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FEDOSYUK, L.G.; STARKOV, S.P.; ZAKHAROVA, D.K.; BA7URIIIA, Ye.N. See. pentylphonols, Met. poluch, khim, reak. i prepar. no.,6t89-91 162. (MMA 17:5) 1.1 Vooooyuznyy nauchno-isaledavatellakiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i onobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv, Donetskiy filial. STARKOV, S.F.; FEDOSYTJK L&,;,,ZLKHAROVA, D.K.; BITURINA, U.N. Ion exchange resins as catalysts in organic synthesis. Part 1: Alkylation of phenol with a Oixture of n-amylenes in the presence of the cation exchanger KU-2. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t2237-2238 11 163, (MIRA 16:8) .1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kh1micheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheakikh veshchestv, Donetakiy filial. (Phenols) (Alkylation) (Ion exchange resins) BITKINAS L N.; FEDOSYUK, R.Ya.,- LOB", M.A.; HIKERINA, N.Ya.; GLUKHCVTSEVA, ,~,HAII,SKAYA, F.L.1 14ATVEYE;VA, VA.; Z: N.; gL YAMPOLOOKAYAp V.A.1 4A Kji J, Egid :Oatl*eak of salmonenosio. zhur. mikrobiol. i immn. 31 no.2: 99-100 D 160. (MIRA 106) (SAIMONELLA) GMAZER, Gugo[GZ"er,, Hugo]., prof.; FEDOSYUK, Yu.A. [translator]; SHILINIS, Yu.A., kand. mad. nduk; IZUDKOVOM, N.I., teklm. red. ,(Basic traits of contemporar7 medicine 30anovMe cberty sQvrer,.onnoi meditoirgro 2~ izd# Moakvaj Medgizj 1962. 159 p. Translated from the Germans (KaU 15t12) (NWICIR) OWN MOTCHE".. 1. F. . --vMM-proBleas In the theor7 of madicinoo Trach,dolo no,6:641 Jo 158 (KIRA 11t7) r lo Rovonakaya thelsuodoroshnWa bol'altea. ( DO= ITY) . I FEDOTCHEV, Ids Case of removal of a needle from the heart. Grud. khir. 3 no.2s .99-100 1610'- (MIRA 14:4) .(1MW-F01MIGN BODIES) BOGIM, Yu.N.; YUDIKA, I.I.; FEDOTCHEW., N.V. Conservative method for treating ureteral calculi by inter- ference-impulse therapy. Urologiia no.6-.48-49 N-D 163. (KTRA 17 9) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy klinicheakoy bollnitay Y-inisterstva putey soobshchenlya. BORODINO, Leonid Stepanovichj TSARITSYNI V., prof., retsenzent; FE~~Kqj A., retsenzent; AFOUDIA, G.P., red. '11-lining machinery; manual for practical work] Gornye ma- shiny; posobie dlia prakticheskikh zaniatii. Kiev, Tekh- .. nikaj, 1964. 175 P. (MIRA 18:3) 0 ---- ---- "Influence of Variation in the Bolume of the Turnover Chamber at Constant ComDrersion Ratio on the PerformAnce of a 7our-Stroke.Ugine." Tharis for degren of Cand Technical Set Sub 17 Jun 50, State Set Res Order of Labor Red Unner Automobilp and Automotive Inst ,Summary 71, 4 Sept 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Ingineerinr,-in Moscow In-1950. 7rom VecheMsaa Moskya. Jan-Dec 1950. TMTFINKO. F.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Iffect of the direction of fuel spray on en&4ne function, Ayt, I trakt. prom* noo?-,27-30 JI 156. (nn q: 10) It Nauchno-Issladovatel'skly aytomotorWy inatitut. (Automobiles-lacings) j I FIDOTJMKO, F.S., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; LICHMOVI IsM, Shapes of connecting chan la of turbulence combustion chambers. Aytai traktaprom. no.4:19-22 Ap 157. (MLPA 10:5) l.Kauchno-iseledovatellski3r avtomotornyr institut. (Automobiles--Xnglues) ~ -1 - 113-58-6-8/16 AUTHOR: ___VjjdntAnkz.,~ Candidate of Technical Sciences and Lichenkov, I.M. TITLE% The Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine with Different Methods of Fuel-Air Mixing (Pokazateli dvisatelya a vosplameneniyem ot azhatiya pri raznykh sposobakh smese- obrazovaniya) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 6, pp 22-26 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Comtemporary compression ignition automobile engines have various methods of fuel-air mixing. No ideal method has.yet been found. In the NAMI laboratory, different methods of ftel- air mixing were tested on an experimental one-cylinder set-up. Basic criteria for this experiment were indicators of economy and power, the smoothness of the combustion process, the volume of maximal pressure of combustion, etc. Research with the turbulence chamber was conducted with different shaped connect- ing channels for every given mixing method. When the carburetion process was changed, the cylinder-head and the piston.were also changed. The authors give a detailed description of these ex- Card 112 periments and present.graphic tables of the results of numerous 113-58-6-A/16 The Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine with Different Methods of Fuel-Air Mixing experiments. There are 4 graphs, 6 tables, 4 figures and 1 Soviet referende. ASSOCIATIOE: (NAMI) Card 2/2 1. Automobile iMustry--USSR 2. Ignition systems--Characteristics SOV/113-58-11-16/16 AUTHORSi Kurov,. B.A., Fedotenkot F.S., Khanin, U.S., Candidates of Technical Scieno TITLE: Book Review and Bibliography (Kritika i bibliografiya) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Er 11, PP 46 - 48, (USSR) A,BSTRACTs The article~reviewo the first volume of the book "Dvigateli vnutrennego agoraniya (Internal,Combustion Engines)" by A.S,.'Orlin, D.N. Vyrubov, GOG. Kalish and other authors, second edition published by Mashgiz 1957 in Moscow. ASSOCIATIONi NAMI 1. Internal combustion enginee 2. Literature Card 1/1 FEDOTEMOO N. ~riticizm helped. NTO 4 no.M4 0 16,?. (MIRA 15%9) 1. Zametitelf p"dsedatelya notrdway.komissil. TSeritrallnogo ~pravlehiya Nauchno-takhnicheakikh obahcheaty maabinostroitellno~ pronyahlennosti. (Inchistrial equipment-Technological innovations) J. v~ Z'~k jr FED OTZNKOq N. i'6t-ld- be NTO noo +A Ic. -eft~mda iwg&, pravleniya si Wn ."enti al "hn~.tekh.~: ~.nibheskogo obs~oh6stvi,.. I-L~'Bitro-'.tell pr ~noy oWshlennosti*:, 44 POPOV, re.rq; YBDOZIM lImpulelfler -immed -far: *owing- em-ImloyA, Rate. I lzobr. preim. 7 strole u995:9-27 158. (Im n:6) LiTrest Mosotdoletroy No,2 Glavioosetroyal Moskva, Noshayokoys shouse, d. 28/34. FIDOMM, N.S., Inshener. uonxv-wV.---6t~W&rdenizg techniques in the German Democratic Republic. 'NetallorsdA obr.wat. no.5:48-52 My 156. (Wal 9:8) Zarod "Ifreserv, (Gerna3W. W9st--Ste~j-E~e&t treatment) . ~ i ~ I :.~~ . .- ~ I I .. - . ~ ~ .-, - :.. I -- . r.. all -C f I AUTHORSj Mitint V.I., and Aristov, I.A~s Engineers SOV-117-58-4-20/21 TITLEtI 4th Plenary Sousion of ToP NTO Masbprom (IV plenum' To? BTO Mash- proma) PERIODICAL: 'Naahinostroitell, 195e; Nr 4, pp 45-47 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The Plenary Session of the Central Board of the Scient1fic- Technical Society of the Machine-b4-1d-4:4 Industry was convened in January 1958- Central foard Chairman~ D.A. Ryzhkov# opened the session with his reports "The Objectives of FTO Xashprom". Assistant Central Board Chairman, H.S. Fedotenko~ delivered a report "On the Thema .tic aid Finincial 1-958 Pli,~ of NTO MASh-' prom". Thefollowing NTO --rembers from different towns partioi- pated in'the general discussionst B.S. Mordvinov (Qmsk); P.P. Bergi Chairman of. Veespyuzz %ya sektsiya liteyshchikov (A117Unlon.,:. 'Foundry Workers Bection)1:3 G. Pofanov, Chairman of Voesoyuznaya.-I sektaiyalekonomiki I organlFateii.proizvodstva. (All-Union Section .... .. for Economios.and.Produoticn Organiz-ation)f A.B. Gol11denberg(Uf&)'-' K.V, ltyubavokly'p Uhairman 4C Vsesoyuzn&y& soktsiya svarochnogo proizvodetva,(All-TJni.on,Be~tion of Welding Industry)l B.G&.Yoger- man, Director of Obshohensirennyy Universitet (Public University).:;.* Card 1/2 G.S; Strizhanov (Perml)j P.V. Chernogorov (Chelyabinek)f V.P*',,.,, _250) SOV/117_59-5-2q/~O.. AUTHORt Fedotehkov. IhS~ Deputy '#Ihairmai~ TITLE: Reporting-and':El.eotion C)nferences of NTO.MAShPROM PERIODICALs Mashinostroitel I _f" 19599 'I:r 5#- PP 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRAM This is a brief review ol the activities of the NTO organizat- ions in the past.eleotior.periodp their success and shoit-- comings:disoussed in the*,conferences. It is mentioned-that by now the WTO:MAShPROM his 90,000 members who:are-soientistel engin6ers.and innovators )f industry. The organizations were seeking new.ways to.-.1pread applicationof latest.-tech- niquest e.g. the Sverdlov,ok oblast' ~raotices monthly con- ferences of foundrymen, 117--he foundryman's day", irith demon- strations of new technoloj3, at the work place in.the foundries band demonstrations of mov:,ng pictures, In:the Leningradt Kharlkov and Rostov oblaslA (and others), scientists have established contacts with the plant workers, and.come out to planta. Many conference aelegates criticized the central and the local NTO boards for completely insufficient direct- Card 1/2 ions. The trade union men and plant zavkom (party committee SOV/117-59-5-26/30 Reporting and Election Conferences of.NTOAAS~PROM. of plant) men took-similar criticism. All local NTU are preparing for.the first congTess of the society. ASSOCIATIONs TsPNrO MASUROM Card 2/2 YEDMENOP N.S. Me Second ConVess of the Scientific Technological Society of the Maohbiery bdutry. Vest.mah. 42 no.4t85-86 Ap 162. (MM 15 .1. Zamestitelt predesdatelya TSentrallmogo pravleniya Nauchno- tekhnicheakogo obahchestva mashinostroltelluoy promyshlennostio (Mmahi=7 induntry-Coupea son) FEDOTENKO N S Second Congress of the Scientific Technological Society of the Machinery Industry. St&nj instr. 33 no.6344,-45 Ja 162. (MIRA 150) (Technical societies) FEDOTENNO. N.B., inzh. I -r- Conference on the use of ultroonic waves in the heat treatment of alloys. Metalloved.i termoobrometo no*2354,-56 F 162. (MM 3.5 s3) (Alloys-Heat treatment) (Ultrasonic vaves-Industrial applications) - FEDOTFJIXO t N.S. Let us put into.practice the decisions of the March Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Mashinootroitell no.7sl8-19 il 162. (MML 15 97) (Agricultural machinery industry) The fourth plenm of the central board ht *w Scientiflo and Teohnologima Sooiety 0; the Hachinsr7 Indimtryo Mashinostroitall no,5:2-3 Yq 163. (KIPA 16:7) (Machi--ry I~dustry-Teclmological innovations) YZWTM&Ut H.U. Toward the third congress of the Scientific and Tacbnological Society of the Machinery Industry, Mashinostroitell no,9t 44 S 163. (MIM 16tio) (Technical societies) FEDOTENKO, N.S. Third Congress of the Scientific and Technological SocieTy of the Machinery Industry. Vest.mashinostr. 41. no.1:83-84 Ja '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Zamestitall prodsedatelya TSentrallnogo pravloniya Nauchno- tekhnitheskogo obshche3tva mashinostroitellnoy promyshlermosti. FEDOTEMO, ~ N.S. Results of the Second All-Union Public Survey~ of the. Fulfillment of Research Plans and Introduction of the Achievements of Science and Technology in the National Zoonmq and the tasks of the carrying-out of the Third Public Survey. Vest. mashinostr. no.6s82-93 Je 164. (MIRA 170) 1. zamestitell prodoodatelya TSentrallnogo pravleniya nauchno- tekhnicheakogo obahchastva mashinostroitelincy promyshlemosti. POGODIK-ALEKSEYEV, G.I.r doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; RAKHSPTADT, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, dote.,, nauchn, red.; SRRKYBE:R, O.K.., kand. tekhn. naukv dots.0 nauchn. red.; HWSHTEYN, M.L.p doictor tekhn.' nauk, red.; LAKHTIN, Tu.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; ~USTEM,'S.L., kand. tekhn. .naukp dots., red.; FEDOTWQ#,;V...P.O inzh., red. (Study of metals and their heat treatment] Metallovedenie i tormicheskaia obrabotka. Moskva, Mashitostroonie, 1964. 3.95 P. (MIRA 18:7) .1. Nauchno-tekbnichaskoye obshchestvo mashino.-itroitellnoy promyshlennosti. Sektsiya metallovedenlya i tormicheskoy .obrabotki. FEDOTENKO, N.Se For high quality and reliability. Mashinostroitell no.90-4 S 165. (MRA 18:12) 1. Zamestitell predeedatelya TSentrallnogo Nauchno-tek~ni- cheskogo obahchestva mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti. S/129/62/000/002/013/01.4 E193/E383 AUTHOR: Fedotenk_Q~.__NiSo, Engineer TITLE, Conference on the application of ultrasonics in industry and in heat-treatment of alloys PERIODICAL: Metallovedenlye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallev. no& 2, 1962, 54:- 56 TEXT,~ Organized by the Ultrasonics Department of the central governing body of NTO Mashprom, a conference on the industrial applications of ultrasontes was convened in Moscow from October 11 - 13, 1961. After an opening address by Professor,Doctor of Technical Sciences G.I. Pogodln-Alekseyev, who outlined the possible applications of ultrasonics in melting and heat-treatment of alloys, 26 papers were deliveredt 7 on the application of ultrasonics in heat-treatment; 7 on the industrial application of ultrasonics for treatment of molten metals, 7 on the application of ultrasonics for removal of scale and non- metallic contaminants from metals and alloysand 5 on ultrasonic welding and brazing of metalso Card l/f 5/129/62/000/002/o.L3/0,14 Conference on the application E193/E383 A paper by G.V. Zemskov, R.L. Kogan, Ye.V. Smekh et al on "The problem of hardening of steel in an ultrasonic field" wa:~ read by YeoV. Smekhe In a paper delivered by Candidate of Physicomathematliz~al Sc-Lence,- T.Kh. Chormonov the effect of combined ultrasonic and thermal treatment on the microhardness and fine structure of metals was discussed. In a paper delivered by Engineer A.I. Natchuk the re5ult-e of work carried out under the direction of Doctor of Tethrs.tcal. Sciences P.Ye. D'yachenko on the application of ultrasonic.i in electrothermal boriding of metals were reported. fhe effect of ultrasonics on ageing of low-alloy carbon steels was discussed in a paper read by Candidate of Technical K.M. Pogodin-A-lekseyev. B.N. Baturin reported the results of investigatIon on the effect of ultrasonics on carburizing steels in a liqljid medions. A paper by Candidate of Physicomethematical Sciences I.I. Teumin (TsNIIChM) was devoted to the problem of lndustr.Lal applications of ultrasonics in the treatment of molten metals. Card 21/4 S/129/62/000/002/0.L3/014 Conference on the application .... E193/E383 The results of an investigation carried out by Doctor of Technical Sciences G.I. Fogodin-Alekneyev, Engineer V.LNo Gavr1lov and Engineer I.D. Galushkin on the effect of ultrasonic and low-frequency vibrations on the structure and properties of beryllium bronze cast by a semi-continuous method were reported by.V.N. Gavrilov. A paper on "Microscopic study of solidification of melts in ultrasonic fields", delivered by Professor I.G. Polotskiy (Institut-fiziki metallov AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS Ulcr$SR)) attracted the particular attention of the audience. A survey of the problems associated with application of ultra- sonics for the cleaning of,metals was presented by BuNa Lyamine A paper by A.F. Zakatov was devoted to the design of baths for ultrasonic cleaning in active media and to the methods of do-, scaling of heat-resistant alloys. The problems of application of ultrasonics for the removal of scale and other surface contaminants from coarse and fine f-Lles was discussed by Ye.Ve Smekh. Card 3/4 S/129/62/000/002/013/ol4 Conference on the application ... E193/E38.3 The application of ultrasonics for cleaning heat-treattd and brazed components prior to electroplating was discussed in a paper by V.S. Terekhov. Papers on the application of ultrasonics in welding and included the following:: "Some problems of the technology of spot welding of thin sections by ultrasonics" by H.B.Zoloter.-ve "Electrodynamic method of producing ultrasonic vibxations in a welding bath"by L.P. Lelendin and Yu*S. Rudenke "Application of ultrasonics in tinning, brazing,. meta.llizing and preparation of powdered solders" by B.A. Maks:imikhin "Brazing and eliminating surface casting defe~~ts In aluminium and its alloys with the applir-ation of ultrasonic~--" by V. S. T er akhov. Card 4/4 rEDOTENKO, S.A. D"vice for manual cutting of reinforcements. Suggested b7 S.A. Fedotenko, Hatsei lsobropredlev strol. no.805 158. (HIPA 130) I.Tokarl mostopoyesda 16.411 Mostotresta, Po materialam Mostotreste, Ministerstva transportnago stroitel'stva SSSR. :(Cutting machines) a ACCESSION NR: AT4026364 S/0000/62/000/000/0181/0189 AUTHOR: a-4otenk-ov,.,A__Q.,,_,Ozerov, V. -N. TITLE: Output device of a long-term capacitance memory (DEMU) using parametrons SOURCE: Konferentsiya po obrabotke informatsit, mashinno'Mu porevodu I avto- ..maticheskornu chteniyu teksta. - Moscow, 1 1961. Vy*chislitellaaya I informatsionnaya, tekhnika (information processing and computer technology); sl3K3rnik materialov konfer- entsii. Moscow, 1962, 181-189 TOPIC TAGS: memory, parametron, capacitance memory'# resonance, semiconductor, circuit*desip ABSTRACT: The article opens v4th a discussion of the phenomenon of paramagnetic resonanco.In nonlinear systems. Ferrite semiconductor parametrons for the high and ultra high frequency bands are referred to an one of the most promising elemats ap- plicable to the developmeait of computers. Thle parametron is briefly described and It is noted that, by controlling the phase, which Is the infbrn~atlon carrier, the puametron ia employed in the same manner as a number of other sysUms with two steady states. the author discusses, in,,oonnection vrith the develppment of variable-inductance, parametrons with ferrites, the use of these Instruments as parametric generators with -phase Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4026354 synchronization from signals recelyed from a long-term memory device (DEZU). The latter Is described as "units -Adth cards for the storage of Information. The condition of parametric resonance is described and the problem of the choice of material is discussed. The authors fwund it advisable to use nickel-zinc oxifers with an initial magnetic permeability In the order of 1000 - 2000. The manufacture of tho para- metrons (consisting of two toroidal cores with %%,Lndtngs and a capacitance) and the operatiorm. mode (both continuous excitation and with radio-pulse feed) are discussed. Investigations showed that when using oxifer!12000, the characteristics of the para- metron, in pulse operation are Identical to those obtained with continuous operation. In the course of the experiments different regimes or modes were developed for ferrites of different types. Data are given for a P62 parametron using oxifer-2000 cores mea- suring 7 x 4 x 2, mm. After the preliminary tests described above, work was conducted on a working model of a long-term cal3acitance memory device (DEZU), with the next. problem consisting of the.developmeni of parametrons as generators with phase syn- chronization from the readout signals received from the memory (DEZU). It is shown eiat the DEZU output provides small signals which cannot be used without prelimiadry amplification. On the other hand, the use of parametrons at the output makes it possible, in the first place, to obtain signals at least one order greater in comparison with resonance circuits and, In the second place, to terminate the parametrou output in low- ohm loads, which Is impossible with resonance circuits. Further details are given 2/3 Card ACCESSION NR: AT4026354 regarding possible techniques to be used in matchi~k the par=etron with the memory output and expectable performance data of such a system. Orig. arL has: 10 figures-.- ASSOCIATION: None .SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16APr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE, CP NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 3/3 Card -WSR/Yedicine Plastic Surgery Dee 52". "Treatment of Chronic Osteozyalltils by a Closed Surgical IL-thod, Using Preserved Cartilage to ~Ml in the Osseous Cavity Resulting From the Operation," A-G. Fedotenkov, Contaminated Section,, Surgical 'Clinic, Cent Inst of Hems- tol and Blood Transfusion "Kh' urgiya" So 12, pp 5T-64 Detailed presentation.of the various aspects Of Vlastic surgery,in osteonyelitis describing a recently adopted. method of using preserved 2391!39 cartilage in replacing the infected bone. Tb~6 cartilage is obtained from the bodv of a de- ceased h- and may be preserved in special soln. .The use otheterogenous cartilage'is still in ita exptl stage. This article is supported by pbatographs, demonstrating.the efficiency of tUa method of plastic surgery. The preservative. i6ba consists of saccharose (40g), glucose (2-5g), N~kci (0.59), sodium sulfacyl (1g) nulfathiazc~ podium (1g), and Avanol (0.006g)pin 500 cc of distd water. -FEDOTEWOVj_A& G.-and BOLOTN=vA., r. "A Study of the Action of Anticytolysin (Antihistamine) Sub- stanceson Molds-During- Tissue Preservations" by A~_L. Fedotenkov. and F. 1. Bolotnikova, Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hema- tology and Blood Transfusion (director, A. A. Eagdasatov, Corre- sponding Members Academy of Medical Sciences USSR), Ministry of Health USSR, Problemy Gematologii i Pereli-VaniXe, Kravis Vol 1, No 5, Sep/Oct 56, pp 55-56 Diprozine and ethizine (white crystalline powders used intravenouly fortberapeutic purposes) are useful preservatives for skins bone, car- tilage, nerve, endocrine glands, etc. Diprozine and ethizine in concen- trationa of 1.g/ 1,000 ml down to 0.4 g/ 1,OCO til are active in depress- Ing Pold growth (Aspergilluss Mucor, and Penicilliumi) but the best con- centration Is 1 g/ IsOOO ml. k0 --7A M11A 7ec Vol 13 Nn-ery Aur"st 50 4109.(1058) A MASS ORGANIZATION OF CATTLE CARTILAOE PROVISION AND STORAGE FOR USE IN PLASTIC SUROERY IftussiAn text) - Pedotenkov ._An-ft - VESTN.KHIR. 1958, 61/10 (64-67) ------------ -The difficulty encountered in storage of human cadaver cartilage induced the author to use animal cartilage. In 20 patients with chronic osteomyelitis treated surgical- ly the resultant bon* cavity was filled with hoterogenous cartilage, This policy was followed by results a: good as those with the use of homogenous cartilage. -This led to the elaboration of mothod,for securing a mass provision of cattle cartilage and for organizing adequate long-lasting storage. These measures are described in de- tail. 0L FEDOTENKOV A.G.1 NEFEDUVA, N.A.j DISHYJM, I.?. Preparation and preservation of bone marrow. Probl, gemati perel. krovi 6 no.246-49 161, (KRA 14:2) (MMOW.~-TRAMPLWATION) PEDOTENKOV, A.G.; DANIWV,Ay L.A.1 PMVAp LD* .Study of the histological ebanges in cadaver skin during the process of its preservation in solutions* Problsgemati p ere 1. krovi no.744-47 162o (min 1519) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena, lenina Thstitata gematologii i perelivemlys, krovi, (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) Himisterstva zdravookhraneniya SM (SKB MAnING) (CADAVMi) (TISSUES-PRESEVATTON) FEDOM DANILDVA, L.A.; DISEWT, I.P. Prevervation of the skin by freeze-drying teobnico Probl.gemat. i pftelokrovi no.945-48 162. (KMX 15212) 11 lz Tsentrallmogo ordena lanina lns+,ita+.a emiatologii i pare- livaniyiL krovi (diro --~ dotoent A.76. Kivel:vl Ministerotwa adravookhrananiya WAL (T33SU M-PPM]MVATION) (SKU MUFMG) FDOTENK)VI SHISHM, I.D.1 IZVITSUIAg LsA. ft"zing of bons marrov for its proservation'at low tempeftturs Repo# noao Proble gamt. i perele krovi 8 no,5sl6-22 JV'63. (KM 1637) le In TSentrap-pago Orden& lanins inatituta gematologii i perelivaniya krbyi (direktor - dot~msnt A.TeoXiselev) i'Nauchno- ia&Udovatellskogolustituta skepbrimentalluoy khirargichemkoy apparatmT i instruentoy. (direktor H.G-la-vilyev). (TISSUES.FMMLVATION) (NALUW.) FEDOTENKOV, A.G.; DANILOVA, L.A.; IOTLILMVA, N.A.; 1)1'*,',IK,'-.[;'I', I.P. Preservation of bone marrow in a plastic container. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.1:35-40 Ja 164. (MIRA 18; 1) 1. Iz laboratorii koncervirovaniya tkaney (zav. - A.G. Fedotenkov) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (direktor dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev). DISHKANT, I.P.; FEDOTENKOV, A.G.; SUKYASYAN, G.V. Closed method of collecting bons marrow from donors and patients. Probl. gemst. i perel, krovi 9 no.11135-38 N 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. TSentrallnyy ordens. Lenina institut gematologir i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev), Moskva. FLDJraAOV, N.- F. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of dconomic iciences at the Institute of Scon=icn "Economic Transformations at the First-4age of the -socialist Revolution in Poland.!' Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4j. 1963, pp 3.19-145 NAPIEVICH9 0.9 atarshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik; FEDOTENKOVp Yu.9 inzh.-tekhno2og; KLIM(Ni-V. (g*Yeaaentuki) Self- service is #proving. Obshohestvopit, no*4-.-27-29 Ap 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1, Nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut torgovli i obahchestvennogo Pitaniya (for Narkevich). 2. Upravleniye obshchestvennogo pitaniya Ministerstva torgovli USSR (for Fedotenkov)o (Restaurantag 3.uncbroomsp eta#) The article 9f.A,N,.8n&rskIi,.~r.D. Isdotankova and S.T. Selisna on the WIFormation of velaox0ceritesO (irom wSovets"ta, geologiiag no.47..-1955), 0901, nefti 1 no,4:71-3 of ooTer Ap 137.(KM '1018) (Osocerites) (9niarsk-ii, A*N.) (Yedotemkova, N.D.) (Zalizn&. 4T.) Y'uUlll the flye-year plan In 4 years@ Bov.profooluzy 4 no.8:47-" Ag 156. (Km 9:10) loGruppovey organizater professionalinoge soyusa perroge otdolonlya sada-sovkhoza nool, (Kalbyshev Provincia-State fame YEDOTIONOK, A.Aj, kandidat takhnicbeekikh nauk. dotsent. _,_, 'of Kinematic structure machine tools. Issl. v obl. metalloresh, stan. no-3:7-47 '55. (XLRA 1W) (Machinery, Kinematics of) (Machine tools) IAICUN, Ashot Q*ds.onovioh;jIWZMjQL,", kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk, PTITSYN, Gennadly Anstollyevich; XOXICHCV, Valentin Nliolayevich; M A.A. kandtekhn.nauk, dotse4t, retsenzent; SEEAVLTUGA, N.I,tand. i~.nat*, dotoent, red.; BORODULINA, I.A., red.isdatelletya: SPAWSKATA, O.Y., tekhn,red, [Gear-cutting machines; a handbook) Zuborexnye stanki; spravochnoe posobie. Izd.2-os, dop.1 perer. Hoakva, URRhinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 448 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Gear-cutting machines) W-A ACHIMN, JI.Se: TJRKAKOT.T.T.; IGNATIM. N.Y.; XAUFW, L.K.: 'PUSH, V.2.1 FADOMOL A.A.- IMARIZONDOT, I.Y.; KRRYXDZ' A.I.; TUMN, 7.9,; RAVAIdaro r1egrInIcnearikh-naukl doteentl OLIEDUR, A.T.; kandidat takhnicheakikh nAuk, dotlent; ALIUMV. P.O., kardidat takhni- cheakikh nauk. %Chins tools" 'by T.A.Bravichav '&3A others. Ravieved by B.S. Acherkan and others, Yestomash. 37 no-3:87-91 MY 157. (KLRA-10:5) 1.Xafedre "NoWloresbushchiya staWdu Moskovskogo stankoinstrumen- tallnogo instituts. (Acherken, Yermakov, Ignat'rev, Kaufman, ftsh, 7640tenok, Kharisomeuov. Khrykoz) (Machine tools) FADLYMNOX, A.A.. Imnd.takhn.nank, dots. donparative analysis of the kinematic structure of some metal- cutting machines. Izv.vys.ucheb.z&v.-, rashinostr. no.4:133- 149 '58. (MML 12:8) 1e Hookovokly'stankoinstrumentallziry inetitut In. Stallis. (mmmt1s tools) FAD j_A,4.,.$,,jcand.tskhn.nauk; MSTZGBL7V, Tu.A., kand.takhnonank, ~~OM-q reteensent; ACHARKAN, N*V.g prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; OMMNOTA, S.I., (Kinematic couplinas in machina tools] rinamaticheaUs aviazi v metalloreshushchikh stankakho Xoskval Gonsuauchno-tekhnoiad-vo mashinostroltelit-ryg 1960. 298 1). (NM 13;5) (Machine tools) Nachinery. Kinematics of) PEM I BOOK EXPLOITATICK sav/4l.91 Fedotenok, A.Ae. Candidate of Techniua Sciences Kinewaticheakiye svyazi v meta3lorer-hushchikh stankakh (Kinematic Couplings 3!n Metval-Cutting Machine Tools). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 2W p. Errata sUp inserted, 8,000 copies~priutede Reviewer: Yus A. Yevotegneyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: N.S. Acherkan, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Working and Tool Makings V.Va. Rzhavinskiy, Engineer; Tech. Ed,: A.I.'Cheraova. PUrd"=-. This book is intended for engineers and techn' eians. It can also be used by students at machine-building vuzes. COVERAGE: The book gives a systematic exposition of the method of analyzing the kinematic structure of metal-cutting.machins tools consisting of both mechanical. and noumechanical - hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical - couplings. The general theoretical aspects of the method make it possible to reduce the kinematic system of a machine tool of any ccmplexity to one of the few basic systems. car&~ Kinematic Couplings In Nets,1-Cutting Machine Tools SOV/4191 A caspamtive OwLIpis is made of the Idnmatic system of a nmb*r of Soviet an& foreign metal-cutting machine tools. The author mentions the vork of G.M. Golovin in this field. There are 12 Soviet references. TABLE OF CORTMUS'.- Introduction I, Geometric Realization of 8urfaces II. Classification of Motions in Machine,Tools 111. Structu" of a Kinematic Groo IV. Kinematic Structure of Machine Tools With Mechanical Kinematic Complings 1. General "pacts 2. General method of analyzing the structure of metal-cutting machine tools and the kinmatic adJustment of machine tools 3 5 17 30 53 53 72 Card 2/4 KUCHER, Alekaandr Mikhavlovich,kand. tekhn. nauk,- KIVATITSKIY, Mikhail Moiseyevich; POKfIOVSXIY,, Antoniy Aleksandrovich; .IFFMENOK, A.A., doktor tekho. nauk, retsenzent; TSYPKIN, M.Ye.,, inzh.,, retsensent; SHAVLTUGA, N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A.I., red. iad-va; LEYKINA, T'.L.,, red. izd-va; KUREPINAI G.N., red. isd-va; SHCHETININA, LI V~- tAkhn. red. (machine tools; album of general design; kinematic diagrams and units] Metalloreshushchis stanki; allbom obahchikh vi- dov, kinematiVheskikh skhem i uzlov. Pod obahchei red. A.M. Nuchera. KoskTa, Mashgis, 1963. 282 p. (MIRA 16.-7) (Machine tools-Design and construction) RABKINp A.Lj FEDOTENOKj A,Asp profop retsenzentj VLADIMIROV, V.m., inzh.0 kidd. [Relieving machine tools] Zatylovocbmye otanki, Moskva Mashinostroeniep 1964. 3.48 P. (MIRA 17:121 AC991UN,, Naum Samoylovich,, zaal. deyatelf nauki i tekhnIk'L RSF,,M,, doktor teklin. nauk,prof*; GAVRYUSHIN, A.A.; TERMAKOV, V.'V.j ICNATOYEV., N.V.; UKOYLOp A.A.; KUDINOV, V.A.; KUDRYASHOV, A.A.1 LISITSYN, N.M.1 MIKHETEV, Yu.Ye.; FUSHk4ia-jj 4. - ;O.N.; F=TZNOXp,A.A%j KIIOMYAKOVI V,Sj ABANKIN, V.I., iuzhop retsentent (Metal-cutting machines in two vol=esj Ketallorezhushchie stanki. [v dvukh tomakh). Pod red. N.S.Acherkann. Moskva, Mashinostroonie. -441o2. 2. perer. izd. 1965. 628 p. (MIRA 18:12) ACHERKANI N.S.p doktor tekbn. nauk) prof.0 zaal. dayatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR; GAVRYUSHINp A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,- YERNAKOV, V.V.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; IWAVM, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KAKOYLO, A.A., inzh.; KUDIhTOV, V.A.p kand, tekhne nauk; KUDRYASIIOV, A.A.) kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; LISITSYN, N.M.# kand. tekhn, nauk, dots*; MIKMEW, Yu.Ye.j dots.) FUSH,V.E., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TRIFIONOV, D.N., kanq. tekhn. nauk,, dots.; 1~~DGTENOK A I., doktor tekhn. nauk, 'prof.; KHOMYAKOV, V.S.I9ttffTeIM-. nauk; ABANKIN~ V.I.p inzh.p retsenzent (Metal cutting machines] Metallorezhushchie stanki. Moskva, Mashinostroenies VoLlo 1965. 764 p. (MIRA 18:10) e Dmnumt), "Research wor'ks on the physico-mechanical properties of electrolytic deposits of copper; nickel, chrome) zinc and cadmium". Noted that such properties of deposits as magnitude of Internal stresses,, hardness, durability) electric resistance and others, frequently depend on their crystal structure, thickness, conditions of electrolysis, rN electrolyte, presence of hydrogen In the deposit. Also every metal has its own peculiarities. There was attempted a generalization of causes, inlluencing the physico-mechanical properties of electroprecipitated metals. Report presented at the intervus Conference on Electrodeposition of Nonferrous-Metalsp Ural Polytechnical Institute in S. M. Kirov, Sverdlavsk, held from 27-3o may 1963. (Reported in Tlgvetnyye Metally, No. 10, 1963, pp. 82-34) JPRS 24,651 19 may 64 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1348 Fedotikovj Aleksandr Petrovich ---------------- Kratkiy spravochnik tekhnologa-mashinostroitelya (Brief Handbook for the Machine-building Technologist) Moscow, Oborongizp 195T* ~5AOOO copies printed* Ed*: Yevstigneyeva, IsVe; Teche Ede: Tarakanova, I*I. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians in airplane and machine-b-ailding plants. It may also be used by students of vuzes and technical collegese COVERAGE: This pocket-sized handbook presents basic facts and-in- formation on Soviet engineering sfandards, parocesses, and ma- terials* The first chapters contain lists of technical abbre- viations,, symbols,, and drafting standards. There are trigono- metriop logarithimlop and conversion tables as well as funda- mental mathematical formulas. The author presents the principles of mechanics and the fundamentals of physics. Several chapters Card 1/5 Brief Handbook for the Machine Building (Conte) SOV/1348 are devoted to standard Soviet steels and alloys. Principles of tolerances and allowances are explained. Machine and thread-outting operations are discussed., followed by chapters on welding and the thermal treatment of metals* There are numerous illustrations and diagramso No personalities are mentioned and there are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Greek Alphabet 6 Size of Drawingsj Scales Symbols for Some General Technological Quantities Abbreviations for Units of Measurement 9 Meaning of Prefixes to Units of the Metric System 10 Nomograms of Praotional Powers of Numbers insert Table of-Trigonometrio.Ametions Some Numerical Values 11 Fowersp Rootep Natural Logarithms, Circumferences and Areas of Circles 12 Comparison of Various Units of Measurement 17 Card 2/5 Brief Handbook for the Machine (Cont.) SOV/1348 Formulas ror Temperature Conversion 18 Mechanical Thermal Nquivalent of Heat 18 . Thermal Equivalent or Work :3.8 Interrelations of Various Units of Force q18 Interrelations of Units of Work .19 Interrelations of Units or Power 20 Equivalents of Various Units of Power 21 Interrelations of Units of Pressure 22 Relation Between Practleal and Absolute Units of Measure of Electric and Magnetic Quantities 23 conversion of Anglo-American Units to Metric Units 24 international Electric Units 29 Some Physical Constants 31 Chemical Symbols anO Specific Gravity of the Most Im- portant Elements 32 Specific Gravity of Some'Materialis 34 Designation of Heat-resistant and Stainless Steels 35 Materials and-Their Mechanical Properties 36 , VM65-1 Alloys Basic Mechanical Properties of MA3.,, MA8 4 . Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Rolled Stook ~ 4 Cea-d 3A Brief Handbook for the Machine (Conto) SOV/1348 Coefficient of Linear Expansion of Some Alloys 49 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cemented Carbides 50 Hardness Saale of Abrasive Tools 51 Hardness Sdale of Steele 52 Standard Diameters and Lengths bl Minimm Bending Radii of Sheet Metal 62 :Kinizwm, Bending Rad-4i of Steel and Durallumin Tubing 64 Mating Radii,, Chamfers and Tolerances 65 Standard.Machinizig Diameters 66 mLchining Operations Allowances and Tolerances Between 67 Tolerancesand Pits 93 r .Voleranoes for Drop Forgings 120 Tolerances for Steel Castings 124 Ball- and Roller Bearings. Fits 126 fronspeoified Tolerances 129 Tolerance for Nonferrous.C*stings 140 Vanish Threadsand Thread Relief M Wrench Openings and Nut Sizes 153 600 Countersunk Centering Holes 155 Ehurling 157 Metric Threads 160 Card 4/~ Brief Handbook for the Machine Building (Cont.) SOV/1348 Reinforced Metric Threads 164 Formulas for Basic Machining Time and Tool Life In Thread Cutting lT6 FDrmlas for Calculating Cutting Speeds, Torque and Power :L.a Thread Cutting 8 5 Reinforced Metric Threads With Tight Fit 0 K~trio Threads With Close Pit 184 Metric Threads With Loose Fit 186 Stamping With Rubber [Guerin Process) ~188- Coeffiaient of Cutting Speed in Turning and Drilling Pkitals 199 Inert Gas Shield Are Welding 203 Hetat Treatment~of Steels 230 Cktneral*Characterdstia of Basic Types of Thermo-chemical Treatments of Steel 242 Tapers 250 Surface Roughnees of Maohine Parts 252 iVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TJ 151-A) OCVrj 4-2-5-9 Card .5/5 t Ch- 'PARASEVICK. R.N., dotsent, retsenzent; CHANTAM. X.Y., Insh., rods; DOOOKOLOYA, x.r., isdaed.; PUXHLIKOVA, NOIA., [Brief handbook for mechanical anginseral Iratkii sprsvoclmlk toldinologa-mashinostroitelis. IzdO2.0 rer, Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn.isd-vo Oborongize 196C- rol P, (KERA 14:3) (mechanical engineering) IFEDOTINAt A. (Dneprodzerzhinsk) The honor is high but the obligations are heavy. Izobr. i rats. ;no.3zlO-12 Mr 161~ (KUU 14:3) 1e Starehiy inshener Byuro aodeyotviya ratsionalizataii i lzobretatellotvu VasprodsersUftlogo koksokhimiebaskogo savada, g. Dneprodzerzhinsk* . (Dneprodzerzhinsk-Coke industry-Technological innoTations) GOLIDIN. H.: BRODSKIY, V.; MOTINA, V. Kicrospectrophotometr7 of protein inclusions to plant calls# Zhuro obobiole 17 no,,53393-395 3-0 156, (MINA 9112) I# Inatitut mikrobiologii Akademil nauk SSSR, Institut morfologii zhivotrqkh imeni A.Y.Severteova Akadamii nauk SSBR. (PIAP2 CX= AND TISSURS) (NUCISOPRO"IRS) (SPICTROPHOICKETRY) (7LUMSCENCI HICROSOMY) USSR Virology Plant Viruses. E Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.., No 9, 1958, 36186. Author : Goldin, M6 I., Fedotina, V. Lf Inst :Not Siyen, Title :Distribution of Pr otein (Virusl Inclusions in Different Cactus Species. Orig Pub: Byul. Gl. botan. sada. AN SSR, 1956, No 26, 80-84. Abstract: From these authors' data, the character of cactus mosaic, formerly described by other Investigators, is not related to protein virus inclusions. As a result of investigating 65 cactus species, re- lated to 13 different families, protein inclusions were found for the first time in the following 6 species: Echinocereus procumbens (indtvidual threads, collected in a cluster); Phyllocactus Card 1/2 40 s, el S-5 1e-, USSR / Virology - Plant Viruses,. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958~ 38186. Abstract: oxypetalus (thin threads, or wider ones through the whole Oell-length; ring-like or loop-like inclusions are found); Cereus peruvianus (spind- les, composed of i0ose threads); Cereus Bonplandii (spindles composed of thread clusters); Echinopsis nigerrima (spindles composed of short, wide clUst- erd of loose threads); Pereskia undulate (thin spindles)s Tabular data are given on physico- chemical characteristics of virus-inclusions in cactus (crystalline and X-bodies), and their dif- ferentiation from non-virus crystalline inclusions. Five drawings and photographs. Card 2/2 GOLIDIN, Ks; INA, T, Blootron ularcsoopo 'zodution at' Im"tioux %slommina tiesuoi for virus-like pgtitWee. Dokl,. AN SSIM 108 no'*5053-954 is 156. (WA gsIO) I* PWI virusev. r"toWir Instituts ulkra%lolbol Akadowli nauk BSSV,,o I*iPtavlano,almdomikoft Telit Sh ashIulkqipyuo (BAUM) (TiM t 7 Li siil~i RV~TrJi,~-, Vo it a Tmt6,.!t,!,cn of iobut;,--a vLrvu in the rflem b,7 the ultrathin mni,'Uonbig method. 'Fzv. 'Q4 Ssr. b1cl, ro.43601-605 JI-Ag 164. 17r:10) i. itiAitut mikrob!ologil All S-",!'R. CF.SENTIYAN, U.G.; FEDarm, V.L.I.ROBISHEVA, Z.N. Change in the properties of Pseudomonas fluore3cens under the in- fluance of plants, Agrobiologiia no.106-62 Ja-F 163. (M1RA 18:4) 1. Moskovskoye otdoleniye Voesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellakogo instituta seliskokhozyaystvannoy mikrobiologii. SOV/64-50-6-2/15 AUT11TORS: Kurnosov, K. P., Fedotina, Z. Y h . Razumovakiy, S. D.9 . - Khanukayeva, Yu. I. TITLE: The Pyrolysis of jA&bt'MhtLUate CkS~(;ft,*1ft7,a%cvogo benzina) Study of Pyrolysis Under Laboratory Conditions (Izucheniye piroliza v laboratornykh usloviyakh) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1958, 11r 6, pp 33o-332 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the realization of the plan to step up the development of the chemical industry also the demand for ethylene is going to rise rapidly so that it will be- come necessary to find now sources of raw materials. The use of liquefied qas obtained from natural gas is of inter- est from this point of view. Due to the few references obtainable the present analyses were carried out only on a laboratory scale. Liquefied gas obtained from Tuymazinsk was used in the process. The distillation was carried out in a Podbill- nyakh column. A schematic drawing of the laboratory unit used for the pyrolysis is giXen. The complete analysis of Card 1/t the gas obtained by pyrolycib was performed by means of the The Pyrolysis of IA&tt Djitillate oil SOV/64-56-6-2/15 Study of Pyrolysis Under Laboratory Conditions apparatus atTaIATIM Band the analysis of the unsaturated com- pounds and hydrogen by means of the apparatus a:"VTI . It is pointed out that no far-reaching decomposition of the gasoline is achievsd by the pyrolysis of liquefied gas at temperatures below 600 . A Iengthenirg of the contact tine doen not re- sult in an increase of the ethylene yield. A comparison of the results obtained proves that the ethylene yield is in- creased when the contact time is shortened while temperature is increased. Moreover, as a consequence of higher tempera- ture, more acetylene is obtained, which again can be turned into ethylene by hydration. Tests in the presence of steam proved that the total amount of cot-_e, rosino, and los3es is somewhat lower than in the pyrolysis performed in the absence of steam. According to the authors,optimum conditions are; a temperature of 825-835 0, a maximum contact time of 'I second, and a dilution with steam to the extent of 10-15 per cent by weight. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 1 reference, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/9 'Ina the )p t in- n, 1 zi, r, el U r Tr Jt Vf 5 li cl v L 10537-66 EW(d)ASS-2 ACC NR: AR5018763 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/65/000/007/AO09/AO09 SOURCE: Ref. xh. Radiotekhnika i alektrosvyaz'. Svodnyy tom, Abe. 7A63 AUTHOR: Fe~~- TITLE: Optimal reception of random-duration signals CITED SOURCE: Uch, nape Mordovsk-. un-(. vyp. 36. 1964, 98-92 TOPIC TAGS: radio gomim radio reception, r1 0 Al f-204. A-,# r^op 0o 6:AJ.-0,0 TRANSLATION; An optimal method to considered of receiving signals whose random duration is a multiple of the interval ar j also, the quality of such an optimal receiver is appraised. Starting from a deflnite instant, observation Is conducted over a sequence of intervals until the decision about absence of the signal within the interval is made. Thereupon. the nun2ber of intervals during which the signal ham been continuously observed is counted, and Card -UDC; 621.391.17 L 10537-66 ACC NR: ARS018763 0 the decision about the signal duration to passed. A general formula describing the receiver structure in dieveloped an the basis of a known pulse amp-Litude and a known distribution of amplitude values. Tha average riak is selected as an estimator, and the average-risk minimum, as an optimAlity criterion: 9o+ (I-PA cis)-cg) ~. I - I - then: > , N a, (y,19) ' 1. a, (yelo) = o. Ph at (YOM - I - The total risk, in receiving arbitrary-duration signals, to found by calculating the probabilities of correct and false decisions in the processing of input data according to an optimal rule. Bibl. SUB CODE: 17 .Cord FMOTKINP D.V. (Leningrad V-26., V.O... Bollshoy prospek-tl d.60b., kv.12) Resection of the esophagus for cancerg with intrathoracia anaBtomosis) in m, patient having had a previous astrec- tomy. Grudekhir, 4 no*6:100-101 N-DI(2. IMM 16:10) (ESOPMUS-CAMERNO . . 0' : I FEU)OTKYff , D. T. (jeningrad, V.0.,, Bol'shoy pr., d. 60-'b., kv.12) Preaervation of the blood supply of the stomach in the for- mation of a high intrathoracia asophago-gastric anastomosise Vestn. khir. Grekov. 90 no.4tl8-22 Ap'63 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz fakulitetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki ( zav. - prof. A.A. Rusanov) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinskogo institu- 77777TT? FSDOTKIK, D.T. ~Leningrad, V.O.., Bollshoy pr.p d, 62 kv.12) Mechanism of jaundice arising follow-Ing intrathoracie eso- phagogastro-anastomosis. Vest. khir. 91 no.7t23-25 J1163 (MIRA 16t12) 1, Iz fakulitetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof, A.A.Rusanov )Ianingradskogo pediatrichookogo meditsinskogo instituta. GORBASHKO, A.I. (Leningrado Novocherkaoskiy prospekt, 25, kv.48); ROGOZOV, L.I.; FEDOTKIN., D.V. Topography of the principal vessela of the stomach and their signifi- cance in surger,-, Vast. khir. 92 no-3149-55 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1, 1z fakulltetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.A.Rusanov) Leningradskogo pediatrichaskogo moditainakogo institute i ob"yedinennoy bolinitsy Jmeni Kuybysheva (glavnyy vrach - Ye.V.Mamyshava). "I T-T-V-T. A.; ATAMY", B.; BYCEW, V.; n=MWVA, L.; MYMIZA, X.; ZAEUWVA, L.-, IDDCEMV, V.; RLDTUXII, X.; SPJ3XO=IY, T.; FZD09---.- KIN, 1. FOLINDHOT, L.; TSIKBUIDT, G.; SHMTAN, R.; SWIN. M. tI.M.-AW letter to the editor. Neftekhose 33 no*6:92 D 135. (XLRA 94) .(Oil well 4rilliW-Squipsent and supplies) Inzh.; TOBILEVICH, N.Yu., kand.tekbn.nauk, dotsenC Beat exhchange in the downward motion of a liquid In the boiler.pipes of vertical evaporators and evaporating apparatus. Izv. vys. ucheb. zave; energe 4 no-11:70-76 N '61. (MM 14:12) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnoloelcheskiy institut pishchevoy provWshlenno5ti. Predstavlena kafedroy teploenergetiki. (Heat-Transmission) (Evaporating appliances) TOBILEVICH, N.Yu.;,_~~IN~_ The once-through system of Ue operation of industrial evapora- ting apparatuses. Trudy KTIPP no.24:82-89 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Sugar manufacture) (Evaporating appliances) TOBILEVICH, N.Yuo; FEDOTKIN.. 'Investigating the performance of industrial evaporating appa- 161. .ratuses. Trudy KTIPP no.24:90-96 (YIRA 15:6) ~(Evaporating appliances-Testing) (Sugar manufacture)