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m 77836 SOV/57 -30--3 -3/15
See Fij~. I caption on Carct 5/12
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 778--c6
19 OV/57 -30 -3 -3/15
Fig. 1. Diagram of the experimental 3et-ul):, (1)
electron gun; (2) collector; (3) resonator.
The energy of the Injected electrons could be varied
1-2 Kev. Magnetic field H between the stoppers
was between 200-300 gauss? r--,cperiment showedit was
sufficient to have Hn/H 0 = 2-3. Space modulation
was achieved by a system of opposing coils,. L was
5-7 em, number of periods n = 5. The modu-1ating mag-:-
netic field was 20-30 gauss; the vacuum chamber was
9 cm diam; the distance between the -s-loppers., 100 cm.
The electron gun was proaucing a tubular e:~.ectron
beam 3.0 em diam, and the electron current could reach.
100 ma * Ulorking pressure in the system was maintained
at 2.10-6 mm Hg. The authors detected accumulation of
electrons by shift in resonant frequency o;'Othe
measuring space resonator in Fig. 1. A 10- CM3
Card 5A1 electron density was measured at a pressure Of 10-5 Mr.
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 77836
Hg of hydrogen in the chamber. Charges were trapped
only when condition (2) was satisfied. Figure 2
shows the relation between space-charge potential
and magnitude of the Injection current.
Fig. 2. Relation between potential at, a distance of
2-5 cm frr axis and.magnitude of injected current.
Card 6AI P 2-10- mm, Hg.
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 77836
The authors-also measured potential along axis of the
system by a probing electron beam modulated at-200
c see for easier detectlon,*and potential was deduced
from the beam energy nect..,-,~;ary to get it through the .
trap to the collector. li~.aults along the axis agree
with Fig . 2. The negative space charge accumulated,
in the trap can be used a8 a potential well for ions,
and Fig. 4 shows decrease of negative potential
because of filling of the well by positive ions.
Card 7/11
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 1-7836
ng. 4. Decrease of negative potential alone; axis
of the trap with Increase In the hydrogen PrElSsurr:
in it., 10 75 ma. (1) UO 1,500 V; ~2) UO 2,000
Card 8/11
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 77836
The electron beam probe was also used to measure radial
component-of the noncompensated space charge field
because.of electron plasma. The effect of beam drift
in croPeed "r and Ho field was observed by a fluores.-
cent screen placed inside the trap. Figure 5 shows thal
the radial field component builds to considerable
magnitude. It is, however, difficult to explain the
trapping mechanism for the particles. The injected
electrons should be showed down by the space charge
field and should, therefore, come out of phase with
the magnetin.field of the system. At the :iame time,
-experiment',_6-iowed space modulation of magneltic field,--
Oontinifes- to plan an important 1role; in absence Of
that fie *ld plasma disappears;, The,authors conclude
,that their notions about.the trapping mechanism based
,on analysis of the slngle-partlcle motion are com-
pletely inadequate and additional investigUtions are
needed before one could explain the influence of a
space modulated magnetic field on a partia:Lly non-
~,ard 9/ 11 compensated plasma. The presence of ~arossvd elf-ctric
Investigations of a Magnetic Trap 77836
Fig. 5. 'Average value of radial component of-space
charge field of plasma in the trap at a distance of
2.5 cm from axis as function of injection current.
Field was measpred through asymuthal drift of probing
beam. P=3-10-u mm Bg.
Card 10/ 11
Investigations ofa. Magnetic Trap
Card 11/11
and magnetic fields seema to create conditione for the
retention of particles resulting from the ionization of
the gas by the electron bealn. These p.3-ilticles may
acquire energies in the mentioned fields comparable
to those of the Injected electrons. Using "he system
deacribed in the preseat paper the auttiors hope it
is possible to Investigate properties of a partially
noncompensated, fairly hot plasma. There a::,e 5 figures,
and 4 Soviet references.
Physico-Technical Institut AS UkrSSR, 'Xharllcov
(Fiziko-tekiinicheskiy institut AN USSR, Khar1kov)
October 27, 1959
zi-, rlltr-~2
8/057/62/032/006/007it 015
A nko,
UTHORSt Pedorchp _..V D Rumkevkoht B. N., Muratov, V. I., and
Chernyyj B.-M.T 0
Dso ased)
TITLEs Low-frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field
PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, ho. 8, 1962, 958 966
TEXTs The experiments were made in a longitudinal magnetic fWd of
200 - 30.0 oersteds (Fig, 1). The diameter of the electron beam was 2 cmg
its length 65 omp the energy 2 kevp the presoure'5*10,7 -'5'#10-5 mm Eg.
The relation &j1VVn7M- exists between the circular frequency u4 the oscill&-~
tions occurring in the collector circuit (100 kc/sec).of the particle den-,
sity n 'and the ion mass M. The oscillations mainly occur at 10- an Hg. j/
The oscillation stabAlity is increased by reducing the pressure-to
io-7, mm Hg, and alt. 2 10-5 mm Hg these oscillations vanish. They are due ji
to a high-frequency noise caused by the electron boam. If the noise is
suppre&sed at the end 6f the electron beam the oscillation in the
collector circuit vanishes. 'The same oscillations are produced by a weak'
S/05 62/032/008/007,105
Low-frequency plasma oscillations ... WNYB102
external high-froquenoy.bignal of 28 29 Me/abo. The plasma produoed by
the electron beam ionizing the gas in the chamber is very' important in
causing the low-frequOncy oscillations. They may ba excited by the
irregular action of the fields, produced by,the noise in the beam plasira.
system. Attempts to verify this supposition are discussed. There are
7 figures.
SUBMITTEDo June 17P 1961
pigs I
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4036040 S/2781/63/000/003/0036/0044
AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D.1 Muratov, V. 1.1 Rutkevicli, B. fr.
TITLE: High frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyisyemocio I
termoyadernogo, sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i problem-,',
y* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma pbysics-and problems,
of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentai.1, no.
3, Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 36-44
TOPIC TAGSs plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma electron
oscillation, plasma ion oscillation, plasma oscillations plasma re-
ABSTRACT: The authors investigate oscillations in electron be-am-
in a longitudinal magnetic fisid at stronger magnetic fields than in
x 104 A/M
their earlier study (2.38 x 10 A/m, as against 1.59--2.38
card l/ 5
NRs AT4036040
see ZhTF v. 32, 958, 1962). The strong magnetic field suppresses
the low frequency oscillations and increases the amplitude of the
high-frequency oscillations. The spectrum of the high-frequency
oscillations was plotted with the aid of a moving electric probe,
the output of which was fed to a noise meter. The oscillations had
a maximum in the frequency range 25-50 megacycles# the position and
height of which depended on the beam energy (for a fixed current)
on the magnetic field, and on the pressure in the chamber. It has
also been found that an optimal pressure exists at which the ampli-
tude of the oscillations is the largest, and that i;1A.e optimum value
of the pressure depends on the beam energy. The oscillation fre-
quency depends also on the beam energy and the maximum of the spec-
trum shifts towards higher frequencies with increa 'sing energy. An
increase in the amplitude of the ion oscillations leads to t1te sup-
pression of the electron oscillations, whereas ion oscillations,bV
come more intense with increasing amplitude of the electron clacilla-
tions. , Plots of the following are included: characteristic opectrum
Card 2/-5
iCCESSION'NR: AT4036040'
of electron oscillations, spectra of bigh-frequency oscillations at
different pressures, spectra at different electron-beam energy, spec-!
tra at high-frequency oscillations at different magnetic fields,
amplitude of bigh-f requency signal as a function of the probe povi-
ttion, role of secondary emission from the collector, amplification of:
;external high-frequency signal applied to the modulating electrode,
amplification of external signal at different pressures, amplifica-
tion of external signal at different magnetic fields, dependence of
the amplitude of the high-frequency ion oscillations on the frequency
of the external electric field enclosing the ion beam, and 61epandence
of the amplitude of the bigh-frequency electron oscillations on the
frequency of the external alternating electric field for air and for
krypton. "The authors are most grateful to K. D. Sinallnikov, Ya. B.
Faynberg, and B, Go Safronov for useful discussions.," Orig. ankt.
has: 12 figures#
HNCLi 01 1
OTM# 000. ~;
I i
.11 rce,
Diagram of experimental set-up
'1 eolenoids-2 -electron guns 3 - collebtor, 4 grid,
5 moving probes 6 - modulating eleotrodes.7 capacitor
plates enclosing the beam, 8 - hollow electron beam
ACCESSION NR: AT4036041 S/2781/63/000/003/00-44/0054
AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; Rutkevich, B. N.
TITLE:' Investigation of high-frequency oscillations of a plasma by
a probing beam
$OURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo
termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob-
lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and
problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen-
tsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 44-54
TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillations, plasma electron oscillation, elec-
tron beam, plasma interaction, plasma magnetic field-interaction,
space charge
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors
(High-frequency Oscillations in a Magnetic Field -- Third 1(har'kov
Card 1/5
Conference, 1962; Low-frequency Oscillations of a Plasma in a Mag-
netic field -- ZhTF v. 32, 958, 1962) and are aimed at measurements
of the phase velocity by the method of a probing beam which passes
through the main plasma beam and enters an analyzer with a retarding
potential. The plasma tested constituted a hollow electron beam 50
cm long and 2 cm in diameter, with an energy that ranged from 200
to 300 volts at 25--50 milliamperes. The working pressure wits
1.3 x 10- 3__1.3 x 10-4 n/m2 . The probing beam (1 mm. dia, (10--15
gA, and 0--40OV) traveled on the beam axis in the injection direc-
tion. The potential was measured with the aid of an incandescent
probe inserted inside the hollow beam through a break in its annu-
lar section. The experiments with the probing electron beam indicate
the existence in the plasma of considerable oscillations which
modify both the main beam and the plasma. The plasma electrons be-
come accelerated by the high-frequency field of the wave produ':'ed
in the beam-plasma system, and this causes electrons to-escape
Card 2/5
through the ends of the system. The escape of the electrons should
be accompanied by an increase in potential in the space occupied by
the plasma. However, the situation is complicated by the existence
of transverse ion oscillations which cause the ions to move away to
the cylindrical surface of the chamber. it is concluded that the
plasma oscillations cause formation of an uncompensated charge,
the polarity of which depends on whic of the processes predominates,
t)ie drift of the ions due to the low- equency transverse oscilla-
tions or the drift of the electrons due to their interaction with
the longitudinal high-frequency wave. In strong magnetic fields
the ion oscillations are suppressed and the longitudinal high-
frequency oscillations become predominant. It is therefore to be
expected that in a trap in which electrons are injected in suffi-
ciently strong magnetic fields (on the order of (1--2) x 105 'Via),
the plasma will have a positive potential. "The authors are grate-
ful to X. D. Sinel'nikovi Ya. B. Faynberg, and B. G. Safronov for a
-discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 10
Card 3/5'
Card 4/5
to Btdo 67
sig. gen.
Diagr*am o.f'e'xperimental set-up
1- solenoid, 2 - gun for main beam, 3 - gun for sounding beam,
4 - modulating electrode, 5 - main beam, b - sounding beam,
7 - collector of main beam, 8 grid, 9 analyzer of main beam,!
10 analyzer of sounding beam
ACCESSION KR: AP4020573 S/0057/64/034/003/0458/0462~
'AMOR: Fedorchemko-, V.D.- Muratov, V.I.; Rutkovich, D.N. L
TITLE: On high frequency oscillations of a plasma in a magnetic field
SOU-RCi:: Zhurna-1 tolchnIchookoy fizl4i, v.34, no.3, 1064, 45S-462
TOPIC TAGS: electron beam, plasma,"- rnrofied plasma, olectron beam oscillations,
rarefied plasma oscillations
ABSTRACT: Oscillations of an election bunm in a longitudinal magnetic field of 200
to 300 Oe 'have previously boon observed (V.D.Fodorchonko, V.I.Uuratov, B.N.Rutke-
vich and V.M.Chorny*y,ZhTF,32,958,l962). These oscillations occurred at two widely
differeAt frequencies! approximately 100 kc and from 25 to 50 Ito. The low frequency
oscillations have been ascribed to transvorso motion of reaidual gas lons in the
space charge field of the beam, and tho high frequency oscillations are thought to
be longitudinal plasma oscillations. The present paper reports an investigation of
those phenomena in stronger magnetic Xiolds, up to 3000 Oo. The electron boam was
2 cm in diamet;r, 50 cm long, and carried 25 to 50 mA of 200 to bOO V olectrona.
The pressure in the chamber was varied from 10-5 to 10-6 11g. The OsCillations
Card 1/3
ACCES~ION M% AP4020573
were observed by means of a movable probe located near the beam but outside it. As
anticipated, the use of the stronger imignotic field considerably decreased the in-
tensity of the low frequency component and increased that of the high frequency
component. Varying thq magnetio.tiold strength, the residual gaa pressure, ar.4 the
electron beam energy wore found to alter the rather complex spectrum of the high
frequency component. For example, increasing the electron energy from 200 to 300 V
increased the peak frequency from 30 to 47 Me and decreased the peak intensity bya
factor 2.5.It was found that when secondary emission from the boom collector was
-suppressed by an appropriatoly-charged grid, the intensity of the high frequency
oscillations decreased greatly. It is conjectured that secondary emission is so.
how involved as a feedback mechanism in maintaining the oscillations. The presence
of standing waves was established, the plinse velocity being 6 x 108 cm/sec. 'rho
electron beam was velocity modulated by applying a high frequency signal to an ap-
propriato electrode. Signals at both the low and the high-resonant frequencies weref
..amplified. When the low frequency oscillations wore increased in amplitude by moduJ
lating the beam at thoir resonant frequency (approximately 100 kc), the amplitudo
of the high frequency-oscillations correspondingly decreased.
The authors are P
very grateful to K,D.Sinel1nikov,.Ya.B.FaynborC and B.G.Safronov for valuable di
Card 2/3
Acussiox NR: AP4020574 S/0057/64/034/003/0463/.0468
AUTTIOR: Fedorchenko, V.D.; Muiatov,;v.r.; nuticovich, imf.
TITLE: -Investigation of the high frequency oscillationi of a plasma in a =2:0;netia
field by means of an electron bcawprobo
SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichoskoy lizi4i, v.34, no.3, 1964, 463-468
TOPIC TAGS, electron beam, plasma diagnostics, rarefied plasma, electron bemm os
cillation, rarefied plasma oscillation, electron beam probe, magnetic trap
ABSTRACT: The high frequency oscillation.4' P~oduccd when an electron beam, in the
prenence of a longitudinal magnetic field, traverses a chamber in which the residu-V
aj gas pressure is between 10-5 and 10-6 . Jig (V.D.Pedorchanko, V.I.Muratov and
B:jll.'Rutkovich,ZhTS,34,458,1964 - see Abstract AP4020573) were investigated with a
longitudinal electron beam probe. The exciting beam was 2 cm in diameter, 50 cm
long, and carried 25 to 50 DA of 200 to 300 V electrons. The electron gun vnxs loca-
ted within the mogtotic field (up to about 2500 Oo) and produced a hollow b-aam, a-
Iona the axis of which the 1 mm diameter 10 to 15 microampere probe beam was direc-
ted. The energy of the eloctrons in the probe beam could be varied from 0 to 400 V.
Card 1/3
:'After traversing the chamber, the probe beam passed through an opening In tliecen-j!
tor of the collector electrode and was analyzed with a retarding field. The motion.
.of an electron in a traveling wave field is analyzed and it is shown that both the'.~
propagation velocity and the amplitudo can be obtained from an analysis of 'the ener-
:Cy changes In the longitudinal probe beam. The propagation velocity%of the high fro-:
quency oscillations was Sound to be 5.7 x 108 cm/sec (in agreement with the earlier
wavelength measurements, 10cocitesupra) and amplitudes as great as 7 v/cm were ob-,;
:served. The oscillations were found to give rise to consiaerable velocity diapersich:
~also in the exciting beam. Electrons were found to leave the plasma through the op"I
ening in the collector electrode (in the absence of the probe beam). These elec-
~trons had energies ranging up to more than 200 V. This electron loss, presumiably
due to the high frequency oscillations, should result in a positively'charl;ed pladr-
:ma. Loss of ions was expected, especially at-low magnetic fields, as a result of
the low trequency*transverse ion oscillations that occur In such systems (iride loc..:
cit.supra). Such a loss of ions to the walls of the chamber was observed. It was
:concl~dcd, therefore, that the plasma potential should be negative at low magnotic-
'fields and positive at high fields, This behavior was verified by hot probe measuro-
ments,of the plasma potential within the hollow electron beam. It is sugge.sted that'
ACCESSION 1,M: AP4020574
this phenomenon may be involved in,tho behavior of certain types of magnetic trap.
"The authors express their gratitude to X.D.Sinollnikov, YA.B.Faynberg and B.G.Sa-
fronov for discussing the results." 7 tormulas and 11 figures*
SUBMITTED: 15Mar63 DATE ACQ; 3Ujar64 ENCL: 00
t4' AZC_ KRI-AT6020673 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/C,118/0126
AUTHOR: Fedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; Lutkovich, B. N.
q MQ_W_A~
ORGt none
TITLE: Exchange of energy high and low frequency oscillations in plasma
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vyqokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of
plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 118-126
TOPIC TAGS: plasma beating, plasma oscillation, plasma beam interaction
ABSTRACT: Interaction between high and low frequencies of plasma oscillations was in-
v~stigated exporjmqptaj~y and theoretically. A simple model is assuined to 1wovide the
relationship beiween~thsse two frequencies and the intensity of the magnetic field.
The theoretical results were tested experimentally using an electron beam (0!0-40 ma)
moving through a gas at pressures in the 10-6 mm lig range. The interaction of the
waves was studied under the condition where the external excitation field: 1) did
not coincide with either electron plasma or electron cyclotron frequency; 2) coincid-
e,d with electron plasma frequency-, and 3) coincided with electron cyclotron frequen-
cy. The Intensities of the'excited blue- and red-shifted satellites were found to
be. different indicating coupling to low frequencies and their relative intensity in-
crearsed with the increase of excitation signal intensity. The increatis of the ex-
-k(fc-N R I% 0573
ternal magnetic field intensity increased the coupling of the external signal. to the
ion oscillations. The experiments show that electron oscillations transfer their
energy into the ion component of the plasma, leading to net plasm heating. Orig.
art. has: 6 figures, 20 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG Mr: 003
Card 2/2
L, 10667 -M F_V1T(j)/ETC/EPF(n)-21eJG(m) IJP(c) GG/AT
Atc APS029316
SOME CODE: UR/0057/65/035/011/2021/2027
Vq V tj
AU`IHOR: Fedorchenko, V,R.; Kuratov, V.I. " Rutkevich, B.F.
ORGi none
TITIX:, Interaction between high frequency oscillations in a plasma and Ionic sound,
BOUME: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fizIki, v. 35 no. 11, 1965, 2021-2027
TOPIC TAGS: discharge plasma, plasma clectrojnagnetic wave, plasmon, pla sma
oscillation, nonlinear effec .t
ABSTRACT: The authors have Investigated the Interaction In a plasma of lanic sovnd:
with modes having frequencies near the electron Larmor or electron L!rmair fre-
quencies. The plasmas were produced at pressures of the order of 10 MR lig in a
9 cm diameter 100 cm long metal tube In a 400 to 1000 Oe longitudinal magrietic field
by oscillating discharge between an electron gun producing a 50 cm longZ cm diameter
hollow beam of 160 dV electrote and a collector held nepr the floating potential. The
cathode current was 200-25OmA. Under these conditions there were spontanttously pro-,
duced low frequency oscillations with frequencies of the order of 10 kHz. Investi-
gations with- the aid- of's Movable probe of the frequency and intensity distribation-_
of these oscillations as functions of the magnetic field strength, length of the
plasma column, and nature of the gas, and observation of longitudinal ejection of
ions f rom the column, Indicated that these oscillations were duct to standfilg waves
'dard 1/2 UDC 533. 9
2, -_1
'F~~ri 4-
_L 10667-6fi
of ionic-sound, The plasmas were excited at frequencies near-the electron Larmor or
the electron Langmuir frequencies,with the old of an antopna located at one and of
the discharge tube. Standing waves were formed in both frequency rogions, rho
electromagnetic oscillations excited at frequencies somewhat below the Lax=pr fre-
p,,queney were found to be slow extxaordinary waves, having a phase velocity less than
that of light Thu p1 a7b;ia 4~6fil at Ions excited near the Langmuir frequency ivere also
slow. When t;tu Intensity of the high frequency oscillations was sufficieq ly in-
creased, low and high frequency satellite lines appeared in their spectra/irequencies
equal to the sum and difference of the excitation frequency and the frequeacy of ionic.
sound. The relative intensities of these satellites were different tn diflerent
portions of the pass bands, and under some conditions one or the other satellite was
very intense, When the low frequency satellite was very intense, tho intensity of
the ionic sound increased when the high frequency excitation was applied; ithen the
high frequency satellite was very Intense, the intensity of the Ionic sound decreased
when the high frequency excitation was applied. This Is to be undeestood In -tents lof
the interaction of elementary plasma excitations (plasmons), the satellites besing:
formed by absorption or emission of a low frequency (ionic so%md) plasmon by. at high
frequency plasmon. The randomization of phases with the consequent fDrmatton of wave
packets necessary for the validity of the analysis In terms of plasmaa interactions
may result from interaction with'different kinds of fluctuations. The authors thank
X.D.Sinellnikov, V.T.Tolok, Ya.B.Paynberg, id B.G.Safronov for discu,;sing the
results. OrIg7rart. hasW 4 formulas and
SUB CODE.# 20 HUBM DATZ: O9Mar65/ ORIOAEF: 006 OT11 REFt 004
Card .27#
Formation of the fold structure in the northern part of the Chekho7
tectonic zone in the western Sakhalin anticbnorium. Trudy Sakha-
kompl.nat ch.-isele inst. AIrSSSR nogIN14-23 161. (MIFM 15-.6)
(Sakhalin-Folds (Geology))
Eruption of tho Chikurachki Volcano (Paramushir Island) in 1961.
Biul. Vulk. sta, no*34t36-43 163. (MIFLk 16tlO)
'F- ~'
. -'1v11'*w1-------
Lake seahiento in the caldera of the Golovnin Volcano in Munashir
Island and their paleogeographic significance. Trudy Lab. paleavulk.
Kazakh, goo, un, no.2:85-92 163. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Sakhalinakiy komplekonyy institut SibirBkogo otdelenlya AN SSSR.
D22 D306
Vlodi~171K FejCVjjLA
AUTHOR: Fedorchenko. V. P., Engineer, Laboratory Head
TITLE: Investigating the extinguishing of a do are in a
chamber with a narrow air gap
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elektrome!kha-
nika, no. 11, 1961, 32-34
TEXT: This is an experimental investigation of the extinguishing
of arcs at 3300 V, at currents between 100 and 1500 A and air gap
width 2 4 6 MM. The influence of the magnetic fieldp magnitudo of
commutation current, supply votage, and inductance of the circuit
on the process of extinguishing are studied in detail. Experimen-
tal characteristics are compared with theoretical ones. An in-
crease of the magnetic field is found to cause a decrease of ener-
gy, dissipated by the are in the process of disconnection; an in-
crease of energy supplied causes an increase of the cooling in-
tensity of the are. The experimental dependencies obtained allow
calculation of nominal breakoff currents and voltage excesses for
Card 1/2
-Investigating the extinguishing ... D224/D306
different values of circuit inductance. Every type of chamber is
found to be sufficiently characterized with a) dependence of die-
connection time on the magnitude of commutation current, b) de-
pendence of the "chamber co4stant" on the same, c) value of the
mean energy of the circuit's magnetic field. There are 12 figures
and 9 references: 9 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy filial VBesoyuznogo nauchno-issledo-
vatellskogo instituta elektromekhaniki (Leningrad
Brancho All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of
SUBMITTED: February 28, 1961
Card 2/2
AP7004406 SOURCE CODE.- YJR/0226/67/000/00l/i)09q/(jl04
AUTHOR: Samsonov, G. V.; Paderno, Yu. B.; ~Iurguzov, M. I.;.Fedorchenlco,
ORG: Vistitute for Problems in the Science of M4erials, AN UkrSSR (Institut
problem materialovedentya AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Gallochalcogenides of rare earth metals
SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurglya, no. 1, 1967, 99-164
TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, gallochqlcogenide, chalcogenide, crystal
lattice, electric resistance, thermal electromotive force, impurity level.,
semiconductor. electron structure, ionization potential, chemical bonding
ABSTRACT: The authors conclude that atoms of rare-earth metals are -arranged
in a crystal lattice. The electrical resistance and thermal electromotive force
were measured at room temperature to 1100 K. It is shoygn that neodym-lum
galloselinide to a semiconductor with a forbidden-zone width and impurity level
ionization energy of 1. 78 and 0. 77 ev, respectively. The nature of the s emi-
rd 112
conductivity of NdGaSe3 'O'explained on the basis of the electron structure of
isolated atoms and their ionization potential. An hypothesis Is advanced as to the
nature of the chemical bonding in chalcogenides of rare-earth metals. Orig. art.
has: 1 figure and 3 tables. [Authors' abstract] INT)
Card 2/2
-F.Tr'/Fi'3(m (h
L 3357-66
AUTHOR: La (Lashkarev, G. V.); Paderno, Yu. B. MidAkiits
shkarlov, ~ka,
-o, V. P.
V. (Radzikovskaya, S. V4, Fedorchea
TIT Electric properties Of SM2S3
v I
SOURCE: Ukrayins1kyy fizy;hnyy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 520-5'
TOPIC TAGS: , smiariu 6ompound, lanthanide series, refractory compoitild, vemicon-
ducting materi~!_,eie_ctric conductivity, semiconductor band structvre,'-sulf-ide
ABSTRAM Amethod is described for producing compact specimens of samarium sea-
quisulfide and for measuring their thermoelectric power and electrical conductivi-
ty. These parameters were studied in the 300-13000K.Jemperature razge. 11: Is
_~~i~iconductor-ln which the forbidilen barid.has a
ahown that Sm2S3 is a refrq_qo~
width of 2.96 ev. Th-e' lengths of the K~-We-,Ma-S and S-S bonds arc calculated In
known sesquisulfides (Me2S3) of lantheinides with a Th3P4 structure, and in SMSO on
the basis of Ionic crystal radii. A comparison of these data showa that the CO-
vale~nt S-S bonds are strengthened at the expeme of a reduction In the strongth'Of
the ionic Me-S bonds, which indicates that the chemical bonds in Ian-manide sesqui-4
Card 1/2
L 3357-66
sulfides art ionic-covaleat. and- th"hyacal vropiiil~.i! of:-
juas -extr c. f'levoi
SmS and Sm2S3 are comparede.-It is found -that there is no
in Sm2S3 and that the forbidden band in this compound is narrower than that,of Gat
Orig. art. hast 4 figuraij..2~.tableso.
ASSOCIATION: Instytut problem materialoznavstva AN URSRj Kiev (Institute,of
Problems in the Study of Haterialso AN URSR)
SUBMITTED: _270ct64 ENCLt. 00 SUBiCODE: Ss' EN
NO REF-GOV: -007 OTHER:, 006
Origin of "red" ores of the Yrivoy Rog Bantu.
'55. (MIRA 9:9)
I.Ilriv*y Rog. GornerudW lastitut.
(Krivey Rog Basin--Iron ores)
-,- ",_7 , .---- -I--,---- -- --- -- - ---
~ -i- -F-.-
1 12. -,~ m t -F-- = -, - - . , :.21~ , - -7--~ mg I
..- -1- ---:, - ~. ~ - ~-l I ~-- 1~~
I !~;m
- -- --~
- - - gum
BUSHEV, Vladimir Pavlovich, inzh. I PCHELIMM, Vladimir Aleksoyevich..
kand. tekbn* nauk- FEDQMKO V I Semen -I,- kand. tekluie
nauk; YAKOVIZV, Ana 0 iy Ivanovic I kand. tekbn.naukp*
MIIJNSKIY, A.1.9 red.; KOMONOVj A.S.j red.izd-va; LELY110IN.,
A.A., tekbn. -red.
[Fireproofness of buildings] Ognestoikost' zdanii. [E~,) V.P.
Bushev i dr. MosWa, Izd-vo M-va komvmin.khoz.RSF.S, 1963. I(A p.
(KMA 16:12)
(Building, Fireproof)
LAS.; FQEWKO, VTu, Geol. rud* mestorozh, 7 no.3:113-
117 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18:7)
USSR/Diseases of Farm Aniraals. Diseases Caused by Protozoa.
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 3, 1958, 12283.
Author : Goncharov, I. Ye., Kleyraenov, K. G., Fedorchenko, V. V.,
Kobenko, S. P.
Inst :Daghestan Institute of Agriculture
Title :Experimental Uses of ASD FR-2 in Theileriosis of
Large Horned Cattle. (Preliminary Report).
Orig Pub: Tr- Dagest. s.-kh- in-ta, 1955, 6, 25-26.
Abstract: In cases of theileriosis and in cases of a mixed
invasion of theileriosis and piroplasmosis, ASD
FR-2 was intravenously administered In a 25 percent
solution of a 0.7-1.0 ml/kg dose with a simultaneous
hypodermic Injection of a 10 percent caffeine solutbn
in the usual dose. The preparation was administen!a
during the clinical stage of the disease. Of the
Card 1/2
USSR/Diseases of Fam Animals. Diseases Caused by Protozoa.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12283.
26 heads of large horned cattle in the age group of
1-5 years which were treated, 23 recovered; 3 cows were
Card 2/2
.PEDO qgNM,-X.Xe.-,_inzh.; ZARUBIBSKIY, M.A., inzh.
Wear tesistant materials for the equipment of coal paration
pUnts.. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.1:33-31+ J& 162. Pm 15:2)
1. UkrNINgloobogashcheniye.
(0o41 preparation plants-Equipment and supplies)
ACC NRi A 7002775 SOURCE CODE: UH/01~18/6-6/)X-0-5/002 d-
;'V. V.9
i Investment Casting' 1
"Production of the Slurry Pump Hotors of Alloy 1ChKh28N2
Kiev$ Tekhnologiya I Organizatatya Proizvodstva, No 2, 66, pp 28.31
TOPIC TAGSt metal casting, chromium containing alloy
ABSTRACT: The "Ukr NlIuRlemashobogashcheni~ell institute developed and tested
a technical process for ToakinS rotors of alloy IChKhZBR7 by investment castiv,
to reduce as much as possible the amount of mechanicalworking, to increase
the fineness and accuracy of the geometric molds of rotor surfaces. This
method permits accurate casting of any difficult-to-work cast alloy.
The chemical composition of alloy IChKh26N2 is as follows; C 2.7-2-97-j
St 0.8-1.1%, Mn 1.5-1.8%, Cr 28-30%, NJ 1.5-2.8%, S 0,047. and F 0.09%; Brinell
hardness In the cast state was 474-502.
The microstructure of the casting consisted of fine and coarse carbides
(Cr, Fe)7 C34
B~ hardening at 11000 and subsequent tempering at 550-6000C the hardness
L 092o6-67
ACC NRs AP7002775
of~ the --as -I .... ... be" I ' je e to 540
c t ngs 'c'an nc _'~~'d -600 Brinell units. Thereby, the'wear
resistance of the alloy Is Increased.
The results of comparative tests of experimental specimen rotors made
of the alloy IChKh28N2 and of series produced rotors made of cast Iron SChl5-32.
!is as follows:
of relative
Average Average actualAverage weight Weight Wear for wear resis- J.
weight operating time after tests, lossq 100 hours# tance of
before total- kg kg kR he rotors
AlLoX kR
IChKh28N2 21o8 4288 1541 6.7 0,16
Cast iron
SCh 15-32 2295 330 16:3-1- 6.2 1.88 -11*7
Orig. art hast 31. figures and 1.3tables- 1JPRS: 37,4281
SUB COM. 13, 11~ SUEM DATEt none
LCor,k 2/
The Party Congress was greeted by overfulfillments of the
building plan. 6111.bud. 11 no.lli5_6 N 161. (KIRA 150)
1. Predsedatell ispolnitellnogo koxiteta Nedrigaylovskogc- rayonnogo
soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Sumskoy oblasti.
(Nedrigaylov District--Construction industry)
Apparatus used for loading rails. Put'
i put."Khos. n0-100.35 0 058,
(M:UU 11112)
1, Starshly Inshener slushby putI,LIvovskor dorogi, g. Llvo%*. (for
Potupin), 2. Tekbuicheekty otdal L'yovskoy dorogi, g. LI,rov ifor
(Railroads-Squipment and supplies) (Loading andwaloading)
KAPITANAKI, M,V.p Wid.vater. nauk; FEDORCHENKO, Ye.A.,, veterinarnyy vrach
Rdsistance of microbea to antibiotion. Veterinarila no,,12.-49-52 D
1613. (MM 1782)
1. Krqanodarskaya nauchno-issledovatel'skaya vlaterinarimya stantalya
(for Kapitanaki). 2. Krasnodarskaya veterinarneya laboratori7a (for
O.Ya.]j HW7=KOj F.P. jFedorchankop
Method of isolation and ame properties of oryotal3ine mtsole--
pho,aphopymvio kiname. Ukr. biokhim. zhurs 32 no*61783wM 160#
(Kam 34a)
of Biochemistry of the.Asademy of Soleness of the
Activity of some glycolytio enzymen in the blood of patients vith
cancer, Vop. mod. khim. 7 no.3:273-276 14y-Je 161, (MIRA 15:3)
1. First Surgical Clinic of the "A.A. Bogomolets" Medical
Institutey and Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of
Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.0 Kiev,
7 F-I
(Feeorchanko, O.IA.1j.PZCHENOVA, T.N.
Mechanism of enzyme activation with the Interaction of lx=i-
fied proteins. Ukr. biokhim. shur. 34 no.2tl87-198 162.
(MIRA 16 t:Ll)
1. Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences
of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev.
GULYY, M.P., akademik; FEDORCIIBU.O,_Ye.Ya.; PECHENOVA, T.N.; L.I.;
AcLivatIon of amino acids with -the formation of anIncacyl.-
phosphates in animal tissues. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.1:227-230
Ja 166. (IMIRA 19;1*j
1. Institut bloklilmli AN UkrSSR. 2. All IJkrSSH (for GuIlry),
Submitted July 2, 1965.
Time-varying pulBe-amplitude modulation. Vop. pered. inform.
104-104 162. (MIRA 16:6)
(Information theory) (Modulation (Electronics))
4;,464 ~ --
Discrete converters of continuous signals. Vop. pared. inrorm.
2z113-128 163. (MIRA 16:12)
A-way to build asphalt floors in a multiple-story industrial
building. Prom. otroi* 39 no.6:61 161. (HIM 34:7)
(Flo;rsj, Asphalt)
Effect of Hypericum porforatum L tincture on experimental Infected
wounds. 141krobiol. zhur. 26 no.21-32-35 164. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Ivano-Frankovskiy meditsinskiy institut kafedra obshchey
khirurgli I kafedra farmakologii.
VOLOSHIN, V., inzh.; FEDORCHUK, Lop inzhe
1- -- - .,
The "Estradin" electronic musical instrument. Radio no.2134 P 165.
(MIRA 1814)
VOLOSUN't V." lmd3*$
wno=nUks*" a aw almtronto wolood lmtnamt* Imao
noa,U*35-38 N 165* DIDA IWO
F - iv~ I r - "III -
DLrIj r"In . T, .7
USSRAZIedicine - Virus Diseases
I-lay 53
IlEtiology of the Neurovirus Infection in TwD-Stage Viral Meningoencephalitis,'t
A. A. Smorodintsev, A. I. Drobyshevskaya, V. P. Gulanova, V. I. II'yenko,
L. V. Fedorchuk, Dept of Virology, Inst of Expl I-led) Acad I-led Sci USSR
Zhur Mikro, Epid, i Immun, No 5, pp 47-53
It has been shown that the causative factor of 25-stage meningoencephalitis is
a neurotropic virus which resembles that of tick encephalitis. It is six-alar in
its antigenic structure and reactions to the viruses of Western tick encephalitis
and Scotch encephalitis, but can ge distinguished from them by reason of its
different action on white mice. Two-stage meningoencephalitis has nothing in
common with listerellosis.
A 253T13
TJSSRAledicino - Virus Diseases Mar/Apr q,
non the Nature of Tick Encepbalytis Occurring in the Belorussian SSR.," Prof 11. L
Grashchenkovj A* M. Gurvich, L. V. Fedorchuk
"Nevropatol i Psikhiat" Vol XXj No 2j PP 36s 37
Ticks of-Byelovezhskaya Pushcha contain neurotropic virus which upon introduction into
the brain of mice or sheep produces disease resembling Scotch encephalorWelitise While
humans in this area get that type disease, it does not affect sheep under natural
conditions. It seems that Ixodes ricinus carries virus which produces disease of the
Scotch typqj (meningoencephalitis), while infection from 1. persulcatus, resUts in cUss-
ical type of tick encephalitis similar to that occurring -in the Far Fast (with a
polimyelitic syndrome). Where both species of ticks occur locally,, buth types of
disease are observed. Perhaps virus is same in both cases., but is modified by species
of tick which carries it.
'AUTHORS: Levina, R. Ya. Skvarchenko, V, R.p Chervoneval 20-11
L. A., Fedorohuk, L. V.# Vasillyeva, T. T.
TITLE: The Synthesis of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(Sintez aromaticheskikh uglevodorodov)
A New Method of Synthesizing Hydrocarbons of the Fluorene
Series (Novyy metod sinteza uglevodorodov ryada fluorena)
FERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 5, I-P. 938-941
ABSTRACT: The effect of phosphorous pentoxide on tetrahydrophtalic
anhydrides leads to the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons
with elimination of CO and H 0 as was proved by some of the
authors (referencenl-6). In ihe present paper the influence
of phosphorous pentoxide on phenyltetrchydrophtalic aldehyde
(I) (an addition of phenyl-butadiene with maleic anhydride)
was investigated. In this case the reaction lead to the
formation of fluorene (with a 21% yield) instead of diphenyl
as might have been expected. It seems that the reaction
passes through intermediate stages of an intramolecular
Card 1/3 acylation of the benzene nucleus. This leads to the foramation
The Synthesis of Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
A New Method of Synthesizing Hydrocarbons of the Fluorene Series
of tetrahydrofluorenone-carboxylic acid (II) which ic further
decarboxylated to tetrahydrofluorenone (III). Under the
influence of phosphorous pentoxide this is changed into
fluorene. The authors simplified this reaction by starting
from phenyltetrahydrobenzoic acid ( an addition of divinyl
with cinnanic acid (V). When it was warmed up with phosphorous
pentoxide fluorene was formed with a 63% yield. From the
addition of cinnanic acid with isoprene and 2,3-diriethyl-
butadiene 3 methy1fluorene (50% yield) and 2,3-dimethyl-
fluor9ne (53% yield) were produced. The production of just
3-metLylfluorene melting point 87,50 - 88 C) and not of
2-methylfluorene smelting point 10400 which is isomeric to
it, from the addition of ieoprene with cinnanic acid confirms
the structure of this addition as 4-methyl-2-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
-tetrahydrobenzoic acid. From the addition of cinnanic acid
with dicyclohexenyl (VIII) and dicyclopentenyl (IX), 1,2
-dicyclohexane-fluorene (X) with a 83,5% yield and 1,2,3,4-
-dicyclopentane-fluorene (XI) with a 73% yield could be
produced. Thus the reaction of the 2-aryl-lt3t6-tetrabenzoic
acids (addition of diene-hydrocarbons with cinnanic acid)
Card 2/3 with phosphorous'pentoxide can be recommended as a new
The Synthesis of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 2O-.Ut;-5-25/39
A New Method of Synthesizing Hydrocarbons of the Fluorene Series
preparative method of synthesis for hydrocarbons of the
fluorene series. This is followed by an experimental part
with the usual data. There are 23 references, 9 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova)
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED: September 59 1957, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Member, Academy of
Sciences, USSR
SUBMITTED: June 19, 1957
Card 3/3
,r, 7 o S/19o
~.~J~jo B020YB066
AUTHORS: Fetrovq K"s A*j Nifantlyevo Ee Ye.9 Fedorchuk, L. V,
TITLE: Phosphorus-containing Polymersj. I. Synthesis and Nows.
Polymerization of Ethylene Alkyl Phosphates
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, !960, Vol, 2, No. 3,
pp. 417-420
TEXT: Neutral phosphates are well-known compounds used in industry and
agriculture. But so far no phosphates had been synthesized which contain
in the molecule a five-membered cyclic eater grouping, nor high-molecula*--
phosphates that had not been condensed via the vinyl ester groups. In
the present papery a simple process is suggested for the preparation of
ethylene alkyl phosphates and their polymerization. These were
synthesized by oxidation of ethylene alkyl phosphitea with nitrogen
dioxide. The cyclic phosphates synthesized were used by the authors to
nbtain polymers containing phosphorus. They also found that cyclic
phosphates (contrary to phosphonates) form higher-molecular compounds on
Card 1/2
Phosphorus-containing-Pol.vmers. I. S/190/60/00?!'-" /1-7
Synthesis and Polymerization of Ethylene B020/BO66
Alkyl Phosphates
polymerization under the same conditions (with a degree of polymerization
of 10 - 14)~ The resultant polymers had about the same molecular weight
and the same properties::as found in experiments without or with
catalysts (sodium). High-molecular phosphates are neutral substances With.
polyester structure. The high-molegular Rhoaphates described in this
paper may be used as plasticizera.liThe experimental part describes the
preparation of ethylene hexyl pbos hite% ethylene phenyl phosphite, and
ethylene alkyl phosphates (Table 1~, the conditions of polymerization of
ethylene alkyl phosphates and the properties of the polymers (Jable 2)
as well as the reaction of polyethylene propyl phosphate with phosphorus
pentachloride. It is shown that ethylene alkyl phosphates polymerize on
prolonged standing or heating. It was also found that the yield of
ethylene alkyl phosphates obtained by the above-described process is
55 - 83 % , and that an polymerization the latter form polyesters
(molecular weight of 20000 - 3,000) by cleavage of the cyclic phosphates.
There are 2 tables and 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 US, and I Brit~'Jish.
SUBMITTED: December 14, 1959
Card 2/2
Thermodynamic investigation of' the rea,2tInn SJ I SiOl ---- ) 2riCl,.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. rnot. 8 rin.4.97-102' 165.4
(MITIA 18:9)
1. Kafedra proizvodstva chistykh metallov i poluprovodrdkovykh
materialov Moskovskogo Instituta stali i splavov.
t 13532-66 W (SoWN-i VM (0 vx6 -40'tw
f- ACC 14R
APS028979 SMCE CODE: UR/0149/65/000/004/0091/002
AUTHOR., Th~chenteevj V*'No; Firsuntw4. L. A Fedorchuk, 0. K.
... ........
ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Production of Pure Metals and Semicotk-
ducti!jUater'.511i, HosVovskiy institut stali'i splavov, Kafedre proizvodstva
chistykh metallov t po uprovodnikovykh materislov
TITLE: Thermod i 1~t SiCl 2 SiCl
ynax c 9 udy of the reaction -L, 4 2
SOURCE: IVUZ. Tevetnaya metallurgiya, no. 4, 1965, 97-102
TOPIC TAGS-, silicon, chlorine compound, equilibrium constant, thermodynamic
calculation,rhemical kinetics
ABSTRACT4. In view of discrepancies in the findings of Schaefer and Nickl (Z. A"08.
und allgen. Chem.t B. 274, 250, 1953)~oa 016 eqvillVirluu of the YeAction
S1 + SIC14
Cord 1/3 669.782
5-32- 64
ACCWR, APS028979
Fig. 1. Diagram of setup for determining the equilibrium constant of reaction
(1) by the "current" method:
I- cylinder with Ar; 2 - flow aster; 3 - furnace for purification of Ar;
4- evaporator with SiCl
4; 5 - thermocouple; 6 - quartz boist with Si;
T- reaction vessel; 8 furnace vith stlit heaters; 9 condenser;
10 VH-2
L 13532-46
ACC NRI AP5028979
and considering that reliable knowledge of the values $~prmodynamic function3vill
facilitate the selection of the optimal conditions.for refthing Si by the transport
reaction method, the authors invest-Igated this equilib in the temperature range
of 1200-1300*C on employing the 1.1current" method (Fig. 1) where a current.of SiCIP
is passed (by-means of argon) over a Si-containing boat at a given temperature* POtra-
polation of the obtained values of of (mole fraction of SiC14 converted! to MY ~to
zero flow rate of SiCI gives the equilibrium position. on his basis the temperature
dependence of the equLtibrium constant C was determined and hence also the valucii of
the isobaric-isothermal potential A Z' o? the reaction were calculated: 6 V varios
linearly from +6790 cal/mole SiCI4 at 1200'C to -1395 cal/mole SiC14 at 1300*C. The
,temperature at which the reaction components, taken in standard states, are to an
equilibrium,:was found,to be 1283*C by graphic means for log Ce a 0. The kinetics of
the formation of SICI Is found to be such that the rate of formation-of SLCI in-,
creases with increasiAg temperature arid, to a lesser extent, with increasing how rate
of Sicl The thermal effect,of the reaction is calculated at 127,000 cal/mole for
the 12W,1300*C temperature range, add hence the reaction to governed by chemical ki-
netics, i.e. the reaction rate is determined by the rate of chemical interaction.
Orig. art. has:.5 figures, 2 tables, I formula.
SUB CODE: 07, 11/ SM MAM lOJuI64/ ORIC RLPF: 001/ OTH REF: 002
d. se. A. -A~
CA. .116:11iAIMBEE
timOto any 16W In lk,(Ojmt.'w
ant wa kz
"lea 12 t1babW Eks-711tum is tbeft early
forcast'Ons In the felds"O. by a
bY rare'eafth elements,++ j&a,js-. or 2C&*+ +
=he later ptcMailles d1u.19INS'. Tbefacm
the ~ pure line" In =0,~Moth",
aff, usually aecompanw by the =Pptaratce It x2rutt,
tourmaijit.., all Of Be
ite.: apatitc, muscovite,
lepkiolitc, With MIS to 04126 %j Be. In puturustogytic
PtIltnatites. the conicats In Bette Partkularlyeariched, C,C.
In marlarite,J0.43 to OAPY6 se~. ph
I kv (O.= to
0. V7, &g typical Be,twftf** ocawirgach fOM4.
If rM - fT19px .01 watectwAta0cmde aod q,,,,atdytk .
We, chmetet1wd by "rithsocats In TIj Cri Mr. Which am -
for4m to the Vanitle pmmtitcs of the ". Pure line, " or with
bilb contents m F-, e.g. fa,tulems. with ple coupled Imle
leplacementsSUP.-, SOR) byHe111-+2P-% wkbmcb
var'Ale condatims a ft C10009ids is Be. It Is very dif-
6cull In det* & V--I redebm. dktributim ema. fm 11,_
A tolerable tilt". (air PCV=tltel way be atqut OM20% Be_
But " Cftff- v*dm In rather wIM lUmits
U Ir dim
7 ate ft"efronuro'ceifimifi Uno pet..
Mikes Mmud"OV& cadig.,mm tirthi, but no beryt,
tites b Of .0 0.1%. or even Oj
W-10 -A- D
SOV/1 37-58-7-16106
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, AMetallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 310(USSR)
AUTHOR: Fedorchuk, S. N.
TITLE: The Fluoresce_n_rTrvrHt-Method for the Determination of Small
Amounts of Beryllium in Rocks and Minerals (Fluorestsentnyy
morinovyy metod opredeleniya malykh kolichestv berilliya v
gornykh porodakh i mineralakh)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-t mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redk.
elementov AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 1, pp 178-181
ABSTRACT: Methods of determination of Be using morin which forms a
morin lacquer with Be in an alkaline solution, fluorescing with
a characteristic yellow-green color, are given. A 0. _3 - 0. 5 g
test sample is fused in a Pt crucible with 6 - 7 times the amount
of sodium. The melt is treated with 50 cc of hot water and HCI
to a complete decomposition, the solution is evaporated to dry-
ness in a water bath, the residue, for the separation of silicic
acid, is taken twice to dryness with 5 - 6 cc HC1, then moistened
with HC1, 50 cc of hot water is added, and the solution is filter-
ed. The precipitate is calcined in a Pt crucible and treated with
Card 1/2 H?SO4 and HF, the residue is fused with KZSZ07, leac'ned out
The Fluorescent Morin Method (cont.)
with hot water and added to the filtrate left after the separation of the silicic ac.1d
To the combined filtrate NH40H is added (to a weak odor ) for the precipitation
of Be and the sesquioxides. The precipitate is dissolved in 554 H2S04 and the sol-
ution is electrolyzed with a Hg cathode at 4-6 amps and 5-7 volts. After'the com-
plete precipitation of iron the solution is heated to boiling and Be and Al are pre-
cipitated with NH40H. The precipitate is dissolved in 0.25N NaOH solution, and
the solution is diluted to 100cc. To Z5 cc of the solution are added. 2 cc of satu-
rated Na P04 solution and 0.5 cc of 0.02% morin solution (20 mg in 100 cc of ace-
tone). Re mixture is read colorimetrically ir. ultraviolet light, comparing the
intensity of the yellow-green fluorescence with a standard series. The deter-
mination of 0.0001% of Be is feasible with *0.0001% precision. The method is
recommended for the determination of small quantities of Be in minerals and
A. M.
1. Beryllium --Determination 2. Morin- -Applications
Card ZJZ
ACCESSION NR: -AP5017630 UR 0240 65 000/007/ 0060/ 0061
613. 155-07-178
AUTHOR: Prokopenko, A. V., Fedorchuk, S. Ya.
TITLE: Aspira tor attachment for taking air samples around the clock '~-Q 5
SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 7, 1965 60-61
TOPIC TAGS:, atmospheric contamination, air pollution control, automatic con-
-trol design, --automatic- control equipment_
ABSTRACT: The Migunov aspirator used for measuring average daily air contam
ination is provided with an attachment capable of self-regulatory start-up and
shut-off. The attachment is figured and described. It consists of a starter, 3
relays, 4 diodes and a clock. Sampling Is started with an alarm clock which Seto
off the aspirator, This arrangement has been used satisfactorily to conduct air
sampling. in hard-to-reach places without breakdown. Orig. art. has: 2 figures
ASSOCIA71ON: Kafedra kommunallnoy gigieny Rostovskogo-na-Dony meditsinsko
Card.-1/2, ......
,,, - 11 , 1. 1- :~-. - ..
~~ :1 1 .
1* 0 go go o o to 0 0 0 0
u1 -11-11- "
W4111 4 1 w"I 0
A I r', A/ 116111111411 MOO" 1114 pouslif"s of (blikip mtd tho
tit* Omelet 6014*1 lit tod diltot. 11. 1,14110,11 iind V.
listchill" 111W, Usim AmJ. Asp, 4j!xS,.1r7-
~F~ 3-11(in Rupg").-Fallairv prmittAir W
still ~ furw1wWation Ot IN tow prWrill irmcKt nor of I Ist,
it ff"I VOW 44 a $Im rat ckmn mill. 14yr p"ll" wrrv
M-11111MCM11' MMU #Wi~P &ad MMn IW114011%. high l4imigir
(d stmlk~ 4cul high of d1jr wt.) morin,
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8 N1 I'll. T1 an k. (1244%) j,.td.. kw (V-331j) I-Calm
mild Igh (114~*Iql fill. IN40(dis clustrittl In Orift-6
awl lit k4m vary r.Alwouktilly tot nwh tollort, Pw
rtwirtlatkas CmIl. I*tw"n ("her slut lWotria nmtent &v%
not exeml O.S. rzftpt It," nu the cud 0( th# moming
letkol, wlwti It t"bcbm 1).A. Inemituch a, the Im-Arin
11110111 film Kin "ard I hv It elk 1IWq 1141t skVIAlp Ittit"
fill W Itwoldwitsm( a q, tint". amdv%iq I* 41W 04f tv'lidmf-
at At u ~8 T
Oir. 6
Otidw wit OWT Oil
MmHuxt V. (MOOk7a)
High-frequency filter for interference nupprepsion in telilviolon
re6eption Radio no.12342 D 060. (MILL 14:1)
ZTelevislon-Interference) (Radio filtera)
M-kzd~- I
FEDORCHUK, V. A., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of 46ewaaAe
of the iressure force in the ~a "-I- organ of loading machines." .
Mos, 19579 14 PP (Min of Communications USSR, Mos Order of Lenin
and Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Engineers of Railroad
Transport4thwAx im I. V. Stalin), 110 copies (KL, 52-51", 108)
- 76 -
MORCHUK, Y.A.. inshener.
Decreasing the resistance force of loaders. Stroi. I dor, mashinostr.
2 no.61lO-ll Je (fteavating machinery) (KM 10:6)
FIDORCHUK, V.A., inzh.
Seloction of &.type of separating davice for loading and unloading
units. Trudy NXIT no.97.,187-196 158. (MIRA 11:8)
(Loading and unloading)
DRUGALI, Sergey Alsksandrovich; ZUBAREV, Viktor VaBillyevich;
KOGANp L.A.9 kand. takhn.nauk, retBanzent; MARTYNOV, M.S.,
inzh., retsenzent;,EKDQWZUK, Vj-, kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; FILIPPOVA,,L.S., red.1 SHISHLYKOV, U.S., in,ab.,
red.; USENKO,, L.A., takhn. red.
[Experience in the mechanization of the servicing of
refrigerator cars] Opyt mokhaniza'taii ekipirovki vagonov-
lednikov. Moskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1963. 31 P.
(Refrigerator cars) (MIRA 16:5)
(Railroads-Equipment and supplies)
FEDORCHUK,, V,Ae, kand. tekhn. nauk
Meebanization of icing stationo. Zhel. dor, transp. 45 no-4:
82-83 Ap 163. (MIRA 164)
Refrigerator cars)
ilroado-Equipment, and Buppliev)
FEDORCHUK. T.A... kand. takhn. nauk
I New fork lift truck. Mekh. i avtom. proizv, 17 no.8:43-44 Ag 163o
(MIRA 1611O)
FEDORCHUK: V.A.; MARTYNOV,, M.S.0 Inzh., retsenzent; SHISHKIN, G.S.,
red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., tekhn. red.
[Mechanization of the servicing of ice-cooled refrigerator
care] Mekhanizatsiia skipirovki vagonov-lednikov, Moskmp
"Transport," 1964. 65 P. (MIRA 17:3)
Put into practice the decisions taken at the Rovember Ple
of the Central Conmittee of the CPSU. Rarved, i okhb nedr
29 no.,5tl2-21 My .163. . (MMA 16:7)
1, GosudarstveraW geologiohesIdy komitet SSSR.
(Prospecting) (Mines and mineral resources)
Obtaining dry "sily soluble therapeutic sera joppm"Ipmw
"Diaferm-III" method; report No. 1. Trudy TashHIIVS, 6:71-74 161.
(MIRA. 15,11)
USSR/Cosmochemistry Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30397
Author F
-~vne"-Uzbek-SW Za.4"
lust Aea4esy-oll
Title : Rutile from Some Carbonate Veins of the Alay Abuntain
Orig Pub : Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1956, No 9, 13-15
Abst : Description of rutile encountered in the form of large
(4-5 x 1-1.5 cm) crystals in dolomite veins, vhich are
genetically associated with nephelinic syenite intrusion.
Associated minerals: dolomite, dark-violet fluorite and
light-green muscovite; temperature of fluorite formation
260-3000- Chemical composition of rutile of specific 1pra-
vitY 3-85 (in ~): TiO2 96-50, Fe -0 j 0.11, X, 0, 1-07, HgO
0.79, remainder 1-75, total 100.22; spectral anal sis re-
vealed in addition Si, Al, Ca n 10-2, Cu n . 10-5.
The presence of n 1% Ti. and n 10-1% V in hematite
Card 1/2
USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30397
from quartz-carbonate veins of the s4Lme area, indicates,
in the opinion of the author) the genetic affinity and
may serve as typomorphous characteristic of alkaline
Card 2/2
Translation from.,
Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiyaj 19670 Nr 121
p 103 (USSR)
7edorch4k, V. P.
Mineralogy of Low-Temperature Deposits of South Fergana
(K mineralogii ni zko tempo ra'%,Otxnnykh mestorozhdoniy
Yazhnoy Fergany)
Zap, Uzbekist. otd. Vses. mineralog. o-vap 1956p Nr lb,
pp 111-120
ABSTRACT: Several mineralogical problems associated with a number
of low-temperature deposits of South Fergana are
examined in this article. Special experiments were
conducted to explain the cause of blackening of the
cinnabar samples W, Investigation showed that only
the selenide of K turns black due to its photochemical
decomposition under the ultraviolet rays in the presende
of water vapor, The blackening type.of K d%ffers from
Card 1/2 the ordinary type by a slightly higher specific gravity.
Mineralogy of Low-Temperature Deposits (Cont.)
The author presents actual data which show that under special
conditions some varieties of K can undergo an intensive oxidation.
This fact should be taken into consideration when prospecting for
mercury deposits, It was established from' the study of changes in
limestones in some mercury deposits that blocks which uWlergo a
hydrothermal'. alteration may far exceed in volume the ore bodies
contained in them. These changes consist of lightening of rock
color, the appearance of stains, the increase of jointing and
porosity of limestone, and by the metasomatic replacement of
limestone by other carbonates, Pyrite (P) is seldom found in mono-
metallic mercury deposits, whereas P appears to be a common mineral
in overlaying slates, especially if the latter are of a coal-bearing
type. The author notes an increase in the content of P In
located above rich ore deposits, and a sharp decrease of P above the
barren sections, A close genetic bond of P with the hydrothermal
process is obvious. As, Sbp Hg, ando to a lesser extentj Cu, Znj
Ag and Au appear to be the characteristic inclusions of this P.
It is possible to isolate the prospective blind ore deposits for
further exploration by studying the elements which are present In
the form of inclusions in P.
Card 2/2 L. P. Tsareva..
AUTHOR: Fedorch! ~,V. ~P.
TITLE: On the Genesis of Elementary Mercury (K voprosu o genezise
PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 19589 Nr 39 pp. 273 .. 279 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the Khaydarkan deposit in -the southern
Fergana valley. Elementary mercury occurs in several districts
of this deposit: Mednaya gora, Glavnoye pole, Promezhutochnoye
pole' Kara-Aroha. The geological conditions of the deposit
are discussed by the aid of diagrams. Analyses of the surround-
ing slates and of.mercury are given in a table. The analyses
were carried out by To To Nukhovaq spectral analyses by
Z. M* Lopott at the Laboratory of the "Bredaztsvotmetrezvedka"
For ouch important accumulations of elementary mercury a
hypogenetio formation must be assumed. This appeexs to be con-
firmed by the following facts: 1) The complete lack of traces
Card 113 of leaohing-out in the cinnabar in the adjoining ore bodies.
On the Genesis of Elementary Mercury 7-58 -3-.13/15
2) Geological.struoture and posit-ion. The mercury- containing
ore is immediately located upon the richest cinnabar deposits
in the central part of the vault-like folded structure in
the overlapping slates.
3) The surrounding slates. are, to a considerable extent,
uniformly soaked with mercury.
4) The chemical composition of mercury; hypogenetic formation
can be proved by the composition of the impurities.
The author draws.the following conclusions: The results prove
the correctness'o'f the opinion expressed by A. A. Saukov that
mercury can be transported not only by hydrothermal solutions
but also in a gaseous state. The distribution of mercury in
the surrounding rooks may originate either from cinnabar de-
posited from the hy(trothermal residual aolution~-which Qan
serve as microindicator (Ve E. Poyarkov, Ref 4), or else the
mercury is finely distributed in the rook; it can not serve
as an indicator. There are 5 figures, 1 tabled and 7 re-
ferenose, which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
On the Genesis of Elementary Mercury
ASSOCIATION: Bredneaziatskiy treat razvedki tevetnykh metallov
(Central Asiatic Trust for the Prospecting of Non-Perroue
SUBMITTED: September 3o, 1957
1. Meroury-USSR 2. Marcury-Geophysical factors
3. Mercury-Sources 4. Mercury ores--Analysis
Card 3/3
AUTHORs Fedorchuk, V.P.; Nikiforov, N.A. 132-58-5-1/14
TITLE: On the Utilization cf Ore-c-o7ering Pyrite as an Indioator
in Prospecting L;elics:~ts of the Closed
Type (0b ispoltzova'~d-4 :-1acLru%~noE;o pirita v kp-chestve indika-
Wora pri poi-ckakh nizkoteTperaturnykh mestorozhdeniy zakrytogo
PERIODICALs Hazvedka i Okhrana Ne:1r, 1^75801.Nr 5, PP 1-10 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Geochemical investigations include the study of ore indicators
which tell of the presence of deeply-hidden ore bodies. The
results of investigations carried out on some low-temperature
antimony-mercurj d6D0aJLt8 of the plastic-formation type are
presented. The ore:covering pyrite contains admixzures of
several elements rhich are 44-Irpomorphic of the underlying ore
strata, mainly mercury, antimonyj arsenic and zinc. The beat
results with ore covering pyrite are obtained with blind ore
strata at ore sites already under investigation, where the
usual methods of metallometric investigations are of no avail.
The method doesnot require any large labor force or equipment.
The method of element admixtures cen also be applied to pro-
Card 1/2 specting on the sites of polymetallic deposits. By no means
On the Utiliza,tion of Ore- oeweirg Pyrite as rm Indicator in Prospecting
Low- ',;a:mps3rjjt-jjv0 Deposits of the u.Loced Type
is this method independent; it yields practical results only
in connection with geophysical, geological, stratiCraphical
and structural methods. T~ore in 1 graph, 1 table and 13
references, 12 of which are Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Treat Sredaz-bavetmetrazvedka
AVAIL-ABLE: Library of Congress
Card'2/2 1. Geology 2. Genchemia&l prospecting
Depth of the formation of lov temperature mercury and antimony
deposits and vertical mineralization* Zip Kir, otd, Was, mia,
ob-va no.107-47 159. (MM 14:3)
(ore deposits)
Card 112
Poshka, A.I. and,Yedorchuk, V.P., Candidate of Geo-
m1neralogtoal sciences
Ancient Mercury Mines in South Fergana
Priroda, 1959,7'41r 5, pp 108 - 109 (USSR)
The authors refer to the Tadzhik-Pamir-1926--37
expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
when D.I. Shcherbakov defined the mercury antimo-
nous belt in that area, known from ancient -times.
The remains of the old mining sites (subterranean
passages and halls) were found and proofs obtained
that considerable quantities of cinnabar and mer-
cury were exported from this province to India and