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Approved Fo Release 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R017 'l'R0035002000 -P'~
b awy 391x6
nesting of SANACC Subc?e>eed ttee cn Paysdio14cai
1, The ACC Rube ittee on Psychological Warfare met at 0930
today in Mr. Block's office with the following nembe s present:
Chairssm - Mr. Ralph Bloc s State Depart wt,
Cook. vi d noU - Bavy Department
Cal. ClIde Rich - Air Po roe
001, ? .liaaet -4clse - Ass' Department
I - MA
2. With the seat and vitality of today's weting one wou3Z tev
suspect that the Subcowdttet has been sdCh a non-proftetive vn t.
is vast atignificant that the chaairran talks plenty but has vary lit.tit
+eaaa' rta~ influence upon the direction in which the talk goose --.d
hu saw ngiy, proved his:self very ineffective in utilisir the-
ability and cap city of the S}xbcorerrittee bers to pro ico wcruh
,tributione in the field of psychological welfare.
3. At the outset 1r. Block s uggosted that three points be a o
to the agora of the Subd.ttee
a. Relation of psychological warfare to conga-ship.
b. Relation of psvchoUgical warfare to civilian a fetisa.
Development of technic al devices.
stated that he -would li1ae to have these iteus inched it thn 5l b-
toe arendum since he himself was desirous of wcrkirsg:ppe a
of the three subjects. He did not specif'ical y indicate Bch t*
miau3. The prescum tion i s that he referred to a and b. Aft r
amww the sere members of the 5ubc .t an to the
Ity of including these it.oun$ in the agena , i sug a r
chairman that he was fz4e to go ahead and prepare papers on a any
Subjects he desired rdthout authority from the Bub ittee awcuers
and without the inclusion of the it as in the Suboominittee sgon m.
the papers were completed he as free to present than to Vie
Suttee if he so desired. ter. Block agreed to follow this
pattern of action.
k state. tint he isa going to i-ivitm
who worked 4th 0881 to speak to the 5u'occ -
traini ng a urr3.cula..
Approved For Release 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R0035002 p3 - s~
OSD & DOS review(s) completed. a
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731?R003500200037-4
S, ir. Block stated that *r. Alien, the Assistant 8eci t z- of
State to Public Affairs? oxkM questions pertaining to psyeholo .s
'fare, M. AUnn ' 34 armed Or. Mock for various definitions and
the differences bat a4oagiva . Ws tare and political rarfaurs.
The differen . Block attested to ssaske botase these two
categories sounded like t s varla oe between "asoW white and x111
b. Then car the piece de reaictaaoe for the day
said the question had been raised as to Vb&L kind of an organisation uid
been r+ec d by tbla Subccsa *ittoo u 30W6. The Brat tnt pat IWW
. X u o l l stated t h a t he }a v y people who had aft& the wsao i:rtia
radation, on E MA are oonvi cad that it Will vat nos y v-1 ass
. is looked upon, as a oaot^dir*at group not dup],i.aating the reapo si . t1
of existing departsrsents and ager ies. We he felt would hold true i
tine of as r as sell ale in Uma of . Both be and Colonel Bich *14 -4
a heated debate vrlth Mr. Block, who contended that th orgai;i.aati ua
icy. They contended that the o:r`agaaation the Buboamtttee -ad ; z
z= 's % coordinating agency like Cu.x
7. 1 took the stead that since I bad been a member of the
nittee I bad never felt that we were thinking about a peasetiie oper*.ions
Skim to the Central Intelligence Amoy. I obusx-fled that the are:: 3: n
in the Subccsuoitteeo discussion cama- frown lack of definition as -o wia
the individuals had in mind. Iles : I reiterated at I b ve anted
ehological Warfare ag*8Qy. a d hence. for c~atie 'l~ eli 4t' - -
, e chairmn. of this plaxar ;gip will, be gives *trvwqti
ordinate thew a function asr , v&U gather unto hiaeaeif awe an
ganiiation only those opera-Lima 'which cannot be
a,d* irate ' ~~
coordination he id ll, t
r0quirt rQPMentativea from the agencies it. of
fall Within his re of coordinating swpon&bility.
Block u1d Cdr XU to brim in a paper on taisa
war InqU Stoll trhat the would offi4lAdly rho t
discussion to the Navy Depart t and that the Navy pay rest s1;
to clarify 3 6. This *W1e subject aai discussed between
i`noll# Colo*. Rich and wyse).f after the meeting broke at:.
* ` !
Approved For Release 2004/00-5: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500 M
Approved For Release 2004/0SFL RDP80R017311 03500200037-6
of indi a7 fir Spoca'al at,i*-s
* f tioo brs
ol*md uadkw Uwt ltd Cb:L*C r of SWf. im
that the U%IftidK oti1 to so in eo*, ag*W -
oa r iug mm S. 0. ;*'citi.a. 3. ebowcvw tw fc" prom o ridi m
mmq=te aoa=Vv t pbwr of s> *#N awta;
S. 0. WW U= 00 'y A2=W6 They all tw t with Lr1
10. By thJA tiro Ur..3itack %sa tot& .l 140t as to rro t
ire gaIM In its dimwoS *as and he vas most Z ratr i i os
_ ..
to this stfoct. that di tf+franoo~t of u Kati qtr "L t- a
VIS 9, xi titigti at )Ct /6, it ifsi i d to is itrwa t z tat
t ao of tt+ t & ,ittft sod gGtoaFt to *Volvo a to a" iraar E
r- ^1
SS~jEE St . .
Approved For Release 2004/0 VI: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500200037-6
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003400200037-6
sivv. Powerful
dots raln a s. V. S. ttiotawl I lUW on i'srmhologi
Do Charter of the = t et t Gee! for 8poei !: Wdiea md
res"usibilittr for preparation oaf policies by this a boon*it t.
A short *lour stataelent of U. t. policy Ian not been omusaiau-4 by
t1. .nt.
A start t of policy on Psy tho1oSica1 ? rfaro will faa;il
by the 8aboomrdtta* awd arise goverment do rtsnAts, a-uti v
oo i sns y+chol ogienl am it
a in the z,.u:,iorml ars.nal.
10,01AM11, RATION
. rtt-ae weapon, Da atudsd t? aoufora with the J. !. c+
applicable, to pow., a*rr.r c y w wsr.
b* that %me V. deti ition of Payobsl:o itcal *4ax f'as?e , *F . a Are.
t t..Iy o _>xc~n Ic4 F
rirw I ~.rr..r~~ty~i i ~ ? ^`ry~ y
~94 X.S. *AY M. '`.
that the fuboo ittee eons lder . 1 oawe tdrsft )
Policy on Psyuhelocica l arfrkraf .
aa that ttas- palioy as dovelope+d by t M