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Free motion of particles in... B124/B202
61 -r0-,0,
b2 r2, -f- r"I
63 -rozo 2ro4o - 4oz*o -HOGDo -7 (roHor - r~M)""
N -roro - roro - --L (r'HO - r.Hr~ (1,7)
PC 0 0 9
IH*, H
65 2rozo - rozo - -L -H~ ro r; 00 -
PC dr
(roHO rWo TOJ
0 HO-
ro Off, dip
6 6 To k -ro W Jr. I
determines the particle path r IZ and the system
The system of E4s--(1,4 0 0
(1 5) the betatron oscillations around this path: In the general case it
has a complex "wave form", the equation of which was' solved by the
Card 4
Free motion of particles in.... B124/13202
successive approximation'method. The study of the path in the annular
synchrocyclotron shows (equation
cos NO (n 4. cos 2NO s sin 2NO,
CEII 2=r- 2
2 3
that the controlling magnetic field which periodically varies with the
azimuth is to'increase with the absolute value of the diameter to atcain
a simultaneous"acceleration of particles with the same sign in opposite
directions. Relation
2 )'T 2
N C3,4)
is derived for the "utilization" coefficient of the magnetic field. The
main characteristics of the betatron,oscil.lations, i.e., the amplitude
and frequency Q, c an be determined from the equations
s 0 611031100210131015
on of particles*in... B il
Free moti 24 B202
R", 'F k-4- MIk-m
m I m(k-M)
V -4-
MA dr dpi
OP. t
R" (4P ds droff
A c, a:Ek j" .,q
dx m j. m
(2r P1
m (k - m) MA ds
mrit, 0 -PO
Free motion of-particle's in...
S/05 61/031/002/013/015
r k
B1. k a 2 (14- BA,, 0) A- r -j M
7 A91
4- Na -20 "1 -
I I m(k--)
R del?
We k-M Ir. -"I -i- r2 S.
I- 2P -I- P' dr2
dr2 dr
0) Ct 14~ k -
it. k~_ )] I -
dri r-" ds Orsh
derived. The betatron oscillationsin the annular synchrocyclotron are
dealt with f&tbe general and two special cases, i.e., the sector-spiral-
annular synchrocyclotron and the sector-radial-annular synchrocyclotron.
Card 7
S/05 61/031/002/013/015
Free motion of particles in... BlUYB202
In the former case, the author proves mathematically that for the stabili
s must be~>5$ hence the number of spirals in thellsymmetrical" accelerators
must be large.- N ~)40 and the design of the magnet thus becomes complicated..
For.the sector-radial-annular synchrocyclotron K min = 6 was derived for the 11
"utilization" coefficient of the,magnotic field K=2(1+ R)Ct2-0n. This
can be especially used to calculate the possible parameters of the
symmetrical annular synchrocyclotron. A Table shows the possible parame
of the magnetic field of the sector-radial-annular synchrocyclotron which
were calculated from (3,4) and
Q2. 2 n, (4L, 16
n M2
ison, the numerical results ere given in brackets. The author
For compar
thanks A. A. Kolomenskiy for assistance and permanent interest in this
paper. There are 1. table and 6 references: 3 Soxiet-bloc and 3 non-
Card 8/1~
-5- -V~
Ir V~
Using polystyrene foam in the prodliction of furniture. Der. prom. 12
no.lltl5-16 N 163. (MIRA 17:1)
0000000000 00
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PSOCISSAI 400 Olcowns -Lit
TWO #WON eg at SO" sjwbM of *0 tdomed
$pssam " ft 0
e*ta Of r%d*lbo$W On *# "We OU
lakesi. A. 1. awwote Ow . V. Faicvv. Velf"CA.
Arayto mop IM. No. 4-6. W-7. -AWN-'RID*PW- Zkilf-
190, No. 6. IM-Tbc act*= am. of retottued gasolilw~
t JOI-vig S 1, flotsto th& ykklq from D&PhthA*.
The M4b_w the actew so. of expliths. The WOO lbal of
the obtskW, I to Ifeetwess Of the cown-pa-f-
C-t. 1
A penng, v". 16tkhixan. Meaken, Hishu
I omil Ishbribittv petnArums Mlikett that i be narvirs of tht
wam am. oW of the ykkb of sasofines by Mogtaing
We, washthas More with a deAred
octaw ow can be obtj Wkldi= of the
crwk f"I W. R. Ifenn
so"its, to totesit map P'T 400 "A",
9 1
b to go a we a4, W, r. ,, it a, 10
0 0 * * 0
0 0 0 a 0
u Soo
1 low 00~111*
" All I 1 9 Aid a a 9 1 Ar a 9 In 4 1 4
0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 4~.o 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
r-&-A-A -A-L A sis, OF
10, 0. -010. 0.
1 A raphil mvilloW tur Ill# 410111111111134064 lit 14411COAPtAll bill
tw in poWine distillates. 1). A. Milf,mit and A.
Lab. )1. 3.,01
(kkl till. .4 Water. 6.1.1
NII.011 until
vassal. Ivar Alls-Ithir viol'w il oblaill.41.
lint[ 641.1 wArt its 11. thir till. sit list MAII. vortmi."Itt. 1.1
it . .,I lill-n-Splalls (14.10 1). To Ilk, lilt. u1 l1w %IIIII&
P-Allime in a u1st)-till. w with . Smand Rtuplicr sidd (cmil a
Istirtt the CuSAN %Ali. lit 5-nd. lkwtKwt% and shake after
a(libild ewh 5.1111. lkwilots. %%'[tell the dimplicatance it(
lit. dark-14ur "4,jc Iwshis () %low town. add the Ctok),
Milli. Cliff(Ully in 1 -1111. ISINthWIS Illitli 010 little MOF IWI -
W%. The wirristAfir %)I RSI I ii 41wil Ity thr
111) I'jj V I* lite vw. W NII.M1 AM411. 'd c1d:;0$ 11w.1 lilt
lite drin. strul d the it. 44 X"Ainc). W. k. lictin
U its AT 0 0111111 "Inn
:'o 0 goo** 0 0 0 0 0 0
1114J.64201 1;;Ia a
0 0, 000 0
F.11111 Is
`34 0
to llll~
FATEYEVI A. V- es and problems on the theory of electric drive).
(M.anual of examPl
(Moskva), Gosenergoizdato 1951.
SO: MLRA, November 1952.
BOGORODITSKIY, N.P., professor; VASIL'YEV, D.V., professor; BATDA, L.I.
doteent;,ODINTSOV. G.V. doteent-,SXKMOVICH, A.A., doteent. T'kqmy.
A.V. dotsent; YMUSOi. R.I., doOdfit; ARANOVICH. B.I., starshiy~
-9-959reavatell: GXUOR, D.S.starshiy prepodavatell; POVOLOTSKIT. Ta.A.,
Development of autoswitid control and telemechanics in the fifth
five-year plan. Avtow. L telem. 14 uo'2.238-240 Mr-AP '53,
(MM 10:3)
lo loningradskly elAttootekhnicbeskir indtflut im. T.I.Ullyanova
(Autoahtle *ntrol) %lboote control)
F .-. -l-"T -111 , 1-1 . -,T . ~ ~. ~ a . i, _- -. ~,, -. ~ ~-;-, I i
iA3 5,zrtati on. "..Lctnods of ~etcrmining rara,4--terj )f i~orrcctinl,~ itt~ib-~cks f---- ~;Utc,-.:.tized
,jy s t . " ur 1~:c,, ~c;i, iii3titutl Of arid ,tc~ci -.ici
24 Jun 54. (1cencrny--ya ~oskva, ~i03COW, 15 Jun 541
,C,: IJL'~~ )18, Z3 ~ec 1954
YAUDIO ,4&I,*ks&ndr Vasillyevich; SIMOV, Y.V., redAktor; 7ABRODINA, A. A.,
I Tt;i !A44kij rodaktor.
(Principles of %be lln*ar thoory of automatic control] O'BROV
linsinol toorii avtowistlebeekogo regulirovantia. Noskya, Goo.
enorgeticheskoe Isd-vo. 1954. 295 p. (HERA 8:2)
(Autossitto control)
.L ~ .- I - ,, v
t . I ,
- Im,
reomembificy.: gwas ate placte4w pfodoc-r a
the iory-c-cia
ff the *~&uiptirvdqL mucteemic of dw!ac -ur p6ved aynem
to eh'. can== at thl
S.A.Rinkavich. Elektrichastvo no.9:85 S155. (MLRA 8:11)
(Rinkovich, Sergei Aleksandrovich, 1886-1955)
Mikhail Yefinovich and Fatem., Aleksandr Vasiltyevich
Analiz raboty i rasehet elementov elektriebeekogo privoda (Analysis of Operation
and Design of Elements of Electric Drives) Moscow.. Masbgiz.. 1957. 105 V.
8#500 copies printed.
Reviewrat. Zusaian, V.G,,, Candidate of Technical Scienceaj, and Naydis., VA,.,
Enid r; Ed.: Sabinin, Yu.A... Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed, of
Publishing House: VanilfMap V.P.; Tech* Ed*-. Sokolova., L.V.; Chief
Ed. (Leningrad Division., M&aJVaz)-. Bol'shakov, S.A.j, Engineer.
PURPOSE: The wnWa;h is InterAed for engineering and technical personnel
engaged in awhine-tool building and., chieflyp in the design of electric
driven for metal-cutting machines, It can also be used by students in the
mabine-tool building departaients of vtuzes.
COVERAW: The mnograph presents an analysis of the operation of an automatic
control system for the feed drive of a heavy horizontal boring machine. The
Card 1/5
Analysis of Operation and Design (Cont.) 796
effect of various compensating devices on the dynamic p-.operties of the
system is shown. Methods of designing electric drives with wide a speed
range of the d-c prime mover are shown. The book explains the operation
of compensating devices and gives methods for their selection. For
purposes of illustration,, an electric drive with a wide apeed range for
a type 265 heavy universal boring machine manufactured by the
StankostroitelInyy zavod im. Sverdlova(Kachine-tool Building Plant imeni
Sverdlov) in Leningrad is discussed. The authors thank the chief designer
of the 14achine-tool Building Plant imeni Sverdlov, M.Ye. Ellyasberg, for
his help in preparing the book. There are 21 Soviet references, including
I translation.
Foreword 3
Basic Symbols 5
Card 2/5
Analysis of Operation and Design (Cont.) 796
Introduction 7
Ch. 1. Components and Control Circuits 9
1. Circuit components of electric drives vith a wide range of speed 9
2. Control circuits for electric feed drives 13
Ch. 2. Calculation of Static Conditions 17
3. Calculation of system components of an electric drive 17
Ch. 3. Investigation of the Operation of a System Under Dynamic
Conditions 26
4. Operation of a system vithout compensating deviaes 26
5. Selection of compensating devices and determining their
parameters 33
6. Selection of c nsating devices and determining their
parameters for the feed-drive motor control system of a boring
machine 53
Card 3/5
Analysis of Operation and Design (Cont.) 796
7. Theoretical and experimental investigations of the effect of
compensating devices on the dynamic properties of a ay3tem. 72
8. Effect of a change in amplification coefficient of the
amplidyne cross-citcuit included in feedback circuit on
amplidyne output volta6e 86
9. Increase of speed and improvement of dynamic stability of a
system by proper selection of time-constant ratio of system
sections 88
10. Effect of a change in primary circuit parameters of a type TPr
antihunting transformer on speed and dynamic stability of a
system 91
3-1. Effect of a change in stabilization circuit parameters along the
first and second derivatives of velocity with respect to time on
the dynamic stability of a system 95
12. Effect of a change in stabilization circuit parametera along -tbe
current increase in the amplidyne armature cross circuit on the
dynamic gtability of a system 96
Card 4/5
Analysis of Operation and Design (Cont.) 796
13. Platting transient response curves
AVAUANS: Library of Congress (TK4058.V4~)
Card 5/5
'A 2
1 3
IF Kv P VF\/
Vasil yev, Dwitriy Vasil 'yevich., Boris Afanaslyevich Mitivfanov,, Grigorly
Lfvovich Rabkin, Georgi7 Nikanorovich Samokhvalov,, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Semenkovich,, Aleksandr Vasill7svich Fateyev, and Nikolay Ivankavich Chicberin
Raschet aledywhahego privoda (Bervodrive Design) Leningrad., Sudpromids, 1958.
370 p. 8.,000 copies printed* Errata Plip Inserted.
Reap. Ed.: S. Y&, Berezin; Mt Yes N. Shaurak; Tech. Edet P. S. Ftmftn,
This book in Intended for scientists., engineers, and students of v~tsas,
COVERAGE: This book discuses the probl~ 9f designing electromechanical
servodrives and gives examples of design from the p6int of view of the
ov-6rall system and of the individuAl basic elements. * The design of servotrive
amplifiers,, the selection and design of error-sensing devices, wAd the,
experimental determination of the transfer functions of the 41screte IlWw
of a servodrIve we .,even considerable attention in the book. YAterials on
the design of electromechanical servodrives are systematized and the design
of servodrives vith electronic and magawtic amplifiers end of servo&rIvas
vith rotating amplifiers is discussed, Theia designs reflect the practical
experiences of the authors in the devialopment of servosystems. The wAhors
Card 115
Servodrive Design (Cont.) SWI2030
thank 1. A. Petrusenko, 1. S. Reamer, M- M- Konovalorm, L. A. Agarkova,
and 7u, A, Yereneyev -;or their aid in preparing the book. There are
51 referencest 47 Sovietp I Gomm., and 3 Engl1ob,
Preface 3
Ch. 1. Review of Existing Methods of Designing a Idnearized, Servodrive 5
1-1, Nature of dealga 5
1-2. Frequency methods 6
1-3. Coefficient methods 12
1-4. Design methods based on the distribution of roots of the
characteristic equation 13
Ch, 2. Selecting the Design Methods and the Order of Design 17
2-1. Comparative evaluation of design methods 1T
2-2. Selection of frequency design methods 21
2-3. Selection of control action and Initial conditions 22
2-4. Order of servbdri*e design 25
Card 2/5
Servodrive Design.(Cont.) SM/2030
Cho 3* Selection of the Pavaeters of Basic Servo&lv*'11~mmte 28
3r1, Selection of the tm" of current 28
3-2. Selection of par ration and the tne of reduction vuit 30
3-3, Selection of the capacity of the s*rvmotor 32
3-4, Detendastion, of the transfer fisnations of the abboa 48
3-3, Selection of the tM of sensing elownto 54
3-6, Selection at awd3lary devices for servodrIvem 62
Ch. 4 9 Serwo&Ive AmplIfIere 80
4-1, Selection of the tMrof amplifier 80
4-2, Rotating - migplIfIers., and detwidnation of Initial date for the
design of premplifters 83
4-3, Oommoting Us sallflerm vith the servaBotor 85
4~4. Xleatromic - emplifters 91
4-5, Magmatic onl1flerm 133
Sudeftftator aglifters 269
Ch. 3o Selection and Design of Error-sensing Devices 209
5-1o Metbods of selecting error-sensing devices 211
5-2, Selection of the parsawterm of error-mensing devices
by 1 - -to of lopritbale mW3itudes and Vhame.frMency
charmateristias 23-1
Card 3/5
Bervodrive Design (ContO SOV/2030
5-3. Selection of the parameters of error-sensing devicAs by means of
W litude-phaso characteristics 260
5-4. On the design of servodrives by the probability characteristics
of Input effects and noise and the demands of dynamic accuracy 277
Ch. 6. Parperimental Determination of the Parawters of Transfer Punctions
of the Discrete Links of a Servodrive 298
6-1. Review of existing methods 298
6-2. Methods of experimental determination of the parsmeters of the
transfer functions of the discrete linearized links of a
seryodrive 305
Ch, T- Zzamples of Bervodrive Design 325
7-1, Example of static design of a 4-vatt serrodrive 326
T-2, Example of static design of a tachometric seryodrive vith
eleationic magnetic amplifier and 4-vatt -&-a motor 330
T-3. I Sle of the design of a two-reading servodrive with magnetic
amplifier and 500-vatt 'a-c motor 334
T-4. Zxmpl* of the design of a servodrive with electronic and
rotating W21fiers 345
Card 4/5
Servodrive Desiga (Cont.)
T-5o- 7, vle of the des1go of a serwodr1ve v1th nagnetle and
ratating amplifiers 358
AVAIIAZESt Ltkwry of Commas a
card 5/5
SK- i! K V, N,p,l yAVjyjjVO A.Va; VASILIYXV, D-V-; ODINTSOV.
fO/GqO I ~Z / 2 1 P, -, YMOLIN,
G,V.; GUM, DeSe: APIAXSII&--B--Jr*- --
Professor V9A* Timofasy.'llektrichestTO rAo,2:96 7 1~8. (NIM 11:2)
(floofeev, Vladlutr Andreevtch. 1897-)
AUTHORS: Fate ev A U , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profes-
sor, Vavilov, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Docent, Granstrem, M.P., and Kotchenko, F.F., Engineers
TITLE: An Automatic Quick-Response Compensator Developed on
the Basis of the EPP-09 Instrument
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Priborostroye-
niye, 1958, Nr 4, pp 60-68 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The automatic, quick-response compensator EPP-09, pro-
duced by the Soviet industry, does not meet the quick-
response requirements for laboratory and production
purposes, since the indicator travel* over the dial
within 1 second, while in some cases a travelling speed
of 0.2 - 0.3 seconds is required. The solution of this
problem presents great difficulties, since re-adjust-
ments must be kept at a minimum and must not exceed
0.2 - 0.3% of the dial length. The minimum zone of non-
sensitivity Must not exceed 0.1 - 0.2% of the dial
length. The experience of a number of foreign enter-
Card 1/4 prises proves the possibility of creating a device which,
An Automatic Quick-Response Compensator Developed on the Basis of
the EPP-09 Instrument
provides the required quick-response. In this paper,
the authors describe the servo mechanism for the
quick-response automatic compensator EPP-09 with a
measuring range of 0 - 10 millivolts and 0 - 500 micro-
volts, and present also some results of the experimen-
tal investigation of the model of the automatic, quick
-response compensator. It has an indicator travelling
time of 0.25 - 0.3 seconds with a maximum readjustment
value of 0.2 - 0.3% of the dial length. The improve-
ments were developed at the Kafedra avtomatiki i tele-
mekhaniki Leningradskogo elektrote~hnicheskogo insti-
tuta imeni V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina) (Chair of Automation
and Remote Controls of the Leningrad Electrical Engi-
neering Institute imeni V.I. Ullyanov (Lenin)). Fig-
ure 1 shows the principal circuits of the servo mecha-
nism. The motor RD-09 which was originally used, was
replaced by a DARM-4/2 motor, because the ASM-100
Card 2/4 motor did not provide the required quick-response
An Automatic Quick-Response Compensator Developed on the Basis of
the EPP-09 Instrument
(only 0.5 seconds). The control winding of the DARM-
4/2 motor is fed from the push-pull output stage of
an electronic amplifier with 6P3S tubes. Figure 3
shows the circuit diagram of the electronic amplifier
of the automatic quick-response compensator for the
measuring range of 0 - 10 millivolts, while the ampli-
fier of the range of 0 - 500 microvolts is shown in
Figure 4. Each amplifier is built with two 6N2F, one
6NlP and two 6P3S tubes. Figure 5 shows a photograph
of the electronic amplifier. Figures 6, 7, 8, 9 show
oscillograms and diagrams of the functioning of the
servo mechanism. The zone of non-sensitivity is 0.1 -
0.2% of the dial length. The authors recommend the
servo mechanism also for other automatic, quick-re-
sponse compensators produced by the Soviet industry.
There are 1 photograph, 3 circuit diagrams, 1 graph,
4 o3cillograms, 2 diagrams and 3 references, 2 of which
Card 3/4 are Soviet and 1 English,
An Automatic Quick-Reaponse Compensator Developed on the Basis of
the EPP-09 Instrument
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.
I. Ullyanova (Lenina) (Leningrad Eleutrical Engineer-
ing Institute imeni V.I. Ullyanov (Lenin))
SUBMITTED: April 13, 1958
Card 4/4
AMORS: Ivanov, V. Is, Professor, Doctor of SOf/105-58-9-34/34
Technical Sciences, Vasillyev, D. V., Professor, Doctor
of Technical Sciences, Fateyev, A. V., Professor, Doctor
of Technical Sciencest-T~~ Docent, Candidate
of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Bibliography (Bibliografiya) K.V.Bulgakovt Power Supply
for Industry (K.V.Bulgakov: Energosnabzheniye promyshlennykh
PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 9, PP 96 - 96 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review of a book pubLld3ed In 1957 by "Gosenergo-
izdat"t .; 343 PP., 11,85 Roubles. Power supply
for industry is correctly described as a many-sided problem which
must be solved as a whole. The book is intended for the
engineer concerned with the design of power plants for
industry and with their operation, but may also
serve as a textbook for students working in this field.
It will be of particular value since at present there
is no other book on this subject. The book is on a high
Card 1/2 scientific and theoretical level. The subject dealt
Bibliography, K.V.Bulgakovt Power Supply for InMistry SOV/105-58-9-34/34
with is scientifically arranged, it complies with
the present state of power engineering, and is simply and
lucidly written. Some minor imperfections, as the too
small number of numerical examples and reference data,
etc., could be easily removed with the next edition.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im.V.I.
Ullyanova (Lonina)(Leningrad4,.,Electrical Engineering In-
stitute im.V.I.Ullyanov (Lenin))
Card 2/2
4. V-
AUTHOR: Gikisl A. F. , Candidate of Technical SciencesDocent
TITLE: Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric
Measuring Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
(Mezhvuzovskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya po
elektroizmeritellnym priboram i tekhnicheskim sredstvam
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Elektromekhanika,
1958t Nr 9, pp 130-135 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The conference was held at the Leningradskiy
elektrotekhnicheskiY institut imeni V. I. U11yanova
(Lenina)(Leningrad Electro-technical Institute imeni
V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin))on November 11-15, 1958. The
representatives of eleven higher teaching establishments
and three research institutes participated and a large
number of specialists of various industrial undertakings
were present.
Professor A. M. Rozenblatt (Institute of Automation and
Telemechanics, Ac,Sc. USSR) presented an exhaustive
review paper on "Application of magnetic amplifiers in
automation and metering". Magnetic amplifiers permit
Card 1/13 execution of five basic logical operations and, therefore,
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
they can be applied in discrete operation automation
Professor A. V. F,at9yev (Leningrad Electro-Technical
Institute imeni V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin)) read the paper
"Present state and prospects in the development of
the theory and technique of automatic control",
reviewing present trends in the theory of automatic
regulation, development of the theory of linear systems
of automatic control and giving an outline of the present
state of the theory of non-linear systems,, systems of
opt1ma3izJN control, self-setting systems and impulse
control systems.
Docent F. A. Stupell (Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute)
in his paper "Present-day designs of an electro-
magnetic automation mechanisms" outlined the character-
istics of individual types of electro-magnetic mechanisms
and the main trends in the design of electro-magnetic
contactors, relays, polarized relays, fast electro-
magnets, electro-magnetic couplings and special electro-
Card 2/13 magnetic mechanisms for programme control.
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
Professor N. G. Boldyrev (Leningrad Electro-Technical
Institute) in his paper "Stability of discrete au-U'-omatic
systems with back coupling" has shown that the final
automatic device can always be 'synthesized from elements
possessing only two states, 0 and 1. which are linked
into a finite number of elementary circuits.
Docent A. M. Melik-Shakhnazarov (Azerbaydzhan Industrial
Institute imeni M. Azizbekov) in his paper "Problems
of automation of a.c. compensation mechanisms" gave a
systematic review of the problem and quoted practical
examplesi of auto-compensation equipment used in various
branches of engineering.
Docent A. S. Rozenkrants (IvanovoPower Institute imeni
V. 1. Lenin) in his paper "Automatic a.c. bridges and
compensators" emphasized the acute demand for
automatic instruments for comparing alternating currents.
The fields of application of such instruments could be
considerably extended if they would be designed for
Card 3/13 operating at a wider frequency range. He considered it
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
advisable to base the automation of such comparison
instruments on using a phase sensitive indicator and
has described a bridge of this type which was built
at the IvanovcPower Institute.
Yu. A. Skripnik (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute)
reported on a phase sensitive switch indicator of
semi-equilibrium of a.c. bridges.
Professor L. F. Kulikovskiy (Kuybyshev Industrial
Institute imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) presented a paper
on "Some new types of a.c. compensators".
Assistant Ye. I. Tenyakov (Novocherkamk Folytechnical
Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) presented the paper
"Certain problems of designing automatic d.c. potentio-
meters of high accuracy with numerical reading off".
Aspirant D. I. Malov (Novo c herkas sic. Polytechnic al
Institute) presented the paper "High accuracy automatic
d.c. bridge with numerical reading off".
Assistant V. A. Ivantsov (Novocherkassk-Eblytechnical
Institute) presented the paper "Measuring element
Card 4/13 for accurate automatic comparison metering instruments
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
with numerical reading off"; the sensitivity threshold
of such instruments must be of the order of 10 jiV and
30 ~LV in a bridge-circuit in the case of an input
resistance of at least 100 kOhm. The response time
should be of the order of 5 msec. The design of the
instrument described by him is based on an a.c.
amplifier, whereby the d.6, voltage to be measured is
transformed into a.c. by a vibrator with a noise level
of the order of 1 jiV. The instrument is phase
sensitive and stability aSainst overloads was achieved
by using a 2-way diode limiter,
Docent B. M. Smolov (Leningrad Electro-Technical
Institute) read the paper "Non-linear electronic
voltage transformers with a numerical output", in which
he considered two methods of transforming voltages into
a numerical code.
V. P. Skuridin (Ural Folytechnical Institute imeni
S. M. Kirov) presented the paper "New counters based
Card 5/13 on polarized relays". These do not suffer from the
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
disadvantage of existing counters, namely, that the
results are lost if the current supply is accidentally
Professor A. V. Fremke and Docent Ye. M. Dushin
(Leningrad Electro-technical Institute) presented the
paper "Metering transducers for automatic instruments
with discrete types of recording".
Candidate of Technical Sciences V. B. Ushakov and
F. N. Kopay-Gora (Scientific Research Institute for
Computers) presented the paper "Computing equipment for
automatic centralized control of production parameters".
Candidate of Technical Sciences V. B. Ushakov presented
the paper "Certain trends in the development of
analogue computers and of computing devices intended
for use in industry".
Candidate of Technical Sciences B. V. Shamray (Leningrad
Electrotechnical Institute) presented the paper "Low
inertia transducer of thermo e.m.f. into a d.c. voltage",
operating with magnetic elements of an input resistance
Card 6/13 of 100 Ohm, a signal of 0.001 V and an output voltage
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
of 40 V with a resistance of 4000 Ohm~
Docent G. A. Alizade (Azerbaydzhan Industrial Institute
iweni M. Azizbekov) presented the paper "New d.c. metering
transducers with a high input resistance" (phase
sensitive transducer in d,,c. compensators and
particularly its application in the chemical industry).
Docent P. V. Novitskiy (Leningrad Electrotechnical
Institute) presented the paper "Apparatus for measuring
vibration parameters",: described a Diezo-electric
accelerometer with a range of 0 to 10 000 C.D.s., a
sensitivity of 3 to 7 mV/m/sec~ with an error-of up to
Candidate of Technical Sciences D. A. Borodayev
(Ural Polytechnical Institute) presented the paper
"Instruments for ultra-sonic monitoring of the level
and the pressure of liquids" which was one of a series
of papers on measuring non-electrical magnitudes by
Card 7/13 electric methods.
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
Corresponding Member of the Ac.Sc, USSR Professor
K. B. Karandeyev presented the paper "Application of
semi-conductorB for metering purposes".
Assistant G. N. Novopashennyy presented the paper
"Metering amplifiers with semi-conductor triodes".
Docent Ya. V. Novoselltsev, Assistants N. A. Smirnov,
Ye. Ye. Afanaslyev and Ye. P. Ugryumov (Leningrad
Electrotechnical Institute) presented the paper
"Semi-conductor precision instrument for measuring
the frequency by the method of counting impulses".
The described instrument enables measuring the
frequency of harmonic oscillations which occur once
only; the frequency of the input oscillations is
amplified 24 times5and the error in measurement does
not exceed 2 x 10 .
A number of papers were presented on measuring and
producing instruments based on recently discovered
physical phenomena.
Professor Ye. G. Shramkov and Junior Scientific Worker
~* A, Spektor (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute
Card 8/13 imeni M. I. Kalinin) presented the paper "Measurement
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
of large d.c. currents by the method of nuclear
magnetic resonance", which permits measuring with an
error below 0.1%; the built experimental instrument was
suitable for measuring currents UP to 35 000 A with an
error not exceeding 0.05%.
Professor N. N. Shumilovskiy (Moscow Lenin Order Power
Institute) presented the paper "Basic trends of
development of radio-active methods of automatic
control of production.processes"; he dealt with
sources of metering errors and methods of improving
the &ccuracy.
Professor Ya. Z. Tsypkin (Institute of Automatics and
Tilemechanics, Ac.Sc. USSR) presented the paper "On
certain features and potentialities of impulse
automatic systems". He dealt particularly with
"compensation" delay in impulse automatic 6yetems
impulse extremal and self-setting systems and basic
Card 9/13 trends in the development of impulse circuits.
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
Assistant M. M. Fetisov (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute)
presented a paper on the "Basic problems of the theory
of automatic electric metering instruments with reverse
transformation for measuring non-electrical magnitudes~
The method is based fundamentally in compensating the
measured non-electrical magnitude with a similar
magnitude produced by means of a transducer.
Professor R. R. Kharchenko (Moscow Lenin Order Power
Institute) presented the paper "Determination of the
dynamic errors of a magneto-electric oscillograph by means
of analogues".
N. F. Suvid (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) presented the
paper "Measurements-using magnetic bridges".
In addition to this,three further papers were read on
magnetic measurements.
Candidate of Technical Sciences P. G. Nikitin and
Senior Lecturer D. A. Bezukladochnikov (Ural Pmlytechnical
Institute) read the paper "Measuring the potential of a
magnetic field by means of bismuth resistance and Hall
CardlQ/13 e.m.f. pick-ups"; he described a new method of producing
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
bismuth spirals by electrolytic deposition of bismuth
inside grooves of a base made of insulation material.
Senior Lecturer V. A. Ferents (Kazah'Aviation Institute)
presented the paper "High sensitivity magnetic gas
analysers for oxygen"; the increased sensitivity was
achieved by separating the heat sensitive element from
the heating element.
Docent P. P. Ornatskiy (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute)
presented the paper "Measurement of electrical magnitudes
at infra-low frequencies by electric indicating instru-
ments of various systems"; this is of interest since there
is a demand for instruments operating at frequencies of
1.5 to 0.5 C.P.s.
Docent R. 1. Yurgenson (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute)
presented the paper "Methods of ensuring stability against
interference in discrete selection systems" in which he
dealt with the principles of ensuring active and passive
stability against interference in the transmission of
Card M3codes used for transmitting discrete data.
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
Docent Ya. V. Novoselltsev (Leningrad Blectrotechnical
Institute) presented the paper "Averaging, differentiation,
and smoothing of time functions reproduced by electric
B. S. Ryabyshkin and V. F. Filippov (Siberian Physico-
Technical Scientific Research Institute) presented the
paper "Electronic analogue correlator"; this was
developed at the Tomsk Ionospheric Station for
calculating the correlation functions in studying the
winds in the ionosphere.
Docent L. I. Stolov (Kazai~ Aviation Institute) presented
the paper "Certain characteristics of asynchronous
micro-motors" (see pp 38-44 of this issue) in which he
considers motors with symmetrical windings. The mechanical
and the speed characteristics of such motors are
investigated on the basis of equations of a 4-pole.
At the closing session the results were summarized
Card of this conference and resolutions were passed. In
12/13 particular it was decided to publish the transactions
Inter-University Scientific Conference on Electric Measuring
Instruments and Technical Means of Automation
of this conference.
ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Novocherkasdc-Polytechnical Institute)
Card 13/13 USCOMM-DC-60s,873
Ff~T C-- ~ t V,
Anisimov, Vladimir Ivanovicht Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vavilov, and
Aleksandr Vasillyevich Fateyev
Sbornik primerov i zadach po lineynoy teorli avtomaticheskogo
regullrovaniya. (Collection of Examples and Problems on Linear
Theory of AUtomatic Control) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959.
254 p. 10,000 copie printed.
Ed. (Title page): A.V. Fateyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Pro-
fessor; Ed. (Inside book): V.G. Kepperman; Tech. Ed.: Ye.M. Soboleva
PURPOSE: This collection of examples and problems may be used by
students of higher technical schools and by engineering and tech-
nical personnel engaged in the design and study of automatic
control systems. This book is intended to help theread6r to acquire
experience in applying linear automatic control theory to the solu-
tion of practical problems. The book may be used by students
taking the course in automatic control offered by the Laningradskly
elektrotekhnicheskiy Institut (Leningrad Electrical Engineering
Institute imeni. V.I. Ullyanov).
Card 1/4
Collection of Examples (Cont.)
COVERAGE: Particular attention is given to problems in automatic
control of voltages, currents, power, position, speed, etc.
Problems of obtaining equations and transfer functions of elements
and systems of automatic control are also discussed. The authors
thank A.A. Voronov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Docent
V.G. Keppermang Candidate of Technical Sciences, for reviewing the
manuscript. There are 8 Soviet references (including two
Foreword 3
Ch. I. Equations and Transfer Functions of Automatic Control
Systems 5
1. Equations and transfer functions of elements of aut6matic
control systems 5
2. Equations and transfer functions of automatic control
systems 62
Card 2/4
Colleotion of Examples (Cont.) SOV11953
Ch. II. Investigation of Stability of Automatic Control Systems 118
3. Investigationof stability of automatic control systems by
means of the Hurwitz criterion 118
4. Investigation of stability of automatic control systems
through determining stability regions by medns of ote
and two parameters 122
5. Investigation of stability of automatic control systems
by means of A.V. Mikhaylov's criterion 130
6. Investigation of stability of automatic control systems
by means of the Nyquist criterion 136
a) Frequency characteristics ofelements and systems of
automatic control 136
b) Invest,igation of automatic control system stability
by the'.method of attenuation-phase characteristics 171
c) Investigation of automatic control system stability
by the method of logarithmic frequency characteftstics174
Ch. III. Investigation of Quality of Automatic Control Systems 179
7. Construction of a transient response curve for automatic
control systems by means of direct solution of differential
equations 179
Card 3/4
Collection of Examples (Cont.) SOV11953
8. Construction of a transient response curve from the
actual frequency characteristic 189
9. Determination of the ratio of controlled variable to
reference Input by means of' frequency characteristics 201
Ch. IV. Selection of Automatic Control System Parameters
Satisfying the Given Quality Indices of a Transient
Process 207
Appendixeb 247
Bibliography 255
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4 8-10-59
fASILIM, Dmitriy Vasillyevioh; MICH, Voislev Georgiyevich;
_jATXIXX,-A-T.., prof,, doktor takhn.nauke rateenzent; SMINUR
Tu.A., doteent, kand.tokhn.nauk, red.; DMSOVA, G.A., red.
izd-va; SIXONOVSKIT, X.Z., red.izd-va; NIKOLAYSTA, I.D.,
(Calculation of automatic control systems: problems and examples]
Raschet sistem avtomatichaskogo upravlenila; sadachi i primary,
Kookwa, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo sashinostr,lit-i-ry, 1959. 390 P.
(MIRA 12:10)
(Electronic control) (Servomechanisms)
. FATZTZV, A.Y., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.
Present status and future development of the theory wd technological
equipment of autonatio control. Isy. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. no.2:6-16
159. (MIRA 13:2)
1.1eningradskir slektrotakhmicheskiy institut im. V.I. Ul'yanova (Lenine.)
Rekomendovana kafedroy aytomatiki i tolemskhaniki.
(Automatic control)
FATEYEV, Ale%sandr yasillyeviph,, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; OIEYNIKOV, Viktor
kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsentj ZOTOV, Nikolaj Sergeyevich,
assistenti POLYAKOVs, Turiy Andreyevich,, inzh.
System for the stabilization and regulation of the speed of a d.c.
motor using a tachometer generator. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; elektro-
mekh. 3 no.12:58-64 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Zaveduyuohehiy kafedroy avkMtiki. i telemakhaniki, Leningradskogo
alektrotekhnichookogo instAutAL (for Fatejov). 2-. Ioeningradakiy
elektrotekhnicheokiy institut (for Oleynikov). 3. Xafedra avtomatiki
i telemekhaniki IAmingradekogo elektrotakhnicheskogo inatituta (for
Zotov,, Polyakov). (Electric motors, bl"at current)
RAZYGRAYZVO ArkadiY Mikhaylariah; DVMIN, Zinoviy Abramovich; GOLITSIMM,
Di7id Girshevich; BMMABZV9'Sergey Alekeandrovich~,,,FATKW, jL.Vv'
daktor tekbn. nauk, reteensent; miffinw, m.s., kand-. fabc.-fatit,
red.; BMMMBA9 LA99 redo isd-vai SHCHETININAy L*Vop taklm,red,
[Design and assembly of-the electrical equipment of metal-cutting
iachines] Proaktiraw is i sontash elaktrooborudovaniia zetanow~~_
zh hehikh stamkor. Iad.'2.p dop. i perer. Moskraj, Goo.nauebw-
isd-vo masbinostroit. lit-ryp 1961. 303 P. (MIRA 34:6)
(cutting machines-Mectric equipment)
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekfia-nikl.
Spetslallnyye voprosy aviomatizirovannogo elektrc--. rivoda (Special Problems
of the Automatic Electric Drive) Moscow,, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1061. 248 p.
Errata slip inserted. 6,500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akadem'iyanaukSSSR. Inatitutiplektromekhaniki.
Eds. (Title page): D.A. Zavalishin, Corresponding Member, Academy of
Sciences USSR, and V. V. Rudakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Ed. of Publishing Time: N.V. Travin; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Arons.
PURPOSE: This book to intended for technical personnel engaged In do-
signing or operating regulate 'd and automated electric drives for ma-
chineo and thechanisms. It may also bb useful to students In advanced
courses working on term and degr#e pr6jects.
Special Problems of (Cont.) SOV/5533
COVERAGE: The book discusses the principles of operation and the methods
of computation of regulated drives with a-c and d-c motors. Special
attention is paid to problems related to the frequency method bf Induction
motor control, which the authors consider the most promising. Recom-
mendatione regarding the use of a-c commutator motors and Induction
motors with special w1ndIng and improved starting characteristics are
made. A considerable part of the book to devoted to problems of design
and calculation of the control circuits for automated d-c drives, and to
methods of inveRtigating dynamic characteristics of d-c arive systems
by means of electronic and electrodynamic models. Recent developments
In regulated d-c drives and modern methods of analyzing and synthesizing
automated d-c systems, based on Investigations carried out by the Instl-
tut elektromekhaWki AN SM (Institute of Electromechanics AS USSR),
are discussed in detail. The book was written by the following persons:
A. A, Dartau (Cho. II and M), D. A. Zavalishin (Introduction, sections
1, 4, 5, and 6 of 1, and Ch. 11). S. V. Korotkov (Ch. '11. see. 3),
Special Problems of (Cont.) SOV/5533
L 1. Laptev (sections t and 5 of Ch. V); 0. V. Popov (Ch. IV; sections
4, and 5 of Ch. V oz,
pand sec. 3 of Ch. VI ; V.X~Pr orov(sections
2. and 3 of Ch. 1. ); V. V,_4uda);qv (Introducfl5i~-s-iia-a-cb. V,
sections I and 4 of Ch. VI); V. V. . Semenov ( sec. 3 of Ch. V); Ye. M.
- e
ra ( sec. 3 of Ch. V)- A.-V.-
, . f. gt-e~u-
Smirnov (sec. 2 of Ch. VI)
Sovie;, ?terman,
(Introduction). Thei~a are d"r ferences: 69
and I French.
Foreword 3
Introduction. Present State and Paths of Development of Automated
Ele fric-Drive Systems 5
1. Qeneral Information 5
Special Problems of (Cont.)
2. Modern trends in the field of nonregulated electric drives 6
3. Regulated electric driven 7
4. Servomechanism drive and programming control systems 11
5. Electric-drive control systems 14
Ch. 1. Regulated A-C Drive Systems With Frequency Control 17
1. Electromechanical drive systems with frequency control 17
2. Basic characteristics of drive systems with commutator
generators 26
3. A-c drive systems with an excavator characteristic 39
4. Basic systems of vacuum-tube, gas-filled, and semi-
conductor frequency convertors 53
5. Gas-filled frequency convertors with a mixed current
commutation 54
6.. Semiconductor frequency convertors 67
SMYREV) Aleksandr Nestorovich; FOrENSHILIDT, Vera Aleksandrovna; IL11M,
Soflya Glebovna; FATEYFV A.V., doktor tokhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent;
KHOLODILIII) A.N., kand. takhn. nauk, retsenzent; LEVITIN, S.O.,inzh.p
reteenzent; GEILM40V,A.V. , kand. teklin. naW,., nauch. red.; CWTKOVjR.I.,
kand. fiz. - inat.nauk~ nauch. red.; KAZLIOV,Yu. S. red. ;&WTOVA,N.V.
(Ship stabilizeral Uspokoitell kachki sudov. Leningrad, Gos.soiuzuoe
izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 515 P, (MIU 141121
(Stability of ships)
Analyzing the accuracy of various interpolation metbods. Trudy
GGO no.121z29-36 161. (mm 15:5)
(Meteorological stations) (Interpolation)
CHERNORUTSKIY, G.S.1 FATEgy,_Aj., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; PECHERINA, LN., kande tekhn, nauk, retsenzent;
DUGINA, N.A., takhn. red.
(Electromechanical automatic control systemat St4ture of
automatic control systems. Transfer characteristics of electro-
mechanical elements. Calculation of the control arror]Klektro-
mekhanicheskie sistemy avtomatichoskogo regulirovaniia: Struktura
CAP. Peredatochnys avoistva elektromekhanichaskikh elementov.
Ramchet oshibki regulirovani-ia. Moskva, Mashgi2, 1962. 126 p.
(MIRA 16:3)
(Automatic control)
ANTOMONOV, Yuriy Gurlyevich; SAZONOV., A.Ye,~ dotsent, retsenzent;
FATEM A V . prof.,, retsenzent; OLKYNIKOV, V.A., nauchrqy red.;
"'~NNAI M.I., red.; FRUITIH, P.S... tekhn. red.
[Automatic control systems using electronic calculating machines;
synthesis of systems optimum in high-speed operation] Avtomatiche-
skoe upravlenie s primeneniem. vychislitellrqkh mashin; sintez
sistem., optimallrqkh po b strodeistviiu. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz,
1962. 339 P. (MIRA 150)
(Automatic control)
OLMIKOV, Viktor Alakseyevichs- ZOTOV., Nikolay Sergeyevich;~E~
A.V.-,-doktor tekbn. nauk., prof... retsenzent; KOTCMIKO, F.F.,
inzh.,, naucbz*7 red.; BRUSKIN, D.M.,, ved. red.; SAF-110110VA,
I.M., tekbn. red.
(Automatic control of tecbn6logical processes in tho
petroleum and petroobanical induatries]Avtomaticheskoe regu-
lirovanie tekbnologicheskikh proteessov v neftianoi i nefte-
khimicbeakoi promyablennosti. Leningrad., Gostoptakhizdat,,
1962. 321 p. (MIRA 15;11)
(Automatic control)
(Petroleum industry-Equipment and Empplies)
IVASIICHENKO,, R.N.; FREYEVp A.V., doktor tekbn* naukp prof,.*
retoenzeR-;-YELTSE117-,7M.S.,, inzh., red.; MCDELI, V.I.,
tekbn. red.
[Automatic control; theory &M elements of control systems]
Avtomaticheakoe regulirovanie; teoriia i elementy sistem.
2., ispr, i dop. izd. Moskvap Mashgizp 1962. 628 p.
(Automatic control) (MIRA 15:3.1)
Sixtieth a=dversary of the birth of Dmitrii Vasi-Itevich Vasiltev.
Elektrichestvo no,,3193 Mr 762. (MMA 15:2)
iVasil'~ev, Dmitrii Vasil:evich, 1901-)
VAVILOV., Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; SOLODOVNIKOV, Aleksey Ivanovich,
-FATE YY,_A#-Vv-r-red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red.
(Experimental determination of the frequency characteristics
of automatic-control systems] Eksperimentallnoe opredelenie
chastotnykh kharakteristik avtomaticheskikh sistem. Moskva,
Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 251 p. (MIRA 16:11)
(Automatic control)
NORNEVSKUP B.I.p kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; BEREZZ.,
S.7a.,, nauchn. red.; SACHUK, N.A., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M.,
tekhn. red.
[Calculation and design of servo systems] Proektirovanie i
raschet alecliashchikh sistem. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroe-
nigyn 1964. 6o6 P. (MIRA, 17:4)
S 33266-65
ACCESSION NR,. APS006632 S/014'6/65/008/001/0026/0031
AUTHOR: Fateyev, A. V.. Oleynikov, V. A.; Zlatkin, V. L; Likerman, D. 1.
TITLE; Device for measuring the temperature of rotating bodies
SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8. no. 1. 1965, 26-31
i1TOPIC TAGS: temperature measurement, gas turbine
ABSTRACT-- A new det'. ca for-measuring the temperature difference up to 300C
(with a maidmurn absollite temperature of 700C) at two points of a disk (or a gas-
turbine rotor) rotating at 5000 rpm is based on two thermocouples connected in
oppo,3ition on a special inductive primary detector (see Fig. 'I of Fziclosure). The latter
cqrnprises a perma.Uoy stator carrying two windings connected in opposition and
supplied at 50 cps and a salient-pole rotor carrying one winding connected to the
thermocouples. The rotor is mechanically coupled to the rotating turbine shaft.
Thus, the detector acts as a conventional torus magnetic am lifier but has a
ca,ti I / 3
L 33266-65
1 0. 3-mm airgap, which prevents any amplification and actually is responsible for
certain attenuation of the signal. Characteristics of the dctector for various
excitation currents and speeds (see Fig. 1) are practically flat. However,
the thermocouple signal is very weak (about 12 mv or Zx 10-10 w). Hence, the
signal is fcd to a special 7-transistor preamplifier supplied at 220 volts ac and
consistina of a double -f reque ncy modulator, a 3-stage amplifier proper, and a
demodulator, all provided with a feedback loop. A laboratory model is reported
to have shown a 3-4% error in temperature measurement. Orig. art. has:
4 figures. (031
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotecknicheskiy institut im. V. I. U11yanova
(Lenina) (Leningrad ElectrotechnIcal Institute)
NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER, 00 1 ATD PRESS. 3207
Cord 3
1, -0"
i! torus ilnduativb detector
FREYDZON, Isaak Rubinovich. Prinimali uchastiye: ARKHANGEL' SKIY
Ye.A.; BRRIEV, V.F.; doktor tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; TITOV, N.I., nauchn. red.; NIKITINA, M.I.,
(Mathematical modeling of the autoinatic control sysLems
of ships3 Matematicheskoe modelirovanie sudovykll sistem
avtomaticheskogo upravleniia. Loningrado Sudostroenie,
1964. 423 P. (MIRA 18:2)
VASILIYEV, D.V.; YEGIA7AROV, I.V.; Y.FRICLE's, N.!~.; KCdS7--,.4YO, .14-F.;
Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov, 1900-1964; obituary. Izv. vys. ucheb.
zav.; energ. 8 no.1:122-123 Ja 165.
(MIRA 18:2)
L 22569-M
F-ArC -N&AP6012962 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0143/65/00D/001/0122/014
Z 3
AUTHOR: Atabekov, Go I.; Basharin, A. V.; Bogoroditakiy, No P.; Bulgakov, X. Vol
'L2L1'Zev,, D!_.Y..i Yegiazarov, I.- V.; Yermol-in, No P.; Kostenko, No P.; Nalkhanov, 13
P' 1fo; Novaah, V. 1. 1 Nornevskiy, B6 I.; Rutskiy, A. 1,; Pqzhov, P. I,; Soloveysvp
1, 1.1 Solodoynikov, Go So; Slepyan, Ya. Yu.; Smurovap No V.; Tinyakov, No A.;
F Fedoasyev, A. No; Shabadnahs B. Iol Shchadrin, No No
ORG: none
TITLE: Obituary for Ivanov, Viktor Ivanovich
SOURCE: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Energetika, no. 1, 1965, 122-123
TOPIC TAGSs academic personnel, electronic personnel, electronics
ABSTRACT: Vlktor Ivanovich Ivanov, Dr. of Tech. Sciences, professor of the
Leningrad glectrotechnical institute imni V. 1. Ulyanov, died 24 August
19". He was born in 1900, was the first teader of special relay protection
of power equipment in the USSR, outlining the principles of the now discipline
in a monograph published in 1932. In recent years, Ivanov has concentrated
in the developftnt of the teaching of industrial electronics and pv1se.
technology in the TAningrad Institute. [JPRS)
L 11336-67 --EWT(d)/ZWT-(m.
ACC' IM AP6030626 ~,A, N SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/Olcidiii?0122
INVENTOR: Naydich, A. I.; Zateyev, B. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Fuel supply regulator. Class 46, No. 185154
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 122
TOPIC TAGS: fuel control, fuel flow rate
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a fuel supply regulator consisting of
a housing with a cylindrical gate valve,\\which includes a rectangular metering
dispenser and a bushing. In orde'rNTo-operate on various types of fuel without
changing the metering element's profile,..the bushing has several openings. each of
which is adapted for two kinds of metering profiles which determine the consumption
rate. Orig. art. has: I figure.
SUB CODE: 21, 13/ SUBM DATEs 29May64/
UDC: 621.438-343.3-531.9
-7~ 7-1
"Connlex-Drigade "et"Lod for the Continuous ProducLior, of
Building complexes." Cand Tech Sci) i(harlkov Cons tii,,c tion Enginet ring lns~, "in
Higher Education US3R, Miartkov, 1955, (KL) No 10) I'ar ;-,5)
So: Sum. No 610, 29 Sopt Survey of Sciellj,tli-fic and TecIbnical Disserta~Aons
DefendeO. t USMI Higher Educa'Uonal Institutions (11")
FATHTIV, D.I.,dots.
Basic statutes on organizing industrialized assembly-line
construction in rural districts. Trudy RISI no.4:49-61
'55. (MIRA 12:1)
(Rostov Province-Construction industry) (Farm buildings)
FATEYEV, D 8 Cand. Media. Sol. (dise) "Experimental Ob-
servations of Stomach Secretions with Bronchio-lung Novocaine
Blockage," Tomsk, 1961, 19 pp. (Omsk Med. Inst.) 260 copies
(KL Supp 12-61, 289).
Burning natural gas In glass furnaces. Trudy Inst. isp. gaza AN
URSH no*5:24-43 158. (MIRA 11:12)
(Glass furnaces) (Gas as fuel) (Gas, Natural)
". - -
Multipoint automtic control of annealing tunnel furnaces. Stek. i
ker. 15 no.4t18-22 4 !58. (MM 1195)
(Glass furnaces) (Automtic control)
FATEYVV, F.G. [ Fatieiev.. F.H.]
Experimental methods for lengthening the life of glass furnaces.
Leh.prom. no-3:55-57 J1-S 163. (KMA 16:11)
1. KiyevskiT oteklovarennyy zavod.
New oystem for regulating furnace pressure. Stek.i ker. 21 no.12:
23-24 D 164. (MIRA 18:3)
SAMOYLOVI D., kand. takhn. nauk; FATMVI I.,-inzh.
Iet's give bettir satisfactim to the requiremnts of paaeongers,
Zhil,-kom. khos. 12 no.3:26-27 Mr 162.
(MIU 15:10)
(city tmffic)
~vi h~ RABINOVICH, X.A., red.; EXTIGM. S.K.. red.;
~_ ~c~~
Ellectric power; popular study) Blektroenergatiks; populiarayi
ocherk. Moskva, Gon.suargAzd-vol, 1960. 215 p. (KIRA 13:12)
(Blectric power)
FATI'M, K. Ya -
Fateyev, K. Ya. "'On the further improvement of r2bbit-raim-
ing on kolkhozesq"' Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo,, 1949,
No. 2. P. 48-51.
SO.- U-3736, 21 May 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 17, 1949).
~~n cc," oc'
45-, .734 1954
nTZM, K.Ya.
Acclimatization of fur-bearing animals in son regions of the U,S.S.R,
Zool. zhur. 39 no.811236-1238 Ag ,6o. (KERA 13:8)
1. Department of Zoologr, lostrom State Pedagogical Institute.
(Kostroma Province-Fur-bearing animals)
(Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Ibr-boaring aninals)
Variability of internal organs in the silver fox (Vulpes fulTu
Decus). Zooleshur. no.7#1090-1099 J:L 161. (MM 14s7)
1e Department of Zoilogy.9 State Pedagogical Institute of loatromas
(Silver 1:04 (Viscera)
-.FATLIMV,. Kj~.Xa, -
Morpho-biological changes in rabbits induced by different environ-
mental conditions. Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no.5:388-391 S-0 161.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Kafedra zoologii Kostomskogo gosudaretvormogo pedagogicheskogo
Sariability of Intarmf argans in the common European mole
(Tdpa. ouropasa). Zool.zhur. 41 no.11s1700-1705 N 162.
(MIRA 1611)
1. Zoological Dep ;to Pedagogical Institute 3f
(Moles (Animle)) (Viscera)
Tn)ea.of loaders of continuous action for agriculture. Trakt.
i mllkhozmashe 33 no&6:35-38 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1, Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut oallskokhozyayot-
vennogo =whinostroyeniya,
(LoacUng and unloadi )
FATEYEV, M.N., inzh.
Aerodynamic characteristics of the ground Iyalk of corn and sunflower.
Trudy VISKHOMa no.41:16-32 163. (MIRA 17:9)
I -.t. ~-
Regulator for a pneumatic blower-conveyor. Biul.takh.-ekod:inform.
Gos.nauch.-isel.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.9:70-72 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
FATUV, M.N.j insh.
T P-30 pmnmtlc covvv7 re Trakt,i sellkho~h. 31 w.Ss42p43
Ac 161. (KM 3ASI)
1. Vesmoyuwqy nauchw-loeltdovatellskly institut soliskokbosyaptyen-
mogo ~biwftroylmlyae
-(ft~tio-tubs tromportation)
FATMW, M.N. . inzh.
Theory of pneumatic conveying. Trudy VISKHOMa no.44:17-32
164, (MIRA 18:11)
L ! i'U'.j , Y u .,4, , . % 1 M ~ ff.
Rotary foeler for 4 continuous Fiction I-oader. Trak! . i 3P]'khrzmR.,;h.
no.4.-40 Ap 165. (MIRA 18-5)
T, Vsesoyuzryy nal i- "i'mo-iss lei ovate i 1:7k ly instil.iit sellskc'~-hozyaystven-
nogo mashl-rostrcyomiy,.L.
0 , rodaktor; YAMKM-- &?t-
KRAMULIZ, Vlktor StOP&a*vlch; STZMATI, M-6 Moy&&p tokhai-
rodaktor; TASVMROIgKATA, M,X,, redaktor; FLAUMP
chookly rodaktor,
. R"jqgqmjy. Lonjaped, GidrometeoreloglChOlIkSO IIA-
(Radiosondes] (mm 936)
1955. 74
P. (Radjosoudes)
'w9raeo!" P. 'Rer",
gromering Aesself IM. na"A" UMV140116
an woo;Irldate
In do be" I To. 1. To". U I g.r. Iftwolkalm.
PWWMI Ime sellootleft of sruslas Is Intended for meteorologists
serving with the b"remstows2egival metwork in the Soviet 'miss.
QMftA=I %A vaulostift "a" solestifle, artistes an the setbeft
or metse"legis owser"tteam, &M *a the prooodure of testing
metacrologleal Imstry"Its. TM possibility of reftelag the *mwe
and thus $*furl" two saftesto results Is swervatims an she"
by mathematt4al Wd VMpM. Ths Used tar a wilvers"
portable Instrument that uftl4 be "puble, at instantly mosudiag
*loud height Is - 1 0 Im Ontal4m an "GOOPIUMA by
d1aff"GO tabu* WA Perevion"S.
Aspaimv, I.D. compotatits %at@ for Issudeat PrIatieft 103
Fh.010. P.T. a memearl" . ft"40 for ves" MWA Ansommets" 105
Overmating Wo Astimustris Imtrmm*o Is
Relation to Air Imperetwo 229
UNI j~ja, IL&., OW I.A. ftig - bM. Nnewe 10 SWOMINg 660
L"Ormwissorso Astimemesswe and romms"taft M
ev Lve. ansom In murfsee Nwowy 21 two 135
I.P. 116%beft for OW"fainift tbe UtItaft St the
ember-MMIM..." -C 41= 13T
Torob fev. 1.16. clowd New 143
O"d 3A
N. P., K matodike alcodelaniis rTaoty W-b-I C-AftY ablakolr Pletf-di (a-
tcrmlt~ulg c1. base ht-ifbL] Lenist7ad. GL-maoa Gcqi;r4ACj "a -j-Y-
I"& Jigs. it ,w D I T _4
q .;,m! i, wl rdiable di -we tr - 4ai, k I~te . ..... ail- r-
"ith"t ~-e~A tl- 'w41 "Ca~~' ~lc-~VLd 'e'vuth ". lh~ r,
-tta 1. 41
!,ui,J 1~ ucd an a L-,~, ka lhe crea hw L4 tuch phuu i, Lp 4i 4-2
J h. ;. S i R hvd~~nwt, 4, ~,uI vt k 1 cl~.~d S-4ht
Ca~4 d-
A?c lvms-