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-A S102016211441002,10231028 11101 Bi 10 A. V. , Glazunov, P. Ya. llikhaylov, N. V. , Rafikoll, 3. Toki~rova, ij. G., Toe t 1. in, 13. L. , Ind SllfLb),y(,-in , I'll - V. of or*~ntu,~ Structur~_,3 it. radlation-induced poly- :.-.eriz,a,_'on of vinyi monomerj on fibers. L: A v P.-,.iya nauk SSSR. Do"Dady, v. hj.1, no. 2, 1962, 362 - ~6') to obtain oriented pollymers by polvmierizing the :7.ade froz, Cas phase on orien'.,A :,-;:cromo)eculc-,s of fibers acting as ts were ma,le -,-,,ith a tvio-chamber a~-Dmratus as Used ,.Dr jr_f~ poy!-~r_,ZaLlon of vin.yl on zijneral PLrtL(.-Lt?,,3 (cf. B. L. ot al '2r. 2-.-o Vsesoy-uz,-,. soveshch. po radiatsionnoy khimii, '1zd. , C', -,) 0 ontained caprone cord fiber heated to 800C, 1,04J. ne Chamber c ~L",.d 20., completely anhydroug acrylorcitv:Lle (400C). I r i,ad i- 15 '1) , ios e ra te, 3 * i 0 . Ejec) for 3 a,_on mude with X-rays V/Cm - 6 hro at 4 5 H -. The vreirht of the Ciber increased by 15 - 33 1;1.. The ICU I ;Ll- d'4.chroism in the a tre tching vilmLtions (2235 cm- Card 1/2 S1020162/1,14/00"'lo" 5/0"'D a -,r, of orien ted s cruc tures in . . . BIOI/Bl 10 by. z;~)--.Lro2copy, ,rovef4 thf~ zol7zi(-r. Experi- and non-orlur.L(,,~: fiber as vwli as with liquid acr-,Ionitrile and oriented fiber showed no dicliroisLa. The liquid mono.-,er ... o-cuies are aszuimed to prevent orientat-lon. Fur th or experiments with z o,,Y7,ers, andl naturaL fibers used as I'matrices" are under way. Th.ore 4-3 1 fiE--~re. ASS 017.1,1:0~. --nstit.ut el,2r.-,,~ntoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Ai-.ademii nauk SJSR (InstituLe of Elemental Or-anic Compounds of the 0 Academy of Sc~~encvin U,35R). Vqesoyuznyy nauchno- ',cnrt (All-Union s-s edovatellskiy inatitut iskusstvennorlm volo. - Scientific Research -Lrs-.i-,ute of Synthetic Fibers) january 19, 190'21 by V. A. Kargin, Academician SU3:,:1~2TED: danuary 12, 1962 C~.rd 2/2 FLAX, L.S~-, LAVROVSXn ,K.P., aLAZUWOV, PJA. Ridiation thermal cracking of petroleum Wrocarbow and its co~rcial application. Report to be summitted for the SbU World Pstmleva Congresso Frwiffurt, 16-26 jww 63 or from, 1.a Pa,j ion-- indu-ld r1", p(dym-, t' !J k n fl, 03 I t s' tz vul kria "'or f, t mon t 0- orj;ari c !I(, J ki: A 1; for 1 i, "u "I z : ~:f;o:jkov tk!. im'. AN 1,11110V #0 *wits A~ T1TLZt Thaw-radiatioi ormaki SOURCRt Neftekhimiyas TO, St. 6" 4$ :1963J. 615-64 "PIC TAGS t propano'crackIng,*' ther'so-radistion *r'1h6kLNj;j thermal cracking, ionized, irradiation- 7 ABSTRACTt Authors studied themo radiation or mviane' ~MOO J.- -to a much lighter hydrocarbonland which In used 0.14a material, The experiments ware, conducted at tem W A tull.-Ots: between 00 and 700C. Propane gives a fairly good convers '"it a ~ a~~Marativsly simple composition of gessous,produote when an li%L-Omsivit ~radlatioti dose Is applied during the thermal-radlation prodail.s., as liall an d~ir- ing thermal cracking. The results ot theriso-radlMilon dzhokins of 1propane and their comparison to thermal cracking uv~dsr th-4 same con- j~ -1ditions. ave presented. The yields of Hs CH4,1 Cjk%,~ arAl. CA, an a Card 1/V L 15478-63 fI H,~i ACCESSION IM t AP3M49 function of temperature are'iljo givedo The I'Lai wl*Ny at lhw I.- propane thermo-radiation armakiza procose. Is all 40, Ibis th6.iA*ti**t.14in, energy of the chain propagation during the=141 V4*jW ::The applAca'. tion of ionized Irradiation for.the Initiatioli 0;bwsin ~;:r OtIon Or- T' -out of the propane.orack iiilo mite the carrying ing p alf i Perat as which are 100C below ordinary thermal oraoking sadl:Ulth~gaod conv*0_ sion; The experimental abd chemioalyields underAhe cianilucted. %v. were approximately 108 perimental conditions molviviles polo 100 av. Orig. art. heat 5 figures ind 3 tables. ASSOCIATXONt Institut fixichookoy khlnli AN 818831 Lull, Ute of nhveical ahemistrv. AN SSSR). inatitut neft "-Mig ekhW41h AN SSSR 10. kN SSSRT- SU&M=ED t Sts COD92 1qDec62 CH -jxilstitute of petrooll4livicifit 4vntheeie: DATH ACQt 063op63 No MW 30V 004 PIKAYEV, A.K.; GLANNOV, P.Yn.; YAKTIBOVICII, A.A. Radiolysis of aqueous neutral solutions of nLtratm-n at, filgh I dose rates. Kin. i kat. 4 no.6:835-843 N-D ~'3. (MIRA 17:1.) 1. Institut. fizichoskay khimli AN S!:cIZ. J: AUTHORSt Troltaklyi 0. A.j Glawwvj P. Ya. j Uklrbwa p V. 1% IM 11.1 =-I- al 'Pb TITLEi Kffect of prell4nery eleatton iri-aMldoik upon ths mitzen(gth of idne *Dotted with fusible eutectie SOURCEs Fizika metallov i metallovedenlys, v# 15, noi 4, 190p -534-!13? TCPTC TAGSt electron irradiation, zinep eutectle , 7n--Sn, &I-Cd, 2)n#-Pb ABSTRAM The adsorption effect of fusible metallic or-OJngil on the imehanicel' properties of relatively harder-to-ru" metaln han been simdi.ed. Tho experiment involved an electron irradiation of polyeryntalline zinc samI.Aes coa-Led with ftSILble, eutectiest Zn-Sn (85 atorde % Sn), Zn-Cd (73.2 atoide % Cd):l and ',In..Pb (97 atomic % Pb). The elect-on energy used was 1-1,2 Mey. The elec-h-oiit dosoit OWned frDm- a lirepr accelerator varied from IoI6 to 3.7 x 1017 olectromi/I .A2. !Ibo irradiatIon doses were deterTdned by the intensity of the electron flwr, the irrodiation eirea at a given d'stance from the accelerator window, and b.-r thi.4 Lzradiatton tire Inter- vals The relstion between the relative hardenIng and the Art~edlatlon time at tempi~ratures of POC rind 200-2200 wto determined, F-s was the t-olni-Ion botiveen th.e reintlve I-vardcning and temperature. The autbors conelmde Limit tl-i~ irradinilon of Card 1/2 L 143o4-63 ACCESSION NRt AP3000096 the polyerystallino EinC SaMple" Wfll"d by hArd mitectl a aj:[4jjry alb Me "Md+1,j fil a M"imum hprdenirg of 15%. The ale-otran irrndiation aetivill-miji thin pist)oems Of melted coating penetration into t~e voids of thD crystal.Uno JJ~.ttiw), t1mv 0ausilliff hrrdening up to 40%. The M-Atest irradlation aff"t to ob.,wrimd Di tho 2ki-Sn coated samplen, because VAn eutectle bms a rmiter iturfPce acil1vitor tim 2h-C-d atd a-Pb _I ~tin a~. ~Orig. art. has 1 1 f igimms. ASSOMITCN: Tnot1tut fizichenlroy kh1r,11 Pq VqR (yratitilte ol!' Plmd i1 chotdo Acadery_of Sciences, SSS SUMTTEDr Wlay62 DATE ACQi 12.Tun63 INCLI 00 :SUB CODEt 11L, PH NO W SM 009 OTM 000 RYAI$GHIKOVAj G.G.; SIBIRSKAYA, GAL; CjLAZ?J,'I,,V, k,Yti.; GjUj(,)l!,V, A.I. Semiautwaat.ic proljortimir4,, Vor i;ao chron", tograj;fiy~ Zav. lat'. 29 no.2;243-24). 163. *L'tj:5) i. Iristitut fiziciajukoy Kidrili, lu'l (G~~, chrowtography) (N-oportlord.nL; RYABUJUKOVA, G.(~.; ~~Ibll(~;KAYAY G-LI G11MV, A.I. Apparatus for selecting t:as Bamplev during cla-mitographic analysis. Zav.lab. 29 nu.2.244 t63. (-NIRA 16:5) 1. Institut fizichoskoy Ichimii Ali 6S,~R. (Gas ohromat:)j~raphy) YERSHOV, B.G.; PIKAYEV, A.K.; GLAZUNOV, P.Ya.; SPITSM, Vtkt.l., likademik Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of a ]Vdr&ted electron in irradiated frozen alkaline solvitions. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.2:363-366 Mr '63. NIRA 16:3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimil AN SSSR. (Alkitlies-3pectra) (RAdintion) (Electrons) PIKAYEV, A.K.; GLAZUrIOV, P.Ya.; SPITSn- , Vikt.I., akademik Mcchanigm inderlying the radle)l,/tic ox1dation of U'valn-lit iron in aqaeou3 sulfuric acid gollit.tong oontaLning oxygen whan the absorbed dose. ig high. Dokl. All SiSR liO no.11:10'17-11080 Je 163. (HIRA 16:8) 1. In.9titut fizic.-he.9koy khimii AN 333R. (Iron compolindi) (Rridl,~.tion) (O)d(Ifition) PIKAYFV, A.K.; G1,AZU1107, P.Ya.; SH"';YN, akrido!~fi-LK Approximate values of the rate -otmt,inti c,f rad:iatlon rorictir~ns whon. a hydrated electron Is Involvi-d. Dokl. Mll SSSR 151 no.6:138'l-1339 Aj, I (A. (MIRA It" ': 10) 1. ln:~Uf,u~ i'Lzicii-ik~31Y ~ AN YERSHOV, B.G.; PIKAYEV, A.K.; GLANNOV, P.Ya.; SPITSYN, VI),,t. I., akadrjrrJ k Electron paramagnetic resonance method used for proving the participation of the trapped electron in the radlochemical reactions taking place In frozen aquoown solitU.c.-3. DOU. All SSSR 154 no.1,*899-902 F 164. (MDRA 17:3) 1. Institut fizielipskay k1iiiiiii All SSf-7e. PIKAYEV, A.K.; GLAZUNOV, F.Ya. Radiolysis of aqlier)il.- igoluti-ms (-.X under the r-Cfect of decimicrosecond edectri)n pulse.,i. Dokl. AN 'S~:if( L54 rio.,5: 1167-11-10 F164. (MIRA :.'?:2) 1. Instltut fiziche5ko,; khimil AN akademikom V.I. Spitsyrym. ii -AdOllS$lOlVNFt: AP40,4008 ij, i'; ub w" d tkd ti'ther~ nonthermoplast a. 41 Oi:; Vri. ti:lf4b f R adl at i o* if a r~"i ;at ;7 9! A 0ssolc to theradstav,th:0, i f' 4 tho L joi separ,ttel at 6 if to r out i0m y f) IL 11 tron accelerator.; . A1 4 Til LJ AA~~ P1.6 9009-65 W (J)/~VM A(~) T MWAFeT, RPL 60/RK/W/MLK Sill C ACCESSION NR:: AT049857-- Yanova L o~ R. ;:D.~c GIS214MM AUTHOR:':14aslovskaya R. S. TITLE: :Pecu I far I t 1,cs; of the ~Jldlol Y, r 0 tho in,:f 64'y -1 S '~N methacrylate during L~radiatloq 16 Vj-f feriiint~-01 SOURCE: KhImicheskiye svoystva. 1, moiii I k4ts 1"ys odlimerov ill, ~aqdj; e 8 '.1a -th modification of olymers), sborojki~tatey. ~~Cwo 1 8 p r hacrylate, piiil~butyIP46acr I .TOPIC TAGS: polymethyl et Y. ato, 0: OL-r 04 10 sl~� polymer molecular weight, polymer streogt ABSTRACT, kstudy was made of. gas 601hat''i on dlv'rii ng 'I brad l,a ~io ONM tureLlnterval encompassing both transii1oh 0oi-n6l oc 061 rite -3: :PBPA). i~n:~ iiL-rfoi~iedl 1,1rig Y"I u! i rand,. I n nd polybutylmethacr late r .-y wlth4l h4t at r,. ln,~glass ampoules provided or on ic.~oo 11~ merohrane 60-70 microns th;ck: The el ellit jo I toV The dose was determi ned: by:. 0e', fe0r';osul f kp method ~iknii il~ W` t ev/g-sec. Samples were f I rs t eo:t~p lft:a~'Yfllcutm for,!Aj ~"':at i. ~-Wro praiiuro ineci r iii ill, absorbed gas Gas liberation was jydoed~ b~ df ofnon~liberated gas was determined, b~.' soloilon,~of thi sW e addition, rupture and compression tests Were~*m-ade u'nde'r 11!'of c6ri 1/3 J; 71 L 19609-65 ACCESS ON RA AT4049857 r w_ d fi 'and and Molecule e I qeire,:,de~brml,*p~ 2y 0 I e ter. At 25C PO ym, rs in an Ostwald viscome 15 0imet uci rom PMMA, while i ii4Is jl~ I Q ~:aiid Ah 11 f It 80C gas Jllberatibn'iis~ 6t re~ the~~i'ia ;S N~;' b .spongy, and at 13Wall qaseous-products~ruptu 0 10 the atmosphere. The radiation yfelorlpil '001.e of* ing-te"erature lititincreases sharply at- ~ the t ranp t I . . ~. , _,~'po CO+CO +CH remains practically ;onswk at: 26, 8$'~ ~aiid.', 140" t.!,~ sh6'w.'s+1t:h1 drops! wh~ le that of, the monoivier r 11 ies~'sc~iiie"a fo,rination,in PMFA Is connected preddimbiantly ~44j~ th~- d" ~' I I'I~ ~ra ;taitT" n lateraf ester groups in accordance with.~ randii~laio4nd iqot'~Vil monomeric links as 31 dest~ru~tlon. 11 r r a"d during therm Uit Ion ~rq i weights from 3.5xIo7(PMMA) and 7-IMOO(P8111A): t6 J.6~104 ifi~d 1~ t 41b I ghts shbwtio, 4 -when irradiated in a highly elastlc.~state' e wfi�~Je ori both sides. of the minimo^ 16 the Vltre6us 113nd V; S'Ciilei nstant and alil.,e. Here, too!;, ih'e,,~;rupt.uviq'~of tht bon:A 1110 were zo foil I law and''thq ese ropt6140: chains owed the randoo nober ~of~ th to the dose. With rising temperatureilof Arr'8dIAtion:'j-~the1`,si;r i1j"fi ped, reaching a minimum when the material was In 4 highly eh3r'if; r1s.'ijq. The greatest drop occurred w6n!~tho polymer was irr e -fluid stat6i ::~O'Tfi 0 eldstic,and-not In a visco a0ihor~i exores!s~ 0 Y novskly and M. P. Glazunov f oil, the 'ai 0 LT3-- ;J. ~q V, I I aiv' *40 ries: M J! I he cl,, Ot !6f f I In tj., nil as '; '0''1 AOIC of emil ~_ I fi:1 lr414~ OC 4ed 610 ixu] a jo5,~~ 1 eairl 1'rq; H"It'd'um" iid 04~ J~ i 10 jv b ymjr I:- I ort ona rd d jodl~ aa! f 'Y P~! d t6en a, h i u to If ae.: Mp 0 W, 'I, NA 1) v(C )/i:!T','n N --4/ ACCi-;~;SV).-I Nit: AP5001097 S/00:!01(34/l59/GGiI2&1/1363 si V.A.- For,;IrLilv V.7. (Corr(j3pontllri~,. m~srib,,,r AN 3~jjll)j n, 3. fj kov Gll?, z a . TITLE': Ra(li~itjori synthesig of polymerij with t1w base of trimeric cycLic dirne- thyl Phoi; - C SOURC lklady, v. 1591, no. 6, 1964, 1361-1363 'J'OPIC TAGS: rndia.tion P.1_1=r ynthesiii, trimeric cychr dun,~thyl phosIphino- borine, eff, -ctldwear ntrueWre, polycyclic ,Jrurturi! I M,1STR.,kCT: It was chown recently (V, V. Korrhak and N. 1. Dekasova, Vy*so- komol 'ek. Soyr~d. 5, 14,117 (IOG3)) that borasoleG I, are polyrnerizedurderthe action of ionizing radiation and form polymer products of polycyclic nLrncture. It can be exp(!rted that irradiation may produce a uimilar effect in cyclic phoSphinobor- ines, The authora selectod for thia purpone the trimeric cyclic dirnethyl phQs- phinoborine. Tile irradiation war, accomplished with the electronic acculorator of C.,u 1/ 2 L .,. 1, , .' --/, -1 tn~, Tir),Aitu! for Ph,-ysiri-il Chemist,--,, AN SSSR it 800 kv with a dose of 6. S x 104 I'aQ J-,Fi IrEui,,a~ion of i x lf)'I 'ev/gni. sec, about 70'ia of the original monomor ~:as tratitiformed into polymer products of two typ~m, oril~ of which viRs the other ooluble. Tlwir composition and tli-~rmorneclmni- Inventigated. It was eutablighed that t1w productB formed a Iinear nnd of a polycyclic structure. Orig. art. haf;: 2 figures ~S,; 0 1 AT-~ ON: Inmitut ele mentoo rgan I clip i;k Mi soyedinenly , Akmlamil natik S`~SR (In3tituto of OrC:anoolamAntal Compounda, U#Anmy of' Salancan, 938R) SUBMITTED: 07JuI64 ENCI,: 00 SUB CODE: GC, NP NR RET SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 QIU / Card 2/2 xl~: :-ACCESSION NR: AT4049851 tor.4olt ge of 800 kv; current. 4~nsit~ iof ~0~4-6~ 2 mi c~ r a i .Iro- m; 4r r. loll, 43~/ccq! .ez:~ The, ~ Px4oi an a do e of 2 ~1 thewexperiment I~Proceddrii ate 4jt!kjjjW4: 44~ d1i tm o. at a specific lotAd of 0.8 kgt~cwz mat*g~ Of 6111 7 r Nf polyrarylaties hav'B a Ugh stabdiii t~4iiO 0i: effect i4~ii radiation yield ;~of the gameo~i 0iodWits, of Oe~ )~Adiol)41 J;1,( N0~1~ 1, w 0.02: mole/100 ev, vhich is vl~ch~~fio~it ihan~tjw *fildi~66o!- adfq ethylene t ate or po ycat4pnstp late$ do,es, not ~Oiange signif loi4~0*!~6e ii! iol~" 0~0 r to'~bd noted that, in the:& UC kad~oj '1!J' I 4 11DE 7; Iand:polycaA6ns1;e (MaUrolon 10ntliifilag i. on~,, P, tr 1411 JOS 11 1 IV Out vt 1, 'of methane are ~L&~RnS. am, 6wp', ~d~W14 th!~~A 4, Is* ~e all etit v containing analogous groups mitt iafie~,ts d!le`~Jif I! i ..;- ~ 11h 0 of,the gaseous mixture. From thio, T I t4t~t at-j e olutio'n is stronger for lWt~i Mid t gen._ v n ii; is ~,~66 liopw 17 z0 'tho -wo wit IW~; group in dipWiylolpropsne is stAbili d, bk, h ip4i ed1by' thfi;~gjtbup~ra gr# 01 i t1 c ri The energy of radiation absorb and is partially scattered# an aj,result hydrog~n,l ~tom~1116,it t!roff' w it Cori 213 ht~~! . 177 .1777" t 34146-65 VR,- :AT4049851 ACCESSION 4 ;J p -plienyl groups. Ortgo ar'tq-. hot 2, gjgxj~ros ~oj J,I i~ t h Nr Insti :'elemento6g oye vo WaR#h m q LSSOCUTIO tut ltll-Ok~~o ot ~Compound Innitute, AN486R) ;T7- A EO I~j 00 SUMUM: 31 s62 _CL, IB: NO REP SOY; 005 A -77 r.T-17..T. F.7 X A ',~ fl-V A K~ '~7 I rnit3fat-J, f rosen AN khlr,~. no.l1,;v',:-,)r-. COM r 04J 00 Sa 10 C c M~ 6 81-65 ji CZSZM Iffil 05W6640 AC . Av Fig.. I. The ieUtion, bstw4sW !'y3~qjd tb# ji;~!: t in thisima: UO a 'a~aaiir4 of the otia ;i , dieiillstlon -owisms with-the bbili~X; 04A~ ' d AtA40G to t I : the. Vvaw at"king oiaalj:iig ~i the some resatorl:= 1* 0 i ;: rma, Gracking irL the i~s p! : , uOlLuniforul teuPwaturs hildl - 4-~,**q Ue. p t J ; ~ A if ~fl Id Oato'Y Y4 l j.riguru~isuw - t ASSOCIATIOVI~ U01ke 00 -SUBMITTED' :005 17 vp . I - : x-,., A -C~ , - I I I ~ I M-YEV, A. F.. ; :'M I FSKAYA , G. K. ; RYAH(Ail ;-:(')Vi', 7 G.G. ; GI , 1-. Y--.. M i - Mechanism, of hydrogen peroxide Cormaticn ir. r ),4 "' aqu(jous solution of sulfuric aeld tit hi~,,h dose. rate (;f' absorition. Fin. I kaL. 6 ut,-1:4-1-47 la-l" 1~,9. 28:0 L. ln.,3rAU;L C17-Joheskoy khItaii AN h-,v. AN IACC Mi AT60 34057 ";OURGE C 0 D,~, 'AMMOR: Morozov, Yu. L.; Vitushkin, N. 1.i UlAzimov, P. Ya.; 14ifllcov, S. R.; 'hhomutcri, A. I.; Tsotiln, B. L. MGt Tnstituto of Organomotallic Compounds AN s3sp, (InItAtut, isovedinenly AIN SSSR); Scientific Vosnarch Irvtiti.ito for Fiborglas3 (Ntruchno- lis;lcidovatellskly institut steklovololow); Iristituto of fbyrile.0- Qiemiztry AN 55.1ift i(Institut fleichoskoy Idilmii AN SSSR) UPIEz R-idlation gas phaso graft polynorization on gla5s f.LL)o--!j S 017H C E: Simpozium po radintilonnoy hhimil pcilimnrcxv. Mkiscww, 1964. Ftiidia t:: ium kh ind ,y,-, pohmorov (Ridintion chemistry a' poly-r-a-.3m)i dok' dy al-Dipa:-Auma. 21-10scow, jIzd-,vo Nauka, 1966, 16o-164 'TOP--C TAG5: radAntic-i f,~)Ivmorizatulon, graft copolpior, polpiarization kinotics, ?Iaurl IfIbor, acrylonitri-le, i A-BS) " R A ~ T I'Ilia klnotAcs of ra(Itition gas pha!;o graft. polymor-Amition cnito inor,-,.-uiIc "rort) lmve~jjgatwl X ray tvibu n5 Uio rad"intIcin 3our(.,fi, --icr:(Icn',tr'I-j;i iul t1l) rionomor, and throe typwi of gh.,3s flboro ai subatrate- 1) convon~,-nal. riot 1;1111.dinci nonporous glanj f1bor, 6--7 micror, flnmotorl 2) fAno-p-irod rfoctIvo poril dlantotijr) f1bor irvido by treaUng tho ~aniar vi-th hydroch-lorlo Cold 1/2 ACC Nrlt A1Y)034057 arld: ;I)-A. -0 ooarso-wred f1bor (40 effective wro diamotor) mado M, acid troat.ns.3nt !Of sodliim bororillicate fiberglass. Roaction rates wero mqasui,ad directly under tho beam wAth the ho-Lp of' A McDain typo dovico. Induction of t1io gr4ift pol3inerization reaction on tho n~~nporour- fiber was sloit; the poroivi materials the induction V,.,3riod was short, vrith more polymer fonning on the crarser mnLorial. Howuvor whan tho iporon wore filind, tho grnft polymorlz.RUon roaction rate was al-.)out trio ijame as on tha I inon?orou3 surface. TnAiA Tx)lmorization rates on till thron fibers reachad lirdting ivaluos vith monomer concentrations-at acrylonitrilo vapor presnures woro well under 1100 mm i1g. In the porous samples the process rate isa linear foxiction of the sorbed monomor concentration; the energy of activation is aboxxt :) )wal/mol. Tho po:Lymorization rate Is proportional to the square roolt of the dosage for nonporoun substratos-glasi, fiber, aerosil, powdarad sillea gel. Radical roactAori mochanism WIS confirmed. 1he polymerization rate is a lAnOAr function of the dosage for Lhe fino pared material, probably due to sterio hin(Lranco Inside Cho parios ratlier than to a different reaction mechanism. Reaction Jnitiation on maWillio rixide ani:l ailicate materials is probably aesociated with' the formation of th-ii ecia,gui ion ritdical under [ionizing radiation. Qrig. &rt. hast 4 figures. CODE: 07, H/ SUBM DATE, 25JU166/ ORIG 1W, 007 4 fz TAM At 4 V.J., 1 8, A AL Ivm/ 90.5 . I.. . - -Wit S N strt., ACA S. *Tb* Pripwatim 01 Vwxism Alamialum MOTS. 49 F,~r Ow pp,j*mU,'t of 411-w4 -ritinning 2 h', litl' nium'. a dry fuA. gnAllut mixture (it titula Lod ( 'Ifite w chonnighly "littivi ry, into Alumullum jilp'lit rAl girm.) L~fttml In a graphite or ingLornemite crixil:le t~ V. ; a vipruux rwAyni at onve (jcvtjtv, the tt,.,I~tawn, ri4irg 9,, SO ILMO) -130m), V. Alloys rimlitining a high pr,,1xirtilyn 44 Ittanlitut, (12 14",,) r4) 0 so m nuide by phiving i mixture,A I itAnia. vr)-olite-, and I-4a"mut t It Ln,,t.~ ,it I, 09 -1 inim it -hx~ing. iritihn crupty crucible pmhmt~f to I(K*v I Im C,; c1tr the first rig,)mus n,ist-titm bas ini6idi-J (incrosaing fit" tt-mlo,raim, w 1:1,41 -1 WIN 0 13", 0, 1'.) jjj(,rr of tbe chAro, may bo fmi in sh m 1y. The jxmritiv. tent1wrt t um Must not be tirlim MOY C. [A" of alurniniurn by buriling 11 25 30-,) (t4. die sh4vinp., 5",,taitiflum, ith ,r . it him wI;Ix-r. A rimthid of Anifb* 4 A tifsaii.m thimirliffif illielm Kit ell. IA rulerrav" to tho lArmtum aWgwoi- N~ A. ISO it* Olin., A is. it A nITALLURCKAL L111PATIAJ lot "-4 --- r-T- -1 'T' I- v v is 10 1 'It u 41 X 9 K ft M I to AAA A.A Lj .. J_p, 1.* 4 1b (f 4 0 0 04 - .I . ~ - ! . 7'11~m 0111,10 ' 10 03 :11, ,1 ; 0, ; - ; ; i ; 4 1 a -0 V 0 : ; : ; : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : :1, * * 0 0 * , : I a , , , I . .' '.t .1 4 11 1. 1! 1. 1. NON 21,4n AVA A v ' A 2 k it I L a h, "r .'Q I I I M w I o( chamottakil Yskulsk, cattladlan t ~1,Awo". 701131, I 15 00 00 00 so go in, 00 0 o Z : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4-t a 0 0 0 le a & to "o" 41, 0- to I It of 4 1, Lot., .1 it, (f.. t methods of Karoula"ture al TRArtitim AlunAmium Alloyi. k I, o., 1" 1- oil '11 ;;olh, -'I, oil 96 00 k ..... 3 1 4 1., ~ , , . - ;, - , , . . - I , 0900 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 00 0 0 0 a 6 - if is v v Is I a a 11 W I M 0 V L L 1 .4 a j L a A r Qv ~I-A-I v I k I T a M a M w I 00 ri 04, '47FICT Of' COPPER, MA NESIUM, IRON, AND MAN A 11F31, "N 0 00 PROPENT[t,S AND STR',ICTVRE OFZIINC SILNIN. S. G. GLAILINOY (ViEST. PU~D. NAUK S.S.S.R., 1943, (Tokhn), (11,42), 7 8.80 Brit. ALs-, JOIR46, 01), 39).-- a 0 (in Itussian) The ratio iron; manganese in an al.vnin0in ollay oontainin r zinc Go a: 10 ami silicon 0% must Lu about 2.1 flin tonalln strcmr.Lh of analw-.0til um oe~ alloy Qontalning sinc.10, silicon 6, maziraLnisti 00 ir.)n 0.h~: is 00 raised L,Y 0.6-08% of copper frcin 17 to 19 kg./sq-ym., wid. by U.8% of I 4- 0 D ~ I 1 S DV 6 ~ 1 kg. -I-mm, The ~-r AcId of DIUMItum - Coo go Pj ravel b.v r~)jjjwr fr,,m 3 t,, 4", And 10%tr"I I'v In.k,:m '1111n ~i~ See 00 RITALLURGICAL LITCRATURI L-SIMICA110. Pie 8, too Ott 1 0 *(tits U. 11 a 0 A Aj a o 4 0 a 0 WaRRART, John L.; Q.WUNOV,S.G., [translator], reduktor; LUZENIKOV, L.P.,[transiatorl''re at,&tor; ARKWIGIVSKAYA.M.S., redFJctor; WMSOD,I.M., tekhnicheskiy re&Lktor [Titanitm and titanium allys. Translated from the llngliah] Titan i ego splavy. Pereyod a ajigliiskogo. Moskva, Gos.naxchno- takhn.izd-vo lit--ry po chernoi i tBvetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 138 P. (14LTU 9:3) (Titanium) 1, 1 ts , (- "Titanium," by A. D. McQuillan and M. K. Mcquil-Lan kftir York 1956, 466 pp), reviewed by S. G. GlazunT~, N=e nig:L za ubezhom Seriya B, Tekhnika, No 3, E ar 57, pp 40-42 The book is the fourth edition in the series Metall of Rare Metals. LEE I 'I The chief editor is H. M. Finniston, head of the netallur&r sectior of the scientific research atomic center at Harwell. The book is much nore com- plete than the short handbook by INerhard (Titanium and its juloxs) recently published by Metallurgizdat in Russian translation. The scientific level of the book is very high and the latest achievements in physics, c'.' metals are included. The translation of this book is &Irmly undor way by Met- allurgizdat and the action taken is much approved by the reriew.-r. (U) U KALtTjIN, Viktor Filippovich; BABIIY, Vyachesj4v Kupriyanovich; GIA-Z-UNOV, Sergey Georgi.yevich; KUZMA, Tamara Sitepanoviia; POPOV, Boris Nikolayevich; OGURTSOV, Aleksandr I,rz=vich; OLISHANSKAYA, I.V., inah., ved. rdd.; PONO~IARLV, V.A., tekhn. red. [Technology of ingot forging and the continuous rolling of large-size, commercially Fure, VTID t1tanhun shoat. Over-all mechanization Qf the loading and unloading of ingots from holding furnac;s] Tekhnologiin kovki alitkov i neprer%yv-noi prokatki krupnogabaritnogo lista Iz tnlzhnichoaki chintogo titans. VTlD. Komplaksnain mekhanizataiia protoewsov wgniz'ki i vygruzki zagotovok iz metodicheskoi pechl. [By] A.I. Ogurtsov. Moskva, Filial nauchn. i tel