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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 50X1 China Measures on Ns a 2forig1vfr rfi - 50X1 raly s ve004 fir 101/A? 1 ? your g!.T2C eioes flat* 111Li1ml 50X1 Settlement of Pre-Liberation Deposits in BankingInstitutions Mid Feb 53 Early Jan 53 50X1 50X1 50X1 Following translatinsfrom the Chinese text of regulations regarding settlement of pre-liberation deposits in banking institutions, as published in Ciefang 'Mango, Shankhai. 21 Feb 53. WEB ON A LI.RATI0Z DEPOSI T -Passed at the 166th administrative conference of the Clove stration Council of the Central People's Government on ,an and promulgated by order of the GAC on February 20, 1953. Adi ni- 9, 1953 1. All pre-liberation deposits that still remain unsettled at banking institutions in the whole contry, including the bogus Central Bank, the Farmers' Bank of China, the Central Trust, the Central Savings Societ, the Central Cooperative Bank, the various provincial, municipal and hsien banks, the former Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Postal Remittances & Savings Bank, privately-operated banks, native banks, trust companies, foreign banks and the International Savings Society, shall be paid in accordance with provisions of the present Measures. The pre-liberation period mentioned in the present Measures refers to the under the regime of the KMT reactionary- government, which is further div the following three stages in accordance with changes in the financial COI of the various periods: a) The period prior to December 31, 1937 will be taken as the first stage; b) The period from January 1, 1933 to August 13, 194i second stage' will be taken as the The period from August 19, 1A3 up to liberation will be tsk third stage. Payments for pre-liberation deposits are restricted to pr will be computed. s the only, and 50X1 nterea Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 U$ WIC -Y CONFIDENT SECURITY ThF0ETI0N -2- Fixed delve (including fixed savings deposits) of the first stage s be paid by computing on the basis of the appended Table of Standard of Ridemption for Various Years and the Table of Computation of Amount Redeemable for Deposits of the First and Second Stages. Current deposits (including current savings deposits) of the first stage shall be paid at SO per cent, with computation based on the same tables. Fixed deposits (including fixed savings deposits) of the second stage shall be paid by computing on the basis of the appended Table of Standard of Redemption for Various Years and the Table of Computation of 'mount Redeemable for Deposits of the First and Second Stages. Current deposits (including current savings deposits) of the second stage shall be paid at 80 per cent, with computation based on the same tables. Fixed deposits (including fixed savings deposits) and current deposits (including current savings deposits) or the third stage shall all be paid by computing at the first conversion rate between the bogus currency and Jen Min Pi as announced by the Military Control Commission of the People's Liberation Army upon the liber- ation of varies districts. 5. FM payments of pre-liberation deposits, registration should be taken up ten days after the promulgation of the present Measures in accordance with the appended regis- tration measures. Redemption shall start atter the period of registration. After the period of registration, pre-liberation deposits shall be paid according to the following rulings: a) Deposits in amount of fapi $200 and below she].l be paid in cash. b) Where the amoont of deposit was above fapi $200 but below $1,000, cash shall be paid for the portion of $200; the portion in excess vill be treated as savings deposits and paid with deposit certificates of six-month period. of the People's Bank of Chine, for which interest will be given. Wherethe amount of deposit was above fapi $1,000, the portion within $1,000 Shall be paid in accordance with item (b), and the portion in excess will be treated as savings deposits and paid with fixed-amount deposit certificates of one-year period of the People's Bank of China, for which interest will be given. -operated hanks, native banks and foreign banks may apply forfixed-period, ont deposit certificates from the People's Bank of China by putting up and use them for payments in accordance with the foregoing rulings. of pre-liberation deposits already settled shall not be taken up again or make-up paoment. Leans issued by banking institutions prior to liberation, which still remain uncoll- ected, may be computed by applying the standards stipulated in the present measures. 9. In the case of closed nud liquidated banking institutions or banking institutions whose assets are insufficient to cover their liabilities, one single payment in settle- ment of pre-liberation deposits shall be effected by them under the supervision of relevant authorities in accordance with the stlpulAtione Ai limited companies as contained in the Private Enterprise Regulations, US OFFICIALS ONLY CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY LTORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 US flCILS CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY leFORMATIOA -3-. 10 Fapi dpO.its made in Hongeon-and abroad may be registered in Cautn in accordance withlhe appended registration meas res. After the period of registration, the deposits shall be paid in Canton ,n accordance with rulings stipulated by Article 6 of the preset-) Measures. U. For pre-liberation set standard separately for settlement by referring to the present Measures. insurance, the China National People's Insurance Company will 12. UP-nettled p liberation overeat remittances shall be paid in settlement according to the standard for fixed deposits set in the present Measures. 3. Unsettled pre-liberation domestic remittances shall be paid in settlement according to the standard for current deposits set in the present Measures. l4. 70r deposits in local currencies, such as Yunnan, Ssechuan? Kwangsi currencies and evangtung subsidiary coins that have not been converted into "fapi deposits, the relevant Local People's Bank of China will set payment standards by referring to the value in comparisonto fapi prevailing then locally, and payments are to be started only after such standards have been reported to and approved by the Government Admini- stration eouncil of the Central People's Government, 15. All deposits at banks of Japanese invaders and bogus banks of the traitor government shall not be paid for settlement. The "Seaway Constructioe Savings Coupons","Economy and Construction Savings Bond", "Special ?revalue Savings Bond', 'US$ economy and Construction Savings and", "Hsiang and Cheng Public Welfare Savings Bout', etc. floated by the KMT reactionary govern- ment through the bogus banes, administrations and associations are in the character of public loans, and shall not be paid for settlement. 17. Banning institutions shall check up the pre-liberation deposits of bureaucratic capital, war criminals, traitors and counter-revolutionary elements for report to the local People's Bank of China. Where confiscation hes been decided by the Court, the relevant payments ail be surrendered to the state treasury. 13. Where depositors do not effect withdrawal within one year following the promulgation end enforcement of the present Measures, banking institutions shall draw up a list and transfer the payments to the People's Bank of China for summary payment into the state treasury. 19. The present Measures a China. cad under the supervison of the People's Bank of 20. The present Measures are for enforoement tr the date of prolgation. US OFFICIALS i.Y COUFICBUTIAL SECURITY moRmAnow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 US OIC1ALSORLY CORFIDESTIAL SECURITY INFORMITION -4- Appended Table I. Table of 8isndard of Reds on for Various Years Year Average Commod Index for Whole C 1937 Basic 100 1938 131 1939 22 191+0 513 1941 1,296 1942 3,900 1943 12,936 1944 1+3,1.97 1945 163,160 1946 379,600 1947 2,710,750 1948/S 126,932,224 lue of Standard of y (Average Redemption Lq#2S.ZELBEILIME----- Baelo 100% 76.344; 45.45* 19.44 7.7214 2.56* 0.77% 0.235, 0.06% a 0. 0. % Method for converting each dollar of fapi into Je Quotation,of silver dollar 12,500 of bogus currency each year. 12,500 9,543 5,681 2,436 965 320 96.25 28.75 7.50 3.25 0.46 0.01 Yate of decline in value Appended mable II. Table of Computation of Amount Redeemable for Deposits of the First and Second Stages 1 8 rst Quota: $200 Amount Redeemable - $200 x Standard of Redemption Reduction on of each Second Quota: $201 - $300 Amount Redeemaole - $100 x Standard of redemption or each year x 90% Redemption reduction rate. Third Quota: $301 - $400 , Amount Redeemable - $100 x Standard of Redemption of each year z aolep Redemption reduction rate. h Quota: $401 - $500 Amount Redeemable - fl00 x Standard of RedemptIon of each Redemption reduction rate. h Quota: $501 - $600 Amount Redeemable $100 X Standard of redemption of each Redeaption reduction rate. Sixth Quota: $601 $700 Amount Redeeeable - $100 X Standard of Redemption of each year Redee Um reduction rate. US OFFICIALSCRLY CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATIOn x 70,4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 US ()?ICIALSONLY CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION 5- Seventh qu $701-$1,000 Amount Redeemable - $300 X Standard of re Redemption reduction Quota: Amoun h year $1,000-$200 Redeemable - $1000 x Standard of -*demotion of each, year x 30% Redemotion reduction rate. NinthQuota: $2001 - $5000 Amount Redeemable 3000 tandard of Redempt Redemption reduction rate. Tenth Quota: 5,QOI. an AMIOU10Bedeeb above - (Amount of deposit less $5000) X tion of each year x 10% Redemption reduction rate d of Po Not : Fixed deposits shall be paid according to the eaou*t redeemable for the different quotes, while current deposits shall be paid at 80% of the amount redeemable for the different quotas. .41.4..1.4MWOM.40 01,W0W.M0.041Wmw* . Registration s banks in the whole co Led out for all kinds of nor to the liberation. d native 2. The registration items are as follows: a) Place of 4epoeit; b) Date, month and year of deposit; c) Serial NuMber of deposit document; d) Name of depositor; e) Amount of deposit; f) kind of deposit (including fixed de current deposit and various kinds of savings deposits); g) Address of depositor (including previous and present addresses); Ii) Occupation of depoeitor (including previous and present occupatione). For deposits at the bogus Central Bank, the Farmers Bank of China, the Central Trust the Centet Savings Society, the Central Cooperative Bank and the various provincial, municipal and hsien beeke, application forsegistration should be filed with the People's Bank of Chine at the original place of deposits. For deposits at the former Bank of China, the Bank of Coemunicatioes and the Postal Remittances and Savings Bank, regietretion should be taken up withlhe respective banks at the original places of deposits (if the original orsanitations have been abolished, the relevant banks should request the local People's Bank of China to handle registration on their behalf). For deposits at privately-operated banks, native banks, truet companies, foreign banks, the International Savings Society and closed and liquidated banks, registration should be .taken up with the respective banks at the original places f deposits or the liquidation offices (if the original local organizatione have bee US OFFICIALS ONLY CONFIDENTIAL steuRrTy INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6 US WIC cospram SECURITY INFORMATION or For deposit up vith the oni posits and deposit books or gistration. d dispatch eraona to the vetinn). Where depoeitorB iding in other pieces, r possession to the Lu Hongkong and abroad, registration should be taken Canton, with which deposits were as4n. The periof for registrata.on shall be three months from the date of promulgation of the present Measures. Where the name of "tang or cht ls used so that it is ipouible to verify whether the deposits are bold by the depositor. themselves, ZCgi*tretiofl only be taken up after the status of the depositors has been certified by the local mous control organs and suitable guarantors pr., 17/40144ega;44.,- Mogistration shell not be allowSHAtiCESOWWVOI dtocuments are not complete or gmarontcrs cannot be secured and oertification from local census control organs produced, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/17: CIA-RDP83-00423R000300920001-6