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Of domain structu,-,o Jn ~,o t b7 a poja,-j- I t1cal'. A I W J. U"- t.,- IMU9 the-aryatal tit Z-blig &-ld VaS C0018d with liquid n r-,;z or r1l -1 r. tro - Matie ~MOO light vag Collimated, -pc~ anc, an iraI-7zjr, ill"L r I. n th e A- e. ............... ~-CESSITI NE: AP5016129 rizer and analyzer and the temperature above 1:h,? Curie p (o I,t Z3c'T was dark. WIlon the temperaturtc4. wp 9 . . -qd P, it r two Pir ndICI-E7 SV, Pe a T,9 PTI, 9 01, E P f? ~3r -.01mamr., ba"Ween tae two band systems was in gen ra~ dif ferentiy located than before. When the anal-ze -,,ras set Paral- the Polnrizer the previously brigbt rqpi,-)7~4 - 71,,e w ldth of a q' -id w n le b~E l -3! - L g 7, Rnj'03 Ve r W C -at I ~-U6.0 0~ Ln Nj none 00 ENCLi 0(,, *t!Tm V72 FC14ICHEV, P. , general-mayor; 311-1011OV, B. , inzhener-polcovnik Study practices in highway maintenance. Tyl i snab. Sa7. Voor. Sil 21 no./+i?7-80 Ap 161. (MIRA 34:7) (Military roads) (Military bridges) -- - --.1 r.-. Financim- exploratory drilling. Ploskva Gos. nauchno-teklm. izd-vo neftianoi .1 i gornotoplivnoi lit-ry, 1952. 110 p. (53-31038) M9575.R82F6 YOMICHEV,P*M,; BROYDI.I.M., rodaktor; TITSKAYA,B.F., redaktor; POLOSINA. - A'.`C-,~-te'khnich~ekiv redak-tor [Financing the drilling of oil and gas wells] YinAnsirovanie bu- renila neftianylth i gazovykh skvazhin. Koakwa, Gos.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1953. 181 P. (MIRA 9:2) (Petroleum--Well drilling) (Goo, Natural) (Finance) F0MICffW, P.M. .. _- , I I N Cbanges In accounting for well construction costs. Aserb.neft.khos. 35 n0.3:31-32 Mr '56. 1 (M14A 0:10) (Oil well drilling-Prices) ip FOMCHHVI P.M. ions on the financing of drilling operationo. Azerb. neft. khou. 36 no.1006-48 0 '57. (MMA 1112) (Oil well drillirg) 11(0) PHASE I.BOOK EXPIDITATION sovI1602 Fomichey, 'Petr Markovich Finansirovaniye bureniya, n*ftyanykh I gazovykh skyathin (Financing Oil an& Gas Wel.l Drilling) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. moseav, Gostoptoffiizdat, 1958. 182 p. 2,000 copies printed, E4.: Isaak Markovich Broyde; Rxi~q. Ed.: N.D. Dabrovins; Tech. Ed.: E.A. Nbkblna. rulUWE: This book In Intended for engineers,, technicians, economists,, accountants and bookeepers of drilling organizations and other enterprises of the petroleum industry,. COVERAGE: The book describes the financial orgaul ion. of oil and gas sur"Wing and drilling operations. ProJect specifications and estimate-cost form for each phase of a drilling operation are given in the Appendixes. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 112- Pinanclng Oil and Gas Won Drilling TABLE OF CONTEM: Foreword Ch. 1. Planalus and ProJect-estiaste Records Ch. II. Financing the Drilling Operation Ch. III. The Working Capital of a Drilling Organization Ch. IV. Short-term Credit Ch. V. The Finsue ial Plen sov/16m Ch. V1. Analysis of the Financial Activity of a Drilling Organization Appendixes AVAILAM: 11brary of Congmse "Oleas Card 2/2 5-19-59 3 6 22 57 79 99 115 A6 ~T Vo 5 70)(IGHEV" P191, - Drilling costs. Azerb. neft. khos. 37 no.1:46-48 Ja 158. (Oil well drMinc-Costs) (KIRA 3-1r6) JL. Prinimal uchantiye.- SHAPOVALOV, Aleksandr FOMICHHV, Petr MartoviS BROTDE, I.M., red.; LATMIRA, Ye.I., vedushchly red.; POLOSINA, A.S., (Business accounting within drilling organizations] Vnutri- khozinistvannyl raschat v burovykh organizataiiakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 109 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Oil well drilling--Accounting) 70MICHEVI.1pl.m.; KTAZIMOT, TA.R. Prilling coots In Aserbaijan. Axorb. neft. khos. 39 no.6s46-48 ja 16o. (KLHA 13:10) (Asorbaijan-Oil well ArIlling-Costs) Plans and estimates of well construction. Wt. khoz. 38 no.12i 1-:5 D! 160. (MM 14:4) (Oil well drilling) FOMICHE;V, P.M. Improving the efficiency of drilling. Azerb. neft. khoz. 39 no.12:0-47 D 260. (MIRA 14:9) (Oil well drilling) FOMIC:W-y~-J+.- Planning.. financing., and accounting problem in oil and gas drilling industry. 110ft. khoz. 39 no.12:6-10 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Oil well drilling) FOKCIWI~p .j ;4har, miullhn& should be ussd to eanoant for U~e co34 cf the own-itrue'w-ton of wells,, 6 for Msnsslwi. Nal7t, khoa. 4:) no,10-.9 llt~ 165. 041RA 18t6) SHAPOVALOV. Alekaandr Grigorlyevich; FOMICHEV, Potr Markovich; BROYDE, I.M., red. [Calculation and the analysis of the cost of drilling gas and oil wells] Kaltkulirovanie i analiz sebestoimosti bureniia neftianykh i gazovyL-h skvazhin. Mosk-vap Nedra, 1965. 119 P. (MIRA 18:10) FOMICHEVI F.M; RASHEVSYMA, 'r.;. rud. [Malysis of the production and management of a drilling organization) Analiz proizvodstvenno-khoziaistvannoi de- iatellnosti burovol organizatsii. Baku, Azerneshrj 1965. 205 p. (MIRA 18:11) FOMICOV2 R.A. Conference of readers at the Ivanovo Peat MacLinery Plant. Torf. prom. 38 no. 3:37 161. (KM 14:4) (Ivanovo-Peat machinery-Periodicals) YOMICHBV S 9 dots., kand.tekhn.nauk Sirgle pipe hot-water systems with water distributing collec- tors. Zhil.-kom.khos. 9 no.10:7-9 '59- (MIRA 13:2) (Hot-water heating) (Heating pipes) MMICHIDV, S. -- -:,-,. 7 In the economics of production oeotion of the Technical and Economic Council of Moscow City loonomic Council. Vop. ekon, no.10:139-142 Vop. okon. no.10:139il42 0 159. (MIRA 12.-12) Mosoov--Industries) GRIGO'RIYEV, B.A.; FOMICHEV, S.11. Using albodograph for determining optical coefficients of engineering materials. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.1:34-40 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Materials--Optical propertien) ~h Ev" Sj1L1APNZKQV, E-G.i ALAKHVERDOV, I.A.; SkGITGV, A.V.; POCIIKkz~., I.A.; FGMICHEVt T.F,:Sr). State Vet. Inspector; KASK, E.A.; NIKOISKII, R.N. Kherson oblaut "On zooveteri.nary servicing of consolidated kolkhoz.11 SO- Vet. 28 (12) 1951, p. 17. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA ~ FOMCW.V, V. A. NUCLEAR RESEARCH - . , DECEASED (;/ 1964 19614 ZIMNYAYA, I.A.;.Tq~LICHEVI V.A. S'-tdy of one of the acouatic stimuli causing the perception of speech intonation in a question. Vop. psikhol. no-5:73-82 S~-O 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut ino- strannykh yazykov imeni Morisa Tore2m. L 06298-67 WT(1) 0 15 377 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0266/0279 v, R. G.; Oranskiy, A. M.; Fomichav, V A. ~AUTH ORG: none TITLE: Electronic systems for the approximate differentiation of_p~ ~ae repetition rat :modulated signals SOURCE: AN BSSR, Institut tokhnicheskoy kibermetiki. Vychislitel,naya tekhnika (Com- puter engineering). Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1965, 266-279 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, computer technology, computer input unit, digital dif- ferential analyzer, differentiating circuit, differentiation ABSTRACT: The authors describe a system designed to perform approximate differentia- tion on continuous or quantized pulse trains, the pulse repetition rate being modulat- ed to represent a controlled process. In the current differentiation schemes, the pulse train is first converted into a varying dc voltage and then differentiated by conventional means. This method introduces errors and delays. The authors propose a new system which can perform the differentiating operations directly on the basis of the digital data. A pulse train having a repetition frequency representing the first derivative of the original pulse train is expresaed as *dF, (i) FY) k- di L 06298-67 ACC NR: AT6015377 where F(t) is the repetition frequency of the pulse train related to the first deriva7 tive of the original pulse train PI(t), k is the dimensional coefficient. This expre T' sion can be also written as F, (I + A F, (1) F(t) lim At For a pulse train, the condition At -P-0 has no physical meaning, hence an approximate'." differentiation can be used for At+AT, where AT is a small value, satisfying AT 4K 2~ is the variation period of PIM. Under these conditions F, (t + A 0 -Fj (1) A F, (t) F (1)1, HIM 2: ~ dF, At dt s mathematical operation can be carried out using the system shown in figure 1. this system, the differentiation amounts to the generation of a pulse train F(t) al to the difference of the pulse train PI(t) and a new analogous pulse train PI(t) ,ayed by a finite time interval AT with respect to PI(t). The pulse train to be dif entiated is fed into block 1 and block 3. Block one gencrates a fixed delay AT. 06298-67 :C NR, AT60iiji7_4 Fig. 1. 7 It can be in the form of a delay line for pulse trains having high repetition rates, or in the form of a magnetic drum, in which the delay is introduced by the use of two read heads displaced with respect to each other. The latter arrangement has the ad- vantage of providing for variable adjustable delay. The output pulses of block 1 are shaped in block 2 and fed into block three, where coinciding pulses from both pulse trains are eliminated using a differential anticoincidence circuit. From here the tw, pulse trains minus coincidence pulses are introduced into block 4 which, in conjunctii with blocks 5 and 6, has the task of generating a pulse train FJM - PIM if FIM > FI(t). No output occurs if PJM > FIM, or FIM = FIM. Anticoincidence techniques are used to perform this operation. Block 7 is cathode fol lower output stage. The authors describe and analyze two practical circuits based on the proposed approximate differentiation method. The first is suitable for continuous pulse trains in which the instantaneous pulse repetition frequency is proportional to the current state of the monitored process; the second is designed -to operate on quan- Card 3/4 i'ACC tized pulse trains in which the pulses occur in "parcels" at distinct Intervals. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DAM 15Dec65 ACC: A H; 0 3 3 5,19 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/010/2892/2899 ATYLNIOR: Fomichev, V. A. OPLG: Leningrad State University im, A. A. Zhdanov,(Leningradakiygosudarstven- nyy universitet TITLE: Study of the energy structure of Al and Al203 by the method of ultralong wave X-ray pectrosco y SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 0, no. 10, 1966, 2892-2899 TOPIC TAGS: alurninum, aluminum oxide, spectroscopy, x ray spectroscopy, ultralong wave x ray spectroscopy, absorption spectra, emission spectra, crossover transition ABSTRACT: A study was made of the emission and absorption spectra of aluminum (Al) and aluminum oxide (A1203) within the ultra-soft region of x-ray radiation. Al and Al 0 absorption spectra were found to have a sharply defined fine struc- 2 3 ture near the LII, III-!boundary of aluminum absorption. The emission band of -Al in A1203has a two-hump shape,* In the ultrasoft region, this band is accompa- nied by two secondary maxima at 45 and 50. 5 ev. The first appears to be the Lq9rd 1/2 7~ M"ggz- ~a ,-,T ;gj, L 09917-67 :-ACC INR: AP6033549 result of an internal L, LjI,jjj transition of aluminum. The second is apparently -the result of crossover transitions of 2s-electrons of oxygen to the 2p-level of aluminum. Energy level diagrams are plotted for Al and A1203- In the proximity o 4. the diagrams differ. Orig. art. has: f 'he oxygen and aluminum atoms in A1203', 8 figures and I table. [Author's abstract] SUB-CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Feb66/ ORIGREF: 011/ OTHREF: 0181 L 9915-66 E, M T 14 n , M!, LAM. AM226 7 SOURCE--d-6DE: ACE NRI 005 33r Y, Deceased Yershov, 0. A.; Zhukovaj 1. 1., AUVOR: I.- ~ ) ; Gavinov, Ye. P.i _Eomichev. V. A., TITLE: Reflection of X.EalT with wavelengths from 23.6 to 190.3 Some remarks on the operation of diffraction gratings SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. ~,,~a965, 425-433 TOPIC TAGS: x ray diffractiono x ray, filter,~ 'x ray spectrum, diffraction grating ABSTRACT: The authors measured the angular dependence of the reflection coefficient for variovs substances, using the following monochromatic lines: OK (23.6 A), 9~' (31.4 A), CK (44 A), E~( (67 A), srMt (108.65 A) o Rbmt (128.66 A), Ba (164.6 A and CsNV_OII1 (19013 A'). The measurement methods were described byNYERTthors elsewhere top spektr. v. 16, 3.10, 1963 and earlier). For lines shorter than 113 A the radiation was detected with a flow-through proportional counter filled with pe was used. methane; for longer vavelongths a Geig?r counter with argon-alcohol mixtp The substances measured were F-1 lasW gold, titanium, and polystyrene./!2 The method of preparing the reflectors was also described in the earlier papers. Polystyrene and titanium reflectors are found to be capable of effectively filtering radiation shorter than 50--200 A, depending on the angle of incidence. In the case of F-1 glass, a sharp fine structure is observed in the reflection coefficient at wave- lengths 70--130 A. For titanium the fine structure appears at wavelengths shorter U1DC1__537A53l L 9915-66 ACC NRI AP5022667 than 30 A. and for polystyrene at wavelengths shorter than 45 A. Gold exhibits no fine structure. The spectral dependences of the reflection coefficients show that titanium = ;;,be used effectively as filters for radiation of wavelengths shorter t at yerious angles of Incidence, and that polystyrene mirrors can be used am-filters fuir;'radiation shorter than 50-180 A, depending on the angle of incidenco. The maximum reflection coefficients in the first order of diffraction have been calculated also for echelettes cut in F-1 glass and echelettes with gold and titanium coatings, which were also studied by the authors earlier (Opt. I spektr. v. 14, 285, 1963). Plots of the maximum reflection coefficient of the echelettes (600 and 1200 lines/mm) vs. the angle make it possible to choose the optimum angles of incidence and the angles of I *nclination of the echelette steps. The greatest possible reflection coefficients are obtained in first order. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 1 table. SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DATEt Mhy&/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REFt 001 V 41 W(M)/Djp(t) Jjp(c) JD 1~ 18755-66 ACC NR: AP6003767 URCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/001/0( Sc )95/01U iAUTHORS: Ukirakiy, (deceased); Brytov, 1. A.; Fomichev. Ir 'I ORG: Lentn6rad State UniveraLty_(Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy niversitet) TITLE: New emission bands of Re; W, Ta Te Sb Pd~ M b T Ti in the ultrasoft x-ray relgi-on of tEe-'n4p'te'J~um 2j IL_, and SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 95-102 TOPIC TAGS., x ray emission, x ray diffraction study, spectral line, line width, line shift, x ray spectroscopy ABSTRACT: The purpose of the experiment was to obtain additional i experimental data on the density of the electronic states in the i i .valence baed. The new lines were obtained in the spectral region 1 70 -- 450 A with the aid of a. diffraction-grating x-ray spectrometer.! The use of effective detectors and reflecting mirrors to filter out the radiation has made it possible to detect the new lines. The 1z Card 1/2 L 18755-66 1 ACC NR: Ap6oo3767 pectrometer was described by one of the authors earlier (Lukirskiy, !Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 25, 913, ig6i). An Identification for the lobserved emission bands is proposed and the widths of the levels 1participating in the transitions are determined. The shape of the emission bands and the widths are not discussed in detail, In view of the lack of data on the detector efficiency and on the spectral dependence of the diffraction-grating reflection coefficient. The i lobserved shape or the emission line of W is compared qualitatively I with the theoretical distribution of the energy density of the elee- Itronic states of the 5d6s band. Further improvement in the results I is expected when, the resolution of' the spectrometer Is increased jand.when absorption spectra of the same elements become available !for the investigated region of spectrum. The authors thank M. A. !Rumsb,-and T. M. Zimkina for useful remarks. Orig. art. has: 8 fig a iand 3 tabl9s. ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Jun65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 007 I c,,,d 2/2-110, ACC NRz AP6=7023 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: (deceased) ; Pomichev, V. A. Brytov, 1. A. ORG: none 16 TITLE: Absorption coefficients of nitrocelluloseland pplystyre, in the 8-410 region of the ultrasoft x-radiation. SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya,, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 366-368 TOPIC TAGS: absorption coefficient, polystyrene, nitrocellulose, radiation detector., x ray filter ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Opt. i apektr. v. !7, 438, 19&) on the efficiency of gas-filled radlation detectors. Whereas the absorlytion coeffi- cients of the gas and vapor used in these detectors were measured earlier, the nitro- cellulose used for the detector window was not investigated before. The measurement procedure was the same as in the eaxlier work. The preparation of the transparent -.,films is briefly described. Film close to optimal thickness for each wavelength were used. The numerical values of the absorption coefficients are listed in a table for the different wavelengths in the case of nitrocellulose and plotted in the case of polystyrene. Xn the case of po3ystyrene, a considerable jump occurs in the ab- sorption coefficient in the vicinity of the carbon line and it is noted that poly- styrene can serve because of this ezomaly as an effective filter for ultrasoft x- radiation. Orig. art. has: 1 figicrep 1 formulat and 1 table. SUB CODEs. 20/ Sum DATE: 29juri65/ oRiG rw: oo3/ oTH REF: oo3 L Oh740-67 !MT(l) kTLQ/Kr1 IJP(c) JD ACC NR. AP6024473 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181166/008/007/2104/2108 AUTHOR: Fanichev, (Deceased) ORG: Leningrad State University im. A. A. Zhdanov Ueningradskiy gosudarstvemyy universitelT TI=: Fine structure of LII' I,, absorption spectrum, of aluminum SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 19669 2104-2108 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, x ray spectrum, spectral fine structure, absorption edge ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to check on the accuracy of data ob- tained by others,'in view of the experimental difficulties involved in investigations of the ultrasDft - y region of the Epectrum. The fine structure was investigated near the LIJ, III absorption edge WO A) witli-tbe aid of the bremsstrW-aung spectr= of a tungsten anode, using apparatus described in various earlier papers by one of the authors (Lukirskiy et al., Cpt. i spektr. v. 19, 800, 1965 and earlier). M-e samples were prepared by evaporating aluminum in vacuum on a glass substrate coated beforehand with KC1. The evaporated fiLn was then floated free on water. The results have sbowa that the observed fluctuations in the absorption ooeffhbient on the short- wave side of the absorption edge are typical of aluminum, and cannot be attributed to the substrate as suggested by D. 11. Tamboulian and E. M. Pell (Phys. Rev. v. 83, 3196, 1951). On the long-wave side, no fine structure is observed in the absorption coef- 1/2 04740-67 A:cCWM--Akfi4-4- ficient of alumintun, and it is therefore cmcluded that the results obtained by T. Ifayasia. and T. Sagawa (Sci. Pap. Tbhoku Univ. no. 44, 1269 1960) are in error. Ovig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 14Dec65/ ORIG FEF: 005/ WH W: 006 Card 2/ 2 T, G,'I?.',h'I-67 i-I.T(l) ImI(c) i I-1/i D Acc 'Wk~.ju,6o3o65) SOURU CODL: UIVOOW/66/169/oo6/i~ol;/l,~o6~ ;,jr~j10; Zinilcina, T. M.; Pomicljoy, Leningrad State Unive A. Zhdanov (Laningradakiy goaudarntvannyy %;I-,ivcriit CA) " I L the ultrasoft x irq2.: Absorption spectrum of sulfur hexafluoride mray region T SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 6, 1966, 13o4_13o6 TOPIC TAGS: sulfur compound, fluoride, x ray spectrum, fine structure, absorption co- efficient, absorption edrc, photoionization, molecular atruct~rc A-SMICT: The authors have obtained the absorption spectrx n of SF in h r gion of I.he Ljj-jl:[ absorption edge. The purpose of the investigation was to explain the 'nature of the selective maxima in the region of the edge and their connection with I . t-ne eziergy structure of the molecule, and to obtain data supporting the theory of !phlotoionization absorption and'the applicability of x-ray absorption laws in the ultrasoft region. The absorption coefficients were investigated by a method described in earlier papers (Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 27, 324, 1963 and v. 28, 772, 1964). 7ne !spectral range investigated was 41 - 73 A at a pressure 4-5 � 0-5 mm Hg (ensuring a !I 30~10' transmission). The results are presented in the' form of a plot of the absorption coefficients vs. energy in the range 170 - 3W ey) and a larger-scale portion of the fine structure (first three absorption bands) between 170 and 205 ev. The distances between the maxima are close to the spin-doublet splitting of the L:Ej and L11I levels Card. 1/2 UDC: 535-343 _L 09347-67 ACC NRt AP6030653 of sulfur. The absorption spectma has an unusual form, anomalous intensity ratios, !and no clear-cut absorption edge, but the lack of experimental data on the uv absorp- i tion spectrum and of theoretical calculations make the interpretation of the results difficult. It is quite likely that the unusual spectrum can be attributed not only - to the energy structure of the molecule but also to the character of the photoioniza- tion absorption, since the x-ray absorption regularities obtained by using hydrogen- like wave functions do not hold for ultrasoft x rays. This report was presented by ;A. A. Lebedev 30 November 1965. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. 'SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Ndv65/ oRiG REF: oo3/ oTH REF: oo4 Card ACC NR, AP7001405'- )----'SOURCE- CODE: UR/0413/66/000/021/0107/0108 IWENMR. Lashkov, K. A.; Klimova, T. N.; Fomichev, V. A.; Matsyuk, L. N. Kolobkov, Yu. M. ORG: none TITLE: - Device for heat-pulse welding of polymer films. Class 39, No. 187991 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966. .107-108 TOPIC TAGS: polymer film, polymer welding c0 ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for heat-pulse welding of polymer films. The device consists of two insulation blocks, heating elements Fig. 1. 1 - Bottom block; 2 s-shaped support; 3- top block. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.791. ;kC-_N_R': A-P-700-0-1-4-0-5 in the form of metal strips with copper inserts, and a support. To obtain closed- ,contour articles with a curvilinear lap weld, the blocks have a surface curvature corresponding to that of the articles to be welded, and the bottom block is mounted on an a-shaped support. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. IBOI SUB, CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE. 15Au&63/ ATD PRESS. 5109 Card 2/2 _-AP603627- - d1_-_-__,__ ACC Nit, S URCE CODE: UR70RWr6_6_fG__ff6_ft_[0 AUTHOR: Karpov, R. G. i ForTAchev, V. A. ORG; none TITLE: Controllable frequency divider with storage-type counter SOURCE: Radiotakhnika, v. 21, no. 11, 1966, 69-71 TOPIC TAGS: frequency divider, pulse counter ABSTRACT: A divider is considered which turns a pulse packet of frequency F. (t) simulating a physical quantity into another pulse packet of frequency: 'F, (1) - F, ([)In-. here, n a n(t) Is a stepwise adjustable division ratio of a storage-type counter (see figure). The circuit includes a 4 "V 'I, blocking oscillator turned off by a voltage drop across RJ . The turn-on level can be adjusted by control voltage U, applied to the grid circuit of the cathode follower. Fxperi- X.L Al mental plots of division ratio vs. control voltage are shown.' Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 6 formulas. 3UB':~CODE: 09 SUBM DATE; ','IODac65 ORIG REF: 002 JA Ciied UDGAZI. 374.4 .FOMICHF-V, Vb,- BULIVAMR, E.Z., red.; VOLKOVA, A.N., redAzd-va; . GLUKHOYEDOVA, G.A., takhn. red. (Penmian Rugosa In tha Far East] Permskie ko*lly Rugosa Dallnego Vostoka. Moskva, Goageolizdat, 1953. 70 p. (MIRA 160) (Soviet Far East-Tetracorailk) - -1 . ~erauhj-y Central Guological and Fr-- L2-~~ 00pecting Institute, Leningrad.) A U36R registrant of the 17th International Geological Uongre-,s held in Moscow in 1937. SO: Report of The 17th Inter. Geol. Cong., 1937. FORICEV, T. D. ?A 43/43T25 Dorally Rugosa I Stratierafiya Sredne-I Verkhnekamet-uiougolInykh I Periaskikh Otlozheni,v Donutskogo Basseyna (Rugo3a corals ind Stratigraukv of' 'the 11-liddle and uppur lAtuidnous Goal and Permian Depogiti of the Jwiet, dasin) ilwkva, Oosgeollzdat, 1)53. 6?1 p. Magr.'30, iablos. I'Literaturall: p. 606-613. 524N/5 622.4 .F6 -'F.. I IA 49 six q Wfif 04C. 1-h gas .2 -Y.,-, --IOMIC ,:,GCRSKrY, I.I., red.; SHWOV, V.V., red.izd-va,-, 2MLM-4--V-n BORISOV2 A.S.t tekhn. red. [Rugosa and the stratigraphy of-the Middle and Upper Carboniferous and Permian sedimentsin the Donets Basin) Ko- rally Rugosa i stratigraftia sredne i v~rkbnekawnnougollnykh i permakikh otlozbenii Donetskogo basseina. Moskva, GoBAzd-vo geol. lit-ry, 1953. 621 p. _ At3i\s. 90 p. --.QUUj5z2) 1. Chlen4orrespondent Akademii nauk SWR (for Gorskiy). (Donets, Basin-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Donets Baoin-Rugosa) V. D. Z;V I Me Committee an Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ministers WO) in the fields of science and Inventions swounoes that the foUmIng scientific workap poyaar scien- tific books,, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Sovetskess, jkmov,, No. 22-4o,, 20 Fab - 3 Apr 1954) Now Fomichev, ". D. Title of Work II[Rugosal Corals and the Stratigrapl%y of the Mid- dle and Upper Carbon- iferous and Formian Strata of the Donets Basin" Nominated by MinistrI of GeologY and Con- servation of Kineral Re- sources USSR 80: w-30&*, T JUY 195k -j- i__ V, V.Y AKSARIN,A.Y.; ANANITU,A.P.; BIWEDIKTOYA,R.H.; GORBOOV.H.G.; GRATSIAHOYA. R.T.; TJIGCROVAL.I.; IVAIIITA,V.A..- KRAYUSXLTA,L.N.,- KRA OPIONVA. P.3.; LIBIM.I.V.; LCMOVITSKAYA,M.P.,- POLITAYEVA,O.K.; ROGOZIII,L.A.; RADGHMO,G.P.; HZHCUSNITSKAYA,H.A.; SIVOV,A.G.; FCO(jQjLX&qp; KHAL- FINA,V.K.; UIALFIR,L.L.; CHEUITSHUAs5.V.; NI:KITDIA,V.N., redaktor; = OVA,O.A,, tekhutcheekly reduktor [Atlas of leading forms of fossils in the faunA and flora of Western Siberia) Atlas rukoyodiashchikh form iskopasmykh fauny i flory zapad- noi sibiri. Pod red. L.L.Khalfina. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-t-,~khn.lzd-vo lit-ry po geologii I okhrane nedr, Vol.l. 1955. 498 p. Vol.2. 1955. 318 P. (Microfilm] (MIRA 9:3) 1. Tomek. Politakhnicheskiy institut Imeni Kirova. (Siberia, Western--Paleontology) FOMICHKV, V.D. Raw data on the stratigraphy of Salair Ridge. Inform.obor.VSEGEI no-3:43-45 156. (MI2A 10:1) (Salair Ridge--Geology, Stratigraphic) NBIAMMHNM, V*S.; SAES, V.N.; SP17HAR Y, T.N.; POKICHNV, V.D. laterdeparibmeat&l meotlag on dovelopiag unified stratigraphle systems for Alberls. Inform. sbor. VMMI no.401-37 156 (ftberia-Geoloff, Stratigraphic) inu loto 'P`4R SPIZHARSKIY, T.N., red.; BODYLEVSKIY, V.I., red.; BOCH, S.G., red.; YASIUENKO, r~d-.; V.K.9 DODIN, A.L., red.; DOHRACHEV, S.M., red.; KRASNOV.-I.1,0 red.; HELESHCHONKO, Y.S., red.; KNUM, V.V., red.; HIKIFOROTA, 0.1., red.; OBRUCHEV, S.V., red.; RZI[ONSITITSKAYA, M.A., red.; ROSTOVTSBT, N.N mcde; SAKS, T.N., red.; SARYCHEVA, T.G., red.; FOHICHEV9 V.D., ~,red CHMWYSMVA, N.-Ye., red.; YAKOVLNV, S.A., red.;-SKVORFSOT-,-T.-P.-, red.izd-va; PZNIKOVA, S.A., (Decisions of the Interdepartmental Conference on Making unified Stratigraphic Charts of Siberia) Reshenila Hezhvedometvannogo sove- shchanlia po razrabotke unifitstrovannykh stratigraficheskikh ukhem Sibiri. Moskva, Gos.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr, 1959. 91 P. (NDU 12:9) 1. Meshvodomstvennoye soveshohnniye po r82rabotke unifitairovennykh stratigrafichaskikh ekhem Sibiri, Tmeningrad, 1956. (Siberia-Geology, Strstigraphic) Boundary between the Carboniferous and Permian systems and the Artemovsk complex of sediments. Say. gaol. 3 npp. 11:94-108 N 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1, Tsesoyuzuyy naueboo-Iseledovatel'shy geologicheshy hetitut. (Geology, Stratigraphic) FOMICHEV, V.D., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; ALEKSEYEVA, L.E., geolog; -----------------SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya., red.izd-,.va; IUNOVA, A.G., [Outline of the geology of the Salair Ridge] Geologicheskii ocher)r Salaira. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 201 p. 7 plates. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologicheskii institut. Trudy, vol.63.). (MW 15:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut. (Salair Ridge-Geology) IVANOVSKIY, 8,A,, dotisenti FOMIGHK7, VaTep vaterinamyy vrach Problemm in the methodology of X-ray photometryo Vaterinariia 38 no.815low57 Ag 161 (MIM 18:1) 1, Bashkirskiy ssl'skckhozy&ystve=yy institut. -IQKCHEV, V. F. (Veterinary Doctor, Chair of Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy, Bashkir Agricultural Institute), (Abstracted by V. A. ALIKAYEV) "Method of staining animal blood smears." Veterinariya, val. 39, no. 2, February 1962 pp. 82 VASILVYEV, S.F.; MOSIN, A.M.; LAPIDES, N.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: mr9REN140, K.L.; OSTROVSKAYA, LeVe; ~OMICHEV, V F * GUBBOTINA, G.V.; SHVEDOVA, L.M. Oxidative pyrolysis of lower hydrocarbons. 1[him.prom. no./+:238-243 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemych AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Oxidation) FWICHEV, V.G. Study of bipolar elootrocles. Trudy LTI no-46:36-48 158, (MIRA 14:4) (Elootrodeo) (Faeotrochemistry) -ip-,~ 'Ig .5-1310 7764o sov/8o-33-2-15/52 AUTHORSt Volova, Ye. D., Makolmova, 1. N., Mashovets, v. P., and Fomichev, V. G. TITLE: Electrolytic Preparation of Thallium Amalgam for Low- Temperature Thermometers PERIODICALt Zhurnal rikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 2, pp 349-354 MSR) AIBSTRACTz Electrolytic preparation of thallium amalgam was studied to determine optimum conditions for the process. The materials used werei purIfled and vacuum-di3tilled mercury (and brand P-2 mercury); thallium. sulfate of compositioni Tl SO 99.9%-Fe, 0.001%; Cu,0.005%; water insoluble Npu~i'ties 6.01%, impurities precipitable with NH2Of' 0.01%, those not precipitable with (NHI,)2S 0.01%; and metallic Card 1/8 thallium (for preparation of amalgani by direct Electro-lytic Preparation of Thallium 1~611 Amalgam for Low-Temperature. Thermometers b~190-33-2-15/52 v di.,;,iolution of T1 in mercury) containing T1 99.8%; Zn,o.oo4%,. Cd,0.02%; Cu,0.00b%; Pb,0.005%; a'~d Fe, 0.001%. Figure 1. shows the cross section of the electrolyzer. I I 1:-6j. I Card 2/8 See Card 3/8 for caption. Electrblytic Freparation of Thallium 7764o Amalgam for Low-Temperature Thermometers SOV/80-33-2-15/52 Caption to Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Cross section of the electrolyzer: (1) anode; (2) pressed fiberglass membrane; (3) flowing mercury cathode- (4) the electrolyte- (5) outlet from cathodej ~6~ platinum contact; (7)) Inlet' for the electrolyte; 8 electrolyte drain; (9) inlet for the mercuryj (10) amalgam drain. Content of thallium in amalgam was determined by potentiometric titration with 0.01 N KBrO 3 of 0.2-0.5 g amalgam samples dissolved in dilute Sul- furic acid. Results obtained by the use of a platinum wire anode (with a surface area of 2 .5 cm2) were compared with the results with a lead anode (a perforated horizontal plate of - 30 em 2 surface). Cathodes with an area of 5.7 and 30 cm 2 in the first Card 3/8 case, and 30 cm 2 in the second were used. In the El~ectrolytic Preparal.Lon of Thallium 7764o Amalgam for Low-Tempevature Thermometers sov/8o-33-2-15/52 cau(4 of platinum anode 95-100% thallitun yield based on cul-ront weve reached at all investigated temperatures (20-1150), cathodic current densities (12-50 ma/cm2 ), aclditle,-, oV Initial solution (0-001 to 1.33 g-equiv/1) and flowrate3, w, of the solution from w theoret (11, 1/1,1110 to 5 Wtheoret at the optimum composition of the electrolyte (hIgh Tl+ concentration and low acidity). wtheoret was calculated from T1 concentration and current, takinZ complete T1 extraction and yield based on current as 100%. FiTure 1 shows that the degree of thallium utilization in amalgam) is inversely proportional to the flowrate of the solution. Card 418 WE Electrolytic Preparation of Thallium Amalgam for Low-Temperature Thermometers 77640 SOV/80-33-2-15/52 Fig. 2. Degree of thallium utilization as a function of solution floNrrate; (13) Card 5/8 Wtheoretical in electrolysis with a (in %)t (A) --wactual/ platinum anode. Electrolytic Preparation of Thallium 7764o Amalgam for Low-Temperature Tnermometers sov/8o-33-2-15/52 The output is lowered with decreasing thallium, concentration(by lowering concentration of Ti from 40.5 to 8.5 9/1, the yield ba:3ed on current dropped from 98.0 to 611.5% and degree of thalliwn utilization from 86.0 to 50.2%) and with increasing acidity (at Z_f1__7 1.33 g-equiv/1 compared to the optimum --e, 0.01 g-equv/1 the yield dropped to 70.6%). Experiments with a lead anode show that tW process gives lower outputo than with platinum anode, is accompanied by thallIum oxidation to T1 0 and Is more sensitive to changes In temperature(Rs~ in temperature increases thallIum yield and utilizaton and decreases oxidation), current density (increase of current density raises T1 yield and utilization somewhat with a maximum at 50 ma. /cm2; a subsequent decrease In yield is probably caused by increasing evolution cC*hydrogen at the cathode) and flowrate (increasing flowrate some- what decreases oxidation, Increases Tl yield and Card 6/8 decreases degree of utilization). unfavorable renits Electrolytic Preparation of' Thallium 7764o Amalgam for Low-Temperature Thermometer.,; SOV/80-33-2-15/52 obtained by the use of lead anode are caused by its large surface area and high overvoltage. Experiments on electrolysis with a smaller lead anode resulted In overheating of electrolyte anddecomposition of anode. On the basis of experimental results the authors recommend the use of a platinum anode with a small surface area. Optimum conditionst the electrolyte containing 40.5 g/1 of T1+ and ~~ 0.01 g-equiv/~ of free S08;mtemperature 20-400; cathodic current density 3Y5 a/cm2j and the flowrate of the solution 1.02- 1.05 %~gget' In electrolysis on the lead anode temper f 60-650and current density of 50-70 ma- /cm2 should be used. Preparation of thalliurn amalgam by dissolving thallium in mercury (at room temperature, under glycerin or water) is a simpler process than electrolysis, but the amalgam prepared by the latter process is supposed to be of greater purity. The,amalgams prepared by both processes have been submitted for tests in low-temperature thermometers Card 7/ 8 to ascertain the advantages of the electrolysis amalgam. '. 1, __ C X~ Electroly'l-ic Preparation of Thallium Amalgam for, Low-TeinpeMtUre ASSOCIATIONt SUBMITTED: 776110 SOV/80-33-2-15/52 There are 5 figures; 1 table and 13 references 3 Soviet, 5 German, I U.K., it U.S. Abstracter's Notei are 12 references listed in the article but one ot' thein was broken down into two. The U. K. and U.S. references are: D. Mae-Intosh, F. M. Johnson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 34, 941 (1910); J. Eqrenreich, Instruments & Automation, 27, 1070 (1954)) F. W. Richards, C. Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 44, 524 (1922), 45, 1455 (1923); F. Sin.ach, J. Indian. Chem. Soc., 13, 717 (1936); F. W. Richards, F. Daniels, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111, 1732 (1919). Leningrad Lensovet Technological Institute (Liningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta) February 25, 1959 Card 8/8 5/076/60/054/008/026/059/XX 3015/BO63 AUTHORS: Mashovets, V. P. and Fom4chev V G TITLEj Study of a Oylindrioal and & Spherical Bipolar Electrode PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1795 - 1801 TEXTs Many commercial electrolyzers have conductive parts as bipolar interelectrodes, such as metallic walls of cells, metallic grid diaphragms, valves, and metal grains or coal particles in electrolytes used for fusion electrolysis. The effect of electrode polarization and polarizability upon the current distribution on cylindrical and spherical bipolar electrodes has now been studied. A method is given for the calculation of the current flowing through a cylindrical or spherical electrode which is placed in a uniform electric field. It was assumed that the polarization was equivalent to the additional resistance which was uniformly distributed in the bipolar electrode. Calculations made for the current density distribution on the cylindrical electrode were experi- mentally verified. Various electrolytes, such as copper and nickel-sulfate Card 1/2 Study of a Cylindrical and a Spherical Bipolar S/076/60/034/008/0t-6/039/XX Electrode BO15/BO63 solutions, sulfuric acid, and boric acid, were examined by means of a cylindrical or spherical copper or nickel electrode. The experimental values obtained from the copper electrode were in good agreement with the calculated values, while agreement was less good with the highly polarizable nickel electrode. The participation of a bipolar electrode in the current density distribution depends on three factorst 1) resistivity of the solution; 2) cathodic and anodic polarization; and 3) polarizability and dimensions of the bipolar electrode. There are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy tekhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni_Lensovet) SUBMITTED: November 21, 1958 Card 2/2 4 N MASHOVETSt V.P~! FOHICHEVo V.0, Current dintribution in electrochemical oysteme vith a bipolar electrode. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no. 3-1:2587-2595 N 160. (MIM 14:3.) 1. Leningradokiy tekhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta. (Electrodes) (Electric currents) I FDMICHEVIO V.G.; MASHOVETS) V.P. (Leningrad) System with bipolar electrodes in the form of a complex of circular cylinders* ZImr, fiz. khim. 35 no. 4:803408 Ap 161. (MIRA 3J.: 5) 1. LonirgradBkiy tekhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta. (Polarization (Electricity)) ~- FOMICHEV, V.I., gornyy insh. Draining out of metbane from stoped out areas. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.l: 36-37 -Ta '61. (Mru 14: 1) (Coal mines and mining-Safety measureo) (mine games) SEREDENKO, M.M.. kand.ekon.nauk; KUGUSIIEVp M.F. biuhushev, M.F.1; PRAVDIN: M.V.- F0MJg_HKV4-3t.I., ALEKSANDROVA, V.P.~, GORODETSKIY, N.I. (Horodets DYATLOV, T.I.-, ULITA, M.S. [Kalyta, M.S 11 DARAGAN9 M.V. Darahany M.V.,]; RADIU7 Tu.M.; VOROBIYEVAp K.T: tVorobyovaq,K.T 1; LLSTIVKL? N.N.; STARODUBSKIYI R.D. [Starodubalkyi, R.D.i; YATSENKO, P.F.,- MUROMTSEVA, G.M. [Huromtsevap HJQ; RASNER9 S.I.; CHEMIYAKv K.1.5 KOBILYAKGVt I.I. (Kobyllakmv I.I b ALEKSANDROVA, V.D.. kand.ekon-.3m.mauk,; DDUDYUK9 V:F. (DemWdiuk, V.F.,j!- red..-, LIBERM, T.R.9 [Ways of increasing profits in metallurgle-LI industrIes] Shliakby pidv,yshchennia rentabellnosti metalurgilWkja pidpryiemstv. Kyivt Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 34:6) I., Akademiya nauk USSRv Kiyev. Institut okonemiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN USSR (for Seredonko, V.P.Aleksandrava, K&Utav Daraganp Radina). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy khIDL'ko--+.ekhnologicheskiy institut, (for Gorodetskiyv Dyatlov). 4. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (for Kobilyakov). (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Steel industr7--Costs) -J~~o ~L -N-01m iA KCMOVP V.Bl). YOKICHEV, VII, URevemne8s of g4s escape in mine sections. Zap. LGI 46 no.1:6-3-1 162a (MIRA 16:6) (mine gases) SPIZHARSKIY, T.11.. red;; TOLSTIKHDIA, M.A., red.; BODYLEVSKIY, V.I., red.; BOCH, S.G., r d.[deceased]: VASILENKO, V.K., red.; DODIN, A.L., red.; DOHRACHN, S.M., red.; KRASKOV, I.I., red.; MELESHCH&KO, V.8, 'red.; MIUM, V.V., red.; HIKIIWOVA, 0.1., red.; OBRUGHEV, S.V., redo; RZHONSNITSKAYA, M.A., red.; ROSTOVTSEV, N.H., red; SAKS, T.N., red.; SARYCfWA, T.G., red..; red; CHNWSHEVA, N.Ye., red.; YAKOVLLY, S.A., red.; RAGINA, G.M., vedushchiy rod.; YASHCHURZHINSXAYA. A.B., [Proceeding of the Interdepartmental Conference on the Development of A Unified System'for the Stratigraphy of Siberia; reports on the stratigraphy of Mesozoic and Gainozoic deposits] Trudy Mezhvedometvan- nogo soveshchaniia po razrabotke unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheakikh ekhem Sibiri; doklady po stratigrafii mezozoiskikh i kainosoiskikh ot- lozhenii. Leningrad, Goo.nauchno-tekha.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningr. otd-nie, 1957. 575 P. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kezhvedomstvemoye soveshchaniye po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigrafichookikh ekhem Sibirie Leningrad, 1956. 2. Voesoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut (for Spizharqkiy, Tolatikhins, Boch, Dodin, Krasnov. Meleshchen:io, Nikiforove, Rostov- toev, Fomichev, Chernysheva, Yakovlev). 3. Leningradskiy gornyy insti- tut (for Bodylevskiy), 4, Vseooyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy goologo-razvedochnyy institut (for Vasilenko Domracbev). 5. Geolo- gicheskiy institut Akademil nauk SSSR (for Menner~. 6. laboratoriya dokembriya Akedemli nauk SSSR (for Obruchev). 7. Institut geologii Arktiki (for Saks). 8. Paleontologicheskly institut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sarycheva) (Siberia--Geology, Stratigraphic) BRAZHNIK, Viktoriya Ivanovna; MIKELADZE, Pavel Vyacheslavovich; VOM TCRFV -- VA alliv Ivarnwoo 'USPENSKIY, V.V., kand. ekon. f K.L., "d.j MIKHEYEVA, A.A., tekh~. red. (Planning and financing capital construction; practice of the Dnepropetrovsk Economic Council] Planirovanie i fine& sirovanie kapitallnogo stroitel'stva; opyt Dnepropetrovskgo sovnarkhoza. Moskva, Gosstroiisdat, 1963. 76 p. (MIRA 160) (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Construction industry-Finance) , (0-:.""l"ly lVanciduh; F-01-INW-Arl . H.Lor lvarovlch; FIG 1; )Yc-.i,. yrc-.1 . ---l- - --- , [Usc 01, nynthotlc materialo in Induatt7] ;llA(Alctaj,!kLfl matovinly - v proiiWshl.ennost'. 1.',oskvii, lzd-vo "Znarlio," 19 64 . 3.1 1). (No-joe v zhizni, naiike, tokhnike. III Xkonomlka, no-3.5) Wfllb~ -17:8) KULKIA5REV9 NoT., Mad. geologo-In ralog. naU-~ FOMIGHEV, V.I. Role of dialDcations with a break in continuity in ths formation of Iceland spar deposits In the Sayak sy-noline. Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 21 no.9368..73 5 165. (MIRA 1819) 414 ,;Lructural cor-tr(A oil n;ine-al zntll (,n. il Ll-- All Kazakh. S>Sli 3;-.v geol. 22 ljo. -I- Inst-Iltut geologicheskikh nrulk A ~7 ri n 7 Ll )t5156 S/181/63/005/002/046/051 B102/B186 AUTHORS: Bresler, S. Ye., Kazbekov, E. N., Fomichev,_Y~. N., Sech, Fe, and Smeytek, P. TITLE: Macroradicals in solid polymers PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 2, 1963, 675 682 TEXT: The destruction of' macr.opolymers is studied in a special vacuum manipulator at liquid-nitrogen temperature. The investigations were made using an e.p.r. spectrometer with rf magnetic-field modulation. The diphe-. nyl pierylhydrazyl spectrum served as reference standard. The poly'M re in-' vestigated ( olymethyl methacrylate M, polystyrene (II), polyvi0Yr11'1* acetate (III ) were, producod by thermal polymerization. The kinetics of 5 the disintegration of the macroradicals in solid polymers, formed by mechanical destruction, is studied in great detail. The macroradicals ob- tained in vacuor vanish very slowly; this process whose rate constants are 16 29000+2000 CM3/mole-sect - 10 exp given by K I RT Card 113 Macroradicale in solid polymers S/181/63/005/002/046/051 B102/B186 18 24000*200 3/mole-seci K 107 23000*200 3' KII - 10 exp (_ RT 0) cm III exp (_ RT 0)csnXnd1s-v~qJ takes several hours. The macroradical separation is due to disruption of hydrogen molecules from the polymer chains; a migration mechanism is assumed for the radical state being effective from chain to chain. The macro- radical disrupture, is strongly stimulated by oxygen due to radical oxida tion. The destruction process by 0 2 is accelerated to about 100 times th; rate under normal conditions. The kinetic constants of the macroradical disrupture in the presence of oxygen were measured and their temperature dependence was determined. If the oxygen is eliminated from the ampoules after complete radical oxidation (only ROO-present) the rate of macroradi-. "cal destruction is decreased by a factor of 5 to 10. Also this effect speaks in favor of the hydrogen migration suggested.. The regeneration of the initial carbon radicals of polymethyl-methacrylate from the hydroxides on oxygen evacuation occurs more rapidly at OOC and leads to.s. 50%6 restora- tion. It proved impossible to explain radical diffusion pro- cessesl the only mechani8m possible seems to be the radical state migration through subsequent disrupture of hydrogen atoms by the polymer chain radi- cals. There are 4 figures. Cax& -9/x M vftlnztAt~~ 5/181/63/005/002/046/051 Macroradicals in solid polymers B102/B186 ASSOCIATIONt Institut vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedineniy AN BSSR, Deningrad (Institute of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR. Leningrad) SUBMITTEDs October 1, 1962 Card 3/3 pw:4, BUSLERp S.Yo,; KAZBEKOV, E.N.; FOMICHEVI V.N. Roactivity of aikaroradicalma Kin.i kat. 6 no.5:820-827 84 165. (MIRA 18gli) 1, Institut vyookomolskulyarnykh soyedinaniy AN SSSR. FOMICHEV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; ARZHANOVSKOV, A.I., inzh.; ."ZHEREBKOV, I.V., red. [Resistance of hard and frozen ground to cutting] Soprotiv- lenie rezaniiu tverdykh i merzlykh gruntov. Rostov-na-Donu, 1962. 38 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Akademiya stroitallstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut po stroitellstvu, Rostov-on-Don. FOMIChT.Vp V.P. (Kilv) Experlmentnl 3tu6i, of the relation between the wIrv-rcT;o stretching force and feedin.- and cutting speeds in conl cutters [with summaries in Russian and :E-v-,!I9h]. Prykl.makY,. I no.2:196-20! 157. OILRA !0:9) 1. Institut gir!,.Ichoi spravi AN URSR. (cool mining mnehinery) N) 10- 1-1 C~ V, V AUTHOR i Fomichov, V,P. 21-4-5/24 TITLEt Effect of Feeding and Cutting Speeds on the Force for Feeding the Tool in Coal Cutters (Vplyv shvydkost*y podachi i rizannya no sylu podachi rizteya vrubovykh mashys) PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akadonii Nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1957, #4, PP 339-342 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The origination process of a force for feeding coal cuttor tools and its dependence on the speeds of food and cutting are inves- tigated for the can* the cutting tool has the rounded edge and wear face surface parallel to the cutting velocity. - A formula was derived expressing the force necessary for feed- ing the tools in coal cutterep which takes into account compres- sion of the coal cut and its abrasion. Results of experimental investigations in the laboratory have shown that theoretical values given by this formula describe adequately observational data. Card 1/2 The article contains 1 figure and cites 4 Slavic references. ZI-4-5/24 TITLE: Effect of Feeding and Cutting Speeds on the Force for Feeding the Tool in Coal Cutt 0rs (Vplyv shvydkostay podachi i rizannya na sylu podachi rizteya Yrubovykh mashyn) INSTITUTIONt Institute of Mining Engineering of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BTaSavin, H.M. (Russian equivalent Sevin, G.N.), Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. SUBMITTED& 20 February 1957 AVAILABLEz At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 furnacc F07;41011EV, V. P6, CwA T h Sai -- (diss) "#Sttuiy of the Dep4ond -nf-, C., tat& a Force o- and Cable Tension -gram the Speed of of tiv and Cutting in Cutting I'lachines", Kiev, 1958. 15 pp. with figse (Acads Scis UkSSR. Institute of Xininr, Engineerinr irmeni M. Y. Fedorov). 120 copies. (KL, 34-58, 100) /1 FOMICHEV, Ve.P~,, inshe. Iffect of rope length, pulse number and the average rate of feed on the d7namic surge in rope tension and 'power consumption in cutting mchinsis IS'v, vys'. ucheb. zav.- gor. shur'. n0.12-. 70-78 158. 12:8) i.Tullskiy gornyy institut. (Coal mining machiner.0 M FOHIGFW, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Affect of dust clogging of the cutting chain on cutter per- formance. Ixv.vys.uch~b.sav.; gor.shur. no-7:77-81 '59. (MM l3r4) 1. Thl'skiy gorrqy institut. Rakomendovana seminarom takhai- cheskikh kafedr. (Coal mining =chinory) FOMICHEV, V.P., kand,takhn.nauk Specific wear of cutting machine edges. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor. zhur. uo.8:45-48 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Tullskly gornyy institut. Rokomendovann kafedroy gornykh mashin. (Coal mining machinery) -YONIGM., Tasiliy Petrovich; ASTMOT, A.T..; SUKHIIIIRA, N.D., tekhn,rede; GAMMA, T.T.. [Calculation of the load on cutting machines] Raschet nagrazok ne vrabovye mashiny. Koskvs, Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961. 146 p. (KIRA 14:4) (Goal mining machinery) Ip 3/1 28/62/000/008/00~/00,3 A004/A127 AUTHOR: Fomichev, V.P. TITIS: Removing flue gases from arc and other furnaces PERIODICAL% Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 8, 1962, 38 TEXT: The gases to be-removed from electric are furnaces and furnaces operating on solid fuel contain a considerable amount of highly dispersed dust which is difficult to collect. The most efficient way is by elec 'trofilteis, which, however, is not expedient if the gas contains sulfur. More economical is a dust collector with needle-shaped ionizer at the outlet of a centrifugal scrubber. The large dust particles are removed in the centrifugal scrubber, while-the coagulation and removal of fine fractions is effected in the aeration flow from the point of the needle-shaped ionizer during the dark discharge. A brief description and layout of such an Installation.are given. There art 2 figures. Card 1/1 ;As' NMEN 1, U.4 .50 FOMrMV V P kand.tekhn.nauk Calculation of the loads and wear of the cutters of the ShBM cutter-loader. Izv. vys. uchs zav,'; gore zhure 5 no,6s98-105 ,62. (MM 15:9) 1. Novocherkasskiy prdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politakhni- cheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. Rekomendovana, kafedroy gornykh mashin i rudnichnogo transports, Novocherkasskogo poli- tekhnicheskago instituta. (Mining machinery) (Mechanical wear) FOMICHL-it V.P., kand.tekhn-nauk Calcalating the loads on cutter-loaders which cut off large chips. Izvevysouchebazave; gor.zhur. 5 no.9.*65-72 162. ~ (MIRL 15:11) 1. Novocharkasokiy ordena, Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni, pol-itekhai- cheakiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornykh mashin i rudnichnogo transporta. (Coal mining machinery) T" FOMICHEV,.V.P_.,,inzh. Efficient layout for drawing air away from type 115 and 116 mixing runners. Vod. i san. tekh. no.7:26 Jl 162. (MRA 15:9) (Factories-Heating and ventilation)