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~j - AUTHORS: Freydl in, L. K? Ba I and In, A. A., Bor-unova, 14. V., T TA TLE: Con,-Iectlons Betweeri ~,--e of Al-imlnum Oxl,(-Ie and Activity of Catalyst's of Vo.,,1oj,, Content PER-'ODICAL -Ltz,.,,estLya Akarlem!" nauk SSSR. OLIelenlye v-,',m1cheskIkh natik, 19W, Nr, 'A., pp ~7-1-25 Ojss!l) ABSTRACT: This paper, presents the results of ir.vest 11gat Ions of the connection between 11--'re inlcrost,rucrure of al'uminum, oxide and activlty of nlcKel-alumlna catalyziTs of va-r-IOUs NIL content. The ca,~alyats ,,;er,e prepared t~y trpregnation of alumIna q1th N!.(N1O,'- and reduction w I t 1-1 H, ~ a t -155 C, oTl:e alumina for tide ca'.alysts I and .3ee Table) was prepated by llgn'-tion of com- rrerclal alurrinum 0, 0. - ca-alyst xide at 500 Alumina for was prepared by treat-mient of A1,1,N0__,,,_, w'-Ilh arimonia. AM.Ivll~~y of' tlr~e by the degree 11'r )r! neo o,i,~ Be t. wee. r ~, ~,e Mlcrostructj~,e of' A1um1num OxWe and A(--tl.vl",, of' *,J-Qkel-Al1.Am1ra (0-italysts or Var-10LIS N-~--kel Corter~t (1;4 U - of cyclohexane detydrogenatlon. T1, 'e re~3uits are ahown '-n T-ble 1. The following co-clusions were m.-ide ,Propertles of ntckel-alumlra oatalysts of ~iarlo-j,,3 N1 conten" depend on charar,ter of' microstcucture of alurnina. CatalLys'-s prepared with 11, are of high a~)d prae-t1c.111Y ac1-1v1-;. Actl,,,Ity of the cata'ly3l- ~-O% 141, Is, ~on-tderrab'y lower. CatalySfS prepared wlt~-,- fine-pore allumina and containing 5, 10, and 30% N! are of a low actIvIty and unstable. There are I table; and 9 references, 1 and 8 Soviet. The U.S. reference is: S. Brurauer, P. Emmet, A. Teller, J. Am, Chem. Soc., 62, 1723 (19LO). ASSOCIATION: N. D. Zelinskiy Institute of Organic Chemistry Academy of SQ!ences USSR arid M, V, Lomonosov Moscow State University (.T1nst1.Wt organtcheskoy kht"it'- "men! N. D. Zelinskogo Akaderrill naLik SSSR, Mloskovskl-y gosudarlstvennyy universitet Imeni M. V. Lomonosova) SUBMITTED: MaY 5, 19511'3 Card 2/4 the of Abimlimm 0,,(L(1,-, 211d of' Wtvlow; Nicll~ct Collt-,eut-, Ta 1) 1 e I SO V162 -b-0- 1 -4/37 e 1 T, 11) 2.5 '15 o .5 I - 0o 45 3 3 c, t 1 5o 15 111 25 - t 5 ,: 6 2. 7 15 I ~6 I " Io i lit o t lit Ke y to Tr~ble o t i C; t v (I ("Oncemilmr Gontlef"fliom" Befl-vic-011 tile 7805b Yl I (- vo., t ru (, f.ure of' Aluminum Oxide and SOV116.2-60- 1 -4/37 Activlt,,f of' Catalysts of Vavloim 1,11cirel Content K(~:[ to Table 1: (a) numbev; (b) expertment; (c) sample at' aluminum oxide; (d) N1 content in % by weight, (e) dur-10,101) of reductIon with 112 111 hr; ( C) SI)COMO surf,ace lu. m2/j,; (j,-) range of pore size in A; (h) dlol;rlbutlou of' volumes of pores along the r-wILi-m Ln A; (1) total amount o-f' benzene abBorbed on ,2attiration, ill milliniole'll/g; (J) degree of cyclohexane 'iellyfivogrenatioll in % of theoretical. Car,i 4/11 SOV/62-60-1-25/37 AUTHOILS: NaZarova, N. M., Freydlin, L. Y[h., Gayvovonskaya, G. K. TITLE, Brief Corrununications. Alkylation of Propane and Isopentane With Ethylene at High Tempei-atures Under Tres ~-.:re PERIODICALi I-,vestlya Alcademll mmic SSSR. OLdelenlye kh1mIchejkIkh nu0c, 1960, Nr 1, pp 121~1-131 (USSR) ABSTRACT. This is a -.;ontinuation cf the study of alkylation of saturated hydr-ocai-boi.s. Proparie and isopentane were allcylated with ethylene In the mreoence of A12 0 an, 11500 at 450-1.)0C, atin, pressure. The methods of O~perimcnts and analysis were described previously (L. Kh. Freydlin, A. A. Ba-landin, N. M. Na-zarova, Dokl. Ail SSSR 96, 1011, 1954). The results are shown In Fig,. I and in Table 1. Card 116 Di-lut' Communications. Alkylation at' Propane 7 8 07 9 and Isopentane With Ethylene at 11.1jii SOV/62-6o-1-25/37 Temperatures Under Pre,,-~-.,uve r Fig. 1. Fractional distillation curve of the produ(I--ts of alkylation of isopentane 31th ethylene (experiment 2). Card 2/6 v M x 40 j9 w /V Mr VOLV BrIef 'Communication3. Alkylation cf Y 00 Pi,opane and Isopentane With Ethylene at V/0'2-60-1-25/37 High TeinperatLll'(-'O Under Pressure Table 1. AlIcylation oC propune withe ethylene at 11500 Ln the prouence of Al 2 03 ILI 1 450 13:3 100 115 41 7 7 '25) 1; 7 5M 1 84 . 1610 77 P12 8 2 41 i 1 1.5 !121 , G 8 0 3 5(m - If "4 850 63 75 6, 0 46 1 15 , 1 300 12,0 - 17 - Card 3/t Brief Communicat ions. Alkylation ~)f 7 L, 07 9 Fmpane, and 1.9operitane With Ethylun~-, a t 00 High Temperatures Under Pressure Key to Table 1. In cyperim(-nit Nr I an in(lujtrial sample oP Al 203 was used; in experiment Nr 2 Al203 -P treated rirst with potasoiiun bifluoride W11s lji;ed; In experiuiriit and then with Sulfuric acid, N,' 3 Al203 saturated wIth 1% K2 C,I-., was uscd. (a) i3yperiment Nr; (b) pre"sure in aLm" (c) etIyiene content In tha InItial mixture in %,- (d) space velocity in lLters of gas per liter of catalyst per hour; (e) degree of C H1 conversion in %; (f) yield of the products of a~Olatlon based on ethylene taken, in % by welgi-it, (g) characteristic.-, of the ~~:.lkylatlon prcducts by fractionj (h) % by weight; (1) bromine nwnber ; (j) content of the higher boiling residues in % by Weight, (1c) bromine nLUnber of alky2ation products. Card 4/6 ~ I r 0 -Icic, ;' Cummuiilcat lozu; A Jk la t 1. )11 , i' Y "' 07 (1, I Pr-oP:LrI(.;; and 1,30perit"'Ll1e; WIth t OIJ/62 -6o - 1 -2 5/37 High Temperatureo Undev Pruoiin,e Spe(--Lval auulyoc-., of the dift',-,nt fra,:."L,.ion~l of the alkylation producti show that in the first otage " C, of reactlon, ethylc-ne add3 propane, -v,,ainlly with the participation ot' the carbc,)n atopi, to form .1sopentane; and only to a umalle-P extent with the participation of the primary carbon atom to form n-pentane. In the second staCo of the reaction, ethylene adds mainly Isopentane With thk~ participation of the primary carbon atom: --C-( -C C, and only to a small extent with the participation of tertiary carbon atom: Card 51/6 Bvlel' Communications. Alkylaticni od' 07 9 Prppan,u and Isopentane With E'thylezw at Higin Teinpe--atures Under Appan::iitl tiv~ SI)t-C': 01' IM11-:0 alkyk~tlon willn h.-I"o (~,:3 w,~ll a;; with propylenu) [11,we d1ri'l-1-1111, then the all1c ", lat loll of tlicic-unial aliphatic h.-;di,ocarbolls. A. 1. Pally In thlo viork. There are 2 tables; I fij~,ul-(:; alld 7 rel'cweiice~-,, 2 U.S., 5 Sovlet~ . The U.S. are: P. E F'r c, rH. J. Hopp, 1ndLl3tV. and Enj- 143~ ("36); _~ng. Chem., '2"S' 19 A. A. O'Kelly, A. N. Sachanen, Iridu-str. and Engng. Cheni.., 38, 1162 (1~)46). AS 0 C AT 1 1) N N. D. Zelinskly Iru)tltute of Ort,,Lmii-~ Chern.1stry, Academy of Sclencez,: [TS3H LJ tu JAI kiiiini'L lineni N. D. I nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: Juiie 2, 1959 C'a I " 1 6/"0 S/062/60/000/03/02/007 BOOB/BOO6 AUTHORS: Freydlin, L. Kh., Balandin, A. A., Nazarova, N. M. TITLE: Catalytic Alky~ation of Isobutane%y Ethylene at High Temperatures and Under Pressure PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naukt 19609 No. 3, PP- 409-412 TEXT: The alkylation of isobutane in the presence of aluminum oxide at high temperatures was investigatedo The experiments were carried out in the continuous-flow unit described in Ref. 5. The reaction conditions, degree of ethylene transformation, and alkylate yields are given in Table 1. The characteristics of the various alkylate fractions obtained in experiments No. 2 and 4 are shown in Table 2. The fractionation Curve of the catalyzate obtained in experiment No- 4 is represented in Fig. 1. Experimental results show that ethylene and propylene react mainly with the tertiary carbon atom of isobutane, and only to a lesser extent with its primary carbon atoms. In these reactions, 2,2-dimethyl butane and Card 1/2 Catalytic Alkylation of Isobutane by S/062/60/000/03/02/007 Ethylene at High Temperatures and Under Bom/BoM Pressure 2-methyl pentane, respectively, are formed. An octane fraction was also obtained, which was identified to consist mainly of an alkylation product of 2,2-dimethyl butane. Alkylation at this stage, however, proceeds via the primary carbon atom at the unbranched end of the carbon chain. This fact confirms the stepwise character of the alkylation process established previously (Ref. 8). It was found that in the presence of aluminum oxide an olefin (ethylene, propylene) is added to the tertiary carbon atom of isobutane leas easily than to the secondary carbon atom of n-butane. Yu. P. Yegorov and K. G. Gayvoronskay analyzed the fractions by means of their Raman spectra. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimli im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of Me -Academy of-Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 16, 1958 Card 2/2 S/062/60/000/006/025/025/xx B020/BO60 AUTHORS: Freydlin~ L. Kh., Sharf, V. Z. Study of the Acidity of a Phosphate C "land Its Change3 TITLE: ~i-t ~1-3 t Durtng Calcination by the Indicator Method PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimi.cheskikh nauk-, 1960, No. 6, pp. 1128--1130 TEXT; It has been suggested already earlier that the catalytio activity of normal calclum phosphate in dehydration- (Ref. 1), hydrolysis- (Ref. 2), and hydration reactions (Ref. 3) in the vapor phase may be determined by its acidity. This assumption is substantiated by the fact that the phosphate catalyzss reactions which in the liquid phase are sped up by acids ', and that it can be inactivated by potassium carbonate (Ref. 1)1, alkali hydroxides, or organic bases. The acidity of normal calcium phosphate is visibly dependent upon the presence cf chemically bound water. Thus, there must be an interaction between acidity, the catalytic. activity, and temperature:, wherein the catalyst loses Its crystal water.. Card 1/4 Study of the Acidity of a Phosphate S/062/60 / 1000/006/025/02r,,/XX Catalyst and Its Changes During B020/BO6O Calcination by the Indi-,,atcr Method The catalyst was obtained by reaction of an aqueous CaC12 solution with a diluted diammonium phosphate solution in the presence of ammonia at 400. The acidity of the catalyst was determined by the Johnson method wish an accuracy of 1-5% (Ref. 5). The indicator- was a solution of p-dimethyl amino azobenzene in anhydrous isocotana The solution of the catalyst wits then titrated with an n--butyl amine soluticn in anhydrou. isooctane 1.Lntil the red coloring vanished definitely. This tcok 12 to 18 hours. The solution with the precipitate was -left standing. pcared :Iff, and the excess amine was titrated with trichl.oroacatio ac-id. Mere trace-, of moistness will already lead to distorted results. A thoroughly washed out catalyst.. dried at 100 - 11OCC, doe5 not effect any change in the colcr of the indicator. After caloination of the catalyst at 2000C. however. it turns a pals--rrse color, and red at 4000C. These experiments pro-red that the catalyse surface actually has acid properties. The effect of the caloining temperature upon the phosphate acidity is shcwn in Fig. 1. On a calcination at temperatures above 400'3C the amine consumption is again reduc.ed, arid it* 80OCC there is, no mcre chango in the indicator color, Dati tho 3--1pordelice -,f Card 2/4 Study of the Acidity of a Phosphate S/062 160/000/006/025/025Ax Catalyst and Its Changes During B020/B'o6o Calcination by the Indicator Method acidity and catalytic activity temperature were intercompared. from the adsorbed water2 normal chemically bound water which can 400 - 8000P. A correlative couTse activity on the calcining temperature its structurally bound water ccntent the phosphate at temperatures telow acid zones from the adsorbed water, surface. If an acid zone is aseumed molecule, the number of active 7-8-1019. 1.3-10-4 of the phcsphate on its calcining A. V. Kazakov (Ref. 6) shc-wed that apart phosphate also contains O.r mole cf be -removed only by calf-ini ng at of the dependenie of afiidity and of the phosphate catalyst and on is thus observed. A calcination of 4000C leads to the liberation o5f its which blocks the active catalyst to be neutralized by a butyl. amirke centers is then A = = is the number of gram-,mole butyl am-ine .ised up for the neutralization of 1 g of phosphate calcined ar 400'-C, There a~e 1 figure and 7 references; 6 Soviet and 1 US~ Card 3/4 Study of the Acidity of a Phosphate Catalyst and Its Changes During Calcination by the Indicator Method S/062/60/000/006/025/025/XX B020/BO60 ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D~ Zpliriskosr. Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N- D --- Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED. October 7, 1959 Card 4/4 FRE)MLIN, L.Kh. Selectivity of the action of catalysts in hydrogenation and reduction reactions. Frobl. kin. 11at. 10:187-191 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Catalysts) (Hydrogenation) (Reduction) Chemical) FRWDLIN L.Kh. - SHARF, V.Z. Kinetics of dehydration of alcohols on tri-substituted calcium phosphate and deactiv4tion of the latter with organic bases. Izv. AN BSSR Otd. khim. nauk no.10:1861-1867 0 160. (MnU 13:10) 1. Institut organichookoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Galcium phosphate) (Dehydration (Ghemistry)) (Alcohols) 8486o 2-0 I'Ll 'i AUTHORS: _g&gjjLLj& L. h., Petrot, .Z_ - Vdovin. V. M. TITLE; Catalytic Hydrogenation y-Nitriles PERIODICAL: . Izvestiya Akldemii nauk nauk, 1960, No. 10, PP. s/o62/60/000/010/014/018 B015/13 64 A. D , Sladkoval T. A., and of Silicon Containing P- and SSSR- Otdeleniye khimicheskikh 1878 - 1681 TEXT: A hydrogenation of the 0-cyanoethyl- and y-cyanoproprl silaneal to the corresponding primary amines was carried out on metal catalysts. The hydrogenation was made in a rotating steel autoclave (volume 0.175 1) by a method already described. The effect of the composition of the catalyst, the reaction conditions, and the molecular structure of the cyanoalkyl silanes upon the amine yield was investigated. First, the hydrogenation of oyanoalkyl silanes without alkoxyl groups was studied, and then with two or three alkoxyl groups on the silicon atom (Table 1. experimental conditions and results). Just as in the hydrogenation of Card 1/2 Catalytic Hydrogenation of Silicon Containing P- and y-Nitriles 84860 S/062/60/000/010/014/018 B015/Bo64 aliphatic nitriles containing no silicon atoms, hydrogenation of silicon containing nitriles on cobalt skeleton catalysts was found to be most selective. Hydrogenation of P-cyanoothyl trialkoxy silanes can be car- ried out only in the presence of ammonia. In the presence of ammonia, primary amines are preferably formed. The properties of the silicon containing primary amines thus produced are given in Table 2. There are 2 tables and 8 references: 4 Soviet, I German, 2 US, and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR SUBMITTED: March 9, 1960 Card 2/2 FRLTDLIN, L.Kh.; SHARF, V.Z- Consecutive splitting o;rf of the alcohol groups of 3,7-dimethyl- 1,7-octanediol on a tricalclum phosphate catalyst. Izv. A~j SSSR-Otd. khim. nauk no.11.,2055-2056 H 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut organ~cheskoy khimil im.N.D.Zelinskogo AN W3R. (Octanadiol) (Dehydration(Chomistry)) Valcium phosl)hate) S10621601000101210191020 B01 0054 AUTHORS.- Preydlin, L. Kh., Zhukova, 1. F., and Mircnov, V. F. TITLEj. Study of the Hydrogenation Rate of Vinyl- -and Allyl Compounds of Carbon, Silicon, German'.um, and Tin on a Skeleton Nickel Catalyst PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniy._~ khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No, 12, pp. 2258-2260 TEXT: The authors briefly report on a study of the reactivity of,,Y- and P-ethylene bonds in the following compounds: (CH ) CCH=C-q.,v (CH CH~CH 3 5 2 3 2'~ (CH ) Ga_CH~CH (C H ) SnCH==CH and (Cli ) CCH')CH----CH (CH,) SiCH C11-CH 3 3 2' 2 5 3 2 3 3 2' 3 2 2k (CH3)3GeCH2CH =CHV (C2H5)3SnCH2CH==CH 2' The skeleton catalyst used was prepared by lixiviating a Ni-Al melt (1-1) with 20% alks.1i lye. The reac- tion rate was characterized by 'the rate of hydrogen absorption as a function of time (Fig.) and the half-life pericdr-/2 of the reaction. Reading was performed in intervals of 15 seconds each. The investigation Card i/11 Study of the Hydrogenation Rate of Vinyl- and S/06 2/60/1~ 0-0/0 12/0191020 Allyl. Compounds of Carbon, Silicon, Germanitin, B015/BO54 and Tin on a Skeleton Nickel Catalyst showed that the reaction rate of the compounds studi--~d docreased on the skeleton nickel catalyst in tho sazmo order as their reactivity der-reased in the radical polymerization: Si>Ge>C>Sn, Just as in radir!al additions, vinyl comDounds of silicon hydrogenate faster than allyl compounds. Vinyl and allyl double bonds in germanium and tin compounds behave in a .iimiiar way, Carbon compounds, however, show a contrary dr-perlienc---.. Ther~~ are ' figure, table, and 6 Soviet reforonci,.i. T ASSOCIATION: Institut organi4cheskoy khimii im, N. D. Zel-Lnskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organi,-; ~^h-?.T,.-.qtry imeni N. D, Zelinskiy oil the Academy of Sclen,Gs USSR) SUBMITTEDg May 27, 1960 Car d 2/2 E~MLITT, L.Kh.; SHARF, V.Z. Compositinn, methods of preparation, and nature of the activity of the tricalcium phosphate catalyst. Kin.i !cat. 1 no.2:247-256 J1-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. institut organichookoy khimli im.K.D.Zelinskoao AN SSSR. (Calcium phosphate) MuLIN, L.Kh.; BALAIMIN, A.A.; ZHUKOVA, I.F. Selective hydrogenation of butynediol to butenediol on a skeletal nickel catalyst. Kin. i kat. 1 no. 3:447-454 S-o 16o. (MIRA 13: 11) 1. Inatitut orpanicheakoy khimii iment N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Butynediol) (Butenediol) (E~drogenation) YRM,LI1T, L.Kh.; GORSHKOV, V.I. Selective action of a zinc catalyst in the hydrogenation of mono- and diolefins. Kin. i kat. 1 no. 4:593-596 &D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Zinc) (lbdrogenation) (Olefins) FREYDLIN, LXb., prof. (Moscow); GORSEKOV, V.I. Catalytic reaction of the hydrogenation of zinc. Periodica polytechn chem 4 no.2:119-124 '60. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Ze'linskogo, Akademii, nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Freydlin) (Catalysts) (Hydrogenation) (Zinc) (Ethylene) (Ketones) (Isoprene) (Styrene) 27126 S/080/60/033/()08/019/022/XX D213/D305 AUTHORS: Balandin, A,A~p Freydjiij. L,Kh,, Rozina, V.S,, Sorokin, P,Z,t and Voroshi__1ov,___G.A.. TITLE: Method of preparing 2-isopropylanthraquinone PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, V, 33, no. 8, 1960, 1893 - 1896 TEXT: Recently alkylanthraquinones have been applied as hydrogen carriers in producing hydrogen peroxide. It has, therefore, been necessary to look for new methods of preparing these compounds on an industrial scale. The specific reaction with which the authors were concerned was to prepare 2-isopropylanthraquinone in two sta- ges, instead of four as in Scholl's method, which involved react- ing isopropylbenzene with phthalic anhydride and reducing the re- sulting 4-isopropylbenzoyl-2-benzoic acid to 4-isopropanyl-benzyl- 2-benzoic acid followed by cyclization of the latter in the presen- ce of sulphuric acid. To avoid the formation of sulphonic acid Card 1/3 27126 S/080/60/033/008/019/022/XX Method of preparing D213/D305 derivatives and to increase the yields of the required quinone the authors investigated the influence of the oleum concentration, tem- perature and period of heating, In the case of 3 % oleum and heat- ing for 1 - 3 hours sulphonation occurred., When the concentration was increased to 8,% the yield of quinone was 15 %-, however, this yield decreased when 12 - 20 % oleum was used. The effect of heat- ing with 8 % oleum is shown, and it is clear that the time of re action determines the yield of quinone. Best results were obtain;d with reaction times of 2.5 3 hours, and under optimum conditions the yield reached 55 - 60 In the earlier investigations the first stage, condensation of phthalic anhydride with isopropylben- zene, was conducted in a carbon disulphide mediums The authors, however, used chlorobenzene as a less hazardous solvent and achie- ved 88 % yields of 4-isopropylbensoyl-2-benzoic acid. The_quinone obtained in the present work had a melting point of 56.5 57-00C9 (recrystallized from alcohol) as compared with 450C given in the literature. The composition and properties of the resulting pro- duct corresponded to those of isopropylanthraquinone, The quinone Card 2/7 27126 S/08 60/033/008/019/022/XX Method of preparing D213YD305 obtained in both the laboratory apparatus and the model plant had a melting point of 560C and its C and H contents corresponded with the formula C 17H14 020 The use of isopropylanthraquinone as a hy- drogen transferring agent was studied by hydrogenating the compound in the presence of a skeletal nickel catalyst until a thick mass of 2-isopropylanthrahydroquinone was formed. After separation of the catalyst the product was oxidized with air and the hydrogen peroxide formed was removed with water. A similar reaction has been found to proceed with 2-ethylanthraquinone. In both cases the melting point of the material recovered corresponded to that of the original quinone~ There are 1 figure, 1 table and 2 non-Sov.- iet-bloc referenced The reference to the English-language publi-- cation reads as follows: A.T. Peters, F.M. Roweq J. Chem. Soc., 181, 1945. SUBMITTED: February 25, 1960 Card 3/3 RP 0 C., ,;~ Op. 4 UY ioo C, o 0 ei 0 rlb 0 Z, z 'CJ qj 0 Arr e W, 0 All ep ^,y o b' 0 4b 0b, Q, fr 1~0 1~ 0 0 0 b, 0 0 0 ~p 6 e C,'t 0 ^Q 0 U~, -~- 0 4b Ab Oi '0 V N q, .0 tr -0 0 o 'o e, 0 e,., b; el. K;y C,.'- 0, ~~Cj,(~A 0 Z~P`o %,~ -t. Z~~ . o qj CO.,p Ki qj X4 ri . Y- ;v C, ,00 Q1 0 , xj & 0 w4, C, 0 4$~ Yv, C, - 04" C, 4Q, Q b, tr C, xo -o, e, I~y ol O'b 0 e PIP co0 0 C, 0 lj'j -' x- , o P' 0b; C' qs od 04' 'b . lr~l Q, Z C, --,y 0 yo o o 0 00 q, C, j K, C, 0 t;Y O'U C, qj 0 Ry 0 P 0 1b Y. ll~l "y C, x~ q, I& 9Z R;" 4& q, Cj q, C) Q x~ 4,~ 0, AZ,0 C, 00 q, CA q, C, C, ep eN "; ,, e0 o C, e, 4$1 C, Ar Q Cj() q, 0 0 8000s, AU j~~",O R S Freydlin,--L. Kh., Gorshkov, V. L S/020/60/131/05/035/069 BO11/B117 TITLE- Catalysis of HYdrogenation Reactions by Zinc PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Hr 5, pp 1109-1112 (USSR) TEXT: It was established by the authors that the catalytic ef -fect of Z is a specific one. In hydrogenation and reduction reactions, the hydrogenation of olefines is not catalyzed by zinc. The hydrogenation of the ethylenic bond activated by a phenyl group or a conjugated double bond is accelerated by zinc at elevated temperatures or pressures only. Zn catalyzes the selective hydrogenation of the acetylenic bond down to an ethylenic bond. The reduction of the C-0 group of aldehydes and ketones is accelerated to a considerable degree. The results are in accordance with values calculated for the energy barriers of these reactions on zinc. Thus, the different order of hydrogenation of bonds on zinc as compared to the one on other metal catalysts can be explained by the formation mechanism of an intermediate complex. At present, it is more and more clearly recognized that the heterogeneous catalytic reaction passes through an adsorption stage. If both components of the reaction are activated during hydrogenation, they form a surface intermediate complex with the catalyst. In this case, the ease of hydrogenation of different intermediate atomic bonds depends on the Card 1/3 8owir Catalysis of Hydrogenation Reactions by Zinc 3/020/60/131/05/035/069 B011/BJ17 height of the energy barrier (-E) of the reaction (Ref 1). In the first place, the reaction will actually take place which has the least height of the energy barrier for formation (or decomposition) of the intermediate complex. The E values can be also calculated from the averages of the bond energies (Q). The C~C and C-C bonds are hydrogenated more easily on NI than the C-0 bonds. These reactions proceed in an order analogous to the one established on almost all known catalysts., As has been stated above, the situation is quite different with Zn. On Zn, the C=C bond Is not hydrogenated an a rule, the C-0 g=up can be hydro- genated to give CH-OH, whereas the acetylenic bond is selectively hydrogenated down to the ethylenic bond. The authors explain the formation of the intermediate complex on hydrogenation of the ethylenic bond by means of a scheme, and calculate its heat of formation EO which is -57.9 kcal/mole M. The heats of formation for the h dro tion of the acetylenic bond down to the ethylenic bond 01, ~;na /my (E21 = -48.6 kcal I)) and the heat of formation for the complex which forms when the C-0 group is reduced Nj - -47-4 kcal/mole (III)) are calculated in an analogous way. It is obvious that for all three reactions El 0 (Ell - heat of decomposition). Thus, the rate of these processes has to be limited by an adsorption stage (Ref 1). From the calculations performed by the C Card 2/3 80093 Z7 12 Ll 5/020/60/131/06/37/071 BOI 1 /B005 AUTHORS: Freydlin, Le Kh., Litvin, Ye.-F., Diteent, V. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of the Influence of Composition of Mixed Solvents on the Rate and selectivity of the Process of Hydrogenationo 2-E At hyylan 'I. hr a quinon a I I PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, Vol- 131, No. 6, pp. 1362 - 1365 TEXT: The authors found that the rate and selectivity of the process mentioned in the title are essentially influenced by the composition of the mixed solvent. Hydrogenation of the 2-ethylanthraquinone ring is favored by dioxane. At 200 and normal pressure, one of its two aromatic rings hydrogenates in the dioxane medium. The authors could not find an octahydro derivative. The formation of the tetra- hydro derivative starts immediately at the beginning of the process. By addition of a polar component to dioxane, the reduction of quinone groups is accelerated# whereas the hydrogenation of the quinone ring is suppressed. On addition of even small amounts of N,N-dimethyl formamide (0.3~6) to clioxane, 2-ethylanthraquinone is selectively hydrogenated. A higher selectivity of the process is apparently achieved by acceleration of the hydrogenation of the quinone group and by Card 1/3 80093 Investigation of the Influence of Composition of Mixed S/020/60/131/06/37/071 solvents on the Rate and Selectivity of the Process of B011/2005 Hydrogenation of 2-Ethylanthraquinone adsorptive substitution of the hydroquinone molecules. The degree of selectivity depends on the nature and quantity of the polar solvent added. In their exyeri- ments, the authors used the following solvent mixtures: dioxane-N,N-dimethyl formamide and dioxane ethanol. The catalyst was produced by treating a Ni- 11 alloy (50:50) ivith alkali. The reaction rate was determined by measuring the ab- sorption rate of hydrogen. The quinones were determined after oxidation of the catalyzate by means of air with automatic photopolaTOgraphe of the type LP-55 (Methods, Ref- 4)- Preliminary experiments showed that the reaction rate does not depend on the intensity of stirring. The reaction order in dimethyl forms- mide was equal to zero (Fig. 1). Fig. I shows the dependence of the hydrogena- tion rate of 2-ethylanthraquinone on its concentration in dimethyl formamide. Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the absorption rate of the first mole of hydrogen on the composition of the binary solvent. Table I shows that the reaction pro- ceeds least selectively in dioxane. Already under smooth experimental conditions (200, normal pressure), 2-ethyltetrahydroanthrahydroquinone begins to form'. On hydrogenation in 90~ of dioxane and 10A of ethanol (or equal volumes of dioxane and ethanol), no tetrahydroquinone was detected even after absorption of 0.95 mole of hydrogen. There are 2 figures, I table, and 4 references, 3 of which Card 2/3 Investigation of the Influence of Composition of Mixed S/O 07?31/06/37/071 0) O~ Solvents on the Rate and Selectivity of the Process of B0112~B005 Hydrogenation of 2-Ethylanthraquinone are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. K. D. Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: November 23, 1959, by A. A. Balandin, Academician SUBMITTED: November 12, 1959 Card 3/3 B101/B220 AUTHORS: rreydlin, L. Kh. and Sladkoval T. A. TITLE: Selective reduction of adipyl dinitrile to e_-aminooapro- nitrile on a nickel boride catalyst PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no, 1, 1961, 151-156 TEXT.: The aim of the authors was to clear up the conditions under which the two stages of the hydrogenation of adipyl dinitrile proceed: H, 'CH ) CH NK (1); NC(d 2 4CN '30 NCI~ 2 4 2 2 H NC(CH 2)4 CH2NH 2 H2NCH 2(CH 2)4 CH2 NH2(2). Moreover, it was intended to study the synthesis of the amino acid nitrile, since F_-amino acid can be obtained easily by hydrolysis of the latter. Hydrogenation has been performed in a steel autoclave at a hydrogen Card 1/s S/062/61/000/001/013/016 Selective reduction of adipyl... S/062/61/000/001/013,/016 B101/B220 pressure of 100 atm. The reaction products were divided into three fractions: 1) hexamethylene imine (boiling point 137 0C, boiling point of the azeotropic mixture with water 95 0C); II) hexamethylene diamine boiling point 95 - 1020C at 20 mm HI)l and III) &-amino capronitrile ~boiling point 118-120 C at 20 mm Hg . The high boiling residue w&s composed of non-reacted dinitrile and of bia-hexamethylene triamine. A Ni-Ti-Al skeleton catalyst and a nickel boride catalyst manufactured by the following method were used; A 20% aqueous solution of sodium boron hydride was added in an amount of.60 ml to 250 ml of a 10% aqueous solution of nickel chloride in such a way that the temperature did not surpass 500C. This catalyst was modified with chromium by adding, more- over, 10 ml of a 10-30% chromium nitrate solution to the solution of the nickel salt. Results are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Furthermore the hydrogenation of the reaction products has been studied (Table 3~. The following conclusions were drawn from these data: The selectivity of the nickel-skeleton catalyst increases with increasing content of titanium. On the nickel boride catalyst, a selective hydrogenation of the dinitrile to amino-nitrile takes 0place. Under optimum conditions (20 catalyst, presence of NHY 75-80 C, PH 2 - 95-100 atm) 50-60% amino nitrile and Card 2/9 Selective reduction of adipyl... S/06 61/000/001/013/016 B101YB220 only '2-5% diamine are formed. The'incomplete conversion of the dinitrile is due to the fact that amino nitrile excludes it from adsorption. Cyclo- hexamethylone imine is formed only in the second stage of the process. The formation of 'bis-hexamethylene triamine increases if a mixturo of di- nitrile afid hexamethylene diamine is hydrogenated. As in the case of other catalysts, ammonia suppresses the formation of secondary &mines. Those facts confii~m-the aldimine mechanism of the hydrogenation of dinitrile. There are 3 tables and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheekoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Ahademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskilr of A,- cademy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: -August 4, 1959 Card 3/0 FREYDLINv L.Kh ; GORSHKOV9 V.I. Reduction of cyclghexanone on a skeletal zinc catalyst under ;a-essure. 17,v. AN SSSR. Otd-O khim. nax& no.2:366 F '61. (MIRA 14,:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Cyclohexanone) FREYDLIN, L.Kh.; SHARFp V.Z.; ANDREYEV, H.S. Stepwise dehydration of lp6-hexanediol on a tricalcium phosphate catalyst. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk. nauk no.2:373-375 F 161. (PMIA 14:2) 1. Institut organichookoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Hexanediol) (Calcium phosphate) ,FRMLIN, L.Kh.; WAROVA, N.M.; PALIY, A.I. "k1kylation of normal paraffins by c-lefin3 at hii;h temDeraturev qbd pressures. Izv,.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.4t709-714 Ap, 1610 ; (KW 14:4) 1e Institut organicheskoy khimii ini. N.D.Zalinskogo AN SSSR. (Ether) (Cyolopentadiens) ALIM, Ya.Yu.; ROMOVA, I.B.; FPSYD-LIN, LJk- Catalytic carbonylation cf amines. lJzb.khim.zhi=. no.5: 54-65 161. (MMA 14:9) 1. Inatitut khimii AN lJzbekskoy SSR i Institut organicheakoy kbimii im. N.D. Zelinako o AN SSSR. (Amines) ~Carbonyl compounds) 250h5 S/062/61/000/006/oo'?/Olo V1 0 0 B118/B220 AUTHORS: Freydlin, L. Kh., Polkovnikov, B. D., and Gorshkov, V. I. TITLE: Catalytic hydrogenation of dimethyl vinyl ethynyl carbinol PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye kbimichenkikh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 1120-1127 TEXT: The synthesis of dienes by selective catalytic hydrogenation of the obtainable vinyl acetylene hydrocarbons and alcohols concentrated, lip to the present time, primarily on the hydrogenation of dimethyl vinyl ethynyl carbinol. Following their study (Ref. 7: 1,-,v. AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n., 1944, 71) the authors made an attempt to oynthesize the diene alcohol by selective hydrogenation, un-ing a nickel skeleton catalyst poisoned by pyridine and a zinc skeleton catalyst behaving selectively on hydrogenation of enin hydrocarbons to enino. The hyJro~enation of di- methyl vinyl ethynyl carbinol with addition of 1 tG 3 moles of hjdrogen was effected in methanol solution in the autoclave. The excess hydro,,,en wos eliminated. The catalyst was washed W4,th methyl alcohol. The methanol solution was added to the catalyznte; then, frtictionation w:,~, effecte,l Cr3rd 1/3 2~045 S7062/61/000/0006/007/010 Catalytic hydrogenation of dimethyl vinyl... B411;~~/322~-, after neparation of the methanol. Since quentitative methods of deterptin-t- tion for diniethyl vinyl r-thynyl carbinol and .0s hydro:7,enation nroduota had not been developed so far, the content of' earbiriol in the fractions Was determined according to the amount of vinyl acetylene which forms due to the effect of metallic sodium. In the presence of the nickel skeleton natalyst, the addition of one nole of hydrogen to dimeth:.rL vinyl ethynyl carbinol does not proceed selectively: A mixture forms, which contains the initial carbinol as well an the diene and ethylene Ulcohol. The partial poisoning of the catalyst surfa,3e by pyridine did not result in a considerable increase of the yield in diene alcohol. In the presence of the zinc skeleton catalyst, dimethyl vinyl ethynyl carbinol is hydrogenated selectively to form dimethyl butenyl carbinol. After addition of onemole of hydrogen, the catalyzate contains about 70 % of diene alcohol. Thun. the zinc catalyst develops the highest selective activity in this reaction. B. V. Lonatin and the woman-student I. Mikhellson are thanked for taking the spectra and for their assistance. T. N. Nazarov, L. B. Fisher, and Kh. V. Ballyan are mentioned. There arv 4 firures, 2 tables, and 11 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: E. B. Bates, E. R. H. Jones, Card 2/3 25045 5/06-2/61/000/006/007/010 Catalytic hydrogenation of dimethyl vinyl... B118/B220 11. C. Whitung, J. Chem.- Soc. 1954, 1954. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imen.i N. D. Zelinskiy US~R) SUBMITTED: July 11, 1960 Fig. 1: Hydrogenation of dimethyl vinyl ethynTl corbinol (curves 1-2) and dimethyl butenyl carbinol GA 14 (curve 3) on the nickel skeleton catalyst at 250C. 19 Legend: 1) 0.2574 g in q 10 ml CH OH; 2) 0.2402 g in 10 ml C2A5011; 3) 0.7134 g in 10 M1 C H OH; a) ml; 2. 5 a ZB Q w is b) m1/0.5 min; c) section. M -V jaw No Card 3/3 25046 S106 611000100610081010 Sao 15 ID B1 18YB220 AUTHORS: Pr eydlin, L. Kh., Nazarova, N. M., and Litvin, Ye. F. TITLE: Thermal alkylation of cyclopentane with olefins PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1961, 1146-1148 TEXT: Up to the present time, the alkylation of cycloparaffin hydro- carbons has hardly been studied. H. Pines and N. Ipatieff (see below) studied the alk lation of methyl cyclopentahe with olefins in the presence of H2so 4 (100;6~ or HF. The reaction proved to be very complicated. Yu. G. Mamedaliyev and A. Kuliyev (Dokl. AN SSSR, 88, 471 (1953)) as well as Yu. G. Mamedaliyev and Z. A. Mamedova (ibid., 172, 1063, (1957)) alkylated methyl, ethyl, and isopropyl cyclohexane with propylene and butylene under similar conditions. In the present study, the direct alkylation of cyclopentane with ethylene and propylene at elevated temperatures and under pressure was achieved for the first time. The main reaction products were iaolated and identified. The influence of Card 1/5 25046 s/o6 61/000/006/008/010 Thermal alkylation of cyclopentane... B118YB220 temperature and pressure on the course of reaction was studied. The alkylation with ethylene proceeds already at a temperature of 3500C and under a pressure of 200 atm. At elevated temperaturesand pressures, the yield in alkylates and the degree of oonversion increase. At 45000, the ethylene was completely consumed. Diagram I shows the chromatogram of one of the eatalyzates with carbons up to 09, and also its distillation curve. The main reaction products were ethyl cyolopentane (peak III), the diethyl oyclopentanes (peaks IV and V), anJ butyl cyclopentane (peak VI). A horizontal section on the distillation curve corresponds to each of these peaks. After elimination of the oyclopentane from the alkylate by fractional distillation, the follo-ming fractions were obtained- 1) monoethyl cyclopentane and II) diethyl cyclopentane. The unsaturated character of the alkylate is not strongly marked. The yield in ethyl cyclopentanee amounts to 36 % (related to the reight of the alkylate) and to 65 % (related to the weight of the large fraction). Alkylation with propylene is more difficult. On distillation under pressures between 200 and 450 atmo easily boiling cracking products, the fraction of propyl cyclopentane, and the higher boiling residue were separated from the Card V5 2~046 9/o6g/61/000/006/008/010 Thermal alkylation of cyclopentane... 31!d/B220 alkylates. Oyolopentane reacts with propylene like oyolohexane according to the equation: CH CE-011 CH -CH 2-T12 3" 3 2. On thermal alkylation, t~e cyclopentane adds to the outer unsaturated C-atom of the propylen*e. There are 2 figureet I tablej and 6 referenoest 5 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English-langwkge publibation reade as follovia., H. Pines, N. Iratidff, J. Amer. Chem. Boo.. 67. 1631 (10,45). ASSOCIATION: Inatitut orgeniohoskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni IT. D. Zelinakiy USSR) MITITTED: November 11, 1960 Card 3/5 FREMLIN, L.Kh.; ZHUKOVA, I.F.; MIRONOV, V.F. Sffect of the structure of unsaturated organosilicon compounds on the rate of their hydrogenation. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.70-269-1274 J:L 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. W.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Silicon organic compounds) (Hydrogenation) 27496 1434 slo621611000100910121014 -11b 22,05 tlo", B1 17/11101 AUTHORS: Freydlin L. Kh., Sladkova, T. A., Kudryavtsev, G. I., -Si~ijyn ~,~E - , Zillberman, Ye. N., and Fedorova, R. G. TITLE: Catalytic hydrogenation of aromatic nitriles and the properties of polyamides obtained from p-(P,P1-diamino-diethyj') benzene PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 888R. Izvestiya. Otdaleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1961 , 1713-1715 TEXT: The hydrogenation of p-phenylene diaoetondinitrile to give p-0,01- diamino-ethyl) benzene: NC-CH 2-C6H4CH20 --:~H2N-C2H4- C6H4- C2H 4-11H2and the properties of the polyamides based on this diamine were studied. The p-phenylene diacetodi- nitrile (m.P- 950-970C) was prepared from acetone cyanohydride and p-xylylene dibromide. Hydrogenation was carried out at 1000-1050C and an initial hydrogen pressure of 100 atm in a rotating autoclave of 0.175 liter capacity. Dioxane, methyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol containing some ammonia were used as mediums. The catalysts were prepared by exhaustively Card 1/4 27496 81062J611000100910121014 Catalytic hydrogenation of B117/B101 leaching,powdered 506 nickel-aluminum- and cobalt-aluminum alloys with 10% aqueous NaOR solution. The catalysts were then washed with water up to neutral reaction against phenolphthalein. Cobalt skeleton catalyst leached with 25-3W6 aqueous alkali solution at maximally 150C (Rof- 5: see below) was used in some experiments. Diamine*yields are strongly influenced by the nature of the catalyst and its preparation method. The yield is 64-65% in the case of nickel skeleton catalyst, 74% with cobalt skeleton catalyst leached at 900-1000C, and 94% with catalyst prepared by "cold leaching". The authors also studied the polycondensation of p-(P,pl-diamino-diethyl) benzene with adipic acid and terephthalic aoid. Addition of acetone to an equimolar mixture of aqueouti diamine- and adipic acid solutions precipitates the salt. This salt is crystallized twice from water, yielding a white crystalline substance, m.p. 2000-2020C (C16H26N204). The polyamide was obtained by polycondensation of thin salt at 2600-2800C. Polycondensation occurs in the solid phase below the melting point of the polyamide. This polyamide based on p-(P,PI-diamino- diethyl) benzene and adipic acid was also prepared at 200C by heterophase polycondensation: reaction between the aqueous diamine solution (with sodium carbonate added) and adipic chloride in benzene. Polyamides were Card 2/4 27496 s/oo2/61/000/009/012/014 Catalytic hydrogenation of ... B117/B101 also prepared in an analogous manner by reaction of terephthalic- and sebacic chlorides in methylene chloride with aqueous diAmine solutions containing alkali to bind the hydrochloric acid formed according to the method by P. W. Morgan (Ref. 6, see below). In all experiments, poly- condensation of adipic acid with the diamine under investigation yielded a polyamide having a melting point of 3140-3200C. It is soluble in concentrated H2 so 4' cresol, formic acid, hydrochloric acid, and insoluble in organic solventi. Polyamides of higher.mol wt. are obtained by increasing the reaction temperature and reaction time. The relative viscosity of these polyamides in concentrated H2so4 is increased from 1.73 to 2.69. By spinning these high-molecular polyamides from their melts at 3350-3400C fibers capable of orientation at high temperatures were obtained. The polymer properties are also affected by the purity of the amino Galt used.. If the salt is only recrystallized once, colored polyamides of lower molecular weight are formed. There are 2 tables and 8 references: 3 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English- language publications read as follows: F. G. Lum, E. F. Carlston, Industr, and Engng Chem. _4A, 1595 (1952)1 E. F. Carlston, F. G. Lum, x Card 3/4 27496 slo6 6,,/000/009/012/014 Catalytic hydrogenation of B117YB101 Industr. and Engng Chem. _41, 1239 (1957); Ref- 5: B, V. Aller. 0T. Appl. Chem. 7, 130 (1957); Ref. 8: P. W. Morgan, SPE-Journal !.~, 485 (1959)- ASSOCIATION: Institut organiaheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR); Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers) SUBMITTED: March 28, 1961 Card 4/4 AXIMOV, V.M.; LITVIN, Ye.F.; RUBINSHTEYN, A.M.; FREYDLIN, L.Kh Phase transitions during the preparation of Ni-MgO catalysts by the decomposition of oxalates in a hydrogen stream. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1892-1894 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Nickel oxalate) (Magnesium oxide) VDOVIN, V.M.; SULTANOV, R.; SLADKOVA, T.A.; FREYDLIN, L.Kh.; PETROV, A.D. Addition of alkoxysilane hydrides to unsaturated nitriles and hydrogenation of Lm -cyanoalkylalkoxysilanes obtained. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.kaim.nauk no.11:2007-2012 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Nitriles) (Silane) SHARF, V.Z.; LITVINp Ye.F.; TURETAMUMDOV, Z.T. Debydration of primary n-anrl alcohol and the accomraming isomeric conversions of pentenes on a calcium phosphate catalyst. Neftekhimiia I no-4:548--!554 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 16: 11) 1. Institut organichesko3r khimii AN SSISR imeni N.D. Zelinskago. FREYDLINI L.Hh.; LTTVTN, Yej.; SIIUKOYA, I.F.; ENGLIN, B.A, Effect of the nature of solvent and the amount of Rane7 nickel catalyst on the orientation of hydrogen addition to trane-piperylene. Neftekhimiia 1 no.41484-.488 JI-Ag 161. (MMA 16:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D. Zelinskogo. 33584 S/204/61/001/005/002/008 E075/E484 AUTHORS: Nazarova, N.M., Freydlin, L.Kh, Shafran, R.N., Litvin. Ye.F. I TITLE~ Theri:;al alkylation of methylcyclohexane with oief3.zis undez- pressure PERIODICALi Neftekhimiya, v.1, no.5, ig6i, 613-618 TEXT: The authors reported recently that alkylation of cyclo- hexane and cyclopentane can be achieved thermally (350 to 450"C) under pressure (50 to 200 atm). Further work on alkylation of methylcyclohexane with olefins was carried out to elucidate the influence of side chains on the direction and ease with which the reaction proceeds,, The reaction was carried out in a reactor filled with quartz rings. Molar ratios of methylcyclohexane to ethylene were from 2.5 to 3.6 and for propylene 1.4 to 3.2. The space velocity varied between 0.81 and 0.99 litre/hour for ethylene and 0.52 to 1.43 litre/hour for propylene, All experiments with propylene were carried out at 4501C, whereas for ethylene the temperatures varied from 350 to 4500C. Results show that the main product of the reaction of methylcyclohexane with Card l/ 3 33584 S/204/61/001/005/002/008 Thermal alkylation ... E075/E484 ethylene is a mixture of methylethylcyclohexanes? the proportions of various isomers differing from their equilibrium concentrations. With propylene the reaction proceeds with more difficulty and the yield of alkylate is lower than that obtained for ethylene (155% of propylene taken and 316% of ethylene respectively). Comparison with previous work (Ref-7: N.M.Nazarova, L.Kh.Fre:ydlin. Dokl. AN SSSR, 137, 19611 1125) shows that the alkylation of methyl- cyclohexane proceeds more easily than that of unsubstituted cyclo- hexane. The reaction begins at a lower temperature (3500C) and pressure (50 atm). The expected formation during the reaction of 1-methyl-l-ethyleyclohexane was not observed, which is explained by thermal instability of hydrocarbons with quaternary carbon atoms. It is postulated that 1,3 and 1, 4-isomers are formed by an internal rearrangement of 1,1-isomer or via an intermediate stage of migration of free valency of methylcyclohexyl radical from position 1,1 to positions 1,3 and 1,4. Acknowledgments are expressed 'to A.L.Liberman and T,V.Vasina for supplying the methylethylcyclohexane samples. Yu.G.Mamedaliyev, Aladdin Kuliyev and Z.A,Mamedova are mentioned in the article in connection with Card 2/3 3358h Thermal alkylation S/204/61/001/005/002/008 E075/E484 their contributions in this field. There are 2 figures, 5 tables and 11 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The four references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.2; V.J.Komarowsky. J. Amer, Chem. Soc., n0.59, 1937, 2715i Ref.3; H,,Pines, W.Ipatleff. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., v.67, 1945, 1631; Ref.4i A.Schneider. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., v~76, 1954, 4938i Ref.9: H.D.Orloff. Chem, Rev., no.54, 1954, 347, ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR im. N.D.Zelinskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS USSR imeni N.D.Zelinskiy) SUBMITTED: August 7, 1961 Card 3/3 33-95 S/204/61/001/005/003/008 0 E075/E484 AUTHORS~ Freydlin, L.Kh., Nazarova, N.,M. TITLED Alkylation of cycloparaffinic ring in tetralin with olefins PERIODICALI. Neftekhimiya, v.1, no,5, ig6i, 61g-.623 TEXT!, It was observed recently that alkylation of cyclohexane can be accomplished under conditions (high temperatures and pressures) at which benzene is not alkylated. It was expected therefore that the saturated ring in tetraline will be selectively alkylated under similar conditions. The experiments were carried out in a flow. apparatus described previously (Ref-5: Dokl. AN SSSR, v.37, no.5, 1961, 1125), the reactor (120 ml) being filled with crushed quartz . Tetraline used had a boiling point 78"C/12 mm Hg, djO 0.9677 and n20 t D 1.544o. The ethylene contained 7% ethane, he propylene contained 12% propane. The reaction with tetralin was studied at 400 and 4500C and 50 to 200 atm pressure. The reaction with propylene was conducted under optimum conditions for the alkylation with ethylene, i.e. 1150"C, initial pressure of 200 atm and mole ratio of tetralin to propylene of 2-3. The degree of Card I/if 33585 S/204/61/001/005/'003/008 Alkylation of cycloparaffinic EO75/E484 conversion of propylene in one cycle was 51% and that for totraline 29%. The yield of alkylate was 150% of propylene mixed with tetralin. Products obtained by the alkylation with ethylene are given in Table 1. The main product Is I-ethyltetralin. The products of the reaction with propylene are mainly mixed propyltetralins. It was not possible to obtain any information about the structure and position of the side chains in the constituents of the mixture but it is expected that mainly 1.-.n propyltetralin is formed. Acknowledgments are expressed to G.K~Gayvoronska and I.N.Lifanova for assistance. There are 3 tables and 15 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 12 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.7: H. Pines, C.N.Pillai. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., v.81, 1959, 3629; Ref.8: R. Closson, J. Napolitano, J. Ecke, A. Kolka. J. Organ. Chem., v.22, 1957, 646., Ref.9: C.M.Staveley, T.C.Smith. J. Inst. Petrol,, v:42, no.386, 1956, 55j Ref.10i G.F.Hinsher, P.H.Wise. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., V-76, 1954, 1747- Card 21V 33585 S/204/61/001/005/003/008 Alkylation. of cycloparaffinic E075/E484 ASSOCIATION., Institut organicheakoy khimii. AN SSSR im., N~ D~ Zelinakogo (Institute of Organic. Chemistry AS USSR imeni N. D. Zelinskiy) SUBMITTED; August 21, 1961 Table 1, Conditions Experiments 4 Temperature, 'C 450 450 450 400 Pressure, atm 200 200 50 200 Molar ratio tetralin/ethylene O~75 i~6 2.6 2.2 Space velocity of feed, ml/min 3 7 7 9 Yield of products, 9 234 543 355 445 Distilled tetralin, g 103 313 32.5 Degree of conversion of ethylene, % wt 95 94 6o 71 Degree of conversion of tetralin., % wt 44 36 - 113 Card 3/$ " FRv-YDLD4t L,Kh.; ZHUKOVAg I.F.; ZIMINOVAV N.I.; IAYNERv D.I.; KAGAN# N.M. Deactivation of sketetal nickel catalyat by water vapor and en- hancement of its stability by means of promoters. Kin. i kat. 2 no. 1: 112-117 Ja-F 161. (KBA 14:3) 1. Institut organicheokoy khimii imeni BI.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Institut giprotevotmetobrabotka (catalysts; Njckel) FREYDLIN L _Kh.; SHARF, V.Z.j KHOLIRERY O.M.; IULKINA, L.L. Properties of a boron phosphate catalyst in the dehydration of a pyrocatechol-methanol mixture. Kin. i kat. 2 no.2:228-234 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSR i Iolledovatellskaya boratoriya zavoda "Slozhnyye efiry". on phosphate) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) i c - by L:-Io Cony~l ~.-',on o i :,*:. .ol on a -!:-ci , :;01:' 17 -c. '1- 14:,~) (2or za-.rod 1131ozhn,,;-i~- V,~ lcohol) (i-h-:!,-.oV FREYDLI!I, L.Yh.; BORUNOVA, N.V.; MYLOV, V.D. (MOSCOW) Interaction of NiO with A120) in the atmosphere of water vapors and the effect or the latter on the properties of nickel-allumina. catalysts. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.11:2458-2464 11 161. (MRA 14:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni IT.D. Zelin8kogo, (Nickel oxide) (Almina) S/02 61/136/005/018/032 B103YB208 AUTHORS: Freydlin, L. Kh. and Sharf, V. Z. TITLE: Studies of atepwise dehydration of glycols on the tricalcium phosphate catalyst PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 5, 1961, 1108-1111 TEXT: The authors dehydrated several diole on the tricalcium phosphate catalyst (for its production see Ref. 11) in a wide temperature range. 1) 5, 20, and 49% of trimethylene glycol was converted at 250t 300, and 3500C, respectively. and gave allyl alcohol and propionaldehyde as the main products. No trimethylene oxide was found, but the authors assume that while this oxide does form, it is quickly isomerized to the two afore-mentioned end products. 2) Butene-2-diol-1,4 60% of which were converted at 2800C. The main products were: 2,5-dihydrofuran and crotonaldehyde, Butene-2-diol-1,4 is dehydrated mainly under oxide formation. 03) Butanediol-1,4 yields only 98% tetrahydrofuran between 260 and 320 C. At temperatures above 3200C the yield of tetrahydrofuran drops, giving at the same time buten-2-ol-4, divinyl, and butyraldehyde. Card 1A B/020/61/136/oO5/018/032 Studies of stepwise dehydration ... B103/B208 Dehydration of tetrahydrofuran to divinyl sets in above 3800C. 4) Pentanediol-1,5 is selectively dehydrated to tetrahydropyran (72% yield) between 280 and 3430C. At higher temperatures also pentenoles and pentadienes are formed (the latter result from tetrahydropyran at 389-41800- 5) Hexanediol-196 with the reaction products: hexamethylene oxide, hexenols, and hexadiene-195. On hydrogenation, the latter absorbs 2 moles H2o At the same time, the following isomerization products are formed: a-methyl tetrahydropyran, a-ethyl tetrahydrofuran, hexadiene-1,4, and others. 6) 3,7-dimethyl octanediol-1,7 ia 0 selectively dehydrated to oitronellol (84% yield) in vacuo at 200 C. Only 5% diolefin is formeC At higher temperatures the quantitative ratio of these end products becomes reverse (90% diolefin at 2900C). Under these latter conditions citronellol is dehydrated to diolefins with about the same yield as the diol. The above results enabled the authors to judge the influence of the glycol structure upon the reaction direction, the conditions under which glycols are only partly dehydrated to oxides, and the ways of a complete dehydration to a diene- hydrocarbon. C 4 and C5 glycols are selectively dehydrated to oxides Card 2/4 Studies of stepwise dehydration S/020/61/136/005/018/032 B103/B208 between 280 and 3200 C. The oxacyclanea resulting as intermediates are formed more and more difficultly in the order C4 >C5>C 6* Tetrahydrofuran 18 formed in higher yield and at lower temperatures than tetrahydropyran, the latter being obtained more easily than-hexamethylene oxide. Abolve 3200C, also unsaturated alcohols and diolefin hydrocarbons requ'lt. The authors further conclude *from the results obtained that oxacycIanes,ire more difficultly dehydrated to diolefins than the corresponding glycols. The intense formation of diolefin above 3500C with simultaneousjy irkoreas- ing yield of hexamethylene oxide, and decreasing yield of hexenol is~ regarded by the authors as proof for the fact, that diolefin mainly ' results from hexenol which is less stable than the oxide. Hence, the a,.-glycols C4 ~C6 zre gradually dehydrated. The following compounds are obtained: in the 1st stage - oxacyclane, in the 2nd stage - an unsaturated monovalent alcohol isomeric to oxacyclane (lower formula); in the 3rd stage - the end product, a diolefin, which mainly resulte.via stage II, and not from the oxide I (upper formula). ,.arA - -3/4-- Studies of atepwise dehydration ... S1020161113610051018103 B103/B208 0 _H'0 H.0 (1, 110(CR,),OHF 11.0 0 qCHI CH - (CHI) -OR -TF.T 7' LlTn rp~ae7~jt. itenpeAwbi(oro cnitpTa, To ott moweT 0(SP830BVTk5t nYMM Wv)- hfePH3aljHH 0KCaltilKlIaHtS: (CHI)n CHI CH - (CHI),,-,OH There are 2 figures and 12-references*:, 4 $oviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bl( ASSOCIATION: Institut orgenicheokoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogq Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 19t 1960f by A. A. Balandin, Academician SUBMITTED: September 10t 1960 -Caxd.-4/4 Xx u9 AUTHORSt Nazarovh, N.M, TITLEs Therma'I al Ii y I a 1, 1 c n o f C-~- S- X fi r, -r -Q I' z.' I,?! C- I- Y T e PERIODICALs DA I ady Akadem!J T.w~~x SSSR9 1' A t TEXTz The authQrs wero tl,.c- Nlr.-~~ d1k, h I. 1) ethylene, 2) rr~:pylezniop fivrJ k'DAIJ used by them hae already bet-x~ Ca 3(P04)i and pr-rri-,lain action ve3sel. Tha w;-,re frEict!~irAtei, t-1-7 re sul t ant arc mq t I c h y -Ir!~ : a r ~- c~ z-, we r om t graT.'k; 4 lie& gel. Thp aTtthcrp st!id!,-;,I jLc. .1 r R t I C~fi -)L 2 % 1/0 hexanes by dehydrc~gen oorresponding azomati~2 Iiydr--&ftcri- wcore acids. Ad. 1 E+,J)Y"~rA WaCI of 200 and 450 atm, 1-~ at &0r) -14m -r,^,y If ~qz -I Y, o hexane from thr, alikylatii q -,Ilr;~~? f r%- r~? A~' N r": card I/10 1P Thermal alkylation of b I D cyclohexane bQ1 11 rig r in 5 cy a I ohexane ~ 170- 1 F15 C) r- sponded to e thj1 oyc1c. h~xfinl I~V.I%F 1~.-_ 11.1 t: fraction vae T T, 11 80%P bol.1 'Aug p-,irt 178-1, t2 n, f diethyl beLjea&. o - rt, t h a 'A -.p i-~ sulted thersfrom by I S I.- e A) t i - t.- fractions I and 11 3.2% -!f S' 1 1 t I T t, zation produotB of "he clefin wer " - ~ I -~ ' C consisted of intermed'. a' f:. I: r-i~tt i,,~nfk , -7, 1 , . '. I , 1 ) 1~ ~~ !, ~ -7- Z high-boiling rttaldue. '75% of thv- rlW-!Y~tl ~ rot. 165 rj t t f fractions - 2 2 0 0 a t i .,^, 2 0 " C . A -ri polyethyl ayclah,~xar_e5. Expez~lxpnt gave bons. By Jnoreasing t-b-A a tbyl er e ci~zic & r. t ~:;i t i ()r I n tn s- r; i tl q-' ml x- tar 6 Z reducing the volume xat,,4 tvh!~ yic4ld --f ti~:ncro~iy'4 1i - :) r. r, i v while that of the rt-fb1.A,-;e A,,~ 2 Tht. pr-,pyli-rc- -propane fraction with '63% Pro-ving c-.!,,L4:nt -W-kt Card 2/1o z; Thermal alkjlalfta of .resulte. The followirq,,--wu.~ fraction of the cracking produ,.:ti~, II) C41 150-1570c, and tbp raqidue.. Aftt--- ei-*:~.`n,-,-,-. 'd (5%), dehydrogoriation, fracttoti,it~-rp 1~jd product (46%S) vitb it boA!'At,,,z 1,!,!r.1 ~-f mr~- tfbicb corresponds to n-prc.pyl benxeu~-. Fz,,~m at 209-2130C/739 .'mHg (about-30 W-T4. 0' the wr- ott.-111-4 properties rQOemble thoqv~ of E. I C- I M t! r. to 0. 1' C D, and.14. were made with quartz, nos* 0 an-1 Ad 3 In these exper,im,ent- quert2 vae usrd~ TI:L, itigroe of c,,!, r, I nn of was lower thau that c-,' prPpylon,?, Th,~, fract-ion la..-laled from the by di~tiIlaticn bnl2ed at4 16~ --i Aft~c~'- a6mpeunds and q `J-t"~ ~741-17200/1742 mmHg if, Tabie 3 sht;~q f-hc- A.-Il -wLth irtm ruvil -,~,tdt;65)b I 11'. --1 y L, ii S A r, c. rr, 1 t'Utat thin Odnat"tz of E. -a''e those, of hydrooarb&n witt a normol a.,ap Th-L. ~~f thp. reaultaqt bu- Card 31.1p 2 "'T! ThermaI 41ky'lsition nf B i.c /B + -I Ek hath i f'o i t w~r:r'~ 41. r4- aasun~ed' bit Y atA,jlrated nt thei r.]~.fln# In -th..~ fi ekip w i th p r c ryl e ne p b ow E)v - i, , m-th:~! a p r,,> pi c y ~t 'r (Rr i'~i e d I. A h I i3 me a n a 9 t h,_ t; t t ~ r. c y e a r) r. s a d d t-;,d t c, v h I dda i ni ~i tu r C-414jim, of f i*ne T h -~ f F, er ca m v n r, c, s Y,~ 'i ' Ala 1--l Ma qqdhfty'ev~j, ddir, Kul lyrj'~' '(R,, f 2 D Ax 99 3 L .1.43i 'MarAede'li, -Tj Zq'A' Witric-Arva (RtJ ~v bA1kq;.Wv "j j/ (MAJi I I Balimling P.M. Nw-ir, The~e arv. I fle-lre, 3 tableeg and ci S 3-..._1'!,v!o:% it-r-d 3 r, ovi et -bi cc. Thr~ 3 mc-at recent to cations read az-f,)11owea' If 6 P tr.-- N . I pi ti'6 fl, Oa j . l 67t 1631 1945) 2~- 'J-F-- tic G.T.' Vanlri (R('f a I ,I & J. 42r 0 C!14~10'0 SC 31 1939) B rb 0 Ei H.-ge, t.. T.j.~ t (.;*.*A,- oC!Iim~,Sr~c ASSOCIATIOR i InfitAtut Orgq-ntchl~ekoy iv,. 11'.P. ~nFAIA~ SSSR *(Iniitittitf, (?i Org!,r, Ic Citc- rilir)!~.ri impni N.D.. Zelingkiy' -~f th~, of Gard 4/s0 F I .r,IEYDLIN _jI.;_JITV-UI, Ye.F.; KAUP,, Yu.Yu. Sequence of reactions in the hydrogenatiod bf 2.3-dimethyl- lj,3--butadione on a skeletal nickel cataly*t. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.6:138&-3,388 Ag 161. (MMA 14.-8) lo Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D* Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom M.I. Kabachnikom. (Butadiene) (Hydrogenation) FREYDLIN, L.Kh.; SHARF, V.Z.; LITVIN, Ye.F.; TUKHTA14URADOV, Z.T. Preparation of C8 - C12ot,-olefins by catalytic dehydration of primary.aldohole. Neftekhimiia 3 no.1:10-12 Ja-F 163; (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo. (Olefins) (Alcohols) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) FREYDLIN, L.Kh.; SHARP, V.Z. Stopped dehydration of 1s, .5-pentanediol over a tricalcium phosphate catalyst, -Zhurprikl.khis. 35 no.1:2.12-234 Ja 162. (KM 15:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy kbi-41. AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelinskogo. (Pentanediol) (Dehydration) FREUIUN, Kh.; LIIVIN, Ye.F.; MUKU".1, I.F. I WIGLIN, B.A. Sequence of reactions in the process of hydrogenation of piparylane on a skeletal nickel catalyst. Kin.i kat. 4 no.1:12A-133 JSF-F 163. tMllk 16-3) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimli imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Piporyiene) (Hydrogenation) (Nickel catalysts) FRErDLIN, L.Kh.,- SIADKOVAP T.A. Mechaniam of secondary and tertiary amino formation in the process of catalytic hydrogenation of adiponitrile to hexamethylonediamins, Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no,2:336-341 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut organicheakoy kh.4mii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Adiponitrile) Hexanediamine) ~ - F-REYDLIN, L.Kh.; SIADKOVAj T.A. Direction of the catalytic reddetion of dinitriles as affected by their structure. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.3s625-628 Mr 162. (MLRA 15-3) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavlano akaderikom A.A.Balandinym. (Nitriles)(Reduction#Chomical)(Catalysis) FREYDLIN L.Kh.; KAUP, Yu.Yu.; LITVIN, Ye.F.; ILOWTS, T.I. =:U--== Selectivity and stereospecificity in reactions of n-bexene hydrogenation on a skeletal nickel catalyst. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4s883-886 Ap 162. (WRA 15:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Balandinym. (Rexene) (Hydrogenation) (Catalysts, Nickel) FREYDLIN, L.Kh.; ZHUXIA, I.F.; LITVIN, Ya.F.; ANDERSON, A.A. Mechanism of the hydrogenation of isoprene and its binary mixtures with isoamylene. Neftekbimiia '2 no.5%670-675 S-0 162. i (min 1631) 1. Institut organiohaskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelinskogo. (Isoprene) (Butane) (Hydrogenation) - FREYDLIlq, L.Kh.1 SHARF, V.Z.; TUKHTAMMUDCV# Z.T. Stereospecificity of the dehydration of 3-pentanol on acid-type catalysts. Neftekhimlia 2 no.5t730-734 S-0 162. (MIRA 16il) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy khimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo. (Pentanol) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) (Stereochemistry) ALIYIV, Ya.Yu,j ROMOVA, I.B.j YWDLnqj L.U. Catalytic N-acylation of piperidiner 4 - and/1- pipecolines vith carbon monoxide. Uzb.khim.zhur. 6 no.6t58-66 1162. (HIU 1612) 1. Institut khimii AN Us= i Institut organioheskoy khimii imeni N.D. 391inskogo AN SWR* (Pipardins) (Pipecolins) (Acylation) ALITEV, Ya.Yu.; ROMANOVA, I.B.; FREIDLIHJ~.Kh. Catalytic carbonylation of aliphatic aminee in the presence of alkali metal alcoholates. Uzb.khim.zhur. 6 no.5s75-83 162. (MIRA 15212) 1. Instituli khimli AN UzSSR i Institut organicheskoy khImii imeni N.D.Z.Iinskogo AN SSSR. (Amines) (Carbonyl group) (Alcoholates) L 12344-63 EPF(c)/EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD Pr-4 6,6 RMAWIJWIJD S/081/63/000/CO5/030/C'75 AUUOR: All.yev, Ya. Yu.. Romanova, I. B. and Fr97 TITLE: Catalytic carbonylatio and cobalt halides !_n$f ali n the presence of nickel 'V1 I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., KhimiYa, no- 5,, 1963s 190, abstract 5ZhS5 (U2-,b. Xhim. Zh.., 1962, no. 4, 67-78) TEXT: The carbonylation of aliphatic amines in the presence of Ni and Co halides was studied. The amines Yfidah were used: L7b2H5)2NUI (so_44H9)21'M2 Y9N"21 Mi 2 and H-CO3,3N"27 have identical dissociation constants.and form carbonyls almost identically. At a temperature lower than 266' C, the main direc- tion of the process is toward the formation of formamides. At a temperature higher than 260P C,,amines deaminate and deal1kal_tze., and formamides decompose. The olefins which are formed in this process interact with CO, and NH , forming carboxylic acid amides. In this manner, the carbonylation process of ;2nes goes in two directionst formation of formamides and formation of amides of c-arboxylie acids. Author's ab- stract, nA stractor's note: Complete translation7 Card 1/1 FREYDLIN, L.Kh - KAUPP Yu.Yu. Vachanism of hydrogenation of n.pentynos and noxexynea on a Bkeleta3. nickel catalyot. Izv,AN SSSR.Otd,khimenauk no.9:166Ckl663 6 162e (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimli ii. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Pentyne) (Hexyne) (Hydrogenation) S/2o4/63/003/00-1/002/0-13 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Freydlin, L ,Kh,, Sharf, V.Z., Litvin, Ye.F., Tukhtamuradov, Z.T. TITLE: Preparation or c8- c12 a-olefins by the catalytic dehydration of primary alcohols . PERIODICAL: Noftekhimiya, v-3, no.1, 1963, 10-12 TEXT: The authors investigated the catalytic dehydration of C8, CIO and C12 n-alcohols after previous successful preparation of 98!; pure a-olef-Ins from n -Ci,- C6 alcohols using trisubstituted calcium phosphate as catalyst (Neftekhimiya, v.1, no.6, 1961, 749). The catalyst was prepared by treating the phosphate with 0.07 9 NaOll/g catalyst and baking at 400 to 450"C. for 1 to 2 hours. It preserved its activity without regeneration. The products of the dehydration were 92 to 94% pure a-olefins (97 to 98% after distillation) obtained with'the.yields of 58 to 88%. The purity of the alcohols is of the same order as that obtained after the pyrolysis of the acetates and is much bettor than that of the alcohols produced with alumina an the dehydration catalyst. In the latter case the products contain only 39 to 613% a-olefinz and Card 1/2 S/204/63/003/001/002/013 Preparation Of C8- C12 ... 2075/E436 the remainder isomers with the double bond in different positions. There are I figureq and I table;;. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR im. ILD,Zelinskogo (Institute of'Organic Chemistry AS USSR imeni N.D.Zolinakiy) SUBMITTED:. July 26, 1962 FMIDLIV ,LbKhol SHARFO V.Z.; ABIDOV, HA. Isomerization of,loopropenylcyclopropane and accomparqing conversions of dieneo on,catalysts of acidic nature. Naftekhimlia ja-i 163; (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khWi AN SSAR im(rA Zelinskogo, (Cyclopropano) (Pentadiene) (Catalysts) ABIDOVA, M.F.; PITSARIS, VA.; SULTANOV, A.S.; _~~YD~Tp L.Kh. Reduction of bitrobenzene and nitrocyclohexane in the presence of a tin catalyst. Uzb.khim.zhur. 7 no.1:60-65 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Institut khimii olimerov AN UzSSR. (Nitrobenzene3 (Cyclohexane) (Reduction, Chemioal) NAZAROVA, N.M.; FREYDLIN L.Kh.; SHAFRAN, R.N.; LOGINOV, G.A. Alkylation of cyclohexene by ethylene at elevated temperatvres and presswes. Neftekhimiia 3 no.1:66-70 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imoni Zelinakogo. (Cyclohexene) (Ethylene) (Alkylation) FREYDLINj_Y,U.; SHARF, V.Z.; SAMOKHVALOV) G.I.; MIROPOLISKAYA, M.A.; PRIVALOVA, I.M.; YANOTCYVSKIY, M.TS. Catalytic dehydration of 3-mothyl-1,3-butanediol. Neftekhimiia 3 no.1:104,107 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut orgimicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo i Voei3oyuznyy nailchno-issledovateliskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Butanediol) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) S/062/63/000/001/016/025 B101/BI86 AUThORS i Frej~~L~Jjb_.. and Kaup, Yu. Yu. TITLE: Study of the me chanism of hydrogenati 'on of acetylene hydro- carbons on nickel skeloton;batalyst 4 ~ERTODJCAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1963, 166 - 170 - TEXT: The applicability of the reaction equations R-C -=C-R +., +H ads +2H2 ---,-R-C=C-R R-C-C-R (1 ) and R-C SC-R R-C-C des Ces ads -R (2).was checked by hydrogenation of binary equimolar mixtures of haxyne -1 + pentone-1 and pentyne-2+hexone-2 on a nickel skeleton catalyst. The experiments were made with 20 ml of 0.5 M solutions in absolute methanol. at 100 C with 0.1 g catalyst. Preliminary experiments showed that in mix- turoa of hoxenu-1+pontone-1, molar ratio 1.1, 1:,2i 20, the, two olefino wero hydrogenated,proportionally to their content inAhe mixture; they are ad- sorbed on the catalyst to the same extent and may, therefore, substitute one another in a mixture with,pentyne-1 or hexyne-1. Th; same was found Card 112 s/o62/63/ooo/oo1/016/025 Study of the mechanism B101/B186 for cis-pentene-2 and cis-heFene-2. Results of hydrogenation of the bi- nary mixtures of acetylene and olefin hydrocarbons: The ~,-acetylone hydro- carbon is hydrogenated with.a high depree of' selectivity and stercoopeci- ficity. The reaction proaeed,~ mainly by the formqtion of a cis-olefin.- Saturated hydrocarbons, products of cis-trans-conversion and migration of., the double bond are-for mod inthe first stage of the reaction only in a small amount according to Eq. (2). w-acatyiene hydrocarbon, ho-wevor, is partially h.-ldrogenated in the first stage to the sutur,~ted hydrocarbon, the cv-olefin admixed being hydrogenated only to a small extent and without isomerization. Thus, hydrogenation of -