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MOROVICH,V.P. AL ftni, a long-Veriod Cepheid variable. Per.svesd. 10 no.2:123-124 Jo 54. (MM 8:9) 1* Astronoutchookiy Soyst AN SOOR (Stan , Variable) FEDOFDVICH, V.P. AA Cephat and the now variable star SPZ 1205 Caphei. Per. svesdy 10 no.5035 155- (MLRA gig) 1. Astronomicbeekly s ovet AN SSSR. Hookys.. (Stars, Variable) ,ROV/35-59-8-6225 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurmal, Astronomiya. i Oeodeziya, 1959, Nr 8, p 18 AUTHOR: Fedorovich, V.P. PERIODICAL: Astron. teirkulyar, 1958, February 25, Nr 18% pp 17 - 18 ABSTRACT: The stars with emission in Ho, in the region of t Ori were analyzed on the basis of 53 plates obtained with a 50-cm Maksutov telescope of the Alma-Ata observatory (JD 2435480 - 35519) and 14 plates obtained at different times with different instruments. A list of stars, which were fotmd to be variable or were suspected of being variable is given, N.P.K. Variable Stard'%4n Orim Card 1/1 71DOROVICH, V.P.(Mookva) 1. AN Cassiopetas. Astrou.tair. no.20:11(4.- is 159. (stars. Variable) (MIRA 13-.4) -1 --,nWOR T~qg 1-1-A9 Nokya) Investigating f our variable otars in Aquila. Astron.tair. W.202:16 Jo 159. (MRA 13:4) (Stars. Varlable) FIDOROVICH, V.P. Bev variable stare SVS 1272-1274. Astron.teir, no,204-.15-16 8 159. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Antrotevot Ali SSSRO Kookm. (stars, Variable) - Variable stars in ths6;"'Orivnia region. Fer.zvezdy 13 'noe3--l6&-l8q D 160, (MM 14111) 1. Astronomicheokiy sovet A.N SSsR. (Stars, Variable) YEDOROVEHI V.F' I -Two variable*otara in.Aquila. Nrozvezdy 13 no*4:296-299 Mr 161o (KM& 3.510) 1, Aotronomichookiy Sovet AN SSSR, tbekva. (Stars, Variable) FEDOROVICHO V.P. Displacement of the maxigan of the luminosity curve for long- period Cepheida depending on the wave length. Per.avezdy 13 no.5040-3" Je 161. (MIRL 15:8) 1. Astronomicheakiy soyet AN SSSR, Moskva. (Cepheids) ------FEDOROVICH,--V.P..--- . - Investigating variable stars in Aquila. Per.zvezdy 13 no*5069-372 Je 161. (MIRA. 15:8) 1 1. Astronomicheskly sovet AN SSSR I Moskva. (Stars, Variable) TASHUNSM, V.G.; FEDOROVICH, V.S.; YHOLODOV, L.Ye. Synthesis of 3-alkyl sydnone iminea. Zhur. VKHO 8 no-5: 583-584 163. (KM 17:1.) 1. Vooooyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy lchiTaiko-farmateevti- cheekly inatitut ilmeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. YASfIUIISKlY, V.G.; FLEOROVICH) V.S. ---- WAW*"W"-- Sydnones and sydnone imines. Part 23'- Bromination of sydnone Imines. Zhur. ob. klAm. 134 no.9:3075-3078 S 1,514. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchnn-isslcdovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy Institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. 1-41 'T 4 (4) PHASE I 1300,K EXPLOITATION SOV12608 Andreyev, Pavel Alekseyevich, Andray An4reyevich Kanayev, and Yevgeniy Danilovich Fedorovich Zhidkometallicheskiye teplonositeli yadernykh reaktorov (Liquid-Metal Heat-Transfer Agents of Nuclear Reactors) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1959. 383 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A.A. Kanayevj Edo (Inside book): Ye. No Shaurak; Scientific Edo: S.A. Serdyukov; Tech. Ed.s N. V. Brastova. PUR~DSE: This bpok is intended for enginpers and technologistsworking in plants and designing organizatiops., and also.,Jor students in poVer engineering and ship-building vuzed an4 takhnikunso COVERAGE: The book contains inform4tion from foreign sources on the properties of liquid-metal heatrtransfer agents or nuolbar reactors. The following aspects of the subject are studiedi heat capacity ,(liquid phase. during boiling and condenaatXon)j interactions of liquid metals with structural materialsi methods of removing im- Car(L~_ Liquid-Metal (Cont.) 30V/2608 purities from metalaj structural characteristics of equipment and the operation of Installations with liquJ4-met4l heat-transfer agents. The introduction formulates requirements for heat- transfer agents and means of increasing the efficiency of atomic power stations-operating on liquid-metal heat-trqmefer agents. A considerable part of the foreign data is contained in the "Liquid Metals Handbook" published in the United States. In cases where references for physical constants and other values Are not cited in this book, they will be foun4 in this handbook. The authqrs thank professor A.F. Alabyshev, Doctor of Physioal Sciences., and A.V. Allkimovich for his advice, and also., N.N. Yevdokimova for technical assistance in drafting the illostrations. There are 171 references: 34 Soviet and 137 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Authors 3 Introduction .5 C q=L_Q1q_- ACC NR, AM6OO866�-__C/, Ta) Andreyevp Pavel ~lekseyevich; Gremilov, Dmitriy Ivanovichj ej~y -Danilovich Heat exchangers in nuclear power plants (Teploobmenyye aipparaty yadernykh energeticho- skikh ustanovok) Leningradt Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniye". 65. 0351 p'. illus.0 biblio. Errati slip inserted. 2,550 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power planto heat exchanger, atomic energy plait equipment, nuclear reactor coolant PURPOSE AND COVFRAGE: Th'e book examines problems of design and introduces methods for heat, hydrodynamic, and strength calculations of heat exchangers in nuclear'power plants. Particular attention is given to primary heat exchangers and their design features. The book is intended for specialists working in the field of nuclear power plant constructicin. It may serve as an aid to designers of heat exchangers in other branches of engineering,, or as a text for students specializing in related fields at technical schools and institutions of higher learning. TAME OF CCHTENTS, (abridged)& Authors' foreword-3 Ch. 1. Heat exchangers in heat transfer circuits of -nuclear power plants-5 Ch. IL Design ot heat exchangers-32 ACC NRs AM6008009 Ch. III. Heat and 1wdrodynamio calculatiorm of heat exohm4are-247 Ch. IV. Strength'calculations-223 - Ch. V. Selection'of structAwal materials-265 Appendices-283 Bibliography-344' SUB C=s - 18,p 20 SWU DATEs 200ct,65 aM m73 079 C.,d 2/2 24(8) 06560 SOV/170-59-9-1/18 AUTHOR: Fedorovich, Ye.D. TITLEi Heat Emission of a Plate in a Turbulent Boundary Layer of Incompressible Liquid at Pr 46e- 1 PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 9, PP 3-11 (USM) ABSTRACT; The flow of a liquid with a value of Yr 4,< 1 represents a heat conductive and low-viscous liquid for which the thickness of the dynamic boundary layer near any surface Is less than the thickness of the thermal layer 6~ The author studied heat exchange of such a liquid starting from theTintegral equation given by Formula 1. This equation can be solved provided that the distribution of temperatures and velocities within the thermal layer is known. To determine the former, the distribution of the "turbulent" heat conductivity 36T over the thickness of the thexpal layer should be known, which is not the case in general. To carry out the calculations the author assumes 2 schemes corresponding to different initial relations for the XT distribution. In the first scheme it is assumed that tangent stresses in the dynamic layer are distributed linearly, which Is expressed by Formula 4. Then the average value of the Nusselt number Card 1/3 for the whole plate can be expressed by Formula 18 which is satisfactorily 06560 SOV/170-59-9-1/18 Heat Emission of a Plate in a Turbulent Boundary Layer of Incompressible Liquid at Pr