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CHUDNOVSKIY, D.M.f kand.okonom,naukj LUKASHEVICH, V.A.
Olve priority to advanced and economical materia13. Stroi.mat.
10 -no.4:13-16 Ap 164. (MMA 17:5)
1. Rukovoditell otdela Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki
stroitellstva Gosstroya SSSR (for Chudnovskly). 2. Glavnyy inzhener
otdola Nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta ekonomiki stroitellstva
Gosstroya SSSR (for-Lukashevich).
AGEYEV, V.M., kand. ekon. nauk; REKITAR, Ya.A.; USTIMP-240, V.V.,
ekonomist; MELINIKOV, A.A., kand. ekon. nauk; LUKASHEVIGH,
V.A , ekonomist; FELIZENBAUM, V.G., kand. ekon. nauk;
SM;Li~Z K,A.., inzh.;' CHUD14OVSKIY., D.M., nauchn. red.
IMethad of calculating the economic efficiency of technologi-
cal. progress:i1n the.building materials and structural ele-
ments industry; us-Ing the example of several branches and
types of production) Metody rascheta ekonomicheskoi effelftiv-
nosti tekhnichoskago progressa. v promyshlennosti stroitell-
nykh materialov i~konstruktsii (na primere nekotorykh ot-
,raslei I vidov proizvodstv). Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 157 p.
(MIRA .18:4)
1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki
9(49 6) SOV/170-59-4-12/20--
AUTHORS: Parfenlyev, R.V., Chudn6vskiy, F.A.
TITLE: The Useof Semiconductor Thermi'stors as. Pickups for the Auto-
ti ~'- o a a6ur ing of Temperature
a e and Simultan6,U,46 anU Moistu!ie of
ths~ A~r - and Efi f se'tive Radiation (Is'pol I zovtiziye polxiprovodni--
kovykh 'bermoso
chikov dlya av Itoma-
eniy v kachestve dat
tichesko'go i An'ovremennogo izmareniya temperatuiY', vlazil-
riosti-vozdukha i effektivriogo'izluaheniya)
Iiih'enetnd fiz:f'heskiy hurnal, 19599 Mr 4, PP 87- 2 (US50-
0 z 9
'ABSTRACTs Effe-c' -rddidtion-df'-*a giv:en ~surface i6 "the "quantffy. equal to
the AiffarVnde,'between the' the)rmal radiation of the 'given, suF-
f ac e ~'and.. a' surround i ng medium. This, concept. is' of a spec:C~l im-
portance-fork natura"I our ace a-9L u
Ad a' ch as soil, ~wa*ter reservoir
ing su?rface"s. ".',Thus
the 0~~f ective~ oail~d uiuillpr tinde.r
radiation' E' ~squa *a a between the long wave zl~dl-
ation of the underlying 'surface and that of the atmosphord
a, The
existing devices,f~or measuring it do not meet the requiremental
sensitive not only to the long wave radiation but also to,
the short wave one. The authors propose to uBe*the knownempiri-'
Card 1/3 call-formula of Brondti
The Use.., of,,_,Se*ic ondLuo tor Thermistors aa.-Piokups for. the Aut.omatic and Simul-
taneous-leasuring-of,Temberature.and Moisture of the Air and Effective Radi-
by expanding it'into a series being a function of the readings
of the dry thermometer. t and the wet one t
2, )21
t+A3t +Att +/A t
They.suggest to design a computer-which should include semi-
conductor thermistors for recording temperature and moisture
of the air and two independent circuits the currents in vhich~'
should vary in'-funotionaidependence on the temperatures 6f_'..
the dry and wet:thermometer.respectively. The detailed th 0
of calculations -is given in a paper by M.A. Kaganov rR6.f 2
to whom.the authors expreas.-their gratitude for'bia.advioes*
The proposed device is multi-purpose one making possible to
establish a imultaneously the three most important character-
istios of the ground-airs temperatureo moisture and effec-
Card 2/3 tive radiationj by direct reading the indications of a galvano-
0 0 (10-3 9-/ 10#3, Z/91*~ 3/181/61/003/012/005/028
AUTHORS: Regellf A. R~? 'ChudnovskiL~ F. A., and Shullman, S. G.
TITLEs Influence of uniaxial plastic deformation upon the electric-
properties-of n-type.germanium
PERIODICALs Fizika tvardogo tela, v- 3, no. 12, 1961, 3589 3592
TEXT: The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and the Hall
effect of plastically deformed n-type GO single crystals (2.6 ohm-cm at
room temperature) were measured 'between 76 and 3000K. Plastic deformation
between 1 and 63% wasbrought about at 8500C by means of a press of the
Institut kristallografii WSSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR).
The specimens were deformed in-vacuo (5--10-2mm Hg along the [111) direction
at a rate of 1.7-10-2mm/min. The deformed specimens 'were cooled, ground,
and etched by means of CP-4(SR-4). The Hall constant, the resistivity,
and the Hall mobility were determined as dependent on temperature and
degree of deformation. The conversion from n-type into p-type Ge which
Card 1/3
S~1181 /61/003/012/005/028
Influence of uniaxial plastic-... B102/B108
was observed with.increasing:,deformation is ascribed to the introduction
of acceptor centers that are easy to anneal and that form an acceptor
level at-,O.l ev from the upper edge of the valence band. The donors of
the initial n-type Ge'are compensated by the acceptors already at a
deformation of-.,5~6. Temperature dependence of the Hall mobility has a
maximum at weak defcrmations-(n-type Ge) which is shifted to higher temp-
eratures as deformation is increased. At large deformations (p-type Ge),
themaximum is shifted to lower temperatures and vanishes at deformations
of over-.63%. Electron mobility inalightly deformed (up to 2%) samples
is.inainly,-influenced-by-scattering from impurity.ions. The decrease in
mobility-i,a ascribed to introduction of defects (vacancies and inter..
sti'tial atoms). X-ray studies showed that for deformations greater than
20%'the crystal structure starts to become polycrystalline. For defor,.-
mations of above 30% UP to~ 63%, the temperature dependence of the mobility
may be described by,4_1-1/2, This dependence may be explained by scatter-
ing of holes from the crystallite boundaries. Defects loose their im-
portance when deformation is further increased. The authors thank A. A.
Sumatokbin for assistance. There are 3 figures and 8 non-Soviet references,
Card 2/3
Influence-of uniaxial-o-plastic ... B102/B108
The four moot recent references to,English--language publications read as-
followas E. S. Greiner; P.-,Breidt, I. N. Hobstetter a. W. C. klis4' JO
Met.,,2, 813, 19571 A- G. Tweet. Phys. Rev 22, 1245, 1955; A.- Seeger.
Solid State,Phys. in Electronics and Telecommunications. Acad. Press.,
London, 1960;.W.~-T. Read. Phil.-Mag-vAll 775, 1954.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of
.semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED& June 28,,.1961
Card 3/3
... - -- -- I- . , - . ~~ Ti I 1 7 7-- T~ , I ; - ,- . - z ~ I .
I - ~-- - - - i
!ACCESSION NR: AP4043479 S/0109/64/009/008/1447/1457
Ya.; Sorokin, 0. V.;
",;.AUtHOR: lorish, A. Yeei, Mo
0 Chudnovskiy, F.
TITLE: Temperature distribution in a. cathode oxide coating
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, V..9# no. 8, 1964, 1447-1457
TOPIC TAGS: oxide cathode, electron tube, electron tube cathode,
(B a Sr Ca) CO cathode
'3 cathode, (BaSr) C03
ABSTRACT: The theoretical and experimental investigation of the temparaturIa
distribution in an oxide-coated cathode is reported. The theoretical part differs
1 from the well-known work of He C. Hamaker (Philips Res. Repts., 1947, 2 55-
67, 103-111, 112-IZS) in that the temperature drop in the oxide is not assumed
small, and-an allowance is made for the Joule heat in the oxide, for the refractive
I index of the oxide, and for.the radiation reflected by the anode. The experimon- -
-5 -4
I tal vart includes xneasuring the-thermal conductivity (10 -3x 10 w/cm-.
degree) of oxide-coating grains at temperatures ranging from room temperature
Card 1/z
-nitro temper ture. It is istimated that the temperatu
down to liquid gen a re of the
oxide may be higher than that of the cathode base by hundreds of degrees when
heavy emission Icurrents are involved;,a still higher difference is possible under-'.
pulsed operating conditions of the tube. The anode reflection has an esacntial,
effect on the temperature distribution. Hot spots on the cathode due to low
th; ermal conductivity at heavy, emission or due to an insufficient rate of 1heat
removal from an underheated cathode rnay result in sparking; a formula giving a
criterion of the cathode thermal instabilityis offered. The heat radiation
capacity of a Ni-base oxide cathode was measured; the radiation dipsipation
factor, which coirespondito a photon free-path length of 30-50 microns at 800-4
90*0C, is estimated. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 31 formulas, and 2 tables. - -
SUBMITTED: 15jun,63.
ENCL: 00
005 OTHER:
, . -_ -I ~ --I. -- ,.Z- A , - ~ -- ~, , ~ " , - ", -- - - - , ~ , . -, ~-- ~. I- , -- , ~ .. - I :- 1-1-7 , - . .. - . - . - I "I - - . .- ~~, , ~ -- 1, ~
LooM~-66 lj~
~_._SUBNIM `00
-OTHER;- 00
Ni REP- S Vt lo~~
1 7
-Effect of diet With low sodium content on the dynamics of body
weight and'urinary excreition of sodium and chlorine in patients
with circulatory insufficiency. Vop. pit. 21 n6.6:17-22 N-D 162.
1. Iz I-y kafedry terapii (zav. - deptvitellnyy chlen 9IX SSSR
prof. M.S.- VOVS1, (deoeased)) TSentraltnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya
vrachey'., Moskva i Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsIny
Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR., Novosibirsk.
f & . LZ3, .
I _ Amplifior and rectifter equipment Moskva Goskinoizdat, 1949. 30) p. k49-54521)
layl4b.. inzh.; LAKETKO, Vladimir
losifovich, inzhq VORONYAK, Ivan "avrilovichs tekhn1k;
'0RTPV, Boris Petrovich, inzh.) SMAYDERMAN, David
Khaymovich, inzb.;'IKGYCHU, Dora Mikheylovna, inzh.;
BALL.-A.M., kand~-tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; VEKSLF.R~ G.S.
kand.tekbn,,, naukp reUenzent; LYSENKO, N.A., kand.
tekhn. neuk,, retsenzent; YURIYEV, A.M., inzh., retsen-
zent; TYNSKIY' P.I.,, inzh.p retsenzent
[Handbook on motion-picture equipment] Spravochnik po,
kinotekbnike. [By] I.IA.Chudnovskii i dr. Kiev, Tekh-
nika, 1964. 635 p* (MIRA 18:1)
,-.-USSR Domestic Animals, Rabbits. Q-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.' No 20 1958, 7211
Author :'L..A-. Chudnovskiy
'Inst -Not given-
Title A Method For Determining the Sexual,Activity of
~Female Rabbits,
Orig Pub: Karaculevodstvo,i zverovodstvo..,1957, No 1, 37-38.
Abstract: The mucus membrane of the uterus~of female rab-
bits, swells ..when-the doe is in heat. -The exter-
nal-sexiial..organo.of the.female change Accord-
ingly; they.swell, assume Ia.rounded,shape, get
wrinkled, and their color changes to a deep red.
With the external sexual organs in such a condi-
tion the female rabbits,have a,100 percent chance
of mating. The doe almost always becomes im-
pregnated and produces the largest number of
Card 1/2
"Inheritance of charactersAnduced in parents by endogenous
factors" by X-F-Plavlov. -Reviewed by L.A.Chudnovskii. Izv.
All Arin.S.'U Biol.nauki112 no.5:99-100 My 159. (HMk 12: 9)
(Hwmlr*vl . (PkVLOV- N.V.)
-&-f- G*- -C-ha-dn-ovsk-ji tif-A.W-
Prom., 19K MP No. 3, 47-49).--A new prc4cFa (d~scribcd) for
con!triuous dyeing of aillk requires two mecham" vats, on- for th~
dyal.g proccsR anti tho other far rivulng itn4 fixativa Of tho dr.
The method Is daimcd to he economical und to rlzduct
co5tg by 20*r'.. TzxT. Ims-r.
Prospects for better geographical distribution of silk
factories. Taket.pron.' 20 no.1:8-11 Ja 160.
OMU 13:5)
(Sllk mnukacture)
- . . --.. - -. - I- -,
. ~ -I.- , - -
m , -; ~, 0 It -
- - _QUMXOKSKIY, P,D.,- kand~medenamk - -
loreioji~ -bodies In the gastrointestinal tracts
KIMKOVSKIT, Nikolay ?e1ikeovichLqwMA9rUx,.LI., inzhener, rateenzent;
.SHELUDIKO, I.K., kanUdat tokhaicheakikli -nauk, redaktor; SWIM,
T.I., tizhener, redaktor Isdatelletva; MMNSIIT, Ts.Y.. tekhniche-
skly re"ktor
[Internal combustion engines; a annual for mechanics] Dvigateli
vnutrannago agoranila; rukovodstvo dlia mashiulstov. Mav,.Gos.
nauchno-tekhn.. isd-va-mashinestroit. lit-ry. 1956. 307 P.
(Gas and oil engines) (KIRA 10:1)
7 , ~ 1- . '-,, . - ,
1': , - -
'BOOK Call No.: AF638455
Author: CHUDNOVSKIY, V. G., Prof.,.Dr. of Tech. Sci.
Full Title-
Transliterated Title-.. Metody rasche"ta k'olebaniy i ustoychivosti
sterzhnevykh sistem
Originating Agency: Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Institute
of Construction Mechanics
Publishing House: Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR
Date: 1952, No.-pp..- 416 No. of copies: 3,000
Editorial Staff: None
PURPOSE: To give engineers the methods of applying theoretical deductions
to the solution by computation of complicated problems of practical
Coverage: The book is divided in five parts. In the first, the author
gives fundamental differential equations and analogies.of vibrations
..,and stability of bars. The second.covers the torsion vibrations of.
shafts of powe.- units. The third contains vibrations and stability
of bars and flat frames. 'In thefourth, vibrations and stability of,
Metody rascheta kolebaniy i ustoychivosti AID 496 1
bterzhnevykh Bistem
round arcs and rings are discussed. The fifth includes the computa-
.tion of free vibrations and stability of three dimension frames of
cyclic symmetry. Eight tables on 48 pages supplement the text for
solving practical computations of the functions of stability and
vibrations. Original research and results by the author make part
of the text.
No. of References: 211j, all Russian (1921-1950)
Facilities: A very large number of-names of authors and their works
are mentioned in the text, footnotes and references and give a
compilatory.character to a large partof the book.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 166 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Chudnovskiy,- V.G. Chudnovsl kiy, V. G.
TITLE: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Forces in the
Boom of the ESh-4/40 Excavator (Teoreticheskove i ekspe-rimen-
tall noye.opredeleniye usiliy v strele ekskavatora ESh-4/40)
Teoretychne i eksperymentall ne vyznachennya zusyll u -strili
ekskavatora ESh-4/40
PERIODICAL: Vistnik AN. URSR, 1955, Nr 8, pp 55-56
ABSTRACT: A report on.the results of an experimental inve~tigatlon of.the
forces. arisinj in the main elements of the boom of the walker-type
excavator,ESh-4/40 of the Novo-Kramatorsk plant; the inyestiga'.
tion was carried out: in conditions of actual operation of the machine'
in the pit. The forces arising in the boom were measured by
means of wire-type strain gages, while the forces in the hoisting
cable and the.four elastic guylines that support the boom were--..
measured by means of dynamometers. The positions of the bucket.'
during its movements:were cinematographically recorded. The
excavator operated without revolving relative to its vertical axis.
Card 1/2 It was established that the dynamic forces set up in the course of.
GROZIN, B.D., prof., doktor tokhn.naukl qgT-lQY&Xjj, V.G,, doktor
'takhn.nauk,.rstsanzent; VAMEW, D.V., doktor tekhn.nauk;
retsefzent;-*BARABASH.~-N~, kahd.,tekhn.nauk, rateenzent; DWOOR,
D.A., kand.t,~khn.umh&, xstsenz.ent; ISHCHENKO, I.I,., kand.takhn.
naIuk,.retsensent;.MIVA, LOP*, kandotekhu'.usuk, Tateenzent;
SALION, V.To.,'u'k,-.retienzent; PHIVCHUK, V.A.,
kand.takhn.tiauk, rateenzent;BOROKA, M.S.. radAzd-va: !tUDBNSKITp
.[Studies- in metallograpby and wear remistance of metals:,collection
-of"'PaPeTal -lasledovaulla v- Olatti metallo'vedeniia i kontakthoi
p~ocbnostt'mqiiaio'v; abornik dokladoy. Pod obsbabei red.
Grozina* Kiev, Gos.' na'uchno'-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit..lit-ry,
1958. 127 P. 12.-1)
I.,AN Ukraluskol RBR,'Klev.,I=tytlut--budivel-InoI mekhaniky.
13 PI'l AM Tnr".4 Mir RRR (fo%" arna.4 n)
I - ~ 11 - - , -:- --*~~,- -~~
&af-i~At~~,,-~~'-~ --- ~ ' ~ :~ --- r . ., - ;-~ -c,--,----,---- -
11 -I- -, - I- ---
RAMZESP B. Ya., kand. geole-mineral. nauk; URALISKIY, B.P.., kand. geole-
mineral. nauk; LEGKAYA, L *P~., mladshiy naucbnyy sotrudnik;
Method of c.antrolling..the quality of the rav material in lim e-~
stone mining In the central regions of the country. Sbor, trud.
NIIZHelezobetcna no*8t52-67 t63 MIU 18S1)
- , ~ :... --z-r- ---
1- --~ I - - ~44.1 ~-: ~ ~
sommimm m
--L- . , , i-
-; - ~:~ -1- kir.~ - MAE
-% ~ -.- ~-- , 14~
8 (6) SOV/115-59-10-11/29
AUTHOR:, Chudnovski V Y
TITLE:: Oscillogram--lecording...of Electric Power Con5umptio
PERIODICA,L: Jzmeritellna'yd tekhnika, :1959, Nr.10, pp 24-26,,(TjSSR)
ABSTRACT..'ucribes a-device for recording,by means
of an oscillogram the consumption of electric power.
"by- portions.' -in short periods of time with an! ordi-
nary.wattmetei,..(Figs-i and 2). The-Tr transformer,
the DGN-23,germanium diode. and the Ts filter form a
half-wavexectif16r4bi. h feed the d.c. to the-colls
e c
of the RP-4,:-olarized~relay.The coil I of the-relay
receives.a constant voltage-of a volume determined in
t,h6 adju.stment process by the Rl potentiometer. The.
IIis;fed from the rectifier passing
through'the-,FS~-Kl-photoresistor. The I and II coils
;are. switched;' the resulting magnetic flows
meet eachl6ther..'The~tube L illuminated the photore-
sistor which is installed together with the L
C rd 1/3 .
inside the wattmeter and under its disc so that-the
SOV/115-59-10-11/2 9
Oscillofrram Recording-of,Electric Power Consumption
photoresistor-can.only be illuminated by the-light ray,
reflected from. f ceof the disc. Black ma - ra--
the sur a t
dial strips are also painted on this disc. Thesmall
'11- n which the photoresistor and:the-socket
corner ce 0
of the tube-are mounted directs.the light*ra ~When~
the,disc~of the wattmeter rotates the light ray:r.efled-,
t ed on the .-d is c. surface falls on the photoresi,stor
the,resistance of-which decreases sharply, whereas.~the-
volumeofthe current passing through t he coil II in- -
creases'and.its 11m.d.,s.11 becomes bigger than thatofl_
the coil.I..At that moment the relay anchor~connects
the K2 contacts.-When blackened strip of the disc.pas-,
ses in front of the photoresistor its resistance in-,`,
creases and,,the current,volume decreases.'The
of the coil,-,will become larger than the ilm.4.8_1,1 of
the.-coil II,_ the relay anchor disconnects the contacts.
K2 and.connects the Kl contacts placed in the,chain of.
the V vibrator used as a marker..When the device is.
Card 2/3 working the vibrator will make marks on the oscil16_,._,
Oscillogram Recording,of Electric Power~Consumption
(Pi 3 d 'the
gram 0 . an number of these marks in-a d -6f i-I
nite - period- 6f tim,e.,:will be:proportional to the num-
ber,of.'rotations of the disc,16. proportional to the
consumption of the electric power registered by the
wattmeter in thesame period oftime. The k value of
each mark is calculated from the formula
T- n~.
where, .A is thie-number 'of rations of the disc f or the,
consumption per kwh, -taken from- the plate of
the wattmeter;,:a the number of marks on the dise;
the.transfoimation coefficient of the transformer fee-
,din he c '' r
g,t ur*ent coil of the wattmeter and n the trans
formation.coefficientof the voltage transformer-fee-
-ding the voltage coil:of the wattmeter. The power con-
sumption during,the process is determined from the for-
mula :W kn,: (kwh) where p is the number of marks.-on
the oscillogram. There are 1 diagram,.l figure and 1.
Card 3/3 photograph.
AUTHOR i Chudnovskil
TITLE: Improveneni -of lth4 Oscillosdop? ~MVQ-2 (MPO-;-2)i;(
PERIODIC,AL: 1imeritelln tekhnikal"19609,~N09 5, pp:39-40
TEXT: A number ofidoficienci*s-in the-construction of the loop oeci3losc ope,
MrTo-2 (MPO-2)-w'as de during several years since its introductione
A - description in given here of_soMw improvements worked out by the author,
for eliminating thas0 deficiencies. The oscilloscope does not posesse.any
looking devioe:-applioableLon stopping the mirror drum. Fig. I shows a
Wiiee developLed by the author to eliminate -this drawback.L By this device,
the mirror drum can be-stopped by means-of the lover regulating the scan-
~ning velocity in the position corresponding to the reflection of,the.boam-
reflectedLby the vibrator on.-the,screen central part. A further deficiency
'in the- qscilloscope~ under 'diacu6jjonL is the lack of a time -indicator for
pivooessee to be recor dad ~at :10-V;,f ilm, -velocities. 'In 'Pig.. 2 v the author
offers a time ind ioaAor serving%for-the-eliminalion of this drawback. This
time indicator Lis mounted inside Lthe oscilloscope, and drams a curve with
Card 1/2
0.3 o E194/E455
AUTHORSs Vo1otkovzkiy,,S-.A.9 Doctor of Technical Sciences,
_____-dson, V_V. -and ~~4udnovskiy V
ProTe-ssor, Eagl Yu.
TITLE% The Compenzatlou'dUinterference in Film-Type Hall-
Effect krobes
PERIODICALvIzvestIL vys shikh- uchebnykh--zavedeniy
Elektromekhanikas.a960, No_-79 pp.88-91
TEXT: Film-type_~,,Halls-eff ect:- probe's 'are becoming widely used
but are subject to interference from -emfla of mutual induction.
'As the-interference,seriously impairs the performance of the
.probes, the use.of'filters has been proposed, but these distort
-the output emf. This:article-.briefly.describes the physics of
the generation of interference and proposes a new method of
compensating it.~ The~-case 3.9 then considered of a Hall-effect
probe installed on the pole:of a d.c. ~machine. The success~
of teeth and slots opposite the pole aa the armature rotates may
be represented by an~:equivaleni travelling wave of magnetic field
which in a small increment of..time sweeps a small area of the
probe. If the areas of the elementary circuits on the two sides
of the contaet.wire_~are not equal, an interference emf iT, set up.
Card 1/3
The Compensation of.Interfere.nce in Film.-Type Hall-Effect Probes
To avoid such interference- the-lead-must be so placed that at any
point the elementary area swept by.the field on both.sides of it
are equal. -Also, the probe mus tbe located in the magnetic field
in-such a way'that the wave-fron't:is,parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the pick-up.,*-There would be no interference if the
probe.were strictly S'ymmetrical,,bu.t it is not and displacement
of the lead by.0.2-mm can cause appreciable Interference.
A then Which the wire may be positioned so
as to avoid interference. -,,A narrow air-gap is made in the core
of an a.c. magnet, a s illustrated.1n Fig.2. This is strongly,.gap,is.less:than I mm, leakage,flux at the
edgest.may-be neglected., :A probe-connected to an oscillograph is
then inserted slightly into the'slot and the wire position adjusted
until no deflection Is observed; it is then secured by quick-
drying adhesive. The probe is then moved further into the field
and the process repeated until complete compensation is obtained
over the entire-width of the probe. This method of compensation
was checked on.probes~of 10 x 40 mm, uncompensated and compensated
versions being shown in F:Lg.3a-and 3b respectively. The probes
Card 2/3
The-Compensation of~~Interfer' Film-Type Hall-Effect Pr Iobes
were then placed on the -poles- of ~A -machi ne, as shown in Fig.4.
The presence of interferenc. e'emf Ia. will -be seen in Fig.4a and 4b. In
Fi&.AB the probe, besides being compensated-, is parallel to the
slots and there is-no*ihte*f6xrenc6.' These oscillograms were taken
at about one-third rated speed because the electromagnetic
oscitlographused could -not followAhe high-frequency interference
at full rated,speed..'! Some,:published works make insufficient
allowance for the influence.of.the frequency characteristics of
the osc:, ',ograph element on the.1imiting frequency of recordl*ngI
and due attention should be paid tothis point. It is recommended
that industrially Hall-effect probes should be
fully compensated by the manufacturer. There are 4 figures and
5 Soviet references,