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F"30"i$ H. Oils in high-voltage electrical aneinac~rinr, p, T99, Vol. 43, no- IOP Oct. 3.954 BLEKTROT&CHNICKY QBZOR Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: East 51ropean AcceEsion List. Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 8, Auuust 1956 FEDOR, R. A 110 kV oil pressure pipe-type cable P. 476 (Elacktrotechnicky Orzor) Vol. 46, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ]CCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7P NO. 1, JAN. 1958 R .VZSYPAL 0 D. p,, FEWR'p R.,,, inza High voltage (6ableg with aluminum ooating. Elektrotochnik 18 no.2t 50-51 F 1 3.' 1. Nova hut Klementa Gottvalda, n.p., Kuncice (for PA)zsypal). 2. Vystumny ustav kablov a izolantovs Bratislava (for Fedor). SLANINKA, Pavel, ins.; FEDCR, Robert, ins. Impedance of steel conduits used for protectice grounding. Elektrotechnik 19 no.U:311-314 N 164. 1. Research Institute of CAhl- ind Insulators, Bratislava. ABROYATT, T.A.; LAMM, V.P.; FEDORA, I.G. .... Angular dependence of secondary emission coefficlert3 Of KBr under brmbardment by potassium ions. Fiz. tvar. tela 7 no. 17-t 3660-3662 D 165 (141RA 19tl) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Falin�na. il.-Dollmw,-U. 1. 29167 Proizvoditel'nost' nakotorykh drevesnykh porod v polezashel,'Iitnykh nasazhdeniyakh Shingak-iullskogo agrolosomeliorativnogo opytnoLo polya. Trudy Dl-~shkir. Neuch.--iogled. polevod. stazteii, T. 111, 19L~8 (kolon-ti-tul: 1947), 11. 427-44-- Bibliotx: 10 natv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh S~atey, TA. )9, 1949 ILIMEN, D. A., FEDORAKO, B. I. Poplar - Bashkirya. Growing poplar in Bashkirya. Lea. khoz. 5. no. 9, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November -195h,2Uncl.' Yr"'! 'o Jx4 1. 'F-ZDOIUKO, B. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Serviceberry - Ural Mountain Region 7. Serviceberry in the forest-steppe zone of the western Ural 'Mountain region. Les. khoz. 6 No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 1. FIDMAY.0, B. I. 2. - U:3SR (600) 4. Forest Influences 7- Shelterbelt forestry as a factor in incrQasing honey yield, :Pchelovodstvo. 3,0 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. :96-97,Sept. 7 the alkaline rags WWII It.% Obtained dust binks new theIrcie belt3 which In turn 6wor tM &-clopment of additiorth mot Mtems d the growth o; young trees. The uselutom oi protective famt betts and im.- a n protnott proved apicultilml technfques was prwmn when r series of dust stortus occuriM in 'I A'SSA. due to-the pamlie O(A Strong cyclone. T.'Ie young tree belts reshted the dust$ aress, i from 4odeA belt d acts :4. Bashkir, A.&SJL-A,M-P. ioil Him" US"M / "Vorestry. ForGst Cultures R--5 .nz joijr: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1950, 43.('61, f-.uthor : Fedoralco, 33. 1., Ale!csanclrov, M. A. I no t : BaoZir's1k, ~~.ricl.iltural Institute Title : Pine Cultures on Steep Slopes Orig Pub *. Tr. Dashlclrshc. s.-Izh. in-to, 1956, 7, 294-295 Abstract: The results of oxperimental plantin3s sbow that pine cultures do well on the badlands of che hilly beights of Eastern Ural foothill country even on steep southern slopes. The valuation indices of the cultures are given. V. I. Yerusalimskiy Card Country : USSR 14 Category; Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries. Jour: Author : Inst : Title : Orig Pub; RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100453 Fe_4orako, A-ashIffir-71-gricultural Institute Introduction of Apple Tree in Field Shelterbelt Plantings. Tr. Bashkirsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 8, No 2, 233-242 ~.bstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 M-157 USSR / Forestry, Forest Cropso X-5 Abs Jour.- Ref Zhur-Blols, No 16, 1958.9 7Z832, Author Fedorako, All Yenikeyev, G. Inst 0 Title A Green Oasis in the Steppe. Crig Pub: S. kh, Bashkiril, 1957, No 10., 40-41. Abstract: An experimental plot concerning steppe afforesta- tion, located near the Shingak-Kult Station, and created by the Bashkir Forest Experimental Station In 193Z. Is described, Experimental plots of the arboretum contain up to 200 species and forms of tree-shrub species. Poplar hybrids which were isolated by the BFES have special importance and are noted for high productivity and resistance to drought, The successful growth In height is noted of black poplar, blrch.,~Siberian larch and pine. Card I/?- USSR Forestry. Forest Crops. K-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1956j 7Z83z. Abstract: Carbonate soils under the Influence of forest vegetation lean heavily on the side of leaching, -- Lo V* Nesmelov, Card Z/Z 36 RAKO, A ""GORY Forestry. Forest Cultures. ATIS - JOUR 'Zill?v -D-iolo griya 201.63 T ST 1, E i~.juld Shelter Belts in Udshir 5511, I G -PV 3 LE;9n* kh-VO) 19/58, 110.5, 24-229 X-, !1)-58 ZI-4 thotwand hectarou of f_j4~jd etheltnr plantings were act up ill t1m In tne kolkhozes where waintenan-c i-3 b-1141A 1AP of the plantationts, tbo woa~IY s~,)M,0105, !1'P0(;i- ally birch, laroh, poplilr., ol-ji, ete. groit vapidly, the strips are "orwed with good, 3true- tmvp and nignificantly hcj.p t* boost wL4a,!ac-Lj,_ vity. The tall forest belt.-~ wit.1) poplir oco~uvpy an arcA ot' mure than 7 thnuaarid ha. 7,ie avtr- age wood yAold borint per 1. ha. in t'Oe trilts I 201.63 CL vith poplfir- rench 30-2 37-1 ti) year old strips vritL bircli and elm 4.9 - 1.1-5 rijbic. spaters. In settinr= up shult(we Nelts it L:~-' re,:.Lumended' that larch, Evropean whito Lu, I h, Southern poplar , pine iprtscn , S'xDf-% apple, serviceberry and golden cut-ra-nt hi.- i;--ttrod'11cod in t113 futtu:~O. --D.I.Doryw-bin CARD 2/2 YAKMSHEY, G.V.. prof. red.; GIRFANOT, Y.K., kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk. zeeluzhannyy doyatell nouki RASSR, red.; KUCKHROY, Ye.y., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk, oti. red.; KHANISLAMOV, M.G.. kand. sellskokhos. nauk, red.- F=RAKO B I kand. sallskokhos. nauk. red.; POROTKOT, i~*Dev,r6d*;_'KO~MOV, I.A., tokhn. red. IState and problems of 68 pr'otootion of nature in Bashkiria; materials] Sosto*lanie'i sadachl okhrany prirody v Basihkirli; materialy. Ufa. Akad. nouk SSM, Boahkirskil filitil, 1960. 167 P. (MIRII l4i5) 1. Neuchnaya konferentaiya po okhrane pr1rody Bash)-irii, lot, Ufa, 1960. 2. Zomestitell predeedetelyA Presidium Bashkir- 8 kogo filials AN SSSR (for Girfanov),3. Prodsodatell komiseii ~o okhrane prirody Bashkirskogo filiela AN SUR i mrodoodatell respublikanskogo otdoloniya obehahestva okhrany'prlrody(for Kucherov) (Bashkiria-fiatural reaources--Congreeses) KUCHKROV, re.V., kand.seliskakhoz. nauk (Ufa);-F~~ Wx B.I., kand. sellskokhos. nauk"(Ufa) Snowdrops during the leaf~falling season. Priroda 52 no.8t 127-128 Ag 063. (KRA 160) (Snowdrops) KITMEROV, Ye.V.; O.Z.1-11KI B 1. Scientific conference on the effident use of plant resources of the 8-uthern Urals, December 10-11, 1963. Bot. zhur. 419 no.8:1230-1233 Ag 164. (MIR-k 17:11) 1. Institut biologiJ. Basbkirskogo f3o.-,ud,'.trstvennogc wiversiteta) Ufa. Practical work In agriculture, Politakh, obuch, A0,10-52-56 J& '37, (WAA 10W! 1. Is opyta raboty'Shilovskoy orednoy shkoly kazanskoy oblasti. (Atrloulture-Stu4y and teaching) IASHKEIFICII; A.M.; TERE21TIYEVAp A.A.; IVANOVAI L.S.j BOI(ODULINA, M.A.; VELICM21KOp I.N.; NIKULENK02 V.S.; KONSIIIIIA, T.I.; SHAKHOVA, T.P.; NYASHML, A.A.; YASINSKAYA, Z.A.; AGALITSEVA, N.B.; SELIMENSKAYA, Ye.G.,- KRETSMM, V.L.; KONOITOVICH, L.K.; FEDCRAYEV . A.M.; TKACHUK, L.Ya.; VYATKINA, G.A.; SLOUSHCH, V.S., IINSKAYI,`~C.N.; PORTNAYA, - R ffil- R.Yu.; KARAKOVSKAYA, E.M.- POKROVSKAYA, M.A.; KORNEVA, A.I.; YERSHOVA, K.F.p otv. red.; Prinimal uchastlye KAMAN011, M.L. red.; LAGAIMA, A.P.j, otv. za vypusk; NIKITINA, I.P., tekhn. red. (Economy of Novosibirsk Province; collection of statistics) Narodnoo khoziaistvo Novosibirskoi oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Novo- sibirskp Gosstatizdat TsSU SSSRI 1961. 331 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Novosibirsk. Oblastnoye statisticheskoye upravlenl-ye. 2. Na- challnik Statisticheskogo Upravleniya Novosibirskay oblasti (for Yershov). 3. Zamestitell nachallnika Statisticheskogo Upravleniya Novosibirskoy oblasti (for Kamanov). (Novosibirsk Province-Economic conditions) 0 A _,UO HOD"CVA, 0.; KUSA, 0.; MKIIIAROVA, 0. HAVIAR, V.; FED IZC 61 If. Effect of heparin on tissue respiration of the myocardium. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no.11:671-675 15 D 165. 1. Il. inter-ta klinika Lek. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v -Bratislave (ve4uci prof. MUDr. V. Haviar) a Fakultna trans- fuzna Eitanica v Bratislave (veduci doc. MDr. M. Hrubisko, csc.). Country : CZECHOSLOVAKM V Category: Pharmacology. Toxicology. Anti-Infection ",genta. Abs Jour: Z%Diol -, No 6, 1959, No 278V ,"Luthor Niederland, T.R.; Wmcs, V.; Flodorcakova, Inst Title The Change of Activity of Hyaluronidase in vivo in Repeated Iatroductim of Salycilatvs. Orig Pub: Bratial. lohar. listy, 19570 2, No 10-11, 600-06 Abstract; Five-day-long introduction of salycilates (I) to rabbits led to a decrease of hyaluronid-nse activity, vhich was less from a dose of 0.23 g/kg cf I than from a dose of 0.69 g/kg. During the first and second day, this affect vas most expressed. In sub- sequent days, its decrease vas observed. - From the authors' resur, - Card V-37 FEDOO~ 1!~ fit( 0 VP C=,CI1OSLOV1JM%/PharmcoloC,7 wid Toxicolocy. Hormonal V Proparations. Abs JO"t:- Ref Z1Wr-Bio1:-)11O 19) 1958) 69940. Author :.Mederlank T.R.; Mozes) V.; Fudorcahova, A.; Krizko, J. T~.t7.e Effect of Prolonged A&dnintration of ACT11, Coxtiaona) and Phenyleinchoninic Laid upon Ityaluronidase Activity in Vivo. Orig Pub: Casop. leltaru coalcych, 1958) 971 110 6-7) 180-183. Abstract: In experiments on rabbits (by applicatioa of the intraderml test), cortisone depressed hyaluroni- dase activity most strongly and durably. Intor- phan (phenyleinchonic acid) was less active. Card 1/2 t1smV pff VSEOdvcAjv a- k1wiCkil h'OC4em1j1 V-35 Lek. F,0- 1(j#7fA(5eCHo CIAIIV, garia; BACUEDOVEt Elena; KOLMAR, Pavol. BRIXOV1q Eva; FEDORCAKU&Jw aM Changes of residual proteins and of tyroein in rat Uver after application of carbon tetrachloride. Biologia 16 no.).:47-50 161. (IM 1027) 1. The 3d Medical Cliniag the Scientific Iaboratory of Farmco- biochemistry of the Xomensky University and the Slovak Institute of Postgraduate School of Nedicinet Department of Laboratory Diagnosis, Bratislava. (PROTEINS) (TUMINS) (CARBON TETRACHLORI13) (LIM) b o / C? // ca 0 OR go jaata glo r! I . SIR 0 po ca ri & 33 kjI,- v 0 &" Zvi HEDERLAIND, T.R.; TUMCAKCIVAA4. BRIXOVA,E.; BACHLEDOVA,E.;TecImicka -7a RAUSOVA.,T.0- EELAJOVA,H. ~Polupr ca: C Chadges.. in~*U -loncentration of liver and kidney proteins during'tbe cbrionic and chronic-internittent-administrition of salicylates. Bratial. lek. listy 2 no.11:655-659 163. 1. 111. int.klinika Isk. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave; vedouci: prof. MUDr.'T.R.bliederlard.. DrSc. GVOZDZAK,.T.j NIEDERLAND,T.R.; UCHLEDOVA,E.; TOM,F.; ~C~AJ~IKALi- KRAMAR,T, Tecbnica.1 assistances KLPLANOVA, K. .IftprimmW dudioxyonbrosis produced-by diet (ECFD). I.Changes ..jW,*bOW2VMI-**tabolI= of the i&,TocardJ= in dynamic develop- me~ Cor. vasa 6-ho.2tl53-158 164. ."WrInental. cardiomyofibrosis; rroduced by diet (ECFD). 11. Changes in lipid metabolism in ihe myocardium. Ibid,1159-163 164. 1. Research laborator7 of Pharmacobiochemistry, Ir1rd Intemal Miniop Faculty of Hedioine, Kozensky University# Bratislava., Czeohooloyaklas GVOZDjAK, J.; BACHLEDOVAP E.; NIEDERIAND, T.R.; Technicka spolupraca; KAPIMIOVA, Me; RADICOVA, L. On biochemical changes of the rat myocardium in late ontogenesis during experimental cardiomyofibrosis. Bratiol. lek. listy 45 no.6034-338 30 S 165. 1. 111. interna klinika Lek. fake Univerzit7 Komenskeho v Brati- slave (veduci prof. 14JDr, T.R. Niederland, DrSc.). 100 a 000 0 gee o 0 0 0 674-0 41-0-4-4-6-6-0 0 0 0 o4op is A I C, K0 s I U, If It It at a Is IP of W A, 41 4; Al AV u It If. 4i A 4- - : Iwo, Sq , ~90.100:0!3 Ip 7 J4114*TI 1% 'it 'AlpLWP SRI SPI-11 qd. It 00 '!,A N IM9 "I; tAf: im AqIV` 10 - A%L '4- VOW -VY 0* M- aqj JO &INJIMIA" Iris ou Aga Ps loputow lpww Ifull JOULSISM AJIL4100A.U &I 'ddl 4q) *"A OAP 'SPIN" -un %! uS anbd ;u Jzqjw:~ a Vat a** a" N pW N pla" SuixqxW "I *dda to v ti '91 CH *I; 'S *rl) For POW WAMINA I -IV 'ORI=lp ftnm o1 95 p "Psam ou Or 00 so 0 00 --V+,W"df -30 04 7-1-T-W-" T-T-r I T-'.( -W-V' WfS 0 lift 60*469 Off OF 0 N a It a N a $tau IkA "41"Clull 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 e o 0 G 0 0 6 6 c H q A-VID W allehim 0,00- m 11-- Hal thr. Ahoot, htwo., )OM 10,11.1,loi, U-W4II.j 11W tm,[,Iwr C'b&ts air 0 11,804. toad I film wetr( fat M-311 J":j .11 a.. 4. u 0 At .13 it ft IT It a If It 0 "a A It 006100 U M.'I..0 0 11 71 Timame. A 11--l. ",,4 41 Inj imi. all, lit is till 114111. 44 MI I,.,. see min. IN'tiltv tifilliflif. All I, 1 6 -tW 3 a *sees got 006000*0001:A LoSKMOV, V(~=7! 0, A. For wide use of devices for the establishment of technimil standards. Sots.trud 5 no.2:87-92 7 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Production standards) (Measuring instruments) -g% AWMO -41A 601"' ev 2W T cut CxI7~k f-c '7-! '~VWI -A Wavr equatfivi L't establist)cd for tht o1w, 4hca a c4u- "liftly accounz far atj %Ekm a RXMI !aatrus d W&P VAUI14 (POICA=11 u IntuaL nieftr' SwIn radh'3 is alit ledding to Probwe rlmulct H, the genaul I;ntcmct:on tif holes with tLe lal:tke tat- be cwm --,-g - 7 _Ultim) gt!;d Op" VjbfAfjM.Zj "r- by it *~C=6&tjW a~41jj~ -1 h ShoWn that hale Mobility hi LuIx cwk-taustbe p.-*pwd) Yjm. (16) MM vyhere:the angles i$ and A are found from formulas given. There are 2 references: I Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy derzhavnyy universytet im. T.G. S'hevchen- ka (Kiyev State University im. T.G. Shevcheriko) SUBMITTED: October 16, 1959 C ard .5/5 it-5N One," dynamic motlh.,d Zor ircreas-z'g the stability of a rapidly rotating appietriet!.1 gyroncope. ""rikl, mat. i makh. 25 ho.5:93,0-940 S-n, 161. (ITURA 34i.-10) (Gyro,.:Ccxn) FEDORCHEIVKQ Problem concerning the separation of rising waves according to amplification and disapperance. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.8t 1455-1457 Ag 162. (WILA 1501 1. Kiyevskiy gqsudarstvennyy universitst im. T.G.Shevchenko. (Electronics) 37265 S/057/62/032/005/0-12/022 00 B163/B102 AUTHOR: Fedorchenkoy A. M. TITLE: Transformation of a transverse electromagnetic wave into a longitudinal one at a dielectric - plasma interface PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikir v- 32, no- 5, 1962, 589-592 TEXT: The refraction and reflection of a plane monochromatic wave at the interface between an isotropic di'electrip,with dielectric constant F_ and a quasi-neutral plasma are studied theoretically. The collective plasma motions are described by a system of linearized non-relativistic hydrodynamic equations and the Maxwell equations; the motion of the positive ions is ignored. The results are n by the following equationst 2(a -1 )coa tf sin E) T, giy 2 VE1 cos E)0cool (21) Eft - - 1 (22) ! - - Ei EI Z~ , 3 p P. car S/057/62/032/005/01-2/022 Transformation of a transverse ... B163/B102 r fF--Cosq fe 10089)oose0+ ~161(E-I)sln GosinG E 03) -as - -'-- - I where EP 0 o 8, f + G1Cos O)COS 90F-1 (F -Osin OOsin~ . In these equationsp the subscript p denotes an electric vector in the plane of incidence, and a denotes an electric vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence, E is the amplitude of the longitudinal wave in the plasma. The superscripts I, r, and t denote incident, reflected, and transmitted waves respectively. vo Is the adiabatic velocity of sound in the electron gas f- the dielectric constant of the plasma. The meaning of the angles is Illustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the ratio 0 E,,/E'l as a function of the angle of incidence for the following sets I P 2 of parameteres Curve 1t. O/vo M 2e1O a 4; Ew 0-04- Curve 2t 2 2 a/vO a 2-10 ; 61 -,4; F_ a 0.2. Curve 31 O/vo M 2-10 ; El a 2; E n 0-04, With increasing angle of incidence, the transmitted transverse 'gave is Card 2/4 5/057/62/032/005/012/022 Transformation of a transverse ... B163/BI02 soon transformed into a surface wave. The most effective angle for ~he excitation of a longitudinal wave is about 100. There are 2 figures. The English-language reference reade as.follows: A. H. Kritz, D. Nintzert Phys. Rev., 117, 382, 1960. ASSOGIATIONs Kiyevskiy losudarstvannyy univeraltet (Kiyev State University SUBMITTEDs March 27, 1961 (initially) October 1, 1961 (after revision) Lard 3/4 MM2 - . 1. -11-171~-,-,;~,,,',tC 1-1 i :I; '. ,~ ~- i ~ - I-- q :', C', x *,`,-'~~,~, ~,7i . r ., ;" " A , - - I ~j '. ;k ~' 7- ~ r ..,: - T"r :% -~ -, - -- - - " - :- , - -t . FOORCIUMO, A.M. Convective and absolute instability, Radiotekh. i ele:ctron. 9 n0-0754-756 Ap 264. (MM 17 -.7) oc, PEDORCHENKO,,A,.,M. Separation of building-up waves into amplifying and vanishing ones. Radiotekh. I elektron. 11 ro.1:82-88 .Ta 166. (MM 19:1) 1. Submitted September 24, 1964. L 36201-66 ACC NR: AP6011450 SOURCE CODE; UR/Oiog/66/011/004/o693/0698 iAUTHOR: Fedorchenko, A. M. ORG: Kiev State University (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: One efficient method of generating difference frequency by anonlinear medium SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 693-698 TOPIC TAGS: gas discharge plasma, electron beam ABSTRACT: A plasma-electron-beam system is considered. If two signals with frequencies 4), and 0. are applied to a plasma, its nonlinearity is responsible for occurrence of a longitudinal field with a difference frequency JL - 40) - tiz ; the difference -frequency wave will be amplified, thanks to the kinetic energy of the beam. The analysis is based on the differential equations that describe the Card 1/Z UDC: 533.925 L 362ol-66 ACC NR: AP6011450 motions of the cold plasma and the beam in a hydrodynamic approximation. The maximum conversion of the beam power into the difference -frequency power takes where ti and W., are the Langmuirian frequencies ,place at 'for plasma and beam! respectively. Orig. art. has: 48 formulas. ~SUB CODE: 20.X;t SUBM DATE: 15Dec64 ORIG REF: 000 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 _L 25503-6� ACC NR, "0011390 _SOMCR CODES UR/0057/66/036/00310460/0465 A i Kotsaro--*AO N*Yas; Fedorchankoi AIM*- r ORGt~'.Xiev State -.University im. T60.Shevchenko (Klyevskiy gosudarstronnyy universitat) TITLE: 'Stationary fields and currents induced in a plasma by a strong high frequency field SOM CZ: ZhurnrAl tekhalchookby fiziki, v. 36 no. 30 1966, 460-466 TOPIC TAGS:- Ionized-plasmal- magnetchydrodynamics, nonlinear effect, ncalinear.plasm, electric fleldp.hf fieldq induced current ABSTRACTS. Theauthors discuss in at'quasllinear approximation' Ute stationary chorg-9 and current distribution induced in a plasma by a high frequency field, 1"he nonlinear ef f ect involved in the calculation: Is the average force on the electrolLS proportional to the gradient of the square of the high frequency electric field. Yu.A. Berezin,, T.I.Gutkin, S.N.Lozovsklyp and T,R,Soldetenko (ZhTV,34,448,1964) have given similar calculations, but the present authors object to the assertion of Berez'Ln et al. that the -plasma can be treated as neutral in- the zeroth, approximation. The prownt c alcu- lations are based on-the magnotohydrodynamic equations for the wtion oif -the electrons of acold plasma. The effect of collisions of the electrons with the isurrounding particles is taken into account by a term In the equation of motion representing a retarding force proportional to the velocity, These equations ar3 app.roximately Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L-25503-66 ACC NRi -AP6011390 Oolved by a.perturbation procedure dependent an the smallness,of the paretwiter eZ/Mf2L' where e and m are the electron charge and masso 3 to the appliod-111o fre- quency electric fieldg f is its frequeneyo and L Is a length characterlis11% the In-, , homogeneity of the field, The high frequency motions of the electrons areellaluated" from the-solution by averaging over time 0 -and equations are derived f rotik which the steady state charge and current distribution Induced In the plasma by the action of -field can be calculated. The forms to which theoe equations a given high frequency reduce Isotropic plasma and.for a strongly.magnoti,zed plasma are-given and a specific example is worked out in each asset the charge and current distributions induced in,a cylinder of Isotropic plasma by waves propagating on the.-surface and those induced in an Infinite magnetized-plasma byelectrouagnetic woves.propagating transvej~3ely-to the stagnetio field are calculateds-.'Orige art; host 44 -forwassi ids R1W 004 SO WDE: 20 I_ OW RSFt --7 L~~ --0 tj 2 2/ IJPW SOURCE CODE: UR/005 1/008/1323/1326 AUTHOR: Fedorchenko,A,M, _ 3-~ ORGt Kiev State University im. T,0,Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy gosuderstvenj2yy univerailpt) A~_ TITLE: Applicationof the Laplace transformation in two variables to the derivation of a criterion for spatial amplification and-cutoff SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhaichookoy fiziki, v. 360 no. 8, 1966, 1323-1326 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic method, mathematic transformation, Laplace transform, wave propagation, wave amplificatioup dispersion equation, Of'-JrCr?Z ABSTRACT: The author discusses the stability of waves propagating alonif the z axis of a Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z and satisfying an equation of the form I X 12L" -4- afj. Oz 0; 1 1, 2, n, where t is the time, the f18 are the components of the wave function, and the ats and Pts, are constants, although in principle they might involve operators acting on the transverse coordinates x and y. The values of the fts at z w 0 are vpecified for all positive times as boundary conditions, The f's are subjected to a double Laplace transformation In t and z and, the transformed wave components are found to satisfy it UDC: 538.56 -ACC NRr_ - AP602860.1 set of inhomogeneous lineer algebraic equations. The inhomogencous terms In these equations are the transforms of the boundary values at z = Op and the coefficients in- volve the transformation parameters (which represent the frequency and the wave number). The nature of the roots of the dispersion equation defined by these algebraI4 equations is discussed and the fla are expressed in terms of those roots and the boundary conditions by inverting the Laplace transformation. It is shown that if the dispersion equation has a root for which the phase velocity at Infinite frequency is positive, the waves will iner6ase in amplItude as they propagate (spatial amplifi- cation) provided th'e frequency is such that the Imaginary part of the wave vector is positive. This criterion is said to be analogous but not obviously equivalent to that of P.A.Sturrock (PhyseRevop 11295,1488j1958) and to be equivalent to a criterion previously derived by the author (Radlotekhnike I elektronika, No,l, 1B66) from a causality argument. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas and 1 figure, SUB ODDS: 20 SUBM DAM 24Apr65 ORIG,REF: 005 CVM REY t 001 pb 45985---,t)' EwT(1L.,_k.T.(c) 9Y-A T_ ZC NR, AP65028602 SMRCE CODE: UK/0057/66/036/0011/1327/1332 AUTHOR: Fedorchenkop AsM. ORG: 'Kiev State University Ime T,G,Shevchenka (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvanhyruniverlitet) TITLE: conversion of a transverse electromagnetic wave to a longitudinal wave at tke boundary between a plasm and a dielectric SOUR~N: Zhurnal t*khnicheskoy fisiki, v. 36j no. St 1966, 1327-4332 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic method, mthematic transformationg Laplace transformp boundery value problem, electromagnetic waveg longitudinal wave,plasm vmv~, olectromagnetic wave reflectionq, electromagnetic wave refraction, dielectric,lonized plasm ABSTRACT: The author (ZhTF, 32, vyp,5,589, 1962; Ukr. liz.zhurn., 8, No,5, 555,196Z1).,,,, and A.Hessel, N,Markuvitz and J.Shmoua (IRES Trans, 12, No.1, 130, IM; IRR Trans.,,.-! 10, No.1, 48, 1922) have discussed iR-the hydrodynamic approximation the conversion of a-transverse electrommetic wave,~Into a longitudinal plasma wave at a plasma -_ V dielectric boundary. In all those calculations, the condition V. w 1) was imposed at. the plasma - dielectric boundary, where va is the norml component al the electron velocity. In more recent work of the author (Radlotekhnlka I elektronika, 11, Nooll 1966; ZhTF, 36, No.$, 1323, 1966/ see Abstract APG028601/ there has been developed ta now technique involving Laplace transformations in both the space and tine varlablo'l. for treating analogous boundary value problem* In the present paper the Laplace t 1/2 UDCt 533,9 ACC NRI AP6028602 formation technique is employed to calculate the intensities of the reflected wave, the refracted transverse wave, and the transmitted longitudinal wave that arise when an electromagnetic wave to incident at an arbitrary angle on the boundary between a dielectric and a plasma. The Incident wave is assumed to be polarized with the electric vector in the plane of incidence. The simplifying assumptions employed in~ the authorls earlier work are used also In the present paperX The results of the !.i present calculations agree with those of the earlier ones when and only when the di.; electric constant D of the dielectric is unity* It Is concluded frots this that thq'~~ boundary cc dition vn n 0 is correct only when D a 1e The maximum conversion of n tb~t' incident transverse waves to longitudinal waves occurs when sin2I W d/D, where I to the angle of incidence and d is the dielectric constant of the plasmi. Orig. art. has: 52 formulas and 1 figures SUB CODE: 20 SM DATE: l5May65 ORIG, RM OG4 (XM RKr: 002 Card 2/2 pb J L lo457-67 M41r(l) IJP(c) AT uR7 o-i o-9T6,)To-, iiii,' 4EC NR, AP6023879 SOURCE CO-DEs i3 AUTHORt Kotsarenko,_N. Ya.;,Fedorchenkop A. M. ORO: Kiev State University ~m. T.- 0, Shevchenko KiyevskV gosudaretvenmy universitety 'N" TITLE: Isolation mid amplification of the difference frequency in a plasma eam system SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 7, 1966, 1325-1327 TOPIC TAGS: electron plasma, electron beam, plasma electron oscillation!q ABSTRACT: A. M. Vadorchenko examined a method of dIfference-frequency generation in a plasma-boaM 3YBtOM where two electromagnetic waves propagated in the same direction (Rad. i 31ektronika, 1966, v. 11, no. 4, 693). The present article considers the sa..o system in which the two waves propaga-W in opposite directions.. The second appro-~~jation is used in the analysis, which provets that the system can be used for -pneration of the difference frequency and also for W mixers. In principle# a uolid-state plasma is also applicable; it would have an advantage of higher attainable frequency and a disadvantage of short relaxation time (16"'to 10-ig sna). Orig art. bass 18 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 09 SUBM DATE: 040ot65 ORM REF 1 00 1 OTH REF, 005 - Card IUDG. 621,V1 .18 Az-- 7, -"-q ACC NR, AP 7001300 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/012/2107/2110 ]AUTHOR: Kotsarenko, K.Ya.; _F~doL ~he Z~o,A,M, .ORG: Kiev State University im. T,G,Shovchenko (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univoraltot) :TITLE: Concerning the stationary distribution of plasma in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave ,SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnichaskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 12, 1966, 2107-2110 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electromagnetic wave, isotropic plasma, magnetonctivo plasma, electron density, nonlinear effect# mathematic physics, standing wave ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the distribution of electrons in a plasna In the, presence of a standing electromagnetic wave. The motion of the plasma ions is neglected, and that of the electrons is treated in the hydrodynamic approximation. The stendy electric field induced in the plasma by the standing waves is introduced on the basis of earlier work of the authors (ZhTF, 368 460, 1966); it is proportional. to the time average of the vector product of the electron velocity and the magnetic field strength. It is assumed that the steady field is strong, and tho electron pressure is neglected. There is presented and discussed a solution of the quasilinear self-consistent equations derived on the basis of the above simplifying assumptions. It is shown that the electron density is decreased in the regions of h!.gh field strength. The authors also discuss the solution to the analogous problem for the case Card 1/2 UDC: 53.39 -ACC NRz when there is present an external longitudinal magnetic field. In the case of an ordinary standing wave the behavior of the electron density is qualitatively the soma Bins in an isotropic plasma. In the case of an extraordinary standing wave the behavior lot the electron density depends on the ratio of the wave frequency to the Larmor ,frequency, when this ratio exceeds unity the electron density distribution is quali- .- ta tively the same as in an isotropic plasma, but when this ratio is less than unity th 'electron density is increased in the regions of high field strength. 11or ve ry high field strengths the equations give a negative electron density; this in ascribed to %h .tact that the electron pressure in not negligible in regions of very low electron density. Orig. art. hass 16 formulas and 2 figures, SUB COM, 20 SUBM DATZ: 15NOV65 ORIG, REP: 0011 i'-C,rd 2/2 FMRCEMNKD. A.V. How to got beterosic se~di of cucumbers, Polltakh.obuch. no.6:49-50 Je '59- 04IRA 12:V) 1. GribovsWa ovo "hehnaya selaktaionnaya opytiuiya atantaiya. (cucumbers) HENKO 6706 CHWO R Pribor Dlys ObtocWd Opornogo Kolltea Parovogo Xxana. Fk-6. - xM a.; 1 L. Chart. 21 sm. Wvovv 1954. (M SM. Llvoviftya Zh. D. Tvkhn. Otd. Dorogip Dor. Dom Takhniki i Dor NM. Inform.-Takhn. pielmo NO. 1.1) .400 Mcz. B. To.-Sost. Uketzan v Kontse 2oksta.-(54,-15647 Zh) 621.873-81 and 621.941 SO$ Inizbnaya latopis 'NO .6, 1955 S-nectrophotometry of the Hotoline at different hellographle. latitudes. An- tron.teir. no.133:10-12 Js 153. WM 6:6) 1. Kievskiy Gosuniversitet imeni T.G. Shevchenko, Kafedra, Astrouoxii. (Spootrum, Solar) GORDELk=., Sh.G.1 nWRGREIZO~ G.L. Photographic arg pkotored magnitude$ of lplOO stars in a region with the centeroLiwlE 53 ,Z-+150s.5 (1950). Izv. Glav. astron. obser, AN URSR no. 2:112-1.31 t61. (KERA 14:5) .(Stara--Magnitudes) KOLESNIK, I.G.j TMOstigating ths'photometric center correction of the doub2e astrograph at the Main Astronomical observatory of the Academy of Sciencea of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Izv.Glav.astron.obser. AN USSR 4 no.1:88-95 161. (MIR& 3.4:10) (Astronomical instruments-Testing) VOROSHILOV., Vladimi Ivanovich; GORDEIADZE, Shalva Georgiyevich; KOLESNIK) Lidiya Nikolayevna; IBKATSMA, Frina Iosifovaa; ZEDORCMKO-j Galins, Imonidovna; KHEYID, Ernest Sergeyevich; AMMI-K, T.S-.----T. IEWUNA, N.P.j, tekhn. red. ., re ~za--ii-; [Catalog of photographic, photovisual and photo red magnitudes of 22000 stars) Katalog fotograficheskikh fotovizua:Llrqkh i foto- krasnykh velichin 22000 zvezd. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSRj 1962. 173 P. charts. (Stars-Catalogs),ij (HIRA 15 -.7) Three-color Photometry of stars in an area with the center at c/C 0 18h59m, 5= + 150.3. Ixv. Glav. astron. obser. AN MM 4 no.2:113-lV 162. . . (MIRk 15:11) (Photometry, Astronomical) Catalog of the spectral classes of 1717 stars in an area with the center at 0~ .19n.. -6 = + 15 '. Izv. Glav. astron. obser. AN URSR 4 no.21l34-152 162. (MIRA 15311) . (Stare-Catalogs) (Stars-Spectra) FEDORCHENKO G L I Interstellar absorption of Light in the region with center ,~ = 19hdP, oP= + I!P .3. 1 zv. Glav. astron. obser. AN USM 5 no*1:128-136 163. (M331A 16t6) (Milky W&A (Stara--Speatra) 1-1 i, i6vti-69 P 'rip W WIP(b) if AP404590 mjio SIVve. & ACCES!;ION M -ilib AUTHOI., FedorcheN1,11 (etcadamictan AN UkrSSP,'j,: Dra_yljcif,_R.~~(Deceaied) A fl: anas ~'~Yev_ ~N* khimi ch C-!__S TtTLEt ave stig4tion of..-the 4i-A_r:__Q.E__5_L.nvered -powder- -Md te !r ii-- dLfferentziseouz Imadia noi'9,, SOURCE,s _AIJ OkrkSR~- Dopovidi 19640 1168 1172 TOPIC TAG 44' 'd'' _-"Matleit a I St sintor Pow. or Jign.-powder material, hr on ra Powdt;r material, friction' coefficient, wcar)~J ABSTRACTt S i n t e re e r,___6i7te-rTa I a- -two ori an iron-powder base -and two on a bronze powderbase, were subjected to friction and wear tests i n air, nitrogen, argon, and helium. The courterbody was n i t r i d e A I Kh 1814 9 T AISI 3211 steel hardened to 75 ER ; testing was d o n c at a specific pressure of 245,10 nIn2 and a siidinp upe-ed va-ry-: in 'Q trota 0.5 to 10.5 m/sec. The test results sho,,e(. that 1.he antient gzasvou5 medium has a significant bearing on lhc mechpsisn of Weai ri--tion caefficienc, and temperacur2 of the frIrL:(,in suiflces oi: ali the sintered materials teated. The frict.Lon :enoerait.-re and wear Card 1/2 Und r--', t h a- - vear- I r-a t e_~_ o fit t4itdd _~i jott.- oowdet '. than th t of t-he appreciabl3r, hi'Sher materia a was materials The v4Lue of -the-friction coefficient and its t~nc--~dapen'd- ent changes at a constant. soeed were de-tertained by th~a processes which occur on the friction surfaces, and which, in turn, d,apend on the ambient medium. At a constant sliding speed, the effact of the specific pressure on the friction coefficient is tn-Je-icnde'xt: of the ;jmbiert gaseous medium. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION., Institut-problem materialoznavstva AN U3SR Ittistituta OR ~rll INFO 11 , 1 R"'I NA 1-1 , FPP I.M.; F'ONOMARENIKO, N.Ye. . I Ff fe ',c t, )f' the gr~tphitc confv~nt on thf.~ ant.' Ilnn pr-rvni !-, I e-.-i 04" ;. I ire tal -graphite materials. Porosh. clet. 5 no,9;5~---8 S 165. ()f-, RA '1~8 ~ 9 ) 1 .Institut problem IMN' iikr_"-R. 5/147/60/000/02/020/020 E191/E481 AUTHORS: Shevelev, A.S. and Fedor chenko, G.P. TITLE: 'The Summation of ErrorAin the Machininiloof Components PERIODICALtIzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 196ol Nr 2. pp 177-180 (USSR) ABSTRACr: Variable systematic errors and random errors in machining cause dimensional scatter. In a steady production process the distribution of errors approximates either the normal or the Maxwell distribution. The summation of two independent errors with different distributions in considered. One- dimensional error (typical example is the size of a shaft machined on a oapstan lathe) has a normal distribution and the other error (typical examplia is the error due to tho setting up of components in a self- centering chuck) has a Maxwell distribution. Tht distribution of the sum of two errors is derived by means of the theory of probability. The result is shown in Fig 1. In practice, a certain manufacturing risk (scrap) is accepted. The percentage of components for which the Card 1/2 total error exceeds a certain value is derived-(Eq (5)), S/147/60/000/021020/020 E191/E481 The Summation of Errors in the Machining of Components If for A given manutacturing risk the associated limiting totalerror is defined in terms of a significant parameter of the distribution curve, and is also expressed as the sum of the maximum individual errors multiplied by a factor, then it is possible to find a relation between the manufacturing risk and this multiplying factor. This relation Is derived and tabulated in Table 2. Each column has a certain value of the multiplying factor and each row a certain value of the ratio between the maximum individual erroris. The manufacturing risk in given in percentages. 'There are 1 figure.and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kuybyshevskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kuybyshev Aviation Institute) Card 2/2 SEEWEIEV, A.B.; iYetermining errors in the position of mwfaces in machining parts, lzv,vys,uoheb,zav.; av.tekh. 4 no.3:134-143 161.(mmA 1. Kuybyshevoki;~ aviatsionnyy inatitut, kafedra proizvodstva aviadvigateleY- (Machins-ohop practice) S/147/62/000/001/012/015 E115/E535 AUTHOR: Fedorchenko, G.P. TITLE; Summation of vectorial errors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no.1, 1962, 105-115 TEXT: The author discusses the problem of summation of independent vectorial errors on a plane (or on parallel -planes) taking into account the technical and economic estitfiate of the production efficiency. Let ; be a systematic vectorial (constant) error, r - random error and let ii = 9 + Tr. Then, under the assumption of the distribution of absolute value of r, Irl, being Maxwell distribution" (Abstractor's note: Better known in the two- dimensional case as Rayleigh distribution, see, e.g. Parzeni Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, p.181) with parameter ot, an approximate (with an excess) probability distribution of 6 the acceptable value of production error 0 (defined in terms of the ratio lal and the coefficient of summation W - is derived. (Abstractor's notes This assumption Card 1/3 Summation of vectorial errors S/147/62/000/ool/012/015 E115/E535 of the "Maxwell distribution" is an immediate consequence of the assumption that the distribution of a point representing the random error on the plane is Gaussian). The second part of the article deals with the generalized problem, where Uil i = 19 ... InI independent vectorial errors, each of them being a sum -of two components - ;. - the systematic error with constant la,j and with the argument distributed uniformly and of r - random error, , jr,j being distributed with "Maxwvll distri~utionll with parameter a are given. Asymptotic result (n -:~ 00) for distribution of t& total acceptable value of production error (5 ) is derived 0 using central limit theorem (provided the Lyapunov condition is satisfied). Next, the case where the 191 1 are distributed uniformly on a given interval is considered, and these two results are then compared. Finally. two numerical examples are presented and a table of the values of the production risk in percent for these two cases as a function of the coefficient of summation is. given. (Production risk is defined as the cumulatIve distribution function of 6 ).. There are 6 figures and 3 table. 0 rAbstractor's Note: There.are numerous mirprints in the article.-I Card 2/3 Summation of vectorial errors S/147/62/000/001/03.2/015 E115/E535 ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra proizvodstva aviadvigateley, Kuybyshevakiy aviatsionnyy institut (Department of Aircraft Production, Kuybyshev Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1961 lie Card 3/3 W~~Tlw I-- - - ~ -~ le- I - 't . !, I - 7 .... , 2 , -. I , - ti 1-:1W N17 vill -. ;,~V 2 Z . -; ~~ , ! , 3~. 1 ~!.~ L -1 , -Blll . - -- - ., - . . . , -7 -1 `~" -`;r, :~ : ;,, ~., ".." - , ~,- .- ; - - ~ - "l- - -1/015/020 1/EI81 E 03 AUTHORS i: A.Stvand:Fedorchenko, r4. P. TITIZ: .,Total kmanufaciuiing- errors as derive4ffrom the lim'iting -values of-their parsmeters; Izvestiya, v~ *hikh uchctnykh zavedeniyj yo Aviatsior=&ya:.t4khnika,.no,,lj 1963, 131-139 TEXT: Vecto'r4nd scalar errors.are considered, selarately at first and then an expression for ' the total error is derived which' i .includea both. In each of the first two cases it is assumed that 'I there are n independent components, -each -of which is the sum of 1 a systematic and-a random error. The total error for a. given manufacturing risk- is determined. Each error component is assumed. I --distribu-tedinormal-ly.* in --the ~ general case,, there are n _ vector And mostailar -compondntw--dndj- as before* -a relation is- derive-d--'. total error and the manufacturing risk. The expressions derived-can be used to find the total error, for a given,, manufacturing risks or, to~`find the Oermissible values of the error cov~pohents for known.values, of theparameters, or to find the manufacturing risk-from known values of the other parameters. v C hr "A?'~T i-Lip(c). WRM ~t'~19076-63 ACCESSIO~ NR:'A#1 051: S/0147/63/000/003/0122/0128 AUTHOil Shovalev, A. S Fedorchenko, G.. P TITLEt: Determiniti.on of tocal.arror in a given direction SOURCEt IVUZ11 Aviatsionnaya tekhnikj, no. 3, 1963, 122-128 TOPIC TAGSs accurac y, aircraft engine, aircraftiengine part, engine assembly, vector -error, scalar error, total error, manu- facturing accuracy, error addition, engine part telLabilLty ABSTRACT:, A procedurb is presented for calculating the total or-. ror associated with the manufacture and assembly__.~L_4i_rj;raft- engine. parzs.,kThe pro ce&ie___'i_s__~'a'sed on the summation of vector _ind__s_ca_ia'r'__e'rrors in a fixed direction according Oo the diagram shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The scalar errors along the. straight line are added to the projections on this line of vector errors Mathematical expressions for the distribution of total error are derived. The use of the method is illustrated by a. practical example,..Orig' art. hast 4 figures and 21 formulas. Card 1/3 --FEDORCIIF,,NKO, G.P., SUmming errorn with variable parameters of distribution. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; av. tekh. 8 no-41149-154 165 (MIRA 19d) -At-~.--iNKt-AP70066bO--(//-)-ZOURCE CODE: UR/0145/66/000/010/0126/0231 ~AUTJIOR: Zedorchenko, G.-F., (Candidate of technical acienceal IORG: None TITLE: Summation of the errors in a linear dimensional chain in tht case of varia;ole distribution curve parameters SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. lo, 1966, 126-131 iTOPIC TAGS: probability, error statistics, industrial automation !ABSTRACT: The fundamental postulates of probability theory are used for finding the functional relationship betveen the distribution parameters for the dimensions of a closing link and the parameters of the distribution laws for the component links in a dimensional chain. It is assumed that a given linear dimensional chain has n component ,links vith dimension x ... j xi ... 9 x and scattering fields (tolerances) 26 , i .19 x22 n I 26 2` ..., 26is ..., 26 n' The size of a component link for a Group of parts is a rim- dom quantity distributed in the tolerance field according to the lav d-t. W tj to (t) Card 1/2 uDc: 62i.ool cc AV-70-0-6-60 Al _Wki77 with parameters a (t) and a W where t lies in the closed interval betveen t and i 1 01 t1 (i=l, 2, ..., n), the parameter a being determined by the value of the systematic error while a describes scattering.' The problem is to find the value of the scatter- ing field (tolerance) for the dimenHions of the closing link xE* This problem is solved and expressions are derived vhich may be used for finding the optimum method for solving the direct and inverse problems of calculating dimehaLonal chains. The article was presented for publication by G. D. Troshin, lecturer at the K%W~yahey Aviation Institute. Orig. art* h" : 3 figures, 20 formulas. SUB CODE: 13, 12/ SM DATE: lo.Tun65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 X'P6003195 SOURCE CODE: UR/0147/65/000/004/0149/0154 AUTHOR: Fedorcbenko, G...P. 17 AMOM ORG: none TITLE: Summation of the errors with varying distribution parameters SOURCE: IVUZ. Avietsionnoya tekbnika, no- 4, 1965, 149-154 TOPIC TAGS: error sta-(4tics, metbemstic analysis ABSTRACT: The problem is posed as follows. There are given D independent oomponents of the errors with dimensions U1. U29- Uiva-Un with permissible values of ?- I t F- E E ng The instantaneous distribution ol esog'of 8;;*wi110*;; normal to the plane: e', 4t is required to determine the distribution low for the total error: U, ol (2) Card 112 UDC: ACC NRt AP600.3195 After a statistical analysis the following expression Is arrived at: Q d, P~ 100 ~1 (23) d, Calculation sbows that summation of the errors of the total distributlbna is two or more times as effective than summation with respect to the 4 r limiting values of the parameters. Orig. art. has: 23 formulas and 3 figures, SUB CODE.6 SUBM DATE: 24Deo64/ ORIG REF: 002/ (YTH REF: 001 Mjs T-T,W,RQi',lZlCO) I.G.p Ceud climni c~Aalyzors f or the rinmifnct . Isme Of ' .11 fUri C' z,.C'id bi tlio coix- tact i-aetlho(l.ll Kharlkov, 195,~. 13 n.) ("iii of lliCli-~r Iliar,ll'ov Foly,ech List it:1 V.I. Initill); ,e4 SOV/78-4-5-3/46 AUTHORS: Kondratenko, Z. V., Fedorchenko, I, TITLE: The Density and Viscosity of Some Polyphosphoric Acids (Plotnost' i vyazkost' nekotorykh polifosfornykh kislot) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorga nicheskoy khimli, 1959, Vol 4, lir ~), pp 98!i-988 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The inveRtigation of the densiiy of polyphosphoriz acid nas carried out by the method of hydrostatic weighing. With tin increase of temperature the density of the polyphosphoric acid changes slightly and increases with an increase of 'the P205- content. Table I shows the densities of polyphosphoric acids in dependence-on temperature. Figure 1 is a graphical representation of densities. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the density of phosphoric acid on the percentile P 0 -content 2 5 and temperatures of from 20 to 900C. The percentile P 20 5-con- tent in She acid is determined by the given densit at from 20 to go for concentrations of from 65.2 to 64.6 P 0 The 2 5* viscosity of the phosphoric acid with a P 205-content of from Card 1/2 65.2 to 74.6% and at 20 to 900C was investigated. It follows KMLINp FFADCROBEEP) 1900 Blectria conductivity of concentrated phosphoric acides Zhur,neorg.,khim, 7'no,IX:2485-2486 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Phosphoric acid--Eloctric properties) S/o68/62/000/012/001/001 E071/E436 AUTHORS: Nechiporenko, N.N., Kakulin, G.P., Fedorchenko, I.G., Manoylenko, B.R. . . . ........... TITLE. An investigation of the process of chlorination of thiophene, PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, no..12, i962, 43-45 TEXT: ln'~:view of the possibility of applying chlorine for the' production~of a high purity benzene, t~e authors investigated the process of chlorination of thiophene dissolved in benzene in order to establish the necessary amount of chlorine for a complete purification of benzole'froin thiophene. 'In addition, the influence ?f temperature and -velocity of-supply of chlorine to the reactor on the degree*of purification of benzole 'with a given thiophene content, was studied. The ap~aratua consisted of a reactor fitted with a mercury sealed stirrer, thermometer and inlet and outlet, for chlorine. The outlet gases (air and trace.s of chlorine) were scrubbed in a solution of,potansium iodide, crystalline sodium hydroxide (for HC1) and activated carbon (for benzene vapours). A cryoscopic-benzene with An addition of 1% of thiophene was used' Card 1/2 n- M_ S/068/62/000/012/001/001 An investigation of the process E071/E436 for experiments. The purification priocess.was followed by the bromine number, determined,by the bromide-broqiatc method. It was established1that the degree of purification-of benzole depends mainly on,the amount of the reagent used an.d is practically indepeAdent'lof temperature,(7 to 4000 and rate of suppl, of chlorine. ~Refining with,.chlorine can produce a product praCtiCAllY free from thiophene. For;a complete purification of benzole from thiophene, it In necessary to,use 1.5 to 2.0 weight unitei of. chlorine per I weight unit of thiophene. There.are 1 figure and. 3 tables-$7", 4. ASSOCIATIONt Khar?kovskiy politakhnicheakiy institut il (Khar1kov Polytechnic Institute) Card 2/2 FEDORGRENKOp I.G,; KkKULIN., G.P.; KONDRkTENKOp Z.V. Electric conductivity of concentrated phosphoric acile at 100-2000C. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.8tI945-1946 Ag 165. (mm 1921) 1. KharIkovskiy pol-itekhnichaskiy institut imeni V.I.Leninaj kafedre. obahchey i neorganichoskoy khimii. Submitted November 18, 1964. t t Ti-Al'I'l-AlYl V.I.-., Dr,v --Loarflng of bla?lt ir I go-norud. promo no, '1.,,P P-D IP:3) I . l1kri d,-,ra!N% nau *-- b kx3j!:. ( e.-, lcon:x ' . FFDORCHEITKO I.M.; CHAIM B.T.*, NEVELISHTEYN, Ya.G.; -SHAFORMO. M.A.; ---- *Vvwmvm~ P ISIVNIM"W". Ya.1re. Canparative testing of cer-mic metal piston rings on tractor engines. Porosh.met. 4 no.5t92-97 S-0 16-1. (MIRA. 18:10) 1. X-istitut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR i Rpetsiallno" konstruktorskoye.takhnologicheekoye bywo Odesskogo zavoda zapasn.vkh chastey. KONEV, P.A.; TIMOFFYEV, V.V.; FEDORCHENKO, I.M.; ANDR1YEVSKIY, R.A. Ceramic metal filters for the filtration of air and water. Porosh. met. 4 no.6t84-88 N-D 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Khartkovskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheskiy institut I. Institut problem materialovedeniya All UkrSSR.