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December 31, 1967
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'Bone Fractures Caused by Marching
best prophylaxis. "Deutschlaender's Disease" has been
intensively studied by Robin and Tomson (1944), Ollonk-
vist and K.N. Kochev. There is 1 photograph.
Card 2/2
BRLIKH, Z.A. ~Mpitan mad. oluzhby
I - ~, pifl I-PL-1
March fracturee. Voen. mad. zhur.
march fract. In armed
march fract. (Rtu))
no.1:64-65 Ja 158. (MM 12:7)
forces Personnel (Rus))
17( SOV/177-58-5-11/30
AUTHORS: Kheyker, M.I., Lieutenent-Colonel of the Medical
Corps, Erlikh Z.A., Captain of the Medical Corps
9?ITLE: Prophylaxis of Traumatism Caused by Sports Activi-
ties (0 profilaktike sportivnogo travmatizma)
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-m editsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, Pp 52 - 54
ABSTRACT: The authors base their article on clinical material
covering injuries caused by sports activities
(1952-1957) compared with the data of Kondratlyev,
Kryachko and Landa "-Ref 1:;7. A total of 619 case
histories of patien~a with serious injuries caused
by sports activities were collected and evaluated.
By analyzing the injuries, the authors ascertained
certain regularities: seasonal prevalence of traumas
caused by sports activities, their frequency in
soldiers in the first year of service, more fre-
quent injuries to the lower extremities, frequency
Card 1/2 of bone damages, predominance of closed fractures.
Prophylaxis of Traimatism Caused by Sports Activities
The authors -stim up their results in the following con-
clusions: 1) the percentage of injuries caused by
sports activities is still very high. Causes and
circumstances of these kinds of injuries are multi-
form and must be combated by the joint efforts of
physicians and commanders; 2) an analysis of
injury due to sports activities shows that they may
completely be eliminated by well-organized training,
mass-sportG-measures and by well established-educ-
ational work among the soldiers. There are 4 tables
and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 212
KOSTKF,VICH# V.K.t podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; ERLM# Z.A.9-kapitan
meditainBkoy sluzhbv
Surgical approacb in perforated gostric and Auodenal ulcers.
Voeno-med, zhur. no. 6:62-65 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7)
EMIM. Z. A. (Captain of the Medical Service)
,-, ---------
"Isolated Fractures of the StemmW1
VMnno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 10, October 1961
SICHKARUK, I.A.,; I~B~ ~.-Jgs Kaliningrad)
Diagnosis and arrest of hemorrhnge in hemophilia. Khirurgiia
no.1103-56 161. (min 14:12)
ERLIKH, Z.A... kapitan med.sluzhby
mr -------
Isolated fractures of the stermum* Voene-med.zhur. no,10.*87
0 161. (MIRA 15335)
ERLIKII, Z.A.__(Kishinev, ul. Dimov ds 140 kv, 33.)
Intraosseaus osteoeynthesis by means of a quill in fractures of the
tubular bones of the hand. Ortop., travm. i protez. 27 no* li
77-79 A 166 (MM 19 zi)
1. Tz travmatologicheakogo otdolaniya Kishinevskoy gorodskoy
bollnitsy skoroy i neotlozlmoy neditsinskoy pomoshchi (glavnyy
vrach V, Zhosan). Subuitted June 28, 1965-
Remote control. system for limited conduct,,-,r lines of centralized
traffic control in underground mines. Gor.zhur. no.8.50-52 165.
~MIRA 18:10)
1. KonstruktorBkoye byuro TSvetmstavtomatika.
Automatic control system fcr railroad signaling with the control
or switches from the cabin or an electric traints engineers Gorozhurs
no.803-55 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Konstruktorskoye byuro TSvetmetavtomatika.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 45 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Kudryashov, L. -1
T IT LE: Hydrodynamic Investigation of the Motion of a Gas in a Vertical
Cylindrical Tower of Circular Cross Section in the Presence of a
Twisting Velocity in the Gas Flow (Gidrodinamicheskoye issledova-
niye dvizheniya gaza v vertikall noy tsilindricheskoy bashnye krug-
logo secheniya pri nalichii skorosti zakruchivaniya v 8azovorn potoke)
PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-ta, 1955, Nr 5,
pp 148-159
ABSTRACT: The author performed a hydrodynamic investigation of the motion
of a twisting gas flow in a circular vertical cylindrical tower. The
physical flow pattern is clarified. The tower contains a rarefaction
zone in its axial portion and a zone of higher pressure along the wall.
The location of the separation surface between the two zones depends
on the Euler number. The authors have established that the influence
of the wall and the finite height of the tower leads to a blurring of the
rarefaction zone and a simultaneous reduction of the magnitude of the
Card 1/2 absolute rarefaction. With a ratio