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89610 Radiation Measurements During the Flight of S/020/60/136/002/013/034 the Third CosmicRooket -BO19/BO56 October 4,:19599 to.Ootober-18, 1959-~The trajectory of the rocket was in practical agreement~with.that of the first and second cosmic rocket. From a comparison of the readings of the various counters, the authors. conclude that the intensities of the~particles recorded by the instruments depend on the absorption in the container walls. Measurements in the interplane- tary space showed that the cosmic radiation on the.boundary of the terrestrial,magnetio field is very.strong; only individual small'fluctua- tions were recorded. Finallyq the-agreement existing between the recorded intensities and those of a monitor-are dealt with. From these considera- tions the authors.draw~the conolusionthat the weak variations in the time from October 4 to,October 18 are-in connection with the variations of the miagnetic fields in the-solar system and the interactions among the latter are connected-with cosmic radiations. There are 1 figure, 1table, and'3 Soviet references, SUIBMITTEDs-October-26, 196o Card 2/2 VEMOV, Sergey K., LOCAGOV, Tu. 1,,. GOMME-0y, Ye. V., SAWNTOD, 1. A., a 0 S/048/62/026/006/613/9? Radiation studies during the flights B125/BI02 bdundnriwof thisbalt ~:Wero determined more accurately by the lower orbiting Soviet spaceship. At 16hours after the chromosphere flaro of June 17, 1958 had-vanished but still a few hours before.the magnetic storm, charged particle intensity increased. The electron spectrum of the onter radiation belt does riot change much at an altitude' of 32,000-40,000 km: nor did the magnetic storm which occurred during the flight of the third Soviet:spaceship have any substantial effect on the -outer radiation belt. Except for a.few percontp the proton Intensity of the inner.radiation belt remained,conotant during the three V;eeks' flight of the third Soviet oatelliteh The. increased -radiation intensity over. the Brazilian anomaly,-observed on-boara of the second spaceship at an altitude of 320 kmi was. due to the inner radiation belt. In thin anomaly the-prDton component of the,inner radiation belt -io.prodominant at small geomagnetic latitudes. The portion of X-rays increases with' increasing. latitude. A zone of lower bromestrahlung intensity separates the outer from the innerradiation belt. This zone is practically abbent in the region of the Brazilian anomaly. The equator of cosmic rays determihed ,.by the second and the third Soviet spaceship resembles remotely a sine curve running between 110 of northern and 110 of southern latitude. Card 2/3 510481621026100610131020 .,Radiation:utudies during the flights B125/BI02 Between 60 Western and 600 eastern longitude the equator of comie radiation 11 a nort h of the theoretical nine curve. The ' the lines of equal-cosmic radiation intensity oorreoponds in goneral to ~ the, distribution of magnetic rigidity. There'are 16 figures 'and 2 Cables. 36667 B/056/62/042/006/632/047 Y/ 0 B100108 AUTHORS: ZatsePin, V. I. TITLE: Spatial distribution of. the intensity of Cherenkov radiatibnj.-. in extensive-atmospheric showers PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki v. 42 no. 6, 1962, 1622 1628 TEXT: The Cherenkov radiation generated by extensive atmospheric coamic-i- ray showers on two observation levels of different altitudes is calculatedi The angular and energy distributions -of the electrons in the showers are adopted from the cascade theory of electron-photon.showers. The shower axis meets,the earth's surface at the point'O (Fig. 1), the radiation pickup is at D, the figure OBCD.lie's in the drawing plane, the figure;- OOIAIB in a plane perpendicular to the drawing plane. The intensity of light generating electrons with energies between E and E.+dE at'the point' D is determined. Numerical results obtained for showers from pridary pro-, tons and photons of variouslenerg3*.es are given (Table). There are 4 figures and I table. Card I CHUDAKOVp A. Ye.; VERWVp S.N. �Tfivostint,iorv of radiation~ a-, t altit ti do's of290-800 ion duArur niehtof CosIRo' a- I L 2~d'-05-65 EEC-4~~, G(j)/ EWG(v )/E7lA(b I Tp-kr ':~~'Ml N qt: A T4 G4- 99 i.", 14 1 777 T I-) R - Chud alcriv, -A, Ye. Dafl~!flln, V. T,.' ZaLqPnk-i. V IIN,,Fzt-r-w a, -Ilroep. of !,F Search for photons wif'! al-Kieq f3f ah-olit 10000, 17'e", * f SOURCE- AN Mflgft, P171chpakIv Inwi4tut. Trudy , v. 20, 1964. Kosmin ichesidyb luchl tCmarnic rays), 118- 141 Tr:41!C TAGS: cosmic radiation, cosmic ray iource, hlzh eat-r~v photon. Cerenk-ov r diation, radio source. radio tetescope ME MA -ABSTRACT- 'Ile method and rcsvltq of an attempt to detec( high-energry photon flux from -Iah- cof3mic 3ources (primarVy from Cylmtjg A 6nd Tcoir~is A, c!!-- ic-scribcA- Obser- 7-t-rt-, niade during the SUITIMPr sea.-fi -f of this at, ronforoncoq im )aaed zin L"Pe rofo, 1 C );)'-';3 Aild LhIJR -13 Ativs 'intezsity of high-eneri ]71 J K" ' 5, 2~ a7- L 24805-65 ACCESSION Mi., AT4V-,9932 -ure value device was used to record bursts of Cprenkov Ight f rom- showers aDert Initial enerU _botlt 2.1()12 ev nbRnrvM af ri-a ),-VpD- The co(Mt rate :1 1W, - ?T01 'm i n of k-h) ini thr, 1A.: -1 M 71 .7k Y.I. Koncvajf7tV a kikh 1,-chey (Cosmic Rav LaborMfirv). f-ii- '~f -Ira qTjq. r t Y,,Lko,.,,1pv, B.V. Skih-)o(ip, Vo 7- 71 -14,zicheskiy inetitut ~,N S,1: F 11 Ph, ev;rd 2/2 57 362 affu ry a of t6c a -5 counter -a-1963 period, and dle minting rat T-una atation and in the stratosphere durin,g the first hRlf of :)r LJQJ. k~rig. art, lids: 16 flguzea aad 2 ta'-bles. CUM vc-; F( hIFSS-21EWT (1 ) /FS t s ) I-EPAi 'EWG 7'-- -2 n!UUnaaLUU RM9 Ar-44-f 3jrvG L5Dkg8)/rE5j)kt) ;21- Ve 7ji UF r UU4 f uyj~. VU iijU64ey AUTHOR: Vernov,_S, M.- C!w TTYGW WS Y Ukulay, P, V.: Gorchakov. Ye. V.; Logacliev, Yu. I ov" Nikolavav, A. G. Lyubim TITLE: Investigation of cosmic radiation during the flight of the Mars-1 and Hoon-4 a ace stations SOURCE: Kogmicheakiye iseledavaniya, v. 2, no. 4. 1964, 633-640 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, apace station, liars 1. Moon 4. Earth x-adiation belt, scintillation counter. gas discharge counter ABSTRACT: Recordings of cosmic-radiation intensity beyond the Earth's ma2netfc field made during the flight30fMarS-1 (201 November 1962 to 2-nuary 11163) and Moon-4 (2-14 April 1963) are d1qcu,;,;ed. Data an Earth's --adiation belts received f rovw M a r 9 - 1ar. dd a t a on coamiz~-ray intensity during various cycles o[ qoliar activity 7he equipment aboard Mars.-I, consisted of two scintillation tvn Geigt~r gas-discharge countern. It was di9covere,14 that the rgiiiIrv of cosmic radiation remains practicallv hevord a digtance of 0.24 astronomical units. During the flight of Moon-4, I / 2 L -fo44-65 ACCESSION NR% AP4043502 slow and smooth Variati'dits-A -8 L n.cQ M erray Ontensity connected vith changes of'tho magnetic aituation in the volar system were recorded. The varttcle fluxes in the radiation belte recorded by 'Kars-1 are given, The average energy yield in the crystal of the scintil- 1-1tion counters for a gin-gle count was about 2 Key. Orig. art, has, and 4 tablea. ,%SSOCIATIGNt none SUBHITTEDt 30Jan64 ATD PRESS: 3104 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt AA, SV NO REF SOVt 002 OTHER, 005 000~ (h V71 2 7 A '-0 In -'S ~Y U ~I QV 3 6 - 'N S Z"eativa. S a r i Y az e s 3 a v 2 6 no . 12 TACS- radiation measurement, spaceborne ionization meaeurement, 3 m I I a I i o --,; 7i I,- t c r a d i a t i o vIs c L n t L I I I.i ce 7a .3 d i q c:h a rge coun to r/ ~as discharge counter, Cosmoa--:7 Tha article describes equipment used in the flIght of 7 C. 7 apo gee , 788 km ; pa ri gee , 2 60 'Kmj' for iaveatigating the rz'diatioa belts aad primary coo-mic radiation- The equipment consisr-ed of two scintillation counters (with Hal &ad Cal crystals) and Card J S A L 21116-65 ACCESSION UR: AP5002106 a STS-5 gas-dLacharge counter. The cylindrical Nal counter (20 X 20 mm) was mounted under the shell of the satellite and was fitted with aluminum shielding (I g1cm2). On one channel it recorded Ionization produced in the crystal by radiation; on the two others, it registered the numaer of pulses with energy release in the Cry&La,'L over the specified thresholds (50 kev and Hav). The effective cross section of the Nal crystal for particles registered along the ioniza-- 6, " CUT ; for the second tion and first threahold channels was approx. 4 -, 2 channel, it was roughly 5X smaller for particles with quadruple ioni- zation and 20% smaller for relativistic particles. _J A The STS-S gas-discharge counter has an effective cross section of I It was placed inside the device containing the scintillation .3 cm-2. counter and was not fitted with any special protection. Up to count- l-'- rat-3s of 3 x lG3 pulselsec, the counter registered virtually all At higher rate.% the count oecame LeqA -,e*~ilble, The flat Csl counte (crystal diameter, 6 mm; thickness, 3 mmi was anounted outside the container. For protection from light, the crystal was covared with aluminum foil (2 mg/cm2~, For protection against Card 2/5 ~, 21116-65 ACCZSSION NR: APS002106 b*rems s trah lung, the photothul tip tier and the crystal were shielded vLth 5 nm of lead and 11 mm of aluminum, except for the front of the ,~,Iiotomultiplier, which had a conical opening for particle incidence ~.parture angle, 40*). This counter-carried out ionization measure- the crystal of ments and particle registration at energy release in 45 and 160kev and 5.4 and 8.5 Hev.. Both electrons and protons could be regiSLered along the first two (45 and 160 Kev) channels. Along th a - other two (5.4 and 8.5 ?I--V) channels, the count was mainly of pro- tons; at an electron path perpendicular ro the crystal, surfacer enarFty :,,, ;c. s wara' about 2 'Hev' and oblique -paths were 'precluded by ~he thick- S S of the shielding Table 1 of the Enclosure q47eG the minimal energies ~egtstered by'the counters, 0 r L 8a r t . i h a a2 tables and 4 formulas;. ASSOCIATIONt none Card 3/5- 211116-65 ACCESSION XR: APSOOZI06 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 01 SO RE? SOV: 003 OTHER: 006 SUB CODEj Sv, Es ATD PRESS: 31.65 Gard 4 /5 L 21116-65 ACCZSSIO,N UR. Ap5oono6 ENICLOSURF.: Minim= particle erergy Chan- Detectors and re- nel P gistration thres- holds "rotona Electrons -f--quanta Nal crystal 1 Ionization 0 Hev 3 2.5 Mev 20 kev -2 Threahold. 50 kev 30 Rev 2.5 Hav 50 kev. 3 Threshold, 3.3 Hev 33 Mev 5 Hev 3.3 9ev 4 STS-5 Counter 5 MAv 3 Mev 30 kev. CaI cLystal 5 ranication, 00 kev 50 kev 5 kev 6 Threahold, 45 kev 500 kev 80 kev 45 kev 7 Threshold, 160 kev 660 kev 180 kev 160 kev 8 Threshold, 5.4 Hev 6 Hev 5.4 Mev 5.4 Mev Ccrd 4-3, 11.553.66 FSS-2/ER(1)/FS(v - /FCCAWA(d)/ FdA(h) TT/GS/GW ACCESSIONIRi- AT5693616 -:M -Chul6tikkov.' 'A Ye Vakill AUTHOR: Vernov, 0~,- P. Go=hakov-Y-eo_- -3-553 -46:11- L A(!CWSIW-.ft., ~,AT50236io---: -T itAl-data- Elektron-l Slektron-~2 -Low altituLe L (high altitudeY .4, . Altitude Apogee 140 km 68 2oo kzd Altitude pL gee W. km 460 I= , Orbital- pe#od J -~2 hr: .48 inin 22 hr 30 mi I 14 'lust --Jof~- -61 oibital Period of' rota~i, 11 4, siee,,- 0 rd 414 ACCESSION NR: AT5020614* to. 9-i0 (Here. L is n nal--NcIlwain parameter calculated Jn the average omi oximation and e ressed-in- ar h,xadiii), It is dipole appr e t found that irr quiar, flows of e e adiation belts appear,w the earth's r ith., 1 etrons Ide - the bound4z of - an increase in, pertur&atibn, of the geom6gnetic field both at the surface of the, * is-'~ earth and at. distances of 111-3 1000 km from the earthe A theoretical explanation 0 , - given for, this phencienort- The'experimental data support- of a clos the hypothesis system of lines fffor-66~Jfi the earth's magnet c i field~up t latitudes of150i~- 0 Orig. art.- has:,. [141 -4; ASSOCIATION:'- n none SUBMITTED----,62Sep65,. . .... . ENCL.- 60 SUB CO ES SY Z"_ DE - 140 R& SOV.1 00 010 -- ATD PRESSo --- 2 2 L 1552.66 ns-2/W(3L)/Fg(v)-3/FCC/IWA(d)/WA(b) TT/03/GW ACCUSION VIRS ~ AT5023628 M/0000/65/000/000/0502/050 AUTHORI Venwv~ Takulay. p Im. V4 "! 41AWMA-UlL 2kWid.k. - --i A -- y1sr TITUI Primary cosmic radiation Investigations S0URC9t Vae"yusnayo koftleroutelys go USA* kosuIcheWw&2 ynwjxw&tmt "001*9 1965. looledovanlys koomicbeekogo, prostranstva (Spam research); trudy komforouteLlpi Moscow, Ixd-v0 xv*&, 1965, 502-50 TOPIC TAGSt cosmic ray, cosmic rediation,' prinry &qWc-W. primary cosmic radiation, glaktron 2 xjjkjnGL4 ABSTRACTt Experimental data obtained by Slektroo-2 and -A an primary cosmic radio tion are presented and Isterproted._ The dat&6 cc ring the period 30 January to I November 1%4,, wave obtained primarily by wasma 6f tom-discharie counters with an average frequency of- 20 ruless/sec. . IM arare of the satellites was 69$00 ko keeping then outside the Urth's radiation belts must of the time. %a higbor coust froquoincy as the tkidtamse of tba'scy - as woo Increased. mods - It possible to conclude that the primary radiation did met cointaft partielne withis the 50 to 110 Now, reop.: Too type of Ware-distlogulabodi _L 1552-66 ACCUSION NK: AT5023628 those connected with the 11-year period of solar activity. and fast verlatilons. with a period of the order of two weeks. The 11-year period variations grow in Intensity at the rate of about 2 percent per month during the first half of 19". During the second half of the year the intensity reached a calling and in October Indicated a tendency to declinsi theme data are in fair agressant with those of the Fort Churchill and Deep River observation posts. Certain Indications of a phase shift between the periods of solar activity and the Intensity of cosmic rays were discerned -in the sequence of moothly averages of the Intensity of. cosmic radiatlon, the relative. number of solar -spate, and the solar flux of 10. 7-cm radio waves. These observations. however, sire not considered conclusive. The short- period variations of radiation with a 1.5-perccmt asplitude periodically acquits a clearly cyclic character. The saws observation was made In April 1963 by the Luna-4 Interplanetary station. to postal, however, the cyclicity Is not very regular and the mature of tbasevarlatlems remains obscure. Then are also indications of a 27-ft Varied In the data'for IM. Am atft"t was sade to cor"late these periods with do sva*s rotation. A replar coincidence was set observed. but in sove esses .(retaMose IM� 1793, and 1794) there was a fair indication of pavdlelbe. the abosace -of a enfilwive ~etioa with the" ow's rotation saggeste the poselkility. that the short-petted voriatfVw have a asensm - ---- --- ---- -- 7 I V65W606 ACC NR, AP7001549 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/171/00 AUTHOR: Vernov S* N. (Corres onding member AN SSSR); Chudakov, A Ye (Corresponding member AN SSM; Vakulov, P. V.; Logache!~)~R~.~Y._;' Lyubimov, G. F.; Pereslegina, N. V. "IORG: Moscow State.University_im.~-M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovs1q gosu- darstivennyy universitet).. TITLE: Cosmic ray variations. according. to data from Zond-3 and Venera-2 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady' v. 171, no. 3.0 1966, 583-586 ITOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, cos-mic.ray intensityi cosmic ray measurement ABSTRACT: At the.-end of 1965 and beginning-of 1966 two.Soviet space, stations, Zond-3 and Venera-2, were in space simultaneously measuring cosmic ray intensity. The first was in motion away from the Sun and ;the second toward the Sun, which made it possible to determine both variations in the intensity of cosmic rays and their dependance on the Idistance. from the Sun (L.e., their radial gradient). Data obtained by- STS-4-type gas-disch e craft'revealed the ,%rg counters onboard the space Iradial gradient as (3-1 +0.4)% per 1 astronomic unit. The radial ~Cgrd Al_%. NM gradient was irregular; this phenomenon was attributed to changes in the character and magnitude of.-the Forbush effect. Detectors of the .n-p type onboard the space., stations measured the radial gradient of protons with energies of '1. .5,Mev. In addition to a sharp temperature increase, the detectors revealed a very stable and time-independent noise which exceeded by about 10 times the possible noise of,high- energy particles. It was-also~found that the intensity of protons in- creased in moving away from the Sun. Whpn the distance from the Sun was increased from'130 x 166~ to 190 x 101 km, the intensity of 1-5-Mev protons, whose origin is known to be-solar, increased 5 times. A mech- anism is proposed-for 'explaining this paradox. The nature of thq radial gradient may possibly be explained by Pa,rker.'&diffusion theory. I Orig. art. has: 4 figures (WA-751 SUB CODE: 04/ suBm.DATE-- ~1!Aug66/ OR-IQ REF: .004 OTH REF:. 002. -ATD ~PRESS: 5111 Card 2/2 7-, -,-*-- . - -"-- -d-6-5-f.-TR-70-0-2--o-7667l-l-l7O-6lF/O'&4T/078-5y- ACC NR- Ap'(0018,94 AUTHOR:-, Vern ov, S.N. (Correspoirrding member.AH SSSR)- Chudakov* A.Yd., (Corredlw.n.4ingr! member A-N SSSR); VakVlov, P V.; Logachev, Yu.1."' EOWIR6ir G.P.; Hikolaye" A-G.;'Perslegina, N.V. ORG: Moscow 61i tyim. M. V. Lomonosov .(Moskovskiy, enz4atel sosudarstv universitet),., TITLE: Measurement..of solar protons with energies. of 1-5 Mev by the Venera-2, Venera-39_and Zond-3- space probes. SOPRCE: AN SSAR.' Doklady, V. 171, no. 4, 19616, 84T-850 -TOPIC TAGS: solar r.adiation, solar radiation intensity, proton counte ABSTRAC~:,burin"g:' the flights- of ---the Zoind-3, Verena-m-2, and Venera-3*spac'e*V-robes, the countingiate of proton detectors and Geiger countpars on board in- Icreased markedly on-sik occasions. The semiconductor surface-barrier !Proton'detectors.had an area of about 0.2 cm2; the p-n junction was '35 p thick. On the side of-free space within a solid angle o f lul sterad,-,i !the detectors were shielded with 2 mg/cm2_thick aluminum foil; on other sides:the shielding was more than 1-g/cm2 thick. The detectors were. -tuned to record protons with energies varying from 1 to 5 Hev. -The intensity pn~ge measured correspppded.t 1.1 x 10-3 to 1.1 puls e/sec. 7 none Card 1/2 - ------------ ACC NRs AP7001894 An analysis of the recorded data indicates that the protons are acceler- :ated 'on theSun and are propagated withott hindrance along the magnetic. force lines in interplaneta space. The width of proton fluxes with ry energies of' 1-5.Mev,was estimated at.-3*x.1012 cm. It is concluded that' thesd protons of comparatively low.,-. energies.are generated periodically from.the active areas.on the Sun. Thfay reach distant regions in :interplanetary space1hrough a "tunnel" produced-by the corpuscular .8streams. [WA-4 SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: lljul66/- ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REF:: 002/ -ATD'PRESS:~ 5111 C,,d 2/2 J 1.1 1 i-15 XiD li~: Atd WT6024975 SOURCE CODES UR/oooo/65/000/000/0224[o226 AUTHORS Chudakov) I. P.; 11prachevskiyl-Aa 00 ORG: All-Union Aluminum-MaMsium Instltute~ VYY instituty -(VsosoYuznyy a1yuminiyevo-magniye TITIB.' Electrolyte composition and current efficiency during theAe pa~ition of sodium at a liquid le-al-cathode 4 SOURCE; KN SSSR. OtdeleAye obshchey i tekhnicheskoy khimii. Zashchitnyye metalli- cheskiye i oksidryye pokryt1ya, korroziya metallov i issledovaniya v oblasti elektr.o- khimii (Protective metallic andoxide coatings, corrosion of metals, and studies in, electrochemistry). Moscow, Nauka, 1965, 224-226 TOPIC TAGS: sodium fluoride, sodium chloride,, lead alloyp.sodium alloy, electrolysis J03TRACT: The purpose of the study was the optimuneleatrolyte composition and experimentally determine'the influence of various factors'on the current efficien- ey during the deoosition of sodium at a liquid lead cathode. Preliminary experimento showed that the electrolysis of pure NaCl is unstable and associated with anodic.'-. effects when Da is only 1.2 A/mn2 (the working anodic donsity was 1.5 A/cm?)$ but that- tho addition,of NaF stabilizes the. anodic process. At a 2-3% NaF content of the melt and a cathodic-current density.of only 0-5 A/cm?-, an average current efficiency of-UP to 84% can be achieved, - and no anodic effects take place. An electrolyte containing, 97% NaCl and 3% NaF was therefore used in subsequent experiments. An increase in Card 1/2 L 45660-66 EwT (m) Ion W /ZT1 UP(c) JD ACC N& AP6025466 A)f SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/007/1647/165.0117 A. G& AUTHOR: Chudakov, I. P Morachevsk~z ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the activity of sodium in its alloys with lead in the 660.-~ 11000K range 411 SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 7, 1966, 1647-1650 TOPIC TAGS: sodium, alloy composition, vapor pressure, vaporization, phase diagram, emf ABSTRACT: Activity of,sodium in Na-Pb alloys and sodium vapor pressures over Na-Pb alloys containing _15.7-S7.2 at Na was measured in the 660-11000K range. The Na ac tivity was determined by measuring the electromotive force of the following system: (-)Na/electrolite containing Na ions/Ka-Pb alloy (+). It was found that for a given., temperature, the activity of sodium is a linear function of the sodium content in Na-', -Pb alloy., The sodium saturation vapor-pressure (P over I;a-Pb alloys at a given:' Na temperature can be calculated from the formula: PKa Na'aft" where F0 is sodium vapor press ure over pure sodium at a given temperatures-and Na aN UDC: 546.3-191331815 F~d Card 1/2 L 45660m-66 1. lauchno-iseledowatoliekly-awt6tratkoz~nyy institut. (Tractors) CHUDAYOV, ','avid Abranovich (Central State Machine-Testing Static-n, of th.? 'Ministry of Agriculture USSR~ - Academ.-Ic dp-- ee of Poctor of Techn-cal. Sciences, based cn h-* seefense, 3 June 1955, in the Council of the Moscow Inst of K~chanization and Electrification of Agriculture imeni-Molotov, of his dissertati,-n sntitle~'-. "Fundamentals of bhe Theory of Agricultural Shutter Corb-ines (,'-IaAraznyye Agregaty) Acadavic deggree a nd/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO- Decisions of TAY y 27p 2/,. Dee `5, Byulletin' INO SSSF~ Uncl. JPR3/NY 548 A Abramovicht LETM, -B.Ya., red.; GUMVICH, M.M., 0 GHUDA OV, G. Amateur photographern of Leningrad. Sov.foto 20 no-7:19 Jl 160* (IIINA 13:7) -- - -0 1 q---, ~ . - ~ ;~ ! - -- --- - .- - - - - - - - - 'm 42821 sAGgYG2/000/016/034/071 D228/ '307 loco. _'UTNORS; Nutin :;.N -and, Chudalcovo 7 ometry of - applying glow discharge to anem TITLE: Problem PERIODIUL: Referativnyy ihUrnal, Ceofizika, no. 102,1962, 9, abstract 10355,(Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t .70, 196jq~ 195-205). TEX.T: -anemometer equipmer The layouts~ and photographs of art briefly described. Attention is above all paid to a~dischargei.l. a senGing element and thi--most responsible'detail of the systeia'.~'; The authors cite,the 14"ollowing basic results of research in motion- less air and particularly,''ih,turbulent flow conditions. ~1. on r aph, representing thc~dependence*of the discharge current force g n the distance (the gap) betureen the electrodes, it is possible td! 0 d limit. 4 ~ regions: A with sparkotmr,- B and C, with glow discharge, d and D with arcover. Only region C, in which glow discharge can-, arise without the joining of-electrodesvis of interest EGr.anemo- Metry. If the gap is constant incrcasing,.the discharge 'ctunre Card 1/3 .42821 S/169/62/000/010/034/071 D228/D307 AUTHORS: 1"Utint S.N. and Chudakov I.G. TITLE: Problem of applying glow discharge to andmometry PERIODICAL: We f e rat i vnIyy zhurnal, Geofiz3.ka, no. 10, 1962 9 abstract.10355 (Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t, .70: 166 10-205) The layouts and.photlographs of anemometer equipment are briefly described.., Attention is above all paid to a discharger~ a senGing element-and thd most responsible detail of the aystem.' The authors cite-the following basic-results of research'in motion- less air and particula 1yAn turbulent flow conditions. 1.,0n a r graph, representing the.dependence.of.the discharge current f rde VX 0 on the distance (the gap) between:the electrodes, it is possible to-- d6limit 4 regions: A with sparkoVer, B and Cwith glow discharge, and D with arcover. Only region C, in which glow discharge can arise without the joining of.,electrodes, is of interest for anemo- Metry. If the gap is constant, increasiM the discharge current Card 1/3 S/169,/62/000/010/034/071 Problem of applying, glow diicharge D224/P307 leads to the transition of-,i d1ow dinchwge in 1-egion.D; when. the gap is increased while-the current is constant,ltlow dischargc changes to sparkover. - 20 A gap interval,of 0.08-0, mm is distinguishable.. on the graph of the dependence of the discharge voltage on the gap magnitude. It,ia,conspicuous.for fact that in this interval.the trend of the.curve de* -Yealtly-on the discharge current force pends % (51 7, and This interval-lies in region C and is character- ized by the maxim= sensitivity'of- ,Yl ow discharge to a change in the gap. It is evident-from the.current-volt.age characteristic that for gaps of about 0.1 mm the discharge voltage also hardly depends on chance variations of the discharge current force. A gap of-.about 0.1 mm. is thus the most:favorable for anemometry. It was establish- edt too, that spherical electrodes are .more advantageous than.point-~ ed ones. All investigations-weremade irith the stablest-electrodes..' of platinum Y-Yire, 0.8-1.0 mm in diameter, with fused ends. 3. To avoid overheating the platinum electrodes weria massive silver holders. Under thobd conditions the constant gap dischargers .70 r1ted for not more than 5-10 min. In6reas d air humidity also im-' C pairs the gl6w dischrxge stability. Therefore it is necessary to C ard 2/3 - - I--,-. ~-. . -1- i... - ~--, -- 1- i. ~ - - -l- t- CHUDAKCV, K.P. 30316 -, -j K~-kll - -- CIIUDAKOV. Konstant ovich;, kandidat teMnichaskikh nauk; DOMBROV- MUr- -M Us d ekhnichaskikh nauk, prof., redaktor; IGOLKIN, T.N. re;;;tor; MALIZOVA, N.V.,, tekbnIchaskly redaktor. [TianeportlEg and storlug road machinery] Transportirovanis L khra- nenie dorozhmykh mashin. Pod red. N.G. Dombrovskogo. Kooky&. lauchno- tekhn. lsd-vo-,&vtotrausp.'Iit-ry. 1955. 39 P. (KM 8:8) (Road machinery-) CHPAIrOV, X.P RT-979IKOV, Go.las inshat nauchnyy red.; OORINW, PoAtt recL.2.ZCL-V&; TOMM, A.K., [Mainianandi of b,uildlug mchineryl Takhnichaskoe obalushivanis ',.Moskva,.Gos.isd-vo lit-rypostroltag arkhit-..i strolismiaterialax...1958, 257 PO (MIUAWO), (building mobinery-NaIntenanom and repair) RAZYGRAYU1, Aleksandr MatveyeviChl IUMSHIN,.4.P., kand, tekbn. nauki reto6nzent; AYZENBERGj,'B,I'.- inzb.., retsenzento ~1104K~OVK~.Py kandj.- t9kbn. red.; 9ORD~M, P.A., red, izd-va,-, OSENKO,'I.M., [Rdpo4r-.O'f building.ibaebinery and equipment] Remont stroite.llrqkh maphin i ,6borudbvihiiiio Mookva',-:Gos, izd-vo lit-4 pq,-stroit., -irkhit. isixvit. mateirialam.,-1961. 295 pe (MIRL (Building azA repair) I- I ~I : ~ , -- 1.. 1, --, - - - , . '. --- -.1, . . ............ CHUDAKOV).K.P.; KROMOSHCH, I.L., inzh.x retsenzent [Fundameritals of the theox7 of durability and reliability of machineryl manual for the courses for improving the qualifications of the.enginearing and technical workers on the sub*ect "Modern methods for repairing building macblnex7li Danovy teoril dolgovechnosti i nadezbnosti mashin; uchebnoe posobie dlia,kursov povysheniia kva:Lifi- katsii ITR po predmetu "Sovrememye metody remonta stroitellrqkh mashin." Moskva, Vses. zaochryi stroitelliWi tekbnikum, 1963,. 70 P. (MIRA 17:4) - - m EXCERPTA YEDICA Sec 9 Vol 13/11 Surgery Nov 39 6704. THE CHANGING FUNCTION OF EXTRAREPATIC nILIAHY PATHWAYS AFTER GASTRIC RESECTION Russia.n text) - Chudakov M. 1. - VE.STN.KIIIR. 1059. 82/2(43-4~) In regard to the function of the gallbladder and extrahepatic billary tracts. a follow- up of 50 patients with gastric interventions for ulcer and cancer demonstrated the gallbladder to be enlarged in 11 patients, the time of its emptying to be lengthened in 13, no gallbladder shadow to be seca during cholecystography in 13 and stones to be present once.- The shadow of the gallbladder was either non-distinct or reveal- ed its abnormal low, position and shape deformation in 10 patients. Seven patients complained of pain. The aforementioned symptoms were present In various com- binations. Only 15 patients had a normal gallbladder. In 5 patients late examin. ation disclosed organic changes; 3 cases of chronic cholecystitis, one of &all- bladder empyema w%d one of cholelithlasia. These data lead to the conclusion that gallbladder functional Impairment. wA in a number of cases organic changes, are fairly often encountered &a sequoias of gastric resection. Functional gallbladder and billary tract disorders are not only present in the first postoperative days but also many years after. .4;4: W to