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NINIFOROV) Iliko-lay Konstantinovich; SMSTOV, Nikolay Vasillyevich; MIDI, L.M.l-o-tv.-rad-k-APARBARCHUK, F,I.p red, izd-va; 4~1314ILTIIA, L.N.0 tekhn. red. Nesignvus6p and maintenance of rock drills] Konstruktsiia ejcsPluatataiia i remont perforatorov. Moskva) Gos. nauchno- tA)khn- izd-VO lit-ry po gornomu delu,, 1961. 164 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Rock drills) a Hall rg M FEYGINP 14'M .Determirg4tion of the sconomio efficiency of capital investments in ferrous metal mining, Gor. Aburi no.9o6-10 S 161, (MIRA 167) 1. Nachallnik ekononioheskop otdola Gosudarstvannogo instituta po oyektirovaniyu gornylth predpriyatLy zholezorudnoy i margantseyo-k P p shlenmosti. 'nemetallleheskikh iskopayeqykh. zqyahlennoati I proW (Mining industry and finance) - ----- t2 LFM LH U4 11 r, XM F~YGINp W1, j Insho Oontrolling the bAunkful effects of vibrationt recoil, and noise in drilling. Glor. shur. no.909-0-78 161. OGRA. 16M 1.1 Gosudaretvennyy proyektno-konstrAtorskiy i eksperimentallny,,r inatitut ugolO.nogb mashinoatroyeniy4l Mos"a, -(Boring mwhinery-S~afety applianals) fit, MEDVEDEV lxuaokentiy Fedorovich; FULTAYETi -Aleksandr Ivanovich; - FNIOINI ABARBARCHUKI F.I., red. izd-va; -MOI;OROVSKAYAO V.L.0 telft. red. (Vibration and combination drilling of boreholes] Vrashchatellno- udw.-noe burenie shpuro*i skvazhin. Moskvaj Goagortekbizdat 196:1. 207 p. (MIRA 150~ (Boring). - ----- mill MW KkYDAN, lknitriy.Semenovichl KOBEVNIXI Vasiliy Fe&rovich; N95TERENKO, Vladiml~ VaBillyevich;,ZABOLOTRI, Ivan Pr~)koflyevich; BESKLEPCHMO,,Fedor Markovich; KUCHEROV, Dmitriy Mikhayloviohl PZY~GIN L..M,,otv red - BOGOPOLISKIY, B.1h., otv. red.; SILINA t L.A., r; li;;:va; M*AIKSIMOVAt V.V.t takhn. red.1,BOLDYREVA, Z.A., takha. red. [Neebanization and automation of production processes in mininglMakhanizatsila i aytomatizatsiia proisvodstvansykh protsessov pa rudnikakh. ~bskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 320 p. (min 16&P (Mining eyigtnearint-Equipment. and suppl;es) (Automation) AYRUNIp Arson Tigranovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; ALEKsEav, Viktor Boris,OV'14~b; B(T,KIHTEYN, *Mark Aleksandrovidh; USKANP Leonid ?4ikhaylovich; GAWILIN, Yuriy Nikolayev-1ch; KILIMV, Sergey Leonidovich; SOSHOT, Vladimir Dmitriyevich; SENCHEVAP Valentina Ivanovna; SUYFTIN, Go':)rgiy Georgiyevich; kha ovich- SHEVCHENKO, Vadhit DiaLtriyevich; KAZAKOV, B.Ye., otv. red. toma; TAYTS, T.L., red.-I: OSVALID, E.Ya., red. izd-va; MMKU, L.I., tekhn. red.-, (The coal industry of capitalist countries]Ugollnaia promyshlen-, no6t' kapitalistichaskikh stran. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd.." vo,lit-~ry po gornomu delu. V*1%2.[Techno1ogy, mechanization, and organization of development workings]Tekhnologiia, mekhanizataiia i organizataii rabot pri provedenii podgotuvitellnykh gornykh vy- rabDtok. Otv. red. toma: B.E.Kazakov, V.D.Sosnov, G.G.Suetin. 1962. 351 p. (MIRA 16:2) le Mbscow. TSentrallnyy institut tekhnicheskoy informatsii ugollnoi Pvmyshlennosti.- 2. TSentral'nyy institut tekhnicheakoy informq.;, tsii ugollnoy promyshlenndsti, Mosco4~for SuVetinp Sencheva). 3. Gosudarstvennify, ProydktW institut po avtomatizatnii ugollrtny promyshlennoeti )r Feygin). 4.Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Pff-Laistrov SSSR po givtomatizataii i mashinostroyentyu (for Sosnowt). 5. Vsesayuzny-y tsentrall,nyy proyektnyy institut po proyektirova- niyu shakhtnogo Istroitel'stva kamennougollnoy promynhiennosti (for Dirshteyn, Shevchanko). 6. Goeudaretvennoye nauchno-tekhnichesktiye imdatellatvo po ugollnoy promyshlennostitfor Geyman). m 7-~,,-77,77717 N" I I f., . . . . .I . ::e 11 -1 ~ ... III'., im! Iffect of certain technological factors on the fatigue mtrangth of high-chroxim stainless steel. Trudy LHZ no.9s 1,5"38 '64 (KML 16s6) (Atedt Stainlem"atigue) In ON I Van MM BERM i, ~- "amm ..FEYGIN L.IJIL.,.-inzh. Portable equipment to determine the hardness of large parts by the diamond cone indentation method. Trudy LNZ no.9.-280-286 162., I (MM 16:6) (Hardnessi-Testing) (Tisting"Equipment and suppues) mgqi, W- "~I v 11, 191 1.110 9,1`5 MOM My ME a, TATSKIKH, Vaerian.Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; ROZENBERG,, Boris Lavir-,4.-:~,, Jrand. tekhn. nauk; DW, Alekaandr Davydovich, insh.; SPEKTOR, Leonid Abramovich, inzh.-j KHORIN, D.N., doktor tekhn. nauk retsenzent- WKHANIN, K.I,, inzh., retsenzent; FEYGIN inah., retsenzent; ABRAMOV, V.I., inzh., ilea!~z ~-va;'MINSKER, L.I., tekhn. red. [Mining machines) Gornye mashiny. [By] V.G.IAtskikh i dr. Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 382 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Coal mining.machinery) FEYC!Iffp I.Me Xron ore induotry of the U.S.S.R. in the period 1959 to 1962. Gor,zhur. nools8-15 Ja.160.: (MM 16 t.1) L Nachallnik ekononicheakogo otdela Gosudarstvennogo instituta PO proy4tirovaniyu g9rnykh predpriyatiy zhelosorudnoy i mrgantsevoy,pronVehlennosti i.promyshlennosti nemel-PaMcheskikh iskopayenykhv Leningrad, (Iron Mines and ndning) FZYGINp L.M.., inzh, (Sverdlovsk) Sow problems concerning the operation of synchronous inotors cirkring ball mJlla and rod mills. Blektrichestvo no.7:78-83 JI 163v (MIRA 16:9) (Mi3ling machinery-Electric driving) (Electric motors, Synchronous) MMIUM. MEL RM KOVSKIY . G.I., nauchn. sotr.; GALANOV., P.I.0 inzh.; YERSHOV, 14.114" nauchn. sotr.; ITIRAVIYrV, D.S., nauchn. sotr.; NOSOVSKIY, A.A., inzh.-konstruktor; PODOLYAKO, L.G., nauchn. sotr.; TIMOSHPOL,ISKIY, Ye.Ya.,# inzh.-konstruktor; FEYGIN, L.M.., inzh.-konstruktor;~SHVETS, V.V., inzh. [Boring mine shafts with.machines made by the Ural Factory for Heavy Machinery Manufacture]~Burenie stvo:Lcv shakht usta- novkami UZTM. Moskva) Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 131 P. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Manlkovskiy). 2. Institut gornogo 1q-"- imeni A.A.Skochinskogo (for Manlkovskiy, Yershov, Muravlyev,.Shvets). 3. Urallskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashino- Strayeniva imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Nosovskiy, Timoshpollskiy, F ey Galanov) gin ISTMKO., Grigoriy Grigorlyevichj DOLGOLEVICH, N.G., retsenzent; r-EYGIN--L.M----otv. red.; M.TJiONOVA, T.A., red.izd-va; -OYll.RE--NT1YEVA, L.G.,, teklm. red. [crushing machiner7-operator] Mashinist drobillnoi ustanovki. Noskvao Izd-vo ."Nedra," 1964. 140 p. (MIRA 17:3) 'm ;~A M z-0 .11, R -7 Ar MOT MOM" Cost of production from complex iron oreav Gorezhur. no.22t6-9 D 164- (MIRA 18:1) 1. Goaudarstvenny7 soyuzriy7 institut po proyektirovan:Lyu pred- priyatiy gornorudnoy proMsblennostil Leningrad. -7-3t ~~ffi, .-;~~Ar ..t !:,.. - . :~ ~. - .,I. cvw.-Ung unier, inAi. Calcu2ating, the starting characl,,aris tics rf moLors for 'the drives of cone crushers for coar--e crushing. ."lor. st. N-1-ITIAZE1,111-SHa Uralra3lizavoda no,7;149-3.65 165. (MIRA 38:10) ~7 77 TITLE: A blasting 'd cartyA Se. as a, SOURCE: By u llet~!! I a,?n3rkh-~,thakor, -no. 10 a65, im 1z -Olt -e. X0 Iion pic-T V6 05- Z777! _6-'Mcatd- nV6dUcdv-v.`_SF A--blasting: ca,:tX11 ge~v4RI ABSTRUWt: 'This -AvtWri 6 i!t-' Y~ w witb double valls. The sp4ics_ n Lpls C_ mve: 6i ic 5 r aq, j-d- - _4 f6ty ocy,~ari _-'sA Vitiieeq wawli i blas-timv-1 pbs~ I simpr:)'Ve 'LT*m j;in -vie 4i-b -if, 6 2 . g 4, s e irt f6i A M. tocrethe _!~L_y4av taat the 11 F the shell and a cmta:inerl 3 tWhich serves as the insi e wa o for. the vail of tb,,i ii Aai_t~a 6-4- zv re-se-rvcir fb- the watc-r w'ni_ I=- ;z, C~ha re. A rtc&-l -ation of this cartrioEe wnin i-,ai 6. Card 1.) 2:9. IWN he hole cbrid the dqt3th of t F de steTh wa 7 7 ENCL 01 OTHE P 000 MY ME MOM, :T 711 77~~ 7 7 7 , NO No I 58771 s/13o/61/00o/003/004/008 6 10 0, A0061AOO1 AUMORS: Feyg:Ln L S Limina, Ye.A. TITLE: 'The Use of Cermet Hard Alloys for the Cold Heading of Fastenl:ag~. Parts PERIODICALt Metallurg, 1961, No. 3, pp. 33-- 34 TEXr: One of the most effic,ient methods of raising the efficiency ot-cold- heading process is increasing thedurability of the technological tool. Presently, tools used for the cold heading of fastening parts are made of high-carbon 6:r high- chromium inistrument steels. These tools show, however, short service life due to the quick wiB&ring out of the 'operational surface, and cracking. Some years ago a number of plants started the use of dies with GK8 (vxB), r~V\io (vno) and M15) cermist hard alloy inserts.. The durability of tools with such inserts is much higher than that.of carbon steel instruments. However, they can not be-used in cold heading of large-diameter parts due to cracking. Therefore the Nauchno-. iss.ledovatel'skiy institut metiznoy promyshlemosti. (Scientific Research Institute of the Metaiware Induatry),Ah6 Vaesoyuznyy nauchno.i.'issledovateltskiy' institut. tverdykh splavov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hard-Alloys) together Card 1 /,3 88772 S/130/01/000/003/004,*8 A0061AO01 The,Use of Coarmet Hard Alloys for the Cold.lTeading of Fastening Parts' with the Maipitogor sk kalibrovochnyy and metizo-metal.lurgicheakdy zavody (DU~:gnito_ gori3k Calibrating and Small Iron Ware Plants) dwreloped optimum grader of :oe~,i!metl hard alloys suitable- for the production of large-size inserts, and enlarged -1,1he nomenclature of tools with hard-alloy inserts for the cold-heading of fasten:Ing parts. The Investigations were direoted on the manufacture of 12 mm_diamete.,~ bolts and nuts. The following instruments were tested: cold heading diael rough:Ing dieis for tho manufacture of bolts and nuts; dies for operation IV in oold.hoad.. ing of round metal nuts. The inserte were made'of VK20, VK25 and VK30 oerme', hard alloys. Com,parison tests were carried out with VK12 and VK15 alloys. It wan found that 11he durability of all the tools investigated increased with athiglier cobalt oontitat in the alloy. However, maximum durability of the tools sras obtain- ed using a variety of alloys for the inserts.' On the basis of the experimen':al in- vestigation recommendations were developed as to the application of cermet hard alloys for o-old-heading tool inserts (Table 2). It was found that comet hard al- loys are hij~aly wear resistant, show low tensile atrergth and can not withstand tensile stresses arising from radial upsetting forces. Card 2/3 67 2~ 4, U V 1~0161 AOO A 0 0 1 6/ ard'Al -for,,the~Cold Heading'of Fastening PbLrts Use.)Df. Ceimet H 11 oy 'Cermet.hard allox~ Table 2j for, insefts of. cold -headin tools, me- iame D UT P rt r'2006min,ded 4' _j heire Are,-2-Aab z:- AMWMICN:%~F~,'~'; NIDWIZ C ard. 3/_3 TOO ie' of - r t Bue,~ -rpHau AoqHue us 1 WTM pa M, BK15 V?:15 j, ing dies olts 1 10 BK2D V?20 12- 61. BK25 VE25 .. . . ,4 r, epHOBUt DYSHCOHM BOJITU ~ 6- 1.msW15 10 f inser a Punch Bolt' S 12-16 1., BK20WL " . -1 &TpHdw IV onepatAH aRxH' 8 BK15 W15-1 6 ror Dies. 10 BK20 VT(2D . -L-oDer ion -IT, Nuts 12-16 BK25 VE25 ure-- A 17~ Anatoliy Vasil I vicli, lmrid. nauh ~ ci~lt:jiwl I, f F Leonid S Upypvt kand. takim. naurk Review :)f G. E.-Pukhoy's book "Selected problems of the theory of coL:puters.1 Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elcktromo!,h. 1~ no.'L: 1-19-120 165- I.HiPui 18:3) 1. 7ave'duyushrhiy kafedroy vychislitellney takimiki Tn ~--drwogslxl go radiotekhnicheskogo instituta (for Kalyayev). 2. obyazannosti zaveduyushchego ka!.edroy o.-mov I 'if) t teoreticheakoy elektrotek-liniki Taganro,-:;I~ogo ra, -khni(teskop instituta. 11 - =- - ~~, --- ~: =,, 11 FEYGINP Improving interregional production.relations of the.Central Asian Econoude-Region, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.l-.44-51 Ja-F 164, (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Soyet -po izucheniyu proizvoditeltnikh. sil pri Gosplane SSSR. WOMM IMP M IWO REUNION SOV/144-59-7-2/17 AUTHOR4* yffin, L.Z Cand.Tech.Sci., Senior Lecture.- E2 TITLE: . On Connecting a Transformer to a Direct Voltage to Produce 'Large Current Impulses for Magnetising PERIODICIAL: I,,*,vestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromelihanika, 1959, Nr 71 PP 10-18 (USSR) ANSTRACT; Uni-directional impulses of tens of thousands of aml)e3,eS are required to magnetise permanent magnets. These impulses are usually obtained fom energy previously sto2, ed in an electric or magnetiz field. This article colliliders mathematically the production of such impulses by switching a transformer on to a direct voltage. The bas-':-c equations (1) to (3) are easily derived from the simple equivalent circuit of FJLg 1. It is assumed that the permeability is constant; the equations are differen- tiated and then written in operator form. Eqs (9) 4Lnd (10) are then derived for the primary and secondary currents. The irikluence of. transformer design chara,:.,teristics on the magnitude of the secondary current is next considered for the two cases where there is either no leakage reactance or no secondary resistance. Then values of variouz-, Card 1/14, circuit' constants are assumed and expression (1-3) is derived for the maximum value of the secondary current. SOV/144-59-7-2/17 On Connecting a Transformer to a Direct Voltage to Produce Large Current Impulses for Magnetising Further analysis of the equations shows that to increase the secondary current peak, in express-lon (11+) the SeCOndary resistance should be as small as po.-sjible;and the primary resistance great. Finally, Eq (16) is.derived for the 'maximum secondary current. Two numerical examples are then worked out. It Is pointed out that because there' is a practical limit below which the secondari resistance cannot be reduced, 'Eq (14) sets a limit to the amount'by wtl:L(,.,h the primary resistance may be increased and 8o, to increase the primary ampere-turns it is advisable to Increase the primary current. However, if the primary current is 4ncre th ased simply by reducing t e primary resis- tance, the circuit time-constarit, is affected and this limits the rate of rise of the secondazy, Qurrent impulse. ,Jt Is accordingly necessary to use a current source of high 'L voltage and low impedance. It is then considered J%ow to limit the increase in primary current without setting up a revers e current wave in the secondary winding. Te,.its were Card 2/4 made to verify the theoretical considerations; the test cirouit used is illustrated schematically in Fig 2. L Details of the circuit constants are given. The transformer SOV/1~4-59-7-2/17 On Connecting a Transformer to a Diroat Voltage to Produce Largi3 Current Impulses for Magnetising primary winding consisted of four sections which were oonnected in the different ways shown in Figs 3, 5 and 7; the corresponding test oscillograms are given in Figs LF~ 61 and 8 respectively. The~osaillogram of Fig 4 shows 9~econdary current inversion occurring when the primary. current is not suitably limited. In the oscillograms of Figs 4. and 6 the steady-state primary current is less than the initial instantaneous value. The tests confirm tfte validii-ty of the assumption that the permeability is constant. The numerical relationship;3 obtained in designing the circuit are recommended for use in the design of other comparable installations. The transformer that was designed gave secondary current impulses of up to SOV/141+-59-7-2/17 On Connectizig a Transformer to a Direct Voltage to Produce Large Current Impulses; for Magnetising 20 000 A with a rimary voltage of 220 V, and its size was 110 x 270 x UO mm. There are-8 figures and 1 Soviet$ referenc-e. ASSOCIATION,. Kafedra tooreticheskikh osnov elektrotekhniki, Wtut (Chair of Novocherkasskiy poltte6tini(,,heskiy ins L Card 144 Thooretical Fundamentals of Electro-Techn.ol6gyq Noirocherkassk Polytechnical Institutq) SUBMITTED: May 10 1 19 59 1-IN 131- 1 ~`RiB MOIL, ~fgg:' g-g- - - p ~"z i.Q --.. -:1 .9 "' For further development of swine fattenings Sove torge no.9;20-23 -S 158. - (MIRA Il.tq) (swine-Feeding and feeding stuffs) FEYGIN, M. AV Increaue the profitableness of swine fattening. Obshchestv.pit. no.8t4$-48 Ag 162. (KIRA 16:10) :1. Sta:rshiy zootekhnik otdela sellskogo khozyaystva Upravlaniye, ,3bshchBstvennago pitaniya Ministerstva torgovlI RSFSR. FEYGIN in1h.; ZAyDMkN, G99 inzh. el buildings. Na stroi.Ros. 3 Monolithic joints of large-pan (KRA 15:12) no.8*38 Ag 162. (Building-Detaili3) FE,YGIII, 1-1. BE. "The NIWOFeliesis of Cardiovascular Disurders ijuring Qirinic Inflam- matory Diseases of the Large Intestine." Cand rNed ~ci, LenJingrad State Inst for the Adva.,iced Training of Physicians, Leningrad, 3-95'3- (RZhBioi, No 3, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 Survey of Scienti;ic and lechnical Dissertation Defended at USSR Higher Educational institutions. (14) nTGU, H,.S. qNSIAWNW0090 Relation of Useav*s of the Imp Intestine on the cartior"mlar, eyotem. TrWLy Insts fistol, 134. (KRA 8: 2) 1. LaboratortAkortiko-ventearallnoy patologit. ZavediVushchir 1.1.Xurtwin. (BIART9 p1witoloff, off. of large intestine stimulation) (IMBSTIM. LARS. pbrotologro off# of stivitUtion on heart) FEYGIN, M. B. Cand Mod Sol -- (diss) "Dat& on the funotion4conneotion butireen intestinkand heart." Kishinev, 1956, 13 pp 22 om. (Kishinev State Med Mast), 100 copies (KL, 7-570 1.10) yok, FEYGIN .j!,,,; KVITXITSKIY, M.Ye.., kand.nied.nauk Case of transitor7 block of the stem of the bundle of His' in thrombosis of the abdominal aorta and renal artery. no.4:60-62 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Korozbnaya bollnitea No.2 (nachalinik - G.I.Zubko) Yugo-Zapadnoy zholezno~ dorogil Kiyev. (NEART BLOCK) (THROMBOSIS) (ABDOMINAL AORTA-DISEASES) (RENAL ARTERY-DISEAS&S) VWAOV, T.V.j inzh,; KOPEYKINA, N.K., ineb.; FEYGIN, M.G., inzh. The.'9,3 de*ice for automatic regioVation of the work of construction cranes. -Mekhe stroi. 19 no.10:22-23 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Counting devicbs) (Ilranes,, 4erricksp etc*-Equipment and suppUes) G, AUTHORi IgMMS" ILA,, FEYGIN,if.I. 109.6-8117 TITLEs On the Mole uf uperatl-o-n-af a Symmetrical Multivibrator, (0 rezhimakh raboty simmetriobnogo mulltivibratora, Russian) PERIODICALs 'Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957t Vol 2, Hr 61 PP 751 - 761 ABSTRACTt The model of a symmetrical vibrator io investigated. The parasitic capacities and tho line currents are taken into account, and a characteristic of -the anode current without saturation is assumed. This gives a diagram of the de- struction of the phase space of trajectories which differs substantially fromhhitherto published diagrams. By an approxi- mate method for the destruction of a multi-dimensional phase space into oubspacea of motion of various orders of magni- tltde and by the method of point transformations it is demon- strated here that three anodes of operation are possible: 1) both tubes are closed, 2) "rigid" operation of the self- oscillations, and 3) "soft" operation of the self-oscillations. Hitherto the opinion was held that self-osaillation is disturbed in the case of a negative shift of network greater than the terninal voltage. Here it is proved that in the Card 1/2 parameter level an entire region exists where that is not 109~8/17 On the Mode of Operation of a Symmetrical flultivibrator. the case. For the case of a positive shift a formula is derived here for the calculation of thn self.-oscillation period, and voltage osoillograms are given which were ob- tained on the basis of theoretical calculations. The experi.- mental checking and published data fully confirm the tbeo- retical conclusions. (12 illustrations and 8 Slavic references). ASSOCIATIONj PRESEYTED M: SUB.11TTEDt AVAILABLE: Not given 25-5-1956. Library of Congress Card 2/2 33047 R 2(0-2,120 S/179/60/000/003/006/010 2.081/E541 AUTHOR% Feygin, M.I. (Gor9kiy) TITLEt (in the Forced Vibrations of Two Masses Coupled Through a Clearance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnichetskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No~5, pp~122-130 TEXT: rhe paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref,6.1 Izv. vysshikh zavedeniy, radiofizika, 4, 1959). The problem considered is that of a mass M (Fig.1) subjected to a force FsinJQ t, or to successive periodic impulses. The second mass m is free to move within the internal space, and on contact with the ends of M undergoes incompletely elastic impact such that the velocity is reduced by a factor R (0 0 it is displaced iVL8t;%n- taneously to MI and, leaving 1Y enters the spame ~G 0 4+ again, resting finally at M The transition from M to M,I (Eq (2.2) is called the T-transformatiou. 'if R = 0 the masses m and M move together and the.motlon in.Figure 2 is described by the S-transformation - Eq 2.4). The motions are charact"erized by times and a condition 6f ,sEmplest-periodic motion is that successive times differ (whert normalized) by 21t . The region in parameter space Card 2/5 which encloses 'a periodic motion, called here D, ,is 69955 sov/141-2-4-io/ig The Theory of Non-linear Dampers (Shock and Dry-frIction Dampers) found from the parameter values at which bifurcaLtion.takes place. Another type of boundli2g surface is found from the candition that the time of motion in G or in W is a least root of an'equation (bottom of p 610). For the case 'Maere slipping does not occur the lines defining regions Of existence and stability have been plotted-in Figure I* for R = 0.5, )1 0-.05; in Figure 3b for R = 0.5, ~L =-O.,5 (,~L = M/M) The IstabilitV areas are shaded.- The 'simplest regime' area is very small and vanishes as resonance is approached. In the case of res-ronance the chard'd-teristic equation is Eq (2.11)1 the paramete'r-plane diagram being plotted in Figure 4. The oscillation ampli- tude is of interest here; the expressions-for fundmmental and harmonics being Eq (2-13). For parameter values , corresponding to region D the fundamental does not ir,,4~eazs-, In amplitude neax- vesonance. The optimum spacing of the stops is: d 1/4 Card 3/5 4k- 0 69955 S Vg..l4l_2_4_.IO/3O i The The~~ry of Non-linear Dampers (Shock anT ry-frictfon ampers) When there is slip the characteristic equation is Eq (2-15), where 'r, indicates the duration of slip. The parameter-space diagram is Figure 5. When the separation between the stops is infinite the damper operettes with dry:friction only. The analysis applies the raethod already used by Yu.I. Neymark (Refs 20,21) in the study of relay systems. The phase-plan,e diagram is now simpler (Figure 6) and the study of simplest motions involves the motions of the representative point ishowl.11 in Figur_e 7. With no slip the fixed-point trans- formation must by symmetrical, the condition being Eq (.3.14). As the friction increases the simplest regime disappears not because of loss of stability but because the fixed point falls into a 'slip' zone on the phase- plane. Figure 8 was constructed for ai = 2.8 . The more interesting case of resonance, w = 1 , is shown in Figure-ga,-the abscissae representing detuning from , resonancee A reduction in mass ratio or an increase in friction changes the simplest mgIme without slip (Region 1) Card 4/5 into one with slip (Region 11). The amplitudes of the 69955 sov/141-2-4-10/19 The Theory of Non-linear Dampers (Shock and Dry-friction Dampers) oscillations are Eq (Z.23), the displacement of resonance frequency is Eq (3025) , the optimonfriction is Eq (3.27) and the energy dissipated is Eq (3.29). Strictly speaking, the optimum damper parameters should not be chosen from the maximum energy-capacity criterion but, ir~ practice, the error Is unimportant. When slip is permitted the characteristic equation is Eq (3.32) and Figure 10 shows the relation between friction and slipping time for! various mass-ratios. There are 10 figures and 23 references, 17 of which are Soviet, 5 English and I German. ASSOCIATION. Nauchno-issledovatiallskiy f i zils--t ekhnic lies kiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete) SUBMITT,SD: April 2, 1959 card 5/5 FEYGIN, Vt. I. Cand Phys-Math Sci,-,(diss) "Theory of several non-linear dampers. (Dampers of dry friction with preliminary -tension in elastic and shock assemblies)." GorIkiy, 1961. 11 pp; (Ministry of Higher. and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Gor'kiy State Univ imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 205) G Concerning tile theory. of a nonlinear damper with preliminarf tightelling-up at.,the ela4tic connections Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.-, radiofiz,`4 no.2:)39-353 '61. (MM 14!7) 1. NauchnQ-issledovatel'skly fiziko-tekhnioheqkiy institut pri Gorlkovskom universitetia. (Damping (Mechanics)) (Automatic control) -1 T T T, the sbocl: drunpor, 1,,:V- VYC,- UC-h'-'G, (VIII10- 14-10) .C( 161 sl-i y r..,-.ti tut p BRUSIN, V.A.; NEYMARK, Yu.I.; FEYGIN, M.I. Some castis of the dependence of periodic movements of a relay system on the parameters. Izv. rys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no.4:785-800 163. (MIRA 16:11.2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri GorIkovskom universiteteo- zo NIMARK, YuaI*;jF,11L-qI'L 1. . _L_L__ One type of bifurcations of relay systems. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav. radiofiz. 7 no.2,.358-371 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Eauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy insLitut pri Gorlkovskom universitete. It Pv -L/Ps b/Fk -4 jP( e)/ WrT ( d ) /EWr ( 1 E E D - /-E1 A t h ). t9w P I Po-b,,Pq-,Iiz k ,T If a T/-A F E'T R / -14 a ) /E 5 D E S D d p I D g T.-'! ACCESSION NR.: AP4048270 S/0141/64/007/004/0780-rO786 AUTHOR: Feygin, H. 1. -el self cill ati on 'mode of a flipflpp TITLE: Har as /bc -paramdtie F-UrM46 -7 --dtt f -eLd A in ermxt en se -o;361:llatbDn.-ma. es -Obta d X-e t are ine -'are thiiixi~ Cal on this bets' Lis has&-p- lanie' a:.,xa]LysL*s is made to delineal.e tlie re-`-*-,1`.-:-',-- W gions at whicb the various modea occur. The period of the s e.1 f- osc;:.llations is calculated and an estimate is made of the pos,-ib*.I- Card 1/2 I FE I. -PM JGor'kiy) Forced oscillations of a system with eLasticAlly installed damper of combined friction. Izv. AN WSR. Mekh. no.1:42-49 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 180) YRYGIN,M.M..kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk. ---Wm%4fjWA The KW-2 speed regulator. Vest.mash. 35 no.9:94,10 8 '53. . (Governors (Machinery)) (MLRA 9:1) 1 '-t, 4 FZTGIN, M.N.,-k%nd.tekhnnauk linems,tics of linked stamping presses. Trudy ORI no.103-106 156. (MIRA 11:2) .(PbwerIpresses) (Machinery, Kinematics of) FZYGIN, M.M., inzhener. At the exhibition demonstrating electric installation techniques and appliances. Sudostroania 22 n9.5:3 Of COTer My 156. (MIRA 9:-.9) (Leningrad--Electricity on ships-Exhibitions) M M W 0 I R MIN N 1, ME 00-1, 1, --FMGIN,J-4,j4,,,jAxh. New method of stopping-up rope and antenna line ends. Sudostroanie 25 no.9:58 S 159. (14IRk 12:12) (Knots and splices) FRYGIN, M., ~nssh. Building material mae of "clay cord." Bell.stroi. 14 no.12., 20-21 D '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Building materials) s/;.2316 14/02o AO-)h,/AIO4 AUIMOR M" TPTLE Some tri~na_-' I-- !,he - - - I I ~ -1 Refera-ivn-,-I z'hx._-na,, 6.165 ("Ir. Omskop;o W.Shi-LIT~7-01.t. 11%-ta~', 1959, r0. 3, 161-170) TF-V 4 The author, analyzes the m6an Improvements of mechanical extruelon presses to cut down -the plese -lime In aiitcxa~tsa prroduc~tton. The kine~ma-tnci charao- teristIcs and of' the foll-owing makes are oompared~. Blisa ,and fai 9 t,6 / Krupp presses with a_-oelera- ted idle atr~k,_,. of the slld,~ 1, pr. ss W! -.1 "I . s niechanlsrq - _&7-~r4 prezt~ with two-spee ombined -jr4nk and pneumati :"Ie d nli~lch. c The author comes ~o th~- con-r-lusion tha-~ --he vet, of ttle f1rsi,. three types of, presses Is only- Justifted-In mass production wh~Ile tx-e las-t-ment.Ioned press is -Lhe most universal -type. Ther.-S are 8 fitTzes -qpd 11 refere'noes. M. Fr!iyg,!n [Abstrac-t.or"-s not,-a:, 3omplete Card 1/11 "Full 't, "EV, I 5/_'23/6 !/0X,/006/f0 3/020' AOOVA'.04' AUTHO.Rz FeygIII, M. M. TITU.- Kinema~Acs and,design of high-sffIi,:ien,-...y sxt.raslon presses X. _'EFIOD %~AL, Referti-timyy zhurnal, MashAn3stroye-n.11ye, no. 6, 1961, 10, abs'% ract ~. in-ta"Y 1959, no. 3, 1-83-199) 6V63 (-r. Omskogo mashinostroi. TEM-'4 e author presents a kiriemat~-, investigat2on of the 7-member mechanism of the mechanical extinusion press of Mess.-a. K---app carried out in dimensionless parameters. The, optimam relation of parameter--- was found wh1oh ensures a slide block stroke of 3.28-3.80 crank radii att a neaz,ly constant Operat- ing speed of the q.'&.Ide block and an idling rur increased by 2.5 times which yields a oorrespondilrIg increase in the press efficiency. Thie author p.resents derlvatlonB of forinulae and gra]Vis of the slide block way and speed. I'heret 11r& 3 figures and 6 referenoes. M~ Feyg:Ln [Abstrac-,~orls notA,:-. Complete transi&tionl Card 1/1 UIV, FEYGI& M Design of spring safety devices for crank presses. Kuz.-shtmi, pro:Lzv- 4 no-7:33-36 JI 162. (MW 15:7) (Power presses--Safety appliances) c'Z 21- f-, MIC-;2-2, �R FEY01N M M MI'SHKOVICH., A.M.; IWKUTOV, V.A.) OSINIIMMP V.74, Four-Position device for removing burrs from plastic parts. J&163e (KMA 16t,'2) Nwhinostroitell no-1125 (Prinding machines) WMEW M I I : - ~ KAFRANOV, V.N.j LOSKUTOVO V.A.i-FFYGINo MA; OSINNYKH, V.Ya. Device for cleaning metallic reinforcements. Mashinostroitell,no,,2:20 F 163. (MM 161: 3) (Metal cleaning) LOSKUTOV, V.A.;.'TYGIN, M.M.; OSIMUKH, V.Ya. Semiautomatic machinefor cleaning plastic articles, Mashinostroitell no.91&9,S 163. (MIM 16:10) (Plastics wchinery) '~5(2). AUTHOR: reygint M. P. SM/72-59-7-7/19 TITLE: A New Type of Drainpipes (Novyy tip drenazhnykh trub) TWODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Wr 7, pp 19 - 22 (USSR) XBSTRACT.- In the Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-issleiovatel'Wdy institut gidrotekhniki i melioratsii (Azerbaydzhan scientific reseamch insti- tute of lVdimat engi-BecLag and melloketion) the method.of the production of di-ainpipes out of clayfibres was developed. Asraw material ordinary clay can be'taken as it is uged in the qanufacturing of building ceramics and which is better suitable for the.treatmerit in a mineralized aqueous medium than the comrion drainpipes produced on cement basis. The pasty plastic clay paste is pressed through a sores press with nozzles (openings from 4 till 5.5 mm). Under laboratory conditions instead of presses meohanized devices were used of the type 564-B with an output of 110 till 150 kA and 632-M with an output Of,300 till 3~O kg/h. The paste ci ushed through the press in form of long fibres (FiLa 1) is used for the- manufacture of drainpipes. The pipes were prouuced by means of stamping into molds (Fig. 2) or by rolling (Pigs 6 and 7). In this way pipes were obtained with a length-till 70 cm and an intemial Card 1/2 diameter of 165 mm (Pigs 3~ 4 and 5). After removing the cort Ithe A Now Typo of Drainpipes WV/72-59-7-7/19 pipes are dried and burned. By means of this technology the manufaoture'of pipes was began in the plant of the UdzharMiy raypromkombinato These pipes with a length of 540 mm, an inte,,mal diameter of 220 mm and a thickness of wall of 55 mm were laid in the experimentra drainage lines in the Shirvarskaya and Farab&kt;karI, Steppes.lbrthe manufaoture of the fibres a brick press SM-296A of the Kemerovo plant was fit up. A worker brigade of 5 men worked with it =61, finished ore pipe within 10 - 11 minufts. But it is hoped to shorten -this time considerably after getting familiar with it espeoialli by the mechanization of the rolling operation. Thess pipes have a high porosity which is caused by its structure and ASch can be regulated. Besidesthese pipes can be produced in any bmiclarorks out of ordinary clay kinds everywhere occurring. A control of the laid pipes is necessary. There are 7 figures. Card 2/2 AWYE17. N*M~~ FWGINI, MOPS Adding fine-grained sands of the Apsheron Nnineula, to tho'coacrete to 1xi used in the construction of petroleum industr7 objectir4its. Isve vysa Uehebo save; neft' I gas 3 no.11-.U -122 160' 9 (MIRA 14tl:)' 1. Aserbaydzhanskiy inatitut nifti I khimii imeni MeAsizbekoval treat. "NavkasenergostroyO, ' (Apsheron Peninsula-Saud) (Reinforced concrete) (Petroleum' Industry) TOLSTYKH, Nikolay Nikolayevich; FUGIN, Matvey Petrovich; KORNEYEV, S ~ G ~ , red. ; MAYRINA, "r ~Mftwr- ~-- -POPOV I V. H. tekhn. red. (Clayey string) Glinianyi shnur. Tambov, Tambovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 12 P. (Bibliotechka novatora, no.2) (MIPA 16:10) (Building materials) ALIfEV 11.14.; FEY~Af-, II-II.P. Certain problems involved in establiabing norrw for the agress:bm- ness of a water medium F9 regards c-mcrote in regions of the oil. fields in the Azorbaijai,-S.S.R. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.1:109-111 163. (MIRLA l7do) 1. Azcr`baydzhansIIciy institut nefti i khimii im. M. Azizbekc,va. FEYGIN, M.P., inzh. (Baku) Use of concrete drainage pipes for aggressive ground waters in the Mugan. Gidr. i mel. 16 no.IC:30-35 0 164. (MIRA 17:12) ALIMI NA;-FEYGINp MP, Using the povder from the cutting of limestone in the Karadag oil field as a fine.-powder additive to cement in the con- struotion of buildings in the petroleum and chemical industry, I%v. vyea ucheb, say.; neft' i gas 7 no.1102,92 164. (MIRA 18%11) 1, Asorbaydahanskiy institut nefti i khinii ims M, Aslzbokova. =WN- ORIL, V.Ye). -~ FAYG!Nh&ummm Pivdu~tivity Ofll~ileocenedspo,sitx in the Severskaya regionof KrasnodarIerritor7. Goal. 'viefti 1 zio~6252-55-Je--157-' (KM IM) (rrannodar Tbrritory--Patroleum geology) OREL, V.Te.;,.FMGIN, M.V.; LUKIN, F.I. T*rge pool In the Zybzit oil reservoir rocks.and prospects for discovering similar pools in the Kuban. Geol.nefti 2 no.3: 55-66-- (MIRA 12:6) 1. Neftepromyslovoye upravlen1ye "Chernomorneft'." (k~ban--Petroleum geology) MGIII, H.V. 'Time of formation of,the Anastaoiyevskove-Troitakoye field. kol. uefti i gaza 4 n0.10140-45 0 16o. (MMA 13:9) 1. NeftepromVelovoye upravlenlye Priasovneft'. (Khban-PetroleumMology) (Kuban-Gas, Hatural-Geology) FEYGIN, M. V. Gand Geol-Min Sci -- "Conditions of occurrence of petroleum '"'d- "-K;t"4 and gas in the Pontiac and*Meotic as* WK-O" of the Ana sta siyevsko-TriAtskoye deposit of Krasnodarskiy Kray(Im co=ection with the formation, prospectiag, and mining of de-posits).- Slavy&nsk,-w"-Kub---', 1961 (Sovaarkhoz of Krawtiodarskiy IDoonomic Administrative Region. Administration of Petroleum and Gas Insdustry "Krasnodarneft"%) Petroleum Administration "Pritzoyneft"'). M, 4-61, 191) -114- FEYGIV M.V.,.: PETRIKEVICH, E.N.; TARSIS, A.D. Gas and oil pools of the Anastasiyevskaya-Troitakaya field of Kramodar Territory. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' I gaz 4 no.;449-12 161. (KRA 15:5) 1. Yoskovskiy gos,udarstvannyy universitet imeni Lomanosova i ~ompleksnaya yuzhnaya geologicheskaya ekspeditsiya AN SSSR. (Krasnodar Territory-Petroleum geology) (Krasnodar 'territory-Gas, Natural-Geology) AHROM, L.A.; BLAGODAIEV, L.V.; MYGIN, M.V. Largo resourm of raw matorialo for iodino produc4l.nn. Khim. prom. no. 4t258-260 Ap 164. (14111A 17:7) Vladimirovich; FEDOROV, S.F., otv. red. (Annastasiyevsko-Troitskale gas and oil deposit of western Ciscaucasia] Anastasievsko-Troitskoe gazoneftian-De mesto- rozhlenie Zapadnogo Predlcavkazlia. Mloskvaj Nauka, 1965, 65 P. (MIRA IS-.9) 1. CUen-Rorrespondent AN SSSR (for Fedorov). - --l- - v *OR I ~-IEEL Firowl . lFc: Lor y ~ N I ) IsAs hhh,