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EYNIS, V.L., professor, zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki RSFSR (Moskva) Clinical evaluation of the healing process in a tuberculaus cavity. Probl. tub. 38 no.3:16-23 160. (MIRA 3-4: 5) - (TUBERCULOSIS) 30 SL V.Lvj_ maluzhenrqy deyatel I zmuk,, prof. Oun'of tuberoulous patientse Probl.tub. 39 no.3s28-33 161. (TUMCULOSIS) (KM 1425) ARKHIPOVAP O.P., knnd. biol. nauk; BERLD', P.Yu., prof.; VOIROBIYEA1, S.I., kand. med. nauk; ZASLAVSKIY, I.D.., kand. med. nauk; KUDffAVTS9VA, A.I., prof. [deceased]; LILPINA, A.I.; MARMON, V.D... prof.; WSS.30, S.V., prof.; NEZLIN, S.Ye.., prof.; GYFEBAKH, M.I., prof.; POMITSOV, K.V., prof.; RABUKHIN, A.Ye., zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR, prov.; ROVIE, Z.Yu., zaal. deyatell nauki RSFSR., prof.: SORKINA, ZOP doktor med. nauk;FILIMNOV, N.I., kand. med. nauk Ldeceased ; YUSKOVETSj M.K., zasl. deyntell nauki Belorusskoy SSH, prof.,akademik; ZYNIS. VA..- zasl. deyatell nauki R,9FSII, prof., otv. red.; ffFD-KOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on tuberculosis] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po, tuberkalezu. Otv. red. V.L.Einis. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.4- [Epidemiology and the organization of the control of tuberculosis] Epideniologiia i organizatslia. borlby s tuberkulezom. Red. toma A.I.Lapina i S.V.Massino. 1962. 524 p. (MIRA 15;6) 1. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSSR i Akademiya sell skokhozyaystven- nykh nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Yuskovets). (TUEERCULOSIS) MIS, V.L.; TUGANOVA, V.Ye.; KMOSOVSKAYA,, V.P. Types of clinical recovery in pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no.147-52 162. (HIRA 15:8) I. Iz 3-go terapev-ticheskogo otdeleniya Instituta tuberkule!- MIN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent MIN SSSR prof. N.A. Sbmelev) i ~bskovskoy gorodskoy tsentraltnoy klinicheskoy tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki prof. V.L. Eynis). (TUBERCULOSIS) V L INZBOG, R.Ye.; AMIANTOVA, M.A. P Amotional restoration of respiration and blood circulation after iurgical treatment of tuberculoois of the lungoo Problotub, N no.2t22-28 161. (MM 1433) 1. 1z Institute. tuborkuleza (dir,, - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSM prof. W.A. Shmelev) W SSSR i Hookovskoy gorodskoy teentralinoy k3dmicheakoy tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - vaslushennyy de:tatelt nauki prof. VA. Zynis). (LUNGS--SURGERY) (M98PIRATION) (BIDO&-ZIRCUIATIOR) ErNISp V.L.;.,PCLESHCHUK,, A.K.; AMIONTOVA, M.A. (Moskva) Problem of chronic eor pulmonale in the clinical aspects of tuberculdbie. K3in. mod. 1+0 no.32:23-32 D 162. (KM 17:2) 1. Iz Instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.A. Shmelev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR i Mookovakoy gorodskoy teentralinoy klinicheskoy tuberkuleznoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. V.L. Eynis). TUGANOVA, V.Ye.; KOTXSOVSKAYA, V.P.; KOGAN, R.E. Diagnosis in clinically cured pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 41 no.los2l-26 163. (MIRA 17:9) EYNIS, Vladimir Llvovich; YUINIK, V.I., red. [Tuberculosis] Tuberkulez. lzd.2.., ispr. I dop. Mc- skva, Meditnina, 1965. 245 P. (MIRA 19:2) 4 A 118-58-3-15/21 AUTHORS: Alkeyev, N.F., and Eynisman, A.V., Engineers TITLE: A New Method of Clearing Woods in Flooded Areas (Novyy spo- sob lesoochistki zon zatopleniya) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizat 11 iya Trudoydmkikh i Tyazhelykh Rabot, 1958, # 3, page 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with new chemicals used in destroying undesirable vegetation. Sodium and calcium chloride, ar- senosodium, sulfamic ammonium acid and particularly the preparations 2,4-D (2,4-dikhlorfenoksiuksuenoy) and 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trikhlorfenoksiuksuanoy) are-used. The dropping of the chemicals is carried out by PO-2A and the more power- ful AN-2 aircraft.Lack of effective drugs has retarded a wide spread use of these chemicals,since the output of ammonium salts and butyl acetate 2,4-D is very small and the most effective drug, butyl acetate 2,4,5-T, is not pro- duced at all. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 MOKH Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk StudY the vorks of Petr 11skseevich Afannalev. Muk.-elev.prom. 23 no-9:31-32 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kharoonakiv aeltakokhosynystvennyy institut im.A.D.TSyurupy. (Afanaalev. Petr Alskseevich, 1845-1896) (Grain milling) Country : USSR M Category: Cultivated Plants. Grains. Abs Jour: RZhBIol., No 22, 1958, No 100222 Author ; Pshenichnyyj A.Ye;; Eynokkf, Ya%S. Inst t XharlkoV Univeral Y . ...... .. ......., Title : The Influence of Humle Farti~lzers on the Yield and Milling4Btead-Balting Qualities of Winter Wheat Grown with irrigation in the South of Uki-ainian SSR. Orig Pub: V ab.: Guminovyyo udobrenlya. Khar'kov, Khar' kovsk. un-t, 1957, 245-256. Abstract: Results of the experiments (1952-1954) at Kherson Agricultural Institute with OD-12 wheat. Moisture charSinS and vegetative Card 1/2 Country USSR Category: Cultivated Plants. Grains. Abe Jour: RZhBIol,, No 22, 1958, No 100222 irrigations guarantee a high yield and a good quality of tho grain. Application of humophos simultaneously with the sowing was very favorably reflected In the Yield and commercial qualities. A direct correlation was found between the protein and gluten contents and the witroousness of the grain, whereas there Is no correlation between the volume yield of the grain and the content of Proteins and glu- ten. Therefore, no direct relation has been observed between the bread-baking qualities and the protein content. -- Ye. I. Saks Card 2/2 M-17 I- - - KOLESNIKOV,, P.A. [Kolesnikov, P.0.1~__MOR, L.O. Study of oxidases containing metals in Chlorolla., 18 noo4:46-51 1616- (KIRA 14:8) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha A14 SSSR i Institut botaniki AN USSR. (Algae) (Ocidase) BYNOH, L.O.; KOLESNIKOV, P.A. [Kolesnikov, P.O.] Participation of phosphopyridine nucleotides in the respiration of Chlorel-la. Ukr,bot.zhur. 19 no.1:31-38 162. (MIRk 15:4) 1. Institut botaniki AN USSR i Institut biokhimii AN SSSR im. A.M.Bakha. (Codehydrogenase) (Chlorella) ff KOdDYUM, V.A.; EYNGIR, L.O.; LAZURUVICH, Z.V.; CHERPYKH, 3.1. 'lh,tr!icteristicq of respiration of the themmcphiLic varliant of Chlorplla wilgaris. Dop. AN USE( no.5:6~~-659 163. (M-U 17:9) 1. Institut mikrobiologil AN UkrS:')R I Irmititut botaniki AN Ukr-33)'R. Predstavleno akademikom All UkrSS,',' 'I.K.Zercvym. 'AMD 'DD ACCESSION NR.- AR4Oh6l96-. 3/0?-99/6h/000/016/(;003/(;003 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biolpgiya,z 3vadaM tomp Abs, 16G3.4 AUTHOR! rt- TIM: Certain problems ofbioenergetion and oxygen exchange In green plant calls CITED SOURCE: Bb, Teploobrazovanlye v organizzog Kiyovs 11auk, dumilla, 1966 23o-23?- TOPIC TAGS: plantg, ch orallat oxygen exchange# oxidanes, photosynthesisp- b108nergOtioa TRANSLATION: The basie differentiating charaoteristica of bioenerge-' ties in plant organismaq particularly chlorellap are briefly indioa- .ted, Polyphanoloxidaso and e~tochromoxidasa are not found in ahlorell-im; the possibility of a. relatively simple transfer of hydrogen. from diphosphopyridine-nuolootida reduced to 02 is proven* A hyrothe", sis Is stated that in photosynthatio processes the "tight spot" is not t4o determination of anergyp but its utilization and transmission, Card 1/2 ACCMION M AP4012592 S/0021/64/000/002/0238/0241 AUTHORs Eynor, L. 0.; Tupik, No Do; NoleaWkovp Pe 09 TITLEt Perol-da-d-P&,of Chlor4la SOURCEs AN UkrRSR. Dopo"g no. 2, 1964j 238-241 TOPIC TAGSs Chlorella, algaej green algaes enzyme, peroxidase, peroxida3e pxida- tionj ascorbic acido pyrogallol ABSTRACTs The present work continues earlier investigations of the enzymes of Chlorella. Peroxidase vas detected and,readily.extracted from acetone preparations'- of Chlore3l by a phosphate buffer. -Ascorbic aad Is possibly the natural sub- strate of peroxidase and the latter is active in a wide range of pH values vhen ascorbic acid is used for that purpose, but peroxidase cannot be "" ted in the acid pH region vhen pyrogallol is used to determine it#, 7his indicotes a pecu- liarity, not explained, of peroxidase oxidation in chlorellik calls. Orig, arte has 3 tables. Card 1/2 V01k)VIKY 0.1. [Volovyk, 0.11.); EVOR L 0. Effect of simazine and atrazine on the enzymatle transformation of cytochrome C in plants. Ukr. bot. zhur. 21 no.6;10-17 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Otdel fiziologii Instit-uta botaniki AN UkrSST, KOLESNIKOV, P.A. ; EYNCH L.O. -- . Ascorbic acid in oxidative metabolism in Chlorella. Biokhimiia 29 no.31 402-407 MY-Je 164. (MIRA 1834) 1. Institut blokhimii imeni Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva i Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. EYSSELT, M. Preparation and control of the labelling of o-iodobipp-oric acid for diagnostic purposes in nuclear medicine. Cesk. radicl. 18 no-5:321--317 S 164. 1. Katedra radiologie a nuklearni mediciny lekarske fakulty Uni- versity J.E. Purkyne v Brne, (vadouci prof. dr. j. Holy, D-,Sc.!. A *0 A 009 00 .1 00 in so *0 bell s rmd. 4w. sci. U.R (tW'.* abotiwtW in W. 11/1213M.-Ceal*- ew d4ats Am WA ( dw Kam fivvf) is 8.83 cool Im mlp~ 122 KA) + ?~W. "d 0.!G-o HA). MJIA .00 f j." 4 f -00 *0 0 wee 90* coo' owe. woo, Una lonli 4iii it a i I I v 1w 9 0 0 1 N 0 9 a 4 3 1 9 400 'a a * * * * 0 o 0 0 0 0 A-M-0 o & * 0 *,* * 0 0 * 0, W-w 090000*0*0*000000& M I K -.-' i-L ". ~. J. Ral "Cicli SO. L. I I ~ J, - I ~, LI i Fauna o~ Fcraiidrdforn Peridan 3f jejun t'-e J 1'. .-,i3 ~~O, 1, f r. .470. 7, _ /!17 "AYLlY, D., "7i, 0'. L. Ptinla of thy Tlt~-irjn 15-yon-I tli- of L ~11 7 4~ IXNOR.. 0. L. Jul 48 Stratification Tauna "Stratigraphy of the Carbmiferous Wer of Cherny- 0. L. Vnor., 3 PP "Dok Ak Nauk SM" Vol LII, So 1 ]Wnor conducted investig*tions between the Sharl ad ftm-Va43har Ravers. Is has established all strata - of Lower Carboniferous Age, and also its PUddle and Upper divisions. Youna of each stratum Is listed. Submitted 2T Apr 1948. -111W, 8A91W GTFSPL Vol. fjo- I jS11. 1.952 L. (Shr%ch~nkn Klr% SlAte University), The %traliqraphy tit Ih-- Pern,13" Ot T,,,*,,(A It 1,07-9 " 1 140 * _-" - - I I A I 0906019178 lAsuk 1 6.5.5 .It, . Dokl&dY Vol. ~p 1952 GTRSPL Vol.. "o- belt tr f stake Douledy S.S It. Ak Vol. 140. =`C-Z, C. L. USSR/looln -y - Cqrbonif--~vou~ 'he Cnrben --f in Dzhwn - ria Ala-T-! 0. L. Ey:1-- Iz A:: :",a !.: 333.11, Ser Jo IP, rp 119-1-4 Statleo th-0, thc otruti,-raj-,~V of the Upper Falcozoic of D-h;:n kb-Ta~t I-v -~tilll. not ,-,L-11 lkw,~,Inp 2 1. Dlual?ram sho-~m the crr~ss sectlen of i la~~ov ov~-,r thlick. Statef: that onc of the I:etter cro,,-s sections of the Upper P-,-det~zolc a ,r--2r7.v r;,Ch cn-r 1--n~ of him-n 1.3 illfom"'Ictel b", thr, 'l-imm -ind D,-!,x7.-ir-i-` Ari~- r~vc.--- aloi - t h e I o r, f t h e r.--i ne .Rar2nt 1-y .1. Gor:7': 1,y Ind I - L. Tit, f-ayeva V) revcal sv-,fa fa,ma for 'd,,e Upper ZYMOR, 0. L. . I* Stratigraphy of the Upper ftleozoic of the KalbWkiy Range (eastern Xasakhotan). Isv.AN SWK Ser.geol. no.6:109-117 N-D 153. (Km 7SI) (XalbWkiy rance.-Geology. Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphlo-- Xalbinakly range) LTNOR. O.L. Geological explorations in the Southern Ural Mountains. Neuk.zap.Kiavoun. 12 no.4:37-48 '53. (MLRA 9:10) (Ural Mountains--Geology, Stratigraphic) EYNOR, O.L. rials of a meeting in the All-Union Paleontological Society on the problems of the limits of the lower and middle Carbonife- rous. Ezhegod.Vses.paleont.ob-va 14:264-272 '53. (ML'RA 8:3) (Geology, Stratigraphic) - 3 -,~ Now data on the stratirrapby of the middle Coirboniferaus of outhern Fergana. Gool.sbor.[Lvov] no.1:180-190 154, (MLRA 10:1) : , Gosuniversitet imeni T.G. Shevchenko, Iriyev. (Fergana--Paleontology. Stratigraphic) =OR, 0. L. t' - ~k.RWAAA Conference on the problem concerning the extent of the Mum= series and its position In the Carboniferous system. Biul.MOIF.Otd.geol. 30 no.2:115-116 Mr-Ap 155. (HLU 8:8) (Geology. Stratigraphic) ZYNOR, 0. L. Limits of the lover and middle Carboniferous and the problem of the Nammrian istage. Biul.MOIP. Otd-geol.30 no.4:108-109 JI-Ag'55. (Geology, Stratigraphic) (MLRA 8:12) xYNOR, o,L. Some problems of paleontological systematics vital to biestratigraphr. BiuLMOIP.Otd.geol. 30 ne.6:3-18 Y-D 155. (MIRA 9:4) (.P&IeQntfl0fi7) 15-57-12-16776 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, pp 10-11 (USSR) AUTHOR: Eynor, 0. -L. TITLE: bata on the Stratigraphy of the Middle Garboniferous of the Kizel and Chusovoy Regions (Materialy po stratigrafii sredne o karbona Kizelovskogo i Chusovskogo rayonovf PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geol. - razved. in-ta, 1955, Nr 90, pp 281-330 ABSTRACT: Detailed stratigraphic observations and studies of the foraminifers (L. P. Grozdilova and G. D. Kireyeva), corals (G. S. Porfirlyev), and brachiopods (0. L. Eynor) have permitted the author to subdivide the Bashkirskiy series into four formations and to find grounds for preserving the term Marttyanova. series as Card V3 a local sequence of the Vereya horizons and of part 15-57-12-16776 Data on the Stratigraphy of the Middle Carboniferous (Cont.) (or all) of the Kashira horizons. Formation I of the Bashkirskiy series is 34 m to 42.7 m thick and contains Archa-ediscus timanicus Reitl. A. borealis Reitl., Eostaffella,postmosquensis Kir., E. mixta Aa7us, and oth rs. (Paeudostafella. Ozawainella, and Novella are not present; of the bracMopods Chonetes carbonl7prus Keys,,Linopro- ductus neffedievi Vern., Marxinife-raconfina Ei or, M. prolixa Rot., stitea Pseudobisulcatun Fr- --- -Rot an7T T -the corals and CSori cks. anT 0 Fischerina s~uckenb Dobr. Formatibn II is 5h.5 m to 45 m thick is cbaracterig,.e Pseudostaffela (10 to 13 forms), with a predominance of P. ua Dutk and P. compressa Raus., and Ozawai- nella, by the disappearance of all Cower Carboni erous brachlo-p-oUs, and by the appearance of Orthotetes rea!4~ris Waag., Productus (Linoproductus) simensis Tschern., E. (Dictvoclostus)-=unewaldti Chao (not =rotow7-,--_F.-7U.) neoinflatus Lich., and others. Formation III is 11 m to 41 m7thi-ck and is characterized by Psudostaffella cf. .gorskyi Dutk., Profusulinella staffellaeformis Kir Schubertg=a obscura var. mosquensis Raus. and the b-r-a-cT-iopods 6AOristites Card 2[ 15-57-12-16776 Data on the Stratigraphy of the Middle Carboniferous (Cont.) vanghukouensis Chao subsp. 1, Sh. (sic! C. ?) cf. baskiricus semichol-FrocTuctus pseudoprattvnianus SeWich. var, eau ta Einor Ma-rginifera uralica Tschern., 'and others. Formation IV is lU M ~O 30 M thick a-n-d-Fi-stinguished by Ozawainella pararhomboi- dalis'Man., Seminovella ele&antula-'Raus., S. aper Tr-osd. and Leb. 7n-dothers and of the brachiopods, Meeke'lla Eichw., Pro- ductus ovahs Ivan., Choristites. anFUR-etetes rossicus Sok-.-The 7-ormati-on-s --- o7 the Bashkirskiy fes are compareU -with different regions L'Uortlaya Bashkiriyaj Shartymka, the Donets basseyn (Basin), and others2,. The author speaks against preserving the term Na- murian series in the stratigraphic scale of the USSR. He gives a complete list of formations and individual exposures, with bed-by- bed descriptions of the exposures. Card 3/3 D. M. Rauzer-Chernousova i I I" I L_ I/ I I ITNOR, 0. L. v .1. - ., ~ -4 Stratigraphy of the Vise stage in Gornnia Bashkiria. Dokl. AN SSSR 103 no.4:689-692 Ag'55. (M1RA 8:11) (Bashkiria--Geology, Stratigraphic) Mm, o. L. - I 1T6-ftshkIr stratum In the Bashkir mountains. Dokl.AN SSSR 104 no.1:130-133 3 155. (MLRA 9:2) ljiyevskiy gesudarstyeaW universitot imeni T.G.Shewcheakt. Predstayleno skademikow D.B.1allykinym" (Bashkiria,--Geology, Stratigraphic) EYNOR, O.L. Tectonic position of the Donets Basin. Nalik. zap. K3r!v. un. 15 no.2:7-21 156. (MIRA 11:7) (Donate Basin--Geology, Structural) MOR, 0. L. - A.N. Krishtofovich as a geologist; obituary. Geol. abor. LL7ovJ no.4:380-386 '57. MRA 13:2) 1.Klyevskly gosuniversitst, im. T.G. Shavehanko. (Irishtsfavich, Afrikan Nikolaevich, 1885-1956) ITNOR, 0. L. --* II Carboniferous brachiopods from the western slope of the central Urals. Ezhegod. Voss. paleont. ob.-va 16:142-161 '57. (MIU 11:4) (Ural Mountains--Brachiopoda, Fossil) J1,90" I 'IKHATOVA. S.V.. prof.. red.; DAUT, G*A.9 0 O"�P~-W4ODYXYA, I.M., te):hn.rod. Vi at [6tudies on the stratigraphy of Carboniferous dep,o9its of the eastern borderland of the Volga-Ural petroleum province (mountain region of Bashkiria)] Iseledovaniis po stratigrafit. icarbona vo- stoohnoi okrainy Uralo-Volshakoi neftenoanoi ob1pntl (Gornaia Bashkiriia). Pod red. S.V.Somikhatovoi. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno- tekhneizd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningr. otd-nie, 1958, 193 P., maps. (MIRA 12:2) (Bashkiria--Oeology, Stratigraphic) ITNOR, 0,L, Correlation and age of principal upper Palsozoic profiles of the Pechora and Kuznetsk Basins. Soy. 9801. 1 no.l:?5-39 Ja 158. (MIRL 11:4) 1. Kiyevskly gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Pechors 3hain-Geology, Stratigraphio) (Vazuetak Basin-Geology, Stratigraphi!a) ITNOR, 00~. " Pri, nIcipal charaoteriation of the development of the Russian Platform. Geol. sbor. CLYOVI no.5/6:161-177 158, (MIRA 12:10) i.Gosuniversitat imenj T.G. Shavchenko, KiYev- (Russian Platforw-Geoloa, Struotural) BYNOR OlIgerd Leonardovich; DUMIWA, N.N., red.; OKOPMAYA. Ye.D.,, (Pandamentals of the geology of the U.S.S.R.] Oanovy geologii SSSR. Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ. Pt.l. 1960. 335 p. (NMA 14:4) (Geology) MMOR, 011gerd Leonardovich 0---novy geolo.7ii SISR. Kiyev, Iz,i-vo Kiyew-,kolro 17niversitete, 1960- V. illi3s. , disbars., ~rayhs, t.-ble:-,. Includes bibliographies. TYNOR, O.L.; VDOMIKO, M.V. Stratigraphy of the Lower Carboniforou.- of the Beleuty basin in central Kazakhstan. Sbor.nauch.rab.Kiev.un. no.1:35-46 163. (MU 18:11) _E~NOR, O.L.; SALTOVSKAYA, V.Do Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous of the Gissar Range. Sbor.nauch.rab.Kiev.un. no.1:67-78 163. (MIRA -18:11) EYNOH, r).;-,, . . . , J', Problem vf Mogeograpim In Qe atlas of the 4~ nl,',] 092-2C,6 U.S.S.R. Mietod. 1640 (MIRA 18:6) EYNOA, 011gerd Leonardovich; MIRONEIS, 'Ye.M.j, red. (Fundamentals of the geology of the U.S.S.R.] Danowy geologii, SSSR. Kiev$ Izd-vo Kievskogo univ. Pt.2. 1964. 333 P. (MIRA 17:6) EYNORY O*L* Problems of paleobiogeography and paleontology in the ntlas of the lithopaleogeographical maps of the U.S.S.R. Sov. geol. 8 no.lsl32-137 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. EYNOR) O.L.; BELIGOVSKIY, G.L.; SMIRNOV, G.A. Basic characteristics of the geological development, and paleo- geography of the U.S.&R. in the Carboniferous, Sovo geol. 8 no.8:32-44 Ag 165. (min 18:10) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet; Vsesoy-uzny-.v nauchnc- Issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut i Gorno-geologicheski-F institut, Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR. SOWVIYEV.- V.A.; EYNORP O.L.; I-IJRZAYEV, P.M. RevLews and discussions. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geol. 30 no.6: 118-126 je 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Instltut geologil i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (for Solovlv9v). 2. Klyevskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet, Kiyev (ror Eynor). AYNSMYV, A. Causes of meander formation in riyer bode and Baer's Law. Usp.fiz. nauk-. 59 no.1:185-188 W 156. MM 9: 12) (Baer. Xarl Irnst Yon, 1792-1876) (Rivers) Y- r'.) 19 of vi, Tiyrikoya Hydramteorological Lake Station (0-,yt A 2.9 THA G T In 19,19 this zitatio;; -,,as vi. L.~.`.n' 'PApsi. T'le follic ,,olitico-veonoiAc probl-~L.j ~_r. il, CU1,1,LCLiOrj ';,itll VA3 The eat,~Lblioli,~ment of thi; a,-aelioratlor of the 1,Ar,;o uwai;ipy iLroun~-uarfacuu lyl;.L: ~it 11-.k,~, une. t!,.t; fL;1iin-. It conct~r;iz; licre a lake -;.,c-11 t:,ruu,,th. The ild'at to th-, la~zc is investii;atcd by V~ hydrolo~jcal )cuto _Jnclu6ir.,~~ about "3',, of Thu obzc-rv_tionj of flactautiol.1 ul~ Of t_l.: and the coust observ- tioii.; or, ice an' Lh,: arisir,~ L J I - OIL Vic Liotir)~., o' ;~a ar- carr' OU t Jj li,y~xrolo,rical josts. larin,7 ti-.,, o" fro..' 19jo to 195' ~`P2 rL)aC- 3t~~ad duj)a~_-tucs, 5a h,drolo-:1'e~iI crc-_:j oectio-j -,*,,-, the ~_Jizl Aatioli 'q11L' '19 croo.; sectiom; in ~A:_'tie'no wrL car- i V4 s ion 01 tile v.,~tC~r--va- ri,(: out. :ccordia- to tl,.,:~ o, d- - ~or.-.t -_:or.-u!,,s ~_rvat into ' ~l 4 'l .~ t 0 L. __C f J 5 19 A U12 hj-dro_lct-statioi" -':v:1-0~: 0'w carritid cut on LI r 4 , i i c: c, o f tTiyrikoya Hydrometeorologic al Lake Station. c. - 1: - 1 vj v) 1)51-1933 uo-called "a6iunt -!)J-rv~. tic,!.; 0: moistare, and viind vc1ocity c 'rri"ki (~ut Lt t,!I, ntat-3011, These co,:iprchcn,.;ive data delivcr~.d to t1,,. State ImAttato for the par,)c.~_ of f_irth,.:r fic infoviaaLioas. Duriii~, tho ti:.-.-L o.' ti'.roii 111j~-1?506 special -.,.or!:c Ny ordcr of and accurdin,-, L(. L11I.. of i-hio iimtitut..~) fo.. the parpoL;(, of invc:A,_; of tii~ lcu- and tu:-perature L;u..Ii- i tion3 on the Lake of Pjt~jjaU ;.Lrc; carriod oL4t uL the atation. Th(j ra-diation-measurement ob3t;rv tioii3, :~,IVL 'Jacr. lished at th~~ .9tati-n in 1)35, bv used o,~ occa- sior, of th,., computation of,- to th,_ Let:.od of thu huat supply.Tht~rc arc 3 AVAILIBLi;. bibrury of Gon,,rvaa 1. Meteorology 2. Inland waterways-USSR C-rd 2/2 BESOVTSEVA, A.G.; S'If'JIOVI A.G.; VIAINME, E.; LILLEMAA,A., kand. se.11khoz. nauk; PIKEUSTE, L.K.(Pihlaste, L.1; PROKHOROVA, Z.P.; VAI-MN, I ; KULIBIN, V.P.; IFAYFVA, Z.I:; EYFRE, T.F.[Bipre, T.i; RODINA, II.V.; SUBBOTINA, VX ;ZtMOTA-,r.P., red ; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. (jigriclimatological manual for the '-'stonian S.S.10_..] Ag- rolclimaticheskii spravochnik po "ston.-koi SSR. Lenin- grad, Gidron-etaoizdat, 1960. 197 p. (MIluk 17: 1) 1. Estonian S.S.R. Upravleniye gidror;.eteorologicheskoy sluzhby. 2. Estonskiy nwachno-issledovatellskiy institut zamledeliya i molioratsii (for Lilleraa). 3. Glavrwy agronom Upravleniya sadovodstva i pcholovodstva Mnister- stva S01101cogo kho zyaystva Estonskoy SSH (for Fullbin). (Estonia-Crops and climate) EYRIING) L.V,, inzh. (Kirovakan) Using the purified waste waters of gold-extraction plants. Vod., i san. tekh.. no.2t4-5 F 165. (MIRA 18W %F,YRISH, M.V. Sorption of cations and water in bentonite clays. Put 3: Clay.. a colloidal electrolyte. Izv.vys.uchob.zav,; khim.1 khira.tekh. 3 no.6; 1022-1026 160, (KMA 14:4) Is Kazakhakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni S,M.Kirova., kafedra fizicheekoy i kolloidnoy kbiaii, (Bentonite) (Sorption) EMSH. M.V. Exchange acidity of A111minosilicate catalysts. Part 1: Exchange acidity of aluminosilicate suspensions. Izvevys,uchebezavo; khim,i khim.tekh. 4 no.6:949-954 161. (MM 15:3) 1. KazakhBkiy goaudarstvennyy universitet imerd Kirova, kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy k-hinii. (Aluminosilicates) (Catalysis) (Conductometric analysis) SYROMYATNIKOV, N.G.;.,EMI ,i WKASHEV, F.A.; KAPATSIIISKAYA, L.A.; _&Y,,,& DEMENTIYEV, V.S. _L Determination of the isotopic composition of thorium in natural formations. Radiokhimiia 5 no.2.,164-170 163. (MIRA 16sio) GLAZACHEVAq I.J.; SWANKINAq V.V.; XURGANOVAq N.M., GRICOROVICH9 S.I.; POPOVA9 L.A.; GRIGORIMAg-F.Pq EYPREp T.F.; VAYTSMAND A.I., red.; BRAYNINAp K.I.9 tekhno red, (Hydrological yearbook) Gidrologicheskii ezhegodnik. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor. izd-vo. 1957. Vol.l. (Basin of the Baltic Sea] Bassein moria. Nos.4r-6. [Basin of the Western Dvina River and basins of rivers extend- ing west and south of it as fox as the state frontier] Bassein r.Zapad- noi Dviny i basseimy rek k zapadu i iugu do gosudarstvennoi granit Pod red. L.I.Glazachevoi. 1961. 388 P. (KIRA 14:91* (Baltic Sea region-Hydrology) (Kama Valley-Hydrology) POPOVA, L.A.p inzh.,,- ANTIPIk, V.I.; GRAMOV, A.N.0 starshty inzh,,; PERSHINA, M.P.9 tekhn.; TEMITIMA, K.A.9 starshiy, teklin... ZAMAPyO.S.; TUULyA,.. METS9 NbAuep inih,j MILA, L*A*q starshiy insh.; KUZIOrSOV, I.V.v red.; NYMZ7_--";p red.; SVITINA, A.A., red.; MOISEYEV, I.N., red.; FLAU14.M.YaV, tekbn. red. [Hydrological'yearbbak) Gidrologicheakil ezhegodnik. Leningradq Gidrwateor. fzA-vo- 1957. Vol.l-.[Basin of the Baltic:Seal Bassein Baltiiskogo moria. Nos.0-63. [Bastas of the Oalf of Finland and the Oulf of Riga from the Ruesiav-Finnish ftontier to the northern watershed of the Salaca River] Basseirgr Finakbgo i Rizhakogo zalivov ot gosudari3tvannol granitsy a Finliandiai do sevornogo vodorazdala r.Salatea. Pod red. I.V.Kuznetsova i T.F.Elpre,'1961, 460 p'. (MIRA 140) (Baltic Sea region"Eydi-ology) (Kama Valley-Hydrology) ASHASTIJI, R., kand.tekhn.nauk; FMCHATRYANp T., inzh.; VDOVETS, A., inzh.; pM(jVo y8.,, jn~h.; EMIING, E., inzh,o Using the method of thermal pyrolysis of casinghead gasoline for the simultaneous yr:)duction of acetylene and ethylene. PromArm. 5 no.4:50-52 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1-" 1. ArmNlIRRIMPROYEKT. (Armenia--Natural gas) (Acetylene) (Ethylene) XMISH, L.V. Now data on the Pro-Cambrian and Phloozoic in the southern part of the Lesser Xhingan Kountains. Sov. ge6l. 3 no-319-16 W 160. (MnA 13: U) 1. Dalluavostochnoys geologicheskoye apravleniye. (Zhingan Kountaine-Osologr) Studying the soprtion of cations and water in bentonites. Part 1: Use of *loctrovotric titration methods in the study of sorption of cations. Ivv.vy~.ueheb.sav.; khim.1. khim.tekh. 2 no.6: 876-880 '59. (MIRA 13:4) lo Kazakhokly goandarstvanVy universitat imeni SAKirovas Kafedrs. fisIchaskoy i. kolloldno~ khinii. (Bentonits) (Ion Bxchange) (Blectrachemical analysis) XMISH, H.V. Investigating the process of sorption of cations and water in ban- tonite clays. Part 2: Tvo fractions of sorbed cations. bv.vys. ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 3 no.4:657-662 160. (NDA 13:9) 1. Kazakhakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. S.M. 11rova, kafaclra fizichaskoy i kolloidnoy khimij. (Bentonite) (Cations) (Sorption) BYRIS112 M.V. Inves~jgating processes of sorption of cations and water in bentonite clays. Part 5: Study of water sorption by the dynamic weighing method during heating. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav; khim.i khim. tekh. 4 no.5:775-780 161. (MIMA 14-11) 1. Kazakhakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Kirova, kafedra, fizicheakoy i konoidnoy khimii. (Sorption) (Bentwite) EYRISH M.V. Sorption of cations and water in bentonite clays, Part 4t Sorption properties and microotructure of montmorillonite. Izv, vyi.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no.l:~4-69 161. (X= l4t6) Is Kazakhskiy gosud tvennyy universitat imani S.M.Kirova, kafedra fizi - - atko.1loidnoy kh4mli. (Montmorillonite) (Sorption) L 2i34a-61 EWT(m)/EWPW/~ P'a-4 R Wff/M ACCESSION NR: ATSOOIC13 6/2850/C4/011/000/0112/0121 AUTLITOM Eyrish, Z.H., Eyrfsh. M.V. TITLE: The effect of the nature of the counterlor4 on the sorption of water by ton exchange resins SOURCE: AN XazSSR. Institut khl.ratcheskikh nauk. Trudy, v. 11, 1964. Sintez I issledovanive vysokomolekulyarnykh sayedinonly (Synthesis and research of high-moleoular compounds), 112-12-i- TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange resin, water absorption, counterion, resin dehydraUon ABSTRACT: Experiments on dehydratlon of cation- and anion-excitanp resans proved that water in retained by the resin in relatively stable and unstable forms, and that. the absolute and relative amounts of water retained In the stable and unstable form depend on the rela- tive humidity a~ which the specimens are prepared, the ionic form of the resin, and the formation of hydrate-lontc su lace ~ayerq as azw=ed in ublished thegries fr clay. and some types of Vrotein. The H . Li , Nat, K+, Ae. MVT, Ca2+. Bd"+, Cu +, Co +. P~2+ Al 3+ and Th4 forms of the cation-oxcha.'ngers KU-2. NSA, and SBS-3. and the OH-, Cl-, and S04- modifications of the anion-exchange resin AV-17 were dried at 0.001-1.0% 4 Card 1/2 L 21342-65 ACCESSION NRt AT5091013 relative humidity and dehydiated at temperatures up to 400C. Dehydration of relatively stably bound or "coordinate(PI water started at 80-1200, and the amount of such water in- creased with the relative humidity maintained during preparation. The effect of counter- ions on the retention and desorption of water changed with temperature and with the con- ditions of the preliminary drying process. For samples prepared at less than 0. 05% rela- tive humidity which contain only stably bound water, the number of coordinated water molecules increases with an Increase in the ionic charge and decrease in the ionic radius, i. o. with increasing density of the electric charge of the ton. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheakikh nAuk, Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR Qnstitute of Chemical Scienceq,,kcademy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT. GC NO REF SOV: 009 -OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 TAZHIBAYEVA, P.T.; EYRISH., M.V.; 3AFkff-,A"IIYEV, G. Role of organic carbon Ln Lho ore foruintIon of thA Dzhozkazg&n deposit. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. 21 no./.!91-96 JJ-Ag 1. 164. (NUIA I.'/:.Ll) 1, In-gLitut goologich,3--kikh I"uk AN ~',a'UA-ynvd~ UnA-Ala. EYRISH) M.V. Natwe of tho sorptJon state of cations and water In ziont-morillo- nite. Koll. zhur. 26 no.5:633-639 S-0 164. (1411RA I'/ - 10) 1. Institut, gcologJcheskl~.h nauk bionI Sutpayeva At: Eri?,SSR, Alma-Ata. L 21342-62 nTW/LW(J)/T Pc'_4 RWH/RM. ACCESSION NR.- AT5001013 S/2850/6#011/000/0112/0121 AUTHOR: Eyrish, Z,HQ , Eyrish, M.V. The-effect-of -the -nature -of Ilia-counterlotfod-the sorption of wat6r-by-lon exc0 resins SOURCM. AN KazSSR. Institut khimicheakft nauk. Trudy. v. 11j'1964. Sintez I issledovantya vy9okomolekulyarnylkh soyedinenly (Synthesill and research of high-molecular compounds), 112-121 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange resin, water absorption, counterion, resin dehydration ARSTRAM. Fuperf-ments on dehydration of cation- and anion-exchange resins proved that water Is retained by the resin. In relatively stable.and unstabl3 forms, and that the absolute and relative amounts of water retained In the stable and unstable form depend on the rela- tive humidity at which the specimens are prepared, the ionic form of the resin, and the formation of hydrate-ionic surface layers as assumed in published theories f r clay and SOMP types of Vrotein. The It+. LI+# Net K+, Ae , mgz+ , caz+, Baz+, cu2+. co + , Pb 2+ Al 34, and TV forms of the -cation-exchapgers KU-2, SBS-1, and SBS-3, and the OH-, C I-, and SO' modifloations of the anion-exchango resin AV-17 were dried at 0. 00 1-1. 0% 4 Card 1/2 L 21342-65. ACCEMON NRI. AT5001013 relative humidity and dehydiated at temperatures up to 400C. Dehydration of relatively stably bound or "coordinatedO water started at 80-120C, and the amount of such water in- creased with the relative humidity n*Wtained during preparation. The effect of counter- tons on the retention and desorption of water ch2nged with temperature and with the con- ditions of the preliminary drying process. For samples prepared at less than 0. 05% rela- tive humidity which contain only stably bound water, the number of coordinated water molecules increases with an Increase in the ionic charge and decrease in the ionic radius, i. e. with increasing density of the electric charge of the ion. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khtmichesldkh nauk, Akademiya, nauk Kazakhokoy SM (Institute of Chemical Sciences, Academy of Sciences of-the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT, GC NO REP SOV: 009 ~MiIER: 003 Card 2/2 FILIPINSKY,.M.; DOHNALEK, J.; EYSELT, M. Utilization of basic minerals in cariogenic and anticariogenic diet. Cesk..stomat. 65 no-4:244-249 J1 165. 1. 1. stomatologicka katedra (vedouci prof. dr. M. Filipinsky) a radiologicka katedra (vedouci prof. dr. J. Holy, DrSc.) lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brne. .-L;'YS*E.P,T. V.R. Aut,)mRtIng the die olvamping and asenmbly ot' magnetic systems for lov..volltagq els-tric. oqitipmenl~. [Nau,-,h. trudy" ENTKMASha j lltl43-150 165, (MIRA IM) ICYSHINSKIT, G. Better and more productive. Prom.koop. 14 no.2:26 F 16o. (HIRI, 13:5) 1. Takhnoruk artelt""Non7 byt." g.Dnepropetrovsk. (Dnepropetrovsk--Cleaning and dyeing induatry) - ----- -- - -- ----- 4-ltl~ InlUat It:A I!jig EISHINSKIY, Yuel.i LAKUSIMN, N.D. ------ ~ I . .. . I I "Letfs regulate quality control of welded joints.' Stroi. truboprov, 7 nool:21 Ja 162# (KMA 16--7) 1. Direktor predpriyatiya Rostovenergoremont (for Eyshinskiy). 2. Shef-inzhener po ovarke predpriyatiya Ikostovei#rgoremont (for Lakushkin) (Pipe-Welding) ZYSIIVIDISv I.N. Pharmacy in the Lithuanian S.S.R. for the last 20 years. Apt. delo 9 noo 4;6-10 ji-Ag 160. (KFA 13;8) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo aptechnogo upravleniya Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Litovskoy SSR. (LITHUANIA--PHAPI.IACY) IVI VI 1 A.I. and EYSMVI, A.A. -Illmi--,RlGj A.J-. and EISW,, A.A. 4r-oto+,ejejZafiya i zyukopie, v kriminallstike (PhototeleLTaphy and Sound I-Iriting in Crimnol.oMr) 1g!!6. j.,ot ~n 1,C 927..6)-o X5 r--lf5MAN, USSR/Engineering Optical instruments PA rd' 1A s Pub. 86 - 9/40 Authors I Draganoys Ks L., and Eysman, A. As Title I Progress in Soviet microscope construction Periodical s Priroda 43A# 69-70P Apr 19% Abstract The manufacture of microscopes and parts is called one of the youngest industries in the Soviet Unionp since until the Revolu- tion only 8 types of microscopes were manufactured with 3.1 types of objectives; whereas# at present, 28 types of microscopes are pr6duced with 120 types of objectives* The smallest diameterof objects visible through recent optical microscopes being OJA5 micronh. A model of an electron microscopes the EH-3j has 4do been developedf Nhich magnifies 100$000 timese Institution t Submitted t .... SELIVANOV, N.A.; LMMAN) A.A. In the service of criminal investigations Priroda 50 no*6:69-73 'Te 161, (MM 14:5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut krimir-listiki., Moskva@ (Crimirml investigation) ~ -! -, ~ " , '-. ~ i t . . PARAMONOV.Y.P., arkhitektor; KARTASfMT,K.I., Inzhener; ZTSW,G.Ta., Inzhener ~ Plans for apartment houses designed by GIPROrIS. Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.102:10-14 155. (KIRL 8:10) (Buildi W , Prefabricated) SOKOLOV, L.K., ark-hitaktor; RYSMAN, G.Ta., inzh. Standard units for workern' snrvice buildings. Prom.stroi. 37 no.10:13-18 0 '59. . (MIRA 13:2) 1. Gosudaretvennyy institut tipovogo proynktirovaniya i tekh- nichnskikh issladovady (for llysman). (Factories-Deaign and construction) OSTROVSKIT, M.T*,, arkbitoktore, FAMONOT, T.P., arkhitektor; YUSOVl S.A., arkbitektor;, ]WSW, G-Tao , Inxh- 0 ___' Standardisationd secondary and auxiliary buildings and structures In &U liranchas of industry. Prom.stroi, 38 no.06-13 160- (MM 1317) (Factories-Design and construction) ,~ C, ii / // , L'~ , TSIGLAR, V.D.; UNINSKIT, V.I.; KUSHNIRIK, N.I.; PANXRLTOV, D.I.; LUMIM, A.P.; ITSMOND, K.Y. Redesigning certain elements of low tonnage gas chamber kilns for burning dinas bricks. Ognsupory 21 no-3:107-114 '36. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Khar1kovskiy institut ogneuporov (for TSiglar). 2. Krasnogo- rovskiy ogneupornyy sarod (for Kaxinskiy, Kushnerik, Pankratoy, Larenkov, lysuond). (lirebricks) (Kilns) M(m)/SIA (d)/W(WEWP(b) ACCESSION NR: AP4044119' 5/0148164/000/008/0123/0128 AUTHOR: Mints, R. I.; prbach, V. GO; E ndt, T. D. G _,yamo TinEi Kinetics of m:rlt~nsite for'mation in chromium-%ickel and chromium-manganese St a 8 under the effect of deformation YJ 4' .. 1,- .1 .. SOURCE: IVUZ, Chernaya metal'lurgiya'7~00 $,.1964, 123-128 X TOPIC TAGS; chromium nickel auskenitic ettell, 44Kh1087 steel cavi- tation resistance, 7A9hjjL6__steeI' cavitation resistance, chromium manganese austenitic st4o~e1,4--deformation induced mart6nsitic trans- I formation, steel cavitation sesistance,i. ABSTRACT: The study of mirtensftic transformatLo in 70Kh7N8 and 44KhlOgO~'7austenitic 'Otell.s -has shown that while both steel types have "the samei'lls temperatuje.~ -_20 .:to -60C, and form the, s.ame amount of martensite on cooling, 'they differ sharply In the intensity and vol- ume of martensitic. tvansformation under the effect of deformationi The intensity of martensite formation 9nd-the quantity of the marten- site is much higher and the transformation temperature range is Card 1/3 /1 X0 r~ L 17618-65 ACCESSION NR; AP4044119 wider in chromium-manganese ste e1 than in chromium-nickel steel. since the Ild point of the formulas.iteet 180-200C, is higher than that of the latter. i.e., 140C. With an increasing reduction and a decreas- ing deformation temperatures the quantity of martensite found in chromium-manganese steel increases much more rapidly than in chrom-_ ium-nickel steel. Rolled at.200C both steel# have the same hardnessp but the hardness of chromLum-manganese steel increases more rapidly with a decreasing temperature of deformation than the hardness of chromium-nickel steel.. This can be explained by lower stability of chromium-manganese austenite in the process of plastic deformation. Under conditions of cavitation whet! the plastic deformation occurs in microelements, a continuous martensite layer may be formed in chromium-manganese steels while in chromium-nickel steel a maximum deformation yields only an insignificant quantity of martensite. Orig. art. hast 6 figures.. AiSOCIATION! none Card 2/3 I ~ 4 ! .... . ~ ~; , i , , 1 -Y MIALINOV, L.S., kuid. f,ek)vj.naA; , f i ---l- , k ijr~nast* -33 MAYVIN) YkAbof I, I i'.MvtIon resistancs vt,~ssa alloys, LnergomiahinoBtroonia I-' no.14~1~32-36 h ~65* (MmA 18111) j VASILI~ff, A.A'., lin=est Stallnsko7 premli, inzhener, redaktor; BORD- DACHIV, I.P., kandidat tokhatchaskW nauk; PRUSSAK,B.N. inzhaner; URUSOT, inshener; lffBMNT, A.T., Inzhener; TAROSHN, D.M., kandIdat tekhniche-s-Rilth ME, ~~4 NIMIROVSKIT' I.I. lnshener, rateenzent; PBMT, G.I., Inshener, redaktor; PICSTRTAKOV, A.I., inshener, radaktor; POPOVA, S.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Road buildivg machinex7l DoroshnostrottellzWe mashimV; spravoch- nik. 2-o9 parer. i dop.lid. Hoskya, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinnstroit.lit-ry, 1955. 832 p. (MLRA 8:10) (Road machinery) DRUSOV, M.M., inzh.; ITSMO)JT,-A.T., inzh.; BUROT, N.Y., inzh.; KMCHUK, W.A., Inth.; NARTSISOTA, Te.I., Inzh.; ITANOT, I.A., inzh.; PSKIS M , N.A., red. [deceased]; MEZIYER, T.T., (Te chnological equipment for making building materials; catalog- handbook] Takhnologichookoe oborudovenia dlia proizvodstva stroitelInykh materialov; ketalog-spravochnik. Moskva, TSentr. biuro takhn.informateli Tniistroidormahn, 1959. 549 P. (MM 13:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvennaya planovaya komisslya.*Roaglavtiazhmashonabobyt." 2. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhnicheskoy informateli Tsesoyuzno-o nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituts, stroitellnogo i dorozhnogo mehinostroyaniya (TsBTI TNIIStroydormash) (for all except Pekishav, Mazlyer). (Building materials industry-Equipment and supplies) SMIRNOV, B.S.:,IffSMONT, I.I.; GCROBITS, Y&A. Using vibrations in loading coke into railroad cars. loks I khim. no.5:38-W 060. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Bagleyokiy koksokhImichaskiy sayod. 11 (Coke-Transportation) (Loading and unloading '. I .A. SMIRNOV, S.S.; MYSKONT, I.I.1 G(NCHUMO, I.I.; SHIMANSM, R.I.; DaBRo1ri7-y-.F.--,-n, Substitution of vibrating screens for disk-grizzlv screens in coke-aseorting shops* loke i khim. no-10:31-34 160, (KIRA 13:10) 1. Bagleyekiy koksokhimicheskiy savod (for all except Dobrov). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgibheekly Institut, (for Dobroy) (Coke Industry-lquipment and supplies) (Coke) SMIRNOV, S.S.j GORBACH, V.M.1 EYSMONTI_I.I. Mechanization of the stopcock control board in the heating of coke ovens. Koko i khim. no. 5:32-33 161- (MIRA 14:4) 1. Bagleyskiy kokookhimicheakiy zavod. (Coke ovens) SMIRNOV, S.S.; IUJDNICIIMO, V.I.; EYSMONT, I.I. Mechanical cleaning of working platforms of coke batteries. Roks i khim. no.11:37 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Bagleyskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod. (Coke ovens)