRAVERHM $ L., inzh.; PODGAYETSKIY,'G., inzh.; CHUMAKOV G, iash.- Silos and co'nveyor galleries made of mesh-reiaforced concrete. Prom. stroL i insh. soor. 5 no.2:33-38 Mr-Ap 163. (NII-I 16-4) (Cewat--Storage) (Precast concrete construction) CHUINAKOV, G., red. --- [Using radiation cooling for preventing overheating]Pri- menenie radintsionnogo okhlazhdaniia dlia profilaktiki peregrevaniia. Moskva, 1960. 15 P- (MIRA 15:10) 1. Akaderiya meditsiuskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut gi- giyeny truda i professionalinykh zabolevaniy. (Metallurgical plants-Air conditioning) M ':LL114r- USSR/Eng.ineering Construction, Piles Aug 52 IlDriving Wood-*n Piles by Washing Ground Away With a.Water Stream Under Pressure," Engr G. A. Chuffsk v Gidrotekh i Meliorats, No 8, PP 55-62 Describes pra&tice of driving wooden sheet piling to depth of 5.5-6.0 m during construction of Lysog6rskaya hydroelec power sta on Meclveditsa R er., Concludes that method of washing avay kith water-head stream is applicable for sinking single piles and pile planking and also for extraction of sunken or incorrectly driven piles. 247T42 14(10) SOV/99-59-6-7/13 AUTHOR: Chumakov,_G.A. Engineer (Saratov) TITLE: Cementation of Hydraulic Structures Subject to Aggressive Ground Waters FERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 6, pp 35-38, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article gives a description of cementation of hydraulic structures subject to aggressive ground waters. The description is based on tests carried out in!'dam piers, turbine chambers of hydroelectr'ic power plants, and dam aprons. The cement used for the cementation varies from quick-setting, alu- minous concrete (for serious cases with gushing leaks) to puzzuolanic Portland cement (for minor leaks in structures subject to non-aggressive ground waters). The cement solution is pumped in- to a leak via an injection pipe by a Rosgrazhdanz- Card 1/2 hilstroy-type pump having a pressure of 12 to 15 at- SOV/99-59-6-7/13 Cementation of Hydraulic Structures Subject to Aggressive Ground Waters mospheres. An injection pipe 20 to 25 cm in length is inserted into a previously made funnel-shaped hole 15 to 20 cm in depth. Large leaks with gushers require a 5 to 6 cm thick layer of gravel to be laid prior to inserting a pipe. A leak is considered plugged when the solution level in the pipe goes down and the solution flow into the leak is discon- tinued. There are 6 diagrams. Card 2/2 I. ~ - - Using the cone roller bit for boreholes. Razved.i okh.nedr 21 no-1:29-39 Ja-F 55. (HLRA 9:12) (Woring) CRUMAKOV. I.A. Blectric-pulse broaching of deep grooves. Mashinostroitels no.11:22 N 16o. (30lectric metal cutting) (MM 13-- 101) 85453 1.1110 AUTHOR- Chumakov, i. A. TITLE., Electric Pulse Piercing of Deep Grooves PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1960, No. 11, p. 22 S/117/60/000/011/027/035 A004/AO01 TEXT: The author, reports on the piercing ef deep groov,~s in a�lumin parts by the electric pulse method, which is applied at -the Kirovskiy zavod (Kirov Plant) in Leningrad. The pier-Ang of groovess of 12 mm depth is ~Iarried cut with tub-ular M2 elect-odes of red copper and takes approximately 6 minutes, The electrode wear during this operation amounts to about 0.25 mm, 1. -3. 2% of -the electradt4 length per groove. A great advantage of this method is the possibility of using low- voltage current which ensures safety of operation and sav1_-_-1gs cf more than 2.5 million rublas. The I'Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant made use of th-:~ Kirov Plant pract-ice of piercing, by elF-otrio pulses and saved thus about. 3,5 milli-nn niblos &nnua,117, At present a 24-spindle semi-automatic for the pieroLng of de,:,~p gzrooves in dif~!- cult to work atesl grades has been manufactured and =t1rcducsd in production, Shaped apertaires of deep grooves with the dimtnsicns 14 x 90 x 140 mm can be pierc.~d on this maohirsa. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 1 CHIMKOVI I.A. Multiple machining of parts at the Kirov Plant. Mashinostroitell no.6t16 Je 161. (MMA 14:6) (Leningrad-Machinery industry) CHMAKO D.; BAGDASAROV, Sh.B., red.; KAU.IYKOVA, I.A., ved. A~P-Jll red. [Means for the development of prospecting] Puti ratsiona- lizatsii provedeniia raz-vedochnykh vyrabotok. Moskva,, Nedra, 1965. 122 p. (MIRA 18:3) CHUMAKOV, I.A. '- ~desi~gn of bimetal cutting tools. Stan.i instr. 33 no.2:44-45 F'162. (MIFA 15-1) (Metal-cutting tools) CMIMAXOTOlvan Da dovich; KULICHIKHIM, N.1.0 redaktor; VERSTAK, G.V., .%W ~ Lv Ja 110, ron*05-FRIfelletva; KRYNOCHKINA, K-V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Mechanizing freight transportation and the use of water power for prospecting in high altitudes] Mekhanizataiia transportiroyki. gruzov i ispolIzovanie energit rek pri razvedke poleznykh isko- pasmykh v vysokogornykh usloviiakh. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. iod-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. 1956. Ill p. (MLRA 9:8) (Transportation) (Hydroelectric power stations) AUTHOR: Chumakov, I.D. 132-58-2-5/17 TITLE: Tramming of Rocks by a Scraper from Short Gross-Section Drifts (Skrepernaya uborka porody v korotkikh shtollnyakh malykh secheni.v) PERIODICALt Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1958, Nr 2, pp 18-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author advises that the evacuation of rocks from horizontal small exploratory galleries be mechanized. This will permit the acceleration of drilling and is cheaper than manual work. He recommends the use of scrapers, simple to operate and in- volving only minor expense for their installation. An experi- mental group developed norms to be achieved in different types of rock, and found that the use of scrapers cut the general expenses by 60%. There are 2 photos and 5 tables. ASSOCIATIOWt SAIGIMS Card 1/1 1. Rocks-Clearance 2. Earth moving equipment-Applications; CHUMAKOV I D. Planning Sine workings in detailed prospecting for mineral resources. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;geol.i razv. 3 no.2.:154-158 F ,6o. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii i minerallnogo, syrIya. (Mines and mineral resources) (Prospecting) CHUMOV, I.D. Technical and economic bases for the selection of efficient types and cross sectiona of exploration mines. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; geol. i razv. 3 nq.5:137-145 MY-160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Stid .'Ue*a-s"Iiiiiid'y'.nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut geologii i minerallnogo syilya (~iuing engineering) AKRANKHODZHAYEV, A.M.; AKRIC-DZRANOV, M.A.; BABAYEV, A.G.; WAYEV, K.L.; BATALOV., A.B.; BASHAYEV, N.P.; BAYMUYHAM~DOV, Kh.N.; BRAGIN, K.A.; BORISOV, O.M.; GABRILIYAN, X.Sh.; GAPIKOVETS, V.G.; GORIKOVOYI O.P.; GRIGORiANTS, S.V.; IBADULLAYEV, S.I.; ISMAILOV, M.I.; ISAMUKHAWDOV, I.M.; KAKHKHAROV, A.; KENESARIN, N.A.; KRYLOV, M.M.; KUCHUKOVA, M.S.; LORDKIPANIDZE, L.N.; MAVLYANOV., G.A.; MOTSOKINA, T.M.; MALAKHOV, A.A.; MIRBABAYEV, M.Yu.; HIRFII(,'DZHIYEV, I.M.; MUSIN, R.A.; NABIYEV, K.A.; PETROV, II.P.; POPOVY V I.; PLATONOVA, N.A.; RYZHKOV, O.A.; SAYDALIYEVA, M.S.; SERGUNIKOVA, 0.1.; SLYADNEV, A.F.4 TULYAGANOV, Kh.T.; UKLONSKIY, A.S.; KHAMRABAYEV, I.Kh.; KHODZHIBAYEV, N.N.; CH SHAVLO, S.G, Khabib Mukhamedovich Abdul-laev; obituary. Uzb.geol.zhur. 6 no.4:7-9 162. (K[RA 15:9) (Abdullaev, Khabib Mukhamedovich, 1912-1962) CHUMAKOV, I.D. Effectiveness of exploratory mining and drilling in Central Asian complex ore deposits. Uch. zap. SAIGIMS& no.7:289 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut geologii i mi- nerallnogo syrIya, Tashkent. CHUMAKOV, I.D.; MISHCHENKO, V.V.; NAZAROV, L.V.; SMIRNOV, Yu.T. Results of experimental work on the electric rotary drilling in solid rocks. Biul.nauch.-tekh.inform VIMS no.l.-70-73 163. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Sredneaziatakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii i minerallnogo syrtyas Tashkent. CHUMAKOV, I.D.; SWRNOV, Yu.T.; NAZAROV, L.V. . Efficient types of bottom-hole. tips for rotary drilling in hard rocks. Uch.zap. SAIGIMS& no.10:100-121 163. (MIRA 17:2) CHUMAKOV, I.D.; SNIRNOV, Yu.T. Results of studying the quality of sampling the complex ore bodies by horizontal holes. Uch.zap. SAIGIMSa no.10.-138-la 163. (HIRA 17:2) HEDVEDEV9 V.V.; MISHCHENKO) V,V.; CHUMAKOV, I,D. Scraper removal of rocks In sinking horizontal prospecting drilling " of small sections. Uch.zap. SAIGIMSa no.10:141-148 163.(NIRA 17t2) -. , -&y - - -11--l- Priveipleu for rjt~t,t:rmInjni, un erficil-~rlL m(lall the bc-ring and mining methods of pros ca c t P-qzve,i. 1 okh. nedr 31 no.2:6-12 F WENt 18:3) 1. srednenziatskiy nauchno-issl.edrvii'uell--,k'~y institlut geolegii i irinerallriogo syrlya. L .5',0197-65 ACCM-SION NR: AR5017545 UR/0058/65/000/006/EO66/W66 .17 SOURCE: Refs zh, Fizika,# Ab& 6E515 AUTHORS Loozovskiy, Vo IL ; Gersbanov, V. Yu. atma~~o L F. TITLE: Effect of electric formation of planar junctions by direct current pulses CITED SVJRCE: Ucb. zap. Kabrdino-Balkarsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n., Vy'p. '9t 1963, 383-388 TOPIC TAGS: pn junction, junction formation, da pulse, leakage current, junction defect, impurity concentration TRANSIATION: An experimental investigation was made of the influence of dc pulses, obtained by discharging a capacitor, on the leakage currents of a p-n Junction. It was observed that passage of pulses with energy 5 x 10-2 J leads to an appreciable reduction of the leakage current, With innreasing pulse energy, this effect de- creases, and the inverse effect is then observed. It Is proposed that the leakage c,urreiit is due tc defects in the p-n junction and that durlr~g the course of' Its i_-Mla',ion a change takes place in the properties of the defect., owin,~, the L:~ the impurity concentration in the defective sec"-)ns. S e SUB CODEt as ENCM 00 m J- 2 c , a CHUMAKOV, I.I.; RUDITSKIY, M.G., T)rofessor, zaveduyushchiy. --- - 'I" I I Metastasizing adenoma of the thyroid gland. 31 no.3:48-52 Mr '53. (KF-RA 6:5 ) 1. Fakulltatskaya khirargichaskaya klinika Xurskogo meditsinakogo institute. (Thyroid gland-Tamors) me) k6 CHUMAEDV, I.I. VaAous forms of goiter and its surgicaltreatment. Probl ndokr. i gorm. 1 no.1:40-42 Ja-Y '55 (MI-RA 8:1;) : . Iz fakul'tetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav.--Prof. M.G.Ruditskiy) Kurakogo moditainskogo inatituta (dir.--prof. A.V.Savellyev) ,GOITER, surgery) RUDITSKIY, M.G., prof.; CHUMAKOV, I.I., assistant Surgical treatment of thyrotoxic goiter [with summary in English]. Khirurgiia 33 no.6:38-42 -Te '57- (MIRA 10:12) 1. Is fakul'tatskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.G.Rudits- kiy) Xurekogo meditainekogo institute (dir, - prof. A.V.Savellyev) (IffPJWHYROIDISM, surg. indic. & statist.) CHUMAKOV, I.I. (Kursk) Structural reaction of the [with sum ry in Inglish. 67-76 Jl-Ag '57. thyroid gland in Basedow's disease P.1261. Probl.andok. i gorm. 3 no.4: (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz fakultetBkoy khirurgicheBkoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.G. Ruditskiy) Kurskogo meditsinakogo instituta (dir. - prof. A-V- Savellyev) (HYPMHYROIDISM. pathology, (RUB)) CHUWJCOV., 1, 1,., Candidate Wd Sci (diss) -- "Experience in studying primary goiter and its surgical treatment". xursk,, 1958. 27 pp, (Voronezh State Med Inst), 250 copies (IKL, No 22, 1959, 123) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretion. T The Thyroid Gland, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102019. Author : Ruditakiy, M. G.;-,Ohumakov, I. M. Inst :Kursk Medical Title :On the Problem of Malignant Goiter. Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Kurskogo med. in-ta, 1954, No 1, 98-107. Abstract: No abstract, Card 1/1 ,CH,UMAX OV,,,,,,I.S.; YARMJZIN, O.D.; NOVIKOV, G.N.; MAKAROVSKIY, S.A. Cenozoic sediments of the Ldninogorsk trough in the Rud.-IYY Altai 44 t6 bic stages of its,fqf~ation. Trudy Kom. tl28-lJ ,63. (MIRA 17:21)-.~C DEVYATKIN, YEFIMTSEV, N.A.; SELIVERSTOV, Yu.P.; QHUMWOV,,.I.S. More about ice accumulations in the Altai. Trudy Kom. chatv.pier. 22: 64-75 163. (MIRJ(- 17:2) CHUMAKOV, I.S.- za Upper Plipcone (Eopliocene) sediments iD the Rudnyy Altai. Trudy KC44. chetv.per. 22:100-127 163. (MIRA 17%2)' CHMAKOV, IL 1. S. "Ifev Data on the Geologic Structure of the Leninogorsk Depression in the Rudnyy Altai" report delivered in the Geologic Section, I March-4June 1957. Chronicle of the Activity of the Geologic Section, Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, No. X 6, p. 115-118, 1957. CRMKOV, 1. S. "-, . Cenozoic deposits in the northwestern Dart of the Radnn Altai, Trudy VAGT no.3.-70-84 157. (MM 1193) (Altai Mountaius-Geology, Stratigraphic) 7 /Y & AUTHORi Chumakov, I.S. 5-6-18/42 TITLEs New Data on the Geological Structure of the Leninogorsk Depression in the Rudnyy Altai (Novyye dannyye o geologi- cheskom stroyenii Leninogorskoy depressii na Rudnom,Al,taye). PERIODICALs Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, OtIdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, # 6, PP 131-132, (USSR). ABSTRACT: Up to recentlyp the deposits filling up the Leninogorsk depression were considered as.those of glacial origin. The author adduces some arguments and describes the results of explorations in other regions of the Rudnyy Altai which lead- to the conclusion that the range of the ancient glaciation was considerably smaller than it was supposed thus far. The Leninogorsk depression is an one-sided graben. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 CHUMAKOV, I.S. Stratigraphy of continental Tertiary sediments in the northwestern part of the Rudnyy Altai. Trudy MGRI 32:57-67 '58. (MIRA 12:10) (Altai Mountains-Geology, Stratigraphic) AUTHOR: Chumakov, 1. S, SOV/2o-121-3-38/47 TITLE: The Remnants of Maritime Diatoms in Continental Cenocoic Deposits of the Rudnyy - Altay and the Boundary of the Faleo- genic Sea in the South of West Siberia (0b ostatkakh morskikh diatomey v kontjLnentallnykh kaynozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Rudnogo Altaya i 6ranitse palecGenovo-o morya na yuge Zapadnoy Sibiri) U PEZIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol~ 121, Nr 3, PP- 535 - 537 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Frequently remnants of maritime diatoms, radiolaria and sponge spicule which are surrounded by deposits are found in the~-sedi- ments of the West Siberian Plain (Zapadno-Sibirskaya nizmennost') (Ref 2). These founds are explained by an eolian transmission although mainly by the transporting activity of surface waters. Recently analo-ous founds were reported in the area of the border of the ore bearing Altay (Rudnyy Altay) near the Irtysh; they were Neogene and Quarternary sediments which fill the old Irtysh valley (Ref 4). It must be stressed that nowhere in the Irtysh catchment area maritime Paleogenic sediments were.found; neither in the ore bearing Altay, nor the South Altay (ruzhrV Altay) nor Card 1/3 th,- KatbaarE~L During Mesozoic and Cenozoic the whole area. remained The Remnants of Maritime Diatoms in Continental Cenocoic SOV/2o-121-3-38/47 Deposits of the Ore Bearing Altay and the Boundary of the Paleogenic Sea in the South of West Siberia higher compared with~the northern depressions of West Siberia (Zapadnaya Sibir').. Therefore it is not possible to explain the mentioned founds by the transport of surface waters. Nevertheless a possibility of an eolian transmission of the diatoms and of other maritime forms is denied; the scientist try to explain the founds by an ingression of the Paleogenic-(Ebcenic-) Sea into this area (Refs 3,4). The eolian transport possibility of diatoms separated from maritime rocks is regarded as correct also in the case of Palinological remnants. With respect to the structural features of the Kulunda depression (Kulundinskaya depressiya) the author wants to draw the borderline of the Chaganskoye Sea 60 - 80 km west of the railway Barnaul-Semi- palatinsk. This border apparently does not intersect the Irtysh valley at a higher point than the village of Semiyarskoye. The encroachment of the Paleogenic Sea in southern West Siberia, however, comprised a somewhat smaller area than the subsequent encroachment of the Chaganskoye Sea, Thero are I figure and 5 Card 2/3 references, 5 of which are Soviet, The Remnants of Maritime Diatoms in Continental Cenocoic SOY/2o-121-3-38/47 Deposits of the Rudnyy Altay and the Boundary of the PaleoCenic Sea in the South of West Siberia ASSOCTATION: Moskovskiy -eologo-razvedochnyy institut im.S.Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Geolos.-ical Prospecting Institute imeni S,Orazhonikidze) PRESENTED- April 2, 19c8, by H.S.Shatskiy, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: March 26, 1958 Card 3/3 KRIGER, N.I.; CHUMAKOV, I.S.; TEREKHINA, G.M. Characteristics of loess in the Rudnyy Altai. Trudy MGRI 37:116-130 ,61. (MIRA 15:1) (Altai Mountains--Loess) DAREVSKIY, I.S.; CHUMAKOV, I.S. New Pleistocene species of the lizard Ablepharus froM,.the Rud nyy Altai. Paleont.zhur. no.1:127-130 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN Armyanskoy SSR i Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Altai Mountains--Lizards, Fossil) CHUMAKOVp I.S. - Lesser 'fiia ~,s of the late cenozoic from the Zyryanovsk region (Rudny-I Altai). ~M. po ist, fauny i flory Kazakh. "+:210-214 t63. 16-)) (Zyryanovsk ragion-44amiuals, Fossil) VANGENGEYM) E.A.;,,CHUMAKOVJfS, Find of Camelus knoblochi Nohr. fossils in tho Rudnyy Altai. Trudy Kom. chetv.per. 22:147-149 163. (MIRA 17:2) CHUMAKOV, Jvan Serwevichi SHANTSER, Ye.V.,, PFYVE, A.V., a~adefid--- .-I-E--red.; KUNMOVA, K.I., red.-- ff.INUE? ky g avW - Y V.V., red.; TIYDFEYEV, P.P., red. (Cenozoic of the Rudnyy Altai.] Kainozoi Rudnogo Altaia. Moskva, Nauka. 1965. 219-P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geolouicheskii institut. Trudy, no.138) WIRA 18-11) CHU"'ARCli", -P L 11 ta "or paleontological fnve-t'.:ation of cc;ntinent 1 If.-AC. po Ist. faij--,y i flory 11,azak.1, . 3 ~ 170-1T, *, '01. (MIRA U,:7) (Zmanovsk region-Palecntological research) GHUMAKOV, K. ~, - Hov to prolong the life of an automobile body. Za rul. 17 no.11: 3 of cover N 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Automobiles--Bodieo--Maintenance and repair) CEUMAKOV, K., avtolyubitell ,- z_:. Automobile trailer and motorboat. Za rul. 18 no-3: 2.0-21 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Automobiles-Trailers) (Motorboats) CHUMAKOV Change in the power supply of the "Urozhain tramemitter-receiver set. Radio no. U:50-52 N 260. (MIRA 14:1) (Radio) (Electric power supply to apparatus) CHUMAKOV. K, Conversion of the power supply block of an automobile receiver. Radio no,12:47 DIU& (MM 16:3) (Radio) (Electric power supply to ipparatus) V I WWAIDT. X,G. Transactions of the Joint Kuatanay Scientific Session devoted to problems of the Turgey regional economic complexs- Vol.liNaterials of plenary meetings Vole'2: Materials of the geological sections Reviewed IW KG,Ch;;akove Vast. AN Kazakh's SSR 14 no,9:119-121 8 158, (MIRA 11:11) (lastaney Province-Natural resources) MOM"d 2u JAE OS 'tICTM82 t puv (u0T'4vTVuvj-4 v or ;ojj4n j0 auo) %QTAOS 9 ~WDOUMIQJOZ UQAQ9 040 o"44 'XI1TT4TIff lei aucTIlruco gpulj Poc Owwj2vllp 31M TP14 W:Iuogajd 'oucla"ba rMoTdAq *mow, ao:Alvuv Icqlnv aLLL - *!%Jul% ju:QQTVTIJ&UT 043 UT PGAICC We J10dug IOU COOP QTqTTJVA MT2 puadarul QM3 uort:m UT vr=atqcja vj"MT0 ot;j UT ff3UQTvwcj3 JO WOJ 042 UT Pa2UV-J2WUT UQDq DAM4 aotqvTavA worqojd 041 40NM UO 'JaIrld-,00 Setv" atm ic UITU" -42 41T- PSAT 'I PJV gw*Tqcad ss-Ai "vuvTqwnb9 jo IvT!% U: -joj Ip Aq paqIjacap cworqcjd jo volInloo aq-4 jej porn w3Troal J`0 VIJCT!lTrvc* xiiriquis vownia jo4inv eta - aw;n*Aa TCj3uoD *Tlvwolnv ic so-.=uCp ftTzjr" jOj pagn (joPTft *is vjTnajTv 40PS PUCJIU 42T^ DJGTJlldwv c-p IVUCTIVIodo tz,37X poddTTiba ajoindmo 3oTvuw Aq cw&Tqcjd 21XTATca tcj a-jr"ojTo uoT%wrnwlff aqqt4o PIJTUTVIqO JO AVII c9noulp jc42nu eta WJQT_I, rdp" -~'jLaug poddlnt,2 najla uOj,4vTv%oTG vjuoj.4.., 0 "'T jqVIC 'N*N ACUQ`7 94c39TaUmJ3 ad.Cq-5TJ PUT '9d '9J ,tj ~JO 9DT1cTJaIvvJVqD pus vja,4aumjvd QqI JO 2ul4va!3 tTIu.~njadxa JC 1;2Tngv-s Tqj ezuaaojd zcqtiv vtU ~""Tja Puv JcI9;27TJ.1 JO A!ITTTqv'Agul 'A"0 'AO!IUCt"X T2vlg=.t2 v cT QvQq3 ( UO *Ivol T jo Quo) IDTACS tTV '0oouvJaJ0J DATJ aa. wvux AT 2 IV2 j0 g.ATTGgj qZ xo,4aumjvd TvnP .11, pt, qove is 11-juapuadepuT cjnooo pvojdg UTM2 4943 02'VJ*Iruo Aq psaido OTt:lmvjvd jo 9%um""gv" Guz _...P totl,4nv eq, jo a aTCU UT gJa2voro-tva JO pv=d2 TV012OlQu40PL 942 Jo 'CP"'S A -A,4TtjQV:jv JO QUISOP Ij9rq 9 jo %u2tm:TV441 paj!%T=ad wnbTtMz02 'L*2'-2TP jo uvj2voTTddv 942 -AV44 punoj VI'm '31 A= 04;S !tnoqw a, uoiAd=vuoo juxod UIT ptm cjCvj=vj2 qej 142TA 1, Pb6 JO roddTnb, al ,*am Aouenbaj,; 9TtU , do 5*f+ 02UVI 9 uTq2TA ado go'C+ 'BuTPO"" 2cu cjc~Wq 4,4TA Aougnba~j 31.20N,4m - ad*-CK , 2UT.MUTOU JQj Pa" 9`04 joloia spa put oouT4"m jojjuO0 jo LzO-Ivjoqrl 04% IT pedol*AQP VTA U0Z2VZTTTqV3~ X.4'XaT`b ,42TA Avuonboij PJTP-22 JO -'02 3RU z Zm Aouanbaij V I.-Iouanba" rw'4T2Ta P927-1036TOtt"J, 'AOMMUD "01"I We -.9-V -PUTMM -30TACS T Ptrw 14OTTBIM Z -240us"Joa C "' a,rottZ Cxo%ggmmt% Aj"Tpjo tj,3T^ paddTnbo o,,q2 uVtj.4 UOT,-T-d Xgrdwtg ti=m ,j Mr, aomod coal ojTnbDj 4M9 2`642 UT jadx# %2,gt,3 jo 2%lnooj TedlouTid mM WDIM *PnT*UOO PUT W2uQwT _&.~d AOLIJ, v.4TnvjTz 140mg ;o souv=ojtod j0 WTGCtvuv irsTdons qtj2 jo tpoM-3- - OTd;vuT.Id SuT,4vaodo 044 jo -4UnCq0W Us GIAT2 -2uTrdnoz 2*4-:TP TOTA c2uowatg .4Tp*jTo olwjvdag UT victn" ItU QW93axs put 6"142vw TC.,'4uO0 jo xjozvjoqvl am:% *w *raice* NuA tpZ4jVq_q,,j_-nW gpVW-140JACS !j%JTj 0444 jo Zor TI.M. V quTjdpq2 pwia q%TPI 94Tf'*JT2 u7 son 'PU'PtTv TV r. comajej -RDTOIZ.1m 444 Jo , onbTuti*94 a" 9012TTumosied 000C .Au*w 1042U00 J0 014-4 UT P=o'totp uo o2vjado tt*Tq^ -rdrouTid IT.Tv jo a T pur . CUOT-412,939DAUT rv*T!tvwQq!%'= Wr wnbTu pirm VOUT14"m 'tOJ2uo* u TTIODJ 04% 2UGUaid. 'ETTA sVjVT*J`c 30 t(00,4 TVIT2TP UT "' J* " -omotqoxd MoTjIA 2UT.A'CCW UT u;T2vQTTO9 -M2 Jo *Or**' &xn2rid P" J. To #q,4 .$.ZorjT,dvg TguoTtIg"do D-V jo4nd%QD E-M 01M Igio2ndwoo TNZIZTP ~jpj poddTnbe gje%ndm* 20TVUV jo A4TljqctaI .,no -SCUOD L.IOMGW. UT ujO,4uTguv.'3 JC' a" Gq% uioouoo soI 92 d_~LD-4 sftj&qll OT!%V:12- 2 004,g at, j0 -4Uo=2AWdI ;F JO i2 TIV a 4's Pas 48 Paz oBjVT jo DZIADP LZO12M p..d--14STq V Ru PMalpA -vnbMoD2 TV3 -orpuco vzn2T2wu, 8,4toTaxwo 79A I." *I jo 3o '696 'r-996T 2uT'rnP '3no 1 0DZY14114 'tttl j0 GQTVT j0 gauTqom lojwoo OTUOJ201TZ ; on 42 . :20 vo-9200TT02 Gq% So "NoT .4gjTj NT42 ul -&nbTWV&2 ~*_dm* ul :3mojvw .. gaod JOJ POP-UT WT is T-400TIOD WTq& UADMnOA tpenoR ftTqvjTq"a JO q*,Z !:MoqUA&2tW '*%Jg 'C*X A'A . Tpuoduo=00 DouaToS Jo A=op"y UgCo ItaqmaW 2u owl Pm,%u-pd soldOO ;, M, OA-PZI 'ACOVOU .4..=2 -d t9T '696T 'IM 17220va) .po-4javtrT dTI9 V coTA00 RuTqndw00 Pug A.3,19Z 00 (vqjoT!3.rv JO UCT20011 C!'; I nTu"p VXV piTtuoul fwA -It - ""U' LMAtrUoj.4M&tg 4Vj,4TqWUj 'Mb WnWU 'eTU'Pvxv I nAWCTAVjft TL9E/A0G No"V=-J- ]iC- :' 2Sr �1799/62/000/00210 0 2 1 0 AUTHO'RS: Chernov, A. N. 'Chumako,v, L..Ya;, Volodi4, Ye. B. TITLE. Application of.dynamic elements with delay lines in parallcl-actinq, arithmetic computing 'equipments. SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSP-'Institut elektronnykh ~pravlyayushchikh mhin.~' Tsifrovaya tekhnika~: i vhislitel,lnyye-ustroystva. no.2. 1962,64. Yc~ TEXT: The. papie r. de sc ribe sa"method for the achievement of an asynchrOh"Ous. in an add er,.compr,ising~*ayn azht ne t.;. run ic _ rigger.with delay~line Inasmuch is~th work developed here can. be applied. not only as a-but also as an apr~~ trigged m ]A~ with a lo crical -network at the input,'-the network is te rmed he re a dynamic e'lem' e;nt., -The The device examined here may serve: in. parallel-acting arithmetic equipmentg. method is described on the example oLits utilization in a dynamic trigger-, de%~fil _-A _ope at the INEUIM, (Institute.of electronic control machines), AS USSR. Tha- paper-1pro- vides a brief description of the circuitry. of this trigger. The fundamental scheme of a dynamic element.with a delay line is described and illustrated. with both the logical network of the dynamic cell:and.the fundamental circuit diagram of the dynamic cell. The time.-diagrams of signals at various points of the network-are adduced, and the conditions necessary for acorrect voltage cadence are set forth. Card 1/3 Application -of dynamic. elements., with.. S/799/62/000/002[004/011 ,-In the analysis of the possible, design of logical networks- the complete logical net work of a binary adder and an.element. 4or the remembering of an n-digit binary _.__~Code are In- any-design-it-ise s sentialto take the. following peculiarities- of,a dynamic cell into'a,ccount: (1) The shaping of pulses.occurs within the element itself by means 6f,a. regenerative -expansion. Therefore, any supple- mentary logical networks which, ~ for. example, are applied for the establishment of the position "1111 can be the sirriplest'kind of diode-rheostat networks. Tests 7of the unit have shown that u to 6 networks.-can be switched to the input of the element,. . p and each of them can have.up to utp. (Z) Upon the opening of the basic feedback Pp circuit, the element transforms into a..decodet with a shaper. The decoder at the input of the element must contain logical circuits that are no more complicated than the "and" circuits identi *fi.ed in the paper. (3) A gate constructed on the basis of the dynamic cell. ajEtords some, inconvenience. . It produces a delay by I cadence; there- fore, in a cascade cut-in of several gates, - the time delays may become significant, a fact which occasionally may be advantageous. (4) If the duration of the delay in the dynamic trigger is -increased by aninteger number of cadences,then the network obtained will be able to~remember. It. mu i-digit binary numbers and, despite sim- plicity, may r Ieplace a shifting,sender. Such a network may be very useful for the. construction of arithmetic equipments and control equipments, Verification was made of an element with 14, cadences, Which o erated very satisfactorily. A circuit p c 2/3 LYUBIMOV9 V.A., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: GULYAYEVA, R., laborant; YEVDOKIMOVA, V., laborant; KOUSTALEV, P., rabotnik; ZHUKOV, V., rabotnik; CHUMAKOV, M., rabotnik Automatic AT2-250-Sh loom for woolen fabrics. Nauch.-issl. trudy TSNIIShersti no.17:76-85 162. (MIRA 17:12) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateliskly institut sherstyanoy promyahlennosti (for Gulyayeva, Yevdoklmova). 2. Shuyskiy mashinostroitelInyy zavod (for Chumakov). ANANIYKV, P.P., red.; HyBIN, V.A... red.; CHUM'AKOV, M.F., red.; SLADKOV, A.., red. I GALITSLU B... tekhn. red. (Correct and full, utilization of land is an important factor in developing the economy of collective and state farms] Pravillnoe i polfioe ispolIzovanie zem3.i - vazhnoe uslovie pod"ema, ekonomiki kol- khozov i sovkhozov; abornik materialov oblastnoi 9konomicheskoi kon- ferentsii. Kaluga, Kaluzhskoe knizhnoe izd-v.o., 1960. 193 p. (MIRA 14,10) (Kaluga Fravince-Agriculture-Economic aspeo-ts) CHUMAKOV, M.M. Shrubs are the main accumulators of snow. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.10:35 163. (MIRA 16t12) 1. Nachalinik proizvodstvennogo uchastka zashchitnykh 1esonasazhdeniyj g. Rostov-na-Donu, Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi. ,CH-MAROV, M.N. Plany urokov po chercheniiu v VII klasse srednei shkoly (Lesson plans for mechanical drawing in class 7 of the secondary school). Iz opyta raboty. Moekva, Uch-pedig, 1953. 90 SO: Monthly List of Russinn Accessions, Vol 7, No 9, Dec 1954 CHUMAKOV, M.M, School of advanced practices. Putl i put.khoz. 10 no.l: 42 166. (MMA l9a) 1. Nachallnik uchastka zashchitnykh nasazhdeniy, Rostov-na-Donu. CHINKOV, M.P. " A New Tick-Borne Virus Disease in the Crimea." by M.P.CHUMALKOV, from "Grimean E Fevern, # collected papers of the Maritime Army Corps Section, published in 19/+5. SO: Medical Parasitology (USSR)t 15969 59-63 (1946) CHUMAKOV, 11. P. "A New Virue Dimeame - Crimnan Hemorrhagic Fever" Lioxoaty *d-1kimp llo 4., 190 U3025, Mar 1953 Apr 16 Medicine Carriers "Bu~tlcn of the Work of the Institute of Neurology on'the Study of Omk Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fe.arl" 7 -I Prof X. P. Chum.kov,, TAureate, of Stalin Pri .6 7;F pp "Vast Ak Ned Nauk &119M" No 2 Report of work c=ried out In 1947 by the Omsk expedIJ tion and Institute of Neurology. Causative agent Is i a filtrable virus prome4t in the blood of patients aVA! pathogenic for mm laboiatodry Animeds. Steppe-imit I's Dermacentor pictus., collected In Omsk fever regions, contained virus and hence may be carriers. 13/49T83 40A "Poli~m-~clitis: I, Disea e in U(Inkeyo, Czmlsot~ 1) A.~cooow fli-Ca, Vj.rus Strains," K Voroshllova, M.P. Chumakov, A.P. Dolyalieva, T.A. Shutova, Sec cf Neurovinusesl Inst of Nei-e0l, Aca~ 71ed Sci USSRi 5 pp "N "0l z lh ~ le-,-,cpat I i P-ik U-01 Vel XVII, NO. Do-orlbes infection o-' mt n1mirs ,dtli filtrptes Pbttrinotl '-o-~ h-m-_-n oliomjejitic vict-Ims %%,illh five diagrnms, m6 photoCrapholl Sutmitted 2'-" Aprll As. PA _23A~,TO85 VA 59/49r59 -0 fis'. virus Ingeo tion Virus Tnfeotione of the Nerves," Prof M. P. Ch=ak6v, Isitreate of Stalin Prize, Corr Mem, Acad, Med Scl, 71 pp "Klin Med"Tol xxvii No 6 Discusses subject in a general fashion, and reviews same results of modern study ofviruses causing various types of encephalitis and meningitis. Calls.for further.effort by all specialists in the various fields of study of virus infectiox:~ of the nerves and.their control. 59/4 9T59 qmKOV, M. P. "D.I.Ivanovskiy and Modern Medical Virology" by M.P.Chumakov,, Associate Member, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. ft Paper delivered during second meeting of the Dept. of Biological SciencepAcad.Sci.USSR,Al3.-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V.I.Ionin., and Academy of Medical Science USSR convened in Moscow on 21 and 22 Wovember 1950 in a general session to commemorate the death, 30 years eaklier, of the great Russian scientist.D.I.Ivanovskiy (10 Oot.1964-20 June 1920. SO: Priroda, No.5,1951,, pp 84-% (W-25549t MaTch 14.,1953) C0614KOW, MA GMAK01r, M. P. - ----- 00 i0m.000*1 Etioloff, epldmiology and propl7laxis of hemorrhagic fever* C&S- lek. Cesk. 89 no.51:1428-1430 21 Dec 50. (OLML 20:4) CHUMAXOT, M.P.; FRADKIN, K.Ya.; SHLYKOTA, B.D.; AVArTAN A.A.; ZAITSKFA H.S. New method for trachoma control; therapy with chlorom7cetin L and gynthomycin. Vest. oft., Moskva 30 no-3:3-9 May-June 51. (WIL 21: 1) 1. Of the State Scientific-Research Institute for Eye Diseases imeni Gellmgollts and of the Institute of Viru- sology imeni Ivanovsk,ly of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. CWAMV IL Po IlImtoya wmt olt"S a ine VilW-e ammurolufftais, lift ewopb- allUs and other virus nEvolafactimff aratIN2, Ix Ustir 31ol-2 1951 P*,. 22-319 Aukhm is s+Aain Prizewimers Cormponding Mmber of the AudoW of Medical &do=" USSRO Bulgaria/Viedicine - Virus, Diseases, Jan Epidemiology~ 7D. 1. Ivanovskiy and Soviet Medical Virology," l,ecture held on 3 Oct 1951 in Sof ia (published in Bulgarian), Prof M, P. Chumakov, Corr Mem, Acad N-ed Sci USSR, Director of Inst of Virology, Acad IrKed Sci USSR, Laureate of Stalin Prize First Class CII E_ , "Zdrav-no Delo" No 5-6, Sep-Dec 1951, PP 14-22 10-In reviewing the achievements of USSR 'virology, mentions the work of Prof L, A. Zillber, and Acad Te. N. Pavlovskiy on spring-summer encephalitis,, that of Profs A. A. Smoro Idintsev and, ?.A. Petrish- c-ben an autvmnal or Jamnesi mosquito-born encephalitis, of the persons mentioned above and LTe. N~~ gi re*ovich, A. K. Shubladze, V. D. So1ovI y3v, ana M. P. Chemakov on virus infections of the nervous system, of G. Ye. Sukh eva, Prof fS. A.17 Gurevich, Prof I. S. Glazunov, and M. P. ChemakCY7 on chorioencepbalitis, and of A. A. Smorodintsev on Far Eastern hemcirrhagic nepbroso-nephritio. De- scribes briefly work (in which he participated) On the. Crimean, Omsk, and Yaroslav fYaroslavlI,I7hem-, orrhagic. fevers, saying that the Yaroslav fever has beemdiscovered and characterized recently. Sayi3 that at the Inst of Virology imeni. Ivanov- 4kiy, Acad Med, �ci .,'USSR, Prof V - 1. Tovarnitskiy" G. V. 'feremiev, and T. L. Rivkind work on the bio- chemibtryi of virus. infections and Profs V. L. , .'.Rvzhkov and R. X; Shen, on the,.p&thophyiiolb& of t1iiie, infections. ~,Also states that Prof,T. D. Mosh- J~ov*kiy, A, A. Avokyan, Prof, V...X.'ZbAanov have 'been r.prominent in investigating virus infections. Adds c>th atLA. T. Kravchenko, Ananyan, Serg:Lyev, Yakovlev et - have worked on the newly developed live antivirus Maccines, particularly those against influenza, papa-~ a'tacci fever, and measles, which vaepines have been :irecently introduced; and that simil:6 vaccines agains Japanese and tick encephalites will probably be intro 8Auced soon. CHUMAKOVJ M. P. "Spinal Cord Paralysis in Childrenp-" Moscovp 1953 Translation of pages 39-44 and 54-76 in M-971., 20 Feb 56 GORBUNOVA, A.S.; -- Clp%py, M.P., professor, direktor. Biological properties of grippe viruses and problems of their classifica- tion. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.2:39-47 F 153. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Institut virusologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR imeni D.I. Ivanov- skogo. (Influenza) (Viruses) FADEYEVA, L.A.,; CHWAKOV, M.P., professor, direktor. Tissue cultures of grippe virus. Zhur.mikrobiol.spi.d.-i imman. no.2-.47-52 F '53. '. !;~. , ~-~'549 --- - - 1. Institut virusologii Akademli meditainskikh nauk SSSR imeni D. 1. Iv&aoT- - - (HLRA 6:5 ) I -; _ . I (Influenzi) (Viruses) (Tissue culture) ZAKSTBLISKAYA, L.Ya.; RITOVA, V.V.; OMM".R., chlon-korrespondent Akademil meditsinakikh iauk, direktor. Adaptation of the Influenza virus In human Onsus. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid.i isman. no.8:54-58 Ag '33. OCWA 6: 11 ) 1. Institut virmsologit im. D..I.,Ivanovskogo Akademli maditainakikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akadexiya, seditsinskikh iwuk SSSR (for Chumakov). (Influeuza) Selimov, M. A. v 61fftiff.' H, Y, Sellwvt M.A. 0 CHUMAKOV, M.F.,,FrofeeBor,, director. "Role of Russian physicians in the Histor7 of the Study of Epidesic:Parotitis." - Zhurnal Mikrobiologiy., Epideniologly i 1-unologiy, No.9., pp 75-7.8..Bept 1953 1. Institute of Virusology imeni D.I. Ivanovskiy., Academy of Medican Science USSR. SO: Monthly List of Rwaian Acceselons,, Vol. 6, No.31, Sept.1953,unel. P. Griva i osti:ac v-erklulvkh nmtc~'r (Inifluenza, and Acutte Catarrh of the Upper RcsD-; ratory Tracts) . Ref erence Book. Edited by Professor 7% P. C*'-UML'-CF". Acade'-;y oF1%edlc_,_l Sci_-nces USSR Press. The refove-nee book con-'_aJlL-zis P.1-terial on the etiolo,-, laborn dL.-C-no--ls, apide-.JLolom_r, SiDecific Z~ ~UCLQ 0-7 lnflu~,nza, and l'u-mmL, cli=lical tr'~atrnzent, and thenkpy of influenna, and catarr', of th-~~ umper r p a Ll es Lr to, 'racts. The boo!, is inte-ded, for doctors and sci.entific Tliorl,~ers--,;,r,.,,-,LL,,,.(-iio,,-~7.,,7,t.r,, and others. SO: So,,rctS!-_jL7e ';-;ftFi ( S0714e:t Dooks), lF6, 1951, "Oscow, (U-43472) clluk,UKOV, M, -Ply PRTSMW~ 1. M., and ZATSEIPIN, T. S a "Poliomyelitis . " Moscow, 1954 Table of contents and abstracts of several sections of the book. Contains about 100 bibliograuhic references. Translation No. 472, 18 Oct 55 CHUMAKOV, M. P., Prof., Corr. Member, USSR Academy of Medical Science "Hemorrhagic Virus Diseases," paper presented at the Joint Scientific Session held by AMS USSR and Min. of Pub. Health Uzbek SSR on Problems of Regional katholoy,, 20-25 Sept 54,, Tashkent,, page Z7. Attache-mnt ot B-98525, 30 Jul 56 In U. of Cal. Library