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:ACCESSION NO: AP3006764 s/019O/63/005/009/1393/1397 AUTHORSt Fomankof D, h,; Volodin, V, Ps; Sidorovioh, A. F.; Xuvehinskiy, Ye. V. TITLE; Thermomechanical investigations of polyisobutylene by means of dilation and penetration SOURCE: Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye ooyedineniyal Y. 5, no. 9, 1963, 1393-1397 TOPIC TAGS: polymor, thermal oxidation, single axis elongation, polyisobutylene, amorphoun polymer, thermomechanics ABSTRACT: The lovr-molecular-weight polymer was prephred by means of thermal oxidation decomposition of the hich-molecular-weiGht product, heating- the latter in air -at 160-~70C for 50 hours. The characteristic molecular weights 11W, and MW2 were 0-55 x 10 and 1.86 x 106 respectively. The method of investigation consisted of single-axis elongation of a film strip under a constant force, and penetration by a 3-mm cylindrical indentor under a gradual temperature rise. The results chow behavior of polyisobutylone analogous to other linear polymers. As in ,other amorphous polymer deformations, a sharp branch in the thermomechanical curve of polyisobutylene shows a"superelastic behavior, Orig. art. has, 4 figures. Card 1/2 ~ACCESSION NO: AP3oo6764 ~ASSOCIATIOM Tristitut vy*ookomolokulyarr (Institute of q*kh soyedinaniy AN SSSR High-Major,%LLar-Jet X~t Compounds AN SSSR) DATE ACqt 3Wep63 EXCL: 00 SUB COM CH NO REP SOVt 008 OTWM: 000 Card 2/2 GARCHEV, Petr Ivanovich(Harchev, P.I.1; MALKIYELI, Semen Veniaminovich [Malkiiell.. S.V.]; LQ,.AA,,,red.; LIMANOVA, M.I... tekhn. red. [Lenin Collective Farm in Lebedin DiBtrict of SaW Province] Kolhosp imeni Lenina Lebedynskoho raionu na Sumshchyni. Kharkivy Kharkivslke kriyzhkove vyd-vo, 1963. 90 p. (MIRA 17:1) F01-04KOP B.A.; ORLOV, V.A.1 TARAXANOV, O.G. Studying the kinetics of polyurethane formatica by the change of the specific volumetric resistance of the thermosetting(system. Plast.massy no.lOt47-49 164- MIRA 17310) L 24116-66 FYJTk 1)/EWPk m)/,EWA(d)/T-2/rWA(1) IJPr%O) ACC NRs AP6011515 SOME COM. UR/0382/66766676-617667476RZ4 AUTHOR: Vulie,,,L, A.1-Fomen!:00 B. A. ORG: none TITLE: Transient conditions of flow in,magnetohydrod mice yn SOURCE: Magaitneya gidrodinmika, no. 1, 1966, 74-84 TOPIC TAGS: magnetohydrodynamics, transient flowj conductive fluid, laminar flow# Reynolds number ABSTRACT: A discussion is presented of the qualitative (haractbrittles of a conducting 3-iquid flow in a channel In the presence ofa magnetic field In the transient region of the flow between the laminar and turbulent flows. Interpolation fo-rmulas for the friction coe ficient as a function of Reynolds and Hartmann numbers are analyzed, Theoretical data am compared with the experimental results. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 16 formulas* (Based on authors' abstract] ENrl Card 1/1- -11al UDC: 538.4 un,~~= UK 11 F1501- Faimmu, B.Ij. Meteorological observations during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1954. Biul.VAGO no.20:1q-50 '57. (ISTa 10.- 13) I.StaltrkKradskly pedagogicheekty institut. (Eclipses, Solar--1954) (Metecrology-Observations) FOMENKO. B.D. Variations of the coefficient of atmospheric transparency during the total solar eclipse of June) 30, 1954 [with summary in Frenchl. Astron. zhur. 34 no.6.-868-882 N-D 57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Stalingradekly pedagogicheekly institut I Gosudarstvannyy antronomichankly Inatitut In, PK. Shternberga. (3clipses, Sblar--1954) (Atmospheric transparenc7) so) "Change in the e During the Total Solar Eclipse of 30 June 1954.1' Mosp 1957. 6 pp 22 cm. (Mos State Univ im M, V. xxvWMxNvIY Lomonosov, State Astronomical Inst im P. K. Shternberg), 100 copies (KL, 26-57, lo4) - 14 - FOMENKO, B.D. Aurora borealis In Stalingrad. Astron.tair. no.185:24-25 0 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Auroras) KLIKM 0, 1.7e.; -, FOMMO, B.D. Some problems in observing artificial earth satellites* Biul. sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.6:8-10 159. (MM 13:6) 1. Stalingradskaya stantsiya nablyadaniya iskusstvonnykh gputnikov Zemli. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) FOMENKO, B.D. (Stalingrad) Ghanges in the total &4 scattered solar radiation during the oolar eclipse of June 30, 1954, oboorved in fikhoretsk and Sal'sk. Biul.VAGO- no.?kn?-W 159, (MM 13:4) 1. Stalingradekoye otdolenlye Yeesoyusnogo astronomoq4o ~821-:- chaskogo obshchestva. (Eclipses, Solar--1954) (Solar radiation-Observations) SID PHASE 1 BOOK EXPLO:TATIO-1 f,, V/ 5 5 7 5 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Aatronom-icheakiy sovet. Byulleten' stantniy opticheikogn nablyudenlya inku3Atvennykh sputnikov Zemli, no. 6. (Bulletin of the Stationq for Cplieal Obaervation of Artificial Earth Satellitea. ria. 6) Mlojl:tow, 1959. 23 p. 500 copies printed. Sponuoring Agency: Astronomiehe:ikiy novot Akadtrilll nauk 333)jR. Rc3p. Ed. : Ye. 2. G-Indin; Secretary: 0. A. Sc~v6rraya. PLWOSE : This bullotin is intended for scientists and ergineor,3 ccneerned with optical tracking of artificial ciatellltc3. COVERAGE : The bulletin contains 9 article3 which prp-3Ent, the reaults of 3atellite observationa, and dencr-lbe methoda anl specific equipment used for photographic obs,~rvatirr. of eilrth natellites. An appendix contains a listing o0 84 Sov-1et satel- lite observation statlona w1th station number. No perzonalll;leoi Card 1/0, 13ullptin of the 5tationa (Cont. 07 1-, -Ir /5 c; 7 f; are mentiencd. There are no referencea. TABLE OF CONTRIT."). Panova 0 V T. Yp. SynhzhDnko, D. ~A. Fllrag,;, an! D. 1~ ShchZo**ie~ [GlrvnayP- -~iir- v-,toriya AN MR - Ma-In ~Ilulkcvo) Aat;ronc----I-.i cf thc Acadcmy of Sciencez of the USSR]. Ob-ervatlcr.3 cf Vi- S-~c-crd Artificial Earth Satellite (1957 0) at, Sta--cn No. 039 !F~ilkovol (Obcervations: B. A. Firago, D. D. Foic --hen t. ~tr;v, V. karova, N. M. Bronnikova. Measuremenla ard Galcul~t:Lpn,: Y~. ~Y.:;n:'enkc G. V. Panova, D. Ye. Sh3hagolavj B. A. FIrago, and leva) !--ngauer G G. [ Main (Pulkovo) AntroncxIc Gb~lsrvatrry of the 0;-~~of ~-.iences of the ITSSR]. On Methodn for 11reci:3c graphic Determinations of the Positions of Artificial Earth Zatel- lites Cara 2/16 Luliu'.In of tile "'tationa (Con'..) Klimenko, I. Ye., and B. D. Fomazlko (Stalingradnkaya .3tantzllya I -oil nablyudeniya 1SZ - Stall-n-gr-a-T-S-ae.11itc Tracking Station] Some Froblcmz in the Methcd of Satellite Obcc--vat'-on 8 K,husainov, S. Kh., and Sh. Karatayev (Stantulya nablyt,&-niya 2:SZ pri Kzyj - Ordinskom Soz. pcdinzt!',,ate - Satell-Ita '4ra~klng Station at the Kzy3. - Orda State Pcda2p&~_cal inat-f%ute). Table of the Conversion of Horizontal Coordinates Into Equatorial Co- ordinates io Eynasto, Ya., and U. Veyamann (Inatitut fizilci i actrcilomti P11 E33R - 3tantaiya nablyudeniya spixtnlkov pr! Tartuckom go3- dar3tvenno"m universitate - Institute of Fhynics and of the Academy of Sciences of the Eutonian Solilat Sociai-IL;. Republic. Satellite Tracking Station at Tartu Stat3 Univeraityj. Pic-elim- inary Results of Using Automatic Recording in Theodolite Satel- lite Observations 11 Zatsiorakiy, L. M. [Main (Pulkovo) Astronomic. Observatory). Modift- Card 3/6 IT -1 --, ~*,6.Ai.~~ft-;.~A,2~-J~z a . pji .S/169/62/000/004/01 8/103 D228/D302 AUTHORS: Pariyskiy, N. N., Hu Jen-Chlao, Pomenklo, B. D. and Gindilis, L. M. TITL'-';A: Chano-es in the ozone 0 layer during the annular solar eclipse of April 19, 1958, on Hainan Island PERIODICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 19062, 7, ab- stract 4B68 (Acta geo phys. 31nica, 10, no. 1, 1961, 1-16) TEXT: A Sino-Soviet group ihvestigated the ozone content from so- lar-ecliuse observations during the annular solar eclipse of April 19, 1958 $ on Hainan island. A spectrograph, which was employed to -he counter-radiance, observe simultaneously -the zodiacal light and t was used in the observations. The observational procedure and the processing of the resulting data are described. The results show 1hat the content of atmospheric ozone changes conspicuously during a solar eclipse. It is noted that the concentration rises up to moment half an hour after the middle of the eclipse; the lay- Ca rd 1/2 S/169/62/000/004/018/103~ Changes in the ozone ... D228/D302 -e: yer's thickness thensubsequently decreases. Z-Abstracter's not Complete translation. j Card 2/2 39090 S/169/62/000/006/071/093 D228/D304 Fomenko A.VTHOR: ._D__ 121TLE': The synoptic relation of solar activity to processes in the troposphere D-".HODICAL: Referativnyy(zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 8, ab- st.ract 6G40 Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 9, 196117 _78) T.','~'XT: Local high-temperature coronal areas over the sun's active regiono generate high-energy corpuscles, ensuring the high elec- 0 LD zron temperature of coronal -as at the distance of the earth's pmen % orbit (Chapman (Che I model of an extended curona). The solu- Uion of the heat-conductivity equation shows that the ionosphere's- heo-zino- in a comoaratively short time and the development of syn- op-~ c-type tropospheric disturbances, associated with this heating, can be guaranteed only by high-speed flows of corpuscles. Such a LY mechanism leads to tropospheric disturbances only in years o~ high solar activity; in years of minimum activity there are no lo- C) cal areas of heating, since local high-temperature coronal areas Card 1/2 39090 S/169/62/000/006/071/093 The sy.n.optic relation ... D228/ff3O4 are absent over the active regions. The coefficients of correla- t4or bQ-,,vieen the level of solar activity, characterized by the ~~rea )f suns-00ts and the change in the atmospheric pressure (the at-mos-)here's local heating must lead to airmass movement and con- 4,,jqu,n-cly -11o pressure changes) were calculated from the data of Mleteorologic stations near Volgograd in order to verify these con- siderati-ons. Very low values for the coefficients, when there is practu-ically no relation, are also found in addition to high values. 7C-L.e Coefficients are of different signs. It is supposed that for t-"--.e earth's local areas the simultaneous effect of two types of soia_-, ac-uivi-'Uy influence on the troposphere may hamper the ex- posure of this correlation. On the whole the correlative dependence bears a pulsatory character, reflecting the pulsatory nature of- ~.he solar activity itself. Abstracter's note: Complete transla- tion.-7 C~_.vd e2/2 S/16 62/000/009/079/120 D228YD307 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D. TITLE: Variation in the atmospheric transparency factor in the spb tral sections 2900-5250, 5250-6250, and 6250-' 20,000 R during'a solar eclipse PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikaj no. 9, 1962f 29, ab- stract 9B175 (Uch zap. Stalingr. gos. ped. in-ta, no. 11, 1959, 61-i9) TEXT: Measurements were made on an actinometer with Schott (Shott) filters near Tikhoretsk during the solar fflalips6 of June 30, 1954.. The transparency factors were computed from the formula of Bouguer. Using the distribution of solar energy at the atM08phere's upper .boundary (So,,0, the values df So,,6x were calculated for three cho-, sen spectral sections and for the eclipse's different phases. The - tranapaxency factors for the eclipse's different phases were deter- _Mined from the measurement data and the calculated values of S BRr jhj/�rounds,of the relations obtained the author. supposes the 'S/169/62/000/009/079/'120 Variation in the atmospheric D228/D307 increase in the transparency factor in the short-wave spectral sea tion, when the eclipse's phases are ~0.95, to be connected with the fact that the amount of ozone,decreaBed by 1/3 during the eclipse. This occurs in consequence of the effect whereby the so-, lar disc is' da'tkOied from the center.towards the edge, when the share of the intensity of ozone-forming radiation diminishes as compared with.*that''of ozone-diBintegrating radiation. The result- ing increase in the transparency.factor,during the eclipse in the ldng-wave spectral section is related to the increase in.the abso-,- lute humidity that occurred as a result.-of-the-ohanged synoptic :conditions. ~_Abstraoterle note: Gomplete translation,_7 Card.2/2 FOMENKO, B.D. Meteorological observations during the total solar eclipse'of February 15, 1961, in Volgograd Province. Biul.VAGO no-321 32-34 162. (KRA 15sll) 1. Volgogradskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo astronomo-geodezicheskogo obshchestva. (Eclipses, Solar-1961) (Volgograd Province-Moteorology,-Observations) 7- S/886 0 W i/62/000/600/0 2/0 D207/D308 AALWHORS:, I'ariybltiy, 'N.N., HU Jen-chlao, Fomenka,B D.,and ~ITLL Measurements of the ozone layer during the annular solar eclipse on April 19, 1958, on'Hainan Island SOURCE: Sbornik trudov XGU po Nezhdunarodnomu geofizicheskoml Zodu; astronomiya. Gloscow) Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962'9 31-53 TZXT-. The observations during the eclipse were carried ouV by a joint Soviet-Chinese expedition led on behalf of the USSR Acad-! emy of Sciences by A.11. Holchanov, and on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Sciences by Chleng Fang-yung. The expedition was organ- ized by the Chairman of the ikstronomicheskiy sovet LUI SSSR (Astron- omical Council, AS USSR) A.A. Milthaylov and his deputy B.V. Kukarkin. On the Chinese side there was a special committee led by the Vice- i President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Vh, Yu-hsiung. The opti" :cal group included N.N. Pariyskiy of the Inatitut fiziki Zemli AN C ard 1/:5 S/886/62/000/000 002/003 -Measurements of the ozone D207/D308 SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR) and the Gosudarst-ii vennyy astronomicheskiy iiastitut im. P.K. Shternberga (State Aatron-~ omical Institute imeni P.K. Shternberg), L.M. Gindilis of the State As-ronomical Institute itueni P.K. Shternberg, Eu Jen-chlao, and Yu jen, 6oth-of the Peking Geophysical Institute of the Academy of'; Hal Sciences of the Chinese People's 111epublic. The optical group was led by N.N. Pariysltiy. The results were analyzed by B.D. Fomenko of the Stalingradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.S. Serafimovi- cha (Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute imeni A.S. Serafimovich) under' the direction of N.N. Pariyskiy. The time service was provided by the Chinese scientists Chleng Fang-yung and Wang Shou-1cuan. The observations were carried out at the south extremity of Hainan Is- land at a latitude of about + 180.3. The varic.tions in the ozone layer thickness during 'the eclipse were observed together vrith the gegenschein using a very-high-speed nebular spectrograph HKC WKS) with quartz-lithiura fluoride optical parts; the spectrograph is A described in detail in the article of N.N. Pariyskiy and L.M. Gindi- lis. Since the NKS spectrograph was designed primarily for observa-- of the gegenschein and zodiacal ligri~ C ~j ht, a special photometri Card- ---- - ----- wi XIJI R -- , 7-. . --- - - - -- . I ~.4 - r - . -, .", q, " , ; ~': .. .I ~ j.. -~I- - w-, -~ 'A M, I a ~~ -,- I ". 4149o S/033/62/039/005/003/011 3 E032/E314 A~THOR: Pomenico., B.D. TITLE- Properties of type-M solar corpuscular streams as deduced from an analysis of their influence on the troposphere PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiyzhurnal, v. .39, no. 5, 1962, 833 - 839 TEXT: A statistical analysts is reported of the correlation between plages and tropospheric disturbances for the descending branch of solar activity when the relative Wolf number is in the range 15 < R < 75- 719 plages were includeO in the analysis covering the period 1906. - 1952. The obs ervatiomml material was taken from the data on the passage of'plages through the solar centre, as reported by the Sluthba Solntsa-SSSR (Solar Service, SSSR),Meudon, Coimbrei Guadalcanal and Mount Wilson observatories. A full list of -the data is given in the papers of E.R. Mustel I (Astron.zh., 38, 28, 1961; 39, 813, 1962).' The analysis also includes meteorological data on atmospheric pressure for Ooscow, Tbilisi, Volgogradj Archangel and Omak. The superimposed Card 1/3 S/033/62/039/005/003/011 Properties of .... E032/E314 epoch method is used to analyse the data. Inspection of the statistical curves shows that they all have a maximum at about d Zt = 6 and this suggests that the maximum disturbances in the lower layers o~ the EarthIs atmosphere occur six days af'ter the passage of the plages through the centre of the solar disc. There are further secondary maxima to the left of the principal maximum at Z\t = 6 but these are ascribed to the longitudinal distribution of plages on the Sun. It is argued that these curves indicate that type-M 6orpuscular streams arq responsible for an increase in the pressure in the lower layers of the terrestrial atmosphere. The fact that this effect occurs in the entire atmosphere is indicated by Fig. 3, in which the statis- tical curves for the seven points mentioned above are given (curves 1-7, respectively)* Curves 5-7 refer to night obser- vations. In all cases, the maximum occurs at.L t = 6 days. The general conclusion 15 that there is a definite correlation between atmospheric disturbance and plagea, that the atmospheric disturbances reach a maximum after an average interval of six Card 2/3 S/033/62/039/005/003/011 Properties of .... E032/E3i4 days after the passage of the plages through the.centre of the disc, that the atmospheric disturbances in the lower layers of the atmosphere are accompanied by an increase in the atmospheric pressure and that the plages are the main sourcea of corpuscular streams. There are 3 figures and Itable. ASSOCIATION: Volgogradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Volgograd Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: October 15, 1961 Card 3/3 --LCKUKPs,_D.D-.--- Calculating relative changes tyrthe atmospheric transparency coefficient during a solar eclipse, Biul, VAGO no.33:3.6-18 163. (MIRA 1614) L Volgogradskoye otdalaniya Voesoyuznogo astronomo-geodezi- cheskojo Obahchestva. Eclipses, Solar) ~Atmoapheric transparency) ACCESSIONNR: AT4016594 B/2556/63/000/034/0003/0004 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D. TITLE: Solar corpuscular streams of active regions and atmospheric disturbances SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye astronomo-geodezicheskoye obBhchestvo. Byulletin', no. 34, 1963, 3-4 TOPIC TAGS: corpuscular stream, solar active region, sun, astronomy, M-disturbanco. calcium flocculus, flocculus, geomagnetic disturbance, atmospheric pressure, frozen-in magnetic field, upper atmosphere, stratosphere ABSTRACT: Mustell has demonstrated that geomagnetic M-disturbances are caused by solar corpuscular streams asbociated with calcium flocculae. A geomagnetic, M-dis- turbance sets in 4 t = 6d after a. flocculus crosses the central meridian. Disturbances in the lower layers of the atmosphere set in after the same time. M-disturbances cause an increase of atmospheric pressure with a maximum atL t = A It is postulated that the frozen-in magnetic field of the stream is broken up in the upper atmosphere ~nd the latter experiences considerable heating and expansion, leading to the name effects in the lower layers. A study has been made to test this mechanism. Radiosonde data for Volgo- grad and Moscow were used; data on flocculae were furnished by Mustell. The super- Card ACCI~SSION NR: AT4016594 posed epochs method was used to determine the relationship between disturbances at different atmospheric heights and solar corpuscular streams from active regions. The "zero phase" corresponds to passage of a floccalus across the central meridian. Statis- tical curves for Moscow and Volgograd for the heights 0, 5, 10 and 15 km are shown In Enclosures. There is a lag of 0. 5-1d in the surface layer in comparison with the event in the stratosphere. The character of the maximum and Its distance from the "zero phase" indicates that the mean velocity of corpuscular streams is 370-400 km, in good agreement with other determinations. The stable maximum of disturbances atAt = 6d for all heights in the troposphere and stratosphere indicated correctness of the postulated mechanism. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Volgogradskiy pedinstitut, Volgogradskoye otdolonlye VAGO (Volgograd Teachers Institute, Volgograd Division VAGO) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 24Feb64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 001 Card 2 $ V ACCEOSION NR: AT4016595 S/2556/63/000/034/0005/0007 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D.; Bonells, I.. V. TITLE: The relationship between calcium flocculae and disturbances of the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere in 1950 SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye astronomo-goodezichoskoye obshchestvo. Byulleten%, no. 34, 1963, 5-7 TOPV,' TAGS: astronomy, sun, calcium flocculus, geomagnetic disturbance, corpuscular stream, M-disturbance, solar activity, sunspot, atmospheric pressure, superposed epoch, flocculus, solar active region ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the relationship between solar calcium flocculae and. disturbances in the earth's atmosphere for a period of solar activity when 65 < R .4 125, where R is the smoothed sunspot number. Synoptic charts for solar rotations 1291-1299, prepared at the Meudon Observatory, were used, together with atmospheric pressure data for Thilisi, Volgograd and Arkhangellsk. The superposed epochs method was used for determining the relationship between disturbances in the lower atmosphere and corpuscular streams associated with calcium flocculae. Forty-six flocculae observed during March- November 1950 were used. The number of flocculae crossing the central meridian with Card 11AI_ 'ACCESSION NR: AT4016595 d d d longitude intervals & L of 1 2 3 . ..... days is shown in-Enclosure. In construct- Sol ing statistical curves for flocculae with identicalA L the following values were combined: Sol AIJ 3-4d I &L 5-6d, &L 8 j-10d ... 8tatistical Sol Sol 01 curves obtained by the super- posed epochs method are shown as Figures 1, 2 and 3 in Enclosure. On these curves there' Is only one peak, falling at At A The peak shows that for th~. r"post part the disturbance maximum in the lower atmosphere appears At = 6d after a calci* flocculus crosses the i solar central meridian. Calcium flocculae determine the boundaries of active regions. Therefore, corpuscular streams emanating from active regions are responsible for the re- I current geomagnetic disturbances causing disturbances in the earth's atmosphere. "The author wishes to thank S. D. Nikolayev for assistance in collection of the nleteorological data". Orig. art. has. 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Volgogradsldy pedinstitut, Volgogradskoye otdeleniye VAGO (Volgograd i Teachers Institute, Volgograd Division VAGO) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 24Feb64 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 2/j card ~;i-I Ki-X zl ACCESSION NR: AP3004325 S/0033/63/040/004/0700/0702 AUTHOR: Fomenko,- B.-Dv; Bonelis, 1. V.; Kuby*shkin, V, V. TITLE: The latitude and height dependence of atmospheric disturbances due to type M solar corpuscular streams SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 40, no. 4, 1963, 700-702 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric disturbance, atmospheric disturbance latitude dependence, atmospheric disturbance height dependence, corpuscular stream, solar corpuscular stream, type M solar corpuscular stream, radio sounding ABSTRACT: The latitude dependence of atmospheric disturbances has been detected from a study of data. in addition to that used previously (B. D. Foluenko, Astron. zh., v. 39, 833, 1962). It is found that the amplitude of atmospheric disturbances increases with geomagnetic latitude. Radio sounding data show that the disturbance occurs in the atmosphere. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. Card 2 ;r, .07, Q RW ACCESSION NR: AP3004325 ASSOCIATION: Volgogradskiy pedagogicheakiy inaticut (Volgograd Pedagogic Institute) SUBHITTED: 07Feb63 DATE ACQ: 20Au963. ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOVt 005 OTHER: 000 Card 2 2 FOMENKO, B.D. Urrelation of the secular intensity variation of cosmic rays in the stratosphere with solar activity. Geomag. i aer. 4 no.2:402 Mr-Ap 64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogichaskiy institut. 1 ACC NRt AR603211a SOURCE CODE: uR/ol6q/66/ooo/oo6/AOl5/AOl5 AUTHOR: Fome~ko, B. D., TITLE: Influence of solar corpuscular streams on the lower layers of the terrestrial atmosphere SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 6A91 REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost 1. No. 2. M. I Nauka, 1965, 53-84 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric pressure, corpuscular stream, active solar region, chromospheric flare, geomagnetic latitude, solar corpuscular stream Sot-4fZ C,4 #20 In 0 :3 l2we'e e- 0 4 1. ig W f *,4,9 a e-scia -e - 00,?,0()S0V4J1,e 'eR,PMr,->4) ABSTRACT: The correlation between 'Variations of atmospheric pressure in the lower atmospheric layers and corpusular streams has been studied. Streams from active -.. regions generating recurr ent geomagnetic perturbations and also streams ejected from chromospheric flares are discussed. Investigations are made by superposition of epochs. Atmospheric pressure in the lower layers reaches maximum approximately si.r days after the passage of the active regiori through the central meridian. The perturbation amplitude of atmospheric pressure increases with geomagnetic latitude and diminishes with the altitude above the earth Is surface; the effect of disturbed atmospheric pressure vanishes totally at the height fo 20-25 km. The highest pressure, caused by corpuscular streams, occurs three days after the.chromospheric 9 1 ACC NR. AR6032141 flare. The correlation between the variation of atmosheric pressure and solar corpuscular stream is proved statistically. SUB CODE; 04/ SUBM DATE: none Card ACC Ni". ARG032353 SOURCE CODE: UR/O 16 9/66 /000 /007/A020/AO20 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D.; Kubyshkin, V. V. TITLE: Temperature fluctuations in atmospheric disturbances as a function of recurrent solar corpuscular streams SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofiziha, Abs. 7A116 R*ZF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 85-87 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric disturbance, solar corpuscular radiation, solar corpuscular stream, solar corpuscular temperature fluctuation, flocculus ABSTRACT: Data on center flocculi, i. e., floculli having a heliographic width of not more than 6* and situated in the solar hemisphere disposed to affect the earth, were selected for subsidence curves of the 18th and I Oth solar activity cycles, when the Wolf number was between 15 and 75. At the same time an analysis was made of flocculi having a heliographic width greater than 6* and situated in the solar hemi- sphere not producing geophysical effects on the Earth. Data obtained in high alti- tude temperature soundings made at Tbilisi, Volgograd, Moscow, Arkhangel'sk and Murmansk were used as the geophysical index. The method of superimposed 1/2 UDC: 551.5:523.745 Card 3-40 ACC NR' AR6032353 epochs was used. Data obtained in high-altitude temperature soundings were analyzed simultaneously with disturbances in atmospheric pressure as a function of active solar regions. It was found that the temperature maximum in the 0-20-km layer occurs 7 days after the passage of the active region through the central solar meridian. B. Rubashev. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 03, 04/ ,2/2 J 24 ACC NRt AR6020768 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/006/0063/0064 AUT HOR: Fomenko, B. D. TITLE: Effect of solar cor*puscular fluxes on the lower layers of the earth's atmo- sphere SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs.,*6.51.487 REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost". Ho. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 53-84 ;TOPIC TAGS: solar corpuscular radiation, solar flare, lower atmosphere ;TRANSLATION: The relationship between variations in atmospheric pressure in the lower 11layers of the earth Is atmosphere and the' corpuscular fluxes was examined. Fluxes fromn I :active areas causing recurrent geomagnetic disturbances, as well as fluxes related to the chromospheric flares were considered. It is found that the atmospheric pressure .reaches its maximum value approximately six days after the passage of the active area :through the center of the visible solar disc. The amplitude of the disturbances grows ~With increasing geomagnetic latitude, and decreases with the altitude. At altitudes of ithe order of 20 to 25 Xm, there is no disturbance of the atmospheric pressure. The max- imum growth of the pressure caused by corpuscular fluxes from flar.,Js takes place three ;days after the flare. 35 references. -B. Rubashev. I SUB CODE: 03 UDC: 523,75:525.23 1/1 ACC NRi AR6028769 SOURCE CODE., L)R/0269/66/000/006/0064/0064 'AUTHOR- Fomenko, B. D.; Kubyshkin, V. V. TITLE: Temperature changes in atmospheric disturbances caused by recurrent corpuscula !solar fluxes ,SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.488 ~REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 85-87 TOPIC TAGS: solar activity, solar corpuscular radiation, sunspot cycle *NSLATION: To determine the effect of corpuscular fluxes upon temperature variations, Idata on the flocculi for the descending branches of the 18th and 19th cycles of solar iactivity were selected; the selection was made at a heliographic latitude of