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FAYZUIAYEV. B. N. .-----Trecm-on -Orae imulme characteristic In circuits with correction of a building-up front. Radiotakhniks 10 no.11:60-64 N 155. OCLBA 9.' 3) (Radio circuits) 24850 S/106/60/000/004/005/007 4055/AI33 AUTHORs Fayzulayev, B. N. T=: Junction pro cesses in transistorized triggers PERIODICALI Elektrosvyazl, no. 4. 1960, 29 - 37 TEM The analysis of Junction processes In transistorized triggers applies to the general case, without too many limiting assumptions. Account is namely taken of the effect exerted by the collector Junction capacitance upon the dynam- ical parameters of the triggering circuit. The dynamical operation of triggers is examined from the point of tew of stability and of the quickest possible acticru .Amtion processes are studied in the case when the starting signals are applied to the trigger inputs alternately, and not simultaneously. The analysis is limit- ed to the case of "strong" triggering signals, and the positive feedback effect is not taken into account. In the equivalent circuit of a Junction transistor in the active region, Ck and Rk are the 6apacitance and resistance of the collector Junction, averaged for a large signall &(p) is the "operator expression" ("ope- ratornoye vyrazheniye") of the transistor- transfer characteristic (for emitter and for large signal)i Z.(p), rb are the "operator impedance" ("operatomyy impedansP) Card 1/8 24850 s/1o6/6o/ooo/oo4/oo5/oo7 Junction processes in transistorized triggers A055/A133 and the base resistance. The common-emitter arrangement being used, the current 19(p) can be expressed as . Ig(P) - A(P)ib(P)- In the case of a resistance-capaoitance load, and approximating the emitter trans- fer factor o((p) (in short-crcuited load operation) by a function such as: (Y' (P) - 060 - - (3) O+PT'd G+Pto), (whereo~o is the statical emitter transfer factorl ZL is the time constant equal to I I f.~ia the boundary frequency at which o4 falls to level 0.707 at large 2rjfO4 signals; t. is the diffusion delay nearing 0.25ra for diffusion transistors), the ffoperator expressioe for the transfer function 99(p) takes the form of: 01(p) P, 1+ ti _-7. (4) 0 (1+pzb)(l+V-L where, for Rk >> RI: C ard Z/8 24850 3/106/60/000/004/005/007 Junction processes in transistorized triggers A055/A133 1 go 0 Rl 0 1+001- k (5) R (6) t1 l(Cl4Ck) C 'A&A61T-d,+tO+Rl(CK+~0)1 (7) To ~,- Rl(C14CO (8) R ClAt.-) " -C+-t 0 Function AI(p) is derived in an appendix to the article. The author states that his analysis can be carried out on the basis of a simplified equivalent circuit of the trigger. Junction processes at switcHng. - The generator current igl(p) in transistor T, is: igl(P) - Ik (10) C ard 3/8 24850 S/106/60/000/004/005/007 Junction processes in transistorized triggers A055/A133 where Ik is the static value of collector current in the open transistor. The voltage across the collector load of Tj is: U ukl(p) - 1+PT' where ttoj RI(Cl'+Cl4Ck)j RI - UO IkRI. The base current of transistor RI+Rl' T2 is U -L ib2(P) R 1+p 1+ki where 1,1 - RjCj. The voltage across the collector load of T2 is: 1+0711 1 Uk2(P) - YuUol 1 (13) +PC (I+p'Vj) (I+pIrO) R C 6~1, and where, for Ck where Ku -A R, Po Card 4A 24850 s/1o6/6q/ooq/oo4/oo5/oo7 junction processes in transistorized triggers A055/A133 1 O1[rA+to+Rl (C C k+~01)1 TO Rj_(Cj_4Ck4Cj _Cl_ + Ll (C k-9) &.+t0 - The expression for uk2(P) can be simplified. Indeed, uk2(P) can be considered as a convolution of two functions: a slow one and a rapid one. Developing the "ope- rator expression" of the slow component into a series, the author finds that this component can be.represented, with only a very small error, by the first term of the series alone, and the simplified expression for uk2(P) can be written as: uk2(P) lb U~' (16) (1+pfl*)('+p 0). Choice of the accelerating capacitance.-- It ensues from (16) that, under tran- sient operating conditions, the voltage across the load of the triggered triode can attain rapidly the value Uo (corresponding to the static operating conditions of the open triode) only in case of Card 5/8 1050 S/106/60/000/004/005/007 Junction processes in transistorized triggers A055/AI33 Ti:~q (17) KU After substitutions and transformations, (17) becomes: T +t 21 - - C i + C k + A 0 (W C1 being the accelerating capacitance. The following expression is given by the author to the optimum accelerating capacitance: 1~0+to Cl C lopt opt( + Ck + L.~9 A, (19) Rl (30 where 5opt ;op, 1. The coefficient Lpt, at which tsetupl - tsetup2l is, in the general case, somewhat superior to one, and depends on numeroug parametets of the circuit. This dependence is, in fact, so complicated that it is advisable to de- termine ~ogt experimentally, expression (18) being only used as a first approxima- tion. Quick action of the trigger. - The quick action of the trigger is defined by the author as the reciprocal of the.setup-time of the transient processes in the load% Card 618 24850 S/106/60/000/004/005/007 Junction processes in transistorized triggera A055/A133 F w I tsetup Only the maximum quickness of actionis examined in the article. Considering that R, 4R1, the author writess Fmax ' - - 1 (20) xUiClopt4V where,y is the coefficient of-the leading edge, about equal to 2.5. Substitution into (20) of the expression for Clopt (19) gives: Fm&x - 1 (21) Kopgr +toi.~1+0 tlck) - 0~ - ~ opt Considering that, in the examined case, ~opte;~61, formula (21) can be given the following simplified form: - Fmax I ___jEk (22) 4 2.5(rCfto+2R 7 ' There are 7 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references. Card V8 RY i~'VM. 0 M0, 41-, -.13 9.4310 7-0.82 SOV/108-15-1-8/13 AUTHOR; Fayzulaev, B. N. TITLEt E~itter Repeater at Impulse Operation PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 60-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the transient processes caused by large impulse signals in a repeater formed by a planar- junction transistor. The following a33UMptions are made: (1) the impedance of the emitter junction is neglected; (2) the reactive character of the base resistance is neglected; (3) the capacitance and r--sis- tance of the collector junction is neglected; (It) when a current impulse is applied to the base the transient characteristic of the collector current is approximated by an exponential function with the time - L constant Tfi; thereby T - (1 + jg ) .-r, where Ltj , h X arac- c n o the time cons rc, is tan f the transle teri5tic of the collector current produced by a current impulse applied to the emitter; and (5) the Card 1/5 equivalent circuit of the operating part is considered Emitter Repeater at Impulse Operation '17182 sov/1o8-15-1-8/13 to be linear. The analysis is based on the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3. - ?I iI dp)Jr. R U (P)* idp)zI UM I ~qffl~' -4p:)Zl Fei, 3. Using the Carson operational transform, expressions are given for the input impedance Z in and the output impedance Zout zal (P) Ri + (I + P) R,, pt~ (7) '0 (T +%.I + P2 Card 2/5 Emitter Repeater at Impulse Operation M82 SOV/108-15-1-8/13 zomx (P) Til - , - (8) T,+ + /)2 + P I + (lip) I + 0 AIR) Re, R11 where Te R eCe ; Re and Cc are, respectively, resis- tance and capacitance of the emitter load. It Is stated that gin may have only ail aperlodic character, whereas Zout may be either aperiodic or periodic. Two expres- sions are derived which determine two positive values re, and of the time constant 7e. For all r Te 2 e e, and 7e2 the transient process is oscil- between T latory, as illustrated in Fig. 8. Card 3/5 Emitter Repeater at impulse Operation 77182 SOV/108-15-1-8/13 U U 4rqt - U , Because of the reactive character of the negative feed- back, the transient process may cause an early cutoff of the repeater. The time t co at which the cutoff takes place may be written as t., Ibo bco' where Ibo is the steady-state base current and I bco is the cutting off input impulse current. After time t co the output Card 4/5 voltage Uout attains the level Uout co* An expression Emitter Repeater at Impulse Operation 77182 sov/io8-15-1-8/13 is given for the load capacitance d eco corresponding to the early cutoff I co so Ce c0 I + (22) where I is the emitter current before the cutoff and eo m Uout co/U out The above expression is derived from the early cutoff condition m 1/5. T ere are 9 figures; and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: August 25, 1958 Card 5/5 85572 3/108/60/015/007/012/013/XX BO10/BO7O AUTHORS: Fayzulaye Member of the Society, Yanushkev , Member of the Society TITLE: Choice of the Optimum Statif-, Parameters of a Trigger Circuit2l~ PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 60-66 TEXT: Starting from the criterion of the steady state, specifications for the supply voltages and anode and divider resistances for bistable multivibrators with pentodes and specific sources of grid bias are given, and simple relations between the tolerances of these operationall quanti- ties and the stability of the circuit are derived. The steady state of a bistable multivibrator is characterized by two conditions of stability; 1) Ugk1 ?~ 0, that is, the current-carrying tube is controlled till the region of grid current; 2) U gk2 -.5 -lEgmaxl' that is, the negative grid potential of the other tube is at least as large as its blocking voltage. Since Ugk1 and U gk2 can be immediately determined by the supply voltages Card 1/4 85572 Choice of the Optimum Static Parameters of a Trigger Circuit S/108/60/015/007/012/013/XX BO10/B07O and the divider resistances, two conditions are obtained for these operational quantities and their tolerances. The latter are included in the stabilization factor y which is represented in practice by the fol- lowing approximate expressiont y -, 2(&R 1+ SR 2+ 8Ea + EE k), where R1 and R2 are divider resistances, E a is the working potential, E k is the grid bias, and SR1 - 6R 1/R1. The larger the values allowed by the two stability conditions, the larger may be the spread of the operational quantities without endangering the stability of the circuit. If E k is S RI - 1 infinitely large, y reaches the maximum value o a where S Ymax ' S R. 4 V 0 0 10 is the mutual conductance, R i0 the direct-current resistance at the operating point, and R! the anode resistance. This equation is the key to the specifications of the circuit design; care must be taken to have Card 2/4 85572 Choice of the Optimum Static Parameters of S/108/60/015/007/012/013/XX a Trigger Circuit B010/BOTO Ymax as large as possible. The following rules for designing are ob- tainedt For a large mutual conductance and a small static internal re- sistance the working potential is chosen to be so high that the operating point lies at Ugk - 0 at the break of the I a-Ua characteristic of the pentode. The anode resistance RI must not exceed the value a R' yR. + (1+Y)/.9 , so that the switching frequency has an upper ,a min 10 0 limit. The grid bias should be chosen so large that y - 0,9 y max , from which E k/E9izs 10 (1 + 1/0,9 ymax) follows, where E 9 is the grid bias. For the voltage divider ratio R1/R 2' a simple calculation shows that I/El (U + E 0 a- a A , where El is the anode potential of the blocked opt 9 (E k -E9 a tube, and U athe anode potential of the opened tube. If the dynamic mutual conductance for a triode is substituted, the results may be di- Card 3/4 85572 Choice of the Optimum Static Parameters of S/108/60/015/007/012/013/XX a Trigger Circuit BO1O/BO7O rectly applied to bistable multivibrators equipped with triodes. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: March 31, 1958 (initially), July 10, 1959 (after revision) V Card 4/4 L 12467-63- S/108/63/018/004/008/008 AUrHw: Fayzulayev, B.N# Active Membe r of Society TITLE: Coupling.of parameters for transient characteristics of a transistor PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 18.- no* 4P 1963) 63-70, TEXT. One of the basic.parameters of a transistor Is the transient characteristicof the transfer coefficients M W. Theoretical calculation of this transient.ebarecteristic and of accessory parameters is complex and cumbersome. Elucidation of the connection between time parameters of transient characteristics is not only of theoretical., but also of practical importanc6 In schemes including the transistor (base, emitter, collector). The coupling of paramgters for the transient.characteriatic of the transistor conforming td base id W Vith the parameters for the transient characteristic conforming to emitter aC(t) in a general case is determined. It is shoun Card 1/2. ~j L 12467-63 Coupling Of Parameters... S/108/63/018/004/008/008 0 that the sharpness of the transient characteristic id (t) and, correspondingly, the quick action of the transistor in a scheme with a common emitter deter- mine the area of distortion of a transient characteristic oC(t). Several typical examples illustrating-the fundamental conclusions are examined. There are 4 figures and 5 foreign language references. STMaTTED: April 27, 1962 y (, n %en L; UZULAYZVj,-B*ris-NumLlay8-Viqh; MIONK111, l.G.p retr S"HUTSKOY, K.A.3, otv. red.1 KONDRATIYEVA, V.F.0 red. [Transistorized stages in the transient mode of opera- ,tion] Poluprovodnikovye kaskady v perekhodnam rezhime. Moskva, Sviazl, 1965. 182 p. (MMk 18:5) L 29304-66 EWT (1) Add_ffir: --AMO1234l SOURCE CODE: UP/0108/66/021/004/0056/oo6i 'AUTHOR: Levin, V., K. (Active member); EMBlUevi.B. N. (Active member) :ORG: Scientific-Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Communication 4m. A. S. Popov,(Nauchno-tekhnicheakaye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosy~uzi) iTITM. Ana3,vois of the transmission Iof pu.lBe signals in a chain of uniform shapingi ostages ,SOURCE: Radiotekhnika,, vo 21j no., 4p 1966., 56-61 :'TOPIC TAGS: pulse ilaper$ pulse signalp-digital decoder) log1c cl cuit !ABSTRACT: - 14'he authoyi analyze,.the successive ahaping of a_ZaE!?passing through a, !chain of.iMentica!.~nonlinear:sviiebing stages of the diode-logic (NOT-OR, etc*) ,with binary output, The principal consideration in design Is to see to it that that ,signal after pahqing through a long chain of such stages does not attenuate, does ,..,not increase above.a certain limit$-and retains stal,'i temporal parameters (fronto del6y) ' _`._1he -on theiintroduction of the concept of an -duratioily. ana37as is-- based- Asymptotic signal which In established in the long chain as the number of elementsj~., lincreanes without limit* This concept can be applied to pulse signals of short ~duration as well as to pulse frontso In the former case one speaks of asymptotic UDC t ;Ord - 1/2 621.374.31 L 2930h-64 iACC NR: AP6012341 e signalp and in the latter of asymptot !duration, fron, or amplitude of tb ,c front ;,'and fall-off amplitude. Conditions for the exiBtence of an anyaptotic signal and Ats parameters are determined.,and the duration and delay of the front of an ,asymptotic signal are calculated. The amplitude, duration., delay, and front of the! ,asymptotic signal are determined for several typical circuits. Applications of the FAYZULDAYEV, K.f CAND BID Salt "BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF SPECIES OF THE GENUS ILEDITSCHIA Lo UNDER THE "NDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN," TASHKENT, 1961. (ACAD SCI UzSSR, BOTA- NICAL GARDEN). (KL-DVt 11-619 215). _96- --- FAMULDAYEV, K.F. Introducing species of the genus Gleditsheia L. Uzb. biol. zhur. no.2:17-21 161. (MIRA 1415) 1. Botanicheakiy sad AN U~SSR. (HWY LOCUST) POPOVP A.A,P inshej FAIMN, AA insh MALININ, V.A., insh.; CHEWANOV Rest*# MUNDO; V V.,, insh. 0 0 0 Improving boring and blasting operations in open pits, Tsryv. delo, no.51/62143-U9 163.6 (MIRA 16W (Boring) (Blasting) FAYZLTLIN, F.G. White greater gerbils. Priroda. 53 no. 12M 164. (MIRA l8sl) 1. Uz*Okskiy nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy institut sk " rimentallnoy mditainskoy'parasitologii i gellmintologii, Samarkand. ,I FAYZULIN, M., burillshchik , , Imprmve the design of Sormovo hoists. Bezop. truda v prom. 2 no.7:37 J1 058. (KRA 11:9) 1. Taekh kapitallnogo remonta okvazhln neftepromyslovogo upravlaniya Tuynazaneft'. (Oil fields--Equipment and supplies) FAYWLIN, M.F., inzh.; MATSYNIN, V.I., inzh.; KLIMDV, Yu.N. Wufaoture of prestressed ohannel slabs. Bet. i shal.4st. 8 no.201-73 F 162. (MIRA, 1~ 2 5 ~ (Condrete slabs) C STATSENEO, G.F.4_FLAAY1ZUULIN. M.I ~ KIMOZOVA, N.Sh.,, red.; MAMONTOVA red. [Industrial bygieve and accident prevention in the organize- 'tions and enterprises-of state commerce and public dining] Okhrana. truda i tekbmilriq bezopasnosti v organizateiiakh i predpriiatiiakh gosudarstvennoi torgovIi i obshchestvennogo pitaniia; sbornik materialav. Moak-va,, Gostorgizdat,, 1962. 311 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Restaurantep lunchrooms,. etc.-Wgienic aspects) (Commerce-Hygienic aspects) (Accidents-Prevention) ATZULIM N.K., takhnik-mrksheyder Surve7s of upraise mining operations by theodolite equipped with a reflecting attachment. Gor.shur. no.8: 74-76 Ag 160. (KIM 13: 8) (Kim murveying) (Theodolites) USSR/Human and Animal Ehysiciloas Dlooil Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Dioli., no 14, 1958, iio 65o84 Author : FayzuUayev A.Xh4 Inst - Title The Status of the Blood Scrun-Protein Fractions in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Orig Pub Zdravookhre Tadzhikistana,, 1957, No 3j, 21-25 Abstract Among patients with multiple sclerosis (21 men and 24 women) in the majority of cases the total serum protein content was diminished. Paper klectropboresis revealed in all of the patients a decreased albumin concentration adn an increase in the relative concentration of v and o(,,-globulins 9 As the clinical picture vorsenedj, the ratios between the pro- 40 tein fractions wer:- further disrupted, while clinical improvement wad associated with a certain degree of normalization.--A.D. Belobopodova Card 1/1 A. Mi., C,, ~~O, ..) 113.,-o .1 c ~1' ',,' -,,, I - r 11, ; ~CC5 r .6, ~ j -, f~elorf)Ar. It , 17, -~ - ( :,~ .. k - - . ~ :,'. -,- - ~ 4 . -," i:-~ I.' . -- ~-- cl t - -, ..'w) )- ,~ I l7c~ -/7)/ 1- FAYZULLAYET, A.Kh. Multiple sclerosis in Tajikistan. Zdrav.Tadzh. 9 no.5:32-34 '62. (KM 15212) 1. Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego - Ye.N.Kutchak) Tadzhikskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni. Abuali ibni Sino. (TAJIKISTAN-MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS) FAIZULLATL7, D.r. Poissuillele problem for interpenetrating motion of two-PhRIS media. izv. AN Uz.SSR. Ser. takh. nauk no. 3t6l-74 158. (MIRA 11:8) I@ Tashkentakiy institut inzhenerov irrigataii i makhanizataii sel'skogo khovyaystva, (Hydrodynamics) Ya, "M7 RIIPP~~RI'm ~01 PATZULLA.YZVI DOY'r. Generalizing Poissuille's formula for the case of circular annular pipes and two-phase me"&. Izv. AN Us. SSR. Bar. takh. nauk no-5: 35-39 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1.Tashkenetkly Institut irrigatsil i mekhanizataii sel'skage khozyay- Stva. (Pluld dynamics) FAYZULLAYZV, D. F. Pr7bblemmso'off"steady circular motion of viscous noncompressible two-phase media. Izv.AN Uz.SSjI.Ser.tekh.nauk no.3.57-67 159. (NaRk 12:7) 1. Taebkontakly institut Inzbonerov irrigataii i nekhanizatsit s6l'BIwgo khozyaystva. Muld dynamics) FAYZUT,TAYF,V, D. F., Cand Phys-Math Sci (dies) -- "Stabilized movements of incom- pressible two-phase media". Thshkent, 1960. 19 pp (Central Asia StalLe U Im V. I. lpnin), 200 copies (KL, No 11, 10,60, 129) S/167/61/000/006/002/003 D299/D303 AUTHOR- Fayzullayev, D.F. TITLE: On the steady flow of incompressible two-phase media be- tween parallel walls PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UzSSR. Izve,.tlya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 19610 20-27 TEV: The change in the velocity of flow is considered for arbitrary cross-sections of plane tubes. It was shown by the author in an earlier work (Ref. 2: IFv. AS UzSSR, ser. tekhn. nauk, 1958, no. 3). that if, in an infinite plane tube, the reduced densities are assumed as constant, then the velocity of flow is a function of the flow parameters and of the y-coordinate. In the following, the notations of Ref. 2 (Op.cit.) are adopted. The x-axis is directed along the tube axis, and the y-axis is normal to it; the flow is assumed as rectilinear, parallel to the x-axis. The equations of motion and the continuity equations are set up. The parameters Siol Y20 (the reduced densities) and the velocities u 10 (y), Card 1/4 S/167/61/000/006/002/003 On the steady flow 0299/D303 U2(y) of the media are given; the expressions for these velocities were 0 derived in Ref. 2(0p.cit.)o The obtained system of equations (under the given boundary conditions) is solved by means of the Laplace-Karson trans- form. From the formulas obtained it follows that. the change in. the velo.- city of the components is directly proportional to the values of the initial velocities and inversely proportional to the initial values of the space components, whereby an increase in the velocity of one component leads to a decrease in the velocity of the other component. The final expressions for the velocities are Card 2/4 S/167/61/000/006/002/003 On the steady flow D299/D303 2m +1 ,c 2(ys+r)cos-. O(Y)_ r 2 h Y PZL) + I r.-+T- c Ch X W=1-2 ic(b-2411.)AIT. x e T,Z (- 1) (3-4) 21. "a(Y)( r ch Vey U2 ~ U30 _L - - + Pit Flo moo (Y) ch Vch 2 Q s + r) cos 2m+1 e T.- +1 (35) x(,i - 2a7,) AITA 2 ;with x one obtains Eqs. I- ch )r-c y (36) (36.)(37), - U, - 1110 (Y) - r ( Ch) c ch Y" U, U.(Y) + Ly) r Ch jr7y pit POO U10 (Y) c (I- ch K-ih (37) Card 3/4 S/167/61/000/006/002/003 On the steady flow D299/D303 (r and s are given by formulas). Hence at infinity the velocities of the media are distributed along curves, expressed by cosine hyperb.; the second terms in expressions (36) and (37) are corrections to the velocity Oistributions. It is noted that with equal initial velocities,the first terms of Eqs. (3G) and (37) give coinciding parabolas, and the second terms vanish. From Eqs. (36) and(37) it follows that the velocities u and u2 tend to different functions. If the parameters of'one medium equal the corresponding parameters of the other, then the flow under con- sideration is incompressible fluid-flow and the parabolic initial-veloci- ty distribution remains constant.. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet-bloc references. I ASSOCIATION: Institut mekhaniki An UzSSR (Institute of Mechanics of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1960 Card 4/4 sll661621000100310091010 B160104 AUTHORSs Kotov, Ya. P., Umarov, G. Ya., Fayzullayev, D, F. TITLE: On the stationary flow of a conducting medium in presence of a,magn6tic field PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1962, 75 80 T.11-1'.~T: The systom of,.hydrodynamic equations for the motion of multiphase ,media is generalizedJor the case where one of the media is conducting. The special case of %wo incompressible fluids in a mEfgnetio field is treatw, one of which is conducting and the other not. For this purpose, an addi- '~onal electromaenqti " term is introduced into the equation of motion for t (L the conducting fluid abd the Maxwell equations are brought into the system. ';>4 As an example, the stationary one-dimensional flow of a conducting and of a non-conducting fluid between two parallel plates and subject to a magnetic field 5erpendicular to them is studied. Equations for the velocity and field distribution in this flow are derived. The conducting fluid is de- celerated in the magnetic field and its velocity may become smaller than Card 1/2 S/166/62/000/003/009/010 On the stdtfondry~, flow ... B163/B104 that of the non-conducting fluid, even if the conducting fluid is lose viscous. ASSOCIATION: FAziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS UzSSR) SUB.'11ITTED: September 19, 1961 S/16 62/007/004/001/002 D234YI)308 A'J'2HORS: Umarov, A.I., and Fayzullayev, D.P. Xutually penotratin..- motion of ircompressible viscous two-phase media in a circular cylin- drical pipe "~ILAIODICALs Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. S Zekhnicheskikn nauk, no. 4, 1962, 45 - 56 The authors quote the differential equations of Kh.j.. Rakhm&tulin for stabilized motior, of media as above, in cylin- drical coordinates. The motion of tho media is ass~lmed to be recti- linear and parallel to the exit of the pipe (Oz axis). The equations are linearized by neglectine several ~niall terms, and -then solved by applying Laplace transformation. Expressions for the velocities and aensities of the two media are obtained iu terms of cylindrical func- tions. A formula for the pressure drop along the Dipe is derived. Two ..,particular cases are considered as examples and illustrated with Card 1/2 FAYZ W, D, J. MMBUWVI.. 0. Theor7 of the flow of two-phase media in the space between heaters (pipe at"). Isv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.tekh,nauk 7 no,2s 27-33 163. (KM 164) 1. Institut mekh-n4ki AN Us=. (nuid dy"em) FAYzuLi.t%YEV, D.F. Hydraulic transportation of finely grarvilar materials of different size. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 9 rio.2:23-31 165. 0,1-11~A 18:8) 1. Institut mekhaniki i Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN ULSSR. UMAROV, G.Ya.; FAY-ZU,LIAY.EVIj- D..F.; NAZARIYt M.P.; ALIWOV, A.F. Shape of the surfaces of paraboloid mirrors made by the rotation technique. Geliotekhnika no.6:12-18 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UzSSR. L 36353-66 aqw/odp(J) RM - A_j ACC NR, 66.17580 -(165106-0166610012100181 (A) 8 Olffil~i _c6l~i`--uK/037 AUTHOR: Umarov. G. Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); ullayevs- A. NazarlXy M. P-;_AlimQY2 A. K _.. e, AN UzSSR -tekhnicheskty Institut All U-.SSR) : Owsicotednnical InSTITUT, _.(Fizlko TITLE: Study of the surface shape of paraboloid mirrors obtained by a npinning, meLhodi SOURCE: Geliatekhnika, no. 6, 1965, 12-18 TOPIC TAGS: solar furnace, solar power plant, heat reflectionp parabolic bodyp epo plastic I ABSTRACT: The article deals with paraboloid reflectors made of synthetic resins by a spinning method that requires no expensive equipment or polishIng. in view of the fact that shrinkage of the resin causes changes in the shape of the reflector and modifies its focusing ability, the authors analyze in detail the ultimate shape as- sumed by a paraboloid of revolution formed by solidification of a liquid during its rotation. To this end) they determined the form of a free surface and the interface between the two components when a heavy incompressible two-phase liquid poured in a spherical vessel rotates like a rigid body together with the sphere at constant angu- lar velocity about a vertical axis passing through the center of the sphere. An equtLtion is derived for the ultimate shape assumed by the solidified liquid. The re- sults were tested by measuring the surface of UZE resiW;~ed with plastifier and solidifier and made to solidify over a surface of rotating mercury. The surface of contact between the resin and the mercury turned out to be ideally smooth, while the Card 112 L 36353-66 4~c 14 quality of the concave surface of the paraboloid was somcwhatworse than that of the convex surface. It was impossible to make the concave surface as smooth as the con- vex one. The experimcntal focal distance agreed well, with the calculated one. It is concluded that rotation of a two-layer liquid makes it possible to prepare optical- ly accurate high-temperature solar concentrators of aribtrary diameter without ap- preciable loss f material. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 17 formulas. 0 SUB CME: sum ims: o7sepO/ oRiG mw-, ool/ OTH REF: 005 Cwd 2/2 .6' 1 ATAKHODZHAYEV, A.K.; FAYZULLAYEV, Sh.F.,- OSMANOV, S.A. Orientational ralazation times of molecules of certain disubstituted benzenes and their determination by the light diffusion method. Iav. AN Uz. SSR.Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk 7 no. 606-90 163. (WRA 1716) 1. Samarkandskly gosudarstvennyy universitet. "Ail L.!-' A j A 7U.' , A. E . -, MZU MAYEV ; , . ; I . .1 , . 4e . trj~-2uc,l -: rinterninatic..r. n" ol-le-1,,al"onal -t.!mas rif di.,qubntitutad ~enz-nf--s In ~Irlutlon. 'lect. LGV 19 zic.16:15-17 164. 0,1.11~.& i"':111; ATAKHODMAYEV, A.K.; FAYZULLAYEV, Sh.F.; 05~:ANUV, S.A. Effect of temperature on the rotary mobility of molecides of the isomers crenol and toluidine. 'Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.5:555-559 14Y 164. ('11,11M 17:9) 1. Samarhandakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. USSR/Cultivatod Plants. Fodder Plants. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol. , No 15, 1958, 68248 Author Basradr =perinent Inst Station of Anir--al Husbandry. Title The Effect of Phosphorous Fertilizers on Seed Productivity of Sudan Gr,-tss. Orig Pub : S. kh. BashlcirIJ7 195~, No 6, 19-21 Abstract : The results of experinents in applying P under Sudan grass grovin fron seed are given. Tae ex- perinents were conducted in 1955-1956 on the field of the Bashkir Experinent Station of Animal Husbandry. As one centner/hectare of P. were added during spring harroving, and 0.5 centners/hectare were added to the rows at planting, panicle formation -ans accolerated Card 1 1/2 '97 SIMIS) B.S., student;. FAYZULLINt A.A.) atudent; RIVALKINA. V.P. dot-ventp .0 v nauchw rukovoditell, Comparative study of the antimicroblal. proFxerties of propolis ointments. Uch. zap. KVI 89:177-181 162. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - doktor veterin. nauk Kh.Kh.Abdullin) Kazanskogo veterinarnogo instituta, DOBRUNOV, L.G.; PAKHOMOVA, L.M.; FAYZULLIN, A.D. -Control of sugar beat grovth and maturation under conditions of a shorter vegetation period. Fiziol. rast. 9 no.3s379-384 162. (MIRA 151l1) 1. Inmtitute of Biology of Bashkirian Affiliate of U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Ufa. (Bashkiria-Sagar beets) 91 k-. MAN 0 ~~- M1*8~' "'M FAYZULLIN, M.Kh.; FAYZULLIN, A.M. X-ray diagnosis of retention cysts of the frontal sinuses. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.2:29-32 Mr-Ap 162, (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz pervoy kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. M.Kh. FayzuII*n)Kazanskogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey imeni V.I.Lenina otolaringologii (zav. - prof. N.N.Lozanov) Kazanskogo gosudaretvennogo meditainakogo instituta. (FRONTAL SINUS-RADIOGRAPHY) (CYSTS) FAYZ&.LTN A M I X-ray diagnosis of adenoids. Vest. rent. I rad. 40 no.ij 70-71 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Gorodskaya bollnitsa No.6 (glavnyy vrach Ye.V. Khmelevt-seva), Kazan'. FAYVILLINP A.M., gormyy inzh. - ~ Results of open-pit use of combination charges of Oigdanits" and ordinai7 explosives with air spaces. Gor. zhur. no.7:34- 38 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) - , "S. '. FIYZULLINt A.M., gornyy insh. Drifting without exaessive breaking of rock. Gor. zhur. no.9: 69-7o s 163. (MBA 16s10) SHAPIRO, P.I., gornyy lnzh.; FAYZULLIN, A.M., gormyy inzh. Results of using igdanite in underground mining operations. Gor. zhur. no.809-42 Ag 164. (MIRA 1111-10) MALININ, V.A., gornyy inzh.; FAYZULLIN,''.H., goz%yy Inzh. Using igdanite, charges with air space, and combination charging of boreholes. Vzryv. delo no.54/llt282-291 164. (MIRA 170) q Tr. . - lll.!~~g ~. - xperi I hla!3tin? u31, ni; -.v;i ixr- t: 1 7'.1?-, z-- -, '-'r,--J --~ trotyl w~,-,h ~mrrioriurr. ni-.rit.f,. -1.54/11~ .i /- ,I.. ~55 '54. iq~ FAYZULLIN, A.M., inzh.; PODKOPAYEV, P.A., inzh.; AWDREVN, E.K., inzh. Z-~ Pneumatic eJector charger for charging holes with igdanite. Gor.zhure no.1:45-47 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) FAYZULLIII, A.M., inzh,; ~ODKDPAYEV, P.A., inzh.; ANDROEV, E.K., imll. Compresced air charger for charging boreholes and bla3t~cjjeB. Shakht.stroi. 9 no-4:24-26 Ap 165. OHIRA 38:5) g PUDOVIK, A.N.; MOSHKINA, T.M.; KRUPNOV, G.P..t BUKIN, A.1.1 SEMENOVA, L.A.; Prinimali uchastiyee KOSTYUKOVA, L.A laborant; PETROVA, M.G.p laborantj TEMIRBAYKV, A.M., inzh.; j?AZU Jjg. , inzh. I POLOZOVA, L.P., laborant; NAZAROVSKAYA, G.V.., RabUo;graont I S*nthesis and study of organophoBphorue plasticizers for the tri- acetate film bases. Trudy NIKFI no.46tl7-25 162. (MIRA 18:8) PUDOVIK, A.N.; FAYZULLIN,, B.M. 1~ Reactions of phosphorus acid chlorides with glycerol epichlorobydrin and glycidol ethers. Zh&. ob. khim. 32 no.1:231-237 Ja 162. , (MIRA 15': 2) 1. Kazanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. I (Phosphorus acids) (Glycerol) (Ether) PUDOVIK., A.N.; FAYZULLIN, E.M* Mechanism of reactions of phosphorus acid chlorides with oxides of alkenes and.dieneB. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:882-889 Hr 164. (141RA 17:6) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet lm. V.I.Vllyanovu- Lenina. L 17954-65 Evrr (m)/EPF (c )/EWP( jPC..,4/0r-4 RM MTEMW. _NR; AP5W2569 s/oo7q/64/0,-4/007/24?1/24?2 AU','HOR. Pu-dovik, A. N.; Fayzullin, E. H ; VuLh2netzLaLnova_L E. K1. dia lphorphorur, acid chlorides TITLE: Reactions of diglycide ett~ier lky SOIRCE: Zhurnal. obshchey,,khimii-, v._31-, no. 7, 1964, 2471-2472 TOPIC TAGS: ether, phosphorus acid, chloride, eater, sulfur Abstiact: In the reaction of diglycide ether with chlorides of phosphorus acidi, the oxide ring openp on the side of the primary carbon atom, forming beta-chloro-beta'-glycidlisopropyldialkyI esters of phosphoroun acid. Sulfur was 6dded to one of the products -- be-a-chloro-beta'-glycLdv&~30- propylidLethyl ester of phosphorous acid, pcoducing the beta-chloro-beta' -&iy~-idylsopropyldiethyl eater of thipphosphoric acid. In the reaction of dig'lecide ether with two moles of the chloride of diethylphoFiphorous acid, addi-lon occurred at both oxide rings, forming tetraethyl-aipha, al?na'- dicft.Loromethyidiethylene glycol diphosphate. Orlig. art.. lla,~ '~- formulaa and I table. Card 112 L 1.7930-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047047 SUBPJTTED: 23AU~~3 NO REF SOV: 000 Card 2/2 SUB CODE: GC, MT PUDOVIKr A.N .; FAYZULLIN,, E.M.; ZHURAVLEV, G.I. ~7 Mechanism and order of addition of phosphorus trichloride and other pbojphoryl chlorides to propylens oxide. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no.3-.586-589 N 165. (KMN 18:11) 1, Kazanskiy gosudarstvwwyy univernitet im. V.I. U11yanova- Lanina, 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pudovik). - .1 po- . - ---t M)IF WT( PF (n)-2/1~W~ffl SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/63/165/003/6386/05i~ 'AUTHOR: A. N. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Fayz in Pudovik 4,11in Zhuravlevi Us I. ORG: Kazan-t State University'im. V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin (Kazanskiy gosudarstye universitet) TITLEi Mechanism and order of additionor phosphorus trichloride and-other chlorides of phoophorus acids'to propylene oxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, noa~, 1965, 386-589 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus chloride, estero tertiary amine, hydrolysis, IR spectrumt. phosphorous acid, hydrogen chloride ABSTRACT: ffev evidence c6nfiiming the proposed mechanism of the rea-ations of'~ orui triebloride and chlorides of incomplete cetera Of phooph - a with alpha-olefine (through preliminary opening of the oxide ring by by4rogen ,chlorlde) was obtainedin an inYeatigation of the reaction of propylene oxide !with pbosphorus trlcbloride and the chloride of dibutylpboophorous acid. The :reactions proceeded readily when the reagentap were combined. However,, when a .small amount of triethylemine was added to the reaction mixtures, these re- actions did not take place. If anhydrous propylene oxide was added to the dibutylphospborous acid chloride, freshly distilled under vacuump and.protected, from moisture# no reaction between them vase observed, The istroductIft of Card 1/2 TT 7"r wi 5,, a-4 M ? g r 1R 10 J;M !5 L 26577-6t ACC NR: AP6016vil stmoopheric air containing moisture into the reaction volume of the addition ~,of one to two drops of water to the reaction mixture gave rise to avigorous ireaction; The outbora conclude that the first step in the reactions considered Jo a partiol hydrolysis of the acid chlorides and interaction of the b1drogen -e' 1:bloride thereby formed with the alpha-oxide. The oxonium ion formed upon addition of a proton to the oxide then either directly reacts with the chloride ,Lonp to form propylene glycol cblorobydrin.. which then reacts with the acid i.-bloride, or perhaps simultaneously vitb the chloride ion, molecules of the I.ohlorobydrin are involved In the reaction. When the chlorine atoms are replacedl '5y alkoxyl groups, the basicity of the phosphorus atom decreases, which facill-l' totea the reactions of the acid chloride with the oxide. A mixed eater of :phosphorous acid to formedj, and hydrogen chloride Is regenerated. The reaction Of-propylene oxide with pbospborus triebloride was conducted in etber solution I.tith coolingp at ratios of 1:1. Oilp srA 3:1; the dichloride of bets- chlor isopropylphosphorous sold., and tri-beta-ebloroloopropyl phoopbite vere .0 :obtained In good yields. The presence of a secomdary alcoholgroup in the .ydrin was corroborated by the Infrared spectra and chemical Investigationso Orig, a.A6A~asf"_1 fikur~ and 1 tAle. [~FR~J- 3UB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE-1 1OMar65 ORIG RM 004 OTH rW 002 i:ard2 L 31270-66 EWT(m)-/D~,T(J) RM ACC NR- A PM ii862 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/002/0310/0314 AUTHOR: Pudovik, A. N F 6-0 0yzu1Un,ZA-M.j Zhukov V. P. OR(,: KaZan' State University (Kazanskiy gosudara yyuniversitet) MME: qyclic esters of uns4turated phoaRbInic acids SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v- 36, no. 2, 1966, 31-314 TOPIC TAGS: esterifcation) cyclic group, organic phosphorus compound,, chlorinated organic compound, ison-crizationp molecular structurep chemical decomposition# phosphinic acid ABSTRACT: A series of al)qlonoelycol-beta-chloroalkyl esters of phosoorus i acid were prepared in high yields by the action of chlorides of alkylonegly- colphosphorous acids on ethylene oxide, propylene oxide. and glycerol apichlor6nydrin. 0The cyclic esters of phosphorous acid added sulfur when 'heated to 100-110 , being converted to esters of thiophosphorio acid. Thermal isomorization (180-2000) of alkylonoglycol-beta-chloroalkyl esters of phosphorous acid yieldod alkyleneglycol esters of beta-chloroalkylphosphinic acids. An Arbuzov rearrangement also occurred upon heating of the cyclic phosphites with alkyl halides. TreAtinent of the alkyloneglycol esters of beta-chloroalkylphosphinio acids with triethylamine in b4nzone solution with heating resulted in splitting off hydrogen chlorides and formation of- alkyleneglycol esters of vinyl- afid propenylphosphirlic acids. Orig--art. has: 3 tables. [JPRS] SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DAM 0814ar65 / ORIG REF: 005 Card AC(7NR, 000 0 F SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/004/0718/0724 AUTHOR: Pudovik, A. N.; Fayzullin, E. If.: Zhuravlev, G. 1. ORG: Kazant State Unlversi~y im. V. I. Ullynnov-Lanin (Kazanskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Reactions of alpha-oxides with dialkyldithio hos horic and dithlophosphinic acids -Mosomr, Zhi~rnal Obshohey n1mile Vol 360, No 4, 19669 PP 718-724 Abstraot: The addItion of dialkvldithiophosphorio and diphevyl-' Ait hiophosphinio acids to nonsymmetrioal g1pha .40slof i. :olefins, e.g. glyeerin epiehlorohydrin, propylene, divinyl, styrene, and glycidol oxides, was studied. The reaotlons pro- ceed readily irithout catalysts and are aooompanied by a sub- .stantial thermAl effect. Conclusions on the struottire of the addition produots and the order of addition of dithioaolds to alpha-oxides (in accord with the Flarkovnikov rule) were drawn on the basis of a study of the chemical properties and Infra- red spectra of the products, The acid estera of dithlophoupho- rio and dipheryldithlophosphinio acids were found to be eleotrop4illo In reaptlons...with alpha-oxidos, the reaoti-ons Proceodliig wlii~. preliminaryformation of intermediate oxonium compounds. In the rp~~tl?y~of ethyloneglycol chlorohydrin, 2,3-,2vpy1jeAP&~Y.,,q.L chlorohydrin. and -_7 gi; 04347-67.7 ACC NR: AP7UUUz4U glycerin dichlorohydrln with the potassium salt of diethyldithiophosphoric acid, the corresponding ethyl esters of 0,S-alkyleneglycoldithloptiosphorte acid were obtained. Orig. art. has: 1 table. JjPRS: 37,177 TOPIC TAGS: IR spectrum, organic phosphorus compoundlester SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATEs 12 Apr 65 / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REFt 002 ACC NRi A117003661 SOURCE CODE: Uit;;0079/66/036/00rv!/1454/1459 V1 I-~1(10-ki-At-A-1, wull-In-E. M6. Zhurqy~,rjyj_g.~~._!.--. RG.; Khazan' State University Im. V. Is Ullyanov-Lenin (I;nzan!;kiy gosudarstvannyy universitet) TITIZ; Reactlons of olefin oxides with phosphorus oxychloride and diethyl chlorophosphate SOUIZ.M. Zhurnal obshchey khimli v. 36, no. 8, 1966t 1454-1459 WPIC TAGS: ethylene oxide, organic oxide, organic phosphorus compound ios,rmc-A: It was found that' phosphori~s oxychloride and dieth --y =.Lr. 0-5~ "0 aro roodily addod to Alpha-oxiday or olafinzyVn the pro~-enco of small qu;Lntitioa of water or hydrochloric acid. The o=-,M-io-x~des te&t-od -acre et.-.y1crr. o7ide, pro-pylene oxide, and glycerin epichlorohydrin. The reaction was refractorr or did not proceed at all in the absence of tr2co~- of urater or hydrochloric acid. A reaction scheme involving the fonniation of an oxoniun, intermediate, is then converted to a glycol chlorohydrin, J-9 proposed. In Vne rcactvion o~f phosphorus oxycbloride with propylene oxide, opening of the oxi6c ring occurs 'on the side of the primary - carbon atoin. When the olefin oxides are treatcd -with phosphorus oxychloride in 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 ratios in the presence of a small amount of hydrogen chloride,, monochlorides, dichlorides, and complete esters i of the corresponding beta-chloroalkylphosphoric acids are obtained. A series of dialkyl-beta-chloroalky-I asters of phosphoric acid were obtained by the 'reactions. of dichlorides or beta-chloroalk:ylphosphoric acids with alcohols. Orig. art. has; 2 tables, CJFR5s 36,970J SUT11 CODEs 07 / SUBM DATEs 03Jul65 / ORIG REF: 003 Lcord_~l I Jb, UDC1 547.71 -6-VA-6.6160 Ca 0 0 0 0 c 3~ * at o a a a 6~11 CP AT a n 0 *04 ift 004 som so* 008 100 Aqj ul amvp go -00 oft ll~qrja )o WITItullbamm) "ju" It IWIV1911 0* SON jql u! Wuwqj v *npnl. 00 T)MISOMY A*PV-k' "I P-40) iqlaxPA'A A P- Al" 2-00 000 VAM IkPBA p own" so p OWNPMP"o 00. n IPPM p own" an p MOM* 00 "0 00. 00 00. 00. 000 00- woo wee 4 r o1 do 5114-. V. --j-n-V v 00 44 IIr- w Otis U-sa"ll n 11 to 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 re, viiiine, and octyl atc. increaged the it-nodicand awthodic pol4ritauou tit Zn In 1.51V 7nSOj (plT 5.5), Pkenol. and pyrn-g-allal had a sindbr effpct an 4tiodIc pdatimtirn of Zn, thii clTert itictcaslitc with lit-mating